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Doxing allowed on 4chan?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 11

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>These generals are for identifying and building a database of Shareblue employees as well as identifying the locations of their offices and places of business. It is also for working to track the various globalist sponsors and groups affiliated with Shareblue for future reference and operations.
>Pastebin of Shareblue employees (update/replace as needed):

Is this considered doxing, and if yes, does this mean doxing is allowed on 4chan again?
You've already posted this thread. It's a direct request for dox; ice it and then let the mods do their work. Even they have to sleep sometime: 4chan needs to hire more, so that they can cover the place 24/7, but that is out of this discussion's scope, and it is a far more likely explanation than that they've started to allow doxing.

Thank you for bringing this general to the icemen's attention. It wkll be noted in the future. But seriously, your conduct recently has been getting overzealous; you've taken to spamming and to reporting ice-unsafe threads along with the ice-safe ones. This isn't good. You can't help if you get banned. Anger is good in moderation, but you're in too deep.

Take a few days off to recenter yourself and reestablish some distance. There are enough of us to pick up the slack while you get your clearly-needed R&R, so stand down, iceman.
Last thread got nuked, would like one that wasn't spammed to death or an official response from the staff since once in a blue moon, we do get answers here in /qa/.

Plus, I have no idea what the rest of your post is about. Ice?
It's the term he and his autistic band of larpers do when reporting non-illegal threads in /pol/ as illegal content.

He is on track to single-handedly make /qa/ into /pol/'s best friend.
/pol/ is a board of peace inshallah normie
>actually connecting the dots
>real treason is happening, proof in the pudding
>people begging for mods to shut it down
really activates the almonds. besides, there is no personal information being "dropped" in the current thread. its government info and business info, no personal info at all. you know damned well its legal to talk about these government and business details.
1.It's not doxing if all information is open and public record, No one is surprised to find out that Trump lives on Pennsylvania Dr, in Washington.
2./pol/'s traffic is keeping this site alive and trying to strike a balance between freedom of expression and mod control is difficult. This is one of those, don't bite the hand that feeds you scenarios. If /pol/ isn't doing anything illegal, don't mess with it and let it run it's course.
>/pol/'s traffic is keeping this site alive
/pol/'s traffis is driving this site into bankruptcy. No one reputable will advertise here because of them, and their own ad-blocking tencies drive down what Hiro can charge the shady folks who ARE willing to advertise. We would be so much better off without them that it's not even funny. Certainly they shouldn't be given license to do whatever they want.
Here's proof that the shills trying to shut down the discussion and why:

>real treason is happening, proof in the pudding
Who is making war against the United states? Who is giving material aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States? Under US law, nothing else constitutes treason.

Nobody is doing the former, in any camp. The latter is more debatable, but I really don't think the Trump supporters want to go too far down that road, because the only evidence of people giving aid and comfort to the enemy all points squarely back to /theirguy/, and nobody else.
This is a bad argument and it's really not going to be hard to argue against.
>/pol/'s traffis is driving this site into bankruptcy.
/pol/ is the sites biggest traffic bringer. That's all advertisement companies car about because ads are based on IP history, not reputation of websites or user's tendency to use ad-block. Hiro, at any time, can enforce a block for anyone using ad-block software.
>We would be so much better off without them that it's not even funny.
This site wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them and the few individuals that buy captcha passes to post on a generic image board.
>Certainly they shouldn't be given license to do whatever they want.
They aren't. In fact, they follow established rules, for the most part. /pol/ is a pink board. They're allowed to post adult content related to the board subject. /pol/ intentionally has loose rules. Any content that is illegal can and should be flagged by janitors and the mods should delete it.
People should not complain about a board they don't participate in, for following trends that do not break any laws or any site or board rules.
read the fucking thread. its linked in OP.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this isn't /pol/ and mods to read these threads often.
The subject at hand is what should /pol/ be allowed to do, and by the rules established by the board and the site - it is politics and political related subjects.
The issue of doxing is not applicable to incidences relating the the ShareBlue General because all information being posted is readily available online, in free domain, which isn't illegal to post.
If /pol/ starts finding information not readily available on a free domain, then yes, users should be punished.
its actually politically related. in the same keystroke, we can even say its just like little drawn anime girls is related to /k/ weapons.
We're not talking about the same things.
I'm >>1116233, >>1116246, >>1116251
My argument is about allowing /pol/ to do what the site and board allows them to do.
I am against taking action against the board because someone doesn't like a particular topic or discussion.
There are plenty of things that need to change on /pol/, mostly the janitors and mods.
Threads that don't discuss politics are allowed to slide ones that do.
Comments that are illegal to the site are allowed to stay.
Some threads that are acceptable are deleted or pruned, and some that aren't are allowed to stay.
It's an administrative problem that needs to be worked out in a non-bias way.
What's up with the random ToS picture?

Oh, whatever, I guess the reason doesn't matter. Thank you for at least using an anime image.
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>The issue of doxing is not applicable to incidences relating the the ShareBlue General because all information being posted is readily available online, in free domain, which isn't illegal to post.
>If /pol/ starts finding information not readily available on a free domain, then yes, users should be punished.
>/pol/ is the sites biggest traffic bringer. That's all advertisement companies car about because ads are based on IP history, not reputation of websites or user's tendency to use ad-block.
That's funny, because your pals over at Breitbart have been getting a rather nasty lesson otherwise in recent months. Want to have some fun? Just mention Kellogg's in any discussion over there and see where it gets you.

>Hiro, at any time, can enforce a block for anyone using ad-block software.
Then what are you still doing here? You clearly have no clue who advertises here, and I see only one way this would be possible. Why hasn't Hiro blocked you, unless perhaps this isn't as simple as you're claiming?
>read the fucking thread. its linked in OP.
I did. I was not convinced.

>The issue of doxing is not applicable to incidences relating the the ShareBlue General because all information being posted is readily available online, in free domain, which isn't illegal to post.
This isn't good enough, and you know it. Even aggregating public information can still be doxing, or you would not bother to do it.
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>doing research is doxing
is this why leftist journalists are so shitty at their jobs?
First of all, this is off topic to this discussion. Secondly, I work in building duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes, managing those buildings, and advertising those buildings. That includes running a website and paying for advertisement to different sites.
I have a bachelors degree in marketing from Bentley University.
I am fully aware how the structure and operations of marketing works. I am not, however, here to debate you and will not being doing so.

>This isn't good enough, and you know it. Even aggregating public information can still be doxing, or you would not bother to do it.
I don't participate in those threads, with the exception of one bump. Aggregating public information is not doxing. Doxing requires the releasing of private information on the internet for malicious intent.
If I go to someone's facebook and call their employer to complain about their Facebook comments, it is not doxing. You can get fired for Facebook comments because they're open domain comments. Reddit and Facebook have been to court several times over this and the law is pretty clear.
If I were to post someone's private number, unpublished home address. childrens school, etc., that would doxing and is legally punishable.
I'm not arguing with you or moral or philosophical obligation, but legal obligation. Mods in politically charged boards should not be morally or philosophically motivated.
DAMN! That was SICK.

Seriously though, you guys are so much better at comebacks and yet you always show up to cry at the simplest insults. I don't get it. How can you be so clever yet so fragile?
This is not /pol/
Please only discuss /pol/ related topics on /pol/
could you make it any more obvious that this entire appeal is based on a petty grudge?
again, this is not /pol/
Please discuss /pol/ topics on /pol/
tell that to the guy who is trying to get threads deleted on /snitchbitchwhine/ because he doesn't like them
>doing research is doxing
Doibg research is not doxing. Aggregating personally identifying information accompanied by calls to violence and/or harassment, implicit or explicit, is another matter entirely. You are doxing, you know you are doxing, and this is in fact the entire point.
I don't know why you always typo b and n. Are those keys broken on your keyboard or something? It makes you sound like you have a head cold.
This is a history of my comments in this thread:
>>1116233, >>1116246, >>1116251, >>1116261, >>1116283, >>1116288, >>1116292
I would appreciate it if you guys would take political discussions back to /pol/ and allow the janitors and mods to review the arguments in this thread and act appropriately, and in accordance with the site rules and regulations as well as the boards only rule.
and i would appreciate it if there weren't paid shills and subversive commies on 4chan
so as you can see, my hands are tied here
Unfortunately for you, definitions do matter in the real world.
Doxing - Releasing private information onto the internet with malicious intent.
I.E. If information is found in open commons on the internet, it cannot be considered doxing.
You are misrepresenting a definition and are construing the definition, intentionally, to be much broader than it is for your own gain.
You are strawmaning an argument by manipulating words to be something they are not.
I would ask that you stop and present an argument that does not do this.
>Aggregating personally identifying information
Except the government aggregated it and released it to the public, so not doxing.
>accompanied by calls to violence and/or harassment
This is just your persecution complex.
>You are doxing, you know you are doxing, and this is in fact the entire point.
"Trump lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC." By your retarded standards, this is doxing. Please consider suicide.
as long as the shilling and subversion doesn't violate site or board rules, it will be allowed.
The reason being intentional freedom of speech.
If we do not allow "shilling or subversion", who will get to decide what "shilling or subversion" is? What if all the mods and janitors are left wing and decide that you are the one "shilling" and are being subversive?
i think it's fairly obvious that superpac funded shitposters ruin any semblance of community, and should not be allowed
The only person who has and should have the authority to specifically ban those people is Hiro.
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My name is literally listed on my workplace website that can be accessed by anyone, plastering it everywhere on the site would still be considered doxxing. I've got no horse in this race, but I can't fucking believe how fucking intellectually dishonest you /pol/acks are. You also seem to have a weird definition of doxxing that really suits your narrative.
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Legal Definition.
Oh, the shareblue shill is scared?
So when i tell you that Taylor Swifts full name is Taylor Alison Swift, you think that this is doxxing?
>I can't fucking believe how fucking intellectually dishonest you /pol/acks are.
It truly is ridiculous. This exact same kind of circular logic popped up during the SS and HWNDU incidents and they wouldn't accept any arguments against them.
this isn't /pol/
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>and they wouldn't accept any arguments against them.
You mean, just like your modcat faggot who got fired because of his SJW behaviour?
remember when moot decided when he'll never make something like /i/ before and after /b/day, right? guess who's in charge of the Chan now
Donald Trump lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC. Better tell the FBI I just doxed the president.
But /qa/ told me that shareblue doesn't even exist! They said that there are no payed shills!

So how would they dox someone who doesn't even exist?
Fuck off /pol/
OP plz go
You've never been to /pol/ have you

They always refer to IQ as some kind of god given reference of intelligence because blacks score lower

In reality IQ is pretty pseudo-science t b h
God damn it. Why don't the mods just ban you shitposting /pol/ faggets
Sorry if my limitations to photoshop and photo material is off putting. I have no other artistic talent apart from photo editing but am a huge shortstack fan. I want to express said fandom but from what I've seen, it's a real mixed bag of those who love and hate what I do...
d-delete pol?

>ride in van with 3 adults and child
>mumble to self, open door and jump out while going 70mph on interstate
>land somewhat safely in grass. cant walk
>crawl across interstate to oncoming traffic
>jeep stops in time to avoid you
>chevy behind it rear ends jeep, both run you over

Why is it that the only argument you have is that the person disagreeing with you is from /pol/?
>they're mudslims so they're bad
seems like you're the /pol/tards who doesn't know shit

people wanted their own country because ruskie faggots cucked them multiple times, which is basically 1776-russia edition

Try reading the article. They literally say they would not have fought for it with the knowledge and hindsight they have now.

Brest-Litovsk was not even close to the ridiculous demands of Versailles, particularly when considering the plight of Russia. Also, nobody claims Germans were innocent angels, not even /pol/.

Some sort of partition of Germany, like Polanded, may have worked. But indeed, hindsight and all.

Try broadening your perspective. Such a monocausal view as yours is restricting and inhibits you from an open mind.
You mean the one that finally convinces Hiro to delete /pol/? Yeah, that's gonna be a good day.
Why every single fucking /pol/ user is always amazed people don't like them outside their hugbox? What is this? Reality shock or something?
7 inches exactly
What's the point of so many different posts that all more or less say "I agree"? Are those guys from /pol/ or something?

Never seen this one before but I love it
Some /pol/-tier shit right here
>Be newfag to patch collecting
>Want /pol/ NROL patch
>Try to order
>"Cannot process order"
>Actually read the thread
>Big fucking drama about the vendor

My fucking luck.
>shitposting /pol/tard arrives

Enjoying your african riots?
>What I see is that Britain goes very good.
Not really.

On France I listen to Kagarlitsky and Venediktov (our journalists who are kind of experts on France). First isa communist, second is a Reagan fan. Also I read English press.

Yes, but pendulum swinging is inevitable. Of course nationalism worldwide would shit a lot in a nearest future but as soon it happens the soon it ends with pol becoming a communist board and liberals taking over again.
Stick to Northern Africa and /pol/ will have no problem with you. Help out your own people and make Africa not a gigantic piece of shit.
because I am a filthy dyke who likes the idea of a girl dominating me and doing things I would hate like enslave me or lend me to some guys to be a cum rag for a while. and if we're both being used against our will it gives me someone to be close to that I don't feel disgusted to that I can bond with over/during our continued and never ending trauma.


drumpf is retarded but most politicians have to be criminals to stand any kind of chance to win the race, anyway

with you.
what do you really expect with a fetish popular with women?

So do you
> 15 Notes

> 1 Tweet

Truly a massive force that will bring Marvel and Hulu to their knees. Vox Populi in action.

I realize this thread is probably only intended to trigger the /pol/locks on the board. Well that or you're the author of the tweet, but that's unlikely. Either way shut up, you're clogging up this board with stupid.

Also fun fact: If u google "boycott Runaways" the first thing to pops up is this thread.

The second thing that pops up is a 2006 forum discussion from the Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.

not that big a fan of t-shirts, however in a polo top 'might' get my itchy fingers towards my wallet.


/pol/ brought this on themselves and the irony is hilarious given how much they cry about immigration
Take it back to >>>/pol/
Muslims fall into 2 categories:
A: brutal murderers who kill people for not believing in their magic child-rapist prophet
B: those who condone such murders, but lie, claiming that they are different and peaceful to nonmuslims in order further the doctrine of their magic child-rapist prophet
>nur türken checken was mert meint mit schwule nicht akzeptieren
/pol/ ausgeblasen

Sorry bro, it's the same shit now. /pol/ and Reddit are one and the same thanks to the the_donald sub. You am become the hugbox.
>using shitty twitter/reddit/facebook maymays
/pol/ really needs to be deleted.


I want to make a thread about fishing for monsters. I usually post on asp, x, and pol so I am not sure what is the appropriate forum for this question. Anyway I live on the shore of lake superior and I want a rod for fishing for once in a lifetime fish. I found an ugly stik that can handle line between 100 and 200 pound test but I cannot find a reel that won't cost 400+

I found a reel that can take 130 pound braid and will go with this if nothing else. It goes for 150, I'd spend up to 250 as I would only use this a few times a year. Any help from any of you big gamers out there would be appreciated
Down the line it gives the union a bit of leverage to demand equal pay for equal work but it's not a legal requirement yet so Tesco won't do anything about it until they have to. It's typical union cuckulism (I know it's a pol word but fits here) convincing younger staff they deserve to get screwed in their wages further dividing the wage gap of the under 35s whilst completely disregarding the young worker of today pays the pension of tomorrow's retiree. They should be striking for equal pay all round but Tesco are doing that by reducing the wage of the long term staff which isn't a healthy direction for any of them.

this one is dead btw
i went to flight centre several months ago to book a flight to europe and the lady that worked there said so many people were leaving europe she'd never seen anything like it before

He makes a lot of OC to scare of the anti/pol/ legion.
He's a grade A chaotic evil troll who you hope is against the same things you are.
>mfw the trends are reverting and as Trump and alt-rightism become accepted by the mainstream I see more and more disdain being expressed for the far right and /pol/ on 4chan, outside of /pol/ itself of course
>In a couple years we'll go back to pre-GG and pre-nazi pepe and popular boards will be browsable again without having some shitty racebait and polshit thrown at you every 2 threads
>And all it took was for the real world to be set on fire

Feels good man
/pol/, we are not white, drama...
stop making threads about us
You can always start with cheap bars of soap. All the flakes wash away and its small and portable. Of course there is wood or wax out there but they have their own complications that may be saved for later. Sculpting potatoes can be weird and fun: after a while they oxidize and shrink a great deal and almost turn rock-like for a while (but eventually crumble). Start with cheap soap* Its easy to get and you dont have to feel bad if your piece is irreparable cuz you can just take it to the shower ^_^
>hey guys check out this Will Smith fantasy movie

>no let's talk about off-topic /pol/ shit

This is why everyone on /tg/ makes fun of your garbage board.
>I've never understood this. Seems like hating on gays is the only thing you need to be worshiped by /pol/
The /pol/shits are falling for the Russian propaganda made for idiots.
>Every /poltard/ comes from /pol/
Here, ftfy

sheeeiit night lad,

do europeans ever post ITT?

I just wanna know what they think about being reduced to meter maids that cover up rapes and muggings for dark skinned people?

>inb4 pol git out
serious question. these guys have no go zones and cant even file reports with suspect descriptions anymore. unless the suspect is white.

New posters should educate themself with the general overview of the war and can then ask specific questions about factions, battles, tactical importance of certain places, weapons used, the grand strategy involved or whatever they like.
But "pls explain the whole war to me" or "i'm too much of a faggot to think for myself so pls tell me who to root for" is not wished for here.

If you dont have the interest, will or mental capability to get at least a fundamental understand of the general situation, then this thread shouldnt be for you. If you just want to shitpost, there is a great thread over at /pol/
Has anyone even tried?
>mention /pol/
>get literally hundreds of free replies
I should do this more often.
/pol/ is basically: confirmation bias, the board.
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welp, this became a spam thread pretty quick.
good going, OP. looks like your thread is getting pruned before the shareblue thread.
chemo for /pol/reddit cancer

shitty idea

back to pol

You're gonna make it anon. It's no big deal. I was there too, and I actually got the job. If I could do it, so can you. Good luck.

you just got to laugh

>the Anon's that get really angry at /pol/s near impossible fantasy
Because /pol/acks would complain if their fap fuel was gone.

Shoo now, go to brit/pol/ and shti them up.
Roman writers loved to moralize and we wuz all the time. They're a lot like your average /pol/ poster.
when /pol/ is gone, so we'll see anon-kun
I just made it because The Beast song that's used for that scene. I'm not sure what you think is so /pol/ about it.
you stupid retard
Does the real Varg post on /his/? I know those fucking iron fascist Northern Brethren faggots post on /fit/ and /pol/
And poleddit is trying to personal army again
Confirmation bias is human nature.
/pol/ is what happens when you bring inflammatory topics and anonymity together.

>lmao /pol/ is really reaching trying to paint gen z as some kind of a generation that will trigger a rebirth of the far right
I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but they probably will be a bit more right than millenials as a sort of counter balance, politicians are also scared shitless of places like /pol/ radicalizing younger minds.

That doesn't mean a thing. You do realize Pepe is so widely known that even celebrities used it in their tweets, prior to the whole "racist frog" ordeal.

Yes, even the "ree normies get off my board".

Yes, even Wojak but to them he's known as "feels guy".

To her, she's just using these "frog memes" in order to trick white knights and those lot into orbiting her, donating to her, and so forth while in reality she doesn't even think about them.

Also, I know it's you Brittney. You can go ahead and fuck right off. First, you shill your shit all over /pol/ and now /r9k/.
it really was. i remeber almost having a heart attack when they were counting florida and was almost a perfect tie. i was watching three news streams at once and had more than ten tabs open in /pol/.
the next day was almost as good, id walk around and see the anger and the panic and the tears, people where huddled together in grim little islands and i just couldnt stop grinning. best of all was when i saw another trump voter, didnt know eachtother but we could tell. we would just grin and nod stupidly at eachother

because we won
I thought "doing this" referred to icing /pol/shit, not posting in this thread. I think there are three people doing that (OP can't very well be the third person to post in this thread, after all).

I have no clue how many people are posting in this thread. Presumably somewhere between 2 and 22, judging by the present IP count, but beyond that who knows?
Fuck off back to /pol/ for the love of god
>We are too busy advancing humanity

>currently shitposting on 4chan

Lmao you /pol/ types are ridiculous desu
>some insane whore i was banging once was fucking crazy and thus all italians are

/pol/, you guys are really stupid

i also thought it was more of a commie based pol but still hateful of the generic left and racist
yup. id do the /pol/ meme and send you my energy for the other applications but i have none left

Start reading from >>16579952
Especially /pol/.

You fucking faggot, we wouldn't have this thread if your defensive self would fuck off with praising the show.
Maud Pie, Moondancer and Fluttershy's brother had no fucking business in a little girls cartoon.
/qa/ddit cucks are the worst. You don't get it do you? We have beaten you time and time again and yet you still continue
you're right, it DOES bring out the /pol/ in you

Trademarked the phrase, not patented the idea.
Ai is of Patch Dynamics. He regularly drops trip to shitpost but forgot to this time. It's honestly fine because his consumer base is 95% Nazis from /pol/ whi caused a dangerously cheesy memefest in response which got two threads deleted by mommy.

and also, this isn't weapons related, fuck of to /pol/ with this shit

this, I am pretty sure /pol/ would gladly spam autistic memes
I'm saying put yourself in the shoes of the allied soldier based on the OP premise.

Some magic bullshit shows the allied soldier (let's say an American) his country in 2017, and he is faced with a decision.
"Do I fight the nazis, knowing this is what the future has in store?"
"Do I just figure the nazis probably have it all figured out and not bother."

One is literally a gamble that the nazis will pull it off. This is a gamble that's completely fucking unverifiable. This is a gamble that requires the allied soldier to compromise whatever principles he held in the first place to dislike the nazis because he thinks 2017 is worse than what the nazis could do.

It's fucking moronic and only a delusional /pol/tard would think a reasonable soldier would look at any of the issues we have today, compared to the benefits we enjoy, and go "yeah fuck that."
The brackets mark him as a jew.
It was code that gets through some censors on twitter and the like used by /pol/ types and now some have chosen to mark themselves.
Image that, jews putting the star and tattoo on themselves.

Jesus dude, why are you trying so hard to stir people?

If you really want to troll go to /k/ and promote gun bans or McDonalds in /ck/ or ask why is Zelda in green suit on /v/ or ask for new blacked video on /pol/.

You will trigger some people there.
Here, you are just boring.

>Europe is a shithole now!
>Has never been to Europe
>Only to /pol/

See son, these soldiers would still fight because their victory gave their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren easy lives with boundless prosperity.

That is why people mean they want to defend their country. To give their kin a better life, only an autist who spends 90% of their day on /pol/ or planning his school shooting thinks there is any major crime issues in the West. The "rampant liberalism/degeneracy" has given many countries a quality of life that has never been seen on such a large basis

>a tie between /o/ and /trv/
>/pol/, /soc/, /mlp/, /b/, /adv/

I just usually lurk here out of habit. Been visiting this board since before the first time moot nuked the robot and it's been interesting/saddening/hilarious/terrifying to see it's evolution since
>Un-ironically using the word "cuck" or any derivation thereof

>Why are black Americans so envied?
Is this politics?

All you're doing is affirming their claim that they are the master race.
It's impossible to convince such stubborn people.
If you're from /pol/ then yes, I guess they are.

You would think a thread about patches would be mostly about patches and not autistic drama and politics.

I go to /pol/ for that stuff, not /k/.
t. hat das Spiel nicht gespielt und nur Meinungen von /pol/acken die auf /v/ (lel) posten gelesen

>/pol/ is the example to be followed
Go the fuck home.

Here it is, as shitty as it is, Dropped from a distant 1st 3.73 to 7th 3.15 after the Islamists rallied against me and put 6 burka'd girls ahead of me, still haven't gotten over it, it was when the suspicions and depression started

And that's exactly the kind of reassuring, friendly, supportive post that keeps making me come back here, ever since 2012, banter was merely a vehicle to that validation. I judge myself according to immediate first glance, and thus skin colour being the most characteristic attribute, is the most vital towards that end. Guess I need to prioritize like the Aussie >>71726934 identified and addressed

Many thanks again.

>it was all a ruse
You do realize that I managed to turn you against /pol/, the people you were defending, in less than 5 replies?

>dislikes /pol/
>posts this trash

Found the faggot. Everyone who browses /lgbt/ should be shot

/pol/s not all bad.
Show some love and flowers and bubbles & see what happens.

The problem is r/Asianmasculinity comes here to spam interracial couples between Asian men and white women but they are like the Asian equivalent of /pol/ so I like triggering them.

Go back to /pol/ you stupid fuck.
>your favorite board
>your second favorite board
>your least favorite board
>most overrated board
>most underrated board
>5 boards you would delete if you could
/pol/, /b/, /fa/, /tv, /int/.

>/pol/ dislikes illegals
>therefore they specifically dislike you

volgens mij ben je gewoon een /pol/-flikker die aan het valse-vlaggen is familie

Never ever ever.
When you feel comfortable. There's no set time frame for this kind of thing, but you wanna wait until you're having sex regularly and are pretty open with each other in general.
>/pol/ phase/chan addiction
I wouldn't even bring that up unless she asks about it somehow.
>mental disorders
I'd wait til after she says she loves you, or if you've become comfortable with her and it comes up in conversation.
>misogyny and/or misanthropy
Don't. Most women would leave you over this.
After she says she loves you, or if she brings it up in conversation.

Seriously, don't talk about the waifu.
>i am a uni student who reads pol threads this makes me knowledgeable about the world
>i also memorized all the correct opinions that alex jones went over in his podcasts
>i am intelligent far beyond the average man
>decoding the secret language and symbols of the ebil alt right etc

That's why I love it
Hands down one of the best patches to have secretly
but the blatant /pol/ is too much for me, personally.
Ik heb me piemel gepaald in /pol/

Oh, I'm a /pol/lack, I meant to say:
>calls people retarded
>spells it "pol"
but I fucked up

>it's not a weeb site
>it's got a weeb containment board
>he doesn't realize /pol/ is the containment board
>dumb frogposter
>telling anyone to stay in their containment boards
>with the meme that's favored by /pol/ and /vip/
fucking kek
>kurva anyátok was a great general
>it has been killed by foreigners and raging /pol/ fags

Yeah, phone posters traffic. Thank you for ruining 4chan even more, redditors /pol/acks.

>It's still one of the slowest boards here. I think another board is a ridiculous idea, what we need is more posters on this board.

You mean more people whining that their childhood is nor part of /vr/? Remember, if 6th gen is allowed, thent he whining for 7th gen will start.
/v2k/ is the best solution.

Also no, /vr/ is not one of the slowest boards on 4chan. Maybe you think that way because the only others boards you browse are /b/, /tv/, /pol/, etc, but the majority of other boards on this site are slower than /vr/. I'd say /vr/ is middleground as far as traffic goes.
Why do males commit more crime and atrocities? Why are the bloodthirstiest people in history (Hitler, Ghengis Khan, Pol Pot, Stalin, Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Timur the Lame, Caesar) men?
>and china

You realize the mongols that invaded were turkics right and not chinese armies? Or is your /pol/ brainlet too small for this distinction
They should create a special "guest moderator" position that only covers /pol/, /r9k/, and /v/. Then they should offer it to Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, and Zoë Quinn. The lulz would be better than they've been in years.
>some people on /pol/ actually take the 'living in a world run by Hitler would be amazing' meme seriously.
>your favorite board
>your second favorite board
>your least favorite board
>most overrated board
>most underrated board
>5 boards you would delete if you could
/d/, /mlp/, /lgbt/, /trash/, /b/

My parents left because my grandfather was a commie with an Armenian last name and was tortured for it and my family was persecuted. I had no choice in being born in the US. I'm 19 right now so even though I can go, it would be better for me to finish my studies and I still need to serve because I want to provide something in return to the US. I take a side (Iraq, not it's current government which is a major reason as to why I want to go) because I see what I could have been and I want it to be better. I know that at this point Iraq is just a name, but I want it to be more than that.
P.s. stop being a degenerate racist

I mentioned it on the assumption that you would judge me on another metric than my character, which turned out true. I know my parents left because it was shit. I know it was shit. Even if I go today I would probably be looked down upon, but I have hope in that it can change. I know that the chances of me having any impact are slim, but at least I try. Why are you such an asshole? Do you really judge people on their skin rather than their personality? If you ever saw a good and charitable man who was of Abby race you despise, would you hate him? Would you disregard him because of his skin even though he is a normal person? Would you really impede progress just because of his skin? That is degenerate. I left /pol/ for a reason and that is because of people like you, ones who do not think about their actions or words. would I hate you because of your skin, even though you are presumably a decent person. No I shouldn't, it would insult you beyond belief. That's why I don't judge you by your physical characteristics, I only let you prove yourself, and you most definitely have.
If anything this thread makes me like /pol/ even more. Keep crying/qa/ddit, you failed to get Hillary elected and you failed to get /pol/ deleted. Give up and quit while you're alread. This is not a fight you want to be in
close your pol tab jackie

The only good thing /pol/ has done in its entire existence.
it pops up from time to time, on /sp/ of all places

sometimes /pol/ too, never seen it here
Stop instigating. Also /pol/ is way gayer than you'd expect.

It's not right wing now you fucking faggot (also right wing does not = racist), the point is that nothing changed except you (assuming you actually aren't a newfag) lost the ability to take a goddamn joke or ignore trolling so now you assume that everything on 4chan is genuine, there really is a 4chan party van! that guy really is a l33t hax0r behind 7 proxies, and everybody really is card carrying member of the kkk.
It's not that everyone is /pol/ or that /pol/ is genuinely racist it's that your retarded.
I use patreon to get my porn directly from the artists at HQ. I donate $10 per artwork right now but I feel like adding more to my subscriptions.

Pay per artwork > pay per month
File: 2.jpg (1MB, 1776x2600px)
1MB, 1776x2600px
Looks like /pol/'s attempts to sound reasonable have failed and they are resorting to spamming again.

Why would an extreme oversimplification and strawmen be stickied on /pol/?

Is poley a /pol/ false flag

So what part of that allows you to post off topic garbage here? This is the GUNS AND KNIVES board not the HISTORY AND WARFARE board
You have literally two fucking choices

And we are NEITHER.

Fuck off.
>Why is multiculturalism so reviled as a concept?
only by /pol/

>implying anyone on /a/ knows jack shit about guns
They actually do and that was not the point, if mech goes to /m/ then anime goes to /a/ regardless of how "/k/" it is. It is just that the rules are not followed 100% 24/7 and shit like "muh boardculture" that confuses things. Remember, one mans "boardculture" is another mans shitpost.

You can make /m/ threads with no problem but if you talk about gun control or gun laws then you can get banned instantly.

You can shove a 50cal up your ass and no one gives a fuck but post a pic that slightly show a female nipple? Ban.

If we follow the janitors and mods 100% then we would not be allowed to talk about nuclear weapons because some people think it belongs on /his/ or /pol/
Play your identify politics else where lefty /pol/ nigger faggot.

I'm not going to go anywhere. Nor do I give a goddamn fuck what phrases are "hip" on another fucking site to avoid them.
No we don't. If we did, then /r9k/ wouldn't exist because nearly everyone would be getting laid on a regular basis, the ones incapable of it would literally be too retarded to understand why this was a problem, and the tiny minority that is unironically >tfw too intelligent for a gf, like the Nikola Tesla types, would either be in the government or sent off to that island.

It's a /pol/ meme based on a pic of Ted Cruz, he's marching towards the camera and demanding that Trump give him the delegates for the Republican nomination. They shopped Barron Trump in there.
>being this new.
/pol/lacks don't want ctr to have any (you)s so they use the @ instead of the >
you would know this if you had been here any time in the last fourteen months.
I'm a (8)/pol/ veteran looking for something new, so I hope to participate in some interesting discussion!
Don't project your obsession with /pol/ onto others.

kek has spoken

Vivo en Euskadi y me metí a hacer un grado de pedagogia y macho nos lavan el cerebro con mierdas de la izquierda de forma increible, antes leia /pol y pensaba que tenian razon y tal pero macho me meti ahí y he visto con mis propios ojos el cacao mental que tienen las feminazis y los lameculos de turno y voy a dejar la carrera porque vamos esto es insostenible.

Hacen tanto incapie en lavar el cerebro a los pedagogos porque son precisamente los que van a comer el cerebro al resto.

He abierto los ojos y voy a hacer una carrera de verdad rollo ingeniería y no el cúmulo de mierda que se han convertido estas carreras. Asqueado estoy.

Hay que joderse que en vez de comerme la cabeza me han hecho hacerme nazi.
Anyone who posts /pol/ is to be immediately lynched.

/int/ for ebin bantz :DDD
/diy/ for making shit
/out/ for surviving shit

>So your entire point is that they'd see technology and discard every other factor?

I'd say anyone who isn't a fucking moron would acknowledge the massive increase in quality of life in the allied countries and decide it was preferable to literally losing a fucking war on the vague off-chance the nazis could potentially do better.

You /pol/tards need to get your heads out of your fucking ass.
>fuck up central asias borders so they will always rely on you
>Chechens neither feel nor associate themselves with Russia but russians dont give a shit
>Same with Dagestan
>Georgia as an independent nation doesn't want russia to build a huge ass pipeline through its territory but russia says fuck it and invades it
>Russian statemen openly say that the baltic and ukraine do not deserve to exist
>Fuck up the Caucasus borders so that all of them still are dependent on you
>literally fuck up Georgia again after Abkazhians declare independence, but Georgia doesn't aknowledge this, so you, the same nation that just started a war against chechens and dagestanis for declaring independence support Abkhazia
>the people in charge are literally still the same people that were starving their own people to death during the Soviet reign

>But Russia is le epic cool guy because putin makes funny jokes in epic russian sponsored youtube videos!!!!!!!!!!! they didnu nuffin!!

go back to /pol/ you retarded ape

Why are there so many pol threads on his? How many threads do we need about jews being satanic?

>muh degeneracy

/pol/ meme
all the shit boards serve as containment boards, they just need to come down on board sliding
only pol posters and jewish SJWs care about this distinction

>Pycня и в Eвpoпe ocтaнeтcя pycнёй, a eвpoпeeц в Poccии eвpoпeйцeм
Хyйни нe нecи, блядь. Бoльшaя чacть pycни ycпeшнo accимилиpyeтcя (впpoчeм, этo нихyя нe пoкaзaтeль, т.к. yeзжaют тoлькo caмыe ycпeшныe). A "мeнтaльнyю pycню" из гeйpoпки и cшп ты мoжeшь в любoй мoмeнт нaблюдaть нa /pol/
>Bo Фpaнции, нaпpимep, былo мнoгo пoпытoк. Ho гдe ceйчac этa Фpaнция
Ta жe caмaя Фpaнция oкoнчaтeльнo избaвилacь oт "импepcких aмбиций" тoлькo к cepeдинe 20 вeкa, нacмoтpeвшиcь нa yжacы двyх миpoвых вoйн. Bпpoчeм, пoпyляpнocть гoвнa типa Лe Пeн тoлькo пoдтвepждaeт, чтo нe зacтpaхoвaн никтo, дaжe фpaнцyзы
Not even the guy you gave that explanation to, just pointing out how much a shit you are for following /pol/ practices on /k/.
>makes /pol/-tier nazi patches
>complains about nazi trash
Fuck you ai. I don't even like nor buy nazi shit but you don't know a small bit about running a business.
>not wanting redditors to kill themselves in a hilarious amateur construction accident

...that sounds like /pol/ magical realm
>implying I post on /pol/
>implying I'm not just having a laff watching some self-hating nigger begging for /pol/'s approval

Lmao stay retarded
Once again with the "freeloading", stop projecting, shitskin.
>mlp, b, mu, tv
If you have found the genes responsible for intelligence, you should ask for a nobel instead of promoting /pol/ pseudo-science on a cambodian power point slide agora.
Can we get a /v/ board dedicated strictly to PC gaming? /vg/ isn't a good home, /vr/ is n64/ps1 circlejerk, and /v/ is Nintendo and sony shills constantly at war. If not that /v/ talks about whatever games Nintendo and Sony shit out. We have boards like /pol/ where people larp as Nazis, call each other niggers, and make threads about their frog god causing happenings. Why can't we have a board for PC gaming discussion? Is it that much to ask?

Kek. Back to /pol/.
I saw an article from a leftist news source mocking the size of Trump's inauguration crowd, and they referenced, I shit you not, "crowd scientists." They literally pull this shit out of their asses.
SCP thread? What is your favorite SCP?

No shitstorm please
But we already have a reddit board.
/pol/ is the politically incorrect board that is full of so called neo nazis, who aren't even white, worship a literal meme frog, who's also an ancient egyptian diety of chaos, while masturbating to dickgirs.

By this point, /pol/ is so dettached from anything resembling a coherent political ideology, it wouldn't even surprise me if half of the board wasn't just degenerates LARPing as nazis to be edgy.

>2nd favorite

>least favorite

>most overrated

>most underrated

>5 boards deleted

4chan is an anime site 3DPD FUCK OFF
/pol/ would very probably point out that Jews arn't white and have the same unusually large impact on the porn biz that they do on most modern media.

However, that entirely aside I feel the need to offer a separate defense against the 'geeze u guys are overreacting' argument. My defense is twofold;

1. A strong, tribalist reaction to cucoldry (even when the target is not the self) is a psycho-social trait with extremely useful, thus very pervasive and persistent heritable fitness. If anything this selection is only intensified in the modern age as more different ethnic and social groups come into contact and those groups without it are wiped out through interbreeding. (note: cuckold hostility is unlikely to be simply genetic, very probably having a strong memetic component passed along as well.)

2. Cuckolding porn has appeal on not simply the 'hypermasculine expression' level, but is probably exploiting a mild 'brain hack' (in a similar fashion to how futa porn exploits the social signaling of 'male brain sees nearby erect penis, there must be something arousing nearby, engage our own penis and seek target.) The 'hack' I suspect is simply dosing up the brain with competitive/aggression hormones for a sort of 'anger high', combined with arousing material and it's like mixing pills for enhanced effects. Consider how effective 'angry news' is in this modern age. 'White folk' in particular may seek outrage to stimulate a novel hormone rush in the otherwise sedate and safe environment they've created for themselves.

That's because that's where the underage would conjugate when they got tired of /b/. Now that /pol/ is the new /b/, they made /v/ even worse by detailing threads with Trump shit and dismissing any criticism as "cuck" shit.

Can you please explain this to me? I simply don't get it. Why are /pol/acks proud of things they haven't achieved by themselves?
>CCers are just paranoid creeps who just want to shoot people
>Cops are all power hungry degenerates you can't trust
>Why would you ever want guns to begin with

How do you guys respond to these remarks without sounding like a /pol/tard?
Silence, /pol/yp

>so he responds with zero original thoughts and just regurgitates stuff he's heard on /pol/
yeah you're fucking hopeless.

typical person that got kicked out of /pol/ for being a cuck!
I don't care and why is /pol/ leaking here?

Are you that pathetic jewess that wishes to open Japon's borders from /pol/ ?
R8 my new gun
Jeez I'm far from a /pol/ack but there is some insane leftist lunacy in Germany.

Being jailed on a cage for some days looks like an experience I wouldnt care to live whit the correct owner.

Maybe you didn't notice, but there is no discussion here. Either blatant /pol/ posting or people taking bait OR counter-/pol/ posting.

But hey, let's shitpost some more! That totally is keeping up the "discussion" you are having in your fucking head.

Seriously, what the fuck? It's like this anon >>51945436 said. It's still not daytime in States. And it's already too late fo Australia.
Why the fuck this thread even exists then?
OP could have made the first anti-/pol/ post because he knows that both /pol/tards and anti-/pol/tards are easily offended.
oh look a anime loving beta doesn't like the best boards on here

>favorite board /pol/
>least favorite board /pol/

what did anon mean by this?

This, I don't know what /pol/ expected to happen when they took it upon themselves to "redpill" the rest of the internet. Wow we keep talking about /pol/ on twitter and facebook and now twitter and facebook users are flooding onto the board!! How could this happen!!!

Go back to /r/donald /pol/ack

I'm the guy you replied to.
To be fair, I find n-trig to be fine for painting, since you're usually making short fast strokes.

I use Clip Studio Paint, which has some stabilisation feature that I imagine is similar to Lazy Nezumi, but I still find when I try to draw, I get enough jitter to be annoyed by it.

The other issue with n-trig is the activation force; the lightest physical touch won't actually register a stroke on the screen the way it does with Wacom, you have to apply just a bit of pressure, which feels slightly unnatural. If you're dedicated, you can adjust to it, but it raises the issue of what you should expect for what you're paying.
He's a Jewish Rich Man who isn't a racist and is anti-fascism and vocally supports progressive and liberal causes therefore triggering conservatives and /pol/ into the delusion that he, among other things, pays for protesters after the election, at town halls and even online because the ideal of someone having an opinion contrary to their own, even when that person (in the case of town halls) supports them everywhere else is FAKE NEW and ALTERNATIVE FACTS to them.
He's a Jew and /pol/ hates Jews because /pol/ sucks
This individual is a mentally challenged person that keeps ruining discussions and threads with the only fault of having a picture that happens to trigger him, without being directly related to MLP fandom (case in example https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/90219047/
or http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/114369303/#114369303).
He reportedly admitted of using ban-evading techniques, despite being repeadetly banned, and thus going against the rule of this site. His use of proxies makes it difficult to stop him from posting. He just keeps flooding the thread in question until it's either archived or deleted.
I propose that we pester Hiroshima's twitter feed until he finally decides to either send a cease and desist against his activity, or file a lawsuit against that brain-damaged individual, so that he's legally barred from accessing this site, with the pain of having internet-accessing devices being taken away from him if he defys such measurements.

Sorry reddit, /pol/ isn't going anywhere. Your soapbox for bitching about boards you don't use needs to go.
>Thread posted 49 minutes ago
>Almost 100 replies
>Nearly 4AM

/pol/ never sleeps.

Want a fun fact?

Black men and white men have average and large dicksizes similar to one another.


There are more big black dicks in porno due to the disproportionate amount of poorer black men in america who have to do porn (which comparatively doesn't pay too well) and is rather shameless. (Considering a lot of roles -require- you to do gay/bi activities just to keep your job.)

A majority of white men, especially wellhung white men, will have reliable jobs/careers, and they will have finished school and college simply by statistics and this doesn't mean they have to get into the porn industry. proof of this can be a variety of places, one of them being (I forget the name) but a big-dicks reddit page where there are utterly massive and -plenty- of white dicks, yet none are in porn.

Below is for /pol/ mindset:

You can also take into consideration about the liberal propaganda to force people to accept multiple ethnicities as well as approve of race-mixing, most porn studios are owned by jewish men who are all in on this long-term deal and produced porn at the heart is a machine for semites to spite Christianity all whilst making a hefty dollar along with pushing a narrative to make blacks look superior in the dick department, thus attracting white women. When this isn't the case.

(Note: This does not apply to home made videos, if these were more popular then jewish controlled, mass produced, shallow pornography would lose traction and influence.)
For me, it's Lil Wayne
>I fucking wish /his/ had flags
Why, so it could become /int/ 2.0 like it happened with /pol/?
The ladies must love your personality...

Also, she had that kid a while ago. About 50% of her pictures are post-pregnancy. So odds are about half the pictures/videos you love of her are with her new body. The picture I posted was just during the time she was still breast feeding, hence the nipples being a little raw. That's what that studios thing is.

The United States were an Anglo colony, so it's kind of a given that they have similar cultures
The problem is that fundamentally it's a mediocre retroclone of old Hackmaster written by a very divisive figure. It isn't even popular on /pol/. Vikernes needs to just die already so that his kids can stop LARPing as pagans and return to civilization.

Guy explaining something to a woman and being a patronizing douchecanoe about it.

/pol/ used to do something like that with stars of david and swastikas, I guess they just got bored of it.

It's kind of the saddest thing, Tats never stops improving on his art. But I can't read any of his new stuff without feeling sad.

more like their tastebuds are burnt off
>tfw I'm starting to unironically spend more and more time on /pol/ and /r9k/
feels like I'm really starting to race down the rabbit hole, especially with my ever-increasing weeb habits

turns out it's time limited

so if you want to use it for anything, better render some stems asap


Nothing else
It's nothing but themselves anon, basic logic. If you think anything else go to /pol/ and take your red pills.
It's not "holding up" the visor; that's bolted on. As for the piece itself, it looks more like an ornamental spearhead.
czy /pol/ i /int/ to dosłownie najgorsze deski na 4chenie?
odpowiedź: tak

is 9x39mm good? also loner > dumb anarchists > /pol/ 1337 oper8rs
Bought the /pol/ NROL felt good

How much actual support is there against /jp/? It all feels like a vocal minority to me. All in all, it'll be extremely difficult. /pol/ gets bored eventually, but /jp/ actually has an incentive to stay, for /qa/ is a board without their hated janitor.
>Almost every young single woman I've met has been a leftist retard.

lol /pol/ can't get laid
Rest in /Pol/, Trump-senpai~

Going to sound like a shitty facebook meme formatting like this but:
WWII-era European Jews: "All my friends and family are dying"
White people who claim there's a white genocide going on: "Waah waah some white girls find black guys attractive"
>inb4 Holocaust denying /pol/cunts
>politics belong on /pol/!
>movies belong on /tv/!
>but anime belongs on EVERY board and if you disagree you're a newfag!

I've hated anime since I started to browse in 2006. Fuck anime. Kill all anime. Death to manga.
Legitimate neo-nazis on /pol/ are a small vocal minority, the other anons you see posting nazi memes find them funny and want to be edgy and offensive. Majority of posts there are now meme posts instead of actual discussion. There's also the problem of filthy phoneposters but that's a site-wide thing.

There's christfags, fedoras, and anons who worship frogs and repeating digits. There are also a lot of libertarian anons that have gotten more authoritarian as a result of lawlessness threatening their daily lives, and frustrated normies and traditional conservatives who are frustrated with the PC agenda. What unites /pol/ is an opposition to certain ideologies: specifically marxism (communism, socialism, etc.), SJWs and the PC agenda, and islam. The rest is a ragtag grouping of various and often conflicting beliefs. To think that /pol/ is ideologically coherent is laughable, the media term "alt-right" doesn't really have teeth either.

The idolization of traps though, is an unforgivable characteristic of nu/pol/, a preference carried over by /b/tards who left their trap-infested board, only came to /pol/ because /pol/ was the board where all the hot new memes were coming from, but push their degenerate and homosexual preferences on the board.

I am not sure how you gather that, I assure you that it was my first post. I have been working a lot recently and haven't been on /k/ in a few days. I just figured there was a /pol/ shit storm in a previous thread that I missed, so I wanted a run down. If it is that too much of an issue, I'll just go through the archives.
/r9k/'s mission to make Pepe toxic to normies was successfully achieved last year, though it took /pol/ to actually finally get it done. With that finished, everyone can just walk away with the job completed.

Something something /pol/, something something refugees.
What? It was bound to happen.
off-topic for this board.

this kind of bait goes in >>>/b/ or >>>/pol/

read the rules before posting
/pol/ what the fuck is up with white children and especially white parenting, most white girls as old as 11 or 12 dress as if they're little sluts in training and the parents seem to have no trouble with this at all


Vid very fucking related
How can you let your own daughter dress like this and especially go out in public like that what the fuck, its time to realise it's not the childrens fault, its the parents for letting their children fall even deeper into degeneracy
IA bitches
le go back to /pol/ xD

Ideally /pol/ would murder a few people and we'd finally be able to delete the board for good.

Is this supposed to be qs humorous as i find it
Wrong board, /pol/ is that way.
How did /pol/ go from the Ron Paul booster club to literal amish people in the length of four years?

Eeh? /pol/ needs to this, its quality rate has worsened over the past year

>And yeah, everyone who is so fucked up to make thread like this is from /pol/. That's a fucking given.

Baseless assertion.

Also, your post is blatant shitposting.
Fuck, every thread should start with a Trump picture, so you easily triggered morons would fuck off from this board.

You are not the board police. Nothing in the OP broke the rules, and the topic was completely /tg/ related.
And I am not even the Op.
I was interested in talking about incorporating politics to games, but you decided to shit up the thread because of the OP picture.

>everyone I don't like is from /pol/.
I have no idea where else to go.
Deviantart is a giant hugbox. I don't think Tumblr would be useful either.
Facebook groups dont seem to be useful and it is also facebook.
Local classes are beyond terrible - critiques are forbidden. Nearest Atlier is 200 miles away.
Is commonly agreed upon by all boards that pol is just plain fucking retarded

Ungt barn elsker det glade fellesskapet, ǿnsker å betale skatt og dǿ for Stǿre og Stoltenberg. To dager på /pol/ og han vil drepe alle jǿder. Mange slike tilfeller!
What you say makes sense, but I can't trust you because you're /pol/ and 90 days is a long time. Can I make it 5, then 10, then 20 and so on?
You're pretty much describing every media board, /tv/, /mu/, /co/, /mlp/ are all like that in my experience, 4chan in general I guess just carries a bitter, hard-to-please, contrarian attitude.

I have noticed it getting worse recently as you say but I don't know why. Maybe it's because of 4chan getting a bit more poplar, like the supposed reddit influx due to the election bringing in a lot of underage /pol/shitters which would have leaked into other boards, redditors come over and see 4chan is a free ground to shit on everything free from the stigma of downvotes and they're most likely all edgy teens who still think it's cool to aimlessly hate everything.

There must be some reason because it never used to be this bad, maybe it's just me who's grown out of the shitting on everything phase and it just looks worse because of changed perspective.

>there's no such thing as an underrated board
> /pol/, /r9k/, /h/ /u/

I have an ill fitting dislike for non-western porn, find "yuri" to be insulting, r9k is tumblr for men and pol really can't keep it to themselves
ignore him. theres pockets of london that are completely fine, just dont go to the shitholes. its not 100% muslim like /pol/ has you think. women in london are gorgeous, all the fitties flock there
Our intern, who has been working with us on/off for the past few years, asked me the other day if I wanted to go out to drink with her and our coworkers this upcoming weekend. We've (my coworkers) have never gone out drinking before, the bar she mentioned is in her city (I commute), we're both single and she asked me when no one was in the office yet. I'm thinking its a ruse.

How bad would it sound if I said, "Sorry, but I don't drink." I'm not lying, I really don't, but I don't want her immediately concluding I flat out rejected her.

tl;dr She's a very kind, chinese woman and I don't want to hurt her feelings. How do I minimize the damage, /adv/? Do I really have to say it point-blank?

>one final note: I showcased my autism card to her by writing the date/time in my planner instead of saying no to her right then and there.
>Husky Harris was the only one to ever be a main eventer after The Nexus ended or be a world champion
really makes me think
>Upload a photo of yourself
>Google Search Image
>Screencap Results
Well /fit/?

No, I have, I just don't know what it is or whether it's some kind of /int/ or /pol/ joke.
I'm the only person that used @ in this thread and I was just doing it for shitposting purposes, /pol/ can fuck off. The division between the parties and inability to compromise is a larger issue than the position of either of the parties. Both cling to increasingly radical positions and don't attempt to build consensus, preferring to oppose rather than work together in governance.

Pol, but they are retarded NEET faggot pussies LARPing as Stalin instead of Hitler
Booby mcboobface
3 days outside of Limon CO. Did nothing but sit at the ramp and slept right beside it in the tall grass.
4 pm est

the beginning of the end,drumpfkins
>Hash House a Go Go
Been to the one in San Diego. God tier fucking chicken and waffles.
Decades of brainwashing by the talmudvision.

A lot of parents today are generation x degenerates. Trying to confront their erroneous parenting might make them violent. The best you can do is remove TV and mass media from your life and encourage others to do the same. It took me six years of deprogramming myself of the bullshit presented on TV, I used to be a heavy watcher then but quit cold turkey.

Kill yourself. The patch is overpriced and PK is shit, but complaining about nazi stuff when your main customers are /pol/acks is just retarded. Don't make shit like >>33137769 if you hate your own customers.
Are we all supposed to ignore those fucking genital warts? Fucking gross

everybody can just fuck off to /pol now

from day one there has always been /pol/ threads there.
where the fuck have you been?
>Stealth /pol/ versus tumblr thread
god damn when will this shit end
/x/ is the stupidest board on here
/fit/ /tv/ /ck/ and /pol/ in small doses because have the threads on pol are retarded but I get good reaction pics and the best pepes

Dream of being self employed until i can sell out and retire... fucking kill me.

I did have a trucking company for a bit. But my day job competed with it and won based on stress levels alone.
Requesting the skin color on the right changed so it's the same as the left's
/pol/ here, heard about this show. Tell me, what gems are the master race?

You're that same German Nigger from /pol/, aren't you?

>go into /Pol/
>make derogatory comments about Trump and pence being immigrants

I have yet to try this but oh boy im going to try
Always a great flash.
Nah I really love these threads my wallet is in pain with how many patches I buy. But OP mentioned /pol/ ruining things so I had to reply. I'll stop it though and continue silently observing.
How do people in history justify doing such awful things in such good peoples names?
please go back to the designated brainlet playpen >>>/pol/
50% /jp/
25% butthurt redditors
20% underage kids (also redditors)
5% /pol/ laughing at redditors

>läste på /pol/ att freud var jude
>"judarna uppfann psykiatri för att förslava den vita mannen, detta styrks av att min husläkare var jude!! wake up sheeple!"
visst mannen
Nice bot, faggot.

So wait the ban to be over.

>creates thread /pol/ related
>"i don't want /pol/ answers"

Stop being a nigger and read the fucking rules.
Huge tits
yeah /pol/

also spicy new meme
Happened to me plenty and i turn them down because one nighters dont interest me

Suppose /pol/ would call it degeneracy. It's just a turnoff for me desu
Hello Pol'sha

Keep pol in pol
Pol is shitting up /vip/ right now
>the bogpill is a shitty meme desu
it is the only good meme to come out of /pol/ in my opinion
Naw, i'm from /pol
I have done literally everything in my power, besides arabo-black to achieve /pol/'s explicit approval, but they won't budge (besides the nice Frenchman, American, German and Brit from yesterday's thread there)

Should I just give up and restrict myself to banter?
Most of these fucked off after the /jp/ raid though. Especially the anti/pol/ dude.
>It's a /pol/ jerks itself off to something it doesn't like thread
It's not doxing, its creating a public record of people employed to a political organization which should already be a public record.

What people do with that information is not under our control.

/pol nothing, this is the perfect visual analogy for all of 4chan.
>omg someone implied /pol/ is influential on 4chan! literally everyone I don't agree with I will project on!
Never stop being the best board /pol/

this, I am pretty sure /pol/ would gladly spam autistic memes

Not sarcasm. This is one of the only converations I had on this site in the past month that I legitimatley enjoyed. Usually I'm just on pol calling everyone retarded.

T be fair, I posted a very similar thread in /pol/ once and got banned for it.
Should've just gone to /biz/
I know they know fuck all about stock trading, but its still better than listening to /pol/ for financial advice.
>Garbage pol bait thread
>Still manage to turn it into something worthwhile.

Nice work tg
>all these fake /k/ommandos proclaiming their love for tyranny and statism
Makes me sick.

>even though /k/ has a VERY loud gay/furry/;leftisit minority, our numbers are swelling
>our numbers are swelling
Yes you should be so proud that /pol/-tier faggots are actively trying to drive away anyone from the boards who doesn't conform to their narrow world view. /K/ of old had plenty of libs and gays, and they got along fine with everyone else. People still argued politics and shit, but at the end of the day everyone agreed that our mutual love of guns was all that really mattered. THAT is what made /k/ great. That is what /pol/tards don't get.

/K/ is more than funs, war, and praising the /K/ube. it's about Freedom as well. And fuck all of you who don't get that!

This, it lets you create tense moments where your party is isolated from their main robots, or like Wing where nothing is sacred and everybody pilots everything.

this is why people dislike pol. You get mentioned and it's outta the woodwork to bray and screech
>It's not doxing, its creating a public record of people employed to a political organization which should already be a public record.
Bullshit. You don't put that "record" up in a known, public place with any form of standards of curation or conduct. You put it where you know it will be used for criminal harassment, because that is your end goal. Which makes you no less guilty.

>What people do with that information is not under our control.
Yes, it is. You figured that trick out long ago. All you have to do is put it in just the right place.
File: boot.png (753KB, 873x439px)
753KB, 873x439px
were else are we going to put it?

We browse and use /pol/ for a reason every other place doesn't fit our needs and wants in a site.

4chan is public to anybody so thats just retarded, we like it because of the lack of "curation or conduct". We don't like it when people have control over if other people will see it.

Please by all means the door is over there if you don't like it.
>/pol/ is allowed to post "archives" of names and addresses to political adversaries coupled with claiming treason and giving users reason to raid
>My home board can't even post a link to some rando's deviantart page with a simple "look at this shitty art" without immediately getting deleted and banned for call to raid
How is this allowed?
File: dead civilian.jpg (31KB, 432x324px)
dead civilian.jpg
31KB, 432x324px
Just gonna put some gore here and hope that mods notice the spambot flooding the thread
Sounds like the orders are in from on high, and doxing is not to be allowed on /pol/. Brace yourselves for some frozen frogs, people.
Maslow, A.H. (1980). The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (An Esalen Book). New York, NY: Penguin.
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