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Thread replies: 304
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Shareblue has committed treason by working with the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship





Chinese Tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue and concealed the purchase as a mining deal. Employees of Shareblue also have strong ties to the PeaceWorks Foundation, which is run by Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.

There are also ties to Australia, where figures in the mining community acted as gobetweens for the Chinese government and Shareblue

These generals are for identifying and building a database of Shareblue employees as well as identifying the locations of their offices and places of business. It is also for working to track the various globalist sponsors and groups affiliated with Shareblue for future reference and operations.

Pastebin of Shareblue employees (update/replace as needed):


Previous thread >>114740631
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Info on Shareblue's sponsors:

This is Globalist Ke Xiping who runs the Xiamen Hengxing Group Co., Ltd. (厦门恒兴集团有限公司)


He arranged the Chinese side of the deal, masking a multimillion dollar payment as a mining project which was immediately sold to PowerChina, a state run enterprise

The Australian middleman who was responsible for playing go between was Malcolm Raymond Scott James


He sits on the board of Moko Social Media Holdings and is the executive at Tianshan Goldfields, which was the Australian shell company set up to facilitate the deal with China. James was uniquely placed to sell influence in Shareblue back when it was named Blue Nation Review.


Moko still hold's a 20% stake in Shareblue

The Chinese aren't the only ones fucking you over though! Our old friends the Jews, the Arabs, the financiers in the City of London and even Mexico is pulling strings in Shareblue!

Peter Daou is the CEO of Shareblue's holding company. Look at all of his clients!


Well well, did you know that PR Newswire and Bloomberg are both owned by a UBM plc in the City of London. Fair and unbiased, I'm sure.


He also works for OneVoice International, a part of the PeaceWorks Foundation. This is our new Open Society Foundation, they're just as bad and you'll find that Soros works with some of their supporters.



Here's a sample of who is involved:

Rockefellers, the UK Labor Party and that cunt Jeremy Corbyn, The Crown Family Philanthropies etc.

Crown Family doesn't even hide who they love to support https://archive.is/AyzAs

The PeaceWorks Foundation is run by Daniel Lubetzky, a Mexican Jew who loves to play up the Jew side and hide his Hispanic roots because he works with the Cartels to influence American politics. He founded KIND snacks and is a billionaire.


Here he is helping expose Hezbollah's involvement in the drug trade in South America. So helpful to his Latino friends and also to his pals who don't like Iran!


PeaceWorks has offices in Tel Aviv, Ramallah, and London and they do business with Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Australians, Turks, Indonesians and Sri Lankans.



Lubetzky is working with China to push Shareblue because he thinks they can cause fractures such as Calexit which he will benefit from. But let's be honest, the Chinese will fuck him and all the Hispanics over and send them packing once they get their way.
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Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clZ5pdrc_X8
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Bump, fuck David Brock and fuck shills
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>david brock next to a rothschild in podesta's house

this is what we are up against and their house of cards will come crashing down
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Funny how she is now so eager to disavow Podesta and likely soon Brock.

The day of the rope approaches
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Here's their Twatter handles. Try it!

ah no but the real story is

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Daily reminder that the (((globalists))) are accusing Russia of what China is actually doing.
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>look at russia goys
>china is gonna replace you
>nothing you can do about it
bump to fuck with brock
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Fuck you shills this shit isn't going anywhere
I can bump this all day fuckers
No one cares
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I just refreshed the catalog and it went from 83 to 96 autofiltered threads. So something (probably this thread) is being slid right now.
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>Day of the rope
Bump for justice. Fuck shareblue CTR CREW faggots, get a real job
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Here's the script. The shills seem incapable of deviating from it.
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The harder we push them, the more likely they are to fuck up and make mistakes
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When Shareblue sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing foreign money. They're bringing cheese pizza. They're rapists. None of them, I assume, are good people."
David Brock is so incompetent that I'm starting to wonder if he's our guy taking them down from the inside.
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>in order to discredit the users as racist
Boy, that'll show them!

The whole page is hilarious. They know nothing about us.
They really aren't sending their best.
Fuck Brock.
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>backtrace the 4chan usernames
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It's amazing that they know so little about a website they spend so much time fucking with
Why hasn't Trump started building the wall yet?

Why do we still have obamacare?

Why isn't Trump gonna send the illegal aliens back?
Shit guys, they found out about me
Look at this low energy bullshit anons. Half they time they aren't even sending real people in. It's called Jigsaw and it can even solve the captcha on its own now. Reddit implemented it a while back


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Because everyone who understands us inevitably joins us, because they gazed into the Abyss to long. An Abyss where the social conditioning and the mask of modern humanity comes off. This community appeals to something primal that has been lost in the modern world. This is why all efforts against us have failed. Meme magic been with us since the very beginning.
They can't possibly be this stupid
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chequed, kek has chosen this place as the last bastion of freedom and humanity

It'll all get done, you fucking faggot, but come on, nobody thought it'd all be taken care of in just 3 months in office, for fuck's sake!
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These are the people we are dealing with. They are walking vegetables with peanut sized frontal lobes.
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Bump for DOR
You know I always pictured the faggots that work for these cunts as the nameless unimportant henchmen of Austin Powers movies. They literally do nothing of value and its entertaining watching them be dealt with.
What do you know anons? A banker affiliated with David Brock has suicided himself







Someone posting about it on plebbit


A bump before bedtime

Ooooooh boy

Let's look into him I wonder what finances he managed. I bet you anything he really liked pizza

One thing I can tell you, it's very silly to me that an investment broker would kill himself when the markets had this many days of highs in a row.

Either he had placed massive shorts against the dollar and realized he was going to lose all his money or he had too much to say
Really makes no sense for a suicide to happen at this time. Anons should look up who he was connected to and why he might have been killed.

We've really opened up the floodgates into Shareblue's corruption
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Thanks for pointing this out. Very interesting that he is connected to Brock. To be fair, the market was really hard to trade last week, could be a legitimate fuckup. Low volume and fake-out city.
Hedge Fund Managers don't "buy and hold", so the fact that the S&P hit a new record doesn't really mean that Wall st. had an easy week.
Why do people believe this image is real? There would be no reason to include "pro Hillary memes" in the list of possible attack vectors if it doesn't work.
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Because they are very dumb people that think they are smarter than they really are.
It is entirely believable seeing how incompetent these people have been.
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Jury is still out on what actually caused it, perhaps anons can figure that out.

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Bump. We know they have bots working, and also shills. I wonder how it feels to work for a pedophile? Or someone who tried this before and failed miserably? They keep sending shills in. I also wonder how many make it out? How can they spent so much time here but have no idea about us? And finally, these are traitors we are dealing with. And last time I knew they penalty for treason was hanging. Day of the rope soon, pedoshills.
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Many of them are pedophiles themselves. Much easier and cheaper to pay someone in CP and know you have blackmail on them for the future. Justice is coming
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How many fucking shadowy organizations are there? Seriously, its like every week we find another secretive obviously evil cabal aligned with every other major player.

How does anyone keep up with all of this? The super powerful oligarchs at the top must have a full time staff dedicated to keeping tack of their seemingly endless auxiliary groups and their apparently infinite resources.
It makes sense that they would try it in the first place, but it does not make sense to include it with a list of things that they supposedly tested.
It's all smoke, mirrors, and shell corporations.
I'm pretty sure the people at top don't even want their minions like Brock to know who they really are.
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The people working for them are truly retarded, everything must be spelled out clearly.

Globalism runs on ignorance. Many of the people working within these very organizations probably have no idea about what is going on and think they are making a difference. They fail when we educate the public about what is really happening.
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It would make sense as to why they are taking their time gather evidence. And you are right, desu. Much easier to pay in CP. Didn't think about it. Also might look in this guy, David Sorita.
According to this, he is working with Brock to expand their "media" company, ShareBlue. He has powerful connections on the left.
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Sounds like a lobbyist or middleman who will lead us to other big players. Would be a good idea to follow that lead anon.

Anons need to be shown that it's finally happening though and not just some abstract idea anymore. The Color Revolution is upon us.
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Could be any number of them, the more that is exposed, the more pop up. We just have to keep digging. And document all we can. This can't be all some big coincidence.
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It seems like a good lead. Another anon a while back mentioned him.
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Kek, Sanders is perpetually surrounded by numales
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its a memo, they hired (retarded) people for shitposting
pro hillary meme were attempted
see this thread for instance
Might have found another mining racket, an anon was looking at the old blog of some ex-Uniteblue member here:


And the author mentions an organization called "Actblue" at the bottom. So he looked up Actblue and see that it's another fundraising type of organization:

"ActBlue is a United States political action committee established in June 2004 that enables anyone to raise money on the Internet for the Democratic Party candidates of their choice."
So what the heck, I type it in on Wikileaks and find that Podesta was donating to it. Ok, so what? Well, the term "Actblue" also comes up in the "Syria Files". Interestingly enough, there's only 2 times where it shows up in the "Syria Files" and it's in an email with the subject "Gold Available" from someone named "Prince Nana Enim" talking about "22 karat GOLD DUST/ALLUVIAL, (AU METAL) and DIAMOND for sale":



The text of the email says at the top:

"Prince Nana Enim, contacting you on behalf of my community (Takwadum community of Accra - Ghana , West African Region). The Takwadum community is a MINING COMMUNITY, that are entitled to MINING LOCALLY, the mineral resources in our land as permitted by law."
(Capslock mine)

So if Actblue is meant for "raising money on the Internet for the Democratic Party candidates of their choice" then what in the world does that have to do with buying/selling Gold Dust and Diamond in WEST AFRICA?

Could be worth looking into
Archive of the blog post here

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I'm not doubting it was attempted, but the memo has all the signs of being fake. Specifically mentioning how bad pro Hillary memes work. Plus the memo is written using a default template in Microsoft Word, it even still has the same number of rows as the example table
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Holy shit, can someone find the links to the articles in that infograph and archive them?
This seems more likely to be a scammer abusing an actblue email. Who the fuck buys gold dust from an African King through email
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Just... Why? Whats their end game?

I know they want power and control, but why? For its own sake?

It really makes me wonder if these people are just satanic. Just mindlessly evil. They crave suffering and power for no reason. Whats the point of destroying everything like this? Im an atheist but it really makes you think.
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You guys need to look into Josh Nerpel more.

I am in a position that prevents me from divulging anymore information.
I did find a few results when searching for this supposed prince and it sounds like there is actually someone by this name. Perhaps good to just keep on record for the future.







What makes you say that anon?
We need to look at everyone involved in any government agency.

Im convinced that any Gman is a child raping satanist that drinks goyim blood to stay young.
Checked, and it's hard to say what the endgame is outside of control because each group likely has their own private objectives
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Run along and report back to your masters. Tell them you've been found out. Then promptly Kill yourself.
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He has connections to peaceworks (think KIND snacks), Shareblue, and was a Joe Biden staffer.
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That's a shit OP image. Have an older, better oene.

Here's a record of him marrying a woman called Diana Fassbender. Cute, both looking pretty chubby though
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your hate of shareblue is admirable.

many traitors have tried to kill this Republic and its Bill of Rights.

if more countries embrace it, then their collusion dies

this is all tied to pedarasty or what some call pizzagate

the sliding that happens is to make that conspiracy outrageous

it in fact goes far back and continues on

here you go


In England, public boarding schools, with their homosocial environment, often encouraged an homoerotic atmosphere, due to the emphasis on the Classics, and homosexual relations were formed and quietly accepted, both between older and younger boys and even between teachers and pupils; however, some scandals arose around such relationships. In the mid-19th century, William Johnson Cory, a renowned master at Eton from 1845 until his forced resignation in 1872, evolved a style of pedagogic pederasty which influenced a number of his pupils. His Ionica, a work of poetry reflecting his pederastic sensibilities, was read in intellectual circles and "made a stir" at Oxford in 1859.[75] Oscar Browning, another Eton master and former student of Cory, followed in his tutor's footsteps, only to be likewise dismissed in 1875. Both are thought to have influenced Oxford don Walter Pater, whose aesthetics promoted pederasty as the truest expression of classical culture.[76]

Pederasty also was a theme in the work of several nineteenth-century English writers known as the "Uranian poets". Most now are considered no more than minor literary figures, but the most prominent Uranian representatives – Walter Pater, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Oscar Wilde – are renowned worldwide. Both Wilde and Hopkins were deeply influenced by Pater's work. Wilde wrote of pederastic and homoerotic culture – though not in the "elevated" pederastic sense that it held for Pater and Hopkins[77] – in a number of works.[78] And though "Hopkins often was, it must be admitted, strikingly Ruskinian in his love of Aristotelian particulars and their arrangements . . . , it was at the foot of Pater – the foremost Victorian unifier of 'eros, pedagogy, and aesthetics' – that Hopkins would ever remain."[79] Another notable late-nineteenth-century writer on pederasty was John Addington Symonds, whose essays, "A Problem in Greek Ethics" and "A Problem in Modern Ethics", were amongst the first defenses of homosexuality made in the English language.[80]

this is a book that provides more context


here are organizations in dc

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Nice get. Praise Kek. I have a theory. Just because we are a "civilized" society doesn't mean human sacrifice doesn't exist. I think they pray to dark powers and need the blood of innocent to make pacts. So children are corrupted and used because they have neutral energy, neither good or bad, and a lot of it. They use CP as black mail and then eventually bring people into their fold. It's been happening for thousands of years and this is just happening like this in our times. These people can be seen as true evil. And since there has been no consequences, they keep doing it. How can there be backlash when the people who are suppose to be leading us are involved? It's just modern day slavery and human sacrifice. Their end game is, I think, to keep the masses complacent while they move into positions of complete control.
We know this, what other info is so significant that it merits a deeper look?

Hello sourceanon, are all the groups on this DC list supporting pedophilia?
where the germans came in and why the nazis were born. also the hate of the english

Reaction and retrenchment

The end of the 19th century saw increasing conflict over the issue of social acceptance of pederasty. A number of other pederastic scandals erupted around this time, such as the one involving the German industrialist Friedrich Alfred Krupp, which drove him to suicide. In the same vein, in a work that was to influence the evolution of communism's attitude towards same-sex love, the German political philosopher Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's collaborator, denounced the ancient Greeks for "the abominable practice of sodomy" and for degrading "their gods and themselves with the myth of Ganymede".[81]

This strife also involved the Wandervogel movement, a youth organization emphasizing a romantic view of nature. Wandervogel took flight in 1896, the same year that the journal Der Eigene went to press. It was published by a twenty-two-year-old German, Adolf Brand, and it advocated classical pederasty as a cure for the moral flabbiness of German youth. Influenced by the ideas of Gustav Wyneken, the Wandervogel movement was quite open about its homoerotic tendencies, although this kind of affection was supposed to be expressed in a nonsexual way. The founding of Young Wandervogel happened largely as a reaction to the public scandal about these erotic tendencies, which were said to alienate young men from women.

Until the 1970s, English "public schools" were walled boarding schools, educating adolescent boys only, with a strong concentration on Greek and Latin classics. They continued to be "hotbeds of pederasty" into the 20th century.[82] C. S. Lewis when talking about his life at Malvern College, an English public school, acknowledged that pederasty "was the only counterpoise to the social struggle; the one oasis (though green only with weeds and moist only with foetid water) in the burning desert of competitive ambition."[83]
How about you go fucking open up the latest Microsoft word and check for yourself? I am not asking you to believe me
here is the harvard connection


here is the skull and bones connection


i will post more soon.

review the sites and you will find connections
Reminds me of Carthage sacrificing their children to Moloch and Jews sacrificing goyim children. Coincidentally Rome fought them both.

Maybe this battle has been going on longer then we know.



here is your link to Podesta and his catholic organizations.

homosexuality and pedastery are linked and you now have info on how they initiate.

its why good men go to ivy leagues and turn into these monsters.



it is eternal.

all Republics war against the excess or are consumed by it.

let the US be the final stand against it.

let us not embrace dictatorship and its siren call as they did with Ceasar to combat it, thus losing our Republic.

let us not be consumed by the degeneracy.

the fire rises brothers.

what was old is new again.

but the order of Cincinnati and the sons of Patrick Henry will end it this final time.
Colbert the mangina, I think when he interviewed Sharkeezy he gave the presidency to Trump.
Not only going on, but hidden from sight. Most people only care about themselves let alone what might be happening. They'd rather believe the simple lie than the hard truth everytime.
Holy shit, new Molymeme threads are popping up every minute to try and slide something.
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>how they initiate.

fuck them rich cunt tribesmen and their rites of passage
Shadilay, degenerates will face the day of the rope and be smote to their ruin
bippity bippity buuuumppp
Bump, threads already like page 7
is shareblue behind the molymeme threads?
Would make sense, especially if the OP doesn't post more than once, although they're wising up and starting to reply a few times to throw people off
Most likely if there is so many. Might be bots or shills in other countries and timeszones
the estonia flag is in almost every thread. probably a proxy. why attack molyneaux though he's not our guy, and his show has nothing to do with his personal life.
Also I've seen them reply to each other. They keep saying this anon knows what's up and things similar. Could be bots though I'm not sure.

As for your (pic related), it doesn't really affect them because they not only already know, but in many cases are being blackmailed because the shills themselves are actually low level pedos who got baited by Chinese hackers and blackmailed into doing it

The shills are pedos
Shareblue learned from CTR and is recruiting outside the US to diversify the userbase. They also hand out a burner IP to some users so that could explain it

Likely having human shills respond to bots. They use an AI program called Jigsaw, read up about it here. It's very good and on plebbit it's almost impossible to identify the shills anymore because of it >>114850926
>why attack molyneaux
This seems obvious: because he's one of the biggest voices against the American left.

BTW, I'm not saying shariablue is actually doing that or that I like molymeme.
They need a leader to attack or someone they think is our leader so they go after people who put themselves out there like Milo. Then it's molymeme. Styx maybe next. They need a figure to attack. Since we are anons, it's a lot harder to see who's who.
remember the red herring is force homosexuality.

bondage and submission are flags.
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>bondage and submission
>promoting homosexuality

cucks btfo

yeah i agree he's an obvious target, but just attacking him with personal attacks is not going to change his following. it's a stupid strategy is what i mean. no one is going to stop watching, he gives good content.
Well Styx is taking a break due to something happening in RL from the sounds of it. So maybe its related, maybe people are harassing his family for his show.
I think the point is to attack your emotions. If you like x, you're bad in a certain way (usually sexually).

Might work on some losers.

The reason that these people think that way is because these sorts of things literally work on them

If you are grounded in logic behind your beliefs instead of emotion then these kinds of things are just laughable

See also literally every failed attempt to attack pol ever
Good work anon

A banker affiliated with David Brock has suicided himself, wonder what caused that?







Someone posting about it on plebbit


As far as molymeme, it won't do anything to his followers but if normies hear it, they might turn on him. Styx might be getting harassed. But we don't know for sure. We just have to wait and see and keep digging.
i will show you why they hate trump



he was not a victim of the pedarasty chain and not a part of their secret societies.

they dont have leverage over him and he is not indoctrinated into their cycle of abuse.

on other things it takes more research.

this will decode what is happening in public vs. what happened in private
Probably why Kissinger says Trump has no baggage or "obligation" to anyone


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Josh Nerpel was director and COO of "OneVoice"


They acted on behalf of Palestine shilling in Israel

>OneVoice was launched in 2002 with the sole intention of catalyzing a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by unleashing the popular will of the people on both sides

Pic related

Followup post incoming
you're probably right but it seems really lame to me, especially on pol of all places.
We know that, what would be really useful would be if people could dig deeper and find out exactly how Israeli, Arab and anyone else's money is being used in OneVoice/PeaceWorks

The shills are pretty fucking stupid man
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Well well well what do we have here

Founder and President is Daniel Lubetzky, also founder of KIND snacks, I know that name from ... oh right isn't he affiliated with ShareBlue


Going to check contributions pertaining to OneVoice / PeaceWorks and their records of donors standby
Well, it's not just /pol/, it's everywhere. They want you to think you're crazy.



and their client list

now review the people and zerohedge will have much more to work with.


captec systems is the link on the bottom of the arrowhead site.
take a look at the address on google maps

Salter's Boat Yard,
Folly Bridge,
Abingdon Rd,
Oxford OX1 4LB

its captec systems. quite a building for a web developer for numerous multi billion dollar companies.

there is your happening.
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for the lazy.

the fire rises brothers.

Here lately its been worse than it was around election time
What did Captec do and why is it significant that they worked for Arrowhead? What did the trader know in conjunction with them that got him killed?

What am I missing here?
so you have swiss accounts in play. a phony web developer shop front. shady ex lehman brothers.

welcome to the modern mafia.

he jumped to save his families life.


King Hussein of SA's foundation granted OneVoice money in 2005. Still searching
before you go blasting this to the world. a word of caution.

this is where it gets real and moves from academic sourcing.

Shit, RIP

What did he know that he had to die for?

And by moving beyond academic sourcing, what do you mean?

Good work, keep it up
Bump. Lots of good info coming out. Keep it up, anons.
It's a form of emotional manipulation and works on most people. If you don't like x then you are y. And no one wants to be y. They use it all the time. It donestnwork here because like anon said our beliefs are grounded in logic not emotions.
Deal to Buy Arrowgrass Stake Unravels
Foundation Capital’s deal to buy Deutsche Bank’s stake in
Arrowgrass Capital has come undone.
Arrowgrass’ principals are now seeking to buy back the
17.5% stake Deutsche took when it backed the firm’s launch.
The London shop, which manages $4.8 billion, formed when a
group of convertible-bond traders on Deutsche’s proprietarytrading
desk spun off in 2008.
It’s unclear why the deal involving Foundation fell apart. The
Greenwich, Conn., firm, led by former Citigroup executive Dean
Barr, has spent more than five years trying to raise money to
acquire stakes in well-established hedge fund firms. Arrowgrass
would have been its first investment.
Last month, a spokesman for Barr told Hedge Fund Alert that
he had delivered commitment letters both to Arrowgrass and
Deutsche for a deal in which Foundation would pay up to $200
million, depending on performance targets, for as much as
24.9% of Arrowgrass. That size of a stake would have required
Arrowgrass’ principals to further dilute their ownership, but a
source said they never wanted to do that.

That could be one reason the Foundation deal unraveled.
But it’s also possible that Barr’s personal financial troubles
spooked some of the parties. He faces a contempt-of-court
order for failing to repay a defaulted personal loan from City
National Bank. The Los Angeles bank also obtained court orders
freezing a checking account of Barr’s and effectively garnishing
any payments he is owed by Foundation. Barr owes City
National $185,000, plus interest.
Arrowgrass is a multi-strategy manager led by former
Deutsche trader Nicholas Niell. The firm employs more than
100 staffers in London and New York.
Barr launched Foundation in 2010 following stints at both
Citi and Deutsche, where he held senior roles in the banks’
alternative-investment units. In 2011, Barr reached a tentative
agreement with Izzy Englander to buy a minority stake in his
Millennium Management, but the deal fell through after Foundation
failed to raise the necessary capital.
Ah, I see.

So what consequences are we looking at if that story gets out to the public?


this guy stole from the canadian pension fund


meet boaz weinstein over arrowgrass, the manager of the suicided banker

a man that made his money defrauding the canadian pensions fund
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I found Lubetzky's phone number ..... better not to post here though could spoil shit

Apparently OneVoice is connected to Israel's Labor Party

Pic related
Leaf bump.
Interestingly, either OneVoice or PeaceWorks was connected to Labour in the UK as well. Can't remember which org had ties to it though

chapter six is about him, the wolf of wall street.

so you now have david brock linked to the wolf of wall street.

dubious bedfellows with the banker stuck as the go between.
bump for shariablue genocide
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They're sending liberal arts roasties who have no grasp on reality.

Also, S H A D I L A Y
now here is where it blows up


david brock worked with boaz weinstein and others with known mob associations

There's little chance the Moroccan-born financier was unaware of U.S. gambling laws. In 2011, Avenue Capital and Donald Trump were named in a regulatory filing to form a joint internet gaming venture should U.S. regulators permit such businesses to operate.

Trump also moved in on their gambling turf which is why they attack him.

again I am not a Trump pro or con.

this just shows the players
So Trump caught flak for taking their business.

Which benefitted him, but perhaps also other mob organizations who wanted to see the balance of power shift
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Anons could this be why we are getting slid and the influx of shills and threads? http://archive.is/9WbD5
Their problems are multiplying and we are stirring the pot. So they're shilling back in response.
Bump for justice


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arrowhead is run by a mobster or has mobster ties nicknamed the wolf, boaz weinstein.

arrowhead worked with a front called captec systems as you can see by the address of captec's business. this captec business has ties to swiss funds, etc.

as previously noted, this is directly tied to david brock.

Skull and Bones was founded by William H. Russell in 1832, more than a decade before Texas joined the union. At the time, men’s fraternal organizations were so popular that politicians like former President John Quincy Adams were denouncing their secret oaths as cancers on the body of the republic. When Phi Beta Kappa responded to the anti-masonry in the air by abolishing its oath of secrecy, Russell (who later become Yale’s valedictorian) founded “The Scull and Bones” as an alternative. For the next century and a half, Skull and Bones, as Russell’s society came to be known, guarded its secrecy with the zeal of Howard Hughes and the nuttiness of J.D. Salinger.

President John Quincy Adams knew of their danger and now we appear to have our first non member in many years.
Yes this is.
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Ah, now it is very clear to me. Thank you for this information.

I have to step out for a while anons, keep these generals alive and keep digging. We will bring light into the dark places Brock has hidden in for so long and drag him out into the streets like the dog he is.
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>the Clinton Foundation
>and other Middle Eastern Groups
Shareblue doesn't hide the fact that they are a left wing news outlet. You people are jumping to conclusions yet again. I hope you people get sued for slandering people and making false accusations. You already did that to Mr. Alefantis and basically destroyed his business (comet ping pong) you larping autistic man children need lives seriously. Go outside get some fresh air and just live your life. If you keep harping on this notion that there is some grand conspiracy of satanic politicians delving into pedophialic rituals you might very ruin what could be a very beautiful thing.
Take care anon
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sorry it was cut off. captec business is an obvious front from the picture above.

i must go.

the evidence mounts.

the damned quake from the fear you sons of liberty are creating.

now they have no figurehead to discredit

no false extreme philosophy dichotomy of communism and fascism to trick with

no false economic dichotomy

no false violence to cry against

the corrupt will forsake their ways and turn on their brothers or they will have everything stolen from them as Kevin Bell did

better to be poor among your brothers than damned with the rich and powerful

for this too shall pass and the wheel turns

the fire rises.
remember these days.

these are the days you took part in the rebellion against the corrupt.

you live for more now than your small lives.

you live as oracles of truth and liberty for the Republic

The most ignoble patriot speaking quiet truth is more noble than the loudest tyrant.
I have some info to post but I'm afraid I'd get banned for "doxxing" or some "raid" shit.
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Bump for Sessions

My god Pedo boy

>what is ctrl-F

Why don't you take a seat, you got front row tickets to the "me ruining your life" show

Ok here we go. Quick bump for exposure then back to work
one last group of information about the place he jumped from, the apthorp


Up until this year, anyway. On March 7, Africa Israel Investments Ltd., a company on a diamond-fueled New York buying spree, picked up a 50 percent stake in the Apthorp. Its president, enigmatic Israeli multibillionaire Lev Leviev, a newcomer to the New York real-estate game, had announced his entrance with a bang: by purchasing the old Times Building on 42nd Street. Leviev’s rapidly multiplying Stateside interests include a few 7-Elevens in Texas, a massive residential-development plan for Gowanus Canal, and a high-end jewelry store in the works on Madison Avenue. He is also one of the main bankrollers of Chabad, an idiosyncratic subset of Judaism with a Brooklyn headquarters, and pals with Vladimir Putin.

Leviev swooped in on the property a mere three months after its owner, Mann Realty, had purchased it from 390 West End Associates. Unlike Maurice Mann, who claims to have known he was going to own the Apthorp the moment he strode into its magical courtyard last fall, Leviev, who spends only a few days a year in the U.S., bought into the building sight unseen. The original deal was said to preserve the Apthorp’s structure: Mann told the Times outright that he was going to “maintain it as a very high-end rental and to keep it exactly the way it is.” On March 8, one day after Leviev had bought in, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Apthorp—now split 50-50 between Mann and his new partner, with Mann Realty staying on as the building’s manager—would go condo.
ith his diamond-derived billions and autocrat friends, Lev Leviev cuts an intimidating figure. “You think you have the worst landlord possible, and then you get this guy,” says one tenant with a nervous laugh. “I mean, I think he was wanted in the Hague!” He wasn’t, but the existence of the rumor says a lot about how wary tenants are of him. Leviev is also, as a recent Times Magazine profile called him, the “Missionary Mogul.” To call him merely active in Jewish charities is to significantly understate matters: His long-term goal is to provide free Orthodox education for every Jewish child in America. His Chabad ties feed fanciful theories that sometimes seem tinged with anti-Semitism. A comment on real-estate blog Curbed.com, for instance, imagines Leviev marketing the Apthorp to Orthodox families and building a temple on the premises. Earlier this month, when the new management prohibited outside personnel from working in the building for the Jewish holidays, some occupants feared this heralded a new, pious regime. Maurice Mann—a landlord with a long and respected history in New York—didn’t fire up the tenants’ imaginations nearly as much. His early reviews from inside the building were mainly positive; for one thing, he had won quite a few hearts and minds by removing two garish alabaster lions that his predecessors had installed at the Broadway arch.
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someone suicided


words from the partners mouth

Emergency bump
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Ok this is kinda juicy


OneVoice was funded by US State Dept grants under Hillary Clinton's State Dept using American taxpayer dollars

Pic fucking related
Post it. This is about saving our board. I don't give two fucks what those cuck mods think
his name is not revealed but the bankers is. that is telling

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ok. have fun.

1: admin
2: nurettin
3: richard
4: peter (Peter Daou - Former adviser to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Veteran of two presidential campaigns.)
5: 404
6: melissa (Melissa McEwan - Editor-in-chief of Shareblue. Founded Shakesville, an intersectional feminist progressive political blog, in 2004. @shakestweetz)
7: susan (Susan Madrak - Previously, managing editor at Crooks and Liars.)
8: anthony (Anthony Reed - Digital Director - Founder of Benchmark Politics @benchmarkpol)
9: 404
10: ginger (Ginger McKnight-Chavers - Freelance Political Writer)
11: katie (Katie Paris - Senior Executive Adviser)
12: leela (Leela Daou)
13: asha (Asha Dahya - Creator and editor-in-chief of GirlTalkHQ)
14: propanejane (Propane Jane, pseudonym @docrocktex26)
15: matthew (Matthew Chapman - Freelance Political Writer @fawfulfan)
19-20: 404
21: the-editors
31: shareblue-staff
41: tommy (Tommy Christopher - Former White House correspondent and politics reporter for AOL, The Daily Banter, and Mediaite, and a longtime liberal journalist and commentator. @Tommyxtopher)
51: Josh Nerpel
61: vanessa-cardenas (Vanessa Cardenas)
71: ar-parker (Alison R. Parker - Reproductive justice and LGBTQ rights activist @alisonrose711)
81: karoli-kuns (Karoli Kuns)
91: dianna (Dianna E. Anderson - Feminist author and freelance writer. Graduate of Oxford University and former organizer for the Clinton campaign @diannaeanderson)
101: tr (T.R. Ramachandran - co-founder of Kanvz @yottapoint electionado.com)
111: Will Lippincott
121: leah (Leah McElrath - Senior Writer and Twitter Director @leahmcelrath)
131: oliver (Oliver Willis - Senior Writer, Former research fellow at Media Matters @owillis)
141: Jess McIntosh
142: Office Manager
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Bump. You all know why.
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State Dept grants $350,000 to OneVoice


To back efforts ousting Netanyahu through a group called "Victory15"

Pic also fucking related

Hey everybody your tax dollars are being spent in Israeli political campaigns
Why a shareblue general when no Cambridge Analytica general?
Reminder that these threads are not in vain. We will stop Shareblue but we must not give up
Bless you anon.
What exactly is this?
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Part 3




>muh day of the rope!

Nothing will happen. You will continue to post frog drawings in a Chinese cartoon imageboard. It's all you ever do.
>rules for radicals

They are fleeing the country now I'm sure
How is Dubai?
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excellent work brother.

the fire rises
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I am personally going to watch your pedo, child murdering ass get electrocuted you fucking weasel

You better be shitting your fucking pants and praying to every God you know because I am going to personally ruin your fucking life and send you to prison

Pic fucking related is what happens to child rapists in prison fucker
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Netanyahu really is /ourguy/ just for any of these stormfags wondering

Obama and Hillary tried to elect "anybody but bibi"


Pic also related
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Shareblue Authors.png
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hillary embezzled funds to herself using state department funds with this final link in the chain


V15 formed after a Facebook exchange in early December led its founders to set up a meeting of center-left voters in Tel Aviv. The group has since partnered with OneVoice, a nonprofit aiming to encourage grassroots support for a two-state solution. V15 has also hired 270 Strategies, an American political consulting group headed by Jeremy Bird, who worked on President Barack Obama’s two victorious presidential campaigns.

here is where the funneled the money to and back to her


very impressive work


it is time to notify your congressmen brothers

a brother here has built on the original information and has now broken the case showing that

1. state funds were funneled overseas and taken illegally by a pac
2. the pac was not the actual end point and was actually the go between for funneling the money to 270
3. 270 is a political arm of hillary clinton
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Save this.
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Don't notify them yet we have more to do

Plus my congressman is a fucking asshole

Time to continue looking into OneVoice and also now 270Strategies

Keep it up brother I've got all night

What's the story behind that picture? Karate master couldn't karate his way out of getting shot/stabbed?

He fucked that kid and then got pack fucked by 30 inmates and repeatedly stabbed

Never afraid to take on the most challenging organizing efforts, Jeremy has served as an advisor for organizations across the globe. Most recently, he has been engaged in work with OneVoice, now Darkenu and Zimam Palestine, a movement focused on bringing Israelis and Palestinians together to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. That work led to a partnership with Victory 2015, an unprecedented grassroots organizing effort that reached out to more than 750,000 targeted voters in the 2015 Israeli elections.
They're shilling that Sessions crap really hard right now.

Why don't we slide it ourselves?
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You struck gold brother


That guy worked alongside Victory15, worked for OneVoice, and this also uncovers several more organizations

-Zimam Palestine

Now I would like to know what campaigns he worked on

pic related


they appear to have stolen the election from mitt romney using united states money funneled through us aid and then sent back to 270 strategies.

This guy worked on "iVote" which pushes online voting and "Battleground Texas" which is supposed to make "Texas politically competitive" he is possibly one of the people who worked to rig elections

it is another name for the V15 shell pac for hillary

ShareLube is funnier!
ShareLube is funnier!
ShareLube is funnier!
ShareLube is funnier!

Fuck off, ShareLube shill!
Can some anon with visual art skills try to organize any of this information
>Zimam Palestine


they are located in the embassy district? this appears to be another front for funneling money
Fuck these ctr shill faggots!

this appears to be money laundering
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Democratic Women KKK rally.png
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>Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue
makes sense. Chinese faggots want open borders for their people to strole in through. Want chinese leaders in all parts of the world. sneaky slant eyes
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Trump is committing treason for what he is doing and will continue to do to blue collar workers. He hates them and they are going to suffer.

Still digging now trying to fight the slide atm
These fucking leftist shills, need to get their shit kicked in for good.
>"Instead of receiving 4.5 billion dollars a year, as was expected a year ago, Israel will receive just 3.8 and only subject to an undertaking not to demand more from Congress"

Is 4.5B normal for foreign aid?
here you go

united states aid was sent to OneVoice, the foundation previously tied to Shareblue

OneVoice funneled this US Aid money to V15 / Darkenu / Other Aliases, an Israeli 'PAC'

This PAC was waived of all wrong doings by democratic congress because they purposely only focused on the Israeli election tampering

Now we have found a smoking gun where V15 funneled money to 270 strategies, an American company that was a key organizer for Obama and Hillary.

Or in short, Obama and Hillary stole United States Aid in a documented manner for political campaigning in the United States

this is nuclear stuff. it means that Mitt Romney would have been President without this US Aid funneling and Trump had to go against it.

4chan is about to go nuclear.

Thats right brother

We need to meme it




See ^^^^^^^^
That is not the point.

The acting President and Secretary of State colluded in an open election to funnel money from United States aid into their campaigns.

Israel was just the money launderer.
daily reminder to hide all leaf posts. obama leaf is back spamming his bull shit again all over /pol

OK so it went

State Department --> OneVoice --> V15 --> 270 Strategies --> Obama and Clinton camp

These motherfuckers used US dollars to pay for their own fucking election campaigns
now you see how big it is.

this is attorney general big.

the fire rises













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Obama leaf is one of the most annoying things I've encountered. He has so much free time it's insane. He must be purged.

I just wish people would stop replying to the obvious bait threads instead of hiding. People don't even sage properly.

Doing Gods work. Keep it up. The day of the rope nears for these traitors.

We need to get this shit to T_D they will blast the everloving fuck out of it
we need to reach all of our brothers.

we need to bypass the corrupt justice department and get this to jeff sessions

we need to contact all patriot congressmen

this is the crack that broke the dam
That must be why they are trying to push the Russian shit on Sessions which is literally nothing.
>V15 formed after a Facebook exchange in early December led its founders to set up a meeting of center-left voters in Tel Aviv. The group has since partnered with OneVoice, a nonprofit aiming to encourage grassroots support for a two-state solution. V15 has also hired 270 Strategies, an American political consulting group headed by Jeremy Bird, who worked on President Barack Obama’s two victorious presidential campaigns.

this and brother patriot anons screencaps close the loop
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confirmed best timeline
So much Russian scum in this thread.
>Shareblue has committed treason by working with the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship

sounds like treason to me

We need our brothers to help spread the fuck out of this, this is fucking nuclear

Thread archiving now
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Should we start posting Pro-Hillary Memes or Pro-DNC memes in order to solidify the support of the current administration. Its opposing effect will only make us stronger.


>ShareBlue is trained by China's 50 cent party
Totally shocked over here
well well well. speak of the devil. i really hope you're part of these treasonous cock suckers so you get burnt at the stake with the rest of them faggot.
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>mfw David Brock goes to jail
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Aquafresh here. I hate CTR/Shariablue as much as the next one.

It's just recently been in our news that somehow our (((goverment))) provided intel on the Russian hackers.
Knowing that Shareble has ties with China I wouldn't be surprised if they are committing treason when one is to dig deeper.

Speaking of treason, our PM has blood on his hands too if anything happens to Geert:


I think we all could really use some help with the Dutch elections. Help me understand what did kek mean by this? >>114881177

(It's Thiery Boudet and he's /ourguy who will put Geert into a working coalition and that means Power to Rule for Geert).

If you want to be included in the screencap check 'em
Holy shit anons.

Someone needs to compile this and start getting the info to Sessions.

Perhaps sending it on social media in addition to private channels.

Someone look up ways to email Sessions and others who we can trust. We can also do it via Twatter etc.

>(((they))) are shutting it down!
Fucking shill, stop using my country as a proxy

let romney know his election was stolen US AID


let jeff sessions know an illegal Israeli PAC laundered stolen US AID to HIllary




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>>(((they))) are shutting it down!

Oy vey!
Send to Gowdy and Chaffetz

he is never /ourguy/

just because hillary and obama didn't like him does not make him /ourguy/

it makes him a common enemy.


this not a drill brothers. this is the biggest happening of 4chan.

every other thread means nothing compared to what was uncovered.

as brother anon stated

State Department --> OneVoice --> V15 --> 270 Strategies --> Obama and Clinton camp

These motherfuckers used US dollars to pay for their own fucking election campaigns

and their is proof from those journalists articles
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So when are they going to roll them up and put them in #Jail?
how can someone so ugly not just end it
Anons help me compile the links to the news articles that support each point in the chain of laundering and I will make sure this is in the news tomorrow

Provide sources for each step, so we can prove every point diligently.
Off with you leaf
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Holy shit I need a fucking drink


Working on it now please standby
"Say that to my face and not on the internet and see what happens"
You did some fucking good digging here man, this shit will cause a real ruckus
Link 1


Quote about hiring 270 strategies here


>V15 formed after a Facebook exchange in early December led its founders to set up a meeting of center-left voters in Tel Aviv. The group has since partnered with OneVoice, a nonprofit aiming to encourage grassroots support for a two-state solution. V15 has also hired 270 Strategies, an American political consulting group headed by Jeremy Bird, who worked on President Barack Obama’s two victorious presidential campaigns.

example of 270 strategies campaigns


is that enough?
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So, how do I tell friends and family about this shit without them blowing me off for being a foil hat wearer
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can any of you post this on 8//pol// as well? they can very well go apeshit against these fuckers again...
quite busy here in duterteland.
they also money laundered via iVote, Darkenhu, and it appears Zimam Palestine may be involved as well given their close proximity to the Embassy

*We do everything together on /pol/

Great fucking work brother
david pls
So if I follow right, they money went from state to onevoice, who then gave it to v15 and 270 strategies

Then those groups laundered it and returned it to Clinton and Obama's campaigns

Is that right? I see the link proves Clinton's tie, still going through these frantically.
David Brock is going to hang for treason, the case file against him grows by the day.

US State Dept --> OneVoice --> V15 --> 270Strategies --> Clinton and Obama camps
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anon also has a link above of them destroying the evidence


this has to be the tip of the iceberg. the previous investigation by the senate was half hearted and focused on israel.

the bombshell is that USAID money came back to the US via 270 strategies

he has example of the level of their funding

Holy shit they covered it up too.

This is unbelievable.
that is right. this V15 group changes its name often and appears to be a group of individuals who launder the money for the democrats

we need more visibility on V15 to put faces with USAID donations and how it comes back to Jeremy Bird, David Brock, etc.

from the previous China link they we now see they are laundering tax payer money overseas and returning it to the US as a pattern.

the previous investigation was a one and done political theater
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back everything up!! full page screen caps of all sites / sources.
i have to go but keep safe brothers.

the fire rises.
For the purposes of breaking the story and getting it rolling to normies these articles should suffice. V15 needs to be followed up though.

Archive everything anons make multiple backups the moment they realize we have this they'll be purging

See you soon
Is anyone making an easy to follow list of points and links showing the damning evidence?
This is monumental. You're making history, guys.
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I am writing this shit up for release, if another anon could pasta the OP and create a new bread that would be greatly appreciated.

We have them on the run now boys

bump bump

that's the sound of the 15's when they hittin in my trunk

baking bread

>to the /gaschambers/


>to the /gaschambers/


>to the /gaschambers/


>to the /gaschambers/


>to the /gaschambers/

>to the /gaschambers/


>to the /gaschambers/
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>Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.

Doesn't sound very Mexican.
I need an anon to give me one link about the Congressional investigation into the State Dept money so we can show how half assed it was.

Holy shit lads we're the fucking DOJ now
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Lol I love your pictures. They are so bad and always say the same thing in various forms. Glad we were able to smoke you out.

That being said, >>114890135 sums it up pretty well.
Nevermind I found this



This man is wise
Clinto spent 10billion dollars on her campaign, look obamas speding on "getting military equipment back to america" dpnt tell me how i know, if u find the document I left behind a fatal flaw, a tank which is transported from afghan to america 5 times back and for every 2 days in order to spend 1million dollars, its extremely hard to find but if u find it ull know ull have the right document which will lead to spending of 10bil of tax payer + other country deal spending


much love to you brother
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and new thread

Seems Gary Gladstein was involved. He has ties to George Soros.
bump for good reads
bump damn it
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