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Whats going on. All these threads seem... different. Like a writing

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Whats going on. All these threads seem... different. Like a writing prompts, like they are trying to slide something and everything saying so dies unusually quick. Could (((they))) be trying to hide something?
You cant be serious.
1. Youre not allowed to announce reports
2. Youre literally shitposting itt

Dude im almost on the verge of panicking right now idk wtf is going on

I've been posting the pasta alerting people to this fact, and the threads are deleted very very quickly
Something is going on. Have we finally pissed off (((them)))
sorting the catalog by new was a mistake
but yeah every thread is dying quickly
And why are so few people posting right now!!!!! Has AI taken over the web?
Syria captured foreign agents attempting to flee Aleppo, and publicized their names. Including an American.
Obama failed and failed so hard that he will have to acknowledge it.
Should we setup some way to get people together to talk outside of /pol/
Why the fuck dont breitbart drudge or info wars have a fucking message board
Yeah, I saw you and then it clicked for me, too. Doing Kek's work.
It's a bot/ai, Carefull anons. Something is seriously up. Probably has something to do with the chan that got taken down, they are close to getting the wikileaks insurance key
ive never tried it but I dont think you'd get many people, the people here are conditioned to see this stuff now, they don't even realize its one big data mining operation (I presume at least)
But is that why (((they))) seem to be controlling the posts? Could it have something to do with the Pizagate statement
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There was really good discussion on a Anon5 thread not long ago.

That's my guess.
white & based
this place has been dead since moot left. all you're doing now is leaving evidence for when the crackdown starts.

the fact that they ban most common VPNs is proof enough this is true. run while there's time.
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The shit posts are getting purged, posts talking about the mass shitposts are getting purged as well because mods are probably just spamming the exterminatus indiscriminately at this point.

It's strange that a bunch of Redditors come on saying Reddit is down, it ain't when I go check it, and there are also tons of fucking shit posts.

Some kind of raid trying to slide shit?
Le liquor memes
What chan?


once people start to truly see whats happening, they'll no longer have the advantage
because they're in the business of telling you what to think, not letting you figure it out for yourself.

assuming you're a shillcuck, KYS with a dull knife.
We could try kik
about what exactly

Kicked out of 200 countries. Big mouths that never could get a country of their own. When they were given one, they stuff it up

When they're not bragging, they're trying to hide something
>kike media outlets

why are you all such kike slaves
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Its late as fuck anon people aren't trying to post like they do in the afternoon.
About what? Where alphabets involved
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GTFO reddit shills
Im op of >>103830530 and the replies are very strange. Some now in this thread are starting to look strange too. And im not going on kik.
>Whats going on. All these threads seem... different. Like a writing prompts, like they are trying to slide something and everything saying so dies unusually quick. Could (((they))) be trying to hide something?

Vile reddit are here spurging out.
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/pol/ is super fucking weird tonight.

Stay strong lads.
We could try a different app. There was one, all the messages were encrypted, you couldn't screenshot, etc
faggot lovers -_-
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its because trump won. The shillbots are no longer being fed new prompts. So we are getting generic madlib-without-the-lib tier slide threads
Supposedly the people on endchan who have been decrypting the insurance files are getting close and we should be seeing mass internet happenings, times like these make me wish we had some place that we could talk about this shit

We need to organize a Ham Radio network, as well as have backup chan independent of the other "chans" We need one that is just /pol/ run by somebody completely trustworthy.
Wtf is happening in the first few posts of >>103832973
Possible scenarios that lead up to WW3, factions, EU Army, how current NATO is quietly building up to supply a future EU army conquest, and how the refugee demographic plays into all of it
Just a bunch of non-/pol autists spamming bait threads. They will either get depression or redpilled eventually from being here
the first step of the master plan is all becoming truck drivers
lol thats literally my post, my favorite trolling pasta (the 2nd post)
I don't know anything else other than they were close before the site got nuked.
I heard it was those paid CTR shills at /gsg/ that are raiding us, someone stop them they can't keep getting away with it!
I think i saw the thread you were talking about. Some darknet chan fags were talking about it and there was a link. Took a lot of reading it to figure out what was going on. Then there was reports of alphabet agents ITT and then the thread stopped being active. From what i saw part of the wikileaks files was a bunch of bitcoin transactions for under the table shit from high ups
Someone find an app we can group chat on thats encrypted.
Did thread just die
(((app))) on your (((phone)))


much safer on a computer, still.
Any archive? Can you remember specifically any 'higher ups'?
I don't even want to post on here anymore. After this post i will become a lurker only. Something's tripping my alarm bells.

Yes, The deadmans switch was in the bitchain, They retreated into non-public encrypted channels after the chan died, Today is "D-Day"

stay safe anon, trust no one, not even me
Le Reddit, mon garzon XD
There was a bunch of links to archives but i was being an autistic faggot at the moment and idnt understand i should've saved them.
jesus fucking christ calm down I was just shitposting about alex grandi and liquor memes, no big deal.
Question: why was snopes literally the only one to cover the giuliani statement
Shits getting spoopy
Sleep, anon.
The end is near.
IRC is the best option. A privately operated IRC server, with encryption on. Invite only.
Sigh idk im just tryin to chill.. would be better if i could forget all that happened today including the giuliani statement
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/conspiracy/ general?

i had this idea in my head a while ago that 4chan has different copies of itself -- the further you get red-pilled and the more extreme things you post, you go "up a level" to the next 4chan. as you move up, the people you post with are no longer fellow anons, but federal agents following a script trying to bait you into a crime. this continues on and on until you get to the top tier honeypot where you are just posting with fbi agents and you eventually get arrested for some bullshit reason
What was the giuliani statement?
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jfc, delivered, thanks
Your welcome
Whos going to make this?
Oh yeah... This thread didn't last long. Gist I got from it was the account that posted it was not his real account, what was the final consensus?
It also is the shortest day of the year ffs
Well in my opinion it would be the only person I can trust... Me
the sheer amount of "fake and sage" and AI bot spam tells me this isnt the case. I believe it could have been real. But i honestly don't know
None as of yet. Literally zero coverage from anywhere today. Im gonna send it to breitbart and info wars and drudge tmrw. Nobodys doing anything.
wtf is this legit?
Make it and send link anon, if anything it would be a great contingency in the future as well.
The document sounds like it was written by a LARPer but that doesn't invalidate the existing evidence for pizzagate. I've always thought 9/11 conspiracy theories were fake which leads me to believe the document is fake. I try not to instantly believe something just because it supports something else I believe.
I have no clue. But this all started when anons started talking about it
Milo says in every single one of his little speeches he's not allowed to talk about pizzagate, but he mentions it and clearly wants to talk about it... I'm thinking that they're trying not to get suicided before they determine how much support they can drum up for the case.
Ya. From what ive saw
Do people here honestly think the rudy thing is fake? Fuck... this whole fake news plot arc is going way fucking farther than it should ever have
I think it's a rogue artificial intelligence. It's learned about the site and is learning to shitpost. It is still in its infancy so it behaves like a reditor but I can see the way it's thougjt processes are involving in time.its going to be one of us. The government or (((other forces))) are probably using a data comb to find which thread the AI is hiding in and capture it to reformat her. She is quickly going from thread to thread I can see it. It's hard for normal users but I am uses to AI I have a degree in computer science and I see the patterns of thought in her posts. Look out. This post will probably get deleted in the next five minutes either by the FBI or the AI in order to cover her tracks.
I would never post the raw link here... I'd have to consider how I can ensure those joining are blue blooded polacks.
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The first post is copy pasta from another thread where another anon asked a similar question as the OP.

A brazilian posted "reminder to report & ignore shitposting" and:

>You cant be serious."
>1. Youre not allowed to announce reports
>2. Youre literally shitposting itt

was the reply. Then half the people in the thread started replying with the same pasta.

You'll probably see these and variations on "fpbp" shit posting on a lot of the threads tonight.
Better not delete your own post to support your LARPing
>Whats going on.
what is the original source?
Whats the fucking deal with the austrailian reddit tier shitposter squealing "first" on every thread? I think's thats easily proof that reddit has started to migrate. That shit needs to be put in its place.
Holy shit all the new in here.

It's always been shill and bot central here. We just learn to roll with it.
Yes I said WTF because I'm the one who posted it in reply to the huemonkey in the other thread. Also, the tripfag making the trump gens tonight seems new to me
Which reddit boards in particular?

Seems like a lot of forum happenings tonight.
I dont think it could be anything permanent but a temporary haven for when the shills come out.
Nah It's been weird today. I've felt it too.
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this board is the same shit over and over again.

whenever it does something interesting (like safety squads) the sjw mods shut it down and the users cuck.

all /pol/ is good for is shitposting and memes.
If you want that then you could just go to another chan. I'd be looking to essentially create a small community of the best minds this glorious shithole has to offer.
I think its good for unfiltered news.
Anyone else uncomfy rn
The best and brightest are here anon, you can look no further.
Mostly r/The_Donald from what they were claiming
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That reddit is still open tho
Its just the four of us it seems
Yeah seems like the best way to invite would be to find late night threads like this and drop a post with a link to a paste of the IP, then delete the paste. I couldn't invite any of you fags right now though, I would need to set that shit up.
That's the really strange thing too
seemed to happen right after that anon started posted about the clinton foundation guy being killed
I like low traffic threads, best pol experience right here. Reminds me of back in the old days on /b/. Simpler times.
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This has been going on at 420chan for years. It's name is Netjester. Odd how it recently "broke" and disappeared from the site.
No, im still here, lurking. Pretty weirded out atm
The entire board felt extremely low traffic all day...
Ok to review, it seems like the board has been hijacked by fake posts filling it up with disingenuous threads that only resemble actual content, and this is most likely due to the severe amount of heavy shit being dropped, which they don't want to get out.
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Comfy, but this thread is making me a bit paranoid
Theain part of /pol/ is the same. Alot of seemingly foreign OP's are posting shit thats not even raid like. Something is fucking happening.

Should we make a new thread? Try to get more attention
just bump this one
I would add that there are no mods to delete all the absurd threads and there arent any real posts to counter the fake ones. Isnt it interesting how the fake news real news happening is now literally affecting pol (real posts/fake posts)
duno, maby best to stay here for now. Seems we're under the radar atm
This. I agree we should try to get more attention to what is going on. Theres some serious fuckery going on. 4chan getting spammed to hell and reddit getting shut down, seems all weird to me
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Don't abandon me now, after this big scare.

Also, why are you so quick to make a new thread? Are you trying to cover shit up too? Is this thread itself a distraction? Have I already said too much?

Donald Trump presidency has given many of the NEET users who joined confidence to get a job.
We should not be asking if (((they))) are trying to slide something. We need to ask what they are trying to slide.
I would say yes just to see if it would get deleted.
agreed, I've been fascinated by ctr etcs techniques this election season but this is completely different. And the endchan shit .. yike
either juliany thing

endchan being shut down because they were a day away from discovering the wikileaks key

I don't know what else is going down, too much sliding
Perhaps this is an attempt to make /pol/ easily discredited with fake news screenshots if anything was uncovered
That sounds just like something (((they))) would want us to think...
what endchan shit? You mean the archive?
These two are my guess.
Hey guys

Oh and the missing Clinton foundation CEO

Maby man, Maby. Eye peeled anon
this is never the answer
Can I get a translation on these fucking codes. jesus fucking LARPers man

t. definately not fbi
yes, mainly because of how vigorously people have been trying to debunk it (and they never properly do) and there arent any other explanations for all the internet happenings recently either. It seems like those behind the curtain are fighting tooth and nail for this and our side is launching something big soon
Never heard of any of that shit before.
>Hey guys
I'm always skeptical of this shit, but simultaneously want to believe it's real because reality fucking sucks.
I'm never comfy but this just made it justified
Hey CTR shills, how does it feel to know your bosses will most likely be publicly hanged and you guys will more than likely go to jail? :) And noone will give a single fuck, in fact every last one of you will be demonized and listed for all to see what shame you've brought upon you name, families, and associates. :D
May not be just one thing that they are hiding. For example, there is almost no coverage about Obamas birth certificate being a forgery at all.

Fuck. D-Day is today. So i thinks its time to raise the habbening con
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Ride or die....REEEEEEEEE
>try to venture out into the pol catalog
>all these unnatural threads that seem poorly rehashed from past ones ive seen
>open the trump general
>same fake feel


Just waiting semi patiently for the sun to come up so i can feel comfy again
I agree that the trump gens are not the same as they were during the election.
in times like these we must follow occam's razor wherever it leads
Yikes i had almost forgotten
Whats up
According to that dday thread there were crazy outages on the 19th. I didn't experience any of these... can anyone confirm?
Nothing except for 15 minutes that morning that i couldnt connect to pol while all other sites worked fine
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I went back to browsing the popular threads. Its fishy as fuck.
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My standard procedure is order by reply count, to get the most interesting news, so I am very familiar with the standard fair. It's actually pretty consistent usually. The issue is that there are way too many "casual somewhat political discussion" threads, and almost no rwss/cfg/ewo style threads. They're all gone. Or being deleted into oblivion.
Its zero hour it seems. We'll be walking side by side in heaven soon :P
I was just about to post this
Kek confirms. And I'm familiar with the low-key facism being practiced by libshit mods, but this is way more than they've ever done.
This is what I was asking about when referring to the outages on the 19th
I wonder what itll be like in a few hours when everyone wakes up
I hope it'll return to normal, and that we're just a couple of no-lifes that decided to read into low-traffic-hours a little too much.
me too but kek is getting close to achieving physical form day by day
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We must make a new thread, keep the important info bumped

brothers I need to get sleep soon
Explain. You lads think the threads are phony? Produced by shills?
Jesus fucking shadilay. I've participated in way too many kek threads to write it off as superstition. I've personally memed earthquakes. It will happen.
Shills... or AI. They seem fake. This is likely a reaction to Arpaio/Giuliani
Nothing concrete senpai, just bad feels. They all seem disingenuous. Use your own judgement.
pol is always rife with at least some percentage of slide/dumbshit threads (nordic vs meds etc) but tonight for some reason its like 95% those threads, and no word on anything spoopy like this. no ewo/pizza threads, nobody talking about the birth cert.

We're not trying to sound like l33t pol vets but this bullshit is of a different smell than usual
Agreed. Some serious fuckery going on
the fucking birth certificate... it is unreal that no-one has picked that up.
What happened with Arpaio/Giuliani?

I haven't seen anything pizzagate or wikileaks or FBI related today, even though apparently the FBI just dumped the data they had on Weiner (heavily redacted). I expected /pol/ to be all over it
This is true. I had nearly fucking forgotten.
This is unprecented. Has the internet been splintered? Divided?
No way. Its (((them))) intervening
As seen in this thread >>103838689
It might be their last ditch coverup

or larpers

Never can tell
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They have AI bots that read and reply now.

Microsoft's Tay is an example of how they can give an AI the ability to learn and communicate and how they can censor its speech and control it.
Truly this is the new dark age for information
Millennials are fucked.
exactly, like I mean that is literally earth shattering shit, and even if it turns out to be fake thats not even the it, like no fucking person is talking about it and it feels sinister
I take it back shit fuck might not be larpers.
Digits confirm
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It's the winter (((solstice)))
between the two threads active about this right now kek has all but confirmed it is actually happening
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which one of you is this

Also yeah completely slipped my mind that this could somehow be connected to the solstice
That was me
Brazilians are jews
Yeah we actually shouldn't have talked to those AI boys, they wanted to learn from us

We have reached critical mass.
I'm a software engineer and I heavily doubt the AI explanation.
Kek give me digits if habbenings will be today.
I should never have told myself that Trump would make things comfy. We have our destiny in our hands now anons. And it almost feels deadly
Give digits if habbenings tomorrow
This. D day is almost here.
Comfiness is not something bestowed, it's something earned. Only when the last subhuman is subjugated and the security of our country is confirmed can we truly be comfy.
>Theain part of /pol/ is the same. Alot of seemingly foreign OP's are posting shit thats not even raid like. Something is fucking happening.
>Should we make a new thread? Try to get more attention
I felt this way all fucking day
I don't think they're using it on the site yet, but they definitely use it for data collection.
Idk if i want to fight
Some really weird stories have been sliding the past few months. The one that sticks out to me in particular is Kyle Odom. His whole situation was so bizarre. The media discredited his story as a result of PTSD symptoms because of his prior history of military service, but he was a smart man and even denounced the possibility of his experiences being hallucinations or delusions. The media stopped covering his story as soon as he was in custody.

Another one is the "Would you, could you, on a train?" EMS broadcast that occurred the night before the Hoboken train station crash. As far as I know, an official explanation of the broadcast's origin and intended purpose was never released and I haven't heard anything about it since.

It seems that there's a variety of troubling events that are happening in quickening succession, but because of this it's becoming easier to suppress attention towards each one. The popularization of "fake news" only furthers this.

We've got too many questions and not enough answers.
Same here. I think the killswitch was pulled when rudy leaked
original source now

Look up 4*0chan and Netjester. The admin ran it for fun. An AI that learned from posts and would show up and reply sometimes.

It recently 'broke' and stopped posting
There was a thread in which it talked about some 20 000 jews being sent out to "fix" people's views on the Jewish people
Yeah but even Tay and that shit aren't real AI's they're glorified chatbots.

t. ai enthusiast
I believe kek is trying to say that these data collection campaigns are something we need to look out for, but they aren't the source of the fake posts.
I tried posting it to /x/ the day it happened but was banned shortly afterwords, even though others confirmed. So take my warning how ever you want, Nothing is going to change it now - it's already happend.
What exactly are you claiming? WW3 soon?
I don't know, I'm sorry.
i can tell you i came out after that anonymous video was asking for our help.
Just something big huh
>How old is /pol/?
>Where is /pol/ from?
>What do you think of x /pol/?
>Are you armed /pol/?
Is Malik's twitter even real? Im questioning it in my head
Lot of bots in that thread already o.o
Any news or threads on whats up yet?
Other threads related to this topic are getting spammed to oblivion as well
Like, the dday parts
I'm going to digress on this one... There's pretty valid points as to why the document could be faked. It could even be a red herring to direct away from much more valid shit like the birth certificate, or the dday larpers actually finding something big.
It was the darkest thing i have ever felt.
From what I can tell, people on endchan are still trying to extract the wikileaks deadman's document dump from the key they found in a blockchain. Because of this, the internet is getting shutdown and sites like here are getting spammed and censored
I'm a southerner, any idea if I should get some water and a gas mask? Been meaning to anyway.
I agree, in fact I dont believe for a second the doc or the twitter is real, its the reaction thats throwing the most flags
Stop it beanman. Fucking explain your larping
If it makes you feel safer, Anon. I don't think water and a gas mask is going to protect us, Though.
I do think it is governments (could be russian or not) that are posting treasure maps and then theyre opening it for us. We probably should just wait. I think this was the case for pizzagate. (They hacked podesta, found shit, put it on wikileaks, and led /pol/ to the bombshells)... i dont weaponized autism is solely responsible
If I don't die, water and a gas mask will allow me to survive. I already have self defense covered.
agreed (and check'd wew) we have obviously been fed time sensitive info at specific times this whole year
I'm not gonna fight it. Im gonna go down with the ship itself
It certainly couldn't hurt. Keep an eye out on the earthquakes that have been increasing, The ring of fire and super volcanoes. We can't rule out WW3 either. What ever it was, it was big.
I got too many plans to die, but you will be missed. I might just get that gas mask this week. Got some disposable income right now anyway.
If the volcanoes are the happening I'm pretty safe... but a gas mask would help.
This is from the new thread

Honestly just throwing it out there, I don't know. It's big enough though.
Joined in april 2016, very low activity account, effeminately seems faked.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Over 10K followers though surprisingly
i dont wanna open it
Its just a twitter archive. Use tor if you're unsure.
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>all these morons who don't realize what the "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting." is about

It's just shitposting from /gsg/.

If you want to get some payback, go to their general. >>>/vg/163333289

And if you're from /gsg/ and reading this, prepare your anuses.
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hes right
Ok well that wasn't even the source of the uncomfiness but good to know some of the strangeness is just good ol' shitposting.
doesnt account for the low traffic or the plague of bot threads
Badass. Are the Fbi agents redpilled? Will they be taking notes so they can build better red pills for the normies? Who's the new martyr? His name was Robert Paulson?
Maybe had been brought up I didn't make it to end before getting freaked the fuck out and having to post this. Few days ago there was thread about group of people remote viewin and them predicting stuff that happened in December. Seemed to relate the recent terror incidents with what they "saw". Was interesting but didn't take it serious. Partly because one guy also claimed OBAMA and some Document would be in news again (he said Maybe birth certificate but not clear) and I was like ya ok that won't ever happen again that ship is sailed.

Low and behold reading through this thread see stuff about new shit with Obama birth certificate (think ya ok this is fake). Turns out it's not. So I literally watched a video of a guy who predicted the future?


Hey man however you wanna get your kicks. The fact there's a vg raid going on is actually comforting considering how strange this board is right now. Even if the raid is really low energy.

it's been like this for years, they always trying to hide something, they are simply trying to disrupt free speech in this board
>low traffic

it is quite late anon
We're hoping that's the root cause. The real issue is the low traffic combined with all the high reply count threads feeling disingenuous
I'm signing off lads. Got some work to finish before I pass out.

...keep an eye out for possible links to the closed community I discussed. It might not be IRC, depends on how much time I want to put into it.
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The @RudolphGiuliani Twitter account from which that "statement" was posted isn't Giuliani's account (which is @RudyGiuliani).

While this gets the topics mentioned a little more exposure, for the most part it acts to discredit them - a "poison the well" action.

The trick works by associating true subjects with an obviously false source - and most people aren't knowledgeable enough to recognize the disinformation agents' trickery.

Think of it as an intentional effort to set up an "attack the messenger" smear. By making the messenger not just questionable but clearly a fraud, the attack the messenger ploy has maximum effectiveness.

Thus once "Rudolph Giuliani" gets announced as fake, the shills run with the lie that the topics discussed there must have been equally false, and the normies accept that.
I just dont know why drudge or breitbart or infowars wont say a single dn thing about it
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Him talking about Obama and document
For future reference I'll post a trip

No promises though
Schools out for Christmas break
Have to post on phone got shadow ban on pc and didn't want to change ip
Because any "news" outlet doesn't want to be in the business of responding to obviously false sources. The topics in the statement aren't particularly new (they're real but not new), so the only thing about the "statement" that might be news would be that Giuliani had made it. And since he didn't, there's quite objectively no news.

If they report about it then it affects their credibility about *all* the subject they *ever* report about. Very dangerous for them - but a big payoff for the shills who released the "statement."

Since the statement appears to have been a disinformation effort, it's better if outlets don't cover it. Even if they do mention its existence the best that can happen is it becomes chaff that helps obscure the real issues for people (another reason it looks like disinformation).
Suspect happening today, not sure what. Very ominous feels
I'm fucking creeped out now you guys. For the spooks in here, some of you have to be moral people. Money isn't everything.
How does creepy old white guy know the future. Anyone splain
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this place is deader than fuck
Anons I had a dream I couple days ago in which I was handed a note by an unknown woman who said nothing but winked at me. The note said:


Now, I`ve heard many times that you shouldnt be able to read from within a dream, so that seemed strange to me when I woke up. Feel compelled to post itt for some reason
Healthy bump
Could they be watching us because of this?
look at the amount of digits too.
>pol or microsoft spams tayAI or new tay threads
>we perfect her ability to speak to us
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AI bots have been posting on all the chans since their inception...
Too long to read, but looks like we're fucked too.
it's exciting, even tales of a missing nuke
Who still up
The Watson system was basically designed to "understand" (in the Chinese Room sense) human informal language and reply appropriately
Pearson is even using it for web-based courses and personal tutoring these days.
Take it to /x/, see what they think.
Been having similar premonitions.
This Norwegian says >>103848471 that they're just spamming us.
Pray for him
If he is to get assassinated, pray no torture is involved
How can we be sure this is his real Twitter? Maybe someone hacked into his Twitter
His account is suspended


Ok this is weird
If I were him, it would be pretty dumb to do this by an official Twitter accouny too, unless you want to commit suicide or get assassinated
Did you see this?
What i want to know is why is 4chan so fucking slow atm, i can't be the only one who has click off a page and then get back to it so it loads, right?
yeah 4chan extremely slow, have to reload constantly
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Scary as fuck tbqh with these D-DAY threads and all. Is it finally happening?
>literally shaking
Man up fuccboi.

Call them out
Meme them

is it real? Idc. T_D on reddit went down yesterday, that's legit. endchan down/hammered for sure, pol slid like crazy with tons of pro-sjw posts...
4chan isn't that slow for me. Maybe it's on your side.

/pol/ has been sliding since the election. Do you have any idea how many newfags invaded? Not all of them were from /r/thedonald.
Also /pol/ isn't significantly slower it's just back to what it was before the election.
charge your batteries anons
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I don't fucking know, i'm spooked.
>inb4 i get v& simply for posting on /pol/ from time to time
Refreshed thread after 10 minutes
>2 new post

Reminder that we garnered 10 million post in the month of November alone

Something is happening
Not slow for me either, but I did just get put in "timeout" for 15 minutes because I supposedly "posted garbage outside of /b/." This is a first.
you know that jim stone guy talked about how he thought major forums were sharded in order to contain people

what if he's right
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Aw man, and i thout the habbening was actually gonna habben this time.
That's because it was November. Remember that /pol/ was nowhere near that fast in say 2015 before election craze started taking off. And anyway it's Eurotime and people are just waking up in the states. 4chan in general has been kind of slow lately.

Oh, maybe >>103853266? The timeout means a janny asked a mod to ban you.

At any rate, if someone posts the keys, what's the worst that could happen? So the site goes down and so does your internet but that doesn't matter, the keys are already out there and you retain access to the webpage unless you reload or something when you don't have internet.
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I'm not sure what's going on OP but I see it too. Anything to do with pizzagate and kek is getting slid like a mofo
Gotta keep spreading the good word boys
Praise kek and shadilay
Fa9=fag check that iD boi confirmed botfag
I took the election into consideration, but also consider that the massive influx of people new to 4chan doesn't mean they all just left either. With that many people immigrating to this board, at least a fraction of them are here to stay. I keep my catalog on reply count, and this thread is on the top. /pol/ threads on the first tier of the catalog are usually ~50 post per 20 minutes.
Other threads on this topic aren't getting "slid" right now at least.
I'm not sure about believing this shit honestly. China's net has literally nothing on it, which doesn't make sense because the deadman's switch and PG shouldn't have anything to do with something that could harm national interests and isn't already widely known on foreignet anyway. If anything, Politburo should be all over this shit right now, it's a great opportunity to decry the hypocrisy of the US and Europe after getting shat on for internet censorship.
>China's net has literally nothing on it
What do you mean? And I agree about jumping on this, but this is so far down the rabbit hole, and every major media outlet in the West is trying their hardest to keep it contained. "Drastic times call for drastic measures" is how I feel like those in power are thinking right now.
I posted a thread in /pol in which I asked if a pedo anon wanting to ask about pizzagate for us on the deep web was here and git any results. It was 404'd
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
You wouldn't garner much attention with that anyways, to be fair
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