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I have a gun...

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Thread replies: 105
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...and you don't, therefore you are my bitch.

I can end your life with a pull of a trigger.

We are not equals, I have superior power than you. No amount of physical strength can trump my supersonic lead projectiles.
The problem lies in having a 'gun culture'. It is literally a culture of violence. Everyone wants to carry their pistol around so they can fantasize about saving the day or taking down bad guys and pretending to be James Bond.

You don't need a full (or semi) auto machine gun. You don't need a 30 round clip.

If you want to hunt, fine. Get a wooden hunting rifle. You don't need an m16.
nowhere did you mention what this "problem" was. i swear to god the bait on this board is so fucking pathetic you faggots need to get a life and stop lazily farming (yous)
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I don't care what you "want", as long as I have the gun, I make the rules.

At the end of the day things can either end peacefully or like video related.

Can you imagine this argument being used on anything else?

Like omg why do you even need so many pairs of socks. There is a real problem when we create a materialistic culture of mindless sock buying. And colored socks? Get outa here.
I have many though.
>a wooden hunting rifle
made me kek, thank you
if you're so great why are you calling me senpai
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Please don't take advantage of me and ravage my tight little butthole, OP.
>stop lazily farming (yous)
I have to constantly farm new (yous) because I'm not allowed to replant seeds as per Monsanto™ copyright law
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Then I guess I can't mess with you then. It would surely mean mutually assured destruction to engage you in a fight.
I also have gun. We are equals. How ya doin?
IMO all you need is a good bow, it was good enough for humans for tens of thousands of years. You don't need any sort of gun to hunt. A bow also reduces noise pollution.
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bait....weak bait.

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*teleports behind you*
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It appears so, just like the rules of nature. 2 equally opposing forces will leave each other be and hunt the lesser prey.

my god
No, you have a shield
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That's not a gun. This is a gun.
>Ruger Alaskan
>snub nose
>300 grain Hornady's
>454 casull
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OP is so forceful. My panties are wet.
>not knowing how to use the vocative case and necessary punctuation

Don't wew at me or my wife's lad ever again.
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Oh hello Max Stirner!
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Not even bait.

If you're gunless you're not a threat to me at all.

I am more poweful than you, the only thing protecting you is men in uniform WITH GUNS
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>full auto
>wooden hunting rifle

10/10 strawman of a typical liberal argument

this means "she" + treeps...you were touched op
and now im we too :3

You bet your ass I have a shield to protect me, but I also have a sword.

Impressive, I'll avoid comflict with you

no problem, see your Id op,,,she.......she........

Our wifus are on their way!!!!
they need to put the 2" S&W 500 back in production
>My name is not important
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If you have no idea what you're doing in a real gunfight you might as well be unarmed.
I have more than you lmao

i want my asian rifle holding wifuu!!
my dad works for nintendo
Oh yeah well my dad works for sony I got to play the new halo
umm excuse me, the bow puts animals and other people at an unfare advantage!
stone knives are the only weapon should be allowed, with strict background checks and fines for spears.
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I have a Truck so I can kill 12 of you and wound another 58!

Plus I have my own guns.

what have you unleashed OP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
>I can end your life

It's not so simple, you are also ending your life by committing murder, so it's always a murder/suicide
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It's time we got serious!

i never knew there were holes with numbers.

is this common?
I have two guns, does that mean that I win?
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If you kill me I win.
yeah right my dads gonna beat up ur dad fag
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This isn't a fucking joke! We need to take away Trucks and Cars from America!!!!

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Praise him!

b-but wh-what ab-bout mov-moving my fri---ri---idg----dge??

where will i put my food?
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Too Thread
Shot Guns
OP knows the dread
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Sounds like /k/ banished you for your faggotry. Try not to shoot yourself in the foot next time you're at the range gangsta.
>I'm a pussy bitch that thinks he's better than people for owning a fire arm.
Get off our board with this shit posting and kys.
>Not a 40c
>thinking you own anyone
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Ahaha fucking fag carrying fmjs with hp shells ahahahahahahaha

I am lmao'ing @ your life

also edc pics, I know you guys have 'em
You don't need to be independent!!!!!


We have to protect people from dangerous criminals!! Think of the children!!!


>I bet some pleb thinks this is satire sarcasm jokes. No bro it's real.
Did your country get absolutely raped by birds?
>you don't need X
>therefore Y
every time
you dont need a high capacity 30 shelf fully refrigerated machine anon
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>noise pollution

made me kek
I have a gun

And you dont, therefore you are my bitch.

I can end your life with a pull of a trigger.

Because I'm the giga-nigger.

>using your personnel morals as basis for argument

People want to kill, anyone under the right circumstances can enjoy killing

its in human nature, to kill

we are animals
....and you don't, therefore you are my bitch.

I can end your life with a slash of my blade.

We are not equals, I have superior power than you will ever have in a thousand lifetimes. No amount of your physical muscles can ever best my metaphysical ultimate oni seppuku god blood ten billion times folded though every dimension and forged in the black hole sun in the mddle of the universe autographed by Odin hecka slashe galatin of doom +5
Tang inamo
sure gun culture is a problem, but is it really more of a problem then jew culture or american minority culture? You have to pick your battles
10/10 on the b8 m8 :^)
Pekeng kano
Explain yourself, libshits and eurocucks. Why have you not availed of the right to defend yourselves with a gun?
You don't need nice food or a big house either.

You don't need decent clothes, and you don't need jewelry or makeup.

All you NEED is a 10x10 concrete box with a cot and a bowl of gruel and a glass of water.
well just look at em
they're scary
>what is the 20ft rule

Ai 64653 has been activated

not any of those, but taking the opportunity to talk.

Is your spanish the same as mine?, hola hermano hijo de la conquista.

in here we can legally have guns, you just need money and some connection with the regulatory agency. (fuck this corruption)

Or the black market which has always been discrete but quite extensive.
afraid to click
pls explain or pic
is archive goddammit, just click it
>tfw when want to do hobby shooting but don't want to ruin my health with lead exposure
holy fucking shit
Good, good. You need money here too to get a gun, and to get the licenses required isn't cheap but I recommend anyone get one if they can.

Spanish isn't as widely spoken here amongst the masses, but the upper crust families still do.

Como esta, hermano? Que pasa? No mucho hablar español pero puedo comprender
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What are we going to do about the crazy gun nuts? We have them too.
this is a fake account
I also have a gun. Therefore we are equals in the only way that matters on this earth.
Perfecto el español todo bien! (its a very complicated language with tons of local variations and many countries which use it)

What does the native, wide used language is like?, where does it come from?, sorry i know i can google but a true geek always likes 1st hand sources, and this is interesting) linguistic geek.

the world is changing, i bet we small countries will be talking a lot in this coming years, even more with some historic similarities. Good luck take care!.
The local language that's most widely spoken is Tagalog/Pilipino which is a mishmash of dialects/Spanish/English.

Yeah, it is changing but I'm always hopeful it's changing for the better.

Any time, hermano! Adios!
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Greetings fellow equal. It's nice to see another predator amongst the prey.

I don't believe the snopes but-

Please explain why "Rudy" would call himself "Rudolph" on Twitter. Doesn't really make sense.

Or why he himself would deny these rumors. Or why he would write this at all. Looks like another inside job to make pizzagate break down

About something from last year

>“I didn't tweet that. That's not my tweet. I never said that. That’s somebody pretending to be me. There are about four of them out there that pretend to be me,” explained Giuliani.

This is definitely some pro ex-CTR trolls hunting for their (You)s
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>b-but wh-what ab-bout mov-moving my fri---ri---idg----dge??
You didn't even load your magazine correctly.

bait disregarded

Thank God smarter people lived before you and wrote our founding documents.
No one needs high density thermal socks!
Communists do say that, though. I just watched


a debate about the Seattle minimum wage increase to $15/hour. There's a literal communist politician from fucking India moaning about """poverty""" in the United States. She keeps bringing up how the CEO of Walmart makes $20 million a year. The other side never really refutes that, so she just keeps bringing it up. Of course, it's not an argument. It's just that she's incredulous that people can be rich.

People like that don't really like the poor at all. They are in fact contemptuous of them. They just really, really hate the rich because of massive jealousy.
*teleports behind you*
hehe, nice try
*cuts you into a thousand pieces*
The world record was 84 kills from Nice.
>its an op thinks hes the only one packing episode
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>Needing to flaunt your guns
Nobody over the age of 13 is falling for that shit, FBI. In other words, good luck nabbing half the board.
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