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Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 35

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Please note the dates.

Posting this here JUST IN CASE

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nice thread, bump
Jesus fucking Christ
What does an "Internet blackout" entail?
Can someone explain this to me in retard terms please
super saiyan ddos so nobody knows who really did 911
reddit goes down, 4chan get's flooded to death, what else?
>ppl started to speculate/suspect that the keys or whatever were hidden in information related to the WL bitcoin wallet
>threads shoa'd suspicion intensifies
>now we hold our breath until we dye
I remember this. It was so long ago though I can't remember what failed activity this was meant for.
They're predicting that they will actually disable the internet to try and avoid getting found out?

Wouldn't that only serve to draw attention to them?
Reddit isnt actually down. Tbose posters are bots
Good to know, it wasnt down when i checked so i just assumed it had gone down, and than came back up.
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the severity of this information warrants such a response
its either let the public find out about xyz (not an option for them) or do something drastic like fucking shut down the internet or start ww3
actually if digits
internet goes down tomorrow, obongo blames it on russia, we ded
Good larping
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Wew lads crises averted
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It's happening
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> 00
Happening tomorrow verified. Praise Kek
Oh dear god this is a gigantic shitstorm
Still having troubles understanding. How are they encrypting it into crypto currencies.
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here's to our last night of peace, it's been a pleasure memeing with you boys. who wouldve thought meme war 2 would happen so soon. we never learn
Link to this thread?
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Didn't have to be this way
This is kind of surreal.. So this is about the pedos right?

My only question, is, how do these high ranking officials, have so many and such vast and willing highly tech literate people working to help them cover there tracks?

I mean wouldn't it literally just take 1 whistle blower to provide the smoking gun? And it's over?
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This thread will self destruct in 5... 4...
Kind of had a feeling it would go this way. Stay safe brothers. It was an honor serving with you
It's way bigger than just pedo rings
these are the people who control the world, they have and are using all their power to stop the smoking gun you speak of from happening as we speak /allegedly
There has been many, and they all suicided lol. Fact is, they are known by many to do this, but it doesn't matter until the majority believes it. That's all they have to prevent. And when they own MSM its pretty easy to prevent.
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your ID is too close to "FEEL"

I will never forget about you anon, it really was a pleasure shitposting with you all these years :)
oh wow another it's finally happening thread

it's not like I haven't been seeing these for years and literally nothing has ever come from one

wow guys truly this must be it for real 100% this time oh wow
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Keep important info bumped, save images, make new threads.
(((They))) turn off the internet. Facebook addicted normies go through heroine-like withdraws. (((They))) say it was Russian hackers. Normies foam at the mouth, autistically screeching for Russian blood.
Seems more like a prepare for the worst thread to me.

Get ready for ww3 at all times, and best case scenario its larpers.
our only solace is in the fact that the madame president timeline tsar bomba was detonated over new york city
Now thats some real nigga larping right there.
Yeah let me go out and spend money on a ton of supplies that I will never need. WW3 is never going to happen, and even if it did I would be vaporized instantly because I live in a large city anyway. I really really hope none of you actually take part in these paranoid delusions and that it's all just shitposting
nothing will happen...... sorry your lives suck so bad the only thing you can hope for is society collapsing and if it did most of you would die in a matter of days anyway
oh god
what if delayed digits?
It was good posting with you anons. The psychic community feels the devastation in the timeline, idc if you call me a larper btw. Something big is coming, And 4chan's atmosphere should confirm that for many of you.

It's already happened, and the waves rippled backwards in time a few days ago. I felt it, We all felt it at the same time. Of course, this is 4chan so take what i say with a grain of salt, trust no one including me.
May KEK have mercy on your soul...
Mother of god..
Oh fuck
I hate this, but it is better than peer reviewed science
Just remember that confirmation bias is the best bias. This isn't like religion, so don't let your euphoria get in the way. /x/ claims that eregores are formed when collectives unite in beliefs and zealousy. The best part is, unlike religion, pascals wager does apply, because it requires nothing from you but memeing. It's the ultimate non-commitment. And if it's real, you can manipulate reality with us.
sage this LARP bait
Good insight fbianon I thought you were kill
Sorry to disappoint, I'm not fbianon.

Familiar with him tho
yeah I just always remember his comments about meme magic the most for some reason
Dude knew something
Hi, sir. Excuse me.

May I ask you a question?
Sure, only if you put "sage" in the options field when replying.
Well I suppose I can do that for you.

My question is: why do you have to be so darn negative on the Internet? You seem like a bright chap with a lot to live for, and it concerns me to see you being so negative, especially on the Internet.

I want you to say to yourself, out loud, "I'm going to be more positive on the Internet starting today". But more importantly, I want you to mean it in your heart of hearts.

Let's all be positive together, especially on the Internet.
Unironically kill yourself.
hollow earth!
holy shit this is the stupidest pile of crap I've ever read.
cia psyop. don't fall for it.

who benefits from sewing doubt about wikileaks?
sure as fuck isn't assange, who phoned into Hannity's show a couple days ago.
what makes you think THIS is the psyop?
some serious larping here

Well, I have to say I'm disappointed with your attitude. Would your mother be happy with your cold-hearted jibber-jabber? I think not!

Even the less-than-positive Mr. Kikenwald was able to work in some positivity, particularly regarding our shared love for a certain delicious herb, sage.

Pasta with brown butter and sage was one of my favorite things about my trip to Italy. Such nice people. Our tour group stopped at a beautiful little place in the Umbrian countryside that had sage pasta to die for (not that I'd kill myself or anything like you cruelly suggest!).

So, Mr. Anonymous, if that is your real name, I am asking you to look within your heart and look for the love that I know is in there. I want you to say out loud "I feel love in my heart".
Roleplaying as reddit is pretty entertaining, you even got a (you) from me.
do us a favor and die a horrible and slow death

this is the thread
standard information control procedures.
the previous known state persists without evidence to the contrary.

that's the psyop.

the cia needs to be disbanded.
they've abused their trust and power.

Since your email is lacking proper capitalization and punctuation, I'm hoping something was lost in translation here. My son is in IT and he tells me this is often a problem with Turkish keyboards.

But I fear the worst-- I fear you are lashing out at the world. And that's not going to get you anywhere. It won't get you anywhere with me. I learned this the hard way myself when I lashed out at the youth pastor when I was younger. Extremely counterproductive.

The worst thing, though, is that you're lashing out on the Internet. This is not a dorm room. This is not a frat house. This is the Internet, and this is not a place to be lashing out.

I want you to look inside yourself, and find your inner champion. I want you to say, out loud, "I will make an extra effort to be positive on the Internet today".
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It's a ripe time to get hyper-real my nigger, why bother occupying ZOG controlled dead end post-time lines like this one when there is so much more interesting things going on?

So why doesn't someone just clicky click on those torrents, get digging and see if this shit is real or can be ignored?

I mean it's not as if any of YOU have anything to live for and no one will miss you if the CIA comes knocking on your door.

Go for it, show us all how it's "nothing". Go on, chop chop. Clicky clicky clicky!!!!
Trump will save us
>turkish keyboards
bump. this is the end
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I think it's larping. I've been working on those files on the endchan threads the last few weeks. There have been a couple of weird things though.

The night I started working on the block chain my ISP had a massive outage. Their DNS servers went down. I got around this using open DNS. Since then my router resets every so often. I've failed over to 4g a couple of times to get out.

There's been some strange hangs on my PC when I try to upload info from under in the block chain, but can't see anything on packet captures that would lead me to be suspicious.

Haven't been V&d yet.
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See you on the other side
All we as non-techers can do is keep threads up and share info with more techy communities everywhere.
The Patriots have built giant AI programs to monitor and control the internet. They used that "oil spill" off the coast of New York to cover it up.
Too bad im too low iq to understand the tech talk
I only understand that they shut it down as soon as someone tries to do something to find something in wikileaks .
Im also amazed that they can shut down the entire internet. Is this true?Time will tell
We need to share the info everywhere possible till more competent people find out if it is true.

So many (((conspiracies))) have been proven true of late that we have no choice but to be vigilant tbqh
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So basically nothing will change.
can someone briefly explain this to me as if I am a 5 year old
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It's a movement anon
here's some somber/bittersweet music to say your goodbyes to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fftF9Cg7hWY
my bowels are moving as well
> Wikileaks releases large ensurance files from time to time
> they contain info that is very heavy for governments
> the files are encrypted, key only to be release in case of danger
> since mid Oct. many people assume Assange is dead and only faked to be alive still
> those people are working on decrypting the insurance files since Wikileaks seems comprimised
> everytime they try to release the keys they get shut down
> now they explain to everyone how to get the keys themselves
> we share the info
its going to inform us of the voting machines Clinton hacked
something weird is going on when i go to this thread and try to find it on the catalog.
mmk i already knew all that just confirming

i have all like 1TB of the files or w/e just dont know how to get in them, i dont give a shit about anything other than ETIs

>the explanation how to get the keys
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This is honestly a pretty amazing reality to be living in when you step back and appreciate it.

>Kek and meme magic
>Turkey coup
>this assassination
>DDOS attacks, internet blackouts
>Seth Rich's murder, Breitbart and his coroner dying, the person who validated Obama's birth certificate dying, etc.
>Trump winning
>anon might actually, finally solve the Madeline McCann case in the biggest internet fight ever

It feels like we're nearing the climax of the 9-11 era, but it's really that part of the movie where you think it's over and the real shitstorm is about to begin.

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You have no idea how many agents are watching this subject all across the internet.
thanks kek

the fucking digits tho
When? Like 2 days ago I suddenly felt utter despair the most intense ive ever felt. You have me spooped
This is some next level LARPing
bumping for other anons
No, it's real.

We're about to face off against something BIG.
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TO ALL "this is a conspiracy" TARDS:


look it up yourselves!
assange was killed!
this interview is faked!
These are MORPHING ERRORS from video editing. They morph parts of the videos together, so you don't get abrupt cuts, the interview is heavily edited which you would have noticed if you watched more than single parts of it.

God fucking damnit, you people are so fucking stupid, it's almost as bad as back when everyone was freaking out about Hillary using a "greenscreen" because the video glitched
I feel that something BIG is coming.
I don't think it's happening this week though desu.
Watch out for distractions and disinformation.

Always remember if you are completely entertained you are CONTAINED.
Do NOT forget to sanity check and make sure you aren't getting slighted from time to time.
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what copy.gif
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checked and witnessed; praise Kek
The tech is there to fake an interview like this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmajJTcpNk [Embed]
>the person who validated Obama's birth certificate dying, etc.
when did that guy die?
>/pol/ has better roleplaying ability than /tg/

Big stuff.
You mean besides using larping as mgs fanfic?
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> LARP: survival mode
> the post
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Assange is kill.
thats not just a coincidence
It was a woman, she drowned after ditching in the ocean on a sightseeing plane. Everyone survived but her.
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i just wondering.
Is it fake?
why would he confirm it? all he has to say is that its "fake news" and still get the message out there
Unfortunately, yes. Account now suspended. Quite a clever fake, had tens of thousands of followers for quite a while.

There was also a (((Snopes))) article debunking it.
Wasn't this literally from a fake account

Oh shit.
This actually seems to have a bit of substance, now that i understand.
But what about when we get the keys?
What then? If (((they))) can silence WL when they try releasing the keys whats to stop (((them))) from silencing whoever finds the keys?
we honestly don't know
we can just share the info
Other thread just got "archived" after I bumped it.
I mean, what exactly would be that earth shattering?

>US Government did 9/11
Ok...there's ALWAYS been a portion of the population that have been egging this. Not to mention nearly every American knows of the conspiracy theory, it's not exactly "SHOCKING" if it were true.

>redflag operations
same as above, but depending on what events and agenda it pushes, it would really throw a wrench into that cog.

We already know that, and apparently, people were tired of caring after a few months.

Outside of domestic targets, I doubt the American people are going to really care for that long. Although it might piss off targeted nation.

>Aliens are real
Ok, I will literally shit my pants for this one. But somehow, I doubt this is what it'll be.

I bet it's information a lot of people have already rabbled off about on the internet.
They likely know this I bet they pin it on some lower ranked person who takes the fall and then mysteriously suicides themselves with two bullets to the back of the head
saw your uh oh in the other thread
what happened
should i bust out the tinfoil
goddamn i was gonna go to sleep
probably this http://findingassange.com/
remember when Israel bombed a suspicious Sirian research laboratory in the middle of the desert and it was a total media blackout for a long time until someone mentioned it in a news story? IT happened during the Bush years and ,on the globalist scale, it's a 0,001/10 as far as importance goes yet everybody kept their mouth shut and then came up with ,they were building nukes meme
did anyone see the video before the "error" occurred?
afaik: nope.
> Wikileaks releases large insurance files from time to time
> they contain info that is very incriminating for governments
> the files are encrypted, keys only to be released in case of death or danger
> since mid Oct. many people assume Assange is dead and only faked to be alive still
> Wikileaks seems comprimised, too since Assange has gone missing
> people are working on decrypting the insurance files since
> everytime they try to release the keys they get shut down immediately
> now they explain to everyone how to get the keys themselves
> they also work on releasing the files in various ways
> it seems there will be a big event / outage when they do
> today is the day they planned for release
> we share the info

>the explanation how to get the keys

TO ALL "this is a conspiracy" TARDS:

look the seconds from the gif up yourselves!
assange was killed!
this interview is faked!

The tech is there to fake an interview like this:

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>3rd Reich hollow Earth map
fuck off with this shit shill
Why u slidin tho?

why is it that threads with good info always get mixed up with flat or hollow earth? gee I wonder (((who))) could be behind that.
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I'm not even saging, free bumps tbqh

Plus this is the last thing i have anyway
It's fake
>pol gets mad at 'fake news' like "Clinton News Network" and MSM
>Posts threads like this
No wonder people fucking hate the alt right
Good time to HAM radio
>setting up alternatives to the Internet
How is this going to be possible? Are they planning on hijacking international cables and satellites?
we aren't a news network though, we're a mongolian basket weaving website
It's just radio, mick
this is the stuff that begins with your search. but you all still have a long way to go. the are tracking my every move.

that or im just paranoid, but this is hard to tell if i am right.
They'll just blame russia and call anybody who deviates from that narrative a proliferator of (((fake news))).
Not going to have nearly enough coverage to compare to the Internet.
seeing all these intelligent people showed me how much of a wreckage i am.

There never was a video you retards.

Take off your diapers and look at their source code.

<iframe style="height:100%;width:100%;max-width:100%;border:0;" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/?hl=en&amp;autoplay=0&amp;cc_load_policy=0&amp;loop=0&amp;iv_load_policy=0&amp;fs=0&amp;showinfo=0"></iframe>
If shit hits the fan I'm just bunkering down innawoods with my rifle and a woman and hoping you guys win

Good luck
casual reminder

Happeniggers are NEVER right
Does Kek appreciate the cinnamon apple scented candles?
My man these people will emp the continental United states to keep there shit unknown
The United States has several thousand high powered AM transmitters along every highway. Most of these are all in rural areas and can be hijacked by an overpowering transmission at the base, similar to the way the Max Headroom incident was done. If the payload needs to get out there, it will get out there.
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>What does an "Internet blackout" entail?
probably civil strife
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Good taste
Thread posts: 163
Thread images: 35

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