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World of Tanks General /wotg/

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Thread replies: 714
Thread images: 174

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>rape edition



>where do i find platoons
join the /vg/ channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
First for NA > EU
Seriously? That's brilliant, I guess I won't be disappointed.
what do you mean nothing could be done? everyone in the clan can start skirmishes except recruits and reservists. even with the inability to accept new application there was still over 90 people in the clan, but was anyone doing anything?

same with team battle, anyone can start a team, and invite clanless people to it, but did anyone do anything?

I don't get why you would blame Krill when the clan was already in that shitty state long before, it's dead because pretty much nobody is interested in anything other than free reward tanks and platooning
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Welcome to /wotg/ survivor. I'm your host, Jeff Probst. You can vote one fellow european out of the tribe tonight.

If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and you want to play it, now's the time to do so.

Behind each of you is a torch. Grab a torch and approach the flame. Dip it in and get fire. This is important, because in this game, fire represents life. Once your fire is gone, so are you.

It is time to vote.
Not blaming krill
fair enough, the conclusion is the same though
Sure but things could have been done differently in the beginning
Is there a bigger loser clan than GUP EU?
I vote cipheruno for being a doge autist who killed the clan
like what? force people to do more than platooning?
A vote and yeah that would have worked maybe
a vote for what?
Clan leadership
the thing is, literally no one gave a shit about anything clan related by the time I left, months before that even, so it's not like there was many people to choose from

tell me your picks and I'll tell you why I didn't even consider them :^)
i saw him online twice or thrice but sounded wise like only blue players can be
he's a great player but he's never shown any interest in initiating anything in the clan, doesn't use his mic, and he's pretty much inactive
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Yfw WG reveals the two first branches of the Swedish tech tree before gamescom is over
Dolan and goatti
>even the official ich-fanclub is more active than this thread
Why did you leave the clan hatbuster?
he wants to do clan things so he will join gup
I'm dolan, and goatti left in January or something?
So bear with me because this is crazy.
We take GuP. We take NOFUN. We reclaim goatti, Alan, Saucisse etc.
And we make one clan again.
GuP are like the fanbase of 4chan already anyway.
And that way, we have our own blunigums.
hat pls come back
>micless autist as clan commander
So Dolan and goatti, give me reasons
Is he autistic? I think I may be predisposed to click to autists online somehow. They're the comfiest peers.
I left the clan, so obviously I wasn't going to make myself commander

goatti left 4 or 5 months before me, so obviously I wasn't going to make him commander
I miss NOFUN, but I don't miss the clan it is right now, but the clan it was right before the last campaign.
Not what he said the other day
who here misses goatti webms
Why didn't you take the leadership position... Instead you fucking leave
No wonder this clan is dead
Do you miss me :3
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What the FUCK is wrong with MM?
I personally blame the entire fiasco on krill but that's just me and I don't care too much about the facts.

premium repairs, premium med kit, but not premium extinguisher?
No premium repair but god knows why people still run normal extinguishers
>No wonder this clan is dead
yeah, blame Hat :^)
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>all this clan drama from eurofags
>Sitting comfy in GOYIM
>it's all artificial to keep the thread alive
No yet again I'm not blaming hat or krill
Assumptions assumptions
give ich command
>I'm not blaming hat or krill
Why not, take it out.
No I'll let you do that
that was no assumption
What was it then
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BENIS was taken from us by that Reddit nigger we kill on site.

We are GOYIM now. Lost but not forgotten
read your post, you're mad that he left and you link that to the clan being dead
16:1 for ich

Has he become a meme?
ded fanclub
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>forcing memes
you killed it
now ill never become a meme
most of those votes were from his burger ally
ich commander when?
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>tfw exposed
it's all ogre
>1970 was 46 years ago
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Fucking still loving the E25. Did 5k damage and ran out of ammo, still lost.
Should I be running prem exting? I have really quick reflexes and when I use manual I tend to only take two ticks of damage.
haha this is freakin wild, I've never seen this happen before, can I save this picture to show it to my friends?
prem extinguishers literally lower your chance to even be set on fire

no reason not to use them
Shit, did not know. I only ran the large and auto stuff on the tier 9-10s, but that's great to know. Switched them out, thanks.
>M60A1 skin >it's not an M60A1
try reading the tooltip next time
I do, but I thought it was only for the large repair and health kit and couldn't justify the 17000 price difference.
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>my friends
too obvious. I might have fell for it if you said "my mom"
if it was a M60A1 it wouldn't need a remodel now would it?
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>1876 was 140 years ago
Top taste ich
ich... heh... more like... bitch
ok CyBeRpUnK
Yeah but it's not an M60A1
I'm whatevering out loud 2bh
That's why I'm #CipherLifer
thank you
have another one
a fitting leader for an inactive clan :^)
Please stop, move on
>can't handle the banter
classic cipher
How do i play black prince?
It has been painfull to play it and i still have 80k exp to go
>How do i play black prince?
You don't.

>It has been painfull to play it and i still have 80k exp to go
Buy gold to skip the shitty tank tovarish )))))))))))))))))))))
Kind of expected this, is rest of the line __fun______?
No. The Conqueror and FV215b are decent but not really worth crawling all the way to tier 9 through shit tanks.
The FV215b has the best gun handling in the game and its dpm is equivalent to a t10 med, also can facefuck high armored turrets with its apcr, but its armor is worthless, even sidescraping is unreliable because of the weak points on the side
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>when you do 4k damage
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>tfw you fell for the WoT meme
Well then, 2nd game of the day. Was 2 vs 6.
We should have lost but some how RNG guided our shots.
Feels good to have a team mate who could use a mouse and click on targets.
It's just plain garbage compared to the IS's, T29, and Tiger. Sorry lad.
What the fuck is with pubs today?
Complete shit teams, losing 75%ers because nobody supports shit.
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Should I be using a spall liner on my SuperP?
No. vert, rammer, and vents or optics
Of course you don't want to knock alot of trees down. That lumberjack mod will just flash a giant they are pushing this way.
Repair or camouflage for each single vehicle type?
heavies / brawling meds / armored tds: repairs
lights / support meds / paper tds / arty: camo
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>answer anon's question
>don't receive a courtesy (You)
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>not giving yourself the (You) (You) deserve
Thank you.
hey NOFriends

is there a campaign?

is it worth playing again?

1990 was one hundred years ago ;_;

same here senpai
that was my wrecking box of doom
even had camo and shit on it
Did WG implement that low-tier playpen for new players? I've tried playing tier 3 for a month and I only get tier 5 matches. Wonder if it's because I'm not a noob.

now it's a fast tier 4 fv304 :3
>swedish tanks

I know WG is desperate, but really, this is desperate.

Next up, dutch tanks.
Will any Swedish tank be interesting? So far it's look very mediocre.
Top tiers will probably receive OP stats because powercreep, that's about it
>b-b-b-but da S-tank
god knows how WG will fuck it op

they have one that kind of looks like a retarded bulldog, don't know if WG is putting that one in though

if they're putting something as advanced as that in then why not the m60a2 or a3
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>How not to be an autist
Step 1 take camera
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step 2 get outside
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step 3 take upskirt shots of cute girls
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Step 3
you went outside 2 years ago? well done I suppose
Damn, she's ____not real
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Can I get Leopard 2A5?
shit was proven to be frontally penetrable by soviet HEAT ammunition so the whole slope thing was dead on arrival so swedes developed high tech garden fence which was kept as top government secret and was only to be applied to the tanks in case of war
No but at least you can get the 1A5

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>2014 was two years ago
the garden fence was proven to not work, actually. the s tank itself is fine, though. it was cheap, simple to maintain, and required a smaller crew than other tanks. what more could you ask for out of a tank?
you could ask for it to have a turret
i mean sure, you could, but that would be dumb
>tanks having turrets is dumb
>im dumb
yes, yes you are dumby :)
Unless you're only interested in defending territory the tank is pretty shit.
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A little bit of OT but still related I guess, is Fury worth watching or will it make a WoT/WT players head hurt?
Those two are not mutually exclusive, I enjoyed watching it but there were quite a few dumb things
it's really really shit, just a long collection of cliches
I did recently, it's fine. They used real tanks, too. I thought I had downloaded a star wars version at first, but they historically used green and red tracers irl, so...
Everything but the end scene is bretty gud, although some people get buttflustered by the tiger scene.
Tiger scene was pretty shit though
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low to mid tiers will probably be... especially because WG fucked up and modeled the wrong tank in a few cases. I think the mediums will only get interesting at tier 7 and the line will then switch to the heavies, which will be like the french ones just with better gun depression and armor.

As for the TD's they will pretty much all be small and fast vehicles with good gun depression (at least -10) and worse armor than the german waffle line. And i have absolutely no idea how the strv 103 will play.

The type 64 is from 1974 so the strv 103 already predates that thing. The A version also predates the STB-1 by at least two years.

Eh it did work. But it was just not designed against 1980+ 125mm amunition. And the SLAT armor was available for all tanks since at least the introduction of the B model. And it had been tested and developed well before that.

>it was cheap, simple to maintain
iirc it was maybe slightly cheaper than the leo 1 but it was still a expensive tanks. Also it was a nightmare to maintain.
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>901 concealment
I wasn't playing when E25 was removed from the store ;_;
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>have a good game
>find afk IS-3 on full hp with no one else around at the end
You try to support the top tanks and hope to get lucky with the match making. Also sidescrape and camp alot. "Shoot and scoot" when you see any bigger tier tank.

t. grinding the same shit
He is, he's currently hanging out on our teamspeak: thedigit.net
I just had a great time on tanks and I'm very happy. Who /veryhappy/ here????
vitun vittu saatana perkele helveti!
The E8 could front pen the tiger no?
easily, especially with hvap
That close they did not need to pull that stupid little stunt of getting behind it.

And the tiger was stupidly killing the others and not the E8
>tfw shitposting ingame is now banned
Who /usedallwarningsalready/ here?
just wanted to ask this. Maybe you break copyrights :^)
Fucks sake.
>bullying people who are bad at flying

check your flying privilege
people run manual fire ext because they have scripts that automatically use them :^)
Which will still let one more tick of burning. Shitters don't realize that you will actually save money by using prem extinguishers.
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nobody expects the double repair kit
3000 plus repair for 10% vs 20000 plus repair for 5 %
also it only decreases engine fire chance so ppl shooting your fuel tanks still have a good chance to set you on fire
you dont save money
Can I join NOFUN even though I'm not mlg pro?
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>when you taunt a very bad player with a 'wew you are the greatest player' ever and you get the worst possible comeback
>tfw feel like shit for the rest of the day
Everything in the 60s until the 80s when the mbts came along was frontally penetrated by heat, steel armor doesn't do too well against it you know. Don't believe the wot memes
aslong as your active and don't expect any clan activities in the neear future, sure.
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>when both teams go straight for the cap from different flanks
simply ebin
Type 64 is 40s tech senpai
It was just assembled from different parts then
Do you still enjoy the game goattikun?
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>buying consumables at full price
Yes we accept anyone from here
Ignore this
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>that 79 xp for the enemy E-100
l e l
I've recently played mostly SH and CW over randums because it's been more FUN.
I haven't platooned in ages tho
God bless your patience goatti
>tfw your portugese platoon mate just suddenly disconnects from TS and game

I guess the internet in his favela went out
maybe she had to give Jingles a blowie
Applied to join the clan

Nah, Jingles just watches Boo (his dog) plow Rita like the cuck he is.
In the event of a Cold War gone hot Sweden had, at most, a week before they were steamrolled. Defense was literally the only consideration, which is why the S-Tank has two driver positions; shoot, reverse, shoot, reverse, and repeat until you run out of homeland to defend.
Also why it didn't have a turret; it was expected to fight defensive battles in heavily forested areas (Finland and Sweden)
It did quite a good job of portraying the apocalyptic nature of 1945. The crew works well together, but there's too much time spent outside of the tank. Still a fun film and definitely worth watching, if only to see 131 given the death in combat she always deserved.

>131 never got a chance to hold the line at the foot of the Reichstag with her sisters

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This is the hardest I have ever clenched my asshole in my life.

my poor boy
Does anybody even play this game?
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>minimap literally the smallest you can set it
spot the tomato
does gup accept non weebs?
you have to atleast pretend
you can always lie about being a weeb
>Spot the statcuck

And I already fixed that and made it bigger.
Depends how much of a degenerate you can be
>forcing the 'le statcuck' meme
spot the tomato
the requirement is to like anime, not necessarily be a total weeb
>like anime
Why would anyone do this?
I will for British ships and KM BBs
For all the dumb shit on /wotg/, it's still far more civilised and less degenerate than the cesspit of /wowsg/
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why would anyone not do this?
in general it's trash but there are good ones
also leftist themes are less pervasive and the only really annoying thing is the worship of females. don't care about loli but most of the female heroes or protags or love interests are poorly written and fit into the dumbest archetypes
Females are meant to be worshiped.
>also leftist themes are less pervasive
You need to kill yourself senpai
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>tfw too little a loser to constantly play tonks
That's a good thing
join our guy in his gamescon streams to win a type 59 or the new rheinmetall skorpion. Of course you don't know when these are given away so you can just enjoy the stream all week long.
ded yet again
applied for NOFUN (again) but forgot to fill it in pls let me in, i made a haiku last time. Ferael_
>two first branches
Wait we are getting more than 1?
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just wait for the official anouncement. It will happen before the end of gamescom
Are they going to announce the game being improved at Gamescom? Or is sandbox cancelled
>10k people watching WoT on twitch
>6k of those are people on QB gamescon stream
>without acceleratedabortion WoT would only have 4k viewers
>literally less than Pokemon GO
And Pokemon go is on life support lmao
Is wargaming finished?
recovering meth addict just slipped that T-44-100 should be released in September
brace yo wallets niggaz
what's the point?
that's not really how it works, not all of qbs viewers exclusively watch him
>rake in hundreds of millions of dollars per month
>on life support
T-62A levels of terrain resistance
soviet black hole technology™ spaced side armor
its soviet so you can use your 6 perk crew in it
>per month
per year
>posting shit like this in /wotg/
you burgers can't be more obvious can you ?
it's 6mm though, also the hovercraft bit probably barely compensates the shit p/w ratio
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p/w ratio means nothing with that resistance
it's working as intended: clanceychen0325 in his T-34-85 would've been on a 10 game+ lose streak, so the MM system will continue to create and put him in an auto win game until his loss streak has been broken.
WG's success is built upon not allowing any customer to experience continuous losses.
this is what makes WoTs unparalleled in customer retention and average revenue per customer
it's 15 vs 20 to the regular T-44, I mean sure it's going to slide around, but it will still struggle a bit uphill

and everything else is practically the same, tiny bit better gun handling, shittier module health, and unimpressive pen for a tier 8 premium med
>per month
is the M4A1 Revalorisé worth it?
Great gun, bad everything else
>"If you want, you can drive German tanks through the streets of Paris again"
lmao nice one
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>Full swedish tech tree
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i told you
sure hope that special new mechanic is the height adjustment for s-tanks
Fuck. Now i have to save enough free xp for 2 lines
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>be 55%'er
>grind chinese line
>play 110
>59k of exp to top gun
>175ap 250heat
>be 45%'er

Soviet tanks are invulnerable to me. How do I survive this shit grind?
you either spam gold or do shit until you get it.
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>complain about 110 module grind
You will love the 1111111 module grind then
How is a 60mm paper tank with no gun traverse gonna work in wot
In a tier 10 game no less
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That's not a prototype? I recall hearing once it was approx 60mm
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>Strv 103
>Paper tank
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That is from a made up russian armor sheme. Irl it was 40mm. And it wasnt perfect, the thickness varried a bit
Paper armor dumbo
Gonna be so bad
Why? It's not like there aren't TD's with crap armor at t10 in the game. If it's got good camo ratings and a good gun, it shouldn't be a problem.
Ah right, my mistake.
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so satisfying.
>piece of shit will actually have frontal spaced armor
>a whole line of tank destroyers
because base camping isn't annoying enough as it is
spaced armor only works when its russian side armor
everybody can pen the cyka pershing despite it having 2 layers of spaced armor
so you be sayin dis swedish fuccboi right 'ere will be all fuckin overmatch for slavic 122mm guns ?
That's because of the weak spots on the turret.
I doubt they'll go with 40mm
there was talks of disabling overmatching for the frontal armor but idk if that will happen. The sides (above the tracks) are spaced armor though and the ribbed parts of the front will probably be counted as 50mm thick armor. But yeah it will probably be quite easy to overmatch the armor
Any puctures of the top of the heavy line?
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Literally a 50B.
So, fiddy bee is finally get cuckholded like T57
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hull is still around, though the turret was never built. Basically WG made up a turret based on the mock up picture.
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>IS-3 with 150mm autoloader
50B and T 57 heavy owners be like
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it wont get the 150mm smoothbore for obvious reasons. It wil likely get a 120mm gun.
>Adding a meme tree

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way less meme than the czech
everyone loves arties.
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and of course I forgot pic
how hard are these tournaments? Never did one
Czech line was a mistake and there's nothing which stands out desu
Prove me wrong
generally not very hard, if you have a semi-decent team you can get gold every time. depends a bit if you get lucky with the draw of the group, but so far I don't think I've seen more than one strong team in any group I've been in
ok, thank you
depends on mobility, if its essentially a light tank like the E25 with the equivalent ~3k dps and with effectively pref MM like the E25 by being top tier, it will be more than OP
here's to removing overmatch all together, easiest balance for the game, although it will increase the skill cap too much for WGs liking

>losing health to a cromwell ram
If you land on top of them you take damage no matter what I think.
Yeah. Isn't it a ram on your non-existent belly armor? That's going to damage no matter what.
I don't know man, I had a 17-loss streak a few days ago.... and I'm not even a tomato.
>sweaboos get their retarded shit tank
>armour that is overmatched by everything except for 100mm guns
>no turret because swedes are retarded
>105mm gun

Unless it has 4k dpm it'll be completely fucking garbage, even with 4k dpm it'll be terrible.
The gun was very good on it you know? I believe it outperformed the L7
>shit gun
>literally an objectively superior L7 in a much more stable mount

Yeah, nah. The armor will be shit and it'll be a clunky, slow hull but the gun will be top tier.
why not wait atleast till we have the offical stats?
they'll "balance" the armor thickness to avoid that
>wahh objectively superior L7
enjoy your 440alpha at best, it's garbage.
they will probably give it insane short aim time/good gun handling and top tier dpm, because no turret
It'll still be shit, just like all other turretless tds in the game.
>alpha is the only consideration

The gun will have virtually no elevation or traverse, so they're going to have to give it some combination of obscenely high accuracy, penetration, and ROF to compensate. It'll probably end up having a gun superior to T10 meds.
Really depends on how quickly it traverses.
>It'll probably end up having a gun superior to T10 meds.
Wow a better gun than t10 meds with pathetic alpha increase and worse mobility and overall capabilities? Sounds amazing.
>tank's barely even been shown
>nigger is already crying about it
>we need more shit tanks like the czech garbage and anime heavies
yes swecuck you want your irrelevant nation in the game too.
>being this mad for quite literally nothing
I blame GUP
GUP did nothing wrong
>No cricket bat.
>No dildo.
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Armoured cars aren't tanks lmao WG pls
Is the Daimler scout car a tank? No
A tank has to have tracks, pretty much common sense
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Is AMX 50 100 worth grinding through AMX M4?

Also, any tips for AMX M4? I pretty sure it's the worst tier 7 ""heavy""
except that has a 150mm autoloader
Sure it's worth. M4 45 isn't that bad either. It's not great in this game because it goes 35km/h instead of 70km/h, but you'll be in a rare tank so it's fun.

uh oh
I doubt WG gives a shit whether its smoothbore or not, not like the player would even notice.
It's trash and so is the 50 120 so no.
WG care very much, they gave the chieftain/t95 a rifled gun because smoothbore is not allowed.

But they still gave it insane shell velocity for some reason.
>they'll "balance" the armor thickness

Just like Tiger II's armor in tier 8
just like VK-B's turret roof
just like the M103 turret roof
What the shit, this is the first "you triggered someone" mail i've got and >if it happens again your account will be sanctioned.

Do you literally get a single warning or what?
just like your moms vaginal roof
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>tfw you scare away GuP members by posting loli in their lewd Slack channel.
they are not otacool like me.

they are pretenders.
hey man, brits can go to jail if the thought police finds cached thumbnails of lolis on their hard drive
>clan called GUP full of casuals

damn who woulda guessed
what channel famalam?
private nsfw-lewd channel, dm dolan and he can invite you
it's literally just a few brits and burgers
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Will this gun depression be in the game
you'll get a 3rd of that in the game
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When you try so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter.
left or right wotg?

>one-piece swimsuits a best
me on the left
Left or right, wotg?
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hello where are de burgers??? :---DDDDD
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NOFUN joins the Afghan National Army.
>tango in the back
but zauta joined the freedom bunch so why is he there.
Honourary Nofun I guess
>mfw trying to play tanks solo
what is song?
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Sans titre.png
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>account locked
>left clan, or was kicked
seriously reich wtf happened
you were extra fun to platoon with
come unpad my wr
Kicked him as account was locked
He can come back when he wants of course
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Mosin Nagant simulator
What does locked mean?
He asked for it to be locked? I don't think it's a ban
It's not a ban, since you can't even open his profile.
wanna join my clan?
why join gup?
fuck this im going back to wtg ive had enough
Benis has zero (0) good players
see you tomorrow :^)
take that back autist
hard to have good players when you don't exist
>play s-51 with small gun.
>hit some shots miss some shots.
>get big gun. miss most shots.

why wg.
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>reddit at the bottom
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goyim uses ancient memes like theyre verbal ticks
your cat is ugly

my first mastery in the s51 was my first game using the 152mm

it was a fun game, literally blatted a frenchy scout in a preaimed spot in one go as soon as I was loaded
just be glad greg is muted. could be infinitely worse.
>T-44-100 is getting added

How is it that Wargaming somehow still has tanks that existed left to add, let alone tanks that are already in War Thunder.

I hope they add the calliope :"D
can't model more than one gun ((((
but there's a tank in the game with 2 guns
There is? I was under the impression all secondary guns were still uncontrollable.
>tfw Brit tanks looks so good but are apparently shit
I want a Cent 7/1 so badly.
it points in the same direction as the other gun though, also it hasn't been released

a bunch of videos of it are on youtube
>WGNA shits out a new update for console tanks
>the damage standing stat for exactly ONE of my tanks is now missing
>Was closing in on my second mark, now have no idea what I am or where I am heading in my AMX 30

Holy shit this is a recurring bug since November of last year at the least. Why does this keep happening.
Goy toon from last night


I have faced those in the game, people have them

I've run into platoons of them on NA
Thread is kill
screenshot or it didnt happen. Literally everywhere on the internet it says it hasnt been released, probably because it would be OP as fuck
They might be a console player. It was released a bit over a year ago maybe? for a limited time. It used to be more common but I seem them less and less.
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I just want WoT with modern tanks but Final Fire and AW are ded.
why can't tanks be priced like the cdc
They are selling the Type-62 light tank in blitz, is it a good tank?
special camo included comrade, very good deal :^)
I wish they'd give another tier 8 pref mm prem for $30 like the fuckin superpershing, that deal is great
Hey /wotg/.
I've recently started this game and want to go up German Mediums and eventually get the Leopard.
Is this a viable choice or it suffering?
I would suggest Russian heavies to start.

Practice up to KV-1 1S and KV-2 so you can learn the game.

Those tanks are really forgiving.
it's not a viable choice and it is indeed suffering

No thank you.

What are the downsides and why?
The kind of engagements a leopard is good with do not often occur in world of tanks maps and you will typically find yourself trying to improvise, that said I really love my leopard 1. the problem is that the tanks before it up until the pta are not very good. The tier 1-5 are pretty good, but you get through them quickly. The tier 6 and 7 are bad, the tier 8 is mediocre. Throughout the entire line above tier 6 you have to deal with awful stock grinds, the tier 9's stock grind is also very painful.
Then don't fucking ask. Fuck off nigger.
It's a low armor mobile line, which is basically the hardest thing for a new player to play.
yes you will get the 20dg gun depression
the map meta has changed back to the old days of mostly brawling around chokepoints etc. so having some useable armor is rather important

if you want to go german, choose the E-50 line instead, both the tier 8 is fine and the tier 9/10 are great
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>panther 2 is fine
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curses not work on chaika
would rather play the Panther 2 than the Indien, just seems to work better for me
Please don't kill me mum.
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So hows the Skorpion lads?
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secret club.jpg
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for the lewds
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lolis are for headpats.

but it is ok when they are lewd sometimes
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what sort of organization does a clan that can't win anything need anyways haha
we have 60% win rate in CW for the past month :3
I just saw burble guy in a Skorpion get one shot by a M12 2 minutes in the game, looks good
You are an ass.
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>11 defeats in a row and chill and game gives you this look
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>13 defeats in a row later
remember goyim, if you say this game is rigged you're a tin foil hat wearing 9/11 conspiracy theorist type of crazy person
proper bump
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Better bump

Go to bed Rev.
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>tfw youre just waking up and the nostalgia hits you
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listen here goyim.jpg
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>fair and balanced
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>tier +2 games
>ping goes all over fucking place
>sea of red
>bouncing clear shots
>getting penned by most retarded shit

It's like a cataclysm
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when you see the impending doom but the gods have other plans for you
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>[GuP] normies get so triggered they have to shut down the NSFW channel and make 2 separate ones.
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ss (2016-08-18 at 01.38.17).jpg
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i guess its okay
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who og scorpion here
gotta say the money making on the scorpion g is absolutely crazy
Why do you guys give money to them?
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I must say I am stunned and disgusted by the victim blaming directed at artillery victims in the wot community. No I was not asking for it!
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>when grinding 75k exp goes smoothly
>3k damage on lower tiers - 1337 exp
>3.9k damage on what looks like at least equal tiers - 697 exp

ummm what
its disgusting how patriarchal the wot community is
every second game i get rape threats directed against my mother
why doesnt WG stop misogynist behaviour?
its 2016
its time to step up to rape culture and start teaching men not to rape
It was a draw, therefore, both teams lost.
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I'm a consumerist slut with too much money to spend

send help
I thought the vk28 was great after playing the vk leo
Complete pile of shit that was.
you talking shit about my tankfu? ill beat you the fuck up faggot
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can someone translate
40 years old guy
they are the worst when they say "kid" at the end of every chat entry
"well played my friend"
Have you heard of Google Translate?
early bumb with dank music

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I trust your experience. I don't have a premium account, and I will need the crew for the 50 100 anyway so I wouldn't be running the 50 B before September or so.
New swedish tier 10 heavy might shit on both the 50B and the 57, so I wouldn't recommend it
if you farm hard you might be able to buy it before the discount ends, without selling half your garage
did you clear your depot from old modules?
>7 losses in a row
is mm rigged?
if it was there wouldn't be streaks
Then why do I never go on a 7 win streak?
maybe you're bad@tanks
13/15 here
git gud scrubshitlord
>New swedish tier 10 heavy might shit on both the 50B and the 57
I'm fully expecting this to happen, due to the skoda's.

I thought it ended on monday. Pretty sure I won't be able to. I suck at mid tiers.

Yes, right click on the tech tree, I already used this joker card before.
Except my win rate is 49.5%
so like I said
Don't talk shit
just talking straight
Are you in a clan? If so run a bunch of strongholds in a type 64 or any fast tank.
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where my unigum friends with over 5,000% winrate at
What's your win rate?
GUP SHITS get out reeeeee
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positive vibes n shieet
GUP is a reddit clan and belongs on reddit.
but GUP was born on /a/
Oddball is not an autistic girl
Did they fuck
Oddball and Kelly? most def
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Eternal reminder
No the little anime girls get fugged by big white tankers
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1 site for weeaboos.jpg
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Eternal reminder.
>go to weeaboo website
>complain about weeaboos
report the autists
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really makes u think
>be autismal shitfaced neckbeard
>expect everyone to tolarate your retardness
>visit /asp/ for the first time
>second thread i see is about kung-fu
i think its 16 boards now
also /mlp/ is basically the same concept but with a western cartoon
>be autismal shitfaced neckbeard
>attentionwhore all day on a website made for people you don't like
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1MB, 1920x1080px
who "good goy" here?

>tfw rocked them like a hurricane
>people talking about tanks in a tank game general
>weebniggers come and post their autistic discussion about their borderline pedophile animu preferences
>people who want to stay on tank discussion are attention whoring

weebfags being idiots yet again
This tbqh fám
>wahhh stop talking sense
nice made up story!
>tank game
Yotsuba isn't weeb
>Chinese martial art >weeb
You just rusing ich?
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gup WoT sleepover.jpg
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let's talk about World of Tanks
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> tfw you actually stop playing this shit game
> you find a random tinder slut
> you proceed to have sex
> better than any Ace Tanker or WoT game I have ever had

please lads...be a chad.
Which Anime Mod is your favorite?
all asians are the same except for the indians
indians are just a shittier copied version of sandniggers
Pretty much this
Kys gup shit
the Ankou team Panzer IV H remodel!
kys dead shit
Get ouuut
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make me
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fuck you, you fucking cunt.
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All smiles here bro. Just had sex. Felt so good :^)
>implying you ever got a ace tanker greg
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thats just rude sir
Might have to cash in some good goy points on this one.
That was the only game I played in it, but it was fun. Dont fall for the "Pay2Win, dat is OP tank" meme though, if you get spotted you get punished for existing.
A skorp on the enemy team that game died withing half a second of getting spotted from full hp.
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>when the x5 kicks in
thanks WG!
Also M4 45 and A44 make a killer combo
Its being really hyped up at the minute but you must remember its huge as fuck with 30mm of armour, poor camo and bad ground resistance.

Do you want to pay £34 to camp harder than a boy scout?
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Free gold never.png
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Who else sucks at tier 10 gameplay?
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Well I'm too lazy to grind a real rhimby, I only have to grind 2 hours at work for that.
>BlitzBambino swearing on stream
The foch really isn't for you is it?
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Platoon power kicks in one again.
I despise everything about that tank currently.
What the heck even happened? he is chatting to some random german guy
that guy in churchill III covered him with his hp when qb was tracked

>mfw qb puts so much effort into pronouncing german tanks right and with that retarded RRRRR, meanwhile his german is literally trash
Maybe we should all protect QB for free tanks.
damn QB's girl is a QT

Tier 3 or 4 prem?
Tier 2
Guns are the only good thing about it
Armor is worse than tier 1s
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Apart from the gun (which the tank could never have fitted) the Strv m/42 is looking pretty good
so I guess it will be a free garage slot
Is it still an auto loader? the skoda t25 is annoying enough as it is.
it's gonna be a limited time event like football, they won't be giving anything permanent
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>chink IS-2 top turret adds nothing of value but removes a small weakspot and adds 50 hitpoints
Isn't not worth getting it, isn't it ?
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>not keeping t2 tanks for the purpose of larping
>not shooting your entire scout cars clip into destructible buildings and imagining the horror of the soldiers who were cowering inside them
i guess normies will never know the deeply profound joys of imagination
>live action role playing

I play this game cause I like tanks, not dicks up the ass
Do it. 50 hitpoints doesn't sound like much but it can save your ass quite frequently. No reason not to get it anyway.
> huge head
> little body

jesus that tank looks awful.
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You look awful

It looks like someone chopped the back end of it off.
>triple periscope
swedes confirmed for ayylmaos
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there are more pics here
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looks like a concept from that m113 gavin retard
That's a rangefinder
what equipment for IS ?
Not dolan but rammer, vents, gld/your choice
rammer, vents and a 3rd thing... duh
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atleast the machinegun makes sense on this tank
how are ppl supposed to shoot the mg of the fv304 forward
got rammer/vents/gld but god I fucking wish I could swap gld for optics sometimes. Getting out spotted by tier VI mediums is fucking suffering
Wargaming things
In reality it would be on a swivel mount or aa mount
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and remember not to fall for the 6th sense meme :^)
Oh god, here we go again
Why aren't there a group of refugees squatting in front of the entrance?
Not very representative of Germany, triggered
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>even copied the ammo loadout right
nyet, i'll keep my crutches. MOEZ™ soon, just got this bitch today
godspeed my white friend
>taking advise from a blue reroll on crew skills
baka desu faam
http://www.noobmeter.com/player/eu/loituma/500212111/ :^)
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>14 minutes and the only reply i got is from someone outside of the clan
truly these are the endtimes
only a matter of time till the rest of this corpse of a clan has rotten away
Make a NA account and join GOYIM :^)

we are open to EU refugees as long as they don't bring their cuckoldry
That's pre-wipe stats
Don't be rude goyim, Nofun are your family
i take a ded clan over a ded server
made unicum solo back with +/-3 mm and no prem ammo for credit, just goes to show how valuable my advice is :^)
Post your current stats
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How do you average 2500wn8, I struggle with 2000 lmao
smile and be yourself, it works for me
I don't smile and being yourself can get you put in prison
>being yourself can get you put in prison
moms gonna freak
As I said, blue.
you'll get there one day :^)
Already there, thanks for the consideration though
Lmao gup poster on suicide watch, blue is a nice colour though
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don't flatter yourself
too easy
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whats the matter with normies and their 3 letter abreviations
kys,Senpai,Tbh,lol,kek and the list goes on
i mean get creative it isnt that hard tbqh
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daily raindeer
>3 letters
i typed F a m
the gay word filter caught me off guard
Wargaming booths are completely dead at Gamescom with everyone checking out War Thunder

the end is getting closer bros..
nice. Whenever wargaming get's competition we get a special shower
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Cosplay at gamescom
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botesslut best slut
>peppy developing brit accent

oh gosh ;3
>just wearing leather jackets and hats
really good "cosplay" its prostitution
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When you're teamkilled minutes in and that's your 5x for the day
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> first game in rheinmetal skorpion
> literally everyone playing it
> get Ace Tonk.
> get TD 15 mission I never thought id get
>tfw youre a hopeless romantic in the modern world
Yeah, Gaijin brough anctaul SU-100 to their gamescon
fuck those sluts. I want the tank!!
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>Tshirt available only in: L, XL, XXL
pursuid of burger :-DDDDD
it's an easy ace atm tbqh
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wew lads
>no playable PC access cause moving
>only first 500
>kinda want the shirt
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773KB, 2936x3000px
They uploaded the 3000x3000 pixel file. You can simply print your own shirt.
why would I do that?

Earning it makes it special, If I make the shirt than it's just a shitty shirt
>Earning it makes it special
>Do 1500 damage 30 times in a tank where teal shitters manage 2.5k+ average
it's a race you dip. running isnt hard either, how fast you run is what matters
>I'm merely pretending to be retarded
>I dont understand what's happening at all
>better make a meme quote that doesn't make sense
I refuted the shit out of you and you come back with this garbage.

You don't deserve this mediocre shirt.
Will Wargaming ever fix XVM sniping?
during the cyprus thingy there was some talk about disabling player data reading for enemy teams which would prevent xvm for showing stats of enemies
>finally decide to use some reserves
>every game lags the fuck out at the start



are you ok?
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Why do people still block their names?
>He doesn't know
congrats you just wasted half an hour of your life instead of masturbating
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>replying to a post from 7 hours ago
Maybe he reads the entire thread?
you stupid motherfucker turrets give you better gun stats
Doesn't change the fact that he's still retarded for replying to a 7 hour old post.
stupidest post itt
if you come to na I will play tanks with you every day ich, I am your biggest fan
who is more retarded, the person who replied to a 7 hour post (considering the poster he responded too is likely still here, we're all autists with nothing better to do) or the person who took the time to call the person responding to a 7 hour post a retard?

The answer: the person who responded to the person calling a person a retard for responding to a 7 hour post.
what's wrong with that?
but i could become clan commander on eu
i could remove all the undesirables from the clan
Fuck off, i'm his greatest fan.

also i'm in nofun but nobody would suspect it's me
Ok cipher
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>Current EU Events
>Just offering free garage spaces, can't even be bothered to bundle a shitty T2 prem with them any more

Wargaming need to be more subtle about the fact they just don't care any more.
they gave out the T-45 2 weeks ago
>he jacks off in less than 30 minutes
>he doesnt edge himself for hours to blow a massive load

what a casual
any weebs left in nofun? when are you guys joining GUP?
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>this challenge
>in this td


can ironic weebs join
If you removed the undesirables who would be the leader after you removed yourself?
i did
nice job outing yourself as an undesirable that probably isn't even in nofun
reminder that this fag threw a game because "my mom was talking to me" and we had to drag his ass back in the campaign to carry him to a Chieftain
Fuck off
wake up call: nofun isn't playing in any campaigns any time soon, so it doesn't really matter if he's not good or throws games
i didnt throw a game cuz my mum was talking to me
i was black out drunk
take your own advice :^)
nigga I'm aware
that's not what you said at the time you lying shit
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>nofun isn't playing in any campaigns any time soon

is dolan not coming back?
Why should I? Why can't you stop obsessing about NOFUN and whether or not they will join GUP? Let them decide for themselves
buy me a Skorpion and I will :^)
I'm just looking out for the people I like, what are you gonna do about it faggot?
Fuck off
i never threw a campaign match cuz my mom was calling
maybe some less important strongholds shit
stay mad useless faggot :^)
there was one game where you drove straight in the open and died, gave some weird reason and disappeared for a day or two then Alan and me had to drag your ass back in

do you like me dolan
Haha useless, nice insults
>there was one game where you drove straight in the open and died
I remember this, the poor faggot got tracked in the middle of the road to the usual heavy blob spot and got fucking wrecked.

Not that's funny.
thats because i was black out drunk
and because of embarassment i stopped playing
>too embarassed to play a casual game meant for 30something year old russian dads
absolutely beta

I drove off a cliff the other night trying to land on an OI missed and died during a stronghold.

Who gives a shit?
are you saying you're not useless? or just crying about it?
ok, same result though
Dunno, pretty weird to insult people you don't know
i was fairly new and it seemed to me like cw was a big deal
i dont like being a burden to others
>3x75k xp until Monday for a garage slot
Really WG? How do you even do it without premium?
you're a literal who crying because I'm giving an opportunity to whatever few active players are left in a dead clan to move to an active one, I don't think I'm far off the mark when I call you a useless faggot
It's shameless recruiting and seems like you want nofun to die
Might wanna stop being immature too, do you talk to your mother like that
>It's shameless recruiting
damn right it is, what I don't quite understand is why you're so insistent on keeping people in an inactive clan
>seems like you want nofun to die
it did that perfectly fine on its own
>do you talk to your mother like that
if my mother had the misfortune to be as fucking stupid as you I probably would
Grow up, the past is the past
no idea what you're on about
Guess that means you are a stupid faggot to coin the term
wow you're stupid
Reminder that GUP is literally a reddit clan recruiting on 4chan of all things. BAKA
daily reminder that you all should just join QSF
if you weren't so useless people wouldn't be leaving and me encouraging them to join GUP would do fucking nothing, your problems start with yourself so stop crying like a little bitch every time I post
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Daily reminder that all these reddit tier clans need to get the fuck out.
suck some more reddit dick faggot
Who the fuck are you nigger haha
Must be surprising more than 1 person thinks you are a cunt right?
ok kid :^)
you know who I am, why don't you introduce yourself?
>paranoid GUP posters
I'm laughing
>clanleader is a well known forumfaggot and reddit trash
>we're not reddit guys
kill yourself
I'm jingles :) who are you?
>tell people they can join
>one or two fags lose their shit over spilled milk
>start projecting
stay mad :^)
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I want this on my tank.
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thats a nice gondola
mind if i save it
B2 Reddit, it seems to suit the way you post
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It's Spurdo. Not Gondola.
quality comebacks as always, one can only wonder what you would come up with if there wasn't the eternal reddit boogeyman. maybe something along the lines of cuck? the possibilities boggle the mind!
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You are a cuck.

You said it and I wasn't going to haha checkmate autist
Seem a bit paranoid there, kid
THis image will never stop being funny
why are you replying to your own post?
i-i knew that
do you think i dont know my memes
i was just pretending to trick the reddit fags
stop implying that i visit reddit
i know all the underground memes
i have all the rarest pepes
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you're awful at throwing shit, you should focus your energy on reviving the clan you cry so much for :^)
ok senpai
you don't even know who I am
doesn't matter one bit, does it?
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Not really, can you post some more memes please
anyway, now that this fag has gone full circle, like I was saying there's still room in GUP if you're an active weeb who wants to do more than platooning with your clan
You should go full circle into killing yourself
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got a problem?
someone gas this thread asap
Why did dolan turn into such a fag, he used to be such a cool guy
I haven't changed one bit :3
wanna talk about it?
He turned into a bully :(
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chat shit get banged
>come to tanks thread
>want tankes
>see clam drama memes
>be in two 4chin clams and not have drama

How do these meme lords manage to get so mad over nothing?

Btw plz post comfy game results for me to look at while i cant play tanks fir the next two days :3
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>not botting the thread to the bump limit first
fucking casual
>falling for it
this thread is full of faggot drama.

fuck that shit i am purging this nigger.
what makes you think the next one will be any different?
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get your x5 i said
>empty mid on prokorovka
>top tiers TKing each other
>JPE100 solo pushing TD land
funny pictures for my internet friends))
A man can dream cant he?
wrong website buddy, I'll redirect your
reminder that [GUP] was born on /a/
that explains it.

that general is rife with shit posting and newfag waifu wars.

Kinda why I stopped going.
Just because something is born on 4chan doesn't mean it's can't be reddit.
it's fine i'm friends with the future commander of nofun
peri inu
Who is that?
>more than platooning with your clan

thats pretty lewd
Is this a who's who of the barely blue club?
How do you make an ign ?
By joining GUP
give me an ign and we'll talk.
if youre on na i would go with mike_chesterfield
this way everybody knows youre a true american
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it's my fav 5
>tfw you fell for the 5x weekend meme
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>clubbing scorpions
thread is asleep
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Ford 3-ton M1918.jpg
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when you and your plsgo friends get put into different battles
dont you mean TYR?
>average 2 kpg and 3.5k wn8
>40% wr
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
>sit in the back and farm the tanks that push after your team has lost

more like die 2 minutes into the 3 minute loss
no mum kill pls
Thread posts: 714
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