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World of Tanks General /wotg/

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Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 145

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>Best Clam Edition



>where do i find platoons
join the /vg/ channel and beg for friends
or the teamspeak at thedigit.net
1st for anime
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Eternal reminder
baka desu senpai
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This post reminded me, can someone repost the torrent link with everything GuP ep/movie etc.?
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Why do you have so few t10 tanks senpai?
this? http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=760950
there's no movie though, but just search for it on nyaa
>Come to take a look at the generals after two months
>It's nothing but GUP and plsgo WN8 blogging
Welp I guess we're done here.
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That's the one, thanks anon.
Another yellow peasant gone, nice!
>b-but it's the teams I swear
I-is WoT dead?
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dutch tanks 2017 XDDDD
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Fair and Balanced
We're just enjoying SKORPION MADNESS
Any tips for AMX M4?
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>tfw no British gf
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If anyone of you fags are gonna give WG sheckles save yourself a couple dollars by buying giftcards from raise
>burger king voucher redeems tank
Fucking what?
select openbucks payment type and you just put in the code they email you, it says voucher but its the same as a giftcard
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The chinese mediums have quite thick guns
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Time to claim your tankfus

claimed best tank
record so far is 14 skorpions in a game.
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>not having only scorpions on your team
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I miss the good old /wotg/ days...
How the fuck do I do damage
click on the enemy tanks
click on the red tanks
How do I do more damage
click more often on the red tanks
click more often on the enemy tanks
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>swedish tanks coming

also ghost shells confirmed
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beware of slippery rocks
was the rock ok?
It was lubed up real good and I was gentle.

>WoT today
>not available in your country
>not having the song automatically playing in your head upon seeing the name
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>tfw the scorpion made me fall in love at first sting
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I'm almost at my limit now.

Please help. What should I do in this tank?
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I liked the AMX M4. Play it like a support behind the other heavies and punish enemies that overextend.
Remember that you're quite fast so you can relocate where you are needed.
If you're top-tier vs lots of lower tier tanks you can play more like regular heavy.
>you're quite fast

35 km/h with high terrain resistance.
just farm damage like a pussy and enjoy the wn8 padding
upgrade the engine asap and stop driving in swamps
So I managed to hook a friend into the game (yes, I am satan) and he is kinda overwhelmed by everything. I can't remember how I learned all that shit myself, but is there some (somewhat) up to date video on all the important mechanics?

I know QB sometimes talks about how camo works and stuff but
a) QB is a faggit, and
b) it so spread out and impossible to find
its all in the wiki
camouflage mechanics are still the same
just search for what you want
>wot bush mechanic
>wot camo mechanic
>wot spotting mechanic

and why dont you like QB?
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Do you actually like QB?
Answer the question.
His fake personality he puts on for his videos is.. off putting. Also he clearly doesn't want to do what he does for a living. Dunno why he thought going full stream is a good idea a few years back.
>fake personality
>clearly doesn't want to do what he does for a living
I never noticed any of that. Then again I dont watch his streams, just youtube.
Is AMX 50 100 worth it?
Tbh i cant blame anybody for being awkward/ having to hide their awkwardness during streams
most of the time nothing out of the ordinary happens and there is only so much stuff to talk about before it gets repetitive
If you know how to and like playing support, yes.
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Dude this thing is a monster. What are you complaining about? the only thing bad is the armour and thats solved by using corners and angling just like you would in the IS or IS 2.

Your high pen lets you fight tier 8 heavies from the front and gives you a fighting chance against tier 9s as well. The mobility is also pretty good.

The tank also works well with a high alpha platoon mate as you fill each other's weak points.. Me and my bro roll with him in the A44 and me in this and unless we are bottom tier we do pretty well.
>it's a team rushes cap for your first x5 win episode
Nippy newborn is actually quite good sometimes. He delivers a lot of information on new tanks and general play tips and is a pretty good guy to his fans.

Like everyone he has flaws which are making videos too long by going over nearly every single stat of the tanks and being overly judgemental of people's play style in replays he sends in.
>pull a high cailibur game
>get one shot of before getting oneshot by arty
>lol here is your 5x 100xp
Such is the world of tanks life.
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>get ace tanker game
When does the Skorpocalypse end? It's getting irritating.
>2 more weeks left
yeah nah we're fucked for a while
>not enjoying getting fucked by downtiered Grille 15 with full turret traverse
perhaps you should buy one as well tovarish))))))))))
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>For courage resistance ;_;
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I want a tank with auutoloader. Currently looking at AMX 50 100 and AMX 13 90.

In your opinion, which one is better/more fun?
>Clip every equal tier heavy you see
>fighter harder opponents with a worse gun and less hit points and 13km/h more speed

Up to you mate
13 90 if you like scouting
How do I keep my WN8 at 1488?
What about T69?
Keep playing well.
it's alright
definitely the 13 90, more hp to farm, better camo, smaller tank, etc
But 1390 has better camo and reload quicker
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czech autoloaders are more fun
Stop playing
1390. Zoom around like an annoying little cunt and blast your entire clip into distracted enemies, then drive off into the sunset as they curse autoloaders.
It barely has any advantages over the 50 100 except 3 more degrees of gun depression and has a worse gun. speed is the same too.
it's not even comparable to the 50 100, it has 4 shells in the drum, fast interdrum reload and much faster drum reload
Get both, don't be lazy.
The T69 clip does half the damage of the 50 100 magazine meaning you have to load another magazine to do the same damage as the 50 100.

it takes the 50 100 10.92 seconds to kill an IS-3
It takes the T69 35.89 seconds to kill an IS-3

plus the 50 100 has excellent pen. The T69 is an inferior tank.
>implying it doesnt take twice as long to empty the 50 100
>implying you always can just sit there and dump it all
My calculation are based on both tanks having a full magazine loaded encountering the rear of an IS-3 so all shells pen. Encountering an IS-3 head on will still allow the AMX 50 100 to kill the IS-3 taking only 1 shot of damage in return or 2 if the 50 100 misses/bounces a shot. The T69 would take at least 3 shots of damage in a head on engagement.

The logic is sound but if that isn't enough here are the average damage stats per tank. The superior tank is clear.

T69 - 969.96
AMX 50 100 - 1,183.67
you're calculations are irrelevant and your logic retarded because that wont be thesituation even half the fucking time
One tank does more damage on average its not gonna be the worse of the 2 mate. The data is there check vbaddict for more if you want. The T69 performs poorer than the 50 100 apart from doing slightly less spotting damage.
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>it's better in this one situation therefore it's better in every situation cus i said so
these aren't accurate
Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.
>In WoT you win the game by damaging the enemy.
>The tank that does the most damage is the best performing tank that match and hence gets the most credits and XP excluding premium bonuses.
>the 50 100 does more damage than the T69
put the 2 together and work it out.

How so? by all means provide me with a difference source of information
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>Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.

>T69 has 100 more DPM

get fucked, cunt

T69 does less damage but has higher win rate

>Look at the fucking damage you damn retard.
>In WoT you win the game by damaging the enemy.
that's dumb
You sure are a toxic asshole senpai
You are telling me to base results on 456 battles rather than the average of 10s of thousands? Did you do statistics on maths at high school?

Shame it has 50 less pen so you arn't even gonna pen all your shots.

If you want to a medium with a worse gun performs better than a heavy that goes as fast as said medium with better gun you can but you are only fooling yourself.
He puts on a fake personality, lots of streamers do like total biscuit and lirik. They'd be boring otherwise
QB is much worse. You can tell that he genuinely doesn't enjoy streaming.
>456 battles
are you pretending?
Circon is even worse, he was forcing himself to play wows last night like he does every day
QB is making good money, definitely in top 20 earners on twitch, his sub count seems low compared to his viewer count but he's a shameless cunt with sponsorship from g2a :)
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is it worth my shekels?
is it better than an IS-3 to farm credits?
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are you for real? just stop posting, please. you're fucking retarded. your logic is flawed and your "statistics" is based on a fucking tiny fraction of all battles.

>Shame it has 50 less pen so you arn't even gonna pen all your shots.
you're never going to pen all shots no matter what tank you have.

I could argue that you should just flank enemies with T69 instead.

It all comes down to individual playstyle and if you can actually dump the whole magazine without getting killed first.
Apparently it's one of the best money makers in the game.
enjoy the arty
another dumbo who doesn't understand it's the average number of battles
Naw no arty. Just a T49 will fuck up your day. and I'm the T49 :^)
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says the mongoloid that base his whole argument around killing an IS-3 with a single magazine
not that other guy, in fact scroll up a bit and you'll see he's as dumb as you
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yeah completely ignore playstyle and player preference and force everyone to play the same tank because MUH DAMAGE
You guys are a bit aggressive for a debate, educate yourselves
why do you keep arguing with the wrong person?
because you bring up retarded points
such as?
>another dumbo who doesn't understand it's the average number of battles
this is completely fucking irrelevant to the discussion because of what i said earlier
Is GUP shitposting again? Smh
way to miss the point
what was your point then?
vbaddict stats are not accurate, actual stats show that the 50 100 has higher average damage and lower win rate than T69, therefore saying "you win by doing damage" is stupid and saying the 50 100 is way superior is also stupid

basically I was agreeing with you but god damn learn to fucking read
best t8 prem to buy with -15%?
then why the fuck did you call me dumb if you agreed with me?
agreeing on one point doesn't mean you're not dumb on another
Best T8 is the T34, the US heavy. Second best is either the CDC or the IS-6.
please tell me why i'm dumb/which point of mine that's dumb
failing to read a website and drawing wrong conclusions because you thought it didn't support your argument
fair enough.
You are all dumb, fuck off
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>claim Your tankfu
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>that kid who's obsessed with GUP
>install new mod that lets you adjust vertical lead of targets
>kill ppl behind cover using my 105 derp
Tbh i think vertical shot adjustment might be cheating
>that kid who can't type a sentence without using an insult
got him
>active a bunch of 1hr reserves
>six losses in a row

ha ha :^)
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>adjust vertical lead
>kill ppl behind cover
Source for that mod?
Isn't it called autoaim?
Howitzers are to a certain degree so you can loop it over low cover to kill people. The most notable examples are the 2 british ones.
that's just adjusting your camera angle, not the fucking lead.

wot battle assistant

and it's legal
I have no idea what he meant by lead but I'm assuming its using the arcing mechanic to the same effect.
Is GUP a wotlabs or Reddit clan?
it takes the distance of the tanks and adjusts your aim for that distance
then you aim a bit over the cover and you hit
Currently at the gamescom wg booth and holy shit are here many 12-14 year olds. I knew it's kinda bad, but seeing them in action hurts me.
yeah that's aim assist/aimbot and illegal
Why arn't you picking up cutie nerds with your tank knowledge?
someone explained it here >>152243606
take pictures!
So Reddit, explains the memes
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so this just happend...
you seem very knowledgeable about all things reddit so I'll trust you on this :^)
I wish they had a mod to disable the game automatically calculating shell drop for you, but that's probably server side and would be a hack.
It's a fucking pain to lead targets moving laterally at fast speeds while having to compensate for the game automatically compensating the shell drop for you.
It's just so fucking backwards. It's especially impossible to hit anything if there's no land behind your target like you're aiming upwards at the skybox.
but i still have to manually aim
you can use autoaim for that since it adjusts your aim for the distance by default but its aiming at the center of mass so you cant aim for the turret and therefore cover you can shoot over has to be more shallow
it just fixes the problem of you not being able to lead shots if youre aiming at the sky or things that are much further behind
>implying that would work
I'm not knowledgeable enough for that >>152244613
My phone camera is pretty shitty, maybe later
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Do you wanna join GUP? You seem to like good quality memes, come join us :)
>it just fixes the problem of you not being able to lead shots if youre aiming at the sky or things that are much further behind
ooooooohhh now i get it. i fucking hate that "feature". link mod please?
woah. that's some major glitchery. should probably make a support ticket
>implying wg isnt trying to ban me
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Your webm ended so fast I don't even know wtf happened.
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Proper maintenance is important.
how long will you be asshurt about GUP? be honest
oh my sides
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How long will you be asshurt about nofun? Be honest
its called balcalcmod in my modpack
its probably short for ballistics calculation mod so maybe try searching that
or you download the omc modpack like i did
that mod is shit
You tell me buddy
if I had a problem with nofun I wouldn't tell my old clan mates to come join me in GUP :^)
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How is this even possible?
Ok kid, why did you crash the clan?
there's actually deep water near the south base around some rocks
it was part of his plan
hes a big guy
that's not how you spell carried for 8 months
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I think there is a bit here that is just deep enough to drown in.
you are a small guy
Cause i suck at grinding tanks and playing them. Also to shit to get cw reward tanks.
not for you :^)
Gamescom accounts are op, all vehicles available, gold and credits en mass, all crews are fully trained, my e25 fucker hat 7 skills and you can load full premium shells, because why not
The rhm Skorpion was missing though, weirdly enough, or it wasn't properly listed and i just didn't find it
Did you leave any survivors?
This is no different from every American tank show, e3, Gamescom, and tankfest wargaming have been to. It's been like this for several years senpai
roughly the same amount as when I got the clan
Adding to this, it really depends how desperate and bored you are to wait in a queue to play these accounts for over an hour easily, all for a fucking t shirt
I'd rather spend convention time actually seeing everything
Why did you crash the clan?
see >>152245672
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you all cowards don't even dynamic
of course it was a fucking draw
Dead though
left it just like I found it :^)
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the only thing that can stop a jpeg 100 is a t95
he bounced the crucial shot with his autopen heat rounds on my mantlet
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wait nvm posted too soon
>you ain't seen shit until you've two story tall houses duking it out with howitzers
Was it painful?
this is the only rental thats really tempting, this thing is fun as hell
Is there a single thing that IS-4 can do better than IS-7?
>fun as hell
face it, it's OP
for you
Yeah, it dies quicker so you waste less time playing this shit game.
Seriously stop at ST-I
Don't fall for it. It's clearly a significant case of power creep. They're waiting to make a few million from sales before they nerf it in to the ground. It isn't going to be a 59 or a 25, they'll leave it in the store. It'll just be nerfed to shit.
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>tfw wg released a good premium
>tfw still dont get to test this tank against regular t2 matchups
powercreep how? the only thing special about it is the speed
I don't understand how that shit passed through testers in first place. When we received first footage of CDC in action it had russian medium like terrain resistance, damn thing was a hovercraft and of course it was nerfed before it even reached the store. This thing however. what the hell ? Did they only let paraplegic retards test it ?
>whats so special about down tiered Grille 15, with less alpha and full turret traverse
literally nothing I guess
>too many fucking skorpions
>start driving my t49 and arty only
God do I hate it when high alpha tanks go on rental. I thought everybody having access to the SU-100Y was bad enough, but the Skorpion as well makes it terrible. It's like every team just has 5 Rhms and they basically always pen because 128mm gun. I just hate this so much.
>down tiered Grille 15
shit meme
>enemy team has a gamescom account in a 268
>he's afk
>20mm less penetration and 240 less damage in exchange for better reload
>400dpm difference
>similar gun handling
>only real difference is in mobility because it gets worse p/w ratio and somewhat worse terrain resistance
now compare it to other tier 8 TDs
still shits on everything that has fully™ traversable turret
>inb4 comparing tanks that have turret to """""""""""""tanks""""""""""" that don't
only in speed and base accuracy
Check the image
It's a damn bug
The projectile doesn't fire from the barrel but slightly to the side of it
WG dun goofed with the new tank
So it's basically an upgunned and faster Charrioter which by itself it just grossly upgunned tier VIII medium (comet with L7)
sounds fair and balanced
When's the new French T8 heavy premium coming out? I loved the M4 45.
higher alpha with 22 less pen and a whole 500 less shell velocity is hardly upgunned. higher top speed but shittier ground resistance and power/weight

just cherry picking stats and crying powercreep
cromwell* please get it right
>people whiteknighting panther with 12.8cm gun
>/wotg/ arguing weather a GERMAN tank is OP
what is this 2014, feels like waffle E 100 all over again
>implying it isn't powercreep
just look at all those turreted, high mobility TDs that are in the game WHOLE none of it
It's an obscenely high mobility turreted TD, something that has never existed before outside of the Hellcat. And it trades off precisely nothing for that speed. It's OP.
Isn't Skorpion just a slightly better Borsig?
at least grind to Charrioter is suffering so it's pretty uncommon tank, this bitch however... well you already know
>R.I.P NA and its rental function, I bet tier VIII is very playable and pleasant at the moment
it has one unusual attribute (barely, since the Charioteer exists). sick powercreep
>60 km/h with shit ground resistance
>0 armor, weak camo, shit dispersion values
>trades nothing
Charioteer is uncommon because it's not particularly good
>Start tanking now! Use invite code "QUICKYBABY4WOT" to get a T-127 with a 100% crew, 500 gold, 7 days premium, and a gun laying drive!
>it can be compared to whole 1 (one) tank
>therefore it's not powercreep
only premium tank of its kind but lets ignore that
so far, shits sells like hot cakes
On the subject of the British turreted TD line, they should replace the Challenger with the Avenger? Why may you ask?
Simple, it's shorter being a comet hull, the turret is also shorter and it looks good
Am I a better balance expert than WG has?
I guess it doesn't work for active accounts right?
>still cherry picking stats
>ayatollah tanks
lmao nope, WG hates brits
its an invite code
ok then, post other turreted premium TDs
>arty one shots me out of nowhere because I broke a fence near the bush I parked in
good shit
>it's unique so it's powercreep!
Makes me cry everyday
QB is literally our guy...
Good. Stop camping fag.
I remember when invite codes used to work for active players. Discounts were better then too.
Checking in after a month of not playing. Are WoT random battles still hot garbage? Is the game still dying?
I need the new line too. It'll be fun to have armor for once.
Yes and no, it's stagnating badly but somehow not bleeding that many people
Some games just have unreasonable longevity, and WoT is a very prominent example.
I agree, it needs an overhaul at this point
Yeah, fun as hell.
>not having a fun tank to jet around it blowing shit up regardless of how the match is going
Get an autoloader or a fast sanic tank or both.
I have plenty of those yet I haven't played in 2 months, it's just not rewarding or worth my time to be shat on consistently
Who cares about that, just go sanic fast at full speed never stopping and then blasting everything you come across. Then get in the next sanic/autoloader and repeat.
Heavy tank oob here what the fuck am i supposed to do when I`m only seeing impenetrable turrets?
kill yourself
load he and molest their turrets and break their guns
Polish tech tree when?
What do you guys think about Armoured Warfare?
dead game
deder than nofun
I like ww2 designs. Modern tank designs all look the fucking same everything is an mbt. Also fuck wheeled vehicles.
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2nd game in this beast, better get this 5x done before I have to leave in 20 minutes. Just carry goy
don't worry, it will get better once you get the tortoise
>Sawse heading down the tortoise line

Truly a man after my own heart.
>first shot
>engine dead
>second shot
>engine dead
perfect :) Atleast the tortoise has dpm and 400 alpha this pile of shit has nothing going for it.
sawse how does your new clan tolerate your autismal rage
cool stuff but very much dead, lasted for a bunch of decent months but in the end WoT with all it's failures and blatant jewing to me still is more enjoyable to play
Same way I tolerate your retarded comments, by not giving a fuck.
so salty lmao
>so salty and unpset he has beef with people
>waahhh lmao so salty
that would be you, stay upset nerd.
>so mad he cant even type properly

What's the best t8 premium to get at the moment? Preferrably a medium tank. Gotta take advantage of that huge 15% discount this weekend
Medium? Either t34-3 (kinda worthless because chinese tree is so small) or superpershing.
He has beef
Hmm really makes you think who he's talking about
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How do I Type 4? Seems like the response of every other tier IX and X heavy that spots me is to load the gold
>he fell for the goldbait meme

for what purpose
Should I get the m48 or the t54e1?
M48, you get more of a discount this weekend. (1mil for t10)
>first game of the day in T69
>do over 2900dmg
>most damage any player did that match

>second game
>do 89dmg
>5x XP =2800

my heart.... it fucking aches because of things like this
One is good and one leads to a tank which has been forgotten by WG
Which is which
I honestly don't know, the m48 looks kinda subpar though?
Which one is better for the money - T26E4 or T34?
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>Yuros are so lame they think sawse rage is bad
>implying anyone cares about yellow weeb burgers getting angry becuse theyre bad
>wargaming gives players a medium with a boomcannon
>they play it like a camping turretless td
m4 rev?
>no armor
>no hp
>no turret traverse
that's why
>no armor
more than the cdc

>no hp
~250 less than the average t8 medium

>no turret traverse
it's not that bad, especially for how good the gun is
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>Yuros are so lame they chose WoT as their serious competitive game
Is that Tommy Vercetti?
but na is irrelevant in like all vidya

theyre just twitch attention whores
NA is really big on train simulators and fishing games
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>trying to not buy the M4A1 Revalorisé because everyone bullies it
>i REALLY want to test it out because it seems like it would fit my playstyle (peek + shitfuck the faces of enemies with huge alpha)
>dont want a shit tank to just sit in my garage
remember you could be playing the E-75, VK45 B or ST-1 instead, then proceed to cry yourself to sleep
ravioli is pretty great desu

the reload is perfect for that alpha

by the time you reload youre unspotted and have time to aim again
How shit is it compared to Super Pershing and Panther 88?
if you don't care too much about the current discount, wait for the next public test
it is the best option for a huge alpha premium apart from the skorpion but dont get complacent and forget you have a tier 5 hull
>my younger cousin's friend won type59 in fastytoddlers giveaway
>fucking tomato 15 year old
dont have a panther88 but its waaaay ahead of spershing in terms of fun
the type 59 isn't even very good
Load HE, hit the gun. Odds are you won't do much damage, but you'll fuck up their gun eventually. They either repair it and lose their kit, or ignore it and whiff shots that may or may not turn the tide of the match. Just slang that HE shit at anything that looks important; tracks, vision blocks, hatches, guns, turret rings, whatever. Fuck it all up. Module damage is how you support your team when you aren't in a position to flank.
i know, and i dont even have anything past type t34 in chinese tree
but muh rare tanks

It was very fun, but it's dead as fuck. That's not a LMAO EBIN MEME statement, it's genuinely depopulated. I've tried to play it half a dozen times over the last few months and on each occasion i've been one of maybe five people in a PvP queue. PvE is still somewhat active, if that's your jam, but it's boring as fuck for most people.
Mate stop you are me want to buy it too.
Spersh or CDC.
M4A1 Refrigerator
Spend CW gold on STA-2 or M4 Rev, hmmm.
STA-2 is a TINY bit better STA-1 (maxed out)
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t. faggot
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SPIC a cute, CUTE!

Who SPIC here? It's better than I thought.
Low tiers were great because it took WoT and added more diversity to the classes and weaponry. Wheeled vehicles, missiles, machine guns, smokes, etc were fun and the classes had well defined roles. Arty wasn't shit, your crew and modules didn't get damaged to the point of crippling your tank, they didn't nickel and dime every feature.

But at higher tiers mbts were basically wot medium fast combined with nearly unpennable fronts. So tds and light tanks cant do shit unless they flank which doesn't happen because the mbts flock to close range choke points. And if you do manage to flank, you get 1 shot before the mbt can turn to face you and your chance to pen drops to near 0%. So t7 and t8 were shit and they decided rather than fixing the problems they should release t9 and t10 to further spread out the population. And the longer you wait in queues the more time you have to reevaluate why you are even playing so people quit making the queues longer so more people quit.

plus a bunch of other minor things that added up killed the population
>join GuP
>play first tier 6 tourney
>win with dolan and dullahan
i still remember how many niggers praised aw as wot killer when they havent even played it
>using the shit turret
>join clan with unigums
>get carried by unigums
>be pretentious normie that thinks this is a quality post its not
>be ich
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congrats on your first shot of damage :^)
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>tfw this will never be me
>tfw no social skills so I cant join
the graphics requirements locked out too many people for it to ever be a wot killer, but it would have been nice to have a decent competitor. They just failed monumentally because they listened to the community for design decisions.

There were players defending the stupidly strong armor on mbts because "if they fix the maps it will be fine"
>Implying clan isnt full of autist just like you.

If anything you should feel welcomed.
gup is actually full of kids spaming text based emotes like xD and :D
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wow what a shitty clam :^)
>GUP don't use their own ts
why are people shitposting about gup this time?
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Surely it was a good purchase
baited that exact post :^)
crybabies who cling to a dead clan
Doesn't GUP have a ts?
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>2nd match ace
Clearly it was :^)
we have 3
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are there any codes for gamescon i might have missed?
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>broken OP powercreep nazi race bunker breaking CW
oy vey

rebalance soon ))))
>only player to break 1500 damage as a t8 in a t10 match
Then there's no problem, thought you had no ts for a second
>commander has cat ears
first its 2d then its 2d girls larping as animals
after that the animal features start to take over
furries evolve
because furries have tails its not a long shot to "girls" with dicks
after that the dicks multiply
3 dicked "girls" are seen as erotic
the dicks evolve into tentacles and soon the "girls" become tentacle monsters
after this you reach the point of no return where no human features are discernible anymore
they devolve into more and more homogenous blobs over time until youre esentially masturbating to sentient jizz
then the jizz takes on a brown colour and devolves back to the most primitive rocky life form
now you reach the point where you masturbate to shit
always remember that masturbating to anime will eventually lead to you jacking off to pictures of shit
there is no exception

Attention whoring faggot.
Lmao there's no trip on his name
Are you fucking blind?
Apologises then, how do you play vidya?
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so what do you think of the swedish tanks so far?

Brail. I read the code.
I want to fuck them
>yuros are so cucked they can't go outside if they aren't brown and have to stay inside getting """good""" at video games to cope
You have my condolences.
well swedes are cucks so they probably wouldnt mind
Nice crew you have there
I'm not being ironic
>niggers rioting and literally targeting whites to beat them up
genuinely excited desu, farming free xp
thanks :3
I should edit the names but I'm lazy
>only tanks approved by Justin Trudeau
Might have to buy them desu
They come to my house they are gonna get fucking shot at.

I am gonna get some roof top Koreans.
At least here I can defend myself and not get in trouble :^)
What the fuck is going on on EU servers? Every time you get into a game it's the worst lag you can imagine
is of your imaginations tovarisch
>free xp
M42 and Strv74 were very modern in tech, shouldn't be bad at all
And the Tds from tier 5 up are 60s and onwards
This is WG though...
Strv103B should be most modern tank in game right? 13 90 and most 105mm armed are 50/60s and stb-1 is a prototype so pre 1970
Chieftain not in game yet, correct me if i'm wrong but I think strv is 1967 earliest production
stock modules are still going to be shit
Sekrit documents say the prototypes used 75mm guns))))))
If you consider the Type 74 as the STB, because the JSDF are still using it.
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>They still think 30.01P isn't top tier
Stb-1 was first prototype so it was very early, 1965 apparently
Tfw strv74 is gonna be a firefly with gun depression(-15 degrees), so perfect tier 6
>10 he shells
>no 100% crew
these are people who had to be carried to chieftans
why wouldnt he want to shot HE at all those t37's?
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Well the type 64 is from 1975 iirc. Anyway the Strv 103B was made in 1970-71, but its not the most modern vehicle in the swedish tech tree. That would be the UDES 03 the in game version of which was drawn up in 1972. Two prototypes were built in 1973.
The strv 74 could be from 1981 :) guess strv 103 and 104 were delayed into service
Well production of 74 was 58-84
Guess they wanted an s tank which could be paradropped?
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not really, the goal was to research a cheaper alternative to the strv 103 that could share components with a light vehicle family. Eventually this idea led to the CV90 series of vehicles.
Cv90 best ifv design
funfact: Strv stands for Stridsvagn=Streitwagen=Chariot

why do they use it for naming tanks tho?
Tanks are modern chariots senpai
>spot the language that got cucked by the roman and french
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balanced sniper tank.
no armor and mostly used for harrassing? must have not payed attention to modern tank warfare
Well you named ww2
based on stats and looks i like them but as a finn i hate sweden on principle
VK P is fucking top notch. You are making me want to re buy it to get that final MoE. Forever 91% ;_;
wow xd being racist so funny
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you are me
without sweden no suomi
you should thank them
How do You explain to Your significant other, that You are wasting time with bunch of possible pedophiles?
i'm between getting the wz 132 or the 13 90. what is the state of the 121? is it terrible or just weak?
A worse 113
>even trying to explain anything to a woman
virgin detected
Wow a virgin on 4chan?!
What kind of clan is NOFUN?
is it ..fun?
if youre a necrophiliac sure
a dead kind of clan
Fun and lots of people to do platoons with
Ignore this autismo >>152294876
i found a GUP-A (gup academy) guy. is that clan in any way related to the normal GUP?
In that they are pedophiles? Yes
yes, it's the secondary clan for people who don't meet the requirements for GUP
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Strange things happened today. It even had to happen against a platoon with an obj 260. Now, to sell it and never play it again. \o/
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Terrible tank, so terrible it's actually hard to play well enough to ace
You wizard
thank you. It doesn't have the hull armour of the 50 B, it doesn't have any elevation (+8), and the inter drum reload is so slow that most of the time you will end up peek-a-booming.

The only redeeming feature it has is that if a guy is caught in front of you tracked or out of cover, you will do 1600 dmg guaranteed. But it was a horrible experience overall.
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i thought you "people" were a reddit clan ...
they are a reddit clan
GUP is an alive clan
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>more clan drama bullshit

Can't we go back to the good old days of spamming t. SaWse
>clan drama
literally one or two corpses trying to talk shit because they have nothing else left
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GUP poster.jpg
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refugees welcome!

even me?
And one or two weeb shits who can't move on
oh the irony
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Hey fellas I'm watching pic related and want to get into this game. What should I expect?

turn back now
>What should I expect?
not nearly as much fun
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what are some fun tenks?

Excellent Ill sign up right now
driving around at 12km/h isnt fun
Yeah it's irony when you post this too
t. guy who doesn't play the game
Does it matter
Why do you have to shitpost nofun?
*is t71 fun?
im already at the t21, but never bothered to go any futher
also grinding the USA lights
where did I do that?
My mistake if this isn't you but there's been a lot of trolling lately
your inactive lying ass =/= nofun
Lying how? If that's not trolling then what is it
join guys, it's gonna come back alive for the campaign :)
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I haven't said that
so what exactly are you crying about this time? you don't play the game and nofun doesn't do anything other than platoons, if even that, why are you even posting at all?
i dont want to give them 40€
also from what i have seen so far playing that tank seems boring af, all they do is camping out of viewrange
Just wish people would let nofun be, what's the fucking point
I can post all I want, no can do this time comrade
w-why did it put me in a game full of bots...
definitive list of all fun tanks:
m4190, ru-251, pz3, leo pta, m5a1, wz-131, wz-132, t37, t54e1, m46, t110e5, amx elc, amx 13 75, amx 13 90, amx cdc, arl 44, amx 50 100, t-10, is-4, t62a, obj 907

if you aren't playing these, why are you playing?
No, can you grow up please
why did dolon burn the nofun bridge
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>he doesnt rate type 64 or e50
>that pathetic waste of space telling me to grow up
you better come back tomorrow with a very insistent apology like the other day
buy me a Skorpion and I'll come back :^)
Is the t-54 mod 1 worth buying?
>poor man's t37
>medium that fell for the hull armor meme and a boring 105mm gun
Where is NTR?
if you want a t8 prem get a cdc or one of those pref MM tanks like fcm or is6
Waste of space :)
Why are you so immature?
>yuro """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Posters""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

dumb frogposter
>frog posters
there's nothing immature about calling a spade a spade, or in this case, calling you a useless whiny retard
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great posts lads
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only the finest
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frog posters i swear
Calling a spade a spade is actually very much a child's behaviour
>look mommy, a doggy!
>look mommy, a truck!
There's no reason to point out self-evident truths
Are you talking about yourself?
>cipher is a whiny useless retard
>self-evident truths
fair point, I'll stop
>n-no you
that the best you can do? for real?
You are a whiny cunt too? Not sure what your endgame is
stop making a fool of yourself, this is embarrassing
fuck you jer, i hope you die of aids
I'm not, are you?
all you contributed to NOFUN is sub-50% calling and a lot of whining and crying and bitching about people behind their back, I really don't understand why you think you're doing the clan any favor by "defending" it
oh you're just doing that to trigger him, nevermind
>Ciphers about to go nuclear

told you niggas to stop bullying him during the campaign
This grudge is hilarious, it doesn't help you make things up. Maybe you should just insult instead, seems to be the only thing you can do properly, useless ____ perhaps
ciphers fine, he's pretending to be pretending to be pretending to be dumb, took me a while to gauge
really? please tell me which parts are made up out of these few examples

>get goatti to join the clan
>cipher cries that he's going to be a diva and there will drama and wah wah wah why can't I be a unicum too

>get over 30 people on the spreadsheet for the winter campaign
>2 hours before it starts cipher (FC) moans that we probably will barely have a full team for tier 6 because not only he's unaware that we have a lot of active, he also doesn't know it's 7v7

>make spreadsheet for ranked team battles
>registers as possible caller and "very interested in team battles"
>end up kicking him from the team because he played 5 games in total and never shows up
>he cries about it endlessly on wotg instead of coming to me
>whines that he's active and was super interested
>so interested he never bothered making a second team of his own

>chieftain campaign, running 3 teams with cipher, alan and me as callers
>alan ends with around 65% win rate, I end up with near 60%
>overall clan win rate for the campaign is 53%

I could go on but it's much shorter to just call you a useless whiny faggot

ayyyyyy we bullies now
Wrong, I knew nothing of him
Perhaps you are right on this but I wouldn't have been the only one, so...
I didn't know when the team battles required days were and I was confused when I was kicked, I didn't whine and just moved on because I wasn't interested enough to make a team
Luck is an interesting thing, blame it on me but you didn't try and help
>>alan ends with around 65% win rate, I end up with near 60%
>>overall clan win rate for the campaign is 53%
Seems to me like it yeah, bit pathetic
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Please no more fighting ani tachi ;_;
Reported for ghost armor hacking
I really don't want to fight, but should I just take this?
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>chieftain campaign, running 3 teams with cipher, alan and me as callers
>alan ends with around 65% win rate, I end up with near 60%
>overall clan win rate for the campaign is 53%
Good meme huh
Redpill me on the Rheinmetall Skorpion.
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meme men.gif
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Just saying that's funny as fuck if true.
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2nd rate"support" tank that goes really fast if he wants
nothing you have to shit your pants from but has cancer potential
so you hate him because he makes good cash off of twitch?
ok cipher
More about the legitimacy of g2a, every other self respecting streamer has dropped that company
legitimacy of ur mom lmao
I really really really like this gif, mind if I save it?
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waifu-tier tank
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chris heston.gif
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You have my permission.
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I want to buy a skorpion

I have under 100 games in WoT
Greg pls
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I'll take it.webm
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>look mom I posted it again
Feel free to stop any time!
Your genitals can stop anytime
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>Drove the E-75 for the first time in a long while
>forgot the joys of armor, firepower, and mobility in one tank
Thank you for showing me the light
Now I just got to decide what to spend these extra credits on now
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>these are your team mates
E-75 is pretty fast and mobile for a heavy with real armor.
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What the fuck
what are we looking at here
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Reload timer
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>tfw you have a killer solo run and then gtfo before it turns to shit

your ammo rack got hit fucko
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Strapped for cash, should I get the St. vz 39 or save up until I unlock the Tier V meme anime tank?
both are shit and cheap
get both
I thought the O-I Ex was good?
good is an understatement
when you are top tier maybe, otherwise you get raped by any tier 6
you could say the same of any other t5, the only difference is they don't have 300 alpha guns
>50 120 is shit they say
>wait till you get the 50b they say

Buying the 50b is the biggest mistake I've made since joining this game. It's a goddamn 50 120 that only sees tanks it can't clip out. You can't do shit with it unless the enemy team is totally distracted. The Batchat is so much better doing the same thing.
>he didn't get a 50/51
>the enemy arty snipes you for 3/4ths of your health between some buildings on the city map
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>tfw my ears have been ringing for the last 2 days
g2a seems to be pretty legit? I got Skyrim, and all of its DLCs for $12 off of g2a.
It has OK mobility for a heavy tank with real amor
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I average 4.8k damage in my 50B kid. git gud
honestly, why? Instead of pirating you get it from a site that scams the game dev companies and hurts the business even more than pirating? Even though the keys they give have a chance of being inactive?
lol fuck off moralfag. G2A is not much different from a steam sale. Devs aren't fucked over for much money
If it's an consolation to you, skyrim and dlcs was 22, not 12
Not as fan as the auf.
they use stolen credit cards to buy the keys
its acually worse than pirating because you support some money laundering scam for organized crime with that
that's what I said, they scam the game dev companies and it hurts the business more than pirating
>Buying the 50b is the biggest mistake I've made
lmao shitter
>The Batchat is so much better doing the same thing
that's your problem shitter you don't play fiddy BEE like batchat
>tfw missed tonight's cipher bashing

fugg ;_;
>Greg is a nigger
>Greg is a nigger
>Greg is a nigger
>not supporting money laundering
its like you want the war on drugs to succeed
why dont you want cheap drugs
>110 page thread on RU forums of pure butthurt about Skorpion
I sure hope none of you niggers bought that moneygrab cause it's bound to be """"""""""""""""rebalanced"""""""""""""""""
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I bought 3
Anyone here know where I can get on of those new account codes?
But seriously though. That thing is miles better than the Borsig and JPII. Like it's only drawback is no armor? Who cares...

500 gold, week of premium, t127 for sealclubbing

it will b ""rebalanced"" the same way the E25 was
just removed from store
no regrets m8
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Wait, are you serious? That's really believable actually...
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>buying good premium tanks
meme tanks or bust.
Is a reason to use the borsig with the 12,8 anymore?
I've also bought quite a variety of meme tanks for my bretheren.
>tfw fell for the meme tank meme
>have nearly a dozen premium tanks that I haven't played a single game in
is there an official /wotg/ list for what tanks are meme tanks
i think i have 13 meme tanks but im not sure if theyre all meme tanks
i dont want to spread inferior memes
no ded
also gives 100% crew for t127 and GLD which can be sold for 250k
I played 91 games in the campaign, probably around 75-80 as a FC. I kept track of my first 50 games as FC, and I was at 62% win rate, with 50% win rate in 12 games on lakeville, which I stopped playing for the rest of the campaign

Alan had a higher win rate than me and he was FC in most of the 67 games he played

clan stats for the campaign were:
>battles played: 177
>win rate: 53.11%

welcome to the tinnitus team enjoy your stay
Is my T-25 a meme premium?
Trash is what it is
The T 25 is a solid tank with the only real drawback being the traverse values
dude don't say that, it's my next t10
you have a very good hull armour to bait shots i heard
you also have normal gun elevation
and you can shoot more than once before they retreat, unlike the 50 120

play it again and tell me
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You may only reply to this post if you have a 59式/Wǔjiǔ shì
But it's my favourite tank.
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Rebought this one, retrained the skills for BiA, reinstalled v.stab and vents, but now I don't know.
Either -10% on the 3s aiming time, or +10% on the 389m viewrange.
I had the better aim time originally, but there are people who use optics on everything and it may work, never tried. what do you think?
Post essential music kino
They have dodgy keys they didn't get from the publisher apparently, it's just a question of morals
Steam sales and other sales like on gmg and gog are going to be approved and chosen by the publishers...
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>Anfield selling Premium Tanks during a sales
There's never been a reason to use the 128
Stridsvagn literally means Combat Vehicle. What the heck are you on about?

t. Swede
Hey black man
yeah unless you wanted to use the better gun
>he thinks sniping in the back is viable
>not getting up close and personal with 750 alpha
Nothing more comfy than brawling and hitting tanks with heat
you're acting like the borsig's camo isn't good enough for corridor maps. It's fucking brilliant with the 128, I've got my reload down to 9.3 seconds and with .31 accuracy and 311 apcr pen pretty much every shot penetrates

playing the trading game with only 1100 health is insane, I always get more done with the 128, and if you need to 490 alpha is still more than enough to trade, and mediums won't shoot you 3 times for each time you shoot them, only twice
The map changes ended sniping tanks, go try and play French TDs
Imo gld is better because 3s ist too slow.
And 400 viewrange its enough.
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>>fr TD
What else is a TD with the largest weak spots going to do
no that's definitely what they're best at. At range where their armor works, where their narrow gun arcs work, and where their negative side armor doesn't matter. If you brawl in a french td you're insane

I understand the map meta changed but you can really still snipe on a lot of maps, and the borsig has enough camo to snipe with bushes at medium range instead of long range.
when i was playing borsig i already had 4 skill crew because it fits perfectly with e25
full camo and bia all that jazz

got to ~90% moe and plateau'd
then i started using 150cm and skyrocketed to 98%ish really fast

i guess its just good with both guns just need to decide which playstyle you prefer
>finally get t-34/100 fully equipped
>meh tank changes to an awesome fun tank
>having fun again

some of these shitty grinds have broken me but this gives me new hope.
the 15cm just has such an obscenely long reload it makes me uncomfortable playing it. I swapped between it and the 128 two or three times, maybe I'll switch again, but I like the 128 a lot more right now
>some of these shitty grinds have broken me but this gives me new hope.

oh boy, you still have VTU ahead of you

im sorry anon
obj.263 line should have hardened me
wew Fz congratulations on the promotion. Will there be champagne?
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>when you get the fucker that has been laying into you all match.
i just realized there is no real middle eastern or asian city map
all city maps are russianstalingrad, americanghost town or europeanmittengard
its been ages since they released a new map
they should really get around to designing a sand ppl city
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>Skorpion because good goy
>Hit an O-hohoho twice
>+1 arty hit or something taking him to 400
>4 allies go to kill it
>Go about my business trying to snipe enemies in their base
>All the guys that went for the lone hohoho died
>Comes around the corner but I'm waiting
>Hit clean in the side
>Tracked for no damage
When will the 0 damage tracking meme end
>my shell didn't go into the tanks hull but I want to be rewarded with damage because it broke the track
fuck off

congratulations though
>Hit the city scape that is the side of an O-Ho
>Just behind the front running wheel
>Nowhere near far enough forward to skip through his track and miss the hull
>Nowhere near low enough to go under
Nah m8, you fuck off
They should make an Aleppo map
Irl a track isn't going to stop a shell, why should it ingame?
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champagne is an alcoholic drink which ppl usually drink to celebrate festivities
i dont really think he meant campaign
Ich is a madman
You knew what champagne was, right?
could be
most ppl dont realize when they go insane
for example breivik thought that his actions were sane and justified yet he is generally seen as a madman by other ppl
but why do you think im a madman?
Pure insanity from breivik, anyone who believes he committed that crime with sanity and for a political motive is crazy too. That's just the medias excuse to why he did it, Muh right wing
You are a madman as in you aren't abiding to the norm
what norm?
something that is usual, typical, or standard.
Looking at your FPS meter, nothing else lmao.
no i meant according to which norm am i seen as deviant
Of course :)
Being a Normie
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What's so bad about the FV4202 P? I don't seem to have any issue with it, and it plays fairly similar to a Centurion 7/1, just slower.

>inb4 people say it's got shit armour

I've managed to bounce shots from T110E3's and Skorpion G's.

It's slow, sure, but the after playing the Cent 7/1 and Black Prince, I'm actually okay with it. The penetration is very good, the RoF is decent, the damage is good, and the handling is okay.

Have a Scimitar because I couldnt find my pictures of the FV4202.
Slow, needs a 5kmh speed increase at least
it doesn't stop shells in game, you go through and if there's nothing behind it you don't do damage
you clearly don't know where you hit, there's a lot of track on the o ho without anything behind it
There's generally a hull behind tracks
Your rate of fire is not decent. The rate of fire is abysmal and it has 4% less alpha when compared with 90mm guns, giving it horrible dpm
>it plays fairly similar to the cent 7/1
That's not a good thing at all. It has unreliable turret armor and terrible dpm, definitely a lot like the 7/1
When will WG start representing British tanks properly and not based on their bias?
on the o ho the hull is elevated a good deal above the tracks, and the front wheel sticks out in front of the hull. it happens in a lot of tanks, and when you take into account the angle from which your shell impacts it and carries on it can just go through the track and never contact the hull
Worst speed, alpha AND dpm of t8 mediums, what is wrong with that? :^)
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Meme heavies don't look logical, that's a lot of weight so far above the tracks
O-Ho? More like ohohohohoho 0 damage track hit!
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(You) are a retard.

Have you considered that the shell didn't hit there perfectly?
Any gold codes or something recently? Need 10k exp for new turret on t10, really dont want to grind it.
play tournaments
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Tfw my bois fighting in fastfetus' stream
>What is a fully aimed shot
>What is seeing the shell impact point
>What is seeing the hole left by the shell on death cam
Have you considered not defending the 0 damage tracking meme?
Mongolian pride, jelly desu
The 50B is a fantastic tank.
>What is a fully aimed shot

>implying that guarantees a fully accurate hit
>implying you saw the shell impact point
Not worth a (You) at this point.
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When is the fastfetus giveaway today?
Around 6-8 PM CEST.
What is this fastfetus giveaway?
He is loaning his wife out
Skorpions, type 59's, premium days and some physical shit.
KV-85 or T-150?
personal taste imo

dpm or alpha

is that some kind of scam?
why is there no link to this page on his twitch channel or anywhere else?
KV-85 leads to the better line
>drinking with some friends
>buddy and I finish a handle of vodka before going to the bars
>make chicken tendies at 3 am when I get home
>wake up on the couch in my underwear
>oven is still on
>tendies nowhere to be found
>no sign that I ate them, no dirty plate
>not in the trash
>can't tell whether I'm more sad about the missing tendies or uncontrollable alcoholism

So I've almost unlocked the E-50,WZ-120, and Centurion 7/1 but I'm not sure which to get first, any suggestions? I only went down the chinese line because the chinese lights were great at the time so I'm leaning towards one of the other two but if the 120 is better I have no qualms about getting it first.
85 is probably the better tank, but both are good, arguably better than any other heavy in the tier.

If its for the line to go down, the 85 is the better choice.

Got it before i knew it was a padding tank and been padding my stas with fun ever since
oh but the grind is horibble so take caution
why are they so many players with alcoholic issues here
why do you drink? i've seen it destroy one member of my family and one has had a hard time coming back
pls no more hurting urself
All those tanks have pretty bad grinds.
E50 is the best of the 3.

>120 has chink depression, poor armour, bad gun handeling and slow speeds
>7/1 has shit armour, slow speed (but good mobility), a good gun, but crappy dpm.
>E50 can be a bit sluggish, and has some terrible traverse, the rest of it is breddy gud.
redpill me on the chinese light tonks
maybe the didnt enter your stomach the conventional way if you know what i mean
I drink way less than I use too. I was going out 4 times a week, blacking out most of the time, been arrested twice (once for assaulting a police offficer, the other was just a public intox).

It's destroyed my dads side of the family and done a lot of damage to my moms so I know I shouldn't be doing it but life's a bitch and then you die one way or another.

This game is like alcohol. Only self hating cynical masochists would indulge so much in something that only brings pain.

I like it's gun but I've heard bad things about it. Has it succumbed to power creep like so many other great tanks?

I'll probably free xp a few modules because I hate stock grinds and this game makes me hate it enough without being slow with a shit gun.
They're sick AF. Great mobility and speed (duh) with a great gun especially on the 132. Also they are aesthetic af.

A worrying thought indeed. Never really tried shoving anything up my ass though but I doubt I'd remember it had I tried.
in how many bongs is that?
i missed yesterday but the giveaway is usually at 8pm and that's in about 2 and a half hours
Hi /pol/ack

No armour, and somewhat redundant like the rest of the lights, but probably the best outside of the 54lt.
Fun thing. Meme autloader is hilarious, but it struggles to pen the sides/ass of an IS at point blank.
Other gun choice makes it more like the MT-25.

Based. Quicker than the stat cards make it look because of ground resists. Nice punchy gun, but it does handle a bit poorly. Best T7 light imo.

A 131 bumped up a tier. gets a bit better hidden stats and the gun handles nicer, but its less enjoyable to play.
Would pick the 54lt over, and coin flip between it and the 251.
>taking blue pill
Take 1 bong from that.
CET is bong+1.
Just generally don't see "redpill me on" used outside of /pol/ much
t6 skirmishes/tournaments, would you rather take a t37 or a cromwell?
Need to make sure you redpill yourself on everything in life
Don't believe the lies
T37 obviously
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it depends on the map and the layout

cromwell though
ty, going for t37
i saw jingles video from when he was in cyprus at wg hq and they talked about rebalancing a lot of mechanics (especially arty)

but the main thing i dislike is the retarded matchmaker

>"the matchmaking server may store a win/loss percentage for each user (or vehicle) at a given battle level. As the player's win/loss ratio decreases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the lower end of the allowable range, whereas as the player's win/loss ration increases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the upper end of the allowable range. Thus, when a player has been repeatedly put into too many difficult battles, the balancing is done in favor of easier battle sessions, thereby encouraging the player by providing an easier game environment. Similarly, when the player has been repeatedly put into too many easy battles, the balancing is done in favor of harder battle sessions, thereby keeping the player challenged instead of letting the player become bored with easy games."

It's worse in wows, which is a system they might think of, where they have to match ship types and not have too many of one type. This just causes very long queues
So there's no good future for the matchmaker it seems
>shitters and deluded teals still falling for MM is rigged meme
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explain the MM patent then
not everything that's patented is in application, not to mention WG runs several games, and each of these games has several game modes
The documents from the lawsuit agains the chinese ripoff and the mail from the WG employee confirms it is.
imagine that, all these people who have been asking for skill based MM for all these years, and it was implemented all along!

>WG support monkeys
>knowing what the fuck they're talking about
>Steppes encounter
>Push to the rock group enemy spawns at
>2 shots hit the dirt
>1 0 damage tracks
>1 goes to the moon
>Enemy TD sits in the moddle of the open field and shoots my ass
>4 enemy tanks push into the open around the corner to finish me
>None of them die
>0 damage game
Why I don't just redline snipe every game regardless of tank by now I don't know.
AW shows skill based MM would never work in a game like this, yet the retard unicums keep crying for it
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>ignores the lawsuit where they also said it is in use
>calls "you have won too many games in a row so we will put you in a team with fucking retards" skill based
god damn. even taking the ingame efficiency rating and matching both teams total would be better system than matching you against a team with much better players on purpose so you lose

how does AW MM work?
So they just take the winrate of players? That's dumb.
it doesn't happen on purpose
Any stat would be the same, it penalises good play
Yes it does.

Most other games that use skill based MM tries to match the total of both teams to be fairly equal. Wargaming's MM does not, it matches a shit team VS a good team.
no it doesn't, MM just throws whatever is in the queue in a game and vaguely equalizes overall tier count, that's it
see >>152361846
and >>152362947
Most other games aren't wot/aw, plays a bit different to csgo and dota senpai
Chinese WoT is different from rest of the world WoT, and the MM patent covers different solutions
get XVM and compare each team's players and the win chance
You'll see the enemy team get less retards if you're a decent player.
Hey /wotg/, noob here. Been playing around with the Luchs for an hour or so, starting to consider letting it stay in my garage for good. As in, not sell it when I'm done with it. Good/bad idea? Why? Any suggestion for the equipment?
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too bad I already ran out of mission
Luchs is op and fun so i would keep it
Luchs is amazing. Absolutely a keeper.
gld, vents, optics
nice confirmation bias
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A good day on the road to 1800
nice denial
I'm about to finish the m46 grind and going to get the m48, should I keep the m46? I already have the pershing and I enjoy playing that.
>should i sell the best t9 med?

Right? I'm having so much fun and I haven't even unlocked the better turret yet.


Thank you. gld means gold, or...? (Yeah I'm -that- much of a noob)
denial of what? having a high win rate already disproves all that cooky shit
Tfw I'm the usual person who argues but it's not me this time
gun lay drive.

Thank you.
>having a high win rate already disproves all that cooky shit
no it doesnt, it just means you're better.

you dont need gold ammo with luchs. top gun has more than enough penetration with standard ammo.
How the fuck
>MM is rigged to drag you down if you're better!
>but it doesn't drag you down because you're better
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Watch it, ad hominem will happen :)
well, which is it then?
thanks for conceding the argument
Laughing at these stupid faggots arguing
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your points have nothing to do with each other, they are based on entirely different things.

just because someone is good and manage to win games and get a higher winrate than most does not mean that the MM isnt rigged and gives you shit players on your team and better players on the opposing team.
hmm? by having good matches?
you get shit players all the time regardless of your own skill level for the very simple reason that shit players outnumber good players by a very large margin
learn to read. your team gets more shit players than the enemy team.
where are the proofs?
>I downloaded xvm and I had 3 games with 5% win chance!!!1
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just scroll up
read the patent
i already posted a quote from it, how about you read it yourself?
MM is not rigged :^)
I did, it describes a very basic MM where "level" is meant as "vehicle tier"
then you can also tell me what kind of win rates you would expect from good players if MM didn't drag them down

we're just unlucky :^)
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>I did, it describes a very basic MM where "level" is meant as "vehicle tier"
so you just ignored the part that said "if you have high/low enough winrate it gives you harder/easier battles". how convenient.

>then you can also tell me what kind of win rates you would expect from good players if MM didn't drag them down
>play maus
>everyone just HEATS it
What is even the point of having armor in this game anymore?
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>Get bum rushed in 36.01 by a T-43 & Jackson
>Jackson gets killed by friendlies
>T-43 on 1 shot health
>Auto aim on him while turning as he stops to aim or something
>Reticule smaller than his tank, gun fully turned & facing him
>Shot goes about 3 reticule widths off to the right of his tank
German Accuracy.tm
So you can have shit mobility and a bad gun to make up for it )))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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>playing scorp
>fully aimed shot at the back of obj 140
>hit the left track
>try again
>hit the other track
>later on the same obj pops up in front of me
>point black miss
been playing the T69 recently and it's frustratingly common in tier X matches to get showered with HEAT by tanks such as the Grille 15 or E-50.
>Playing one with a friend
>He's practically jerking off to the gun
>Meanwhile 7 shots in at stationary targets and I've done 380 damage (not a killshot)
>how convenient
t. guy who dismisses everything he can't answer with funny images
How do you guys deal with multiple frustrating games in a row? Games that make you want to smash your screen in.
play 1-2 lowtiers and if that doesn't work stop for a while
Chinese cartoons
>unicums wanting skill MM
Uhh, literally only greens and below want skill MM. Why would unicums want skill MM, makes no sense.
Don't play shit games I guess
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>when passive scouting goes right
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I already posted proof that it's rigged and in use.
When you keep using fallacies, yeah I fucking dismiss your retarded shit.
no you haven't
guess it's time to start grinding my china heavy line. hopefully the 113 is as fun as the tier 9.
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server reticle lags behind your aim.

at least your shot didnt magically go right thru
with humor
>play jumbo in t7 game
>do well 1300 dmg and some track assists
>it comes down to full hp t34 85 and luchs outcapping the enemy low health t34 100 and grille
>t34 100 resets 3 seconds before cap
>t34 85 of ours was a bot just programmed to drive to cap
>if he wouldve used a script to shoot or atleast wouldve driven into a sensible position in cap we wouldve won
>we lose
that was the most retarded bot ive ever seen
>Server reticule lags
Then what is even the point of it?
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>patent saying it gives you shit teams if you win enough
>lawsuit saying it's in use
>mail from employee saying it's in use

>no you havent proved anything
whatever, keep living in denial inside your little bubble

i mean your aim lags behind the server reticule unles you have it enabled
The server reticule lags behind your normal reticule because it's showing what the server is seeing.
Is the JPanther worth keeping?
>patent saying it gives you shit teams if you win enough
But I HAVE the server reticule on.
Unless there is some super secret double server reticule.
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>when the player has been repeatedly put into too many easy battles, the balancing is done in favor of harder battle sessions
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ebin :-dddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Don't use the one included in the game, get a mod that displays both the normal reticule and a server reticule.
please quote the part where it says the MM puts you with weaker players
If you like it, sure, any tank is worth keeping.
Jagdpanther is prettty nice. Would be nicer if it didn't have to fight T-54s every other battle, and if it had some god damn side skirts jesus christ it triggers me so much.
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inorite. here's from an angle. it didnt even fucking bounce on his upper plate or get eaten by the tracks
Oven ate them probably.
You know what a self-cleaning oven is, right? Any oven can do that if you leave it on long enough.
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>harder battle sessions
we both know you've read the part where it explains that this has nothing to do with player skill level, so why do you keep this up?
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>Have to download 3rd party shit so you can actually hit shit
So it simply turned to ash? guess that'll happen yeah but wouldn't there be smoke lmao
Nigger broke in and stole your chicken
Not him but I'd be mad at that desu, no blacks in my town thankfully
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a good player will get more wins and thus trigger this MM mechanic and get harder games
No, most ovens seal well enough to keep the smoke in long enough for that to turn to ash too.
that's not what you were saying though. not to mention the patent explains various MM options, including the plain random one
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>that's not what you were saying though
please go back to school
>not to mention the patent explains various MM options, including the plain random one

>average players get random mm
>shit players get better mm
>good players get worse mm
you said, "if you win more you will be put in teams full of tomatoes"

the patent defines several MM variants, none of which includes such a thing. the one that talks about "harder sessions" is saying that the player will be bottom tier more often, but it says nothing about the skill level of the other players in either team
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Who /105 Octane/ and bullying tanks here?
Dat electricity bill he'll have for leaving it on all night though, if it's a fan that is
a good player will trigger it more frequently
everybody can trigger it
also it will put you in situations where you have to carry and games in which you carry usually have a good xp turn out
if youre a good player you could benefit more from this mechanic cause you could intentionally mess with it
i.e. trigger win streaks for reserves
How do i get good in the IS6
friend got it for me as a "come back and play" gift but i don't go great in it
Hold W
only go to CQB places where you'll be close enough to shoot weak spots of armored shits, bully low tiers hard, use your superior rof vs other big gun heavies
even up close alot of things seem to have no problem penning me, and i cant pen them back unless i use gold ammo

would also help if my team would support me but fuck mane
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who up for another fanclub meeting?
so use gold, its a tier 8 premium it shits credits
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