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Letterboxd General

Films & stuff

daily reminder that whitey will never be able to fully appreciate cinema because of their privilege. whitey can't relate to the human struggle
Did D.W. Griffith create the first art film??
The old thread is still up you know
Even Andre Bazin rejected Soviet montage theories in his essay on "What Cinema Is" and said that the long take is superior to montage because montage breaks the illusion of realism whereas the long take reveals real time, exposes truth, and demands more participation from the audience to dissect the composition of a shot. He cited D.W. Griffith, Ernst Lubitsch, Rex Ingram, Orson Welles, William Wyler, and John Ford as masters of such techniques..
It's going to die soon, and I don't want that idiot running away. The QOTD: Did D.W. Griffith create the first art film?

My response: >>80967761
If you read this book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091SXDKG/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2W6F74JH6U0TE&coliid=I1EWUW9OOQ8XVO

There are excerpts from articles all from global press at the time widely regarding Intolerance as the greatest achievement in film ever since its release up to to the 40's
Well? Are there any answers?
Don't Watch Griffith was a hack
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Does one actually need to watch old films? If their only value is historically knowing where all the techniques came from that today we take for granted, then shouldn't simply reading about this films be sufficient enough? I think for information acquisition, text will always be the nominated form.
>actually seeing what these techniques look like in action
If they're so ubiquitous, I've probably have a thousand times already.
Why does it matter if Griffith created the first 'art film'?
Learning the origin of certain homages
Someday you'll fall down and weep, and you'll understand it all... all kino.
to anon in last thread,
Bazin is still GOAT tier alongside Sarris

Pauline Kael apologists can huff bleach
I can read about it instead. It'll be quicker than watching a three hour film. Plus I get to hear different perspectives on it.
The only reason you, as well as other modern youth, prefer Einstein and Soviet montagists, is because since the 80's with MTV and music videos, films have progressively opted for a music video approach with frenetic editing. Whereas in the 60's and 70's long takes were preferred and taken from the theories of Andre Bazin and the French new wave with revolutions in documentary filmmaking. You consider montage modern but in actuality those still alive from the 60's and 70's consider it outdated and a regression. Montage doesn't take skill or participation from the director nor the audience. That's why many young people bemoan films from the 60's and 70's as being "too slow" and "boring"
>kindle and hardcover are the same price
the absolute madmen
Old can be anything, so it's a very meaningless term there
>If their only value is historically knowing where all the techniques came from
their value is that they are interesting and fulfilling to watch, like any good film regardless of their age
But didn't Bazin invent auteur theory?
Dumb faggot
No, the reason is to understand and interpret the canon. To understand the evolution of film as a medium. To know where it was, where it is, and where it's headed. It's why I find it baffling for so many that use this general to skip Griffith, watch Soviet montage flicks, then pretend they're patrician.
When I say old along with first to develop techniques, you should be able to assume I'm talking about films from "the dawn of cinema" late 1800s-1920s.
That was probable, but this is /tv/, so I always expect the worse.
No. Andrew Sarris butchered the ideas of Cahiers du Cinema writers and invented that phrase.
You can obtain a better understand solely from reading text. If you were to watch these films on their own today without any context, you wouldn't get anything out of them.
>solely from reading text
You have to watch the films. Really several times.
>You can obtain a better understand solely from reading text.
You're Justin in this video. Don't be Justin.

I don't have 81 minutes. Just give me the cliff notes.
>When I say old along with first to develop techniques, you should be able to assume I'm talking about films from "the dawn of cinema" late 1800s-1920s.
Most silent films are better than anything made in the last 30+ years!
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Actually I'd say 50+. Because anything in the 80's and upward would be just done with a computer. With silent, they were real and raw
I know that's not true. The fact that they couldn't utilize the audio potentials of the medium makes them inharently inferior tome most films from 1930s and onward. They're antiquated.
Dumb comparison.

Crazy exaggeration.

You don't have to defend silent cinema or 'old' cinema by making ridiculous claims
Is there anyone who writes about medium specificity with regards to cinema?
Whoops didn't mean to quote
>The fact that they couldn't utilize the audio potentials of the medium makes them inharently inferior tome most films from 1930s and onward
The fact they couldn't use audio equipment made them superior! They're more creative and authentic than anything of recent. People that find silents shitty have never seen them
No, they're better because they communicate the story to you visually
I don't have to defend them at all. They speak for themselves.
>The fact they couldn't use audio equipment made them superior! They're more creative and authentic than anything of recent.
That's a very wrong sentiment. You're simply idolizing and confusing absence of means as a superior way to create films.

Which for most films is patently false- for a very obvious reason.
Ideally they would be the case. But from what admittedly little, I've see that's not the case.
Since sound films have the potential to not only use audio but also use silence as a filmic device, I'd say they're fundamentally preferable to films that have to work around being silent.

Plus if I'm not mistaken, silent films used live music. This should further prove how being silent was seen as an hurdle that the sought to overcome.
>Ideally they would be the case. But from what admittedly little, I've see that's not the case.
Which silent movies have you seen? Have you seen Intolerance? Wings? The Big Parade? Humoresque? How many DW Griffith have you seen?
True, they speak for themselves, and that's not with hyperbolic dumb assertions. That's just you
>hyperbolic dumb assertions
>silent films aren't better than films in the past 30+ years
Then why are so many silents on TSPDT and Sight and Sound lists over movies after the 80's?
I've seen the classics but only out of obligation. I hated the use of Whitman in Intolerance.
Are you just baiting? Your first point doesn't relate with the second.
>I hated the use of Whitman in Intolerance.
Reminder to not believe PUNQ's lies
Saying silents are better than many movies the past 30+ years is not hyperbolic. Many silent directors, theorists, and stars even said classic movies they got to see long after the silent era were not nearly as good as anything in the silent era.
Big difference between 'many' and 'most'.
And "silent directors, theorist and stars" would, among other reasons, prefer to defend their own work, which sudden and instantly had become on the other side of a revolution. And feel free to provide quotable examples.

eric von Stroheim's review of citizen kane

And this book >>80967879 has dw Griffith's interview on citizen kane where he essentially says "oh I liked it, I liked all of the ideas and techniques he stole from me." Which he's right because D.W Griffith WAS the first to establish nonlinear narrative, flashbacks, closeups, etc.
Bah, to do it first doesn't mean to deplete the possibilities of any given technique.
Griffith developed and used them, and as in the case, someone like Welles made new uses of them.
post your profiles so I can follow you
That guy is retarded cancer, why would you want to follow him?
I didn't like the orotund repetition of the titular line and the interpretation of it as relating to recurrent social stigma. Made me wonder if Griffith had actually read the rather short poem.
The whole films in fact felt so grandstandish that I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
>Bah, to do it first doesn't mean to deplete the possibilities of any given technique.
Are you this poster >>80968220 Becase if anything, by your definition, Welles was a hack.
Welles was a misunderstood genius. Griffith was the Michael Bay of his time.
>Griffith was the Michael Bay of his time
>Griffith was one of the most misunderstood geniuses of his time
But the line works as a motif to link the disparate stories. The poem is an example of Whitman's romanticism and his recurring themes of love, sexuality, death, and loss which thoroughly play with Intolerance. DW. Griffith's opinions of film, as he stated in the book aforementioned in this thread, that for film to be art, it must be poetic, slow, real, and melodic. He was a man well-versed in literature and theatre. When he was rejected for striving to become an actor, he along, with Cecil B Demille and the rest of the founding fathers of Hollywood sought to command the new medium of film, flee the Edison patent brigade, and set forth to California to do just that. Everything about film can be learned from D.W. Griffith and his works from his use of angles, composure of shots, to his pioneering developments in film acting. His films are so real and documentary-like, they actually transport you to the time they took place.
See herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrDv-4aaNI&t=203s

It is exactly why Andre Bazin references him and his directing principles in developing the theory of what cinema is.
See here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrDv-4aaNI&t=203s

D.W. Griffith pioneered a new form of acting for film. He did so to separate it from theatre.

I don't even have a profile, I don't even use letterboxd. I just come to these threads to shit on all the impudent brats here that pretend they know more than me >>80970437
No, I wasn't him. Makes no sense to say stupid shit as *(great director) is a hack*
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You do.
Ah, of course. You're the very sick autist with no life who thinks it's worthwhile to crusade on a general from an awful site for whatever reason.
You're almost right, but you don't come here to 'shit on' people, you come here to shitpost. Any post you make can only be a shitpost.
"Out of the Cradle" is such as small, intimate, poem given Whitman's larger than life person. Seeing it used in such a boisterous film in such an on-the-nose manner is a shame. Its use felt arrogant. I have no doubt Griffith thought of himself as a great artist with poetic intention, but that doesn't mean he achieved a level of cinematic excellence that could rival poetry.
>but that doesn't mean he achieved a level of cinematic excellence that could rival poetry.
Then what was the first art film?
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I do
>on a general from an awful site
If it's such an awful site, then why do you use it? Why do you keep coming on my board? Why do you keep making these damn threads? I have absolutely nothing wrong with anybody else on /tv/. In fact, I like /tv/. It's /lbg/ I fucking hate, the brats that think they know everything. I want these threads gone.
Why does this megaautist get so hung up, so obsessed with the concept of 'art film'?
>so obsessed with the concept of 'art film'?
I'm not. I just want to know why those that pretend they know what film is supposed to be skip D.W. Griffith and highly rate Soviet montage flicks. If any user does that, I need a full essay on your definition of cinema.
/lbg/ is far from the worst part of /tv/.
I suppose it makes sense that you as some sick lunatic appreciates the general shitposting of the board.

>my board
There's already countless reasons why you should make the world a favor and kill yourself, but, as shown, new ones can always be added.
I'm in no position to say. I can't even see the value in watching old silent films.
Because if they skip D.W. Griffith, watch film serials, Keaton, and Soviet montage instead, it looks more like they're looking to be entertained instead, yet they think they're "patrician" for watching something with a more obscure name than D.W. Griffith. If they are truly patrician, they would thoroughly tell me their theories of what cinema is supposed to be.
Then is film an art form according to you?
>it looks more like they're looking to be entertained instead
It's probably because they are looking to be entertained.
>yet they think they're "patrician"
No one should think watching narrative films is patrician.
Yes, you are. Otherwise it wouldn't get repeated as a retard's mantra all the time.

You don't even know what art means is the understanding to get from this. More and more looks like you don't even understand cinema.
You're a growing fraud.
Garbage bargin bin film titles are better than silent films from the 1920s
film isn't even a patrician hobby. being well versed in film is like bragging about eating the funniest looking shit.

special mental olympics, you see.
>/lbg/ is far from the worst part of /tv/.
/lbg/ is the absolute worst part of /lbg/. I far prefer cunny threads over this hive of teenage pretension and condescension. I would wager /lbg/ is the absolute worst part of this entire site, though I don't visit many other boards beside /out/ and /tv/
I can't say.
No, I spam "is this an art film" to ask why all the observe are missing the films I list from the canon.
worst part of the site are r9k and katawa shoujo generals
>/lbg/ is the absolute worst part of /lbg/
The DW in DW Griffith actually stands for Don't Watch

fucked up, but true
By this crazy limitation and continuous misuse of the word patrician, cinema only would have value if it's Brakhage-style. Silliness

Probably because they aren't very good in comparison to other films in the "canon".
>I far prefer cunny threads
sup pedo_gorro
No one should think watching anything besides documentaries is patrician.
>Probably because they aren't very good
No, probably because they don't have a Wikipedia article attached to them.
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>cinema only would have value if it's Brakhage-style.
You mean Hans Richter and Man Ray-style
What is cinema? You seem to know since you're giving ratings to silent documentaries
Whoever you want to use, the point is that any retard putting these limitations to cinema is wrong.
Robert Altman said a movie hasn't been made yet. He held that opinion until his grave in 2006.
Cinema is your mother getting raped by a pack of niggers while you masturbate in the corner with your own shit
I mean to write "a film has not been made yet."
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HAHAHAHAHAHA. My mother's already dead!
It's a beautiful idea when you see it from a certain angle. But it must not be understood pejoratively
So I'm guessing your criteria for your scores is "did it entertain you".

Gee, what a pleb. And what a shock! No reviews!
If cinema is a language, it should evaluated by its ability to be universal understood. Abstract films like those of Jordan Belson, Len Lye, Hy Hirsh, and Harry Smith, are cinema in it's purest form. Stripped of those elements of culture that obscures them from the outer parts of the world.
You're a retard using adjectives to appear smart.

He literally said in interviews that film is still in its infancy, a film has not been made yet. You need to understand the ever-growing canon, to hopefully learn what a film is.
>100 posts
>16 posters
If you have an autistic child, kill it
Animation is not cinema. Cinema is reality and life. The documentary is the pure cinema.
wow people are discussing something. SAD!
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The Color of Pomegranates was a really stunning montage of moving paintings with a buttload of symbolism, but the metaphorical story wasn't very affecting. Then again, I'm not remotely familiar with Sayat Nova's writings, so maybe that's a necessary prerequisite. Still, it's a masterwork of framing.

How'd you like the films of Scott Barley? I really loved Hinterlands.

Yeah, I don't know why people are afraid to write reviews. Do they have no thoughts on the films they watch? Anyone can just log the film and give it a rating, but you have to actually watch the movie to review it.
It's a beautiful idea when you see it from a certain angle. But it must not be understood pejoratively
>If cinema is a language
It's not. It's a moving picture.
>it's a discussion xd
these threads were fun years ago, not sure why they're still a thing. anon is right, farewell lads.
who the fuck names themself roberto pancake
What the hell IS cinema?
How about not being very good in expressing ideas with words on not wanting to make it public?
And anyone honest would only log and rate a film having seen it. And by that same token, anyone dishonest could perfectly write reviews without having seen the films.
moving pictures
>How about not being very good in expressing ideas with words
Then you shouldn't be a "critic" by giving ratings. The rating might as well just say it entertained you.
Animation is the apex of cinema. It's requires the audience to engage with it on a frame by frame basis. There's nothing more cinematic than to create motion (life) out of nothing but those component of film that are most unique to it.

Documentaries only have the guise of objectivity. They are half truths. The spectator is required to constantly ask themselves what is and isn't real.
Not really. By that, you assume that there aren't thoughts and an analysis of the film, when in many cases it's simply the two points made above.
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Let he who knows cinema cast the first stone

I really liked Hunter and after viewing some of his other films I was curious what the rest of /lbg/ thought of him.
Is Sleep Has Her House worth purchasing? It looked incredible but I don't know if there will be a torrent of it or something in the future.
>The spectator is required to constantly ask themselves what is and isn't real.
Then that demands more participation from the viewer. The moving picture was invented by Eadward Muybridge, Thomas Edison, and the Lumiere Brothers to capture reality in motion. Animation isn't cinema, it's not even art. Cartoons aren't art. Why else did they play backseat as shorts for features? Why else are they considered a child's medium? Cinema requires more effort because you're working with people, not isolated in a little cube drawing your little doodles.
>How about not being very good in expressing ideas with words on not wanting to make it public?

Well I'd suggest that you write reviews in order to get better at expressing yourself. You can't get better without practice. If you don't want your ideas to be public, why are you on a social media platform or discussing film in general?

>anyone dishonest could perfectly write reviews without having seen the films

Not true, they stick out like a sore thumb.
Anime > D.W. Griffith
Not really. By that, you assume that those who gave the score without a review actually understand what they just watched, when in most cases their criteria is simply entertainment.
>You can't get better without practice. If you don't want your ideas to be public, why are you on a social media platform or discussing film in general?
Precisely! It's why I don't use letterboxd. I don't care for social media, and I don't give scores to anything.
looks like dropout_gorro and his flamboyant faggot boyfriends from the discord are back home from school.
If you want to watch cartoons, there's already a board for you.

only reason "le cinema" requires more effort is because it is on a complete and absolute kike-made lockdown due to its expenses.

>combining audio and video costs 500 million dollars
really gives the jogging a nogging

even video games are more truthful art since most people can afford to buy a 200 android phone and you can already shoot video, record audio and code with it.
If you want, a site like Letterboxd is not a social media, and can be used for your ratings and logs without interaction. Writing reviews shouldn't be an obligation.

>Not true, they stick out like a sore thumb.
Not if you use the right techniques
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Spending millions of dollars on a film means that those millions of dollars goes to the hard working crew that you pay and employ.
Jewish brain control scheme
I don't disagree with what. But most who do review are there for entertainment only as criteria too. Or worse reasons.
>only reason "le cinema" requires more effort is because it is on a complete and absolute kike-made lockdown due to its expenses.
Cinema is meant to bring people together and observe true life in motion and reflect on reality. That's why the epic costs so much. Not only does it bring the most people together, it costs the most the most to get so many in the production

See here >>80968826 here >>80970804 and here >>80970930
I really like him, his films have a certain dark celestial quality to them. I know he's on letterboxd, but he doesn't really have an active profile. I've been looking for a rip for Sleep Has Her House for awhile, but I can't find one. Seeing what he can do in ~10 min shorts, it might be worth it to buy it and see what he can do in 90 min.

Well you're not who I'm talking about then, but thanks for sharing.

Letterboxd explicitly is a social media platform. Why not use a notepad or excel sheet instead? Why even post here if you don't post a profile or share your thoughts? And no, dishonest reviews can be seen from a mile away. It's plagiarizing and embarrassing. Especially if you've seen the movie they're "reviewing".
It's really a tragic state of affairs when you are the one person who goes defending cinema against the other retard memeing with muh games and jews.
>then that demands more participation from the viewer.
Only out of indiscretion for the viewer. Spectating a documentary is often like raising a retarded child. You have to be extra careful.
Those created film for strictly scientific purposes. I'd say it has evolved way beyond it's intended use.
>the popular conceptions of the past were always right.
Oh, sure they were.
This is why you can't analyze film from a purely historical perspective.
>tfw I use letterboxd almost every day and I doesn't rate, review or interact with ppl there
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>tfw i'm not there
the "epics" cost so much because they're more or less money laundering schemes that have nothing to do with bringing art or quality into it, this can be said of any film that has its cost measured in millions.

>Observe true life in motion and reflection on reality
arbitrary definitions and judgements, try again.

it's really funny seeing the so called fans of Truth & Reality defend a corrupt money laundering scheme. I guess when money is in the talks the art can be forgotten.

medieval era had amazing painters, sculptors, writers, architects that worked for nothing and without recognition and created actual art. what you call art is nothing but a shitty joke played by kikes.
>I'd say it has evolved way beyond it's intended use.
I wouldn't say that. There are more documentaries made today than animated motion pictures.

But if you truly prefer animation, you can go to other appropriate boards.


>Spectating a documentary is often like raising a retarded child. You have to be extra careful.
What does that even mean?
Not every epic is art. Hardly any modern day film could be considered art. But the silent epics were most definitely art
Letterboxd offers a design with posters and title-related info, also interesting and useful groupings of films, things that aren't appropriate on a text file.
So if you want to use it not socially it's perfectly valid.
And I'm not even defending this position so much for my own sake. Against your assuming I do post my profile sometimes and also 'share' thoughts on this general and on /tv/. Very much because here is a deeply distinct place compared to letterboxd .
Not even epics, fren. 1 million dollars is a shit ton.
Why does autistic DW Griffith guy (who knows less than me, btw) spend so much time posting online when he could be watching films instead?
What are you looking at, fuckface?
>Hardly any modern day film could be considered art
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You realize why capeshit is called capeshit, right?

It's because it's superheroes, they're not realistic. They can't die and they have deus ex machine to magically save the day.

That's why it's a horrible comparison to say capeshit is the modern western. Westerns dealt with real social and political issues on a base level, rural developing civilization. Take for example, The Big Country, which is an allegory for the Cold War.

But at the root, what truly separates capeshit from legitimate cinema is not writing. It's the core concept. Superheroes aren't real, they are anti-cinema. Cinema is a reflection of reality, it exposes it and enlightens us about it. That's why the Big Country was shown at the White House and capeshit never will be.
PUNQ = Fraud
Reminder to believe PUNQ.
Then why aren't any of them on the Sight and Sound list for greatest pictures ever made? Why do most critics say film is a dying medium?

>Gutterballs 2 still not released

it seems too me that Turner Stewart may never be recognised as a master of horror cinematography
You realize I wasn't only talking about capeshit. I was talking about films production costs being counted in million(s).

>Legitimate cinema.
There is no such thing until the restraints of capitalist systems that actively strangle and destroy every chance of art in it are gone.

Even a shitty short film uploaded to Youtube made with hand held cam is more honest, "truthful" and "real" than 99,99% of films you can dig out of PUNQ's profile.
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I don't know what to believe at this point
You're always so misguided.
It's easy to argue for le realism when the comparison is with superheroes franchise films.
Easy too to use as an example of western a great film from the genre, not one of the countless and forgotten b pictures made to fill a weekly theatrical spot.
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>Emily Jean is neither Doris Day nor Emily Jean
>Even a shitty short film uploaded to Youtube made with hand held cam is more honest, "truthful" and "real" than 99,99% of films you can dig out of PUNQ's profile.
First of all, I don't use letterboxd. Second of all, nothing is more real and important than the Lumiere and Edison shorts as they are the only films we have to see life and reality in motion in the late-19th century, early-20th century. No random shitty youtube video will be in the Library of Congress.
>Then why aren't any of them on the Sight and Sound list for greatest pictures ever made?
And there you go again with your childish fallacies and distortions.

>Why do most critics say film is a dying medium?
Most intelligent critics or cultural commentators actually disagree with the eternally repeated and idiotic cry that film is dying.
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>OP created 3 hour 30 minutes ago
>153 (half way to bump limit)
>22 IPs
dropout_gorro and his gang of circle-jerk shit-heel discord boyfriends are really out doing themselves this time
>You're always so misguided.
No, I'm pointing the holes in your logic. Why else was capeshit developed as a term by /lbg/? Because superheroes are NOT real. The same can be applied to animation.
looks like dropout_gorro and his pack of discord circle-jerk ass-clowns are out of school
Every western made before 1970 is more important than any animation or capeshit because they actually used real people.
>Most intelligent critics or cultural commentators actually disagree with the eternally repeated and idiotic cry that film is dying.
Have any critics to site that are more intelligent than Film Comment or New Yorks' Critics Association?
You're too biased in favor of realism and seemingly blind to value in other styles. So, useless comparison.
yet, they are not as real as it. why? because there's the figure of the million(s) of dollars and production casting a shadow over the artistic integrity of the film. the big country isn't even pre-code film so you already lost any chance (not that you had any) claiming it had artistic integrity.
>You're too biased in favor of realism
Answer why capeshit was invented as a term. Answer why Andre Bazin favored realism and DW Griffith in this book. https://www.amazon.com/What-Cinema-Vol-Andre-Bazin/dp/0520242270
I wasn't the one who made the previous argument.
And capeshit wasn't a term developed by /lbg/. And the term also wasn't created because of superheroes not being real.

You rarely get even the most irrelevant things right. Amazing.
Capeshit rose as a term with the proliferation of the genre, with its dominance in marketing and box office. And it's used by many as a neutral term by now, at least here on /tv/.
>And the term also wasn't created because of superheroes not being real.
Well that's why acclaimed directors say they'll never make a superhero film and why they consider the genre largely shit.

He favored realism because he was a brainlet limited by the immediate surroundings of which he could see and which he mistakenly took for """real""".
Stop trying to shill for Amazon
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You realize D. W. Griffith was considered popcorn entertainment for is time. He was like what Zack Snyder is today. In fact no one took cinema seriously as an art form back then. No one but filmmakers of course.
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Stop masturbating.
Excellent post. All truth.

Not that it's a demerit for Griffboy
I can understand that, but my argument was mostly directed towards people that post their profiles here without any voice on the films they watch or choose not to add to any discussion. Why would you want to follow someone that just watches movies, but doesn't have any opinions on them? The star rating system is an incredibly barebones way to give an idea. Letterboxd and /lbg/ are certainly different, but your reviews shouldn't be pandered to either community.
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THIS is pastafrola
Did you actually use Ridley Scott as an argument for your crusade against capeshit after spamming Griffith et al. I mean are you truly insinuating he is of the caliber of a director whose word matters? He is a hack.
>i hateee hollywood so much my faves? everything by the criterion collection :)
Some people used to talk to each other about stuff they recently watched on this general. Doesn't happen often anymore.
Kill yourself
Found the triggered va numale cuck.
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>Capeshit rose as a term with the proliferation of the genre, with its dominance in marketing and box office.
Yes, and the fact that the majority of people are going to see movies about talking animals and superheroes in this day is a telling sign of the degradation in culture and intelligence of the modern population. It is a form of rejection of reality and simultaneous degradation of the art of cinema. Cinema has a systematic relationship with contemporary society.
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Did you actually use "triggered" and "cuck" as an argument for your crusade against Hollywood after spamming "i hateee ridley scott". I mean are you truly insinuating you are of the caliber of a director whose word matters? You are a hack.
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>short form
>video art
Yeah, that's what I come here for and why I only post my profile when I have something to say. No one wants to lurk a thread of just links to profiles and shitposting.

Have you seen any good movies lately?
I agree too on this point. Posting your profile if you only log and rate (or worse, simply heart it) and don't participate on discussions on /lbg/ is very senseless. That's someone just fishing for followers as numbers.
>Hello dolly saying fuck you america I still love you
Ah-tee fingers

I'm sure that has nothing to do with famous film directors being pretentious attention whores who think their costly ego masturbation is responsible for changing society. These folk sure come across as "live and let live" people and not at all as arrogant pricks who think anyone not seeing the word through their eyes is wrong.

It's also hilarious that anyone who has seen John Walters talk on TV would give that vapid faggot the time of the day.

But yeah, they're right in this instance, capeshit is chidren's entertainment.
As an isolated post, yes, that's all right.
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Don't mind me just posting true cinema.
wow ! ! ! good movie ! ! !
Capeshit rose as a term because comic book movies are popular and /tv/ is full of contrarian teenagers. They also wear capes in the movies.
a stopped clock is right twice a day.
what comes around is all around.
>But yeah, they're right in this instance, capeshit is chidren's entertainment.
And explain why, because you know i'm right. The fundamental non-reality of the superhero.

"Director Ridley Scott has some strange explanations for his dislike of superhero films. When asked by Digital Spy if he would ever direct one, he responded he couldn’t 'believe in the thin, gossamer tight-rope of the non-reality of the situation of the superhero.'"
Exactly, it's pathetic. I want to follow people with better taste than me or have interesting opinions so I can appreciate cinema more. I don't learn anything about film from hearts and stars.
Watched Gone with the wind for the first time, and that movie was worth its runtime, although the colors might be a little be too much now.

I also started watching a little bit more of Bresson, since I only saw Pickpocket before, and I can understand why he's held in such high esteem. No wonder he said "Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." since you can feel the presence of God in all his movies I've seen.
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Sup, /tv/? I just got back from an early screening of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty starring Ben Stiller. Three words: hella f*cking epic.

I went with some friends and I don't think we went more than 10 seconds without standing up clapping. I mean what can I say about Ben Stiller that already hasn't? He's a cinematic genius.

The supporting cast holds their own though: it's got the incomparable Sean Penn, the lovely and talented Kristen Wiig and Adam Scott, the pundit from my favorite program Parks and Recreation.

This is, without a doubt, my favorite movie of the year (and arguably one of the greatest movies of all time) so I highly suggest you and some friends go out and see it when it comes out December 25, 2013.
>I want to follow people with better taste than me or have interesting opinions so I can appreciate cinema more
If you want to appreciate cinema more, stop watching cartoons using letterboxd and pick up actual film theory books.
Interesting thread, lots of battles.
Usually it's just the discord kids and repeated memes
There are far better films about memory that came before.

That is pretentious for "They're beyond my ability to suspend disbelief". Which is fine, but it's more of an issue with him than with the silly movies.

They're not children's entertainment because they're unrealistic, but because they're driven by very simple conflict and melodrama. Even when they explore grey areas, it leads to very simple black-and-white conclusions (Like Civil War's dilemma with Stark's parents).

To me, they're at the same level as Rambo 2 and 3, but with sillier costumes and a smidge less "AMERICA FUCK YEAR" to them.
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I think i'll finally watch Cameraperson and HyperNormalisation this week, any other good documentaries from 2016 any of you guys can recomend?
O.J. Made in America
Well, then let's burn the negatives. Tough luck, Andrei
I haven't seen Gone with the Wind in such a long time. I need to give it a new watch with fresh eyes. I've always loved hyper-saturated color movies.

I didn't really like Bresson when I saw A Man Escaped, but once I saw Pickpocket it really clicked. I'm probably gonna watch The Devil, Probably or L'argent soon. You should read his Notes on Cinematography if you want a better appreciation of him. It's a simple little books of "cinematic axioms" from him that are really nice to ponder.

I don't watch cartoons and I actually recently picked up The Czechoslovak New Wave by Peter Hames and it's pretty good.
Documentaries aren't cinema according to this user >>80972976
Fuck off Vertov.
>with fresh eyes
You're gonna cook your eyeballs and eat them?
You know it, fella. Got any recipes?
Peter Hames is a hack, and Czech New Wave films are fundamentally simple.
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>i hateee czech new wave so much my faves? everything by hollywood :)
I've seen it alredy, was thinking in also checking out I Am Not Your Negro, i think its the only thing missing from last year.

I dont partake on obvious trolls
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I wish more posts were available in their raw state, as primary source material for anyone to consider, and to leave for others in just that way, the evidence uncontaminated by compulsive proprietary misapplied replying, “quoting”, the purposeful “pointing things out” that cuts a road straight and narrow through the post-jungle; we barrel through thinking we’re going somewhere and miss it all. Better to just be pointed to the territory, to put in time exploring, roughing it, on our own. For the straight scoop we need the whole scoop, or no less than the clues entire and without rearrangement. O, for a General of Archive Posts, or board, thread, a shit-general of telling discards accessible to all talented posters/repliers. A wilderness haven salvaged from shitposting.
Why are reading books about movies as opposed to reading actual literature? Movies aren't art and they never will be.

This user agrees >>80970388 >>80971391 >>80972019
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>I Am Not Your Negro
Yes you are.
what are some memes?
Yeah, the >CURRENT THREAD posting and Embryo posting killed this place, sadly.
>was thinking in also checking out I Am Not Your Negro
Why are you picking documentaries based on metacritic scores? Nigger docs at that.
You are dumb

You are dumb
He seems to have a pretty comprehensive view on the CNW, but if you don't like that movement, I suppose you wouldn't like his work. What books would you recommend?

Because I like film more than literature. I disagree, but I think we might have different definitions of what art is.
>They're not children's entertainment because they're unrealistic
Explain how superheroes are realistic then.
I'm just picking stuf that seems decent, not really a big documentary watcher, i usually just get stuff recommended to me and i watch it.

I started watching all docs nominated to Academy Awards/Golden Globes a couple years ago and i havent seen I Am Not Your Negro and Life, Animated yet.
Life Animated seems shite so i'm not going to bother for a while and IANYN is not on TehC or rarbg yet so i dont know what to do.
>Because I like film more than literature. I disagree, but I think we might have different definitions of what art is.
What's the definition of cinema? I notice you just joined the thread. The QOTD is "What was the first art film?"
I said "often" as in some can but not through "virtue" of being a documentary. The are called essay films.
I thought you'd be able to ascertain that, but evidently you cannot.
So this is how you act when you can no longer argue a point. What part of "I'm in no position to say" do you not understand?
>Reading Comprehension
Nigga kys
First you're assuming his process so you can get triggered, and second it's a perfectly appropriate resource.
>not really a big documentary watcher
Why not? Do you consider them cinema? Essayist and filmmaker Hubert Revol said documentaries were the purest form of cinema.
>this person said
But what do you think?
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pls respond
You dont need to namedrop around me homeboy.
I love documentaries, i just dont watch them a lot cause they are very cerebral usually and sometimes you're just not in the mood.

Still, even tho i consider i dont watch a lot of documentaries i probably see them a lot more than 95% of LBG
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Did the other thread reach limit already?
If you were able to think on your own, you wouldn't be using Metacritic on critic lists >>80975759
Watch more movies.
The QOTD was none. You, the sick autist, don't get to define anything on /lbg/
Explain how realism is not a fundamental element of cinema.
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Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is the same person.
I dont get how would you think by yourself on a movie you havent seen yet, whats the fucking problem in using Metacritic to discover movies? its not like the guy is going to instantly love them when he watches it if the score is bigger than 85 or w/e
>the non-representational praxis of evolution-rex
It can be and it can not be. But you're stupid so even this is too hard for your understanding
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Yes, can't you see the post counter? 318.
I've been in the thread since >>80972812 but I don't think I'm qualified to answer that question of the day. Maybe "The Kiss" from 1896? It's an expression of a very powerful emotion in very human moment.
Archivepost in your mother's asshole with this other retard you're using
What's your favorite Kalatozov flick? Mine is Ivan's Childhood.
>Evolution_Rex is posting on lbg for longer than a year
>He's still the same pleb.

some things never change

If you could just read his whole phrase instead of cutting it off like you're 5 you would get his point, and no, i wont explain shit to you.
Realism is not a fundamental element of cinema.
Vertov was guy who used to say that kind of shit on how movies were supposed to be about reality and aiding his goverment on spreading information and yet he has made one of the most poetic movies ever.
>I dont get how would you think by yourself on a movie you havent seen yet
You decide by poster and premise.

>whats the fucking problem in using Metacritic to discover movies
It's a disingenuous way of filtering content.
>entertaining his demented plots
Explain how it is disingenuous. It's not, btw
You know just because you watch stuff with high metacritic score doesnt mean you wont watch stuff with low metacritic score right?
Also, this whole discussion is happening because you were assuming stuff you dont know.
I think he's fun to argue with. He has such a warped view of cinema and art as a whole. He also gets butthurt when you post anything surreal or dreamlike.
I don't have a warped view, I'm posting thoughts with sources on the definition of cinema.

Not a single person has thoroughly given me their thoughts or definition. It's only condescension. I'm assuming the next post will be "Well, you don't deserve my thoughts!" while they continue to watch trash for entertainment then peddle off movies from "best-of" lists to pretend they're patrician. For an example of this behavior, see machill >>80870968
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wat are some films with unflinching brutality in them
The Revenant
You're using someone else to decide what you watch. It's disingenuous to your abilities as a human being. You're behaving as nothing more than an automaton.
That film isn't brutal. It is more concerned with aesthetic of looking Maximum Pretty
Ddongpari's ending is pretty fucking brutal
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Alejandro González Iñárritu - Grizzly Man (2015)
Honestly anything Hanake has ever directed (thats not for tv his tv movies are trash)
I've talked to you before about this. I believe that the purpose of art is to find the Truth. You linked me a pamphlet about Plato that only reinforced my argument and you stopped responding for some reason.

The reason people are condescending to you is that you're very condescending and abrasive yourself. I suggest not having such an accusatory tone and people might want to talk to you more.
snuff movies from the deep web
homer simpson is funny
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>pretty, talented and succesful

how can the white man even compete?
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The Wages of Fear was better.
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*blocks your path*
Kill yourself

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hey whats going on guys
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*blocks your path*
who the fuck names themself slept
I'm glad to see you like Sorrows. It's my favorite short film.
Pure bullshit. Every reference, every influence comes from someone else directly or not, for choosing a film or whatever.
The automatons reside in your strawman
nothing much watching archive posters messing up the thread
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Do you log The Decalogue as 1 film or 10 separate films?
Just joined, is there a place that recommends movies you should watch based on what you liked?

i have never heard of this film
He's white according to sjws. So, yay for us
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damn that sux
where do i get an autist gf?
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our girl
Just slightly.
But it's amazing that the same story-concept made for two masterworks.

Waiting the thirdSomeone like Kurzel maybe
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i'll be your autist gf
low IQ weeaboo
Very little today. Most of the discussion in this one is new
ok, what's your account?
Hey, someone else has seen the films of Joseph Bernard. Variant Chants is really great if you haven't seen it already. You know any filmmakers like him?
>emley jean on ma arm so in2 me luvven me-me-me more than u!
what did he mean by this
What should my boyfriend and I watch tonight?
Office Space
you slut
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Looks like some of the usual shitposters arrived on the thread
Eh, I never really cared for Office Space.
looks like dropout_gorro and his pack of discord circle-jerk ass-clowns are out of school
>every influence comes from someone else directly or not, for choosing a film or whatever.
Not me, I go by poster and premise of content. You should be more like me, maybe then you might become somewhat knowledgeable about the medium.

> You linked me a pamphlet about Plato that only reinforced my argument and you stopped responding for some reason.
Show me where that happened otherwise it never did.

If the purpose of art is to find the truth, then the documentary is the greatest form of cinema.
yeah rip discussion
my friend uploaded a collection of his fliccs so i've been going through them slowly, they're quite enjoyable
haven't got to variant chants yet
also i dont know anyone like him soz
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Am I doing this right?

Why do you always stop replying to my posts? Did you accidentally delete the notepad file with all your arguments?
We're just going to watch a movie than go to bed though
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Mama Mia
Really hard to get the idea, huh? By going by poster and premise you're going by someone else, only indirectly.
But then again, you're massively retarded.

You're not only not knowledgeable about cinema, you're a pretty dumb person generally too. Every thread, every conversation shows that.
We're in a jam!
based inarritu

It's really fun to bully autists
We're in a jam!
i'd like you to be my autist gf, but to be honest i'm a pleb
are you ok with that?
>Spring Breakers that high
>Fern Gully that low
>Am I doing this right?

New Thread

>thread done in 7 hours
You people have no shame
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Literally Reddit.png
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Now that the vulgar auterism apologetics are in full swing and we are seeing people unironically defend Mann, Nolan, Lucas, and Inarritu, what's the next step of this trend? Will capeshit like Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool be hailed as groundbreaking deconstructions of pop cinema instead of as and focus-grouped populist garbage and opportunistic cash-ins exploiting the democratization of art?
theres a 90% chance i'm more of a pleb than you are pal
The four ones you named were defended and made acclaimed films way before vulgar auteurism got big
why would you want to be my autist gf if you don't know i am?
nothing wrong with any of those directors
They're all on his Vimeo page for free if you wanna see more.


It was a week or so ago and I can't find the exact thread in the archive, sorry.

>If the purpose of art is to find the truth, then the documentary is the greatest form of cinema
You could argue that but it's not entirely correct. How do you feel about cinema's purpose when it comes to religious or spiritual art? Do you think there shouldn't be such a thing?
Guardians of the Galaxy is a smarter movie than many arthouse titles
How so?
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just thought it'd make you happy :/
neat thanks
i have this from him, pic related
shoutout to my friend for uploading it even tho he doesn't lurk here anymore
That seems pretty comprehensive. Hope you have fun with them!
it would make me happy, but it's an odd decision and i think i should care about my autist gf
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thanks to anon (i think i might know who) who suggested nemesis it was better than cyborg but not lots

good user

I don't think that I do pretend I am patrician
I'm dumb ass hell and ok with that
You are dumb. but you're adorably dumb, while that megaautist is simply a tard all the time
Idk if you collect at all, but I can't believe Science Crazed just went for $200 on eBay.
That's a lot
Why did it go for so much?
I don't collect VHS
Just a rare film, doesn't come up often.
I know the person who bought and they just said they were sick of waiting for it. Sucks cause I know one just sold like two weeks ago through private sale for $25.
Such is the insanity of capitalism
What's the point when there's the videonomicon DVD + VHS
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and such is the insanity of socialism
Yes, it is.
I'm not defending socialism, there's no need.
Owning an original.
A lot of VHS collector's don't buy dvd/blu, and also see new age VHS releases as boots even if licensed.
Thread posts: 338
Thread images: 61

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