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Give them an inch and they'll want a yard

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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 51

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Give them an inch and they'll want a yard
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and the majority of them are tripfags or namefags.

I bet they want upvotes too.
Added to the ideas bucket. I think VIP users should be able to bump posts that are better than others.
I do it because I know that it makes you angry.

Nice trips btw
>how many non-pass are lurking and how many captchas have failed site-wide in the past hour

i'm a pass user and i don't stand for that shit. delete /vip/.
Good one.

Kill yourself stupid tripfag
Yeah, I am ashamed to be a passfag, I'm not going to be renewing it. If this is what my money is buying then fucked if I'm going to hand it over. This is not 4chan.
These people really doesn't give a fuck about the spirit of 4chan.
This is actually disgusting.

They don't even realize that Hiro is fucking then in the ass.
guarantee they're mostly people who arrived in the last year or so
>he bought a 4gag account
(You have read 10 premium posts today. To view this premium post, buy a 4chan gold account.)
ITT people got their feelings hurt because other people are freely stating their opinion on /vip
>not recognizing post ironic reverse shitposting
I bet you faggots also think /pol/ supports trump
>change name from anonymous to something else
This typifies them very well.
This is why non-passers shouldn't be permitted to see /vip/. They see the important people having a bit of fun, and they can't handle it. It's unsporting to trigger the unmoneyed like that. Some call me soft, but I fully believe they are human beings too, just rather unfortunate, slightly repulsive ones. It is our duty to be sensitive to the poor wretches and not make them more miserable than they naturally are.
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What opinions? They bought a pass and enjoying the cock they suck for more cum in their faces? which they are paying for?
7/10, you need to turn the smarm down a little.
They deserve it though
That we bought a pass, are supporting the website unlike you leeches, are getting more benefits and aren't perma-angry like 'we are lejuun' retards.

What makes me happy is that NO MATTER how much you cry and complain, this benefits WILL NOT go away. Feels good man
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Friendly reminder

>main arguments of shills and staffers
Finance (age- too young to make money) (poor- too poor to give money)
Dedication (new- too new to care/ignorant/outisder) (effort- too lazy to escape google/ too unintelligent)

Remember to examine these ideas rationally. In truth very few cases of dissent would match up with these arguments if any. They are meant to incentivise support of paid-posting by insinuating those who don't participate do so out of poor personal traits.
made me reply

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And those yards will stack up to a mile
Typical no argument shitposter reply
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I bought a two passes in april, I bought them to support 4chan what it was for and wanted nothing in return

The people who like vip are the people who don't care about 4chan and only want things back in return, thats cancer
>The people who like vip are the people who don't care about 4chan and only want things back in return
Assumption based on nothing.
Typical damage controlling baitposter reply
lmaoing at your life
then there wouldn't be so many <2016ers on /vip/
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>Assumption based on nothing.

So ok
>people who don't care about 4chan
If they cared about the site in the first place they would've gotten a passes ages which takes me to the second point of "only want things back in return" which as we can see here >>748441

So the people who like /vip/ are either
Thank you for proving your incapability of making sound, reasoned arguments. Your posts will be ignored from now on.
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your arguments which are
>im ignoring your posts
Avatarfagging is against the rules.
>getting someone you don't like elected as president for the sake of irony and bantz
Nice argument faggot
But I don't want a yard, I just want the 4MB sound webms.
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>Hating on pocari sweat

Again nothing but assumptions.
Maybe people want to help now because 4chan is in financial trouble.
But again, we don't know. Don't assume things to get mad about
Reddit has nothing to do with this, are you saying stupid shit in purpose
It's only fair I get to give back what I got. Keep crying and dreaming that you will be able to convince Hiro or anyone of authoritative power with your piss-poor arguments that have zero grounding in reality.
Select all images with lakes, you cucks.
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I'm the OP of that thread and I got the pass before Hiro implemented /vip/. Now that it's a thing, the idea is to have /vip/ as a testing board for beta features before they implement it site-wide. The thread is supposed to be an IDEAS BUCKET, as it is entitled, not something we are begging to be implemented.
Another example of the demographic of /vip/ posters.
They don't even know about legacy.
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>Still supporting since4pass
>Still supporting the paywall
>"now because 4chan is in financial trouble."
>Can't see this is a scam
>"S..stop saying t..tthis is reddit!"

Seppuku yourself

Theres already a test board you inept cretin. you're just trying to make pass users more of an elitists thing, which it shouldnt
>which it shouldnt
That's an opinion.
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Sure it is anon.

Nice slip there by the way, entitled as opposed to titled.
>>Still supporting since4pass,bla bla,etc
So you have no argument, it's ok.
>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.

>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.
>That's an opinion.

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lol stay mad faggots.
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>/vip/ became a containment board in less than a week
The other thread wasn't made by me, and it changed as people started posting in it to more of a brainstorm than begging. My thread is exactly what it says, an "ideas bucket."

>help 4chan physically stay alive unlike 99% of the lurkers and posters
>"not elitist by its own nature"
It's literally nothing but an opinion, though.
>he thinks 4chan was actually in trouble without proof from a con artists who pretends he cant speak English
How the fuck is it a containment board if passfags are not outlawed on the rest of the site (unlike /mlp/, /vp/, /trash/, /jp/ etc.)? Mind explaining your genius line of thinking here?
>mobile user
>terrible quality post
Wow colour me suprised
good argument
>help 4chan physically stay alive unlike 99% of the lurkers and posters

That's an opinion.
If you unironically use since4pass outside of /vip/ then you should kill yourself
He ruined the ads system to the point J-List had to leave. This is enough proof Hiro is a retard and needs help. Plus, I don't get to type captcha anymore and have my own board I can shitpost on.
I'm sorry I have a job and can't go on 4chan on the work computers.
He did the exact same thing to 2ch you idiots
/vp/ isn't a containment board. You can talk about pokemon on other boards as well.
Encourage board culture of not wanting to go on 'pleb boards', give out the clover poster filter often and freely and suddenly all the attention whore and tripfags will march right into their own prison AND give Hiroshima Nagasaki enough cream off the top that he stops trying to scam less retarded posters. It could really work. All we need is for their board culture to solidify as ironic elitism. Within a month there will be a quarter of posters there being elite faggots unironically over their $20 account.
That doesn't answer my question.
Why exactly did J-List leave? Does anyone know? Was it due to technical changes with the site, or did 4chan's reputation get too bad even for them?
If you need an answer to why making yourself indefinably outside of /vip/ is a bad thing then this site has already fallen (again)
Pocari Sweat is fine, but these old ads don't have the fun song and dance in them.

That was not my question. I asked you to explain what sort of mental gymnastics hoops you had to jump through to come to the conclusion that /vip/ is or ever will be a containment board, when the very definition of a containment board is that it contains something that is now allowed to exist on the rest of the site.
But there isnt anyone drinking it
Spoilers, in case it wasn't blindingly obvious: most of these ideas are there for no other real purpose than to make /qa/ mad
Stop being a fucking argumentative cunt and read >>748666. It is not a containment board in the sense we know them as now, but in its own way, it will contain this shit. I'm sorry if that's too complex for you to understand.
They won't listen. If they're a paid-poster on /qa/ they're either shills, staffers or idiots.
The swing posters are one the real boards. The ones who don't give a fuck and just want to talk about their hobby without concerning themselves with all this.
All their "vip" features can only be used in their board. Having the clover is slowly becoming a mark of shame.

Eventually, you'll have a /vip/ version of every cancerous general, and every tripfag will migrate there for the attention.

Just a line of thought, but i think it'll eventually discourage the use of /vip/.
No, it's the objective truth. The vast majority on 4chan are lurkers, and a lot of them are normies copying shit to their social network feed, and a 2/3 of the actual posters are on /b/, /pol/ and /v/. You know the demographics of these boards, right? 4chan Pass is, by its own nature, elitist, not to mention you have to own a credit card and """courage""" enough to give the gook money. I've been here for more than a decade and I don't want to ever see it die. If you think /vip/ puts 4chan close to its death, you're an idiot.

From what I gathered, it was making people use an ad blocker due to malware ads, and/or it stopped giving J-List clicks. Either way, I doubt Hiro would tell us what actually happened.
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>Peasants getting this mad

You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
Yeah there is. At 0:05 before the dancing and 2:22 after the dancing.
Those are a lot of baseless assumptions.

But the clover is optional, so how does it matter? The only other /vip/ feature is SJIS which matters about as little as /tg/ dice rolls or [s4s] fortunes.
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That would require the idiots and attention whores, your ilk, to understand the irony a month from now.
If you pretend to be retarded you will find that exceedingly quickly retarded people will want to hang out with you.

I cannot see /vip/ as anything other than a God-send after reading

Sure I am still mad Hiro is scamming people and concerned that he won't be satisfied with just gulling retards but for now, there's a silver lining. In other words:
wtf I love /vip/ now
>still spouts his opinions as fact
Where is your proof that you are saving 4chan and not just lining Hiro's pocket. Helping Hiro make 4chan more like reddit is slowly killing it anyway.
tis funny. they actually believe this
>>still spouts his opinions as fact
'Tis sad, he is unable to form an argument.
>acting elitsm because you have a pass

Is this bizarro 4chan or something?
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I'm not sure how we're the attention whores here when it's /qa/ that's apparently lurking and complaining about a board they can't even post on, unless you're saying it's the passposters that are making all these threads complaining about /vip/. It's like setting bait in the middle of the lake and you're deliberately swimming over to bite on it.

You're quite right about the retard point, I've seen it happen several times on different boards. I've got to give it to this board though, you guys are doing god's work in making most of 4chan hate /vip/ and keeping everyone, including especially the retards, the fuck out. Makes me feel hopeful.
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Not close ups tho for good reactions

It's sad that hes managed to create drones

seppuku yourself, sorry if i dont wear my jew/reddit badge to prove im good goy

>Those are a lot of baseless assumptions.
Stop posting hiro

Reminder that hiro is a shitposting thread derailer
Not even a pass user but that would be Hillaryous
wtf I hate 4chan Pass users now
>Select all images with lakes

>newfag doesn't know about alternative captcha
What the hell is a "commercial lorry?"
This one is actually pretty clever
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>wake up today
>I can't get number anymore with legacy captcha

I don't think this is a coincidence this fucking Hiro jew is doing everything to force people into buying a pass.
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Guys please stop with this anti-vip bullshit, the real enemy is /pol/ and the more passes are sold the less chances there are of Hiro taking money from poltard attention whores on twitter, most people on vip seem to hate pol so I bet poltards are behind this thread.
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Quick Refresher

>secondary arguments and distractions used by shills and staffers
Boogeyman (/pol/- intentionally trying to bring the site down) (8gag- external sabotage)
Them/Us (passusers are the only ones with an interest in the site thus other views are against it)

These approaches rely on the accused getting dismissed out of hand due to the accusation against them. With no way to prove one way or another if you're what they claim the argument shifts from the rational merit of paid-posting and /vip/ to the character of the poster.

Some posters are certainly raiding from other sites. Don't pretend that they aren't. Most posters are not, further, if they were they would be recruiting and stirring on more populated boards than /qa/.

Approach arguments with respect to the legitimacy of their content. Make your own conclusions from there.
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Can /qa/ be fun?
It's sad that these cucks are actually serious about this to.
Of course they don't. These people honestly don't even care about the spirit of what it means to be anonymous either.

It's so fucking obvious that they come from Reddit
k e k
>how can we reduce bandwidth usage and costs
>allow people to shitpost as fast as their internet bandwidth will allow
If they pay for that privilege
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>passfags can't shitpost and funpost too hard or they get banned
>they can't ban evade or else they lose their pass

lmaoing real hard at you cucks.
It seriously has. The cucks from there love to leak into /qa/ just to defend getting raped in the ass by Hiro
you mean /vip/pers who spend their hard earned monies to support all the freeloaders and neets.
They're not gonna listen. Theyll just claim that a bunch of screenshots from 2ch isnt proof for them. Fuck we need this site bought out soon.
Thank you for providing objective reasoning as to why /vip/ is better than every other board
You mean line Hiro's pockets right? Christ Hiro hasn't even shown proof this site is in dire straights and you have no issue throwing money at him.
Yeah such a quality board man. Its literally just a blue /s4s/ but hey have fun thinking your board is worth something.
supporting hiro is supporting 4chan and chan culture in general.

he is the godfather of anon.
wow it's this """argument""" again
you must have been king at debate in kindergarten
Fact 1:
Hiro has worked with 'Hottolink' and sold his users info back when he was the 2ch owner. You are an idiot if you trust he won't do it again.


Fact 2:
Users that bought passes had their full name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information leaked. Unsurprising since Hiro was storing his users personal data for data-mining purposes. If you bought a pass from him recently, I got some bad news for you.


Shit guess you are right, Hiro looks like a very trustworthy person. I am sure he has nothing but good intentions. Hope you bought a pass with you credit card ;)
>Users that bought passes had their full name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information leaked. Unsurprising since Hiro was storing his users personal data for data-mining purposes. If you bought a pass from him recently, I got some bad news for you.


>Do you store payment information on your servers?
>No. All payment information is stored securely by our PCI-certified payment provider. More information is available here.

Please fearmonger some more dumb frogposter
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Those who are virulently opposed to /vip/ appear to be a humourless bunch of whiners, desu. I can't imagine the posts they make that aren't whining are any good, and it's probably because /vip/ is inaccessible to that kind of person why it's such a lighthearted and fun board. There's a certain kind of person whose really preference of anonymity online is because it stops people from detecting what a massive faggot they are all the time.

We (well, I) don't give a fuck about /vip/, we just don't want to see our fellow anons and the site generally, get raped for the sake of profit. We love you anon, even if you are too high on your own elitism to notice.

>ignores the part about datamining

'Hottolink' is a Japanese big data analytics and data mining company. They specialize in mining and selling the data behind social media, blogs, and bbs/forums. They currently only provide service to Japanese and Chinese companies, utilizing data from 2ch, twitter, weibo, blogs, etc. Services they provide are product performance analysis and marketing solutions based on social media data.

'Niconico Douga' is Japan's equivalent of youtube. Hiroyuki is some kind of employed with their project. Hiroyuki's company Brazil Future Search provides the search solution for Niconico douga.

'2ch.sc' is Hiroyuki's pirate site of 2ch.net. Hiroyuki made 2ch.sc to fulfill his contracts to Hottolink which provides him with millions of USD per annum according to Hottolink's published financial report(see bottom of the page).

'Brazil Future Search' is Hiroyuki's search engine company specializing in real-time search solutions. They currently provide search for Niconico Douga and 2ch.sc and others.

'Effyis' is a company that runs boardreader.com. They were recently bought out by Hottolink as the first expansion into the US market.

How Hiroyuki will sell 4chan data:

Step 1: Brazil Future Search will make a real-time search engine for 4chan text data only. They will forgo images because images are not important in data mining.

Step 2: The new 4chan search engine will provide data to Effyis (boardreader.com).

Step 3: Boardreader.com will add 4chan search to their board search.

Step 4: Effyis (boardreader.com) will provide a firehose of data to Hottolink (their parent company) to use in data mining.

Step 5: American companies will begin purchasing analytics data from Hottolink.

Step 6: There is no step 6, you have already had your data sold to the highest bidder.

After Hiroyuki's initial announcement of purchasing 4chan, Hottolink stock has risen 60 points. This is likely due to insider trading.
>>ignores the part about datamining

You're right. I didn't care because:
1) I can't read Japanese and I doubt you can either;
2) Your "SECOND FACT" is impossible; and
3) Several of the links you posted don't even resolve to real pages. They're just 404s.

>Hiroyuki is some kind of employed with their project

He was the Director of the parent company of NND. As-in, board of directors.

When the rest of the stuff happens, I'll believe it. For now it seems you're just parroting some pasta off pol and I don't really care to look at it more.
>supporting hiro
>supporting chan culture
You skipped one step on purpose, anon. You thought we wouldn't notice, but we did.
Yeah right, Mr. 20-bucks-important.

Fuck off to your containment board.
I don't get it
VIP was a mistake
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>muh onononmus
>muh gulden duys
>muh reddit
Maybe you'd be more credible if you didn't try so hard to fit in
It's foot
>t. poorfag
I'm still waiting for upvotes on our posts, Hiro. Go ahead and fucking do it. I know that is on your agenda.
Go lick yo mama's poop hole.
STFU kid
*unstealths katana*
You don't want to mess with us
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The power of /vip/
That board is going to shit faster than /trash/.
Especially with nitpicked screenshots like those.
t. /vip/ cuck

Spoken like a true Hiro cocksucker

All this. Now let's see /vip/ run damage control
>More cherrypicked posts

/vip/ is a great board
Please return to your snowflake board.
Why are you sucking on Hiro's cock so much while he's stealing your money and private data?
>More cherrypicked posts
So you mean all the posts?
it's a cherrypicked board after all
of /vip/ quality, anon.
Premium content by premium users.

I never knew why I didn't quite like hiro, right until this.
Make more threads about it, poorfags.
I'd rather spend the $20 towards a blowjob, more value for the money.
I can do both.
Sorry, I'd rather save my $20 on food or what this anon >>749060 said. Not waste on special shitposting and giving a greedy Jap free access to my data.
What are you saying sorry for? Being poor?
Ylilauta already did all this and more, it's absolutely cancerous. If you want to turn 4chan into a circlejerk egofest Reddit clone then go ahead but heed my warning, regular users will move elsewhere en masse.
>Using money wisely.
I could easily fork over a $20 to that greedy Jap but I have integrity and I care about the community of this site. Unlike you, where money talks.
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>anonymous imageboard
You are not anonymous anymore
You sold your data to a chink jew
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Oh no, they have my shitposting history.
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>/vip/ is a great board guys
The salt is amazing. Thanks Hiro for making /vip/ and making since4pass.
>yes Hiro please shove it in further as your future updates will continue to poison 4chan
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oh lol.jpg
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Literally the best feature.
and your credit card info
I'm sure you loved the Reddit lounge too
BitCoin doesn't have any of my info, dummy.
>poison 4chan
>said by the meta-shitter poisoning 4chan with his eternal whining
I hope you're ready to hand over $50 because I guarantee you Hiro will raise the prices of those passes as time goes on.
Because we're not enjoying the shit you seem to be devouring because you get a spinny fork what lights up?
Says the retard who is easily bribed by a diet /s4s/ behind a paywall and will now blindly defend Hiro regardless of the shit he does
I got it before /vip/ was added, faggot. I literally bought to avoid captchas and use VPN.
So what exactly are /vip/ fags able to do so far that no other board can anymore? So far it's confirmed they can sjis and get fortunes, two long-dead features. And it's also clear mods will only talk to them now, which will only lead to worse changes on the site.

Passfags apparently have the old file size limit too
You DO know that the 'JEWS' thread is a News4VIP meme, right? In fact a fuckton of /vip/ posts are regurgitated memes, like all the SJIS art.
Hiro could tell him to send his own kidneys as a donation and he'll say "Just one or both?"
So they don't even produce their own content
No, bought a pass before since4pass you fucking cunt. Is your only line of arguments is "lol you dont have a pass"?

It's been said time after time in this thread that allowing people to have an unfilterable icon and a paywall board goes agaisnt everything what 4chan was for and you fucks now seem to think your now an elitists class

Please kill yourself
>muh content
>Self censoring your posting because you dont want to get banned
/vip/ users are like those people who post on 4chan meme pages on facebook without using a fake profile.
>I come to 4chan to waste time getting banned and resetting my modem, that's the only way I enjoy 4chan
Back to your Reddit lounge
You seem to be visibly ass pained over something as small as a little 16x16 logo and a exclusive board.
Back to whining over your own expectations.
>exclusive board.
>exclusive board.
>exclusive board.

>exclusive board.
>exclusive board.
>exclusive board.
>exclusive board.

Thank you for proving my point you drone
>2016 poster
>Implying his opinion matters
Oh i'm laffin
No but I don't have nothing to lose if i do, whilst pass fags will be stuck on the tit of hiro and cant image life without pass features
I'll let you suck my dick for $5
What do you say?
You're not a poorfag are you?
> >>>/vip/14043
t. someone who doesn't know about old /vip/

Larger character limit for [sjis] stuff, 300 image limit. Fortune isn't enabled, it's on [s4s]

It's some old /vip/pers that now have a place to post their [sjis] stuff, since they couldn't after the textboards closed.

Besides a good portion of the sjis art, especially the monar style stuff, on /vip/ was copied from Japanese textboards.
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kill yourself
>implying I won't just proxy through one of my dozen VPS if I want to assblast a faggot

come on, Anon. You can do better than that.
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>Responds with ad hominem
Take your own advice my dude.
?Where did i respond with an ad hominem

Pointing out that you did and you should fucking kill yourself
How does any of this affect how you browse 4chan, again?
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>their board is so shit they need to force themselves with laughter
read through the thread
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>they are forcing it!!!
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But Patrick was delusional and he was a super dork.
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>browsing a board you can't post on
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>getting yourself banned for false reports because you're so bitter over something that affects your 4chan browsing in zero ways
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How does it feel knowing a /qa/tard got the first dubs?
I can't use 4chan anymore after that.
You forgot your reddit icon
Don't forget to make a thread on /qa/ about it.
violently ill, but it might just be that theme.
I will, because it's free :^)
Have you noticed vip fags only line of defence is
>lmao how does it effect you

Completely missing the reason why we're agaisnt the vip board
Precisely. :^)
or its either
>you're too poor
>animated rainbow pass for early adopters

Even in their special snowflake board they want to stand out further, fucking hell.
Sure but how does it actually affect you?
"muh idealism" and "it didn't used to be this way!"


tough titties, you're not in charge in your opinions don't matter. they never mattered. get off your high horse.
>cuckpass is retarded
expect no less
[spoiler]HIRO IS ON THE IRC RIGHT NOW[/spoiler]
Oh look!
>muh muh

>you're not in charge in your opinions don't matter.
No im not but you're opinion is worth just as same as mine, and that's why I dont like since4pass and any other reddit gold features too keep it like that
Fuck the irc, its all a circle jerk and you'll get kicked
>joke went over the cuckptcha's head
expect no less
that's right. neither of our opinions matter. don't try to 'since4pass' me because you think it adds validity to your argument.

we're not in control of this website. and nobody cares about us outside of using the paywall to get rid of the bottom feeder text.

fart to the wind some more, because that's all you're doing
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>there are now 4 different versions of /b/
>one of them is for paying users only
If thats all im doing then why are you in this thread
I always shitpost when I'm drunk
Projecting much?
After spending a few minutes here I can easily say that all of are lacking of any wit or intelligence whatsoever. You all believe yourselves to be better than everyone else, and I can tell you right now, that that is not the case in the slightest, you pseudo-intellectuals. I am much better than all of you. Clearly I am because I am neither pretentious, long-winded, asinine, discourteous, nor are my tastes quite as bland as yours. No, I am quite concise, and I would never stretch beyond that of my means or what I am designated to.
I'd have to say that this board is full of anonymous lurkers, attackers, and trolls, who have nothing better to do than throw their elitist opinions around in an attempt at misguided show-boating with people they'd never ever meet.
None of you build any persona or stand by anything remotely attached that I can feel some sort of personal connection to. You lack any sort of direction and I can't have that. You're analogies are far too complicated, linear, and they're rather contradictory. Why, there's never even any variety here!
I give this image board, masquerading as a message board, a 1/10.
no its not
I kind of wish the site would go the way of something like SA. Not the idea of creating an account, but the fact that unless you really have interest in joining discussion and various Bullshit posting, you have to pay to get in. Could you imagine a 4chan where people who are underage and don't have parents who cave to whining unable to post? Or the people who jump IPs to look like a different person can't do it anymore? Or people who casually come here to either rage post about how evil we all are or how much we suck or any other various shitposting can't do so because they don't want to pay 15$? I think I would be somewhat alright with the entirety of 4chan becoming pass only.
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i hope this was a joke
Honestly, that's why I think /vip/ is a step in the right direction. People want that perk. They want to have access to the exclusive board. They won't want to lose it, so they'll behave so that they don't risk getting banned. I don't see how anyone can argue that it's a bad thing unless they're the kind of person who gets banned constantly, and that's not the kind of person I want on this site. I want someone with a healthy respect for the rules.

I'm quite intrigued to see if they'll add anything else to encourage people to buy passes. I really doubt they'll go as insane as people have been claiming, but I imagine we'll see some reasonable additions.
Jesus fuck that shilling by the mods
Haha, mods = fun
Good fucking job Hiro, you've introduced classes to what's supposed to be a completely level and anonymous society. Now passfags and non-passfags are going to sling shit for all eternity.
I'd be so happy if Hiro gradually expanded the pass-only strategy to other boards as well. You could start with the more adult boards like /lit/ and /jp/ where the users don't even really care about small money like $20. Then you could gradually make the rest of the boards pass-only, leaving maybe just /b/ as free-to-post. It would save this site, both cost-wise and quality-wise.
>Now non-passfags will sling shit among each other forever while passfags hang out in /vip/ having VIP quality discussions where the poorfags can't reach them
fixed that for you, champ :)
>adult boards

Barely anyone there is above the age of 25, let alone 20

>tfw have a pass
>hate vip
Will /qa/ turn into an inner 4chan tabloid to talk about what goes in /vip/(VERY important people) now?
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Honestly, being 25 on this Malaysian moving pictures website mean you're basically a fucking elder already. moot himself is 27-28.

Besides, /jp/ thrives on autismbux and $20 to keep posting for another year wouldn't even be a serious question to them.
that's what it's looking to be
>Bought pass to run a quest last year
>All this shit happens

the reason I bought the pass may be undone by 4chan dying.
It has a reason to. /vip/ could very well supplant /qa/ as the suggestions board.

Why would mods not take suggestions from the people paying them money?
I recommend cancelling your pass and issuing a chargeback on your credit card against 4chan. You paid for a different service than you are getting now, so you are entitled to a refund.
I don't think this is true for a lot of people. I got mine November of last year.

And I did indeed use it for its intended purpose: circumventing a block of which should not have existed in the first place because of dynamic IP. I'm considering not renewing it this winter and just letting my 4chan days be over.

If we make it to November, I mean.
>a block with should not have existed

This is why 4chan will die. The mods will start blocking more and more IPs
>EOPs think everyone is as low as themselves
About that,
>Terms of Sale
>5. All sales are final. No refunds will be issued.
>Terms of Use
>9. Passes and all related services offered by 4chan are provided "as is" and without any warranty of any kind. 4chan makes no guarantee that Passes or the use thereof will be available at any particular time or that the results of using the Pass will meet your requirements.
> 10. In no event will 4chan or any of its employees or affiliates be liable for any damages relating to the Passes in excess of the prorated portion—in relation to the date you bought the Pass—of the amount (in USD) you spent to buy the Pass.
>off /pol/

Not him, but that's actually off a 7chan post.
Also, you can't claim Hiroyuki hasn't done this exact thing before in the past. He lost 2ch because of these actions directly.
Wrong quote?
/vip/ is definitely paying them money, and now they have an open forum for discussion.

Being the only board capable of relaying ideas and feedback is the next step.
>there are people in this thread who don't have a 4chan pass.
How shameful.
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>people are just joking around in peace
Why are poorfags such shitposters?
>ebin poorfag ad hom
hiro doesn't control captcha just like moot didn't control captcha
>Why exactly did J-List leave? Does anyone know?
They've always come and gone. Even in the past year this has happened at least twice and every single fucking time you people act like it's the end of the world. It happened when moot was in charge, too.
moot actually made an effort to try and keep them around.

Poorfags gonna poorfag.
And even then they occasionally dipped

>J-list being gone while Hiro was admin:
>J-list being gone before Hiro and after moot:
>J-list being gone while moot was admin:
You know what the real problem with /vip/ is? We're missing out on potential replies. These people are posting over there, so they might not post on the normal boards.
u wot m8

You could say that same thing about literally any other board. There are people posting on /po/, therefore we're missing out replies on /qa/!

Besides I thought you didn't want them posting elsewhere in the first place
All this 4chan pass wouldn't exist if it weren't for that anon talk spam that plagued 4chan.
Yes, but we can still talk to them over at /po/.
Not the vip-users, we have no way of communicating with them.
Hardly a problem when the VIP badge exists
lmao at the jelly af ppl kek
Look up chargebacks. Even if they put shit like that in a terms of service, you can dispute a purchase with your credit card and they will refund you, then charge the person you bought from (in this case Hiro) the money. They don't have to agree to the refund.

If you paid for a pass you paid for it before this shit started getting changed. There was an understanding that passes would not be altered to the detriment of this site.

If the people with passes dislike this, then this is an effective punitive measure to take against Hiro's alterations. You invested your money in a site you thought would not be changed the way it was.
LaTeX is a typesetting language, used mostly in the science and math academia for making publications. It is pretty good for typesetting math equations that are difficult to express in ascii.
Give them LaTeX, absolutely. Then we can find another vulnerability and steal their pass details. Give them SVG also.
or go to /sci/ where LaTeX is free xD!!!!!
I meant that I didn't get the joke as there's already a board that supports LaTeX, friend. :^)
This monetization shit would look less sketchy if the site's entire workforce didn't do it for free.
We'd start with cloverfags on /sci/ for sure, if only to be able to post on /vip/, but /sci/ is a slow board, and most cloverfags are too dumb to be interested in it. Bring the vulnerability to the /vip/tims, I say.
>How does it affect you
The same line pony fags use
That's bullshit because
1) you don't have to own a pass
2) you don't know when someone has a pass, unless he uses since4pass which you can filter either the post entirely or just the icon
3) you are not forced to browse /vip/

so unlike ponyfags, which post their images and nearly impossible to filter them all, pass users are easily filterable and you can pretend /vip/ doesn't exist altogether and it won't make a difference in your browsing.
passfags leak onto other boards and force the clovers

just like pony fags leak out and post their horses

Only difference is passfagging isnt a banable offense
You can filter the fucking clover, bitch.
>needing a thirdparty app
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Have you actually been to SA lately? Be careful of what you wish for.

You're underestimating how young 4chan is.

/jp/ is probably the board with the oldest demographic.
The main reason 4chan was made was to get away from SA in the first place you fucking retard.

Have we gone the full circle yet?
They're actively contributing to the demise of the site and they don't even know it.
Is that how you rationalize not supporting your favorite Thai toy theatre website?
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Why are people so angry that something that does not affect them in any way exists?
You forgot your clover, cuck.
>malicious ads and poor ownership
>not affecting me in any way
You're telling me you don't use an adblock?
Just saying I shouldn't need a third part app to filter something on an anonymous message board
>I shouldn't need
It's a private website, though, it's a privilege you can post here, not a right.
t. passcuck
>t. no arguments & only bitching
who are you quoting?
You do t. with a quote, newfriend.
Why are all the cucks who bought a pass also newfags?
Because they came from reddit
How would you know?
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>mfw this is how hiro kills 4chan
I expected a more glorious end, but this? This is just pathetic
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just a feeling
How did you come to acquire this feeling?
The hivemind tells him what to think
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I can tell by the pixels and from posting on 4chan for a long time
I love how mad people are getting at obvious jokes
These people are just too poor to afford a sense of humor.
[death rattle intensifies]
It's just a prank, bro.
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/qa/ does nothing but bitch and moan.

If you think you're any better than /vip/ then you need to see past your delusion.
Y-Yeah, and /pol/ was just ironically supporting Donald Trump. R-Right guys?
dumb polposter
>We have reached a point where people genuinely want to use an advanced text system
>For posts

BBCode is acceptable but using LaTeX has got to be the most fedora tipping thing I've ever heard.

Also a testing board already exists --- /test/

There's also /j/
plus 1 for visible sage (for all users)
>tfw bought pass just for captcha

i didn't ask for this
That's just pathetic.

They should expand the paywall to the whole site - it's clear that 99% of the shitters can't afford a post licence.
all of these are fucking terrible, holy shit. that person doesnt get 4chan at all
That sounds really boring.
>He thinks this is doublechin.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
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