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/vip/ to replace /qa/

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Thread replies: 172
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>anyone who cares enough about 4chan for their opinions to even matter should have bought a pass by now.

well /qa/ isn't this true?
Hmm 4chan usually cross-links for me
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It'd be the next logical step. Then he would only take suggestions from the them in order to get even more ppl to buy passes.

/qa/ is the only redpilled board when it comes to his jewish shit.

Once it's gone, nobody will know what's going on and even though the site might still be there functionally. It'll be dead from the inside.
>the site might still be there functionally. It'll be dead from the inside.
Aren't we all?
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You're all part of a much larger problem here

This love for bait is literally going to be the downfall of the site because no matter what happens people will defend it just to piss off a few others, without realising the actual impact it will have on the site. Though that said, I suppose said individuals don't really care about the site anyway
>Absolutely. We're the ones who support the site, we should decide how it works.

>To be honest, I think pass members should be the only ones allowed to post new threads on boards like /v/ and /pol/ to increase quality. We might have actual discussions that way.
It begins
Then the next logical step is to spread the word.

Someone should buy a pass and go redpill /vip/ (or, preferably, someone who already had a pass should do it), someone should redpill /pol/, people should spread the word outside 4chan, et cetera. I would honestly expect the entire site to be blowing up at this point with anti-Hiro shitposting, much like the anti-Moot posting that spawned when Gaymergayte happened.

I'm not saying to go full-on raid here, but... seriously, I'm not a regular /qa/ poster, and I was only alerted to this fiasco in the first place by the sudden addition of /vip/ in the first place.
>To be honest, I think pass members should be the only ones allowed to post new threads on boards like /v/ and /pol/ to increase quality. We might have actual discussions that way.
What exactly was Hiro getting at with that?
Honestly, locking /v/ and /pol/ to passes like that would only incite raids upon raids on the entire site, and might get the place DDOS'd, by displaced non-pass-using /v/ and /pol/ users. It'd be like deleting the boards.

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vip right now is just a piss at people who dont have pass

that being said I cant imagine what faggot or new one needs to be to care about this site, I know myself I gave a shit about 4chan around 2008 last time and would be content to see it die. in this sense im okay with vip, its the next step to the end.
Actually, 4chan would be pretty fun if it was entirely paid.
Only people who cared enough would stay.
On one hand, /vip/ sounds like the perfect breeding ground for the perfect storm of cancer and circlejerking.

On the other, I kind of love the idea of having a bunch of stuck-up cunts as a pseudo-aristocracy circlejerking in their ivory tower. Sounds like a board I'd love to hate. Plus they'd be actually supporting the board, so that makes it automatically better than /mlp/.
No, I care about 4chan, but I don't care about Hiro and filling his pockets.
This is more proof that /vip/ has shown just how big of faggots most pass owners are.
I like all those ideas except removing the filter
>you lived to see 4chan Gold™
>You will live to see the 4chan Gold™ Board Of Directors tank us into a p2post hellhole

time to make my own chan
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Fuck off /vip/ fag
Uh I don't think you should be talking to a higher caste of poster like that buddy
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If you think paying 20 dollars for an IP Tracker to some nip makes you a higher caste then you need to kill yourself

Just looking through that board shows you guys are the worse of the worst, there's probably higher caliber posts on /pol/ and /trash/

/vip/ is diet Reddit
I've got mixed feelings about that board.
I don't like the idea of its existence, but I feel like most 4chan pass owners don't care anyway.
And a small board without any real topic can only become a glorified /trash/ or /r9k/.
It's not like poorfags (like me) are going to be too much jealous of that board.
Wow I don't think I can tolerate this kind of behaviour much longer. I might have to vacate the board to a nicer VIP area
You are so mad and triggered dude. If you get mad so easily don't visit /vip/.
>bawww my feelings baww
Grow up and support 4chan
>most 4chan pass owners don't care anyway

Browse through the board and you'll find plenty of stuff like the images I've already posted

Go back to r/vip then
No, because I'm not a blind ass licker like you who believes everything mook says.

If you're so stupid as to be part of the whole "support 4chan or you're horrible, it's in crisis!" scheme then you are desperate to rationalize your pass purchase.

So far everything is pointing to the site not actually being in a financial crisis, and since Hiro did shady shit on the last website he was a part of it would make sense if he was doing it again but with a new selection of people. And judging from how you shitters behave on /vip/ his plan is working flawlessly.

This site has a grim future. Not because it is at risk of being shut down, but because all this pass catering and encouraging is leading to a group of posters who will sit back and rejoice as this site becomes further twisted from here on out, just because they got shit like /vip/ and attention whoring clovers.
yes that's my point. A lot of 4chan pass owners don't care about /vip/ board and the will not use it at all.
Non-pass users won't miss a lot.
Then again I'm not supporting /vip/, I'm just saying that it's a stupid idea that should've been discarded instantly instead of actually being developed, but in the end it's not a big deal.
Well we are actually supporting the site. What are you doing other than getting mad and shitposting?
And you'll continue to support the site even as he continues to make it worse, because he's succeeded in making plenty of people brainwashed with this shit.

If you want to feel superior so badly then stay on your little circlejerk board for all I care and feel like you're the best person on earth because you spent 20 dollars on an IP Tracker for a person who is already full of money. A lot of you pass fags have shown how awful you guys really are on that board anyways.

Point being, this website is going to have even worse changes from here on out, and I know exactly who to blame outside of Hiro himself: you pass users who will blindly support and encourage these bad changes.
>Well we are actually supporting the site.
>Moot ran us for years without demanding we pay
>explicitly stated passes are merely an optional and SILENT means to support the site with a benefit
>Hiro comes in
>gives no numbers
>merely tells us 4chan is suddenly headed toward trouble and you better buy those passes
>makes gr13 obsolete
>is effectively turning 4chan into a payed forum shithole
>Oh yes Hiro-san~ I will, you poor admin you!

kill yourself you deluded faggot.
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>nothing wrong with the site
>>B-but it will go wrong soon and then I will be right
Fuck off, start complaining when something actually happens. Or even better just stay on 8gag next time
>And you'll continue to support the site even as he continues to make it worse
It's not worse in any way. Only a handful of retards get mad at /vip/ even if it doesn't affect you in any way.
>and I know exactly who to blame outside of Hiro himself: you pass users who will blindly support and encourage these bad changes.
Except we aren't supporting bad changes. A /vip/ board isn't a bad change, it doesn't affect me in any way even if I didn't have a pass.
You are just getting mad because you don't like change, grow up dude
>A /vip/ board isn't a bad change
What am I reading?
>A /vip/ board isn't a bad change
It is when it shows he was lying about needing to delete certain boards to save money and it's the first step in making a paid forum site. If money really was tight he wouldn't waste it on making a special snowflake club.

I remember when 4chan Gold threads and shit were just a meme, but now it's become a reality.
Moot is not a 4chan authority anymore, it doesn't matter what he did in the past.
You are being tinfoilish without having any evidence.
>but but hiro is bad
You have nothing to back you up other than some badly translated japanese chan posts.
If you don't like Hiro's 4chan you can stop coming here, meanwhile people like myself, who enjoy the website will donate and help if we can
>/qa/ keeps making this argument
Just proves to me how stupid posters on this board are
>It is when it shows he was lying about needing to delete certain boards to save money and it's the first step in making a paid forum site
Dude, the problem is the money, not the bandwidth/storage. If /vip/ makes money it will pay itself and make a profit. Do you have any kind of education?
These are the kinds of people /vip/ encourages, everyone. Hiro's made drones for himself.

Keep that in mind when you see this shit more frequently in the future.
Yet you haven't made none non-staff anon
And what evidence do you have that 4chan is in trouble?
You're blindly trusting someone and giving him your money when he is known to have a dodgy past?
>b-but there's no substantial evidence!
Sure, but the fact that the accusations were heavy and frequent says something.

It's amazing what a little bit of money will do to people.
I like to believe it's just mod going full damage control
Users can't be this retarded and cucked, can they?
>Users can't be this retarded and cucked, can they?
We have cross-posters from everywhere, and some neets with too much money.
You do the math.
>And what evidence do you have that 4chan is in trouble?
The owner himself said it and 4chan was always making a loss, even with passes it was struggling. Why do you think moot quit ? 4chan isn't profitable it never was.
This is some Prison Experiment shit, I tell you what.
Moot said he left enough money in 4chan for it to sustain, and I'd believe Moot over the person who got kicked off of the last site he ran over similar shady shit.
>Hiro drone
I have always supported 4chan in any way I could, because I actually like the website. I know that crying and complaining like you are doing will achieve nothing.
A /vip/ board isn't a bad change, it doesn't affect you or me in any way, it doesn't affect any other board. You are pointlessly mad
Moot himself said Hiro was the most qualified person to run 4chan. You can check his statement in the news section.
>Why do you think moot quit
Because he was maintaining us autists for over a decade?
Anyone would get burnt out doing that, and he wanted to do something else.
The fact that he lasted even five years is amazing.

>the owner himself said it
So what we're supposed to believe anything he says?
Why is it so hard to be transparent and present the numbers? He would garner much more support from being open and honest.
But instead you fucks decide to blindly drone onto him and will effectively turn us into a SA2
Premium content and paid access forums does affect the site, because if it proves to be successful (which thanks to you faggots it is so far) nothing will stop Hiro for extending it further.
>The site isn't in danger of going under financially any time soon, and it's as fast and stable as ever thanks to continued development and recent server upgrades.
Given recent events I think Moot wanted to get out quick and saw that a person who used to run a similar site was recently kicked off of it and would be looking for a new position. Because if not for that situation I can't see him really thinking Hiro was best qualified given what he did.
Moot was naive &/ didn't care.
It had to cross his mind that 4chan's stupidly meta and tedious culture was something a non-native speaker and poster would never hope to understand, nor be a successful admin of.
>Why is it so hard to be transparent and present the numbers?
What would that achieve ? Even if he did people would say it was fake and would still not believe.

Moot ALWAYS had problems running 4chan, it just doesn't make money.
>Premium content and paid access forums does affect the site
How does a /vip/ board affect you?

Doesn't matter what you think, moot said it. You either care/believe in moot and take him as an authority or you don't. It's pointless to cherrypick his statements if are going to disregard the ones you don't agree with.
>Moot ALWAYS had problems running 4chan, it just doesn't make money.
>How does a /vip/ board affect you?

I've said what it will most likely lead to several times including in the post you replied to, it's not my fault if you're another delusional passfag who doesn't understand the farther reaching consequences that /vip/ is a gate to and are too busy blindly enjoying your five minutes of self-gratification.
>How does a /vip/ board affect you?
It's not so much /vip/ but just the priority level pass users will get over the rest of the board. It's literally the MMO method to get people to sub.
>moot said it

moot said a lot of things, doesn't mean shit.

Remember: he thought Asuka was best girl.
>Slippery slope fallacy
Lmao going to laugh at you with some other superior posters now.
>no captcha
>cdr reduced
>own board
Considering how well /vip/ has done to create a community of circlejerking drones who think having a pass makes them special and as a result of being given /vip/ will agree with anything Hiro does, the slippery slope is already on its way.
Funny how it's always a "slippery slope fallacy" only from this point forward. Any changes before that was just progress.
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>Lmao going to laugh at you with some other superior posters now.
You mean the cucked club of stolen info?
Like I said, I don't care what Moot said. He's not an authority here anymore, and times have changed and 4chan traffic has increased a lot since he left. I won't say he was lying or saying the truth, but I just don't care about what he said especially because he left.
>I've said what it will most likely lead
Except those are assumptions based on nothing. You are getting mad at something you just assume will happen in the future.
>use moot as an argument
>hurr now i dun care what he said :^)
That's because the poster was using moot's statement as proof that Hiro was lying. If you actually read the thread you would understand
Seeing /vip/ cucks getting BTFO brings a tear to my eye
Undertand what? Hiro was clearly lying.
I haven't seen much of that yet.
I keep trying to argue with them but they just go to their shitty board and I can't afford a pass to follow them
Maybe /qa/ should all pool together to buy one pass so we at least have a chance
Back to /r/ the donald
All that would result in is a meta board where everyone's too afraid to post actual criticism for fear of being banned and losing their pass.
Exactly what Hiro would want. The people he's made from /vip/ are exactly the kind of people he wants.
>the owner of a website wants the people who support the website to stay in the website
No shit, retard
>the owner of a website wants the people who were easily bribed into blindly following anything he does just because they got a special board while simultaneously being too afraid to speak against any of the shit he does or else losing their pass and thus becoming more defenders

>Y-you just dont agree with me so you don't get banned
have you been banned yet?
fucking retard
I have not, however I have had threads deleted because they talked bad of the decision to make /vip/.

Point is you and plenty of other easily convinced fuckers are now bending over and blindly defending Hiro just because you got a special board. Apparently it's easy to convince people to turn their heads from what's really going on.
>simultaneously being too afraid to speak against any of the shit he does or else losing their pass and thus becoming more defenders
Except nobody loses their pass for that. You are just making up stuff because you are too broke to buy a pass and actually support the website.
You are free to post your opinion but you are pretty stupid and easily triggered.

If I was Hiro, I sure would want people to buy more passes, why wouldn't I ? Hiro doesn't care as much as Moot did, I'm not sure why you are surprised with small changes
More like they were deleted because of you spamming them in inappropriate boards.
Euthanasia is a choice
Euthanasia is a choice, and I hope you people who support what will kill this site just because you got a special board decide to make that choice.
>I have not, however I have had threads deleted because they talked bad of the decision to make /vip/.
If you make that shit in random boards, sure. You will get banned because it's agains the rules, just follow the rules and you won't get banned or get your threads deleted
Threads bitching about /trash/ and /qst/ and /his/ also got deleted, so what's your point?
>and I hope you people who support what will kill this site just because you got a special board decide to make that choice.
Again, we aren't supporting anything that will kill this site. You are just assuming 'le slippery slope apocalipse' scenario and getting mad by yourself. It's just a /vip/ board, it doesn't affect you in any way
See >>745459

I'm not surprised you ignore posts that confirm it, nor am I surprised you're proving me right that you people are being good little anons for Hiro because he gave you a special snowflake board.

I can't wait for there to be more pass only incentives meaning more people blindly following Hiro because bribery is easy as fuck to do I guess.
None of those things are bad
>None of those things are bad

Spoken like a proper lapdog. Hiro really has won, and all it apparently took was making a special board.
Who disliked passes before the board?
No captcha was implemented by Moot and you know, people were calling that 4chan gold back in the day too.
Cool down time reduction is a good thing, how is that something wrong or bad ? The concept of slippery slope relies on things getting worse over time, but improved time is not a bad thing, a /vip/ board doesn't affect you in any way or form. If anything the changes Hiro is making are very considerate and non-invasive.
Non of the 'changes' affect you in any way shape or form.

Also stop with the condescending 'you are a drone hurr' stuff, you already made your point about it, no need to keep repeating it since it only makes you look dumb.
>these people exist

This site is doomed.
>No argument
As expected.
It's hard to argue when you only think this shit is good because you're a pass user. The stuff you listed isn't good at all but you don't care what happens to this site because you reap the benefits.
Forget I have a pass, how do any of the changes affect you ?
It doesn't affect you in anyway you whiney crud
The fact that it's quite clearly evidenced that more and more focus is being put towards premium content despite most signs pointing towards the statement of the site being in a financial crisis is false, anyone who's not blinded by their pass should see the direction 4chan is going. This stuff may or may not affect non-pass users yet, but it will.

Say what you want about a slippery slope fallacy, but there's been a push towards more pass content for a while and at the end of the day I'll be the one in the right. You don't have to believe me now.
Why do you need focus put on you?
Why do you need focus put on YOU? Now that pass users have been given a special voice and all this catering to things have only gotten worse. You've shown your true colors and it's clear who will help steer the site into a negative direction.
I don't but the site needs money so passes need to have some value since apparently 99.9% of this site are too stingy to help out.

You are just crying because you aren't getting free shit. STFU you baby
>passkikes trying to take over the site from real users

Surprise surprise. Nobody saw this coming, right?
t. drone cuck
>This stuff may or may not affect non-pass users yet, but it will.
Why ? There's no evidence of that other than your assumptions.
>The fact that it's quite clearly evidenced that more and more focus is being put towards premium content despite most signs pointing towards the statement of the site being in a financial crisis is false
Flase according to who ? What sources ?
> but there's been a push towards more pass content for a while
Yes, Hiro himself said that instead of putting adds and deleting boards he will try to encourage people to buy more passes.
What's wrong with that ?
He's making changes that are non-invasive and don't affect regular users at all. Like I said before, you should stop the 'ur blinded by pass' thing, not everyone who disagrees with you is shilling or a drone, people have different opinions you know and I have backed mine with proper arguments. I'm not assuming anything.
Back to /r/ the donald .
>the site needs money

No it doesn't. You're proving me right that you pass fags are blindly believing what Hiro says because he gave you special shit and has fueled your ego enough to think you're special.

There is nothing proving the site's financial problems, if anything things only show the site is doing fine. He had the money to open yet another new board, and this kind of shit is reminiscent of what he did on 2ch, something the people there tried to warn us about. Moot also said before he left that the site was doing fine financially, and I'd believe Moot over the nip who got kicked off of every website he's ever managed.

Furthermore the pass sales can very much give him even less money because people who renew it now are giving him less money than before, a point that has been brought up in other threads. If Hiro was low on money, he wouldn't be running this sale for so long.

Keep believing everything he says because he threw you a bone though. I know it means a lot to you.
Then it would be Something Awful. Which is to say, completely dead.
I've been here for almost a decade now and would never give this site a cent, especially not to the 4chan of recent years. Anyone who cares is some newfag that thinks by buying a pass makes him part of the epic inside club.

If it has to die, so be it, its long overdue.
>I don't have an argument anymore
>better post a baby video and ignore the post, that will show him!

He's going to close or sell the site if he doesn't meet his projected amount...
So pass donors are preserving the site.
He never said this for fact and there's still no proof the site is actually in financial issues. The only reason you see so many people offering to buy the site is because they caught wind of him claiming it was in trouble and are trying to bid for it prematurely. Something similar happened when moot said he'd sell the site, I imagine.
I feel like hiro is doing the right thing, let the drone cucks cash, give them a pointless board they'll barely visit in a few weeks after the novelty wears off.

If he stops there, its good for us, we basically cuck the payers by using the site for free and enjoy what little you can of his shithole.

If he goes down the slope, the site will die, which is also a good thing

Literally win-win for the rest of us.
Yeah they should have waited until the site was forced offline
Hiro never said he'd sell the site though. This whole selling fiasco is nothing but billionaires trying to jump on an opportunity they only think exists.

Point is, Hiro's not trustworthy and should show proof the site is actually in trouble, because he once claimed 2ch was in trouble and it actually wasn't, which was part of what got him kicked off from there.
>Be idiot
>fall for Hiro's "4chan/2ch is dying, pls buy passes" scam
>helped to contribute in making it more like their old home back at reddit while feeling superior for "saving 4chan"

Thanks for buying 4chan Gold, Hiro can afford another round of hookers and blow tonight.
>No it doesn't.
Proof ?
>He had the money to open yet another new board
What ? That's not how the internet works. Even if you had to 'pay for boards' /vip/ is actually trying to make a profit. In other words whatever /vip/ is costing to Hiro it is being hopefully making more money incentivating people to buy passes. If it doesn't well yeah it will get shut down.
>Moot also said before he left that the site was doing fine financially
Moot also said Hiro was the best person for the job. Other than that it really doesn't make sense to quit 4chan when it finally was doing well financially, and it wouldn't be very smart to post something like 'well 4chan is going down so I'm selling it before it's too late'. You don't shit on the product you are trying to sell. Moot obviously had to make 4chan as desirable as possible to get more money out of it.
Again, Moot said Hiro was the best man for the job.

>Keep believing everything he says because he threw you a bone though. I know it means a lot to you.
Again, not everyone disagreeing with you is in some kind of conspiracy fueled by pass benefits. People have different opinions
Considering Hiro's shady reputation the burden of proof lies on him and proving the site needs money. Something he has yet to provide.

The point about opening /vip/ is that he said one of the solutions would be closing boards if the site was low on money, yet he's done the exact opposite.

>Moot also said Hiro was the best person for the job.
So you're going to say Moot saying the site was good financially means nothing but him saying Hiro was best for the job means everything.

>Again, not everyone disagreeing with you is in some kind of conspiracy fueled by pass benefits. People have different opinions
Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that since /vip/ opened there's been an influx of people defending Hiro and the shit going on. Not to mention the kind of tripe posted on /vip/ itself.
>he calls it support
I won't support something i don't believe in
Hiroyuki said that he would do one of three things to help 4chan survive.

He then did exactly one of those three things.
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/vip/ is satly that /qa/ got the first dubs
>Considering Hiro's shady reputation the burden of proof lies on him and proving the site needs money.
Proof of his shady reputation ? Again make sure your sources are more than a couple of screen shots from 2ch.
>So you're going to say Moot saying the site was good financially means nothing but him saying Hiro was best for the job means everything.
I'm not saying that. I was obviously referring to your post when you said that moot stated that the site was doing well. If you trust moot so much, then you should also trust his judgment about Hiro. I personally don't care about moot had to say.
>Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that since /vip/ opened there's been an influx of people defending Hiro and the shit going on.
It's not a coincidence. Why can't you accept that some people are actually ok and happy with the changes ? This is a board to discuss the current state of the website, it will obviously have discussion about passes and /vip/, and some people will obviously participate and post their opinion in here.
Do what you want nobody cares.
>Proof of his shady reputation? Again make sure your sources are more than a couple of screen shots from 2ch.
2ch would know best about him because they experienced his shit firsthand, retard. A video exists highlighting it as well.
>It's not a coincidence. Why can't you accept that some people are actually ok and happy with the changes?
The only people happy with the changes are passfags glad the site is becoming premium content and Redditers happy 4chan is becoming more like their homepage.
>2ch would know best about him because they experienced his shit firsthand, retard. A video exists highlighting it as well.
So where's the source ? The only thing I've read about it are some translated screenshots from anonymous posters from 2ch about data stealing. Hiro already addressed that a while ago
>The only people happy with the changes are passfags glad the site is becoming premium content and Redditers happy 4chan is becoming more like their homepage.
Well the changes are made to incentivize people to buy passes, it makes sense people with passes are defending it. At the same time it really doesn't affect regular users in any way.
Reddit gold has nothing to do with passes, its a completely different thing, they also have something like a vip board but its mosly dead. The main use of reddit gold is as a gift to other users for making quality posts.
>help 4chan survive.

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Eye witness accounts don't count, silly goy.
I don't think it's that surprising that hiro might mismanage the site into near-bankruptcy.

He could also be a liar and a cheat rolling in millions of dollars from his shitty ad services, but we don't have any evidence either way.
>/trv/ --> /int/

fuck off. /trv/ is one of the best boards out there, /int/ is /pol/ lite. Some of it has already been swapping over in the past months, merging them would kill it completely
I don't care what /vip/ thinks. Don't use misleading OPs to imply there has been official decisions made.
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You know what he meant, fuccboi.
Pls tell me you are also a since4pass cuck

It'd literally make my day
>Deleting /mlp/
I don't think so, Tim.
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>i'm l-laughing at u!
Oh, I bet.
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Look man, I really don't know why you are so butthurt, but it doesn't really matter

I can just change the filenames or just outright delete the pictures, it's no biggie

But I'd really like to know why you are doing this y'know?
Are you also the same guy who tried to derail my last thread so hard to the point where he tried to spam porn and got banned?
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You seem quite interested for something that
>doesn't really matter
It's because what you're doing, makes no sense to me
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Not my problem.
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Well, I guess we will never solve anything if you refuse to give me a reason behind you blind hatred

But it's okay, I got a pretty nice good-bye thread with all the good people that actually matter
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IRC discussions aren't called threads, what the fuck.

>your IRC buttbuddies
I can't even laugh at this.
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I'm talking about the thread that you tried to hopelessly derail with porn and got banned in 2 minutes

Why do you refuse to explain? Why can't we just talk like normal ppl? Are you afraid? Do I really need to change my filenames and ignore you? I don't wanna ignore problems, I wanna solve them
I still have no idea what you're talking about.

This isn't #hisouten you piece of shit and I'm not your friend. If you really wanted to solve problems, you'd have already killed yourself.
I knew you came from that shitty channel

I guess you leave me no choice
I tried to talk with you and even wanted to listen to your point of view, because I thought that maybe we could come up with a better solution than this autistic shit

In the end, you are no better than the person you hate so much, in fact, you are just worse because at least I wanted to something more than going "hurr kill you'reself"

I hope you are happy, because I won't reply to ANY of your future posts no matter how hard you try to falseflag

From now on, if you want to talk to me you'll need to behave like a civilized human being

t. shotty
Forgot my "do"
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Wow, you finally understand how I feel about you. We're actually getting somewhere now!

Too bad your woman instincts kicked in. Oh well, it's not like I actually expected you to stop being a shitposter. Au revoire.

>opinion matter
>cant even cross link properly

youre literally a reddit tier faggot and you should fuck off back to where you belong or sit down and shut the fuck up and lurk moar instead of being an obnoxious faggot thinking your special xbox live gold class title fast tracks you to some prestige above anyone else. literally just go kill yourself you autistic 15 year old fuck youre everything thats wrong with 4chan and any forum really.
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>no clover next to your name
stopped reading right there
To me there's really only 3 types of 4chan pass users.
The Lazy:
People that would rather pay 20$ than solve the captcha
The Obsessed:
People that post on the site so much that the pass is actually worth it
The Elitist:
Idiots that think the nominal fee of 20$/yr actually make them better than everyone else
>145 posts
>32 IPs

lmao obsessed
That's just standard /qa/ autism though
>implying /qa/ isn't a containment board for meta discussions and redditors
>implying anyone cares about what's posted here
>implying retards wouldn't buy passes to push their shitty agendas and completely shit up /vip/
GookMoot tries to give 4chanPasses additional value, turning them into handicapped IDs would be rather counter productive
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>tfw pass cucks can't even cross link
The use of [sjis] makes using /vip/ worthwhile. You actually feel like a VIPPER on /vip/
This should be a sticky. The fact that he cannot cross link is such a perfect example of the /vip/ attitude and problem.
What's a sticky?
When I pulled out a little too late of your mom last night
>my extension doesn't support clovers
Feels good.
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how about i cross link you straight back to >>>/r/eddit cuccboi?
Holy Shit.
Anon just got Blown The Fuck OUT.
>wearing his jew badge
>calling anyone a redditor

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whatever my nigga. i'm going back to >>>/vip/ rn.
come join me if u wa -
oh wait haha never mind lmao
>still only 40 posters ITT

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Stupid frog poster
/vip/ is a hilariously awful idea and i hope hiroshima stops fucking around

the increased shitposting speed on real boards is nice though
I moved to http://iichan.ga
I don't think that people actually responding to each other is the mark of a bad thread. It is when the posts and IP are similar in number that you realise no discussion is happening.
The fact that it is such a small amount of people discussing it should hint that perhaps it is something only a small proportion of autis.. users actually care about?
Not really. Most people do things without talking about it. While complainers might leave your service in business it is the silent individual leaving without saying anything that is more common.
It is a tiring endeavour to fix something. Especially with an unproductive service or hostile audience.
While it's completely possible that only those posting care it is extremely unlikely based on trends and research into such things. There is almost always more or a presence than there is a vocal group.
A small vocal group might denote a larger but proportionally small presence but the fact remains that there are almost always more people fed up then there are complaining.
It's because I was shitposting all last night. At least a third of the posts itt are mine
Christ all these /vip/ cucks need to be banned. It's fucking clear they're from Reddit since they all blindly support what Hiro is doing.
I agree also all of /qa/, /v/, /pol/, /tv/ and /r9k/ should be banned for the same reason
Hiro, please put your trip on when talking to us.

VIP faggotry is one of the many reasons people left forums and came to 4chan. No post counts, no names, no superiority. Trolls and baiters who support 4chan Gold are the cancer we can see
horrible idea
SJWs will astroturf
Thread posts: 172
Thread images: 30

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