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The eternal namefag

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How do we stop this guy? He is namefagging in every fucking thread

Mods please ban him
Filter him.
It's a joke, anyone could be Punky Brewster.
whaddup its me please no ban me
Let's all collectively get banned sans Punky and see what he does on the board in solidarity.
why is this post deserving of so many 1's, oh lord kek
leave punky alone
he did nothing to deserve this
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this thread constitutes bullying plz stop
doesn´t this violate some global rule?

seems unnecessarily hostile to me
Come on dude, it's not that bad, It's only 1 guy on a very slow board, lmao.

I'm filtering you too
we punky now. you can´t escape us anon
stop it.
if you´re the real punky, you should get a real trip
Hey guys what's going on in this Punky Brewster
punky doesn't like using trips, no sir!

people should respect punky enough to let her namefig in peace.
something excuisitely punky brewsterishingly
once the haters have died i will let her namefag in peace again. i just want to piss them off
I see
Are you me?
a girl is no one.
Many years ago, in high school.
Punky Brewster transferred to my school when I was a sophomore. I didn't recognize her, but she knew me as a friend of a friend. We would sit next to each other on the hour-long bus ride to school. If she didn't have afterschool cross-country, we'd sit next to each other on the ride home too. I found myself trying to put my arm around her and stuff. Sometimes on accident. Sometimes not on accident :3. Eventually though, I just dropped any idea of trying to get her to like me romantically. I still liked her, and valued her as a friend.
On one bus ride, Punky Brewster told me that she had tried to kill herself. I got really scared and held her tightly. I embraced her right there on the bus. I didn't know what was going on, and I apologized. I was just scared. I didn't want to lose her. After a year of sitting on the bus next to each other, we'd gotten a love of minds I guess. I apologized a lot, and tried to explain. She didn't really mind. I think she understood.
Punky Brewster started not showing up to school every day, sometimes for weeks at a time. I didn't fully understand it at the time, but she was getting shuffled around between foster homes. When I didn't see her on the bus, I'd call her. We talked every day. It was part of my routine. I started riding my bike over to her place, or she would jog over to my place. She started coming to my place more and more often.
I found out about her and the foster homes. Punky Brewster's father raped her when she was very young. She tried to commit suicide on a semi-regular basis, and was on a number of anti-depressents. She had spent a lot of time living with foster families, because she kept getting removed from her home. But she always ended up back with her family (and her father).
Punky Brewster's parents were very religious, and controlling too. They intercepted my letters to her. I forget exactly what it was, but they were like, holy rollers or something. I've always been awkward around the passionately religious, and tried to avoid them, but whenever I saw them, they seemed to bug her about using her medications as a crutch.
One day, Punky Brewster showed up while I was just sitting around playing Starcraft. She sat on a green blanket hanging over the edge of my bed. I felt really awkward -- I was not being a good host, but come on, Starcraft yo. She looked at me with this weird impish look. I looked at her and started apologizing for my nerdyness. Punky Brewster kissed me.
"Did you not like it?"
"No. I mean... it's just a surprise."
I kissed Punky Brewster back. We sat there on my bed, kissing. Just kissing. Deep long kisses. Next morning at the bus stop, we sat there kissing each other. We lived to kiss each other for the next few days.
We started seeing each other like every day. Mainly Punky Brewster would come over to my place, and we'd make out. It got heavier and heavier over time. After two weeks, we were doing some petting. It was clear she had some issues... her teeth would start chattering and she would tense up when I gave her a hand job. She couldn't stop it, it just... happened. I knew it had something to do with her childhood abuse.
After a few more weeks, we did it. We had sex in an abandoned van in my neighborhood. We went through a couple of condoms that night, some broke. She wanted to do it, but it took like an hour of petting for her to open up to me. Sex was always difficult with her, like her body always just wanted to clam up.
Still, we did it. And we got better at it over time. :3 We were having sex every day. Punky Brewster's parents got wise to us (by reading my letters) and stopped letting her out of the house. I just went to her house. We'd 'go for a walk' with the sanction of her parents and have sex in the park. I don't think the parents ever caught on to that one.
I started getting afraid. The more we had sex, the less talked about feelings and life. I loved the sex, but we used to have something really special and it was fading. I wanted to be her pillar. At the bus stop, I floated the idea of breaking up. BAD IDEA. She started crying, and crying, and crying. She promised to stop taking drugs (which I didn't know about). She promised she'd do anything. I couldn't take this sight and just took it back. I never wanted to hurt her, I was just afraid that by being her boyfriend, we were both losing something more important. But it wasn't worth hurting her over.
There were lots of little details and events in the relationship. But mainly sex. We had sex like the horny 17 year-olds we were. Everyday, everywhere. Fast-forward four months.
Punky Brewster misses her period. I try to hold out faith that it must be some kind of fluke, but it's not. I promise to support her no matter what. She wants an abortion. Her (deeply religious) parents find out, because of her morning sickness. Shortly after that, she's removed from the home by child protective services.
For the most part, I don't have any contact with Punky Brewster. She sends an email to me once from her grandparents' house, but that's it. I get into contact with her guardian ad litem, and am vaguely kept up to date. I find out she's getting an abortion, I offer anything to help. She tells me the time, date and location. I go.
They're late. They're very late. I ask the woman at the desk, but she can't tell me anything. Abortion privacy rules. I sit in the parking lot for an hour. Waiting to see if she comes out of the clinic. I get a phone call from the guardian, telling me they're late. Half an hour passes. The guardian shows up with Punky Brewster. They needed to a judge to intervene to get her released from the juvenile center against the parents' will. My love goes into the clinic and is quickly taken back. I gave the guardian all my money. Not quite enough to cover the procedure, but she picks up the tab.
I wait in the operating room. I know I can't go back there, but I wait. And wait. And wait. It was only supposed to take an hour. Something's wrong, and I know it. I watch other women come out. I cry to myself, alone in the clinic.
The guardian comes out, tells me it's done. They're wheeling Punky Brewster out the back in a wheelchair. Bad reaction with the anesthetics or something. I say hi to Punky Brewster, and she says hi back, but that's the extent of it before she ends up in the car going back to the juvenile center.
I don't hear anything from Punky Brewster for a while. I haven't really talked to her for like two months. Very scared for the future. There is some deep hate between me and her family at this time. I wanted to kill her father. I was turning into something I didn't want to be with all this hate.
A week after the procedure. With no word, no warning, Punky Brewster shows up on my doorstep. I'm happy, but she seems worried. She snuck out of the juvenile center with another girl. It had been a rough journey getting back to my house. I bring her to my room. We make love. For the first time, it's perfect. The best ever. Totally smooth and open. Probably because of the surgery, but what ever.
Punky Brewster lives in my closet for a couple weeks. I don't tell anyone. My sister finds out (heard us having sex), but keeps her fucking trap shut. Punky Brewster's parents start accusing me of hiding her. My mother steps up to defend me (sorry Mom!). Eventually, I come clean to my Mom, who's angry. But she eventually warms up to Punky Brewster. Turns out Mom was raped by her father too. Really, she just gets angrier at the family.
Punky Brewster contacts her guardian ad litem and goes back to the juvenile center. We start getting into contact more, as she spends more time at the grandparents. A plan is hatched by the guardian ad litem (whose main goal, btw, is to get her out of her father's home permanantly).
Punky Brewster will go to a religous school, funded by her grandparents. A catholic home for delinquent girls. The parents are not happy, because it is catholic, but somehow the plan goes through. The school is in the state, but over a hundred miles away. The guardian brings her to my house, and we say goodbye.
I send her letters every other day but don't get any reply. Slowly, I send less and less letters. Every now and then, I get messages from her over the internet, when she visits her grandparents. The home won't let her get any letters from me. I promise to wait.
The messages from the internet dwindle. After three months, I don't hear from her any more. I keep seeing love in the glances of girls and hear her voice when I pick up the phone, but that slowly dwindles too.
Years later, college. I am a nineteen year old junior (good AP scores!). I get a call from my mother saying she forwarded a package from Punky Brewster. It shows up on a manilla envelope, with a protective plastic skin inside.
It contains the following:
A pile of letters, all written by me.
Two chick tracts. One about the lie of evolution, and one about giving yourself to Jesus.
A letter from her.
The gist of the letter was that she was going to become a missionary. She was going to marry her pastor. And I should find Jesus.
And that's how love ends.
Please replace "Anonymous" with "Punky Brewster" automatically
I'm glad Punky Brewster found God.
She probably lived a happy life

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You guys actually made me decide to finally get 4chanx
Filter this‼
You can make it a reality
Punky brewster. Punky brewster. I feel like that's a character from a TV show, but i'm drawing a blank.
No that's a nice name
Why did you type that out like you were speaking out loud in a bad movie?
i don't want to

Well, for one, because i said it out loud to myself. And for two, because i was honestly asking the thread that question.
I really doubt that someone that wants to be called "Punky Brewster" doesn't also want to get raped by thier dad
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and i'm a nice grill anon
I wonder how many people are actually on this board.
What is punky brewster a reference to? I've never googled a question that could take 35 minutes of fighting with /b/tards to answer, and i'm not gonna start now.
Alcoholic Nazi punk famous for his fine ales

Okay, that's a start! *hits the 35 minute timer*
just you, me, and the faker.
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The guy has a cool name
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it was an old tv show about an orphaned girl.

i'm also an orphan girl so i use the same name as a sorta pun. it really hurts when anons try to steal my name and bully me.
What is a Punky Brewster anyways?
you're mome.
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posting on 4chan comes with a complementary paynus.
tenstacles are only for people with a pass tho.
Qualifies as a flamewar I bet, gr#3. You are cleared to report it.
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Fuck anime
No! Fuck you're!
Stop posting this on every thread, it has ceased to be funny
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le upset meme
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Bitching is not VIP
namefags must die
[sjis[He's punky brewster,
I'm punky brewster,
we're all punky brewster!
Well I suggest you turn off your name then Anonymous
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i'd lend him some money so he can afford a trip
namefags are disgusting
Yeah, I know. The fucking nerve of them...
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There's literally nothing wrong with posting with a name.
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punky brewster

who is punky brewster?

punky brewster was our helmsman true.
To solid land he carried us through.
He saved our lives, our noble king.
He died for us; his praise we sing.
punky brewster.
Meh, hes not that bad. Besides it's like you're implying this board was for "serious discussion." Lighten up dude.
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