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/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General - Money Talks Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 354
Thread images: 97

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>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):

>First FBI thread
>>79480356 → # → # → # →

>Second FBI thread
>>79489525 → # → # → # →


>Hillary nuclear file here

What we know:
George Soros funnels money to Democracy Alliance, through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Major money laundering, massive number of donors.
(((Soros's))) investment arm is linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J
Others involved:
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.



>>80113364 (OP) #
>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → # → # → # → → → → # → # → # → # → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

They have his family
Clinton Foundation Thread Archive


Infowars just wrote an article about the Clinton Foundation because of us lads.

Bump we're being sliddddd
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Bump to prevent slide
Here is the live links whole they're still not 404:

>>79552726 → #
>>79561172 → #
>>79569524 → #
>>79594634 → #
>>79619410 → #
>>79627694 → #
>>79636719 → #
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>>79998446 → #
>>80015272 → #
>>80029800 → #
>>80043076 → #
>>80074844 → #
>>80062309 → #
>>80097132 → #

What are we honestly hoping to find if we dig deep enough?
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Voting for Hillary.jpg
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Damn sliders, bumping for important thread.
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reading now
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So do the jews worship saturn
Pedo rings, money laundering, vast government corruption, illegal weapon deals, typical Clinton stuff.
Can't make up my mind. The plain black was the best imo.
Flight history of the two planes in question--


Reposting in new bread:

Twilio Inc. is a publicly traded company that sells APIs for SMS, VoIP, you fucking name it. They farm user data to create better ad algorithms as well.


Their founder is a guy named Jeff Lawson. He's donated the max to HRC's campaign.

Their COO is a faggot from Goldman Sachs.

They are PARTNERED WITH THE CLINTON FOUNDATION: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/about-us/tracks/technology

any extra links anons can dig up on this fuckhole of a company and their attachment to all things Shillary would be appreciated.

Theoretically, CF can use this company to geo-located millions of people and fucking basically track them.
There's gonna be a new Wikileaks Clinton dump soon brehs.
Here's an article the CF tweeted out a few hours ago written by Lynn Forrester de Rothschild. They are getting desperate

>inb4 huffpost
I'm liking the text, anon.
This is good.
fucking proof anywhere?

we've been waiting for months.
Link seems to be dead, but holy fuck that home page.

Keks just noticed a Rothschild wrote an article with the words "eyes wide open" in it
they are both great
/gd/ - motion graphics designer here. I can help by making content. I'll jump in tomorrow.
>>inb4 huffpost

at least fucking archive it
Hush it doesn't matter
Just keep working
Just keep digging
I'm back and alive, Anon. Haven't killed myself with an Accuracy International Arctic Warfare from 40+ yards away (yet).
>links dead
Weird here's the tweet for you instead
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Wow all those threads. You must have found out some super secret stuff on Hillary huh? Well lets have it. What have you found out?

YOU DID find something right?

They just tweeted out for ppl with large follower counts (like media orgs) to dm them for early access.

That means it's gonna be a really big dump so journos can have columns ready
You guys got trolled hard.
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>it's real

Fucking Christ
We're not really going to find anything major, just things that are publicly available but too complex and obscure for anyone to notice. The researchers can put this together and give the memers evidence/ingredients for fresh memes as well as give news outlets a story to report on hinting at more corruption hidden beneath the surface.

Then when the leaks happen they can sift through the crap and find the juciest bits for us social bots to unleash.

An overly optimistic overview, I imagine.
Hey, sounds good. Although you'd be better at checking out the Webops forum for that, that's where Botfag orders the memekids around to shill for us on twatter
Holy shit, we have a full blown Operation going on here. Like, we're actually working this. Imagine that. 4chinz is going to save America(hopefully).
Wouldn't Hitler be proud, exterminating the Jewish NWO like we are :)
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Thats the plan. But boy if it goes down like that, Im fully expecting this board to be flooded with (good) shills/possibly shut down for "maintenance" or something.
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the thread.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXatquVqAc
Only lurked one of these threads so far and only briefly. Caught something about an upcoming reading list. Anyway, just in case this is similarly relevant:
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Reddit down the hall.jpg
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already planting the seeds for a race war
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Here is todays CSPAN - Hillary Clinton Email Investigation - July 7 2016 with video + transcripts

if someone can make memes of it that would be great

>what is the OP
Oi! I made a pasta that directs anons to the right places
Let's have that evolve to handle the different roles
A thread for twitter, research, meme development... whatever we come up with
3 anons posting it in every slide thread would link us all directly to the important stuff, nullifying the slide
Think of it like a directory for cfg
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Don't be this much of a nigger.
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Ignore that ctr shill, they're getting so desperate that's pathetic.
I can't do it because my internet went down and I'm on a phone or else I'd do it
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>yfw the FBI are using /pol to get dirt on the Clinton Foundation
>A thread for twitter, research, meme development... whatever we come up with


12 Jan 2011 Full accounts made up to 31 October 2010

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Ded thread.
Make memes thread
Organized research thread
Twitter posting thread- cfwg
Bump, good materials & memes in here
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they think they can bring clinton down, using data available to the public on the internet
we have /cfwg/ for meming and spreading. There's guides in there.

let me get this straight

the only case they closed is the leaking for confidential information?
are the making another case of the foundation right now or they dropped it?
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Is this good ad?
Lets say I want to help. Where do I start?

There's so much ground to cover... Should i just go to Google and start typing stuff in?

First time I've done something like this.

For the Republic.

>Last year, Lee joined Sen. Jeff Flake in voting against Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, helping to pass a Democratic amendment, which would essentially codify the idea that Muslims living in foreign nations have a global right to immigrate to the United States.

>Both Lee and Flake come from devout Mormon families. Many have pointed out how the Mormon church seems to have aligned itself with big business interests in efforts to open America’s borders. In 2010, church and business leaders signed the Utah Compact.

>As The Salt Lake Tribune reported last year, Ali Noorani, the executive director of the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum, has described the Utah Compact as the “gift that keeps on giving.”

>are the making another case of the foundation right now

What case? I think you have been drinking the pol kool aid if you think they have done anything illegal. Bribes are legal in America buddy as long as you go through the right channels.
>the hakuna matata charity
Are they even fucking trying anymore
In many ways, it's quite low quality. Also this screams for her snarky interns to respond with showing Trump branded products with "made in China" labels.
Dont use google
DuckDuckGo is a better choice
Use DuckDuckGo and go through the op, see what interests you and refer to previous threads for what people have already posted.

Happy Hunting!
crazy shit aint it?

I'm a new /pol/ack but I remember bbs days and had an MC-10 as my first pc, feck the card catalogue was my google when I used to try and tell people shit in the halls of power was sick.

I hope we can save the country, it's obvious the politicucks have screwed us all sans lube since before my folks were born, it would be nice to see something positive come after all.

I'm just a jaded old cynic who tries to keep some hope, don't let me down bros...
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I've checked into this thread periodically throughout the day and every time I have to scroll down nearly half way through the catalogue to find it and this is not a slow thread it is arguably more popular than TRUMPGEN


If you have doubts about thread sliding you better start believing because you're in one.
Find a name on the list, start googling, find connections, find strange shit, try to fill the gap.
95% of the leads are death ends, shit happens, next.
I'm aware of this
I've been in contact with Bot fag all day
This is more about counteracting the slide effect
The specific organization of the directory doesn't matter
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Come on in, we're being slid and could use the bumps.

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They're completely different types of charges. It's only light treason to share SAP material with uncleared citizens.

Giving Rosatom a uranium monopoly with your powers as SoS so you can cash in big time is, however, big swinging dick treason. It's actually pretty impressive sight to behold until you realize just how fucked you are.
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Yeah the thread is being slid. Slid right out of some Trumpfag's ass as he desperately tries to bring down Hilliary as Trump's poll numbers free fall

Or just butthurt over the no charges. Either one this thread is just Trumpfag tears general.
Nah, "Made in China" is a common attack in Trump so they could just redirect it at him.

Also we're targeting Bernouts who aren't known for being particularly nationalistic, shouldn't push anti-China much.
>Mormons trying to break up the US to create their own theocratic state.
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The more information people find on the CF the better. If we can find proof of pedo trading as was alleged, this shit is real.

desu i want civil war 2 to happen, but thats just me.
Don't want to be seen as anti-semitic yet, won't go over well with the twitter crowd
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This ad good?
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t-thanks for the bump I guess
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Check this out guy (the news, not the thread)



This is disinfo to slide the news about the Clinton Foundation.

A bit too much text for the average person, we need things that spark emotional responses at a glance while implying more corruption beneath the surface.

Wouldn't hurt to use that, just won't be as effective with ordinary people
She even looks like a fucking retard.
> 1465358873955.jpg
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you have to go back.gif
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BAAAAAAAAAAK > TOOOOOO RED>DIT ------------------------------------------>
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Hello CTR you seem nervous
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vin cvcvc.jpg
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Other officers in TAVISTOCK FINANCIAL CORPORATION Showing first 30 (see all)

CHARLES LEWIS, vice president
DOUG MCMAHON, vice president
JEFFERSON R VOSS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, president
THAKKAR, RASESH, president
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What will happen to the election if we manage to dig up some really nasty shit on Hillary and the Clinton Foundation?

Mfw we did it.
You'd have more luck at finding a leprechaun. Epstein would never allow witnesses to just parade about and expose him.

I get the merit of trying to make the pedo thing stick but ultimately it's such an improbable cause. You're going to have way better luck just tracking down nefarious financial relationships. Follow donation sources and see if they've been getting any perks from deals arranged by Hillary's time as SoS. Look around for proof of money laundering through offshore companies connected to tiny mainland management companies.

Hell, try to further explore the implications of the relationship Hillary had with African leadership that might implicate her in taking bribes to enslave people with 'vocational training' (unpaid labor education).
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Well, the ultimate goal is to convert as many people as possible to trump supporters (or, more accurately, anti-Hillary) and make Hillary look as un-electable as possible.
well meme'd friend
for newfags wanting to help, here are some sites you can use to search for corporate connections to people mentioned in the thread or related news articles:


"This is about my legacy. You know my father sat me down right here, he told me what Wayne Manor was built on. The first generation made their fortune trading with the French — pelts and skins — they were hunters."

Happy Hunting!
Indeed we won't find any hard evidence for anything, really.

But right now we don't need hard evidence, we need emotional outrage and just enough evidence to provide a glimpse at hidden corruption.
It doesn't matter
You haven't been paying attention.
We've dug up a mountain of the nastiest shit already.
You're not wrong, but the average person doesn't think about these things- they *feel*. Slinging shit about rapists, pedophila and racism is far more effective and efficient.

>Kind of like what they do to Trump
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>We've dug up a mountain of the nastiest shit already.


sure you did.
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We are doing EXACTLY what FBI Anon suggested.

We are creating public pressure on the government to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

The more we find, the more intense we can make the pressure.

We've found a-lot. Honestly, some of us should spend all weekend organizing it.

>tfw we need to make a Clinton Foundation wiki
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I'll probably do a few more of these. Any requests?
Not giving fucking HuffPo any clicks, mate, you should copy/paste or screenshot stuff like that.
>Clinton foundation wiki
That's a great idea. We should work on this once things are more compiled.
Make your templates square so that they show up better on social media networks. This is a standard that we need to implement.
They usually do when we get into investigate mode.
If you click it they make shekels
If they make shekels they make more articles
How you aren't banned for being an obvious shill yet. Let's see who's awake.
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Also bumpin because this is 10x more entertaining than anything else in my life atm famigliano
make your templates squares. squares show up best on all social media networks. it makes a significant difference for spreading
See, but sometimes I think tons of text is important. It makes normies feel like their being fed more info than they really are. Too little text and they ignore it and go about their day.
Here you gypsies
Everyone should do what they feel they should do
That is the American strategy
It's going to take at least a week to flesh out the wiki
By then imagine the information we'll have
This pls. I want to do my digging at work during the day but I'm ascared.
Unless you're making an
On purpose
Non standardized meme
Good point. Might do it myself at some point then.
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hillary meme 4.png
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Thanks for the advice.

Going to leave them blank as well, so people can do whatever the heck with them.
Oh shit, there are more Lewises than I thought.
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So what the fuck is going on? Why are there so many Clintion threads right now? What did happen?
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1000 hours of paint
Look for donations from African governments where our military also happens to be, look for any kind of evidence of child trafficking, look for any US gov officials who have donated and find what favors they got, etc.

the more information the better, basically no matter what is found out.
We're saving america familia, hop on board
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Shills are trying to split CFG
Because we're winning
That's all there is to say
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Who is allowed to use ORCON level classification? Because rewatching this again gave me a theory:


What if the reason these documents are still "Classified" are because they are on the Foundation. The FBI would not want to be giving away yet that they are still chasing clinton, So it would be in their interest not to want those emails with regards to the foundation to be included in what has been handed over so far.
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Check for things relating to the Iraq invasion of the early 00s too
Any idea where I can pick up one of those FBI applications to get a 9-5 job shitposting on /pol/ all day?
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why would they be so stupid and leave dirt in the public?
crazy, eh?

Man, if I had the equipment and the data, I could figure out key people quicklike, but don't they have autistic AIs that can filter the data?

maybe they still need a human to be able to find patterns the machines can't?
We do have >>80131833

Basically just a huge compilation of everything posted HERE.

A wikia would actually be pretty good, and the doc is organized roughly by topic anyway.

Blacks don't care about the Clinton Foundation or the Emails.

You can deny hillary victory by collapsing the black vote - they don't have to vote Trump, they just have to not vote at all.

Use the shootings and the SJW/BLM narrative. They will turn their own people against her for us.

Make the useful idiots OUR useful idiots.
If that's the case then the only reason they'd put them that high on the food chain is she's going to get away with it again.
People get careless. Will probably have to dig for answers.

If anyone has "hacking" skills, we pray that they find shit.
>why would they be so stupid and leave dirt in the public?

Lmao yeah out in the open huh. Hows that working out for you?


/pol/ is saving the world and rescuing the families of the FBI agents by engaging in memetic warfare.
This is a desperate waste of time
I can't wait until November when y'all kill yourselves
We need more #IfSheWasBlack memes - prove to black voters that she loves her white privilege.
If the rumors are to be believed, the Clinton Foundation is a can of worms that - if opened - might destroy half the political landscape in Washington D.C., if not more. Very thin ice for everyone involved in an investigation into it. We just have to do our best as an anonymous hivemind to piece some stuff together so the people in the know have the ability to leak something into it as soon as we touch the particular area.
See >>80135641
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It's honestly not even lying, Shillary epitomes the shit these nogs are always going on about
Thanks, but holy shit, this emotional nonsense is unbearable. Could only make it to the old man's eyes watering with joy. These people should write shitty poems or fanfiction, not articles in th- oh wait.
forgot pic?
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I had this one saved, if it can help.

By the way...
>page 4

Let's keep this bumped.
CTR pls go
Have the financial statements for Democracy Alliance been dug through yet?
How is Comey? I don't get what's happening at all...
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So what you are saying is, It might have been the FBI
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kek yes >>80135965
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war is hell.jpg
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bumping with gondola

tl;dr: investigating the CF and not saying anything specific about it.

It's just getting started.
So what you are saying is that it could be the fbi?
The shit is always open you just need someone to connect the dots or get the right infos to a insider to get your answers.
We got all you need, diggers, a few insiders and so many leads that the chaos theory is our best approach.
Or they have to go up high enough to exclude all the ProHill fags.

Seriously the CIA is fucking spooky and all but their agenda certainly isn't the same as HRC's.
Have to point out the fact that #BLM is #PaidForByTheClintonFoundation which makes her a #WhiteSlaveMaster
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Holy kek
ar e.com/ 9m
You're welcome.
Had to add spaces because 4chan thinks this shit is somehow spam.
He responded to himself saying

>those digits
room 641A
Yo swissbro, any answers to that lad that asked three or so questions for you yesterday? He wanted to confirm you are a real banker or something.

Independent of that, keep up the good work :)
interdasting idear


Agent Name
Agent Address
Directors / Officers

CHERYL MILLS, director
CHERYL SABAN, director
DONNA SHALALA, president
ERIC GOOSBY, director
LISA JACKSON, director
RICARDO CASTRO, assistant sec.
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donations and weapon deals.jpg
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Swissbro! What's the status with you and the bank accounts?

Anything new?
American Chaos
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A-adding this to doc.
Anyone read into it. It just means originator decides who has access.
hillary's incompetent
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i think y'all got the attention of the hive and have somehow focused the normal chaos and have injected a definitive purpose.
Anybody got a link to the fbi anon comments that was linked on drudge/infowars? It was nicely laid out.
This could be very useful with recent events. Spam this on black pages talking about the recent copy killings
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FBI anon was fucking legit:

Basically confirmation of the SAPs he was referring to:

oh, this makes for some fertile imaginings...
Y'all niggas heard of Fethullah Gulen? The leader of a muslim movement in Turkey. He's living in a CIA-funded compound in Turkey, funds terrorist attacks in Turkey, has been extradited by Erdogan, oh and he's got a whole bunch of charter schools in the US - THAT THE FBI HAVE RAIDED


>Gulen is a charismatic and reclusive man who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. The official reason for his exile is given as "medical", but Gulen was actually fleeing charges of plotting to overthrow the government in Turkey. Over the years, he has built an impressive network of more than 1,000 schools in 140 countries, from South Africa to the United States.

Here's just one example (I'll get to the Clinton part)

>The FBI has raided a charter school in Louisiana which allegedly has ties to the controversial movement of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in self-imposed exile in the US. During the visit at the Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter school in Baton Rouge, federal agents seized several boxes from the campus but they refused to reveal the reasons behind the raid.

>It is not the first time that the FBI has put the spotlight on the charter schools, which are funded by American taxpayers. In 2011, the agency was investigating whether employees of charter schools linked to the movement were kicking back part of the salary to Hizmet, a Muslim movement funded by Gulen in Turkey.

I was reading this article yesterday and taking excerpts and now it's down. I have it archived though so it's all good.
They've started the sweep, lads.
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Serious question, can we get this added to the OP?

Not shilling, it's just getting to 70+ pages of our shitposting.


federal government killing civilians on occult holidays is pretty nasty bro
Mostly used by CIA
>Blacks don't care about the Clinton Foundation or the Emails.

Nog here.

What Clinton did to Libya, its people, and Gaddafi's grander dream for Africa was unforgivable and I fully support any legitimate effort to derail her campaign and expose her for the criminal she is.

I am also deeply disturbed by her (and her husband's) ongoing exploitation of black Americans for political gain, and general pandering to the social justice crowd at the expense of justice for those abroad her hawkishness has murdered.

I'm also convinced the latest media wave regarding police brutality is a blatant diversion from the latest FBI decision not to indict over the email server, a scandal which I've been closely following for months.

Trump will have my vote come this fall, and when election season really begins to heat up after the summer I'll be disseminating redpill about her however I can.

That is, unless she makes a Philando out of me before then.

I masquerade as a liberal to maintain "credibility", but if there is anything I can do to take advantage of my melanin content to more effectively undermine her campaign, I would like to know.

I've probably said too much, but hope it doesn't land me in hot water down the road.
>You can deny hillary victory by collapsing the black vote

well the founders of the Clinton political dynasty George and Dewitt Clinton made their fortunes in the guinea trade (slaving)
If logic and reason meant shit to the regressive left they wouldn't be part of it. Emotional appeals are all they will respond to. As sickening as it is we must use their tactics
No idea what this is about might have missed that. Care to share?

See I can't go into details, but it involved some names that circulate here. Gonna be in Germany for the next few day, more on that then.
>You know a mojito and a cohiba are always nice...
Nevermind, found it.

>prove to black voters that she loves her white privilege.

she was proud to accept the Margaret Sanger award, put that quote next to some of Sanger's nastier quotes about black people
Yeah but that's not Hillary's ancestors
Have another example of FBI raiding these schools:


>U.S. federal agents have raided 19 charter schools, including three in Ohio, where an FBI criminal investigation in Cleveland has led to search warrants in Indiana and Illinois over the past week, Ohio-based Beacon Journal has reported.

Concept Schools, a charter school operator headquartered near Chicago, manages 19 charter schools in Ohio, second only to Texas with 44 such schools. There are nearly 140 charter schools, spread across 26 states, reportedly associated with Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen, an Islamic cleric exiled from Turkey, living in Pennsylvania.

Concept Schools, which emphasizes math and science, has been investigated previously by the U.S. Department of Labor for its use of foreign workers. Ohio audits found that public money for the schools had been used improperly for visas, according to the report.

And where the Clintons get involved:


>Gülen lives in the United States, and he has received praise and support from high-level figures in the American government. Bill Clinton and James Baker have delivered encomiums to his contributions to world peace, for instance, and President Obama has made an admiring visit to the Gülen-inspired Pinnacle School in Washington, D.C. Former CIA officer Graham Fuller—also former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council and the author of The Future of Political Islam—vouched for Gülen personally in his green-card application process, as did former CIA officer George Fidas and former ambassador to Turkey Morton Abramowitz.
Bump for justice, keep up the amazing work guys
So whats the verdict on comey, did he let her off on the email shit cause he's waiting to take down the entire clinton foundation with no survivors or is he a shill for hillary?
If you haven't seen it, here is Rep. Trey Gowdy essentially proving a rock solid prosecution for multiple counts of perjury and proof of INTENT to the email server itself, and the resulting classified information that was rendered vulnerable through its years of use.



I have a two questions for you Ameribros:

1. Is the DOJ independent or are there formal controls from the president, senate etc.?
2. Once a recommendation from the DOJ, or in this case the FBI, what is required to bring forward criminal charges once this has happened?
lemme dig into it, I'll come back in a few mins
Alright, how can we get black people on social media against her in the most effective way possible? How do we get niggas woke?
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False alarm: http://nymag.com/news/features/41826/
Sorry for cringeworthy post.
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Exactly. There's a reason the left tells us not to use fallacies. They don't want to give away their tactics.
>I masquerade as a liberal to maintain "credibility", but if there is anything I can do to take advantage of my melanin content to more effectively undermine her campaign, I would like to know.

Clintons descended from slave traders, proud to be like Margaret Sanger a racist eugenicist
If you have any sources of her openly disrespecting black communities on-hand for exploitation, that can definitely be helpful. Just for archiving purposes, I don't mean to say you're lying or anything.

Even abusing Twatter later on with a sock puppet account will actually help us.
It's a big club and it's naive to think it would play out any other way. Comey doesn't give a shit, a Hillary presidency is a gold mine for the 1%.

The Clinton Foundation perpetuates The Clinton Plantation - with the Congressional Black Caucus working the fields
use sendspace


>Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Clinton Foundation have taken in hundreds of thousands of dollars from Gülen’s followers, including from Recep Ozkan, former president of the Gülen-connected Turkish Cultural Center.


>42nd U.S. President Clinton thanks the Gülen Movement for contributions to world peace and security


>Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government mouthpiece Star daily has claimed that Turkish-Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen bribed US politicians including US President Barack Obama and Democrat Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as well as 200 members of the US Congress to gain political favors from the US government.

Gülen who has been vilified by the AK Party government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is claimed to have “countless” court cases opened against him by US authorities.

>The Star daily claimed in its major story on Wednesday that Gülen bribed President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry, and Jeb Bush alongside 200 members of the US Congress to “slow down” judicial proceedings.

>Star, which is owned by Ethem Sancak, a businessman close to Erdoğan, also claimed that Gülen is trying to topple the government from the US, where he resides, via the “Parallel Structure,” a phrase coined by Erdoğan to refer to the Gülen movement.
Are we at a point where Govt. employees surround the wagons and protect each other, no matter what political philosophy they hold?
Is there any possible way to retrieve the documents pertaining to the CF? Apparently it contains the truth to a lot of shit.
Alright, found it. Now how do I link to an old thread?

Anyways, this should be the url
http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/80015272#p80024742
Found it

Swissbro, if you're still lurking I have a question for you.

My grandfather is a very prominent real estate guy in Switzerland. I've heard from numerous people in Swiss banking that if you are in the industry you know his name. He has been published in Balanz before (despite his wishes -- he likes to be discreet).

This is a long shot, but if we could both give each other clues (if prefer you don't say his whole name) we could verify that you are in fact a banker and not a troll.

So I can tell you this, his last name is Schweis Deutch, but his first name is FRENCH. The last name begins with "n" and has the word Baum in it.

His first name begins with "J".

Is there anyway you could try to complete his first name? It would totally verify that you are in fact a banker since googling his name returns almost no results.

Also, telling me what I mean by "published in Balanz" would help us at least know that you in fact Swiss -- only Swiss will know what this is.
You mean the emails? Those are probably the ones she deleted
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>pic related
Is how

We MUST get #IfSheWereBlack trending
NO! Don't you faggots get that the only reason you borderline nazis will be appealing at all is for your honesty and apparent care for the good of the normie?

Do not sacrifice the integrity that is our best attribute. It is worth it to gamble on the longer goal - reformation of society, the whole reason to meme for trump anyhow.

Use the mudslinging for a hook tactic, but please keep the substance in. The mistake our current rulers made is assuming that goys are animals and no better. Fortunately for us, brainwashing is for the most part an ignorant assuming of manipulated behaviors. Underneath, most of them are still complex being (exceptions aside).
He's a shill for hillary

not directly, he's just covering his own ass, because a proper investigation into hillary is going to dig up dirt on a lot of other people, including him.

So why the fuck would he recommend an investigation if he gets fucking burned by it himself?
Yes. It's all about money. All the other issues are for the commoners to deal with. You can bet your ass no upper crust citizen gives a damn about the common man's right to own arms or let trannies in bathrooms. It doesn't affect them.
I just decided
would be more poignant.
So Vancouver's mayor, Gregor Robertson, get this: his campaign was financed by Joel Solomon, an expatriate (((Tennessean))) who is the leftist billionaire behind Tides Canada foundation. They have a Bohemian Grove-esque place called Hollyhock on Cortes Isl., check out the website if you want to be weirded out a bit. Tides has seemingly subverted and taken the lead as professional greenwashers and eco-fascists in partnerships with private companies and government in BC and presumably elsewhere in Canada. They are heavily tied to both the Democratic party in the US and the BC Liberal gov't. Today I did some googling and it appears that Tides USA has been a big donor and collaborator of the Clinton foundation. Digging deeper on this but if any other anons are from BC, we need to bring this out into the light. Canadian politicians are tied into this as well.
Niggers will never vote Republican it's a waste of time to try to get their vote. Denying it to Hillary is the better route
It doesn't matter
We dig
They lose
Can we call this #Diggary since we're digging through Hillary's stuff?
Saved all of this holy fuck.
>knowing the truth about Libya and or giving a shit
Pick one you fucking ape

no they are, these people are all cousins, she's related to them even though she married into the klan and yes everyone on both sides of the family selling slaves and opium the whole history of the nation until they started ripping people off

and who the fuck marries into a slaver family when they rely on black votes?
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>Those are probably the ones she deleted

ok so any Russian hackers here ready to dump them yet? I swear they'll hit the open air as soon as enough hype is in effect
>Can we call this #Diggary
>unless she makes a Philando out of me before then.
Yeah honestly, considering the Minnesota connections that have surfaced, along with the triad connections that have surfaced in tandem, I'm seriously starting to believe he was targetted for being redpilled. Fucking triad chink probably had a thing on his screen that said to waste him when he looked up the car. These people are literally this fucking evil, and then to try and use it to further her own agenda, sickening.
Found this also

Everything should be saved though in case they did actually commenced a sweep and destroyed some valuable info. Save literally everything as you go on about the investigation.
>1 post by this ID
Shut the fuck up, shill!
Philandro literally dindu nuffin
Oh they care about us bearing arms. They care a fucking lot. Why do you think they keep pushing for more restrictions on the second amendment?
>you borderline nazis

you're calling us nazis when these people we're talking about are closely knit into the financial structure that created and supported the nazi regime?

which ever president is closest to Hitler always wins since Johnson

George HW Bush's father was Hitler's American financier

this is the fourth reich, don't go pointing fingers at nazi unless you're ready to air all the nazi shit
>http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/80015272#p80024742
remove the spaces, it gets automatically linked like this: >>80024742
>Niggers will never vote Republican it's a waste of time to try to get their vote. Denying it to Hillary is the better route

nobody's vote is a waste of time, stop thinking divisively and think collectively
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I love that fucking meme
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>What Clinton did to Libya, its people, and Gaddafi's grander dream for Africa was unforgivable and I fully support any legitimate effort to derail her campaign and expose her for the criminal she is.
>I am also deeply disturbed by her (and her husband's) ongoing exploitation of black Americans for political gain, and general pandering to the social justice crowd at the expense of justice for those abroad her hawkishness has murdered.
>I'm also convinced the latest media wave regarding police brutality is a blatant diversion from the latest FBI decision not to indict over the email server, a scandal which I've been closely following for months.
Alright, thanks!
Have been lurking the chins for some time but never been posting much.

This shit's intense though
For starters, I'm planning to draw a clear parallel between the lynchings of black civilians in loyalist Libyan cities by NATO-backed militias after Clinton toppled Gaddafi to those in the nadir years of America, to expose the hypocrisy of anyone supporting her in the name of "justice" or "equality."

Discuss the African Dinar, and its intent to liberate Africa from the exploitative central global banking grid.

Highlight Clinton as the mastermind that exploited a humanitarian intervention (no-fly-zone) in order to topple the regime.

I'm not well versed in pre-SOS Hillary, but if there is any more information I may want to convey, I'm all ears. I can also attack Bill for things he did under his administration, and I'm all ears with respect to information, but I'd prefer to focus mainly on Hillary lest someone invoke the "Bill isn't Hillary" argument.

Basically, the strategy is to vividly highlight why Hillary is terrible for black people - economically, politically, etc.

If I can try to point out how Trump is good for black America, that would be nice as well, though he doesn't pander so it's hard to make a case as easily as criticizing Hillary outright.
You see there's black people
And then there's niggers

-anyone recognize anyone from this list of names that could be tied into this?
>I've probably said too much, but hope it doesn't land me in hot water down the road.

Excellent shilling. How could posting as Anonymous land anyone in hot water?
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The tides foundations funded this man just to remind you
Can somebody explain exactly who (((George Soros))) is and why (besides being Jewish) he keeps fucking with politics the way he does?
There's so much wrong with that question...
It's the Bilanz not Balanz
>n and Baum in swisgerman with a French first name and involved in big real estate deals
Bro that's like trying to find a single Jewish doctor in Beverly Hills and all you know is his last name is Schwartz.
I was going to say maybe look into the human trafficking in Africa that the CF is involved with.

But if you're only focusing on Hillary herself, than that's a good place to start.

Don't really focus on Trump. The main goal is to get people away from HRC.

Thank you
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one deputy called Elisa carrio denounced that the police chief of Buenos Aires Province is really deep into drug trafficking. A day after she presented charges she received a death threat and is now under protection of the police

Use google


"Le vengo advirtiendo a la gobernadora desde hace cinco meses. Ya no puedo no decirlo públicamente. Hay un problema muy grave de seguridad". afirmó Carrió. Y fue más allá: "Se están matando. Están generando un clima de inseguridad".

I've been warning the governor for 5 months. I cannot not tell the public. Theres a big security issue", Carrio said. And she went beyond: " They are killing. They are generatian a climate of insecurity



The police chief "Pable Bressi" was before in charge of the anti narcotic division and yet foreing drug cartels and the human trafficking the brought started popping like no tomorrow
After the governor elections the peronists lost and the new administration from the party Cambiemos (Merkel/Obama/Hillary puppets) assumed control over the province promoted him to his current position
Deputy Carrio and his team are getting more evidence to present charges against him soon

But just now on tv

Felipe sola who is also a deputy and was governor of BS AS province in between 2002-7 said that when he was asked who he thinks should be the police chief, that he spoke against Bressi and that it was the United state Embassy by petition of the DEA who appointed him. Maria Eugenia Vidal, the governor had ignored the fact Sola had told her very clearly to the governor Maria Eugenia Vidal that DEA's agenda and our governments agenda are opposites

Note: Both Carrio and Sola are part of the same political party "Cambiemos"
I did the National People's Action. First time attempting anything like this, sorry if it is unsatisfactory:


>Basically socialists who want to radically change the US.

>paper outlining their basic strategy, written by economist Gar Alperovitz


>Gar Alperovitz was one of the founders of the Democracy Collaborative, now is in a "New Economy Advisor" to the President.


>According to the Democracy collaborative he worked on environmental and consumer stuff as an advisor on the Council of Economic Advisors.


Co-founder, current President. From their site:
>Ted lectures frequently about community wealth building, most recently at the Clinton Global Initiative-America, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, the Co-operatives United World Conference (Manchester, England), various regional Federal Reserve Banks, as well as at universities including the University of Pennsylvania, Yale, MIT, Georgetown, Oberlin, Michigan State and the Ohio State University.



>Steve Dubb is special project guy who formerly had "Building Wealth: The New Asset-Based Approach to Solving Social and Economic Problems" published by the Aspen Institute


>Aspen Institute is evidently some type of think tank, though one that is "bipartisan" according to the site. It would appear that inequality and environment are key focuses.

>Aspen institute linked to Northwest Area Foundation, evidently a more socialist type of collective grant-giver, particularly to native populations


From pictures, identified "fieldus.org"

>Fieldus.org is the financial loaning arm of Aspen institute

Who is that guy, don't recognize him?
Bohemian Grove Encampment July 7/8 – July 26/27

they have a meeting on the forest naked tomorrow or today at midnight
kinda creeped out bros.

was looking into this:


Hadeel Ibrahim — daughter of the former telecom executive and billionaire Mo Ibrahim — is also visiting foundation projects with the group. Ibraheem, who sits on the board of the Clinton Foundation, has become a close friend of Chelsea Clinton’s through their charity work, and has spent Thanksgiving with the Clintons at their home in Chappaqua, according to a profile in Vogue. She is the founding executive director of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, and started the Africa Center in New York City.


and a certain snackbar fraternity when I lost internet
start a new thread. its time city councils in canadian cities were brought down. you'll see me in 2018
They've been advertising a devastating leak for months now. What is Snowden waiting for?
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He's a fucking globalist to the core. Native esperanto speaker, which if you don't know is an invented globalist language.

He is just an awful person. Literally zero redeeming qualities. He's behind the rapefugees, BLM, and basically any other retarded bullshit you can think of.
Dumb fuck here...how do they hold multiple positions in the same company?
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If you ask me, doesn't matter your position, stuff you post seems useful, so keep up the good work.

Also, enjoy Germoney, home sweet home, although flooded with shit skins now :(
Can someone check out this link? Anyone with a proxy?
hey swiss what happened to the freeze you said you was going to do? any outcome?
Have our anon detectives posted links of Clinton-UBS relationship?
>In March 2009, after meeting with Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton intervened with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on behalf of Switzerland's most powerful banking institution, UBS. The IRS, which at that time was seeking the identity of wealthy Americans who had stashed some $20 billion in 52,000 tax evading UBS accounts, then agreed that the Swiss bank need only turn over information on 4,450 accounts. Afterwards, UBS increased its previous $60,000 in donations to the Clinton Foundation ten-fold. By the end of 2014, UBS donations to the Clinton Foundation totaled $600,000. UBS also "paid former President Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House."

>Those facts, of themselves, raise disturbing questions. Did a bank that still ranks as "the world's biggest wealth manager" and has at its disposal a bevy of economists and law firms have a legitimate reason for paying Bill Clinton $1.5 million in speaking fees? Or was the $1.5 million and the tenfold increase in Clinton Foundation donations a reward for the former secretary of State's intervention? If the latter, that reward would have, under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 201(c)(1)(A)), amounted to an illicit bribe.

http://archive.is/eBOW0 (The Hill)
http://archive.is/4r2eJ (WSJ)
http://archive.is/mYZwK (The Atlantic)
We could use your insight:

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hey /cfg/, in light of breitbart picking up one of "our" memes, here's a glimpse of what the other side is working with... Pure and utter shite, no?
>Former CIA officer Graham Fuller—also former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council and the author of The Future of Political Islam—vouched for Gülen personally in his green-card application process, as did former CIA officer George Fidas and former ambassador to Turkey Morton Abramowitz.
>Native esperanto speaker

How is that even possible?

>He is just an awful person. Literally zero redeeming qualities. He's behind the rapefugees, BLM, and basically any other retarded bullshit you can think of.

I've heard all that talked about here before, but what I don't understand is why? All for the sake of some globalist NWO or some shit?
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pic unrelated bump


Anon plz.
To call that shit is an insult to actual shit

That thing is a fucking tumor in .jpg form
> fucking tumor in .jpg form
ikr, if this is what they're working with they've already lost


>Aspen Institute locks arms with Chase, JP Morgan, and The Bridgespan Group


>An organization of philanthropists, doing consultations and such. Doesn't seem to do much themselves other than consult, train, and organize. Former alumni Tara Abrahams now oversees work for Girl Rising and USAID.

That's what I got for now.
Will we find anything that will force the corruption to be cleaned out or something that will unify the public? I suck at searching but I have found possible CF involvement in the Puerto Rico debt crisis.
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This meme is gold.
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Pic related, I was screwing around, seeing if maybe any leaks pop up and I find this
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Well he was taught esperanto when he was a child, and when he was a child was around when it was first developed I think. I'd consider that native.

As far as why, nobody really knows. Probably a mix of pushing globalism and lining his own pockets in the process.

Brett kimberlin, domestic terrorist sentenced to 51 years and creator of the non profit Velvet Revolution
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Also i thought kek was on the good side

what went wrong?

This bitch dismissed the claims despite theres plenty of proof
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tides also gave money to adbusters in support of OWS
Yeah not even /x/ can match /pol/s meme magic. Those little shits are way out of their league
>Well lets have it. What have you found out?

If we tell you, we have to kill you.

Hillary Rodham Clinton.
>lining his own pockets in the process.

Isn't he already astoundingly rich? Fuck, why is no amount of money enough?
>Implying its not a throwaway account

Another general, CHIMPOUT happening in Dallas
Well it's such a common combination as n and Baum only leaves 4-5 last names and French with j it's I could choose from about 130 people, all old enough, very discreet (that's the normal modi operandi of any Swiss beside newly rich) and into real estate.
Well gonna enjoy my weekend and some sweet Bavarian food. Have a good night.

It's in the thread more to follow.
>remember a mojito and a cohiba is the best combo.
use web-capture.net, it's just a news feed but the url is suspicious as fuck, I wouldn't visit it.
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Please gibs link I need more keks
Blue leader reporting.
couple bodies ready for something juicy where can i start looking/help?
I don't know man. I can only speculate based on the information about this guy, but I'm guessing hes a pawn in destabilization of all the oil-rich areas where brown people live.

"Moderate Islam" my ass. It's a CIA-funded Islamic cult that sends money terrorists.
>Have to point out the fact that #BLM is #PaidForByTheClintonFoundation
I don't think nogs would be receptive to any BLM bashing right now. In fact i can guarantee it, in light of all the dindus dying right now, no offense to black anons. BLM is huge on black twitter atm
>0 posts
>page 4
>1 post by this ID

I love that they let us know we're doing a good job!
Can you make one with her and Goldwater?
Thanks m8
comin right up
that's got a nice ring to it bro.

I had to reset modem earlier cause I think I poked something I shouldn't have
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here's another, omfg. Not shilling guys, just wanted a kek or two
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I said it in the last thread and ill say it again. Stop using smiling happy pics for the infographic propaganda. Wtf is wrong with u idiots. People want to join the happy, smiling team.

Propaganduh 101. Make ur enemy look like the enemy. A flashy, classy pic that screams innocence and fun is not trumped by a data blurb or a hashtag...or a witty sentence. And no its not ironic either. It immediately impresses upon the mind that she is healthy strong etc.

A pktur is worth a gibblion werds.

Use ones where she looks sick, evil, demented. Gosh dammit. Ur using the same pics she would use in her own campaign flyers.
Jesus who made these, 8 year olds?
No on has put serious effort into phone bank
That could be big
Mostly anons getting stumped
Need telemarketer types
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Oh Jesus it's not even funny, these are just painful because I know how hard they probably tried
Holy Kek how is this real
Holy fuck the irony of that bottom right panel, that describes clinton/soros/tavistock TO A T, even better that Omar Mateen's dad is INTIMATELY connected with Clinton, holy fuck they are really this stupid.
ayyyy i can do that!

They're probably 40 year old paid shills with no chan experience and no meme power on their side. How have they even survived this long
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Don't lie leaf, you made these.
New thread when???
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Bump for great justice
>Don't lie leaf, you made these.
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Look, a former Tides board member is now a Clinton foundation board member:
Has anybody looked into the Bonner Group Fundraising?

We should make some memes like this desu. They're so bad it makes them memorable. "Look at how fucking horrible this is" is as much a reason to share as "Look at how fucking horrible SHE is"
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scully banana.png
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Numbers are in the leak
Follow the call structure that's been laid out if you can
Or do whatever
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Doc updated again, got 3 more things in from this thread.

Thank you anons.
that's the only one I had tbqh
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Argentina go find out who really killed Alberto nisman, it probably has something to do with Argentina not giving Iran nuclear munitions
here's a basic one to start
Oh god let's not thread split again.
new thread plox
>page 6

claim now
>334 replies
>Page 7
>No new thread

Is someone else on this? I don't wanna step on any toes.

Has there been any effort to deep-dive into the financial documents of all the suspect organizations?

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Do it
I'm tired

Get a snickers bro.

> sauce on the semen demon with the soft seals?

Along these lines, do any legal bros out there have access to automated discovery tools? Something along the lines of:


Tools exist that can automatically map connections between documents, contacts, etc. I'm thinking if we drop everything we have into one of those tools (guccifer leak info absolutely included), it could help us find the signal in the noise. Assuming there's anything to find in the first place.
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fuck dude wake up
Not really yet, we also have yet to really look at people going missing after money transfers.
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The smiley pics work fine. Don't be a shill.

We judge each meme by it's own merit and we do whatever we want.
Iron Mountain fire deemed arson
Although an earlier investigation led by en economic crime and money-laundering unit had eliminated “criminal hypotheses” concerning the fire in May 2014, it has been noted that the firms most affected by the fire were multinationals, large Argentine companies and financial entities. Among them was HSBC Argentina.

HSBC Argentina has been accused of tax fraud, tax evasion and money-laundering in a scheme that includes thousands of Argentine citizens transferring funds of up that US$3 billion to HSBC’s Geneva branch.

Iron Mountain itself has also been under investigation for money-laundering activities.

The police report, now in the hands of prosecutor Marcela Sánchez, opens up the door to further investigations to determine who may have been responsible for the fire and accordingly, to determine their responsibility in the deaths of the 10 firefighters that perished .

>Human trafficking in Africa

Source? I'll look into it.
I don't really have twitter, but I can set one up and circulate memes that way. If you have similar ones I can begin stockpiling.
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>Argentina go find out who really killed Alberto nisman, it probably has something to do with Argentina not giving Iran nuclear munitions
By request of not Iran's government? I doubt i can find anything, if there are organized group heres they must be very subterranean besides

The one who was handling Nisman was the intelligence department director who had been in his position since the last dictatorship and he also had cut contact with Nisman the day before he had to testify before congress and the next day after Nisman's death he fucked off to the US. The security who had to guard him fucked off for 2 hours for no reason.

But then it would mean the whole thing was on purpose from the beginning to the end because it was that time again for my country

So she was told to do that only to then extortionate her later

Also what does pic mean? I don't want nigger mexicans and colombians selling drugs and ruining my country

No one wants the case to go through and we already have the precedent of the 90s president son's death which has dozen of years and still nothing. After the new government came to power that dude claimed it was Hamas the one who killed his son yet her wife who has bitched every day since that day as hard as she could said he is lying

I'll see if i find anything tho
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