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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 88

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>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):

>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


>Hillary nuclear file here

What we know:
George Soros funnels money to Democracy Alliance, through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Major money laundering, massive number of donors.
(((Soros's))) investment arm is linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J
Others involved:
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.



>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → → → # → # → # → # → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

Remember when we said phone bank starts in full on Tuesday?
Yesterday we get a contacts list dump
Trust that there is a plan
web operations thread >>80030106
operations pastebin: http://pastebin.com/hack9Z6G
how to meme: http://archive.is/9vxNM
FBIanon's reading list
>Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence

>Reframing by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

>Intelligence; From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays

>Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

>Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George Siedel

>Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy

>The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

>THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: CASE STUDIES OF MILITARY APPLICATION. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, 2 vols. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1976.
>Baret, Peter, Beth Irwin Lewis and Paul Peret

>4 books here

>other reading
"Clinton Cash" https://mega.nz/#!QdBwHLyD!9eOJS36F-zHgbytZjsNbUI_J8vkFdy4YAhMFKtsFsBc

>from guccifer about dems vs. RNC
#WhitePrivilegeIs #GettingAwayWithIt
Info we have so far

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Posting the improved version I worked on in paint.

>subliminal command to imagine her face
>slightly reddened face
topkek I'll delete mine no worries.
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Newest major finding (copied from last thread):

I've been researching Brian Raven and his board memberships with various companies. In the process I discovered BlackSquare Capital LLP. In trying to investigate this company I stumbled across a magic address.

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT


There are 128 companies registered between 7 and 9 Clifford Street with a combined net worth of over £3,000,000,000. Most of them have no employees. Some of them are the shareholders of the others. Many of them have received massive cash injections within the last year. Let me give you an example:


Talos Properties limited received 7.28m in the last year and increased its value by (276.39%). With a staff comprised of the world's busiest man:


Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd aged 55, is a director in 43 companies. Simon has resigned from 36 of these appointments.

This is a massive money laundering network with the bulk of the money being controlled by an American named Jamie Cooper, former wife of Sir Chris Hohn the billionaire under the guise of a non-profit called The Children's Investment Fund Foundation.


The Clinton Foundation has listed CIFF among seven organizations from which it received more than $25 million.

This web just got a whole lot fucking darker.
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Trump donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Okay so after Bill lost office the Clinton's were "dead broke" from legal fees and all the other shady dealings. This most likely created the initial game they played to make money. Hillary had a rising political career and Bill had his connections and used those to funnel money to themselves. The operation is small at first seemingly. As Clinton rises in power the foundation as means of enriching the Clintons for influence has become exponentially more profitable and influential. I think at this point is where the globalist explosion really occurs.
Earlier than this though the foundation existed basically to protect the Clinton legacy started in 1999. In that year Anheuser Busch gives 1 million for the library and some goes through the foundation, and new drinking regulations are dropped. So from the beginning even in office it was a corruption scheme
Marc Rich was pardoned on the last day of Clintons presidency after his ex wife Denise Rich donated 10000 to Hillarys senate campaign and 450000 to the Clinton Library.
We have articles labeling this whole thing as a bribe scheme from the begining even in the new york times
All of this finally leads to a promise where Hillary swore to Obama to no longer take foreign investments to her foundation, which they all knew about how corrupt it was. She made this promise, and as we know broke it. So every expansion of foreign donations while she was secretary of state without transparency is another lie she is guilty of and makes her even more crooked Hillary.
Im curious were Soros started donating exactly?
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This would have been totally invisible until Endole started making a geographic map.

I want to be clear, Brian Raven is listed as the Chairman of Black Square LLP by Bloomberg.


He is also the Group Chief Executive of Tavistock. This links him directly to the laundering network and explains the Tavistock connection.

The Tavistock trail is genuine and I think this might be where all of the money has been going.

We need to explore the other directors of the shell companies and their potential links to the Clinton Foundation.
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I was searching an updated version of this graph, anyone knows?
For an SAP.
Explains how FBI anon knows about that.
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I followed this anon's advise >>80042437 and made one more friendly for blacks.

Share the one with a black background on 9gag/reddit/bernout/white communities and the one with a white background on black oriented accounts.

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When she was a NY senator, yes, as would any other smart real estate mogul in that same city who wanted things to run as smoothly as possible. It happens everywhere, leaf.
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make sure to make pictures of hillary clinton supporting the crime bill (which made mass incarnations of blacks) and called them super predators as her excuse to pass the bill. also post the dindu killed by the white cop with the quote
How did Donald get SAP access then.
Don't forget to include large scale trending hashtags like #blm.
Make Hillary the new face of white privilege, power and injustice.
With the right memes, we can take advantage of this race war. If we play our cards right, no PoC would vote for Shillary
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No, wait. Fixed the line.
Do we know he did?
>you want to build a thing
>politicians say money talks
>you pay the politicians so you can build your thing
that's just business you fucking leaf
Can someone give me the amounts of foreign donations she received while secretary of state and when Soros started donating
voting for wyte massas baka #stillslaves #BLM #WeWuzKANGZ
Guess you didn't read the AMAs
THIS. We need to push the KKK angle. We need to drive home the fact that she worked for a pro-segregation law firm. EVERY TIME they false flag and race bait, we'll ride it like a wave.
Thread theme for all you investigators

This is not the first time Comey has come to the aid of the Clintons…

Comey, Clintons and Clemency


>During the final days of his presidency, Bill Clinton opted to reduce the prison terms of the New Square offenders, and after 9/11 that sparked an investigation. As Anderson notes, “Hillary received an unexpected gift in late June when, without explanation, U.S. Attorney James B. Comey closed the New Square clemency case.”

Who were the (((new square four)))?

>New Square, a Hasidic enclave 30 miles northwest of Manhattan, had voted as a bloc in previous elections and campaign workers urged Hillary urged to stop there. In New Square, four members of the Skver (Jesus Christ, that name) sect had been convicted in 1999 of bilking government aid programs for some $30 million. During her visit, Hillary denied that any pardon was discussed.
come on at least be subtle. dont shitpost about it
I read them but there were a lot of details, I knew Don had some stuff but not specifically SAPs
More fun I was unaware of from the article I posted

> “At Hillary’s urging,” Andersen writes, “the President granted clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who have been sentenced to prison following a wave of bombings from 1974 to 1983 that took the lives of six Americans and wounded scores of others. Incredibly, the terrorists had not even asked for clemency.” The worst attack was the January 24, 1975 bombing of Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan. The Puerto Rican FALN exploded a bomb during the lunch hour, “hurling body parts into the street and killing four people.”

>The terrorists accepted President Clinton’s offer of clemency but expressed no regret for their actions. Former U.S. Attorney Joseph Di Genova went on record that “the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political benefit to the president’s wife. Make no mistake about it.” As Anderson notes, FBI director Louis Freeh opposed the pardons, as did New York major Rudy Giuliani, senator Charles Schumer and former Puerto Rico governor Carlos Romero Barcelo who, says Andersen, “pleaded with the president not to release the bombers.”


Then once we have turned all blacks against her, we just need a nice snackbar happening at a LGBT+ parade. Then we can manipulate them with Hillary's ties to Muslim governments.

>Time reports that 20 years ago, Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, looking into the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and the first lady.

>Several people involved with the Whitewater corporation (including Clinton’s successor as governor) ultimately went to jail, but the Clintons never faced criminal prosecution.


Guess who else was involved in the Clintons getting away with pardoning Marc Rich??

>Comey parlayed the Whitewater job into top posts in Virginia and New York, returning to Manhattan in 2002 to be the top federal prosecutor there. One of his first cases as a line attorney in the same office 15 years earlier had been the successful prosecution of Marc Rich, a wealthy international financier, for tax evasion. But on his last day as President in 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich. “I was stunned,” Comey later told Congress. As top U.S. prosecutor in New York in 2002, appointed by George W. Bush, Comey inherited the criminal probe into the Rich pardon and 175 others Clinton had made at the 11th hour.

Right I was wrong about Comey not being cucked. So he has to go down too
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It only shows how Trumpshills are complete fucking hypocrites. Trumpshills will say anything, just like Trump.
Comey seems to be the go to guy for all Clinton related scandals, yet never quite seems to pin anything substantial on them…

Remember former senior Clinton advisor (((Sandy Berger)))?

>On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants. Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.

Well turns out Comey had a big hand in that investigation too :

>Deputy Attorney General James Comey told reporters Tuesday he could not comment on the Berger investigation but did address the general issue of mishandling classified documents.

>According to The Hill, this is not the first time Comey has dealt with the mishandling of classified information. In 2004, Comey played a large role in investigating Sandy Berger, former President Bill Clinton's national security adviser.

>"As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously," Comey said in response to a reporter's question about the Berger bind, adding that the department has prosecuted and sought administrative sanctions against people for mishandling classified information.

>"It's our lifeblood, those secrets," Comey continued.



"It's our lifeblood, those secrets"

Boy, is it ever!
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Trump's dad was a KKK member.
This leafs been shilling hard. Posting same shit every thread. Ignore and keep digging.

Comey was on the board of directors of HSBC while it was under investigation for laundering money for drug cartels and probable terrorist networks. HSBC received a deferred prosecution agreement from then US Attorney Lynch and after that Obama made Comey Director of the FBI. Furthermore, we're learning that Clinton Foundation was receiving multiple shady donations from an HSBC account.
fuck off shill, what are you even doing here?
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Nvm quick google search brings up a Salon article that says no.



I have to go to bed but this is interesting. Elena worked for the Firm that defended Bill's Impeachment. Both the Kagan bros worked for the Clinton Admin, and were SUPER important during Bush II.

Plus, when Elena was being reviewed she asked that the committees not review certain cases, the theory being they were relevant to Neocon war crimes that would have endangered the Kagan brothers!

I have to sleep, but while there isn't anything related to the CF (yet?), it's interesting and can go into the larger map to show how FURTHER enmeshed the whole thing is.
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Delete these ones. Use this one that was edited to make Hillary whiter. It provides better contrast.
In more fun Comey news :

The Martin Armstrong case

>James Comey was the chief prosecutor in the Southern District of New York between 2003 and 2005. He had no problem keeping me in Federal Prison on contempt of court without any charges, indictment, or a civil complaint describing any crime whatsoever that they even admitted openly in court. There were never any charges or complaint filed, and they publicly stated, “[T]here is no description of criminal liability.” Yet, Comey allowed me to be held in prison, entirely arbitrarily, with absolutely nothing whatsoever; Comey completely violated my civil rights, those of my family, and all 240 employees. So he is not someone who upholds the Constitution when it goes against government or the banks. As they say, the Department of Justice is really “Just Us” in reality. He has proven that once again.

>Comey also allowed a LIFETIME GAG ORDER on me to prevent me from providing any assistance to my clients in Japan to sue the bankers. Now the State Department has asked for a two-year stay in turning over any of Hillary’s emails. Why would they do that if there is nothing criminal? This only proves that this is a cover-up, as always, because the Democratic Party cannot allow Hillary to go down for they would lose everything. Sorry, but Comey has a track record of defending the banks even when they stole billions and pleaded criminally guilty before having to pay them back. He kept me in prison on contempt to turn over assets for a “possible” restitution, but when I got into the Supreme Court, I was released and no such charges were ever filed nor did I ever have any restitution. They then tried to prevent “The Forecaster” from being shown in the USA.


Seems like this the Comey character is very selective when it comes to handing out justice
He fell for the tavistock psyop meme that is the KKK. Many people did. We're smarter now.
>fucking pages of this shit
Jesus christ, we could publish a book on this cunt
Nice contribution faggot, if you want to talk about Trump donating to CF then do a proper research and contribute, if you really care, but since you're probably yet another CTR shill I doubt you'll post anything meaningful to the investigation.
Another interesting strand in the Clinton-Comey connections was that James Comey, fresh off a 2 year stint as the deputy attorney general, worked for Lockheed Martin as "general counsel and senior VP" from 2005-2010.

Lockheed Martin was heavily involved in funding the Clinton Foundation as well as one of the 3 main beneficiaries of the much lauded foreign government CF donations to arms deals that have been brought up before. Many around the same time Comey was working there.
Spanish bro at the end of the last thread is right. We will sway more people with an emotional response than a rational one.

Evidence and connections to illegal activity should be processed with the intention of it being picked up by the media so authorities push for more investigations. This will, at the very least, drag out the message that she can't be trusted.

Hillaries connections to racism, KKK, foreign governments of countries which do not recognise women's rights - these should be aimed at the normies on twatter/fagbook during happenings. Manipulate the blacks now by connecting Hillary to anything racist and make her the new face of white privilege, power and injustice. Next time an LGBT happening takes place, we can aim our propaganda at the queers
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/cfg/ meme guide

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Are they down to one asshole?
How come this was never mentioned in any number of the indictment threads?
>Boeing was one of three companies that helped deliver money personally to Bill Clinton while benefiting from weapons authorizations issued by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The others were Lockheed and the financial giant Goldman Sachs.

>Lockheed is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to speak at an event in 2010. Three days before the speech, Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved two weapons export deals in which Lockheed was listed as the prime contractor. Over the course of 2010, Lockheed was a contractor on 17 Pentagon-brokered deals that won approval from the State Department. Lockheed told IBTimes that its support for the Clinton Foundation started in 2010, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

>“Lockheed Martin has periodically supported one individual membership in the Clinton Global Initiative since 2010,” said company spokesperson Katherine Trinidad. “Membership benefits included attendance at CGI annual meetings, where we participated in working groups focused on STEM, workforce development and advanced manufacturing.”

>Federal records show that ethics staffers at the State Department approved the payments to Bill Clinton from Goldman Sachs, and the Lockheed- and Boeing-sponsored groups without objection, even though the firms had major stakes in the agency’s weapons export decisions.

>Stephen Walt, a Harvard University professor of international affairs, told IBTimes that the intertwining financial relationships between the Clintons, defense contractors and foreign governments seeking weapons approvals is “a vivid example of a very big problem – the degree to which conflicts of interest have become endemic.”


James Comey Lockheed Martin General Counsel and Senior VP (2005-10)
employment history :

One asshole willing to shill here at this hour yea.
His name's Justin Trudeau.
I think he's just retarded. He's just bumping this thread. If he was any good at his job he'd be making slide threads like the rest of the shills.
dude i used to work in financial fraud detection and while i wasn't in the money laundering department i knew people who were and it was always "fucking HSBC" with those guys that bank is rotten to the core
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Made a black twitter version with better contrast just for you, anon.
two more, Robert Kagan (the younger) has a daughter named Elena


This topic is already a thing in the corners of the internet. Ok I have to tap out now and sleep.
Hey Italian maffia kid, the fact that Trump donated money to the Clinton Foundation is widely known and can be easily found.

Give Mama a big kiss from me.

Fuck if I know, I don't generally dirty myself coming on to this shillfest board.

Just needed to share some (((pure coincidences))) and remind you faggots to post less feels and irrelevant bullshit and do some actual digging.
Since when do care about niggers?

Thanks BB, but I don't just want you to make a great spicy meme for me, I want to make memes great for everyone. EVERYONE.
I'm making a compilation meme or reasons for niggers not to vote for Hillary or Trump and all your posts are actually helpful. Thanks shill!
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We need black people to realize how hard the democratic party is and has been using them in order to win this.
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so how do we get blacks to hate shaun king? we need to get this faggot lose credibility on black twitter and make him look one of those white privilege faggots who is leading a very oppressed group.any good enough dirt for people to hate him?

can we get elizabeth warren and shaun king on the same page pretending to be minorities for self profit?
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you should use this
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We need to push the leland yee connections to get more conservatives on board with trump, reminde people that hillary has connections to an international crime syndicate that tried to smuggle in weapons from a terrorist organization. Should convince them Hillary isn't suited for office.




How do I red pill people about Clinton without being obvious?
Wow, this is really some top-tier jewish propaganda tactics over there anon.
Like, wow.

Is this how it feels like to be a jew?
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Yes and? do you realize there're like 10 billion USD involved in this case from a thousand different parties? you probably don't, that happens when your brain is fried up from bad quality weed, you cannot understand certain things when you've literally 1 neuron left in your skull, you know.
this should be added to the OP copypasta/introductory comments

also i just made this one thread in relief of our main anon so WHEN WE HIT BUMP LIMIT SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS TO MAKE THE NEW OP and have all the supplementary shit ready, it's 4 am here and i probably won't make it to the next thread
Can any meme generating folks state one on The Secret at Clifford Street? Maybe a picture with Brian Raven, Hillary Clinton, and Jamie Cooper around a center message that reads:

What do 128 companies, £3,000,000,000, CIFF, the Clinton Foundation, and Tavistock all have in common?

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT



In medieval times there were military banda marching alongside the troops.

Today you post theme thread links.
I have a sudden irresistible urge to rub my hands together and join a hedge fund.
I REALLY hate the fact that nobody asked FBI about MK Ultra symbolism in music and movies and how it connects to sex trafficing and Epstein etc.

Sroppy dispray.
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Claudio Osorio

>The second Clinton/State Department scheme uncovered by NLPC involves Clinton Foundation donor Claudio Osorio, who now sits in a federal penitentiary, serving a 12-year term for fraud. In 2013, he was convicted of bilking 10 investors out of $40 million and the federal government out of $10 million.

>In 2010, both Clintons pushed for a $10 million loan from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to a company owned by Osorio called InnoVida. The loan was supposedly for building houses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, but Osorio instead used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle and to buy off politicians.

>The loan was rushed through and Osorio was never required to provide an audited financial statement. Documents uncovered by NLPC show that Bill Clinton lined up a well-connected law firm to represent Osorio with OPIC, and Hillary Clinton went to bat for the project within the State Department. OPIC is technically an independent agency but submits its budget through the State Department.

>InnoVida also hired Clinton insider Jonathan Mantz to lobby for the loan, paying his firm $300,000 in 2009 and 2010. Mantz was Hillary’s 2008 finance director and currently is a key figure in Priorities USA, a pro-Hillary super PAC.

>Whereas Osorio’s Ponzi-like scams have generated headlines, and even an “American Greed” episode on CNBC, the Clintons' direct involvement in the OPIC loan had not been previously reported. It was discovered by NLPC Chairman Ken Boehm and Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, while sifting through documents at state and federal courthouses in Miami.


They've already booted him from BLM.
What did the Swiss banker post on here? Any valuable information?
>Elena Kagan

Jesus Christ have you seen the size of that nose??
Gonzalo Tirado

>Mr. Tirado was president of and ran Venezuelan operations for the famously corrupt Stanford Bank, which was headquartered in Antigua and was named for its American founder, Allen Stanford. He and Mr. Stanford came to be extremely close and “were like father and son,” one well-placed source told me.

>Mr. Stanford’s name may ring a bell as he was sentenced to prison for 110 years for committing an $8 billion Ponzi scheme. In 2006, the Hugo Chavez government was asked to investigate Mr. Tirado by scandal-plagued, pro-Wall Street New York Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, a member of the House Committee on Financial Services and a major recipient of cash and perks from jailbird Allen Stanford. Mr. Tirado was charged with tax evasion and theft, The Hill newspaper reported.

>Tirado soon fled for Miami to avoid prosecution and petitioned the State Department, through Mr. Mantz, for political asylum. It’s not clear if he won asylum—and he doesn’t seem to merit it as he had no record of political opposition to the Chavez government—but it is clear that he was allowed to remain in the U.S. and live a life of luxury.

>Incredibly, the Obama administration not only failed to help the Chavez government investigate Mr. Tirado, but it also indicted a legendary former DEA agent named Tom Raffanello, a one-time head of the DEA’s Miami office and the agency’s chief of congressional affairs during Bill Clinton’s first term as president.



Mr. Raffanello’s subsequent prosecution, which ended in abysmal failure, almost surely was prompted and abetted by Mr. Tirado, a secret FBI informant. the Justice Department indicted a decorated former DEA agent Raffanello, who had tried to blow the whistle on Tirado. The case against Raffanello was so weak, and so obviously political, that the judge unilaterally acquitted him even before the jury reached a verdict. Until now, Raffanello has refrained from public comment but he spoke to Silverstein and had plenty to say. Unsurprisingly, the vindicated Mr. Raffanello had few kind words for Mr. Tirado or Ms. Clinton during a recent interview.

>“Tirado believed in buying influence,” Mr. Raffanello said of the crooked financier. “He wouldn’t give away 10 cents that he didn’t think he’d get back a dollar on. That was his entire philosophy.”

>As for Ms. Clinton, he said that during her years in the Obama administration the “prevailing wisdom in Miami at the time, among people in high profile civil and criminal defense circles, was that giving money to the Clinton Foundation was very helpful. She was secretary of state and a potential future president. I’m sure that’s the same thinking now.”


>heavenly dubdubtrips

Not sure if that's a positive or negative comment. Maybe it's a language thing.
I wonder how much longer it will be until that sympathy card has Bill's death added to it?
Fuck that is terrifying
What have been the latest revelations? Anything interesting discovered in the last 2 days?
It's not language. I realized it's kind of ambiguous. It was meant as positive though. You are a morale booster!
Has anyone started reading these? I'd like to read some of it but if someone can advise which are most accessible, interesting, and useful, I'd appreciate it.
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I made a new maymay

Do you think we should preempt that by making memes about his death? If we desensitize and normalize slickwilly's "untimely" more like "timely" death, then it'll lessen the impact.
swiss banker said he was freezing bank accounts (it was like 2:30am his time), but wouldnt give any details
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How do we pre-emptively diffuse the media's attept to make her look like black America's choice via Obama's endorsement?

My thoughts: Make Obama out to be an Uncle Tom. Hell, just use that term. LONG before they try their angle.

Alright thanks. Wanted something comfy, mysterious and spoopy at the same time. Classic jazz film noir themes are great for you detectives.
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jesus have you been reading the thread?

make sure to make pictures of hillary clinton supporting the crime bill (which made mass incarnations of blacks) and called them super predators as her excuse to pass the bill also post the dindu killed by the white cop with the quote

we need you OC anon
Good idea.

I've been trying to look into this a little more. Do we know how substantial this claim is? Do we think it is worthwhile leaking this info to the MSM somehow or do we need something more concrete? Having people with connections whose job it is to investigate such claims in a professional and organised manner might have more success digging up dirt than a bunch of autists on /pol/

It could be a good idea. Now that there is attention to these death coincidences surrounding her campaign, I doubt that more people will turn up missing or dead as easily in case it becomes too obvious. If we preemptively predict his death for emotional manipulation during the election it will not have as much impact.
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fixed alignment
>comey is cucked as hell
FBIanon was pissed that all his efforts went for naught because of this specific cucking, and now here we are

Might as well add the youtube link in there for people to listen for themselves.


That image. Suggestion from other thread. Make "Private Plane Crash" and "Plane Exploded" centered to improve format and readability. Also change 2nd line to "Clinton Donors didn't fly so good."

Don't know if you are the author of that one though.
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Spread as much of the racist memes connecting Hillary to the KKK and her racist outbursts on twitter and facebook. Try to take advantage of this black outrage after the shootings. People want someone to blame for white privilege, power and injustice. With the right amount of meme magic, we can make Hillary the new face of these traits by spreading it with BLM and other black activist/trending hashtags
fuck you're right. sec.
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I'm working on something with that exact angle as we speak. I'm just wondering on how to attack Obama as a Tom if they try to run the "black man endorsed Hilldawg" angle.
That 'magic' London address that was mentioned is 10min walk from where I work.

Interdasting stuff.
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Those links will expire in a few days.

Here is an archive of those threads. This will be useful when 4plebs is also down.
That's not enough. You should connect her and her husbands policies to the murders of black americans. Use the superpredator comments and the new jim crow:

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you could use chicago AKA his hometown, the youth being killed and jailed because of obama, blacks are doing worse than ever before under obama. heres trump saying it


black president sold his people for the jews or the white elites or whatever
Here's some light summer reading. Know your enemy, know their tactics and use them.


>Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning

>The Crowd. A Study of the Popular Mind

>Information Rules. A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy

>The Art and Science of Psychological Operations: Case Studies of Military Application (Volume One)

Also here's (3^3 - 1)chan /32/ psychopolitics library from yesterday if anyone's interested:

Been looking into the clinton foundation website on the ol' wayback machine and the very first instances of the domain for their .org brings up ALLTEL in october 2000.

I wondered why the name ALLTEL seemed familiar to me then I remembered:

>Charles Wilbourne Miller: 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller’s body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun’s cylinder had been spent.

>He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens’ Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House’s “Big Brother” data base system and that was behind the administration’s plan to develop the secret computer “Clipper” chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America.


Oh right that guy who was such a bad shot he needed two guns to commit "suicide"
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fresh OC make way
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Criminals have other criminal's backs…

>Virgina governor Terry McAuliffe signed a controversial order into law which restored voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia. At the time we noted McAuliffe's close relationship with Hillary, and opposition comments that his action "doesn't speak of mercy. Rather, it speaks of political opportunism," and African American support in the state. All of which is by way of background as CNN reports today that McAuliffe is now being probed over questionable donations made to his campaign (from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang) during his time as a board member of The Clinton Global Initiative. We have three simple words: quid pro quo?

>Wang also has been a donor to the Clinton foundation, pledging $2 million.

Do you have time for a casual mosey on your lunch break? Let us know how busy it looks, anything suspicious, general feel, level of security present etc.
This is good. Thanks.

By the way...NOW would be a good time to revive her "CP time" (Colored People Time) remark.
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bruh .jpg
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already on it
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Use the fact that Obongo is biracial against him. He speaks like whitey, was never for black people, now campaigns to put another WHITE lady into the WHITE HOUSE.
Is Wang connected to the other triads groups? He seems like a direct envoy of the Chinese government which I find even more shocking.
Yes. If somebody saved the pastebin, I outlined that a few days (I think it's been a few days) ago.

Seriously, where's the China pastebin? Is it in the OP?
You can't really use Trump's words to convince Hillary voters of anything.

You need to create "then and now" type of memes, without even mentioning Obama, just the years/timeframe and showing the damage. Let them convince themselves.

If you feel you need to mention obama to drive the point home make sure you don't sound like you're trying to convince anybody or to demonize him. That will only make the target get defensive.
There looks a nice place opposite to get a sandwich, maybe sit and have a coffee.
>(3^3 - 1)
I failed at math. I meant 3*3-1
Not bad. Can be better though.
Do not, go near it.
I'm actually the guy who wrote one of the big pastebins.

I haven't found anything nefarious connected to Wang outside of the fact he's directly connected to the US government. He doesn't seem like he has any of the triad middleman like all the others in 1996 and 2008 had, but maybe I just suck at looking.
obama is #TooWhiteForMe #NotMyPresident #BLM
shit, wrong one
Thanks for that, soldier.
If you could do that Britbro, that would be fucking awesome, because something just doesn't add up with this place.
If this place is as shifty as we think, it could be one of the places in a chain of organisations that are used for the purpose of laundering money.
If it is just a shell corporation, we can start to leak this info to the media so they can force an investigation

It's funny how all of the Clinton races have had Chinese behind it, but that's never really been a talking point. Has anybody looked into the Clinton Iranian connection yet?

Seems like it could be just as big as the Chinese, connected to the Iran nuclear deal perhaps?
I read Propaganda because it was on /pol/ recommended reading list. There's a lot of interesting tactics described in it.

For example, it's a waste of time and energy to market towards everyone. It's more effective to pinpoint their leaders, pastor, community leader etc, market to them and then the demographic will follow suit. Idea being is, people can sense when they're being marketed to, but if they respect the persons opinions,it cuts through that resistance. This is most obvious through youtubers nowadays.

If you read through the anecdotal evidence he provides, you'll discover they were his campaigns.

It's a short read, like 80 pages. I read it in about 4 hours.
This is Jamie right?
And this should be Brian. Anyone can confirm?
Confirmed. Jaime Cooper.
Confirmed Brian Raven.
Look enough like a despicable criminal kike to me.
" "
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ok I just made this, any suggestions? I still have the project file open so anything can be changed.
kek I quoted myself.. meant for >>80046690
COMEY IS A KEK he has had many chances to bring the clintons to justice and whiffed on every shot, leafbro is on a roll here's all the links

It's still a little vague. I couldn't tell what you're trying to tell me if I was a normie that knew nothing about it yet.
You can't pick your family
You can pick your friends

Guess who let blacks and Jews in his country club
Guess who joined an all white country club

Who's the real racist?
It's not Trump

Weak points that I see:
128 companies? Ok, what about them?
3 billion? What did they do with them? Receive? Launder? Bribe? Donate? Invest?

CIFF?? What's that? Tavistock? What the hell is that.

What's this address? What does this have to do with the Clinton Foundation?


It's a complex matter, difficult to meme. Keep up the good work!
Leaf is on a FUCKIN roll. We must focus on his findings and dig hard to find enough clear, concise info to then form an infograph where normies can see
2 months
Because he is very in bed with them, as leafbro has shown in this and the last thread.
Why are you implying he whiffed? Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that James B Comey doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.
Now we must find out why
+1 tipped to your account :^)

I like the #noprofitlikenonprofit. Btw it's "nonprofit" not "none profit."
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>mfw i realize the children's investment fund foundation is probably a shopping mall for child traffickers

A lot of pedos like to work with children, so it would make a lot of sense.
right, I'll just go with the original suggestion phrase here >>80044679 only need to figure out how to fit all nicely in the pic, I'll change font too (I tried using unity but my program won't load it for some unknown reason).
>why are you implying he whiffed?
intentional whiffs are still whiffs
I'm awake again
I can't bake next bread when time comes
I like what y'all've done
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Are there any (((polling))) companies that haven't donated to the CF?
All right tell me if you need help finding a font or anything.
A suggestion. You could use that pic you made as footer and add above it something that kind of summarizes the whole thing (if such thing even exists): a document screencap, a graph, an incriminating picture... I'm just brainstorming, these are just examples. We have to think and see if there's something visual that can hint at the whole business or summarize it in some way.
I've been curious about this. Circulate a story that compares the polls from companies that donated to her versus polls from companies that haven't to give a hardcore case of bias. It would give them a motive for it as well.
>intentional whiffs are still whiffs
Translates to

>"It's still real to me, damnit!"
Comey is a puppet. It's why he looked so uncomfortable not pressing charges, because Hillary had her arm up his ass. The email scandal was a giant distraction over the real corruption, Comey was just another aspect of the bread and circus.
#BlackLivesMatter is trending worldwide right now. Shoot those dank memes.

Hillary represents white privilege. #IfSheWasBlack
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Fixing in next edit.

I don't know if we've precise informations/graphs for this one yet, anon found about it like 1h ago. Here is the base image if anyone wants to try something with it, I'll brb after lunch.
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This image was real popular on /b/ back in the early days (2004-2005), is Tom DeLay clean?
It wouldn't work. Different polling companies have different way of accumulating data. Two companies can poll the same 100 people, and you'll get different results regardless. They weight answers based on what they think the demographic the purchaser is wanting.

>worked at a pollling company briefly
It's not about the facts, you forget most people don't care about that. It's about appealing to emotions, and when people find out that polling companies have it in with Hillary they'll disregard outliers a lot easier.
#BlackLivesMatter is trending right now.

Also bumping because the thread is very much asleep.
Did you pull that from the trend?
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I pulled it from #IfSheWasBlack
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That would be some sick, twisted irony. And exactly what they'd joke about.
>let them convince themselves
this so hard, this is an often-overlooked but immensely effective persuasion tactic and here's why: if you are just directly preaching to someone like an autist then the message you are conveying is YOUR argument, it belongs to you in the eyes of the person you are speaking with -- so then it is easy for that person to reject it, because the idea is yours not theirs

but if you nudge that person subtly in a certain direction without actually overtly delivering your argument, and the idea just happens to dawn on them, then that is much more difficult for them to reject because that idea, in their mind, is theirs not yours
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It's all there in the public tax and incorporation filings. Bloomberg sourced Raven as chairman of BlackSquare LLP and the fact that there are 128 companies worth over £3 billion incorporated at the addresses of two townhouses sharing that same address isn't just some fantasy. There's tax filings proving all of it and forcing it to be a matter of public record.

People often setup shell company networks at a single address and declare the same few people to be the necessary key staff for the incorporation over and over. Something that is also readily present among the 128 companies list at the two addresses.

The fact that the Clinton Foundation received $25 million from this maze of money laundering is also public record. The connections between the Clinton Foundation and CIFF begin with a $10,000,000 donation in April of 2005. They have a long, established relationship.

The fact that CIFF Trading Limited has both Simon Trevor Lloyd and Jamie Cooper as directors means that Jamie is clearly involved. Trevor's the one who has racked up the director title for 43 companies and counting since CIFF was founded.

If Brian Raven wasn't the chairman of yet another company at the same address it might just look like Cooper was laundering money. But the fact he is implicates Tavistock's group CEO in being involved with the scheme.

This isn't some tinfoil hat conspiracy. It's fact backed with credible sources on every point.
You just described the basis of how every tavistock psyop functions.
change #NoProfitLikeNoneProfit to #NoProfitLikeNonProfit

Try to make the faces a little clearer. Maybe put the name tags directly beneath their portraits.
???? did i not just say comey is a cuck what is the problem here we basically agree i just told you why i said he whiffed, and that is because he whiffed


Appealing to emotions doesn't matter when you have cognitive dissonance. There's no way that none of us have stumbled across that article about the Epstein-Trump connection. I've seen it everytime I've search for Epstein, but no one has posted it here because we're inherently biased towards Trump v Hillary.

All the emotional manipulation in the world don't matter. >>80048784 As this anon said, people detect manipulation pretty easily. Playing fast and loose with facts to win hearts and mind is a fool's errand.
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According to this legal precedent set here, and how much we know, how much would Hillary's sentence for money laundering alone be?
>cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is defined as the discomfort that may originate from holding two contradictory beliefs, not the fact of holding them in itself.

Everybody here knows Trump is as crooked as the next multibillionaire (and FBIanon confirmed). We're working to avoid (((Hillary)))'s endgame here, that's all. There's no contradiction. Trump really is the lesser evil. He's no savior of the white race. That's something very naive and idealistic to believe.
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BlackSquareCapital LLP from previous thread
Making whites proud of themselves is saving the white race imo, and that's what Trump does.
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Lose the -- before the postcode, it shouldn't be there.

We can also try making it like one of those easter egg hunts ARGs that movies and video games like to put people on. #WhatsAt9CliffordStreetLDN?

Spam that on some ominous looking pictures, and "make people think."
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...and if you want to be pedantic, it should read London W1S 2FT. No comma.
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forgot the fucking pic
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Soros' scheme about "revolutions"
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reeeee updated
dude, I don't mean this horribly at all.
Billion reads BIIIion
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shouldnt it be no profit like NONprofit?
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Billion actually works in murican but I'll update it for you
You have a capital I after the B in "BIllion"
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There are strong links between OECD, the IMF, World Bank, ADB and the Clinton Foundation.
A lot of Funds were channeled to USAID and the African continent, Asian/South American nations,
how much of it is actually utilized?
Hell, Panama is probably the tip of the iceberg.

USD are currently being dumped by the billions
by the Chinese, Swiss, Iranians and the
Russians due to certain notorious US
geopolitical strategies.
The gambit is clear.
A number of nations have alrdy banned/opposed Soros (Figurehead) and his cabal. There are quite a few 'exiles' that have instead flee into China. There are a few powerful ones in Russia with a mostly neutral alignment.
oh my fucking god kill me.
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No profit like trafficking children.
I liked the one with the London streets in the background better. It helps build a mental image. These are too dark and too "verbal".
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wyclef jean.jpg
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Was looking into Haitian politics - they literally elect rappers for presidents.

This same melanin enriched male was accused of pocketed relief money.
>"Jean's efforts at earthquake relief, highly publicized in 2010 throughout Haiti and the United States, were channeled through his charitable organization, Yéle Haiti. The charity, which performed a variety of charitable works in Haiti between 2005 and 2010, effectively closed in 2012 after much controversy over mismanagement of funds, with many believing that a large portion of the profits weren't used for charitable purposes. Thus it has been claimed that much of the money raised by the organization in the Hope for Haiti Now telethon went to Jean's own benefit.[7]"

Guess what? This Hope for Haiti now telethon was directly connected to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Did they let him pocket the money hoping they could buy control of Haiti?
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holy shit using ctrl + shift + s makes
[spoiler][/spoiler] tags in the reply box. had no idea and i've been channing for like 10 years
Anyone's good in negro memes and ebonics?
over 5,000 subscribers
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Any tips, memers?
Almost there. Lose the comma after "Tavistock".
And the blocks of text are not properly center-aligned, but it's almost unnoticeable, so it's OK I guess.

Lose that comma though.
I'm not typographically inclined, so I throw this idea out there.

Would an campaign on
>Imagine a world where She had Presidential Immunity
be usable (not knowing the full reach of presidential immunity and so on)
Thumbs up.

I'd probably stick with HC as the background.
Control+S is enough

You guys are missing out on one of the biggest ways to reach the black Islamic community. We need to either get soundbytes from this video or try to make it trend itself.


Hell, we could even just quote this guy "She is a wicked woman." -Louis Farrakhan

Seriously watch the video though because who better to reach the black community than one of their most trusted leaders.
[spoiler]these dont do shit on this board[/spoiler]
>3 billions
We need a dank clinton CP time/superpredator/crimebill/blm meme ASAP
This one is also good.
that fucking brit made me do it cause that's how you do it in bongland supposedly.
Really? The one with the street instantly makes me think: "9 clifford? Oh shit what's there? What's going on?"

The one with Hillary makes me think: "Oh, more propaganda. I wish these elections were over already, what a drag".
This work?
I never said anything about an S!
pls no bully
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What does this mean?
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calling it a night, we will need a new OP for the next thread fantastic work anons see you tomorrow night
Well if we were trying to convince bonglanders I'd concur to listen to a bonglander, but we're not.

also see >>80050627
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He means the first i looks like an L so it says BIllion instead of Billion
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To expand on this a bit. HC already has a lot of memes and ideas attached to her. Everyone sees a different thing when she sees her.

If you want this new idea to be a thing, you attach it to the concept of "9 Clifford". It's a real place that links everything we want to convey. It's like a mascot, a sigil, a symbol.

Hillary is already a symbol of too many things, you can't really anchor new ideas to her image.
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Don't mind us, just two blokes hanging out in the back of 9 Clifford Street London.
Nothing to see here, tavi.
Good night Nebraskanon. MAGA.
hard to tell since he has been donating to democracy alliance since the beginning of the Obama administration
Never mind, already imrpoved it.

But seriously. Should I add the link or something? I feel like there's too much blue space.
Hey man, it's a British address. I'd argue it gives a little more authenticity if it's properly formatted.
Keep it up, you're doing a great job.
"and" is also misaligned btw

I'm sorry. I have fake OCD.
Point taken.
Try to change don't be a Tom to something else. That's negative language and if you could somehow make it positive it would come across better.
wait that's an oxford comma right? i think it's "more correct" to leave it there. I can fix the "and" but then I gotta go. it's 4 am
It could be changed to "show her you're not."
Clinton would undoubtedly release a tweet/press statement about the recent shootings, and promoting BLM. We must be ready to fire in all cylinders in response when she does
can anyone confirm if I need to take the comma out here >>80050990

or is that an oxford comma and correct?
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This whole "CP" time thing is weird to use. First of all I've never even heard of the phrase until then, and second Hillary herself didn't explicitly say it.

News clippings and headlines are the most effective I think at conveying it, but I don't know. This cover is memeable as fuck.

>"Trump got on CNN for eating McDonalds but this shit got wiped off the internet? The fuck? #hashtag here"
oxford commas are fake and gay
Our work is being noticed.
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fuck it I took it out and centered the "and"
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9 clifford street need to be the center of focus make it a color that stands out and change "and" to &
The earlier mentioned Talos Properties with the obvious mass cash injection was originally formed with a man who immediately resigned the position named Adrian Joseph Morris Levy. This seemed odd since Simon Trevor Lloyd didn't appear to have any qualms with being director of over three dozen companies. Why have someone else spin it up?


Mr Adrian Joseph Morris Levy aged 46, is a director in 997 companies and a secretary in 3 companies. Adrian has resigned from 998 of these appointments.

It appears Adrian offers a service where he spins up shell companies to hand-off. Doing so in London isn't to any tax benefit, though. This is purely about obfuscation of finances. Sort of like London's version of Mossack Fonseca.
Imagine that the very first response says something like "If it wasn't for your 'superpredators' crime bill these children would still be alive" and it would get a fuck ton of faves.

We can't convince most people that Trump is good but we can associate Hillary with being just as bad as their perception of Trump. It's easy in their minds to throw some fake old white woman under the racist bus and bitch that the whole "racist capitalistic heteronormative establishment" is the cause of all their problems. Plus this can hit Bernie too since she's endorsing her, push away more of his followers to not voting or to Trump.
It's always CP time with the Clintons.
Ooh that's a good one!
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>We need to push the KKK angle.

This should be very easy. Just show normies this video.


Also, my image should be use.
Good idea, any way that we could get one of our twitter acts set up to get notified the sec she tweets, so they're ready to go
so a ponzi schemer? lel
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>How do we pre-emptively diffuse the media's attept to make her look like black America's choice via Obama's endorsement?

See: >>80051761
gonna hate me, i meant just "9 clifford street" and maybe up the "clinton foundation" in red up a size or 2
>Adrian Joseph Morris Levy
Companies House has him in a few more than that, friendo.
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alright that's all. you spergs can paint your OCD away after this edit
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I've been a little out of the loop, does anyone know what the Clinton campaign has been doing, if anything, to subvert the growing animosity towards Hillary as a result of the FBI announcement?
..and further to that, from his correspondence address.
It seems setting companies up is their game, they advertise the fact.
cops shooting negroids and shifting the focus of the MSM is happening. no idea if the witch is behind it.
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Has /pol/ seen this video?

Tavistock/Soros/the witch are all behind it, they're behind the entire media, they are the beast.
Ignoring it or having bots say "I TOLD YOU SO #IMWITHHER" on all the angry posts.

Conveniently the MSM has decided to shift away from her to focus on dead nigs, though I don't think they deliberately false flagged the shootings rather that they cherry picked them to make them relevant suddenly and manufacture a controversy.
think this dude is connected somehow?
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pls respond
Thanks. Nice digits.
This one is so subtle yet so amazing.
Early Bread
I have work
Wish I could still travel....
im thinking it can be the video to get the normies to turn anon, it has potential.

>Hillary herself didn't explicitly say it.
Oh, come on. You think any part of that exchange wasn't scripted? Just having her little minstrel up there is proof enough.
it is, saw it earlier elsewhere but now that i got a youtube link its gonna spread
New bread
Same bong, on phone at lunch.

Technically what that firm does is perfectly legal. They make profit in part by taking a gamble on registering a specific company name, hoping someone pops up who legitimately wants to start that company. A bit like with the www domain spike of late 90s. If you want that domain name, you either pay up to the owner, or come up with something else. Of course there are fuckwits who pay up. There's nothing illegal in doing it.
File: 1211 - jyt6r7n.jpg (13KB, 225x225px)
1211 - jyt6r7n.jpg
13KB, 225x225px
It's an Oxford comma so you can take it or leave it.

Both are grammatically correct, it's a style choice, I prefer it removed tbqh familia
Minnesota was one of those states that is basically under cultural of the leftist government and currently having one of the largest wealth gaps and currently has the largest education gap so i figured when the fbi guy talked about human trafficking and me knowing this about the state i looked it up and found out Minnesota has one of the largest human trafficking rings in the nation
the case in 2010 determined one family was the cause for three generations currently searching who
fixed here
new thread here
It's grammatically correct but it'll look more informal without it. I vote to remove it, famslice.
Off-topic but does anyone have a link to that picture where someone discusses Riots at the Trump rallies.

Ones led by George Soros to prevent him from becoming President?

Friend I'm trying to recruit is curious and I can't find it.
page four displays a graph showing the increase of prostitution and sex trafficking in Minnesota
Keep it up guys. I'm retweeting your maymays wherever I find them.
Nice work anon. Nice plant.
the graph shows that what ever this case was in 2010 it did not stop any form of trafficking so either they traffickers won their case or weren't the ones actually incharge
we're over 300
Someone skiddly make a new threadarino
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