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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 131

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190KB, 1268x711px
>TLDR info here.

>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


>Hillary nuclear file here

What we know:
George Soros funnels money to Democracy Alliance, through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Major money laundering, massive number of donors.
(((Soros's))) investment arm is linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J
Others involved:
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.




Thread theme: https://youtu.be/aU4ehgnTjVg
>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → → # → # → # → # → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

Remember when we said phone bank starts in full on Tuesday?
Yesterday we get a contacts list dump
Trust that there is a plan
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77KB, 740x740px
Time to hijack the logo.
Bumping! Got keep the thread from sliding!
Memer taking a break from looking into Chinese connections here.

Anybody who's lurking, could you do me a favor and help me find the most smug, punchable looking picture of Hillary possible? A REALLY satisfied one?
Hey all trying something out. Botnetfags get in here:

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442KB, 2000x1000px
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kek bless america.png
1MB, 1200x807px

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188KB, 795x651px
This still amazes me
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71KB, 740x740px
Good shit.
I think this is my best one so far.
Explain. I'm dumb.
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277+86 is 354
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117KB, 774x809px
keep up the good work and ignore the nig nog shootings. make sure the thread isn't slid, thats their only purpose
I just tried making two different twatter accounts and each time it shut me down asking for a phone number.
I just wanted to be your typical lib-negro posting lefty shit to help our cause.
How did you guys do it? Im lost here.
Change it to say "Trump's with me".
The only way I've found is either a burner phone or google voice. Fuck twitter.
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111KB, 567x565px

These are TERRIBLE!

This is how you hijack her logo.
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25KB, 476x248px
>ignore the nig nog shootings
NO. We need to CAPITALIZE on them. Black twitter is PISSED.
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2MB, 960x960px

- Olga Belkova (member of Petro Poroshenko Block, former head of V. Pinchuk Charity Foundation, close to American elites, Harvard Kennedy School of Government graduate),
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113KB, 740x740px

Come on in

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I got gimp open and everything, just keep the suggestions coming.
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1. Clinton beats the FBI rap

2. Suspiciously Trump is the first to break the news

3. He suspiciously fails to capitalize on the situation

4. Instead he deliberately tweets an image that can be seen as anti-semetic

5. Media conveniently jumps all over the anti-semetic tweet

6. Clinton FBI scandal conveniently swept under the rub and pushed out of the headlines by Trump idiocy.

7. Clinton capitalizes on the Trump scandal with another zinger tweet

You would literally have to be an idiot not to see what's going on.

Seriously. This is hillary-arious!!
How did this even start? How did two bumfucks from Arkansas get picked to become the leaders of a massive international laundering scheme? Nixon did not even pull half of this shit
Comey's with me suckers
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206KB, 652x369px
These are so bad... thanks for bumping the thread tho buddy. You've got to slow down and make them memetic.
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76KB, 740x740px
Tired as fuck, just making easy stuff normies will laugh at.
Thos are the CF 2014 Tax returns.

Over half of the money donated was spent on themselves
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>this pic
The frog is not pleased. Death be upon her
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1MB, 2000x1329px
Repost. This is gold, need to incorporate clinton so special needs normies understand
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73KB, 740x740px
Can't use this one with normies, but it's painfully true.
Hmm, perhaps capitalize the M in me. Oh, here's an idea, get rid of the two blue squares on the left side so that it looks like a sideways T as well.
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Eyy now
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Have a bump on the house
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72KB, 740x740px
Bill Clinton was adopted. He's actually a Rockefeller. No shit.

I'm seriously beginning to think that all those rumors about Moloch, satanic ritual child rape, etc might have a grain of truth to them.
newbie... came here for the memes--not disappointed

Pretty amazing how organized and consistent these /cfg/ threads are. You anons are doing great work, I'm extremely impressed
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33KB, 465x237px
Hillary Clinton called a place with over twice the average black population "basketball-crazed" and misspelled Indianapolis "Indianoplace" If this doesn't spell incompetence and underhand racism, IDK what does.
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spoopy hill.png
643KB, 899x797px
Stop it guys, you're making it look like #Shillary General.
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79KB, 740x740px
This logo could become it's own theme.
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>yfw this election is just a giant proxy war of gods fighting for supremacy
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newbie shopfag here, what are we doing now?
it's been a busy week, can't follow cfg too closely

Also I read yest there's an anon making a guide for social media shilling, any update on that?
Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton

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Meant to say "own genre of meme"
I need to redo this one.
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69KB, 740x740px
Combine with the OJ and omarfag one? add hillary?
will do, gimme a minute.
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Newbie shopfags will do well to lurk moar until they can meme with the rest of us.

Just keep digging.
Just keep posting.
Just keep doing SOMETHING.

American Strategy FTW

We don't need orders
We don't need a leader
We just need to keep ruining their day

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238KB, 1280x1944px
pulled this from previous thread-- was good
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american strategy.jpg
164KB, 728x529px

American Strategy
we should use this and add something about how blacks=bball=racist?
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1MB, 1024x1024px
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hey /cfg/ made a few ant-hillary nog memes for those with fake twitter accts. here's one
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467KB, 480x640px
another one, 9gag-tier this time
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81KB, 702x620px

H loves basketball americans.

Or take a short speech she has made about African-Americans and replace it all with Basketball-Americans with that picture as evidence.
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1MB, 1421x896px
I mean sure we should use it but it's not like she says this shit all the time or anything
Merely a day after AG's decision on the Clinton case, two niggers were shot to divert the attention. The fix is fucking in.
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1MB, 1000x1000px
normie... liked this one
WIll make a better one tommorow when I'm better rested.
normies are gonna look at that like "trump's with hillary" we shouldn't go there
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79999999 get.png
33KB, 535x152px
You speak the true true. It is related to the get somehow I think.

Fix may be in
like so?
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189KB, 842x959px
Somebody can do it, but it sounds like the link would be impossibly hidden. Very unlikely to be the key here.
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73KB, 731x101px
new meme tactic: death by association
good stuff
good good.
did u make that? if so nj
kek, associate with
>chinese mafia
>money launderers
well blacklivesmatter is gonna get cause mayhem. another dindu got shot and its almost as bad as the 2nd one. asian cop this time.

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Negative friendo, but it's from /cfg/.

<-- 4pol/cfg/ is a meme workshop as well as an investigative think tank.
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291KB, 899x805px
are they staging cop shootings now or its just a coincidence. gop convention is less than 2 weeks away and im kinda scared of all these ingredients for race war
needs a different font to make it look like those black memes, like in >>80033242
just my humble opinion senpai.
BOYS, I HAVE SENT OUR NUCLEAR MEME ARSENAL TO @Cernovich on Twitter and he's FIRING to 60k followers
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70KB, 740x740px
how about "I'm with Hitmen" or "Hitmen are with Her"
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362KB, 922x1134px
That's why the thread is called




(thanks FBI Anon)
confirmed, everyone retweet.
We now have secured an arms deal with someone on twitter with 60k followers. This is next level.
>new wave of nigger protestors

Would be nice if we could rally them against Hillary too so they'll protest against the DNC.
>needs a different font
i tried to find the actual font but no luck, will refine meme mixture

How much did he donate to /cfg/?
I listed the fonts and colors in this guide

We also have a new general up for the social botnet arm of /cfg/ >>80032972
Havent exactly negotiated compensation although he is extremely valuable in that he's nuking a lot of ppl on twitter
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:D :D :D
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trump vs isis.jpg
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This isn't different enough from Hillary's logo. It almost looks like shilling FOR hillary. This could never be the original post - people would think it's a shill thread.
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307KB, 728x498px
we are the jew now
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65KB, 740x740px
The Road to Hellary is Paved with Good Intentions
Is this new?
It's to piss of bernouts. Each meme has their uses.
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1MB, 800x977px
You make no sense.
i just made it.
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Hillary camapaign.jpg
69KB, 600x618px
Hey man, I'm not your mommy. But the quality is low.
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3MB, 1600x901px
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71KB, 740x740px
It's 2am her gimme a break.
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17KB, 220x260px
That's how it's done.

Old but gold.
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654KB, 2048x1365px
Gonna keep working on this. How to alter it further?
Shut up
The hacked BLM emails say the intention is to create martial law this summer to give Obama a third term. Not out of the question.

...I need to learn to operate a firearm
make her eyes glowing red.
This might be true folks. After Hillary, maybe Trimp should be the next target -- lots of shady info out there about the man
File: im with her.jpg (587KB, 805x1024px)
im with her.jpg
587KB, 805x1024px

Fukien is the diplomatic army of the Fuk Ching, she's literally endorsed by Chinese human smugglers.
Yeah. I was thinking of that. It needs to be subtle, though.

Should I list some scandals or just leave the text simple?

File: fuckwhitemen.jpg (67KB, 740x740px)
67KB, 740x740px

Go to bed m8. Spamming low quality memes is not helping.
List out everything. Bribery, money laundering, treason
You could use the template and just change out company logos in the bottom right corner that have given her money.
It ain't hard junior just fingerfuck the giggleswitch with your boogerhook.
Next meme I post will be gold or I'll go to bed.
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part 2
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>jesse williams makes a speech a week before
>blacks shot brutally back to back

is this staged, or just shilled to the top?
is this made to distract us from the clinton foundation?
Eat shit and die

Oh, man. THAT is subtle.
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Make it "an open borders movement" instead of "a open borders mobvement." A real Hillary poster wouldn't fuck up the grammar like that. Make it look legit.
Somebody compile a list of journalists with online presence so we can start sending them requests or demands to look into the Clinton Foundation.
Need to hijack this momentum to drag Hillary's racist connections into it.

>"If it wasn't for Hillary's 'superpredators' crime bill, they would still be alive."
is the Leaf who made the templates online? If so can you dump all templates? I'm working on the social media shit and I want to consolidate the ammo we've got.
just put it on reddit and maybe we can bernie people to upvote it.

they are very desperate for bernie to win
Astroturf bernie subreddit?! Nanananaa I think so!
File: time to send a message.webm (673KB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
time to send a message.webm
673KB, 800x450px
i like your idea man, lets start working on this. include blacklivesmatter and chicago
Yes begin astroturf linking hillary and shooting/BLM immediately
exactly this
>jew elites stage cop shootings to produce a nigger waaagh
>dispatch the angry hordes to the RNC
>4chan memes shillary racism into the mainstream
>waaagh redirected to DNC

also this >>80035877 checked and a template dump would be nice
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2MB, 1600x901px
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what did they say.gif
1MB, 200x150px
This is one of the more tinfoil hat things we're doing, but download this file if you want the two FBI threads and every /cfg/ thread (until previous, 80015272) on your own storage:


>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread

Below, every /cfg/ thread:


Archive Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ePIZugahFc

Tell them it's Pulitzer worthy
square images work best for social media
File: from the shadows.png (330KB, 667x672px)
from the shadows.png
330KB, 667x672px
Ok you filthy Jewish LARPers, I'm going to go dream about Kek.

Here's the text for the OP. Don't let it die, don't let it slide.


>Remember the subject line

MAGA /b/rothers, PRAISE KEK.
MAGA friend
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933KB, 360x270px
Last one for tonight, it's related to the leak on how she always blows a ton of money on travel. It will also make people think twice about donating.
Kek be with you, brother.

Need more impressionist merchants.
Ask japan proxy bro he has all the most esoteric impressionist merchants.
Sorry one last change. We're beginning to break the MSM surface now, just got to keep pushing a few more days and it will be out in the open. Gnight brothers and MAGA.
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What about an image of Hillary crying with text "My wallet's too heavy with cash from Saudi Arabia"
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Bedtime bump

Had a look thru the tinfoil leak but there's just too much. Night everyone
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they own hillary.jpg
256KB, 866x720px

Thanks goys, Kek bless.
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Everyone appreciates what you're doing, but dude stop churning these out without thinking. Half of them are very weak an downright childish. Quality over quantity my friend!
I've been researching Brian Raven and his board memberships with various companies. In the process I discovered BlackSquare Capital LLP. In trying to investigate this company I stumbled across a magic address.

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT


There are 128 companies registered between 7 and 9 Clifford Street with a combined net worth of over £3,000,000,000. Most of them have no employees. Some of them are the shareholders of the others. Many of them have received massive cash injections within the last year. Let me give you an example:


Talos Properties limited received 7.28m in the last year and increased its value by (276.39%). With a staff comprised of the world's busiest man:


Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd aged 55, is a director in 43 companies. Simon has resigned from 36 of these appointments.

This is a massive money laundering network with the bulk of the money being controlled by an American named Jamie Cooper, former wife of Sir Chris Hohn the billionaire under the guise of a non-profit called The Children's Investment Fund Foundation.


The Clinton Foundation has listed CIFF among seven organizations from which it received more than $25 million.

This web just got a whole lot fucking darker.
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with caption "You used to bomb me from your cell phone..."
This one is gold.

Didn't FBInon mention Venezuela? UH OH
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168KB, 768x1024px
this is exactly what you are looking for
this is going to result in your death, that is how good this post is.thank you for your service anon.
Shit anon, this is good.
the plot thickens
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385KB, 820x819px
Made some OC
Good work anon!
...Holy crap. How blatant can you be?
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>I stumbled across a magic address
Fuck off, dog
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2MB, 1941x2281px
I'm going to bed. Have a good night fellow /cfg/troopers
>tits for your hard work
>inb4 sauce
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Holy fugg
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49KB, 618x412px
"One time I landed in Bosnia under sniper fire...."
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Jesus Christ anon, please be safe
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1MB, 499x499px
So Clinton will probably flee the country if Trump gets elected, right?
>Talos Properties
reminder of the three stages of money laundering
>placement: dirty money is introduced to the banking system
>layering: money is rapidly shuffled around many accounts in an effort to dissociate the cash from the name and obfuscate its source
>integration: money is then used to buy assets like real estate, cars, yachts, businesses, etc. and then those assets are sold thus providing a "clean" cover for the dirty money
it's an actual seven-proxies approach except it's for money
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make a twitter and post on it from time to time so we know if they kill you.
Added to the subreddit. Don't drop a barbell on yourself.
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soverignty team.jpg
175KB, 705x415px
here we go everyone, start connecting
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nigahh laughter.gif
2MB, 390x277px

Keep up the great work Anons!
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PS: Avoid being around nailguns for a while m8
I think countersignalling the BLM chimpout they are currently shilling would be worth the effort. Pretty much every major metro area is run by Democrats, should be easy to tie them tangentially to any of these police shootings that are being pushed. Even if it is not Clinton related, this is an opportunity to direct counter her PR machine

It's obvious that this is a major narrative that they will be using to inflame things. If we can get underneath it and redirect towards DNC, we could potentially kill two birds with one stone, guiding the chimpout away from their intended target and back into the left's own lap, as well as seizing the narrative and calling out the DNC for trying to stir up minority groups against police.

Say for example the DNC contributed to Rahm Emmanual's mayoral campaign in Chicago. Well Rahm just sat and did nothing while 60 dindu's got shot this 4th of July weekend. And I bet people would be upset if they learned that he cut Chicago PD's operating budget this year. (Check yo mf keys Robert!) Why does the DNC fund mayors who get blacks killed?

If any memesmiths have the time, I think this is a great thread to follow, and may help us take the wind out of whatever BLM is planning this summer.

Remember what Yuri said: think like a Judo master, use your enemy's momentum and redirect it against him.
Seriously no one is giving this the attention it needs.
coming from chicago I can guarantee you the links between rahm/obama and then hillary are retarded big
This would have been totally invisible until Endole started making a geographic map.

I want to be clear, Brian Raven is listed as the Chairman of Black Square LLP by Bloomberg.


He is also the Group Chief Executive of Tavistock. This links him directly to the laundering network and explains the Tavistock connection.

The Tavistock trail is genuine and I think this might be where all of the money has been going.

We need to explore the other directors of the shell companies and their potential links to the Clinton Foundation.
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use the crime bill and welfare reform, use the super predator quote with the dead dindu footage. this lead the mass incarnations of blacks and they were recommended to be biased against blacks because of the bill. we need to work on this everyone.

also use mosquito= hillary clinton
a bloodsucker looking for votes
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part 3
@cernovich has officially began launching nukes. multiple now fired, jesse jackson nigger meme is airborne
I'm fucking telling all you idiots until you get it.
Tavistock is at the heart of EVERYTHING.
The problems of the world will never be fixed so long as tavistock is allowed to exist.
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Trump's father was member of the KKK.
>all these links back to tavistock and soros
holy fucking shit dude, this is some god-tier sleuthing
also one minor connection i haven't seen yet is that when adbusters came out with OWS soros' tides foundation gave them funding to facilitate it, which is strange considering half a decade before that adbusters was willing to name the jew
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You're doing a great service to humanity, anon. Keep them coming.
Thanks for that swell credible source, friend.
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hey OC guy make a picture about the crime bill that got many blacks in jail and killed because of hillary clinton. have a picture of the dead dindu and add the quote, super predators.
What happened to the Anon that said he was researching Tavistock? Did he have an "accident"?
> credible source

Look who is talking................................
You spew more nonsense here than my demented grandpa does.
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ANON! Post with a tripcode, you need to post only once with it but don't forget the password, then post again with the same trip in a month from now so we know if you're still alive.
These are all public records, leaf
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this request has been endorsed by kek please deliver
the crime bill is the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent_Crime_Control_and_Law_Enforcement_Act
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That isn't the same anon, he was Canadian, And he's not even talking Tavistock.
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made another nog meme for immediate insertion.
pls no bully
That statement that Hillary made calling young minorities "super predators" was a national press statement as first lady.

Your response that Trump's dad was in the KKK is dependent on an uncited newspaper clipping.

>inb4 feeding the shill
the lack of citation is disturbing but not surprising.

If this were true don't you think you'd want to include something to corroborate your story? unless that isn't your task, and you're here to shitpost.
Would reading Clinton Cash help with this project at all?
We should keep on Clinton ofc, but this whole BLM thing is obviously going to be the left's big haymaker. Every mayor, city council, DA, etc. in the major cities is a Dem, and probably gets funding from DNC. Think local, any way you can tie DNC money to these police shootings, or the politicians who were in office when the cops were cleared or failed to bring charges.

Ex. Why is DNC funding the mayor of Baltimore when he/she lets killer cops go free?
devilishly subversive

we the jews now
I think we can make a parallel between Hillary and Sherlock's Moriarty (it'll speak to the Normies)
- get caught during a felony without trying to hide
- undeniable proofs against him
- get trial
- no charges because he threatened the whole jury
- described as Biggest criminal ever
- get caught during a felony
- undeniable proofs against her
- get trial
- no charges
- ???
Compile list of cities w/political dem leaders side by side w/ crime data?
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alternate text, i like this one better

List of all of hillary's contacts
Probably a ton, if anybody can find a copy of the book it would be great to include in the OP.

Obviously the Dems are detrimental to everyone but people aren't going to believe the whole party is at fault since "dey dah gud guise". Clinton is a very faulty character in everyone's minds and people are more likely to believe Clinton is a secret racist than the fact that the whole Democratic party is built up on racism and manipulation of minorities(despite both being true).
Okay not to sound total tinfoil, but a couple of dindu shootings and a shedload of shilling/sliding post fbiguy/cfg/.. coincidence??
Awesome work lads!
Yeah nah I see 2 occupy democrats threads too in the catalog, it's ctr at it again. Let's keep this bumped.
Shootings probably unrelated, sliding/shilling 100% related.
kinda proud of being tinfoiley at this point
Dindu shootings aren't rigged, they happen every day. They just pluck certain ones to make a big deal about when it's convenient.
Got a PDF right here
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"/pol/ exposes shillary" threads back in November halted due to Paris attacks.
I have it on e book right now but thats from i tunes, so I got a Torrent download going
Somene go to the press with this and let them do their job!
She never mentioned blacks or ethnic minorities as "super predators". She referred to gangsters as "super predators". The fact these gangsters happen to be often black is simply a fact.
Great well I guess Ill start reading it
these breads are a fucking goldmine
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anyone got a more updated version of this?
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>Somene go to the press with this and let them do their job!
>asking MSM to do their job
According to a New York Times article published in June 1927, a man with the name and address of Donald Trump's father was arraigned after Klan members attacked cops in Queens, N.Y.
Right so I think just going read front to back without interruption marking all interesting things in Clinton Cash. If you want to suggest parts to look closely at Im open
Note how they always pick the ones who had the worst criminal records who got shot doing the most stupid shit (resisting arrest, trying to pull a gun on cops) ON VIDEO.
It's to polarize, white/redpilled people see dindus dinduing, and dindus see >muh WE WUZ freedom fightahs
Meanwhile, both are distracted from investigating the corruption.
>the target looks where you look
All a psyop courtesy of tavistock.
ok Fucks

Regarding Tavistock, someone has been here ahead of us and made a mind map


I used to be into Terrence Mckenna + 60s cultural theorists and then I found Jan Irvin. He hosted a lot of his videos for a while and then figured out that the entire 60s counter culture was a psyop by the CIA.

Tavistock basically invented the building blocks of the 60s

“Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse." --John Coleman


Irvin uses the term Khazars instead of Jews, look under Bolsheveik Revolution. He KNOWS ABOUT THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL. That's a little bit of a historical background, but it adds depth to this whole thing.

This mind map has EVERYONE in the 60s CC movement (sometimes in superficial ways), Mckenna, Huxley, Watts, Leary, Carlos Castaneda

Important leftist intellectuals, some Frankfurt tier, some 'vogue' tier like Bernays of "propaganda", BF Skinner, Maslow, the Kesey Pedophiles, Joeseph Campbell

Jan has had this info available for 4+ years now and he's ok if that gives anyone any solace.
Chelsea Manning (who leaked a ton of info to wikileaks) is now hospitalized from a suicide attempt. I'd chalk it up to trannies killing themselves but the fact that people that leak info seem to wind up dead makes this interdasting.
A real way to generate buzz would be to write up a bunch of stories w/ sources cited and bulk send em off to every reporter you can find on both sides of the political spectrum.
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It's mostly like they put hormone replacement in his food.

CIA<Tavistock<MI6<RIIA<Com of 300<Olympians


Okay, so what does this have to do with Donald at all.... literally 90 years later...?
already on hrt, iirc
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Direct link to mindmap:

Also Important
Too bad no one was around back then to tell Don's dad that the Klan is a FUCKING psyop.
Also, I brought up the ADL/Jew loby to my buddy at Sachs once and he asked me what I was talking about and said that more money moved through the ASPEN institute than any lobby or lobby sector in the US.

I'll look through the Gnostic Media brain to see if there's a connection between Aspen and Tavistock.

There's so much material to potentially sift through.

What I think is interesting is two people he has listed under Aspen are (((Frederick Kagan))) and (((Donald Kagan))).

We have a Supreme Court Justice named (((Elena Kagan))).

Gonna look into it.
Okay so after Bill lost office the Clinton's were "dead broke" from legal fees and all the other shady dealings. This most likely created the initial game they played to make money. Hillary had a rising political career and Bill had his connections and used those to funnel money to themselves. The operation is small at first seemingly. As Clinton rises in power the foundation as means of enriching the Clintons for influence has become exponentially more profitable and influential. I think at this point is where the globalist explosion really occurs
Funny how you don't post a link to said actual article. Sure I'll take your word for it, leaf.
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hrt's name was on his wiki page but now it's gone. now not a slight mention of hrt
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ANOTHER new report on the Foundation

this x6 million
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Earlier than this though the foundation existed basically to protect the Clinton legacy started in 1999. In that year Anheuser Busch gives 1 million for the library and some goes through the foundation, and new drinking regulations are dropped. So from the beginning even in office it was a corruption scheme

Use MSM tactics and make Hillary whiter by adjusting the contrast and color correction.
done, tweeted on nog acct
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Why aren't you faggots talking about the strange reoccurring Comey-Clinton connections?

This is not the first time Comey has come to the aid of the Clintons…

Comey, Clintons and Clemency


>During the final days of his presidency, Bill Clinton opted to reduce the prison terms of the New Square offenders, and after 9/11 that sparked an investigation. As Anderson notes, “Hillary received an unexpected gift in late June when, without explanation, U.S. Attorney James B. Comey closed the New Square clemency case.”

Who were the (((new square four)))?

>New Square, a Hasidic enclave 30 miles northwest of Manhattan, had voted as a bloc in previous elections and campaign workers urged Hillary urged to stop there. In New Square, four members of the Skver (Jesus Christ, that name) sect had been convicted in 1999 of bilking government aid programs for some $30 million. During her visit, Hillary denied that any pardon was discussed.
Marc Rich was pardoned on the last day of Clintons presidency after his ex wife Denise Rich donated 10000 to Hillarys senate campaign and 450000 to the Clinton Library.
We have articles labeling this whole thing as a bribe scheme from the begging even in the new york times

More fun I was unaware of from the article I posted

> “At Hillary’s urging,” Andersen writes, “the President granted clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who have been sentenced to prison following a wave of bombings from 1974 to 1983 that took the lives of six Americans and wounded scores of others. Incredibly, the terrorists had not even asked for clemency.” The worst attack was the January 24, 1975 bombing of Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan. The Puerto Rican FALN exploded a bomb during the lunch hour, “hurling body parts into the street and killing four people.”

>The terrorists accepted President Clinton’s offer of clemency but expressed no regret for their actions. Former U.S. Attorney Joseph Di Genova went on record that “the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political benefit to the president’s wife. Make no mistake about it.” As Anderson notes, FBI director Louis Freeh opposed the pardons, as did New York major Rudy Giuliani, senator Charles Schumer and former Puerto Rico governor Carlos Romero Barcelo who, says Andersen, “pleaded with the president not to release the bombers.”
Black twitter memes use white background and overall meme text at the top not the bottom. Almost spot on for bernouts/redditors/9gaggers tho, in both cases the font on the bottom needs to be different, and with capitalization and punctuation for the white internet, you should leave them out for the black twitter version.
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by the way there's a thread dedicated to memetics here:

Racist memes are the way forward right now. Tweet all the racist shit with BLM tags. Get blacks angry at her. She might be above the law, but to these emotional and unstable people, she is just another white bitch getting away with crimes because of privilege. This is how we get the black supporters to move away from Hillary. Use this false flag against her
Also when tweeting it you should include the hashtag #IfSheWasBlack or #IfTheyWuzWyte


>Time reports that 20 years ago, Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, looking into the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and the first lady.

>Several people involved with the Whitewater corporation (including Clinton’s successor as governor) ultimately went to jail, but the Clintons never faced criminal prosecution.


Guess who else was involved in the Clintons getting away with pardoning Marc Rich??

>Comey parlayed the Whitewater job into top posts in Virginia and New York, returning to Manhattan in 2002 to be the top federal prosecutor there. One of his first cases as a line attorney in the same office 15 years earlier had been the successful prosecution of Marc Rich, a wealthy international financier, for tax evasion. But on his last day as President in 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich. “I was stunned,” Comey later told Congress. As top U.S. prosecutor in New York in 2002, appointed by George W. Bush, Comey inherited the criminal probe into the Rich pardon and 175 others Clinton had made at the 11th hour.

I have been relaying this weapons to @cernovich and he's posted a couple. We are beginning to make serious moves.


Clinton's War on Women - Roger Stone

Clinton Cash the Untold Story - Peter Schweizer

Fucking brilliant. Tinfoil turning into gold
I am broadcasting this loud and fast. I've arranged a dead man switch if something happens to me which will reveal my identity.

I am not special. I am just like each of you; deeply concerned about the state of affairs and angry at the total lack of accountability they face.

The faster this spreads, the safer I'll be because it won't matter anymore. If they insist on killing me then it's a declaration of war on all of you because we've finally hit a nerve.

If my identity is revealed by my death, so be it. It's going to be a far larger shit storm than being caught laundering money if they're implicated in a direct assassination.

Ayy turned out better than I thought. Absolutely subversive.
All of this finally leads to a promise where Hillary swore to Obama to no longer take foreign investments to her foundation, which they all knew about how corrupt it was. She made this promise, and as we know broke it. So every expansion of foreign donations while she was secretary of state is another lie she is guilty of and makes her even more crooked Hillary.
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Money? Power? Connections?
Exactly. Nigs are nogging and angry at white privilege and power. They would be angry at Killary but they have their own "justice" to fight at the moment. They won't get it probabaly, but it will go on long enough for them to forget about her. If we spam all connections of Hillary being racist, having ties with the KKK etc, and tweet them with hashtags relating to BLM and other black activist movements, we can trickle these memes into the flood of hate and redirect it at this corrupt bitch.
I have submitted your research to Breitbart and Fox FYI
So FBI bro was right, Comey is not cucked he is just after the foundation

Comey seems to be the go to guy for all Clinton related scandals, yet never quite seems to pin anything substantial on them…

Remember former senior Clinton advisor (((Sandy Berger)))?

>On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants. Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.

Well turns out Comey had a big hand in that investigation too :

>Deputy Attorney General James Comey told reporters Tuesday he could not comment on the Berger investigation but did address the general issue of mishandling classified documents.

>According to The Hill, this is not the first time Comey has dealt with the mishandling of classified information. In 2004, Comey played a large role in investigating Sandy Berger, former President Bill Clinton's national security adviser.

>"As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously," Comey said in response to a reporter's question about the Berger bind, adding that the department has prosecuted and sought administrative sanctions against people for mishandling classified information.

>"It's our lifeblood, those secrets," Comey continued.



"It's our lifeblood, those secrets"

Boy, is it ever!
this, we have to do it now because we are in the brink of race war
We can't do shit. Soros and co. control the black masses.
cant we just tweet at him or anyone loyal to him and point them to the right direction?
Unleash the frogs.
Bake a new bread.
Get comfy.
We control the memes, we can turn them on each other and out of tavistock's control easily. We're jews, remember, it's what we were born to do.
When does Soros first start donating?
yes we can, social media changes this election. you cant just rig it or kill a nigger. someone will record it and yell real loud about it.


Cops kill blacks because of white privilege and power. That's what they always claim.
We just need them to connect Hillary to it.

Soros funds them and encourages them, but he can't control a mob. If we manipulate them with a flood of racist memes and the retweet it while emotionally unstable, how will he stop it.
It's like training fighting dogs. They do your bidding if controlled properly, but if the locks on the cages fail and hell breaks loose, how are you going to stop them from biting their owners?

Comey was on the board of directors of HSBC while it was under investigation for laundering money for drug cartels and probable terrorist networks. HSBC received a deferred prosecution agreement from then US Attorney Lynch and after that Obama made Comey Director of the FBI. Furthermore, we're learning that Clinton Foundation was receiving multiple shady donations from an HSBC account.

If he's not cucked he's terrible at his job and has repeatedly get away with their crimes.

More to come shortly if you don't believe me


posting resources in comments, cover me if i miss something
Perhaps I just jumped the gun on Comey, but the FBI is 100 percent focusing on the foundation

In more fun Comey news :

The Martin Armstrong case

>James Comey was the chief prosecutor in the Southern District of New York between 2003 and 2005. He had no problem keeping me in Federal Prison on contempt of court without any charges, indictment, or a civil complaint describing any crime whatsoever that they even admitted openly in court. There were never any charges or complaint filed, and they publicly stated, “[T]here is no description of criminal liability.” Yet, Comey allowed me to be held in prison, entirely arbitrarily, with absolutely nothing whatsoever; Comey completely violated my civil rights, those of my family, and all 240 employees. So he is not someone who upholds the Constitution when it goes against government or the banks. As they say, the Department of Justice is really “Just Us” in reality. He has proven that once again.

>Comey also allowed a LIFETIME GAG ORDER on me to prevent me from providing any assistance to my clients in Japan to sue the bankers. Now the State Department has asked for a two-year stay in turning over any of Hillary’s emails. Why would they do that if there is nothing criminal? This only proves that this is a cover-up, as always, because the Democratic Party cannot allow Hillary to go down for they would lose everything. Sorry, but Comey has a track record of defending the banks even when they stole billions and pleaded criminally guilty before having to pay them back. He kept me in prison on contempt to turn over assets for a “possible” restitution, but when I got into the Supreme Court, I was released and no such charges were ever filed nor did I ever have any restitution. They then tried to prevent “The Forecaster” from being shown in the USA.


Seems like this the Comey character is very selective when it comes to handing out justice
Even better, once you get it firmly planted in their heads that Hillary IS racist toward blacks, then they will have to explain Soros's intimate connection to her, as the funder behind BLM.
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Seriously let's release this trend ASAP. Start tweeting to people like Shaun King. Get this trend rolling #IfSheWasBlack
then shaun king.
One would hope, but normies, especially blue pilled faggots, will not care for that explanation. The media will definitely want an explanation, and that ammunition can be used by trump in the debates. That is, of course, if she turns up because you know Bill is going to go toes up so she can avoid Trump & gain the sympathy votes
You're forgetting Jesse Williams and his company FarWord that exchanged money with CF/CGI/Soros/Tavistock.

Another interesting strand in the Clinton-Comey connections was that James Comey, fresh off a 2 year stint as the deputy attorney general, worked for Lockheed Martin as "general counsel and senior VP" from 2005-2010.

Lockheed Martin was heavily involved in funding the Clinton Foundation as well as one of the 3 main beneficiaries of the much lauded foreign government CF donations to arms deals that have been brought up before. Many around the same time Comey was working there.

>Boeing was one of three companies that helped deliver money personally to Bill Clinton while benefiting from weapons authorizations issued by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The others were Lockheed and the financial giant Goldman Sachs.

>Lockheed is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to speak at an event in 2010. Three days before the speech, Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved two weapons export deals in which Lockheed was listed as the prime contractor. Over the course of 2010, Lockheed was a contractor on 17 Pentagon-brokered deals that won approval from the State Department. Lockheed told IBTimes that its support for the Clinton Foundation started in 2010, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

>“Lockheed Martin has periodically supported one individual membership in the Clinton Global Initiative since 2010,” said company spokesperson Katherine Trinidad. “Membership benefits included attendance at CGI annual meetings, where we participated in working groups focused on STEM, workforce development and advanced manufacturing.”

>Federal records show that ethics staffers at the State Department approved the payments to Bill Clinton from Goldman Sachs, and the Lockheed- and Boeing-sponsored groups without objection, even though the firms had major stakes in the agency’s weapons export decisions.

>Stephen Walt, a Harvard University professor of international affairs, told IBTimes that the intertwining financial relationships between the Clintons, defense contractors and foreign governments seeking weapons approvals is “a vivid example of a very big problem – the degree to which conflicts of interest have become endemic.”


James Comey employment history

I'm gonna do this and even post this on facebook hoping it spreads. I'm in several of the Politics and Sociology groups on facebook and there are enough SJW's autistic enough to fall for this.

They're literally just cropped tweets
This guy gets it. Go for an emotional response, not a rational one. Damned be logic and arguments.
Senpai you're scary. If you ever run for president of the united states of europe promise to treat us well ok?
I'm already fighting the good fight here too,
I'm a Bong living in Goymany. I can say and preach more stuff here than the Germans dare. I try to redpill anyone who listens, I preach nationalism and pride, I remove antifa posters and replace them with anti Merkel propaganda.
I'm not going to actively put my name anywhere. I don't want it to be on a government radar. I don't protest, I don't go anywhere near cameras or say anything on social media. Just 4chan and skirmish missions under the cover of darkness. But it's something, right?
>Just 4chan and skirmish missions under the cover of darkness. But it's something, right?
every bit helps. Only shills will tell that it's pointless and that the cards have already been dealt. don't listen.
he who controls the memes of production controls the masses.
We seized the memes of production.
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