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/cfwg/ - Clinton Foundation Webops General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 151
Thread images: 54

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This is an subgeneral of /cfg/ for social botnetfags

>Steps to join
1. Make a gmail
2. Use gmail to make a twitter
3. Link twitter to https://ifttt.com/
4. Activate the following recipes:


Explore the site for more recipes- very powerful stuff.

5. Download http://twittermoneybot.com/
6. Familiarize yourself with the interface: http://twittermoneybot.com/tutorial/
7. Add key figures with large follower lists within your role- more on this below

>Picking a role
Ultimate goal here is to make the Clinton brand less marketable by spreading dirt unearthed by /cfg/. This falls under two roles:

1. Bullhorn
2. Infiltration

Bullhorns should follow alt right/Trump figures like Milo, Paul Joseph Watson, Ann Coulter, Trump himself etc. Make a typical MAGA profile, scrape followers with twittermoneybot,
and autoretweet their content with IFTTT. Tweet out the more explicit corruption memes with these accounts.

Infiltrators should do the same except with Hillary supporters. The goal here is to subtly turn off Hillary supporters through emotional appeals on key issues (rape, corruption, human trafficking)
We're not doing anything that suspicious (there's a whole cottage industry for fake social media accounts- we're a drop in the bucket), so our threat profile is low.
More paranoid anons might be interested in this VPN that allows you to pay with cash bought gist cards from irl stores:


PIA is decent but not the best (allegedly doesn't use diskless servers). They DO NOT keep logs:

DO NOT SHARE YOUR TWITTER INFO HERE. It would be a damn shame for all these accounts to be blocked/reported by Hillshills. This is a place for general strategic discussion/idea spit-balling

This is really the job of /cfg/. The one rule of thumb is that EMOTION ALWAYS TRUMPS REASON.

Read this guide by adtech guy for more info:

>/cfwg/ pasta link

Good luck and happy shilling!
>Previous threads

>Cross linked threads
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From /cfg/ with love
Don't forget to spam articles calling out the Clinton foundation, Breitbart and Fox have some.
Keep up the good work, the guys in the general appreciate it.
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Alright guys, since there is no reports on any anti-Clinton whistleblowers within the past week except fbianon I think I've figured this out. Don't take this as confirmation that fbianon is real. Yes-I'm 95% sure that's who they're referencing but the two FBI guys seemed doubtful about the validity. In all likely-hood, this was an excuse to question the FBI about anti-Clinton bias-using the "whistleblower" story as a cover. But who knows, I could be proven wrong soon. Hopefully someone in the media asks about source for this whistleblower then we'll know

Also Scott Adams said pic related is good persuasion. We need to use it.
Idiots! This is a shill trying to spilt the threads.

Redirect back to the general >>80113364
This isn't splitting anything. This is for the botfags who are trying to make memes spread on Twitter.
Ignore CTR Threads
Join CFG Today

FBI anon did it for you
FBI anon did it for his country
FBI anon did it for free

Now it's your turn


Twitter Bot Net

Oversight Committee Analysis
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bump for freedom
Dude I've spent like 12 hours keeping this stuff afloat to help people. I'd be the worst shill in existence.
Thanks m9
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This one goes out to all the fags with niggershill accounts out there.
Don't change from /cfg/ makes it harder to search for new threads bro.

Here's a dump of posts I saved. Don't know if any are useful. some are probably repeats.

1. Install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
2. Download a free, ready-to-go Windows VM. IE11 on Win 7 is good. Choose VirtualBox platform. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/
3. Import .ova into VirtualBox
4. Edit VM settings and remove network interface
5. Add a read-only shared folder to the directory (on your real computer) with the spoopy files.
5. Boot up VM
6. Enjoy not being v&

You can install the Microsoft Word viewers and a PDF reader, too. Just download to your real computer and install them via the shared folder you made in step 5.
Really, really solid tag line. Needs HD pic and some hashtags tho. Shoop aint my thing, just opinion.
>TLDR info here.
>First FBI thread
>Second FBI thread




What we know:
(((George Soros))) funnels money to Democracy Alliance, which goes through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Heavy amounts of money laundering, coming from a massive amount of donors.
This is (((George Soros)))' investment arm linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J (embed)
Others involved...
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.




Thread theme
posting Huma Abedin related links from oldbread:


image from the .pdf:


Huma Abedin and connections to terrorist orgs

To discover their network we first need to map it, it's easier and more intuitive to split it in three maps, one for personal connections, one for corporate connections and one with both. After that get as much info as possible on each and every node and connection.

Use for every person a common formatting style (see bottom of my post) before you paste it on pastebin, keep a master pastebin and some back ups of all the persons and their individual pastebins and back ups (we need to make sure they wont be able to delete our research).

So the tasks are simply
1. Create list of all possible known, unknown and speculated hillary and bill connections.
2. Find as much info as possible on each of these persons (don't shy away from turning in FOIA requests and digging through non public/online databases and records), think outside the usual box of flight records, contact and work history ? look at vacations, social media, papparazzi, global events.
3. Flag anything suspicious, don't discard information because it is boring ? simply add it to the file.
4. Map it in a fashion that's easier for humans to find patterns and format it in a database so that our beloved code monkeys can unleash some algorithms to find connections.
5. Once we know when and where their network is active we can try to find connections between their movements and things happening such as financial market stuff, missing persons in locations, terror attacks and other happenings.

Persons of interest

- Clintons
- Bill
- Hillary
- Chelsea
- Aides
- Huma
- Mills
- Blumenthal
- Others
- Friends
- Business connections
- Foreign connections
- Criminal connections
- Hollywood connections (check especially for those with abuse allegations against them, maybe important)
- Donors
- Epstein
- Waltons
- Burkle
- Soros
- Others

Corporations of interest

- Clinton foundation
- Tavistock
- Democratic alliance
- And others
What do you mean?
someone should try to compile/organize info from past threads. There's a ton of info.

> Past thread copypasta

This is one of the more tinfoil hat things we're doing, but download this file if you want the two FBI threads and every /cfg/ thread (until two days ago) on your own storage:

2008 HillRaiser List: https://web.archive.org/web/20071024224318/http://www.hillaryclinton.com/feature/HillRaisers/
2016 HillBlazer List: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/about/hillblazers/
Some PDFs of the psyops books found by some french anon

>Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence

>Reframing by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

>Intelligence; From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays

>Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

>Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George Siedel

>Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy

>The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

>THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: CASE STUDIES OF MILITARY APPLICATION. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, 2 vols. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1976.
>Baret, Peter, Beth Irwin Lewis and Paul Peret

Lynn Forester de Rothschild has a close personal relationship with the Clintons.



another link shown here:


(Lady Lynn Rothschild knows well and I am sorry say that I supported the McCain/Palin ticket the final weeks-I truly believed Sen McCain was more likely include you his cabinet).

And shows Clinton/DNC collusion as far back as 2009:

BTW, would like your campaign staff for the 2016 election!
Gods speed and tight hug,
Prameela Bartholomeusz
DNC Platform Committee Member
I sense a distinct lack in shitposting. Watch out for crafty plays from the pro-hillary crowd.
Thanks man.

Thing is /cfg/ is too fast for specific discussions on botnet stuff. Will add explanation and links you gave to thread pasta.

Everyone needs to understand that these threads are not intended to replace or cannibalize /cfg/ in any way. The point it to have a slower but more stable space to specifically discuss web ops, whereas /cfg/ would focus on everything else (content, research, mapping, red pilling newfags etc)
Anyone have any good pictures about Clinton?
Check /cfg/
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FBI Anon.gif
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Would this pic be good to share on twitter?
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Nah no one will bother to read it. Reader should be able to emotionally digest image in 5 seconds or less.
Can someone MAGA Coconut for me please?
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This one is REALLY pivotal. Spread it
Yea, dude. Share your LARP nonsense on Twitter. Go see how many retards will believe it. Does AJ know?
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Maybe you'd like to try the MAGA general
Here is todays CSPAN - Hillary Clinton Email Investigation - July 7 2016 with video + transcripts

if someone can make memes of it that would be great

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>muh Alex Jones
It doesn't matter whether half this stuff is true or not. The purpose of this effort is to manipulate public opinion of Shillary through social media.

>b-but that's dishonest!
That's how political campaigns work. People are not logical.
Congratulations, senpai. You have become what you loathe.
Gotta do what you've gotta do man. Moral high ground worked real well for Ron and Rand.
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I've seen this shoebat article a before, this is not a source we can consider legitimate.

Aside from it being shoebat, it links to a now scrubbed letter by Bachman which was pretty much condemned by ever her own party.

If we can find a copy of that letter and then corroborate what the letter claims then we should source that and not shoebat.
Ron And Rand are lying faggots, dude.
No, don't. Ever.

We don't want our anti-hillary efforts to be associated with us in any way. And if we shared that then best-case scenario no one would bother reading, worst-case they do read and think you're a tinfoil-hat wearing lunatic
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We have become what we loathe in tactics only

They're are still genuinely retarded and sincere in it

We only act like retards to be subversive while maintaining the superior position morally and intellectually

Now have a pepe
Holy Kek
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>State Department
>23.2K Tweets
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Is the misspelling of privilege intentional?
If so, that's some next-level shit. They'll never suspect a thing.
Adtech guy here

I'm kinda busy today with work but here's some ammo albums for you guys for spreading:


Remember to auto follow every day with your twitters. Run pinterest and tumblr accounts at the same time. Make at least one fake facebook and post to groups.
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>pro second amendment
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Remember to check /cfg/ for fresh developments and shit to fire off. Read the meme warfare guide here: pastebin.com/hack9Z6G
I also suggest Botfag ads these albums to the OP so that people have stuff to post.
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Don't worry scro- I'm in this for the long haul.
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New cartoon from Ol' Ben
Good call- will do.
Bamp nigga
Botfag and anyone else in here, check out Trump General and advertise there. Advertise on any threads relating to the 2016 election, really.
Yea that's the plan. Would appreciate any help in doing that since I'll be busy with irl stuff for the next few days.
Why do this split-off shit. Just keep it all in one /cfg/. If people find shit in any one area that will naturally be the focus of the thread.
giving it a bump.
I get the skepticism, but shit was too chaotic for any semblence of useful discussion about botnetting. Might merge back when things are more organized.
Too chaotic and fast-paced for any constructive discussion.

It helps to split them so that the researchers have a thread to themselves while we social bots and memers can have our own to work together creating the most effective propaganda
one thing you guys should be doing is compiling interesting factoids on the clinton foundation and firing them off to reporters. I wrote a small section at the bottom of this pastebin regarding it.

Getting reporters on board is hugely important.

t. adtech
Yo ad tech will you be around tomorrow? Gonna be afk for the day and won't be able to make new threads.
yea I will make them
Awesome thanks. Really appreciate it
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Hillary meme 5.jpg
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There you go, faggots.
just gonna leave this here
Thanks, will make an account for it soon.
fuck I gotta fix it
this is just sad
Hohoho, you do not understand how investigations work. You are like little baby. Just watch.
having prescribed fonts and colours for your memes is fucking stupid for a quasi grassroots movement.

unless you're making a collaborative set, use good old Impact
Dank memes
Must be maximally dank
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Fixed. Thank you Grammerfag.
the daily mail is mainstream as fuck. liberals hate it


theres quite a lot of info in here for people new or confused about the clinton foundation.

also, i think the human traficking angle is dusturbing as fuck and probably the lynchpin to all this.

what we always thought the shadow government and pedowood was up to, they probably are. on an industrial scale.

i wonder if theres links to the belgium establishment in the late 90s?
The idea is to have a mix. It's branding aka mass persuasion. Unifying the branding amplifies the message.
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You're a nigger. Hillary's with you.
What's a general guidline to follow to avoid getting my twitterbot banned? ~200 follows per day?
Didn't completely cover the "e"
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Yea man... Actually getting off your ass and developing skills to contribute to a cause that you care about is so sad. We should all go back to shitposting about interracial relationships and degeneracy threads.

Careless with security, careless with the country

Clinton Foundation pays for BLM, emphasize subordinate position of BLM to CF

Depression era thematically with the w/above message would have some strong undertones that would be hard to combat.
-being too obvious
-following blacklisted accounts
-and all their gay ass guidelines
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3rd tries the charm
This, if this is all real then /pol/ saves the world.

Even if it's fake then now we've learned about PsyOps, developed our skills (whatever skills each of us are using) and did something constructive with our time
I'm almost disappointed you didn't make another mistake so I could be an ass about it
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the meme starter pack contains:

guide of advanced meme warfare 1.0
guide of using gimp to make a /cfg/ memes
blank folder - containing images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - completed memes collected from previous threads

Yep. These are all highly marketable job skills btw.
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I actually did if you look close enough, you can see their is a red discoloration where the text is. Attached is the fixed version.
for some reason the blue at the bottom in this one isn't quite right, but I give up.
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kek I think I'm being followed by more of us rather than actual libtards.
Yeah I got a shit ton of autofollows back all from accounts made in the last week. lol
That's why I stress following random hashtags in conjunction w/ political ones.
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Very good point. Will add this to the general pasta.
Guys, #State Department is trending on Twitter.

Maybe we can use this to our advantage?
Figured that was intentional. Now I hate myself for letting it go
Niggers won't care, all they see is red.
This, try branching out into other political issues that Bernouts will support (like anti-fracking) as well as random unrelated stuff like pop science or music.

Going into GMOs was relatively successful for me
Another important thing to note is to tweet out relevant news stories as they come in
Music area sounds good to bait some more, will do pham
How do you guys feel about auto retweeting active users? Could save a fuckload of time and effort.
Would be useful to mention any major events and trends here so any bots who doesn't pay attention can still ride the wave and gain publicity.
Both are good yes. You have to nurture your accounts so that they're attractive for potential followers. blasting the fuck out of memes alone won't do that. Bring information to people. Control the narrative.
Along those lines, tweet this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0vHZqVn-io&feature=youtu.be
retweeting users can make you gain authentic followers as long as they have relevant tweets in their timeline
Also you guys shouldn't be limiting yourselves to twitter. Make youtubes and post comments. Reupload propaganda videos. Comment on trending news stories in Google News.

Expand your reach as much as possible.

I'm currently prepping some paid promotion as well. Gonna buy some blasts from big accounts and pay for a press release.
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You guys are doing great but keep it in /cfg/ for now please.

It may seem active but splitting is seriously terrible for us, stick together.
Good point- planning on making an extended guide for the pasta.

Also had an idea that I wanted to pitch by you guys:

>Browsing through IFTTT recipes
>Find one that connects google calendar with Twitter
>You can have your account tweet the description and header of an event at its time and date
>Calendars can be made public
>What if everyone connected their fake gmails to a centralized calendar
>Mega hashtag bullhorn that could be activated tactically to react to specific events as they happen

Lemme know what you guys think.
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Also why have you been gone?
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Ayy senpai thanks

I was in asheville with a relative just fucking about, used a couple vacation days. Holiday's over, back to fucking up HRC's shit.
Alright if you're sure. Discussion has been pretty productive here tho.
Hey Nigel, it's me
Honestly it's working pretty nice
Separates the pastas to be organized
We're keeping them all up
who is this semen demon
As he ville N.C.?
Did you do the edible gardens
Much fun
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Rented a cabin and walked town w/ my cousin, went fishing, got smashed, etc etc.

Aside from being a growing leftist commune it's a great town, would recommend.
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Sounds really great senpai, hope you had a great time. I'm also glad to see you safe.
In other news, seems like libtards have started following me back now. Lets keep it up boys!
West as he ville is a bit....
When I was on walkabout I lived in the woods behind the football stadium for two months
Busking scene is alright
But these kids make it a lifestyle
Kind of gross
It's good to go sow your oats
But these 35+ y.o.s terrify me
Lucia Javorcekova.
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Emily Agnes 1.jpg
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I didn't even know that, thanks mate

Have some more
Fap poster?
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Jessica Ashley.jpg
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I've been a bit busy, I'm coming back today

I'll probably make myself a tripfag soon
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Aight I'll let this thread fizz out. Makes sense to consolidate due to increased shilling.

Lemme know what you guys think.
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What do we think? Is this picture good to use on the blacks on twitter?

>>80131455 (Cross-thread)
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I agree, we should keep bumping this up anyway as a countermeasure though
Sanders is very moderate on gun control for a liberal.
Alright then, let this one die. Lets make more noise in the other one and less division.
Nice. I don't think I'm ever going to trip fag, I'm more effective this way
This anti-shill stuff is pretty fun.
Since confirmed shills were trying to infiltrate with the triple post comment,
Myself and about ~5 anons are more or less distraction posting against the shills
So long as everyone sticks to the American strategy they have to chase leads and anons keep working cuz chaos
Big thanks to all for doubling down on American Chaos, don't mind the shills
Idk see you in the irc
Unless the irc is fake and we're actually in a facebook chat (hide in plain sight)
Or I'm just sending messages via gematria
Or the reddit
They shut down my internet though
Had to finagle it
7 times 7 proxies and whatnot
We'll make it work.
Just keep digging
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There was an episode of Vice where they talk about all this money that was donated to the CF to rebuild homes in Haiti after the earthquake but none of it ever got built. Bill Clinton was in charge of the rebuilding committee.


Do as you will
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Katerina Rubinovich.jpg
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Thats really depressing
Sounds good. I'll start doing this again if discussion is still impossible on /cfg/
It's mostly irrelevant so long as we American Chaos
4Chan gold can only shit post so hard though
There's a balance to be struck
Good point. Having second thoughts about shutting this down- would be stupid to stop doing what works.

I'm gonna let ad tech handle this for the next day since I'm gonna be busy, then will continue making threads.
Pfffff getting bogged down over here
Some shills need busting
Free market
If we can keep both bumped
Then obviously we can support both
I see both sides
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Not bad mate
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Sauce on this semen demon?
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Good stuff! Appreciate the resource dump.
no problem :). Someone was posting 'occupy democrat' memes at me today on twitter so I just made my own and it totally shut them up. haha!
Thread posts: 151
Thread images: 54

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