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Cfg- they have his family edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 361
Thread images: 75

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>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):

>First FBI thread
>>79480356 → # →

>Second FBI thread
>>79489525 → # →


>Hillary nuclear file here

What we know:
George Soros funnels money to Democracy Alliance, through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Major money laundering, massive number of donors.
(((Soros's))) investment arm is linked to it




Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J
Others involved:
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.



>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → # → → → → # → # → # → # → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

They have his family
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I started researching about this oil company. The reason being is that a while back I heard a weird story about Joe Biden's son working for the company.

Here is my current theory based on the information:

Ukraine was an "inside job" orchestrated by the US department of state.

Many of the top officials in the state department have financial ties to a Ukrainian uranium (recall that HRC sold US Uranium rights already to Russia and then conveniently recieved donations to her foundation) and oil company.
Had the former Ukranian President (Viktor Yanukovych) made closer ties with Russia then it would have destroyed the money-funneling system ran through the oil company. Thus, Ukraine had to revolt.

>Look at pic related to see how money flows to HRC, John Kerry, the Bidens, and the Clinton Foundation.






The main places to focus in pic related are:
1) Burisma Uranium and Oil company
2) Devon Archer (worker for Burisma)
3) John Kerry (Secretary of State)
4) and lastly Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation

>Here is what we know:
Burisma is a Ukrainian oil and uranium company. It is owned by the former Ukrainian minister, Nikolai Zlochevski (basically was 2nd in command to the Ukrainian pro-Russian before he was ousted).
The former Ukranian president wanted closer ties to Russia. This would have ruined the Burisma company and thus Nikolai wanted to stop closer ties with Russia. Nikola funneled money from his company to Clinton in exchange for helping overthrow the Ukrainian president.
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>Suicide is a way into eternal paradise
Calling it now Comey is going to kill himself with a 7.62 sniper rifle from 40+ yards away.


>>FBI Dir Comey will not comment when asked if there's an investigation into the Clinton Foundation & won't say if it was part of this probe

Keep up the good work, it's now going mainstream.

I love you all
His going to die from brain freeze for licking an icecream too fast and his head is going to explode from temperature differences
Hunter Biden's buddy (also a friend of SoS Kerry's stepson) Devon Archer (Burnham Asset Managment) was recently indicted for $41mm in fraudulent bonds supposedly backed by the poorest tribe in the US. He'll end up in jail. You can't even begin to imagine how deep the wormhole goes
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keep up the good work anons, kek is with us
Start posting the #breakthefoundation memes on twitter!

Good hashtags:

Check the image m8. I already sourced that info in there. He just happens to also be a Clinton donator.

OH SURELY its mere coincidence!
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bump, RIP split threads
Updated doc, thank you.

Spread this like wild fire

Twitter : direct your best (most easily accessible the mass public) memes that you have so far towards BretBaier right now. The traffic will be monstrous.
Can someone put the picture with Hillary's racist quotes here? Trying to subvert #BlackLivesMatter
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That one is good, but I need the Jew bastard one
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here's another
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>Trying to subvert #BlackLivesMatter
made a few nog memes, will re-dump
That's the one
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its ok if hillary does it
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all that
>powell did it toooooo!!!11

where there even such laws in place regarding emails?
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Just a small suggestion for some of these..

Every once in a while we should use shit resolution and shit filters to dumb down the quality of images like this. The god awful image quality is synonymous with being "for us; by us" to black people on the internet. Not as over the top as pic related, but you get the idea, I'm sure.

Just my $.02

You're doing God's work, anon.
When this link expired use archived webm link below.

>FBI Director Comey declines to comment on investigation of Clinton Foundation
>FBI Director Comey: Clinton Gave Non-Cleared Individuals Access To Classified Information
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So is Comey dropping redpills at the hearing or is he bending over like a good little cuck?
10/10 meem
reminder Comey proved FBIAnon is legit, everyone in the government is a pack of corrupt childraping shitheels
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>10/10 meem
thx senpai, appreciate it
Is there a full video up yet?
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Anon that posted the Irvin brain and was talking about Kagan last night. Two thoughts

1. Donald Kagan's family was from Kuršėnai, Lithuania. If any Lithuanian anons are near there and are interested in looking into maybe a genealogist or a local record keeper to look into it. We're looking for a concrete relationship between Donald and Robert as they may be brothers. On the prison planet forum someone suggested Kaganovich or Kaganov may be the original name.

2. If any YALE anions have access to the alumni magazine or any alumnus related resources, the link citation is dead on the wiki page that talks about Donald's father.

As a note to Lithanons, you are not a US citizen and I imagine it's much easier for someone to disappear you. Be careful if you are interested in looking into this.
it's still ongoing
Investigation is over
>no need to hide you're source
>no reason to "No Comment" CF
unless you've got another investigation open
He could have dodged those questions easily
You don't make it to top dog in the FBI if you're an idiot
He was falling on his sword in a sense
So there is most likely a CF investigation?
Yes. If there wasn't any investigation into it, he would've just said "no".
holy shit that's impressive work anon
Definitely, they don't hire imbeciles to the FBI.

He knew what his statements implied, was intentional
Yes, he's letting Clinton go on lesser charges, hoping she makes a mistake and becomes reckless again.

The Foundation has always been the target.
Currently infiltrating and subverting my way through the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and turning it into an anti-Clinton hashtag.
Alas, I can't research any further. I'm covered up in IRL work. At least this has been posted and added to google docs. If anyone finds anymore I'd love to see their contributions.
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shape shifting intensifies
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>Talking about SAP
>Currently infiltrating and subverting my way through the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and turning it into an anti-Clinton hashtag.
same, keep up the good work
Does any have the riddler threads? Maybe there's something in there with looking into.
I'll join in. Do you pretend to be black or do you speak to them as an outsider?
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tfw they had access to SAP by her foundation that was donated to her donors
>Do you pretend to be black
very much so. Listened to rap for years before /pol/ so I am a master of advanced ebonics
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So are we waiting until after the conventions to go into full memetic warfare mobilization?
makes sense. plus gives time for the twitter botnet to be built up
Those archived files of the FBI thread are actually pretty annoying to read through because I can't see what the nigger is responding to.
I'm pulling the mixed race card. Get to talk white while claiming to be black while also throwing in the occasional "black power" and "black lives matter" and calling other blacks "muh brothers"
#ComeyHearing is trending.
Use it.
woke af 100 100 100
>I'm pulling the mixed race card
As long as you remain in character. I spent like 4 days spamming the #BlackLivesMatter htag, the #AltonSterling, then #FalconHeighsShooting to build credibility, now i'm spamming and RT-ing mostly anti-Hill and pro-bernie stuff
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More normie media catching up:



You know the drill:
Generate a few clicks for them in order to increase their incentive to follow up on this story.
Post on on Normiebook if you want to - from here on your personal risk is negligible.
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more ammo
Facts don't matter with democrats

They really don't.

She makes people feel good by promising more leftist lunacy and more illegals.
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Bump bump bump
Well, call Hillary Clinton out on her rich White privledge.
holy fucking shit... w-what now?
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bump with truck cages
Come on faggots I've been glued to this for days
FBIbro hasn't been contradicted once. We need to continue following his advice. Meme magick is real my friends.
What the hell is Lynch trying to say? That transparency is bad because then they can't be corrupt?
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Meme magic really is real. And I'm glad it is on our side.
He's risking his life for you
He's risking his like for America
He's doing it for free

Prepare the orbital meme cannon
7 times 7 proxies
We righteous now
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This man is truly the Devil.
I know we dug into hsbc in the beginning, but has anyone dug into them and the panama papers? I know have nearly 1500 shell companies listed in them and I don't want to dig into something we've already done
No, but good idea.
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When a house is crooked, it's always good to check the foundation
An architect of the modern day.

He and Soros are probably true believers in their cause. Fuck everyone else on the planet up so the Jews can take over, and let's hurry up about it!

It's a bold strategy! Let's see how it works out for them.

Thread theme song
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Create a database of Soros organizations, Clinton foundation donors, all GOP and DNC politicians and their donor lists, foreign entities and their particular political activities, timelines of trades or transactions associated with any of these individuals, etc.

I think the picture will start to become clear
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>people are just now finding out about the congressional shadow council and how everything is completely and utterly fucked.
>implying anything will be done
>implying everything isn't screwed forever.
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This one should get them to think
meme this someone
0 results for a twatter search of #FollowTheFoundation and I know I saw that tag used last night
James Comey has a 20 year history of letting the Clintons off the hook as well as connections to the CF via his time as a senior VP at Lockheed Martin (who benefited greatly from CF donation related arms deals)








Why is this thread slow?
An informative read. Charles Ortel contributed to this series.


The Qatar Awareness Campaign

I posted in previous threads about the CF/Hillary --> Qatar --> Lagardere --> Bataclan connection
FBI Anon said they are FIRM believers in what they believe. They actually 100% believe that all conflict will stop and the world will be better should it be a mass of low IQ brown people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race.
Too many fucking morons are sliding it with their "police shooting happening" threads.
there is another thread, that's why
causals have reached the limit of information that their attention span and google will allow, its up to the autists and psuedo professionals now
Could be someone took a little break after 24 oversight threads
Who thought it was a good idea to split the thread?
Everyone's in the thread that's watching the hearing
They're all talking about how FBI anon is real
I'm posting in there to get them to help us
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I've been researching Brian Raven, Group CEO of Tavistock, following a leaked Hillary e-mail implicating the unknown involvement of the organization with the Clinton Foundation. I discovered he was chairman of a mysterious company called BlackSquare Capital LLP. In trying to investigate this company I was totally stone walled; why would Raven chair a virtually non-existent company. I couldn't even get information on anything more than their listed directors and registered address:

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT

There are 128 companies registered between 7 and 9 Clifford Street with a combined net worth of over £3,000,000,000. Most of them have no employees. Some of them are the shareholders of the others. Many of them have received massive cash injections within the last year. Let me give you an example:

Talos Properties limited received 7.28m in the last year and increased its value by (276.39%). With a staff comprised of the world's busiest man: Simon Trevor Lloyd.

Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd aged 55, is a director in 43 companies. Simon has resigned from 36 of these appointments.

This is a massive money laundering network with the bulk of the money being controlled by an American named Jamie Cooper, former wife of Sir Chris Hohn the billionaire under the guise of a non-profit called The Children's Investment Fund Foundation.

The Clinton Foundation has listed CIFF among seven organizations from which it received more than $25 million.

BlackSquare Capital LLP, the company that Brian Raven (Group CEO of Tavistock) was chairman of starting in 2010. He oversaw £140,000,000 in assets in 2009 shed value down to £49,000,000 which was revealed by an audit of what the LLP actually controlled. Meanwhile they'd been posting an operating profit on the LLP in 2009 of £257,000 for the LLP since it was only managing the funds of its three clients: BlackSquare Capital Access Fund, BlackSquare Capital Fund LP and IFSL BlackSquare Capital Fund in the Cayman Islands.
That's the webops thread. This is the general.
>Who thought it was a good idea to split the thread?
No clue mane, woke up this morning and there were 2
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Someone should try finding info thru Google search forking

Guccifer said Hillary's email server was out in the open

Look up Google search operators like intext: inurl: etc and try to search for anything Clinton related

I don't think this will get anything big but we might get some interesting info if we search the right things
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delete this.jpg
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Wait there are 128 companies registered between only 3 addresses? Wtf
>Why is this thread slow?
MASSIVE split between two stream threads a meme warfare thread and assorted HABBEDING :DDD BS.
the problem is i could understand how that works accordingly, they are aiming to make all knowledge of technology be removed from all the shitskins with them keeping all knowledge and technology.
they are trying to set Israel as the new rome ruling the entire fucking world, with similar results if and when it inevitably breaks down where technology is pushed back 1000 years or so.
in other words society is completely screwed in 250 years when the great empire of the jews dies to decadency.
i can already see the countdown for the nukes already.
Thread theme
I've been reading back up on the original two FBI Anon threads. Trying to see what I can piece together but whoever was in there did a pretty good job at putting useless details in there.

Company Number
Other Identifiers

SEC CIK number: 1353383

Incorporation Date
26 May 2005 (about 11 years ago)
Dissolution Date
8 October 2013
Company Type
Limited Liability Partnership
United Kingdom
Registered Address

5 Victoria Street
United Kingdom

Latest Accounts Date
Inactive Directors / Officers

AJAY ARVINDRAY PATEL, llp member, 11 Jun 2010-
BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN, llp member, 14 Apr 2011-
BLACKSQUARE MANAGEMENT LIMITED, llp designated member, 7 Jun 2005-11 Jun 2010
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN, llp designated member, 7 Sep 2010-
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL, llp designated member, 19 Jan 2006-
MADILEAN LI COEN, llp designated member, 26 May 2005-11 Jun 2010
NEIL MCDONALD MEADOWS, llp designated member, 26 May 2005-15 Jul 2005
RICHARD WILLIAM SHERWIN, llp designated member, 2 Feb 2010-10 Jun 2010
RICHARD WILLIAM SHERWIN, llp member, 7 Sep 2010-
i thought the fact trump has some serious info is interesting, it explains alot of his actions since securing the nomination i believe.
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This is a crime right?

BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN is a None from Windsor Berkshire. This person was born in January 1985, which was over 31 years ago. BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with 2 Companies.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to TAVISTOCK WEALTH LIMITED on 2012-03-19, from which they resigned on 2013-05-23.
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393KB, 1072x840px
> Rather favorable image of her - no need to be too brazen
> Makes criticism come across as more "adult"
> Reduced contrast
> She almost blends with the background
> Eyes, mouth colorized ever so slightly
> Transport "How much do I really know of her?"
> Pic darkened to some inbetween state, as if it were a still frame of an ongoing fade-out
> Transport deep uncertainty
CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status
TAVISTOCK WEALTH LIMITED Active Director 2012-03-19 UNTIL 2013-05-23 RESIGNED

Related People
Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Company Director Virginia Water, 38
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL Company Director Bracknell, 2
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Director Windsor, United Kingdom 1
Nearby People
Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Director Windsor, United Kingdom 1
It's extremely illegal

They're shell companies that exist to receive assets controlled by the LLPs as cash injections. Sometimes they inherit assets like realestate or various forms of tangible goods. The asset controller is in the Cayman Islands, the asset manager is an LLP there at Clifford.

There are people who specialize in spinning up bogus incorporations that they sell off or hire in buyers as directors then resign from. Adrian Joseph Morris Levy and his associates are among them.


We have records of people joining this shell companies for as little a day, entering in director to make a controlling action with a shareholder position over another shell company under the group structure. It's absolute labyrinth of accounting designed to launder money under the guise of a children's charity.

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status
MH SECRETARIES LIMITED Corporate Secretary 2012-03-08 UNTIL 2014-07-22 RESIGNED
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Apr 1956 British Director 2011-10-11 CURRENT
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL Sep 1962 British Director 2011-10-11 CURRENT
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Dec 1965 British Director 2015-08-21 CURRENT
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Secretary 2011-10-11 UNTIL 2012-03-08 RESIGNED
BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN Jan 1985 British Director 2012-03-19 UNTIL 2013-05-23 RESIGNED
Notice me pls
Related Companies
CompanyName Address Accounts Status Main Company Activity
GLADSTONE MRM LIMITED OXFORDSHIRE FULL 62012 - Business and domestic software development
TORSTAR LIMITED OXFORDSHIRE DORMANT 62012 - Business and domestic software development
UNIVERSE GROUP PLC SOUTHAMPTON GROUP 70100 - Activities of head offices
CARDCAST LIMITED LONDON FULL 70100 - Activities of head offices
RETAIL DECISIONS EUROPE LIMITED WOKING FULL 63110 - Data processing, hosting and related activities
GLADSTONE LIMITED WALLINGFORD FULL 70100 - Activities of head offices
TAVISTOCK INVESTMENTS PLC BRACKNELL GROUP 70100 - Activities of head offices
TAVISTOCK PARTNERS LIMITED KEGWORTH FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
TAVISTOCK FINANCIAL LIMITED CHELTENHAM ENGLAND FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
STERLING MCCALL LIMITED DERBY FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
Are there any good AUTHENTIC looks into the Foundation being corrupt besides Ortel?
So I missed the party.

Is anything going to actually come from this, or are they just waving their dicks in the wind?

And are they going to meet again tomorrow?
They often relocate an office after they incorporate. It looks suspicious if they don't and they need to hold it for long enough. You can't just 'lose' 140,000,000 of asset wealth overnight saying it was investment.
font is a bit soft. something a bit more authoritative/professional looking would be better
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Reporting in from the last congressional hearing thread

They said there was an anti-clinton anonymous whistleblower last week, who must be none other than FBIanon

>also, this: http://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1467922672325.webm

We're waiting on a webm of Comey saying during the hearing he doesn't want to talk about the Clinton Foundation
Anons doing twitter work -- has anyone used the paid versions of twittermoneybot? The free version is working fine for following, but it would be nice to unfollow and do automated tweets. I have multiple accounts and it's fucking tedious.
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Wait, Congress literally confirmed FBI anon is real?
yup, so since the government confirmed FBIanon, it also confirms our government is a pack of evil psychotic shits, so theres that.
American strategy is go
4Chan gold will guide the way
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Stealing all this for backup.
First thing I found looking up Christopher Peel because he sounded familiar
>I thank Blackburn for their leadership on the issue...the voluntary verification program of 2015 will ensure a robust market surveillance program

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Guys how do we get this in the mainstream?

Can we start a hashtag, put it in he title of the next thread, and we spam it on twitter?


We need this trending
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Much easier strategy is to simply just look up a left-wing hashtag(#Bernie2016, #FeelTheBern) and follow people tweeting it. 9 outta 10 times they follow back.
Btw guys, has anyone managed to contact the Melinda Walkers(I think that's the right last name)? Some Britbong posted her contacts last night and it's possible she could have ties to Epstein and the Foundation.
shits all fucked up its a huge mess everybody is a treasonous faggots
Did anyone save a clip regarding the "anonymous" whistleblower? I'd like to listen to it again.
this, also Soros is a giant flaming evil faggot who wants to break society in half to make his own new rome in his old ass decrepit image.
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Bumping this, I'd love to hear some sort of confirmation of the happenings
What are the chances of this actually going somewhere besides this board and other tiny Internet communities?
Wait, soooo you mean FBI Anon is 100% fucking real?
do you have a screencap of FBIAnon sayings?
"Colored revolution is about to happen" - Anon

remember this Soros has past history of not paying BLM members and they protested at his HQ asking for money.

the entire BLM has tight connection with the Attorney General who also has access to Obamas Gov

Huma is married to a New York Jew. I guess he's in on the conspiracy too?

>inb4 well he *is* a Jew...
Wait what? You got any links to this?
The Clinton Foundation literally went into the mainstream today because of our investigations, so pretty big.
Dude we're everywhere
Just meme and believe
Do it for FBI anon
Do it for America
Do it for the world
Do it for yourself
Do it for free
bullshit, got the transcript from fbi's page, words were 2,331. unless you have some different version i don't believe it
then theres other stuff but i don't have that right now.
are there any other emails that translate to something like that in Gematria? Could we be missing a shit ton of information by not researching this?
Working on it, gibs time. It was a very long interview
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Yes he is Real!
>inb4 1 post by this ID

hope it helps, anon

any links between CF and G4S/Wakenhut/Securicor?
stop posting garbage low-tier old Niggaz Still Wilin content you idiot
we're already making a huge difference
this image is fucking hilarious
Great. So that means what he said is real. So our government is literally knee-deep in corruption and treachery.
Isn't that great?
Now it's going to be up to a few dozen NEETs and teenagers on an anime image board to expose it.
Sometimes I stay up at night thanking God for letting me experience these keks. You can NOT make this shit up.
Honestly that's extremely unlikely. People don't encode grammar in their one sentence rescue messages. He'd have included a cipher suggesting what to use to evaluate the code somewhere if he was writing a coded message.

His wording choice was very specific and when pressured he did highlight that he prioritized family and reputation as his largest concerns. Honestly though, he's only holding back because he doesn't want to them know he has another card to play.

I'm willing to bet that someone tipped Comey off about the SAP concerning the nuclear weapons disarm schedule. Which is basically the information you'd need to have if you were going to try to steal a warhead destined to be decommissioned.
Other results for 2322
>tink thud totally annihilated that fbi body armor
>the president led us wrongly
>you are the savior of mankind reading this
>the child molesters will be sent into the lake of fire
>clearly i hit a nerve today in satan
>decided to dedicate life to killing others so that i could live
>barrack hussein obama the antichrist of revelation
Holy shit I'm fucking spooked
Imo, this is too tinfoil as long as there's no reliable source for the transcript, normies will never buy it.

> inb4 1post, don't have much to contrbute, poorfag full time student
So comey confirms the immunity deal with the IT guy, but wasn't able to reveal the conditions of the deal. Could this be because the deal is part of an ongoing investigation?
normie news update

None that I have saved yet. I have yet to look into it personally.
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The FBI asked for help

So We Return the Favor.
Did he say anything good on ETs or UFOs?
The IT guy pleaded the fifth 125 times in his deposition, any deal for his immunity has probably been taken off the table because the FBI doesn't play that game
you're doing god's work anon, patience is key in making all of these webms cut perfectly and we thank you for it
>if you are not a US citizen it's much easier to disappear you

Are you serious? The US is one of the least free countries on Earth right now, where people have less rights and less recourse against government and private company abuse. Don't spout that "bastion of freedum" nonsense.
aight senpai
doesn't talk about a whistleblower tho
there's some oldfags floating around here too, not just you pimply-faced masturbaters
The IG said some of the emails were so classified he couldn't even tell congress what government agency classified them and had to be sworn into multiple programs to view them

Pretty spooky
>dat rap lyrics
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4plebs is under maintenance sometimes. So use this.

>Updated Clinton Foundation thread archive links

It's up to /pol/ to save the world apparently. We can't let FBIanon be forgotten 07
He said something like "Life exists elsewhere" and when his credibility was attacked for it he said that all he said was there's got to be life somewhere else. So no, nothing not every pop-science fanatic would claim.
All he would say is that there is other life in the galaxy. So take that as you will.
To the anon making webms, we really need this one. Pretty sure it was Cummings who referenced "anti-clinton anonymous whistleblower from last week" during the portion of the hearing involving the Inspectors General
>Think thud totally annihilated that fbi body armor
Could be something realted to FBI Anon?
>The President led us wrongly
Obama leading us to believe Hillary is innocent and qualified, as well as believing the government is transparent.
>You are the savior of mankind reading this
I mean besides the FBI and Alex Jones we seemingly are the only ones digging into the globalist shit and the CF.
>The child molesters will be sent into the lake of fire
Christ is real, Epstein and co. will burn.
>Clearly I hit a nerve today in satan
>Decided to dedicate life to killing others so that I could live
Hillary Clinton killing political enemies so she could move up the ranks and stay undercover all the while committing scandals.
>Barrack Hussein Obama the antichrist of revelation
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I have been here since the first FBI thread
i also had past knowledge of leaks that took place.

If you could read the leaks on darknet you would be spooked its worst then what you think it is.
Find a big name person and tweet stuff at them.
he did say whether that classifies as aliens or not hes not particularly sure either.
thought that was interesting as fuck.
That was during the second block after the recess.

I dont have a link to that but a whistleblower was definitely mentioned.

If any anon has a link itd be greatly appreciated.
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Made this for the black twitter crowd and/or berniefags. Any thoughts?
oh man.... why do I have to be in summer classes at a time like this. Also is there a guide to start digging shit?
Hey you gook I masturbate only from time to time and my face is quite clean, only one pimple from my trombone mouthpiece irritating my skin.
Post here so we can get reddit on board.
Dammit satan
Bernie supporters are retweeting anti-Hillary posts like crazy.

Just so you know that by investigating the CF and providing all this additional traffic to these random websites like Tavi you are letting them know that there's a subsection of people that are very curious about the CF.

The CF will begin working to burn their trails and hide themselves now.
All magick is real and it's always on the side of the one making it. Don't think (((they))) don't do it.
Was it after or before he went all BLM for no reason?
I should be studying for the LSAT, but god damn it man feed my intrigue.

Yes espionage

What should it be?
show us!

You arent very smart are you?

>link please
Just keep screaming how she broke the law but rich white woman didnt get arrested

I should be studying for the bar exam but same.
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Most are jews tbqh desu
this, people actually get permabanned for linking that shit.
also since its the darknet, bad shit happens when you link there.
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They are trying to crash the Presidential run with no survivors.

Soros is funding falseflags with the help of the CIA to cause a massive public colored revolution first by what the FBI said that the faggot pulse club was CIA job and now we are seeing more and more dindu being killed on social media to gain more attention since they are publish blood and death without getting mainstream in trouble and law sues
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>Mr Adrian Joseph Morris Levy aged 46, is a director in 997 companies and a secretary in 3 companies. Adrian has resigned from 998 of these appointments.
That's the beautiful part about incorporation filing. It's public record they attempted to conceal through obscurity and complexity. It works perfectly well until someone makes a search algorithm that composites registrations by address and lists their asset value as part of an agreement to issue stock.

They can't just make this go away.
How was law school? Any lines on employment?
CF is a conglomeration of other groups started by the Clintons. Might be some dirt on those.

>>Source: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/about/clinton-foundation-history
People should work hard with the anti Hillary memes now. Help drive up her negatives. That way we can have a chance for a floor fight at the DNC.
>tor and i2p are soooo sekrat
That stuff was posted here months ago
>Just keep screaming how she broke the law but rich white woman didnt get arrested
I've been doing that for days, just thought i'd come at it from another angle. nogs hate the 3-strike law
Please link the archive instead. Those links will expire in a few days. Refer to this >>80109351
Hillary is so fucked. I'm actually feeling really good right now, things are going great. Trump just met with the republicucks in DC and they will be getting along, Reince is being tolerable. I think the shadow government is realizing that Hillary can't be president
Talk to Hillaryforprison too
Don't you think he would have just said the deal was revoked when asked? What's the point of giving the details of a deal which lead to nothing?
it makes me hard seeing my templates and memes being used guys, juuuust
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they are secretly trying to get the UN on American streets to cause panic within the Republican party the link below will show you some light on the issue.
Soros has family ties to CGI

>> http://21stcenturywire.com/2013/09/22/bilderberg-ceremony-soros-wedding-reveals-clinton-global-initiative-cabal/
they're still up for now, it costs nothing to link them.

Law school was okay. I mean, it sucked, but it's doable. Bar exam is the absolute worst.

What do you mean by lines on employment?

Also FYI I went to a top 15 school, so let me know if you have any questions.
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Is there a legit risk if we meme too hard on twitter we'll get gotten? I'm legit paranoid now.
This is good
Do what feels right
The American Strategy has an ally more powerful than you can imagine

Even if people catch on to the shilling, it's okay, because it divides their other side with paranoia. Like how on /pol/ things devolve into "you're a shill!" "no you're a shill!"
I've got a pre-law B.A. in History. I'm looking into becoming a paralegal. Is a career in law worth it?
Think of it this way, if you got got, is this really a world you're content on living in?
If you don't get got, then there was nothing to worry about in the first place.
Ride the tiger anon.
also this >>80106117 the media needs to know.
I'm pretty good at this kind of thing, is there a thread dedicated to diggin g dirt or should I jsut keep posting in the general /cfg/ threads as they appear?
They are just looking for someone to blame. Hillary is clear.
Honestly Idc if I get V&. Worse case scenario, I die (which at this point that's good) and become a memetic martyr, or best case senario I get recruited into the FBI's new meme division
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im riding the daemons hard here oldfag here.
>read through the FBI thread
Hold me /pol/, it's like in the movies but in real life and actually terrifying. I'm scared.
That depends. Is getting got part of your plan?
Yes, stop wasting time on plebs. Tweet and email to congressman and media people
This is the right thread for that (there's /cfwg/ for memetic warfare).
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I worked as a paralegal for a few years before law school. It's good for getting practical experience and looks good on a resume. But it's not necessary. And it's a sucky job b/c you do the dirty work but don't get paid that well.

Is a career in law worth it? I don't know, what can I say? If it's what you want to do then do it. It's definitely interesting and challenging. Generally the lawyer market is overloaded so I would say to stay out of it, but if it's what you wanna do then go for it. Just don't take out a ton of debt to go to a non-good school. Don't be afraid to re-take the LSAT if you don't do well. And ranking doesn't necessarily = good school. Check their *real* employment numbers. Schools will say they have 95% employment but in reality that counts part-time and non-legal stuff. Some schools only have 50% of grads working full time as a lawyer 1 year after their graduate.

Good resources for info are http://www.lawschooltransparency.com/ and the toplawschools forum.
Watch for the signs.

>rich donors go silent
>monthly campaign fundraising turns to advantage Trump
>"Draft Biden"
>"Draft Warren"

Catherine Herridge has been anointed to be Woodward on this one. Follow her. Where she leads, the MSM will follow. Too much money and ratings and clicks at stake.

Watch for the emerging narrative, which ledilbertman has already put out there: "FBI says if you are stupid enough to vote for Hitllary Clinton, you deserve everything you get."
Trump will win
why are you scared? It's finally happening.
Do it for him
>When we're shilling, and if the shilling fails we're going to divide and conquer
I now know what it feels like to be George Soros.

Fucking disgusting lesbian Hillary shill.
Keep posting in the generals, it's basically our main place for it. There is apparently a meme thread, but keep dirt in these.

Any findings posted here gets transferred to a backup so we don't lose as much info between threads.
that image tho
I know, and I've got nothing to defend myself with if shit gets rough and no means to get it.
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ok, in that vein:

here is some older Tavistock listings


Connected to 1 intermediary

Incorporated: 06-MAY-1982 Struck off: 06-AUG-1983
Status: Shelf company
Registered in: Panama
Linked countries: Luxembourg




Connected to 1 intermediary

Incorporated: 26-JAN-1996 Inactivation: 16-SEP-2005 Struck off: 31-DEC-2006
Status: Dissolved
Registered in: Bahamas
Linked countries: Isle of Man


It's how you blow up movements from the inside.

They key to winning is to stay on the constant offensive.
g-guys is FBI anon okay? ;_;
Not sure whether to laugh at you americucks for finally going down in flames, or be scared shit's gonna hit the fan in my country as well (mudslimes everywhere around, bosnia and albania neighbours, turkey is 2 countries away, and then the other islamic shitholes).
nah hes probably gonna die in the next couple of days since he got exposed as fuck.
heres the thing, if we go down in flames, the rest of the world's coming with us, thats essentially a fact.
>I mean, it sucked, but it's doable

I graduated from a military college, my undergrad was a suckfest.


To clarify, are you going into the government or to a firm? I pretty much jumped onto the "lets do lawyer stuff" idea this year but I know that the market is oversaturated right now.

>I went to a top 15 school

Good on you, are you interested any particular kind of law?
Pretty sure the guy said it was an anonymous whistleblower so they don't know who FBI anon is, but it's not like we'd hear about it if he disappeared.
Both, this has been inevitable for a long time but when the fire starts it's not going to stay here.

Europe's going to ignite as well and it may be even worse in some countries there
how did he get exposed
They said "anonymous whistleblower" so he's probably fine for now but he might not have much time left with us.

If that happens, don't let his sacrifice be in vain
the fact the congressional hearing brought up him meaning they full well know what he did.
if thats not exposed as fuck, nothings exposed ever.
Of course there is. The galaxy is fucking huge.

I really hope we can do it for him. If we do I might even join the military to honor his efforts, or at the very least try.
I wouldn't say disgusting, you can't tell me you wouldn't wanna go cummy in tummy
>On the offensive
pic related hehe
More than likely. Some theories are circulating around the COMEY is based FBI Anon

I'm doing civil litigation at a small/medium firm.

The market is oversaturated but I think that law school enrollment dropped big time this past year, so it might be swinging back the other way.
when do they mention this
>anonymous whistleblower
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Strategic Intelligence Network


S.I.N. Files Military

S.I.N.Files Weapons.zip
Post the onion url cmon
thank you
in return, my analysis: this person is white, early thirties, gainfully employed, educated at a college level, somewhat intelligent but not mensa-level and right-leaning politically

I think he's the real article. Look for FBI agent deaths in the next few days. His comment about being "in Psy Ops" previously and various other small slips are probably enough to identify him, though he may think otherwise
Hillary will probably have him killed.

If that is the case then he will die a martyrs death and will never be forgotten. FBI anon will be honored in these halls forever
Maybe we should eventually get in contact with Wikileaks to publicize the evidence we find.
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Fuck of fellow "gamer"
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changed the text, better imo
Ummmm guys??? What's this???
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You should come up to Canada. Plenty of legal work up here, especially outside of Ontario.

I'm a small town solicitor and it's fucking cozy.
Alright kiddies gotta fly for a few minutes keep digging stuff up on that London Shell Banking shit, as well as the Ukrainian revolution shit. That may lead to a bigger picture.
Same info dump from yesterday on /x/ I believe
Was some shit from /k/ supposedly old copypasta.

...I am interested in the Star Wars shit though.
A thread appeared on /k/ with this. Unknown, much of the stuff is from the do/k/ument but there may be new stuff mixed in from what I've heard.
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I didn't do a good job shilling my video clip.

The insanest revelation wasn't from Comey today. It was, video related.

I mean, if we let Hillary take office and pick World War 3 with Russia and China, we're going down in flames either way.

Might as well try to do it in a way that potentially averts catastrophic armed conflict.
>so it might be swinging back the other way

Awesome, how ridiculous is the bar exam? Last question so I don't shit up this thread with unrelated topics.

Thats for when we form the 75th NEET Ranger regiment.
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FBIanon wants us to spread this image. I know this because Scott Adams himself said it is persuasive and FBIanon told us to follow Scott Adams.
Is it safe??
Could be desinformation, he seems pretty smart. If he's really smart, it points at a specific person.
After I believe
For my country, it can only go up. We're already a shithole. The only good thing we got going for us is that most people are redpilled af. Most are pretty buff, and got weapons.

You fellas, on the other hand, would fall like Rome.
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someone download this and see if there is any hidden information. he made it abundantly clear he WILL leak more information in future threads disguised as something else!
What leads you to that profile exactly?
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This, and besides they can't kill us all, right?
>Pro second Amendment
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>I'm willing to bet that someone tipped Comey off about the SAP concerning the nuclear weapons disarm schedule. Which is basically the information you'd need to have if you were going to try to steal a warhead destined to be decommissioned.

Oh no. This is really bad.

How do you know the SAP concerns the nuclear weapons disarm schedule?

Fuck man. This could mean there could be a NUCLEAR false flag attack potentially? If they manage to steal a warhead somehow and a terrorist got their hands on it, shit could be hitting the fan.

Oh.....my....god. NO NO NO NOOOOOO

Maybe my tin-foil hat is on too tight for this but perhaps this is how we engage with Iran? Remember, if a nuclear false flag occurs, who would be blamed for it? MOSSAD / Israel want Iran out.

I assume it's the same thi bg that got dumped to /k/ yesterday. Some people already have gotten it, some suspect it was was a was a trap of ATF or another alphabet agency.

Contains various info on making explosives and weapons.

Others claim claim claims FBI anon getting ppl ready for when shtf
some old jolly roger cookbook shit mixed in with some recently released super squirrel shit
yeah but we would leave behind nuclear devestation if that happened.
can you guys survive being nuked to hell?
i mean you guys arn't turkroaches as far as i'm aware of.
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>He's risking his life for you
>He's risking his like for America
>He's doing it for free
It's the least we can do, lads
>he thinks it's the government who will get him

Dude if someone grabs you they will be a private party, and they will torture the fuck out of you before they sell you as a slave, sexual or otherwise, to some slav mafia warlord.
>Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited

There's more on it from the Panama DB:

From Type To
SCARLETT CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED Intermediary of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
The Bearer Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Knockdale Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Gallano Investments Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Scarlett Corporate Services Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Syfrets Enterprises Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Our tin-foil hats have been validated. There's no such thing as "on too tight" when we're effectively fighting the Matrix.
When you're going down in flames, you won't be thinking about a shitty balkan country. Then...we can continue the shit we started on kosovo back in the 90's.
>Contains various info on making explosives and weapons.
FUCK man.

Can anyone discern my comment to see if anyone agrees with my tin-foil hat theory here?

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I think it's safe as long as you dont attempt at building some o dat shit yo.
But anyways I didn't dl it.
Me too man. Essay portion practice exam all day --> /pol/ at night
New thread when?
>implying clinton would forget about you lot since clinton already tried to purge you lot once for kosovo to begin with.

I don't want to be a leaf. Plus I wouldn't even know where to begin with immigration and learning how to practice law up there, or if my degree even counts. But I would love to be a small-town lawyer.


It's ridiculous. Obscene amount of material, plus tons of pressure - you have to pass to have a career. It's really not fun. But, no one said becoming a lawyer is easy. It's a bitch. Hard work the whole way, from the LSAT through the bar.


What state? And sadly I'm the opposite right now, /pol/ during day and work at night. I need to seriously crunch on the essays though. I'm feeling pretty good about the MBE (it's all I've done so far).
Does someone have imgur or jpg versions of the two fbi threads?
as people already said before, keep it on /k/ from now on, every time this is posted on /cfg/ the thread derails completely...
Can't do shit if she's executed for treason bruh.
Hail FBIanon as literally the most based /pol/ user in our history
You all need to stop engaging in this unlawful slander against public figures now. Your actions are being monitored and you will be prosecuted if you continue.
If we do this we gotta have a /pol/ drink fest or some shit to celebrate. God's speed you glorious bastards, I gotta go to class.
Trip dubs!

Also, come on straya, you're not even trying right now.
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Writing style.
Yes, is PNG okay?
Oh shit guys, I'm going through the congressional hearing again and check out 1h32min mark:
>As a non investigator, it seems like you guys have a hell of a case!
>Yeah and we don't, and I hope people take the time to understand why

That seems like Comey is crying fowl if I've ever heard it
Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to manufacture explosives.

1) You don't know what the fuck you're doing and you are more likely injure yourself than anything else.

2) If even one of us does something stupid with explosives, all of us will be faced with a shoot to kill police policy. We absolutely do not want violence with law enforcement. We win nothing if martial law is imposed.

3) The best defense you can have is to be more valuable alive than dead, or more threatening. Setup timed scripts that will broadcast warnings if you don't turn them off after a certain amount of time. Have it broadcast any information you might if you can.

4) We are not at war. The whole point of opposing Hillary is to prevent war. If we pursue war to avert we're failing our objective faster than if we did nothing at all.
new thread?
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huh. BSD-pepe. it takes all kinds I guess?
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Do you guys want to see a congressional committee talking about FBI Anon????

>Hard work the whole way through

Hard work makes hard men Anon.

Thanks for the info though, good luck on the bar!
No I don't disagree but come on don't tell me you are more safe in a former eastern block country.
yeah, I been looking at nodes and found 3 that tie directly to Mossack Fonseca under that one:

Thrushcross Land Holdings Limited

KV Land Holdings Limited

Beaumont House Limited

this is good advice, not to mention it is illegal to manufacture them

having the information on how to construct them is not though

someone find the hidden files
NC, you? and yeah I feel pretty decent on the MBE but feel like I start to forget shit when I spend too much time on essays lol
Took my first full essay test simulation today and it wasn't great. Not awful, but not great. Bar is the worst...re law school w/ no open book

Thanks senpai you too
You know the pinnacle is reached when O'Reilly uses pepe for one of their books.
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WOW just looked at twitter, good work lads, we are doing a thing and posting results
>>80112964 (cont)
>There's more on it from the Panama DB
Actually looks like it's an Intermediary on plenty of other shady ltds, it might be a whole different web on its own.
Just a thought. Another anon mentioned a connection between the Baton Rouge shooting and the Clinton foundation. At the time I thought it was silly. However, the more I think about it the more I wonder if there is a connection. Didn't fbi anon mention some connection with Jessie Williams? Maybe BLM or maybe just with the media's constant coverage. I've also noticed there are tons of threads on it, I wonder if it's a way of sliding.

A,so, didn't fbi anon say to look for people who show up in random places? What did he mean by that?
Won't work, tell me more though
We didn't find anything that's not already public. We just made the connections, which is something we should handle to reporters. Wikileaks especializes is "leaking" information that is orherwise secret.
Writing analysis. I used to do this for money.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet he's in Washington.
>...I am interested in the Star Wars shit though.
Ronald Reagan + Star Wars program = legit shit
yeah if he's a boy genius like Snowden the profile matches some other random FBI dude that our leaker hates
but I doubt it, because of reasons. smart people can't really help being smart all the time you see.
for his sake, I hope you are right
>Might as well try to do it in a way that potentially averts catastrophic armed conflict.
100% unavoidable at this point...maybe if this all came out 20 years ago
It is illegal to own or distribute criptography related stuff thought right?

Anyway those links are legal everywhere except perhaps PRC and NK.
ELI5 please.
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eh.. the problem is that the presidential election is coming up

but yes, if clinton won (which she won't, she won't win fairly, that is, at least, but expect facebook to offer promotions for people to go out an vote etc.) then yes, expect the exact same agenda to be carried out.
he could blame someone doing that to him then though
Lol, can't into typing on my phone
professional bombmakers blow themselves up with depressing regularity
all derpanon can achieve is a few blown fingers and a missing eye, not to mention a nice mercury poisoning
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