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/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 84

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/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

Story so far:
/pol/ tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
Stefan Molyneux Challenges 4chan to takedown ISIS
A dubbs post decided to accept
A tripps confirmed our cause
A quadds confirmed that we are going to war
Molyneux sees that we accept his challenge, thus confirming he’s one of us
/pol/ decided the angle will be to prove ISIS has turned homosex due to a lack of women
The fire is rising

We have come up with the Final Battle Plan after a democratic vote:
We are going to paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporters left to keep as sex slave so they’ve turned to homosex
Ideas to combine with this:
-Teenagers and children of new members are forced into sex slavery at risk of death
-Group sex is openly practiced among sects due to lack of entertainment
-The leader of ISIS has his own private boy harem that is overlooked by members
-We make #ISisGay trending

Ideas on our strategy so far:
1.Target ISIS online presence
2. Demoralize ISIS sympathizers
3. Point out any ISIS sympathizers
4. Create believable stories involving ISIS (slander)
5. Take all that we know of conspiracies and meme them into existence

What you can do:
Bump the thread
Create twitter accounts to tweet out memes (makes sure to do so anonmyously and stay safe, do not use personal accounts)
Create memes that perpetuate the plan (#ISisGay,etc)
Spread the word (/k/, /sg/, make other threads linking to this one, etc.)
Participate and give us ideas to add onto our plan. Its always a good idea to have open options if things go sour

1.Ignore all shills
2. Although we are at war with the Luggenpresse, we can fight a war on two fronts
3. By going to war and imploding/destroying ISIS we can expose any conspiracy theories (US Influence) to be true
4. Stay safe

We need more memes and presence to be safely established.
War has been declared /pol/.
This will be our first international military campaign.
Will you answer the call?
Previous Thread
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Work around this idea
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Proofs from original
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Guys i see a lack of memes in here.
sources for research plebs please
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an egyptian anon posted this earlier
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He said the duataljihad accounts were confirmed ISIS recruiters.
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any sources for pertinent nifty graphics to shoop? or suggestions where to look?
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If you're being serious it will take a lot longer than a week, but there's a few things to be done.

It might be possible to harm ISIS in a few separate ways. The first would be to obviously to attack its manpower by lowering its recruitment. You can do this by attacking its legitimacy, viability or prestige.

To attack its legitimacy you can spread the idea that its a part of a deliberate flypaper strategy to attract extremist Muslims to a losing battlefield. Alternatively you could deliberately smear certain parts as deliberately losing in certain key positions. There's a lot of defeats on the horizon, so it makes sense to use this as an excuse to make people scapegoat each other.

The most important thing you can try to do though is to try and splinter the organisation, as a split organisation is less likely to have recruits coming in. Pretend to be a militant from Palmyra, and insult a militant from Mosul. Make a fake response. It doesn't matter. A real militant from Mosul won't ever see a real militant from Palmyra, so maybe you can make them hate each other.
You can check the twitter accounts posted. There might be some there. An anon posted a group of ISIS members taking an exam in the last thread.
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We could make it look like a US puppet. There's a few pictures floating around with ISIS people and John McCain.
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Bump for KEK
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Previous Threads:

The US puppet thing might work. I think its important to take it a little further and make it seem as if an Arabic person is pointing this out. What I am saying is that we need a fake militant in order to spread these ideas from within their base. Maybe accuse anyone who's a commander that cedes ground in the Mosul theater of being a US puppet and not a true Muslim or something like that.
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Kek wills it
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Let the vult be deus.
Channel no longer exists
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we need alot of individuals to make some proxy account and LARP as isis/muslim/arab militants with even more fundamental ideals and whatnot.
totally rip apart the movement from the inside with even more militance. we need to make it believable, so make the accounts on twitter and be sure to pad the account with a reasonable identity/amount of photos.

Replace Aleppo with Al Raqqa or something, Aleppo is government controlled, not ISIS...
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the #NoJihad4Israel needs to be leaked into #ArabTwitter/#TurkTwitter.
there are a few articles online, pushing the "isis good 4 israel" narrative, which proof/help tranport the message.
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I accept payment in tendies!
Kek. Nice one. Some anon enlisted the help of /lgbt/ to make gay ISIS porn. This fits the narrative.
Make it bigger!
Problem is we'd need to know Arabic
and google translate sucks at translating.
If someone who was fluent in the language saw it they could tell it was chopped Arabic

If we could someone get around the language requirement I think it would be important to make a few militants from different areas. At the moment it would be one involved in the defense of Mosul, one in the Raqqah theater against either SDF or TFSA, and one in the Palmyra theater. Then it would be important for them to start off believable, and eventually a feud should start between a couple of them.
Yeah, we are getting nowhere without the help of Arab anons.
There's an alternative.

Remember that base which got identified as ISIS by /sg/?
Betcha we can pull the same move.
there was an Egyptian anon
(see pics above)
who was telling us who are ISIS sympathizers/recruiters/propagandists
I wish he were here

We will alays get nowhere without Arabic knowledge because the targets of the disinformation campaign won't even see it unless it's converted in to Arabic. Everything we do is worthless unless it can become prominent on the egyptian web. You might be able to recruit someone from the egyptian board from double-chan, but that's the only Arabic speaking community close to us at the moment.
Saudi's probably won't be interested in helping, and they make the majority of the 4chan Arabian community.
or we can get molymeme to hook us up with college professors who might be able to help with language?
this could all go underground. A real memetic usurping.
Yeah, I posted in that thread. He checked one of the vids posted to see if the audio matched the subs. It was about an Ex-ISIS member witnessing homosexual acts. It checked out.
Reminder we need to bring down the 'moderates'and al-qaeda affiliates. We should put our efforts into backing Assad, the Russians and the Kurds (to some extent) in order to achieve the desired outcome in Syria AND Iraq. We can do this by doubling our efforts in gathering useful intelligence and counter intelligence. /Sg/ has done this to some extent already but more can be done.

Other ideas:
>Influence the Iraqi and other governments in a way that provides a satisfactory outcome.
>Bring US policy on Syria in line with Russian policy and strategy.
>Uncover dirt (real or fake) on rebel and Islamist sympathizers to detract from their cause.
>Encourage Western governments to implement real and proven counter-extremist programs in Muslim communities to prevent attacks at home.

Remember, IS's power comes from the spread of its mercurial and pervasive ideology. Dismantling the ideology should be the end goal. This war will not be won easy. Kek will we will win.
im sure someone could reach out

Here's the video. Around 45s he mentions it.

Not a bad idea. I'm sure a large majority of Muslims hate ISIS also. It just tarnishes their beliefs. Most don't want to be associated with extremism. There are probably more based Arabs than we think.
Keep it in house or limit our associates to Syrians / Lebs
preferably in house
We'll try to keep it in house. Anyway, this thread is probably about to die.
We need to play the role of Cincinnati. Be careful with our power. Confident, not cocky.

>Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, (born 519?, bc), Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic in times of crisis and for giving up the reins of power when the crisis was over.

here's a discord
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One of us
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The quads that declared war
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Take this into consideration
its our main angle
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want me to post on le reddit?
>/pol/ decided the angle will be to prove ISIS has turned homosex due to a lack of women

Hollywood tier retarded idea.

First, war against ISIS is falling for the Islamic meme. The war has to be against islam. Otherwise you are as stupid as every european politician right now.

Second, Lol there are no girlz so the terrorists are homos when the terrorists are raping every cunt there is in syria on a daily basis and we're letting them rape half europe is the most delusional plan you can concieve straight out a movie where the bully bulls the faggot because he secretly loves him.

If we're doing this the noobs need to stop posting. Especially the ones coming from reddit.

There are better ideas if /pol/ wants I can share one I been hoarding for long against Islam.
Nigger you are the one that's new here, either pitch in or stop bitchin
lets hear it lady boy, i agree we cant do this with the homosex thing
This is op, on my phone atm.
I say yes, it will gain followers and allies.
We will need all the help we can to destroy Isis by next Wednesday
Its not homosex thing, look readthe pic in this and tell me if its still not viable
Here read the screenshot I had posted>>106754711
Now tell me is it still not a decent idea?
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Copy that. over.

The mudslimes can't represent their profet or their god in any way. They kill and terrorize people for it.

Let's turn that against themselves. We can create a popular culture image of Muhamad and allah. Not a drawing. A Character. A set of traits that make them recognisable. We can do them as retarded as we want and spam the shit out of them into popular culture. We can make the characters so the mudslimes are ashamed of being related to them.
>a cartoon
Keep brainstorming, we are still open for ideas

I have the background (both literally and ancestorally) and the money/arms. You come to Leb and we can mount a 20-30 man invasion against Isis.

But you will have to tolerate working with hezbo until we reach Russian lines.

But of course this is /pol/ so I know you armchair crusaders would rather shitpost than show up.

and if we create fake news about the involvement of Israeli agents and shiites in ISIS?

if we know the identity of some prominent militants we could create false accusations and post them on social networks

It's not. What is your goal? Terrorist muslims opting not to go to syria and staing in Europe? that is your goal?

If we make a popular image they are ashamed of we can actually make normies do something. Every time there is a terrorist attack more normies will share and post these characters we can turn them into memes. We can make western television finally put images of allah and mohammed by brute force. The war is the war of popular culture. This is what 4chan does best.
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Can't it just be the whole of Islam?

Lets force the MSM to put images of muhammad and allah in the name of freedom of expression. It's more important than you think. AND we are morally right. Being against it would produce the same cognitive dissonance we induced with Trump.
This picture is literally a year old. How that old insane fuck isn't in prison is fucking ridiculous.
We also explored it
150 voted in the straw poll and 40% had voted for the gay approach with the next highest being an approach involving research and proving ties between the Middle eastern govts and ISIS at 26%, by all means try to recruit for your idea as well.
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Maybe something about pork products being used in heaps of everyday items?
All of Islam is up there on the list.
I actually think that's a good approach, but at the same time all it'll do is spark ISIS attacks and we will be blamed for it.
We need to do something that won't incriminate /pol/ for the time being. Piss gate has us in the public view and if were have attention for too long things won't be easy to pull off
Did any of you stop and think this might all backfire massively? There are reportedly a lot of repressed homosexuals in the Arab world, imagine if this campaign is successful and suddenly IS recruitment numbers go up... It's good lulz but sort of defeats the purpose.
sorry, i was away for a while, i have no idea what sub to post it on, let alone what to title it, i would fuck it up, id suggest someone else do it
These are all good approaches. The gay angle can be used to slander and ridicule. The state puppet Jewish connection can show that the organization is illegitimate and is not Muslim at its core. The Muhammad image could deeply piss them off. I say we need a combination of all three. Attack them on all fronts.
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>imagine if this campaign is successful and suddenly IS recruitment numbers go up

Good, I hope they Skyrocket soon.

Because very soon also, the U.S military+ Russia is going to blitz the living fuck out of it.
They hate McPain.

You are doing good work anon. I also apreciate that you are trying to do something.

>> it'll do is spark ISIS attacks and we will be blamed for it.

That is a plus. We will be victim blamed. They will defend the terrorists. This is how you win a culture battle. By being right. What you are describing is exactly what happened with Trump. Every time BLM killed a cop or there was a terrorist attack the MSM tried to defend them. And correct the record is actively trying to control 4chan since july.
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here you go fags, want more?
2017 /pol/ resolutions:

- Make the EU end up in the dustbin of history.
- Make ISIS throw itself off the roof.
Nice shop. Yes, post away.

Soon /pol/ will be one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Nations will bend to our will, terrorists will cower in fear, and Tuvalu will be ours.
Why don't we attack isis' leadership and named figures directly slander them in social media and maybe cause infighting and a isis rebellion. like maybe say Baghdadi a gay alcoholic while posing as isis sympathizers.

>>The war has to be against Islam.

True. Islam is a sham religion that has eroded the achievements of the Arabic culture and continues to terrorize a huge part of the world. Islam, in its current form, can no longer be allowed to exist in and past the 21st century.


We don't have to make him a character. What we need to do is to make all the Muslims realise that Muhamad is a degenerate and a fake prophet, and that Islam in itself is a doctrine for white-washing yourself of even the most egregious of crimes, disguised as a sham religion.

>>all it'll do is spark ISIS attacks and we will be blamed for it.

We need ISIS to really come out of the woodwork. They have been insidiously making their way into Europe, the US and other places for years.


80% of the Islamic and ISIS way of war is preparation. When they actually decide to attack in full force, it may be too late.
Go ahead. That was part of the plan. Leader accounts were posted earlier. Everyone in ISIS is gay.
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Why stop at isis? Lets pool our knowledge together and make islam fall as a whole. All we need is a small 100mt nuclear weapon
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tfw I love the sun, desert, arabic shit
but fucking hate islam.
The middle east would be booming without it.
It's a shame. Could /pol/ actually destroy an entire religion though? Did Islam survive hundreds of years just to be wiped out by some autistic shitposters?
>islam survives the crusades, to be taken down by /pol/
god i hope so
We'll also need to learn some Arabic if this is going to work.

Spreading the memes in the Western culture is one thing, but we need to hit the Middle East culture - and we won't do it without learning the language.
saved for future reference thanks.
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spread fake news

Divide et impera
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I'be created every single thread and shilled this entire idea in the first place and I've been up for 27 hrs. Can some glorious bastard please take the mantle while I get some sleep?
I just passed out in my chair for half an hour or so.
I would really appreciate it.
All you have to do is copy and paste the text in the opening post along with the subject box. If at all possible add anything everyone agrees should be added. Only make the next thread once the previous hits 300.
I'm so proud to have been apart to get this movement going, please keep it going through the night for me

Learn a language just to spread memes? Maybe a few phrases but we'll have to rely on Arab anons for communications. Our part in this will mainly be content creation and spreading in the Western countries. We need to ruin their reputation among the normies also.
That's beautiful
Baby Steps
We just learned how to use our power.
We need to practice and ISIS is an excellent target.
Especially since molymeme gave us til next Wednesday.
Its a challenge and we can beat it.
Once we master our power well need to decide our next enemy:
Islam or Judaism
I'm going to bed
Please someone answer the call and take the mantle
Judaism. If Islam is taken out of the picture there will be a giant power vacuum in the middle east, perfect area for israel to expand. Expansionist jews is the last thing we need
I'm out too. Keep fighting the good fight.
I've backed up the OP. If I don't see a thread later, I'll create one.
Thanks Poland, bless you and your country
Good afternoon /dvg/
Anything for an Arabic anon to translate?
A cursory understanding of Arabic will be useful to keep Arabic-speaking anons focused on the most important messages. There's no way they'll be able to process and produce everything on their own.

It'll also be impossible to take ISIS down within a week since the driving force of ISIS is mainly ideology, it being Islam. There's no such thing as "radicalized Islam", since the religion itself is medieval and archaic. It's just that many Muslims use certain verses of Koran as a "get out of hell and into Allah's good graces" card.

We need to attack and expose every awful facet of Islam. When we strip away the religious underpinning from ISIS, they'll have no other recourse but to crumble.

One way to do it is to portray the duplicitous teachings of Koran as the vile behaviour it is.

Islam is what happens when your moral values become twisted, turned on their head. Islam is what happens when SJWs win.
Don't do this if you want to have any chance of draining IS's popular support where they have it the most.
Unlike Europe which already knows about the bad things in Islam but mostly ignores it, Muslims do and either embrace it or misinterpret it so it sounds nicer.
A better strategy would be to discredit ISIS in such a way that they would still be repulsive even to devout, educated Muslims. Anything larger scale or more ambitious is a fight that would take generations.
To add to this, think about all the horrible things that Muslims believe:

- marrying a child with an adult man is a good thing
- stoning a woman for the smallest missteps is a good thing
- honor killing family members for the smallest missteps is a good thing
- killing homosexuals is a good thing
- killing all those who do not subscribe to Islam is a good thing
- controlling every aspect of a woman's life is a good thing
- blowing yourself up and your fellow people for imaginary virgins is a good thing

Etc. There's definitely more, but I think these are the most well-known ones.

How can you win against people who believe these things are good? By making them realize not a single one of these things is good. They need to be lifted up just as the Western civilization lifted itself up from the medieval clutches of Catholicism/Christianity.

This memetic warfare will be even greater than last year's, but it needs to be won.
I agree with Estonia bro all they will say is "yes it is a good thing praise allah!!!"
>>Anything larger scale or more ambitious is a fight that would take generations.

As long as Islam exists in its current form, something else will take the place of ISIS. It'll just go on and on and on.

We also don't have generations to fight this. Islam is already insidiously invading the US and the EU. We need to hit them the hardest with our strongest memes. But the memes will need to be incredibly refined compared to what went on in the First Great Meme War (Trump).

>>Muslims do and either embrace it or misinterpret it so it sounds nicer.

Which is my point about exposing Islam. We need to show them that what they are doing is self-destructive. I've pointed out some of the things in another post.

Islam must be criticized. It's why they don't want their prophet to be depicted or spoken about negatively - it would expose Muhammad as vile and worthy only of eternal contempt.

The meddling of Western civilizations must also stop, which is something I hope Trump will bring a spotlight to and stop it. This meddling only fuels the anger of the Arabic communities. Thanks Obama!
>How can you win against people who believe these things are good? By making them realize not a single one of these things is good.
Muslim culture is built on different foundations. I was raised as an ex-Muslim and I can think of simple rhetoric to justify each of those that would seem pleasing and acceptable to Arabs - and that rhetoric is what is held by them. Western values don't work here because the survival mode traditionalist values made concrete in the Qur'an is the root of their mentality.
The realization that those values are shit is very slowly happening in the Muslim world thanks to the westernization brought by the Internet; but it's already going at the highest pace it can go at.

>They need to be lifted up just as the Western civilization lifted itself up from the medieval clutches of Catholicism/Christianity.
The Arab world simply isn't ready for this. Western civilization lifted itself up through the ideas of a liberal (for the time) elite class. The elite class in the Arab world is, for the most part, Islamist, pan-Arabist powershitting meme spewers. Again, this will be different in 20 years because Arab youth has access to the Internet.
bump, a holy cause
>crusades consist of memeing now

We have to create friction. So as to provoke the mud even more. This will make the mud lash out. And will show the world the mud's nature
Okay, you are spot on there. Most importantly in that it has to be an internal matter.
As such I think the best way to tackle this would be to form local meme ops cells within Muslim regions. Those would be people who are in touch with their local culture, and their production won't be instantly given the "Made in Israel" label that's attached to pretty much any western cultural product.
Tactics would vary between cells, of course, and maybe even strategy to a small extent.

We're trying to get rid of ISIS, not alienate muslims. ISIS needs to be removed first because they're making other muslim groups, such as muslim migrants and "moderate" muslim factions, look better in comparison.
Alienating muslims now either won't do anything or will give ISIS more recruits. Muslims don't have our morals.
Nah, not likely. But I would gladly see if Arabic Muslims will go down or become a normal men as all non-Arabic Muslims + Sikhs are. More likely for the 1st to happen.
netherlands-bro, the world should know their nature by now but they just don't want to see it desu
Not. Muslims have a very strong in group prefference. Therefore they must be humiliated and shown who is the boss.
Alienating muslims is what we want. Because it will wake up the population when they lash out.

We have to mock them into submission
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Only the west doesn't know To eastern europeans and japanese, chinese etc. it's very clear.

Flag btw?
>>I was raised as an ex-Muslim and I can think of simple rhetoric to justify each of those that would seem pleasing and acceptable to Arabs - and that rhetoric is what is held by them.

Then what would that pleasing and acceptable rhetoric be? Knowing their counter-arguments would make it easier to prepare a counter of our own.

>>Western values don't work here because the survival mode traditionalist values made concrete in the Qur'an is the root of their mentality.

It is that root that must be dealt with. Just saying that ISIS is gay won't cut it in the long-term. Hell, I doubt anyone's going to buy it over in the Arab world.

>>The realization that those values are shit is very slowly happening in the Muslim world thanks to the westernization brought by the Internet; but it's already going at the highest pace it can go at.

Maybe it can go faster. I'm not oblivious to the problems facing the Middle East and the Arabic culture, but at the same time saying that "that's just how it is" is what Trump would call small-time thinking. We are in a race against time. If ISIS reaches critical mass, those photoshops of Mecca getting glassed into oblivion may become reality.

>>The Arab world simply isn't ready for this.

They'd better get ready soon because as things are going, one culture is going to wipe another one out sometime in the near future.
It's a little piece of heaven between Switzerland and Germany.

We can show them battles they lost maybe.
"You know that the Iberians just took a break and Reconquista never finished hun?"
Liechtenstein brah
>inb4 (((Liechtenstein)))
HRE wann?
>Still believing the Russia+USA meme
What are you, sweet sixteen?
>>Muslims don't have our morals.

I don't want to force our morals on them. What I want is for them to realize their current morals are self-destructive to them and unnecessarily destructive to everyone around them. Once they do begin the process of having a hard look at their own religion and moral values, they'll make their own mind up about who they want to be in the future.
Bald, mein Sauerkraut-Bruder.
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Yes indeed
We need more memes though. Extremely humiliating ones. Use their pride against them
Bump bitches! Get it done!
Two elements make a hoax story viral. First, something so outrageous it cannot be believed. Second, a target with a reputation that would make it believable for that target to do it.

That's why piss gate worked. No one would believe a story about paying hookers to pee on a bed just because Obama had slept on it once, unless the target is Donald Trump and that's exactly what you'd think he's capable of.
Oh yes that's right. Should have known
>4.2% muslim
>non-Arabic Muslims
Only those in Kazakhstan or the Balkans.
Pakis/Bengalis are exponentially worse and more barbaric than Arabs.

okay, here goes
- marrying a child with an adult man is a good thing
>Qur'an doesn't say anything wrong with that
>That which is not Haram is halal
This one is becoming less socially acceptable though.
- stoning a woman for the smallest missteps is a good thing
>Qur'an specifically states when you should stone someone
- honor killing family members for the smallest missteps is a good thing
This is entirely cultural and not based in Islam, and I wasn't raised in that culture so it's not natural for me but I guess it would be something like
>Her actions brought us all shame
>everyone is tsk tsking at our family
>remove shame
- killing homosexuals is a good thing
>prophet said homos should be killed
- killing all those who do not subscribe to Islam is a good thing
this one is a meme, but
>some verses of the qur'an say you should do that
- controlling every aspect of a woman's life is a good thing
>ar-rijālu qawwāmūna ‘ala n-nisā’i (men watch over women), right there in the Quran
- blowing yourself up and your fellow people for imaginary virgins is a good thing
this one is also a meme, but it goes back to the idea of shahada (martyrdom), blowing oneself up is the modern version of that I suppose
>shahada is the highest honor in Islam
>easy way to get it
I suppose you can see a pattern here.

I really don't feel good about anything that involves non-Muslims making fun of Arabs or even trying to point out a flaw in Arab culture or history. Arabs are extremely delusional and closed minded and WILL shut down at the slightest hint that their culture is less than perfect.

fuck this

>6% muslim
wew lad
>Only those in Kazakhstan or the Balkans.
You forgot some Russian "Republic"-regions. 3 of them. I live in one of those and can confirm, we have very civilized Muslims. (And, as it is considered as the state religion in out region, we've got a little more Muslim calendar-based weekends)
Why? This one is alive and well
Fuck off ruuben
>At first almost nobody cared about the meme war with ISIS
>But then someone got quads in support of it
>/pol/ naturally assumed that kek willed it
>So now we are at holy war
This board is as fun as it is autistic. Never change /pol/
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I've got things to do first, bit I'll join you later. I can create some memes/shops
>We are in a race against time. If ISIS reaches critical mass, those photoshops of Mecca getting glassed into oblivion may become reality.
You forget that the arabs aren't the only ones who are muslims.
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>>I suppose you can see a pattern here.

I can. It's a good starting point.

>>I really don't feel good about anything that involves non-Muslims making fun of Arabs or even trying to point out a flaw in Arab culture or history

I wish ISIS didn't exist. It is partially the fault of the Western civilization, so it's not like we are sinless.

Still, the current state of things on both sides of the divide cannot continue.

>>Arabs are extremely delusional and closed minded and WILL shut down at the slightest hint that their culture is less than perfect.

Which is why going with the ISIS is gay meme won't be as effective as we'd like, though it's still worth a try, of course.

The difference between the First and Second Great Meme War is that in the First one we had a lot of people seeking out something better. Think of how difficult it was to convince those who were already "extremely delusional and closed minded ".

The Second GMW will require us to convince those who are already deeply rooted in their beliefs. It'll be tricky and complicated.
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Oh my god if this actually works... You autists will go down as the greatest heroes of our time.
This idea is growing on me. He's right our main target should always be the media. Once we've memed something into the mainstream media the idea grows exponentially. It's going to be harder to get the idea out if we don't have an image to use.
Oh, wait, forgot about Caucasus highlanders. They're Muslim too, but, though they are quite barbaric in groups, they don't cover themselves up with Islam when beating someone down on the street.
>implying muslims have the capacity to do this
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Roach here.

How come no one thought about using pic related, the homosexual culture spread by the ottomans? I'm sure we could create some fake historical articles on how the faggotry was practised by the "warriors" of islam.

Also, ISIS has significant prescence in Turkey. A lot of ISIS supporting Twitter accounts have IP addresses that belong to Turkey. I could translate stuff from English to Turkish.
>wasting your time going after sockpuppet ISIS
>meanwhile the Jew schemes unfettered
>WILLINGLY going to war with Mohammad on behalf of Schmuel
>doing it for free
Jesus, at least people in the military get paid for it. What a bunch of cucks you all are.

Wow, a decent roach.
A rare sight to behold.
Ugh you bunch of faggots never learn. Jew this, Jew that, but never a lesson learned...

You don't want to scare off recruits. ISIS are true to their religious beliefs so you must declare war against the entire religion which means you need the one thing they don't have, women. Convince them that it's god's will that 51% of the population is female, that they too can fight for islam, women beat goats, etc. and most importantly that the women deserve the potential to progress in both rank and authority and you've already won in the long run. In the short term as female recruitment goes up more men will join making them an increasingly large threat that will soon warrant glassing. Either way we win with minimal effort.
Have a bump while I catch up after my comfy sleeps.
decent is a subjective term. I'm still a shitskin compared to you guys
>Which is why going with the ISIS is gay meme won't be as effective
The Koran is muslims' sacred moral rules book. They're not going to turn against the Koran, but they will turn against factions that violate the Koran.
If they fight religious wars with each other, its not because they think the Koran is wrong. It's because they disagree on how it should be interpreted and believe that the other faction is violating the Koran.
Are you a galatian? That would explain.
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thats anons post in /lgbt/
>A Giantess shitting in a important monument
That is my fetish
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When we wanted to trash hillary or cruz we meme'd them we used him in pics to make them fools.

We can't win without memes and we can't meme without depicing the characters. We need consolidated characters to make fun of.

Make all kinds of memes with this unified traits.
Then shitpost those memes until normies adopt them and force the MSM to cover them.

Every time that a muslim attack happens we will flood the internet with this images. Plus, if we make this mainstream we get a guaranteed mudslime chimpout.

Let's do this /pol/.
Just learned about /dvg/ and think it's a great idea.

what do you guys think can be done on social media? Shouldn't we have a fake twitter/fb/insta that would follow all islamist profiles with an islamist-like handle/name that would spread the buttsex love?

I think we should inject the pro-homo messages inside general-purpose everyday islam, in order not to be blocked. Maybe even have an account that wouldn't do any of this, but a full islamic profile that would just post quran quotes.

>main account
pro-islam, sometimes pro-isis, reposts account below
>/dvg/ account
pro islam, sometimes pro-buttsex, followed by main account
>follower base
shitton of fake arabs that would just repost both accounts

Then we pick up arab normies during islamists holiday and while our islamist hashtags trend (we need at least to have SOME shitty mudslimes to follow our shit)
I mean we create the accounts of type #3 so our subversion profiles have a base. Nobody would follow someone with a dozen of follows.

we could use the Five Pillars of Islam against them
Might be an unpopular opinion but I think this is important: The hastag "ISisGay" is not catchy, and I don't think it is likely to catch on. It doesn't have the lyrical sound that things like "Pissgate" and "BLMKidnapping" do.

The fact that we're using IS *is* Gay and IS is also called ISIS is confusing and I don't think normies will like it.

What about something like #ISISLGBTQ or #ISISGayRights

It's more straightforward and I think more likely to stick in people's minds when they come across it while scrolling mindlessly through the twatters.

What do you think?
While I like the idea of messing with Isis, there already is a cult of homosexuality in Islam and has been for centuries. Do you know what catamites are? You need a better idea, no one will give a shit about this.












Won't hurt to have a place B as well.
How about a synchronised kebab removal in your local area, with pics or it never actually immigrated here, just rumors of kebab that never arrived, rough seas, blame global warming?

#ISILisGay (like this the most so far, I think, since there's no IS-is-ISIS mess)
#DaeshIsGay (calling ISIS "Daesh" gets the attention of neocons funding ISIS - shills like Kerry and McCain are the only ones who use "Daesh")

I'll keep brainstorming!
so what do you propose, Raul? To make up some muhhamad anecdotes that would make him look "badass" on the first glimpse but a degenerate monster once you give it a minute?
what if we trick them into loving boipussi?
Distraction porn?
also are we in full-Shadilay maode?
Shadilay on?
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Happy to see this is still going strong since last night. Have we had any success in our outreach program to the other boards?

Has anyone tried /baph/?

The logic path of /pol/:

2016 --> Meme War I
2017 --> Meme Crusade I
2018 --> World Domination

Anithing. You can directly make shamefull anecdotes. The trap is that once you see the image you can't really take it away from your mind and muslims can't contest that image with one better because it's against their religion.

You idea is very cleaver though. I think the priority is to take back what we lost. The mainstream media censors these kind of images just like the muslims want. They even pixelated charlie hebdo draw when the massacre happened. We have to make this images mainstream and then we can meme what we want.

We need a content. Drawings in different styles with the characters. Coomic book panels with them. We need a lot of content we can spam with. If anyone is good at drawing or good at making stories make them.



You gave youself away. Fuck off.
>Gay Sis

Sounds like a siscon hashtag
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That's a brilliant idea Turk.

We still need an identifiable "hole" we can dive down, seems that hasn't changed yet.

Those sand fucks did a pretty good job keeping their rat's nest hidden.
Ok, see you on Tuesday, under the big clock on Lebanon High Street.
We should include some resources in the OP, like, how to use a VPN, a Photoshop / Gimp tutorial, maybe a script to generate twitter accounts if it's been written yet.

Also, it's "Lügenpresse" (for the next OP)
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True, but no one is going to think that presented in the right context

IE pictures and videos of terrorists fucking each other.
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have we abandoned the fake killings angle?

Holy shit, you're a paragon of your overall inferior race
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>what if we trick them into loving boipussi?

That was the point of asking /lgbt/ here >>106773097

Thread got 22 replies (mostly by pol) before being deleted. One good hint was asking /hm/

Several anons in these threads also pointed out that they are triggered easy on sexuality and virility matters.

RT was doing a good job with this
> https://www.rt.com/news/233563-raqqa-viagra-isis-report/
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is there a template for le meme ball?
I realise theses are terrible, but I was drunk and using MSpaint
Ok, here are some names.

Abu Bakr al-baghdadi-caliph and leader

Abd al-rahman mustafa al-qaduli-senior operative

Abu Mohammed al-adnani- senior spokesman

We have frustratingly little to work with.

Why not trolling them with fake news about their affiliates?


i don't think so, all turks I met were white as the germans
b u m p
I'll be creating a fake article on homosexual sultans (sultans are especially important because they are also caliphs) and how they had regular gay sex, and had castrated boys in their harems. Both in English and Turkish I suppose.
Not bad, Nusret.
I can translate it to Arabic once you're done.
religion is just autistic shitposting so maybe its the only way
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Kek wills it.
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Also, those might help

And I recall that one sultan that was approached by an Austrian boy because the boy "knew that all Turks were pederasts" but I can't seem to find that now
bumping for gay isis
Thanks senpai

Jester is a fag, but this tool he made may come in handy. It observes all incoming twitter traffic and tries to isolate jihadi's. Calls it "dronebait".

We can use this to find out who some of the most prolific posters for ISIS are, The most prolific may have the most followers which means the most reach, so use it for Targeting.
getting paid in lulz
has the spamming begun yet?
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so wats the plan?
Ideas for memes:

- Rumors about how ISIS recruits are being turned into homosexual sex slaves because there aren't enough women. "Every ISIS recruit has to take it up the butt from their commander for the first month."

- ISIS is controlled by the Jews. It's secretly a Zionist organization posing as a Muslim one. Mossad agents were discovered fighting on behalf of ISIS.

- Use their religious prophecies against them. Find someone who knows a bunch about that shit. Just like Christians are afraid of 666, etc., there's got to be the same thing on their side. Spread memes that fit ISIS into their end-of-world prophecies as the bad guy.
- John Kerry and Obama really did found ISIS. It's secretly a U.S. controlled organization. Fighters are branded on their penis with the mark of the devil.
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put some blur on your flag homie
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Impressive, you're doing gods work
- Start a fake online war between ISIS and other radical Islamic groups or radical Imams. Use fake ISIS accounts to start condemning and attacking the other Islamic groups, threatening them, etc. Pick out a few Imams and troll them as if you were ISIS until those Imams start condemning ISIS. Generally keep doing this until they are all fighting with each other.
not a bad idea
- Create and circulate fake fatwas from prominent religious leaders in various countries about ISIS. Make them about insane shit that ISIS supposedly does.
Guys we need a new "Pepe", a face that we can use for shoops, is demoralizing for our foe, and represents our movement

Anon here has the right idea
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Contributing Fashy aesthetic memes to the cause.
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Thanks, turkbro
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>it will take a lot longer than a week
have faith, little one
This should be facing the left, so as to gun down the cucks.
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Copypasta'd onto the_donald
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Upvote this shit on plebbit so we can increase our meme production
I can't find it. Did it get deleted?
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>ID "SloB"

Maybe it's just because you're lazy
Dunno, might have been. I'll repost
Okay what do you niggers need translated?
No, found it
How can us unskilled autists help out here? I'll admit my only contribution to the Trump memery was through a few burner Twitter accounts and MSPaint. Is there anything I can do for the cause that doesn't require Arabic?
Fuck this is nice to look at
All I wanted to do was help :(
Just stay active, stuff will definitely come up
Someone responded to the Reddit post with this link:


Seems to be some tool that you can use to intercept social media posts. Might be helpful for finding a rabbit hole.

Also, I always hear about suspected terrorists posting on "Islamic radical message boards", we should join some of these and post frank questions or experiences about gay in ISIS, to make it seem like people in the faction are actually talking about this stuff.
Is there at all a chance for us to pay homage to /sg/ by pinpointing a military base in Syria owned by ISIS for the Russians to blow up?

See if you can find/make posts on these message boards. You should probably use tor/seven proxies though
>Everything we do is worthless unless it can become prominent on the egyptian web. You might be able to recruit someone from the egyptian board from double-chan, but that's the only Arabic speaking community close to us at the moment.
I second this. /egy/ on 8ch is your only hope of getting anywhere, it's full of degenerates though, that could be good or bad depending on what you want to do
I could contribute by writing a few posts for IS message boards claiming to be IS members that have fallen victim to gay shit. I won't post them myself however.
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'found' this article on Wapo
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We could always try to track locations based on postings by militants/headfigures and contact authorities like what happened in the /SG/ thread that called in that airstrike

you want to help memecrusading?
take some posts here with good ideas and translate them into native arabic for the sake of kek, so that others could use them to meme IS into nirvana.
use Gimp instead of MSpaint
here is a tut for you my unskilled autist comrade:



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Cool idea, remember the Taliban already has problems with boy rapes in their culture.

It's probably even worse than the Roman Catholic Church.
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what's hashtags ISIS uses?
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I have submitted a new urban dictionary definition for 'Takbir'

Ownership verification via BTC:

>An interjection used to express the desire to participate in a homosexual orgy.
>Participants shout an interjection of elation in return as means of expressing consent.

>Allliwat 'Akbar! (Means sodomy is the greatest.)

Waiting for confirmation. Praise kek.
I increasingly think that being a tool of the kikes is probably the best course of action. Unprovable either direction, it will cause seeds of doubt. "And yet again today, ISIS has done absolutely nothing about jews, which is identical to every single other day since the beginning of ISIS. ISIS is an arm of Mossad, working diligently to further the cause of their Hebrew masters."

Worst case scenario is kikes feel the blow back of the OP. Nothing of value lost.
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tfw /pol/ gives a shit about nothing
Implying that over half of sand niggers aren't illiterate.
Danke schoen, Hans
you sir, are a true hero

youre welcome mr.smith
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finally, deus vult
How about mohammad?
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t. adams
Scott Adams replied to this thread via twitter

>If 4chan goes to meme-war with ISIS, I believe they can A/B test to the win. But their first approach is a miss. See me for upgrade.
Scott Adams literally just called all of you fucking retards and said he could do a better job of taking ISIS by himself.
let's create more HIV memes for ISIS, I'll work something out.

HIV is a huge problem in the islamic state, many people who return from jihad were infected with hiv because the IS forbids the use of condoms
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I love how we are seriously discussing memeing ISIS to hell. Praise fucking Kek for this glorious year.
we need more ally rgiht now, as long he can help then he can say what he want
/int/'s MENA faggots are mostly muslims, they won't go too far even if they hate ISIS. 8ch /egy/ are mostly atheists and edgelords, you'll have a better chance with them
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Suck my dick, Scott
fuck your english is bad, upside down poland
Scott Adams is a naysayer who just plays safe 24/7 and jumps on whatever bandwagon he sees making progress.
His job is deception. To him facts literally do not matter, that's what he said on Joe Rogan's show. It's all about taking advantage of narratives.
Someone would tweet him, maybe he can give us some artwork
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He takes both sides of every issue so he can never be wrong. The crazy part is many people don't seem to notice and actually think he's smart.
Why are we giving a shit about ISIS anyway?
They're not going to be a thing anymore once the US funding dries up and Trump starts backing Assad.

ISIS is fucking over.
What the fuck are we doing here?

Shouldn't we be attacking the jews? The jewish media? (((Hollywood)))? Anti-white liberal scum?

What a waste of time and possibly a distraction from the mainstream shitshow.
We could easily strike a killing blow on the corrupt jewish media, instead we're talking about creating funny mee mees about a fringe group that's going to be disbanded in 2017.

Is this a jewish trick?
He's persuading you, moron. Don't trust a word he says
Someone draw up a Dilbert comic starring Mohammed. Say he made it and send it to ISIS. That'll teach him to fuck with us.

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I have an idea.
Let's change the purpose of these threads to ruin Scott Adam's life
>It misjudges the fluidity of their sexual preferences

What the fuck does that even mean?
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What if we spam them with trap porn with arabic quotes supporting feminine cocks / traps arent gay.and like x ray pictures that show penis under burkas
(((Hollywood))) ---> China
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In Iran, search terms revealed a burgeoning appetite for gay pornography, despite protests by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that there were "no gays" in the fundamentalist Islamic state ruled over by strict shariah law.
Yet the presence of "daddy love" at No 4 in the [xxx] search chart belies the president's bombastic denial.

"Hotel businessman (gay)", "Iranian (gay)" and "shower (gay)" in the top 10 hint that Iran has more homosexuals in it than the president thinks

In Libya the most searched XXX term was "gay silver daddies" despite homosexuality being outlawed and a strong Islamist presence there. In total, 30 percent of the most popular sex search terms were gay-related in the north African country.

For “ass sex,” Saudi Arabia comes first, followed directly by Egypt and Morocco. Most common language is Arabic
Is he talking about us or ISIS? Goddamn it's so fucking persuasive I can't get to the bottom of it

It rhymes son

Goddammit now I have this stuck on Rebecca Black's "Friday" in my head.
The world isn't that simple. Not every issue is binary black/white. A lot of times both sides are right and we have the illusion that we've picked a side and the others are wrong. Fuck off.
Shut the fuck up, Scott. Retard
>Trump is going to win
>Trump isn't going to win
Gee, I can't tell which one is wrong. I think he is going to both lose and win at the same time.
Oh, look, he won. Told you so!

Sounds like advertising that ISIS being a gay sex Bavarian might backfire then and increase recruitment.
You anons are not understanding the power of what I said here:

Do any of you know Jesus? How do you picture it in your minds? A white guy with long light brown hair with an angelical face? You picture it that way because some roman painter 1000 years ago invented that popular culture image.
We can do the same for these goatfuckers the images we invent today can be in history books 1000 years from now. But the thing is:


We can't meme an abstract person. We need an image. What do you fuckers believe it's forbidden in their religion to do it? Because you can't attack it if you can't depicit.

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Someone needs to make a mohammad caricature like the jew one.
Trappish anon here wondering what I can do for the cause

How can I use my body to help you
Make twitter accounts saying that you want to be a recruit BECAUSE they're turning gay.
do you want pictures of muhammed or allah?
Throw it off a building
anons here don't realise there are many different types of Arabic. Make sure your socks have the right storyline / persona to match the type of Arabic they are speaking / writing.
Make trap/gay sex memes dressed as isis with an isis flag in the background. We can write the captions. Don't even need your face.
bald comic persuasion man reckons we're on the wrong path with this ISIS gay meme. Someone pick his brain and post back (I'm about to go out)
We need some Islam insider who gives us lines from the quran that can be interpreted into saying that gay sex is allowed. there has te be something because most muslims are gay

hop into a IS camo buy a billomobilephone with bad camera and make a video fucking a goat dont forget to cover ur face :^D
>The war has to be against Islam

Niggers, the primary tactic in this op is to hurt IS's recruitment via disinfo, how are we going to convince young Rashid that it's gay to be a militant if we alienate him by shitting on his religion?
Yeah you can meme an image into reality. I think of that Danish cartoon with the bomb in the turban one. But yeah idolatry is forbidden. If you go to Saudi one thing you'll notice is there are no statues at all anywhere.

We need unified version of them so we can meme

Imagine a meme of muhammad with the cool clock ahmed, with every trrorist attack, any muslim news a caricature we could us to make musim born kids to want to have nothing to do with it. To not want to be related with them the same way fat people don't want to be compared to fat bastard from austin powers.
new thread needed
do we want a petite feminine mohammed who takes the dick or an old ugly fuck mohamed who likes to rape goats?

ISIS are basically the anon equivalent of the Mohammed world.
This is our greatest challenge yet. Fighting an enemy who is psychologically similar to us.
They don't give a fuck about anybody's judgement of them. They have shunned everything. They are more anon than us anons in a way.

How would you fuck with an anon? How would you break an anon's spirit?

That is a tricky question.

We call each other faggots all day. They probably have similar banter in a different way.

We feed off people hating us. So do they in a different way.

One thing for sure, if someone calls me a faggot I'm like haha kys cunt. No effect. I don't even know what would break me.

A bit introspection trip is required for this, which is a dangerous thing since enemies of ours are monitoring this thread and if we spill the beans on what'd break us, that could be used against us.

Meme that Muhammad first wife started Islam, he started the religion with her money. Also he was in his 20's and she was close to 50 when they married. He started Islam on her death
Like you said they are different. They are more afraid of a woman killing them than a man because they buy into spooky religious BS. They are afraid of bullets rubbed in pig's blood. Calling them gay is a much more effective insult than calling an anon gay.
Someone make a new thread!!! AAAAAAAAH
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