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/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 83

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/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

Story so far:
/pol/ tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
Stefan Molyneux Challenges 4chan to takedown ISIS
A dubbs post decided to accept
A tripps confirmed our cause
A quadds confirmed that we are going to war
Molyneux sees that we accept his challenge, thus confirming he’s one of us.

Ideas on our strategy so far:
1.Target ISIS online presence
2. Demoralize ISIS sympathizers
3. Point out any ISIS sympathizers
4. Create believable stories involving ISIS (slander)
5. Take all that we know of conspiracies and meme them into existence

Theories for a battleplan:
1. Create perspective that ISIS has links to pedophile rings in the middle east
2. Create idea that ISIS is having a powerstruggle due to the soldiers discovering outside influence
3. Investigate ties from ISIS to the Middle eastern Governments (show support and donations)
4. Create the story that Middle eastern govts have ties to ISIS
5. Isis is a gay paradise
6. Attack from a isreal influence angle

What you can do:
Bump the thread
Create memes
Spread the word (/k/, /sg/, make other threads linking to this one, etc.)

1.Ignore all shills
2. Although we are at war with the Luggenpresse, we can fight a war on two fronts
3. By going to war and imploding/destroying ISIS we can expose any conspiracy theories (US Influence) to be true
4. DO NOT click on unarchived links, shills are trying to get clicks on their websites

A strawpoll will be posted with our strategy, it will last through to threads

We need more memes and presence to be safely established.
War has been declared /pol/.
This will be our first international military campaign.
Will you answer the call?
Previous thread
straw where
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Battle cry from last thread
making it
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where does isis have a large presence online? twitter. we need to make some sort of hashtag that will become popular.
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that good?
Telegram twitter reddit facebook the whole normshitpages
search for koran quaran Dschihad/Jihad posts to spot some dumb ones to start with ^^
Hi again :)

Reposting glorious anon

i would prefer

#MISSA = Make IS Straight Again

not too obvious^^
Okay so what are we doing?

I like the isis is gay paradise one
>not knowing your audience
Hashtags must be in Arabic or the durkas won't even find out
Agree on a theme, and I or the Syrian anon would translate it
one morr
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here it is. excellent work. how do we make this info seep into the memeosphere?
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posty mcposter pants from previous thread, I'm bumping because my job has demanding hours.

Dont let this slide, /pol/. We strike ISIS and we will be international heroes.

do not let this go quietly, and remember we need allies who speak the language.

Many more of you are far more competent that I am, keep your eyes open, and keep thinking.

After all, we have a week, right?
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Ankles for allah.png
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If you could help us translate some of our ideas to arabic so we appear more genuine, we need to find where they hide in the internet and then trigger them to lash out so we can presicion strike them
Fair enough... will a pic like this work and the general hashtag has been #anklesforallah though any new arabic ones would be welcomed.
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imply that submission is dick

We need to imply that they are all MRA tier women haters who can't get fucking laid

see r9k or your personal life for inspiration

and I'm out
Give me what to translate
I second this. ISIS is gay angle would destroy their masculinity and lessen fear of them in the West. In their culture masculinity is everything, if their faggotry is publicized they would be shunned by every Muslim nation.
if you translate it my fellow friend what do think about #deathtogayleaders #deathtoharamabusers

make some own guesses in arabic and translate them in english so that we can upvote one later when the fellowfags are awake again ^^
I've made a first strawpoll, remember we may make another one.
be sure to comment your idea if you want a different path.
Our goal is the destruction of ISIS through meme magic.
choose wisely.
where do you find so good looking feets ?

Stay focus, keep your fetish for later
Reposting Strawpoll

they have models for that shit
Its a work-in-progress yet. Any ideas how to trigger an ISIS member? Maybe rumors about there being openly gay members "hidden" in their ranks?
Their is a discord. Just taking ammo from their and reposting it here to see what may work.
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>Remember /sg/ succesfully bombed ISIS not once but twice
>/pol/ elected Trump
>/dtg/ created the story of pissgate and succesfully manipulated cnn and buzzfeed
anything is possible
DESU I think the pedo thing won't work as ISIS is a bunch of sick fucks and probably, most likely, rape children of their conquered.

We would need to disrupt their recruitment not try and go for their already established force.

One user suggested that we use Quran verses to show how un-Islamic ISIS is.

We need to make a point not to degrade Islam in general because this would just help ISIS. ISIS loves it when we oppress or make fun of Muslims.

In the previous thread I suggested something along the lines of what this leddit user did http://archive.is/qVT8o and what Syria general did to help Ivan bomb some moderates. Our focus would have to be in Western Nations instead of in Syria and Iraq though.

Main thing is we need easy to consume memes with little text big messages.
How could we make their leaders suspicious about eachother? If we get to their chain of command that would be awesome
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We need to turn these faggots against each other. Create internal conflict.
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I love you beautiful bastards. We need to make this happen. No, we will make this happen. These goddamn goatfuckers have been a thorn in western civilizations side for too long. They must be dealt with and dealt with swiftly. If our leaders cannot or will not do it then it must be us.

It will make a deserved gift for Trump's inauguration.

Keep this going, the gauntlet has been thrown, less than seven days to eliminate kebab.

Deus Vult!!!
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you forgot this one m8 /sg/ we need youre help
results so far of strawpoll
25 % Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporte... (6 votes)
25 % Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sy... (6 votes)
16.67 % Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle ... (4 votes)
12.50 % Create a narrative that isreal has ties to ISIS... (3 votes)
12.50 % Investigate possible ties to the CIA and suppor... (3 votes)
8.33 % Explore other options: make sure to comment you... (2 votes)
0 % Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring t... (0 votes)
24 total votes.
keep voting
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convince them they are using taqiyya against eachother
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Fact: /pol/acks are the most powerful race in the world.
I don't even approve of the movement to convince ISIS supporters to do haram things, they'll just shake their heads and ignore us
Nevertheless, it would be #كواحل_لله
But that would sound weird so it would better be #كواحل_لأجل_الأمة (Ankles for the Ummah)

You might be onto something with those
Although Arabic hashtags tend to express a statement rather than a call
Let's just develop the idea further

taqiyya is a meme

جميل اني الاقي عربي تاني هنا
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/pol/, you've done it again
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sure it is
Someone needs to remake the ISIS flag black flag with some faggot message. Everyone who doesn't speak Arabic won't be able to tell the difference.
Easy as fuck

Get goatfuckers leaders names and make publicity that let say (abu hadi) is working with the Syrian gov and he's providing them into. This way they make him a traitor and kill him


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We need to be combing social media for possible threats.
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Some anon mentioned making fake ISIS videos last thread. Get someone to make a (joke or not) ISIS gay porn tape? Spam the screencaps all over the net. Ultimate humiliation.
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second source ;)
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Reminder of the glorious slav
Think it would be better to show they are all closet gays?

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How aren't you dead?
isis doesnt exist, its just a bunch of private military companies under the banner of a strawman who may or may not believe in the stuff "isis" preaches, funded by USA, israel and saudi arabia in order to destabilize the region, create the refugee crisis, and stabilize the petrodollarsystem.

why else would those fearless warriors under gods protection not even dare to actively attack israel, even though reclaiming the holy land should be top priority for them. why else is it that one of those "rebell groups" dissappear another emerges instantly if it isnt because they got withdrawn funding as soon as they become a liability and another recieved it instead making the PMCs switch sides.

there, isis destroyed in 5 minutes of typing. that molyneux guy underestimates us
If we can make it to at least one major news source with information for homosexual acts by isis members it is game over. They will literally have an internal war.
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Would they damage control as much as they do here?

I also have an idea. Its probably shit. Could we hide something within writing? Like the time we wrote white power and day of the rope shit in cursive so niggers would just see a trayvon martin memorial post on facebook?
I like the can't get laid angle. We need to counter their talking points so that when vulnerable people watch the videos or try to get recruited they think of our memes instead.

We could also attack some fringe cultural things into the main stream. Like the Afghanistan boy rape culture.
maybe #Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi betrayed us

give me some examples that i can mimic an arabic shitpost m8
Infact I saw a news article today that was about their leader, I'll check it out if there were any other names on it
This, vote in the strawpoll
how new are you?

Explain more pls

Do so
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kek is out lord.jpg
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It's done. If I get banned for this then it was for a worthy cause. I also feel like a faggot.
I bet he's like an hour
also this
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Keep brainstorming, this is our time to fight back
>Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring that connects every single country in the Middle East

Everyone knows that they are pedophiles, the only thing it can do is redpill some people about it, but it won't affect ISIS at all

>Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sympathizer to do haram things (#anklesforallah,#mammariesforMossad)

It won't work neither, ISIS sympathizers are not this much stupid, maybe some muslimah will do it, but not the jihadis ones, it will just piss them off a little

>Create a narrative that israel has ties to ISIS and has full control over their actions

Already tried, and they even did an article about it in their news paper to say that the only reason why they don't attack Israel is not because they are created by them, but because it would be nationalist solidarity with Palestine, which is forbidden in islam

>Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporters left to keep as sex slave so theyve turned to homosex

Again, good idea but it will just give them a bad reputation, which they already have

>Investigate possible ties to the CIA and support coming from other muslim countries (find donations and support)

Yes this is an actual good idea, we know that a lot of countries support ISIS economically, but normies don't know it, we could redpill them bigly

>Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle within the ISIS command

Good idea too

>Explore other options: make sure to comment your ideas

I think we should approeach ISIS sympathizers online, twitter and facebook, not direct ISIS sympathizers, because it would make us in trouble with secrets services, but with the salafists groups on social medias, there are a lot of them, they all support ISIS but will not say it directly to not be deported, we could approach some of these people and fuck them good
This idea is so stupid looking back at all the lynchings of gay people done by ISIS. It would never gain momentum, the idea is doomed from the start.
Is this legit?
You glorious bastard well done

good work anon.

praise kek (peace be upon him)
It's decided then. ISIS is fucking gay. We can meme this. If vids leak and are mentioned by the MSM their image is ruined.
Like you know how reporters or websites damage control when something bites them in the ass by saying it wasnt fully proven or some shit. Are middle eastern media outlets like that?

post it on facebook reddit twitter and so on with fake accounts in brittain netherlands italy and spain most of the inetusing isisfags speak english and many many dumbfags are in brittain and germany and belgium be creative
Can't we find a flaw in their doctrine?
Jews say Mary was a whore I won't continue..
No not yet, we need more voters on the straw poll. By the end of this thread it shall be decided
Meme the angle that ISIS are just a bunch of controlled monkeys running around in the desert doing whatever the bigger powers want. If you can meme that everything they do is in the interest of Isreal or the US or will take the wind it if their sails.
Also if i don't agree with the first options, it's because i've been in that war for a while now, like you know, we have a real islam probleme in France, and even online there are a lot of them, i've been hunting these fuckers for months, they always hide as simple sunni muslims (it doesn't exist), but if you dig and dig, you can make them say that they support ISIS ideology, and then they're fucked
Nah I don't think so. They wouldn't care
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And what is this then?
not if isis starts to believe they have more gay people under their own sheets and start lynching each other
It's not.
>the "anti-gay people are the most gay" meme isn't wrong
What will be our Strategy to destroy/implode ISIS? Remember our goal is set to be accomplished in one day.

26.67 % Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporte... (16 votes)
20 % Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle ... (12 votes)
13.33 % Create a narrative that isreal has ties to ISIS... (8 votes)
13.33 % Investigate possible ties to the CIA and suppor... (8 votes)
13.33 % Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sy... (8 votes)
8.33 % Explore other options: make sure to comment you... (5 votes)
5 % Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring t... (3 votes)
60 total votes
Agreed. We can't attack them directly. The power here is ideas. We need to spread ideas that destroy their reason for fighting. Make it seem like they are someone's bitch or that their leader just wants personal power.
completly agree, that's truly stupid, ISIS soldiers are not this much stupid
There is a difference between a bad reputation and a fag reputation.
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took er geeebs
>Now we just need a couple faggots that could pass as ME heritage

CASTING CALL: 2 sodomites with tiny dicks and ass cracks completely full of hair. Preferably look like you would smell like rust in person.

Basically, we need two average Turks.
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Godspeed, Hungrybro. May KEK shower you with significant digits.
If kek wills it, then I shall join in this crusade.

good start, but obviously fake
To high quality...needs to literally be shot inside of a mudshack.

someone go to those dating sites for faggots and search for arab ethnicity
23.61 % Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporte... (17 votes)
19.44 % Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle ... (14 votes)
13.89 % Investigate possible ties to the CIA and suppor... (10 votes)
13.89 % Create a narrative that isreal has ties to ISIS... (10 votes)
12.50 % Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sy... (9 votes)
11.11 % Explore other options: make sure to comment you... (8 votes)
5.56 % Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring t... (4 votes)
The chance of this actually happening is so small it would be a complete waste of time pursuing it.

I recognise that a few may be closet homosexuals. But I don't expect them to be any more than that - closeted.

And an Is flag certainly wouldn't be in the frame... only glimpsed at most.
looking for source material.... is not pleasant. We should pick a new angle. Or find a fag anon
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond
pls respond
>pls respond

We could talk about female mutilation and say that once you enter ISIS, your testosterone is so used that you can't satisfy a female, so to keep them under control, you have to mutilate them, something along those lines.
Someone started a thread in LGBT to recruit for a gay movie scene
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put me in the screencap
Daily reminder the Catholic Church created Islam as depicted in this comic:
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Fuck 3. We attack from as many angles as we can dream up. Eventually things will begin to stick
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updated the second source, fake was too obvious. extended "story highlights" to fuck them even more
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i made 2 variations of the /pol/ war flag

We need a multi-pronged approach, really. I know this whole thing is only supposed to last a day and all but let's be realistic... at the very least we need several combined attack angles and a week to do any lasting damage to ISIS
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Version 2.png
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Daily reminder that we should permarangeban Canada.
This one looks nicer imo

nice work anon, I vote this one
>is not pleasant
Back to mining images mudslimes buttfucking, leaf friend. Honestly though, I admire your commitment. Leafs have been seriously in the trenches so far. Almost reminds me of WWI when UK/US ended up getting the credit for your work.
Homosexuality in Arab culture is a bit different.
I don't know the details of the lynchings or how those gay people were being gay, but it's possible to spin this in a way plausible and commonplace enough to believe.

Good repo of ISIS accounts:
Use those for examples

Brehs, it's pretty close to 5 in the fucking morning and I should go to sleep. I'll post again on this general tomorrow, please let me know if you want to ask something about Arab culture/Islam or want something translated

Stay safe and don't get arrested
any fags in the middle east willing to dress up as durkas and record "initiation videos" for "ISIS" while shouting durks?
spread these everywhere
you're right, we could just do every single options at the same time, it would just require more time of preparation
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See >>106709460
sorry im right now trying to come up with ideas and manage reporting the poll, i voted frame them for being gay. i believe in the wrong one it will deter people from joining.
itll be easy to accomplish to due to movement on twitter tumblr andnews stories people can draft and share on facebook.
in the long run it will deter people from joining and overall may make people leave
Internal powerstruggle could work. And why just do one thing? I honestly believe that the gay stuff would trigger them really hard, please keep in mind that we are talking about muslims, it would not do much if we were facing a western enemy, but muslims and gay sex...? Maybe photoshop some higher officer in totally haram situation?
brilliant but check yr typos.
"loses" not "looses", and "belief" not "believe"
I think the idea is more about associating ISIS with fag culture than making them question themselves. Right now the West fears them because of the image they made for themselves. This is about destroying their reputation and making the West ridicule them. If successful, members will be deterred from joining and the group will appear to be a mockery of Islam.
no, not now, it's too soon, we need to have a lot more before spamming it into trending
Ok I have a new idea.

Similar to how we totally owned the retarded msm with pissgate today.

Get one of the arab speaking anons in here to draft a written "confession" of all his faggotry in ISIS.

Leak it to arab media (are they as retarded as Western media?)

ISIS has to appear tough and brutal to bring in recruits. Their brutality is their propaganda.

To break it you must either

1) Make their brutality appear ridiculous / farcical hypocritical in some way

2) Make the organization itself appear wimpy / cowardly / sissy / lazy etc

The gay angle some annons are suggesting is only one way towards the END goal of delegitimizing their toughness / brutality.

So perhaps we should start connecting them to the wimpiest movements in existence.

Like say ISIS = Muslim Hippys ?
put swastikas and ill be happy
Can some graphic designer anon make a "psa" where an initiation to join isis is genital mutilation?
>they already have a bad name

For doing awful shit. If they get a bad rep for not being able to get pussy, that's different.
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kek approves the other one, what shall we do
THIS, in both sex

like something like "keep your manhood" or something like that
We should also leak to western media as some are so desperate for a story they essentially never fact check so long as it get clicks.
24.39 % Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporte... (20 votes)
19.51 % Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle ... (16 votes)
14.63 % Create a narrative that isreal has ties to ISIS... (12 votes)
13.41 % Investigate possible ties to the CIA and suppor... (11 votes)
12.20 % Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sy... (10 votes)
9.76 % Explore other options: make sure to comment you... (8 votes)
6.10 % Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring t... (5 votes)
82 total votes.
Lol enjoy Hell heretic

I suppose that's true. I will not be one to defy kek's will.

Unless this post gets trips, we'll have to go with the first one.
The gay thing wont work. It is to obviously an attack from the west.

Dont attack their faith. Internal conflict is the key. It is believable because it happens already and both factions we create can maintain their faith.
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dog bj.jpg
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fucking hate Justine so much.... I should just hit up immigration.ca forums I'm sure there's plenty of source material there....
We could get the ball rolling and i bet we could even get tumblr fags to start making yaoi porn and shit.
I'd say faggotry is sissier. I don't think they would be triggered enough to react by simply saying they hug trees and promote peace.
gn8 fellowfag
yeah you're right, we can do every options at the same time, but what about the idea to approach ISIS sympathizers online and betray them by reporting them in masse ?
What did kek mean by this?
Before I go:
Someone make a pastebin for the OP
Should also include approved texts and Arabic translations thereof
Deus vult and good night
can someone post on /k/ and /x/?
/k/ tried to mount their own invasion not to long ago and im sure theyll want to help.
/x/ has said before they want in on the meme magic.
guys we need help if we want to do this in one week.
Take your place in the movement and reach out for allies
I Agree, never took the one day approach seriously either.

I must confess that I haven't got the largest knowledge on Arab culture itself, mostly on the immigrants that come to Europe. However, since that's the culture they bring along, it can't be that much different - and they are usually extremely homophobic up here, to say the least.

Nothing is going to stop ISIS except for them questioning themselves, internal struggles, or a mass extinction. And I vote in favour of the first two options, seeing as I (we) have limited possibility for the latter.
What do you think about the gay rumors anon? Could they really work? I only know that the subject is very different in our cultures

we need a graphics designer anon to make a psa

something that will prevent any new recruits....like to join they make you take female hormones to be more submissive
its been done before, it wont destroy isis itll just be a nuciance.

Our goal is to end them.
Deus Vult
The gay thing seems more like a morale booster to the west than an attack on ISIS.

Isn't it not gay in Islam if you are the one giving?
what did he mean by this? 44
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>genital mutilation

Or scar their butthole with a knife, to prevent enjoying buttsex.

Bonus point for easy infection every time they poop.
Not believable. Need something else. The last thing they would want is a sissy fighter.
if we spin it correctly, i just had an idea:
what if we perpetuate that new male teenage recruits are forced to be sex slaves due to the lack of women
holy shit
tell me what you think
It can work anon. But we need more info/matrial about this matter.

Did /lgbt/ respond yet?


>>106711144 >>106712344


What did he mean?????
I need to do this in every store I go to.
someone suggested to try /hm/ for help with gay porn so someone should make it.
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Men tell me what you think of this idea?
You could mask it in innuendo so it's not obvious but implied.

what about something like you are expected to submit to and get raped by any isis officers
Why not go as far as including children, seeing as they use them both for propaganda and military as well?
Hillary and her ilk fund ISIS. Israel funds ISIS. ISIS is literally CIA and Mossad, plus terrorist groups from north and east Africa all the way up up turkey.

This is a cute little project but we will not influence this shit.
Sounds too direct. I think you could easily tell that it's a fake. Remember they are Muslim.
25.53 % Paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporte... (24 votes)
19.15 % Manipulate the possibility of a power struggle ... (18 votes)
12.77 % Investigate possible ties to the CIA and suppor... (12 votes)
12.77 % Create a narrative that isreal has ties to ISIS... (12 votes)
12.77 % Start a movement on twitter to convince ISIS sy... (12 votes)
8.51 % Explore other options: make sure to comment you... (8 votes)
8.51 % Frame ISIS for being part of a pedophile ring t... (8 votes)
votes so far.
im calling it that making isis gays deprived of women will win the cookie
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Something along these lines maybe? >>106712899
I didnt notice if they answered yet, did Hungary anon who made the thread there follow it through?

This gay stuff could be one possibility, at the very least they would have to start looking for a person who started the rumors, right?

Nice now we need to get this spreading on social media

what hashtag should we use?
syriabro pls gib answers
were you the one who posted on /k/ or /sg/?
if not we need all the help and notoriety we can
Isis is gay and will be exposed for it
We out here,boys.
Yes. It'll work and they won't trust each other with their gay sex lels
Can Syria anon pls translate this to arabic and if German anon could make arabic article as well. Lets get the rumors going on, slowly and painfully chipping away their confidence untill they do something stupid to expose themselves
>pol using grindr to take down ISIS

what fucking timeline am i in?
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>Attack from a isreal influence angle

That's the best idea. ISIS going rogue on israel will give the best results as israels retaliation on them will be savage.

Maybe the gay angle could work too as there is a thriving gay scene in israel and if isis could be provoked in to a degenerate cleansing jihad op on israeli soil.


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If only I knew, anon
I think we need more "sources". Also I think I should rename the authors, as I didn't change the names. I modified a real article on the site for this, so the names are real. Gotta fix that, they could get in deep shit for that.
Maybe we could sell wrong news to them while the oil prices are volatile.

Here's a link to some gay news site about an actual Isis leader who was fucking some teenage boy. We can work off of this stuff and then continue with the fake news to push the agenda

what about #isistwinkbois ?
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Now we are fake news
i like this better

if there's a cozy spot for a swastika (inside/behind the 4chin logo?) then that would be based. if it doesn't work then this is perfect too
Not bad idea, maybe fake an article about new big oil discovery that will bring oil further down?
if digits both flags will be raised

not our problem they work for CNN and WAPO wtf is wrong with you my genuis fellowgermanfag
Just a reminder for those who haven't voted yet.
Could hijack the tranny term and use #icis
A Venezuelan recovery? OPEC members betraying themselves?
some news that new recruits must be fucked in thas for their initiation rite and bathed with pigblood? as a means for showing to Allah you are a repent sinner fighting for the cause and to prove your loyalty?
feel free to use the flag you want kek approves version 1 but most of you seem to like version 2 more, so feel free
Kek is telling you something.

We're now in an bewilderment situation.

Kek chose a flag and the people chose another one
>show some respect
>while they rape your daughters and your culture







we have a fellow estonian arab which comes back tommorow i go to sleep in a few mins, too.

check some more posts above he posted an arabtwitter acc i go read into it and then lets do it in a few hrs together we DONT have TO FORGET that this is a fully different culture compared to ours so when we start hashtagging shit we fuck this up be patient we have a week so lets use this time and dont overthrow this guys
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FINAL version. Names removed, added URL to real gay incident.
couldn't there be a lawsuit if something happens?
also, before spreading please check for exif data. shouldn't be any in it as I checked, but you never know...
Creating new thread opener, keep it going boys
How to create fake twitter without phone numero?
Fucking golden anon
Burner app

welcome newfag :^D
ISIS head has not been in publicfor years.Create distrust. Pose as ISIS supporters and raise questions about leadership.gay stuff are not going to work, they will just release another propaganda pushing people of roofs. We really need to target the top if we want to bring them down.
Both muslins and liberals aproves pedophilia so I guess that exposing it won't work
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Maybe have what >>106711758 suggested and include that they rape the people they execute beforehand.
Muslim rape slavery is already happening and being revealed so the idea that all the generals and soldiers sodomize these prisoners (especially the adult males) would be connecting something people know they do (execution) with something we could fabricate/make come to light (gay shit)

I think getting the fake confession or getting gayfags to look for sympathizers and even members on the gay dating sites could help this. It's a simple enough idea.
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Sry forgot pic
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I was thinking maybe we could contact a gay porn group to do some Isis inspired videos.

Or maybe there are already some porn videos of middle eastern fags fucking that one of us can dub over to make look like some Isos member shit. Have them say "I don't even care if the caliph finds out" or some shit like that.

You have to admit, ISIS GAY PORN can easily make headlines quick
ahahaha post yfw /pol/ btfo's ISIS by shitposting them and calling them gay, not extreme enough, and a jewish false flag holy shit I wonder if it'll work. Regardless, pics should be posted immediately. Any contact with towelheads should be posted here for us to judge and kek
not a newfag
Answer my question
thanks anon

Finaally a LEAF contributes something good ^^

Fuck, I wish I knew of that app ages ago...
top kek
Don't think it's gay in their book if you are giving. Sodomy in the name of jihad is halal i believe.
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msn com/en-us/news/video/hackers-hijack-isis-twitter-accounts-post-gay-porn/
I thnik we should goad them into trying a Muslim Tet offensive and get their shit pushed in

>picture of a gook
>"muslims strong?
>I don't tink so

>picture of gook
>"population of islam 1.6 billion
>population of vietcong 400,000
>vietcong free in 20 years
> islam slave after 1400"

>picture of gook
>"we rise up, we win
>islam rise up, islam lose"

remember when that monkey started a riot in whereverstan? we could literally tear these fucking mongrels entire society down with a troupe of well trained monkeys; memes are almost like unleashing wmd's on these fucks

ofc it can come to some legal issues for that (at least in germany for Urheberrechtsverletzung or Aufhetzung) and so on. Dude we have so many laws here in germany you could wipe your ass clean with all lawbooks for youre entire life(including youre family)
>/pol/ starts ISIS gay porn trend
>there are so many ISIS porn videos that pornhub ends up creating a special section for it
>name of ISIS is forever tarnished and associated with gay porn
God, what a timeline we live in.
>I was thinking maybe we could contact a gay porn group to do some Isis inspired videos.

Yah I can't see any gay porn companies risking putting themselves in the target of terroists
This is news to me, but I approve. Godspeed /pol/
Also if you are afraid of them finding out the IP from where you are posting
shitpost form a Starbucks
a place that has free wifi
fuck kek and fuck /pol/tards.
Nice. Maybe you could do a before and after joining pic. Make him look like a sissy or something in the after.
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>saying mean things about terrorists is illegal
then that's why you should change the name or remove it so lawsuits will not follow

have some bacon and calm down
Oh, hey, we've got a real prankster here, huh fellas?
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You faggots are over thinking the whole thing.
Just go with #MakeIslamGreatAgain (#MIGA).
Attach some image of dead ISIS person or normie killing ISIS person.
Maybe even suicide bombers hitting ISIS locations or public demonstrations.
Fucking best timeline. This has to happen.
updated thread opener
/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

Story so far:
/pol/ tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
Stefan Molyneux Challenges 4chan to takedown ISIS
A dubbs post decided to accept
A tripps confirmed our cause
A quadds confirmed that we are going to war
Molyneux sees that we accept his challenge, thus confirming he’s one of us
/pol/ decided the angle will be to prove ISIS has turned homosex due to a lack of women

We have come up with the Final Battle Plan after a democratic vote:
We are going to paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporters left to keep as sex slave so they’ve turned to homosex
Ideas to combine with this:
Teenagers and children of new members are forced into sex slavery at risk of death
Group sex is openly practiced among sects due to lack of entertainment
The leader of ISIS has his own private boy harem that is overlooked by members
We make #ISisGay trending
Ideas on our strategy so far:
1.Target ISIS online presence
2. Demoralize ISIS sympathizers
3. Point out any ISIS sympathizers
4. Create believable stories involving ISIS (slander)
5. Take all that we know of conspiracies and meme them into existence

What you can do:
Bump the thread
Create twitter accounts to tweet out memes (makes sure to do so anonmyously and stay safe, do not use personal accounts)
Create memes that perpetuate the plan (#ISisGay,etc)
Spread the word (/k/, /sg/, make other threads linking to this one, etc.)
Participate and give us ideas to add onto our plan. Its always a good idea to have open options if things go sour

1.Ignore all shills
2. Although we are at war with the Luggenpresse, we can fight a war on two fronts
3. By going to war and imploding/destroying ISIS we can expose any conspiracy theories (US Influence) to be true
4. Stay safe

We need more memes and presence to be safely established.
War has been declared /pol/.
This will be our first international military campaign.
Will you answer the call?
I support this.

This works with massive spam.
re read you illiterate fuck
if the original name was still in place the goat fuckers might think it was one of the CNN reporters who is doing this and if the child rapists took action against that CNN employee because of that tampered article lawsuits will follow
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Through repetition, ideals become reality. You say something enough times and the human brain has no choice but to sing along to the tune.
How many times do you have to say that an ancient frog god is communicating to you through your computer before people start to believe it? How many times do we have to say ISIS is gay before people start to believe it? And what is reality but your belief?
If we truly make ourselves believe ISIS is gay- then they will be whether they like it or not.
>our president elect- "If you don't believe in yourself, nobody will".
The power of the maymay magic comes through repetition. A meme does not get posted once and remembered. It is reborn countless times until it lives in infamy. Do you think its a coincidence that Kek communicates through repeting digits? We just need to drill this into everyones head. Everywhere they look they will be told ISIS is a bunch of raging homos. Over and over until they hear the word ISIS, they think of dicks.
So don't believe in yourself, believe in the you that believes ISIS is sucking dicks
>memes designed for the pleasure of fashy goyim will hurt ISIS
no we are going full psyops
that's correct. if they get killed I will be fucked by german law. names removed, still looking good

With this shit we can say that because they wait till marriage to fuck women normally they just fuck gay for fun.


This is actually fairly true. A vet family member told me this was common as fuck in Iraq and another friend confirmed it
The word for pigs in arab is الخنازير and the word for virgins is العذارى. They look pretty similar.. maybe say that due to a mistranslation it turns out that they are going to get 72 pigs when they die by martyr, not virgins... oops
There are hundreds of pieces calling ISIS desparaging things and insulting them, nothing has happened yet. It won't be a problem, just don't draw Muhammad and you'll be fine.
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Simple guide to change news articles for those who don't know.
Go to CNN website ( or similar organization )
Search for ISIS.
Choose an article link.
On chrome - ( is similar on other browsers )
Right click -> inspect. On top right of the box you see, there is a symbol like box and cursor. Click that.Now select the title. One line will be highlighted below.Double click the text in the highlighted box below. Change text and press enter. In the same way, to change article, choose box with cursor, click body, etc. In case you don't see the text below, click triangle arrow on the line below to expand. Press enter. To close inspect element, click close button in top right of inspect box. Use "snipping tool" or similar to take screenshot and spread.
Too fucking long. Need to keep it short and memorable.
we need posts on /k/, /sg/, /x/, and /hm/
we need to make a 4 channeled effort

We have to do to Islamic culture what The Village People did to the mustache. We have to meme every islamic trope with a gay trope until their fused together.
these are great keep it up bud
Rough draft.
They're bigtime faggots, but play on them being effeminate, they hate that.

The whole intent of psyops are to control the mind.
The goal here is simple, make ISIS go away.
What better way to do that than to sew the seeds of contempt and rebellion to an ideology?
It's the same campaign governments and political movements use to gain traction.
I'd start with massive spam, and branch out from there.
Most of the work will do itself, once you find the right nerve to hit with these people.
They'll reject and dismantle ISIS faster than anything else ever could.
Precisely. Blur the boundaries between ISIS and LGBTQ. Produce so much content they are one in the same.
*Expand. Change text and press enter.
>why would i give a fuck -you might ask
and my answer to you is I don't and never will just because some faggot named stefan ask us for a raid i will not wag my tail and comply
Good work anon
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Right. Try to find pics of members or just Arabic men posing like fags. Maybe even shop their heads on burqa women.
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>Be anti-Islam
>Get cucked
Wew lad
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Have an A S T H E T I C crusader for this holy war DEUS VULT
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Bumping because I'm too tired to do anything else right now
Is that Arabic for ISIS? If so brilliant. Show them blatantly disrespecting Muhammad.
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>Join army to fight ISIS
>Get literally cuckolded
Wew lad
and drawing muhammed is what gets these people assblasted should we spam all of these?
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>Fight Crusade
>Get cuckolded
Wew lad
Other fake-news idea: ISIS-fighters leave milita in masses after Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi internally exposed for holding sexual relationship to boys.

Gotta do that later, must leave soon.
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"Tonight at 9"
This gay says they rape homosexuals in the vid at about :45

God Bless you brother

wait, how did we go from pissgate to a holy war?
>Stefan Molyneux Challenges 4chan to takedown ISIS
I don't know, we got too easily "motivated" to do this. I don't know. I hope this whole shit doesn't backfire.
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>Fight Islam
>Get beheaded

leave ISIS sympathizer
How the fuck is this gonna work?

The majority already hate Isis.

If you want a Holy War, wage it against Islam, not Isis.

These kind of plans only work for things that are accepted by majority.
what am i supposed to be getting from this?
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>Be American dindu and fight Islam
>Die and burn in hell
maybe we have someone who can picture this out:

Jewmeme fucks mohammed

there you go all 3 triggers are served wet and well
/pol/,focus on creating distrust with leadership. Not on lgbt stuff which they will reject.
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Again the gay is far too obvious. And it tries to attack the strongest thing they have. What ever the play is, it has to let them maintain their supposed faith.

Internal struggle/factionlization is good, but we need some one to tell us what the factions are so we can split them.

US/Israel/EU secret backing is ok, but a little too heady for a goat fucker.

make ISIS hate themselves, question their sexuality, call them a jewish false flag, call them pussies etc
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That this is what you fight for when you fight Islam, the right to be a faggot and be literally cheated on since adultery is a right in America, forgot to mention she takes half of your shit :^)
It was the logical evolution
Not talking about rustling jimmies.
These people need to be personally invested in hating ISIS more than foreign intervention.
Chapping their caboose won't further that agenda.
It needs to be something that upsets ISIS, while simultaneously emboldening those that fear or dislike ISIS.
and what? Molyneux becomes famous for taking down ISIS?
Nothing happens to anyone of us and all Stefan has to gain from this is being the man who convinced a bunch of faggots on the net to destroy ISIS.
Nothing bad comes from this
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Even islamists find bestiality horiffic, if we can get this cemented in people's minds they'll never get another recruit again.
Then get the fuck out you spastic faggot, I personally hate ISIS with a passion so I do anything I can to bring them down
starting a new thread


They are doping up on Opium and following a passion about as strong as us. This would be like trying to make a /pol/ack question his believes.

This doesn't work on factions that are hated by the majority, but it also doesn't work on radicals.
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>Go off thousands of miles so your son can be allowed to become a tranny
>this retard actually believes you must be married in order to join the military.
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>Your daughter is being banged by Jamal and Tyrone because you fought for the right to be a sodomite, and fought for the Jewish media that defends it
>God humiliates you and kill you
You are underestimating how faggotry is percieved in islam, its not just "ur gay lol" to them
>This retard literally thinks fighting for a system that will take half of your shit if your wife cheats on you is noble
Loving every laugh.
Fucking perfect. An ex-ISIS member says he witnessed homosex. These are not rumors we are spreading. It's truth.
What's the hashtag?
Witnessed, praise.
Yes, agreed noodlefag. Any question of their faith is auto rejected.
really suspicous poster, someone report this faggot to the FBI just in case
>this retard still doesn't understand that it is by no means a requirement to be married at all in America.
>what is a pre nup
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Meanwhile in reality.
I don't know, this whole thing feels like ruse. Divert our attention from something else.
thanks man
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Hi Mr. Frenchman
It most likely is someone at the FBI or CIA.
Don't feed the trolls. Jesus, how fucking new to the internet are you?
Gay is a western construct, even the hatred of it is. They are used to rejecting western attacks. The idea of their local leader being gay is unpossible. We need nuance, work within the boundries of their ideology.
What about memeing them to convert to another religion? The more defectors the more infighting.
>he thinks dead lefties triggers me
Hear me out guys. We need to make 2 camps, inside pol. Deus vulters and isis lovers. The first group will make fun of freezing immigrants, muslims etc. on Twitter and so on...the other group will react, trigger, trend hashtags, and some will get radical (kill those who mock islam, sharia)...and this already simulated fight will become an avalanche...until deus vulters say #deathtojihadists and the others #deathtoinfidels...of course muslims will follow the muslum group, and MSM the juicy racist deus vult group...from there and on, the fight will be among millions, new happenings, and the "radicals" will be approached by recruiters..a fucking avalanche, from.a small snowball on pol...for any other info, search on kikebook, the lions of rojava, kurds fighting isis, they will sure have info...
kek, wasn't it Sweden who wanted to drop Bibles on ISIS controlled zones in Syria ?
It would be hilarious to sit around and just watch Muslims get pelted with bibles all day.
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>Lions of Rojava
Start circulating shit about gays joining their ranks at alarming rapes on the promise of gaining little boys and make some fake infographics of studies showing that Islamic extremists have below average testosterone and that this means they have on average smaller clocks. With Arabic hashtags ofc. Also really highlights their links with Israel and say they signed a treaty agreeing Israelis right to Palestine including the blue mosque.
Tits man. I'm gonna get an actual flag of this made
No Swissbro, this one is better. Just look at your (you)'s
You're pretty late though, ISIS is already on the decline and morale is in the gutter. Also, unlike Al-Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS is not really an organization in the conventional sense, it's more of a banner.

I think a better target would be individual, prominent Islamists, those with a lot of followers/supporters on social media and beyond.

Arabic speaking /pol/lers can probably help a lot here.
> Do you think its a coincidence that Kek communicates through repeting digits?
Oh... oh my
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