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Its time boys, time to start operation #TriggerAllah Digits

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Thread replies: 339
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Its time boys, time to start operation


Digits Confirmed it.
Well fuck. Lets start. Where are the social media accounts.
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isis doesnt exist, its just a bunch of private military companies under the banner of a strawman who may or may not believe in the stuff "isis" preaches, funded by USA, israel and saudi arabia in order to destabilize the region, create the refugee crisis, and stabilize the petrodollarsystem.

why else would those fearless warriors under gods protection not even dare to actively attack israel, even though reclaiming the holy land should be top priority for them. why else is it that one of those "rebell groups" dissappear another emerges instantly if it isnt because they got withdrawn funding as soon as they become a liability and another recieved it instead making the PMCs switch sides.

there, isis destroyed in 5 minutes of typing. that guy underestimates us

Then lets reveal the evidence to prove that ISIS was created by the USA then.

KEK willed it anyway.
take my bumb

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>yfw shitposters on a Western Saharan Lip Plate forum have a better foreign policy than the US government

It's basically the Mossad using braindead mudslimes as cannon folder.
>isis doesnt exist, its just a bunch of private military companies under the banner of a strawman who may or may not believe in the stuff "isis" preaches, funded by USA, israel and saudi arabia in order to destabilize the region, create the refugee crisis, and stabilize the petrodollarsystem.

>why else would those fearless warriors under gods protection not even dare to actively attack israel, even though reclaiming the holy land should be top priority for them. why else is it that one of those "rebell groups" dissappear another emerges instantly if it isnt because they got withdrawn funding as soon as they become a liability and another recieved it instead making the PMCs switch sides.

this is a pasta now
You have my bump
We have no solid targets yet, so hijack the #ISIS and #ISIL hash tags.

Post pictures of screen caps from ISIS videos making comparisons to modern CGI/Special effects. Saying things like "This could be completely fake or staged"

Also try to find accounts that are pro isis that we can target.
I bet no one could give me the name of the man who is mostly responsible that DAESH got so big. As most of the time, most pol users dont know about the real things
if i would have evidence i would have suicided with 5 shots in the back while hanging on a rope after ODing on ibuprophen. but the way they act it makes it clear. sure they have some nutjobs among them who actually believe it, but the majority of the fighters are just hired grunts. and i believe there are quite a lot of documents around talking about funding from the US and saudi arabia
We could just shitpost ankles under the hashtags allah, islam, and muslim
I know I sound like an idiot, but where would be a good place to look for documents and records.
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I vote bringing back the meme operation from a few weeks ago, #transMohammad
yes, good, spread my propaganda
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I have chosen not to trigger Muslims online because those fearless mother fuckers actually literally kill you if u make fun of em enough (Charlie Hebdo wasn't that long ago)

This is a viable method of attack and digits confirm it shall be done.
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Muhammad is pro-gay rights remember
Fucking great idea. The Charlie Hebdo bombings happened because a cartoonist made fun of Muhammad. /pol/ has no office. Who would they bomb? ISIS would be BTFO or at least humiliated by an army of shitposters.
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Let's start a war
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Not an argument.
First the meme war, now the meme crusades?
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TFW they are starting to fap themselves to death because of sudden overexposure of oversxualized ankles

i mean kek seems to approve >>106656444
Gay stuff would be better, make muslims reveal their power level

Sick digits,

We have nothing to fear.

Kek is with us in this thread.
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>ISIS starts bombing 4chan servers

Where to start?
>raid hashtags with ankles, pork, women without ninja masks, American flags looking beautiful, gay porn, and dead terrorist pictures
>make up a news story and get retards to spread it (again)
>report all Muslims accounts you can find
Top fucking kek
also, but not the man who was mostly responsible for the popularity of daesh in this period.
Good digits but we are protected by trips.

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>ISIS kills Hiro
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>implying moot didn't put the 4chan serves somewhere in space so we can do orbital shitposting
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I'm thinking pro peso pripoganda using what Muhammed did to Aisha as a way of saying it's approved by God. We could urge fiddler's to convert to Islam and be accepted.
80% of the posters on this board probably believe this already.

Only the blatantly anti Islamic portions of /pol/ claim to be 100% certain of their veracity.
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Indeed, Kek is always with us.
>Imply Hiroshima didn't sell them and put them in a basement because money troubles
surely it would be better to post images of donation transactions to ISIS and the Saudis to put them in the public crosshairs. ISIS is litterly just hired US guns and a few troubled fighters either being forced into fighting or truely wanting to stop the nations bombing their homes
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digits confirm
Start rumors of Isis gay orgys?
>pro peso pripoganda

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ok lets do this.
Digits confirm
You start with shitposting, the final blow is factposting
Even if we don't have anything 'new' the connections between the US and ISIS (and similar Islamist groups) has been well document for a couple decades. The problem is that you will get labeled a conspiracy theorist putting shit like this out there, most people (Americans in my age group at least) aren't really that aware of history in general. And especially unaware of stuff like this since it's sort of 'unacceptable' to say such things and these are ideas most people weren't exposed to.

You could break it down in under an hour or so, I've seen some good documentaries and commentaries on the issue. But you need to have a certain grasp on politics, current events, and history. Lacking that (and lacking interest to gain it), nobody really gives a fuck. Kind of stuck when that's the case, at least I fear that's the case. This isn't something that can be explained in a two sentence meme which is where most people seem to get their information nowadays.
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do they have a leader?

You guys know what to do.

this needs to trend
Good job goy.
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google, this is one i found


>While this military/para-military operation is moving
> forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence
> assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia,
> which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and
> other radical Sunni groups in the region.

and we all know that US money goes do Saudi Arabia, and if im not completely mistaken quite a lot goes to quatar as well
We need a war on multiple fronts.
>hashtag raids
>fake images
>account mass reports
>fake intel
What are some Isis distribution platforms we could invade?
Kek has spoken. Quads of truth!
Holy quads confirm.
Praise kek!

Fucking Confirmed.
kek wills it
care to break it down for our listeners?
Otherwise it does sound like a conspiracy theory

This is it. Our crusade has begun.

God wills it!
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Oy vey!
This is fucking true. They cannot do anything about us.
There is no denying it anymore.
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>tfw liberals are butthurt because their intelligence agencies get outsmarted by a bunch of weebs in a vietnamese watercolor appreciation bulletin.
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Kek wills it, let's get started

Our primary platforms of attack are

CyberDust (We need someone to actually infiltrate to troll this one)
Where are they distributing and sharing their videos? We need to get some gay and trap porn going
By the Blessed name of Kek it must be done
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We need to harness the power of anime once more to truly defeat ISIS.
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how have we not done this

Gay thread

Guys kek is among us. Praise him.

Let's start it. Sketches, pictures, everything we can come up with.
shortly put, history repeats itself. we did it with the taliban, only difference is isis was planned as an enemy to gain a reason to invade the middle east from the beginning, while the taliban only became enemies when they became a liability
Kek commands us to do the crusades. make memes, because war
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kek wills it

4chan can't destroy isis with memes.

it worked against the west beause the west is weak and leftism politics are based on lies, media control and weakness.
Islam is strong, ISIS is strong. they don't give a shit about your memes on in the internet.

the best you could do is to raise awareness and maybe stop weapon trafficking toward ISIS from western countries.
if you really outdid yourselves you could move the west toward a crusade but it ain't easy.
Which hashtag?
We've destroyed the mainstream media. ISIS will be our best thing since the electiontrolls of 16
I saw 7777 on another thread. pol better not be compromised and we became some kind of secret meming project or a plan to reverse engineer pol
this one



isis doesnt exist, its just a bunch of private military companies under the banner of a strawman who may or may not believe in the stuff "isis" preaches, funded by USA, israel and saudi arabia in order to destabilize the region, create the refugee crisis, and stabilize the petrodollarsystem.

why else would those fearless warriors under gods protection not even dare to actively attack israel, even though reclaiming the holy land should be top priority for them. why else is it that one of those "rebell groups" dissappear another emerges instantly if it isnt because they got withdrawn funding as soon as they become a liability and another recieved it instead making the PMCs switch sides.

there, isis destroyed in 5 minutes of typing. that guy underestimates us
Or kek got incredibly strong.
god i love that these happened
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>telling people islam worships god instead of satan
>policies not based on lies

>based on media control
Thats the point dummy, it works
If anything we're jaded by it at this point
ISIS would shit themselves over the culture shock of even one Bud Light commercial with a half naked chick
What are the main twitter accounts we should follow for this?

We can destroy their credibility and the power they have among mudshits online. Propaganda isn't a thing to be underestimated in war.
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i not want to die
spam my propaganda at least in a thread where i didnt. or else people will claim im a proxy same fag
>OooOOOoooOoooOo we r so kool and kan haakk evruthign

lol ok neckbeards
how is this going to wipe out isis?
There is an ISIS here boys

>United Arab Emirates.
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We could need an arabic shitposter :^)
We're giving it visibility E V E R Y W H E R E
Wars of ideas are won by perception. They're only "strong" because their propaganda shows them being strong. Cutting off heads, all black attire, etc. So you attack that idea. Expose weakness. You dumb pizzanigger.


they shall be going back
Kek vs. Allah, Pepe vs. Muhammad, basement vs. foxhole, the propaganda war begins
You clearly lay with men.
ISIS detected
Kys mudslime garbage
well, i do believe this is true, so go on. im happy if people learn of it.
Or Americans on pol could organize a militia and find ways to make Muslims lives as uncomfortable as possible while within the law of course and drive the dogs out and have a good laugh as Europe descends into a nightmarish chuck fest of epic proportions
How much of an online presence do they even have? Anything of any significance?
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Under those robes are flaming faggots that engage in gay orgies every night. Reputation destroyed.

Does Kek truly will it lads?
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>And on 11 of January, 1st year of the Golden Era, valiant cyberwariors began preperation for the First Holy Cybercrusade
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Praise him
We dont need a new hashtag, we should hijack one they frequently use
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ahmed is scared
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Just read their rifles
All this will do is piss them off and incite more terrorist attacks you stupid fucks.
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Let's go faggots #AnklesForAllah
Which will cause more people to lose their loved ones, and direct their hate towards muslims

If we do this right it would draw Gen Z's attention to Isis. This would eventually draw older right wingers, via the media, to fuck with Isis as well.

All of a sudden people actually give a shit about Isis because they've been triggered by burnings and such and had their cow like brains exposed to what Isis is really like.

This will make it easier for Trump to escalate and pressure more western nations to join in.

/pol/ can beat Isis by jewing things into motion that will lead to their downfall.
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someone smooth this out and we have some usable OC

I would, but I'm drunk
i'm okay with that as long as they happen in europe
they go hard on twitter. they use arabic twitter, tho. so, we could go after them on their home turf with memes. We could fucking twin tower a bunch of fucking oil sheiks twitters with Pepes shitting on the Koran and the ISIS flag.
> tfw this was started to cover GoldenGate fuckup by MSM and "intel organisations"
Let them do something stupid
It will only gather more hatred towards them and their protector media.
They got a Twitter. Let's carpet bomb their Twitter or email with #anklesforallah
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10 trumpbucks into your account, fampai
So do you guys just make a fake gmail and sign up for twitter or are you also on tor or vpn or some shit?
Want to participate but don't want to reveal my power level

i'm on with this.
They fuck goats
Aren't they maximum pissed off already? I'm pretty sure they are already 100% devoted to doing terrorist attacks.
fucking pussy.
im chucklin m8
#الكاحلين عن الله
>tfw the right wing death squad will be paid in tendies and the blood of their enemies
they are already planning on wiping everyone out officially. how can it be any worse than that? all it will do will piss some of the muzzies over there off not changing anything, and will trigger the CIA sacrificial lambs brainwashed into thinking they blow themselves up for allah over here, probably shorten the timeperiod between the attacks, but not completely enhance it as they dont magically gain more people to blow up. the more frequent amount of attacks might swing public oppinion and make them realize having open boarders while at war with an enemy you created yourself that likes to infiltrate and attack from within is fucking dumb
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lol true they already are pretty pissed off. What do they want to do? they will make more attacks anyway. Secret Services need to up their game and Cuck merkel needs to be a bit more like Hitler.
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I was thinking, anons...

>How to trigger Mudslimes / Islam
>Just an idea
>Why not piggyback the believers' hashtags for Mudslime holidays on twitter?
>Adding our hashtags
>From April on, there will be plenty of opportunities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_holidays
>In the mean time: meme production time
>General content idea
>Meming Islam as the religion of satan (plenty of evidence / supporting opinions)
>Shouting around that believing in Islam = path to Hell (Muahahaha!!)
>Makes the softies insecure / want to convert; triggers the goatfuckers
>Get involved in discussions with goatfuckers
>Trigger them even more with super tough stuff (IS memes, animal sex, and so on)
>Provocate more hate/terrorist attacks

Pls rate
This. Who was the Saudi Prince who bent and kissed Trump's ring after he won while before that was trying to roast him?
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Been too long since last op, sick of everyone bitching about who gets credit for trolling CNN/Buzzfeed

im not good in meeiming but let pepe shit pork on a quran and post it like anon said on sheikfuck´s twitter accounts e.g go check some tweets from trump out in oktober november forgot the name of the sheik he beefed with.
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get em

Literally the only thing this will accomplish is to make them hate us even more, or maybe even push some muslims who aren't yet extremists, but are considering it, over the edge.

The more they hate us, the more motivated they will be to carry out attacks.
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Kek confirms
And.....where exactly do we spam this?
This. We need to find out where is the place on social they frequent the most

Are you retarded or something? These fuckers don't have free time. They're doing terrorist attacks as much as they can, pissed off or not.
A lot of it is bullshit conspiracy theory, and there are many shitty videos online about the topic mixed with the decent stuff. I think the term 'conspiracy' is certainly fitting, like 9/11 I find it up in the air about the level of involvement in some ways from certain state actors. It's hard to 'know' what to believe at times.

However, parts of the topic are not really up for debate. One example is our support of the Islamist during their war with the Soviet Union and how that relates to the current picture. Come to today where allies of the US are blatantly funding these groups, and there isn't much of a stretch to consider there is US (and allied) involvement beyond what has been publicly discussed. The Soviet/Afghan war is a good starting point I think, unless you want to go back further (which is of course possible and could include the discussion of imperialism, borders, religious history, money, Israel, oil, geopolitics, etc...). It's not really a succinct discussion to have either way. Can't find this one specific video that was really excellent on the subject. I'll see if I can't track it down...
Holy topkek, today we are ontop of our game.

Kek is in switzerland today
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Hey let's not fight back and just wait for them to keep invading our media and government. Kys you fucking coward.
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>Memri TV
Or the thousands of gifs of Muhammed being fucked, shittinf in his mouth, being fucked by a pig, etc
We need to find all those Saudi princes social media outlets and all of us get IP banned from twitter
Sorry i was talking to >>106660314
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thats no real quran.
>fight back

You're enabling their mindset you fucking retard.
I would argue that they want to instill fear and their prowess in doing so appeals to radicalizing young muslims.

If you show them personally that we are not intimidated, they lose their magic. The best thing we can do is make fun of them.

If it results in attacks, they would've happened without us too.
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It will take a certain amount of terrorist attacks for normies to finally wake up to reality. They brought this upon themselves, now they will feel the effects.
ISIS = Incredibly Stupid Indoctrinated Slaves
t. Mohammed Merkel
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>4chan can't
stopped reading there

you dont know the power of kek
>tfw all my spare shitposting Twitter accounts are banned
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issi is a sham!
Good tweet?
The ISIS dude needs some rainbows. Fagify it. Right now it looks like 4Chan is the victim. Better yet... Make Kek the ISIS dude and the victim Muhammad. That will piss off the muzzies.
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You know it to be true.
Weak memes won't hurt the cause Akhmed
Its good, but thats what they expect from us. To call them nonbelievers. They love that shit. Thats what theyve been telling themselves about themselves. They want to fucking fight someone who says that to them! So, you go after their manhood. Spread rumors about sexuality. "ISIS gay orgies" "Pedophilia with boy soldiers" "Rampant gay sex on terrorist compounds" That kinda shit. You fuck with em in ways that they dont wanna respond to so they make strategic errors and lose face. My 2cents, my boy. Love ur initiative bb
If we shill this hard maybe ISIS will start to believe they aren't real too. Literally will them out of existence.
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and then I saw her face
>Double satan pali

Nice try moon demon.
What what
in the butt
I said what what
In the butt
You wanna do it in my butt
In the butt
Let's do it in my butt
Oh yeah

newfag detected
for the satan stuff >>106658989
Just make it clear you're in some Muslim infested area in Germany or other infested EU member

That way they continue to kill the idiots that keep voting for that shit
Dont tell ISIS this super secret 4chan base of operation, they might bomb it or something.

One CNN Center
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
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No, thats a losers mentality. We are superior. They will submit to us.
I have mixed feelings about this.
What about being subtle?
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>>106661666 Nice try, Satan.
The Kamikaze Camels don't stand a chance! Our god is stronger than theirs! They only pray five times a day, while we shitpost 24/7.

Kek wills it
doesnt matter. If we post anti-ISIS stuff online and MSM catches wind of it, either they support us (we win) or they oppose us and protect ISIS because they hate us (in which case we win). Or you know, it actually works and causes damage to ISIS in which case we win as well. Its a win-win-win scenario
Use tutanota
They can't attack us they'd have to go through Assad's army to get to us
you guys are so stupid, making them as big meanie wont hurt them, you need to spam pic that represent them as peaceful and lovely people, taking care of the garden, helping old people and children etc
This is genius
One more thing.
Traitor before enemy.

What if someone wants us to skip traitors?
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We should also make fake muslim accounts and subvert them
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Imagine if we btfo CNN's reputation and get their headquarters attacked in the same week
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Isis is literally the Final Fantasy villain cult from the desert wearing black infesting the rest of the world. they worship a giant black stone with an alien meteor inside it in the middle of the desert, and in the most volatile region in the world.
Wasn't there a truck attack in Jerusalem just like a few days ago?
And what if they go undergroun to breed some more and pop up generation later?
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mens burkas
digits confirms we take down isis for KEK and after that we lock hillary, the podestas, and any other corrupt officials up for good.
Not as effective. Just show them engaging in everything that is Haram. Maybe the Muslim community will even reject them.
I concur
Lebanon is also in the way.

but it wouldn't work even if its funny.
>Attack in Tel-Aviv
When I saw that my first thought was of Morrowind.
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Didn't Syria General give coordinates to Russia on ISIS and they bomb them?

That is more effective (except that Russia is out of the war now)
This makes sense because muhammad looks like a tranny anyway
can someone fake an issue of the isis magazine "dabiq" ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabiq_(magazine) ) and stuff it with goat porn or something?
Ye, we should also get normie muslims in. What are famous Muslim hashtags? We could hijack them with isis material
ooo nice
at this point, whats the difference between /pol/ and jews?
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franz dumbin the truth.

whats funny is america spent $500million for propaganda movies for terrrists. let that sink in......ill take America makes isis videos for 1,000 alex...
Pizzagate is real
wow, confirmed yep
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We could call in more air strikes. /pol/ has the high score.
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And so it shall...
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Thanks, famalam. Love the sex idea!


...do we have hashtags already?

Btw: A week or so ago there was an angry birds (red bird = europeans; pigs = mudslimes) meme thread. Too far fetched?
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>/pol/ angers Islamic extremists
>hiroshimoot gets letter bombed
they have teenage Christian sex slaves you twat, why fap?
kek again smiles
By that logic, ISIS is attacking Israel.

2015 had dozens of stabbings and other attacks.

use hast tag ISforPeace or some shit, and somehow let the left believe that they're revolutionist fighting again the evil white people and their puppet gov

that would total destroy the existence of IS and terrorism as a whole, because they run and gain influence base on fear
No but Moly asked for this, he would be held accountable no?

This we need to redpill normies

Well I guess that's what the little boys are for in all their videos.
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Some People just wanna see the world BURN...
Just wait until they take out the internet.
Love it, swissbro!

>KEK is a medpack today
>attack israel

Because they're not stupid. They attacked Iraq and Syria since Iraq had no army and Syria was in a civil war. Israel would literally wipe the floor with them.
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The phone call that destroyed ISIS
> not rejecting their middle age cult as a whole


trend this for max damage
Fucking how?
ideas for headline in the magazine
>goat of the week/month (however often it gets released): Meheheheheria Carey
>Qualitycheck: make sure your Suicidevest will blow your victims mind away
>Sightseeing: Top 10 places that attract infidels without security
>Alahu Akbar: Is he really that great?
So is this the beginning of Deus Volt General /dvg/?
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I like muhhammad for LGBTP 2 birds in one stone
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Bombs, cars
I believe it is.
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>Hot new pics of Sheikh Ali and his 8 year old bride!
>Haram or Halal? Should women be allowed to drive?

used by western media to make fake fuckshit

maybe use them to fuck ISIS as startup?

Podesta emails, they gave them direct funding several times. Thats just the tip of the iceberg that spilled over into Podestas inbox
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Praise be unto Kek, The Lightbringer!
yes indeed
If you're looking for current IS open source info to try to located people, try their new online magazine, Rumiyah. There is an online forum called jihadology.net where you can download issues, search "Rome magazine"...
Fucking mint
We will shitpost them into oblivion.
my kek
>gag 9 id

kek works in mysterious ways

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i think it is
I'm always down for a good triggercaust.
Someone needs to shop the LBGTQ flag and ISIS flag together. We could trend #LGBTQISIS. It's time to make rainbow the new black.
If I were you, I would seek out their Telegram chats and spam gay and tranny porn non-stop.
>isis doesnt exist,

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Make this a thing
can we meme islamism to be a new gender?
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Deus Vult
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Kek confirms >>106663444
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I was thinking of us handing fake stories to various outlets about an underground sex club for closet homosexuals in ISIS, the source of which being a secretly gay ISIS soldier trying to discredit them.

>some pictures of arabs doing gay sex

>isis pissed because everyone thinks their army is full of queers
kek wills it

also, new bread, i'm driving or i would


Lets try it.
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pic related reason for the iraq war, just as libya. and i think same shit as hussein and ghaddafi tried assad too
ITT: autism
Fucking cucks i swear. WE ARE ALREADY AT WAR
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/pol/ schemes
You are all useful idiots here who are making the news cycle to forget lügenpresse currently BTFO.

Stop it and deal with traitors first.
Kek wants this to occur.
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Mohammedans will feel the wrath of chaos unbridled
>those fearless men will kill you
>an example of these fearless muslims killing you is a Mossad operation
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here's a revamp, lad
If pushed for locations say you're Israeli.


This will actually work, too.
Fuck ISIS. Fuck Islam. Fuck them all
post women in skimpy hijabs/burkas
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Some people chase old news, some people make new news. You're one of former, aka a faggot.
Better be a kek-praising post

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ISIS a.jpg
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flood their hashtags with things like pic related make all their activity be drowned out with the most haram things
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don't we also need Arabic hashtags for this to really work?
Nice I was just about to post this
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