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/dvg/- Deus Cult General

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Thread replies: 348
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/dvg/- Deus Vult General

Story so far:
/pol/ tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
Stefan Molyneux Challenges 4chan to takedown ISIS
A dubbs post decided to accept
A tripps confirmed our cause
A quadds confirmed that we are going to war
Molyneux sees that we accept his challenge, thus confirming he’s one of us.

Ideas on our strategy so far:
1.Target ISIS online presence
2. Demoralize ISIS sympathizers
3. Point out any ISIS sympathizers
4. Create believable stories involving ISIS (slander)

Theories for a battleplan:
1. Create perspective that ISIS has links to pedophile rings in the middle east
2. Create idea that ISIS is having a powerstruggle due to the soldiers discovering outside influence
3. Investigate ties from ISIS to the Middle eastern Governments (show support and donations)
4. Create the story that Middle eastern govts have ties to ISIS

1.Ignore all shills (especially estonian posters)
2. Although we are at war with the Luggenpresse, we can fight a war on two fronts
3. By going to war and imploding/destroying ISIS we can expose any conspiracy theories (US Influence) to be true
4. DO NOT click on unarchived links, shills are trying to get clicks on their websites

Will be starting a strawpol after this thread keep coming up with ideas

We need more memes and presence to be safely established.
War has been declared /pol/.
This will be our first international military campaign.
Will you answer the call?
Last thread:
Peoples of /pol/,

The task at hand isn't just "difficult"; It's unthinkable.
It goes beyond the realm of reality and into the stuff of dreams... that is, the stuff of memes.
It is the most clear that this is where we are the strongest, and this is where we will fight, where our enemies will not outrun us nor undo us.

We are not a unified group, not by far; We are a bunch of nazis, fascists, faggots, leftists, pedos, ancaps, niggers, weebs, antifas, kikes, flatearthers, shills and shitposters, all strung together by our love of moving the world through ideas, an anonymous mass, no strings attached, no restrictions, no codes, no filter, no political correctnes to live by.

But never will you find here someone who unironically supports Jihadism.
Imagine how terrible, how backwards, how *unatractive* must a meme be, to find not even a foothole on this Transilvanian chalk carving forum.

Our struggle is not against murderers, rapists and goatfuckers, it is against their *ideals*.
We will attack the root of the matter; their ideology and its power to convince idiots, deprive their memes of the cancerous nature that made them thrive until now.
We will make of them a dying whisper that nobody would embrace.

Let this be our Statement of Intent, and let us fight the terrible meme of Jihadism to the death for defiling our sacred lebensraum

If you agree, please sign below by replying to this post, or your mother will die in her sleep =)
Fucking auto correct
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Praise Kek and pass the ammunition
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>I wonder what retarded thing I can trick /pol/ into doing next now that their egos have been inflated by this pissgate nonsense

Cue Autist army. We're gonna take over Tuvalu guys, kek!!
Not today whitey
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This is good. We also need to push that they are all closet fags.
Rainbow is the new Black.
>fuck off tidf
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what were the quadds?
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why are we having multiple threads?
A based slavpost
So what have you guys accomplished this far, or is it too early to expect results?
It's time to weaponize our autism once again goys. Let's do this!
@OP if you "Really" wanna have an impact.....fwd all "True ISIS Accounts" to @GhostSec (They DON'T FUCK AROUND)
or WauchulaGhost on faceb00k (Go see what they do to ISIS)

Troll them with their own faggotry (To Demoralize Them), but report all true isis profiles to the feds and ghostsec (twitter) / WauchulaGhost (Fedbook)
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isis doesnt exist, its just a bunch of private military companies under the banner of a strawman who may or may not believe in the stuff "isis" preaches, funded by USA, israel and saudi arabia in order to destabilize the region, create the refugee crisis, and stabilize the petrodollarsystem.

why else would those fearless warriors under gods protection not even dare to actively attack israel, even though reclaiming the holy land should be top priority for them. why else is it that one of those "rebell groups" dissappear another emerges instantly if it isnt because they got withdrawn funding as soon as they become a liability and another recieved it instead making the PMCs switch sides.

there, isis destroyed in 5 minutes of typing. that molyneux guy underestimates us
Not sure I started the first three, I guess someone else is doing their part.
Should we scrap this one?
No, this is just more cancerous LARPing

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Reminder to find ISIS recruiters on social media using bait accounts.
no idea, but i think this is now the 3rd generation with another thread running simultaniously. at least the 2nd
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We are in the battle plan and strategy phase
We did just accomplish making trump and Obama being forced to read a fanfiction
We should make a twitter account to gather up wanna be terrorists in Syria at very particular coordinates, have them message us when they're there and let Russiabro handle the rest. Make it happen. Also pick a landmark that's easily recognizable just to be sure.
You are on the wrong side of history
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will this be the crusade equivalent of our time?
We will tear your soul aparrrrrrrt!
Here OP consider it a gift....troll but give the info to people who CAN do something with it in the process

>Investigate ties from ISIS to the Middle eastern Governments (show support and donations)

and create the story that Israel have ties to ISIS and that there are mossad agents inside
Kek wills the Meme Crusades
this is the original branch, send them all here, we need to focus into one thread.
>Deus Cult
B-but /pol/ is a kekist board...

>1. Create perspective that ISIS has links to pedophile rings in the middle east
I don't see how this hurts anyone, Sunnis are peadophiles as they are

I don't want to discourage anyone, but how is Anonymous doing with their war on ISIS? Afaik we laughed at them when they announced it.
Daily reminder that only Iberians and people from catholic nations with a giant statue of Jesus Christ are true crusaders.

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there's no need to create the perspective of active paedophilia in isis because its well known that children are bought and sold as sex-slaves and wives within isis

They DONT fuck around.... They hack the fuck out of terrorist.

>Good to give info on terrorist....to people that CAN use it.....either the feds or this group
the perspective should be enforced though in order for it to gain traction and make people more aware than they'd like to be
>slander IS
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I'm just get out of work!
What did i miss?
>are we removing kebab?
>1.Ignore all shills (especially estonian posters)

What did we do? Can someone explain in short? Extreme shill?
tl;dr Fake news created by someone who wanted his five minutes of fame and degenerate piss drinking drumpfcucks jumped onto it in a desperate act of damage control to preserve the crumbling narrative
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Trump teams with Putin

We rid the world of isis together

An age of prosperity is born
Knights Shadilay will crush Lugenpresse 2.0
Report all Moloch to the Inquisition
Always bamp for Deus Vult
>taking down ISIS
So are we going against the USA?
Muzz filth can't please their women

That's why they sexually mutilate them
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Praise kek
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>Ideas on our strategy so far:
You forgot the hashtags. #AnklesForAllah #isis #isil #LGBTQISIS
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Ayy we're going in a crusade!
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Some Britbros last year made fake twitter accounts claiming to be British-Saudi/Pakistani/Afghan recruits that joined IS (and even wrote in convincing Arabic to seem more genuine).

They wove the story that they were put in a support unit helping front-line fighters around the Syrian countryside. In said stories, they'd describe in detail how 'Western' recruits like them were routinely treated like shit. One of their series of tweets claimed that recruits from western countries are more likely to die of brutal hazing by local Middle Eastern fighters and their officers. Another of their stories that I saw in an /sg/ thread portrayed how one of them witnessed another IS unit perform a gay orgy while trying to desecrate a Christian church. As part of a response to one prospective jihadi asking what finally forced one of the fake personas to flee IS, the anon said that he took part in a shoot-out when his and another IS unit near Palmyra began fighting over which would go first in the gangrape of a family. He went on to explain how similar occurrences weren't uncommon.

Would making more fake twitter accounts and stories like these be convincing enough? We might get /sg/'s cooperation if we think this through well enough
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Yeah. Let's be real here. We don't need a typical smear campaign against ISIS, because they don't have a particularly good reputation anyway and we will hardly be able to reach the audience that has a more positive opinion of it. Shit like ISIS being supported by (arab) middle-eastern countries wouldn't effect them I the slightest. The idea would be to share silly gossip stories about their leaders or something, or saying a-baghdadi is an Israeli agent wtc.

We should focus on searching for ISIS accounts on Facebook and Twitter perhaps.
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>dropping some dank crusade meems
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deus vult
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Shit im going to make some food!
by targeting the middle eastern govts we can slander and manipulate the public opinion of them. by connecting ties from iran to ISIS we can show the "real" reason as to why Obama signed the iran nuke deal
Bad idea IMO
This would be amazing
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Deus Vult brothers
We are attacking ISIS, not redpilling our people.
We shall win.
Deus Vult.
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I can't wait for the crusades to return. They will be here soon. Duet. 32:41 "If I sharpen My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on justice, I will render vengeance on My adversaries, And I will repay those who hate Me."
Satanas vult
Yes but what if we can harm both at the same time? its a hard psyop, but remember:
we exposed the fake news of the msm
we elected the president
we made obama and trump read a fanfiction
we are capable of everything
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It was not my idea, but a lot of people already started doing it. It's gonna get pretty loud if everything goes well.

Doesn't sound bad, I'll think about it after getting some sleep.
Good night, brothers.
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Deus Vult my brothers, We fight a holy cause
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It is high time we fight back
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Neva forget the quads
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>/pol/ starts using it's weaponized autism to destroy ISIS

Deus Vult

We need to make it more pedophilesque in my opinion, after this thread I will make a straw poll to decide on our battleplan
fuck you
and signed
Turn the ISIS flag into a LGBTI+ one? Anyone know the Arbic for those symbols?
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Keep your sword sharpened and your eyes clear. You will know when the time comes for us to fight. Deus Vult and praise kek.

t. Irish anon
>connecting ties from iran to ISIS we can show the "real" reason as to why Obama signed the iran nuke deal

Got a link to that info?
i think it would have a bigger impact when we hit the guys who are financing this shitbags get attacked(in fact they are ISIS and not the guys who are holding the weapons and swords) this would´ve the biggest impact in fact no money no war because the guys with the guns need guns and food n stuff like that.....
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im just stating that we can perpetuate a narrative, use fake news and meme magic to create a reality people can start to believe. As far as it being true, no its just a ploy by globalists to give more power to the middle east and escalate a war between isreal and iran
put an earring in his right ear
>after years of IDF attacks /pol/ just now suggests attacking israel back
Oh ok, I had misunderstood. If only we had some good muslims who'd volunteer to make fake propaganda, get them to talk about how they don't really care about mohammed or the qu'ran and say how great America is for financing them. Then at the end of the video yell American ackbar!
link to stefans post
Truth about the Holocaust when?
I can't see how this would harm ISIS, though. Everyone in the West is against them, and mostly those people would be on the receiving end of it.
pretending to be someone looking to join terrorists sounds like a good way to get V&
This is good. We need to blend the LGBT shit with ISIS. Make them become what they despise. Associating them with the retarded tranny pronouns might not be bad either.
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Let us remove kebab together.

We have to use a "divide and conquer" tactic. We need to spread false rumors about the involvement of agents of the Mossad in the ISIS, naming names and surnames of "traitors" and create false proofs.
>Do not go gentle into that good night,
>Deus Vult should burn and rave at close of day;
>Rage, rage against the dying of the white.

>Though old autists at their end know dark is right,
>Because their memes had forked no lightning they
>Do not go gentle into that good night.

>Good autists, the last wave by, crying how bright
>Their frail memes might have danced in a green bay,
>Rage, rage against the dying of the white.

>Wild autists who caught and praised kek in flight,
>And learn, too late, they grieve it on its way,
>Do not go gentle into that good night.

>Grave autists, near an hero, who see with blinding sight
>Deus Vult could blaze like meteors and not be gay,
>Rage, rage against the dying of the white.

>And you, my autist, there on the sad height,
>Curse, bless, me now with your fierce memes, shadilay.
>Do not go gentle into that good night.
>Rage, rage against the dying of the white.
We could false flag them into a death trap.

We would need their info, and the places on the web they operate however.

We need us some muzzies.
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Alright, here's the redpill for isis wannabes:
You don't want to join isis because all isis soldiers in the middle east are just american soldiers dressed in sand people uniform. They cover their heads with baklava to hide this. The concept of isis only exists as an excuse to give US the right to wreck shit in the middle east.

All the settlements that have been bombed, by drones and precision explosive ordnance, are really only inhibited by human trash and it's just theory and baseless claims that "terrorists" are hiding there. They are actually used as weapon testing sites.

Any/all recruitment videos are just a bait to sort out traitors and defectors within nations and while they are expected to show up in allegedly claimed isis territories, they are not given any weapons, supplies, tasks when they arrive, instead they are stripped of all their belongings by US operatives posing as isis officers and will be left outside butt naked of a dirt village, that has been already bombed to shit.

Airport bombings are just an effort to provoke france, germany, britain to join the US and are actually CIA planted and remote detonated charges, covered up by footages recorded in a well recreated studio made to look like airport sec-cam records, followed by some pics of new-york taxi driver pictures claiming to be responsible for the suicide bombings. Of course the bodies are too damaged to verify. They don't dare to fuck around with china or russia that's why there are no bombings there.

Since they couldn't aggravate them into war, the US deployed a different tactic. Flooding europe with human trash. Apparently Merkel herself is human trash too so she actually likes the idea but inevitably the threat of mudslime flood led to the brexit.

What else should I explain?
give me straw poll ideas for battle plans
I bring a gift anons:

This is a python script that forces logins on a particular twitter account and will lock it out. Requests are made via Tor and are thus not traceable to you. Just give it the twitter handle and let it go.

Also a point of interest, you're going to want anons with backgrounds in different european languages along with arabic in order for this to work. Probably support from indonesian anons and pakistani anons will also be vital.
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The Second Meme War has come.
Doesn't matter if we can't prove it. And it's more than destroying ISIS, we must destroy the idea of ISIS.
This is art
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I hate to quote myself, but I really do think this is the only way we could LITERALLY kill them as we have no guns of our own, and /k/ got shut down trying to go over there.

We can hit them with our own propaganda, but we are easy to write off as westerners.

We need the places online that they hang around, we can join and say whatever we need to under a proxy, to gain said trust and false flag them into some hideous death trap/killing field.


Like I said before however, we'd need some people who spoke the fucking language, and knew enough about the Koran to be passable.

I'm not sure we could pull this off without military grade intel, and some amnesty as far as laws are concerned.

Enough memeing, we should either considers and execute ways we can harass/literally get them killed or sulk our tails and say the water is too deep.
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Thinking about it, if someone is brave enough memelords could pull this very thing off:
>post a fake/forged isis recruiting video on youtube
>arrange a meeting with the recruits
>it doesn't have to be the middle east
>memelord could just explain that he himself will transfer the recruit to isisland
>it's a trap!
>rob the asshole
>tell him that isis appreciates his donation
>rinse and repeat

I mean what could go wrong, right?
Dammit, you're stupid. Fucking Islam apologetic conspiracy nuts, I fucking swear...
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let's fucking go
Deus Vult
Wait! /k/ actually physically attempted to go to isisland and wage war on them?
worst case you end in guantanamo
>Demoralize ISIS sympathizers

Someone has a link to that ominous Trump report? Duckduckgo won't deliver. Did Buzzfeed delete it?
There were pictures on here earlier, didn't save them though.

I'd like Mexico if they were all like this guy
>We would need their info
and their hierarchy, we have to put them against each other and divide them.

Divide et impera
kek, only in mexico for vacation
Yes, some /k/ommandos literally geared up and were going to go over there and kill those fucking savages.

If your part of an agency and would rather we just ran psyops then you should say something, and maybe cough something up we could use.

This isnt the first time, they also bought a boat, and some military grade firepower to mount on said boat and were going to go somali pirate hunting, but I believe it was the fed that shut that down, I'm not a /k/ommando
I have observed a university run research progress in which red team and blue team persuaders tried to convince a group of male college student which pro/con radicalization arguests are stronger.

Blue team kept using shitty Koran based arguments. Shit.

Keep it simple stupid.

Isis recruits are the biggest cucks of all time.

Why do you think that the leaders get multiple wives?

All they get are goats. And blown the fuck up.

The entire thing is a ponzi scheme.

Focus on the sexual element. We are talking about young men. They are sexually frustrated as fuck. Show them how cucked it is to fight for some guild that gets you nothing while the bosses get paid and laid.
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>on vacation
>4 chan
What kind of a fucking vacation is that? You can just as well shitpost from home, if not better.
So who stopped them and why?
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Anyon got the video, or link, of this gif? Should help
https://youtu.be/F7I63sRGsTw all unite to remove kebab, shills and BTFO the left
sounds like you just really hate america desu
kekhu akabar
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Point taken. I'll work on it.
Kek wills it.
m8 how can I pass up pissgate, that shit is legendary
is there any country in the world that likes america besides schekels
A brilliant idea, but we still have no fucking clue were these people are in the web-sea.

I'm looking, but obviously and for good reason search engines aren't exactly going to be forthcoming.

I think this one is out of our league boyos.
is this real?
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i wish i was part of a meme OP agency

I have this OC if you want it
Limp dicks cant fuck
>1.Ignore all shills (especially estonian posters)
What's the story behind this?
Fight the machinations faggot.
only way to stop isis is to identify islamic extremists that are currently living in europe..because thats where isis is now.

Someone would need to hack each countries immigration centers and get detailed lists of every single immigrant that has come here in the past 3 years..
you'd then have to cross check that with known isis members.
which is something pol isnt gonna do.
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Look at the previous threads, no offense to you but three Estonians kept spamming and shilling against destroying ISIS. Your country may be comprinised
Will you post the pic of Urban II in that picture?
This isn't realistic.
The most I think we can do is false flagging attacks between ISIS and their foes/allies to further antagonize them.
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it feels kinda funny. After the first meme war aka The US election.
It seems we fought out the US civil war.
Now turning our eyes to ISIS, it's like the start of WW1. On foreign soil
@repadamkinzinger supports FSA so by association or stupidity supports isis.

We already know McCain, Clinton, Obama, and I think Lindsey Graham.

There are people in France and UK as well.
Not too sure what you mean
The pic that that guy said to make as our twitter profile pic.
what was
guys #gaykids

find arabic accounts there will be many, i think they might be recruiting through this has tag, thoughts?
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We live and die by your orders KEK
Sounds good but what's the risk of getting V& for this? Maybe we should specifically act as if we're against ISIS from the get-go and that combined with obviously lying about being in the war will cover us in court should anything happen.
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Remember what /sg/ did? My idea is we perpetuate a link between Isis and gay child sex trafficking groups to the public, thus making liberals feel more strongly about this. I'll be polling everyone next thread
Alright, I have something to offer
I'm a student from a shitskin country (NOT a refugee, pls nobully), ex-Muslim with a good amount of religious education so I know to a fairly deep level the theology/rules/etc and I speak Arabic natively.
I'm pretty sure there aren't many people with this set of skills here, and I think it could be valuable and want to help in whatever way I can. I think I can go deeper in ISIS cells than most people here just by speaking Arabic and I can act convincingly as an extremist if given the kind of anonymity that the internet provides.

Also willing to prove any part of what I just said (and that I am not one of the three shills)
Deus Vult
Thank you, that was helpful.
Seriously, I thought starting point is:

(Pic of Mia Khalifa or some shit)
(A goats rear end)

Make fun of the goofy losers who join is is and them want to go back to the west.

Connect them with acid attacks on family members. Label someone with a fucked up face "your mum".

Stuff like that.
I think isis online should be tackled,and smeared as it is the gateway for European shit skin larped into terror snack baring,they are a perfect target since a lot of them have really barely any Islamic background (some terrorist were carrying Islam for dummies and shit like that and European mudslimes specially pakis can better into English than into Arabic)also Islam has no pope or central figure of authority so we can pretty much make up whatever we want and atribute it to some imán or mullah and that's it.
That said,I don't have that much of a problem with faggie larpers from europe going to Irak and getting killed only with European governments letting then back in ,it's a perfect honey trap actually (they would be more effective getting a knife and stabbing randomly in europe and getting loved by stupid press and politicians instead they volunteer to go to a place with no news coverage (the best protection Islam has is media,they can loose hundreds of battles some reporter will come they'll take the weapons and claimed they killed inocent civilians and people will buy it see Serbian kebaby removal) so I'm actually ok with them going to some shitty he'll hole where they can be blasted from above without having any rights instead of terrorising europe and being rewarded with state sponsored tax payed comfyness and chance for further radicalising other shit skins in jail (that's how they radicalise many other new fags that come to jail...)
kek wills you to glory, brother
Deus Vult
No need to push the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ angle then they are already faggots.
let's do it


This is a good idea. As well, the first wave of twitterbots could be spreading western prop in the form of ISIS videos/infographics.

Creating some infighting on their social media and recruitment sites would help too
Wonderful Estonia strikes again.

The only thing I can say at this time is to stick around and keep your eyes peeled, gathering this information is going to take more than a little time.

sure i'll have it
Should we just send them the worst cancer we generate
Delete the m when you open it in a new tab
I highly suggest not doing that bud. That's incredibly dangerous especially if you're not a native born Estonian. If anything else we need help getting this movement going until we decide how we will fight this battle so just if you could give ideas on how we will.
I'm going to make a straw poll once we get enough ideas, just make sure they can be believable. Remember if pissgate can happen, anything can
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Whoops meant to tag you in the second part>>106697046
pedophilia, fucking/raping western women etc wont do shit to ISIS, you need to turn them against each other. Make it look like they enjoy western vices, violate laws of islam, poor believers etc. Make them look gay is a start, not a pedo, they don't see the distinction. A man fucker, alcohol drinker. Anything that islam says is outright not allowed shape into the ISIS reputation. Create fall reports of them attacking various sub factions of the Islamic world. Make that fucking snake eat itself.
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>no digits
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I'll start poking around twitter, but tbqh islam is totally alien to me and I won't really know what I am looking at, or for.

We gotta find a way to make this funny or something, we need /pol/'s manpower behind us.
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I say we do it. First off, how many anons speak Arabic?
We need this Estonian

Thank you brother, I am observing this as I am incapable of contributing but I am grateful for your presence. Very valuable.
Let this be a motivator for our war against ISIS.
Fuck 'em all to death!
fuck you.
>wanting isis to eventually take israel
Anyone know the hashtags that ISIS uses on twitter? that's probably the best thing we can find right now. All anons that speak arabic please get on that
Don't get caught by the po-po. Other than that, Kek vult.
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Terror in spain
In spain just now. Someone make a thread niggers.

make muslims sand people again!
This. Make them appear to embrace things that are Haram and associate them with degenerate culture. Show that at their core they are weakling faggots that could never accomplish anything. This will curb those wanting to join and ruin their "scary" reputation in the West.
Ya got me
Do you realize that you're fighting to preserve ISIS? How delusional and morally bankrupt do you have to be to shill for ISIS?

Good point, it will be hard to do anything written if we can't use or write in Arabic. Another anon suggested mock recruitment videos.

Perhaps just ISIS style videos where we ridicule and mock Islam and ISIS? Like obnoxious american references or even make it seem real and then an american wrecks their shit halfway through?

Just spitballing ideas.
>ruin their "scary" reputation in the West.
Good point. The west already hates ISIS but many people fear them. We should take some of that fear away from them by making ISIS look incompetent.

i wanna help but i think id get arrested by the rcmp for not respecting islamic culture
Brit anon suggested one. Not verified though.

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nice work man
This is a thread for that, we are pledging to finally destroy ISIS, much more than discussion
It's remarkably easy to use a script that can post at the time when a dub becomes available. You are all massive retards. Also, check them.
if you really wanna get rid of isis you need to convince them to desert isis and side with the people
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Witnessed and bumped, praise him brother, praise him.
I heard being called impotent and calling them effeminate triggers the shit out of them. I wonder what combination of those two would really trigger them. Impotent and get fucked by male goats in ass to get off? What does Syria have a lot of? Goats? Sheep? We have to hit them close to home, a lot of these guys fuck farm animals, it's not a meme, so calling them out as getting fucked by male goats in ass impotent effeminate clowns.
Also, someone should tweet Scott Adams for a kill shot idea.
you need to use islam and the quran against them

tweet them verses that contradict their main tenets
Nice meme
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Guys, apparently ISIS terrorists and al-Qaeda members use Telegram to send messages.

What if we impersonated ourselves as terrorists on Telegram and set up stings?
/pol/ We can never remove ISIS physically but it would be a combat on the propaganda front. This could be done from Twitter, YouTube, Live Leak, Kik (Is that what those Jihadis use?).

The biggest downside is our lack of knowledge in Arabic so we'd need some polacks who know Arabic to help with the this.

Few ways to do this would be

1) Going off of what the leddit user did and go off what the FBI said about ISIS being in all 50 states.


This would be locating camps through different types of media and geocaching if they were stupid enough to leave it on.

We would then report such camps and in the HOPES that we get the. Something like when Syria General helped Russia Bomb that one location.

2) Propaganda War with Social Media hijacking their popular hashtags to show anti-ISIS, not anti-islamic memes.

Showing anti-Islamic memes would only embolden them as one of the ways ISIS recruits is through the view that Muslims are oppressed in non Arab nations.

To accomplish a propaganda war would probably mean showing how backwards they would go in terms of technology. Life as an ISIS fighter is not something they should strive for as it would be difficult. Show them Arab nations are not nice places to live with poor standards of living and such.
It doesn't matter why are everyone ignoring this shit. It looks real enough for dumb sand dindus.
Maybe we just apply all the shill methods directed at us but towards wherever they gather and let stupid Muslims take massive amounts of disinfo and bait
>implying anyone who speaks Arabic would want to be in this Arab-bashing shithole
I do, native. But I think that's it

I approve of this; common smearing tactic in Arab politics and it usually works well

the fucking farm animals meme doesn't actually exist in the Arab world, I've never heard of it at least. Trying to paint the leaders as effeminate might just work if there's any basis for it, the guys as far as I've seen look just like any other Arab big guy 4u.

thanks for the tip, I'll be careful.
i reply
can we start a rumor that a leader of isis is a pedophile? then they wont want to be a part of isis!

oh wait.....
That's a good way to end up on a list and get v&

seriously though we should maybe start a rumor that a leader of isis is trans or something

KeK says you're a little bitch.
mohammed was a pedophile they'll just be more impressed with him

we need to find quran verses that tell them the opposite of what they believe

remember we only have a week here
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is isis is factionalized right? What are the cracks, what makes one side of isis think they are bedda then the other?
Maybe tie this to the recent Florida shooting. The guy was brainwashed into fighting for ISIS by the CIA.
Then make Muhammad a faggot. If published in a newspaper there would be a bombing within a week.

what happens in a week?
perhaps we can start a hoax that a new part of the quran was found written by muhammed himself that says its okay to suck dick and that semen will make you more manly? then all of isis will have to start sucking penises

i know it might sound retarded but im just brainstorming here
>Qur'an verses proving that ISIS is anti-Islamic
There's plenty of material for this, and this *will* work best for reducing their legitimacy in the eyes of actual Muslims, but would be the hardest to actually accomplish because of how hard it would be to get this across to the real hurka durka Arabs who would probably have gotten this message already if they were connected to proper information sources.

Praise. I'll start searching into the camps and try to get some locations and connections between them. If they are rectuiting they might be transferring recruits or members between them, or at least communicating.

The best thing we can do now without a clear plan of action is to learn as much as we can about them.

You are right that anti-Islam would further entrench them. It's probably more important to convince other westerners of the hypocrisy than to try to force anti-Islam on Islam.

Anyone who doesn't know how to help yet should start working on maps and compiling maps of anything you can find.

Worst case we could do some damage in the same vein as RWSS by finding code violations or terrorist connections and sending in tips.

At the very least read up on /sg/ and anything you can on ISIS and this enemy. Knowing your enemy and not taking them for granted is of the most vital importance.

Deus Vult brothers.

oh god if we destroy ISIS we'll have our dicks sucked for the next century


Dues vult motherfuckers
ISIS has a fairly competent video production crew

I suppose we could make comic sans tier videos, but I think they would be so niche that it would be hard to get them to go viral.

One of the core ideals in Islamic fundamentalism is raw masculinity, and as we mock each other relentlessly that shouldn't be hard for us to rip apart.

Perhaps take a cue from our feminist friends and point out all the raging flaws in being a "manly man"?

It would be cute to see us and tumblr working together.

I reiterate, however we lack the areas of their operations within our spheres of influence, and I fear without a concentrated effort, this isn't going anywhere.

So a good start would to be making catchy /pol/ memes on false flagging/humiliating isis for the lulz

I'm probably taking this too seriously, but this would put us on the map of "This isnt a fucking joke anymore"

Kek wills it
we just need to put doubt in the minds of the soldiers and they will do the rest
slide thread! this is jew tricks to distract us.
Just came, would it work if some of us created fake twitter account supporting ISIS and so approach them more easily ?

Like the anon with the goldenshower did, if i understood, he made a pro-Clinton twitter account and it gave him credibility, we could do the same with ISIS

The problem is that we would be swatted instantly, but there is obviously a way to do it, anyone have an idea ?
They weren't edited?
In what retarded timeline are we in?
Is this real?

“O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. He is an outright enemy to you.” (Holy Quran: 2, 208)

“There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Holy Quran: 2/ 256)

“You cannot guide those you would like to but God guides those He wills. He has best knowledge of the guided.” (Holy Quran/28: 56)

“God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.” (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8)

“We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had God willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to God and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 48)

“God does not love corruption”. (Surat al-Baqara, 205)
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What about saying that there was a new peace between the curds and the chia, or which ever ones hate each other. The rank and file would be pissed.

Praise Kek.
this is literally the /pol/ equivalent of Churchill's "we will fuck them on the beaches" speech, good job anon although your niggery feet will never again touch the sparkling white sands of the falklands
Molyneux challenged us to take down Isis in a week. We have the ability to do this. I estimate we have at least 60k people on here on a good day. If we all do our part we can take down the goat fuckers in a week.
I've made every single thread and have made every info graphic reffering to us.
I answered the call.
Are you going to?
It could work but it needs more time, you can't just bring up that some guy found pages taken off the Q'ran and bait the news into spreading the apparent fact that it's okay for Muslims to suck dick, especially when there's no pics of said pages.

It is easier, however, to take passages of the Q'ran out of context and subtly interpret them as being gay acceptance speech
Lets ask anons in /sg/ to help us?
We've been going about this all wrong so far. They don't care what the Quran says. You are projecting too much rational thinking upon them.

What needs to be done, is turn their deepest most burning hatred against themselves.

We must convince them that their top leaders have been infiltrated by (((them))).

Tbh I think directly communicating with an ISIS member can be way too dangerous. It places you at risk from 1) the Government and 2) from either ISIS or a supporter who would do the Jihad.

We would have to hijack their popular internet safe-spaces and meme the shit out of it in hopes we get someone who was considering to no join. The goal right now should be about disrupting recruitment as best as we can.
>/pol/ tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
yea ...fake ...ok
Here's the decent resolution image.
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Good points.

>we lack the areas of their operations within our spheres of influence, and I fear without a concentrated effort, this isn't going anywhere

This is a big weakness but could be a great strength as well. If enough of us get the ball rolling with some spicy memes at the very least we will attract more interest to this.

Many here complain about there not being enough happenings but this could be the biggest happening on /pol/ ever

>this would put us on the map of "This isnt a fucking joke anymore"

Exactly. The greatest lulz tend to originate in a serious context. as the first post explained despite our differences in ideology /pol/ is in agreement that ISIS must be destroyed.

Who better to destroy them?
I'm sure there are some based muzzies that would contribute. The actions of ISIS make their entire community look bad. I'm sure they want to see them wiped out also.

Yeah, the most effective memes would be to show how feminine Arab men are. Make ISIS look like a flaming faggot cult.
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And the other time it happened.

So yes, /sg/ did it twice.
>Perhaps take a cue from our feminist friends and point out all the raging flaws in being a "manly man"?

You mean bring Freud up to call people who don't like gays ''closet gays'' themselves, keep in mind that they only use Freud for that and nothing else, even though for gays it doesn't make much sense, while for people like ISIS it might blow them a fuse
Do it anon, someone post on /k/ as well
wtf that post is so reddity
>Showing anti-Islamic memes would only embolden them as one of the ways ISIS recruits is through the view that Muslims are oppressed in non Arab nations.
100% correct.

>To accomplish a propaganda war would probably mean showing how backwards they would go in terms of technology. Life as an ISIS fighter is not something they should strive for as it would be difficult.
Agreed, but I think it would be better to spin it as a consequence of decisions taken by ISIS leadership rather than the conditions of the place itself.
>Show them Arab nations are not nice places to live with poor standards of living and such.
Would not recommend
Arabs commonly blame this on western colonialism and highlighting it might not be the best idea
>4chan takes down terrorism from both ends- CIA and ISIS

What a time to be alive...

the jews. every conspiracy, real or fake, has jews at the center of it. no matter your beliefs, you have to agree that jews are an easy target, so much that isis can get absolutely rekked. we need to make the first conspiracy theory that gains popularity in isis.

combine that with pizzagate and bam international memwars :-D
What were you thinking?
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Ok ok. I have an idea.

Everyone knows the ISIS Nasheed right?

If they have any sort of Arabic name, rifle through their liked videos, and comments.

SOMETHING should come up.

We need a place to start, and I think this is a good'un.

Deus vult and dob bless benis.
lel good luck faggots. a highly trained, well financed terrorist organisation vs a rag tag team of shitposters.


We must harness their limitless stupidity, hatred and violence against themselves. This is the only way meme magic could be weaponized against ISIS.

the meme was that isis rapes kids anyways
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Anons should pretend to be ISIS sympathizers and attends local mosques to investigate.
If we target each and everyone of these mosque, someone might find something significant like key recruit agents or other real ISIS sympathizers.

How can we get started?
Eh, I'd rather stay off the terror watchlist and the no fly list.
>oh wait
I should read better desu
As far as I remember it was just sheets of paper laid out so everything was visible in one picture. Perhaps someone else saved it and shared it in another thread.
>Theories for a battleplan:
>1. Create perspective that ISIS has links to pedophile rings in the middle east
This won't work. Pedophilia is disgusting to our culture, not theirs. Were not trying to turn our people against them, they already are.

If you want to do something like this you need to target their ideals.

>2. Create idea that ISIS is having a powerstruggle due to the soldiers discovering outside influence
This might be a good idea. I'm willing to bet theirs links between high level ISIS people and western politicians.

We should expose that shit.

>3. Investigate ties from ISIS to the Middle eastern Governments (show support and donations)
Again, you need to target their ideals not ours.

There are well known links between middle east governments and ISIS. This is not a surprise to them.

>4. Create the story that Middle eastern govts have ties to ISIS

They do, they're well documented. Some middle eastern governments say they support ISIS openly...

The biggest issue here is you're targeting the wrong people. You can't expect to turn them against each other by holding them to our ideals and culture. Were not the same, that's what all this is about in the first place. You need to expose them going against their ideals.

t. A jew.
fuck off i wish isis would win just because of that post and I'm an atheist.
What am I looking for.
Give me some example

See what I wrote earlier: >>106701132
I know, I tried to make it a formal battle speech like >>106700948 said, but it's difficul not to sound cringy trying to embolden weebs to post green frogs like the destiny of the free world depended on it

for ten years on this site i've been called a newfag, ebaumer, goon, gaiafag, 9fagger and redditor. something is wrong with me
Also what the most frequently bought religious text will look like, too.
>the cloud of smoke looks like Pepe

Fucking hell
>not thinking that fucking Arabs would have already thought of this
Muslims blame fucking everything on Israel, associating ISIS with Israel is such an old meme in the Arab world that there's a microscopic chance anyone will even bat an eye.

It's called صليل الصوارم (Salil ul Sawarim), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiGuyCtoISI
Not sure what you want from there though

you're that unityfag from /mena/, pls go
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I agree heartily, and which is why I am monitering and samefagging in thread so persistently.

I'm all over Youtube/Liveleak right now, scouring for any type of information but almost all of it is just us screaming at them.

they are dug in pretty good.
>oh god if we destroy ISIS we'll have our dicks sucked for the next century

Remember Brother, we do this not for glory but for the almighty Kek.
>If you agree, please sign below by replying to this post, or your mother will die in her sleep =)
my mother got terminal cancer and I really want to hold on just a little longer.
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You have my sword, Molymeme.

Remember that:
>ISIS was funded by USA to genocide poor Syrian Muslims
>USA is a puppet of Israel
>Thus, ISIS is a puppet of Israel
You really want to fuck with ISIS? Get some "legitimate" news outlet to run with a story that they're funded by Israel. Rip on them for never attacking the Jews and only killing fellow Muslims. Point out their complete lack of support for Palestine.
This can go 2 ways: They attack Israel and are wiped out by the US/Israeli armies (doubtful since they actually are funded by the kikes.) Or, they lose all credibility and recruits start drying up.
sounds like a good plan, there are some salafists group and people on twitter and kikebook, they obviously support ISIS but will never say it, we could join these groups and we will surely not be fucked by the secrets services

what do you have in mind then?
with pleasure sir
i wish Jack Lang would be in power of Morocco
fun fact they gave a 12 year old muslim, over telegram, in germany plans to built nailbombs, to bomb a "weihnachtsmarkt" (ludwigshafen), but the 2 bombs ignite. im glad they didnt worked!
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Mohummud fucked goats..
You look here, like I am.

We need to find people who willfully associate with this type of ideology and trace it back.

ISIS covers it's tracks, and we are hopeless without knowing where this den of RATS lies online.

Once we find that, then we harass them endlessly and make fools of them.

This is the legwork part. This is what makes or breaks us.
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While true, this is not helpful information in dealing with ISIS. Look at how the Jews do D&C.
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Fucking stupid idea. Most of you are fat faggot weebs.

pic related; this faggot turns up at a mosque... no one would suspect a thing.
Someone should start writing the next OP now, there's a lot of new stuff to consider

For discrediting the organization itself I think the best idea is to discredit ISIS leaders as degenerate. This works in the Arab world as well as it would anywhere else.

this just might work but only if the story if extremely well built and irrefutable
see >>106702672, Arabs are tired of Israel conspiracies
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Have we started the fire brothers?
I don't think it'll work but it's worth a try. If I come across anything I'll be sure to post it.
Syria general got archived, I have to wait for a new thread. Can I expect you glorius fuckers to behave if I manage to persuade middle easterns to help us with this?
I say go with the gay angle. Their entire culture and religion is obsessed with repressing sexuality. Women and men cover exposed skin and faggots are literally tortured or killed. The only thing worse than labeling them faggots would be to slander Muhammad. Turn them into the thing they despise and strip them of masculinity. The Jew angle is weak.
I am fairly sure you are the only one ITT who can read this stalwart norweigian.
Its some research i done when #pizzagate #twittergate was hot topic

Arabs are nasty fucking people, but you'd be best not reporting it because twitter will ban you, there is stuff dating from 3 years ago that has not been removed... The study I done I found that they like to share this shit by announcing first that they have the material with some short clips. I was systematically finding video, clicking to see who liked it and opening in new tabs the people who liked etc. I tried to get deeper and deeper, i found that there are VIP accounts that follow other VIP accounts etc. Which really creeped me out a little, i got to a point i thought that this is too much, and i need back up, today i have that backup thus i shared the hash tag, it is an entry point.

I found that I came across people who are on the opposite spectrum of /pol/ ei isis or people who support them, i don't fully know because arabic is a hard language, but definitely worth investigating.

I said in the first and second thread we might unearth shit that is bad, but if we must then we must.

Seems they are onto every boy that out there looking for something in life and they are snapping them up so to speak.

These are our targets, don't alert them we are coming, infiltrate, use social engineerings and we might hit the jackpot.
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That would be a fucking awesome.

If you can pull that off I would be extremely impressed.
Get Al Jazeera to run with it. If we can do that, cakewalk.
You're probably right, but we're working with almost nothing here.

another incredibly risky step would be to canvass chat rooms, but that's retarded and time consuming.
Fuck that. That's how you get arrested. I would only do it if I could get a guarantee that I wouldn't be arrested.
ok lets go
Of course, will be starting a new thread soon with a strawpoll
Is there any official discord or anything to share our progress and/or the targets that have been acquired?
Rather then media bullshit - we should rather convince those cucks, that nuclear weapon is essentially the only way. IMAGINE THAT!
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deus vult
Nice, there were atleast 3 Syrians posting in the last thread, I think we could really use translators and get some inside knowledge from them
From that video, these users posted comments that (heavily) imply they're into that shit

Some of them have more activity inside so there might be potential for more, some post videos, some don't do much.


>Can I expect you glorius fuckers to behave if I manage to persuade middle easterns to help us with this?
this for me as well. I know a bunch of guys who might be interested, a Persian speaker as well.

JSC is Qatari owned. I would be astonished if they did anything to discredit Islamists.
But at that, maybe..
didnt ignite fuck off im tired
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we NEED middle eastern allies.

There is literally NO way we could harm them without them.

So heres a bump from my forever postin' ass
Can the next OP include the archive link to the covenant (>>106683283) to be signes in the OP?

Praise kek. Kill all muslims.
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>mfw this could be the beginning of a long lasting /pol/-Arab alliance
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Let's take back Constantinople while we're at it.
>oh god if we destroy ISIS we'll have our dicks sucked for the next century

Fugg, if we can do such a thing, we BECOME that which is history to be discussed for the next century, and would seal the fate of leftism being relegated to the butt of every joke for being nothing more than a mindset for starting online petitions while those on the right take down terrorist organizations from afar.

Please, let this happen.
We could shoot fake isis recruiting videos of men in masks, raping animals in a dessert background. Maybe in front of a green screen, then later figure out the environment. I think /mlp/ can be persuaded to fuck goats or camels. We could try to ask /lgbt/ to make a gay vid while wearing isis uniform. Then spam them everywhere. Censor out the vital parts to be able to spam them on SFW sites.

Who ever reacts to it is a target.
tweet peaceful quran verses at isis accounts
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Are you goys gonna just sit back and ignore kek's orders?

ISIS = ISRAEL is the reality we need to meme into existence. This will result in the foiling of both entity's nefarious plots.

We need a story on the front page of Fox/Drudge/MSNBC about ISRAEL being linked to ISIS.

We need to expose the "ISIS propaganda videos" for being the jewish fake news that they are!

Get to work autists!
Oh shit, it's on!
Looks like we're getting slid by shills. Want me to link this thread in shill threads?
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I say boo, to the pedofag angle. It is too obvious, it needs to be more subtle.

These theists wont question their leaders faith, but they would their allegiance/backers.

We need them to do that, but in their typical splody shooty way.
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Me and my buddies did a fake jihadi video before. It was so realistic that my one friend ended up throwing up. We were launching mortar fireworks and everything.
New Thread
That's brilliant if it could be done. People could easily be convinced the vids were produced or "leaked" by ISIS.
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holy shit magyar you are on to something...
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ISIS collapses in 2017

r..right guys?
These are the kinda people who will make this plan work
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Just finished this, sorry, I know I'm late
Do one more. Make it worse.

goatfuck and gay fag vids with "spycam" that it seems to be more legit i like ur idea
Shoot it with 2006 cellphone cameras, to make it more legit
I could put my 3d video degree into use, for once in a lifetime
This, this is the best propaganda we can make, and you know it, we need isis with goat OC, and its overcomeable. We need cross cooperation between the horsefuckers and the technicians at other boards, as well as /lgbt/

This requires organazing and planning in a platform other than a short lasting thread on a Norwegian cod fish salting board.

Digits confirm.
where does isis have a large presence online? twitter. we need to make some sort of hashtag that will become popular....
it is also a gate way to many arabic hash tags relating to the topic, i don't know any because its arabic, like i said its a tough language.

It's time to put it to use anon.
Signed boi
Maybe we can take goat fucking to another level and make deviant art tier cringe pohotoshopped images with poorly drawn cartoon goats, like how fat neckbeards hooverhand photoshoped anime gurls...
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/lgbt/ is a brilliant idea. the more man power we have the better, the main obstacle we face is one of manpower, and this neatly curtails that.

I literally laughed out loud. Maybe a bit about how all the "submissiveness" of fundamental islam is conducive to homosexuality.

Men smarter than I am would surely know where best to place this potent piece of propaganda.

We're ((Them)) now /pol/.

There was isis chan,japanese did that in order to take away their power as terrorist for quite a time whenever you searched isis on the Web all you found was isis chan dancing with watermelons
could be useful later
Drawing the military Age men to Europe and destabilizing the area to a point of an actual race war to justify the "removal" of all of the men who would be doing the fighting." Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer". It's well known that westerners have a kill ratio of 1000 to 1 and we can remove kebab whenever we choose. Spin the narrative that it's a suttle entrapment. Who knows, maybe there is some 88degree chess going on and that is what is actually happening
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Hey, at least you're white.
OK. Thanks for the info.
Could you get the nips on board with this?
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