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Porn thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 92

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Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is not allowed. LOLI IS NOT ALLOWED. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposting.
Stay on topic.

Previous Thread: >>2666594
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what brush did you use?


stop trying to kill loli, fag.
gtfo from this thread. either submit art for critique or critique art. fucking dickbrain normies.
Global rule 3 motherfuckers, get the fuck out.
When will I get to this level of fundamentals?
you should study the fundamentals of being funny. now gtfo and stop littering the thread, autismo.
>There are people that legit suck that mod's cock because they're too big of a sissy to stand looking at loli porn
there's just a majority of people that don't give a shit if loli is being posted or not, so we just stick to the rules and don't give a fuck about the needs of you normie dickbrains. btfo already.
>porn thread
>no porn
every time
So you don't care about loli being posted but you care enough to push your dickbrains meme, muh rules and "gtfo normies reeee", got it.

Porn soon I hope
normies in terms that they probably don't even draw and are here just for the porn, which makes them dickbrains. and no, I'm positive dickbrain isn't just a meme, but people actually can be categorized as dickbrains.
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lets go

i censored stuff that could offend lmao
>what are fundamentals
>what is the sticky
>where is the beginner's thread
>Post loli
>Mods, I'm a rebel, you can't hurt me :^)
Enjoy your ban, you shitty Reddit pedofag. No one has time for your dumbass shit.
post your work
kill yourself and then I'll post it. I swear.
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lmao.. i feel sorry for you dude. it's an art board, we're all just trying to improve, grow up or stick to /b/
trust me, this art >>2679117 is shit. no matter how much you try to demonize me for saying that, nothing will change. that art will still remain shit.
you're shit talking but not giving any actual constructive critique
>M-muh global rules
>Give me more pirated resources pls!
I really like how this turned out, but I'm afraid to color it. Do you guys have any advice on shading/coloring clothes and skin?
there's no fucking constructive critique to give to a piece of shit artwork like that. all the guy has to do is start taking art more seriously and learn some fucking fundamentals. without having your fundamentals in place it's impossible to achieve appealing porn. and if he's doing all this just for fun, then he might as well stop posting in this thread.
can you fucking understand this simple concept, or are you too damn stupid?

if you want to polish a turd then go right ahead and color this.
>Post loli
>Mods, I'm a rebel, you can't hurt me :^)
I don't like loli and never posted it in my life
>Enjoy your ban, you shitty Reddit pedofag. No one has time for your dumbass shit.
Well isn't that a mature response
Banning loli and furry was plain retarded and no amount of MUH RULES will ever defend it. It doesn't matter what I like, people should come to /ic/ to post their art and get critique regardless of the subject, especially in the porn thread. Try to deny this
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>normies in terms that they probably don't even draw and are here just for the porn
>and are here just for the porn
>just for the porn
>and are here

Oh, yes. Because normies will want to enter an unknown board to fap to poorly drawn artist wannabe pictures, instead of going to...


That totally makes sense.
how can we take you serious if you don't post any of your own work? >>2679224

this is all one toxic cunt
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>I don't like loli and never posted it in my life
I don't either, but that does that have anything to do with my post?
>Well isn't that a mature response
Again, nothing of value added to your post. It's mod rules, nothing personal.
And that goes with furry as well, faggot.
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Umm, ok?
What does this HAVE to do with being allowed to post loli/furshit?
It's funny how you all get so triggered by loli/furshit and still claim "I'm following the rules" while you have a sticky and an artbook thread full of pirated resources, despite lots of laws that forbid you from downloading that copy of Loomis if you haven't paid for it.

But yeah. You are "following the rules".
Because the MODS allowed that stuff for this board's sake, while the MODS don't allow furshit and pedoshit out of /trash/. It is what it is, I didn't set up how /ic/ works, the MODS did. Tell that to them, instead of shitposting in a porn thread for Christ sake.
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I just started venturing into NSFW territory and can't get feedback because of a couple of overzealous normalfriends who pick and choose which globals rules to follow. /ic/ is a board for art.
Screw you guys lol
this thread is fucking awful because of rules and flaming.
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If they allow something as piracy, what's wrong with furshit/lolishit on a fucking DRAW board?

Porn threads were mild and had some quality until the enforcement of those rules because of some sjw triggering at furry/loli drawings.

There is literally no reason to ban lolifags/furfags other than MUH FEELINGS.

Pic related from a former porn thread.

>35 replies and 9 images ommited.
Blog of the artist? For purely educational reasons of course.
>It's mod rules, nothing personal. And that goes with furry as well, faggot.
And I repeat that this rule is pants on head retarded and was NOT enforced for a long time until some hotpocked woke up and decided to ban people like gabe on sight. That has done nothing but worsen the quality of these threads
And I'll also repeat what I said before
>It doesn't matter what I like, people should come to /ic/ to post their art and get critique regardless of the subject
And I think it is their right to do so
"/ic/ Artwork and Critique" and yet some things are banned because of sensitive fags wich are all over the "MUH RULES" now

>Porn threads were mild and had some quality until the enforcement of those rules because of some sjw triggering at furry/loli drawings.
>There is literally no reason to ban lolifags/furfags other than MUH FEELINGS.
>Pic related from a former porn thread.
I suppose you're talking about loli? I can't think of anything other than changing IP after you get banned, every time you post
Not like it's hard but it's tedious
Or use a VPN I guess
Friendly reminder certain kinds of drawings are literally illegal in certain english-speaking countries and people do not want to be exposed to it.
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>hold your breath
>make a wish
>count to reeeeee
>cum with me
>and youll be
>in a world of pure imagination
>take a look and youll see
>into your imagination

I bet the mods won't even care unless some spiteful cunt reports the post.
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where did i fuck up anatomy and all ather things?
Has your phone exploded yet?
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perspective of wing is wrong
neck is not in the middle of the body
hand does not follow the form of the skull
thumb too short
put tits slightly further down
put lower body slightly further up
make back slightly longer
back leg does not seem to properly attach to the hips
connection of front leg with hips is also kinda weird
back arm should be thinner than the one in the front
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legs too thin
balls not visible
>[Citation Needed]
>what is wikipedia
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aaand? What do you want to say?
No but the fucker slipped out of my pocket while I was in squatting position so it was less than a 1 foot drop, and the glass on the back cracked... thank God for the recall now I can get a brand new one :^)
>18 USC 14666A
As long as the loli and shota stuff is artistic, i think we're in the clear
>everyone lives in the us
What did it land on, a diamond floor? I thought they had gorilla glass 5.
why did you cut off her shoulder? by doing that you moved her neck even further away from the center
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why would I care for those who dont live in the US?
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this is what i mean. her head should be further to the left
position of belly button is also different
Why would I care that you cry when I report your shitty scribbles?
>reports arent a ticket out of this bottomless pit
they are for your little girl drawings 2bh
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Do you like slightly chubby gentle femdoms with inverted nipples?
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It's just a drawing. I draw all sorts of character and body types. It doesn't necessarily have to be a kink of mine or anything.
Also, you really think that's chubby? Whoa.
Very nice, is there more?
So offsite link as to not offend. (gay furry porn).

I see several issues myself (mainly with values and depth), but anyone up to giving me critique further on this? Would be incredibly appreciated.

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So, you dont like gentle femdoms with inverted nipples?

>that's chubby?
lol nooo, I saw the inverted nipples and added it to the question.
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what the fuck
I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't want to talk about my personal tastes here. I posted that hoping to get some critique.

I am pretty shitty when it comes to values and color theory, so I rather redlined the construction a bit (on the left). I changed the bottom guys head position as a suggestion to make the pose more interesting. Same goes with the hand below.
On the right I made some lighting fixes to the neck are, since it seemed a bit flat.
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I know I posted practically the same thing last thread, but I was wondering if anyone had advice on skintones

good stuff, but thats not what the underside of a penis looks like
wrong thread, you're looking for the cringe thread.
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https://i.warosu.org/data/ic/img/0026/29/1470484507637.jpg color like krenz?

also ty for crit, will go study weiners more
is that blood?

tears in stocking, but i think i did something weird with the levels so it looks pretty dark where it shouldn't be
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i dont want to sound ungreteful, but i dont get why you want to make her nek shorter and muve her bellybutton.
Not him, but it's the perspective. Unless she literally has a giraffe neck, your neck does not extend that far out irl. It also doesn't follow the perspective angle the body is in imo.
I also think the same for (her left) wing, too.
I have tile floors and it landed right on its corner. But yeah, gorilla glass 5 is shit. Scratches incredibly easy and apparently it not all that tough... Samsung really goofed on this one, wish there were alternative phone options that came with a stylus but Samsung is the only one so props the them for that atleast.
It looked fine the first time that guys just an autist.
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i want her wings as thay are now =(

Thank you for the redline. Yeah the reason for the weird head angle was going to be because there's a wall (so he's up against it) but I got pretty lazy with any background. I didn't even pay attention to the hand though and the construction of the head in your redline (or overall construction) is a vast improvement. It's a lot more gestural.

I think I was way more worried about my perspective than my gesture and killed the gesture/pose, been doing this a lot lately.
Nobody forces anyone to save loli drawings.

Luckily, the police will only find in your hard drive that stolen copy of Photoshop and 50+ GB of "free downloaded, yet copyright protected IP".

But hey! You aren't going to land 10 years on jail for drawings!

You worry too much anon.
Demoness aside that lineart is looking dope as fuck right now
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> looking dope
sht does this mean?
Pretty good, but as the other anon pointed out, the crappy peen kinda ruins it. It's porn, that stuff has to be given some attention.
i mean it looks my nigga its real my smooth my dawg yo like bam muthafucka check this demonic shit yo
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Am I ok yet? Say something before I finish it.
Dorothy from VA-11 Hall-A
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if only i could color
or draw
her right tit makes it look like she has one boob bigger than the other, her butt and general waist is really small and makes her look like she has a reverse triangle figure
really nice background though
It's not the worst thing I've ever seen... You just need more practice.

Those fingers are horrifying. Like some kind of cryptid creature that comes in the night to touch your face before stealing your penis.

Face looks like a llama with downs.

Keep it up.
head still gigantic
This looks so generic and you didn't even fix the wing?? Wtf are you doing nigger


If you seriously want to learn to draw go to the beginner thread and start there. I think I understand what you're trying to do but you're not really getting the perspective etc (you know the arm should be smaller being farther away but you're not thinking of the objects in front of eachother properly or really perspective at all).


Her forehead/back of the skull seems like it's getting pulled back just a bit too much. Also her left eye/brow seems positioned wrong on her head. The line that I'm supposing is supposed to represent her spine/backcrest is too much to her left side in perspective and you should honestly be able to see her back a little at that angle (instead of her right ass cheek being one big circle down).
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reworked it a bit
Her wings and neck are fine faggot.
>necks aren't that long irl
Neither are many of her other proportions, its a not a photo realistic drawing though so why would it matter?
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I liked the earlier versions of her with blood dripping down her mouth desu senpai :(

Her wings also look a little bit flat/lack depth

But is gud
>makes it look like she has one boob bigger than the other,
plus it screws up the 3d form

They're both wrong, and for a figure, even if it's not photo realistic should still be in proper proportion. If it's finished and people look at it they will say "hey, that's a long neck" or "why are the wings so flat". It's simple fixes that could be done by simply cutting and dragging/warping. Don't see why it can't and shouldn't be fixed. You post here to receive critique, not get your cock sucked.
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there will be blood.

and i have no idea how to show depth in linework drawing in that way i already draw.

>you didn't even fix the wing
becouse i dont want, becouse i dont see the problem with her wing.
i dont wee that problem. Can you redline all that?
looks aversome as on my taste.
>and i have no idea how to show depth in linework drawing in that way i already draw.
Well, this may help ya famalam.
I even think this may refresh your perspective on, well, perspective on that wing, too.
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>>...and then she farts!
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About to clean up. Any issues?
so stylization thread is dead right now and I would assume this late at night you guys would be pumping art out by the hour

I'd like crit on this frog I'm about to render fully
Why do you use that bizarre brush in all of your pictures? It's literally painful to look at.
I like rough sketching brushes.
I'll clean it up with a different brush
one more ~
Much better
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less jarring?
This was redlined for you and you still didn't fix shit

Does she have mold in her mouth?
The other brush's double lines make my eyes try to focus even if they're focused, so it's uncomfortable to look at.

Anyway, I'd say the main problem is that it looks a bit stiff. She's just kinda there, not showing much emotion. I'm not sure if she's supposed to be struggling or what.
Is her expression final or a tentacle attack is just normal thing to Velma that she just admits defeat let it have its way with her body?
Your main issue is lack of emotions in her expression and body language.
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Inspect the area below her right tit.
Something doesn't add up when you get past that tentacle around her midsection.
Totally missed that. Thx
Maybe boredom would be a better expression.
Nope, she doesn't look bored at all. If anything she looks like she realized something happened, but she is apathetic about it. Anyway, doesn't look good for a smut illustration. Expressing the right emotions is essential.

>lefty finally listens
good god what a shitty 7 years
get some fucking taste. also gtfo, this is not a request board, dickbrain.
>starts blog in 2013
>more than 3 years
all my sides.
He's been inactive for over 3/4's of the time until just recently
still cracking up over here.
yeah anon at first i was like this thread is like a blown stomach trying to have a shit but all that comes out initially is farts till the end is near and the good stuff just sprays out in a frantic explosive manner ..
nice .
She's missing her rib cage on the left (her right). I really dig your style, but as others have pointed out, the completely blank expression kinda doesn't fit with tentacle reap....
A bit confusing at first glance (if the girl wasn't blue it'd be confusing as heck) , but I still kinda like it!
>i dont see the problem with her wing.

and what have you done about that? did you draw in some perspective lines to check? did you construct a mirror plane? no? good, very good. you totally understood the purpose of this thread.
Is it porn? Just want to make sure
If you're into unappealing blow-up dolls and plateaus longer than a draenei's lifespan
Does pokefucking count as furry?
You brag about window shoppers who aren't buying your actual product? Are you that desperate for attention? You sound like one of those nerds who got picked on in highschool.
Pokemon is furry.
That's a good name. I like that. I like flat.
Nah mate, that was posted before the redline. It has values because I wanted to get the ball rolling after someone might have A-OK'd it. I'll just delete the post.
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This is going into a game, so I need some criticism before I move onto coloring
I like it but I have no idea what your normal style looks like.

The foreshortening seems off, or the way you've split the image in half with her waist band.
It's totally fappable.

Thank you for the response
more lefty anus pls.
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Not porn but it comes close.
Perspective play failed. Her hips look hugh mungus.
дa, cyкyблядoк. Heкoтopыe люди дpoчaт нa плacтикoвых кyкл тoжe.
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>muh on and off
>literally got called lefty because you drew too much with your right hand, got CTS and have to switch to left hand
lefty you little lying 36 year old pedo you
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were her lower legs amputated?
I think you should rethink the light sources. The face seems to cast shadows correct, but her ass doesn't, like there's two light source present.
I will cherish this image. Thank you.
Your sketches always look more appealing than the final products for me. You really need to work on your color work man.
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dont mean to sound rude, but maybe you should go to the beginner thread? those ugly hands, amputated legs, everything out of proportion...
Love the vibrant colours dude, but it's hard to look at since there's so much of them. I'd use more saturated tones occasionally to give it a bit of contrast. For the tongue try using a pale red to make a pink instead of a fuchsia. The cum and her skin tone look a bit too similar too, so maybe give it more of a cream white, instead of pure white. Define your light source too, the shadows on her hand and forehead don't match up. What's the green thing behind them, is it the background, it should be less bright.

There's a lot of energy and character to it though, good job.
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are you insane? is this trolling? how can you sugges that person is a beginner? fucking /ic/, i'm getting pissed.
dont pay atention. That retard just butthurting of some old butthurts.
Not him, but what?
I agree that it's pretty retarded that he need to be sent to /beg/ just for some minor errors, that anon can fuck off with that. However, that red line is a much better handle than the original imo, but at this stage, I'd just improve that damn coloring, it's fundamentally shit and shoes lack in good color theory.

why's it saved as a jpg tho
the biggest problem was the torso and foreshortening, which the redline didn't fix. if you remove the boobs to try and see the rib cage underneath, it looks ridiculous.
He did critique. He said learn the fundamentals because he obviously never has. You can't critque it.
he's not a beginner, he's just bad. You can't see it cause you're bad as well.
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>her head and neck is one piece with reduced depth
You actually fucked up the anatomy even more you charlatan.

torso's much improved. neck's a bit weird though, looks like it connects from the back of the skull too low.
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ah, thanks c :

you bet, its my sexual fetish ;-;

another lewd, i actually tried coloring this time. did lineart as well.
cute madoka bro.
yes you do the whole point of your comment is to be rude

why do you guys give him critique? he is just here to be cherished.
Where are her lower legs?? Also, this looks flat as fuck, I hope it's a WIP. Also kind of a boring composition, but a bit late to change that.... Get working on putting some contrast/light & shadow in to it and give her some legs. Your line work is pretty neat and you're decent at construction, tho.
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anyone else experiment with fetishes they don't have an in an attempt to see if they can still make it something they find attractive
Could you try it a bit less saturated? Like leave only red with high saturation.
a good artist can make almost anything attractive and you seem to be a quite good one.
So you like dicks, eh?
a badly drawn dick destroys a pic for me, so yes i like good drawn dicks
I like when girls suck, fuck, and play with big, long, dongers, yes. It's visually more appealing.
No, but I do occasionally draw some fetishes that I've never fapped to, because they're fun to draw. I mean, I find foot fetishism disgusting, but I enjoy drawing feet and have drawn a couple of footjobs. I've also drawn lesbians, even if they're the most boring porn subject in the history of mankind.
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>visually more appealing
finally someone fucking gets it!!
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>I know, I'll falseflag my actual self being a closet faggot by convincingly leaving out key words from this anons post like "girls sucking and fucking"
>Call him gay.
Nice projection. Tell me, why do YOU have a pic of some guy with his mouth being on a phallic object on your computer?
For those who take commissions of their NSFW work, is there any way to make it completely untraceable to your RL name?

I know there's a function on PayPal that lets you hide it behind a company name or whatever, but to open a PayPal account you need to connect it to an ID/bank account, right?
More offsite link (gay furry porn again).


Sorry about how sketch it is, I rather not take it further without atleast getting a second eye on problems with the anatomy/perspective (may be a bit hard to perceive as just a sketch so again, sorry). Critique heavily welcomed.


It doesn't matter much but but the line on her boob/arm implies she's bending her arm a good bit more back. Location of her tail also has weird implications as it seems like it's coming out her side and not her rear (it's also very flat). Also her right pupil is wonky and shooting off into outer space.

Cute though.


Not sure if it's necessary to link it to your ID/bank... I'm pretty sure you can just accept payments into your paypal. Either way yes, if you use company paypal you don't have to show your name in any of your payment methods. Your personal information should be safe as long as you don't get hacked or piss off some buyer who takes it up with Paypal.
Good call about the arm, thanks.

It's really hard to critique it because it's no where near completion, everything seems to check out thus far

i use two paypal accounts one fake and one real. transfering money from the fake to the real. but the real one is not connected to a bank account either. Not sure if paypal can screw you for that.
where can i find more?
you like chris sanders at all? those legs remind me a bit of him

They still can I would believe. I'm pretty sure if a customer complains about you they'll do a case on you and find out either way. I don't exactly see the reason for two paypals for handling the income but I guess extra division from your porn.


Dangpa tumblr. Hopefully I'll have something further completed in time.

i really like dicks

unattractive dudes in general really kill things for me honestly, so many artists i really like draw really cute girls and then like super ugly dudes, sometimes intentionally so, i don't get it (unless it's some kind of fetish of hot girl with really old and/or ugly guy, that'd make sense, just not for me i guess)

lesbians can be p interesting, it's all about capturing the intimacy, have em all mushing their soft parts together, or kissing, or like spasming in some form of pleasure, y'know, actually looking like they're enjoying it (or maybe that's just me). feet are also hella weird, but a really cutely drawn foot that doesn't feel like an afterthought is definitely a bonus in terms of like, attention to detail for me. i also really like well done shoes, or even just their shape/silhouette being solid, i jus think shoes look really cool

i fuckin love chris sanders, he draws tiddies silly as shit tho, but damn if lilo & stitch ain't the best 2d disney film imo
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composition and background in progress
>fetish of hot girl with really old and/or ugly guy

I don't know why, but I have this fetish.
I prefer to see ugly old men fucking hot chicks... It seems more dirty and degrading...

Maybe it's a voyeur thing, I don't know.

I should stop watching creepy japanese porn...
demon girl looks very annoyed (this might be intentional) and is kinda awkwardly leaning back without really leaning against anything that i can tell, her horns are also not in proper perspective (try making a fist with both your hands but sticking the thumb out flat against the side of the palm, then putting the two hands together so the thumbs line up. then stick out your index fingers and bend them slightly while also tilting them away from each other to aproximate horns sticking out of some imaginary head that you visualize existing where your two hands meet (i apologize if this makes no sense))

witch lady feels emotionless if not slightly pissed off while she's either staring at demon girl's forehead, demon girls hand, or some unknown thing off camera (also her lips could use a bit more attention to detail, look up some refs of lips from a side profile view). also her hat brim feels a bit too symmetrical in terms of how it bends but that could just be a personal tastes/style thing

overall the lineart weight/thickness seems to jump around in a confusingly jarring way, but i'm guessing this is still the sketch phase since you said you're still working on the composition so yeah, not really much concern there unless you plan to go straight from sketch to coloring (unless it's a paintover in which case, again, no worries)
дepeвянный кycoк гoвнa, cyкyбляд
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Demon girl. Crit appreciated
my dude, I know it's a sketch but why are you chicken scratching?

So I worked a bit further on it. Maybe this'll make problems clear. Again, warning, gfur porn. Crit appreciated.



Not him but when I work without ref/knowing what I want to do I end up making tons of chickenscratch lines around the entire form. Guess it's just lack of confidence in the idea.

That being said that demon ladies left leg seems off.
Dat new milf tho, apart from strap-less tops, we seem to have a lot of the same taste. Prime.
new doodle
Good gesture and line confidence, but I can't really give you any actual critique on unfinished stuff like this one.
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Is he holding his foot?
Why must you defile my waifu?
No one has ever done that in the history of dota
because you are a nobody and no one cares about you. sry anon.
still eagerly waiting for the day you draw scat, them poop will probably be glorious.
pose looks abit weird
that peen reminds me of doxy

tfw i recognise peen styles...
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you mean like 90% of other stylized hentai penises? yeah, it reminds of that.
The pose is really hard to read... Is he grabbing his foot from the underside? Wouldn't it be more natural to grab it from above? And just... I don't know this character, but his whole lower body just looks like these big bags of jelly, there's not a lot of structure and it confuses me. Upper body, looks pretty good to me, tho.
yeah you're right. I tried some edits but we'll see.
It's because the character has the body similar to that of a centaur, although it's a demon so it's not half animal
What I'd like to know is why I can't see the left front leg
he's probably aware of that, the forms are lumpy regardless. I drew the front legs like this before covering the whole thing with a dong.
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Can someone help me fix this

I know that the right foot is off but I'm not sure which way i'm supposed to put it to fix it
Each time I change it, it gets worse
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move the guy to the left otherwise his dick is not in the center
a slightly smaler ass will look better in my opinion
sink the middle finger between her pussy lips
But again the main problem I have with the lineart is this stupid bottom right leg that I can't seem to get right
Here what I drew a few weeks ago
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Some fan art
Oh wow. I just realized my pic was deleted. Is kemonomimi (animal ears and tails on girls) considered furry?

No, not really. Kind of a weird decision by whatever mod. There's other actually "furry" stuff in here. I mean gabe literally posted big dicked DOTA character so I guess they just hated your post.
Are fantasy creatures furry?
Nice confident linework and lovely stylization on the face, but you are lacking depth (probably the legs are a bit too small if you compare them to the size of the feet and body). If you're going to fix this with shading and colors then never mind.
>I guess they just hated your post
So either way mods don't do their work properly?
This was the pic: https://my.mixtape.moe/jxskwj.jpg
I can see that now
What you you recommend I do to fix this and or practice on?
In general I'd suggest you to go with thicker lines on the stuff that is closer to the viewer (lower legs and feet in this case). Otherwise I really like the quality of your lines. The correct proportions will come with practice, you don't have to worry about that toomuch imo.
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the problem is that youre using the same color on the hand and the foot its holding, so it blends into one thing
>having a whore for a waifu

Your fault
hey guys i need some sex pose refs
You should be able to find something from there.
GTFO /pol/cancer.
did carlos write this shit?
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been doing a smutty drawing a day for a few days now : o
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can't fap to this. dude looks like a lady
nobody cares what can you fap to or not. gtfo dickbrain.
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it's called a porn thread
i gotta agree her face looks like a mans. i feel really sorry for those shoe-faced women IRL, they just look terrible.
Requesting your blog and a drawing of princess Jasmine with a hotdog in her anus.
it's called /ic/ dickbrain. gtfo.
your cheap acid backgrounds always burn my eyes
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What makes a pose appealing for you? I'm struggling with coming up with attractive poses, despite having reference
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not sure where to go with this
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roughly colored.png
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I actually think this looks worse than the sketch version
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This could be a good time to push out the shitty anti-loli/anti-furry rules on /ic/

Art is art, we're all trying to improve, the fetish shouldnt matter. Should we try and speakup?
Im down to participate in this, is this in the QA?
if threes a thread going on link it
i dont think you know what covet means.
why do you care what fetish someone has? or how sexually appealing you find the content? people should post here for critique, not to stroke their dicks and ego.
Banning certain types of artwork because of some outdated global rule is ridiculous on an art critique board.
replied. sage.
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Also, biggest weaknesses as an artist in general?
illustrated child porn isn't an outdated rule.
Nothing glaring, but watch your perspective. The figure has an unnaturally long torso to accommodate the pose.

The torso is way too long for that position if I'm reading the perspective right off the pillows, but honestly you need to just work on it further. Her breast seem off balanced based on the angle of the shoulders.
Her left leg looks pretty wonky, ribcage and pelvis look disconnected. Also it's not Hisako.
why on earth did you not fix this? it was corrected for you perfectly.
more like grabbing his foot from the underLORD
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Thx for the feedback.
Likely still some errors, but I'll take another look in the morning before I post
Yes we should and I did, I can only hope it will bring to something good
study work you like
realize what you like about it
this includes bodytypes, fetishes, etc
what shape and what size and what proportion do you like things in? what poses and (sometimes more importantly) framing/compositions help emphasize the traits you like/things you have a fetish for

sorry for the vagueness but i wanted to try and come up with tips that could help you no matter what you're into. i guess to put it simply, an appealing pose/composition for porn is one that effectively shows off/emphasizes what you like about stylized human forms along with said pose being very clear and legible
I've never really considered what I like that way. Guess I like muscular/thick the most. Thanks for bringing that up. I'll have to think about it more
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I'm thinking about doing speed painting videos for youtube to get that aAdsense money.

Make them ecchi to not break the guidelines, but with a clickbait thumbnail. Anyone know how profitable is this?

An average estimate is $3 per 1000 views and seeing similar speed drawing videos on youtube I'm pretty sure I could hit around 8000 views per video.

It's not like it would cost me anything to do it since I can just record the ecchi drawings I'm already doing, but I'm wondering if it is worth the effort of dealing with recording, uploading and dealing with copyright claims.
Piss easy, just use OBS/Camtasia or something and you'll be fine (will need a computer that can handle your drawing program + recording software)
Again, easy. Worse you'll have to deal with is the retardation that are Youtube fans. But hey if you're a 4chan regular I think you can handle it.

>Copyright claims
Use pleasant sounding CC music and you'll be golden.
Here's a video that might help you find some music you'll be safe with: https://youtu.be/dUSY3UQZtho

And I do sincerely apologize for sharing this cringey shitty furshit video as well. It's something a friend sent me. But the info in it is solid on the basis the uploader obviously knows more about being a youtuber than an artist.

I wish you the best, I doubt you'll get rich off it but here's hoping it'll make you a happy little buck
Thank you.
youtube has that demonetizing shit now, i dunno how it will effect ecchi drawings though
this. you can forget about making money off lewds on youtube.
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Please help me to improve this. I've been loking for references but it still does look odd. The buttchecks are supposed to look firm.
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Excuse me, but i would like to know how awful this piece of mine is...
Not the highest authority on critique, but I think you should complete all of the guy's missing arm, and the background is a bit too blurry
Nice overall though
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latest drawing
Very bad. Start over. Learn fundamentals first.
What is she holding? Looks like a hairbrush but what's with the goop?
She is working at her familys inn. She scrubs smegma off of men who use the onsen, as a included service.
Great expression. Your painting technique is pretty unrefined tho. Also, learn to draw hands.

Typical copied anime symbols with bad knowledge of fundamentals.
Remember, you have to be skilled enough to develop a style it's not the other way around.
2692670 here
Thank you. I started painting pretty recently. And you are right, gotta train hands and feet
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yeah i got a lot of studying ahead ;-;
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pearl + pink diamond.png
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how to not make porn silly?

Also I just realized I have never drawn feet before... man did I fuck myself over
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updated pd.png
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whoops I was gonna post this one instead
im not quite sure of there is such a thing as a penis in the race of the gems
in my fanon the pink diamond shape-shifted a penis for a short while to fuck Pearl

also lesbian sex requires harder poses
sounds legit.
fair enough
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How did I do /ic/
gere's your (you). now gtfo.
you for u
have not drawn porn for awhile what do you guys think?
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bigger lapis jasper.jpg
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sorry here it is.
>what is perspective
you probably have the most potential of what has been posted in this thread
all my sides
pls help
art you really trying to say that you honestly think that shit looks good? Do you really think people are "trolling" you when they say you suck? You're never going to make it if you cant realize where you need to improve.
>pls help
No but for real guys. I need help with the anatomy and perspective. I know somethings wrong but I can't figure it out.
I like draw milfs
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