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/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 52

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/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread

Alright, you know the drill:

Last thread(s): >>58694939 >>58695096

If you can't be bothered to:
>search it
>lurk moar
>git gud

Then this thread is for you!
Post your simple/stupid questions here, ONCE
You are NOT entitled to an answer.

Please redirect or ignore anybody asking stupid questions outside this thread.

Protip: If you can't tell if your question deserves it's own thread, its very likely it doesn't. Post it here, we'll let you know.

Why is it so hard for you stupid niggers to cuntpaste an OP when making a new thread?

Are pajeets trying to subvert /g/?

My AMD drivers simply do not want to install on Windows Server 2008 R2. How do I fix this?
I just asked in the last thread, so I'll ask here, too.

I want to have a home server to use for file backup and cloud storage (with OwnCloud). What's the best way to go about this? Build my own server? If so, what should I go for in terms of hardware? Buy a prebuilt? If so, what are some good options? I've heard about people making servers with Raspberry Pi, so I've been thinking about that, too. I'm not planning on using RAID storage - I was just going to use an automated bash script to copy the contents of one hard drive to the other on a weekly basis.
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Will a 6gb GTX1060 video card compliment a 1920x1080p / 144hz monitor, or should I make the jump to a 1070 for staying over 100fps constantly at that resolution (ignoring 1440p)?
How can the code use a loop invariant if it doesn't allocate a second array,and why the fuck would I allocate an array for this?

Do I just not understand the loop invariant?
my code
Is it possible to write a custom script for diffing and merging in git? I have a custom file format that me and my friends use a lot and I'd like to be able to merge different versions in my own way.
What free software (as in beer or freedom) do you recommend to merge multiple pdf documents into one?
wow this really is a stupid question
>Is it possible to write a custom script
>staying over 100fps constantly at that resolution

You need to actually hit 144fps to compliment that refresh rate, and for that you'd need a 1080 and overclocked CPU.

go with the GTX 1070 and get a 2560 x 1440 / 60hz monitor
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Is this just NVIDIA being retarded as always or I should be worried?
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can anyone ELI5 the usefulness of gradle and why every smalltime app dev seems to use it nowadays?
How retarded is going after a Dual Xeon X58 build this days?
nobody uses this shit except android devs and that's because android studio uses it.
Is VOID linux meme? Or is it good, it seems promising. Any other good distros for old laptop? (X201)

Is there good tiling vm which also allows floating windows and is easy to configure and custom keybindings? (alt + Q to tile left top corner, alt + C bottom right cornet. etc)
Arch does that fine
>inb4 muh sysvinit
Arch breaks easily. Last time I used it was bad, and package manager was shit.
>package manager is shit
I mean pacman is fucking shit.
And with fucking shit I mean Im not used to it.
Learn it. It's sweet as fuck.
Arch has lots of downsides (For example, they don't bother to package their software with sane defaults, even considering that they ship lennartware, that is know to require integration to the distribution.) but their package manager is fucking sweet.
>arch vs void
cancer vs cancer
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Is this tutorial accurate on how to bootload the Nexus 5?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cOUseflKNE&index=97&list=WL [Embed]

Is there a way to do this without wiping the phone?
Well do you have any sane suggestions or are you just spurting your bullshit with no arguments?
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boys i need help i use osx as my main comp but i have a android phone and when ever i select th sd card with android file transfer it crashes. is there a better way to transfer with osx or a way to fix the crashing issue.Or is there a better android file method for osx. I want to do it thru cable cause i have usb c and its much faster then ftp.
Buy an iPhone.
Hi /g/uys,
If I were to install a new msata in my laptop and boot it up and reinstall the windows 7 cd it
came with.
Would there be a way I can patch it up to windows 10?
Or will it be stuck at windows 7 forever...
MTP that android phones, and many other devices use is such a fucking disaster it doesn't work right on OS X, Windows, nor Linux. I have no fucking idea what OS it works with. I just transfer my filed through SMB, Dropbox, or SD Card and reader...
Is MEGA down ? Did Kim Dotcom betray us again ?
I would assume you'd be able to update it to a backup of windows 10 if you make one.
I have brew installed if that helps
Yo why can't my PS4 play online in my apartment?
I can stream videos / movies fine from my computer.
I'm currently in a PS4 party talking to friends just fine.
But when I try to play Overwatch online it lags an insane amount. Characters jumping all over the screen and shit like that. What is this?
Install /g/entoo
Are all consumer laptops shit? I just want a cheap <$400 for general use / school.
I need to backup a Linux machine and the previous tech quit unexpectedly on bad terms and took all manuals, diagrams and notes with him. I need to get a full state backup of that machine and I don't know the best way to go about it, most of what I support is windows. I used redhat 7.0 a little in school in early 2000s but have had little reason to use it since. Is there a goto backup software that's universally accepted as the standard nowadays?
In a perfect world I'd like to boot to cd into a nice gui that can recognises the raid (four 15,000rpm discs in a 1+0) and can back that up to an external drive.
I have an HD600 that I would like to use with some devices other than my computer (CD player, consoles, etc.), but some of these devices aren't natively fitted for the headphones. I was thinking the best way to make it work was to invest in an A/V HDMI receiver so that I can split the sources through the receiver so that they would all work with my headphones using the front auxiliary port.

I started doing research on the receivers, but a lot of the ones I run into have negative reviews saying that the receiver breaks easily, the sound is messed up, passthrough doesn't work, or some other complication. I don't necessarily want to depend solely on reviews, but the flaws that were pointed out made me pause for a second.

What I want to know is what should I look for in a receiver? Are there any recommended ones I should consider and avoid? I don't necessarily have a budget for it, but I don't need all of the bells and whistles. I just need it to function well, utilize both HDMI and composite or component inputs, and display everything to the screen normally so I can use my headphones with it.
has anyone ever tried to migrate from transmission-qt to the official windows client? it doesn't seem to pick up my old resume files.

up for me
I'm trying to get Universal Media Server to feed Twitch streams to my PS3.

The Twitch Stream works just fine in Kodi.

UMS works just fine otherwise.

I can see a list of my followed streams just fine on the PS3

When I try to play them back, I get a HTTP 500 error.

Anyone have any idea how I might get this working?
>plug thumbdrive into faulty USB port
>stops responding halfway through deleting stuff
>pull it out
>now my computer can't read it anymore, tryingto click on it causing windows explorer to freeze

What do?
Is it fucked?
use a linux live cd to reformat it using gparted
the data on it is probably lost though
Can I have a wireless monitor with linux?
Fucking hell

But thanks
How do I make MalwareBytes behave like the old version where you open it when you need it, and it fucks off once you've done your scan? Stupid piece of shit thinks its a full anti-virus.

Also is Common Sense 2017 still the best real-time protection for Windows 7?
I have a weird issue with my connection, once my PC is open for 4-8hrs my internet randomly drops, everyone else in the network is fine, but the weirdest thing is all connections that have been established before it dropped are fine, streams continue to play and buffer, skype calls dont drop, 4chan threads still can be refreshed without issues.

Restarting the PC fixes said error but its still. annoying
I just installed Ungoogled Chromium and I can't install extensions at all, there's no "install" button on the webstore window. Do I have to install them manually or what?
Check device manager,see if it can be disabled for power saving
Is there such thing as an AV switch that can take multiple formats of input (such as RCA, HDMI, VGA etc) and convert them all to one output?
Not in the form of a simple switch. Anything that does that is normally called an AV Receiver.
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are there any settings i can check to see why I can't see flags on /pol/ or /int/ anymore? i have ublock, but i turned it off on 4chan in an attempt to see the flags.
i didn't mess with the settings. it just changed suddenly.
whats the best way to get in-app purchases for free on a rooted android? There is this one game i play that i've purchased on a dif OS and i dont wanna buy it again.
oooooh I see. that's what I'm looking for, thanks.
Thanks, it was indeed enabled
home wiif?
also how do i get play store games for free?
not sure what you mean by that. i'm using a router with a wireless adapter, yes. i have consolidated communications for an ISP
/int/ is worse than /pol/

If I want Chromium to run using the process pe site mode all I have to do is add " --process-per-site" after chrome.exe in my shortcut, r-right?
Only because it's /b/ for brown people.
Is there a company that sells aftermarket RAM heatsinks?
>I don't know what home wiif is
try turning the computer off and on
/b/ is full of brown people and people who think /b/ is the only board
i wasn't sure if it was a typo
What's the best thermal paste brand? I just changed my cpu's for the first time, using a brand called Silitek and it actually heats up slightly more than before.
at work, our guest wifi network doesn't require any sort of login so this is what I use with my phone. does the IT guy know if I'm looking at NSFW stuff on my phone? does he know if I'm browsing 4chan on my phone?

I'm not really worried about getting in trouble, he's a pretty cool guy, I'm just curious if he knows/has that kind of power.
probably just the websites if you encrypt
why do ancaps hate roads?
My AMD drivers simply do not want to install on Windows Server 2008 R2. How do I fix this?

What kind of accent is that?
I'm making a really shitty implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Python, but for some reason it thinks some cells are alive that arent or some cells that are dead or arent. I did some testing with gliders and blinkers and have the debug to list which neighbors are alive or dead, but I can't make anything out. Anyone know what the problem is. The blinkers in pic related is supposed to do the blinking thing but just disappear after the next frame
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So what's this about having to update the BIOS on a Z170-A Pro before an i7 7700k processor will work? I'm building a computer from scratch, so am I really going to have to go through the trouble of getting a throwaway processor and then returning it just so I can update it?
Whats the best Windows video player I can pretty much "plug and play".

Is the answer still Kawaii codec for mpc or has VLC unfucked itself enough to be useful.
Related to this, when installing a new BIOS do I need to do it incrementally, or can I just install the latest version available for that particular board?
A friend programmer gave me a visit card with his name and a code like:
Wtf is this? Is there a name for this like qrcode stuff?
Is there a way to get rid of add ons on sponsored cheaper kindle without paying 30$ to amazon?
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When someone creates a game "hack" or mod (such as people flying when they aren't supposed to)... how is that generally done?

This is general question education btw. I couldn't care less about vidya games, I just want to better my understanding.

I learned Python and now I've been looking at C/C++. I assume the modders are manipulating the values stored in memory as the game runs. That seems more probable than reverse engineering the game with something like IDA, although that too might be needed in order to understand what memory addresses/values you need to change?
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Who are these madmen and how do they get away with this? Is this a trap?
Is there any list of dongles uncracked ATM?
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Will pic related teach me how to write kernels and shells?
my CPU cooler is getting load as fuck. want to change the fan out and replace the thermal grease, but what size diameter is the fan?? it's one of those basic AMD coolers CPU is AMD X4 630.
It covers the programming environment exposed by *nix operating systems, it has nothing to do with the internals of OS kernels or anything else behind the scenes.

The information it contains is probably generally useful enough for learning to write shells though I haven't read it cover to cover.
>hard drive 33% fragmented

Please send help, what do I do?
defragment it
Memory editing.
You can create scripts to identify key memory values such as character position and force them to be set to another number, AKA character's Y value in position to allow them to fly.

It can get crazier:
Identify positions of other characters in world while collision raytracing geometry toward them to figure out if they're exposed from behind cover and then feed that into the user's camera rotation for an aimbot.
Flags are hosted on s.4cdn.org, can you see this?


If you can, check that you aren't still blocking other 3rd party domains even if you have 4chan.org itself unblocked.
i hate when people render 4:3 videos in 16:9 aspect ratios. youtube actually adjust the aspect ratios to the screen decently if you render the right aspect ratio.

is there any plugin to crop 16:9 aspect ratio to 4:3 while watching youtube?
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What is the most up-to-date resource for learning how to program Java?

I have a lot of time on my hands now. I'd like to spend a few hours a day practicing and learning Java to be able to make my own apps and other programs.
nvm found it
I have 2 S4's with broken digitizers i got for free, what do i do with them? New screens are at least $100 and I wanted to turn one into a music player for my car or should I salvage them for parts for my daily driver s4?
apps as in android applications?
then go for the android documentation. normal java won't help you there, they have their own stuff.

syntax and some utility methods are the same as normal java, but most of the time you use special android classes/methods.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\plugins\jumpy\xbmc\xbmcinit.py", line 571, in run_addon
exec codeobj in mod.__dict__
File "C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Roaming\KODI\addons\plugin.video.twitch\resources/lib/__run__.py", line 7, in <module>

What's actually throwing the error here? Can you tell what it's complaining about?
the twitch plugin.
I've got a disk image of an Ext4 HDD I accidentally wiped a bunch of stuff on. What's a good recovery program?
Thanks. Can't downgrade it looks like so whatever the problem is I just have to wait for it to get fixed somehow.
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I want to connect my Surface Pro 4 to my TV.
Pic related is only a few $ on eBay, it it a good solution? It's from China
Is it possible for crashes to happen by physical location?
I know it sounds ridiculous. I got a laptop end of December. Installed everything (W10), later had it crash a bunch. Usually a big visual glitch followed by the entire screen shifting over a tiny bit, with the right edge looping over to the right, and the whole thing being completely unresponsive/frozen. This was like a week before break.
Took the laptop home for break, and for the whole month, it only crashed once or twice.
Now I'm back at school, and the crashes are back and frequent. Usually a loop of them for maybe 30 minutes at a time, I'll boot up and upon doing anything it'll freeze. Eventually it'll work, but it's not enough to be reliable for any work.
Nothing has changed besides physical location, and in the current location, there is more than one network this happens on.
I thought it was a driver, but I just tried resetting Windows (keep files option) and it's still happening.
Going to try wiping the drive, and if it still happens I'll RMA it, but it's just very odd to me that it didn't happen for a whole month in another part of the country.
What is a good equivalent to X-Notifier?
The manpage says it can only recover deleted files from Ext2, FAT, and NTFS though
>Undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2 filesystem
>Copy files from deleted FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions.

you probably aren't familiar with what "undelete" means, it's referring to the process of reversing the delete operation in-place
testdisk can pull deleted files out ext4 offline, to another disk, just not in-place
Oh okay, thanks
Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):
>Disk /dev/sda - 160 GB / 149 GiB - WDC WD1600BEVS-08VAT2
Disk /dev/sdb - 4000 GB / 3726 GiB - HGST HDS724040ALE640
Disk /dev/sdc - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - TOSHIBA MQ01ABC150
Disk /dev/sdd - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - TOSHIBA External USB 3.0
Disk /dev/sde - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD My Passport 0748

Wait does this only work for actual drives? I've only got a disk image to work with. I mean I guess I could write it back to the disk if I have to.
On a related note this is by far the largest single file I've ever had on an HDD.
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So i have an entry form for visistors of my website which is getting spammed by bots to hell and back. Is there a way to implement a jewgle captcha (preferably via javascript/html) so that you first have to solve the captcha before it shows the entry form/submit fields to the visitors of that particular page? Asking for a friend ;)
>Wait does this only work for actual drives?

testdisk /path/to/image

use photorec (packaged with testdisk) to recover whole or partially overwritten files, testdisk is more suited to fixing broken partition tables and the like (but it can recover files deleted by the filesystem if it wasn't done too long ago)
Unless somebody's fucking with you (unlikely), location shouldn't matter. Scan the drive (smart), scan the ram (memtest), run linux and see if anything crashes
my RAM latency has increased by 10ms in this test is use, from when I first got it.

would bitlocker encryption potentially cause this?

really it seems everything is slower, but maybe I need to run a more reliable test.
I ran rm * in the root of the drive and it took me a few moments to notice before I Ctrl+Ced and remounted as read only before dding it to an image. I should be good using photorec on just the free space, right? Or should I do the whole drive just to be save?
How does NS records work?

I understand that test.com with Authoritative NS foo1.bar.com will use it for resolving. But what I don't understand is NS record again on foo1.bar.com. What does it do? Is it used when the foo1.bar.com doesn't have a record for a query?
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can I just delete these files or will windows 10 cause an unnecesary shitstorm?
I just lost my native extension settings just this minute, and also my catalog settings (thumbnails was set as 'big' reset to 'small').
Anyone else had this happened to them or just me?
Can you enable W10 typing prediction on physical keyboard?
mpc-hc or mpv?
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I have pic related, an external enclosure that came with my SSD.

I've put a HDD in it. Problem is how fast the thing goes to sleep mode and generally the drive is starting and stopping way too often, thus making many Windows functionalities slower.

Windows USB power configuration doesn't work since the sleep timer is in the firmware. There's no configurable drivers for this thing.

I want to keep the HDD permanently on. Is there some software that for example reads the SMART data every 5 seconds?

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Learning HTML and assignment is to make a blog. They layout shown in pic related apparently uses a table.
How would I go about creating it like this? Like aligning the table to the right part of the page as part of the first row?
Would each blog post be on one row? I can't seem to line break it properly.
klite codec pack
do NOT use tables for layout, they are for tabular data only.
mpv is objectively better
mpc is deprecated
It's a ridiculous way of doing it but that's what they want from the assignment.
Also using XHTML 4.01, not HTML5.
Your mother is deprecated.
then drop the course, you aren't going to learn anything from it.
>t. mpv fanboi
Is this good enough to last me 5-7 years before it's outdated?

What in the world exactly is Steam Guard? And is it really necessary to set up Steam Family Sharing with another account?

Is it impossible to do Steam Family Sharing with another, without giving Steam your phone number and installing their stupid app on one of your smart devices?

And how exactly is Steam Guard even supposed to "guard" my Steam account or make it any more secure? I probably already have malware on my phone or whatever. So as far as I am aware, enabling Steam Guard through it could instantly compromise my account instead of guarding it. No?
two factor account verification
you can do 2factor auth by email instead of per app.
That card will still be good in 2 years. The rest will be passable in 5, although not going i7 is gonna hurt.
>not going i7

I was thinking of going i7. but man does it break the Australian bank..
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You know what, I'll throw $500 at it. I wanted a 2 monitor display eventually anyway. Will also throw a 1080 in there later in the year or next year.
My old laptop died.

What connection is used for the internal hard drive to connect to the rest of the computer? What should I be buying so I can take the drives out and moving the data to another computer?
When soldering a mobo should my iron be at 60watt or 30watt? It is a cheapo with only two settings instead of temp settings.
Get a dock or a sata -> usb cable.
What's the point of Windesign when Access exist?

The 1070 will be good for a longer time than that honestly. It's the 1060 that's got 2-3 years left before it's considered old and busted.


You don't need an i7 for video games. Just stick to overclcoking the i5, and you'll be perfectly fine. Even with dual displays. $500 is just insane.
does keeping a phone plugged in past 100% do anything bad?
Should I turn off my phone at night? (I use encryption)
How do I prolong the life of a phone?

get a better mobo

I would typically agree with an i7 for dual-monitor setups, but I saw the Australian prices for i7s, and that shit is fucking insane. Overclocking that i5 will be more than enough.

Going 1080/i7 should be done during a massive sale at the end of the year.

Yeah the $500 price-tag really put me off. Even now, I'm doubting the decision to jump. I might just stick to the i5-K.


What's wrong with it?
how to hback a keyboard with a usb hub without plugging it into the computer?
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Trying to split a tta file using CUEtools and i'm getting this error. supposedly it might be because there isn't a index 00? This feels like something really simple but google isn't helping much.
if I get a SATA to usb connector, can I just have the hard drives sittiing on a desk as I do it or are they sensetive to shit?

the mobo is fine
as long as you don't swing it around/hit it while it's running it's fine.
You should be fine. I've been using an HDD in a paper enclosure for a year
with an axe
ok, how do i install a keylogger into the keyboard without plugging it into the computer then?
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When should I upgrade?

in half a year when the new AMD gpus are released, cpu is fine but maybe you should buy a new cooler or change the thermal paste
So the K seires of CPUs are for heavy overclocking right? If I'm just a mild overclocker, can I stick with a base 7700?
>You don't need an i7 for video games.
I'm aware of the conventional wisdom. That's going to be less true as time goes on, and in the long term it's going to suck limiting yourself like that
The k series are supposed to be the only ones that can overclock at all. With the 6000 series intel messed up and people were able to find a way to overclock them through unofficial means, but I would imagine they've patched the hole for the 7000s
Depends what you're using it for. Performance per thread is pretty bad compared to modern parts so not good for most games if that's what you're thinking of.
Why should I root my phone?
If you want to overclock at all, get the K version. They up the price for the K version so that you actually can overclock.

On non K cpu's (such as 7700) you cant overclock at all sadly.
if you don't know, then you shouldn't.
You only do that when you want to do something that can only be done with root.
to stop being a slave
Is there any reliable way to activate Office 2016 these days?
paying a monthly subscription

>can't overclock at all

damn didn't know that

wow I didn't know that

Anyone here using Asus webstorage? I got it free with my laptop.
1000GB for a year.

But the website says this:
Expiration Day
2116-02-25 00:00:00

This can't be right?
Many thanks
How do I get free in app purchases with root?
My fan broke and I couldn't be fucked to by a new one.
I thought the tolerance for electronics was around 60 *C
You don't
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Telnet. Windows 7(unregistered).
Trying to turn it on in the control panel but it keeps failing. Wat do?
Yeah I uses to do it on an old app. Now when I search it up there are too many pajeets saying download link in description
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I have trouble with opening two pdf files my labmate sent me. Neither me nor my friends can open it, can't reach labmate for shit and it's rather urgent.
Are there ways to fix the files? I already tried different versions of Adobe Reader and I'm too dumb to get anything out of opening the files in hex.
Try different programs like Foxit Reader or Sumatra pdf
swedish maybe
something near sweden maybe
All else fails. Print.
First I'd check if it actually is a .pdf. Open it in notepad, if it is the first four characters should be %PDF
Well whatever you can do depends on how inherenetly fuckable the app is. Using "root" to get unearned access to paid features is the same as using "administrative privieleges" on windows to do the same
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Pic is what I get when opening it in hex

Just tried both. Didn't work.

Pls explain

No "%PDF" in the first lines. Weird.
it's a .rar file

use winrar or 7zip to open it
>Gets a rar
>Tries to open as pdf
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Telnet is like a web browser for command line(cmd).
I wanna fuck around with it.
Is there a recent guide to rooting the Amazon Fire 7'' and installing android on it?

The xda threads I see are too confusing
>The xda threads I see are too confusing
I'm afraid the fault lies in yourself
Smartphone general is down and kinda in a hurry for a new phone so I'll ask here:

Need a new phone now because my current one is broken. I don't know anything about phones, but I was looking for a high budget phone with a stylus. The note 5 looks really nice but still seems expensive for something more than a year and a half old. Is that still the best one out since the accidental hand grenade?
Holy shit what

He sent me the files in a pdf. In the pdfs which are in the archive, there's nothing like the lab protocol I need. Kinda goes to show why he dropped out of labwork...

Thanks a lot guys.
I'm not interested in tech enough that I'd browse through 140 pages of comments to get an idea of what I have to download and how I have to install it

I just want a tablet to read pdfs and ebook formats
you do not belong on a technology board
please leave
suck my dick nerd
that's nice, try a tech support forum instead
>I'm not interested in following the progress of other more dedicated people to hack a device with a new os and features never intended by the manufuacturer
>I just want shit to work goddamnit
I have a LUKS encrypted system, and -- I guess yesterday -- it seems whenever I boot up my laptop there's a chance I get this:
ACPI: watchdog: Failed to create platform device

There're some more messages before that, but I'm not sure how relevant they are since they've been there for a few days already (I think they also complain about ACPI or something).

Should I do something, or?
Will a laptop be fine in a neoprene wrap in a backpack in sleep mode? It has an SSD so no worry about platters fucking up, I'm just concerned about heat.
Should be fine unless it gets the bright idea to start doing some moderate tasks. Which it won't be doing in sleep mode, or at least shouldn't.
>Should I do something, or?

if nothing is broke don't worry about it
It's kinda half-broken though. When I get the cited message, I get nothing else and have to forcibly reboot and hope it doesn't appear again.
Hey goys, I am on a 6700K and Z170 motherboard with 20 PCI-E lanes. Connected to this I have a 980Ti in the x16 port, and M.2 SSD using x4 and a soundcard using x1.

My motherboard has two Thunderbolt 3 ports which double as USB 3.1 type C, which to my understanding also use PCI-E lanes. I am planning on buying a memory card reader with a USB 3.1 type C interface - will this work on my system or am I out of bandwidth already?

the simple answer is that you've found a kernel bug and should revert back to using an earlier kernel (your grub should have a few older versions, if not refer to your kernel documentation for downgrading kernel)

alternatively you can go in the opposite direction, install the most mainline kernel you can get (I wouldn't go past stable or release candidates but I'm not you mum) and see if it has been fixed there
im not interested in the tedious part, but im interested in the outcome
Meh, it'll work itself out.
I want Chromium to play swf files.

There's some mime-type mismatch and Chromium decides it cannot play this kind of file proposing to download it instead.
Has an easy workaround on linux systems, but I'm on windows. How to fix?

Googling only leads to bug reports on the issue and workarounds for linux.
What's a good IP camera, gee?
Preferably I'd like to stream from my PC and mobile and use my PC as a storage server.
Why are there no fucking RSS readers that allow you to set different download folders for different feeds? I just want to download manga ffs.
I'm open to any suggestions, I'm on Linux btw.
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I got these weird lines in front of my address bar and between the tabs since the last firefox update

how do i get rid of it
You must find life unpleasant
how the fuck does your firefox look so cool
can PC with duo e7500 and nvidia 7300 GT (some gigabyte passive cooling version) play 1080p and browse internet comfortably?
>I just want a tablet to read pdfs and ebook formats
Why would you need root for this
1080p video. You may get annoyed at how long it takes to load some things unless you get an ssd
shhh! Don't ask useful questions. He's being a wanker so we're trying not to help him
This is the stupid question thread cunt, we're supposed to help people, otherwise you can fuck off to >>>/g/ptg or >>>/g/mkg
install stylish and then drag this css as a new extension

as a new user style not extension
yeah 1080p video is what i mean.
i want it to be a designated facebook/video/photo/skype machine for my parents hooked up to a tv. i have the 7300GT now and some crappy celeron D that i want to replace with e7500.
i want to pair it with WD Blue 7200RPM 1TB
how2mpv with .IFO/.VOB files? i have multi disc DVDs and mpv can't manage the second disc properly sometimes.
opening the second .IFOs just starts the first disc and doesn't play the dvd menus like MPC does.
dragging VIDEO_TS into mpv does the same thing
What would I have to deal with if I bought a Chromebook and put an ez beginner distro like Linux Mint on it?

Would the battery life be worse and if so how much?

Would it be better to find a cheap x86 Chromebook / low end Ultrabook and throw Win7 on it?

I just want it for shitposting, Youtube videos and word processing. I'm a cloud skeptic so I would be upgrading the hard drive to store everything locally.
what's a good resource for learning Active Directory? any book recommendations?
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this is a good question but the answer is complicated and I won't be able to do it justice, so bear with me, however I do know devices will renegotiate down happily if there's not enough bandwidth (graphics cards take a very minor performance hit when going from x16 to x8, less than 10% usually, however x8 to x4 is a huge noticeable performance hit and x4 to x1 is just insulting)

I can tell you right off the bat that you don't have 20 pcie lanes, your chipset has 20 lanes and your cpu has its own 16 lanes, that's how you can get things like sata controllers, usb, firewire, audio and networking all out of a limited lane cpu while still running an x16 graphics card - the motherboard may choose to divvy them oddly up but generally reviews will tell you if there's anything funky going on and if the motherboard has a block diagram it should be somewhat evident

there are generally 2 ways to check which devices are connected to which, the simplest would be to refer to your motherboard manual to see if a block diagram is listed (this isn't always the case), the other way is to use something like hwinfo to verify manually

but given that z170 has 20 lanes (x99 has 8 lanes for reference) I'm almost positive that your x1 slot pcie connectors use the chipset lanes, as will the m.2, so if your x1 soundcard is connected to an x1 slot and your ssd is in the m.2 slot your full 16 cpu lanes are used up by your 980

so if your new card reader is x1 too and you connect it to an x1 slot, it will probably be in the chipset pool (verify with your mobo block diagram), if not your graphics card will drop down to x8 and you'll take a minor performance hit (which won't be much, there's benchmarks out there)

pic related is the block diagram for my motherboard for reference, note that the pcie x1 lanes and m.2 are connected to the chipset and not the cpu lanes (note that m.2 is conditionally shared with 2 sata connectors and a sata express connector, the woes of 8 lanes)
We're here to help retarded people, not disrespectful shitheads
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I have 4 HDDs that I used to have mounted internally, but are now stuck outside the system since I moved to a much smaller chasis. I currently have one of pic related, but I need something that will mount 4 disks externally. I'm tired of swapping them all the time. Anyone have any suggestions for an enclosure? Can be pretty basic since these are just for media storage.
I wouldn't upgrade to a processor that old. I'd be very skeptical of spending much money on upgrades/repairs for old hardware if those upgrades are non-transferable. It tends to be a waste of money that would be much more efficiently spent on newer tech. I do recommend SSDs in almost all use cases.
Actually you could find a cheap windows 7 laptop and put chrome on it. See neverware
Chrome OS only runs on Chromebooks. Chromium OS can be run on pretty much anything though.
>Actually using ChromeOS
That's like, the opposite of the point here. I want cheap, light, Chromebook style hardware with Linux or Windows.
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Thank you for your response! I believe you misunderstood one thing about the memory card reader though, it uses the Thunderbolt port found on the I/O at the back of the motherboard and is not connected through the PCI-E ports on the motherboard's "face". Unfortunately my manual did not include a block diagram, but I did find the attached info.

In any case, if this means that my GPU will be throttled while having the card reader plugged in the Thunderbolt port it is no big deal since I will only have it attached when actively transferring files and not while fully utilizing the graphics card.
Chrome OS is about as light as it comes, short of running a WM on linux
Why're you suggesting operating systems when he's asking about hardware?
>Thank you for your response! I believe you misunderstood one thing about the memory card reader though, it uses the Thunderbolt port found on the I/O at the back of the motherboard and is not connected through the PCI-E ports on the motherboard's "face".

ah derp I guess I did, I seem to have glossed over that fact and then assumed you were getting a pcie card reader, in that case everything should run at full speed and my rambling was for naught

if I had to guess though, both pciex16 and pciex8 use/share the cpu lanes but pciex4 is shared with the chipset lanes, because otherwise you'd never get a full x16 link if you had an ssd installed in the m.2 connector (since they're shared they must be using the same pool of lanes and it very likely won't be the cpu lanes)
Thanks again, I'll go ahead and buy that reader. I will also mention however that the motherboard manual states the final PCI-E x4 slot is disabled when an M.2 device is plugged in since those share lanes.
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guys im buying all my shit in white, like PC case, headphones etc what table would be best to compliment my set up?

Would white products look better on a black table as it will stand out or white on white table so it blends in?

<< pic
So i keep hearing about diffrent forks of firefox, and i was wondering if any of them are any better then vanilla firefox. I don't really care about speed, i care about privacy and security. Thanks /g/.
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I'm trying to shrink my main partition to dual boot W7 and Mint, but it's not letting me shrink it by more than 15gb (I would prefer 20). It was only letting me shrink it by about 3gb before I defragged and I have about 54gb free. Am I doing something wrong? What should I do?
I can buy the cpu for 2 euro used with year warranty and I have the rest
He was asking what the best cheap combination of hardware and software would be, and I pointed out that some of his assumptions were wrong
Nope. They're worse by nature
Nope. Windows just sucks at it. Use easeUs partition manager free
Fair enough. I'd still get an ssd
Is there any disadvantage for using 2.5" HDD in desktops?
I want to unify my storage medium so I can easily use it with laptops.
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I plan on upgrading my GPU and monitor to ultrawide 3440*1440 during the year, will the rest of my system be ok?
Got a C++ exam for a competition and I basically have like on experience in C/C++. I know Java and C#.
What are some things I should know before starting it? I don't think it will be particularly difficult in terms of what needs to be done.
>I plan on upgrading my GPU and monitor
>my GPU and monitor
>my GPU
they will be a bit slower than 3.5" drives but otherwise work fine, uses less power and are usually a bit quieter
>bit slower
Not an issue.
What about failure rate?
Another reason going after 2.5" is I can put it in an enclosure and use it as external HDD with no power supply.
I'm looking to upgrade my processor from a G1820.

Current setup is -
750 ti
8 gb ram
750gb 7,200 hdd

I want to upgrade the CPU first, and eventually upgrade to a 1050 Ti.

Deciding between the 4590s, i3 4170k, or possibly regular 4590. Which would be the best bang for my buck? I want to be able to do light gaming (skyrim, bioshock, l4d2, emulation). The most cpu-intensive things I do are multitrack recording, which the G1820 can handle up to 18-20 tracks before slowing down, but I can only record two or three simultaneously. I want to be able to record 8 simultaneously since I transfer direct from half-inch tape to PC via mixer.

Is a 4590s worth it? They're clocked lower than a 4590 and 4690k, but use way less power. My case is really small and I don't know if there are PSUs in that size (SFX) that have high wattage, mine is 350 watts 80+ bronze.
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I want to do this but with keeping drive bay and putting that big cage under, will it safely hold 4 HDDs without falling?
>What about failure rate?
I've read that 2.5 is a lower failure rate since the parts don't have to move as much/don't need to stress themselves as much when being used.

Could be bs so take it with a grain of salt
If all Java classes are derived from the Object class, does that mean every class in Java has the toString() and equals() methods?

What I'm reading now asks what would happen if one "tried to print an object without a toString() method in its class"...
Hey /sqt/. I come to you with a problem. my old laptop just recently crashed, and I'm having a tough time grabbing files off of it. I have a SATA->USB adaptor, and it reads just fine in my computer, that's not the issue. The issue is, my computer keeps telling me that I need to format the drive to access and use it. As you can tell, this is unacceptable since I have files on there that I need off. Is there a way around this? I would google this but I dont even know where to fucking begin in a google search.

tl;dr: Possible to access old hard drive from a different system without having to format it like windows says?
As long as you properly screw it in it should be fine.
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Thanks anon.
Try bootin 'er up in linux or via direct sata connection
shit, I dont have or know how to use linux (I am a disgrace sorry /g/). I'll try direct sata, thanks anon.
Havent downloaded a movie in months and jsut realized both kat and tpb are down, what else is there por public trackers plebs like me?
wrong and wrong
no and maybe
>click second link
>if ISP blocks it use a proxy

Well new problem or rather same one. When I connect to Sata port in my PC, it just straight up doesnt even see the drive in disk management when I rescan. Is Linux basically the only way to get into it without formatting? Is there some lightweight linux distro I can put on a USB key that you'd recommend for someone whos completely new to it to use temporarily to get into the HDD?

Thanks again anon
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How do I good something like wikipedia or Encyclopedia Britannica as a command line utility?
Is this legit?
that shits been legit for over 15 years
You sure?
Wasn't taken down and then back up by only to turn out to be honeypot?
Just testing out hashcat to see how secure my own passwords are, and what type of passwords the average person has.
Any tips on how to crack my own password more efficiently? AKA. how do i create a mask specifically tailored to my password? One of my passwords consists of Two words, each with an uppercase letter in the beginning and no space, like so:
Kind of new to creating masks, need some help what the best way to attack this is. I thought about dictionary, but that doesn't take capitalization into account. Mask+Dict would be the best way, but again, I need the mask first.
Do I need a Z270 motherboard to overclock a i3 7350K?!
it is honeypot in countries like germany, where the police will come and hunt you down for torrenting.
However, the honeypots are in the trackers of the torrent, not the website itself. If you live in literally any other country, feel free to torrent.
Is xubuntu alright?

I'm gonna use it for browsing and office stuff.
"browsing and office stuff"
Literally use any distro or operating system, for that matter, if all you want to do is "browsing and office stuff". You don't need anything special. Do you want to go lightweight? Do you want customisability? What exactly do you want?
But in general, xubuntu should be 100% fine. It's quite customisable and you're probably going to not run into any problems.
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>install ubuntu to duelboot with windows 10
>can't boot into windows 10 anymore because of grub error
>cant access windows 10 500gb drive
>windows 10 dissapears from the grub menu completely now
>try to do some repair shit on the disk
>now I can only access 100mb of the 500gb drive for some reason
>can't even restore with a windows disc because it doesn't detect any installed windows partition

How do I fix this abomination? I would at the very least like to recover my shit
Well lightweight would be nice since I'm gonna run it on a 10 year old laptop.
Also something easy to use and install, which is why I was looking at xubuntu really.
how I can create my own botnet?
I mean xubuntu is quite easy to install and lightweight, but i'd recommend some of these instead: https://www.linux.com/news/best-lightweight-linux-distros
I personally only used MINT, and i don't really use linux all that much, but give it a shot. just pick one, really, and if you're not happy just download a new distro.
Xubuntu is pretty great, I used to use it on an old pentium 4 dell and the thing was really snappy
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go for xubuntu, its a fine choice on what you need and xfce is probably best DE in finding the balance between features and customizablity and lightweightness

alternative is manjaro xfce, you get archlinux AUR repo with that, which means lots of software easily
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How fucked is my HDD?
It also need 40 Minutes to boot.
It's fucked

as soon as more than 1, MAYBE 2 sectors fail you need to begin immediate evac
Can anyone post the broken chair with blood everywhere picture?
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>unironically recommending manjaro
Pale Moon is the only one that's really notable. All the others are practically just Firefox with a reskin.

Though, you absolutely must have at least one of Chrome/FF/IE on hand for websites that require that.
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I think this qualifies as stupid. I don't want the little sim card icon with the #1 next to my messages and I don't know how to get rid of it. Just switched to an unlocked Galaxy S7, if that helps. Thanks!
Would a System WipeOut help or should i buy a new HDD?
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Do tell us jew, in non meme speak, what is wrong with manjaro? Specificly
when i press the power button on my pc it powers up for a second, turns off, the. 5 seconds later it starts uo nornally on its own.
wtf is going on?
asrock taichi x99chipset motherboard and a seasonic psu
So i installed ubuntu in a separate partition on my hard drive this past weekend on my laptop. I had windows 10 running on the opposite drive but the installation totally fucked up my win 10 side with no explanation. I got everything fixed, but i would really like to have a dual boot system because sometimes I play games. What did i fuck up???
Last semester coming up, and I'll have a ton of time because the only thing left to do for me is my bachelor thesis.
I'm too autistic to get a job or internship. What do? Maybe do some programming "gigs" on Fiverr for 5 dollars each? But i need 'experience' to get a job after college
Do interfaces in Java use any variables? Or do they tend to just declare methods?
Push past the autism and get an internship or something.
If you're good at what you do and they're confident you're going to do a good job they'll leave you to your own devices. You'll need to overcome autism someday- might as well start sooner than later.
I need a simple, cheap Internal Bluray drive for my desktop. Just looking to watch my bluray Chinese cartoons and Star Wars.
Any ideas?
You may be able to repair your OS, but you can't un-dammage your HDD. Nothing you do will delay it failing
How did you fix it? The same thing happened to me
>What did i fuck up???
we dont know
if your learning experience from this was:

>the installation totally fucked up my win 10 side with no explanation

then wtf can we do..
Reinstall ubuntu from live cd
So a new HDD will it be.
Any suggestion for a 2TB 64MB 3.5" SATA 6GB HDD?
It only makes sense to declare public stuff in interfaces, and variables are usually privates.
Don't know if you can declare public variables, just try.
I had to wipe all partitions and reinstall windows. I'm very confused with what happened because i specified ubuntu to be installed in a totally different location than windows so i'm not sure how or what happened.

I'm asking if anyone has had similar experiences to mine and how they dealt with it.
what software people use to test their new hardware? ram, gpu,cpu?
anyone? I can get a 4460s used for 120, 4170 new for 125, or a 4590 new for 160. 4590s is too expensive after doing some looking around.

What do I do?
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Is there a reason to connect the USB 3.0 from my new monitor to the computer? what does it do?
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I want an animation of a solid field of shimmering rainbow for something but I don't know what to search for. Halp pls?

prime95 and the one built-in the vendor's overclocking software (as long as you use just that and not overclock you aren't voiding the warranty)

furmark but any bench should do, the more you try the more thorough the testing
USB 3.0 is quicker
I know its quicker, but what does it do on a computer monitor
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I got a Samsung Smarrt TV a while ago and finally got the adapters necessary to plug it into my computer. I'm running the following:

1 x Dual-link DVI-I ENABLED
1 x Dual-link DVI-D ENABLED
1 x DisplayPort Won't enable

Is there something I need to enable? Running Windows 7 and I have AMD Catalyst control.

If I disable one monitor, I can get the TV to act as a monitor, but all attempts at getting 4 to run at the same time haven't been successful. I just want to clone a monitor to the TV.
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Really just pick one from Hitachi (most reliable) off Amazon or Newegg

>mosku desu yo
your monitor probably has USB holes on it / It's a USB hub/splitter

At least mine does / is this
I currently have a MSI GTX 660 - it is factory OC'd by MSI. the problem is, it is a POS that crashes because the OC is too high, so I have to underclock it when I play or games crash.
google returns ZERO RESULTS when googling "msi gtx 660 oc crash" - I tried.
so, with that in mind, how likely is it that if I buy a factory OC GTX 1060, this will happen again? (I obviously can't search for it in advance since I couldn't for my current gpu).
How do i make it so that the threads i have watched are carried over between different devices. E.I. watch a thread on a laptop, it appears on the desktop.
>I'm too autistic to get a job or internship
You're not gonna make it
Discord related question.
Best way to have both my mic and turntable imput at the same time?
Would like to be able to both play music and talk.
Is it OK to host like 2-3 Sites on 1 VPS Server?
ip/site1 and i register domain1.com on it
ip/site2 and i register domain2.com on it
ip/site3 and i register domain3.com on it
Will i run into any problems?
What can the range of local IP addresses be?
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Can I connect a RGB led strip on a RGBW pin header?
No problems. You just have to configure your web server software to serve different websites depending on the Host header.

That's actually why web hosting is so cheap, because you're usually sharing the server with tons of other people

The only potential problems is if the combined traffic of all the web"sites" were exceeding your server's bandwidth
ok since nobody read it, here is less words:
is buying a oc gpu safe?
Cheapest way to get a custom made vinyl?
>>58724174 to to to to (loopback)
RMA it
I highly highly doubt there (should) be risks with buying an "OC" GPU.

Companies have a name to keep up.
If they sell you a GPU that does not work as they configured it, you can return it because that's a fucking problem
new thread >>58724531
new thread >>58724531
new thread >>58724531
I did it (that was like 3 years ago) but either they returned me the same exact one I RMA'd, or they are all faulty.
but I have lived with that till today, I'm just looking to replace it. and the factory oc one is cheaper than non oc, so I wonder
What is the diference between dlna and ftp?
I set up ftp for usb hdd connected to my router. Download speed is horrible 300kb/s-800kb/ probably because router's cpu cant handle it. Will i get better speed from dlna?
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