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/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

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Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 35

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Anon (>>54841970) Solved the Pyramid Edition

Old thread: >>54821987

Comfy Rules:
>weebs >>>/vp/
>r/trackers >>>/what.cd/
>IRC niggers >>>/h/
>whatcucks >>>/b/
>ratiocucks >>>/t/

New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions
https://a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf (HDB's thread from PTP was recently pulled)
Or update it yourself faggots if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: https://opentrackers.org/whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various HTTP/FPT servers with content:

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>===>Teh Answerz<===<

1. ArtofMisdirection.com
2. DeepBassNine.com
3. h4h.xyz (maybe meme, https://archive.is/hVERg )
4. xbtmusic.org (Pedro's BTMusic)
5. HDBits.org
6. Exigomusic.org
7. blady.me (last known, 2013: gnoms.me - https://archive.is/0mTyy ) (Sinderella)
8. hey.fux0r.eu **DEAD**
9. TheOccult.bz
10. TheVault.bz
11. BroadcasThe.Net
12. PassThePopcorn.me
13. Bibliotik.me
14. Empornium.sx
15. KaraGarga.in
16. Awesome-HD.me
17. BlackCats-Games.net
18. GazelleGames.net
19. 32pag.es
20. Waffles.fm
21. Cinemageddon.net
22. TehConnection.eu
23. JPopsuki.eu
24. ScienceHD.me
25. MyAnonamouse.net
26. What.CD
27. AnimeBytes.tv
>28. BitSoup
29. Morethan.tv
30. TorrentShack.me
31. Speed.cd
32. gtracker.installgentoo.com (/g/tracker) **DEAD**
33. MUTracker.org **DEAD**
34. IPTorrents.com
Reminder that TSH is a BTN mirror
Aldy ;_;

>Last Seen: 3 months and 1 week ago

also blossom is a fucking cunt
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watch out for mei
Does anybody know if Dead.Presidents.1995.720p.HDTV.x264-aAF is uncensored?
omg /ptg/ fags become redditors
people go to reddit but leave /ptg/
this place is the smelly hairy asshole of the internet
Does BaconBits recruit anywhere? Can't find anything about it.
>Oppaitime comments get upboated
>312c comments get immediately downboated to hell
get shrekt 312cuck
>watching nigger movies
>banned from PTP
>denied from HDB
guess I'll just pay for my media like a good goy
>tfw AHD invite expired
Don't expect upload speeds anywhere near that unless you happen to be seeding to another feral box. There good value boxes but only for storage. Speed not so much. Especially if you're on the lower plans and the people you share the entire machine with are really hammering it.
BTN invites when??
will any trackers let me join with my shitty 512 internet connection or should i not even bother?
get a seedbox, or join a ratioless tracker like BTN. you won't survive on what.cd or any place with a ratio with such shit internet.
512mbps is pretty good anon
Just create a new persona and start again. It's not hard.
My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to upload. I just fucking hate the music industry, and the corporate moguls feasting on its carcass. My listening experience is just awful, shitty transcodes, and I always wanted to share my music. This is the time of piracy and every album is worth ripping. And I will put on the site as many as I can. It's time for me to seed... and it's time for me to snatch. My What.CD adventure begins here.
Trackers don't check for your internet speed. And you can easily survive on any trackers that have a bonus point system, like PTP or AHD. Just download everything freeleech then seed forever, even if nobody leeches you can farm points and trade them for upload credit. I have a ~100kb/s download / ~60kb/s upload speed and I'm on all cabal trackers... except HDB, I wouldn't dare.
HDB isn't even hard, literally follow the same rules you just laid out and you'll be fine.
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>BTN STILL isn't recruiting
/ptg/ stop vote manipulating oppaitimes shitty powt on r/trackers
>Reminder that TSH is a BTN mirror

I almost don't need BTN anymore.
fuck off 312c
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How is this curry nigger possible?
The curry essential. g'damn
Is there any private tracker that has a fairly comprehensive collection of old newspaper and magazine scans?
Not anymore. They closed interviews and recruitment. Only way is to get an invite from a member.
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Who is the best staffer and why is it tehlarsie? Also, will she ever love me?
Why should they recruit if they already have enough people for the site to work like they want it to? What benefit do they gain by letting a bunch of new users in? Are these new users actually likely to improve the tracker in some way that the old users weren't already doing?
Does anyone know what the user stats look like?
Is HDB even worth joining if I'm already in BTN and PTP? Or is it just for if I'm autistic about encoding?
Its just over the 6k userlimit. When it dips under, invites open for everybody who gets them, and a few hours later, it goes over the userlimit again and invites are gone until it dips below the limit again.

You should have joined when they were interviewing directly from reddit and recruiting from WCD last year.
This is what people don't get about trackers, most users are quite expendable. The same logic applies to banning, unless you are an uploader, encoder or archivist, supspicion of wrongdoing is probably a good enough reason to ban you. The potential benefit is getting rid of a shitbag, the potential loss is getting rid of an expendable user.
I actually tried to join through BTN around a year ago but the guy never responded to me, even though he has logged in many times since then. Not sure what happened, it was an old thread but it clearly said "if this thread is up then the offer is still open"
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>The /ptg/ Leecher's guide to easy private leeching!

>Don't feel like seeding long term? Want to just download and be done with like you did on the Pirate Bay? A member of WCD/PTP/BTN but you don't want to fuck up your stats and get also get stuff to cross-seed? The following sites/trackers are good for downloading quality content without seeding long term, if at all.

>1) MorethanTV (MTV) - Lots of TV shows and some movies. Ratioless unless you want higher userclass. No HnR at all. Easy to join via most private invite forums. Serves as a minimal BTN backup for popular and somewhat-popular content. Rare stuff has to be requested.

>2) Torrentshack (TSH) - Ratioless general tracker with minimal HnR and no stats are recorded except upload. Well-known as a BTN mirror thanks to their bot which grabs new episodes from BTN within minutes. If they don't have what you want, they emphasize using their request system, which is fast. Movies come from the scene, p2p, and internal encodes. Easy to join via most private invite forums. Retention here is poor for obvious reasons.

>3) Baconbits (bB) - Ratio-based, but no HnR at all. Good for downloading movies, TV seasons, books and music from other trackers. Not great for bleeding edge stuff unless it's popular. Has a good request fill rate since members are also on top trackers. Tons of freeleech, and anything over 20GB is freeleech, plus BP can be exchanged to freeleech the torrent of your choice. Their invite forums are as effective as WCD's as well.

>4) SoItGoes (SIG) - Not a torrent tracker, but a Mega linksharing site. No seeding at all and very few dead links. Lots of internal movie encodes from HDB/AHD/PTP, tons of TV seasons, some books, and plenty of music. Not great for bleeding edge new stuff because of the relatively small userbase - better used as an archive for stuff older than a week. Use with Jdownloader or Megatools to make downloading even faster and easier. Recruits from bB.
Oh well, I was looking to get into SoItGoes, but it doesn't really matter since I'm /setforlife/ on the holy trinity.
le 312c boogeyman

Shut the fuck up faggot. Spa gets post came off as a shitty high horse bs. I like how he said it was asian porn because he would be laffd out of there if he said Hentai. Eat shit you fucking weebs
Go to their IRC and tell them what happened. If you're not bullshitting, they will verify it and invite you.
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You think they would? I mean it's not like they are obligated to invite me just because I PMed the guy back then, I just assumed he'd kind of quietly decided to reject me or something anyway.
They track JAV and Hentai.
Asian porn is a blanket term for both. Eat shit you fucking dimwit.
>I was looking to get into SoItGoes

That's a good place to download some nice encodes without racking up a ratio. I use it to get popular movies for people without adding them to my torrent client. They don't recruit anywhere except Bigboyz, though.

Yes, they would. Their staff is very nice and friendly. Go explain yourself with as many details as possible and they will help you out but don't bother if you can't recall any details.
Well I mean I still have the PM I sent the guy in my sentbox, it's not like I can't prove I sent it. Not too much more to the situation than that really.
Then you're all set. Screenshot that PM and have it ready for them to look at on IRC.
Yeah alright, maybe I'll do it later. What do I say, just that I PMed their recruiter and he never got back to me? Won't it seem kind of odd bringing it up a year after the fact?
That's not odd at all considering that people go to IRC to resurrect a disabled account that is years old. Besides, if the offer was available and you legitimately applied, you're entitled to an invite, so for it. Be honest and show your evidence. You'll probably get the invite.
A'ight I'll drop by tonight I guess.
Protip: some days are better than others. Tonight may not be the best night. Keep trying if you don't find somebody tonight. Weekends are best, from what I remember.
How does one get into SoltGoes
Bb and TPS have recruitment.
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>mfw I'm most of the way to elite requirements but I haven't been around long enought to be power user
>Bb and TPS have recruitment.

I forgot about TPS. They do indeed have SIG recruitment.
>How to upload on PTP without getting cucked by TM's and desis: A guide for non-retards.

>The 1st most important aspect is to focus on obscure movies. Forget about shit like Transformers, you fucking retards. You have to think in terms of foreign, classic, indie, arthouse, horror, and other niche subgenres. If you are too fucking stupid or uninterested in looking into these types of movies, you will never be able to upload lots of movies to PTP so just stop reading this and go back to shitposting on /ptg/ you worthless loser NEET.

>The 2nd most important aspect is to ignore scene releases unless they fall into the above genres. The more obscure the scene release, the less likely it will be uploaded quickly. Your primary focus should be p2p releases: stuff that people randomly upload to torrent trackers or DDL.

>The 3rd most important aspect is to focus on DVD or VHS releases. Three reasons why: People focus more on Bluray or HD these days, they will almost never be trumped, and they are small enough to download and upload easily.

>1) Get on KG, CG, TIK, Secret Cinema, or Gorgomon. They have all of these types of films and you can easily find thousands of movies to upload to PTP from here.

>2) Public trackers. Anybody can upload to these, so there's a lot of people who will upload foreign, horror, indie and classic movies here. Sort by seeders, browse by genre and go for the movies that don't get a lot of downloaders. There's always plenty of movies that go almost completely unnoticed here, especially European and Asian DVDs.
>3) Release blogs. There's hundreds of blogs all over the internet that race to give you the news about new scene and p2p releases so they can offer you monetized DDL links in the comments section of each post. Try Sceper, Rlsbb, TwoDDL, TV-Release, Rapidmoviez, etc, Protip: Get a RealDebrid account and use the happy hours from 6am-12pm GMT+1 to download DDL links as a premium user.

>4) Release forums. There's dozens of forums where people post links to movies and many of them are inhabited by foreigners that will often dip into the obscure genres you want to look at. Get an account at Warez-BB or TehParadox for free and you will find links being posted 24/7. RealDedrid will also work here, but users will also provide services to convert links for you to fast download links for free.

>5) Libraries. You will actually have to go outside, you fat fuck, so this will be the least used option. Visit your local libraries for DVDs and rip them with your laptop.
autodl or what?
Found the weeb
Found the retard that can't form an argument.

Staff are more chill on Sundays from what I've seen.
>Staff are more chill on Sundays from what I've seen.

Sunday is usually a good day to get into most trackers IRC, yeah.
>tfw fell for the what and bib are hard to survive on meme
So you didn't join them?
On both and doing really well actually.
Just saying I though it'd be hard to build upload like everyone said it would.
Found the nigger
Still can't make an argument, can you?
Bib is just annoying because you have to put effort into it. :^)
>inb4 smiley with the carat nose.
You can get enough buffer from one request to cover hundreds of downloads on Bib though, and for that matter you can use the tracker for years without even having to worry due to your first 2GB being a grace period.

Worst case scenario just find an audiobook on Overdrive around 200-500MB, usually at least one person will snatch it within a few weeks even if it doesn't happen right away.
[email protected]
Please, anons.
Found the doublenigger
sent ;)
(also signed up for gay porn)
>On both and doing really well actually.
>Just saying I though it'd be hard to build upload like everyone said it would.

See how great things are when you're a person of above average intelligence? Retards get so scared of WCD and BIB for nothing.
always nice to have more than one tracker, plus you'll be able to crosseed at least NTb releases.
>Is HDB even worth joining if I'm already in BTN and PTP?

For most people, no. For people that want more freeleech, more HD encodes, and a backup for both PTP and BTN, yes.
Why did my required ratio on what.cd go down?
Got a gold star on the same day that I became a Master user, pretty cool.

Unrelated question, does anyone know a good tracker for college e-books? Last I checked MyAnonymouse didn't really have that kind of content, and from what I've read on their recruitment pages Bibliotik doesn't sound like it has a whole lot in that category either.
Are you continuing to seed?
The more torrents you seed that you've snatched, the less your required ratio is.
So what happens when PTP or BTN are inevitably busted? There are only a measly 35 thousand members on PTP, every last one of them will be targeted.
Yeah. Haven't downloaded anything in forever. Didn't realize it changed like that. Thanks fammy-o.
>So what happens when PTP or BTN are inevitably busted?

Nothing. The users would just move to a new tracker if that happened.
>So what happens when PTP or BTN are inevitably busted?

What happened when Oink got busted? The owner was found because he's a dumbass who used Paypal and sued but didn't get any jailtime and the users just went to WCD.

So practically nothing.
we'll find out when my fbi contact gets back to me. Faxed a 10 page write up on all the information I dug up on our favorite PTP developer :^)
get a job, memer
Why, so I can use a different company fax machine? I seriously can't believe that she wouldn't accept scans, those rat bastards.
But memes are a full time job anon
<_312c> I swear to god if police show up to my house I'm releasing all of the plain text user information
Nice try 312c; but we all know you live in your moms basement.
So is it possible to ever get on DB9? or do you need to own a vinyl collection or some stupid shit?
nigga you gay
Sinderella works only on https, on http it's not working so it's https://blady.me/
Also it's
28. Bitsoup.me
Thanks, do they have an invite thread somewhere or do they do an interview or something? Didn't find anything in the invite sections for BTN or What but I can also be a power user on PTP if I just upload one video I've been meaning to.
desu secretive trackers like Sinderella, db9, xbt, exigo and the like I hope they close, I hate that level of secrecy
desu= to be honest fucking mods and their autism
been working on uploading a huge book to a site for the past 2 weeks and then some guy uploaded it when I was in the final stretch. I wouldn't mind it if he didn't say "Sorry anon I worked on it and didn't see your progress" but I was posting updates before he made his account on the site
feel kinda pathetic now
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>being this new
How do I get into baconbits?
I'm not new, this shit though keeps being retarded
Where is the irc for ptg?
whats xbt?
I'm not sure if they recruit anywhere. I got in through the application. Its a lot like ABs you can check if they're accepting any
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Yeah says they're not taking applications right now, oh well
There is no irc any more.
Wasn't financefag setting one up for you?
You can't unless you know somebody and its not a tracker that can satisfy all your needs on its own.
There's a discord room but I'm not in it
it does have p good invite offers in the forums tho
Bullshit. You guys were on #soupwhale earlier
He said he was going to, but he was drunk and had just been dumped so I don't think he followed through. The problem isn't lack of ircs though, the old ones still exist, but no one uses them.
>You guys
I'm not an irc nigger but it is possible that there is some secret club of the old irc niggers. If there is, they clearly don't want to be associated with /ptg/ anymore and you can't blame them.
Yeah but that only matters to total tracker noobs.

Having a Bigboyz account is better than having a WCD account desu.
>He keeps user data in plain text
Doubt it
Email azathoth directly and ask him:
[email protected]
Just noticed the guy that invited me to BTN is now BANNED! Will this affect me?
yep your account is toast
You are guilty by association anon
Any idea how long it has been? Usually if they wanted to do a treeban they'd do it immediately. If it's been more than a day or two then you're probably fine.
312c just BTFO of open source fags.

>There are huge chunks of code that are not part of the public gazelle repo. The public does not need to know how site security works, as that would make it trivial to learn how to bypass restrictions and anti-cheat code.

>Why are you storing sensitive user information in plaintext in your databases? It took us all of a couple days to reimplement IP address, email, and PM storage in a way that leverages cryptographically secure encryption and in-memory keys to thwart disk confiscation
Because the database is properly secured and protected, and storing IPs and Emails in plaintext is the only way to easily make use of them when you have tens of millions of records too search through and analyze
Not to play doubles advocate or anything but spaghetti is kind of a smug jackass and often likes to pontificate on shit he doesn't know nearly as much about as he thinks he did.
>doubles advocate

You might be retarded yourself.
how do i get into ide?
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Quit it with this meme, it's dead.
>spaghetti is kind of a smug jackass and often likes to pontificate on shit he doesn't know nearly as much about as he thinks he did
Exactly my thinking too.
Nice try 312c
What's the comfiest tracker?
retard. I like how 312c fucks over all dirt (sellers, traders, irc fucktards)
What's the name of the /ptg/ rapper again, it's Drizzy isn't it? I can't find his soundcloud.
ty (thank you) pham (phamily)
What did he mean by this?
Not a techfag here (first time on /g/). Can someone please explain to me what this is about? Spell it out for me like I'm retarded. I'm clueless as fuck but I'm curious.
>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions
>What did he mean by this?
What was he trying to say?

>>54850865 you retard, you forgot to link it to >>54850833
A tracker is a website such as piratebay which facilitates the sharing of content through the bittorrent protocol. A private tracker is a tracker which one must be invited to to use. Most private trackers have some kind of ratio system to ensure that people upload as well as download.
There are several advantages of a tracker being private (as well as several disadvantages). You are much less likely receive copywrite infringement notices as other people cannot find out your IP unless they are a member of the tracker. The ratio system on private trackers means that content is seeded for longer (whereas people often stop seeding on public trackers). It also means more rare content is uploaded and seeded. Finally, malware is much less likely to be uploaded as you will obviously lose your account once reported, while you can just make a new one on public trackers.
I did and I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I'm still not sure what this is. I get the basic idea but I don't understand what people are doing individually. Are people just sharing software and info with people in their own group? Is it like bittorrent if bittorrent only had select amount of private message?
Thanks, m8. Genuinely helpful reply.
Spaghetti is being upboated by paranoid fucks who think that any talk of better 'security' is generally a good thing.
Then devs on the big trackers come along and tell him he's talking complete shit.
So yeah, I agree with you.
enjoy your indian/pakistani movies
It is bittorrent.
The difference between it and public torrents is that the tracker will only give out the ips of the peers to people with a passkey (ie an account). That means no one else acn download unless someone gives them the ips of the peers (this is against the rules).
To add on to what he said, some private trackers you can only get on to by being on a less strict private tracker. So say there's a big one like What.CD, some sites will only let you be a member if you have a good reputation on that site, and then some sites will need you to have a good reputation on other sites. Moving up through these sites is "climbing the pyramid" that you see in the OP pic.

Most sites higher up will have better quality of whatever they specialise in, and will also generally be faster to download from since everyone will keep uploading to gain a better reputation, unlike you would on something like kat.cr or piratebay.
He is literally being ridiculed lol
Expected that, usually when someone newbie on something is trying to say that he knows better etc he usually don't know shit
>AB added commas to post times
There isn't a single post by any significant staffer who has deconstructed what he said.




Basically OT retards and their know-all-but-actually-is-an-absolute-retard overlord were pretty much BTFO beyond reasonable proportions.
is there a tracker with a comprehensive library of "the oxford handbook of" particularly The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology?
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>is there a tracker with a comprehensive library of "the oxford handbook of"
A library like that doesn't exist especially because Oxford now serves a majority of these handbooks from their own website as sites not as pdfs or epubs and only lets you view a chapter or something at a time (I found this out when filling requests.)

I checked bibliotik/WCD and six libraries (including 2 uni libraries) and came up with nothing.

If you've got academic access you might want to try requesting that book.
*as an interlibrary loan
thanks for the lookup bud. want to read it before I start honours. it's a new book so I'm not surprised.
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Academic books esp the arts related ones like philosophy are annoying to find. I also just checked it up and worldcat and it doesn't even seem to have any ebook versions either.
Tried asking in /sqt/, but the wiki mentions public trackers being unsafe. Is this true? are there exceptions?
Public = 100% DMCA, NO exceptions
Safe by security aspect, don't be a retard and download only popular files from kat.cr or thepiratebay.se (note the original URLs, not shady proxies/mirrors)
So is it even worth the risk using it for popular shows/movies/anime?
My country does not care about users downloading, I don't know the risks of takedown requests to tell you if it's worth it
it;s fine to download from nyaa or bakabt
If you tell us what country you are from we can probably give a risk estimate.

3rd world countries = no risk
US, UK = buttfucked perpetually
Australia = I've never had a problem downloading anything but I don't really watch TV/movies apart from Sherlock, Doctor Who and in the past Hannibal so my experiences with DMCAs might be skewed
It's whatever. Site is nice but it's really not even that good. Got banned from there for some ridiculous bullshit that I can't fix to this day. It involved What.cd. I feel like they take themselves too seriously sometimes.
I'm a /ptg/er now, but when I was using public trackers, I never once received a DMCA notice. I used public trackers extensively, too.
US but I don't understand, I've used them for years without any consequences. Maybe some malware some time back, but nothing serious. Am I in the minority?
okay I don't even want this fucking tracker but the wait is absolutely retarded. /mark.me/ but I've been waiting for over 6 months.

who the fuck is the derekguy and why doesn't that faggot check his PMs?!?

>everyone who wasn't on ptp or was banned from it is back on, except irc niggers cos aussie weeaboos
>no longer want ur curry
I did last year when I fucking PM'd you.

I may need ur fucking tracker when my marks catch up to me so fucking check ur inbox u filthy nigger so I don't have to login into curry shd weekly checking for a 'sent'
Well obviously I'm an ausfag and not from the US but I have heard some seriously shitty horror stories about USfags getting screwed over with regards to torrenting (especially recent movies and TV shows.)

Why no public tracker is safe: When you torrent from Kat or any other site it's not the site that's dangerous but the fact that a whole bunch of trackers get added to the torrent (about 15 or something) and between public torrent sites these are all shared. If the MAFIAA is using one of those trackers - any of them, they have a chance of seeding to you and they'll have your IP. Furthermore, DHT and PEX enabled in a client means that you don't even need to be using the same public trackers as they are, they can discover you anyway. You also don't know which trackers they have and which they don't or if they are even in the swarm so there's no way to protect yourself. It's not really a question of malware, indeed the MAFIAA would probably upload malicious torrents, but the fact that they're being watched.

With private trackers there are a whole bunch of strict rules and measures in place to prevent people hopping from one tracker to the other quickly and ensure that only people who upload and seed get there. Also if at any time members report they receive letters the tracker site admins can look at their logs and figure out who was the one sending DMCAs. They also try to trap sellers and buyers to prevent the MAFIAA buying their way in.
>so I don't have to login into curry shd weekly checking for a 'sent'

Don't you have email on your phone?
>It is extremely hard to take someone seriously when they are complaining about the security of other trackers, based on almost zero experience, while allowing people to discuss how to get around security under his own watch.

You know /ptg/,he does have a point.... I doubt a sub 1k tracker admin has as much experience as someone running a >30k tracker
With private trackers you also only download from 1 tracker because of the private flag and PEX/DHT don't get enabled. It is forbidden to add in multiple trackers (this will report incorrect stats allowing the person to be flagged and banned), keeping it all on one site.

With the exception of a few peerleaking attacks attacks where one torrent tracker tried to steal another torrent site's trackers you shouldn't receive DMCAs.
what the fuck

how long has gazellegames been back?
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Best measures of site security, like posting PTP usernames on the anonymous site he constantly complains about right?

>Because the database is properly secured and protected, and storing IPs and Emails in plaintext is the only way to easily make use of them when you have tens of millions of records too search through and analyze

Does a vpn protect from this?
is this b8? if so, 10/10 anon I actually believe you have tracker emails on ur phone
>inb4 who needs privacy when piracy

He's the fucking sysop you ass mongrol. way to get urself marked but likely never checked.

Anons have complained that he NEVER checks his recruitment threads over the months so I don't think you're lying.

Had you not wrote that like that, I would have suggested you just ask another recruiter or go into irc and ask staff why they have an inactive thread but you missed that boat mate.

your only option now is to make a backup ptp account while you still can, as there is no other alternative for SD crap besides tehc
Jesus anon I hope you didn't login. It's confirmed phishing site. GGn was hacked. Read the fucking wiki or gtfo
Are you retarded.
Discussing how to get around security leads to improvements in the security of trackers. Security through obscurity is a meme for a reason.
There are a couple of ways your VPN traffic can leak.
>DNS leaks
>IP leaks (basically if you turn your internet off or back on again sometimes you will connect to the internet before your VPN remembers to connect to the server. That's why some commercial VPNs have a kllswitch)
I have also heard it said that DHT and PEX traffic can bypass the protection offered by a VPN.

In my opinion I'd go with a seedbox but a lot dislike public trackers because if they get DMCAs their company would get buttfucked (instead of 'you' getting buttfucked because they own the IP). The ones which allow public trackers would host in a place where they are unlikely to get DMCAs. Furthermore, public trackers rangeban server IPs (which includes seedbox IPs) but I've found you can get around this by adding a whole bunch of other trackers and enabling DHT/PEX
>public trackers
wrong thread prajeet >>>/t/
You got BTFO spaghetti,
now go back to your chinese cartoons porn shithole. And let me get you a tl;dr in case you missed the point:
Gazelle trackers' staff and devs are communicating and sharing security improvements but they do it to whoever they want (and probably with trackers like Sinderella I suppose) and guess what: your stupid, noob, chinese-cartoon-porn-loving ass is not one of those trusted.
He was answering my questions. I should return to /sqt/
>re.ddit >>>/what.cd/
gtfo of here
>sharing security improvements
Explain why their security is still shit then?
It's even worse if they are sharing desu because that means the entire tracker community is less competent than two faggots running a weab porn tracker.
>is this b8? if so, 10/10 anon I actually believe you have tracker emails on ur phone

Why wouldn't you check your tracker email on your phone?
>waiting to get another gold star so I can get an ez rank up
>10GB upload out the wazoo for the pas month

fuck lads, I just know as soon as I spend this I'm gonna get another one
>you mean CP tracker anon
anyone have gagball h4h pic. my qBittorent killed my external had drive with my 4chan photos
Security isn't shit and I don't really get how this was came as something true, a retarded admin on a shit site says so who of course doesn't have access to security improvements that are private and not available on public gazelle branch which he and every other average joe has access to
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this one?
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This one is better
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>You got BTFO spaghetti,
Are you fucking kidding me? As well as being a complete moralfag I'm also a sjw who hates his degenerate CP shithole and would prefer to see it go up in flames. You are barking up the wrong tree, but feel free to keep being delusional.

However, that doesn't change the fact that Spaghetti makes a good point. 312c doesn't give a flying fuck about the userbase and never will. The staff are excluded from the logging so why would they care about whether or not the userbase are stored in plaintext?

It also doesn't change the fact that you can link the image from anywhere and no site cares where it's hosted from, even WCD a site which shills WhatIMG. On one site I actually got told to change my WhatIMG url and use a host 'like imgur'.

And this guy is right:
>the entire tracker community is less competent than two faggots running a weab porn tracker


I don't care if you're spaghetti or not, what I'm saying is that "all major trackers are insecure" is plain bullshit coming from an inexperienced man that is based on the public branch of gazelle he uses and on the reddit thread it is explained by 312c why he is wrong.
External hosters are a potential threat but don't you think experienced devs and admins of major trackers are at least more thoughtful to have thought to change that?
Holy fuck I want to join OT now. Damn spaghetti. are you still recruiting from AHD ??

I got kicked from superchillen last week for failing to donate
>tfw would have been worth it
but hell if this is what OT looks like, my dick can dig it.

got to love those malayasian lack of cyber laws. I got posted here last year for work and requested to come back for 6 months
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>oppaitime is the only private tracker which proxies third party information
>BTN still can't keep backups
This isn't OT you idiot.
It's a fake mock-up of h4h, the supposed CP tracker.
>damage control
nice try spaghetti.

You can get on from ahd but not irc anymore
Hell a B8 m8
Nothing will change, unless something big happens like a server being seized.
>>the entire tracker community is less competent than two faggots running a weab porn tracker
It's true though.
>It's true though.

Yes. Look at some of the very simple feature requests in WCD. Outstanding for years. Would take a couple of hours to implement.
I don't use PTs because I think that their security is up to snuff, I use them because I believe that they are smaller than Kat and the like and the fact that a few have things that public trackers don't have. In fact, I agree with some of the anons who have posted on /ptg/ claiming that PTs are more insecure than their public tracker counterpart because of blanket VPN banning (with a high number of users and diverse IP pool), the amount of logging, the high proportion of uploaders on this site and the permaseeding.

Recently one of PTP's uploaders was actually arrested and although the staff are probably keen to keep the details under wraps to prevent the entire site from mass panicking, one certainly begins to wonder if PTP had something to do with it.

There's really nothing that would stop the MAFIAA from getting into a PT themselves, which is only easier if OT is as insecure as you claim (because invites from that site can be used to source more invites). As /ptg/ shows, getting on any site is easy if you have a bit of luck (although the worst you'd get is some DMCA letters I guess as everything else rests on obtaining the servers themselves.)

As for how 'secure' these policies really are we won't know until they get raided like OINK. Undoubtedly 312c loves catching his cheaters and therefore keeps the entire userbase's personal data in plain text to make life easier for himself. Undoubtedly he will be the first person to scarper when the FBI or what have you catch up with him.

I do disagree with them making the Gazelle public but I would greatly prefer the assuarance that the userbase's data isn't entirely in plaintext like 312c is so proud of.

It's true and that's why it's hilarious to me.
Hot opinion friendo
>Recently one of PTP's uploaders was actually arrested
Nose looks like a dick.
The screener leaks, anon.
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>A 31-year old man from Lancaster has been arrested following an FBI investigation into several leaked DVD-screeners. The man, who worked in the entertainment industry, pleaded guilty to uploading screener copies of The Revenant and The Peanuts Movie to the private BitTorrent tracker Pass The Popcorn.
They knew he uploaded the copies to PTP. They knew he was a member of PTP. So how, begs the question, did the FBI get this information? I didn't want to deeply into it but I want to think that the FBI knew he was on PTP because they had his computer and access to his account that way.

But the PTP staff hushed the entire incident up. There was an active thread full of hysterical PTP users when this happened and some people wanted to ban screeners from PTP altogether.

It legitimately scared the shit out of me and I deleted all the PTP torrents I was seeding that day.
The real question is, are they going to hit everyone, or just the people leaking things? Or only dedicated uploaders? Or only uploaders in general? Or anyone who seeds beyond a certain point?

You can never be sure. And now that I'm thinking about this, I'm starting to rethink my desire to climb the /pyramid/.
>It legitimately scared the shit out of me and I deleted all the PTP torrents I was seeding that day.

Click on your history. You can see proof of every single torrent you ever downloaded, although you can't see it, there is also the IP address stored too.

A single IP and one film doesnt go far in court. But this level of proof?
And you know what else? Most private trackers don't let you use VPNs. So you can't even get around that problem.
not to mention how much you shared which makes it easy to calculate indemnity.

Once you got a staff user you also got every single member of the tracker by the balls.
A true treasure trove.
I try not to think about it too much.
>A true treasure trove.

Yes. The only tracker I am aware of that takes this seriously is Torrentshack. Why? Because they had their site taken down by FACT.

Why do people only learn when something goes wrong?

>I try not to think about it too much.

You belong on /trackers/ anon. The group think of not thinking about it is very strong there.
up 202 days,  2:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.79, 0.85, 0.95
What measures does Torrentshack take to avoid these very real problems?

Focus on users' security. All logs of downloads & snatches are deleted every 24h.

VPN use is allowed and even encouraged.
>You belong on /trackers/ anon. The group think of not thinking about it is very strong there.
Thinking itself changes nothing. A person that thinks and commits suicide is no better than a person who commits suicide without thinking about it as the consequences are the same.

Only acting as a consequence of thinking would change a person's fate and if I was clever I would have gotten into PTs in the first place or even downloaded knowing the risk. But the lure of free quality downloads is strong, especially because it's genuine.

I think too much, I wish there was a button that one could be used to turn off negative thoughts.
Which tracker is this staff from?
So a bunch of BS from 312c and "ur not in our sekrit klub lol". This is why 312c is universally hated. He holds the masses to one set of standards but expects us to not hold him and his peers to the same standards. The fact that the cabal and co. have the best content and retention is not enough to assuage the warranted criticism. If he wants us to stop talking shit about him he needs to put up or shut up. They act like North Korea but unfortunately for them the internet allows us a lot more maneuverability than the citizens of the real North Korea actually have. So they can carry on propping their poxy regime up on a foundation of lies but plenty of people know the truth.

I don't even give a fuck about OT, I don't care about any weeb shit and I never will, but fair fucks to spaghetti for calling the cabal out on their bullshit. He may just be a sysop at a small-time tracker but that's more than most people in the community will ever be and it clearly gives his voice some weight as a result. This problem isn't going to just go away for the cabal. People are waking up to their bullshit.
is iptorrents any good? like i don't give a shit if the creator ddoses other trackers, are content, speeds, and retention good?
>content, speeds, and retention good?

Excellent. Biggest and best.

But...the downside of being the biggest could make them a bigger target for law enforcement.

>Thinking itself changes nothing.

Of course not. But most actions begin with a thought. Would you rather be oblivious to what could happen, or have thought about it and be prepared? Sounds like you worry and then do nothing - the worst of both worlds.
Oh, right.
He got fucked because the screeners were watermarked
>hey knew he uploaded the copies to PTP. They knew he was a member of PTP. So how, begs the question, did the FBI get this information? I didn't want to deeply into it but I want to think that the FBI knew he was on PTP because they had his computer and access to his account that way.
He admitted to it.
In short, yes. If you're serious about sharing and archiving then there are better trackers in most niches. If you want a broad range of access to the latest media and software then IPT should be in your portfolio. You should be able to source an invite just by looking around various PU forums at other non-cabal trackers.
>But...the downside of being the biggest could make them a bigger target for law enforcement.

my thinking is that since there are so many people on ipt, i can hide in the masses as long as i don't upload a lot
Is usenet.farm good?
This desu.
Look how butthurt he is about spaghetti mirroring ptp GP's for anyone who wants them: https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/4ltpcj/an_open_letter_to_tracker_staff/d3qciw3
>>54852958 here
You could use the same logic with public trackers. The reality is that as long as you take some absolutely basic steps to cover yourself you're safe. You should use a seedbox if nothing else. I don't care if you have lightning fast internet seedboxes are cheap, get one and cover yourself.
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>ItalianKitten can actually bantz
What's next, pigs learn how to fly?
Trackers are not states, you are not ordered to use gazelle, you are not ordered to use them. As a user, knowing that the devs of PTP/BTN/What.cd/I suppose many more trackers are working together makes me very assured about my security. Spouting about external hosting and SSL and seeming like a total noob makes me just laugh at spaghetti
>this counts as banter
it's not like she came up with that line herself. All she's doing is sucking the cabal dick as usual.
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Hi 312c, how's your day going?
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>So how, begs the question, did the FBI get this information?
Related xkcd
are you fucking retarded?
I am a fan of 312c but I'm not him.
Are you delusional
Explain why trackers shouldn't proxy third-party content to protect user privacy.
Explain why trackers shouldn't offer SSL by default.
protip: you can't
Why would you ruin my dreams anon?
Are you guys new here or something?
>he actually believes that women exist on public trackers
The best you'll get is a tranny.
>not respecting her pronouns
It's 2016 you shitlord
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Let me quote Emp's staff.
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>The image problem
This doesn't exist if the site proxies all third party content like it should (and OT does).
You've literally provided an argument for proxying third party content (it makes enabling SSL easier).
When the FBI comes looking for my opposite gender clone, I'll be the one laughing.
You stated that I said SSL and proxying is bad which is obviously didn't have to do anything with my post but with your imagination. I provided the explanation why it needs work (and money) to implemented on a big site such as Emp and not a little shithole like OT.
>You stated that I said SSL and proxying is bad
Where did I say that? Feel free to quote me.
I'm just telling you that none of the steps present in that image would be necessary if emp served third-party content like it should. I don't why OT being smaller means SSL is easier to implement either. If anything emp should have more devs willing to work for them.
Does the MAM PU forum have anything that the What PU forum does not have?
Maybe some other curry trackers
I have searched the Internet for 33hours and I cannot seem to find an Australian/other who can share it to me.

Does anyone have the recent "Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods VCE Units 1&2 eBookPLUS 2016"


>I am at a point where I am killing myself while asking /ptg/ for mercy
Borrow it from the library, go to a local printer and have them make a copy of it. Shouldn't cost more than $15
>I have searched the Internet for 33hours and I cannot seem to find an Australian/other who can share it to me.
Australian maths books are never anywhere on the internet.
Neither are the exams. I checked anyway and couldn't find it.
or check out gumtree
No library has it. It seems to be a book that you must buy it.

Not just that but Wiley has very smart bots and people who eliminate any sources on the net. So people name it very weird shit which makes it very fucking hard to find.

It is ether buy it or simply give up on life and buy it for $80. Fuck both.
Thanks for the effort mate.

Contains 2014 editions. The new 2016 comes with a pdf, it is also very updated. It has gone from being a cluster fuck of infor to very to the point.

>No authors and new partnership.

Gumtree has not got it, I have checked.

I am more shock that people who have a fetish for rare things would not have it.
Hello underage b&
It's probably not what you're looking for but I have the pdf of the third edition.
I don't know how I'd sent it to you though because it's on an ipad and I have no idea how to transfer stuff from it.
sci-hub.bz && libgen.io

bookmark these links
they will make Uni a breeze
Can't you ask a classmate for a pdf?
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That being said filetype:pdf and judicious use of intext: for specific key words exclusive to publishers should farm you a whole bunch of practic VCE exams

I also scored raw 40+ in MM and 45+ in Spesh from memory and used these
I did all the examples in them and finished about 1 in ever 2 questions then just ground out exam questions. According to my family members Maths Quest is shit compared to Cambridge.

I do seem to have this and a copy of the 2009 cambridge MM CD and ess Spesh maths cambridge 2011.
When this happened to me I requested the librarian to order it in. They usually complied even with the latest editions. If they can't do it ask another friend in a richer school to get it requested. My librarians were old ladies so all it took were a few compliments and good manners to get on their good books
>40+ in MM and 45+ in Spesh
Raw or scaled m8?
I can't remember but I'm pretty sure it was RAW. But my atar was like 99.3+
Doesn't matter now, uni is much harder than school.
>Any chance you could upload the cd and any ebooks you have for the Cambridge maths?
What are you studying?
I'm in year 12 doing MM and Spesh and I want to do maths at uni
Uni is easy as fuck
Med, biomed undergrad.
Uni is worthless. Except in very specific subjects.
NOT OP but I never completed yr 12. I completed a diploma and advance in networking engineering. I plan to go into RMIT's software engineering course. That involves a lot of math methods, set theory, graphs, and polynomials, and much more.

Wish I completed MM
The file is not very big but if my shitty internet speed refuses to upload it tonight will be in one of the threads on thursday or friday or you can get it from me by email.
Maths in Uni is a little more advance then maths methods.

The states maths program usually does Math methods are college maths. So you would only find further maths would put you into advance functions to find if a statement is true or not.

I am doing maths injunction to python engineering. Making Python do very complex maths ending with true or false statements with the answer.
Cool, want to post some of your stuff?
I've used Python a bit in algorithmics (another school subhect) but I'm shit with it.
Here is a rare file.

>Maths quest 11 general maths.
>Updated 2015 edition (Lastest edition).

Spread the love and put this onto your torrent sites. Include KAT please :)

People like jimmy will then be able to afford to eat.


Details about ebook
Well as the resources I have is around 40 gig in size I could give you this

>Best book I have read
>How to think like of computer scientist using python.

Most of my education was built on this book in the 2000's. Updated one is much better
I was more interested in examples of your work. Thanks for the book anyway though.
Thought it was a virus, turns out to be a clean ebook of the book.

Thanks OP, cd now has it.
make me proud, son
Here's your link: https://mega.nz/#!01MwkKjJ!_3dR1PvNuJBHQc30dAwjx7MzuUOUHOuWP62zL39WLw4
So good to see a glimpse of comfy /ptg/
And worked solutions for the spesh.
Forgot link
This is a representative from John Wiley & Sons, Inc and herewith I would like to immediately issue a cease and desist. Please DELETE THIS.
John Wiley and his sons are all cunt, so they can all go get fucked.
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The MAFIAA life chose me.
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You have made a powerful enemy. I have instructed my clients of your non-compliance and we are gathering all the information we can with the authorities. Your school will be notified of your illegal activities. You may be banned from 4chan for at least a year. Good day Sir.
and will never get over americans and their fancy company titles worth shit.
>You may be banned from 4chan for at least a year.
Good luck I'm behind 90 dedicated servers.
I'm doing some reprehensible shit for the ratio on BiB, but it's so addictive.
Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/seedboxes/comments/4lir45/if_you_are_a_100_uploader_on_bibliotik_with_a/
Mate I would be more worried about the hackers that lerk 4chan.

>You are censorship digital information

You also missed my digital sharing of a restricted pdf book.
Wiley and all of their partners are a bunch of chinks who fuck their own sisters.
Nah mainly just trial abusing hard and refund abusing
Sweet, sweet buffer.
A site actually changed there rules because I was abusing their trial so hard
their* fuck
which company? Feral?
Nah, an ebook library I was using to fill requests, seedboxes are useless on BiB
>ebook library
Be careful of that, I've been locked out of them a few times.
Any opinions on ElbitZ?
The rule on elearning trackers is that ALL are shit and there is no definitively good tracker.
why is waffles.fm redirecting?
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>Winter on AB still hasn't responded
He won't
BTN recruitment when? Come on.
Everyday you mention it the recruitment gets held back 1 week.
Care to elaborate?
btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment btn recruitment
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how do people fail to make ratio on jpopsuki you can basically upload any shit and there are like no mods and admins
people fail to make ratio on jpopsuki? you can just seed literally 5kb torrents.
Its dead. Damn.
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>20 gigs left to cuck on what
Underage bait would imply I am underage. I am needing it for reference. Other wise I would just buy it.
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>mfw 90% of /ptg/ isn't apart of the inner badmin circle
>they probably don't even know the amount of times entire unencrypted databases have been stolen and sold for <$100
At least you guys know about the donate trackers right?
How are you advancing so quickly? I remember you said 40 gigs yesterday or the day before.
That doesn't necessarily mean they are on PTP. They could have gotten the screener after it was reuploaded elsewhere and identified him from a watermark on it or something similar. This is much more likely since they are looking for the original source of the screener, not some guy who happened to upload it to a particular torrent site.

>>54842033>Hey guys I need ptg/ to help me source a book. Pinsky and Yavorsky fundamentals of physics Volume one and/or two hope any of you anons can aid me as I will try to help you too when you need .
>Both copies were uploaded to the private BitTorrent tracker Pass The Popcorn (PTP) and found their way to many public sites in the following days.

Sounds likely that is the case.
new thread when
Grow boipussy then we talk
>tfw no irc channel to dumb boipussy nudes
life is suffering
I'm not that fast
but last weekend I made like 30 gb (or even more) by autodlling and transcoding some autodl'd flacs
so i'm kinda hoping same will happen this weekend
and with just purely seeding freeleechs I'm making about 2~3 gb daily
What's your upload speed?
>I'm not an irc nigger but it is possible that there is some secret club of the old irc niggers. If there is, they clearly don't want to be associated with /ptg/ anymore and you can't blame them.
That's pretty much what happened, yes.
Where do they recruit?
No one is getting in or out.
Oh, so it's a cult then?
Yes, and that Laser kid is the admin
>the admin
I didn't think people with hooves could operate a keyboard successfully
7 euro seedbox from seedhost
but it was worth it since i made like 50 gb in 1,5 week
just grabbing 2016 flacs?
<@derpta> whoever said LaserEyess is the admin needs a reality check
>so many curry tracker phams
<@derpta> I bet you think it's real funny to post EXACT LINES from our SECURE channel.
Wow... someone is buttmad! :^)
it's pretty quick as for a shared hdd but not fast enough to compete with the ones snatching everything
hmm i was panning on racing PTP GPs with it, i'll have to take a look at a VPS instead
Hey /ptg/
I'm looking for a guide book and can't seem to find it anywhere. It's called
"You've been banned from all your favorite trackers, now to restart" by cabal publishing.
Are you even implying that any of them use the same names anymore? If they were to try to leave /ptg/, they'd abandon all of their names.
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