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/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 28

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Weebs >>>/out/ edition
Trying to cheat will get you banned with approximate chance of 100% edition

Old thread: >>54809919

Comfy Rules:
>weebs >>>/vp/
>r/trackers >>>/what.cd/
>IRC niggers >>>/h/
>whatcucks >>>/b/
>ratiocucks >>>/t/

New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions
https://a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf (HDB's thread from PTP was recently pulled)
Or update it yourself faggots if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: https://opentrackers.org/whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various HTTP/FPT servers with content:

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>OP is to lazy to edit the old paste
>tracker staff are known to browse and post in these threads - think twice before offering to trade, buy or sell invites and accounts here
>the same goes for publicly offering or accepting invites - even if staffers aren't watching, an anon may still report you
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>around 95% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once" (this especially applies if a poster has a name/trip attached)
First for the tracker is experiencing technical difficulties
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Second for I'm in love with tehlarsie and want to invite her to cuddle with her.
oh m8 :^)
Ive been out of the loop on trackers for quite some time. Im not even sure what Public ones are "Safe" at this point. But i cant seem to find any decent quality rips of Good Eats and god dammit i just want to watch alton tell me how to cook.
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>He doesn't know that tehlarsie is a girl
>what Public ones are "Safe"
If it's public you're not safe, you'll get DMCA 100%
More restraining orders
Im on what.cd, ab, ptp, btn, gg, and mam

is there any reason to try to join another tracker? I feel like I have everything I need but I still want more
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So how the fuck does one even go about getting an invite? Is it just on a friend basis or what?
Why no HD tracker?
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Trip code or get out. Don't try to impersonate her.
(not him)
No HD tracker is needed if you have ptp and btn
I don't really see the point unless you want the big scene releases asap. They just end up on the other sites eventually
For those of you who didn't believe me when I said I literally had the requirements to get on HDB, but was too lazy to actually PM the recruiter, I'm about to post proof soon.
>Tales.from.the.Hood.1995.720p.WEB DL.H264.AAC2.0 LEGi0N.mkv
Im pretty sure thats why theres quotation marks around the word safe.
they release to iptorrents so downloading and watching that garbage will give me cancer
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What are decent PTs for games and/or TV?

I'm completely new to PTs so I'm going to need to fill out apps. I don't need the most exclusive shit just something decent to get started
It's straight from itunes. Any retard can buy it and upload it.
Games: BCG, GGn
TV: BTN, <big gap>, MTV

start here
Games - GG

But they are not for 3ยบ world shitskins like you
Which release of Top Gear should I grab from BTN?
Cheers m8
Have you ever been watching a movie and paused in the middle to check something on PTP, and their logon screen showed the same movie you were watching at that time?

Happened to me when I was watching Zodiac one time.
Did that BitGamer knockoff ever take off? Or is it still shit?
Still shit
their password database got leaked
That's a shame. bG was my first ever private tracker thanks to a friendly anon on /v/, got into almost every other tracker I'm in now from there. Always felt that GGn and BCG never really lived up to it.
Yeah, heard about that, didn't really give much of a shit, I've been using unique passwords for every site I use for years anyway due to something similar happening to a different site a few years back.
What do you think about AlphaRatio (I only want to get vidya and Windows software)?
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What's GGN's IRC? Trying to get an interview for that and a decent TV PT if anyone has an IRC
GGN does not participate in recruitment. What trackers are you on ( if any ) or even, what game do you want? Can hook you up
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IRC recruitment
How are the PTP stats anons?
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What am I supposed to do with this?
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Hmm, is there some other some type of recruitment?

I'm not on any trackers, completely new to this save for Demonoid and KAT. Fuck me, it's a hard scene to get in. Started doing my research because I finally got an infringement from my ISP.

Looking for a decent Witcher 3, but also more.

How do I apply for places if I have no PT experience?
You are supposed to join what.cd and get on the power user level to gain access to their legit recruitment, but if witcher 3 is the only thing you need then I can see about putting it on mega for ya
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come at me bro
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Am I allowed to split this .flac file into multiple tracks or is it against the rules? I'm not sure I understand this.
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I'll try and interview for what.cd soon. I've been looking at the "study sheet" they have (holy fuck people take this seriously) and I'm realizing that I don't know shit about music torrents, mostly because I have a fucking spotify sub.
go ahead and !queue up NOW in their irc, even if you plan to take the interview later because otherwise you will be waiting hours on end
Not him, but I followed this advice:
If you want to download something for ratio, there's a script floating around here for yen whoring. It will download 100GB worth of the smallest torrents and it's good for several thousand yen a day.
But you can easily, easily get by here only grabbing what you want to watch and seeding a 200-300GB backlog. That's how a private tracker should work, and it's how AB does work.
How much have you donated to the pool?

Seed large torrents for a long time or exchange buffer for shekels.

According to the AB wiki and the formula they use to calculate the yen you make, the smaller the torrent, the less you get.
How much buffer do you have?
You can interview on freshons irc for tv access, that and hd-space was open a few days ago, they have good pre time for new tv shows that aren't RARed shit
Is there any tracker out there specifically for religious texts?
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Anyone got a decent torrent for Witcher 3?
GoG released it DRM free didn't they? Shouldn't be hard to find a torrent.
Does anyone want to trade torrent files so we can cross-seed?
we can just use something like the install gentoo wiki
What do you guys think?
Tracker staff bait detected. Do not reply or risk being /marked/ and eventually, disabled.
You can't get banned for cross-seeding torrents, faggot.
Around 10 gigs. Honestly I get everything from Nyaa and BakaBT and never really uses my AB account, so I guess I could start cross-seeding what I have already.
The FTP, I mean.
You can easily get banned for sharing exclusive torrent files, tracker staff baiter
>AB only has 17,000 users
That's pretty low compared to other trackers.
>According to the AB wiki and the formula they use to calculate the yen you make, the smaller the torrent, the less you get.
Fug, they updated it. I guess this doesn't work any more.
 The size factor assigns a higher value to larger torrents. The new formula is a lot more fair, and means that seeding a 2MB oneshot no longer gives you more yen than seeding a 500MB album. The old torrent type factor is now gone so ISOs are no longer more highly valued, but the new size factor makes up for this since ISOs are usually very large.
The number of people who watches chinese cartoons is smaller than the number of people who watches t.v shows and/or movies.

BakaBT has a lot of banned stuff, and not everything is well seeded on nyaa. Although unless you watch only dark/unknown 70's shows you should be fine with those two.
17.000 autists need to commit suicide
If a site has an explicit, do not upload list of that length, you shouldn't use it. As with Nyaa, there are so many copyright trolls.
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bib would have any and all religious text
Not only you're allowed, you're supposed to do it. Unless the artist intentionally recorded his album as a single track.
I only have the FLAC file. No cue.
What program would you kind people recommend for this?
You can't do shit then, no cue no split
shntool & cuetools, or flacon if you need a gui
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>torrent is requested for 200GB
Does the request require a log? If not than you can make your own cue file based on track lengths. Just make sure you note it in the torrent description
>[ FLAC | FLAC + Log + Cue ]

Awwwwww yeahhhhhhhh
>make your own cue file based on track lengths
Won't be appreciated much by the staff
Rajeev has got you covered:
Is it on PTP?
Found the pleb! Let's all laugh as he is not one of us! Ah hahaha
HDB for now
>taking a break from internet
>come back today and found I'm "suspended" from what.cd
What a shit week.
enjoy your ban/warning
Fuck off.
>being suspended from WCD

How stupid are you?
So it doesn't necessarily require it. Just split the flac freehand, nobody will care.
Anyone got a good link for history ebooks? I remember this one IRC-based ebook service but I forget what it's called
usually the publishers website has the best copy available
>get into hd-space
>average movie size is 7 gigs
>want to keep things at 3 gigs
time to learn about handbrake
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meh, should hand out free cocaine, at least it won't get lost after a server failure

lol what a waste of time
is the what.cd recruiter still active on AB?
What's wrong with it? Lots of HD content, good internals, lots of freeleech
It's not HDBits. Complete waste of time.
If you are not in HDBits, why not use HD-Space until you can get into HDB?
same thinking. second to last prize. what do I get? My 18th 2500BP in a row. I shit you not.

feel free to /mark/ me as uncompensated

>tfw can't participate in lotto cos no snatches counted for guru
What piece size should I use for a 720p movie torrent (~5 gb)?
I've been waiting 8+ hours for a what.cd interview.. is this normal?
I am on HDBits. I would never waste my time on HD Space.
All I got this month besides 2500BP or 10GB were 150 lumens.
Yeah, just do other things until someone is available. Set up an audio alert if you can.
Got me a gold star motherfuckers!
It honestly depends, you picked a bad day to do it, as it's a holiday. Most of the time it doesn't take that long, just throw a movie or something like that up.
That's 250,000BP not bad anon. The first prize I was was a custom title idk how to remove. The forum post asking it is a troll
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Why aren't you part of desi where you can find all the finest poo loo cinema?

Is there any private tracker that's actually managed to pull off the "don't talk about our tracker" well enough for it to actually work? It seems like most of them that try just wind up baiting even more people into spreading their names around out of spite.
Thinking of participating in the current BTN invite auction, but if I do get an invite how much can I expect to sell it for? Is $200 a reasonable price?
>picking a really nice part of rome and a really shitty part of india
nice cherry picking, rome had shit areas too
And how would we know, stupid?
I thought Shiki was pretty good though.
Hope you get banned.
It's possible, but honestly I doubt any staff is going to spend $200 just to catch my ass, nor is the guy that buys the invite likely to admit it and risk losing what he paid for. Selling accounts is one thing but selling an invite is almost impossible to detect unless one or the other party is compromised somehow.
I've been selling PTP invites for years now and never got caught, I'm sure BTN is just as easy to get away with.
You could probably get more. I've gotten about that much for PTP and BTN is a lot harder to get into and way more of a pain to invite. I'd try for at least $400~ chances are someone will pay it.
>I've been selling PTP invites for years now and never got caught,

I hope you do. Get a job.
I have a job, but why should I pass up a few hundred extra bucks per month for almost no effort? Honestly I don't know why more people don't sell invites.
is blossom really a girl?
She's a cunt.
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She just posted on plebbit (pic related)
that's not blossom you fucking retard.
Is there currently any way at all to get into emp? I know recruitment has been closed for a long time but I haven't checked in a while
why the fuck is there a stackoverflow tracker in newly uploaded torrents on ipt
I only sell invite to people in my state to cover my track. Never sell invite to people you can't justify knowing IRL.
>I have a job, but why should I pass up a few hundred extra bucks per month for almost no effort?

Sounds like you have a shitty job that pays shit. Maybe if you spent less time on private trackers and more time getting a real career you wouldn't have to sell invites like a nigger.
>Honestly I don't know why more people don't sell invites.

Because some of us have high paying jobs and don't have to spend all that time vetting buyers and concealing our niggery from private tracker staff members just so we can make a few measly hundred bucks per month.

Only a disgusting NEET or loser with a dead-end job can justify spending their time selling invites.
Yeah there is another one besides AoM which is even harder to get into. Rumor is that it was founded by an admin and the sysop of thebox.

I can't give you the onion. the tracker isn't on tor, just the site.

It's referred to as "The Safe". Operates similar to warez top sites in it that there are very few members (<300) all of whom deliver content. Originally, it began as secret "underground" version of thebox, for the cappers who wanted to continue to release, but in the past two years swarms of originators and cappers have made it a haven for untouched hdtv, distro feeds, pre retail BDs etc

Ironically, they (the scared thebox staff) made themselves go from a target to a really hot target.

I learned all this from an IRC chat with a long time encoder in a release group I encode for. He'd get preretail blurays, spend a week encoding them then drop it a day after the scene bluray came out to disguise the source.

Idk maybe he was smoking crack but he's one of the best encoders I've seen. Next level autism.
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Am Elite on WCD. I don't think there's an invite thread is there
no. meimei is nice as fuck and blossom is a cunt.
>i use WCD and BIB
>i don't engage with the anime community in real life
i'm falling in love
She sounds like she's got some kind of mental disorder or speech impediment.
looks like you've never heard a foreigner talk in english

Disregard, found it
She sounds American. She doesn't have a foreign accent.
she's taiwanese you mong
Yeah, she sounds Asian American. She doesn't sound like she comes from a foreign country. She was clearly born in the US.
she's from taiwan, she grew up in taiwan....
Half white half Taiwanese iirc
what's the name of the soundcloud again?
Those are contact lenses man, she said her real name in the podcast, it's full on chinese.
>she's from taiwan, she grew up in taiwan....

Doesn't sound like it. Something is amiss.
Damn she ugly
>concealing our niggery
>keeping yo dumb mouth shut is so hard
Wee las
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>mfw I joined bB recently and already have more upload than on my 1 year old AB account
Bigboyz was my first tracker. It was so easy to join BTN and PTP from there.

I still have my account. Good place to snatch freeleech.
Speaking the truth, fighting the good fight
Thank 312c this shit thread is slowing down. Soon nobody will even start it anymore
I will keep it going.
312c is based for banning IRC retards but ptg is good for informing people
Why would I use this sitty tracker if I am on HDBits?
Who said anything about you you filthy narcissistic faggot
thanks for the (you), faggot
>I'm spaghetti, one of two sysops on Oppaitime, a tracker for asian porn that's been going for a bit over a year.
I never knew that piece of shit was on re.ddit. Explains why his site is going to shit
So sphageti is now DDOSing PTP/AHD/HDBits to prove a point? No wonder he is considered to the the autist of /ptg/
Don't bully Mei, she's based af. Not as based as tehlarsie but still.
nobody cares about beatmania shit which is why
>I never knew that piece of shit was on re.ddit
probably posted on leddit because he can have a serious discussion rather than a shitfest among entitled whinging kiddie edgelords on /ptg/
He must be a fake, spaggetti can't be that autist
>serious discussion

look at the fucking comments. Nah, sphagetti is just whoring his site out. This is an advertisement to try to get le ledditors (who donate and buy $200 seedboxes) into his site.
it isn't gazelle
What happened to ipadbro?
he got robbed and stopped posting on /ptg/
Ayy lmao someone gave him reddit gold
he only posted an hour ago. there are loads of tracker staff who post there and know about gazelle. wait and see.
who cares
You're crazy
git gud retarded 900-user chinese cartoon porn owner
Is ptp recruitment on wcd still going on?
Does BTN have Pingu?
I can't find it on MTV or bB
I remember seeing some torrents on myspleen. Could've just been a couple episodes though.
RIP Filelist.ro
>RIP Filelist.ro
Check out thread on WCD Lounge about daughter's hair.
empornium is p comfy. else id say youve got it all covered unless you want niche content.
Where is this from?
BTN you bumbling buffoon
Thanks senpai
It's shutting down.
Nice, you're probably /marked/ now anon

how about you /mark/ my ass anon
FB has more info:
They are silent right now though
Can someone please check what releases are on PTP for Neerja and Fan (both 2016)? I want to compare it to AHD and then feel bad about not being in PTP
Nice try, 312c
Fuckin hell this used to be more useful when the marked meme wasn't around. I am just a half brown dude comparing releases so I can decide whether to get into PTP or not so I can provide better movies for my parents who watch Indian movies a lot.
Shoo shoo curry loo
That's it? Yes of course you should be on PTP if you want more movies. How fucking stupid are you? AHD has a fraction of what PTP has.
Ok, well I just want to know what release groups make it there to see if I can get those encodes elsewhere for now.
Just go to PTP directly. Stop being lazy. Just do it and you will not have to dance around like a retard looking for encodes. The best ones go there most of the time.

If you still don't join PTP after reading this you are a complete dumbass who deserves to waste his life on shitty trackers.

Do yourself a favor and just fucking join.
Thanks anon. I needed that. But I am definitely trying. I reached PU on both AB and AHD just a while ago but sadly the usercap was hit. I also had bad luck since I learned that both tracker's recruiters are slow. The only option left is WCD or SciHD. I am more interested in the content SciHD offers so I might wait for applications there.
>Neerja (2016) - 1080p - Blu-Ray - x264 - DTS - ESubs [DDR-ExclusivE].mkv
>Neerja 2016 1080p Blu-ray Remux AVC FLAC 5.1 - M2Tv.mkv
>Neerja (2016) Untouched - BD50 - AVC - DTS-HDMA 5.1 - ESuBS - Hon3yHD [Exclusive]

All trumpable for the reason "watermarked"
i'll mega anything for you expect the remux/BD50
>but sadly the usercap was hit

But recruitment has not ended.
Kind of you to offer anon but I will just grab the DDR release from AHD and save you the trouble. Thanks though.
Yes, I have already sent a PM to Winter on AB. The queue is probably a long one but it's better than nothing.
>Yes, I have already sent a PM to Winter on AB.

So what the fuck are you crying about then? You're guaranteed an invite now. Relax and wait.
Think they're gonna bump up the usercap or are they betting on people going inactive?
All good anon. Thanks for being patient. Hope I am not marked now.
What's a good ratioless general tracker?
No. They recruit until they are content with the numbers. It doesn't matter if they go over the usercap. It's a soft cap anyway.

Just don't fuck it up by breaking the rules, anon.
I was on TSH before, my account was disabled for inactivity because I didn't download stuff for quite a while. Any ratioless general trackers without inactivity ban?
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>The /ptg/ Leecher's guide to easy private leeching!

>Don't feel like seeding long term? Want to just download and be done with like you did on the Pirate Bay? A member of WCD/PTP/BTN but you don't want to fuck up your stats and get also get stuff to cross-seed? The following sites/trackers are good for downloading quality content without seeding long term, if at all.

>1) MorethanTV (MTV) - Lots of TV shows and some movies. Ratioless unless you want higher userclass. No HnR at all. Easy to join via most private invite forums. Serves as a minimal BTN backup for popular and somewhat-popular content. Rare stuff has to be requested.

>2) Torrentshack (TSH) - Ratioless general tracker with minimal HnR and no stats are recorded except upload. Well-known as a BTN mirror thanks to their bot which grabs new episodes from BTN within minutes. If they don't have what you want, they emphasize using their request system, which is fast. Movies come from the scene, p2p, and internal encodes. Easy to join via most private invite forums. Retention here is poor for obvious reasons.

>3) Baconbits (bB) - Ratio-based, but no HnR at all. Good for downloading movies, TV seasons, books and music from other trackers. Not great for bleeding edge stuff unless it's popular. Has a good request fill rate since members are also on top trackers. Tons of freeleech, and anything over 20GB is freeleech, plus BP can be exchanged to freeleech the torrent of your choice. Their invite forums are as effective as WCD's as well.

>4) SoItGoes (SIG) - Not a torrent tracker, but a Mega linksharing site. No seeding at all and very few dead links. Lots of internal movie encodes from HDB/AHD/PTP, tons of TV seasons, some books, and plenty of music. Not great for bleeding edge new stuff because of the relatively small userbase - better used as an archive for stuff older than a week. Use with Jdownloader or Megatools to make downloading even faster and easier. Recruits from bB.
I want to setup a nice retardproof plex server so my family can watch a film with a single click. I already have a seedbox with 10GBit connection but low on storage. What I want to do is to have a designated folder on my seedbox that I will download movies to, then it will automatically download the movie(s) from seedbox to home pc that will be plex server. Now there's a little twist (if there weren't Id just go ahead and install Bittorrent Sync). I want it to just look for new entries, so the seedbox folder can just be temp directory. For example, when I delete the movies in that folder I don't want them to dissappear on the home pc. The home pc needs to act as an archive of that folder. Hope someone can be bothered to help me.
Cool, thanks.
>The /ptg/ Leecher's guide to easy private leeching!

None of those trackers will serve as an all-purpose tracker, though..........
>None of those trackers will serve as an all-purpose tracker, though..........

Of course not. It doesn't say they will. They are just trackers that:



Only a complete idiot would think that MTV would ever replace BTN, for example. MTV is just a place where you can leech a lot of stuff that also shows up on BTN without giving a fuck about your stats, HnR, etc.

The point is that those trackers can be used to get high quality stuff with minimal effort on the user's part.
>We currently have 86.13% requests filled. Let's see how high we can get that number!
Bloody hell bB has a good request fill rate
>3) Baconbits (bB) - Ratio-based, but no HnR at all.
Reddit,go back son.
Most of that is from other tracker though, unlike wcd, tik, bib where the content is original and bought
haha that fucking swiss claymation crap..i think it still airs..
I think I found my answer, thanks everyone!
So I'm thinking about taking the WCD interview. Is the preparation site enough to pass it? Anything particular I should know or pay attention to?
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I guess anything related to transcodes
nigga that's you
mhm yeah /mark/ me please
>people giving serious answers
Hey now!
What's wrong with IPTorrents? Other than their ads and never-ending "limited time double credit offer!" or whatever the fuck they say.
pls educate yourself on this shitty tracker before you post this weak b8 :^)
>Literally can't name anything wrong
>Still calls them a shitty tracker
Niceme.me friendo. :^)
>can't comprehend a simple sentence
jej :^)
>Still baiting
Please get back to work Deepthi, you're not being paid to meme on 4chan.
oh m8, just understand my post first :^)
Your continued memeing will be brought up in your quarterly performance review.
nice, i like it
Scenetime is a pretty cool tracker guys.
blossom is a cunt, we need to get him fired.
>which better
GoT E06 WEBDL or DON hybrade?
Doesn't matter. Hordor dies either way
>tfw buy tv season to fill request for millions of BP
>960 x 720
what. the. fuck.

>inb4 paying to pirate
Paying to invite someone to BTN is worth ยฃ14
just lie
>PAYING to invite
>what is mediainfo
wow I would have sold my MTV account for that much and thrown in my TSH and MaM accounts too
why can't normies play the PTG?

>tfw invited friend to comfy and hasn't signed on since he registered
I filled up his external with comfy internals, downloaded the torrents for him and set it up too. he just won't open utorrent
>tfw forgot to check box for utorrent launch on windows start up
more like 200$ for BTN
How much the series cost me on itunes mate. Was for enough BP to safely place a winning bid in this auction
Lucky I'm one of 57 Elites who have complained they can't Guru because snatch stats don't werk
in what fucking way is that "lucky"..
how are feral shared hdd speeds compared to seedhost?
on seedhost I'm getting up to 60 MB/s upload but the traffic limit is kinda curry
>PAYING for shared box
>PAYING to pirate
>Paying for internet
>Paying to pirate
>paying extra to pirate
>which better
GoT E06 WEBDL or DON hybrade?
Could someone with TSH access look up some information for me, please?

My account was disabled for inactivity. Before I let them reactivate my account, I would like to know two things:
- how long can you be absent before your account is disabled?
- what are the user level requirements for not getting your account disabled for inactivity?

Thanks in advance, bros.
He's lucky because he only needs BP which he'll get to place a bid. I need fuckinf snatches
They don't prune for inactivity unless it's over 12 months since last login. You were probably b&. Find a real tracker son
Elite - Can use full request system, Can access top 10. Disable IP history, create polls in the forums, immune to auto disable due to inactivity
well, would he have used punctuation; the sentence would've been much clearer..
I have 100% not been banned and it's been like 4-6 months since my last login.
Thank you! I just googled that sentence and apparently one needs to be member for 1 year in order to become Elite. I think I'm missing a couple months.
I'm going to get a lot of shit for asking this.. anyways:

Can you get into invite invite-only DDL forums through torrent power user forums? Everywhere I looked (Google, public forums) you either had to pay or trade for an invite.

I'm talking about sites like soitgoes, endoftheinternet, thismight.be and so on.
Better question: What's the best program for losslessly cutting and syncing audio? Say a webrip and a scene DD5.1? commercial cuts make it OOS. How do edit AC3 without transcode just chop and spacing if possible?
Did that fat dude fuck the the wildling last season? He's been nursing her baby like a bitch. GoT
I can normally find what I'm looking for, in very high quality and with no bullshit, by just searching pirate bay/kickass for a few minutes.

With that in mind, is there any advantage to joining a private tracker?
- nice(r) community
- generally speaking, less leechers
- depending on the tracker, longer retention, bigger archive, older files
- you can request stuff, on good trackers most of your requests will be filled
- depending on your country of residence, less potential trouble with the authorities

(Maybe) hard to get into

Can't think of more atm
>in very high quality
whatever your standards of "quality" are..
Forgot another disadvantage:
Depending on the tracker, you might have trouble maintaing a positive ratio (negative ratio will lead to warnings and/or ban eventually) if you're not actively contributing (filling requests, uploading, seedbox, etc.)
>he's a hit & runner
Nope, I'm a cheap fucked who used to have a seedbox in order to gather a large buffer
>nice(r) community
I've never felt the need to communicate with my fellow downloaders, to be honest
>less leechers
I don't find this to be much of an issue
>longer retention, bigger archive, older files
Wuh? I don't think TPB entries ever expire.
>you can request stuff
This is more interesting but I rarely find things missing
>potential trouble with the authorities
I just use a seedbox and SFTP from there.
BR remux for titles that I think are worth it. Otherwise, ~4-6GiB/hour of live action 1080p AVC is normally good enough.
>wants to transcode music to wcd
>afraid someone will transcode that shit fast as light
bB doesn't have interviews right now do they?
>want to join a reddit plebs tracker
So I just got a invite to BIT-HDTV is it a good tracker, can't seem to find anything about it.
It looks like the best way to get into KG right now.

If you know another way to access obscure films, please let me know. I have no shame.
>good tracker
>can't seem to find anything about it
Pick one.
He asks whether it's a good tracker, he doesn't say it's one.
It's a good tracker but with low retention. It should do for you until you get into top tier trackers.
What the fuck does "Seeding (avg.)" mean in TehC?

I'm seeding 50gb and that shit only shows 15gb
sure samefag, sure :^)
What are some good trackers to aim for if I want like 90s stuff?
90's stuff what? TV or movies?
BTN :^)
TV mostly
>BTN :^)

Currently not recruiting tho.
no rly?
myspleen or BTN
the former is open
>Spaghetti has something meaningful to talk about and discuss about private trackers
>he goes to reddit
is any one of you surprised?
protip: you aren't
TVVault has best collection.
>putting names of admins/mods in the namefield so you can feel important
any private tracker for pirated MS-DOS, or windows 98 software
Does anybody know if Dead.Presidents.1995.720p.HDTV.x264-aAF is uncensored?
>The 400 Blows 1959 1080p BluRay x264-DON


What's your point? Everyone knows that none of the discussions at /ptg/ will actually result in a tracker improving, that's not what /ptg/ is about.
Probably DON, but compare the screens desu.
No senpai. DDL for that shit desu.
DON bloat >
Isn't FoRM AHD internal? That should be all you need to know
Hey guys I need ptg/ to help me source a book. Pinsky and Yavorsky fundamentals of physics Volume one and/or two hope any of you anons can aid me as I will try to help you too when you need .
You don't even know what you're talking about. If you're not sure FoRM is on AHD it means you have never been a member there... and you have definitely never been on HDB either. Btw, even the most respected AHD internals like D-Z0N3 are known for bloated encodes. HDB internals are better 99% of the time unless we're talking about outdated encodes or a new better source, in which case it doesn't really matter.
btn apparently
fuck off
don't want to get marked
wow maybe clicking on (avg.) would show you what it means. or maybe looking it up in the forums.
It's your average seeding size over the last 6 months.
how does /ptg/ feel about RMT?
it's a good union
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BL is down ;_;.png
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>tfw their shoutboxers were my only friends and invited me to seekrit clubs
congrats faggot
>28. BitSoup


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