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What went right?

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What went right?
Everything. We Greek patricians now.
>every board merge hates one another
>/fit/ and /lit/ get along surprisingly well, save for some bitter sudos that think you cant be both well read and fit
literally the best combo
This board started with the greeks. A solid foundation
I actually think you can be both well read and fit (and I am) but I really can't stand /fit/ guys (those who take photos of their muscle in front of the mirror, ya know) and I think this merge was overall a fail, because it didn't really create something interesting. Just a big mess.
Everything, the board that no one can stop
So... Mishima?
if you were truly /fit/ you would have absolutely no issue with guys that take shirtless pics to show progress
Are you jealous because your body looks like shit?
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/cock/ is working out nicely as well. but i guess theres a large crossover...
It doesn't.

It's just unbearable normie-tier narcissism.
>tfw /g/ didn't get merged

I am in mlpol and fitlit they all seem to get along fine mlpol is starting to come around
/cock/ gets along great, they talk about cartoons & snacks
What other combo's are there besides /mlpol/?
>It's just unbearable normie-tier narcissism.
>Being proud of your progress, and naturally/logically using it to attract others, is narcissism

>It doesn't.

Sure thing, skinnyfat.
>tfw /spa/ didn't happen
fucking cunts had 1 (one) job
>tfw no /diysci/
/cock/ and /fan/ are doing pretty well too
Well, I don't need to attract others, that's it. Adieu!
There are more but i cant remember
/co/ + /ck/ = /cock/
/m/ + /o/ = /mo/
/fa/ + /p/ = /fap/
/c/ + /an/ = /can/
>Well, I don't need to attract others, that's it
PRO TIP: Pretending that you're not interested in others is the ultimate sign of narcissism. You become so self-absorbed you literally fool yourself into thinking you don't need anyone else.


bet you feel superior for being intj too, retard
/mlpol/ - My Little Politics
/fap/ - Fasion & Photography
/cock/ - Cartoons & Cooking
/mo/ - Mecha & Autoa
/fitlit/ - Well Rounded Citizens

I think thats it
That's because we're actually running with the idea of the merge and having fun with it instead of bitching like autists at a inconvenience for a day.
This would have been more of a disaster than /mlpol/
Everything, I like /fitlit/ more than /fit/ and /lit/ isolated, a first April board turns out to be the less cancerous board on 4chan.
yea I was surprised, I'm /g/ & /diy/ 90% of the time and /fit/ 8%

I always go to /sci/ and am like wtf does this shit even mean then go build something
nothing, reddit masturbates to memes

thats all there is to it
/fitlit/ getting along fine
/cock/ getting along fine
/mlpol/ existential crisis

For real. I unironically think this was a good thing and should be continued. We should at least visit each others' boards more often.
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everything 2bh, pic related
>/mlpol/ existential crisis

Is it mostly the /mlp/ people or the /pol/ people like that? /pol/ always seems on the edge of hysteria, don't know much about /mlp/.
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I wonder why /v/ and /a/ didn't get merged.
Just imagine.
three way merger--/v/, /a/, and /g/
strangely /mlpol/ is calming down and starting to get along since the ponyporn chased away t_d and shills
How do we save it?
This >>24691
/pol/ needed their greatest ally's autism to cleanse themselves of the redditors who've infested the board since the election.

It's the basic problem of time in Heidegger. Aristotle was a hack, away with this "balance" bullshit.
>>>/qa/1200571 please make this dream come true
/mo/ are also getting along great.
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They seem to be getting along okay but it looks like that's just because /o/ drowned out /m/.
What boards are merged? I haven't looked.
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no more sip threads. The educated mind has ascended beyond the need of shilling.
>not /v/ and /b/, the two fastest and most awful pre-/pol/ boards on the site

It would have been spectatcular
>not /klit/
>/mlpol/ not getting along

The bronies turned out to be the perfect shill repellant. Not even mad.
>not fag for fa and g
So far I've seen /fa/ and /p/, /co/ and /ck/, and /pol/ and /mlp/
No, everyone is getting along together great /mlpol/ and /fap/ are the ones who can't get along
/can/ was a match made in Heaven as well
Should've been /sp/ and /a/. They've had an ongoing rivalry for a long time.
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A good kind of madness.
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>It will all be over after today
>/cock/ is getting comfy with food, Samurai Jack, etc.
>/can/ is slow board
>/fitlit/ makes the Ubermensch
>/mlpol/ is more cancerous than Chernobyl
>/fap/ is just /fa/ because they're uptight faggots
Better make those ebin screencaps while you can.
so this is a why boner
>/mo/ finds common ground with MegasXLR and grows from there
>/can/ is slow board
/can/ are reveling in kemonomimi.
>>/mlpol/ is more cancerous than Chernobyl
Had a kek.
I like the idea of a cultural exchange day every once in a while.
Dubs for truth. Roll.
this /mo/ basically have come together
i think /polgbt/ would have actually gone better than /mlpol/
I'm not sure how /lgbt/ would handle all the Pence memes

nobody on fit actually takes those pictures because no one here actually lifts
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Everything. Today is the most fun I've had on this site in years.
/mo/ is a wonderful land of peace and man's love for machines
Don't click
Got a boner, don't mind the your mother will die part. Sauce?
I'm surprised at how good and friendly this board is.
/b/ is an FBI honeypot so...
> no [s4s], [vip] and /qa/ merge for the ultimate shitposting experience
Mutually beneficial from what I understand, both sides can better themselves from what the other side knows
D-did chinkmoot know about this?
I really like Big Adventures and Cardio.
You /lit/ guys wouldn't happen to know any good fiction books?
I'm sorry if this is a bad book, but i really fucking enjoyed The Stormlight Archives books.
they already have /polgbt/ gen
Not the poster you're replying to, but iirc The Stormlight Archives is one of the few /lit/ approved scifi/fantasy novels. On that note Book of the Sun, LotR, the first GoT novel, Neuromancer, and pretty much anything by Phillip K Dick is good.

If you want literary fiction and not genre fiction then I have a few recommendations. None of these books are all that 'difficult' but they all have merit.
-Stoner: melancholic biography of a man for whom nothing ever went well
-The Corrections: a bit controversial here. 5 parted novel examining moments in the lives of each of the (endeargingly fucked-up) family's members.
-Of Mice and Men: novella (~100 pages) about a farmhand and his mentally disabled cousin
-The Trial: Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.
-American Pastoral: a successful business man loses his daughter after she turns commie. Is a Jewish American's identity fundamentally more Jew or more American?
>If you want literary fiction and not genre fiction then I have a few recommendations.
I don't know the difference sorry.
Thanks for giving me recommendations though.
No problem. 'literary fiction' is just the term I'm using to more or less describe 'classics' or 'modern classics'. They're books that have artistic value, that offer something other than just entertainment. Really, I would just call it literature as this board doesn't really consider most genre fiction to be 'literature'.
good webm tho lad
/can/ is the most comfy board in existence and /mlpol/ are somehow embracing one another through the horsefuckers pushing shills off the board in exchange for porn privileges.

It's pretty surreal
>>>/an/ + >>>/c/ → >>>/can/
>>>/co/ + >>>/ck/ → >>>/cock/
>>>/fa/ + >>>/p/ → >>>/fap/
>>>/fit/ + >>>/lit/ → >>>/fitlit/
>>>/m/ + >>>/o/ → >>>/mo/
>>>/mlp/ + >>>/pol/ → >>>/mlpol/
>not wishing for the nuclear fireball that would have been /soc9k/
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Im a vain bodybuilding piece of shit
Who is also a psuedointellectual asshole who likes to discuss philosophy and makes attempts at shit,esoteric poetry,novels and screenplays

Come at me
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Oh shit, that would have been perfect.
Posters of both boards clearly have an innate desire for self-improvement, just each with a different focus.
But most people interested in self imorovement already desire this in all fields
but /v/+/a/+/g/ = /g/
the joke is that your supposed to like the merge and then they take it away
Everything else was a disaster - especially /mlpol/ & /mo/
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Nah the bronies have been useful in scaring off reddit since they don't properly understand chan culture and can't take the bantz.
Is Lovecraft Literally ficton?
I really enjoyed his works.
pls be my gf
You would think fashion and photography would fit well, then you realize /fa/ can't put together an outfit that would look good in a photo.
I've never read anything by him, but he seems to be universally approved of by this board. So I'd say yes.
Read Gilgamesh, it starts with a king beating the shit out of his citizens, an animal man having sex for days to become civilized, both those characters fighting each other and becoming best friends, then having crazy broventures killing monsters
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>When I wake up /fitlit/ shall be no more
/cock and /mlpol are doing okay
/mlpol wants to stay merged and /ck might the only board that likes /co now
Really? I was browsing /mlpol/ earlier today and /pol/ seems super triggered.
They mellowed out and now 3/4 of users want to either stay merged or allow the same content on both boards.
/mlp/ and /pol/ love each other. It's /the_Donald crossposters who are angry.
Did Hiroshima stealth make a better 4chan today just to snatch it out of our hands, all as a cruel joke?
Just to open the door and to shine the light on our eyes, only to close it before we could look and see what lay beyond the jail cell?
Everyone keeps saying that /mlpol/ went terribly, but it turned out that a lot of pol posters also crossboarded into mlp. There are many /pol/iticians trying to repeal rule 15 to keep the normies out by repelling them with ponies
I wouldn't mind /pol/ minus the normies. That board is basically Facebook as it stands now.
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i want to browse /lit/ without getting a raging erection every three minutes
talk shit post pics fatty
>/mlpol/ gets its just desserts
>it's common knowledge that /a/ has a crush on /sp/
>/vint/ can finally filter out the Australia, Yurop, BRs and Canadians
>/mo/ are getting along nicely

Ironically, this all went horribly right.
>tfw bi guy who hasn't gotten laid or read anything in quite some time
>tfw no twinky /lit/ bf to share his patrician predilections with me as I apprise him of my bodybuilding tips
you understand the majority of /fit/ is normies who couldn't care less about what else is on 4chan?
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>you understand the majority of /fit/ is normies
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>majority of /fit/ is normies
have you ever gone on another board? /fit/ is basically chad's compared to most the basement dwellers that post on here

/mlpol/ is getting no "Drumf BTFO" and BBC threads. They actually have realized that being invaded by leftist is worse than by literal horse fuckers
/fit/ is full of autistic chads
god now I'm sad that we didn't get to experience this
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>tfw no /nout/
Any /fitlit/zen here have that image where lit destroyed that sweet innocent bookshop owner girl?
Really depends which one you mean

Pls come back Carli-Claire! We were destined to be together!!!
You defiled more of that innocence? I am thinking of the one with tamponboy.
Mostly reddit seemed triggerd. They couldn't shill because of the ponies.
/mlpol/ was pretty great if you didn't mind the ponies or just filtered them
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... Why aren't you nearby, and do you think you'd be able to lift about 130 pounds of human?
Thread posts: 131
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