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Hiro's Feedback Thread #3

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Thread replies: 887
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Continuation of >>679615 → #

Hiro asked us to get feedback for 'regulations' via metathreads.

Continue to discuss the perceived consensus' reached by the metathreads here, as we wait & hope for Hiro to respond to the information he asked us to collect.

I can't speak for the other boards' metathreads as I do not frequent them, but in the /tg/ metathread there was substantial debate over whether quest threads should be allowed on /tg/.
When bringing this up with Hiro, he was of the opinion that no change should be enacted on the board without there being a large (or even total?) consensus among the users as to whether said change should be enacted.
If this is truly Hiro's belief, then why were quests banned in the first place? There was definitely no consensus among the users for such an action.
Hiro's Twitter: @hiroyuki_ni
/ic/'s meta thread

Final Results:
Current /tg/-/qst/ idea & consensus attempt:

Allow quests back on /tg/. Use /qst/ as an additional board if quests want to use it, for example QMs who want to utilise the extra functions. /qst/ also serves as a /trash/-type board where quests can be moved if they're dead or overpopulating the board.

Quests on /tg/ only bump to page 2. This would be achieved via a 'Game/Quest' checkbox in the OP creation interface. Creating a game/quest without checking the box means quest can be reported and deleted.

Any comments?
/a/ consensus attempt:

1) More janitors
2) Visible autosage >>>/a/147330167
3) Light Novels should be allowed
4) Chinese and Korean comics should not be allowed
5) Word filters are necessary for cuck and kys
6) Move seiyuu threads to /jp/
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>consensus on /co/:
/co/ doesn't want live action cinematic universes (because 3DPD non-comics and non-cartoons do not belong on a 2D board).

>consensus on /tv/:
/tv/ doesn't want superhero cinematic universes (because the company wars raise infighting and lower the overall quality of discussion).

>not a consensus, just my observation (I'm not sure how I would measure this anyway):
No currently-existing board wants the BANE/INVINCIBLE SON/DANCE-OFF cinematic universes (because hot heads).

Superheroes (especially Marvel and DC) have content that thousands of posters want to discuss. However, no existing board wants to hold all the baggage associated with live action superhero movies and live action superhero television shows. Therefore, I ask Hiro to please make a new board for superheroes (especially live action superheroes).
You forgot.
7) Generals are limited to existing only when new content exists to discuss.
>6) Move seiyuu threads to /jp/

What are seiyuu threads? Yes, I know what a seiyuu is but I don't go to /a/. This sounds like something I'd be interested in, because I am obsessed with them and don't have anyone to talk to who knows enough about them. What do they talk about there?
Why can't we call it /cape/ or /sh/ or even /hero/ instead of /cpsht/? Not only is /cpsht/ hard to pronounce but there's not a single other board on this site where the name of the board is specifically insulting to the subject matter.
Wasn't this shot down in the previous tread?
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Because Hiro already agreed to that.

Also, you can't take things too seriously, you have to learn to treat life with a little levity, or else you're going to have a bad time.

/qa/ posters are always resistant to change. The fact of the matter is that /co/ still wants that content removed from /co/, and /tv/ still wants that content removed from /tv/.
My bad. These would be a good start if Hiro ever shows up.
More like you have a personal vendetta and want to keep pushing it even when people said no. >>682267 makes a valid point about the board name being to long and demeaning.
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This isn't true, but since there's nothing I can post which can convince you of my honest sincerity, I won't spend the next 100 posts arguing it with you.
Cute seiyuu doing cute things >>>/a/147144473
It's too 3D for /a/ though so they want it moved to /jp/.
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The time has come Hiro.
/cape/ is a better name.

Wholeheartedly support all superhero media getting a board. It would basically be a western parallel to /m/.
/hero/ and /cape/ are pretty cool. The other one is bad and might make people think it's a board about CP shit.
Don't filter anything.

Keep Quests on /qst/ and just fix the problems with that board. Quests were barely tolerated on /tg/ before.

Every idea proposed by every board was shot down. There's always someone ready with a needlessly negative opinion here on /qa/.
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Hiro has created a monster with these threads...

And a lot of them are the same guy. /d/ had an issue where a couple days into their feedback thread somebody from here somebody started shitposting up an absolute storm, impersonating a mod, demanding they delete the thread and go to /qa/, and botting all their polls. It was a mess.

I'll never understand why people are so desperate to avoid any kind of changes.
>Keep Quests on /qst/ and just fix the problems with that board.
The problem with the board is that it's a board. It's not a topic that draws people in.
>Quests were barely tolerated on /tg/ before.
So barely that the complaining IPs could be counted on two hands.
>muh twelve IPs

jesus christ, guy, give it a rest.
I will when more than a handful of people actually complain about quests.
Hasn't happened yet.
Is that the slashing animation from Undertale?
seconding this. I'm one of the 12 IPs and I think OP is a faggot.
Seems like a great thread. I can't believe I didn't know about this. Finally a place where I can make jokes about Sakurai and someone will understand them.

On one hand it's pretty /a/-relevant since it's directly related to anime, but it's definitely also a good fit for /jp/. Both sides seem to have a valid argument here. So I personally think it'll be fine no matter what happens but I hope it turns out in a way the majority is satisfied with.
/jp/ should take on Sentai and Toku too. They can discus what onaholes to use while watching JAV that feature people from Toku shows.
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Give all (You)s to this post if you prefer /cape/.

The funny thing is, Hiro already agreed last year that seiyuus don't belong on /a/ because "Seiyu is 3D".

/cape/ is to long. You can knock that down to /ca/ or /cp/ if you want to have fun.

are you fucking stupid? /ca/ is fine
/cpsht/ is preferable to this because at least the sht part really makes you think.
>if you want to have some fun
I'd ask if you're retarded, but you already answered that.
>inviting misinterpretation is fun
>Can't have fun while trying to push his agenda on people
Here's /asp/'s metathread.

/co/ doesn't want /cape/ hiro, a few people do but they are outnumbered
/tv/ wants /co/ to want /cape/
exactly, hiro don't be fooled
According to the last poll, /co/ wants live action removed.

Hiro doesn't care about polls though, so why don't YOU give us YOUR opinion on why it's a bad idea, instead of lying to us about what "/co/" wants?
oh boy not even 200 people of the couple thousand that use /co/
It's more than the absolutely nothing that you have.
All very fair rules
Why the fuck do you want new boards RIGHT NOW?!

Do you not get that nothing will get better so long as we're stuck with batch of mods
>Concrete suggestion: New boards.
>Vague to the point of useless: Better mods.
Who gets to be a new mod? Where do they come from? How do we hold them accountable? What are the qualifications necessary to apply? You hate all the janitors too, so it can't be any of them.
Hiro should bring his friends.
You know Hiro's japanese mods on 2ch were much more strict than the mods here now, right?
I'd rather have strict moderation than inconsistent moderation any day.

And chances are good that they'll be easier to talk to than the current batch.
Making new boards doesn't mean things will get better. Just look at /asp/ and /his/.

We have absolute piss poor moderation, and it's been getting worse since moot left. The mods are destorying this site and everyone knows it. You make another board now it's just going to get infested with shitposters because the mods are too lazy to moderate the board.

>Who gets to be a new mod?
Anyone who cares about 4chan.

>Where do they come from?
The internet. As long as they have used this site for 6+ years or more they qualify

>What are the qualifications necessary to apply?
Someone who loves their home boards hobby and actually cares about the board, preferably someone 21 or older, and someone knows knows about IRC, computers, running things and is competent in their job. Must prove they are not newfags either.

>You hate all the janitors too, so it can't be any of them.
They don't even train the janitors we got. Seriously they actually stopped training them because were that lazy
Better than what we got now. I'll take them in a heartbeat
>And chances are good that they'll be easier to talk to than the current batch.
I don't agree and question whatever made you think that.
How so?
>Anyone who cares about 4chan.

>The internet. As long as they have used this site for 6+ years or more they qualify

>Someone who loves their home boards hobby and actually cares about the board,

Please write up an actual proposal with solid, concrete guidelines. And then pass it around to see if you can get a consensus of opinions. Until then, this shit is honestly pretty useless.
Because they actually listen to Hiro?
Either you're a fucking idiot or a shitposter. Where have you been these last few days?
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Huh, Hiro was absent today, I though he would at least reply today to keep in contact. Maybe because it was Sunday he was doing something with family.

Last post by him on /qa/ is here http://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/675371/#678852

It's all me desu senpai.
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Can someone send this to him on behalf of /pol/? Thanks >>682463

also made a /pol/ metathread here


the /a/ meta thread turned to literal shit thanks to your constant stream of them.

stop making them
>Huh, Hiro was absent today, I though he would at least reply today to keep in contact.
He's not coming back for another 3 months, he doesn't care.
fuck you g00k dont shit up the site you fucking sellout faggot
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New Rules (See >>/a/147386171):
1. /a/ won't be split into /a/ and /ma/ nor will it merge with any other board.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on /a/.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
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>1. /a/ won't be split into /a/ and /ma/ nor will it merge with any other board.
This is outdated.
You can try forcing your reddit idea, but we already decided that it won't happen.
This picture looks like nipples touching.
200+ Votes against 30 is pretty clear.
>straw poll
>while america is asleep
Nice strawman
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Ok this is my first post in this thread, but I just had to point out how funny this is

>Muh votes say your reddit idea is bad!
>Let's ignore everyone else's opinion and just take mine, we need a r/manga here
Kill yourself
Like I said that was my first post in this thread.

Can I assume every post you've made in this thread is based on equally poor reading comprehension or what?

and what the fuck are you even talking about with all this reddit shit out of nowhere? It doesn't make any sense. You honestly sound like a fucking idiot if you think reddit is somehow linked to the topic of manga in general just because they have a board for it. Wanting a board for manga has absolutely nothing to do with that site whatsoever.

How do you even know they have a manga board anyway unless you go there, and why are you so concerned with them?
Because you're forcing your reddit agenda on /a/ and we told you that we don't want that, shitposter.
You're some next level retard
how many threads do you plan on making?
Nah, you're just stupid.
pretty paranoid m8
>gookshit are allowed
Stop posting old shit and lies.
Kill yourself. Results are results.
>strawpoll results are results
>strawpoll representing the entirety of /a/

nice fucking joke
>thinking your opinion is worth more than that of at the least 200 people
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>200 people represent the majority of /a/

nice fucking joke
The old goons and the new hotpockets have one thing in common: moderation is based primarily on personal interest and feelings. The global and board rules may as well be irrelevant for the most part.
>The global and board rules may as well be irrelevant for the most part.
Where do you people get this shit? That's obviously not the case. All that one has to do to prove you wrong is break a rule.
>Where do you people get this shit?
By being here for more than the past fucking decade.
>All that one has to do to prove you wrong is break a rule.
Only if the mod cares.
>moderation is based primarily on personal interest and feelings.
I think it's a mix of that, and there not being enough mods to keep up with the shitposting.
>By being here for more than the past fucking decade
So what. There are more people who have been here for more than a decade than you think.
>Only if the mod cares
It all gets deleted or removed eventually. You act like mods are derelict in their duties and that's not the case.
>and there not being enough mods to keep up with the shitposting
Hence prioritising feels over reals, because it's a lot easier to do. If there were an adequate amount of moderators, if would be harder for this culture of us vs. them mentality which has existed since day one.

>So what.
So I know what I'm fucking on about.
>There are more people who have been here for more than a decade than you think.
Relevance? Do they disagree?
>It all gets deleted or removed eventually.
No it fucking doesn't, that's the point.

>You act like mods are derelict in their duties
They fucking do. Are you taking the piss?
You're either shitposting or are part of moderation.
>So I know what I'm fucking on about.
It''s funny to me that I've been here just as long as you and not once have I seen mods treat the rules like they are irrelevant.
My opinion is as relevant as your opinion, having been here for "so long", right?
>NO it fucking doesn't.
Yes it fucking does.
>They fucking do
Jesus Christ you're a sperglord.
>You're either shitposting or part of the moderation
I'm not doing either, but on the other side of the coin, you're definitely freaking out over nothing, or worse, total bullshit. Most people don't think mods are all that bad and you're acting like they committed war crimes or something.
remember to vote

>It''s funny to me that I've been here just as long as you and not once have I seen mods treat the rules like they are irrelevant.
Have you been posting with your eyes fucking closed?
>My opinion is as relevant as your opinion
Clearly fucking not.
>Jesus Christ you're a sperglord.
Sure thing.
>I'm not doing either, but on the other side of the coin, you're definitely freaking out over nothing, or worse, total bullshit.
Yeah, no; no one fucking buys this.

>Most people don't think mods are all that bad and you're acting like they committed war crimes or something.
Fuck off back to IRC.
>Have you been posting with your eyes fucking closed?
I was going to ask the same of you.
>Clearly fucking not.
And why is that exactly? Oh, that's right, I'm not a paranoid sperglord like you are.
>Sure thing.
>Yeah, no; no one fucking buys this
You wouldn't know the opinion of "everyone" even if you did 40 different strawpolls.
>Fuck off back to IRC
I haven't been on IRC since 1999. Too full of cops and feds imo.
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>You act like mods are derelict in their duties and that's not the case.
Cry more because your shitty thread got deleted, faggot.
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>still keeping up the act
You forgot to say this is for /a/. Not all boards have retarded children making threads.
>he thinks it's a act and not reality
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>admitting to modfaggotry
I'd qualify but I know I'd just abuse the power for shit I find funny.
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>he thinks I'm a mod
Truly your paranoia knows no bounds.
First of all, I didn't ask to get feedback.
If there is consensus to change something,
I would like to know.
I mean, I can understand why they might moderate where they know how to moderate, that would help explain why some threads are better than others. but then there are threads (even on popular boards like /v/) that have posts that are very obviously breaking multiple rules and those threads will have posts that stay up for many hours.

I'm convinced that the mods aren't the best, and I'm sure they would agree themselves. But the userbase is obviously at fault as well. I'm almost certain that most people don't report posts simply because they are so used to every other website where moderation does almost all the work for them.

The users on 4chan complain about moderation so much not just because there are somewhat unresponsive mods, but also because they are so damn used to being babysatby moderation on every other website.

If it's against the rules, and you want it gone, you MUST report it. Stop being lazy.
Yes. For /a/


Everyone agrees with this. Thank you Hiro.
As long as you realize that the opinions of 50-200 people in a strawpoll don't represent the thousands of people who post on most boards, then I personally don't care what you do.

Honestly, sometimes I wish you would just do something major that is wacky and random and funny, and then tell everyone here to enjoy it or get out.
I'm wondering if quest threads are allowed on /tg/.
what happens on /qst/?
There is none for /a/.
/r9k/ all wanted
increase file size to 3MB
ban generals
more active moderation
There is a consensus, ban generals on /a/, turn back on visible sage and add the text boards back.
Where do I find the consensus on the meta thread on /a/?
Hello, Hiro-san.
Please ban the meta threads, they're shitposting grounds at this point.
I'm pretty sure the entire website wants that.
We don't want any changes on /a/
Presumably it gets destroyed or stays around as an alternative to those who want the extra features. Whether or not it should have been allowed in the first place is a matter of contention (most /qst/ users seem to say no)

Here is /tg/'s consensus:

Here you go.
You won't find that, because we are far gone past that and are shitposting.
Ban them everywhere else but here you mean, right?
/a/ wanted a test board /ma/ for manga.
Just a heads up, Hiro.

When people from any board say they reached a consensus. Almost always, they actually haven't.
Don't listen to these idiots.

ignore "gookshit should be allowed" it's shouldn't be,

the rest of op is fne
Don't you think there would be a great idea which most of people agree?
/a/ does not want any changes except that one person
Please ignore him
No, we didn't, samefag.
Hiro this >>682758 is not our consensus. There is a spammer lying, please don't listen to him and look at the thread.
Fuck off.

You too as well, especially you. No one agrees with this AND never have to the point moot rejected it years ago.
Sorry I wasnt being clear.
Yeah, I meant every board but here, this place is a shithole, anyway.
There is no /a/ consensus on anything. There are some popular opinions, but all of them are controversial. The most popular one is to ban generals, and even that is highly controversial and would make a lot of people mad.
Ban generals and spoonfeeders boss, anyone who says otherwise are newfags who know nothing about /a/'s board culture.
No we DO NOT
do not trust a strawpoll,

it's fucking stupid and it can easily be manipulated
Maybe one or two ideas that EVERYONE can agree on.

I think it's a little bit sad, but it doesn't seem like there are that many things everyone can agree on around here.
You're the one lying.
No. What's best is what's best for the community and overall fun and atmosphere. Numbers mean nothing because board raiding, poll rigging and samefagging is our oldest and favourite game.
/a/ does not want any gook(korean) or chink(chinese) comics on /a/. Gook and chink shit should not be allowed on /a/
No we don't faggot.
>ban generals
>more active moderation
how to ban generals?
Why don't you volunteer next time?

>increase file size to 3MB
What do you want to upload?

HIRO PLEASE LOOK AT THIS >>>/a/147330167
Please consider this.
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There was no consensus. Don't believe their lies.
Enforce the existent rules and get rid of generals.
DON'T make more boards.
You will never get "consensus" on these boards, friend. We're not very good at it.

Hiro, stop trying to get everyone to make the decisions.

It's your website.

You know what you're doing.

You decide.
>keep spamming his shitty thread on /a/
Fuck off cockroach. As expected of gook
I left my question.

For years anons on /a/ have been wanting general threads to be removed.

>and even that is highly controversial and would make a lot of people mad.
Yes, the minority of anons who linger in those threads. The rest of the board wants them gone.
>What do you want to upload?
Virtual linux servers hidden in .jpgs :)
Make /ma/ and /gook/
There is none. Please do not change anything in /a/
There is none. Is some faggot who is trying to make the changes they want. Only thing even close to a consensus is the curb on generals and even then there are people against it.
It's >>682255
Hiro owns the site, not us or the community.
I second this. I wish you would just take decisive action like a benevolent father figure.
You ban them by banning the people who make them and delete them.
>Why don't you volunteer next time?
I did but you never got back to me, all I said I wanted to do was enforce the rules more promptly.
>What do you want to upload?
Images. /r9k/ 2MB upload is lower than other boards like /a/ and it's frustrating.
>How to ban generals?
Just nuke this board, snort cocaine from a prostitute's ass and give up forever.
Everyone go home.

Hiroyuki, these korean and chinese are always spamming their threads on /a/ even though no one want their stuff on /a/
I made like two threads of 20, but nice try.
The answer for a manga board has always been no, and it will always be no.
Quest threads were a pain on /tg/ and I am happy that they have their own board.

On /qst/ they just to text roleplaying. The people who use that board seem to like it.

The people who use /tg/ seem to like the /qst/ posters being away from their board.

It's good. Don't change it.
hiroyuki can we stop making meta threads on /a/ there has been zero discussion and hardly a consensus has been made.
/a/ doesn't want changes
No one give a shit about your samefagging. Kill yourself parasite. Gook and chink are the parasite of /a/ anime & manga
>Everybody arguing about what their board's consensus
Jesus this was a mistake.
While taking, you guys write reasons.
I want to know reasons.

I need reasons to decide.
Hiro this are crossboarding trolls. Please just read the thread you will see the desire for a >>682640
manga test board and well reasoned arguments backing it up.
See this diagram for an example
Nuking this board would just cause the meta threads to be on every other board.
No one wants /ma/ you filthy nigger.
and we don't want /ma/ either,

fuck off
Same as what happened before the mods moved quests to /qst/. Some people run on /qst/, some on /tg/.
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>For years anons on /a/ have been wanting general threads to be removed.
For jap moot, mods intended to do it years ago but never got it for reference.
So everyone except you is a troll? Fuck off.
You should kill yourself instead.

Stop lying, faggot.
>how to ban generals?
Mod intervention and discouraging them when the discussion isn't on topic or meaningless. Ask the people who moderated /a/ between 2011 and 2013 on how they tried to remove generals since they have some experience in it.
I don't know why you ever expected differently. This same thing happened the last time.
A manga board would be nice.

Be careful. If you make it, there will be A LOT of shit-posters because other on /a/ don't like the idea.

Even though they will never use it.

Strange idiots....
Yes we do.
We have wanted generals removed for years and it is the one thing consistently agreed upon in every single meta thread.

Kill yourself.
The only crossboarding troll here IS YOU.
Can you please just fuck off already? I know you think you can control the board, but you aren't. No one wants this, not even 7 years ago
Yes, we did. And when we get one, please don't shit it up.
Why should i kill myself, because there are lot of people doesn't want gook shit on /a/? gook and chink shit have no place in /a/
Don't listen to >>682799. Manhwa have always been posted on /a/. It's never been against the rules, and 99.9999% of /a/ has no problem with it.
You should kill yourself for crying to me about things you and your poll decided.
If you want reasons, you'll need to shift through the threads that occured on the day you asked for the threads. And then make another OFFICAL thread yourself on the board of question and let people duke it out in a proper thread before you can get a proper conclusion that won't destroy everything permanently.
He got fired because of that crusade of his.
Please look at this:
We did not want a manga board 6 years ago, and we do not want one now.
There are three types of manga when it comes to /a/.
1. Small set of manga that consistently get lots of posters, SnK, BNHA, etc.
2. Manga that can sustain threads every so often for chapter releases and similar.
3. Everything else.
Threads in tier 3 are basically a crap shoot if they will get posters and even then they won't survive long. Tier 2 threads can do okay depending.
Effectively manga discussion on /a/ ends up obeying pareto principle where vast majority of it is discussing the same popular manga ad nauseum. There's plenty of good threads that simply can't survive on /a/ because of the board speed and proportion of /a/ that is primarily interested in manga.

/a/ is not conducive to manga discussion and a slower board would likely work very well.
Consider the solution shown here https://i.4cdn.org/qa/1474279912543.png
This would allow for more manga discussion and less popular (but still good) manga.
It would also still allow for discussion of manga to occur in anime threads which are adaptions of said manga.

All it would take is a short trial run of a manga board /ma/ to see how it would play out. /a/ would not be harmed.
You may see lots of anons saying and yelling against this but why don't they provide any reasons? They have none.
>no argument
>kill yourself
>everyone on /a/ hate his gook trash
Fuck off, braindead gook

Okay, here are reasons.

I want a manga board because /a/ moves too fast.

When see a manga thread, it's already in the archives.

Also, a manga forum would encourage more interest in manga.

In Japan, manga is more popular than anime.

It should have a board.
>lets ruin /a/ with a split
Anime and manga are too intertwined to separate that easily. It would create more shitposting and decrease discussion quality for both mediums.
He got fired because this was around the time moot destroyed most of the mods for no reason and he was past his boiling point.
Fuck off faggot nigger, speak for yourself!
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Personally I'd like an expansion of the options field for thread OPs. Like on Futaba the OP can put an option in to have IDs display for all posters.
But while I do not want IDs on /a/, some stuff off the top of my head that sounded good:
Anon - forces Anonymous in the thread.
Sage - puts the thread on autosage but gets rid of post timers.
ID - makes everyone have IDs (like I said not on /a/ though, but for other boards)
Kana - enables kana captchas in the thread.
>you and your poll
What the fuck? are you retard?
All of these gook thread got shitposting to dead and mods always deleted them
/a/ decides to merge with /jp/, hiro. Do it, fast.
We do not want a manga board. We usually discuss the manga and anime together, a separate board would just split communication. There are very few people who think that their unpopular manga will get popular on a new board, but they are wrong.
I know Hiro can speak English really well, but dude, simplify.
>All it would take is a short trial run of a manga board /ma/ to see how it would play out.
There is no such thing as a trial board and sure as hell no such thing as a trial split. A trial split is permanently damaging to a board and will forever leave a scar on /a/ to cater to a very small minority of people who don't actually use the board.
/a/ has a problem with shitposting.
Everyone looks at shitposting and thinks 'it's fine'.
If you bring back 'sage' visible it makes people think 'did I make a bad post?'
If you make the threads 'sage' by default like in 2ch then it means 'my post is only my opinion so the thread will not be bumped'
If the person thinks it's an important post it writes 'age' and the thread is bumped.
But if you write 'age' in a shitpost, then it means you did it on purpose. Your post is deleted.
This will change how /a/ sees shitposts. Please test it in /a/ for a week.
Chink and koreanshit are had always been deleted on /a/ dumb nigger.
Let me say it again, are you retard? the only one who made this poll is you
If the board is not deleted perhaps listen to /qst/ for what happens to it afterwards.

Their discussion thread >>>/qst/570135 here is quite big, but the general consensus with /qst/ from the /qst/ discussion thread was:

>the board is unnecessary
>ID's for anyone but OP are not useful
>reintegration with other board or boards preferable

This is summary though. There are other delicate opinions regarding what content the board must have, but it is significantly more divisive than these.

To be honest they may like you posting there again.
It is too late.

People on /tg/ who don't like things will bother the mods until they get their way. This is how /qst/ was made and why mods put quests there. Because a small number of people whined and lied to the mods. The mods did what they said to do. Now no matter what, people who whine and cry to the mods will get things banned all the time.

This is how it will be from now on. the mods will do whatever makes the crying people happy.
>makes poll
>puts LN and gookshit together
>cries when it actually becomes a thing and people tell Hiro
Fucktard, try harder
This doesn't happen between /m/ and /a/ so it wouldn't happen between /a/ and a manga board.
the general consensus for the meta threads on /a/ that we don't want a manga board.
Okay here's how you do it Hiro.

Never ask any board for a consensus opinion.
Just keep things as is and let the idiotic userbase handle their own garbage. But if the mods or you yourself, as evidenced by the 404 page drama recently, cause outrage only then will you need to have a talk with the board spited.

Literally don't touch anything. Literally don't listen to anybody. If there's any subconscious consensus that always exists in the back of everybody's heads, is that change will always cause trouble.

This place ain't a democracy.
>and 99.9999% of /a/ has no problem with it
>when everyone in these shit poll thread saying they doesn't want any gook shit on /a/
He wants reasons, faggots, not constant bickering and arguments over who represents what board.
You should set up polls on the site itself so you can grab the attention of the entire userbase.
Board specific of course.
/m/ is something different, stop pretending to be retarded.
>filthy nigger

Hiro, anyone who says things like this you can ignore.
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Hiro did you know that strawpolls can be manipulated by proxies?

do not trust that shit at all
The fuck are you even talking about? you know fake poll is a thing don't you?
Hi Hiro, I propose a test of a manga board.
There is much more manga than anime in the world and yet /a/ discuss only a small fraction of manga most of which is very popular series in WSJ and similar. Manga discussion accounts for only a fraction of the discussion on /a/.
Meanwhile /a/ is one of the faster boards on 4chan this makes it very difficult to discuss these less than popular manga that are still quite good, I'd call them hidden gems.

A slower board is far more suitable to the level of manga interest on 4chan and would allow for higher quality discussion and more manga to be discusses.
As it stands now manga is stuck int he shadow of anime on /a/ and it will never flourish as it could and should.
I hope you'll consider at least a test board for manga. I think it could work very well.

While I personally preferred moots hand off approach, there is some shit that needs to actually be fixed.
Fuck off nigger
How is it so different?
Please remove generals from /a/. Thinks like draw thread or learn japanese thread have nothing to do with anime or manga.
It dies and gets deleted as it deserves and we go back to the perfectly functional system we had before. It was a terrible idea concocted by a moron and put together by an idiot.
hiro the general consensus is that we do not want a manga board,

it's fucking stupid
>that gook who keep saying his gook shit is /a/ related despite /a/ always shit on it and mods always deleted gook thread
Korean are disgusting, Hiroyuki
/a/ will not be ruined if manga gets its own board.

Anime is too popular for that.
>for no reason
I have no reaction images because this is a brand new computer, but let me assure you that I am laughing derisively at a relatively high volume.
Call me nigga one more time, I dare you. I double dare you.
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Fuck off, newfaggots. Manhwa has ALWAYS been discussed and NEVER has been deleted.
/m/ was made because it was stupid popular and made posting about other things on /a/. It wasn't a board split, it was made to be a partner to /a/ to help the board. The shit can go on both boards. On-top of that, /m/ is fucking horrible, full of shitposting and actual elitsts arseholes. A board split a a /m/ style /ma/ WILL NOT WORK IN AND FORM.
>how to ban generals?
Mod intervention.
>Why don't you volunteer next time?
Not the person you were replying to obviously, but I have been applying every Janny drive since 2011 and never got a reply.

In general it seems nearly impossible to get hired for thi compared to how many Janitors and mods quit per year.

Who looks at applications, Hiro? How long have they been doing this?
No there is not a consensus. And frankly, any time someone who is for a manga board posts, it's met with swearing and childish name-calling and not actual counter-arguments.

Get a manga subforum, please Hiro.
Hiro, a small and sensible request for the entire website:
Please get the mods and janitors to better enforce the rules. Especially Global Rules 3 and 6.
Hiro please consider a manga board.
I am somewhat biased as I much prefer manga to anime, but as /a/ is currently manga discussion is all but impossible with he exception of the very popular series. Manga readers on 4chan would be very happy with a manga board.
The 'N word' should be banned only underage kids use that word.
See >>677174
Please introduce a board for each anime and manga series, Hiro!
Literally the same gook
fuck off,

most of the threads posted on /a/ says that we do not want a manga board.
Oh you!
>but as /a/ is currently manga discussion is all but impossible with he exception of the very popular series
This is not true at all. It's just that no-one wants to discuss your manga.
I've had a Freezing thread deleted once.
Are you kidding me?
/m/ is a lot better than /a/.
It's because mecha is a genre of anime.

Manga and anime are just two mediums to tell stories. There's nothing superior or inferior about either.

This is why i think a manga subforum would work.

It would be just like /a/ but slower and only about stuff you read.
It doesn't because they are quite different since one is a genre type and the other is a medium. Both mecha manga and anime can be taken to /m/. With a manga board made people would push out any discussion of manga on /a/ and any anime discussion on the manga board causing more shitposting over when people bring it up in a thread. Even Pokemon threads have people trying to remove the discussion from /a/ back to /vp/ as another example.

Any reduction of quality is on the road to ruin even if the board would survive.
I would like a board focused on manga because anime is much more popular in America so it drowns discussion of manga on 4chan.
>how to ban generals?
Buy banning them? Simple as that. Mods ban people who make them or try to make threads similar to them and users tell people who make threads of their kind to fuck off. Increase education.

>Why don't you volunteer next time?
Yea, I bloody wish. That's never happening, I've tried tons of times and damn well know I'm knowledgeable and care. Also, doesn't that shit require you to provide personal real life information now? Fuck that.
get fucked, you fucking pathetic gook
Reason: A manga board would be slow and would quickly die off. There would be no discussion on it. At the same time, it would take manga threads from /a/, making it harder to discuss manga there. In short, a manga board would kill manga discussion.

Reason: Manhwa has always been discussed on /a/. There has never been a change of policy on this. The people who are against it are a vocal minority of shitposters who just like spamming the word


over and over. /a/ has always enjoyed Korean comics and has never had a problem with it.
Ignore this liar, you can check the archives as proof Hiro.
Why does /b/ still exist?
>fuck off
>no actual counter-argument

Way to prove my point, chief.
This filthy gook is in /a/ thread too, probably OP
This poster is clearly very new here and does not understand this website.
Fuck off lying spammer.
Containment board.

Deleting them is a bad idea. Killing /new/ and /r9k/ off that one time fucked the site.
Can you just fuck off from 4chan? Why are you trying to dictate a website you obviously don't even use. Great job showing how the people who want /ma/ don't even fucking use /a/ or 4chan.

Yea, no. Trying to talk about mecha on /a/ can be hard sometimes because /m/ tards bring their stupid drama to /a/ as well.
Not because it was manhwa.
honeypot for outsiders

How would we know when it gets pushed off to the archives by your shitty waifu threads?
/a/ wants to have a collaboration with r/manga, please!


Actually. One suggestion is to have post IDs here in /qa/ so that samefagging is less prevalent.
Please reinstate the 48hour autosage rule on /news/ (like it says in the sticky) so that the stories on page 1 will all be current again.

I'm sure you had good reasons for temporarily getting rid of it but it's hurting the board when /pol/ can bump 2 month old racebait news on there.
Create a /as/ (Asian) and put all mangwa shit there
>Reason: Manhwa has always been discussed on /a/. There has never been a change of policy on this
What policy? can you show me this policy you keep talking about?

/a/ - Anime & Manga
All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
He's literally the only person who wants gook in /a/ so he's obviously the OP.
There are only very few changes of /a/ that I could really support:
Make sage visible again.
Reduce bump limit (drastically).
Make bumps require a minimum of symbols written in the post body.

Additionally one could experiment with a complicated system of reducing bump limit to 50, but changing the rules so that sage posts don't count towards that limit anymore. Threads go on autosage after 24 hours. I don't know what that would mean for posting habits though. It would make regular threads with several thousand replies possible so long as no one bumps by accident. It would also enable people to bump threads to a quick death.
tg doesn't change much.

qst gets re-evaluated for what features it should actually have, with the mods actually discussing with the people who would go there, instead of the people who hate quests.
Add flags as well so you can ignore canadians and australians while you are at it.
Like others in the thread I would like a manga board Hiro.
If you look at /m/ - mecha as an example you will find it often has higher quality posts and discussion when compared to /a/ it is also a slower board.
Much like /m/ a manga board could do very well with a slower post rate more inline with the number of people interested in it.
I hope I get to see it!
Wait. You know that /ma/ would not be just a few generals, right?
Can't dragonball get its own board already like Pokemon has /vp/?
Even when you keep spamming these shitty poll thread, everyone /a/ will against your shitty gook trash,get fucked pathetic gook
Can you just fuck off already? Go back to whatever shitty website it is you came from and stop trying to destroy /a/.
>Reduce bump limit
Stop spamming you faggot, no one wants a manga thread
Why do you reply to Hiro several times with this /ma/ bullshit?
Ban all Spacebattles.com posters on the site permanently (or at least keep them banned for 2 hours since their last visit to Spacebattles.com)
t. /tg/
>/a/ anime & manga
Where the fuck is gook shit in this?
Because short threads are better than long ones.
Most long threads enter a period of NOTHING before (sometimes) a new discussion arises. Why?
You could just have a short thread, and then ANOTHER short thread.
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The dumb tripnigger already proved you wrong.
> A manga board would be slow
Yes, that's the point.
>and would quickly die off
Japan's not going to stop making manga anytime soon, so no.
>it would take manga threads from /a/, making it harder to discuss manga there
Yes, because we would be discussing it on a manga board. You are free to discuss anime as usual though.
>In short, a manga board would kill manga discussion.
... do you even think about things before you post them? A manga board would make manga discussion thrive because it has its own dedated board.
How many times do people have to explain this? /a/ isn't a "fast" board. This isn't /v/ or /pol/ where threads who don't get replies fall off the board in 30 mins or less. Threads on /a/ survive for hours after reach bump limit, so clearly the problem is people just don't want to talk about manga on /a/.
There's a lot of people who for some reason believe that their threads "fail" unless they reach the bump limit so they keep bumping them and even after all the discussion has long since been exhausted and everyone but them left the thread.
Hiro here's a suggestion,

make a board for gook shit and call it /gook/

Then the gook spammer can fuck off and we can all be happy,

Here is an example of a few general threads on /a/ which anons have wanted removed for a while now, years infact.
I will quote the post: >>>/a/147328798
1. Japanese learning general to either /jp/ or /int/
2. Buyfag general to /toy/.
3. Drawfag general to /ic/.
4. Exhentai general to one of the handful of porn boards.
5. Image dump threads to either /c/ or outright delete them.
6. Seiyuu 3DPD worship threads to /jp/.


1. The Japanese learning general, found here:
does not belong on /a/ as it is not about the discussion of anime and/or manga. The primary form of entertainment they discuss is Visual Novels/ エロゲ and the focus on the thread is language learning. Their interests are suited to the /jp/ board, while the topic itself is related to the international board, /int/. They also have a website of their own which they post in every thread and essentially exist simple as a means to promote their website.

2. The toy buying general, found here:
is a general thread which is about the discussion of buying mechanise, posting photos of their toys and discussing shipping costs. They also have their own website and guides. The thread is tangential to /a/ at best, though it acts more like a chatroom.

3. The drawfag general, found here:
to put it simply, belongs on the board that is dedicated to artists to post and discuss their artwork, which is /ic/. On /a/ they have created a circlejerk community mentality and the resident artists often use the thread as a means to promote their work and encourage anons to buy their work. This is essentially a form of undermining the advertisement policy on 4chan.
Confirmed for not watching popular seasonal anime.

Generals need to die.
These were all written by the same poster. He has some obsession with creating a manga board, even though no-one else wants that.
dats raciss
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Manga board please.
/a/ - Anime & Manga does not live up to its name because anime is much much more popular on /a/.
Manga gets drowned out by all the anime! I personally like manga very much and it's frustrating not being able to discuss it very well on /a/. I think a manga board could work.

>/a/ isn't a "fast" board
Yes it is. I'm sure Hiro has better stats so why try and lie to him?
Yes, you fucking retard. Mods have said before that manhwa is allowed on /a/. I'm not going to dig through my image folder to find it, but it's been documented.
You're the one who keep spamming, disgusting zipperhead sub human
I use the word subforum because of force of habit. I've been on the internet for 2 decades now. A difference in vernacular doesn't actually counter any of my points though, kiddo.
>Threads go on autosage after 24 hours.
This is a good idea but I'd make it so that if there was a sudden spike of posts from different countries, the autosage would be revoked. In case a thread flies under the radar until it's too late.
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Can we stop replying to the stupid ESL who doesn't even use the website and just wants to destroy /a/ and talk about actual issues, like generals.

4. This is a general dedicated to the pornographic comic website, exhentai, which is found here:
It exists solely as a platform to post links to pornographic content and, as a group, masturbate together. There already exists multiple boards for drawn pornography, hence they should be moved to one of those as opposed to being a literal circlejerk, by proxy, as a consistent thread on /a/.

5. Image dump threads as usually threads which start off by the OP posting a lewd image along with some sort of set phrase, to encourage image dumps. Here are some examples:
These are commonly referred to as "template threads", due to their lazy and often copy/pasted format. They are often nothing but an excuse to dump images. There are already boards for image dumps, such as /c/.

6. 声優 threads, to put it simply, belong on /jp/. Here is an example:
They are distinctively 3DPD discussions with are almost always nothing but a group of obsessed anons talking about their favourite voice actors. That's fine, but that's what /jp/ is for. They even have these threads on /jp/, meaning there is no reason to have them on /a/. /a/ is for 2D, not 3DPD.
Holy shit, stop being triggered by shit that doesn't matter.
I do watch seasonal anime, but I will freely admit that I avoid fast threads. So there is definitely a side of /a/ that I am missing.
Do not split manga from /a/. Given the inherent relation between the two media, it's pointless to split them. Instead, I suggest allowing LN content on /a/, as well as maybe allowing chinese/korean stuff given that there is nowhere on the site to discuss it.
Hiro, please. It keeps happening. Please make it stop.
Content can go on more than one board, you know.
>some random mods from 2012 answer the question when some gook ask him
>gook shit still got deleted by mods
Yeah, fuck you pathetic policy you fucking filthy gook
Do the same with 1d4chan.
>Yes, that's the point.
No, it isn't. Slow boards die.

>Japan's not going to stop making manga anytime soon, so no.
They still make books, but /lit/ is dead.

>Yes, because we would be discussing it on a manga board. You are free to discuss anime as usual though.
No, it would kill manga discussion on /a/. People would try to go to /ma/, but not be able to make successful threads there.

>... do you even think about things before you post them? A manga board would make manga discussion thrive because it has its own dedated board.
Just like /lit/ has thriving literature discussion?

Fuck off. A manga board is cancer and would kill manga discussion.
This would be awesome.
It would also remove 80% of /tg/'s posters at this point.
That which doesn't belong on /a/ doesn't belong on /a/.
>quoting your own posts in the meta thread
Fuck off. There is no consensus about the generals so stop lying to hiro about it.
Look at the time and date, newfag.
Again. Threads dont simply "fall off and disappear". It takes hours, hours during which people can bump the thread, start discussions, shitpost, do whatever they want in the thread. Threads fall off the board due to a lack of interest or discussion material, not speed
It would be deleted. The move there was forced and most /qst/ users find it lacking. If not deleted then fixed according to what has been suggested in their meta thread.
How many times must you be told that /a/ is only out-paced by /v/, /pol/ and /b/ and it basically the reason why 4chan exists in the first place on account of 14 year old moot wanted to talk anime with a bunch of Something Awful goons.
>>gook shit still got deleted by mods
Never happened. Never will.

Manhwa is /a/. Deal with it.
A "force of habit" isn't going to fucking make you use incorrect terminology or are you going to call them subs now as well?

You also being on the internet for 2 decades doesn't mean you've been on 4chan for longer than a year, little kiddie.
I'll echoe the call for a manga board. I don't want to repeat what others have said so I'll keep it short.
Here is an example of a frustrated manga fan because modern /a/ is not good for manga.

>No, it isn't. Slow boards die.
Get out and see other boards besides /a/ and /v/ anon.
There are plenty of great slower boards like /out/.
Almost all boards on 4chan are slower than /a/.
We need IDs on /qa/ to stop the samefag spam.
This gook is literally braindead
See >>682808
>While taking, you guys write reasons.
>I want to know reasons.
>I need reasons to decide.

That was exactly what Hiro asked for. Do you have any actual response or is this just another kneejerk from a generalfag afraid of losing his safe space? /a/ has wanted generals removed, for years.
This isn't /q/.
1. Don't split /a/ into any more boards, it would destroy our board culture. Only a few persons want a separate manga board.
2. Many want general threads banned on /a/ because they are more like chatrooms than normal threads.
For once, anon, you're brilliant.

If everyone responds to this with yes, we can end samefagging on /qa/!
The best consensus I can give you Hiro is that nobody actually wants you to listen to them.

That being said, I suggest that you delete /qa/. Or at least add IDs to this place.
More like needlessly rulefagging is retarded. There is nothing wrong with loosely related content as long as it doesn't consume the board like say /v/. It is pointless rulefagging and missing the point of this place being free and unrestricted.
Keep trying, you're the only gook here
Hiro please add ID's to /qa/ to prevent samefagging
Hiroyuki please respond to >>682852
/ma/ - Manga please.
Do you have any actual response or is this just another kneejerk from a generalfag afraid of losing his safe space? /a/ has wanted generals removed, for years.
This isn't /q/.
We need /ag/ - anime general, /ma/ - manga and /korea/ - gookshit
Add country flag to /a/
Please add ID's to /qa/.

Reasons: It would make chains of productive discussion easier. People would have more difficulty samefagging.
You're fucking nothing, filthy gook
He wants to know the reasons for the whole board. Your opinion does not represent the whole board. Stop lying.

hiroyuki the general consensus is that we do not want a manga thread
Fuck off idiot. I want generals to fuck off and be banned, but you want them gone for all the wrong reasons.
This isn't /q/.

There's a nanoha thread that has been up for over 2 days now and hasn't reached half of the bump limit. Manga threads don't have any problem with /a/'s current speed.
No, /ma/ is cancer.

Don't split /a/. Splitting up /a/ would result in weaker, slower boards.

please add ID's hiro because it will prevent samefagging because this faggot is clearly samefagging
Make a manga board but important don't let generals on manga board.
Manga outside of Weekly Shounen Jump needs a home.
24 hours is a long time.
Agreed, those guys are literally a tumblr/reddit fusion and they are some of the most cancerous shits on the net.
There are a few people who want to destroy /a/. They are the ones who now post that we need a separate manga board, even though that's not true
Gookshit should be on /a/. It's like family, things are kinda related, so you can't cut it off.
>He wants to know the reasons for the whole board.
No, he wants to know reasons. Either provide them or fuck off. Simple.

>but you want them gone for all the wrong reasons
Let me get this straight: you want generals gone but not if they are removed for reasons you don't agree with?

Do you want them gone or not?
I responded to your posts idiot. That isn't what a samefag is.

Fuck off. This isn''t /q/ and we don't need IDs.

We don't want a manga board. It's fine to discuss manga on /a/.
IDs for /qa/.

>what is a proxy
>what is phoneposting
Is Naruto allowed or not?
This isn't /q/ and Hiro rightly ignores all strawpolls.
Reasons everyone agreed with. No one agreed with those reasons. Either fuck off or stop lying. Simple.
Hiro please make crying about samefagging a bannable offense.

Hiro can already see the IPs - he doesn't need you to tell him who you think is samefagging, retard.
>/toy/ has rule against posting Japanese figures
>let's send buyfag threat there
That's how I know you're retarded and the rest of your post is not even worth reading.
I want ALL GENERALS gone because they are generals. Not because of some retarded notion that "they aren't /a/".
ive wanted /ma/ to happen for a long time, its just better to seperate anime and manga and consense them into their own boards since their a different medium.That way people who actually want to post and discuss manga wouldnt have their thread shoved in the distance the anime threads since they move way faster.
This isn''t /q/.
>the anime threads since they move way faster.
Not true.

it's simple because your're using proxies and you're clearly a fucking liar,

plain and simple
Could we make a board for every anime genre?
What? are you from some cuck half nigger half jew family or something
moot destroyed /a/ to allow naruto posting
They are different mediums but they are basically the same industry. It is not possible to separate them. People who are into one medium are generally into the other as well. /a/ doesn't need to be split and every previously board split on other boards has killed them.
Manga discussion on /a/ these days is garbage pls fix.
I want to say that making a manga board would not result in "weaker" boards.
/a/ is one of the faster boards on 4chan and can easily make up the slack from most of the manga discussion moving to a different board. Like wise a manga board would be slower but that is not bad.
Look at boards like /ck/, /out/, and /k/ all are much slower than /a/ but have fine discussion and are very much alive.
Wow you're' paranoid. /q/ isn't coming back. Stop trying.
Yes, I am.
>This isn''t /q/
Could have fooled me. Whole place reeks of /q/ just under a different name and less moderation.
Gook and chink shit are just bootleg so no
Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a samefag.
Please fuck off.
>every previously board split on other boards has killed them
/m/? Can't talk about that because it worked out fine and that would me /ma/ could work out fine. ahhh!
>Reasons everyone agreed with
It doesn't work like that.
>No one agreed with those reasons
That isn't what Hiro is asking for. He is asking for REASONS. Either PROVIDE them or FUCK OFF.

>/toy/ has rule against posting Japanese figures
So change it.
/a/ has a rule against content that isn't related to anime or manga, but such generals persist on /a/.

>Not because of some retarded notion that "they aren't /a/".
Do you know what a fulcrum is? Simply stating you want all generals gone because they are generals does not have the same explanatory power.
It isn't very hard to fool you, and this still isn't /q/.
Filthy disgusting gook, gas yourself and your family
>No, it isn't. Slow boards die.
You are 100% wrong. Go spend some time on /3/ or /po/ or other "slow" boards. They have enormous threads, lots of content and good discussion.

>They still make books, but /lit/ is dead.
>Just like /lit/ has thriving literature discussion?
Nice straw man fallacy. Go look up what that is before replying to me.

>Fuck off. A manga board is cancer and would kill manga discussion.
Oh look, you've run out of arguments and have resorted to swearing. That aside, how do you think that having an entire board dedicated to manga would kill manga discussion? (Bo nus points if you do it without getting mad and swearing like a 6 year who got headshot in CoD). /lit/ as shit as it may be, didn't actually kill off discussion because IT STILL THERE. /asp/ didn't kill off discussion about pro-wrestling because it's an entire board devoted to it. Hell, by your logic, /a/ shouldn't even work because it's... a board dedicated to anime which means anime discussion is dead... somehow.

fuck off you gook, pretty much everyone in this thread disagrees with /ma/ being made.

the previous meta threads can attest to that too
>this still isn't /q/
I agree, but doesn't stop people treating the place like it so it may as well be.
>why should generals be removed
Generals are a reoccurring thread format of longevity and stagnation. They exist for no reason. They defy the ephemeral and constantly changing format of 4chan. They are a thread format that is literally about trying to live for some off chance of "discussion". Quoting discussion as this doesn't happen. Their entire purpose is to exist and exist and exist. Why does some anime from 5 years ago need a thread up 24/7? It doesn't, its there because its general and as such it needs to be up. Even for shit ongoing, why do they need a thread up 24/7? Why do they need someone up when they have NOTHING to discuss? I understand making threads out of the blue to discuss things, these are fine and are common. They also normally die in like 150 replies as people discuss and then leave as the discussion is over. If that was a general, it would hit bump limit as they would try to keep it going on forever.

This post is a mess and someone else better at this should probably do this. I'm not one for words.
Save manga from oppressive flood of anime on /a/.
/ma/ now
What does Hiro making other boards take away from current boards?
>so it might as well be
That's like saying /a/ might as well merge with /b/ because people don't take either board seriously.
So, I'm a nigga, jew and gook? That's a bit spooky.

Fuck off gook, no one except you wants that
>I want to say that making a manga board would not result in "weaker" boards.
Yes, it would. /ma/ would be as dead as /vr/ or /lit/, and it would take manga discussion from /a/.

The only people who want a manga board are animefags who hate manga. Manga belongs on /a/.
/m/ isn't a board split, stop citing it you fucking idiot.
The reasons of a single person do not represent the whole board even if they make sense. It's not like you'll have anyone else to talk with gookshit with you anyway so your threads will only be reported and killed on the spot.
>So change it.
So you'd make whole board collateral damage because you don't like certain threads? Wow.
The problem is that Hiro has already explained earlier that he doesn't really care about the philosophical aspect of the site's design, so explaining to him why generals should be removed from a design and cultural point of view, while valid, probably won't have a lot of weight.
False equivalency. People are using this board just as /q/ was used while /a/ isn't using the board the same as /b/.
I don't need any reason other than they are generals because generals don't belong on 4chan.
Quests are a style of interactive writing where a Quest Master writes content and presents choices for a player audience to make. They are not a genre in itself; two quests can be entirely different in mechanics, writing style and content. They rely on their audience to sustain themselves and a great deal of a quest's audience comes from random users stumbling across the OP and deciding to check it out of curiosity. Quests were also rather niche on /tg/, with them only taking up around 8-11% of threads.

This meant that questing in itself didn't have enough of a population to sustain an entire board. This is shown by /qst/'s low board traffic. And since quests are currently isolated from the rest of 4chan and are harder to explain than 'cartoons' or 'television' it means that /qst/ doesn't have much of a way to attract new users. A lack of new users means a lack of audience, which is detrimental to questing as a whole since there won't be as much discussion and posting within the quest threads.

Add a mod who doesn't seem to be listening to feedback, who made the split without notifying anyone in advance and you've got a board whose users don't have a lot a faith in.

See this: >>>/qst/570135

tl;dr: quests are interactive fiction, /qst/ doesn't have many users and it's hurting quests, the mod running the show sucks
Who know what repulsive shit your family into
>/ma/ is cancer

this is exactly the type of person you need to ignore. They offer nothing constructive. They just don't like it so they call it cancer and shitpost and shitpost and shitpost.

I want a manga board because I only read manga and I'd like to have a manga board so I don't have to sift through anime threads to find manga threads.

Apparently, that OFFEND AND UPSETS people like this so much that they feel they must shitpost about it endlessly when, instead, they could not use the theoretical manga board and just continue to post anime on the anime board.
I don't want /ma/ either.
I just hate people like you who whine about samefags all the time.
Hiro Vs. Moot, who wins?
Then maybe he should care, because that stuff matters a lot to the people here. Half our "problems" steam from cultural reasons and people who are new to the site trying to fight against what the community has always done and change it.
Hoiryuki, can you please bring back if not but a single of the old text boards?
Ignore the idiot who wants to turn /a/ into his personal blog even if it means killing other boards. You're only giving him replies for hiro to notice.
What does Hiro making other boards take away from current boards?

It's impossible to represent the opinions of an entire board, you dense fuck.

I'm sorry but /a/ is far more important than /toy/, and having those certain generals on /a/ go against the rules which govern /a/ and in so damage the board. A little collateral for /toy/ would be for the greater good. Or outright deleting the general. Either way.
>You are 100% wrong
You are 1000% wrong. Go to those slow boards. Threads barely get a dozen replies. They don't have enormous threads, content, or good discussion. Threads die out without replies all the time, and the ones that get bumped quickly die out after.

> Nice straw man fallacy. Go look up what that is before replying to me.
Holy fucking shit, you literally misused a term that you're smugly accusing someone else of not understanding. Are you 12? Get the fuck out of here, underage faggot.

>Oh look, you've run out of arguments and have resorted to swearing.
Sorry if my profanity offends you, kid. /ma/ will take manga discussion from /a/, just like /vr/ took retro video game discussion from /v/ and placed them on a dead board. All knowledge we have shows that /ma/ will be disastrous for manga discussion.

If you love manga, it belongs on /a/. End of discussion.
>people are using this board just as /q/ was used
That isn't a good thing. So why do you want to make it even more like /q/ then?
How much of the manga/manwha board people(person) actually even like manga and aren't just in it for the power tripping high of being a shitposting slactivist?
>I want a manga board because I only read manga and I'd like to have a manga board so I don't have to sift through anime threads to find manga threads.
That's your problem, it does not warrant a fucking board.

>What does Hiro making other boards take away from current boards?
The manga discussions?Are you literally retarded?
>There are a few people who want to destroy /a/

/a/ will not be destroyed by having a manga board. Hell, in one breath you say that manga isn't popular enough then, in another, you say /a/ will be destroyed without it.

/a/ will be just fine without manga, and those who want a manga board will be just fine not posting on /a/.

Everyone wins.
I don't even use /toy/, but fuck right off.
Do not sacrifice other anons for your own end.

Wasn't there even a screencap of some janny on /j/ saying that shit.
>Then maybe he should care
I agree.

This, Hiro.
And also the part where the mod made no announcements ahead of time and made a controversial move in removing quests from /tg/ to a new board that was heavily opposed in its own initial creation thread.
>What does Hiro making other boards take away from current boards?
Because it does. This isn't philosophy; it's reality.

People most fewer retro video game threads in /v/, because of /vr/. At the same time, /vr/ is dead.

Similarly, people would post to /ma/ instead of /a/, but /ma/ would die off quickly.

I don't like manga, but we need /ma/ and /gook/.
Go to fucking sleep Hiro.

Disregard every post in this thread and learn to not listen to the community. That's the most important thing you can possibly do. I mean it, don't even bother posting in this thread again.
/ma/ - Manga (I don't care what you actualy call it, I just want manga board please)
Hiro I'll warn you there are chunk of /a/ anons who will say no, this is because they do not read much manga if any so they do not know the struggle of being a primarily manga reader on /a/.
A manga board will not affect them or their anime threads they just want to control as much as possible under the name of /a/.

I would give you an example of this type >>682995 He has nothing to contribute to discussion except to call /ma/ cancer. Why? Because has no argument he just doesn't want people discussing manga and he doesn't want /a/ to change because change upsets him. Anon here has a good summary >>683052
>>Everyone wins.
Everyone who is autistic and wants to introduce reddit-style boards here.
The latter. It's fairly obvious if you notice he gets his images from deviantart.
Yes it is true. Once again, /a/ is only out done by /b/, /pol/ and /v/ in terms of posting speed. It is a fast moving board.
the general consensus is /a/ doesn't any korean or chinese stuff on /a/
/ma/ will kill /a/

do not make a manga board,

end of discussion
>/a/ will not be destroyed by having a manga board
Yes it will. /a/ has always been anime and manga. You are literally splitting about 13 fucking years of culture and history. IT WILL DESTROY IT.
No one but faggots want /ma/
>The manga discussions?
How would manga discussions on a board for manga take away from manga discussions?

>Do not sacrifice other anons for your own end.
It's not for my own end, anon. It's for the board. By these off topic generals existing on /a/, the board itself is being sacrificed in order to appease a hugbox.
The only people who want specific generals to remain are anons from those generals, making them the extreme minority. Why should the vast majority have to tolerate the extreme minority and their threads which technically belong on other boards? If they don't care about /a/, why should /a/ care about them?
If you want it simple.
Generals are a way to force a thread to be a format that isn't that compatible with 4chan's mechanics. This isn't a traditional forum, but keeping a thread up 24/7 is trying to replicate it and so to keep it alive and not drop off the board it stagnates with people forcing it with image dumps and shitty memes etc.
>the struggle of being a primarily manga reader on /a/.
>they just want to control as much as possible under the name of /a/.

You are clearly very new here
Maybe it would be a better idea to have hiro send the mods to boards to talk to the users. And I mean talk, not the mods wank off their own opinions and then report to hiro their own opinions. Because this apparently doesn't seem to be working this way.
What is the fucking issue? That manga threads get archived too quickly? (around 1 hour at peak time) Please. We have the occasional Dandelion, Rokujouma, or Majikoi thread and those generally end up lasting a week or so, while moving about slowly as needed to have a discussion. Worst case scenario, just keep the thread bumped through peak time and then go back to taking your fucking time.
>How would manga discussions on a board for manga take away from manga discussions?
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>The only people who want a manga board are animefags who hate manga.

>people who hate manga
>are animefags
>who want a manga board

You are insane.
/ma/ would kill manga discussion on /a/ and would be a board too slow for most people to want to use.
What makes you think I do? I was just denying you saying this isn't /q/. May not have the same name but posting meta shit and getting responses from people in charge is exactly the same as /q/.
>Because it does.

>People most fewer retro video game threads in /v/, because of /vr/. At the same time, /vr/ is dead.
Quality over quanitity. I don't give a shit about about desire to have ADHD speed boards.

If a board specifically for manga was made for manga, manga would be for the manga board.
>It's for the board.
Yes, you are sacrificing one board for another. ALL BOARDS ARE EQUAL YOU DO NOT DO THIS. I fucking love /a/, but fuck off.

>How would manga discussions on a board for manga take away from manga discussions?
Are you pretending to be retarded?
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Manga board is what the manga readers of /a/ want.
I drew you a crappy picture explaining why it would be good. Notice the small amount of manga discussion (orange + pink) in /a/ box? Now look at how much additional manga would be discussed in a manga board, the /ma/ box.
For as long as manga is trapped on /a/ it will be stifled by the much more popular anime.
Please ignore anons like >>683078 all they can say is that it will "kill" /a/. This is crazy because manga discussion is only fraction of /a/'s threads. You coulld remove all manga and /a/ would not "die". Please Hiro.

>would be a board too slow for most people to want to use.
Plenty of people use slow boards every day. There's more than just /a/, /v/, and /b/ these days anon.
/a/ will be destroyed for manga fans. Manga lovers have a right to post on /a/. If you make /ma/, they'll get fewer replies for manga threads on /a/. At the same time, /ma/ will be slow as fuck.

Manga belongs on /a/ and only on /a/.
>this is because they do not read much manga if any so they do not know the struggle of being a primarily manga reader on /a/.
Probably because most people on /a/ read both mediums. Fuck off.

Also you trying to support your argument by going "look this guy is shitposting" is pathetic as fuck.
>All boards are equal.
This is false.
>/ma/ will kill /a/
Have a look at the catalogue on /a/. Moving manga to it's own board will not kill that.

It would turn into a /vg/ clone while not attracting the same ammount of posters driving its quality to a lower standard that not even current /a/ has. The only proper argument that a /ma/ supporter has is that you can't talk about manga on /a/ because it's too fast. But that's a lie. /a/ has "story time" threads all the time and discuss manga chapters every time a new one is out. What they want is a chatroom to talk about that specific manga and other unrleated things all day, all night.

moot lurked enough to know what was good instead of asking so I choose Hiro.
I applied like 3 or 4 times but got rejected every time.
>Yes, you are sacrificing one board for another. ALL BOARDS ARE EQUAL YOU DO NOT DO THIS. I fucking love /a/, but fuck off.
We both know you don't believe that. You think /a/ > all. You just can't bear thought of /a/ "losing" something even though manga was never appreciated fully on /a/.
Posting meta shit isn't the point. The meta threads aren't even a majority of the catalog, even now when autists keep making them. That isn't to say meta threads aren't allowed here for containment purposes, but that's no reason to shit up the board with IDs and flags or other identifiers. One of the things that makes this board *good* is the lack of that stuff. Now you want to bring that stuff back because "this is too much like /q/" ? That doesn't make any sense to me.
Answer the fucking question.
How would having a board dedicated to manga, which would attract people who are dedicated to discussing manga, take away from the discussion of manga?

>/ma/ would kill manga discussion on /a/ and would be a board too slow for most people to want to use.
Ah, so you don't actually give a shit about the quality of discussion, you just want to have a fast homeboard to draw all your interests into.

You wouldn't be missed.
This image makes no sense.

>Manga board is what the manga readers of /a/ want.
No? Cite me this cunt, because throughout the years I've been here, at least 98% of people who read manga want to stay on /a/.
There is only one shitposting lying nigger here who wants to have /ma/ and chink/gook shit just to destroy /a/. He's clearly not from /a/.
It's hard to make a manga thread as it is. If we split them between two boards, it will result in dead discussion on both.

>Quality over quanitity. I don't give a shit about about desire to have ADHD speed boards.


GO TO /lit/

GO TO /ck/



>If a board specifically for manga was made for manga, manga would be for the manga board.
Factually incorrect. You are a disgusting human being and I hope you never post on 4chan again.

Manga lovers know that manga only goes on /a/.
>Manga board is what the manga readers of /a/ want.
Nobody wants that except you.
>I drew you a crappy picture explaining why it would be good.
The picture makes absolutely no sense.
>manga is trapped on /a/
This is a VERY stupid thing to say. Just because we have more anime threads does not mean that a manga board would be a good idea.
>manga discussion is only fraction of /a/'s threads
So it does not warrant a new board because there are "so few" threads?
./ma/ will kill /a/
No it won't. Anime is too popular. Once again, in one breath you idiots say it's not popular enough and then, in the next breath, you say it will kill /a/. which is it?

>end of discussion
No, just because you don't like what others say, doesn't mean you get to stop the discussion especially if you have given no good reason as to why you think you are right.
No, this is true.
That would be if the only manga discussion on /a/ came from threads dedicated to manga. Removing manga also removes the discussion from anime threads as well due to how closely tied together they are.
>even though manga was never appreciated fully on /a/.
Holy shit are you stupid.
>It would turn into a /vg/ clone
No, it would turn into a /vr/ clone and be even more dead.

But I completely agree with you that /ma/ would be a nightmare.

I can make a manga thread on /a/ right now and get replies. If /ma/ existed, I would have two boards that wouldn't reply to my manga threads. Manga discussion is only possible because /ma/ doesn't exist.
Hiro I want to rebut anon >>683101
He says it would turn into a /vg/ clone, this is not true. You would only have to moderate the faster threads to stop this. Bad generals like on /vg/ don't happen on slow boards.
He also says "/a/...discuss manga chapters every time a new one is out" this is not true. Just look at
Kanojo wa Rokurokubi which hasn't had a chapter thread in months even though it is relatively popular and ha regular translations being released.
Reminder that the gook you're replying to isn't from /a/ and doesn't even read manga.
Stop samefagging, nobody wants your shit manga board. Kill yourself.
According to whom?
Of course it would kill discussion of it on /a/ because that's the entire point of having a board different from it.

>would be a board too slow for most people to want to use.
the majority of boards on 4chan are "slow moving"

>most people

fuck you and your weasel words.
>Kanojo wa Rokurokubi which hasn't had a chapter thread in months even though it is relatively popular and ha regular translations being released.
Go make a thread when the new chapter is out. Dump a whole volume. You're not even trying.
>even though manga was never appreciated fully on /a/.
Holy shit, you can't actually be this retarded? Did you just come here yesterday here or something?
the gook has the same posting style,

it's fucking obvious. I can guarantee that the posts will be from the same faggot if I pick them out
>/a/ will be destroyed for manga fans.
Why? What is stopping people posting about anime on /a/ and manga on the manga board?
>If you make /ma/, they'll get fewer replies for manga threads on /a/.
That's because a board for manga would exist, where people can discuss it.
>At the same time, /ma/ will be slow as fuck.
Quality over quantity.

>Manga belongs on /a/ and only on /a/.
See: this is krux. You view /a/ as some monolith you are apart of and do not want changed. You merely want to be part of something larger than yourself and feel better about your existence of this entirely arbitrary facet. Face it: you aren't here for the discussion, you're here for the hugbox factor. Go be a self entitled manchild somewhere else. Someone us actually give a shit about the quality of discussion, and at the moment /a/ is fucking terrible for the most part.
>Ah, so you don't actually give a shit about the quality of discussion
Say this to yourself, faggot. I go to slow moving boards, and you can't talk about anything. There is too small a pool of people there for niche interests to be recognized.

Try making a sous vide thread on /ck/. Try making an adventure novel thread on /lit/ Try making a Star Control thread on /vr/. You can't.

However, I could go to /a/ and make a thread about an 80s manga and get a decent amount of replies. That's because the pool of people on /a/ is big enough that I will find people with similar interests and reading experiences.
>culture and history
Oh my god, lacking these two things is the very point of anonymous chan boards you enormous newfag holy shit.
The funny thing is that he probably spent hours preparing his longer posts and is using multiple internet connections to post. What a fucking autist.

I am just going to leave this here before I sage back to /a/ where I belong.

I dont believe that making another board is a good idea. But as it stands I see more 'generals' of certain anime series that is popular or has a adaptation.

What does need to happen is that threads that are created have a issue with shitposting - off topic posting/intentional spamming/heavy baiting for replies -

KanColle is an example of this - a movie is coming for this game to anime series.

All I have seen is nothing but image spam with no manga translations much less any discussions of anime or manga.
spamming of a character known as Kaga is enough to where it has become toxic. Yuri spaming is also well known in this thread, theres also spamming of non-anime/manga related images and subject as well.

Personally have put in reports of this only to get warned and banned for trying to report any rule breakers with in these threads. I have personally volunteered to be a Janitor/mod for this only to be declined. if anything needs to be suggested is the quality of mods/janitors needs to be improved before making any other boards.

thank you
>The meta threads aren't even a majority of the catalog
Are we even looking at the same catalog? /qa/ is full of meta threads.
>Probably because most people on /a/ read both mediums. Fuck off.
You can use more than one board.
This whole
>this is my homeboard and I must draw everything into it like a black hole
mentality is exactly what shaped /v/ to what it is today. /a/ is following in /v/'s footsteps and you faggots and desperately trying to push it on faster, yet you lack the self awareness to see this happening.
>Kanojo wa Rokurokubi which hasn't had a chapter thread in months even though it is relatively popular and ha regular translations being released.
Maybe no one has just bothered to make a thread?
Did you even try making one? I'm still waiting on your dumb autist arse to quote me 10 series with thread links for manga that have trouble surviving. Your lack of response to this only further solidifies you have no idea what you are on about.
>Quality over quantity.
And why do you think /ma/ would be any better than /a/?

Stop posting, you're not from /a/
manga board
>manga board
manga board
>manga board
manga board
>manga board
manga board
>manga board
manga board
>manga board
manga board
>manga board
If I was him I wouldn't want to wade into this shitstorm of a thread either...
Can one, ONE, person anti-manga-baord not post like a goddamned retard please?

No it isn't, you fucking idiot. There is a clear difference between history and something like archives which doesn't belong.
>the majority of boards on 4chan are "slow moving"
And the majority of boards suck. You don't use them, but I do. I know how frustrating they are.

Let's just say that, at any given time, 10000 people are lurking /a/. I don't pretend that that's an accurate number, but just go with it for this discussion. Out of those 10000, I'm likely to find people who have read the same manga as me. Now pretend there was an /ma/. At best, 1000 people would be lurking at the same time. That would reduce my chances of finding someone with the same taste in manga as me by an order of magnitude. So if I go post my favorite manga to /a/, I will get replies. But if I post it to /ma/, I will get no replies.
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
retard alert
>retard alert
It doesn't matter. Hiro doesn't look at polls so they're not important.
They don't make up anywhere near the majority of the total threads, ad there are more now than usual because of people like OP who think Hiro asked for this.

I still don't understand why you want this place to become as /q/like as possible.
Did you bother reading the rest of his post? Of course you didn't.
>You can use more than one board.
Are you fucking serious? I'm not using a different board for something THAT ALREADY HAS SOMETHING IT BELONGS IN. Do you want retro /a/ and shonen /a/ as well? Fuck off.

Stop with your strawmans and your literal 4chan tier arguments. You are picking at others saying they aren't arguging while do your pathetic shit like saying /a/ is following /v/ to tried and defend SPLITTING A FUCKING BOARD IN TWO FROM SOMETHING THAT OUTRIGHT BELONGS TOGETHER.
because it'll prevent samefaggers,

especially you from posting the sameshit
you can and you will if Hiro wills it.
>Why? What is stopping people posting about anime on /a/ and manga on the manga board?
People aren't going to just flock to /ma/. /ma/ will have .01% the userbase of /a/.

>That's because a board for manga would exist, where people can discuss it.
There won't be enough users for good discussion.

>Quality over quantity.
Slow boards are shit, because there isn't enough people who overlap. If you've read a book and try to post it to /lit/, you won't find anyone else there who's read it.
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I don't even read manga much at all by why are people so averse to even a test board?
Just let them do a test board if you're so confident it will fail then they can remove it and manga fags will never get to whine again.
Just do a test manga board so one of the two groups will have to shut up about it.
Reminder that you're talking to Hiro, the guy that made 6 /a/ related board on his previous website.
/ma/ is happening boys.
>because it'll prevent samefaggers,
I disagree. We've entered the era of airplane mode, Anon. You literally can't prevent samefagging if you tried.
see >>683155 and >>683109

/ma/ would kill manga discussion.
Hiro can go fuck himself. He doesn't own the community and doesn't get to do what he wants. He's not going to listen to what you say unless he wants someone trying to stab him. You have no argument other than your niche obscure manga doesn't get any attention when there are tons of ways to get those series discussion and attention.
>Why? What is stopping people posting about anime on /a/ and manga on the manga board?
Having two board to monitor would be inconvenient, especially since they both would have 90% the same content anyway.
Stop being such a negative nancy.
>He doesn't own the community
Actually yes, he literally does.
>You don't use them
Yes, I do and OH MY you are basing an argument on assumption of anonymous user.

Christ, you people...

you know what? im going to link hiro all those threads because pretty much all of them disagree with a manga board being made.
Probably because we don't want to discuss the same things in 2 board in 2 threads, just because some autists can't handle anime discussion?
This isn't rocket science. More posters = more who want to talk about the same things as you. Fewer posters = fewer people who want to talk about the same things as you.

That's why a manga board is a bad idea: it will have fewer posters than /a/ by a significant number.
>manga board
Where the fuck did that come from? You can discuss manga no problem on /a/. Is there some new epic meme I'm missing?
How? Do you not know that any phone faggot can reset their IP as easy as reloading a captcha?
>test board?
There is no such this as a test split. Splitting a board is a permanent thing, you don't get to trial it. You are splitting a fucking community in two. Once you do it, its effects are permanent. If the split is done, it stays forever and can't be reversed. No, its impossible to reverse just the same as its impossible to actually put /jp/ back into /a/.

We aren't a toy for you to play and test with.
It's one autist who also wants non-japan trash on /a/
He is also a mod or at least janitor
>/ma/ would kill manga discussion.
>a board dedicated to a thing will kill discussion on said thing

You can repeat this over and over as much as you like, but it won't stop from being retarded.
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Hiro is an admin. I'm pretty sure he doesn't need public IDs to be able to tell our posts apart. If anything, people are less likely to change IP when public IDs aren't available, so he's more likely to see who's samefagging and who isn't.
Ids don't stop samefagging.
Thank god someone else has a brain ITT
>He doesn't own the community
Yes, he does. In the most literal sense, yes he does.
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>Yes, I do and OH MY you are basing an argument on assumption of anonymous user.
Go make a thread about this best-selling novel on /lit/ right now. Tell me how many replies you get.
I like 2ch style which means manga board. You know it works best. People against manga board are just obsessed with keeping everything the same for ever.
>He doesn't own the community and doesn't get to do what he wants
Hiro do it just to fuck with this idiot.
It's one more tab and /ma/ would be slower so not a problem.
>More posters = more who want to talk about the same things as you. Fewer posters = fewer people who want to talk about the same things as you.
By this logic I should be discussing manga on /v/ and /vg/?
Users of /ma/ would self select so instead of say 20% being interested in a random manga thread it would be ~100%
good job, now they are going to change their ip every time they want to make a new post
>implying they haven't been doing that for 2 years now
Are you mentally retarded? The smaller a board is, the harder it is to find people with similar interests. A small board is more likely to talk about more known things than niche things. A /ma/ board won't fix anything and will only make shit worse and decrease post quality.
>letting shitposters know how to troll the admin
I knew you were retarded but I didn't know you were this retarded.
>Users of /ma/ would self select so instead of say 20% being interested in a random manga thread it would be ~100%
Doesn't matter if it's getting 1% of the traffic of /a/. 20% of a huge number is more than 100% of a small number.

There are more people on /a/ who want to talk about my favorite manga than there would be on /ma/.
/ma/ would be fucking dead like the really small boards. It would mostly consist of threads with one IP dumping their favorite shit that no-one else cares about.
Manga board Hiro, all the arguements against are retarded and mostly from anime fags who shouldn't give a shit in the first place.
The admin is retarded enough that he probably would of listened to the id fucks.
/r/manga is that way ↗ ↗ ↗
Nope, all the arguments for it are from animefags who want to kill manga discussion. Manga fans want manga to remain on /a/ alone.
Made a new IP again?
And yet, so many times the people who want a manga board have said that it's these very huge number of people on /a/ that kick their threads to the archives that are the problem. We want a slower moving board so this doesn't happen, so threads we make actually stay active.

Not that I'd expect you to pay attention to anything that doesn't directly support your argument even though it directly refutes it.
Did you really just change your fucking ip to make it seem like more people agree with you? Your posting style didn't even change.
Thanks for telling me how to fool him :)
How did you not already know?
It wouldn't be that small. You fags just think anything that isn't top 8 fastest board is dead which is total crap.
2 C H
Are YOU retarded? The main argument we've been saying over and over, that you have been ignoring, is that we WANT the slower moving board because anime is so popular that our manga threads don't get enough attention. How am I supposed to build up interest for a series when its kicked off the board by the millionth waifu thread? I can't be on 4chan 24/7. Give me a slower moving manga board so I can sustain this.
You mean (you). This questions has been done a lot and it has ALWAYS been responded with fuck off.
He's a phoneposter.
>anime plebs literally think there is a korean mod trying shilling manga board all alone
Pathetic. Even if your shit board was made, the outcry on /a/ would cause Hiro to reverse it anyway.
Hiro go through every single one of these threads,

the general consesus should tell you that WE DON'T WANT A MANGA BOARD.

What's a shitposter doing here?
>Manga fans want manga to remain on /a/ alone.
As a manga fan who hasn't watched anime in years, I'd like to point out that this person is a tinfoil hat idiot. Give me a manga board.

Holy fucking shit, did we really have that many?
eheheh it really does remind me of the paranoid tinfoilfags on /pol/ and /x/
Wait, you believe that a manga board would have different people and not the ones from /a/?
The speed of /a/ isn't killing manga discussion. Rather, the pool of users is what allows manga discussion to thrive.

/ma/ would be slow, but it would be abandoned. There wouldn't be enough people there to find users with the same interests as you.
>This questions has been done a lot and it has ALWAYS been responded with fuck off.
>No counter argument and just insults

As I have come to expect from people like you.
>How am I supposed to build up interest for a series when its kicked off the board by the millionth waifu thread?
By making an OP that actually appeals to people? By fucking trying again? You are acting like waifu threads are the only things that occur and that airing anime is the only shit that occurs. You make seem like you are making a "good" argument to Hiro, but to everyone else you look like a fucking idiot who just doesn't know how to be fucking interesting iniate a conversation.

I fucking make threads and talk about dead series and unpopular shit all the time. I have NO PROBLEMS starting these threads and getting conversation. The difference between you and me? I don't need 100+ posts to think I had a good thread.
This, this, this.


Nope nice try though anon.

/a/ is fine, it's fine!


Of course, because you are retarded and everyone who actually uses the board knows you're an idiot and not to engage someone who doesn't actually use or care about the board.
>the general consesus should tell you that WE DON'T WANT A MANGA BOARD.

True, but those people haven'y given a single good reason why. Meanwhile, the people who do, and who would actually USE said manga board continue to give well thought-out and good reasons.

Usually to be responded with childish name-calling and logical fallacy.
Generals shouldn't exist at all, you fucking idiot. They're a complete counter to the idea of lurking and you should kill yourself for even suggesting the idea of generals of some sort existing, you subhuman trash.
>d-don't take my manga
>no I don't read it, but /a/ must have it!
Fuck of you greedy kike.

Half those threads are arguing about /ma/ and the manga anons were coming out on top, the other half is virulent shitposting.
see >>683171
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Hiro, it should be obvious /a/ doesn't really want or need to be split into new boards, and some few people are forcing this idea hard just because they think you're gullible and might actually do it. It would destroy /a/ as we know it.

Some guy is using some poll that maybe 200 people voted on (out of a userbase of million+), as grounds for what he claims "official new rules" for the board, trying to dictate a bunch of sweeping changes, including things no one really cared about or talked about much before he started forcing them as "relevant" issues. I hope you're wise enough to ignore him.

Many of these people arguing about this on /qa/ might not even post on /a/ normally; check back their IP histories before your request.
Have you considered that some people both read manga and watch anime, and that splitting those across two boards would be retarded when they are so closely related? We would probably end up with some stupid rule like "you can discuss manga on /a/ if it has an adaptation" and that would quickly be expanded to stuff people hope will get an adaptation and everything will be SHIT.
Why don't you get more mad and caps lock more. I'm sure that will convince people you are right and not make you look like the idiot I've been telling people that you are.
>Fuck of you greedy kike.
Go back to /pol/ you giant turd



>and who would actually USE said manga board continue to give well thought-out and good reasons.
You mean a fucking small minority of the people who read and talk about manga. A board of 100 people sure is a great board!

People aren't going to engage with an idiot rambling about shit that makes no sense.
>implying I could talk about Horimiya on /ma/
>implying I could talk about Tasogare Otome x Amnesia on /ma/

I can talk about both on /a/ and get replies.
No, stop it you fucking idiots. We do not need a manga board. Manga and Anime should be in one board.
Not what I said at all. I imagine I'll still post on /a/ too and enjoy doing so. But now I will have a slower board for my manga discussion too. that would be nice.
Why would you assume we would get a stupid rule?
Can you point out anything wrong with anon's diagam? https://i.4cdn.org/qa/1474279912543.png
Hiro please ban the person who made those threads. He ignored everything we said and only made the threads to force his rules.
>two ryuuko threads
Good taste
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>They don't make up anywhere near the majority of the total threads
Come on on anon.
Red is direct meta with asking for rule/board changes or asking for something to be banned etc.
Yellow is the more general meta with talking about 4chan as a whole, its culture and talking about ponies plus other stuff that is meta but isn't directly asking for a change but discussion about it.
You said that "waifu threads" are the problem with /a/. Guess what, mai waifu is from a manga so the thread will be on (your) manga board
/ma/ is a bad idea. Even anime original stuff gets a few manga, especially Comedic ones, so it makes no sense to cut the board in two.

I think LN should be limited to ones that are part of franchises that got an anime, manga or threads discussing the possibility of certain LNs getting a show.

/a/ retro isn't a bad idea though. A slower board to talk about older shows could be stimulating. Hard rules though, it should be limited to stuff from 60s to 80s and not some kid wanting to talk about DBZ
>the manga anons were coming out on top
[citation needed]
You're not even trying anymore.
>Can you point out anything wrong with anon's diagam?
Source is his ass, that's what's wrong.
Feeling the heat now anime fag?
>Fuck of you greedy kike
Fuck off crossboarder.
want to help hiro notice the gooks blatant bullshit?

link him those threads, we had like 15 of them and most of them is just fucking shitposting
Manga and anime discussion is usually not in separate threads, if you have not noticed yet you giant newfag
I would rather not have a separate manga board. Animu and Manga is often so intertwined I think it would hamper both to force separation.
I disagree. Given how manga encompasses many genres and has some overlap with /a/, I think it would be a thriving slower board that would contribute to making manga more popular and supporting anime by encouraging interest in source material.

We will have to agree to disagree here, otherwise we will go in circles.

Thanks for sharing your opinion in a non-retarded manner though.
/a/ is pretty much fine as it is. It most certainly does not need a manga board or a general board equivalent to /vg/. My only real complaint about /a/ is that mods can be too abusive in throwing their banhammers around due to how vague some of the criteria is.
Hiroyuki please respond >>682852
You know that there's people that both watch anime and read manga, right? Some do it to different degrees, but it's far more convenient to have it all on a single board.
I don't accept your definition of a meta thread, half the ones you have marked meta are just S4S shitposting.

In any case, why do you want this place to go back to being /q/?
You skipped some like the one with assman or those that were deleted

Yes and we do so on /a/, what's your point?
It would literally be a click away. How brain damaged are you that you can't browse /a/ + slower board.
Then make a thread about it. If you do it correctly and not in a newfag way and other people want to discuss it, it will get replies. If not, it will 404. This will be the same in a separate manga board.
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We need this many boards.
All the voices in my head agree with me.
Then make a thread about ti you stupid fuck. You're allowed to do that. If you weren't getting replies you were probably retarded in the OP, considering how retarded you are in this thread.
that one was deleted anon, in any case


>What are Helck threads
>What are Kaguya threads
>What are Grand Blue threads
There's no anime adaptation manga that do get threads, and they almost every single time reach bump limit and often start a second thread in a row to continue discussion before dying.

What do you want, space to talk for your extremely niche manga with one or two other faggots over the course of a week?
>I think LN should be limited to ones that are part of franchises that got an anime, manga or threads discussing the possibility of certain LNs getting a show.
No, LN still belong on /a/. It is incredibly common for LN's to be adapted to both. Or more, LN's themselves are basically based around anime and manga culture. It's apart of the same shit. There is zero reason why it can't go on both /jp/ and /a/ other than people needsly rulefagging about stupid shit and trying to limit content and place stupid restrictions. It should be allowed on /a/.

>retro /a/
I'm going to tell you to fuck right off with the /ma/ tard.
[citation needed]
Please, hiroyuki. Create /ag/, anime and manga general. /a/ desperately needs it.
I don't think that thread size means good content, chief. Calm down. I mean that keeping things on the active forum allows for deeper conversation for said unpopular shit. If you had a slower moving forum for the threads you post, more people would be interested because they could contribute.

Many times, I've wanted to contribute to threads like yours as well, only to find them archived. Sure, i could make another thread, but if it only gets a few replies until its archived then that's not very good conversation now is it?
How about you stupid motherfuckers actually list manga you've made threads for that haven't gotten any posts on /a/.

Go on. Everybody is listening.
If you have a dynamic IP router or you're posting from a phone with airplane mode you're still on the same IP range, which I assume they can detect, since they regularly dish out range bans. I think its safe to assume that even the most naive mod would be able to tell samefaggotry if there's a bunch of pro-/ma/ posts made by different iPs from e.g. the same obscure region of Czechia.

I guess it might be possible to fool them by using a different proxy every single time but that might be too much effort since I assume 99.99% of publicly available proxies are banned.
Because I want to talk to all kinds of people, not manga purists. The one click away is not an argument.
Hiro holy shit you're the most incopmetent dumbass I've ever seen. You ran an image board yourself, you should have understood how the culture on it works. You then decided to buy another one, without having any fucking understanding of what to do with it or how the dynamic works. And now you're here with no fucking idea what anyone wants or what is needed, leaving the entire fate of the site to some vague conclusions you're going to draw from the mouth-frothing screaming of 96 unique IPs on a site visited by millions.

Just put this site up on auction somewhere. You're hopeless. You bring shame to family, country and whole goddamn world.
Here's an idea

>ban the retard making the current /a/ meta threads
>have a mod make a sticky to discuss the board split
>ban for 3 days anyone who uses that thread to shitpost
>What do you want, space to talk for your extremely niche manga with one or two other faggots over the course of a week?
yes like the nips do it

All of this pretty much sums it up.

The discussion thread goes through more points but this is basically as clear and concise as possible.
>Just more insults and name calling

Go on. Keep proving my point.
Why can't we have two /a/'s instead?
Fuck off.
How new are you exactly?
Black Clover
Black Blizzard
>It would destroy /a/ as we know it.

I have yet to see one of you say how in a convincing way that doesn't involve childish name-calling or logical fallacy.
Then go fucking set up a discord, skype or irc chat you faggot. You already know that niche manga is never going to fucking get a big audience in /a/ or wherever else so just stick to your closed chat.
>You ran an image board yourself
2channel is not an imageboard.
Nigga Cancer doesn't deserve a thread on /a/.
Why can't we just rename every board into /a/ - Anime & Manga?
>You already know that niche manga is never going to fucking get a big audience in /a/
Hence /ma/
No it won't because it won't be kicked off into the archives in 1 hour by a million waifu threads.
>I don't accept your definition of a meta thread, half the ones you have marked meta are just S4S shitposting.
Point them out then. As talking/complaining about 4chan, its culture and policies is meta no matter how you want to look at it. There are also around 20 pony threads alone.
The board is basically the same as /q/ was. Only thing slightly new is the 4chan happenings thread as I don't remember that existing on /q/ at the time.

>In any case, why do you want this place to go back to being /q/?
Rather it was deleted since it is too far gone. Hiro basically made it in to /q/ by actually replying so people think there is a chance of being heard and so others flocked to it to use it as /q/ which spawns more meta threads. If it is here to stay though some kind of regulation is needed.
We aren't the nips.
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Hiro should temporarily close /a/ as a punishment for making this thread.
I identify as one and if you don't then clearly you don't belong on this website.
It will never gain any audience on it either.
Hiro is :^)
Black Clover is shit.

Black Blizzard seems interesting. Go do a storytime thread and I'll hop on in as well.
And then incovenience the readers of more popular manga? Half of /ma/ niche threads would have the same fucking faggots, compared to the easily hundreds of people wanting to discuss the more popular manga. You'd be inconveniencing more people than the amount of people that would benefit from it.
4chan should be cleansed of weebs for making these threads.
Or just ban you instead.
Most threads about a series contain both discussion about the anime as well as the manga and/or LN. With another board we would have to make two separate threads for the same thing.
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Hiro make decisions for yourself instead of letting retards decide for you.
Yes, because you don't know how to make a non-cancerous thread and nobody want to reply to your shit.
Hiro. If you ever come back.

Except for that one guy from /tg/ just ban every other motherfucker who posted in this cesspool. Especially everybody from /a/ who posted here. Just ban 'em. No questions asked.
People don't talk about 40 years old shows on /a/. It is not like manga that is a constant.
I'm sure you be able to discuss Hero Academia and Jojo just fine anon.
>Black Clover
Isn't that the one that is claimed the modern Naruto or something as being the most generic cliche piece of shit in existence? If it is, do you really want to use that as your example? Do you truly?
Banning you would do the trick.
For one thing, a manga board won't increase the amount of anime covered by /a/, because the freed space wil be taken up by generals. Secondly, there will be stupid rules because there are always stupid rules. People whine about discussion of their favorite manga adaptation getting deleted on /ma/? Discussion of manga getting made into anime is now allowed on the manga board, and it's all downhill from there.
I liked it because they both began with Black.
Nice quads.
>million waifu threads.
You keep saying this, but I don't think you actually look at the catalog.
Okay good. Not discussing an anime adaptation in the manga thread is one of the reasons for wanting a manga board.

thanks for supporting my argument.
>ban everyone except myself
This is why no one likes you, /tg/.

Where should Chinese or Korean works go?
Many of the most popular things on /a/ revolve around manga. Jojo, One Piece, Monmusu etc. What are you going to do then, arbitrarily have threads for these things on both boards? You would have to. So, why fucking split it in the first place then? Many series are immediately compared to the manga when their anime air. It is integral to discussion of anime. It would be like not being allowed to talk about the Game of Thrones books at all for discussing the show on /tv/ because we have /lit/. That's not how it works.

Lastly, the one poll that one asshole OP forced all those threads for concluded to NOT merge/split anything, that is, leave /a/ as it is as a board. That poll is invalid for one, but even if it wasn't, still no such split would have come of it. So, this whole thing is literally just you forcing "split the board because I say so", an even weaker excuse that clearly gets a lot of pushback shouting no.
And what would be stopping people from making a million waifu threads on a manga board?
He would if he actually had any idea of what he is doing. Moot was smart to go away because he knew he had become completely out of touch with the community he runs and therefore was no longer qualified to make any proper decisions. This guy is a fucking paraplegic who decided to buy a bicycle and then decided to go ask a bunch of sea slugs how he should ride it.
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>Okay good. Not discussing an anime adaptation in the manga thread is one of the reasons for wanting a manga board.
Play nice anon. You wouldn't want to make your board look worse, right?
in the fucking garbage because they shouldn't be allowed on /a/.

it ruins the entire purpose of the board
>Implying I follow either of those
It's far more convenient for me to wait for a popular enough storytime thread or something to pop up in the front page of /a/ than to keep checking a slow as fuck board to see if anything interesting ever pops up.
Nope, /a/, all janitors, and all mods agree and have always agreed that manhwa belongs on /a/. This will never change.
Manga anons are simply better people in general.
To a board dedicated to Asian culture other than Japan. The /jp/ of the rest of Asia.
Nope. Case in point: Tall is Love and his Do You Like Big Girls threads. Due to TIMEZONES it's always in the archives by the time I get to it.

I'd like a slower moving board for manga where that wouldn't happen thanks.
On the contrary, I've been autistically shitposting with the manga board shitposters for a good hour now.

I feel bad for the fa/tg/uy who was completely drowned in the noise of shitflinging. At the very least every other idiot here should be banned. God knows we all scared Hiro off because we're fucking retards.
>It would be like not being allowed to talk about the Game of Thrones books at all for discussing the show on /tv/ because we have /lit/.
GoT threads used to be banned when the show didn't air for that reason until Hiro.
They very much do. Retro threads are uncommon and pretty lively. They just aren't constant because they can't be. Because you can't always talk about them. A retro /a/ is a retarded idea and would never work. It would last at best 2 weeks before dying a painful death. This isn't video games, there isn't much to talk about with anime and not many things are NGE.

A retro board is retarded and a bad idea for many reasons. The notion that retro anime isn't talked about on /a/ is something that is outright ignorant.

Are you retarded?
>Anime (Japanese: アニメ?, [anime] ( listen))[a] is Japanese hand-drawn or computer animation

Gee, I'unno. /a/?
>all janitors, and all mods
You dug yourself into a corner because now you have to prove that every single janitor and mod agreed with it.
You can go make a TLR thread on /a/ right now and get 100 replies.

On /ma/, you'd get 10.
Then go make a new thread about it. Are you seriously this inept? It's not our fault that you're fucking asleep while we're talking about it.
Not everyone wants to discuss the anime.
>see hxh thread
>thread is just 99 vs 11 shitflinging
Cool, prove your argument now
Any site that's not 4chan.
This is what /b/ fucking exist for, use it.

No, GoT got banned for being a fucking cancerous cancer general that the mods decided to deal with.
prove it,

post a manhwa on /a/ right now you faggot
A good number of users in /co/ and /tv/ want the creation of a board that contains all the live action comic/cartoons adaptations, the reasons behind it is that those movies/shows flood the board everytime there is a new about it and people use the subject of live action movies/shows to create "console wars", or in this case company wars, which have already been banned in /v/.
Like 80% of mangafags also watch anime. This is false, you don't even know what the audience you want is.
I know it would degenerate into generals, but that would help the translation of older stuff.

There are threads from 2013 still alive in some boards, so it's not like low population is a problem.
Why do you think people would want to discuss different shit in the new board? Because MUH RULES? You seem to be new here
The only thing I'm reading here is
I didn't catch a thread someone else made and can't be fucked to make my own. Woo is me give me my own special board catering to me

I think moot said no about this sort of shit multiple times.
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This is 100% accurate illustration depicting boards.
This is the last chance for manga to be saved on 4chan, Hiro you're our only hope.
/tv/ is cancerous in general, /got/ was treated as an exception because /lit/
Congrats, your picture shows /a/ getting worse by removing manga
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>Woo is me
You want me to go make a Freezing thread? It won't be deleted.
>but that would help the translation of older stuff.
No it won't. If you want that, start the drive yourself. Don't fucking ask for a new board just so you can hope someone "might" do it. It won't happen. If you want it to occur, start it yourself, whether that means translating yourself or making threads on /a/ to increase interest.

4chan isn't some anti-social shithole. If you interact enough, people will respond in kind.
>moot said no

If moot said no that means its probably a good idea
Nothing to explain.
/tg/ is infested by off-site normies who were attracted by /tg/'s old memes.

That's why /tg/ doesn't produce anything new anymore and all of their threads are based on unchanging archetypes.
I read more manga than I watch anime, but I think /a/ should stay both anime and manga.

Anime and Manga are often to intertwinned to seperate. I see a day when someone is discussing a manga and the anime is brought up, only to be hounded and banned for doing it in the wrong board.
Or people are talking about anime so people bring up the manga and the same thing happens.
It was treated as an exception because of it being basically reddit and reddit shitposting.
>feedback thread
>tells us to get a consensus
>boards struggle to get a consensus
>"I didn't ask for any feedback but I can listen I guess"
>reasons and consensus

I quit.
The funny thing is that picture accurately describes all the new boards that moot tried to add in the last few years:


and so forth. They sound good on paper, but they're dead now. /ma/ would be, too.
Which makes up half of /tv/, it's not contained to a single general.
The vast majority of manga has no anime. /a/ just unnaturally warps towards manga with anime adaptations.
That's what was causing that? I don't visit /tg/ like I used to so I didn't realize the source of the issue.
moot without a doubt had more knowledge of the community and the website than some dumb ass anon trying to say killing boards, making abortion mores and sacrificing anons for his own sake is a good idea.
And then there was /asp/, which actually worked really well.
Then got nuked by Hiroshima Nagasaki for no plausible reason.
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You got it. Hiro is making fun of you.
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Please do not split /a/. All we need is actual moderation

>I think moot said no about this sort of shit multiple times.
moot also said that quests went on /tg/, and look at things now.

There is absolutely no need for a manga board. I discuss manga I read all the time on /a/, usually when a new chapter comes out. People who complain about being unable to read manga are in most cases newfag retards who don't know when new chapters are released and aren't present for the threads about them.
The vast majority of anime also doesn't haven't an manga adaptation. The industry's are inseperatable and been one the same since what, 1960's?
this. if it's black and white, keep gookshit on /a/. It's basically manga and should be treated as such.
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Oh look, a thriving manga thread on /a/. /ma/faggots told me that /a/ didn't have those.

Look at this forum.
You will quickly realize that its attitudes match 1:1 with neo /tg/.
It's probably also why loli is such a triggering topic nowadays on /tg/ despite being a fucking 4chan board. SB and its sibling, SV, are puritan as shit and will ban you for writing that a sixteen-year-old fictional character might be attractive.
They're inseparable because they don't have adaptations?
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/a/ doesn't need to be split. We've went through this when /jp/ was born and it didn't solve any problems. It just took content out of /a/ that was rightfully at home there.
This is rather disheartening.

Could you stop hurting me, please?

I just don't want my mature CYOA's to get banned.
What were the old memes that attracted them?
Start a thread about the manga you want to talk about then you faggot piece of shit. I'd like to see more manga being posted on /a/.
Here's an idea. How about you idiots learn moonrunes and translate the manga you like?

Hell then after that you can have live translations on /a/ to even further drive interest. The biggest spikes of interest in a flavor of the month manga on /a/ always occurs because there's suddenly a surge in translations. Oh your manga is already over? Don't know moon? Go full autist and have a storytime thread everyday. Go to a different thread about something tangentially related to a manga you like and mention the manga there in hopes of finding like minded anons who've heard of it or at least get them to read it as well.

Don't be fucking retarded. Jesus Christ. People argue how /a/nons are one of the most autistic motherfuckers to interact with but on the contrary, /a/ is like one of the easiest boards to discuss shit with if you aren't completely braindead.

Probably anon blaming a site he doesn't like


/tg/ only produces stuff because some individuals who visist /tg/ produce stuff. As a whole, it's been stagnant for years
Is there any way to make dumping a manga chapter or volume less painful? I hate captcha.
Hello /jp/.
They are inseperatable because they fucking became the same industry. They are different industrys within the same industry. YOU CAN NOT have one with the other. THIS IS A FACT. AN ACTUAL FUCKING FACT. If one is brought up, the other will ALWAYS AT SOME POINT come into play. They are integral to each other.

Anyone who tries to argue against this shit is slightly showing how they have no knowledge of the fucking medium they apparently enjoy.
Am I really supposed to list everything?

It's the classical endlessly reposted list that you can see constantly on /tg/ itself.
Bearington, 40k stuff, Dorfs, HFY, etc.
The kind that is cringe-worthy at this point to people who actually came from /tg/ because it got reposted so endlessly.
Make a zip.
If you want to change the board culture, how about you do it by contributing and not by MUH RULES MUH OWN MANGA BOARD
>just learn japanese
>it's not like it would take time or something
You could have manga without anime in fact they once did.

Pretty much this.
>/tg/ only produces stuff because some individuals who visist /tg/ produce stuff.
Are you the /wst/ guy with the messiah complex?
just get the 4chan pass. Captcha was implemented because of combos, and dump abuse.
Warhammer is definitely the gate of cancer in tg
No, not unless we want accel spammer again. Not that I'm against that.
>he doesn't know why manga is dumped
Put your name back on Hiro.
Sure like 50 fucking years ago.
I take issue with the statement. Lost source was and is p gud.
>implying most of /jp/ can read moon runes

the same is true with light/web novels; almost all forms of media have an adaptation of the next form
So you don't want to spend time on your hobby?
Is there any other reason other than collecting replies and adding your own epic comments every time you post a page?
Doesn't exactly solve the problem.

Nah. /wst/ was fun, but what it did was mostly let people talk about porn ideas. Here again, it only produced smut because some of the users produced it, while most of them keept stagnant.
It takes time to watch more than 20 anime too.
Yes and if you made a board for LN or WN you would HAVE TO allow the other.
Will you consider allowing the OP of threads to enable/disable the use of namefagging and tripcodes? Tired of seeing some tripcode users abusing that opting in threads and I would categorize it as something similar to leaving signatures and avatarfagging. It's not an outright ban though.
Japanese isn't my hobby. Anime and Manga are.

Doesn't change the fact that jap would take longer and I'd actually enjoy watching them instead of learning.
Sasuga Hiro
I lost time trying to motivate /tg/ to do shit as a group.
I have a better idea.

>want to talk about a specific relatively obscure high fantasy manga
>make a generic high fantasy thread or a thread about a more popular high fantasy manga
>once anons have established themselves in the thread I can mention that other obscure manga as well to get people interested in it

Yes, manga board please.

So many comfy threads have been destroyed because of anime adaptations.
/a/ is fine the way it is. Don't listen to short-sighted people who want to make all too sudden changes, like splitting the board. I've been browsing 4chan since 2004 and there were times when the board was really in trouble. Right now it is not in trouble however. Don't change a running system without there being a very good reason for it.

Creating a dedicated manga board is not a good idea in my opinion. I discuss manga on /a/ all the time. Certainly, manga is not as popular as anime and threads only pop up when a new chapter is released, but if one keeps track of when that happens one can discuss manga on /a/. Not to mention that even in-between releases one can do so (though it's harder due to people having discussed the chapter already). A dedicated board would not solve this problem. Threads would stick around longer due to less traffic, but they wouldn't get more replies. In fact, they might even get less replies, since most people who by chance are around at the time the thread is started are busy browsing /a/ and aren't even exposed to it.
Fuck off.
/a/ is in Stagnation and has been in Stagnation since like 2008.

And that's fine. If you tried to split the board any more, you'd actually be having it fall from grace
>destroyed because of anime adaptations
So you believe the secondaries won't come to your manga thread?
We discuss old shows on /a/ all the time (e.g. LOGH) and most people have discussed old shows already years ago. It would be just like /vr/ which a piece of crap too, because at some point you run out of material to discuss. There is no need for a retro anime board.
>I'd actually enjoy watching them instead of learning.
Are you saying you don't enjoy learning. Anon, anyone who says that should fucking off themself.
>>So many comfy threads have been destroyed because of anime adaptations.
You're an idiot
Scanlators sometimes dump newly scanlated manga. I agree that there's no reason to dump a manga you downloaded somewhere, unless it's no longer available from other sources, but you can't really ban one without banning the other.
Get the fuck out and kill yourself.
No, I don't enjoy learning another language for no genuine reason and autistically wasting my time instead of having fun.
Log Horizon isn't and old show.
Learning is for cucks.
I went to /a/, once.

People were assmad than one of the female characters in an anime had a childhood male friend who wasn't the MC.
He's not. Lurk more.
>Log Horizon isn't and old show.
>Log Horizon

By LOGH I obviously meant Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
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Learning the language for a hobby that hobby is based on is hardly no reason. It literally will improve your experience with it and increase your knowledge. It will also allow you to do more than read the most popular shit. There is no reason to not learn jap if you have anime or manga as your interest. There is zero fucking reasons, don't bullshit me. Just say you don't want to learn it like the little bitch you are.

Learning shit and new languages is fun.

Learning is fun.

If one says, learning not fun, they must enjoy their leave.

I learned english post on 4chan.

You should learn korean for the post on korean sites.

Content you have direct, and this has superiors. But it true, separation boards are not incredible, I have experienced.
I vehemently agree with all of this.
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>learning is for cucks
But I could be learning math instead.
>for no genuine reason
Anime and Manga.
So you're both just shitposting retards then. If anything, only being able to enjoy what some other guy has processed and handed down to you is true cuckoldry.
>Learning the language for a hobby that hobby is based on is hardly no reason.
Why though if I can consume the media in english? Why waste several years of my life if I can just have fun directly?
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But you are posting here instead.
There is no need to discuss splitting the board because it's a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea already to split /a/ and /jp/.
But you're not doing that either. You're being a little dumb whiny bitch instead.
This HAS to be bait now.
Are you fucking 12?
Oh yea, I can totally sense it in your posts, anon.

You have the point.

It is best when content is promised never translated.

Much content is. What one wants, requires effort.
You're a shortsighted retard who's going to be saying the same thing in reverse when you wonder why you wasted your time not learning.
Fuck you, give me a problem.
Could you follow the discussion instead of shitposting?


Not really, I don't plan to change my job to do something where I need to learn Japanese nor do I consume any other Japanese media besides anime and manga, so there's no reason to learn it. I also enjoyed OldBoy and Shatter subbed, doesn't mean I'd have to learn pinoy or korean first.
>Could you follow the discussion instead of shitposting?
I'm the one who has been talking to you dicknigger. Again, are you bloody 12?
See, you're simply shitposting, so follow the discussion instead.
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Take your pick.
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I'm not shitposting, I'm asking a real fucking serious question here anon. ARE YOU FUCKING 12 YEARS OLD BECAUSE YOU SURE AS FUCKING HELL THINK LIKE ONE.

Who here reads Japanese?
We don't want any changes. /a/ is fine the way it is. Ban the guy who has been spamming these feedback threads. They do nothing to improve the board and they only result in shitstorms.
please don't change /a/ hiro, it's good enough the way it is. It's your website like everyone is saying, you should make decisions based on what you think is best without taking a group consensus because we have never been able to get one together ourselves.
>So manga will go on /ma/ and anime will stay on /a/
No, it won't.

Splitting /a/ is a retarded idea and it's not going to happen just because a minority of retards is whining.
So manga will go on /ma/ and anime will stay on /a/
What happens if i want to bring up the manga associated with an anime on /a/? Will the mods shit on me? Will i be told to fuck off to /ma/?
How about shows whose manga aren't adaptations but side stories? What the fuck do i do with those? Do i pretend the events of the anime didn't happen when i post on /ma/? How will that work?
What if i want to post a smug cutout from a manga on a /a/ like a giant autistic faggot?

Do whatever you want, it's your board now but if you do split /a/, this is what concerns me the most. I'm afraid mods and anons with a hateboner for manga will enforce this division indiscriminately
What if i want to post a smug cutout from a manga on a /a/ like a giant autistic faggot?
So manga will go on /ma/ and anime will stay on /arse/
What happens if i want to bring up the manga associated with an anime on /fa/? Will the mods shit on me? Will i be told to fuck off to /ma/?
How about shows whose manga aren't adaptations but side stories? What the fuck do i do with those? Do i pretend the events of the anime didn't happen when i post on /ma/? How will that work?

I'm afraid mods and anons with a hateboner for manga will enforce this division indiscriminately. Do whatever you want, it's your board now but if you do split /a/, this is what concerns me the most.
Don't worry about it, it very likely won't happen.

Even if hiro trusted that one strawpoll by that one guy making seemingly all those meta threads on /a/, which is by the way the same one he is basing his arbitrary "official new rules" off of, then that poll still had the most votes for no new merges/splits.

What you're seeing is a vocal, extremely fucking naive minority who doesn't understand why it's a needless change as it only complicates discussion on /a/ and would generate a menagerie of near-clones of threads already on /a/, as the most popular manga also tend to have anime.

Anime adaptations also have a strong halo effect of bringing interest into the source material, which then goes from unknown in the dark to a new hotness in the limelight for translators to jump on. There are many other reasons why it's a senseless change, really there is no strong case for splitting anything out of /a/ anymore. We already have over a dozen tangentially-related boards.
i deleted it myself because i didn't quote and i meant to, you don't need to be an autist and turn it into a pasta you fucking idiot
I'm not the one who keeps posting that retarded graphic but I can see why a split wouldn't be such a bad idea. You're looking at it as if one would kill the other but consider the following:

- manga board would also have LNs and could be /atxt/ - Manga & Light Novels
- franchise threads in general would still go to /a/, like merchandise threads, personality and author threads or adaptation threads. What would go to /atxt/ would be chapter threads or manga and novel discussion itself
- animeonlyfags would be able to enjoy adaptations without being spoiled and whining about it
- manga and novelfags would be able to talk to each other without hiding their posts behind walls of text
- unpopular manga threads would stay alive for a while longer
- scanlation, storytime, one page threads and the like would be moved to /atxt/
- image posting could be changed so that image dumps in /atxt/ would be easier

It's not really a split, it'd be like /a/'s literate twin.
>behind walls of text
Meant spoiler tags.
We don't need manga board hiro. Discussing manga at /a/ is fun, and moving it to new, slower board gonna kill it..
I'm not the one who arse posting that retarded graphic but I can see why an arse wouldn't be such a bad idea. You're looking at it as if one would honk the other but consider the following:

- manga board would also have LNs and could be /atxt/ - Arse & Light Novels
- franchise threads in general would still go to /anus/, like merchandise threads, autism and author threads or adaptation threads. What would go to /atxt/ would be chapter threads or manga and buttstuff discussion itself
- animeonlyfags would be able to enjoy arse without being spoiled and whining about it
- manga and novelfags would be able to talk to each other without hiding their posts behind walls of rectum tags
- unpopular butt threads would stay alive for a while longer
- scanlation, storytime, full page arse and the like would be moved to /atxt/
- image posting could be changed so that arse dumps in /atxt/ would be easier

It's not really a split, it'd be like /a/'s literate patooty.
Create a separate manga board.
1. The anime part of of /a/ is so fast it takes up 99% if not more of the board
2. /a/ being fast causes lots of manga threads to go unnoticed and eventually die mostly because most of /a/ users don't read manga
This is the particular reason why most /a/dolescents will tell you they don't need a manga split. while the truth is, they don't read manga. so their opinion shouldn't matter

They may argue that the board will be dead while the truth is that won't be the case. A lot of posters want to discuss manga but don't do it on /a/ because
1. there is no space for it
2. the ones that are mostly discussed there are shitty generals no one likes

If you don't want, you can make it a trial board for one week and see how it develops. delete it after that if you don't like

Also remove wrestling from /asp/. you don't put a general from fast board to a slow board. either move it to /tv/ or give it its own board
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That isn't funny anon.
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Don't ever stop being such a beautiful human being.
you're thinking too much
read rule 4 of /a/
Please do not change anything about /a/. Those that want change are a vocal minority and trying to make them happy will start a never ending tirade of complaints and suggestions for new rule, boards and other changes. Trying to appease people will cause /a/ to become unrecognizable.

I love /a/ please don't take it away form me.
>- animeonlyfags would be able to enjoy adaptations without being spoiled and whining about it
This is not going to happen because plenty of people enjoy spoiling others. If you don't want to be spoiled: stay out of threads.

>- manga and novelfags would be able to talk to each other without hiding their posts behind walls of text
This is not going to happen either because the people who watch the anime will also browse the manga/novel board. These aren't different groups of people but they recruit from the same pool.

>- unpopular manga threads would stay alive for a while longer
Which serves absolutely NO benefit because unpopular threads don't get magically more replies by sticking around longer and festering. People brought the same arguments when /vg/ was created in regards to niche games like flight simulators. Do you think it helped one bit? No, it didn't. You don't get more replies in simulator threads on /vg/ than you do on /v/. You get LESS because the people interested in this kind of thing don't stick around all day on a slow moving board and wait for someone to reply. On /v/ the threads die faster but they accumulate more replies in absolute numbers.

The solution is not to create a new board but to start more threads. There's nothing to keep you from starting threads about the same topic at multiple points in time. I do it all the time when I want to discuss a manga in-between releases.

>It's not really a split, it'd be like /a/'s literate twin.
It's going to take content out of /a/ and rob /a/ of a fraction of its userbase. This is not a good idea and it's not going to help. The problem is not the board, the problem is that too few people are interested in what you want to discuss and moving it to a different place isn't going to solve the problem because absolute numbers won't increase. As I said before: they're going to generate even LESS replies because the userbase is split over two locations.
Refer to >>683566.

I discuss manga on /a/ all the time and you're delusional if you think people are going to discuss your obscure niche manga on a niche board with you.

If you don't find anyone to talk to on a big board with a huge userbase like /a/, you won't find anyone on a slow ass niche board either. And if you want the same discussions to stick around for weeks you might as well go look for a regular forum, not for an imageboard.

Don't listen to >>683553. Don't split /a/.
Create no separate manga board.
1. The anime part of /a/ also likes to discuss the manga version in the same thread.
2. /a/ could handle manga threads for 12 years and the board has been getting slower in the recent years.
Most people who only want manga or anime in a board are really new here or mentally ill, their opinion shouldn't matter

They may argue that the manga board will not be a bad idea but that won't be the case. Most of these new anons don't even know that
1. you can discuss the manga even though the thread is about the anime
2. just don't know who to make good threads because they are new here and don't understand board culture yet

Please don't make a trial board, it will be one of the biggest shitstorms of /a/.

These are literally the same kinds of whiners who caused the /jp/ split. They dreamt of all kinds of great changes. In fact the discussion of less popular anime and manga was one of the reasons why they advocated in favour of the /jp/ split. I told them back then already that it wasn't going to happen but they wouldn't listen. All that happened was that valuable content was taken out of /a/. It didn't improve /a/ one bit.

Splitting /a/ is a stupid idea and it's not going to help because the issues they perceived aren't caused by the board but by their niche interests that too few people share.

Adding new boards or adjusting the rules is useless if the current boards and rules are not being adequately enforced. Site-wide, moderation has been in severe decline, and has been for a while, and people are taking notice. 4chan is severely under-moderated. Fixing this should be the absolute #1 priority for this website.

We cannot allow ourselves to get distracted by argumentative and superficially constructive-sounding policy changes when the entire moderation system is as broken as it is. 99% of the problems listed above could be resolved through consistent, fair, and sufficient moderation.

Recruit more mods, train them properly, and ensure they act swiftly and consistently. Everything else is nice but ancillary to this central need.
>the people who watch the anime will also browse the manga/novel board
Doubt it. In adaptation threads most animeonlyfags don't care about the source material even when it's translated. Besides if you go out of your way to visit the manga and novel thread then you have to be up to date with the chapters. You can't complain about being spoiled in that board but you can complain about being spoiled in the anime board.

>unpopular threads don't get magically more replies by sticking around longer
They do anon. Not everyone browses /a/ the whole day every day. Sometimes a manga you like had a thread while you were sleeping but it died in the meantime. I don't know how the vidya boards work but it's easy for a manga thread to go unnoticed in /a/ depending on the time or day of the week. And people who read manga are used to wait months between chapters so I doubt they would mind waiting a week to get a reply in their thread.

>going to take content out of /a/ and rob /a/ of a fraction of its userbase
It will make space for more anime related threads and more manga related threads. You would have double the threads to browse if you like both watching and reading. How is that a bad thing? Just because there are two boards it doesn't mean you can't browse both. It only means you can do it more comfortably.

>too few people are interested in what you want to discuss
You're contradicting yourself anon. If it's so little then why are you saying that it will take content out of /a/ and would rob its userbase? If so few people are interested then it wouldn't make any difference.

I understand you dislike change but we could make a trial board for this and test it. There's nothing like testing things to see how wrong or good they would be.
Stop pretending the /jp/ split was a mistake. Just looking at the catalog shows it had to be done.
Split /jp/:
/jp/ is split in two kinds of users, the ones that keep themselves in general threads and the ones who want it to be a "虹裏" kind of board mostly composed of the old userbase. Therefore we can't reach a consensus since both parties would be affected by any big changes.

Many of us agreed that splitting the board would bring the old users back and would solve the problem with what's allowed on /jp/ and what is not.
go read
>Many of us agreed that splitting the board would bring the old users back
Just tell the generals to fuck off and rename the board anime/random or whatever it was people wanted years ago.
Not an argument.
Just like yours.
Where would the people that browse all those generals go? Plus, if the board is split there wouldn't be any trouble bringing the toku and sentai folk in.
Should I post that image back at you? Because I gave you one. I told you to look at the catalog.
Not anime or manga. It's where it belongs, in a separate board.
By making normal fucking threads? It's not that hard, they don't need to be drowning in their own shit 24/7. You don't need a general to talk about something.
Please elaborate.
Man, I go to sleep and miss Hiro. At least you /a/ people got to talk to him a bunch.

That's what I'm concerned about, certainly the imageboards need more moderation, especially on the faster boards, /pol/, /a/, ect.

However there probably only needs to be a few mods to scan the "Frontier" with boards that are really slow, so things like /t/, /po/ and /diy/ could probably be grouped together into places where a single mod could feasibly moderate a few boards at once. Hopefully they learn the culture there in order to moderate better, rather than just ignoring the culture there.

Also I'd like to say that just due to the current posting limits (can only post an OP every 10 minutes with a limit of 5 threads per person, so a little over 1 hour to post 5 threads, not including the time it takes to find a flash not posted in the previous 24 hours) and it's sheer obscurity, /f/ is well protected from any spammers.
Manga fans want a manga board because they think they're discussions are over taken by anime discussions.

Anime fans don't want a manga board because they don't want /a/ to become like /v/, split up to a bunch of random boards for not much reason.

I'm neutral on this but I definitely it so that even even there's a separate board that manga can still be talked about on /a/ (and mech series, cute girls, and LNs that /a/ is the "home board" and that it's offshots are "sub-boards).
>you /a/ people got to talk to him a bunch
Not really. He started the fire and then got the fuck out.
I don't browse general threads I'm 100% certain that the general-goers would get angry that they can't find their thread in the catalog and they would start to whine here if that was enforced.
>At least you /a/ people got to talk to him a bunch.
We didn't, he just came and said he isn't looking to discuss shit with us and just wants an answer with something to back it up and then fucked off leaving us with samefagging drippling retards.
Ah, missed that part, it's a long thread. Shame, since he got so many replies.

Hopefully people are ready with some copypasta'd reasons for next time.
Like I fucking care. Then they can go elsewhere, maybe? Just like all the people they removed from /jp/? If they want generals they aren't looking for 4chan. It's not a hard to understand concept. Generalfags at the end of the day are invaders that kicked their inhabitants out, I have no pity for them. Make normal bloody threads instead of swimming in shit or make a website that caters to you.
You understand that 2ch manga board was working because it's on a japanese imageboard right?

It would be fucking dead here.
I would love if they all fucked off to a chatroom but I don't know if hiro would like that since they seem to be the majority right now.
You first tripfucker
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>You know what you're doing.
Fuck off, you fucking gookshit.
Don't try to fix something that is fix.
There are actual useful trips. In addition, OP doesn't need any form of power and people who suggest this sort of shit should just stop using this place. The missed the point.
The best thing you could do is nothing at all. Do not change anything. At all.
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>/a/ is fine
Yeah, spew out that shit as the board continues to decline in quality. We had to put up with cunts completely destorying the board from 2008 onwards and now you kick and scream like pigs when some of us want to clean up your fucking mess.

Fuck every last one of you little shitposting faggots who turned /a/ into a passive aggressive safe space for narcissistic manchild. Of course you don't want decent moderation or shitty generals removed; they're the only fucking reason why you use /a/. It certainly isn't for the discussion as you've made well and sure that isn't practical. I've no different from /v/: say the "wrong thing" and a dozen spergs shitpost the entire thread to death as an attempt to maintain the status quo. Well I'm sorry, but it's your kind who came to 4chan after it got media exposure and subsequently fucking raped and excised the prevalent culture, all while mods watched it fucking burn.

Enjoy your generals and fucking template threads, because that's your legacy.
>Enjoy your generals and fucking template threads, because that's your legacy.
This accurately describes the current state of /jp/, and possibly the state of the entire site.
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Spacetumblr crossboarders are the cancer killing /tg/
who bullied you?
More coherently:

Recently, obvious shitpost threads (typically, YouTube celeb threads) have stayed up for an hour, or even gone to archive once people got bored with it. This is indicative of a severe lack of moderation.
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>On /qst/ they just to text roleplaying. The people who use that board seem to like it.
You're adorable.
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>missed the hiro posting whilst at uni

Kill me
Ok from the looks of things Hiro showed up
So then what the fuck did you want?! Fuck Hiro we gave you everything you asked for.

Go check your Twitter. I sent you some info on the mods a few days ago
Yeah. Fire the mods
This is good.

Alt-Sports <-> Wrestling, boxing, MMA(?)
Honestly shutting down 4chan would be the best idea. The people who have taken over this place the past 6 years don't deserve it in any form because they're the lowest scum humanity has to offer and the few of us still here want our sweet release from purgatory.
Look Hiro. We, as a community and as boards, all realize that we cannot move forward with the future until the mods are dealt with. That is the only way.

Once they have been removed, we can work out new rules and ideas.

We CANNOT volunteer to be mods. They only let janitors who suck their cocks hard enough to get in. We have no say at all. Fuck I would volunteer in a heartbeat to become a mod.
Does anyone know the recent /pol/ threads with feedback
/qst/ gets turned into /forum games/,
Are you me?
Create anime general.

Manwha and other Asian anime and manga imitation can go there for one.
Two, all the generals shitting up /a/ can be moved to the new board.
Lastly, unpopular manga series can have their quality discussions without being out bumpped or straight up covered up by anime posts.

It'll be like v and vg. A lot of hate at first but it will clean a lot of shit pretty quicky
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>>It'll be like v and vg. A lot of hate at first but it will clean a lot of shit pretty quicky
Maybe. Really, we cannot have any new boards until this is dealt with. I plan on making a thread soon about this
I've tried being a janitor the last few times it was open, no luck. Probably because I volunteered for /f/ and they just threw the smaller board applications out.
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>No manga board split.
Plenty of manga and anime discussion going on already and board traffic is good. Splitting it is unnecessary and idiots will turn it into a new shitposting meme.

>Declare light novels okay in /a/
They have always been around in /a/ but different mods have different opinions. Lots of light novels have been adapted into anime and lots more will be adapted into anime in the future. Manga is like that too so there is no reason not to include it in /a/. It's silly to exclude it when the user overlap between anime, manga and light novels is huge.

>Mandatory OP subjects
Make it easier for people to search for threads. Have the subject field autocomplete suggestions based on currently live thread titles so anons know if there's already one up and prevent multiple new episode reaction threads.

>Shortban Spoiler OPs without Spoiler on
Not a problem really but it's annoying that there are idiots who don't use the spoiler option on new manga chapter leaks. Ban them for three days so they remember to use spoiler in the future,
Holy shit kid, get off your high horse.
Get rid of the fucking meta threads on /a/ already. It's obvious that nothing will be done. The only thing that should be done is the purging of generals, but nobody has the balls to actually do what should've been done years ago.
Fuck off mod.
On /b/ or in a board that isn't in the Japanese culture section, you retard.
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>This /a/ summary is absolute bullshit. No one agreed with any of this.
Most people agreed with most of it, so I'll repost it below.

>This faggot is ban evading by the way.
Fuck you. No, I am not.

1. Improve consistency of guidelines from board to board. Threads about our anime/manga collection and what we should watch next are considered "blogging" here and deleted/banned, but similar threads (collections and recommendations) are acceptable on other boards, like /k/. Inconsistent application of guidelines leads to confusion and resentment, especially when sneaky moderation tactics like "auto-sage" are used on threads that have not yet hit any bump limits.

2. Mods should stop abusing short bans and should take ban appeals more seriously instead of blanket denying/blocking all appeals with no transparency.

3. Bring back ability to delete own OP on all boards, eliminate requirement to delete posts before they become "too old to delete."

4. Bring back OP's ability to bump own threads. The unique IP meter is a good enough indicator of samefagging. There is no need to prevent OPs from bumping their own threads.

5. Bring back visible sage and educate people what it means.

6. Bring back ability to announce reports and sages.

7. Mods should stop micro-managing conversations by deleting short shitposts that no one cares about and which don't actually disrupt the thread.

8. Bring back a /z/ board where people can go if they are banned for infractions other than CP and post with no rules or post-timers.

9. Bring back /l/ where we can post lewd loli images. Trying to make /l/ threads work on /b/ is like being marooned on a desert island. Spam and non-enthusiasts filling the thread make for a bad environment, and the speed that /b/ moves means that threads die quickly and few /l/olikons hang around long.

10. Eliminate SFW requirement on /a/.
>2) Visible autosage >>>/a/147330167#
Nobody agreed with this.
>not a single citation
Fake, go away.
Just read the threads.
You forgot manga board.
I was in every single thread so I know your bullshit very well. You don't have citations because you made everything up.
That idea is kind of like the ban generals idea or the autosage all threads by default idea. You're not thinking it through to the end. These ideas would never work in practice.

Same way you "know" I'm a mod, and simultaneously "ban evading," right? Shut the fuck up and go sit down with the other know-nothings.
You forgot allowing hiragana in captchas.
You don't have to be so angry because someone called you out.
No, I didn't. That's the stupidest idea of all the stupid ideas. Why do you even think that would improve anything? You people don't even understand that 4chan doesn't control what kinds of street signs or wavy words appear in Captcha. That's a Google service. Google controls what kinds of text are in their Captcha, and most of it is automated, not even under their direct supervision.

Being stern with children isn't the same as being angry.
Behaving like an angry child because someone caught you lying is nothing but being an angry child.
I didn't like or behave like a child.
Spoonfeeding on /a/ should be a bannable offense 10 times harsher than asking for recs.
File: Koala.jpg (763KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
763KB, 1024x768px
Delete this website
i wish
New thread here


>It'll be like v and vg. A lot of hate at first but it will clean a lot of shit pretty quicky
So you mean, it'll effectively kill /a/ and make it a former shell of itself? Good advice, no. Containment doesn't contain, generals included and general boards contain the least. It spills everywhere.

>Most people agreed with most of it
Is this what they call being deluded? I see nothing of the sort and only disagreement.
But it is you dumbass.
>Most people agreed with most of it
He wrote his own rules in one of the meta threads and everyone shat on it.

Honestly the not announcing it ahead of time is what pissed me off the most.

No warning whatsoever, just one day they're accepted and the next out to the curb.

>Durr there was the sticky retard

That sticky lost any credibility when people still posted quests on /tg/ not only without any repercussions, but also the mods actively still deleting posts that shitposted about people not moving to /qst/
Stop spamming your personal opinions on every thread, retard.
>2) Visible autosage >>>/a/147330167#
Worst Idea I've ever heard.
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