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/div/ - Divination General

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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussion of theory/practice.

>What's this Divination thing all about?
The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by any of a variety of means.

>I'm new to this, help!
New querents should reply to the post of a reader who's currently doing readings. An "air query" can be made to no one in particular, but no one in particular may answer you!
New readers should post that they're offering readings and what information they require from a querent.

>Please read the STICKY for more:

Also: Thoth, a /div/ reader, made his own tarot and rune guide that he'd like to share to everyone:

Remember, each reader requires different information to read you. Look for their posts in the thread to determine what's needed.
Some readers will refuse to do certain readings -- respect that choice.

>Querents: respect your readers and your fellow querents.
>Readers: respect your querents and your fellow readers.

IRC channel for discussion:

Previously on /div/: >>17817261
Any readers?
Could you please tell me if me and my ex will come together again or he have moved on and theres no hope anymore?
You: 4 of cups reversed, 6 of wands reversed.
Him: 7 of swords, queen of wands reversed.

Sorry, he's long gone and you're getting nothing from waiting for him.

Advice: 2 of wands reversed, 7 of cups, hanged man, king of swords.

To put it simply; well, your choices aren't clear to you, you're hanging on vague threads as far as your future goes. You're just not sure what's going to happen, and honestly, you should avoid making any big decisions right now. Your head is in the clouds. What you need is to focus on yourself, focus on reason, logic, sensible things, practicality...

You need some time separate from this emotional attachment, to work on yourself and wait out the worst of the storm. The path ahead will become clear if you do this.
I am very sorry for the delay lol. Between finishing that portion of game and trying to remove the nails I had done for a friends wedding... time just happened to fly. So first off, you seem familiar to me. I suspect that I know you but maybe I am feeling just a familiar energy.
I pulled 6 cards for you, 2 for each month. Well technically 1 for each month with a clarifier or possible issue that could stem. You could look at it in several ways.
June: 10 of Pentacles + 5 of Pentacles
July: The Lovers + 7 of Swords
August: 4 of Wands + 6 of Cups

Okay, I do know that June is almost over but let's see how the cards fit.
The 10 of pents plus the 5 of pents could be telling you that you are feeling quite lonely currently and maybe for some time now. You want to be able to find someone and possibly settle down with but maybe you think that you aren't good enough for someone to love? Do you ever find yourself just picking yourself or your flaws apart trying to understand why you don't have a significant other? If this is reading true for you, then I just have to say that the Queen of Swords did make a quick appearance but I couldn't place where she could go until now. Do you know anyone who resembles the Queen that you could talk to about stuff and things? Take the rest of this month to work through anything that you wouldn't want to carry over into a relationship.
July brings us the Lovers <3 This card could go a couple of ways or piled together. Accepting and loving yourself, if you don't already and the door is open for meeting someone. Not sure where though, but just be you and the right people will come to you (if that makes sense lol). 1/2
Now with the 7 of Swords attached, could possibly indicate that what you think could be a solid, long lasting relationship might only be a brief affair or possible fwb stuff. With the deceit of the 7 could either be you lying to yourself about the seriousness of issues or if another party is involved, they could be telling you or showing specific actions to make you think they want more than just a booty call. Keep your thoughts clear and open and put yourself out there but don't drop all those guards and trust yourself.
For August, with the 4 of wands, it was a little confusing to me. I'm thinking that you will come to a realization in that month. One where you realize that it is okay to be yourself, fully, in front of a potential relationship. It is best when we are just us and are accepted for that as opposed to trying to fit into what another might want. If you did find someone in July, then this month you will have worked out things with this person OR you can automatically just feel comfortable being you. With this comes the 6 of cups. Maybe this person reminds you of an ex in better days, or friends that you grew up with.. that nostalgia feeling. Hmmm.. these last two cards have been giving me some issues, probably because I am tired and rusty lol. I think that with this summer you will learn a lot about yourself with acceptance and that will open up this more confident persona within you and that will attract what you seek.. or what you might not be looking for. Enjoy your summer and please feedback me if you can now for June and then just come back in September.. ya know :D. I hope I have been able to help and again I apologize for my delays.

I did feel this pic is related to your question <3
Thank you for your reading. Id like to ask if theres anything you can do to help me get over this. Just avoiding it doesnt seems to help. I have noone to support me either. I just want this to go away already. Focusing on hobbies/work doesnt help.
It's just one of those things where you can't do much but wait for it to fade. If you can seek professional support, someone to discuss the issue, well, it's worth trying that, if you have no one else.

But really, it's just something you have to wait out. I know it sucks to hear that, but that's how it is. The end of a serious relationship or one where the person was really important to you can be almost like a death; it takes a long time to mourn and sometimes the pain doesn't leave you completely.

You could try dating someone else, but whether or not that's a good idea depends on what kind of person you are and how you deal with relationships. If you're clingy and get attached easily, it could make things worse, but if you're someone who can do flings or short term relationships without complications, see if you can meet someone.

Make friends too, that will help. You need more/better friends in your life.

How long did you date the ex? And how long since you broke up?
dated 2 years, got dumped a month ago. It doesnt seems to get any better at all. If hed ask me out, Id say no cause he took a shit in my soul and left. Thats how i feel right now. I just cant believe someone who was so close and almost like family to you, would just not give a shit the next day. I just want this feeling to go away already, its pissing me off. I wish nothing good to him. I just hoped theres a chance to break his heart and turn it into dust. Abortion was involved in this relationship as well.
If any readers are interested, should I take the promotion at my current job, or look for a new job?
Going by the general rule, you'd expect to take at least 8 months to get over a 2 year relationship. That's how long it takes most people and you should give yourself that long to just wait it out.

I can tell you: negativity, like revenge, anger, and spitefulness, will not gain you anything. It'll only hurt you more; at best, it'll make you feel empty. I recommend trying to stop focusing on them; just work on you, think about your own healing, work towards that.

You absolutely have a right to feel sad, angry, scared, broken, hurt, betrayed... It's definitely not a situation I'd envy. But you will be okay, and you'll grow from this experience. Trust me, just give it time. Do what you have to to get through it, but, like I said, acting on any negativity towards others is probably best avoided. You won't feel better by hurting them back.

Do you have time for more? I got a few different concerns but I'll go with a shallow one.

There's a couple different women I like. Do you see one in particular I should make a move on?

I know, just nothings good happening lately, its hard to stay happy or positive at all.
Thank you for being nice to me, i appreciate a lot.
What about a general reading?
My name is Antônio, i'm a 23 year old man.
I'm a cancer and my ascendant is also cancer. I'm 170cm, bald, green eyes, glasses, normal body composition, a bit strong.
I live in Belgium but I'm from other continent.
There's going to be decisive months ahead of me, career wise and probably relationship wise as well. What's in store?
Any readers out there to give me a reading on my current situation? I just got dumped too and also wondering if my ex and I will get back together... Thanks in advance.
Going through the same thing. Here for you.
It sucks that you give your all for someone, just so they can shit on it.
I can try and do this for you later, either when the kid naps or in about 10-12 hours.
Thank you discord. As for June, that is accurate although I dont feel like I don't deserve a bf. I do pick apart my flaws though and am pretty hard on myself. I will follow your advice and look out for deceit in July and try and give you feedback in September
What's going to happen at my job?

Thank you, I'd appreciate it. It isn't necessary
You're welcome. Just remember that there is beauty in our flaws and that they make up who we are. Try not too be to hard on yourself and find a nice balance of acceptance. Sending good vibes your way <3



I'm not reading currently but keep an eye out for another reader. If you still haven't had a reading when I come back to do that one I can possibly do yours but no guarantees.
Hi, is anybody reading at the moment?
if someone is doing a reading it would be awesome. i need a reading too.
Does anyone have reccomendations for a good starter tarot set? The guide says to find one that clicks with you, but its hard to really get a feel for the sets when shopping over the internet.
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Thanks anon!
Looking for a reader :/
Looking for a lover :/
Looking for some pizza :/
as substitute for lover
Looking for a friend :/
lets be friends :D
you can click with artwork over the internet
look at the decks art
Have fun

Thanks. :) Love your no promise style; legit.
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any accelerated readers?
Desperately in need for a reading, as I've got to make some life-changing desicions right now so here I am, my friends.
What will happen in august? What path should I take to be successful? What could be said about my current relationships?
The questions are extremely important, as I'm wondering in darkness now.
i love this new meme
Haha :D

Holy fuck, you're in grade school aren't you?

So, you available, and willing or nah?

"What's going to happen at my work?"

"Why is my luck so seemingly shitty?"
No, I just thought this was funny when I saw it for the first time. Just thought it would be funny to mention it.
sumoning cheswik
did it work
I won't be available until after I get my kidnado to bed and husbands work food made. Will be a couple of hours still.
Answering divination and occult based questions-- no readings as of now.
what are simple spells you can do with white candles
Don't know. Candles are more or less an additive, and not what a ritual is based around, typically.


Any easy charm to make a wish come true?
Draw the runes "fehu" and "perthro" together on your hand.
What's your opinion about angels?
if you and chess had kids would they be powerful witch/spellcaster/psychics?
How can I read when someone makes a negative question and the answer is positive, for example:
>Will I lose the job?
>Sun, 3 of Cups, 4 of Wands
>Be happy and celebrate with your friends and family because you're going to be a jobless man?
*I meant 10 of Cups
It's a possibility.

In that particular case, you would've been reading it correctly. The 4 of Wands would've symbolized the ending of an era of sorts, while the other two cards point to a renewal of emotional happiness.

So, altogether, you read it correctly. A better way to put it would be like: "So, you'll most likely lose your job, but you'll find out that you've been missing out on a lot of opportunities elsewhere while focused on this career."
As in combining them or drawing both of them next to each other?
how does cheswick read peoples minds? seriously, it's weird how she knows things that im thinking
Weird, she never got anything right for me although I find her suggestions interesting.
I see, this is getting very common to me lately, negative questions with positive cheery questions I thought my deck was being sarcastic.

It's more like, ok you're going to fail, but look at the bright side, you'll be better off?
she gets shit right if you ask for general. she once comforted me about my insecurity when i asked for a general and said she thought my flaw was cute
I want Yalda to sit on my face
She still got nothing right for me. I'm not bashing her, I think she's an interesting person to say the least and I plan to ask her again.
No offense, but 90% of the people here have insecurity issues.
Either or-- I'd recommend side by side though.

Sounds like you should ask her.

Decks end up having their own personality, I've found. Enjoy bonding with yours-- treat it as a living thing.
i wonder if the girl who texted the guy ever got a response
Yeah I am the same, I do like her she is fun and spontaneous but yeah her reading wasn't accurate at all. I asked her about some guy she told me to text him so I did, no response. Then she told me to call him so I did... No response.
Maybe she does get some people right but I guess I wasn't one of those people :/
But I still think she is cool, she has spunk and she seems like a fun person to hang out with.
she pointed out something specifically i was insecure about on my body
nope I didn't get no response from him...
Have you tried stalking him outside his house yet?
Speaking of runes, I'm thinking about getting a small tattoo. Mostly for good luck and getting things my way. Do you have any rune or sigil you could suggest?
kek! that made me laugh so much, I needed that, Ive been really upset lately. Thank you and nope I wont do that.
Wish you luck. Hope you find someone if not him
>Enjoy bonding with yours-- treat it as a living thing.

Thanks man, I think I must get right with this cheeky little thing
thank you for your kind wishes :)
to be fair did she actually say that he would respond?
Fehu, Perthro, Algiz, and Sowilo in a row.
yeah she did, she actually encouraged me to do so... It's in one of the old threads. but it's okay I didn't had my hopes up. Like I mentioned earlier, she is a cool reader and a very fun person. Some people have gotten pretty accurate readings from her, so it's all good. I am not bashing on anyone here, just shared my experience.
Thank you.


>Hey there ! I saw you were doing readings and I'd LOVE to get one done :)

>Tall, athletic, brown hair blue eyes, full of love and energy.
>Will I end up finding the love of my life anytime soon?

>Thanks again !
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Dammit cheswick.
I remember someone once gave me some insight on me that scared me because he mentioned a fictional person I admire without me giving any hints of it. Sadly I don't remember who it was (I think it was anonymous) and I can't find it in the archive. He was either a mod or there are really people out there that can read a mind from a distance, I remember it scared me.
Nevermind, found it, the name was Primus. Seeing the reading again, it's still quite accurate.

aww c'mon i almost had my post typed out!
My apologies, in the current state I'm in, it's wiser to retreat or I'll do more harm than good...

aww that's alright, don't worry about it. i hope you feel better.
Thank you for understanding, I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully better, good night!
I'm back, sorry for the wait. So far it's not looking good.
use this sigil to summon them
I wouldn't say that to someone without more detail to not be so vague. Why do people and bots steal my name :( lol... /sigh
You skipped me :(
You linked two different readers, anon.
how did this come about?
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I was in the accelerated reading group in grade school...

Guilty as charged!

*AND* I went to college where the term "nerd" was coined. It was originally "knurd" ("drunk" backwards). The non-partying students would call the partiers "drunks", so the partiers would call the non-partiers "knurds".
Anyone reading?
God what do I do now
accelerated read
has anyone had success reading yes/no with tarot?
Are you around?
are you doing readings right now?
Currently only for the one I just replied to and then another, possibly, who has been waiting just as long lol. If I feel up to anymore after, I will let you know.
alrighty I'll be on the look out then, thanks :)

Any pendulum users out there? I have a generic question that probably wont get answered but I would be extremely appreciative if someone could help me answer this question. Will Angelina and I date within this year or next?

Info: Daniel, age 21. Sign:cancer. Dark brown short hair, brown eyes.

Thank you.
Look me up tomorrow and I will read for you. Or you can email me at [email protected] with your gender, question with as many details needed and a song that you connect to so I can connect to you. I'll try and read for you as soon as I can.
I know chiron does pendulum, so if you see him asking for queries, I'd recommend asking him!

Yeah just got back home from a date with one of the aforementioned women. Up to you if you still want to read or not. It is kinda late.
Give me 5 minutes and I'll start it for you.
which readers reading havecome true for you?
I've only had one by chiron and it was extremely accurate. What he read for me was accurate about me and his answer started coming true the next day.

It isn't an exact science, you'll get crazy accurate readings and far , far off readings from any reader at times.
I was hoping a reader out there might be able to help.
I had a very strange dream last night and as i was in the state of not being asleep anymore and not being fully awake, my head felt like it was vibrating.
I visited a "prophet" a few nights before. He went around putting his hand on peoples heads and casting out demons.
Okay, 2 quick questions. Are there only two girls in question? Also, were you more recently in a relationship or have ever been heartbroken pretty bad?
alright, I sent you an email, thank you so so much :)

Yes, was fairly heartbroken by a younger girl I still briefly bump into from time to time, but I picked myself up quickly and adapted quickly. I can tell she's still interested but kinda inexperienced and went in a different direction due to third parties. Did some flirting with another girl or two, but they're in some spotty relationships and I wouldn't push them much until they get that sorted out a bit more. I don't cheat just for the sake of cheating, and don't encourage others to do the same.

And the one I just dated just got out of a relationship, and we've been on fairly good terms independent of third party influences.

And one of those aforementioned girls in a relationship did seem pretty... excited from our chats, even though she hid it well. I think if I knew her situation better I'd consider her a little more seriously.

Is that enough details?
I can't read for you right now. I didn't have any issues shuffling, laying out, picking and pulling. I was even ready to pump out your reading until my thoughts and the cards started crossing and confusing the crap out of me. A little too tired tonight but I will have your cards saved. I will do my best to interpret by tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon. I apologize for this. Oh and one last question for you. Do you work a lot or have issues in your workplace? I will get back to you tomorrow.
Can anyone do any readings this late or nah?
It doesn't seem like anyone is reading now but there may be a few in the next several hours
hello chiron can you give me a reading please with the pendulum too? will i be contacted tomorrow? or on tuesday?
Could I get a reading as well? Should I stay in my current relationship or leave?

I'm surrounded by a vibrant grapevine in my workplace but I try to avoid it unless I feel someone I sympathize with is being unfairly targeted (and yes that has made me a target on multiple occasions), And my position is fairly isolated so I couldn't fully keep up with all the buzz, anyway. I tend not to tell lies or target others, almost to a personal detriment.

A girl I mentioned previously (coworker) was recently targeted, and the situation others claimed she was in was reminiscent of past events. Whether it was true or not, or just an overly-clever method for people to fish about what happened in the past, I don't know, but she was fairly affected by it (assuming I even guessed correctly who the girl was being talked about). There might still be a few misunderstandings between us due to it, and certainly between me and another unrelated girl or two there.

You seem to understand a little bit more than what mere cards are telling you. By all means take your time with any advice.
Can I have a wacky scry of my next lover?
You're very welcome! :)
Could I have a general reading too? Thanks!

....and very little of this is related to the woman I just went on a date with, rofl.
Haha. Yea my reads have a tendency to turn into a general like read but I think these cards will have some more details for them when I'm less tired and thoughts cleared. Thank you for all that information, I asked because of the cards lol. Oi! Thank you for your patience :)

And i haven't even given you specifics, lol.

But yeah, that's gonna be one hell of an interpretation for you. Guess you like a challenge. Getting some rest is probably a better option than dramatic bullshit right now, though. =p
Mr Chiron can u tell me if ill kiss my crush next month??
Hijinks, Io, Siegrain, BlightHatred, and Elizabeth for me
Are some of those rare appearances? I think I've only seen lo and siegran off your list
Hijinks reads rarely. Elizabeth has only read two or three sessions. BlightHatred hasn't read in some time. There are other readers whose readings have cone true for me, but they don't read anymore.
I have recently started reading tarot cards,
I only know the Celtic cross. Can anyone teach me other techniques?

>Focused and self healing person, intuitive, calm.
>How my exams will go, and if I HE (ex) will come back to me, or try to at least, or he doesnt care anymore.
I appreciate the response. I have only recently gotten into this so i only know the readers I've seen in the past few months
>i only know the readers I've seen in the past few months
Poor anon, you missed the golden days of /div/
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>entire day to myself to do fuck all
>have fuck all to do

Thank you /div/, you're a blessing at times. I'm going to do a couple of readings, mixing tarot and well, scrying, but that depends on the query. I KNOW I forgot to read someone two or so threads back, if you're still around, please tell me that you are and the query and I will get to it first and foremost!
All I need is:
>query [please no silly queries like ''does he like me?'' or ''what does she think of me?'' or the worst offender ''pls scry my next boyfriend''.]
That's a shame. I have only had one reading and mostly lurk. I have been interested in it for years and think I could do readings one day.
King of Rods

What should I do about the Queen of Disks?
Do I even have a future or am I stuck in limbo forever?
What do you see for my future and self? I'm very confused what my fate and purpose in this world, in general.

Thank you for your time and effort.
>>>17817936 →

Thank you for your reading! I will study more for exams I guess, and thank you for giving me inspiration to do better.
XI - Lust, Queen of Wands, Two of Disks, underneath III - The Empress.

My oh my, what a spread this is. At least three cards in one way or another could be interpreted as an emotional approach. The Lust with QoW and Two of Disks definitely and outright says that you should *do* something about this, perhaps approach them or change things up for them, but the Empress tells me that you should not do this... logically.
It's hard to explain this spread properly, so I just went out and scried this instead.

Three pentacles, with two wands on top of them, and one more at the very top. The perspective changes, and I see the very topmost wand, the Ace, shooting out some kind of energy, and it feels more like I see a gun shooting a bullet at a woman's heart. She stumbles up and falls on the ground, but I see her face and shift into a monstrosity, then stand up, and walk up to a man and drive a sword through his own heart. Both of them are standing there, but it feels like the man is going to be hurt more at the end of this than the woman.

Emotional approach, but it's going to bite you in the ass by making you hurt as well. I do not know how, and if you even know this person. If you do, then go ahead and make them hurt, but they will hurt you more in the end. It's a very strange situation, and I'm not in the best state to explain this properly. Ask if you need further elaboration.
Hmm, it seems the simple approach won't work. Well, you made very clear what I shouldn't do, now I have to figure out what I should. Thanks, have a good one.
>please I will ask you the favor of asking the Oracle.. I'll find a job? and how long in that close future?
thanks a lot m8
Yeah, have fun with that one, you.
If it helps you any more, here's another scry: a man riding a phoenix, a large one at that, landing in front of a woman. I see a man on the side, but he seems to be very faint, as in... akin to unimportant. In the scene, there's nothing much happening, and it seems that the man on the phoenix is eyeing the woman, giving her a half-hearted, sarcastic smile, perhaps even pitiful, but soon enough he just... flies away, leaving the woman scared, standing there.

Not sure if that helps ya. But doing anything emotional is a big no-no, no matter what the cards may be suggesting.

Everyone has some kind of a future, but it's just the matter of changing your own self and perspective on it.

XIV - Art, to the left Seven of Wands, to the right Princess of Disks. Underneath Knight of Swords. Advice is Two of Cups and warning is XI - Lust. Eventuality is Nine of Cups.

Here's what you should do; do not give up on any kind of future and don't think you're going to be stuck in a limbo. It may be a good time for you to work on yourself, shown by the Art, and pushing forward, not really succumbing to the possible ideas of nothing happening. It's a time to keep your mind and emotions busy, working for some kind of an idea, balancing and tempering out a few things. You need to find something to do, at least something along the lines of a job, project or even a hobby, signified by the PoD. A further advice card would be hmm... remaining happy and positive, or perhaps finding some friends or hell, get into a loving relationship if that's possible for you. Or simply don't beat yourself down. The Lust in the warning part would suggest that as well; don't become depressed.
Things will get better for you, or at least emotionally you're going to end up in a better place, but for now, you need to work on yourself or at least try to temper things out and not sit in one place and see how everything just goes by. Do something, damn it!
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>Am I doing right by telling her all of those things ?
Can a reader maybe tell me how the next 5 years might play out for me? Good or bad? 18 y/o guy living in the USA. Might try to join the Navy.
Nobody has a purpose at any given point. You can give yourself a purpose, or have one before entering the living world. You may even find yourself in a position where someone will force what they may think is the purpose for you on you, but it's never true. Perhaps it's one of the curses of this world; having so much to pick from, the freedom to simply do whatever, even if it may be hard or nigh-impossible, and in turn, that makes one stop and wonder as to what they want or have to do.

Three paths for you to focus on,
Eight of Swords leading to Nine of Swords, but in turn to V - The Hierophant.
Two of Cups leading to Seven of Swords and in turn, Four of Wands.
III - The Empress to Eight of Wands and in turn, Five of Cups.

This is an interesting one to explain, and I'm working off a hunch here, so bear with me. I can only give you something to focus on, and I do not dare to give any sort of specifics as to what you should exactly do. But it seems that if you take any kind of an emotional path, be it finding a relationship or just working purely with your emotions, it will not lead to good places for you. The Two of Cups will lead to lies, but at the end, a realization and a rest from it. The Empress, the feelings, while it may help you to focus on whatever it is that your feelings want, it will lead to an emotional blowup and likely will put you in a more confusing situation. Thinking and overthinking will put severe pressure on you, but you'll end up in a position where you will learn. Another spread lead me to draw a combination of the first path, but it would be calming your mind and working on finding a foundation from where you can go, but it will lead to overthinking.

Really, after the entire mess of cards, I'm tempted to say that you need to rethink quite a few things first before you pursue any kind of ''purposes'' or ''fates''. As I have said, these are things that you yourself, or your higher self, decides upon. You'll end up where you need to in one way or another. One simple card for your future was Eight of Cups. Moving past something, transformation, emotional mess that will be left behind, a journey in it's on way, towards something else entirely...

Sorry if I didn't give you anything specific. The cards just completely went ''blerp'' on me with this one. Then again, you're asking me something that I don't know myself about for my own life. Maybe the cards are telling you to find and see the future yourself instead of asking someone else to do it. The blind leading the blind, etc and etc...
Nickname is Jack btw
Thank you for the read. :) I really like the pictures you are using too, of this beautiful doll.
She's an NPC from a game called Bloodborne. I sadly haven't had an opportunity to play the game myself, but I really like the character and her design. If you're interested to look up more pictures, then go ahead. Just don't do it in Deviantart, alright? Otherwise you're going to see foot fetishists and people who draw thin characters as really, really fat... for some reason. I don't even know why ;-;
Cat, male

Best use of the conduit I found, please
>should I continue on this path I've started?
Thank you if you have a chance to get to me. I am about to sleep so it's ok if you aren't able to!
>what do you need to find a job
XIV - Art and Seven of Disks.

It's not happening any time soon, at least well, Seven of Disks is a card that generally says ''nothing's moving, patience and waiting required''. It's strange that the Art card showed up; I'm tempted to say that you need to back off from looking for a job for the time being, and return with more strength or a fresher perspective. Good luck.

A tower, starting off with Ten of Swords, VI - The Lovers and Knight of Disks, with Prince of Cups underneath.

I kept in mind a question; what are you doing by telling her all of those things. You're... causing quite a commotion, aren't you? It's not just a small thing that you're telling her, and I think it shows here. Ten of Swords can be interpreted as Ruin, but at the same time it could be moving towards something, learning from everything that has happened, and pushing forward.
... you know, this entire spread tells me that this is love or at least this is emotionally related. The Prince of Cups underneath is at least one that would make me say ''this is emotions, or someone admitting something that they held in''. Ten of Swords, on top of that the card of Lovers and on top of that Knight of Disks.

... I think you're doing the right thing, if you intend her or you to get closer to one another. It won't go sour, as far as it seems, and nothing's going to blow up. I think it may do you some good to tell her whatever it is that you're telling her.
Could I have a general , please?

How are you doing?
>Should i move on or wait for her?
Making up your own spreads is a very good way to learn and experiment.

Try this for inspiration: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=203788
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Still want to mcfuckingkillmyself.
But I know my soul would burn in hell forever.
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What is going on anon?
>will I be accepted into the grad school I'm currently interested in?

Will I complete the mechanism in time?
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Big cat problems
Thank you! Just got back on to check. I appreciate it so much. Good vibes you're way as well <3
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Good luck
So my friend is going insane.
Does he need to go to mental institution or he will ever get better?
Hes scorpio, young male, soon 23 years old. Have some problems with parents. Anger problems. Can you do reading if he will stop being suicidal and wont kill himself. I cant get thru him at all. Will he get better? Should I keep trying?
Thank you lo
whats wrong Pepe
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Now that I took a small break, time to resume.

Three of Swords, Two of Swords, Ace of Disks and underneath, Eight of Disks.

Simple enough of a spread, but yet I have no idea just how to approach this. I think the best use for this would actually either bring up or involve some kind of destruction of a painful illusion that you held onto, or at least it would bring up a lot of pain, but bring you peace and a start for some kind of a foundation. The card that lies underneath is almost like... hmm... it seems like it's a chance for you to do something, for something to work out, and perhaps it may be the only one that you'll have. Overall, it seems that you need to use this conduit to move past something or get rid of something you don't want to, but in turn, it will likely bring peace to your mind and let things be born again, so to speak...
I don't know, I'm wandering in circles here on this one; if it's clear enough, then so be it, but if you wish for further elaboration, then I can help.

Four of Cups, branching out into;
a. Ace of Swords, in turn Ten of Wands.
b. Ten of Disks and in turn, Two of Cups.
c. Eight of Swords, and eventually, Six of Disks.

Emotions, balanced and controlled, being pushed forward with the will and power that you have. The path with the Ten of Disks and Two of Cups is the one that is right up ahead of you. The middle path, so to speak. If you deviate from it in any way, seemingly by overthinking it or having any new ideas, it will either lead to too much energy being used up, and in a chaotic manner it won't be focused and it will likely go nothing, or by overthinking it you will perhaps end up in a position where you will learn from things that will happen, and I suppose find a sense of stability within that. The middle path ahead is the one which leads to material stability or at least obtaining some kind of material wealth, perhaps, and in turn, leading to likely love or relationship or even finding a friend.
For the last reading; it may be best for you to not deviate too much or end up thinking too much about this. Stick with the path that you have in mind, and wealth with emotional fulfillment will follow. Any sort of mental deviation, seemingly extremes with nothing in between, will lead to either overpowering, unfocused energy or learning from your mistakes and efforts and perhaps working off of that, but with other things.
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Lets talk about it.
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Thank you for asking. I am doing fairly well nowadays, at least for the past couple few days, due to the virtue of moving out. It seems that for once, I am now in a position where I should, and have to, only worry about my own mental haunts and thoughts and nothing more. Peaceful, all too peaceful...

Seven of Cups, to the left Eight of Cups, to the right Four of Wands. Underneath I - The Magus and Five of Swords. To the left side, Ace of Wands, and to the very rightmost side, Four of Disks. All of that leading up to Three of Swords.

This is a spread I'm going to wonder about for a bit. This spread will seemingly deal more about emotions, judging from the Seven and Eight of Cups. As if moving past something, or at least being in a position where you're not doing much, or at least re-evaluating a few things emotionally. Are you by any chance infatuated with someone? Seeing all of those Cups and them leading to Three of Swords is making me think that it's the case, and really, it seems that in the future, you're bound to get your heart hurt. There's also talk of going against fate or well, at least going against something that won't budge; Five of Swords at the very bottom. Fighting against something, but knowing that it's not going to really be anything good for you.
Overall, I don't see complete ruin in regards of your life or absolute happiness, just the fact that there's some cards speaking about illusions, moving past them or at least wanting to in some way, but ending up with a slight case of heart tugs and heart breaks. More emotional than anything material or physical, as I have said. But nothing that will stump you up too much. Just going to hurt when you're going to realize something. Please, if you're still around, do give me some interpretation and I'll see what I can suggest to you from this. I don't want to make baseless assumptions, at least I'm not comfortable enough with them.
I'll keep this simple, since this is a query I'm not going to be too fond of.
Where you are right now is at Eight of Cups. Moving on will lead to Seven of Swords, while staying will be Five of Swords. Eventuality? Eight of Disks.

This spread is pretty much ''welcome to no matter what you do, it's going to suck!''. At the current moment, you're not sure if you should stay in this rut of emotional mess in regards of this lady, or whether to move on, but it seems that moving on will be a heavy challenge for you, leading to trickery upon yourself, while staying and waiting on her will make you pretty much blow up mentally. It will be akin to a struggle, really.
If you really want to move on, you'll have to do whatever it takes to do it, not to lie to yourself or anything along the lines of that, just cut it clear to yourself and move forward, no matter if she decides to catch up with you. Waiting will be a struggle for you, but in a way, it may come with a chance for something. For what? It's hard to say. But it will be a painful path, let me tell you that.

Good luck. Both ways aren't easy and will require determination, but if you put yourself to it, you're going to be able to do it.
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>undertale fans

Christ, and I feel bad for actually enjoying the setting with you fucks around.

Hey, no problem anon. Whether you're... the first one or the second one... either way, no problem!

I can only make a rather vague guess from the cards that I'll get. Whether it's a yes or no, I'd suggest asking someone who does pendulum stuff, in this case, Chironymous. Same goes for >>17825247 as well. If you really want me to read either of your queries, then go ahead and tell me, I suppose.

For now, I'll stay idle, waiting...
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>Male, 20

If you could help me I would be eternally grateful. I want to know if my endeavors in music will pay off in the next 6 months to a year. Are my ambitions a pipe dream?
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You no this place is shit without us.
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What does the summer have in store for me?
How well known will I get in my lifetime?
This place would be better if I wouldn't have to stare at Undyne's retarded expression and tits every single time I have to scroll up a bit.

It's alright, I'll give you a reading since I have nothing else to do and I was waiting on a querent with a proper question to read off of.

IX - The Hermit, on the left Five of Cups, to the right XXI - The Universe, and underneath Seven of Swords.
Overall, following your ambitions will lead you to Prince of Disks and Six of Cups.

After looking over the cards, this will seemingly put you in a position where you're not going to be entirely content with yourself, or at least it will feel like music is putting you in a position where you will feel like you're lying to yourself and that nothing good is going to come out of it, likely leading to a lot of negative emotions surfacing out, and perhaps even making you shut yourself off. Overall, following them is going to be a slow and dull process, going through small obstacles and bigger ones, taking more time, but having the emotional enjoyment that comes out of creating or working with music or any kind of art. Just for the time being it will feel like it's not going anywhere or that it's just something pointless. I drew another card for the future and it was Seven of Disks; a likely stop or incapability to push forward. Still, something to pursue and perhaps in time, you'll get places.

Honestly, I would suggest keeping this as a hobby and not putting too much future to it. Music nowadays, creating or modifying, is not an easy thing to get into, let alone getting popularity, unless you know how to jump on the most recent bandwagons and what not. If you find yourself at a stop, then go around it or change up your methods. All I can suggest, I suppose...
I'm glad to hear things are better for you, I truly do.

A lass ,a tower and a man wearing a suit.

Thank you for the reading.
So it's you, eh? I thought you were a familiar presence in some way. Don't think I haven't forgotten about you at all. The spread makes an absolute load of sense, including Four of Disks and Ace of Wands on the side. Outside influences, likely. The man and the Tower.

It's better now, but as I said, my only enemy right now is my mind, and that one knows how to keep it's swords sharp for me, to be used against me...

Hopefully you're going to beat fate eventually, friend. That I wish for you.
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No it wouldn't. You luv hubba bubba like I do don't lie.
>beat fate eventually, friend.

>implying fate
>implying it's bad
>not dancing in the storm

you niggas need to do some serious soul searching
There is literally nothing wrong with Trump or Hitler tho.
Any readers around? I posted this >>17821257
some time ago. If possible, I'd be really thankful
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> So it's you, eh?
As always

That was a bad reading:( but it does indeed makes sense.

Stop giving your mind the tools to hurt you.

>Beat fate
Some time ago , you gave me a reading ; a knight trying to fight the sun and losing the battle because the sun was stronger and a 'bigger thing'.

Why am I getting soft?
Could You pull a card for this when you be in the mood, please?
>So my friend is going insane.
>Does he need to go to mental institution or he will ever get better?
>Hes scorpio, young male, soon 23 years old. Have some problems with parents. Anger problems. Can you do reading if he will stop being suicidal and wont kill himself. I cant get thru him at all. Will he get better? Should I keep trying?
Anyone can do reading for me?
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Ask him yo post on /pol/ and tell his story and why he's suicidal like these fags did.
They tried to talk a Jew out of suicide. They good people.

Praise the Sun
If you still at it, Io.
Mendoza, male.
Love reading. How can i fix this situation with her? Or is there no fixing to it anymore?
Thank you.


Share a vision with me, something spiritual or romantic.
For mental institution;
Nine of Cups, on the left Queen of Swords, to the right Knight of Wands, underneath Queen of Cups, leading to Nine of Disks.
Leaving it as it is;
Ace of Swords, leading to Prince of Swords, underneath Eight of Disks and Ten of Cups.
Advice for him; Knight of Cups with Three of Wands.

Bit of a spread, but I'll try to tackle this on. I was not sure if I should do this, simply because it seems serious enough, and I don't trust myself enough with these kinds of things. It seems that it may actually do him some good if he would be put in the safety of other people that would be capable of looking over him. If he is in risk of suicide and words not help, well... It may take some effort to get him to some kind of confinement.
If you let him be as it is, he's likely going to get some additional ideas in his head, but it will cause more conflicts be it within himself or others. At least it seems like he's going to have ideas and wait patiently until he has a chance...
Honestly, I'm getting a bit of a bad gut feeling from leaving him to his own devices. It may be a good idea for you to intervene with perhaps, hmm... other people, his friends or family or something along the lines of that. If he is angry and suicidal, I'm going to say from experience; letting him be is a bad idea. I don't know what else to suggest or say from the cards, really.

All she's good for is being a fishcake and fetish fuel for fishfuckers like you. I read enough horror stories about you, most of which going along the lines of using fish oil on an onahole and fucking it.
Hence, pls no.

I would normally not say that, but I know him well enough and his situation on this matter, so I have some leeway.
I'd appreciate it if you would tell me your best guess. I'm really nervous about the application.
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>along the lines of using fish oil on an onahole and fucking it.
That was the greatest Idea you ever gave me tho. My ex is now obsessed with pet fish keeping. Bitch got as many tanks as I did. Still hates me tho.
The application is already in, no? Divination won't change the outcome. Best use it for things that are still in flux, that have the possibility of you using the knowledge to alter events.

I'm sorry you're so nervous, but at this point, what would it allow for you to do differently?
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As was the previous vision, the reading in turn wasn't exactly the most positive. I've been telling you to not give up, because I keep getting that ''all is woe, all is hopeless'' vibe from you. Fuck all of that shit that's happening, and just keep struggling, or walk away. Entirely. No point in fighting a battle when you're obviously going to lose.

I got Two of Cups for that question of yours. Love or feelings. Easy and simple enough to explain, don't you think?

I'm still going strong for a bit.

For solving the situation; Four of Swords, with Princess of Wands and Ace of Wands, leading to Two of Cups and Three of Cups. Seven of Swords a bit off, on the side.
For not solving the situation and just moving on; Six of Disks, Two of Disks and Six of Wands.

Both paths work, and both paths will lead to some kind of victory, in one way or another. If you decide to sit down and pacify it out with the girl, talking it through and putting your mind to it, (my mind wonders if the Princess of Wands is just a nice way to say that you should just fuck her, but excuse me on that one.), you'll end up getting back together and everything should be well enough... It's just the matter of finding some kind of a mental truce between you two, but I am not sure how exactly you two should go about it.
If you decide to simply move on, it will lead to you learning from this experience, and change, in turn, a sense of victory, or a sense of freedom. Whatever you may wish to say.

So, it can work out if you decide to fix things up, but it can also work out for you very well if you simply get through and through with her.

Did I give you the idea or was it just you really getting deep with the entire Undyne shit in the first place? Either way, you didn't get together with her in the end, eh? Not surprising. Enjoy fucking fishes for the rest of your life :^)
I'm the forgotten one! Hoping I made it in time.
> what do they want to tell me? I am feeling anxious about it.
can I have a love reading for the next two weeks?
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Yeah, it was you. I know it was you. "Hey twerp, EXPLAIN THIS" pic or whatever.
Nah, I'm not gonna fuck these hamster faced bitches I see everywhere. I want to start a fight that I can't finish and die. Problem is finding someone who's evil enough to murder, Hillary Clinton's soul is pretty dark.

Things are sucking so bad, but this gives me hope. Thank you.
Am I just going to get used by t?
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You're worried about making a sacrifice, You cannot wear your self too thin, and you must understand financials are a priority. In the past you've been angry. maybe a bit too angry. In the future... something something 'bout a stone-tongue Basilisk.
Where do you see me if I keep investing time in this instrument?
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Probably but that's just /pol/ speaking.
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Probably fucking nowhere. You can't expect to live off of music. You have to get a real job. Do the Music on the side. Hippie.
As I said, you get priority over anyone else that may be waiting. That's as much as I can do for you for abandoning you while saying that I was going to do a read for you. My apologies yet again.

Eight of Swords, on the left Two of Disks and on the right XVI - The Tower. Underneath Ten of Disks. How it will affect you; Ace of Swords and Five of Cups.

They want to tell you something that has been likely thought over a lot, cut to scraps several times and rethought again. The disks seem to suggest that there's some kind of weight or stability behind those words or intentions that they have by telling you this, but it's something that's definitely been thought over by quite a bit. This will affect you in a somewhat neutral way, loss, or perhaps more affect your emotions than your mind. Ace of Swords would actually tell me that you're mentally going to be building something up after hearing those words, but your emotions will take a beating in a way or two. I just hope it's nothing too bad as I may think, but ah well... You'll see when they'll tell you.

For romantic, I did not see much. A silver coin, shining on the ground, while it's raining. I can see shadows of people walking past, akin to a crowd or a full street of people, ignoring this little silver coin that could in time, add itself to a larger amount of money and assist you. A chance ignored.

Look down or at least, look down at something more grounded or material. You're likely missing a chance, and it's in front of your nose. It's a small one, but it's there anyway. Just pay more attention.

Get a sniper rifle, see when you'll get in the position of being able to snipe her whenever she's out doing her election stuff or whatever, and then have fun being chased by all the liberals for the rest of your life. That, or she's going to be called out as a martyr and THAT'S going to head to places...
Or just join the army, ffs. That may do you some good.
Will i pass an Financial accounting exam in 3 days? (life depending)

Keep the swords of the mind sharp, for they will one day defend you. Better instead to fortify the self to resist one's own weapons... Or just not turn it against yourself. Snakes have venom, but they don't inject themselves ya know...

It's not so much beating fate. Some people would be happier with a 7 they chose rather than an 8 that was given to them. Some sense of accomplishment perhaps.

He's your friend, isn't he? If you can't be of help, find someone who can. There's likely things he's aren't telling you. I'm not a fan of mental institutions, but i recognize their usage, and occasionally effectiveness.
How is the summer lookin'?
I'm trying not to give up ,things are hard tho. Your vibe is correct,like your readings.
I thought the 'lost battle' represented my failure in getting away.
I deleted most of my social media, maybe she won't find me.

Thanks for the card , not sure about it though... I had a meeting with a 'thing' and apparently was being too soft.

Thank you so much , you're awesome.
Thank you io. Its np. Hope the talk isn't too bad
>Join the Army
So I can be a Jewish kill bot?
>Get a sniper
Fucking implying I don't

Did you study? Enough?
Future romantic vision please?
>Did you study? Enough?
Yes for 11h before the 1st attempt, i did all tasks, fail - even dunno why.
Can someone do tarot Reading for me?
Quinn, fem. Now that everything is said and done how will it be the next time we are around eachother?
I'm trying to be a boxer, will I have anything that will stop me or slow my progress in the future?
Yeah, yeah, I know that one fairly well. It's just the problem that when they have nowhere to turn, instead of resting and simply sharpening until an enemy shows up, they decide to turn on me. It's all good now, mind you, but eh... Not fond of that little thing of myself.

Get away from it all, that's what I'd suggest. Completely cut yourself out of the situation, make sure all the paths are blocked so that you would have no chance of getting back to it. I hope you'll manage to get the fuck out of that shit, because eh... it's not exactly the most pleasant spot to be in, and I know that fairly well myself.

Good luck!~

Fair enough. Then go and snipe her ass if you can, please. I would definitely enjoy it.
... while at it, shoot Trump as well. Remove those two nuts and everything should be slightly better off.

May explain the Seven of Swords. Trying and trying, even when the situation seems hopeless, grabbing at the straws, etc. You can, really, it's just picking either of the directions that you have presented before you: moving past it, or fixing things up, and putting all the possible willpower to it. If you try enough, some results have to show, after all...
No problem!
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Wait, you're telling me you did a 11hr Cram session before the test? Like, wuz you studying the whole semester for this shit or not man?
IT was Just info review, we had 70h in 3 months of this shit(only praxtice) , everything was good untill exam, like ffs it was easy and stil 11/17 PPL failed somehow
Thanks m8
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Only ib sghe gebs bresidend.
>shoot Trump as well.
I can't let you do that Dave.
And i passed 8 exams in 3 days (law math etc included) studying night before so
Are you still doing readings?
Will things go the way I want them to?
can I have a vision how my life will be by this time next year?

>Look down or at least, look down at something more grounded or material. You're likely missing a chance, and it's in front of your nose. It's a small one, but it's there anyway. Just pay more attention.

I don't think anything's there, lol.
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Well I pulled some Cards. Cards say:
You're worried about some pretty morbid shit, but $10,000 in tuition is pretty morbid. You might have been wearing your self to thin? Again same card as the first, some pretty swampy shit, but it ain't got shit to do with the future. Swampy shit ain't your task at least it's only an important factor. That you HAVE been studying.
Last card the future card. Was fucking Darkness. I don't know, I can't know. You may do good you may do bad. I don't know.

But hey what do I know I fucked up my chance at a physics degree.
I will be doing proper reads in about 3 hours, but i might be able to fit a scry or two in now, highly variable now.

So, queries, i suppose.
If i can't do it now, I'll do some later.
Thanks. School here is free, but yea if i fuck up this exam i have to Pay to my uni. Well, i have shitload of exams and other shit
Can you tell me about my next bf please?
Allegory, damn it. Allegory!


But yes, I'm done for today. Too lethargic to keep this up, and I'll have to fight off people who want to drag me outside to be exposed to the sun. I'm just going to curl up and remain inactive until it gets cold again. Ciao, /div/!~

ps: may spontaneously come back and do a rare read or two in the next three to six or seven hours.
How is love this week?
How is next month looking?
I haven't submitted it yet. I've been preparing the requirements. Thank you though for your insight.
Hey if you're still doing readings today i would rly appreciate one.
>career and finance. (if something about love pops out i don't mind )
Thanks for your time
Tell me, how things will go for me? It seems that they have taken an upswing, but at the same time, I still fear for the worst.
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Don't forget you're here forever.
Welcome to hell.
In my country a years worth of school costs about $20,000. People take out loans for this shit. If they don't get a job out of college they are forced by law to be wage slaves. Least I can legally flee the country.
Hello Io so nice to see you around div again, hope you're doing well :) I was wondering if you could do me a reading. Thank you for your time

Im M. and I have this situation, me a 27 year old female. I use to be friends with a guy I got in a fight with him and I want to know what will happen between us. I really miss this person. I just want to know if we will be friends again at least. More than love he was something significant in my life.
Cards said some pretty uninterruptible shit.
Wizard replica,
seeing windz.

As you can see. I cannot comprehend.
L, female. Some developments are coming up, will they go as bad as I expect or better?
Ayy lmao
He will probably be male.

Then my apologies. I'm sometimes a bit quick to jump on people these days. Add a small personal touch if it's a personal business, add a bit of embellishment if it's professional. I sense your dish could use a bit of salt.

Well now, that was quite the experience. I'm not sure if it was because of you, or me though.

What lies ahead of you seems a bit wavy, but ultimately stable. To look into your door, i turned left, but it seemed that the general future was occupying my attention more. Whether that's because the sense of certainty from your door was so sure, or because of the heavy background noise from the bakery equipment here, i had to very much focus on entering... Now that i say it it's because it's so noisy here right now...

I saw... Mountains. Scenery that would almost look like out a dream, and things were pink. There was a woman's voice humming, it was soothing. I didn't know how soothing it was until she put her arms around me, and felt my heart relax. I didn't feel stressed before, but after was noticeably nicer. I gave her my thanks before departing the scene.

That was a very nice thing to see.
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ayy lmao
Doing readings? Can you do >>17825659?
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ayy lmao
i was wondering if someone maybe knows a tarot set with an art historical context? i usually use rider-waite or normal cards, but know i want a new one.
If you constantly fear during the good times, you allow yourself no rest or recovery from the bad times.
That being said, let's see...

Volcanic landscape. You are right to fear, but fear itself isn't productive. The soil after an eruption is rich and fertile. I was focused on the red magma, and when i let go of my focus point (this time a crisp cool bottle of water) i was in the same landscape after it had cooled down. With flora abound.

Keep a plan in reserve in case, but you need to be able to grow after a period of turbulence, or life will chip away at you slowly until it gets to you.
How is this year looking for me?
Cat here, thanks for the reading. It seems clear enough and relevant. Thank you.
I'm having to stop for now (i am at work after all)

For anyone who wants one when i get back, i'm not too fond of super general things. A vague how will things go is simply too much to encompass. I can do it, but there's so much to work with, you'd be better served giving me something to work with.

Also, please give alias / name as well.
See you in a few hours.
Need a reading on job prospects, just graduated, 23m
Did those dreams from just a few nights ago mean anything? Or were they just spawned from desire?.
Are you American and whats your degree?
If you take the same attitude hear that you do with jobs i forsee a longtime career of hobo.
That's not how this works. Read the sticky.
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Will you do the ones already asked?
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Thanks, Mr. Anon. You're -such- a sweetheart as usual.

The explosion has already happened, and now with time, it's simply the matter of waiting and repairing yourself, and moving on from the harsh and harrowing memories of the explosion itself. Ten of Swords, as one could say.

Indeed. Keep in mind the 10 of swords isn't bad, despite the name.
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That's why I said Ten of Swords. Destruction, the moment after the ruin, and rebirth, learning from the mistakes of the past. Next time, you don't settle near a volcano that seems to spew up every single year!

I gotcha though. Have fun with all of these querents and their questions. I'm -quite- certain it's going to be one enjoyable time for you to deal with them.
Where are things headed with me and p?
summer romance reading please and thanks
Whats up with my relationship the next few months. Will I meet someone new, or will I get together with someone I already now. Is there anything up for me, or nothing is gonna happen in that area at all.
Please give me a vision of their intentions in what they are going to say to me.
Will I get laid this summer
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>27 querents and growing
Alright, you got me there. The reason why I'm not doing any more is because of that particular thing exactly. They just keep piling up and up ;-;
>tfw I was too late
anon pls don't make me feel bad
pretty pls
don't make me do a reading for you to quench my guilt for stopping
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I-I'm not trying to guilt trip you into it or anything...
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>They just keep piling up and up ;-;
That means you're top tier.
Say the same to Chironymous, Mr. Anon or literally any other reader who stays around for longer than an hour, doing readings. Most of them don't give a fuck as to what reader you are, as long as they get their reading. You go around and say that you're doing readings and look just how fast they're going to pile up on ya as well.

How are you doing nowadays, Sorrow?

you're doing a great fucking job though
not going to deny that one

Really though, depends on what you're asking for. I'm currently in a bit of a state where stupid things won't fly for me.
Io pls we need you its a ded thread!!
>>17825692 (me)
i can understand you. it's hard to make so many readings
i need to be earlier on this side but i forget always about the time difference
do you do readings for yourself too sometimes? when i do so i always get the feeling to be to preoccupied so i'm showing up sometimes to get some insight, especially because i'm rather new to do readings. do you have maybe some tipps?
I don't want a love reading. I'm waiting for something that will happen in two weeks and I want to know how it will go. I can't affect the events but I want to know if it's going to go as bad as I expect and if it will punch me emotionally as much as I expect. I'm >>17825659

If it goes well in two weeks, I want to know if it will keep going well for a long time. Feel free to skip me, you already did more than enough today.
>Say the same to Chironymous
That guy has monstrous stamina regarding doing readings.
>Most of them don't give a fuck as to what reader you are, as long as they get their reading
Agree. Only small minority actually responds beyond - thanks or this accurate/not accurate.
>How are you doing nowadays, Sorrow?
To be honest, i dont know. I'm loosing my grip regarding /x/ stuff - cannot concentrate or even descend into trance. Something blocks me out but i have no idea who, also my dreams are becoming more emotionally heavy.
Anyway, how are you doing Io? Finding mental balance?
Or the Only one around. I'm just a shitty game card reader, yet damn do these fuckers pile up when I'm alone.
Are you offering? Not him but It's often frustrating at times, so i don't know if it's worth the effort put in.
>Most of them don't give a fuck as to what reader you are, as long as they get their reading
So so true. There's a major bread and circus aspect to it, and those of us who are selective and try to choose more important queries are rare.
You already had enough of me for one day. A reader will show up eventually and you can swarm around them instead.

I throw in an occasional one for myself, but it's generally scrying instead of anything with tarot. I just kick back and relax, and either way, future will come, scrying it is just a spoiler for one's self. I've had enough experience with my own methods and reading in general to not take it too seriously most of the times, especially knowing me and all.
Just don't take it too seriously and make sure you don't have anything too much on mind or sitting in your emotions when you do readings. Then it's easy to misinterpret things. In general, not suggested to do tarot when you're emotional.

Four of Disks, Ace of Swords, Eight of Swords, Queen of Swords.

You're not going to be thrown down on the ground and trampled upon, so that worry is off the lists. It'll mostly go fine and well, but it's going to give a lot of thinking to do. There will be a stable foundation to sit down on, in case it does affect you too much. Maybe a birth of a new idea, and that in turn will be overthought and perhaps taken to places, wherever it is that you may think. The future parts show wisdom and perception, and I drew another card - Eight of Wands - yes. It won't be too bad.
That he does, but he does take his sweet time with them. It's still a draining thing to keep up with, and I'm sure that it leaves a bit of a mark on him for keeping up with it. And I do find it slightly annoying that there's no feedback at the end, not even a ''thank you''. I mean, I don't care too much about it, but it's just a nice gesture to show, perhaps?
Probably just a time where you shouldn't delve into it. That, or start figuring out just what exactly is messing with you. Subconscious tends to be responsible for it. Hell, it may just be something you don't think it is, but it is. Not sure what suggestion I can give now, simply because I'm not exactly in my normal state right now. Hard to focus, etc and etc.

Well enough and all, but who knew that the mind could be such a pain to deal with at times? Everything seems to have cooled down and is fine, but yet the mind is ready for a battle to happen at any point in time. Then it decides to fight itself. Everything's fine, but yet a fight... Bad habit, I suppose.

Not doing any more, darling. Really, what do you see yourself doing with this instrument though? Why did you pick it up? Just for fun? Then you're going to have fun and time won't be wasted. If you want something serious? Put in enough time and it should pay off in one way or another, be it learned discipline, a fancy new instrument, or even popularity.
All up to you to decide that one there.

Welcome to mundanes finding out where they can get divination for free. Tarnishing an art and a work that's been kept away from them for ages, now used for simple-minded things. I can't blame you for being too selective. Me? I know whenever I get a hunch, it's always going to lead to me reading for someone who needs it, or for someone I know well enough. This happened with the first five queries, after all. :^)
Third anon here and thank you. I really appreciate it.


Will I ever get with Maggie?
>Welcome to mundanes finding out where they can get divination for free. Tarnishing an art and a work that's been kept away from them for ages, now used for simple-minded things. I can't blame you for being too selective. Me? I know whenever I get a hunch, it's always going to lead to me reading for someone who needs it, or for someone I know well enough. This happened with the first five queries, after all. :^)
spoken like a true special snowflake
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I wanna burn shit. Any anons reading for how well that shit will turn out?
I'm feeling bad seeing the readers a bit upset.
I requested but did not get a reading but it's ok. You guys are doing this out of kindness and I (and I'm sure a lot of people) do appreciate what you guys do for the community.
I think it wouldn't hurt for you guys to be more selective, too. Instead of asking for just a name and a question, why not ask for more and choose?
Cheers, missy.

Spoken like a true mundane. Envious of them sweet, sweet divination superpowers? :^)

Really though, I could give less of a fuck. Just annoying to see the same questions raised over and over again to several readers, especially coming from several people who will clearly end up doing nothing or their own thing. So many people are easily capable of finding relationships, love, and yet you have people here, lurking, waiting for a new reader to show up and ask if they will ever find tru love or if anything good will happen to them in the future in regards of love? and so on and so forth.

For fucks sake, get a fucking spine for once and stop using divination as a tool or expect it to be a magical thing that will instantly solve your problems. I'm not saying this for some of the people who clearly are in trouble and just need a different perspective, asking complete strangers.

Done with rant. My bad.
>I don't care too much about it, but it's just a nice gesture to show, perhaps?
>Subconscious tends to be responsible for it
Perhaps. I also take my tendency being emotional sponge. That makes everything hard because i genuinely dont know whenever it my stuff or something "overwrites" my stuff.
I may have to apologize for my slightly aggressive demeanor right now. I'm not in my normal state, and in turn, no words with butter spread over them with sugar sprinkled on top.

That usually leads to some of the querents going ''why did you ignore me?'', despite the reader saying that they're going to be picky and selective.

You need to work on being able to shift through emotions and thoughts, knowing when they are from your side, and when they're from something else entirely. Center yourself and ground yourself, do some observing on thoughts and emotions, especially when something is happening. It's hard, but it will give you an idea of just how you, yourself, react, and when it's something ''external''.

Awareness meditation, etc.
Thank you very much for the reading! I will continue but in a stable way
>That usually leads to some of the querents going ''why did you ignore me?'', despite the reader saying that they're going to be picky and selective.
Then continue to ignore or point to where the person blew his chances?
>Awareness meditation
i'll try it out
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>sweet, sweet divination superpowers? :^)
>stop using divination as a tool or expect it to be a magical thing that will instantly solve your problems
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Still doesn't stop them from asking, but fair point. Even so, most of the times I myself don't really care as to what queries come my way, as long as they're not too corny like ''scry my next bf/gf pls''. I'm sure the entire thing differs from reader to reader, truth be told.

No problem. Stick to what you set to yourself and don't get any more ideas or overthink it, and you should be good.

Good luck and have fun with it.

>mfw your entire post

God damn it, I put that :^) for a reason.
I wasn't being serious. Divination is not a superpower. Anyone can learn it, if they care and put enough time to it. And by the entire ''don't expect it to solve everything'' part, I meant that a good amount of people expect the reader to say some magical words that will suddenly fix everything, or give some amazing way to suddenly solve everything. You still need to get off of your metaphorical ass and do something to get those words to ''come true''.

Divination, in general, could be said that it's just a different perspective, and while at times it's a bit more spooky than that when it comes to occult or magic, it's nothing special.

Now lemme make a new thread...
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am i gonna find what i am looking for?
This thread has been weird this weekend
Doing 3 love readings for 3 lucky people.

Age-- doesn't have to be specific
Sun sign-- if you wish
Query:: most important** no generals ** be specific or I will not read for you.

Also~~ in exchange for a reading I need you to tell me your true hearts desire. If it's the person in question, note that.
>Still doesn't stop them from asking
>heyyy I'm doing readings!!
>can I have a reading?
>WOW WHAT ASSHOLE how dare you ask for a reading

Suggestion. Next time specify that you don't do love readings.
late 20s male
met a few girls recently, any worthwhile long term?
hearts desire is family
Please tell me if we are getting back?
I miss him deeply and doesn't seem to get over and want to get together with him again
She did specify no love queries, anon. She's been doing that for a while.
(not a love reading) There's a person I care about and he's in a pinch right now. How will things go for him?

>true hearts desire
A quiet life and someone that accepts me for who I am, even if I'm a piece of shit. No children probably.
I mean if it's something serious then I'm all up for it, but it's hard for me to take it seriously anymore when you see... ah, it doesn't matter. I would have to explain a few things as to why I get so damn butthurt about love queries in general. Just ain't fond of 'em for a reason or two, and that's that.
>I know whenever I get a hunch, it's always going to lead to me reading for someone who needs it, or for someone I know well enough. This happened with the first five queries, after all.
You can't hide from a good scryer!
>Instead of asking for just a name and a question, why not ask for more and choose?
Personally, I prefer to have less info. I find that the querent's notion of the situation is often incongruent with reality, so not hearing their version before reading allows me more neutrality.
This isn't the matter of me being a good scryer, it's more along the lines of whomever wording the query in such a way that had no doubts for me to guess as to whom they are. I mean for fucks sake, now it just feels like you're being sarcastic, anon.
Cannot read for you as I specifically only do love readings. Try with another reader.

I hate to give you this news because I was rooting for you. I don't think you guys are going to get back together... There is something you did or he did that made one of you stop waiting for the other one. And it's justified. Something happened and one of you kind of let go and in the brightest light, it could be seen as a setback but this time that you spend missing him is very right and very justified.

I can't read for you because I need a specific girl that you're interested in. Also, I read LOVE queries not questions on crushes/prospects. Unless you felt one of these girls was super special and you wanted to ask about her, I Can't read for you. Thanks.
I see. I suppose you just pick at random or you do everything people ask for?
Also, I'm willing to go further in depth if you further questions but I need more details.
how's my relationship going to work out?? please please i would really like a reading from you
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Passionately and with stability. Have you been very hurt or in grief about either this person or the person before this? It says you were in pain but that pain is going to serve as passion for this relationship. Four of wands represents stability and a solid foundation.

I can help you further but I'll require more details as the details helps me gauge your energy. Thanks.
In a generous mood, will do as many love readings as possible.
I limit my queues so I can get to all of them.
Oh, I see.
Yeah, that looks like the best option. I see there's a reader doing that now.
Feels came and feels left, just as it how happens with everyone. It's all good now, memories being buried away and soon in time, dissolved. That, and shit tons of mental fuckery was required to even do that in the first place.

Still though, it's not my reason for not doing love readings. It's a small one that's soon to be gone, but there's other, more annoying ones. I'm done on this, though. Not in the state to care about this shit.
>empire for sale; in bad condition- needs new king an army

Oh hey io. Poster below you here. I'm worried about Thoth-sama. Can you check on him with a read for me?
I ran into him yesterday. He'll be fine.

Jesus, you fanboys never cease to bore me. I drew Art. He's likely too busy re-evaluating or messing with a few things, going for peace or stability through a few things.

Just wait until he shows up again in the threads, sheesh. It's not like he's dead or anything.
>Unless you felt one of these girls was super special and you wanted to ask about her
The universe just sent me a not-so-gentle nudge for one in particular
>I hate to give you this news because I was rooting for you. I don't think you guys are going to get back together... There is something you did or he did that made one of you stop waiting for the other one. And it's justified. Something happened and one of you kind of let go and in the brightest light, it could be seen as a setback but this time that you spend missing him is very right and very justified.

Yes, I did some mistakes and tried to apologise, he says it's okay but I feel he's not the same, I was wondering maybe he has another now...

>Also, I'm willing to go further in depth if you further questions but I need more details.
I wish I knew if I had chances to fix the situation, but if it's not happening better to move on :( Thank you for the reading
Will I be with my crush soone? He is my desire.
If you're really in love with him, then how can you just move on like that? I don't understand... Apologizing isn't enough. He doesn't have anyone else.

Knight of cups and The Sun

You need to make a bold move. I guarantee you will get good results. Bold as in, you need to see him in person or approach this person in person.
so i looked up this divination thing at apparently it is some kind of fortuenetelling but why do people post information about themselves here?
i don't get this stuff
Ok, I'll be moving out of the country soon and there's this girl. We won't see each other anymore, probably. I came to this country temporarily and met her less than a year ago.
I've tried, but got rejected, although I feel it's because she's not into anything casual and is a bit older.
Ok, it's not LOVE but c'mon... should I try again?
Thanks for taking your time doing this, even if you really only accept love readings.
Do I have a chance with Thoth? Crushing on him for a while and since he's single now I want to know what's up
The Tower

Yes, you will and it will shake the both of you to the core.

Seems like you used to really like someone...you'll forget about him.

This new guy is going to give you everything you ever wished for.

good luck!
my next bf personality
I wish for a qt and smart bf
>going for someone who's essentially a manwhore

Ahahahaha... No. Cut that shit down right now, because it's not going to work for you. Princess of Disks, Six of Swords and in turn, The Tower. That's how much of a no I'm going off of. A big, fat nope.

You can still try though, maybe he will be interested :^)
Are either of you rich? or richer than the other?

Anyways, you should really not try with her again. Not worth your time and will only serve you grief!! Lots of anxiety with the nine of swords.
Thank you but I've had the same crush for a while now. Its not him?
>I wish for a qt and smart bf
don't we all?
>If you're really in love with him, then how can you just move on like that? I don't understand... Apologizing isn't enough. He doesn't have anyone else.
I do, but I hurt him so many times, would be fair if I give him a chance to be happy with someone nicer, I'm glad he doesn't have another, I was fearing that was making him fall out of love with me.

>Knight of cups and The Sun
>You need to make a bold move. I guarantee you will get good results. Bold as in, you need to see him in person or approach this person in person.
It's not possible to be in person, we are in different countries and I can't afford flying to him, so I have to think what would be a bold move. Thank you very much
You do not have a love or lover. You are asking me for a future with someone that does not currently exist for you and therefore I cannot (well, I can, but I wont) read for you.
>wanting to be fucked and chucked
No. If someone was smart he wouldn't want to be with a misanthropic shit like me.
If you are still around.


There are 3 girls in my life that I may end up with. Which of them do you see me getting with?

My desire is to be with a specific girl within that set of 3.
I'm 23, just starting my career. My family is well but I, by myself, no.
She, on the other hand, is 30, has a home and a good job.
My family is prob richer, but I don't count with that when thinking about my networth.
Yes, Genetics BS

Then how DOES this work?
I am dedicated to my crush (t) and am wondering if we will be together this summer since he is my true hearts desire.
There lies someone greater for you. She is not the one.

Initial and strong vibe is that he is not your true hearts desire. You will find him in three years.
>There lies someone greater for you. She is not the one.
Thanks, I really appreciate your kind favor.
You are welcome :)
Are you sure you are a Cancer?
Cancer with ascendant in cancer.
I am also a cancer with an ascendant in cancer.. How strange.. I just got a funny vibe from you

I am working on getting with this girl (Capricorn). Do you see any future with her?

(Just some background info about us if it helps. http://pastebin.com/vfgLGymj )
okay i am a sceptic but lets try this: can you tell me if i will fail this semester at university?
You've already been doing shitty. You won't do better unless you quit drinking.

Don't need your background. Yes it will work because you take it slow and steady just the way she likes it. Good luck.
during my teenage years I was the classic cancer boy.
Had to do therapy to learn how to control it.
I have to say, after you know how to deal (not control) with emotions, you really learn how to appreciate this sign.
Care to expand what you mean by "funny"? I'm curious.
Funny as in you feel warm to me. Like I've known you for a while now.. it's because we are inherently spiritually similar. I truly wish you the best of luck fellow crab, because I know you'll need it. Especially in September.
Hello, Im Cancer too! I want future love reading if possible. I seperated lately from someone. Is there someone new coming in my life soon?
Actually, yes. Very soon! She's going to be extremely caring, possibly another cancer, scorpio or pisces. She's coming...and she's coming SOON so be prepared.

She likes flowers. Yellow flowers!
Is something bad going to happen?
>Don't need your background. Yes it will work because you take it slow and steady just the way she likes it. Good luck.

I hope so. A lot of stuff points to it working with her, but yea, I'm not really sure what to do to proceed. But well, that is not your area.

Thanks for the reading.
doubts confirmed... i don't even drink. never touched alcohol in my life.
Yeah.. it's something bad with your finances. You'll be okay though just ride it out. I say good luck because I know you'll get all emotional about it--- in reality you'll be fine just hold out for a couple of months.

Also!!! Please save $$ this summer. Nothing extravagant.
Hmmmm...well maybe it's another vice. Sorry for my miscalculation but I really don't think you've been doing well in school and I Don't think you will unless you quit something
Thoth's a man whore?
The only thing that's missing is the sexual spark. Ignite it. Good luck.
Aaaah ok hahaha you gave me a bit of a scare because september is the month I'll go back to my country
Well I just booked a 21-day cycling tour in Spain BUT since is the camino of santiago and I'll take a tent I think I won't spend more than what I already do, which is little.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the advice and the warning! Hope to see you more around here.
the not doing so well part is true but that can be interpreted from my negatively formulated question. all you did was interpret my question. i doubt there is paranormal stuff that you did.
Maybe you should stay......

promise of adventure if you stay
Stay in the country I am after september or stay in my place during summer, you mean?
I didn't interpret your question the way you think I did. I know you think it's all verbal and linguistics but it is not. I interpreted the energy I received from your question. Take it or leave it, it's free of charge and it's advice you should take.
The thing is that with her, we really have not done anything other than text. And that one time where I asked her out, but friend tagged along.

We haven't done anything since then. So I am thinking more is missing than just the sexual spark.

I am sure you can provide a little info about her mind?
Stay in your place during summer. If you leave, I see a woman in your future..but if you stay here...well, I promise you gold.
But but but, Im a girl! Does it mean I will date a woman?
Also, the woman is spanish I think. or Dark skinned. She has dark hair.
She has no decision made of you. In fact, she does not think of you unless you two are communicating. This is what I mean by the sexual spark; you must ignite it. And I do not mean by text. I mean in person.

Imagine yourself as a confident, sexual being. Harbor and harness this energy and then when she is near you, release it. She will respond positively. Good luck.
Damn, like material rewards? I'm looking for a job where I am but probably will stop looking during the trip.
I hear you and thank you for doing readings above what we agreed on, but I won't have the opportunity to do this again. I live in another continent and will start working hard after this year. To have a free month to do only this... can't see that so soon.
And everything is booked haha
No. This is why I ask you specify your gender and specify details in your question!!

This means you are the recipient of something bright and cheery like yellow flowers.
I don't know. I don't know why but going back to your country will mean routine.

I urge you to stay. But who am I? Just a diviner on 4chan on the internet. I Am from new york. I only know and I only get a feeling that you must stay.
Not *must* but..if you do, you will reap.
Im sorry! Thank you for your reading BTW! Maybe you could tell me if the guy is gonna be with me for long time?
thanks anon.. so I better use this time on me, and don't worry that much about hoping for a job right now.. eventually it will come sooner or latter..
I appreciate your help anon! have a amazing day!!!
>going back to your country will mean routine.
Oh I have no doubt about that. I wish I didn't have to go back, but without a job my visa will expire soon.

But even then, I don't think staying in during summer would mean a job. I'm far from getting a job here due to language barrier. Must be something else.

Anyway, I must cast aside that and enjoy my trip, can't think about what I lost, right? Please don't think I'm disregarding your advice, you're very kind, it's just that I'm set on this trip for years now.
Yeah, he is. He's engagement material.
The thing is that we are not going to see each other in person for a few months, until end of august at least. Unless somehow well end up seeing each other sooner than that

But, yea the rest makes sense. Especially "In fact, she does not think of you unless you two are communicating." As I am the one always initiating conversation with her, but when I do it seems to move naturally with her being interested in it.
he's fine
It is not a career I am talking about if you stay. It is LIFE Experiences that you will experience that you will never get or get back if you leave.
Fucking manwhore, that's what I say...

>being a bit too obsessive is a downside

Shit taste too, apparently.
I see. I wonder what it is
>worst fucking day of my life
I'd fuck Thoth just for his good taste in history
What did I tell you from the start? You are both slow and steady; and it is the only way you two will be!!

The only thing you can do for now is harness that energy until august. It is not far away from now. It is only a few months. Harness the energy you have now as a human being and fucking release that shit on her when you see her. If you don't know how to harness or release, here is a little tip: in your mind, imagine a scenario in which you two are whole, great and passionate. Now hold it in you. Hold it in and keep thinking of her. Practice this. The minute you see her and say hello, RELEASE this energy. Let it out on her. You will fucking blow her mind.

Good luck
I'll go quickly through this batch, for reasons.

Your mind processing things, with a hint on what part of you may wanted... not all of you, mind you.

I won't do these two, too vague for me. Apologies.

They won't go as bad as you're expecting.
Your shadow card here is 5 of wands, strife.
It's what the entire read is about, in a way.
The three cards that came about to describe the situation though; The Aeon, 9oD gain, and 6oS science.
Things will go well. You may not know the best path forward, but you should be *relatively* fine. Play it cool, and don't over think things.

I did say I would do reads, if they're too bad or too vague I simply don't read them.

Ehh, not feeling too strongly on this one, but sure.
Lust, ace of wands, knight of swords.
Keep your emotions in check, and don't over think things. Seems to be the flavor of the day as far as reads and advice goes.

I won't be reading this one, except a gut feeling of "nothing ventured nothing gained."

A "relationship" implies something already existing. I don't like doing these kinds of vague reads. Yours wasn't as vague as others, but still.
Lena, for you though, I'll say, be a bit more aggressive. You can wait for something to come to you, or you can reach out. Guess which one is more effective?

Like the name, gotta say. That being said, what they're wanting to say they already have an idea of, and anything I say won't really change what's coming. Good luck though.

Not answering.

I don't read for myself, to be honest. Ethical reasons, primarily. Also, because I wouldn't listen to myself and charge forward anyway, so there's that.

Now, do keep in mind there's a difference between reading for yourself, and reading for, say, a magical working you're working on.
>muh spiritual powers
Thank you. Have a good day.
Thanks. I'll do that.
Pic doesn't really fit his post. Was he upset?
Ritzu here. Thanks. Can you tell me what you saw please and if not can you tell if its good or bad at least?
Thought you and Thoth got along?

How will things go with this Cancer girl?
Still though, won't stop me from calling him out on something like that. Either way, his decisions, let him do as he please, etc and etc...
It's just a picture he posts often
Sorta fits his post. His kingdom needs a new queen.
>Shit taste too
In all fairness, yanderes belong with yanderes
give me one please
Air query? I'll take it.

I was shuffling cards for this one and the Justice card literally fucking jumped out of the deck. Whatever is happening is happening because it is supposed to.

For your feelings, I got the page of swords-- difficulty expressing your feelings. For some reason you can't say or do what you are feeling.

For her feelings, Queen of wands-- passion, fire, lust, she desires you more than anything.

Outcome? Queen of pentacles.....hmm.. is there another woman involved?
So ask a question, make it detailed and include your age and gender.
love reading
i'm 23 years old and male
A general love reading
You were very hard to read for. You hide your emotions. But I found it anyway--- You are very indecisive. You have not made a decision or are confused by someone significant in your life.
>hide emotions
welp, hit the right spot

Specifically said no generals but whatever.

Aquarius boy-- Look within yourself-- there is someone you already like. Listen to your intuition--you will know whether or not she feels the same way. Your initial reaction is her feelings for you.

Fellow cancer chick::
Damn, the Justice card has been stalking me. Pulled another one and got Judgement--LOL. Wjhatever is going on in your love life right now--allow it to be. I understand that it isnt much of a tarot reading but it is the best you will get. Whatever action you take, you WILL be judged for if not already. There is no changing it.

Again-- if you wanted a descriptive reading you would have provided details.
Always do baby.
Female, 25, general love reading please.
so will there ever be a girl in my life?
There is someone you very much fancy but he doesn't seem to want you back right now. Am I right? But persevere and keep hanging on and you will find an *idea* not a *guarantee*. No real future between you two.
Yeah and she will be incredibly ANAL/OCD bound. Very controlling. Needy. Also you will be around 25 years of age when you meet her.
>Am I right?
More like a fictional crush I guess, there's no real person that I like right now but I was curious if someone would come up. For now I have no interest in anyone I know and it seems like it will go like this for a long time.
So that was really accurate in a way.
Sorry to hear that. Your sweet spot is age 27.
No more readings. Thanks for playing folks. See you whenever I see ya.
Thanks. Do you know when I'll get unattached from him?
Never. Sorry.
I-I'll always be attached to him? Welp fuck me up. Thank you again, and good night.
Sorry because I know how it feels.
Good luck with this too then, it's bittersweet in a way so we can at least appreciate the feeling.
Yeah, kek...it stings!..but the way bees do.
Bee stings are just bitter, sadly. One last question before you go (answer only if you want). Will he at least stick around for a long time?
Yeah, painfully so for the next three months. Those will be the worst days. You might get some sugar input within those months but it'll mainly consist of a lot of waiting around if that makese sense and a lot of fantasy. IDK. just the feeling I get. The winter this year will be really calm for you. You won't think of him as much. Pray for December.
So things will get better after three months? That's surprisingly accurate with what I'm expecting, I'm surprised. You're really insightful and I wish you the best.
No, things won't get better with you guys. It'll die and get cold just like this December... what I mean is, the hot feelings in your heart will die and wilt just like all living things do in the winter.

I'm sorry. He is not yours. He never was!!! I wish you the very best.
So he won't stay around for much longer but I'll think less of him at least? Sorry if I didn't understand the answer.
One thing I noticed with her is that she is doing all that I said I wanted to do.

I have been meaning to join the Fire Dept. And what does she do? Joins.

I have been meaning to loose weight. And what did she do? She lost weight and got into shape.

I have been wanting to travel. And what does she plan on doing? Travel all around the NE of the US.

Along with other stuff.

I almost see her as kind of a non-lazy, Female version of me.

This is more of just venting, than asking for further insight.
anal? meaning a pain in the arse or that she like anal? i'm quite OCD myself so that wouldn't be much of a problem
Thank you

My indian astrologer said Rahu is to my detriment until October when we'll see things really take off but that by July we should have properly bonded.

Queen of pentacles could refer to my ex who dated my friend because she couldn't have me. She was friends with my current gf shortly thereafter.
So you already have a girlfriend? Is she who you want to be with?

It took me a long time to get over my ex.

I think Page of Swords points to my trust issues.

Wouldn't queen of pentacles just mean a woman whos happy?
I don't know why but I just don't like you. I don't want to help you. I have a bad feeling about you and I want to avoid you.

Queen of pentacles could mean, "the other woman" or it could mean stability and grounded feelings aka yes, a woman who is happy with you.

I don't know why but I just don't think you deserve to be happy.
and yet, I feel like I want to help you. I feel good things about you and this girl you're asking about-- like you finally found a home. Good luck.

damn anon, that's savage
I don't care. This is how I feel and I'm doing the readings so I don't care.

Cool? Coukd it be I'm meant to be with someone else? I like her a lot. And I hope if I am carrying bad energy I can get to the root of it
just shut up honestly why are you asking me? You already know the answer.
Hey can I have some clarification please? Its not my current one?
Because its shitty to make such a harsh impression without elaboration
I get a horrible energy from you. I know you've hurt another really badly and without remorse and because of that, I wish and curse upon you nothing but pain, grief and misery until you make amends with the one I speak of. For the rest of your days on this earth, I curse you nothing but heartache until you do what is right. Try to fight it, me and repel it, I dare you.
I'd like one please. 22/m still caught up on my ex

What do you sense from me? Also, who's my most promising romantic prospect?
I sense that you and I have already spoken. Why try to deceive me?
Can you tell me what you sense from me as a person?
>>17827377 here again. By the way I'm not the anon you were responding to.

Make amends with the guy or girl?
Thanks man!

Not for at least a month. I know you have someone pestering you but it isn't me.
Male Aquarius
I would love a general reading on love, thank you so much.
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