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I don't understand.. please /pol/

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Thread replies: 312
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Why is 4chan /pol/, for the most part. one of the welcoming and caring places on the internet? Yet is still labeled, the Asshole of the internet?

Like a few days ago. An Isreali posted a threasd how he was feeling suicidal, you would think a board notorious of it's strong anti-jewish views, /pol/ would've ripped him a new one like an edgy teenager would. But no. Instead most tried talking him out of it like an compassionate adult, even NatSocs did. I don't know if they were successful in cheering him up though because the thread got pruned when I returned from a snack break so I couldn't read any newer posts. If you are still alive and reading this Isrealibro, I hope you are feeling better. Maybe because I am a big o' softie seeing that level of compassion made me cry.

Tell me why when a Jew tells a majoraly NatSoc anonymous board that he is suicidal, they show him compassion and care, even though we here see them as fiends yet when liberals, tumblr, and feminists see some of THEIR FRIENDS THAT ARE IN THEIR OWN RANKS do a mircoscopic """mistake""" they harrass the person into a state suicidalness and/or fear?

Is it because REAL human compassion, respect, and mercy somehow seen by liberals as a "conservatitive value" despite it should be a value for all humans to live by? Why do liberals replace these values with faux versions of those same morals, only there so they can reap attention, and money?

This is why I get fucking /pol/triggered when a fence sitter calls us, "just as bad as the opposition. Huehue" From what I have seen, it isn't the case. /pol/ is a nice board full of polite nazis.
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Because it's full of newfag normies who think this is facebook.
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well, 50% of the catalog are metathreads about social media.
Your own fault that your board is utter shit.
I actually don't mind jews if they would all fuck off back to Israel and leave everyone else alone.
Right-wing = Nazis in ADHD culture.
As for /pol/ being nice, I'm fairly sure it's to do with a lot of the posters being or having gone through depression themselves. Actual medical depression mind you, not the feeling down for a few hours type.
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Found the nigger
did the kid live? or its abortion
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I only go on the Internet to have fun.
Chinese abortion, they used to dump their dead babies in rivers this is one of them I suppose.

Now they just turn them into dog food or aphrodisiacs.

The horrible truth is that puritans are always the least sympathetic people, and that modern puritanism has relegated the less ruthless people to anonymity.
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>Why is 4chan /pol/, for the most part. one of the welcoming and caring places on the internet?

Remember when this fattie was all over the tabloids and was given a private jet to a party in California from the UK because of sympathy for "being made fun of" on /pol/? Yeah, these were the meanies and their responses.
If you don't come to /pol/ to shitpost then you're doing something wrong.
The people here have flooded in for your elections and plus it's summer.
Yeah, that is true. Alot of people here are very lonely and depressed.

I hate that libshits and left leaning normies fucking always pull the "I am so despressed and suicidal because I cried for a minute after reading a fictional story :^(((( muh life is so hard! *sips overpriced coffee*)

How the fuck did depression become a culture?
>How the fuck did depression become a culture?

A century of the majority of the population living in megacities, two world wars that decimated the healthy population (leaving the weaker ones in rear positions intact), etc. Not a coincidence, I'd imagine.
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but im not a roo or a leaf ):

2 things in my mind

1. 4chan is a place of great humility, we all know that we are retarded losers with nothing too valuable to say. This is in stark contrast to the rest of the internet where everything thinks they are a fucking clever, witty intellectual.
2. the lack of cencorship means we can call each other faggots, this oddly builds a sense of camaraderie, we dont have to pretend to be nice to each other, which has the peculiar effect of making the place feel more honest and open/welcoming. i think a lot of people don't understand that calling everyone else a faggot has sort of become a form of respect
Fuck you, kill yourself faggot.
Shit, I remember that. I knew there was more behind this story.
pathological altruism
>Your own fault that your board is utter shit.
Yeah, cuz we have a choice what summerfags or anyone else in general post about.

Fucking back to the cuckshed, Hans.
We are indeed clever, witty, intellectuals
it was reposted on /b/ and even there people called the person making fun of him a piece of shit
This makes alot of sense, being a sensible human being gets you shit nowadays so the reasonable people hide, also war is degenerate because it is the reverse of Darwanism, it kills off some of our best men and leaves families fatherless.
>they tried talking him out of it

For real? This place is becoming reddit

>convincing him to suffer the burden of life instead of taking a quick, painless end
>the lack of cencorship means we can call each other faggots, this oddly builds a sense of camaraderie
That is literally how men bond.
I have seen the same thing you refer to OP and i do believe that we are good people. I hate jews as much as the next guy, but that doesent mean i hate every single one of them on a personal level and it doesent mean that i cant show compassion to an individual jew in need.

/pol/ is not a toxic community and has never been one in my own experience. If only the newfags and LEAFS would leave this place would be perfect.
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I think there are a large many of us who desperately need a second chance to lead the happy lives we want.

I hope the gods can understand and help us.
I am surprised that even /b/ called out that asshole. /b/ normally looks like it don't have any moral codes most of the time, coming from someone who doesn't browse that board often.
First post is best post.

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i used to go there all the time out of boredom
and yeah they tend to all just be edgelords
but one thing i always noticed, was when its something thats not a repost,thats the only time they take it seriously
(it has since been reposted, and now gets shitposted like all other pasta)
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we're all friends here, mate

Sorta. This infant was gutted so that it didn't die of exposure or make noise and alert passerby's. Is what is. Not too much different from this or a very late term abortion. Don't be a moralfag about it.
>I want to kill myself but suicide is the equivalent of spitting in God's face.
>spend all day on/pol/ instead
I'm here forever, aren't I?
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People on the left always seem to be surprised that the right actually have complex morals and nuanced perspectives on things.

I'm not sure why they have trouble realizing that just because a person disagrees with them politically they are not a sociopathic nazi strawman.
Because people here actually care for the well-being of the world.
like the rest of us
I totally agree, even I despise jews with something feirce but I would never ever even try to convince one to commit suicide, even jokingly. The pain of suicidal tendancies and the pain it gives to their loved ones is too cruel, even for a jew to suffer though.

Newfags, shills and leafs are the cancer that will never go away. At least most newfags grow out of being a newfag later.


I've been given a second chance and got back to normal, but I still like to linger here and give advice and help out others who aren't as fortunate. If God gave me the chance to have a normal life then I should help others get one too.
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Like a drug that doesn't kill
Im not saying they're here because they need a second chance. I'm saying many here do, but they aint here because of it.
Regardless. Keep trying to help others.

Praise Kek.
/pol/ loves humanity more than any other.
Natsoc is about making yourself and your people better.
We simply reject the kumbaya multi culture delusion.

Also. I think half of us are suicidal and would want someone to help us if we are on the edge.
Fucking religion faggot. kys yourself.
Because /pol/ hates groups, not individuals. It's the other way around with liberals, they focus their hate on individuals, not groups.

Nationalism is a gregary ideology (our problems, our responsabilities, aour accomplishments) while liberalism is individualist (muh dick, muh rights, muh trigger words). We're all on the same ride to hell, only shills come here to divide us. If you're based you're with us.

At least that's my take on the issue, or what I'd like to believe /pol/ is. I've found a lot of empathetic, funny and informative people here. All the shitposting and shilling in the world can't bury it.

Because /pol/ is the board of peace.
I'm not sure either, maybe because the whole movement on their side attracted snobby sociopaths who want to abandon morals just for the sake of being contrairain..
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You cant leave. You are stuck here, like the rest of us
Checked and agree wholeheartedly
been here over a decade

just try to eventually function outside of here and it may be alright

and if all else fails, as with me, just eventually find a comfy spot to shitpost in and enjoy the ride, it really isnt so bad...just sometimes boring

but at least you have us to be bored with
Because some elements of /pol/ are satire. Sure, there is a large contingent of white nationalists going "hurr durr gas le kikes," but most people here are conservatives and nationalist libertarians who are sick of immigration and lib bullshit.
That's true.
I will, Praise God.
National Socialism really is needed nowadays, If I am going to be honest. Probably going to see the rebirth of it in my lifetime.
Same, liberalism blames and kills, nationalism reconsizes unties. Fix the black community's nuclear family issue and there will be much less niggers and more black people, fix the degrading nuclear family of the white community and there will be much less coal burners.
The need to genocide jews and other variety of subhumans do not mean we have to be rude about it, or inflict pointless suffering.

The day our death squad will visit you, be assured the only thing you'll feel is a slight pressure followed by peace as we put a bullet through your brain stem.
Fugg. I always resisted as a sign I didn't have a problem, but maybe I should admit I'm in for the long haul and make a Pepe folder

4chan pretends to be edgy assholes but really we just want what's best for everyone and to live in a nice successful society

normalfag websites pretend to be nice but really they are assholes who fucking despise anyone different from them
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expect a knock on your door soon, my french friend. the police will be looking for that illegal gun you're rumored to have
Well Jews do cause most of the lib and immargrant bullshit that happens but gassing them isn't the right idea and will only give them more power (see. Holocaust,)

Alot of the extremism here is just mere shitposting. Keeps libs from getting too /kampfy/ here
Pretty much.

It seems like the polite people have the ruse of assholishness and vice versa.
Praise the Sun!

I've worked night shift for two years. I got to see the sunrise everyday. I have to leave to get away from my asst-manager who ruined my life and has always hated me. I wish I could undo the damage.
I still haven't found my Sun.
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You will find your wife's Sun, Sunbro. Godspeed to you. Hope things change around for yah.
I'm glad /pol/ helped inform me about the jews but most of them really are a bunch of filthy normalfag wageslave cunts.
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The proper term is actually Shekelslave, you filthy anti-sememitite!
Go find an early grave, you dumb frogposter.
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Oh goodie a (You)!
Plus the fact that mental illnesses weren't seen very favorably back in the day, it was just easier to drink your self stupid and deal with it that way.
>wife's sun.
Made me laugh.

Seriously though I'd rather kill my self than be a step dad.
I would only consider being a step dad to a kid if I was a single parent and was dating a single mom and her kid was white and generally well behaved.
But I know that would never happen because single moms always have shitty little niglets for kids running around.
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/pol/ is a board of peace
>a majoraly NatSoc anonymous board
What the hell? There are literally 0 National Socialists here. Most posters feel Trump-level patriotic and are anti-socialist. Patriotic free market democracy loving, Islam criticizing and common sense posters are the ones which /pol/ attracts - not National Socialists.
dude you need to make a PePe folder ASAP like seriously you can't shitpost without pepe Folder
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They tend to have NatSoc tendancies, which isn't bad.
>There are no NateSocks on 4chin, that is a Jewish funded lie.
This thread shouldnt 404 yet.

>Don't talk to me or my husband's daughter ever again
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My sides!

>Don't talk to me or my mother's husband ever again
Stopping the fourohfour

Not into the anti-Semitic stuff, but the libertarian and anti-collectivist and voluntaryist anarcho-capitalist stuff is where I come from.

Schizoaffective disorder is a bitch...

Also, I hope that person is okay...
>welcoming and caring places
>"gas the shitskins!"
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Because natsocs were always the good guys from the beginning? The left are immoral parasites who are full of hatred. I'm a fascist but all I believe in is ethnic segregation because multi-culturalism doesn't work on any level.
It's not to late to kill yourself which I hope you do

thats when i see someone not having fun i spend a few chars so he can stop posting suicide threads and have fun
Understandable.Hope things improve for you

I think he is. I hope he is.

>canadian somehow doesn't know what shitposting is
>>77808426 unfortunately we learned too late
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>tfw you open both of these and click between them

You clearly don't get it, leaf. Just like our God Emperor Donald Trump, we start with a strong position and compromise. What we eventually want to happen is gas the rapists and murderers and peaceably exile the rest. But I understand that sort of nuance is beyond you.
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>Not having glowing gif pepe.
Why live?
Dp you have the webm of Indian abortion hog? It never fails to bring a smile to my face
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Pol is a board of peace
Please go back to coontown where you belong. Fucking Reddit shills
Ultra kek on that meme min ven
I was there for that thread, he was very lethargically apathetic but he didn't seem totally gone. He seemed to like a number of the replies, which were genuinely good posts. Not sure what the result was.

/pol/ - polite
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>asbstract pepe
Worth 6,000 GBPs
Sounds like he made it out okay then. That's good.
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>Dem dubs
I be taking your pepes now
why people still say these memes when solaire died or went mad?
/pol/ is full of people who already want to end themselves
The only reason most people keep coming back instead of just ending it is the hope they can witness the end of it all
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Rare bird pepe
You're able to save him and summon him for the final boss. Pain in the ass of a quest, but doable.
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Stolen. I'll trade you this.
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>Reveal Kek
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get rekt casul , dumb frog poster

if you save him he links the flame and die. Miyazaki said that on a interview.
Well everyone dies at some point, you fucking huemonkey. Point is you give him his sun.
Theres too many extremists these days, I cant cope.
No, undead don't die at some point, that's why they are undead, they can't die. There's even a character from dark souls 1 in dark souls 3.
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Good enough.
Trippy as fuck

>heres a pepe on the house
Ehh ... why take the head? Pretty sure you cant open the mouth.
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>tfw you don't have rares but you steal others
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>Year confirmed for Habbenings
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Because we are the true liberals
The so called "true liberal values" were perverted nowadays.

We love each other and want everyone to be the best they can.

Take pride on who you are and make it worthful to make the life of those next to you better.
Shame the world is going to die and true justice never existed or was destroyed a long time ago.
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Pepe will deliever 20 chicken nuggies to your doorstep if get
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Also, as a fascist I value true multi-culturalism and diversity. You know, the diversity where they don't mix us all into one big non-diverse, non-multi-cultural population?
This is very true.
Here is a saying I've made regarding it.

"If diversity is our strength, then race mixing makes us weak."

That's pretty good to use against liberals. But then again, I don't think the left cares too much for evidence and facts. In fact, they do everything they can to suppress reality. They are pretty much unwilling to be changed through logic or anything reasonable. So I guess they need to be dealt with through force.
It's a leap year, nigger
Sometimes, a precription for the redpill is just enough. Let them cannibalize and weaken eachother and then we can take over
>it's already happening.
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Well the left is already destroying itself, because it has no consistent grounding because it's literally based on nothing but subjective feelings. At the end of the day I think most humans are relatively rational. I think all of this insane SJW communist tranny toilet stuff is probably merely a phase. Even normies are realizing how ridiculous the left is becoming.
I shit you not nigger I have seen normies, even minority normies defend us NatSocs and the like when a (((Anti-SJW Kikebook Page))) started bashing on us.

One even stated they would rather deal with a 3rd Reich than any more of this SJW bullshit.

The fire rises.
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Imagine this. Diveristy in the 4th reich.
Blacks, Latinos, Whites, Asians. United to save our nation. All dressed in SS uniforms.

Be careful for what you wish for liberals. You might just get it.
Why imagine? it was reality ... just doesnt fit the normie narrative.
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Well the 3rd reich had the most diversity out of anyone in their army. It shows they weren't racists. They had nigger battalions and shit.
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Because they're fucking idiots for picking the dogma they think makes them sound clever to other idiots - similar to the I'm an atheist who loves science like it's actually a person type of shit
You know, I was told nazis gassed blacks, but never seen any of them in the camp photos, do you got photographic evidence of nigga nazis?

Next battlefield game needs to have nigger nazi protag.

>inb4 hol up, we wuz nazis n sheit?
The only reason a national socialist would have to hate an Israeli is his government's significant foreign policy outreach through diaspora. Once we kill all of our jews, Israel won't have any influence on us, so we should have no inherent problem with Israelis.
wtf man


Ftfy. The biggest redpill was when I was growing up, the history books had ACCURATE info about the holocaust, including hitlers motive. Then I noticed a discrepisency once I switched schools and took their history class. Of course the new school textbooks don't mention hitlers motive and has 6 million

ITT: Democrats r the real racists
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Hmm can't really find much in terms of pictures desu. There were arab muslims and indians in the SS as well.
At least you're not the german who was posting a baby being abused webm yesterday.
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>tfw you realize niggers weren't kings but SS soldiers.

>tfw blacks at one point, defended the aryan race

Best thing to prevent me from becoming racist towards em' when I see them chimp out.

Exactly. Jews are the real racists.

I deplore racism, just like the nazis did. That's why I'm a nazi, because I'm against racism, just like Adolf Hitler.

Fucking idiot. Kill yourself.
I remember seeing footage of that.

Odd huh? It's almost like everyone was a nationalist of their own race but got along and was just trying to save the races from being enslaved by Juden.
Because people don't become Nazis out of hatred for others, but because they have seen what is being done to their own people by various groups, including white people here in their own lands, and they want to change it.
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>tfw you realize israel is pushing the multi-culturalism in Europe


They have been the enemy all along. Driving us all against each other.
Adolf Hitler gave a medal to a black person while America didn't. Even if he is racist he still did what was right and gave the guy the medal.

Also, I am just a nationalist in general. I want to see the repair of the black nuclear family. The jews ruined their community by promoting degeneracy.
They are not Israel, it is in our great interest to have all the Jews from across the world come to us, rather then wonder about out there, we could use them.
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Because /pol/ isn't full of edgelords as the far left wants you to believe. The far left is full of hypocritical reverse racists and bigots who think they're the center of morality when they're actually far more destructive to the people around them.

We don't hate Jews because they're Jewish, we hate Jews because they've proven time and time again that they break down societies. There have been a few based jews to break away from this stereotype and /pol/ acknowledges this.

We don't hate niggers because they're niggers. We hate niggers because they've proven time and time again that they're violent and prone to lash out. There have been a few based blacks who've broken away from these stereotypes and /pol/ acknowledges this.

The Far Left, Zionists, and Social Justice Warriors will spread lies and slanders to make people believe that their opposition are nazis when that's not even the case. /pol/'s just full of Europeans and Americans who are fed up with liberals and politicians trying to belittle white culture, trying to demonize white history, and spread disinfo about white civilizations while making up negroid fairy tales or filling our countries with foreigners who have no place to be here. We're sick of the fucking zionist lies, liberal trickery, and the concentration of slander and racism targeted against white people as a whole and we've decided to put our foot down.

/pol/ "nazis" have done far more good than any tumblr "sjw"

Well maybe nationalist zionist jews are good, the communist ones want to overthrow Europe.
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Because they do it to seek attention. I have depression/anxiety, it's shit, no friends and barely leave the house. I don't talk about it with anyone. Sick of seeing people (especially women) cry about their loneliness on youtube. No, just because you don't have a Chad doesn't mean you're lonely.

I like /pol/ because it feels like I can relate to people a lot here. I use it to vent.
The biggest redpill to swallow is to know that racism is pushed by jews via of controlled opposition. There is no doubt in my mind that there were uncover kikes in the KKK, Skinheads, Stromfront and "Anglo-chaser neonazis" to divert the attention away from the cause and made them focus on a syndome.
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I always thought that. "neo-nazis" or skinheads seem to completely miss the point and don't represent real fascism.

>i rest my case
As long as you guys keep to yourselves and try not to wipe us out, you are okay.

But I am not closing my eye on you JDF

>greatest ally only appeared after this nazi talk.
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>/pol/ is full of european and americans
>european and americans
damn you leaf
If you're here you're one of us. It takes a certain kind of person to come here and stay here so even if you're a Jew or gay or black you're still one of us. /pol/ is all full of misfits and anyone who tells you they aren't some lonely soul with no friend is lying.
High moral values
That's why leftists verbal abuse tactics work so great. Leftists and jews have no problems lying
And refugees really arent refugees while jews keep pushing their ill agenda, which is denounced by the left as xenophobia and antisemitism, when it's really just facts. They keep repeating this lie and eventually it became reality because nobody except poland combat that though.
That (((Woman))) isn't a zionist, she wants doesn't want the J00z to come to Israel
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Same, they are ironically the ones that fall for jewish tricks the fastest.

I think they use nationalism as an excuse to be a criminal and degenerate. Notice how most neo-nazis are atheist/tattoo freaks even though nazism was christian and only used tattoos to label jews?
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just eat me now senpai.

she is. Wiether you like it or not.
Why the fuck are you posting that again?

I remember seeing this awhile back.
Some will deny it, but /pol/ is about principles more than anything else.

Fucking praise the Almighty Kek. For he will bring happenings are waifus.
*and waifus

fuck me sempai
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kek i spent too much time in /b/ gore threads. When ever i see someone go wtf i just laugh

>the evil chinese nazi cheese pizza board turns out to be the good guys

We're a lot like the Nazis, history is always backwards.
>tfw /pol/ is one of the last bastions of kind souls.

Let's promote virtue as an ideology. Mandatory self-improvement threads related to society and the self, as well as ideas to make the virtuous succeed and rise.

Too many redditors and shills here at the moment. So many slide threads and loads of bullshit. This is the first thread in a while where i've seen decent conversation. Shills will go after the election probably.
Yes please
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Happening waifus

My dickopcolypse is ready!
Does anybody have the original picture?
we are the spirit
>History is written by the victors

I guess because the "victors" usually win because of their ruthlessness and lack of morality. They'd stoop to any level.

Only the good die young, that's why the Nazis lost desu.
then you haven;t been browsing the right threads, there's always one or two threads a day
How have you not seen that?
Search, "We saw this guy dancing, he stopped when he saw us laughing."
Best damn typo ever.
Yeah. At least they can rest knowing that the truth eventually got to the populous.
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>tfw ebola-chan is technachly a happening waifu
people only love /pol/
God deserves to be spat on his face for supposedly creating all this pathetic mess. You probably won't agree because you are in a first world country posting comfortably about it and will think he is challenging your faith or whatever.
It's been happening all along.
Calm the fuck down, Polan.
Man, I was from /ic/ like 5 years ago, but I migrated here and I haven't looked back. /ic/ is very toxic and negative, full of hopelessness in contrast to /pol/ where most of us seem to always be thinking of good things ahead and trying to figure out how to better the quality of life for our fellow man.
I don't see the jews in murrica ever moving from murrica, and especially not to Israel where they wouldn't last because it's not the land of milk and honey they're so spoiled by. Russian jews are pretty entrenched in Russia, don't see them wanting to be in the desert sun either.

God is a true freedom giver.

He allows people to do and think as their please, no matter how degenerate and only expects them to follow some good rules
New pol is reddit fuck off nigger faggot
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I want to plunge my corn cob pipe into Frosty the Winterchan.
You mean v
>So many slide threads and loads of bullshit.

This. What in Heaven's name is going on? Is it because of Trump or perhaps Brexit?
Do you really not realize that most of the original Nazi party members were pretty close to your modern day skinhead? Most of Hitlers top guys in the early days were convicted murderers, thiefs, homosexuals, etc. Normal people thought Hitler was crazy. He even had a special group within the party structure to prevent all of this from getting out to the public. Hitler didn't give a shit about ideology, he just wanted power. He consistently threw people out of the party for being too into national socialism. He didn't want to make a national socialist country, he wanted to make a dictatorship controlled by himself.
I swear to god all you say is shit just shut up already its like all the normie cancer of thos board just had its own general and it sucks i bet there isnt even a thin person among you
>(((1 post by this ID)))
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>check the flag
Yes telling the truth makes me a jew. How many of you have ever actually read history about the third reich? Probably none of you.
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Nice dubs, kike.
Its crazy how this place lost its edge now they are just a bunch of whinng faggots not even raids are allowed anymore can you believe that ? Whats the las time we pushed some 11 yo to kill himself can you remember ?
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I do research, that's why I believe what I believe.
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We've always been viewed this way.
Thr truth is we're an international brotherhood and welcome anyone that shares our views and goals.
Dont feel bad. We'll continue to support each other so long as we see eye to eye on all things /pol/itical. I promise. :^)
Nice ad flagniem you got there faggot and flags are cancer too this isn't /int/
We still do raids, just not degerate ones. Don't you remember we raided reddit and made them have to change their core website code just so they could censor us? That was last week.

Globalist scum need to get purged
there isnt a single thread about poitics now
shut up fat piece of shit
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I had to do it.
thank fuck, sand nigger knows whats up.
Liberals pretend to care about other humans.
Most on the right are compassionate and want people to live better while understanding that these people have no idea how to live better.
Tbh, I always had a sense you guys were right. Alot of normies look up to you guys. They wish they had the high energy we do here.
It kinda sad to believe that stuff like this are worth mentioning we used to be on fox news for murder cases and bomb threats
What a fall from grace!
Globlists are the ones causing the shill and shit slide threads. Though there is nothing wrong with nationalists working together to help eachother.
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Anonymous betrayed us despite us being their father and left us here, that's why you don't see 4chan on the news anymore.
>tfw no more new anonymous hacker 4chans maymay
They belong to the normies and redditors now. They even tried to hurt trump! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Go kill yourself, normalfag.
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/pol/ represents all that is right with western civilization.
Never despair fellow /pol/ack
His point is that it isn't the center linchpin of out discussion, and we don't go about boasting about it
Decent body, what a waste
I have trouble taking these retarded dumbfrogposters seriously when they keep praising their kike god. More so when they were trying to worship Baal too. A bunch of retards that I can't tell if they're doing it to slide or just underage.
That was beautiful...faggot
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>tfw I come to /pol/ everyday after I wake up and think to myself I want to die.
>tfw I hope for happenings, but they never come.
>tfw Joseph Goebbels in 1930~
>tfw waiting for the Fuhrer.

I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

Hold me /pol/
sounds like you should see a doctor and/or therapist! hang in there, swedenigger!
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no, this isn't true they have no tie with the anonymous that used to lurk here they just bought cheap masks and hijacked their movement
Don't worry bud, happenings is coming soon
>international brotherhood

I've never looked at /pol/ this way...
Then why didn't we fight back? Where's old Anonymous?
do you mean that baal isn't the true god?
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Yeah, we all know how that goes.
because /pol/ is, always has been, and always will be a Christian board.
praise Kek.
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Not including pic related
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This fucking faggot gets it
Baal is a the same evil kike god that they worship but with a different name. He has many names if you do some digging.
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Now that you have, you must carry on in that tradition and spirit fellow /pol/ack.

Keep /pol/ alive for future generations to learn from.
Btw my neighbor keeps slamming the door. I asked him to stop nicely. I want to make this stop but management does not care. What can I do without going to jail?
there isn't such things as "we" somethings just occurs and we just happen to profit of that "meme majick"
and no we don't need them fuck'em
literal heresy: the post.
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Don't forget Bast

Baal is pretty close to Build Wall, right?
>I have that same problem except he also plays his nigger music loud

Just tolerate it.
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Next time live in a detached home like the rest of us.

Privacy is valued in this great nation
What did he say when you confronted him?
Yeah, screwe'm, we got other hackers on our team anyway.
Slam your door late at night.
/pol/ is a Christian board faggot

I seriously want to kill this guy. He's some lanky blonde skinny faggot I could fuck him up after taking 29 benadryl but I do not want jail time. Been watching dexter lately and wondering if I can be smart. Not going to plastic line a kill room and kill the guy but I really want to beat the shit out of him, badly. I just don't want jail time lol.

This fucking dick is slamming the door fucking HARD, I got a lady down stairs who is like 70 yrs old at least and sickly. Sure she doesn't appreciate that. I asked him to stop nicely, no attitude. The little faggot is doing it harder now. If I snap one day he's going to be the first to feel MUHHHHH painnnnn. Seriously what do though, I need to fucking make this faggot stop.

He said excuse me? In this fucking effeminate way, then I explained about the old lady underneath us and he said ok sorry. Then continued to slam the fuck out of it hard as shit the whole night, keeps doing it every day all the time.

Like I said the dude looks like a fucking tennis fag or something, hardly a tough guy. I just don't want to go to jail for smashing his face into the wall. And desu he walks around weird as fuck almost like he's a serial killer or something, very odd vibes.

Old anon is either in jail or has a family / life
Hide in the parking lot, break his kneecaps. Or at least give him a good beating and remain hidden/masked

I have man but it's just this nice old lady under me has to put up with that shit, otherwise I would slam it off the hinges.
Does he just not know what it sounds like? Do you share a flat?
Have a BBQ with some of the other tenants and invite him.
Make sure he enjoys a beer or two then let him know how everyone feels.
If he gets belligerent, fuck him up. The other tenants will be on your side when the police arrive.
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/pol/ is a conservative Muslim board
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Nah they are very heavy doors man you would have to be fucking retarded to not realize what your doing. Big apartment complex sadly.


Good idea honestly. Might do just that man, thanks.
>It's a "nazis dindu nuffin because I'm a naziboo" episode
damn I'm bored of reruns
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Fuck you faggot. You'll be dealt with in time.
Put Ricin
that or
>Go to pet shop.
>Set up professional rain-forest terrarium.
>buy poison dart frogs.
>feed them ants
>place the poison on his door-nob once the frogs are toxic again.
what a faggot!
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I would but I'm afraid of getting put in a loonie bin or getting medicines that will erase my personality and identity.

I just need a purpose in society, but no one has any uses for a white male Sweden anno 2016.

I don't have anything to live for and I certainly don't have anything to lose.
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LOL wtf, hrmmm anon you are not to be fucked with.
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You're welcome.
This is /pol/ we'll always be here.
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Neither have a fucking Swastika.
Behind the cynicism and shitposting, we truly do all care for each other.

just kidding
kys you infidel faggot
thats the majority mate. even though you are a minority on the board, you have as much a say in anything that goes on here, as the rest of us. dont get all pissy because you weren't referenced as a majority, faggot. that's not the path to the red pill.
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You're surrounded you filthy goat fucking snackbar.
We've got your number.
Why not... say? get on a flight to the US? aaaand... never fly back?

Why would you post that fellow burger enthusiast?
Imagine a drunk guy at a pub, who is a regular and well known.
You go in that bar for the first time and the only thing you notice is, how obnoxious and rather offending he is.
But you See the other regulars just accepting him, some even agreeing with him or laughing at his jokes.
You leave puzzled and a bit annoyed.

You find yourself again for a second time there.

Then a third time. Some people recognize you. You Start little conversations.

Going there slowly becomes a ritual to you and you always see that guy.
He's kinda ok you think, But a real jerk.

One day, After having a shit day at work you go there and you just sit there by yourself having a beer, that guy, who barely acknowledged you, suddenly is there next to you asking 'whats wrong'.

First you think he's fucking with you. He doesn't care. But no.
He's that guy. He's an asshole. But he knows you. And he's there.
That asshole listens to you. And you feel better.

You've met pol.
Maybe he hasn't had his morning burger?
We all get a little funny without our morning burger.
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Because we're not /b/. And even if we were:
2. Newfags don't know why we closed the pool using Nazi iconography and blaxploitation characters to fight racism. We are anonymous. We are the outcasts of society. Everyone on 4chan is broken. We know those feels. We are all faggots. We are all niggers.
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call back when you cuck froncis will actually be able to call for fucking crusaes

0 21 48 15 15
>work night-shift
>Haven't had a morning Burger in 2 years.
>All the McDonalds'n'shit serves breakfast.
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Kek. Now do /b/

Did you try camping out in the wilderness all alone for 1 month?
Why would the Crusaders ever listen to the Catholic Church again after what happened the first time?
Crusades just gonna happen fuck Catholics. Back stabbers.
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gif related
chill dude it was just banter their is no need to be this upset, jesus...
Maybe you should try and build one for yourself /pol/bro?
Saves you money and you can have it your way everyday
Imagine a drunk guy at a swingers club. With an alligator. And a fistful of quaaludes.
Just because I hate you doesn't mean I have to be rude, do I look like a nigger?
Not a terrible idea or unheard of, I just don't even know where to start.

I also feel great shame, if I leave, I leave my ancestors, they were all drunkard musicians idiot savants, but nonetheless they're my ancestors. I can look out my window and see the church tower where I was baptised.

I just want this place to better, I don't think I'm ready to abandon my heritage to the muzzies.

yes, but it never happened.
Imagine a drunk 13 year old.
Lamb burger is best burger.

Although I really don't understand why people love to have so many toppings on their burgers... Usually I just eat mine meat and bun, if I have any toppings its usually either ketchup or lettuce.
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Or the kid of gif related? :^)
So this kid?>>77823925
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Zero Chill.
All the time.
...? What never happened? (Or is this some joke that went right over my head?)
yes, I considered it but I never put the idea into practice.*
Because 4chan is a psyop to push porn faggotry and degeneracy on the youth. It desensitized your mind to more and more degenerate images. This is part of the brainwash.

It's a trap. Just look at what Milo is doing.
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> I really don't understand why people love to have so many toppings on their burgers
People these days prefer to have nutrient dense burgers to make ourselves feel better about having a burger so often.
How could a board of peace not be welcoming?
Ah. May I ask why not?
I cried a little
Thank you based amerifaggot.
I guess it's probably because most of us had time to contemplate humanity and how to settle a problem without resulting to intimidation.

>My solution would be deportation to some open land
>A lesser communism for the creators of communism
>Liquidate all wealth etc and give what is necessary for survival
>Forced labor along with gentials to teach them a good work ethic
>Destruction of most of their supremacist holy books
>Archive a few of each for purely historical reasons

Some other ideas

It would be better to have them out of our hair and productive then harmful menaces to society
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>It desensitized your mind to more and more

Funny how that backfired.
I don't have a good reason.
Because the truth can be spoken here. People act like real humans here than they can in real life with all the social pressures and facades you have to put up just so you don't get crucified. In real life you can't debate. Here you can post your side and you'll get someone to exchange thoughts and keep your wits sharp against. You'll disagree on some things, but come to bond on others respectfully.
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i hate france go eat an arab dick nigger
now you're just bullying.
/pol/ also fucking loves gardening. Damn that thread was fun.
Just like ordinary racists, /pol/ hates"Jews" in the abstract, but not in the individual level it would seem.

Do you have screen caps of that thread?
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Eyup, gonna just keep getting angrier until I can get fiki again.
>Yet is still labeled, the Asshole of the internet?
Because normies don't understand our sense of humor.
>ad flagniem
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what a fag thx (you)
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I want to interview the Jews of /pol/
I have a some questions.

For starters how to you view denial of a Jewish holocaust and if you're Israeli is it illegal or are certain things maybe videos blocked?
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