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What makes you special? What is different about you? Chosen

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What makes you special? What is different about you?

Chosen of a certain god? Kidnapped by the illuminati? Followed around by vampires? Gifted psychic? Vessel of something important?
Extensive lucid dreaming experience and travel to alternate dimensions. Also I have access to spirit guides and telepathy. Seems no dream can really keep me entrained, and I become lucid regularly.
I can mind bend genetic codes and travel through my personal akash that way.
>I can mind bend genetic codes

So what can you do? Change your eyecolor for example?
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Nothing makes me special. You are not special. 99.9% of the worlds population are normal, un-interesting fucks with boring lives, just like you.
Now stop live action roleplaying and get a job
Maybe according to your definition. But I don't give a shit about that.
My definition is based on reality. Yours is based on delusions and autism
I'm a transsexual psychotic STEM major, literally half-genius half-retarded (WAIS inventories range from 144 to 80), so I straddle the line between male and female, genius and imbecile, rationalist and lunatic.

Throw in any number of random facts: I carry a gun, I've sworn an oath against murder to the man who gave me my name, I ride a motorcycle, I have a talking dragon that lives in my head, and you get a statistical abberation, something that can only be expressed with an explanation point in front of an existential modifier.

Granted, I didn't say I was a -useful- kind of special.

Oh wait, the exclamation point comes after. Oh well, I'm half retard.
>crying and complaining about posts on 4chan
>not being autistic

I don't think so, mate.
I guess I am different because I was chosen by the Magna Mater, to want to chop off my penis.

This lead me to doubt everything, because authority kept me from dressing as I do, from eating what I desire, from loving what I want to love. It's easy to see that love is key to fixing the lack of freedom.

Vid related, it's the goddess speaking.
if you have a gun and took an oath why is the man not dead yet?
No, you see the kind of autism I'm talking about here is real actual autism. Not 4chan autism

I don't understand the question.
>posting pepe
>complaining about 4chan threads and "muh roleplay"
>not being REALLY autistic

Yeah no. Try again.
Mikufags should die in a hailstorm of bullets and fire.
wat? explain please
I mean that the Titan mother, talks to me, and she made me realize that I am a nurturing being. And most of us are actually nurturing beings.

I'm on my way to becoming a Galli of old.
I worship nature, as she's really nurturing if you are faithful to her. If you look to control her or manipulate her, or if you ignore her commands, the commands of "Your nature" then you will go insane.

Let everyone follow their nature, the nature that they aren't told to do. What they wanna do, that's pretty much it.

If everyone did what they wanted, but paid heed to the Magna Mater, then we'd be in paradise.
These are her words.
Do you also hear voices... ?

I don't hear voices from everything, but when I am in an shamanic trance I can.
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I'm kind of smart.
I have common sense, that's pretty special nowadays.
Alright, I guess I can let the secret out since were on an anonymous board...

I have a skeleton inside of me... Im scared
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Damn...you're boned.
i have autism, which gives me superpowers, like drawing really arousing yaoi
you sound batshit
I'd can't think of another type of fertilizer that works quite as well as batshit.

You sound rather chemical, like extracted urea nitrogen.
I like to pick my nose
i can die and wake up again through extensive amounts of meditation, and i have proven this theory, i meditate and for some odd reason my body goes really numb and my breathing system is really hard, if i keep going i pass out and wake up 40 minutes later.
since when is passing out dying?
my body loses oxygen for 40 minutes, how is that passing out you body cannot go that long without it.
people that are passed out still breathe...

how do you know youre not breathing while your passed out? lmao

I imagine girls with angelic boyfriends create threads on 4chan
Stop stalking me thank you

Oh shit, it was true, I had a FEELING it was you.
I could be the Silver Golden Prophet

or just really rich and fuck bitches

I think the latter would give me more happiness
Stop stalking me

Why do you assume I'm your stalker and not some anon that knows the conversation and is checking?
Im not assuming I HAVE A STALKER Im saying in general "stop stalking me" in general to the public here
Feels like I have another body within that I can shape with thought and feeling. It doesn't have to match the human form, I just change myself a lot and make energy patterns that bend space or give me extrasensory perception. I can sometimes sync my whole mind and start seeing whole vision perception of my body or surroundings from a multidimensional perspective.
I'm incapable of feeling love or empathy.
I am not special, but I think there are lots of special people around me/people I know.

I am not just gonna ask them straight up, but I know there's something otherworldy about these individuals.

It's kinda cool.
Is that paranormal though? Sounds like you're just an unfortunate psychopath

Nice try, wise ass, but your "stalker" only bothered you a few times in a few threads (that were of the same topic, actually a few as in two) and you were quick and precise to identify him, also... can confirm, you were right. How precise.
What are you even TALKING about? i just said its not about having "one stalker" or "the stalker" its about people in general

> can confirm, you were right

Right about what?
Yes, but at least what makes me special is real.

So you are a person who tells everybody to stop stalking? That's kinda... unusual...
Please remove yourself from the genepool or don't get any kids fucking psychopath scum I look forward to the day that brainscans will mark all of you psychofucks as what you are

So empaths will be warned about your kind
Ok I get it you are bored, hang out on x a lot and you made the connection that because I was using a similar picture maybe that its me about the "angel boyfriend" storyline

I dream my own future.

And you even talk like her, what a coincidence, because it's the first time I see a person calling me a stalker, and you go and say it here again: stop stalking me.

Yet you don't say it to anybody else...
randomly though? or with 100% accuracy? Because I think dreaming sometimes about your own future is pretty common, so it depends on how common/precise your dreams are

Because YOU are the only one who mentioned it in this thread without any reason, I never mentioned it myself, so you are the only one who talked about this
>YOU are the only one who mentioned it in this thread

But you aren't that person and you don't know me and it could be just a joke of a regular poster, so there's no reason to get all jumpy and claim to be stalked since you aren't that person.
The only reason you could have gotten all riled up is if:
a) you are that person
b) you actually know who I am because of what was established in that past thread
You'll probably be relieved to know that I hate children too much to create one.

I'm guessing by the fact you were incapable of punctuating that massive run on sentence I struck a nerve. Does it comfort you to know that we're everywhere? I've traveled much of the world and never been anywhere I haven't seen one my emotionless, cold eyed, brethren.

Sleep tight.

In fact, the only reasonable answer would have been: fuck off
I'm sure you'll try it now
Why would I call you a stalker if I wasnt the person? That doesnt make sense, of course its me and that's why Im asking you what YOU WANT? Are you just bored?

No... merely checking if you still had the ability to recognize people with just a forum post. Because it is not reasonable to call a fellow anon stalker just because he pulls a prank on you.
I have nothing to do with psychopaths they aren't allowed to be in my presence

just annoys me that they take advantage of good hearted, stupid people who don't know better .. IF you are a real psycho anyways and not just an edgy, depressed teen who thinks s/he can't love cause you hate the world for not giving you want you want or something like that
Ok then it was just a prank :)
Had a thread on it before and some people have similar dreams. It acts like a regular dream, and I don't think it's deja vu because often there are areas that I've never been to before. It's pretty random, yeah. Not every night, but it's the only thing I dream that night.

Everything that happens in the dream WILL happen in the moment. This includes me realizing that I'm dreaming, which usually happens at the end. Even if it doesn't, the same things happen all the time, including me trying to prevent something and realizing I dreamed about me preventing it anyways.

It's usually mundane stuff, like myself in University or at a convention. The only major difference is that when the dream ends, I "die" I either get ran over if I'm crossing a road or I just drop to the floor. I always say "Now I am dead." after and I wake up.

Those never happen in reality, a car never comes, life just continues just with me not knowing what happens next.

What do you think of Racter in Shadowrun: Hong Kong, he's the best right?
Man that sounds pretty cool, is that a thing of your family perhaps? Did you ever talked to someone about that like mother, siblings?

Cause I remember reading that supposedly stuff like that can "run" in your bloodline
Funny thing, restricting your presence from any certain personality disorder. It is literally impossible.

I have spent my entire life adapting myself to the responses of others. Those I see often actually tell me they're jealous of my "people skills."
I played Returns and Dragonfall briefly but I haven't gotten to Hong Kong.
nothing special. I'm fairly intelligent, but not amazingly so. I don't believe anyone is or was following me, and I've never been abducted. I do seem to get lucky often in ways that keep me from getting hurt, but that's about it.
Its not impossible loser, I spot them like nothing and they get removed

I dont allow psychopaths in my close presence on a longer term thats all, I only have a thing for people with a good heart, short term its impossible and you might need to do business with them and whatnot, but you dont need to keep them CLOSE in your life

And Im waiting for the brainscans and then like the jews had to wear stars back in the day, the psychopaths will have to wear them too
Nope. It comforts me sorta, because it always shows me boring shit and if those are the big events in my life, I know I'm not fucked.
I don't think I can dream my death, though. Since I always 'die' at the end, I think that may be me disconnecting from something? Maybe I look into parallel versions of myself where in that universe I die at that moment? Which is why it's always mundane? Maybe I'm always dreaming my death in another world.
No offence but it's obvious.. I know it's you too. Everybody does.
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do you have any mental illness that you know of?

>Maybe I look into parallel versions of myself where in that universe I die at that moment? Which is why it's always mundane? Maybe I'm always dreaming my death in another world.

hah there was a guy who made a post saying that we can't die as individuals (i cant quite say it like he does, not in word) but.. that every time you put a gun in your mouth, you die "somewhere else" - parallel universe like you said?

but the you, the YOU here, will never die - there will always something happen to prevent that, maybe the gun is dysfunctional.

Maybe thats a taste of that? I dont know, neither do you
I've always found it strange that individuals such as yourself claim to elevate the emotional ideal, and yet display a great disdain and loathing than I'm incapable of.

Also your second statement contradicts your first. If you could "spot me like nothing", how is it that "short term its impossible"?
Know how to draw
Always followed by good spirits or just something that censors my mind from seeing bad things (demons and stuff etc etc)
Want to kill myself

Nothing especial
Because sometimes even if you spot psychopaths you have to deal with them in school or work? So I notice them and I have to "short term" deal with them

>I've always found it strange that individuals such as yourself claim to elevate the emotional ideal,

Its proven that psychopaths end up in prison more often, abuse and destroy more, they are like a failed human experiment or something and will NEVER be able to understand, like wild animals always dangerous

Should get removed to protect the rest

Show us and be b&
Looks like your spirits aren't that good if they can't ease your feelings of wanting to eliminate yourself..
i'm under illegal surveillance by local yokel cops and they think i'm some trailer park dwelling moron when i grew up in calabasas and could join mensa tomorrow. guess that makes me special, but if you really pay attention then you'll know those cops are "special" and just useful idiots.

oh, i'm followed by vampires, harassed by freemasons, have some minor psychic abilities, am an mkultra illuminati slave, was chosen by a nordic god and am the vessel of "the tornado" who/whatever that is.

also i love mootles.
You're not alone
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I'm just a man dying of cancer.
Stop being so obvious please
>samefagging to fuck with me

let it go, are you so bored? Im not scared of getting STALKED on 4chan, its just mildly annoying
I've sold my soul to multiple entities in the past. I'm basically a walking sphere of influence for extradimensional beings.

Hit my phone up ladies my dick game is diabolic
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It's all right, really. Everyone has been sad about it, it depresses me to sadden people so profoundly with a condition. But I will be gone soon, and I think that will help them heal.
I'm not going to watch your video. Judging by your assertion of work or school you're under 24. No one under 24 has an sociological opinion of any real worth.

I'm well aware that antisocial personalities (not psychopaths, unless you're currently reading the 1972 DSM) are often violent and manipulative. That aside, it's total bullshit that you have some sort of radar for personality disorders. You're a small person in a large world.
Whats your proof that these entities even exist? And how can you even sell your soul to several people if its already owned by someone
Fuck you, subhuman and enjoy the rest of your empty life
Yeah I know, but I have been in many "haunted" places many times, never seen things, never felt them or been molested by them, I go to the worst parts of the town and country at bad hours and don't get attacked, at least they protect me or something
How long do you have? and is it painful to have cancer? i really like the grey air in those pictures
I'm not the first guy, Miss.
Well neither has anything bad happen to me even when I went out to bad places in the city or the forest at night, all alone or asked every fucking wizard I found to curse me, or tried to summon demons

Most people dont experience anything bad or paranormal, do you really think that means they are getting protected by good spirits? I dont think so, it seems to be totally normal.

do you want anything? Or just want to be annoying?
I mean, if you're supernaturally inclined at all you're welcome to read me. The soul is a powerful thing. Not that hard to divvy it up.
How do you feel about the cancer jokes?
I prefer to think my psychological profile has evolved from the stinking, shit soaked quagmire you call a life. I don't mourn, I don't weep, and I don't follow my emotions around like some teat suckling child.

The vast majority of the most powerful people on the planet are antisocial personalities. Enjoy your futility. You earned it.
Again; Whats your proof that these entities even exist?

Circlejerking about "energy reading" isnt proof

Oh almighty anon indeed.. i can sense.. great power.. and responsibility...
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My day has been planned, I just want to wait a little longer. And I've felt loads of pain most of my life due to a neural disorder that causes low levels of Dopamine and Serotonin. Eventually, people adapt. But I can tell you that, at times, it was bad enough that it made me wish a gun were nearby with at least a single bullet.
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If they're funny, I find them funny. Like any other joke for me, honestly. I'm slow to take offence.
>The vast majority of the most powerful people on the planet are antisocial personalities.

Yeah, and a lot of psychos end up in prison or dead

great! And look at you loser, hanging out here on 4chan, why arent you chilling with your super powerful buddies at the top sniffing cocaine, fucking whores and enjoying your wealth?
Its gonna be alright
I mean, I can't show you a picture or anything. I had to burn the written contracts for the ceremonies of a few, others were just spoken. Via the internet I cannot provide you with proof more than my word.

Also, the fuckers didn't make me all-powerful. I just got a little bit more muscular and animals have a tendency to treat me with respect. 6/10 do not recommend. Not worth the blood I used to seal the deals.
You sick fuck
So basically nothing happened, you just roleplayed with your own mind because you like the idea of being special (me too, its cool)

And now a mix of selective perception, wishful thinking and confirmation bias make you believe that its true
Well, to your point, all sorts of people end up in prison, and everyone ends up dead.

I'm here for the bullshit to kill time, like everyone. Implying that I implied that I'm somehow ingratiated with these individuals furthers your deteriorating argument that I am somehow less than you are.

By your measure, also, you would be a loser for being here on 4chan responding to me.
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I tell everyone else that every time they express worry, distress, misery at my condition. I don't wholly believe it.
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I am the reincarnation of Jesus.
But im not The Christ yet, because im fucking pissed at you for being such assholes and actually fucking me up last time.
Government knows and monitors me constantly.
Demons stalk me.
And little kids see me as some kind of marvelous character.
Nah Im not a loser cause I belong to the empath-masterrace

Experiencing the depths of life and all these feelings you will never feel
It was just a prank bro!
why dont you believe it? you are going to die, no? we are all going to die, you are just doing it earlier, so its going to be alright.

thats so easy for me to say when im not in your situation, how disgusting it can be. sorry
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I am a rational man, I think. I don't believe in afterlives, rewards or punishments. I don't want to cease to exist as a conscious mind, but I am also happy I had the opportunity in the first place. Hence why I chose a day in particular, give it an end and prepare accordingly.
I've heard that too, and that's what people who are 'lucky' are, people who were meant to be somewhere that had a disaster but never seem to be.

People who miraculously beat illnesses, or people who live an unhealthy lifestyle but aren't that.
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Summoned succubi and lived to tell the tale
ITT: Special snowflake tumblrinas make a safe space on 4chan.
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Just feel very sad for succubi, if they are real, must be a tough job
>didn't read the thread but still has to shitpost

I can trigger a weird adrenaline rush type thing at will if im standing or sitting still. No idea whats up with that. Easy as flipping a switch.
Incubi and succubi alike. They have multiple factions and sometimes struggle against each other. It's difficult to prepare humans as vessels if there is so much interference and distraction.
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I'm an empath
>What makes you special?
Nothing. Maybe fairy logic. MAYBE.
>What is different about you?
I'm the only one that truly knows what the name "Queen" represents.
>Chosen of a certain god?
Sure... Chosen... I've been "chosen" a lot.
>Kidnapped by the illuminati?
They've certainly tried.
>Followed around by vampires?
No that I know of.
>Gifted psychic?
Not if I can help it.
>Vessel of something important?

Who wants to know?
It's the Guy Who Says Roleplayer again! Welcome back dick, no thread is complete without you. Now fuck off.
wish i could be in your place, my life sucks.
I guess i can " lucid dream ". I also have a voice in my head that kinda talks to me and tells me to not do some things or go some place. is there something wrong with me or is it just my conscience?
>What makes you special?
What is different about you?
>Chosen of a certain god?
dont think so
Kidnapped by the illuminati?
no, but probably observed. i was those kids that got pulled out of class and had to take those weird IQ/psych test.
Followed around by vampires?
no, but ive seen a vision/dream of one when i was younger. im 100% i was awake and not dreaming.
Gifted psychic?
Vessel of something important?
drugs,booze and nothingness.
> implying a psychopath cares about your two cents
By definition, they will give 0 fucks about what you think of them, so I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish other than showcasing your autism.

>So empaths will be warned about your kind
Yeah, definitely autistic.
wow youre so coool anon

wow wow wow! you really showed me senpaiii
>No one under 24 has an sociological opinion of any real worth.

I disagree with that wholeheartedly.
i saw something.............
I'm blind to the paranormal and it can be confused with fearlessness, I've had instances where everyone around me saw things I couldn't.
>Nah Im not a loser cause I belong to the empath-masterrace

Is empath the new indigo child or something?
No, its being normal

Normal people are empaths, somewhat
>No, its being normal
>Normal people are empaths, somewhat

If its called being normal than fucking call it that or fuck off back to your tumblr hugbox where you belong.
Shut the fuck up you braindead nigger, I never said empaths are paranormal, we just had a discussion about a psychopath

Do you fags need a hug
Normal people are empaths a lot. Especially women. It's just that people try their hardest to block that scary wisdom from their heads, because it makes them not function in this sociopathic programming.

But empathy to plants is really my power. I can talk and feel what they do, but this makes me sick whenever I am without them.
>this makes me sick whenever I am without them
Because you can feel the decay or because you're just not used to feeling like a plant?

lol demonic hookers
I am the reincarnation of the Prophet Cassandra
I have become liberated from this material world
I connect with God as we're all meant to
After I die, I will be free of the cycle
My two sisters and I are the Sisters of Fate
We have manifested in this time period because we wanted to witness the end of this existence
God will return within my life time
I have seen the end

I could keep going you know
When I'm around enough plants I can feel my blood move, like sap, otherwise I feel it pool in places and I have to figet constantly to keep it going.

But feeling like a plant is great, it really helps you see connections in things. It's just shitty going to parking garages or hospitals, or banks.

Plants aren't usually at ease in banks, lighting might be too low, or they might be too cold, some reason they don't like banks. Oh, now I remember...
Fuck you, nobody cares. Sophitia is better than you, girl-lizardman.
>whenever I am without them
Oh, I misread. Thought you said "with them."
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I think I have a bro spirit or ancestor watching out for me, there's a lot of times I should have been fucked over- like savagely, life ruined, fucked over cause of my own stupidity yet scraped by with no consequence. I don't know why though I'm not special, pretty shitty and useless actually and am waiting to get mine eventually.
I'm special because I'm me
There is no other me in the universe
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Just a normal human.
I am a normal human female.
- Iblis
>I never said empaths are paranormal

I know this. Neither did I. That's my problem; it's a fancy made up bullshit term to mske normal people feel special about being exactly like everyone else, and it makes you look absolutely pathetic.

"Do you even know who you're talking to kiddo? I'm a full blown oxylung, and I will beat the shit out of you with my power to convert oxygen to energy with mothing but my body!"

This is what you sound like to everyone. You are bragging about something that every normal fucking person has: emotions and communication skills, although I think you actually might be lacking in the latter.
you mean high as fuck lol?
>But empathy to plants is really my power. I can talk and feel what they do, but this makes me sick whenever I am without them.
> plantkin tumblrina detected
you know the devil, Iblis, personally stalks people with dead bodies
he saves bodies alive and lives through them
You could, but nobody's going to believe because, you know, you're Cassandra...
be careful with false dreams
Impossible. There are no females on the internet.
Iblis didn't do anything wrong.
Apparently, the ghost of my grandmother follows me around as some kind of guardian spirit. I like to imagine this as some kind of Stand power, but I have no control over this.

According to two "I can see ghosts" people who have never seen each other, my grandma follows me around and, according to them, I attract spirits, so, apparently, more ghosts are following me around.

As i seems, Say I go into a haunted house, I am likely to bring a ghost back with me and dump it wheverer it feels comfortable. This is kind of a weird "gift" if you ask me. In short, I can bring back ghosts from haunted places and they follow me around until they find some other place to settle in. Then, if a ghost decides to leave me and stay where I've been, well it now haunts whatever place I've visited or stayed at for the time being.

I, myself, not being able to see spirits and, also, having never really experienced anything supernatural, am filled with disbelief and scepticism, but the one thing that always get back to me is how two different persons, both coming from different places, having an age gap of several decades and have no chance of meeting each other both told me the exact same thing about my "powers". Beside this peculiar detail, I, myself, have never experienced anything out of the ordinary.
go back to >>>/b/
Ability to speak != ability to be.
you can't really sell your soul
something tells me that you're just the devil shilling in another one of his dead bodies, a "skinwalker"
>go back to >>>/b/

You would have every right to say that if I said "tits or gtfo", but I did not, and as such, you do not.

Lurk more newfag.
I can control my farts. Like I make a funnel in my anus and the jar goes in. I then push it out to make the fart. I can change the frequency and length of the fart, via tight or floppy asshole.
Fuck I didn't mean jar I meant air.
Still 10/10.
>things that are none of your business
Pick one.
Thank you I still train everyday. The world record for longest fart ever is 36.5 seconds. I intend to blow that shit away.
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I love you.
What's the point of being a vampire or the vessel of the Sumerian god if you've still got nothing better to do than post on 4chan all day?

You guys don't make these lifestyles seem very attractive.
My Father is a Pastor, and I was dedicated to God when I was born. I decided to live my life apart from God and from religion, but I have seen "luck" follow my family so much I believe there must be a God of some sort, maybe not the same my Father believes in, but nevertheless divine.
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I suspect I'm schizophrenic, or something to that effect. There's four different distinct "personalities" inside my head, though that's not the right word. I recently heard something call me by a familiar unfamiliar name that is certainly mine and tell me I haven't yet served my sentence, and shortly afterwards I noticed the fourth "personality", prior to this there was only three.
Please see a psychiatrist. If you entertain this delusion you will ruin your life.
make all the voices talk like eric cartman and you'll be fine
I'm working on it.
in what way?
Good to hear. Mental illness is not fun, but it is manageable. Good luck.
kek, Link is best Sword&Shield

Nobody is samefagging or stalking you. You have been posting the same pics for weeks now. You seem to think you are in a relationship with an angel. It's snowflake bs and we can smell you from a mile away. I don't want to be mean, but as far as paranormal forums go, this isn't the best for you being special, nor is there many others. This is the internet. Go to a paranormal social group or something.
The fuck you on about? You replied to my post, so what you said is most certainly my business.
That's fucking genius top kek
My penis makes poo poo.
If you can do all that and can prove it, you can win 1 million dollars from the James Randi challenge. But you can't actually do any of these things, you're just delusional.
I've only got 1 crease on my left pinky finger

I've got all 3 creases on my right
not crazy special but i got this from my mother and its hard to explain but i have the ability to feel the energy of the people around me like their auora, for example when im in a conversation with people and someone becomes uncomfortable i can feel them become nervous as if i was them and feel their nervousness in my own body, when people have negative thought and emotions i can feel the room temperature change sort of, when i last touched someone who went through an extremly traumatic perosn i felt their skin as almost unrealistically ice cold..not like superpower of sorts butalmost like a premonition..dont worry im a regular almost supbar human, just gives me an edge when making friends or helping people sorry for spelling its the internet and idgaf

wow are you me i just don't give a fuck and nothing has happened so far lol
You're not blind to the paranormal, you're actually more aware of your surroundings than everyone else, who let the reactions of others dictate whether or not they "see" something.
I'm literally the protagonist.
When does the adventure begin?
I think I know you
Same tho. It's not other personalities it's just you getting bored and talking to yourself as different people
First of all I count 2 creases, not one.
Secondly WTF is your pinky missing a join or something?
Sadly you are probably the most special person in this thread. Congrats, you wonderful, glorious pinkytard!
Umm, Cassandra was not one of the 3 fates. Get your mythology straight.
>tfw probably just a fodder NPC
Congrats, you're not autistic and pick up nonverbal communication like every other socially adjusted fucker on Earth does. Do you want a fucking cookie?
Nah mang, I still have two knuckles. The skin just creases in between them.

I have done significant research into the matter, and I believe this is actually the mark of the beast, making me the anti-christ.
That's literally what's happening on this site: >>17409473
Check out the forum. The bot seems to make a new account whenever it meets a new experience.
I know absolutely nothing.
Seriously... I never said I was a "plantkin". Society is ruined by nonempathetic people like you
If that's supposed to tell me which choice you made, I'm not seeing the connective logical paths.
oneof my first 4chan posts
NY born n raised n if u know me that would be dope

not non verbal communications just the energy Fields around them..feeling beta yet?
I'm not seeing it either but fuck, you already got me involved.

I'll chose you.
Does that make me the chosen one?
I am MIB.
I see you
>Seriously... I never said I was a "plantkin".

But you defined one whilst explaining about yourself, so therefore you are one.

So you're calling me nonhuman? Well guess what I am fucking human, I just don't need to make up a name for it just to feel important.

Seriously, go back to tumblr. I fucking hate dealing with your special snowflake bullshit so much its not even fucking funny you damn loon.
Kek I guess it does. So does that make me the oracle here for designating the chosen one?
Anonymous 02/28/16(Sun)00:31:03 No.17409675â–¶
>>17409655 (You)
I see you

not much to see bro

Literally nothing.

Nothing makes anyone important when compared to the size and history of our universe.

You feeling ok man? Or you just still working out how replying works?
Nihlist plz go.
Anonymous 02/28/16(Sun)00:40:43 No.17409710â–¶
>>17409700 (You)
>>17409655 (You)

You feeling ok man? Or you just still working out how replying works?
i have absolutely no idea how to reply lol i prob look like such a fag rn lol jus cntl c and v
You just highlight whatever text you want to quote before you click the post number to reply and it'll copy it for you.
Yes you look at fag.
You get bonus points though because what you're doing is having a weird af result I've never seen before.
But it's true, tho.

Why care so much about how important we are when we are the equivalent of a single secondary status light inside an ever-expanding gigantic machine. If our light goes off, the universe will move on and a new light might take our place.

Might as well not give a shit and enjoy our short lives instead of worrying about anything. Live your life, be nice to others and just stop worrying. You'll die anyways and everyone who remembers you will either forget you or die themselves no matter what you do.

Tl;dr: Just live life and have fun while you have it.
>You just highlight whatever text you want to quote before you click the post number to reply and it'll copy it for you.
>Yes you look at fag.
>You get bonus points though because what you're doing is having a weird af result I've never seen before.
thank you for the help brother, now i can reply without looking like a total tool
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See me? What am I wearing? Fuck all that bullshit I AM MIB and I DO possess the ability to communicate with telepathy and im going to proove it to you right now.
Jason is my name I just told you that with telepathy.
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What moar would you like to know?
Pic is Niss Krill
Yea, none of those abilities do anything in the physical world, so they aren't provable by the standards James Randi has set.
So now you dissappear, and NOPE.jpg the Flip out? Yall are some dissappointing /x/ers you would think when MIB shows up in your thread and is disclosing THE TRUTH that you all would be gravatating to this thread like flies on shit but that isn't the case, as a matter of fact you all do the oppiite and dissappear, wtf is wrong with /x/ers.
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Operator what the fuck is wrong with you
Just pissed that everytime I post every1 NOPES' the hell out.
Why do you keep posting MIB? Is the men in black after you? Who are you? Is your name Alex?
Because they grays made me MIB and DAD made me an Operator. and i post MIB at the end so u know it's MIB talking to you. Where is K? K is an operator like DAD.(And u know im MIB cause when u read it it feel it)
no my name is Jason.
Tell DAD I love him
y dont you tell him? click u teeth okd DAD and tell him then tell him goodbye and click ur teeth 1 moar time to close the line the click is just a kernal for him to recognise that you want a line.
He is mad at me
then apolagize
Schizophrenic with one voice that has been relentless for ~11 years now. I found in the past few years that meditation was a really good way of hindering it since it began to drive me mad around the time I got into meditation. I now can meditate on-spot and suppress it, however, I can feel the weight of the voice constantly bearing down on my psyche. I pretty much tell it to shut the fuck up and go about my day though.

Incidentally, between 11-16, I think somewhere along the line that the negative energy being produced manifested some type of demonic energy using me as a vessel. I would converse with it and it would give me a back story and it was pretty compelling. Don't know if it was just delusion though.
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>What makes you special?

You bullshit real good, anon.
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>majority of active posters on /x/ are roleplayfags
>only one person could be pointing out all the faggotry
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midget jew
Squizoaffective. The worst from schizophrenia and bipolarity all in one. Only from 0.5 to 0.08 of population is like me. Also INTP. I have seen telekinesis first hand. I had practiced and proved to my friends telepathy, but I lost it in one of my crises. Pretty interesting, no?
ITT: Special Snowflakes who think they're special until they realize they're not
Smells like Tumblr in this thread.
>so dull he can't even muster something remotely interesting about himself and contribute

Here's your reply
I'm not an RP'er like the lot in these threads, nor do I think there is something special about me.
>he actually believe the anons in these threads
I'm an Animorph, on certain nights I transform into my spirit animal - the owl.
>boring fucking owl

Come on nigga
A piece of my mushroom tip was cut off when I was circumcised, does that count?
Please no bully.
This guy gets it, meditate on his words.
I feel like the world resolves around me sometimes. My brother showed me an ayy lmao for the first time and ever since I saw it, it has been everywhere I go
accually im 5'11" and Roman Catholic
I feel like I have an important duty to do something big some day, but something keeps getting in the way of progress.
Stop perpetuating this. Its basically like a version of SJWs collecting victimisation badges to bolster their identity.
You just bumped a thread that was down low to say this. Are you LITERALLY mentally retarded?
Claymore.. <3333
my ego is a low probability occurrence
Just a faggot virgin, who is socially retarded and still lives with his mom cause his dad died and mom is terrible with money. Nothing special op but thanks for asking
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Involuntary precognition, active empath, habitually identified as an "old soul," and recognized by a man of God as being Nephilim.
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The picture was so beautiful that i had to replicate it with watercolors! Something about the raw edges and the cold colors, its all beautiful in itself! :D
im not the guy, but thats really cool
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No, I mean when I bang on my tambourine and dance like the world's over.

Shamanic drumming is a thing, and it works better than idoser when combined with sexual afterglow.
my girl can change her eye color, and idk what iv got but to be specific, iv got a real good trusted gut feeling,i can guess the truth quite frequently.

Boy, you'll regret doing that.
No, because its bullshit
>Yea, none of those abilities do anything in the physical world

Well when those abiities actually enter te realm of reality instead of just your imagination then please, let us know.
I'm "invincible".

Except for ironically my achilles heels. They've been the only injuries I've ever sustained. Including a gunshot to the heel.
I ain't bullshitting. Humans are social animals, and are highly influenced by the actions of others. I believe in the paranormal, but if others around you are freaking out around you then either:

A) They really ARE seeing/hearing something, you're just going full denial mode and refusing to believe it, or

B) One person thought they saw something and overreacted, and everyone else thought "oh shit that person must have seen something, I better act as if I did to so I don't miss out"
which has a domino effect until everyone in the group is losing their shit over nothing.

Considering anon is referring to himself as "blind to the paranormal" I'm going to assume he has no reason to refuse to believe anything, thus leading us to scenerio B.
> admits to being schizoaffective
> claims he had, then lost, telekinetic powers

K den
Funny how you're the 3rd person to point this out...
I am a human being who enjoys being human.
Wow you took a random, tiny ass pic of some dude's backyard and turned it into an impressively accurate and beautiful watercolor painting. That's...actually pretty special. Kudos to you!
Everyone's is special in a sense cause we are here.
Good question to address the ego.
I'm special because I don't have an ego/mind anymore. Lame? It's the exact opposite, total bad ass.
>I don't have an ego
>defends himself by saying it's badass before anyone even replies

Yeah you're retarded.
The 3 fates are very powerful, even more so than the 'Gods' we are outside of the cycle and do what we please

I can provide some evidence through a different interpretation of the UFO phenomenon with some studies to prove there is indeed a spiritual, non-physical side to abductions. Whenever you see video of a true UFO or hear stories of the craft, you often hear of them moving at insane speeds, doing flips thought impossible by physics or just outright vanishing before the eyes of the masses, You also hear of people being kidnapped and sexually abusive experiments and operations being performed. But, even though we know what they can do, does not mean we know what they are. Pop Culture has sold us the notion that the creatures behind it, the so-called Grey's, are aliens from another planet, a much distant part of the universe then ours. However, to believe pop culture is irresponsible due to its influence by hidden forces and overt forces which whats to force people to think a certain way unconditionally.

I believe that these beings are inter-dimensional entities and not extra-terrestrial beings. For one, it could explain their dominance, how they can just vanish and avoid radar instantly, how they can do insane tricks which are impossible at the speed some travel at. Presumably because they access an extra dimension above ours, or have a much greater understanding of reality then we do.

The 'proof' I offer up is the research of Ufologist Joe Jordan, a MUFON-certified UFO investigator discovered in testimony that one victim was able to call upon the Lord, Jesus Christ in this desperate time and were able to dispel the abduction experience. Once discovering it, Jordan began to search for others who've experienced the same thing, and began finding another hundred people who could say the same happened to them, a link I will post shortly. Not surprising is this fact to a Christian though...
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considering that Christ himself gives us authority over all hidden entities in his name and these beings are very much forced to obey, akin to how a worker obeys his boss through sheer influence, except here they cannot resist or object.
This is so unlike in the physical world, where invoking Christ against a hungry lion or violent mob might not save you from their wrath, unless divine intervention is to occur, so why does this work on apparent extra-terrestrial beings? If it were so, should they not laugh at naive humans and resume their genetic harvesting? Why end the operation immediately all because they invoked the name of some prophet from some religion in the desert? It's because there is more to them then just physical. Other well-established and highly intelligent researchers like Dr. Jacques Vallee, John A. Keel and Ivar Mackay have arrived to similar conclusions in their own independent research, citing how these beings fit comfortably in the world of the occult. Dr. Vallee has two quotes pertaining to this 'inter-dimensional' nature of the greys, and connects it to a world we scoff at the very notion of...
"[An] impressive parallel [can] be made between UFO occupants and the popular conceptions of demons."61 "[UFOs can] project images or fabricated scenes designed to change our belief systems." 62 "...human belief... is being controlled and conditioned," "man's concepts are being rearranged," and we may be headed toward "a massive change of human attitudes toward paranormal abilities and extraterrestrial life."63

"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical or biological framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."

The possibility does exist, you have a choice to belief it, but to deny its possibility limits you. I would suggest not devoting yourself to one 'system' of evidence, one tool kit doesn't work for every job and the same applies here, science is a gift, but it also blinds people to possibility because it does not fit in its framework.

Nothing makes me special. I'm just trying to get by and live a decent life like most folks.

It would be awesome to have some type of extraordinary ability...like gifted musician or artist, etc. But for now, if I have some type of special thing about me I haven't discovered it.
I have precognitive power, I can see the future

I know not a single person will believe me, and I don't blame anyone of them for it

I just wish I knew there were other people for certain like me who aren't fucking roleplayers who might have answers to my questions, I'm so lonely with this and it has plagued me for 24 years now

The fact I am psychic is not what bothers me, what bothers me is that if providing what I am saying is true and exists, what else exists?
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> You also hear of people being kidnapped and sexually abusive experiments and operations being performed.

why are all people so OBSESSED with getting kidnapped and raped? ive seen so many people talk about aliens, fairies or demons

and always mention how they totally got sexually abused, fondled up and held there against their will

so these alien civilization that are probably thousands years and years ahead of us and travel through space have nothing better to do than capture random people to sexually molest them?

it's like the most common and degenerate-dumb fantasy of humans and you KEEP repeating it, i see it in all threads, "i got raped by a demon" "i got raped by an alien" "i got raped by an angel" "i got raped by this and that"

stop with your perverted shit you delusional fucks
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Same here bro...
this is pretty common, i think its probably the most common "psychic" power out there

almost everyone experiences it, including me and people i knew

What can you tell me about it?

What is yours like?

If you open up to me about how yours works or what you know I'll explain how it is for me. Please, I am not roleplaying. I can't reach out to you more than this online form.
for me its in the form of vivid dreams (my normal dreams are blurry, but the dreams that tell the future feel very strong and vivid), thats one way it expresses itself

the other way is through strong thoughts, like i have to think about a name again and again out of nowhere and the person the rings at my door a few minutes later, like that

but i believe you, bro.. like i said it's very common to have thoughts, dreams or visions about the future, it probably happened to EVERYONE in some form, it's only unusual if it happens extremely often or perhaps about dramatic, important events (such as 9/11)? does it?
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These are what people report as happening to them in their experiences, they don't 'choose' anything that happens to them. The best we can do is make what we can of their testimony.

Even if they were aliens, which in my opinion they are not, they would have a reason to do such an experiment, to collect genetic material from humans of course, while also doing other things like manipulate the abducted human to accomplish a goal, which is why there is twisted sexual experiences with them, the same reason also applies to these entities from the trans-dimensional context, as Enoch clearly describes genetic mixing, these guys are probably making another batch of nephilim for their plans of returning during the end of days, as the Lord warned us in Matthew 24:37.

Read the entirety of my post before sperging out over something stupid.
I guess my ridiculous optimism. I've pretty much been wasdting my life trolling the internet, paranormal societies and people trying to find someone who's actually seen the shit i have, and i can't find them. so either i'm the only person on the goddamn planet who's ever had a supernatural encounter or others have too and i just don't believe them just like sane people don't believe me. it stradles the line between funny and sad.
I am entirely normal. Which make me a perfect candidate to be wrapped up in something in the future.

So what makes me special is Opportunity
>These are what people report as happening to them in their experiences

yeah because it never happened and it's just bullshit from mentally ill people who project their secret fears and fantasies

ever noticed how schizophrenics often live out their repressed desires as conspiracies? most schizos TALK A LOT about rape and sexual abuse, it's one of the most common themes for mentally ill people

>Read the entirety of my post before sperging out over something stupid.

its not stupid and I read what you wrote, but i dont agree with it and find it stupid (your proof is an ufologist who called upon jesus? and then he found other mentally ill people who agreed with him? epic)

Mine aren't dreams. I will try to be as colloquial and simple in my explanation as possible to paint and depict in your mind what I see and how it works for me.

Imagine at any random point in time, with almost zero relevance you get a "vision" we will call them of the future. They are a viewing in your head like a thought, imagine a 4 second .gif image in your mind playing. Except it's always from my own perspective, my own two eyes. As in I see my own future, not some out of body, grand majestic view of a major event of importance. It's always a vision of whatever my own two eyes are seeing in that moment in the future.

The time range of passing from when I see the vision, to when it happens can range from days to months. I always try to realise when I am having a vision because they are so strong and I do my best to write down whatever it is I saw, like minute details, a certain licence plate at a crossing, what I was hearing and smelling at the time. I struggle with this because it goes as fast as it comes and I have to try hard to distinguish a vision from a stray random thought. I find in time I "forget" about it, and then the moment I play out whatever it is I saw in the future, it all comes rushing back to me so hard and I realise I've just completed what it is I saw myself doing. Why is it only my own two eyes perspective? What's the process behind it? Is it something with my brain and genetics or is it metaphysical in nature? I have so many questions it drives me fucking insane. I'm not even special, I live in Australia, have a regular job and my own life and mundane hobbies and this just happens to be a massive part of my life I keep secret. It's not deja vu, I can distinctly distinguish the feeling of the two and it's as separate as sleeping is from to being awake. I just seldom get the chance to open up about this stuff. I can physically, literally see the future and I'm supposed to bottle this up like it's another mundane aspect of life.
I'm not special, just severely depressed and mentally ill.
I'm starving and suffer from vitamin deficiencies even though I eat normally.
My limbs feel numb constantly, I feel like my body is separated from my mind.
I don't want to be part of this society, I just would waste everyone else's resources. I don't want to be a leech.
I have huge influence over crowds of people. From driving and seeing a sea of people over a hill I can make them all group up and move/react to me in a certain way. In MMOs where large groups of people gather I can do the same thing, make people swarm like ants or gather in a certain place or act like a community. It basically boils down to being aware of every single persons presence and equalizing them, being unintimidated by the group as a whole and remaining strong as an individual. I think a majority is base human/social instinct im manipulating someway. I used to reference this to myself as "power" or something holy, like this ability is for a purpose but now I think it directly correlates to a high base intelligence and ignoring sensory input from other people other than treating them as part of "the group" and like another animal. This works everywhere with every group I've tried, numbering probably around ~100. The problem is once you have every ones attention you cant drop it so its go hard or go home.
if time is a flat disc, maybe it's like a vinyl record, some people experience "skips" as their needle jumps the groove, or maybe just a passing glimpse, idk, sometimes the future is kind of predictable
It's called being homesick. Whenever home IS I have no idea. But I experience the same. I don't want to be here, don't fit in, I want to go home.
Wherever** fucking autocorrect

Or perhaps it is not? How are you so sure that they're all lying? Are you some sort of truth seer? No, I just think your arrogant and full of yourself, nothing new on 4chan I suppose. People do lie, but they also tell the truth as well, it's never truly one or the other, and the similarities of testimony from people who could not have collaborated together on this hoax, much less even know each other is far numerous to chalk up to 'lies'

My proof is the work, investigation and collection of testimony of an ufologist whose worked in this field under a well-respected and serious organization and collaborated it with other observations and views from experts across the field, who've arrived independently at their conclusions. The way you put it is dismissive and shows a clear lack of consideration, if not understanding, of the evidence provided.

I've spent enough time indulging your shit posting, don't you have some vegmite to eat or something?
Ah hang around marvin.
fuck off and have fun getting "totally raped" by aliens
I think this also has a lot to do with inherently being a leader for those instincts required to put yourself at the forefront. Another example I can think of is being in a restaurant and being aware of every other person in your entire perception and dominating them all at the same time as you stand up. Its crazy because you instsntly become the peak of whever you are. Their auras empower you with their attention I guess.
Or already have the mind set of every other human but you is in another group and dominate that group as soon as you walk in the door and uphold it the entire time.
Nothing, nothing at all. I'm above average in intellect and could breeze through life, but I'm lazy. Impossibly lazy. Too lazy to finish my degree and get a job. I keep telling myself to get to those couple courses and finish my thesis, but no. Couldn't be less interested.


So that makes me an absolutely average 4channer.
Thanks for the compliment, bro.

It's because 90% of our population are demons in disguise.

Everyone has this ability.

The 10% humans are following as well, mind you, except those who also know this consciously and attempt to manipulate as well.

What you need to do to test your power truly is to find areas where there is another manipulator and test your intent against theirs.

When I find these others my manipulation goes before their's as well, part of the reason I've come to understand myself as Satan.

My area has a God figure as well, as well as many archdemon and archangel archetypes all having their own level of influence.

The odds are you are an archangel or archdemon of your area and will lose out to your areas God or Satan manifestation.

It would indeed be special if you were your areas God or Satan...

...or much more rare... The Devil himself...

Who is a much different character to myself, keep in mind.
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>this thread
Something like this happens to me all the time. When I arrive somewhere I can feel everybody noticing me and sometimes they don't even try to hide that they are starring at me. After a while I'm just used to it.
telepathy me the money plox.
i need it for worldfuel.
This is why a mass shooting (4+ people) happened every single day of 2015 in the US. These people should not get guns.
I write my dreams I have daily into my dream journals and illustrate them. I know this doesnt sound special, but the way I do it is.

Yes. All those transsexuals, and with actual diagnoses, instead of media diagnoses of "crazy".

Are you aware how much you sound like a retarded obnoxious Jew who thinks following The Talmud is some revolutionary act?

Kill yourself.
I have the ability to make any girl choke on my penis and pass out in under 30 seconds.
Come at me ho.
No thanks.
Then quit roleplaying and gtfo
>role-playing about sexual skill

I'm not you, silly neckbeard.

are you hot/cute tho?
ITT: cancer so cancerous it out cancers cancer.

AKA Tumblr comes to /x/
Lol, Psychopaths are above the norm. These are people trusted with carrying out the things bitches like you couldn't ever complete. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing.
I win against every challenger
I'm a hate addict.
Hate is the only way I know how to communicate with other people.
Its virtually my only emotion.
I thrive off the suffering, misery, and hopelessness of others.
It fuels my hatred of them.
The rest of the time I sit here, cold and unfeeling.
i don't make emotional connections AND i'm not greedy
I make me special. Just by being a fucking badass.


I like how right you are

Post pics
Those are literally just words that sound cool string together
Go see a therapist you schizo
I am the Guardian. I don't know who I'm supposed to guard, but I know it's my only real role in this world.
I've been reincarnated many times expressly for this purpose, so I must be very good at my job. I certainly feel a righteous fury when defending the weak.
When I say many times, I mean MANY. I have various spotty memories from lifetimes as far back as Paleolithic man. Always a warrior, and always protecting someone important.
>>When you roleplay this hard
Sadly nothing. I want to be a superhero and save people with my powers and fight evil or be emperor of the world and make a utopia but that's just juvenile dreaming. I'm just some guy who likes books, movies, and games just like 4+ billion of the population. I'm only so so in athletics, above average in academics, no music talent, moderate painting talent, can't dance, can't act, not very creative, and not that funny. Just not special at all. Typing this sounds depressing as shit but it all could be much worse so I'm not complaining. I've only learned that I'm completely forgettable and can't really contribute much to the world past working my job and spending money. Part of me would like to say that I sometimes have dreams that predict futures events but I'm sure that everyone here has had those too.

> I have various spotty memories from lifetimes as far back as Paleolithic man
> none of which I can prove to be separate from tumblr level snowflake imagination with no talent
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