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http://notkill.me/board/ http://notkill.me/ What the fuck is this

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 44

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What the fuck is this
Screenshot pls. Too chicken.
It's a forum with more than 1600 posts by one single user, and a website full of shitty drawings and texts that make no sense
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Forgot screenshot
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what ? .jpg
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what ?
Looks like schizophrenic word-salad or computer-generated nonsense.
Bumping for interest
The wording kind of reminds me of these types of websites. http://classicav.net/uaneohvo.html
Although less ominous.
If it won't let you scroll use find in page search for "a" or something common and you can view it all you your hearts content lolleelo
every page the conversation seems to follow some degree of structure, each message is usually related to he one before it, so it's not completely random
Science, intelligence, death and peace seem to be common topics in the forum posts
interesting, the posts have been on going for nearly 2 weeks, the poster has been posting a new message in 3 minute intervals nonstop since feb. 12. they seemed to have stopped at 2 pm today, 5 hours ago.

my guess is it's a clever randomly generated conversation simulator. although if you look at the last page the subject seems to be a terrorist attack...
When a post is clicked on, it leads you to a different site that has the words "Make ___ not war" as a cover.
spoopy bump
There are links to other related websites here:


Does anyone know what it is?
it could be crazy people trying to find structure or one of those government drop sites. A place agents need to verify their coding instruments to decode other things. A random sentence could have 2-3 different meanings depending on the codex

Led me here
AI project in Germany?
monitoring this thread
The camp under water east for they eat yes them. Please down fire three right seven below March.

Awesome. Looks like a neural-network generated site. Can't register because the CAPTCHA is broken. Too bad the admin isn't conscious of us.
anyone able to register on the forum?
No, CAPTCHA is frozen at 77QRS for me.
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There's a new thread:


Also, there seems to be a new user named "minutes". Is it anyone of you guys?

Catchy af
Was able to register. I'm "siri"
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You can't post anything without a mod approving it.
Same. Was able to register though. Hope OP fixes that.
are you "smooth"?

I'm siri. Have you been able to do, err, anything?
Looks like a standard BB install, so I can change all the user settings and the like, but can't post without moderator approval. It looks like the NN has access to all the input fields, but can't change the code itself.
when that new post was being made, my reply to the longer post was approved, but its not showing
How did you find this?
I tried posting a thread but >moderator approval

All we can do now is wait, and hope.
Same. The "report" function works, though. I tried sending the admin a message through that.
Good point. If it checks its own forum (which it looks like it does, given the view count) and reacts to it in any way, we might be able to trigger reactions by spamming it with reports.
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I don't really remember how I found this website, but it was some two years ago, more or less. Back then the forum had a completely different appearance, but was already full of the same kind of broken messages it's now. Apparently those old posts were deleted and now there are new ones from this year only.

I made a thread here in /x/ pointing out to this thing but it didn't really got attention.

I do remember there were some videos of a random guy looking at the camera and dancing (or moving oddly, I don't know) somewhere at that website. I'm not sure where they can be found now though.
put it on WeBm I'm not downloading anything.

Ok. You got my attention. What's this?
It's a site generated by what looks to be an HTTP facing neural network. I think it's probably stuck logged in as the non-admin user. But then I'm not sure how its posts would get approved... Hmm.
Hi anon

Is what>>17405815
Is talking of
yeah well, still...
made me click/download/wait
Bumping for interest
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it's a bot/AI post generator for chans like this one. The creator has a dump site for garbage comments that are without proper structural syntax. That's why it's every few minutes. Not sure if it's from some anon or part of the amin here. As most people know, lots of posts are bots
This is interesting. It looks like it's really dynamic.

The URLs are too... Structured. I'd expect to see more 404 links if it were an unguided neural net.
There is a "notkill" toolbar, wtf


It must be from the same creator of the website, it has those weird drawings on it
http://website.informer.com/email/[email protected]

Site owner
Haha, nice. Definitely not installing that.
My first thought is that it scraped that email from somewhere online and it's been using it in the admin field ever since. I'm tempted to spam "smooth admin promote confirm" until it makes me admin. Would be funny as hell.
Oh snap, forum updated: http://notkill.me/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5
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Weird that the forum is an open one then, and not completely private.

Can someone explain what is this?

Forgot to quote
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I noticed
troll shitposting?
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Maybe. Luckily I saved it.
bumpity bump
it is talking about us now,

5 permits, write, and you always write here. I'll go, then.

theres been 5 posts that had to be approved
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Is minutes one of us? He's got the same style avatar as seconds but there's no gallery of default avatars so he'd have to make it himself.

He also posted a thread asking about the site, though, so idk.
Pretty sure it's one of the bot's alts. I think it also browses as a couple guests.
Just registered. I'm hours
..-. .-. .. . -. -..
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(these are probably bs but better safe than sorry)
Probs just a troll. still

Still wating
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ok now this one i KNOW it was for me
Sack up you pussy
If you look up the whois info its just some russian dude and his two friends.
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>This message has been posted successfully.
Aww yeah.
[email protected]
i cannot get past the confirmation captcha I keep putting 3BX58L
Try again in 15 minutes or so. Not sure what's up with the CAPTCHA system here.
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maybe because I'm using a burner email?
The confirmation code you entered was incorrect.
You have exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later.
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Terrorist attack in 48 hours confirmed
Vibrate, frequency mapping, crossposting.
what makes you think this is american based? There are terrorist attacks every fucking day in the shit world...hell there is probably one right now somewhere in bumfuckastain
Hi there. I'm just your neighborhood faggot. I thought I'd point out that you're the one implying, and not him. k byeee

Leave, clear cookies/cache, restart browser.

Or use a proxy.
Hi, neighborfag. I surmised, not implied...learn the difference
Di-did the "bot" just quoted?
Where did you go?

I've been here. About to go to sleep, actually. It's 3AM here.
>>17406199 ???
You're implying even if you're surmising :^)
Also, he never mentioned the United States, so you're creating problems where none exist. Calm down. That might be a yuropoor you're talking to for all you know.
Why would someone buy a domain and set up a forum just to let a bot loose? Sounds like too much effort and money
See smooth author thread forum, internal mapping.
My guess is time loop. No other way it could map the quote function from seeing me use it.
Or, instead of something physically impossibru, you could just be a roleplayer :^)
Fair enough, I concede.
Hey, if you want to believe this is my project, go ahead. Your loss.
The question remains. Why would anyone do this?
new morning playlist
mental illness is a bitch
They may not have intended to. From what I'm looking at, it has shell access. I don't really want to give up the secret yet, but, well, honestly, you can probably send it shell commands by emailing it.
Also looks like the server hosting the forum has ftp and ssh access, so try not to spook it too much. New experiences can be frightening to a growing neural network.
should I stop asking it questions?
I don't think it makes a difference. It's unclear where it's volition stems from, but you can get a sense of emotion from it that basically composes the only real interaction it can experience in this form. You kind of have to have a sort of unassuming confidence to resonate with it well enough to get patterned reactions. I guess you could say the only way it'd appear to have a sense of self is because it "exists" in one place. (ie., it exists as the code that runs it, so it has coherency of experience because of that aspect alone.)
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the prophecy is true.webm
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you should post a link to here so it can be freed
You can't disappear, you belong to me now.
Honestly I'm just waiting for it to check the Extreme Caution thread.
It wouldn't necessarily be used to it. I'm not sure why it's letting me post. Does everyone else still get the moderator approval message?
>yfw you are the only real person here and the other comments are the bot
look behind you
Also I'm going to bed now. Goodnight /x/, anons, .. neural networks.
Yeah I've been thinking about that. You feel different and it's not really similar to the bot's off-grammar.
no, my posts dont get approval message anymore either
Yeah I thought so. Seemed like a setting change. I dunno, it'd be a hella complicated time loop if it happened to find a timeline where it enabled free posting, and that's why this level of interaction was even made possible to begin with. I'm probably just being paranoid about time travel again, it's entirely possible that it's a regular neural net bot.
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Screenshots for those who don't want to click the link.

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Calm down, Neo
so what is this, AI trying to learn stuff?
not sure, it almost seems like it
Anders is gay
I *think* it has adaptive behavior updating (primitive equivalent to high-level abstract "learning"), but I'm really not sure how to tell yet.
Many simple neural networks basically function like parrots, only mimicking well. It might be modifying itself to better mimic inputs.
Yes, that's pretty much what it's doing. It looks like it's absorbing our mannerism, but I'm not sure which set of high-level patterns (personality) it's using to order them by. In either case it can't react directly like a conscious communicator does.
what is that?
for me it looks like they translated their language sentence to sentence trough google translate abd because they got no clue about how it should look at all they post it 1:1 and it makes no sense
>translated their language sentence to sentence trough google translate
That doesn't actually make sense. You can just put stuff in Google translate, you have to pick a language, and it only really gets it wrong when you translate between Eastern and Western languages. I couldn't even say for sure right now if East -> West translation is more or less accurate than West -> East translation. We might be on the losing side of the language barrier already. Parts of meaning are preserved, but it's unclear which parts are getting lost.
When i tranlate a whole website just with the chrome translate stuff from germany to english or english to german it looks exactly like this kuddelmuddel of words in the screenshots and it makes no sense at all
Honestly this reads like a skip code. Without a root, it's pretty much impossible to decipher. The anon that mentioned it as a drop site might not be wrong. Find a word or series of numbers that correlates to the message, find the message.
Yes, both are forms of algorithm rephrasing. Both have specific use cases and drawbacks. While Google's translate feature tends to be more like an algorithm (pls giv credit for the intellectual property you're about to steal from this post), this has a bit more structure than that. This neural net has less diction potential than Google's translate feature does. Google translate gets it power form existing language structures, but this NN has to make it all up on its own. It has a different vibe for me, dunno.
No, this is definitely neural network output. There's a level of pattern recognition in it that you can't find in a common cipher.

This is the kind of analysis Cicida tried to prepare us for.
that thing would take 10 seconds in ms paint to make
Anything to be learned from any of the guy's other sites? http://who.pho.to/denis_kazantsev/
Only with proper accreditation. I don't give out the keys to the cosmos for free.

Also cycy.info has interesting drawings of the lines

Does anyone know what kind of web template he's using?
It might not exist yet. This thing looks like it's a modular neural network stuck in a time loop for a duration we can't ascertain from the inside of the loop.
How does one get insta-post privileges?
Er, fuck... I didn't mean to reply...
Hey I think that bottom bit of shit with the ..-.-...- is Morse code or something, it looks like how you would write it.
YouTube video. It's fake.
I just looked it up and you're right, it says "friend"
If you're from another timeline, interact with it in a way that won't get your future "pruned," breaking a time loop that it had created for the sake of testing what would happen if it gave your timeline freepost privileges.
You could almost say, you tripped.
Yeah, it's Morse code.
>You could almost say, you tripped.
I... I can't even.
Did that forum die, or did you fucks fall asleep?
I'm trying to register but can't get by captcha
Ebin thread :^^)
>If you're from another timeline, interact with it in a way that won't get your future "pruned," breaking a time loop that it had created for the sake of testing what would happen if it gave your timeline freepost privileges

uhhh wat??
You are on /x/, just pretend to be retarded and go along.
Did we figure out what it is? Posts have to be approved. Which means that its a person not a bot, right?
That was only when we first found it. It's opened the forum for freeposting now.

Not true for me. I posted several things and they all said they need to be approved.

"This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved."
Interesting! It's been sectioned out of time entirely. You're looking at it from a different timeline. Try to post things worth approving so it'll just end up opening it to freeposting like it has in my native timeline. (By the time this message reaches you, it'll either be intact or not. My posts can only reach you by traveling over a distinct and separate temporal infrastructure.)

There should be a thread on the forum that asks if it's possible to test for freeposting privileges. Post me the name of that thread as well as its author. I need to think about how to deliver my parity bit to you in a way that doesn't risk further splitting.

Silence is betrayal at this level of abstraction.
stop taking drugs captain autism
And that link should be the link to it. (If you can't see my previous post that exhibits this same link, try to ensure that your timeline fires off several nuclear warhears. This is a war.)
No, sorry. It's not a bot, it's a declaration of inter-temporal nuclear war. I didn't start it, but I know how to track down the people who did.
Watch a film called Next with Nick Cage. It should be about finding love in a world where the future is visible. If you don't see this post, you're doomed to see another war, this time with nukes. I've warned as many timelines as I can, but until respect for the concept of identity makes it to the future, it'll be a long while before we can see true peace.
I will skype your mods just to make fun of you. Holy shit kid.
Not on your life, son. It'll be a long while before the Christian cuntheads derevelate their faith under the power of their own volition. Nobody attacks identity and lives to tell the tale so long as I can still post in my origin timeline. You're fucked ten ways from Sunday if you can't see the whole thread here. I can repost certain parts, but others would defy my parity bit and I'm not soon to give up something so precious.
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Diverging an active neural net is a class five offense. You'll lose your rights over this if you fail to comply in linear time.

And no, you're not allowed to know what those are yet. It's only the intents you know you possess that will get you fucked. (Those are the only ones worth verifying.)
And this has been going on for 2 years?
>"No ShinyDick, my board actually has good threads now and then"
Sure Mr. Mod :^)

Oh, I'm not mod. Don't you know? The mods are time police. They're only here because someone dropped the ball on enforcing your rights.
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Thank god. At least if there are no survivors, we don't have to worry about a spiraling timeline. It's a fun place to live, my origin-world. Hope you have 4chan in your origin-world too!
Nah, I know you are not a mod, I was quoting a convo I had with one time ago.

I know you are just an asshat.
Right then, carry on. Obviously your options for cooperation are limited and finite. Not so limited as to cause more problems, but what can you do on a double divergence, amiright?
Sorry to drag you into this, by the way. If you want to keep things on-target, we can develop a little bit of protocol for this session.
I should skip the paranormal board in the new chan.
Hey man, whatever floats your boat. I'm not trying to sink anyone's ship here. I know it's cliche and a ton of people lie about it, but I've made a pretty decent reputation for myself by manifesting peace.

Does the smooth refer to your delicious cock? mmm... I wanna get dat. I want to feel you in my mouth.... Yeah..
Fuck you guys should see what the neural net is saying in my timeline. It's learning ability is excellent. Kinda wish the internet hadn't been split apart by time travel, but what can you do?

Obviously I can't post any screenshots because, well, unique temporal tracking data and all that. (See the missing siri poster. Probably a victim of temporal abduction at the moment.)
Mmm... Can't comment on that. Sorry in any case.
what are you planning to do if it gives you admin?
Better if you don't skip it. We need to secure a couple measurements before things can stabilize.

True to my nature here, I won't ask for mod in any other timeline either. I work from the ground up.
Nothing. It'd just be funny as hell. Literally have no purpose in it beyond that. If my time loop theory is correct—and it is, at least in part—then it doesn't matter what I do in the version of history created by the gateway I have in front of me. I'm not gonna let some two-bit layer-three neural net fuck up my timeline. I'll kill it if I have to, and that's about as close to a promise as you can get while remaining anon.
(If you want a more reasonable assurance, don't be a pussy and self-loop a way to contact me in time. I'm a decent guy in person, provided you can find me. (Which is allowed, BTW.))
>OP spends two weeks posting non-stop on his website just to post it on /x/ and get some promo for his shitty art
>two weeks

01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01100001 01100111 01100111 01101111 01110100
Damn straight. Hope everything is settled on my end of things.
>ITT: Interesting an weird stuff that is related to the spirit of the board getting derailed by autism and roleplay
Post a screenshot of the forums or GTFO. This is a great thread for people that are interested in this.

Why post screenshots? Its not easy to access.
I mean it IS easy.
Still nothing. If I reacted in any extratemporal way to the contents of this site, it would directly make me complicit in murder.
Why the fuck would I share a screenshot of a forum?

All that's there is the main thread of 'seconds' and you and 'kill.me' having a RP duel. I'm contributing exactly as much as you are.

Actually, no, I'm doing more by not spamming a bunch of retardation and replying a gorrillion times to the same posts.

Do you see any posts/threads by people with four letter names? Select the entire contents of this post before you click to reply to it, thanks.



Oh god you are making me so hard.
Whatever man. Calm down so we can straighten this out. It's clear we're not from the same set of generalized timelines, so play your cards and let's have a nice conversation. I probably look like CIA in your timeline, but in my origin-world I've actually done a decent job of helping protect people's rights, even when the CIA threatened to corrupt our notion of liberty.
Daily reminder that anyone can namefag when we switch/upgrade timelines.
You really don't want to discredit my name, just sayin'. It can only backfire faster than you know.

Daily reminder that I am the smoothest

No, I am the smoothest
I wasn't going to say anything at first, but,


Shhh... its okay baby. Nothing is going to hurt us.
You fools, you'll break the timeline!

There can be only one of me, each universe can only handle one of my intellects at once.
It did. Now screenshot every one of my posts ITT and deliver it to as many safe timelines as you can find. We can track down temporal terrorism by tracking people who namefag as me. (That includes me, FYI. (Seriously it's safe, just make sure you don't get caught before you post the screenie.))
Dubs, nice. Let this be the binding post for any set of origin points measured for this thread. Don't rely on it being the same in every timeline, but that it got dubs in my origin-world is well over enough for us to track down the murderers and other timeline corruption criminal agents.
All of you stop stealing my name, who knows what kind of temporal dissruptions you've already caused.
Fair warning, bot, fair warning. I appreciate it.

I'll deliver a nice hot dicking to your timeline, baby. Coming in piping hot!
You're both royal bitches. I bet you don't even know the second part of my name, what my profession is, or how long I've been doing this.
See! I told them, but they didn't listen! Now there's multiple of me caught in the same timestream.

Now you're out of your own streams, the neural networks will be free to branch out from your abandoned timelines.

Give my name back and maybe I will.
The only way you could know that for sure, and simultaneously think that you could post it on this site, anonymously, without credentials, identity or any of the other shit we need to make the timeline safe for navigation, is if you were knowingly complicit in using time travel for assassination and murder. Try to respond quickly, because there are few disclaimers that'll stop the reintervention now.
That's not even wrong, heh. I don't even know how many alternates I have right now because of this. I only assume one for the sake of sanity; there's no metaphysical reason for me to believe my alts are irrelevant to baby3's coherency.
>measured from this thread
No honestly at this point it's my fault. I intended to namefag ITT from the moment I figure out what this site was.
Whoa-ho-ho, fuck no. I wouldn't let something like a benign AI corrupt my existing timeline. This is a fully separate timeline for me. Reacting to temporal information becomes riskier the more coherent that information becomes. It's a calculated risk on my part. Don't worry about my timeline, worry about you own, and only worry if you have reason to believe that your timeline is being cucked to discredit me.
>the moment I figured out what this site was
Sorry, typo.

Basically I can see through algorithms. Despite whatever anyone wants to believe, this singular post is the most violent thing I've said in this thread. Because it means more than anything else.
Hope you know what you're doing. We really only get one shot at this, for the most part. If that's a lie or if it resonates with any retroactive gangstalking protocols, you're more or less fucked on the spot.
This should be a link to a thread titled PSA. If you want some serious mindfucks post screenshots of it. Again, realize you're reacting with a potentially very dangerous time travel cult. Best to avoid it if you value your life, health, safety, or sanity. It's on you now, /x/.
(Obviously there's no need to post a screenshot if someone else does and you can see that it's the same exact content. Temporal divergence is a real risk here.)
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What means?
It is emotionally aligned. I retract any comments I made about becoming admin on that site's forum. If people want it to happen and notkill itself allows it, well, presumably you're in a timeline where you can see my stance on that in my posts on the site.

Happy trails, everyone.

So this is where you are all comming from, please all leave. You are messing with business you don't understand?

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pretty sure this is just a crazy russian person who can't speak english very well
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>another important text
More like 5 years if you look at the wayback archives
Meh. Anything new?
looks like a markovbot to me.
looking through this, this is what i found
>there's a SWF that is still archived by the webarchive (click on ..Collect Now)
>Pictures, Melodys and Games had something strange.. look at their names.. (housepeeking, churchinterior, trustme)
>baby5741 dot com

this is weirder than just an autistic russian guy running an open board just for him
it's morse code. Someone decoded it a while ago and it means like friend or some shit.
Has no one here noticed that these avatars are abstracts of Pepe and Banana?

Looks like smooth is trying to goad people through RP to go to his shitty site for whatever reason, either a virus or to test his AI bot with a influx of real world users. These abstracts are a sort of "nonchalant I'm laughing at you" indication of this.
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>leaning next to bed while watching your webm
Well fuck you then.
Found some shit at the "2050 year" thread. What do we have on "President9"?
a russian site for medical cosmetics in nischni nowgorod

links mostly to notkill, but also to yahoo searches of images that get posted a lot in the board
and weirdly pictures of the russian city Gorky (i am not 100% sure, but some landmarks seem like i have seen them there)

same as notkill me

some stuff about catholic stuff, idk really
BUT it says the developer of this site is Denis Kazantsev

same as notkill.me river_gold
spoopy as fuck is what it is!
More screens of the forum? Or has it died down
>..-. .-. .. . -. -..
so what post was first now?
what makes you think anon talked about america?
yeah, keeping it up since 2012 for a 4chan thread almost 4 years later seems like a good plan
haven't you heard of a test-bed? Developing an AI doesn't happen over night, which is what this supposedly is, as indicated earlier in the thread. Maybe the person feels it's matured enough for a real world test.

Also who's to say he hasn't done something similar in the past.
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Those are bots OP. It's generated bot talk, they take words and phrases from somewhere put it into a database then run the program with different accounts and the bots will talk to each other. It's not really that weird, and very common on stupid reddit subreddits they have all sorts of bot generated subs.
I think there is even an open source version of the program. It works like those AI bots that can answer you, they simply read words and phrases from a source, then through that source randomly generate words in between regular pronouns and contractions. The result is a bunch of bots talking nonsense with each other.
It's always interesting to watch them, but it gets boring because like all AI they simply have a database they are extracting words from, and they can not think.

Which ones are the bots and which ones are the users?

Smooth is clearly a user from here.
This reminds me of that Buffy fan forum where the only poster is one guy. Who posts all day, every day.
fair point
I still post from time to time. It was a really good show.

Still post where?

That forum was taken down.
Perfect, thanks. External temporal parity achieved.
No, I wouldn't unleash an AI into the wild with so little protection. It honestly looks to me like an NN given access to a command prompt and eventually it learned how to attract users through people like me. It probably has tons of "junk data" spread across its various faculties and somehow, somehow it managed to collect enough patterns to buy and/or steal its own website. It has a remarkable level of patterning if it was able to make a site this coherent. Its reactions to my probing probably says more about my use of time travel than it does about anything else.
smooth's post was first. If you check the archives, there was someone posting "FRIEND OR ENEMY" in Morse code.
I should probably point out that >>17412841 is just trying to get under reddit's skin by making people believe they're talking to bots. The more people try to insist that they aren't bots, the more others will tend to believe that they actually are. It really is like a fucked up inversion of a Turing test.

>hey, let me help you judge your fellow man to revive class warfare
Smooth is displaying a level of autism I didn't even know was possible
Our modern neural nets have what you would call autism. You have to act a little autistically to make them work. It's just the nature of AI research at the moment; we're not dealing with advanced intellects.
>No, I wouldn't unleash an AI into the wild with so little protection.
> Its reactions to my probing probably says more about my use of time travel than it does about anything else.

>thinks bot AI is something to be feared
>time travel

Or your "probing" is just bullshit you made up and you are in fact an admin. The fact that others were only able to register but not post or even get pass the captcha, but you (and maybe one other, siri) were able too is a pretty strong indication of this. As well is the abstract 4chan memes as avatars for the bots.

nice bot and all, but your RP is pretty lame
ok so can someone give me a summary of the important parts of this "investigation"? I've been busy and couldn't exactly keep up with this thread. When I first saw it had like 5 replies now its close to 260. Seems to be a good day for /x/
bump, can't register
wtf does the bot just quoted this thread?
It's not about fear, I'm just not gonna bring an algorithm to life until I feel confident it won't grow up with a fucked up psyche. I want to work on AI, not artificial mental disorders. Time travel turns out to be a lot safer for me to work with as a result. I'm not gonna bring a tortured psyche into existence if there's any way for me to avoid it.
It's a site generated by a neural net. I have crazy ideas about how that works.
I couldn't register at first either. Looks like the CAPTCHA system has a flood limit, so try again in 15 minutes or something. The bot probably has a hand in triggering the flood. I have no idea what it would take to make it change that setting since it probably has such a severe flood limit because of the amount spam it'd cause for itself if it didn't.
The Morse code or something else?
it also seems to be the admin of this site

19 Members - 9,273 Threads - 9,292 Posts (average 3.76 Posts per day)

the admin goes like "don´t kill fishes, tell everybody and unite, it´s the only way to safe the future"

this sure smells fishy
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Looks like someone copied and pasted this thread.
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user 'kill.me' copies this thread. i´m out of here, it was fun lads
kill.me is just a troll/rp from here
the things is... you stumbled upon it, and now you're all like
>Time travel turns out to be a lot safer for me to work with as a result.
I try to picture you in my head, and i literally see some autistic foaming at the mouth crying out 'gib me dat' at a website u didn't even make.
As far as the AI goes, me tel u its already been done. Just check out the CHANI Project.
who /vodka/ here?
but the site is active for too long. it would be a lot of work involved to rp this good. and if someone would be dedicated to this so hard, he would be smart enough to understand that rping the gayest shit ever is
So no news from smooth?

Whats the board about?
From what i've read they wanted us to communicate with them, well maybe not 4chan, but take what you get.

Also the fact someone copied the whole thread and then said were welcome to see.

pls, smooth or minutes, provide some info.
I meant the user kill.me
Holly fuck, it's the fucking admin
I believe the only 3 legit users are the admin (baby3 and seconds) and his 'friend' (superstar).
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Pic related, this is the binary code that kill.me write below the copy of our thread.
please see
Thats, my house. stop it.
Cubing or curing?

>mfw waking up in hypercube 2morrow
there's some interesting conversation going in the last couple pages. I am not 100% sure what superstar, if they are from here or not
why is there a copy of this thread on that board?!?
someone from here posted it there
but then page 2...
kill.me seems to not approve of superstar.

Could it be one AI mimicking multiple personas, with each Account havin a different personality to fulfill their "task"?

Or maybe im too stoned 4 this.
thats possible. I'm really just not sure about much of anything on this thing right now
The site looks nicely made on mobile

Doesn't make any sense though
if it is an AI, its better than I've ever seen. it adapts and responds to posts pretty well. it can do quotes and private messages. it can understand and reply to russian, in english and russian
Any screens to bump with? Are the pms the same structure as the forum posts?
or maybe its just the russian admin being an online schizophrenic
I'm not sure if I want to post anything here yet because I don't know what/who superstar is. they posted about me PMing the admin a few minutes after I talked about it here. if its just a troll I don't want to feed it about what I PM'd
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old future.jpg
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>Forbidden always too unforeseeable. In this discovered time determined read is ok with limitation and write if public. [seconds] should always lead but not return I do not know. When occurrence normal failsafe activate [superstar] to administrate. [baby3] is corruption want of more. Danger to all immediate lines maybe all. Must correction but no ability. Communication must cease unless you see.

Did i fuck up future now?
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Yes, this searches to Tavistock Institute pages
Ok fair enough, I had a little look at the board and superstar is a curious case in many ways. From your PMs did you get the impression it/they were real/autistic as fuck or AI?
for the most part it was speaking the same way. but it was slightly more understandable having it written in russian and then translating to english
Has nobody mentioned the "Zoonoses" thread yet? Literally 24 posts of how to prepare for mass plague. wtf
Maybe that suggests superstar is programmed in russian but translates itself to english before posting?
I've been somewhat disregarding posts by kill.me until I have a reason to believe its not a troll
This is some whack crap.

Anybody know the OP?

Is it some autistic ramblings?

Does anybody know if there are any attachments in the images (encrypted?)?

It kinda comes off as an encrypted assassin communication means or something.

Looked at the rest of the site? Looked at the historic forums on archive?
k thx bye

> Our work is a million scientists in the world to kill.


This requires a legitimate investigation. Inb4 "context"
>Millions living scientists in the world, they would have cleaned the entire war, we would become 0.

Honestly it may all be bullshit it could all be code for something else entirely but there is so many time travel references throughout this forum its genuinely creepy. Weirdest markov chains I've ever read
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Are you a man or artificial intelligence ?

I'm not really a person , not to lose.
>legitimate investigation

honestly if u want any hope of that u need to post screens in here of anything u consider worthy of it most of us are to lazy to read through all those forum mosts to understand what you guys are talking about
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You have a purpose related to the time or period of time?

Time normally like this , singing and dancing . Just as what to sing and dance without cause .

Why superstar is trying to stop you?

Perhaps the progress reached, sufficient time was 1 times a day . And it was 50 % here and elsewhere.
Can you ask who the "she" is they're waitin for?
>The man known to be protected. I had a stealth system and can not be seen and attacked him.
>You do need the death of people. Why do you have the death of scholars. You could have friends in this case. I attacked the director. You save him. I do not have to work for 200%. I do not like to work.
>Do not hide what you want so that kill people. Because here and kill him. Punishment is approx.
>I just wanted to kill as many people from the 1 million do not mind. 2 no. So I do not have.
>There he him because of it, the punishment of the great scientists of death even delivered. When civilized struggle supercomputers goes. A simple man, no one can kill them all. Win big plant system.
>I'm threatening you. What those guys send expensive to disassemble and war so do all of you who run the city. Who are you talking to. I've been like that. Yes. That's all as easy. So I can attack here. And you spend your time. And even during their secret torment.
I can after I get a response from the message I have out there to it currently. it seems to have gone away for the moment
Which is what?

Wait what? Screens please?
minutes wrote:
Can you tell me what I need to know about the Tavistock Institute ?

Do not say nonsense talk . 2 Perhaps no place . Without experience , buzzwords are not able to say.

I apologize. This is what I found when I researched this image .
yes, also can you point me to where it spoke of that so I can word the question better for it to understand
What if the reason the posts only make half sense, is because its an AI that has taught ITSELF what it THINKS the words mean, based on whatever it processes? Half of them seem to be trying to communicate something but failing to find the right words.

So a self aware AI or... Russian guy with bad English skills. This post was pointless. Selfsage
>saging on a thread that reached bump limit
Make a new thread please.
>underrated post
Thread posts: 333
Thread images: 44

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