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Official Homescreen Thread #64

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 120

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Need inspiration (or want to steal an old design)? Check out http://imgur.com/a/etUXK

#homescreen @ rizon


Android Ricing: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Android_Ricing
Other Guide: http://yttrium-tyclief.github.io/guides/Android/
Infographic: http://a.pomf.cat/nfbqdm.png

iDevice Ricing Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pfNDNEE

>Windows Phone
WP Infographic: http://i.imgur.com/znGGUeT.jpg

>Other Info
Recording a WebM: http://pastebin.com/q36gLksx
Framing screenshots: http://pastebin.com/S0pWFvCx
Changing Icon Pack Color: http://pastebin.com/WrVrXiDE
Sidebar Theme: http://pastebin.com/n9HsiA7u
KLWP Guide: https://a.pomf.cat/nvgffi.png

If you like a setup, let that person know. If you see a poor setup, offer them advice and criticism. Giving me
re numerical ratings does not help much. Not rating others will highly decrease the chance of your setup being rated.
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First post best post :^)
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0/10 trips cancel out the 8/10
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Looks like a csgo skin

Needs more memes

Needs more memes
no trips get
0/10 you're a giant faggot and you should stick a dragon dildo up your ass and go die
Retarded trash kys
holy shit do you have downs syndrome or something i'm so sorry
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Function over form, h8
useless and ugly
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We 4:3 tablet now
Sorry for all the hate man, probably a samefag, don't forget the regulars still appreciate this!
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Nox WIP mk2.webm
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The only thing keeping it from 10/10 status is the bland date/battery text. Integrate that somehow.
7/10 it works
8.5/10 bretty gud, checks all the boxes
8/10 Kinda a clusterfuck, but for a pure function setup it's surprisingly good. Integrate the clock/signal/notification stuff to the wallpaper and it'll look a little better.
7/10 No glaring flaws, but it's kinda bland.
I kind of hate hiding the status bar, I've never seen a launcher handle it perfectly so I just work with it.
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New canvast.png
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p simple but it does the job.
fuck my shit up

a beauty. what are the characters from? 9.5/10

looks like a calculator. 6/10

idk man, theres something about yours that doesnt sit right. 7/10

oh yeah, i like that. maybe try an get rid of that gradient at the bottom. 9/10

this is great. id get tired of that black and white quick, though. 8/10
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Is this good? First attempt
Characters are from Wakfu. If you like Avatar, it's well worth the watch, just make sure to watch it in French.

9/10 btw, solid.

7.5/10 Good layout, but the notification bar needs to go.
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I don't even listen to vocaloids, I just wanted a cute 2d girl on my homescreen.
Should I get rid of the background and make it white, and then replace the white dividers with a turqoise?
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This good?
this is mine, i've only started to get the hang of KLWP but its fantastic.

i've got a few things still to play with like the side of the info box text, and the icons. im not sure if the free version of KLWP lets me choose icons from an external icon pack but if i cant im not too worried.

i think my my favourite part of having it is that i can clean way all the widgets and just have a nice empty home screen
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Made the top widgets with uccw. Hotkeys for alarm and Google keep. Bottom is just the dashboard with folders with the same icon for all of them. The folder is a white background with black stamped icons. The folder minimizes i just wanted to show what was under the hood.

I really like the ease of use with this set up. Plus I can use whatever pape I want! Which usually isn't the case. I've thought about getting a music widget but, meh. May put a battery meter on the left bar at the top there.

Any suggestions? Thoughts? Tyty
Thank you anon who gave me a vectorized cat
Haven't riced since Android 4.
What do you guys think?
10/10, I'm loving it.
7/10, I don't know what's going on with the buttons thing in the bottom.
7/10, I really like the minimalism here, but it's pretty dark.
Is this bait? 6/10, nice concept, but the font is tacky, and the wallpapers are kinda dark-like-my-soul tier, also
8/10, looks pretty good, I'd say get rid of the italic fonts though. And the Reddit app. But hey, I like the wallpaper too
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Forgot picture, damn.
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Reposting from the near end of last thread

I wanted to copy this one but I couldn't find that calendar. Is it a custom? I wouldn't even know how to go about making a calendar komponent

the white background app drawer was better

It's something I guess. Maybe make the second hand black too for consistency?

memes are cool

assuming you're the same guy from the last thread, it's still kind of a cool concept but holy shit it's cluttered and I don't even know what some of this shit is. What's the 23 in the corner? What's the list and 0 in the bottom right corner?

I think the weather takes up too much space, maybe a sidebar or not so many days? No idea what to put in it's place.

Still really like this, and was thinking of doing something like this with Jojo

bg works nice, how are the animations? I don't like the way the text in the circles is formatted, because it's kind of hard to read. Try giving the text black borders.

It does feel a bit empty at the top, but everything else is pretty good.

There's nothing wrong with a waifu pape. But there's something wrong with your waifu :^). In serious, the artist title being gray doesn't really work, black or white I'd think.

That's pretty cool, what's the font name?

It looks nice, but why the three arrows? If it were just the one arrow I'd just assume that you push it to pull out the music/weather etc. But there are three arrows that are flipped in the two pictures, do they each do one specific box?

I'm with the other anon, what do the x's at the bottom do?

Oooh, I really like this. I especially like the little shadows and the lines in the top to left to give a 3d effect. I kind of wanted to do something like this but wasn't sure how, this could be a good guideline.

tree in the bg kind of gets in the way

They are folders for my icons, it's the dashboard
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Is something like pic related possible? If I wanted to make it so that when I swipe left, right, up or down there is a transitional animation/image/slide where it looks like it went from one picture to another? I have the images or can make them but is this something viable or will I be wasting my time?
You can definitely get different images by swiping to the left and right.
It should also be possible to get it by swiping up and down since klwp now supports vertical pages, but I don't know any launcher that support it.
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Wallpaper please
waste of an image limit ;^)
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1st time posting, 1st rice ever
feels good as i made it using only one infographic
didnt bother to get nova prime to shrink the icons and i can already feel that uccw wont be enough
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R8 and advice pls? Border is battery percentage.

Well done. Only thing I could think to change is make the background compliment the drawers or vise versa. 9.5/10
Not bad. Pretty standard if you ask me. 7/10
I Like It. Only Thing I might Change is the bold text to a different font for a little pop. 9/10
Battery is a good change. I would also maybe change the icons so you can identify whats in the folders at a glance. Speaking of which, why not use uccw to just show the apps on tap? 8/10
Good. 7/10
>>6538073 what he said
>>6537484 Good start. 7/10
It looks like mines lol. I think your date, weather, and music is too hard to read. And you could do what i did and remove the apps and make your home button your app drawer. 7/10

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Mine. Pretty basic.
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Please rate me.
Your parents didn't beat you hard enough.
PEOPLE is weird, why so much emphasis on battery, why so little info on everything else
Quite some time ago I decided that I like to use my Fire Emblem Awakening Sunset Shores-flavored edits as backgrounds on my phone.

But I couldn't decide on just having three (one for each screen) at a time.

So, I found an app called Multipicture Live Wallpaper (play.google.com/store/apps/det…) that allows me to do exactly what I wanted to accomplish... I've got the entire cast of Fire Emblem Awakening going through these at absolute random. Every five minutes, the wallpaper on all three pages changes (I took the screenshots a while ago hence the wrong date).

The wallpapers will also cycle to the next random three if I double tap the home screen.

As an FE:A nerd I like to amuse myself by seeing if I can make possible families- So for example, the first combination above doesn't work: Severa + Basilio does not = Cynthia, or any combination otherwise. The second series does work though. Panne + Donnel does in fact = Yarne. This actually can keep me busy for a while, double tapping until I find a possible combination and then wondering about its potential within the game.
nigga why not just white icons
why did you have to ruin it by those round square transparent shits
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Am I doing it right?
Also is >twoclocks acceptable if one is analog and the other is digital?
Should I add color to the rings?

Not my style, but very slick, I like it, 8/10
Too minimal for my liking, consider adding at least some content, or a wallpaper worthy of a nearly blank screen
Nice, 7/10
It's a bit busy, but I like it.
4/10 really not feeling it
Sick af background/10
Looks kinda hipster but it's aight, 7/10
Very nice 7/10
Pretty decent 6/10
Taco/10 (7/10)
Nice background
Very simple and clean 10/10
Pretty good 8/10
I kinda like it 8/10
thanks, i got a few wallpapers that go well with this layout but i was enjoying the dark blue tones

yeah each arrow opens a different box, with the clock and the very bottom box staying persistent, means i can have the music box open without the info or icons box etc.

all that work and it still looks like trash
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Finally using all those papes
its a cool set up but they're all memepapers so it kind of kills it
I remember back when android was in its first years there was a launcher called aHome iirc, that was the first and only one that allowed vertical swiping. Don't know if it's still there
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New canvas.png
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while i agree with the music text not being readable, i kept the other text.
now, i made some modifications, but it kind of ruins the uniformity. does anyone have any solutions i could experiment with?
Nah I'm much more about the transparent stuff. I think it looks a lot cleaner
Hey I guess that's fine if you think it looks cleaner. It's your thing, but I totally disagree. It'd look a lot cleaner with small white icons.
8/10 solid theme wallpaper
8/10 good functional layout and clean look
6/10 too much unused space, and I think the wallpaper clashes too much with the other elements
9.5/10 excellent functional theme. Not the biggest fan of the colors or the font, but it looks clean and industrial, like some 90's linux/BSD
6.5/10 tacky icons kinda kill it, but I like the clock/battery/date widget on the wallpaper
9/10 good function and clean layout, plus good animation
8/10 aside from the tacky icons, it's great
8/10 great style, but the clusterfuck pile of icons really hurts the flow
don't show up to a rice thread with corn
6/10 decent layout, but multiple font sizes kill it. Battery indicator could be less obtrusive too.
6/10 neat idea, but it's plagued by multiple clocks and meh icons
8/10 slick style. Try not to do multiple clocks in any case. As for color, adding an accent is okay, but that wallpaper could work better as-is. Just add some function icons (if you're not using gestures) to round it out.
7/10 bitmap font and vector-style icons don't work well together
Add some flair. It needs something to make it unique.
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I'm new to ricing using KLWP and I'm still having troubles like the battery komponent. I could really use some help or advice
>>6538692 I really like this. I saw your rice on the previous thread but i didn't had the chance to rate.
>>6538679 I woould use another icon set, great work tho.
>>6538055 I also saw your rice on previous threats, and you really improved it.
Okay anon, let's start simple.
Get rid of the seconds.
Get rid of the status bar.
Center those apps in the box on the last page.
Make the text for the music player actually readable.
Those separators for your temperature/weather/battery life should DEFINITELY not look like 1's or l's.
Why is your battery percentage wrong?

But do not get discouraged. Some people think that ricing is just changing their background.
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dank af muh
dog shit
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Maymay papes are the best papes
8/10 looking good
You really need to clean it up. The idea is good just make everything even/match and legible. 7/10
Thanks for taking the time to r8

Everyone hates my bitmap font but I'm not changing it. I guess I'll just make the icons match. Also more meme papes.
My first try :)
My first try
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I like it, but the icons at the bottom seem out of place with the color on the rest of the screen. 7/10
> lockscreen thread
Let's do it.
Pretty alright, although the misaligned icons make my autism rage. I would suggest getting some icons in a zip file or finding a way to extract them from an apk and insert them as bitmaps into KLWP so you can align them properly. You only lose the functionality of folders, but what fags use those? 7/10
I love how the wallpaper spans all three screens, but I don't know how to feel about the alignment of your icons and the separator line. Maybe drop them a little bit to give it some more even spacing? 8/10
This is what >>6538941 came from? Pretty good update if you ask me.
> "I don't value battery life" the phone.
Get better icons, and maybe use less of a meme clock. 7/10
What >>6538657 said. Also, BIG ASS CLOCKS ARE COOL GUYS. And the button bar needs some transparency if possible.
Stock as fuck, but there ain't nothing wrong with that homie. I wouldn't run it personally, though.
BIG ASS CLOCKS ARE STILL COOL. I like it, but I would try glyph icons. The big white icons don't really go well with the rest of the theme.
If you have a few hundred hours of fucking around in KLWP, you can make it look like however you want, so yes.
I like the simplistic nature of this while remaining practicality. 10/10 (I would use a darker theme to fit my edginess, though)
> Smart Launcher?
I like pussy too, anon. I don't know about pussy this retro looking, though. Straight outta 2003.
This makes my dick hard and I don't know why.
Basic as fuck, but I can still appreciate this. Get different icons, though.
> "I am an edgelord"
Looks pretty dank. I would only change the WhatsApp icon to something more thick and the app drawer to something thinner.
No problem. Didnt vectorize it just upscaled it and smoothed it out, removing the shitty dark artifacts on the edges.
All that system info on tge top right is unnecessary, no need to know all of that especially because it doesnt change. Maybe replace it with a music widget or remove it altogether.
The font and icons go together but that doesnt make them not shit get something smoother and drip the pixel art trash.
Otherwise it looks great.
Tapping the top right corner swaps the two views. Tapping the center of the clock opens a folder and from there i open my app drawer.
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babbys 1st android phone, fuck me up

icons on the other pages are arranged the same way, swipe left for utilities and right for fun stuff
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Nokia Lumia Icon with W10. Pretty basic but I like the OS
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Please be gentle. Looking for a better clock if anyone has any suggestions.

r8 4 r8
Hello, guys
Anyone has an idea of how to insert an music album cover istead of that grey circle?
And will this work with online music player?
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This is pretty clean and the feel and quality of your bg is great but the layout of the icons is kind of wonky and I think they'd look better if they were more uniform. Also, the clock should probably be moved down lower because the gap is too large between the clock and icons. Other than that, pretty nice.

This is pretty sweet. 9/10 swell job.

I'm trying something a little new
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Trying something different lemme know senpai
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Posting my true art again
Holy shit this is the dankest meme I've ever seen.
Interesting glitch effect, but the icons are kind of just everywhere and i'm not sure if they look better being bunched to the left of the screen...It looks a little crowded. Overall nice though 7.7/10
less abberation and you good
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Lightning launcher allows for vertical swiping
What weather widget is that?
Why the fuck does this man have no r8s? I like the rice friend.
Really like this. Man the only thing that I miss about amoled screens is their deep blacks. 8/10.
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Just changed mine up. Never done the weeb thing before, but I think it came out alright, considering.
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I didn't rate others last time, so here we go

I like it a lot, I would however not use those icons - colored icons might look a lot better than you think on that background, 8/10

Just great, I'm the anon who asked you to consider a darker middle bar, well deserved 10/10

The clock is a bit too big, and the words are hard to read. Have you considered adding a similar box below those words? I'd rate it 9/10 if it had it, goes to 7.5/10 without it

It must have been a bother to get those animations right, 9/10 just for that. The tiny icons do bug me a bit, but if they work for you, great!

I like it. Steering away from bland colored backgrounds is always good! There are, however, a few caveats - namely the bar on top is not a good idea, and minimalism asks for flat icons, not those. Since I can't rate you for what it could be, 7/10.

This looks really pretty. It just doesn't look like a functional phone, but maybe that's not what you're going for. I'm biased, so 7/10

Looks great, the top rectangles not aligning triggers me though, 8.5/10

This looks a lot like a screen I just rated, seems nice though 8/10

You're getting there, remember these guidelines:
- Don't double info on the same screen
- Try to keep stuff aligned if you're not going for a specific look

Deja vu, looks good.

Black as fuck, but really well done. I suppose it's for your energy saving amoled :^) 9/10

Lovely background and top left big font, hard to see smaller fonts. Remove shadow from the smaller ones and get them bolder, wonders shall happen. 7/10, easy 9.5 with decent small font

That arrangement looks weird to me, and difficult to reach one side of the phone with the opposite hand, ah well. Try centering them more, and putting less stuff below too. Also, do more, it's very basic. 6/10

Decided to make mine more colorful due to suggestions. Rate?
How's this? Have kept it like this for ages. Wouldn't mind a new wallpaper tho.
Continuing as post reached limit

I don't know much about W10 but it looks good, not sure if you need all that info on the weather and the white icons over the white mountain make it a little tough on the eyes. 7.5/10

Looks clean and symmetrical, my suggestion would be to try to lower the number of icons to 9 and have them form a square in the middle. 9/10

Clean and smooth, I feel like I'm rating your wallpaper though. 8/10

Yeees it's good, just fix those borders please, they're probably not visible on phone though, have you considered adding shadows?

Nice cat

It feels very "paint"-y, i like the lack of the ":" on the clock but it could get a lot better. 6/10

I like that you're using the background detail for your icons, and the lock wallpaper is pretty cool too, but it's a bit basic. 8.5/10
Im biased because your using my kitty edit but it looks really good really like the style of the windows and really dont think you should change much until youre bored of looking at it. 95/100
Lock screen?
Are you asking for the wallpaper or the app?
Could i have said kitty pape senpai?
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Here m8.
If its klwp go to the shape then the fx tab then make the mask a bitmap image then press the checkbox on the pick image line, tap the calculator icon then for the formula type $mi(cover)$

Should do the trick.
It should work with spotify/pandora and the likes. Havent tested them all but have tested pandora and spotify.
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I'm pleb
Nice clock. Pm
Icons. Icon

Symmetry and tighten up that pm and youll be good. (Consider a different font that one is a little silly for my tastes)
>>6538941 Thanks for the advice, I change It a little bit, tho i'm still having trouble with the battery updating correctly. I'm not satisfied with this design, tho i want to get it to it's full potential since it's my first rice from scratch.

>>6538963 I'd love to see the animations, looks preety neat 9/10

>>6539444 You keep getting it better. Is It KLWP? 10/10

>>6538978 The font and the clock doesn't seem to fit quite well in there, the pape is dope tho 6/10

>>6539137 This >>6539609 and I've tried it with different players and the one wich worked the most was Power Amp, but you have to pay for it. Currently I'm using AIMP, It supports a lot of formats but It's not compatible with the KLWPprogression bar
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>>6539657 I missed the image
Dl link for that font your using for the info above boxes?

The music stuff is pretty redundant you only need the title and art once. Consider widening up the left box on the right screen so the right box lines up with upper box and make sure they are all rounded the same. Would dig a webm to see the animations but you dont gotta if you dont wanna.
I like the icon pack a lot so I wanted it to be on display. How do you think I should position then so it doesn't look clunky?
All on one side minus the dock. Or all in the dock. Or two on each side.
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I use the home button to open the app drawer.

Will rate in my next post, becuase this will be a clusterfuck.
haha I wish I was this ascetic .
I've been wanting to get into this shit, but I have no idea where to start and my google-fu is weak. Do any of you faggots have useful advice or a good starting point? Or at least tell me what the fuck to Google to find more information?
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I'm wanting to use this wallpaper but I haven't really got any ideas of how to lay out my icons in respect to the image. As you can see, I haven't done anything with them as of yet, they're just in a row. If anyone has a suggestion/inspo as what I should do with this, I'd be grateful.
From the OP
Android Ricing: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Android_Ricing
Other Guide: http://yttrium-tyclief.github.io/guides/Android/
Infographic: http://a.pomf.cat/nfbqdm.png

My advice:
get nova/go launcher (it manages your homescreen and launches your other apps. Your phone came default with one all you need to do is download it and change the default then start fucking with settings)

get KLWP, KWGT, and/or zooper widget.

Google "KLWP getting started" to learn how to KLWP/KWGT. Replace KLWP with zooper to learn that.

Look around these homescreens and find an icon pack you like (by asking nicely what one is being used)

After that fuck around with the settings of your launcher, make a live wallpaper/widgets, get an icon pack and set it using your launcher. And your set.
Welcome to /hsg/. Faggot.
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Put two in the dock and two vertically like pic related
The app.
Echo Lockscreen
Is there a way to get a proper day of the month in words (like april eleventh) with $df()$ in klwp?
Damn, how do you do something like this?
Fitting font choice as well.

Those italics really rub me the wrong way.

Why is kitty so blurry? :(
Im here, so here are the r8s

Clean as fuck.

Love the animation. Perfect as it is

Clean, I would remove the weather widget tho.


Remove the top bar.

Too stockfish for my taste. Also, learn about composition.

I don't like how the games icon gets obscured by the robot. Otherwise top notch ricing, anon.

Fix your typography. Music player is not legible enough and the third screen is confusing.

Much better. But it is a bit bottom heavy.

Needs a smaller font to look clean.

Nice and clean.

Cat looks really blurry on my screen.

Icons kill it. Also the font on clock is bad.



Fix your typography.


Scaliness kill it, imho

I would rather use a vector font with vector icons



I don't like the clock


Stockfish but nice

Too many icons.


The clock needs the :


Really like the icons but the pape...

Nice and clean. But Im with what >>6539667 said
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2MB, 1440x2560px
Not mine, but I really want to make my homescreen look like this. What widget and icon pack is this?
Gonna pick up my first android phone today, a Nexus 5X. Coming from WP.
Is there a way to make it look nice without rooting it? Don't wanna risk fucking it up and voiding the warranty first thing I do
No root needed for almost all of these rices. Just a launcher, widgets, and a wallpaper.

Read >>6539737 and >>6537220
For literally all the info you need. No root needed.
Good shit man thx
Every fucking time i use a bg picture, it becomes super-small, even if i use 4k pic. It results in ultra low quality bg.
Does anyone know, how to silve this?
get gud.
what do you mean gets small? screenshots plox
icons are something starting with retro or vintage in play store
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>>6538622 its me, I'm back. What do you think about this?
is there a way to dynamically change the blur/saturation/grayscale for my paper or do i have to do it manually?

also >>6539830
retrorika icons
whatever widget, could be uccw
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Here's mine am pretty new to klwp

Always like this whenever I see it, I think it looks really sleek

I like this, it looks clean and functional. I personally might use a duller colour but the blue works well and does look good.

Cute :) I also like the fuctionality of it. Did you make the news widget thing?

Nice wallpaper, I personally would use a different font for the clock and might change icon layout to something a bit more uniform.

Looks good, I would keep the whole thing greyscale and keep the font consistent.

Nice pic, I would put two more icons in the dock and centre the remaining six, maybe move them down a tiny bit.

I'm not those other anons, but I like it as its simple. I personally prefer the othe pape - but thats just me.
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This is the second page, and I changed it slightly
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3MB, 1440x2560px
love it, the rainy colors make it super comfy
pape is dcelicious but the search bar and under icon names need to go
love that pape, used it for a while
whicons rule, cute gf
That is how it looks
And that is original img
Thank you!
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Got my N5X, yay. Downloaded Nova and a sleek icon pack. Let the ricing begin
What are some other essential apps/widgets to get?
Looking for a nice customizable clock, and also that measures RAM usage and such.
Thanks senpai
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2MB, 1080x1920px
What are you using to set the wallpaper? If i were you id try to crop it to the right resolution. If that doesn't work maybe you have fucked with some of the image settings in klwp.
>navigation bar
>gear thing
u can upload the astronaut pape tho

wtf is op post
Tap and hold the folder > tap edit > tap the icon > pick somethung thats not retarded looking.

What time is it? Add a clock.

Last but most find a way to display that astronaut without the settings gear. (I.e make a rectangle in klwp and have the mask be an image and find that one.

Its almost really good.
Bad. Start this screen over from scratch.
Yo do you have this monkey with transparency? With or withought the nebula shit.
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3MB, 1600x2880px
Here's mine. If i tap the bottom bar, a box slides up that shows my next 5 things on my calendar. I was just too lazy to make a webm.

I'll try to hit the posts that have no feedback.

Really, really simple. Not sure if I'd even call it riced. It's not bad, it's just basic.

I liked your previous one more. This one is following along with the crowd from what I see.

Not terrible. The information box seems to be pretty crowded though. Maybe decrease text size and/or remove the seconds from the clock. Also, why teh icons in 2 different places?

I don't think the icons quite match the wall. Pretty simple, and not bad.

Yea this one isn't really that good. I'd look through this thread and try to start out emulating the ones you like, then go off and try your own thing.

I like it. Very simple but works all together.
What package do I use for the number of texts I get?
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Can anybody recommend a icon pack for this pape?
Shoop out the icons on the left and use
Perspective - crazy icon pack
>literally the bame of the pack.
You know what i think im gonna do this. Thabjs for the idea
Nevermind. You need a shitty old launcher to use it. What the fuck.
9/10 it's just too good can you put your wallpaper and i want to know what did you use to make it so nice?
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>>6538978 here
I just redid it because i didnt like it overall.
Heres the updated version.

Inb4 r84r8 i rate a here and there and help people with questions. I even fucking shooped and posted the cat last thread (and this thread) i do my part dammit
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I like it simple.
I don't like it stock
We don't like you
Pape is really good. Can you post it?
Otherwise 2stock4us only "complex" rices are welcome here. Spice it up baby.
Klwp says com.android.MMS but that doesn't give the right value

The Google it does nothing!
Edited it a bit more
Even more. Figured id use my kitteh since i made it.
You don't speak for us
yes he does
You're right. We should tolerate the retards who waste image limits. What was I thinking?
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I don't like having to install too much stuff just to get a pretty non functional home screen. I like to make it look good along the limitations it has.
Using Nova launcher, ROM is from Motorola and is as close to AOSP as it gets.

Lemme rephrase
Ask your self why you should post here, think about the the purpose of this thread is. The purpose is ricing, and your home screen does not happen to be riced; you've done nothing but install a launcher , change a few settings, and drag and drop some icons. Come back when you've actually put effort into making your homescreen stylish and functional because that's what this thread is for, not stock layouts.

>it isn't riced out so it's wasted
>implying there won't immediately be another thread after this one dies
>imply that thread wont have repeat images "wasting" the image limit
Its been a long long time since my last visit to these threads, got tired of ricing and went for a full normie look (maybe will post screenshot later)

So what's the new meme, blur boxes again? Text instead apps? Muh minimalism?

And what do you guys think of this
>we should encourage mediocrity, not improvement

Maybe at liberal arts college, but not here
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OK here I am, just posting it as an excuse to rate the ones I liked

This is great

Love the colors and idea but not the font/box size

Always liked the image in a box thing, but your image is perfect, still some of those layouts saved, might use one later

I like the clock, and idk its simple but nice
Ehhh can you give a tl;dr?
lol it isn't that long (nor important, so its ok to not read it too)
Nigga those are old memes ;^)

I think the current trend is either pixelated wallpapers with fake screenfetches or v a p o r w a v e
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Man, I did my first webm for you, I fucked it up tho, the whole thing turnt horizontal. I made some changes. The font it's called PoiretONe-Regular, it's on KLWP
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First time posting / ricing phone. Cheers.
r8 m8
Fuck the kik. Love the colors. Goes with the pape.
Icon pack?
The Calendar is

Calendar Widget: Month by Candl Apps
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Havent got time to rate, sorry guys.
Hope you like mine
10/10 for the effect

The color scheme is nice

Nice pape but looks uninspired.

Icons don't fit imo

Used this wallpaper for mine
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Trying to get this setup to work, I'll be looking for a nice weather widget soon
>anything but mediocrity
are you that deluded?
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Here is the MS Paint shoop
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And here is my first try. I used a 8 bit icon pack. Still needs some work.
R8ing those that r8'd since mine

Those animations are great, don't know how to feel about the album art covering the picture though

Not a fan of the Iron Man targeting system you got here

I liked the other icons with the bitmap font. Temped to do one of these papes

I remember you, is the 49 battery life?

Pretty good for a girl cartoon

I liked the first one a bit better but still literally prefect, and still trying to learn your sorcery

Glad to see an anon that listens to advice well. Drastic improvement

No need to measure out your life in seconds. I didn't know for certain how to define this "aesthetic" meme, but I think I get it now. I would have made the font bold and italic to see if I'd look like the font from cowboy bebop

$df(MMMM)$ $tc(cap,(tc(n2w,df(ss))))$$tc(ord,df(ss))$

Slow down with the info buddy, you don't need your whole life story everytime you check your phone. Also don't use the seconds

That's a sweet icon pack

That's cool, a bit different, but what's the 0 in the bottom left?

Little bit inconsistent with the icons coloring, but that's not really your fault I guess
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This thread feels a bit like the business card scene from American Psycho to me...
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Ok, now I removed the clock
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And made a clock widget
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3MB, 1440x2560px
i'm >>6537754

I cant get enough of fiddling with KLWP it's surprisingly fun cause its such a challenge, but i need help. I cannot figure out how to make something drag-able on a vertical plane, i can make things scroll horizontally when i drag the screen left or right but cant do the same for things up and down.
in my newest screen i have a few "trays" that can fold away into the top and bottom edges of the screen, the pic shows my music player is open, currently it opens with the little arrow at the bottom right but i would love if i could pull it up and pull it down just like i would with the notifications and quick access menu android normally has at the top.
im assuming the reason is because the bgscroll (vertical) requires multiple screens but instead of horizontally tiled they need to be on top of each other vertically, seeing as i dont want that and there's no ReactOn for just dragging your finger over the screen im stumped as to what i could do. any of you pros got ideas?

it works fine just having buttons but it would be nice to have something more "smooth"
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These two are really amazing. Really good job you guys

This is cool I like the music hexagon

Most minimalistic home screen ever

Yeah follow that guy's advice if you move the middle two itll look better

Pretty! But way too light for my taste

This is nice I like it. Though the blur on the background does look like a bit much

Folder? Why

This is really good but I don't think I could be able to stand so few icons myself haha

I love that wall this one is really beautiful

Vape AF

This is so chill I love it

Seriously everyone here you guys have done some great jobs. Here's my stab at it, rates? Middle bar is battery

>My time, Her time
This is the only time I've ever been okay with two clocks.
0/10 you will be rewarded no points, good day sir.
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I'm quite happy with how this turned out. The wallpaper changes between a day and night version and the character changes every day
Wow I need this oO

Yup, it is KLWP!

I did not, it's simple rss widget from play store

Tell me what you want to know about it

Thank you!
The number in the bottom left is the amount of clearable notifications that I have, since my regular statusbar is hidden.

Maybe a little bit, but not quite as serious. Plus in that scene, all the cards were essentially the same. We have a lot of different designs here.

Thanks! Yours looks pretty decent! Very minimal and simple.

I can tell some work went into making that. Great job!

Me ensina, filho da puta.
how did you do that? do you use a specific launcher?
>$df(MMMM)$ $tc(cap,(tc(n2w,df(ss))))$$tc(ord,df(ss))$
Thabks! How do i get tomorrows weather? I tried $df(wi(temp),a1d)$ but that doesnt work. Also where can i find a list of all available codes and what they mean?
Also nice with the "ss" you got me. Pretty easy to fix it though thabjs again for the help.
Nova launcher with klwp.
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Join #homescreen on Rizon
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Could I bother you for your pape?
How do you get meme shadows like pic related? Pls dnt bully
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OnePlus One.png
2MB, 2031x1298px
Oh sweet, i didn't know i was in the first official thread. It has already been a year.

Not much has changes since then. I only ditched my white icons and powertoggles. Got bored of those.

>>6537222 7/10
The shifting looks fancy, haven't seen it yet. I hope you have an amoled screen though. Or else the b/w theme is quite useless and boring.

>>6537253 8/10
The longer i look at it, the more i appreciate you neatly aligned homescreen.

>>6537376 6/10
Hasn't this been a 'wip' for a while now? I remember seeing it. And i don't see any changes. At least improve a bit and remove the page indicator.

>>6537499 5/10
Don't use italic text. This hurts the Miku.

>>6538547 7/10
You need a gf Anon. That'll be the best improvement you could make here.

>>6538692 7/10
The mix of stroke icons and bitmap text itches my eyes. Either go one way or another.
Nevermind. Take this 8/10

>>6538963 8/10
Is that the Antispiral?

>>6539220 7/10
Too bad it's b/w.

>>6539444 9/10
Tight. The bg doesn't fit in well, yet again, i wouldn't know what would.
Klwp doesn't actually support drag or hold actions, but as of a recent update it does support vertical scrolling. This means that your "pulldown" would trigger when you dragged anywhere on the page rather than just the bar.
Most launchers don't have vertical scrolling, so you'll need to find one that does. iirc, lightning launcher does, for one. The next best alternative is buttons, but it's still not optimal.
thanks for the info, guess it'll be buttons for now till one day when KLWP supports draging
I'm gonna take the bait here
look at the fucking komponent and find out
Literally everything to it. I cant see how it was constructed man. I wouldnt ask if you could reverse set it up dude.

Also does anybody have an alt dl link for scr free? (The non root version) my phone doesn't seem to be able to handle it.
You sure are dense
there's a lock icon
press it
explore more
I'll give the kids some credit, I didn't know you could do that
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3MB, 720x1280px
Here's mine. Any ideas on what to do when the song is paused instead of just having the album art fading out?
place an image in the box
or an icon that indicates that there is no music playing
I set it to blur the album art and put a play button now
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677KB, 1080x1920px
Okay sorry for being so dense everyone. Im pretty satisfied with this but would really love some criticism.
R8s coming up.
hmm, I think you used a lot of good techniques, but I just don't really like them together.
I think the wallpaper is too dull for that colorful icon pack.
The first screen with the cat also looks a little strange to me, because I think that it isn't very obvious that that's a cat. The only reason I can tell what it is is because I already saw some other people using the same image in this thread.

The hand is kind of cool, but I don't like how one of the fingers is in front of the text and the other one is behind.

The clock thing you've got on the top is fine, but I don't like how the day is cut off by the battery bar.

Icon placement needs to be reverse, so the app drawer is the lowest one and the other icons are a little above it.

The actual music player is fine but it needs to pop out more if you want to make it look like it's coming out of the hand, because when it's fully extended it is actually overlapping the hand a little bit.

Pretty decent rice overall though. What are you using for the notification panel?
If I were you I would make the play button switch to a pause button when the music is playing
The play button disappears when the music starts playing
Nice and simple. It looks good. really dig that pape. 7/10 not enough info.

I like it but honestly think it could be condensed. But it looks really good. I like how your elements are just big enough to be practical. 8/10

Simple. It looks good. I dont really like the pape but its your taste. 5/10

Looks pretty aesthetic man. I dig it. I wouldnt like having it long term but if its your thing good on ya. 7/10 good luck finding better icons.

Looks too busy. Maybe try another font and/or make it smaller. It also feels ridged.

Not my taste but it does look good. You managed to make a dating sim out of your phone. I like it. 8/10 for theme. 4/10 for the weeb shit though.

Why have so much open space for a shitty wallpaper? Look around and find another. Seriously its a bad pape. Otherwise 8/10 the elements are rather small. Get a new pape.

It looks fucking sweet man. Love that news feed. I wouldnt find use out of it but it looks sick. Whole thing 9.5/10.

Looks really good overall. Looks a bit stiff but i really like it 9/10

Das me
Notif panel is "ocean breeze" theme managed by MIUI 7. It looks fucking good and all the default apps are like a mix of apple, material design, and its own thing. But along with that is the rest of chink software and though it looks great my phone was really confusing and kind of difficult to rice. But a big bonus is no forced google apps and a super affordable, rather amazing phone so now that most of the kinks are worked out i dig it.
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Forgot to say i fixed it. Tightened the clock up, moved the cat up and over (i recognize my kitty so im not worried) and fixed the music widget. Thanjs for the advice.
Sauce on those icons and widgets
What did you use for the first page, month? I love your clock, well everything
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1MB, 1080x1920px
My first try at a minimalist animu theme. I'm looking for a way to change the stock lock screen to match.
icon pack??
icon pack? plz
Is there a decent clock widget that can display seconds? I've searched all day and I only found shit ones. Or ones that don't work on 4.2.
>Requires Android
>4.4 and up
File: Screenshot_2016-04-14-15-04-45.png (1MB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1080x1920px
r8 me m8s
What icon pack do you use?
There >>6541747
Rate to be rated
what's the headphone icon called?
My pics I use for my icons disappear sometimes. Why?

It usually fixes when I save the pape again
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R8 me
Lol what does r8 for r8 mean?
stupid is what it means
It's the google play music app
thanks boiiiii, are you using a theme created by yourself or a preset?
mind posting the .zip?
Made it myself.
I would have posted the zip but just because you said "boiiiii" I'm not going to.
oh come ooooon make an anon happy
Lol I'm just kidding.
I have no problem posting the zip after I make a new rice. I always post my previous rices if anyone asks for the zips, but usually not my current one.
>I have no problem posting the zip after I make a new rice
Autistic special snowflake needs.
It's more autistic to not be able to make your own rice faggot.
How about using that brain for some creative purposes once in a while?
Not the guy who asked, but that's understandable.
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My First try. :^)
pretty fucking good
that looks like event flow calendar
seriously, not having 2 clocks is fucking shit though.
i only have my clock on 1 of 3 homescreens, and there isn't a clock anywhere unless you pull the notification bar down.
>all of the THREE clocks are different times
srsly wtf
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Such inane Anons.
Congrats! You just tried turning your phone into a Windows phone and ended up with something even worse than stock Android.
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I'm looking for better icon pack and something to fill in these empty space. Any ideas?
Try Lucent white or Lucent Remix
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r8 don't h8

Should I change discord and folio to some ghost thing and default facebook icon since they don't fit with everything else having a shadow?
I'm fairly new to this, I'm looking for a better clock, icon pack and music player, any recommendations?

R8 pls
Glyphsy icon pack
Clock - install "70+ time widgets for KWGT"
music player - there's shitloads of them, everybody will recommend something else. i like rocket.
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How do you guys do the opaque boxes behind apps and stuff?
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An old setup, wish I had it saved.

A E S T H E T I C...
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Wtf is a meme pape?

Wtf is aesthetic?
Waste of Pape
You are nothing. Talentless. You shouldn't have been born.
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6MB, 4000x3008px
icon seems too big man, 5/10

nice shit anon, i like it 9/10


clean 8/10
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why do you need all those apps/widgets on one page, looks cluttered
Once again, the cat is pixellated.
Ty anon ~
how did u do the transition effect ?
also, nice
I'm this guy>>6538110
In case anyone needs to know

The search bar barely doesn't fit with the pape

The text for "my time her time" run a bit close together, consider either sizing down or changing it to something like "mine hers". Also, like the other anon, this is the only time two clocks work, but can you really not do that in your head? Really good otherwise.

I'm not familiar with what this is, but it looks neat, just fix the scroll animation on those icons

The text is way too close together, you'd need like superhuman accuracy to hit the one you want. The pape is not nice. The x making the music controls come up makes no sense

Really nice, nice sorting on the icons by color

Pretty good, don't like the clock though

Pretty cool 3d

Way too much to be called minimal

I like the idea, but for some reason I just feel a bit nauseated

Do the papes change based on time? Cause this looks like it's on the same page
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Long time lurker, first time poster.
got the base of this from a tripfag on /w/
i think it looks pretty good
any tips?
since i got trips, ill upload it
Probably event flow calendar.
Scoot info up a smidge too close to the clock. Otherwise good
Only help I can offer is to change the text color of the Notification box next to your messaging app. Blue definitely does not go with the color scheme.
Hey, two clocks guy here. Yeah I thought so too about the spacing, and I can do it in my head but seeing it like that makes me smile and think of her. And thanks!
Pretty much everything you see in these threads thread is made with KLWP.
File: Screenshot_2016-04-15-20-36-26.png (1MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x1280px
R8 meh ples
That colon is so small it fucks the clock, remove it or make it the same font size
File: Screenshot_2016-04-15-22-11-10.png (1MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x1280px
I needed to change the clock font entirely
Go back to old font and just dont do a colon.
File: Screenshot_2016-04-15-22-19-44.png (1MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x1280px
I'm a newb at this anon, I couldn't figure out how to remove le colon. I just switched to a less cancer font compared to the pixel one
>less cancer font

maybe make yourself less cancerous before the font
Literally why
If this pape didn't have an obnoxious shui character in the center it might have a chance at not looking like crap
>my time
>her time
know them feels all too well man
File: sorryforlowrezplsnobully.png (4MB, 2560x1566px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 2560x1566px
Simple but lacking. Also, try having symmetry so that the bottom icons don't outweigh the clock at the top.

Looks good as it is. What kind of icon packs are you looking for?

Just try a different icon pack.

Are you using klwp? If so, try to make your own music player and maybe add something like a weather widget.

I really just can't describe it. Too simplistic?

Im gonna bully for that low res. It all looks to small. Upload individual screenshots (of screens 1 n 3) also if you could pls r8 moar.
Can anyone recommend me a good icon pack that will work on a light background? Thanks ahead of time
Min dark or whatever it's called. Also
>not using midtones for your theme
pape please??
thank you kind sir
>5 days later
Another different anon here but do you have a link to your previous ones please? It would be highly appreciated.
Do you not know this board culture? That's no way to talk to someone.
Try constructive criticism my friend
well I was hoping for a reply from any anon who has the pape
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687KB, 1366x768px
im still here
File: SCR_20160403_191155.webm (846KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
846KB, 1080x1920px

Pic related is what it looks like.
New Thread
Gimme dat pape papi
>never shout never
i can't decide between "my nigga" and "you faggot"
File: 2016-04-18 02.05.19.png (975KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
2016-04-18 02.05.19.png
975KB, 1080x1920px
Very nice and smart. What clock is that?

Cool wallpaper, icons work well with it.

A bit sore on my eyes but pretty cool nonetheless. Bonus points for Gorillaz.
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