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Official Homescreen Thread #65

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 118

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Adrift loves cummies edition!

Need inspiration (or want to steal an old design)? Check out http://imgur.com/a/etUXK

#homescreen @ rizon


Android Ricing: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Android_Ricing
Other Guide: http://yttrium-tyclief.github.io/guides/Android/
Infographic: http://a.pomf.cat/nfbqdm.png
KLWP Guide: https://a.pomf.cat/nvgffi.png

iDevice Ricing Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pfNDNEE

>Windows Phone
WP Infographic: http://i.imgur.com/znGGUeT.jpg

>Other Info
Recording a WebM: http://pastebin.com/q36gLksx
Framing screenshots: http://pastebin.com/S0pWFvCx
Changing Icon Pack Color: http://pastebin.com/WrVrXiDE
Sidebar Theme: http://pastebin.com/n9HsiA7u

If you like a setup, let that person know. If you see a poor setup, offer them advice and criticism. Giving me
re numerical ratings does not help much. Not rating others will highly decrease the chance of your setup being rated.

adrift: feed cummies
adrift: i am a homo butt sex midget lover feed me cummies
adrift: im a big smelly faggot who likes to be a smelly faggot
adrift: i want to suck penis
adrift: daddies cummies

(Join #homescreen on rizon!)
first for shitty op
turn that tripcode back on adrift
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Everyone on #homescreen is a faggot 2 B honest.
There are no exceptions.
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If that's a custom music player, I would get rid of the grey rectangle, it would look better without it. 7/10

Those shadows on the widget seem weird to me. Other than that, it's ok. 6/10

>Everyone on #homescreen is a faggot 2 B honest.
no u

I like how it flows, it's real cool. 8/10
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here's the other screen
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Definitely it all looks a bit more coherent. 8.5/10
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I removed the album art to remove clutter, added a dock, and made the icons closer. Did I do good?
Looks really slick anon, bonus points for music taste. 9/10
lookin good, lookin good
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Can I have that wallpaper?
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>taking a based OP's job
>Not even doing it correctly
>Cant even link to your own fucking wallpaper


I really liked your setup with a really smooth animation going
Not a fan of zero color | personal preference

Good rice with a nice pape, I would change the clock a little to not blend in with the background so much

You have a very busy wallpaper. To add to this you have a rather large music widget.

Solid pape with a nice font that didn't change from screen to screen. Nothing really needs a lot of work unless you don't like something. Could a a blur/box behind your clock?

Better . . . I guess

I really like this; you put effort into it
Can't remember if you had the blue cat and if it was better from the previous thread

>lookin good, lookin good

Simple rice withno problems

Nice picture
If those letters are shortcuts I would make them bigger

Ignore my trash page that I will get around to fixing eventually
So guys what file manager do you use?
I'm tired of ES explorer asking me to analyze and clean shit although it used to be goat
Root explorer or amaze
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:^( you guys are mean
everything in the OP is completely true and you said all of it.
:^( libel
Looks good though. Maybe make the icons a bit smaller.

Make the black box the same color as the background. I dont know though because i really just dont like it. Its good, just not my taste.

Eh/10 the pic is good and the setup is nice but it has no color.

Much improved over your first iteration. Starting to look good. Maybe add some blur boxes to fit the icons into though... Idk. 6.5/10

Looks really comfy. Rather clean too. Not really a fan of that font though. 8/10

Das me

Sorry i cant rate those who posted webms for some reason they are totally fucking broken on mobile data. Maybe when i get home from worm in 10hrs... P
My first time posting here, just got this simplified to my liking
That pape is good. Maybe rid yourself of tge page indicator and make thebicons smaller and fit a few more to squish it down to 2 screens. There is definitely a lot more you can do to make it look better but as is it still looks really nice 7/10
Just try to rate some others though okay?
Ew get rid of that fucking shadow on your clock. Please it fucking ruins it.
navbar is ugly
The text also has a weird outline

hurts to look at
Music widget is terrible

Don't really like the font and lack of any icons

Either make the page indicator green or hide it
Make the music widget lower by just a tiny bit

the wallpaper still hurts to look at
the clock widget outline looks bad

9/10 desu senpai

Use icons instead

The right pages are awesome, but the pages on the left aren't as coherent.

2 clocks/10


Hide page indicator
Keep it to only two rows of icons
Move them all the way to the bottom
Add a clock widget above the trees
Hide status bar

R8 me back here >>6543446
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Put the clock on all three screens and its a 9.5/10 it looks fucking cash.
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Its simple and thats about it 5.5/10

Very nice and clean getting the summer vibes 9/10

R8 my judge dred pape
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slick. nice.
soft buttons trigger me
not bad
kill soft buttons, i do in fact like though
7/10, try making your own icons
BOXES but not bad
SUPER minimal. add some texture.
well done
not bad, soft buttons though
make yourself a clock widget boy
hell yeah
badass indeed. i want shadows between the boxes, though
>soft buttons trigger me
>kill soft buttons
Bro kill self. With a phone like that soft buttons are unavoidable/a hassle to not use. Its literally what the phone has instead of a home/back/menu button thats off screen.
How to:irc?
I wanna join you guys but dont know how.
Go download an irc client. The one I use is called Hexchat, but there's other ones also.
If you do pick Hexchat, one of the channel names that will automatically pop up after installing it will be Rizon.
Select that one and then it'll display a chatroom and a bunch of commands or something. Type /join #homescreen

And you'll get in the channel.
>2 clocks/10
The kid at the bottom here, who says he is new, did a better job then you

Newfag stole your job man
Tryin to look out foreyou senpai

I would hide your notification bar and add a clock
Very nice overall for a newfag

Thanks for the r8 m8
My left pages are project pages with my music widget being my latest
Still haven't animated the pause/play button

Fairly nice but didn't rate ._.
I would move the icons and music widget into the pape's sky

Nice animations and a pape that reminds me of futurama

Nice animations
>Lets name our own rices how we would describe them
Checks out

Rate me back here >>6543623
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Just started ricing again after a long time

Feels kinda bland 8/10

Nice. Simple and effective 9/10

Colors of the icon clashes with the mountain 8/10

Good start but needs many changes like remove page indicator

2clocks/10 (7/10)

I like it. Needs a bit of polishing though 8/10

I'm liking the minimalism 9/10

You made good changes but the positioning of the icons could still be fixed
the thing I touch to make my app list appear has disapeared how do I add it back?
can I use klwp to add it back?
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I ditched the vaporwave vibe entirely and decided to simplify things a bit
Long press > widgets > nova action > app drawer
thank you
I was about to restore the phone
I like these
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Pape is intrusive to the design

Vaporwave is simply a style I'm not ready for. Where static is image and carelessly placing icons is organization

You should have screen captured at 9oclock... think about it...

Don't care much for the pape with vector cat

Same as it ever was

Same as it ever was


That folder page doesn't fit with the rest


This is clearly just a picture of Kristen Stewart. 0/10

Same as it ever was

Icons are too big, and what everyone else said

Definitely a new favorite

Love it

Those animations are cool

You're off to a great start.

I'll bite, what's the circle thing around the clock? Moon phases?
Cant read the music text but ypu made the right choice anon. Looks a lot better now. Your getting the hang ot it. What clock is that?
>I'll bite, what's the circle thing around the clock? Moon phases?
Not him but my guess is a stylistic representation of what hour it is.
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First time using an Android phone
You should get your bg properly traced. It looks bad with your other elements.
Do you have the sauce for it?
fresh rice

not bad for a first time, I would get rid of the drawer icon 6/10

Good theme-ing. other than that, it's sort of basic. 7/10

looks aight, the icons look a little weird to me. 7/10

Very nice, have I seen yr work before? It looks familiar. 9/10

I don't get it, but the animations are good. 8/10

I like it. 8/10

>stand outside bowling alley
>hangout with highschoolers
is this a reference I'm not getting, or are you just Silent Bob? 7.5/10
What's 51"?
Also you should coordinate the colour of your elements with the image in back. Like maybe the pink shape in the middle of the others.
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seconds on the clock
if I remove the drawer how am i supposed to see all the apps I have installed
Use the home button
this, or assign it to a gesture in Nova
Thanks for the love
>Same as it ever was
Letting the days go by
Very early WIP but I don't know where I want to go with it. Any suggestions? I guess a good clock widget would be a good start
Mine, sorry for not rating/critic

Clean but the widget looks to big

Not a fan of the pape but nice widgets

Simple Clean

Very nice and clean, like the app drawer

Not a fan of the background color or the two clocks.

Nice pape

Very great pape and effect

Okay this is very fancy

Perfect use of pape and text colors

Its a reference to the movie from the bottom image right screen. Dazed and Confused.

Oh, I should watch that, it's been on my list for a long while now
Step 1. Start over
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Done. Now what
Step 2. In Nova, hide nav bar and the page dots
Get rid of page indicator and add fancy dancy clock
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Can you recommend one?
Try using KLWP, it'll make ricing a lot easier form here on out. Just make your own clock inside KLWP, and somehow remove a bunch of the icons or make them slide out/appear on button press.
Try to get rid of icons on yr screen, move them to gestures or something

Get Zooper or KLWP and make a clock, it's not too hard

the final product should look pretty good.
Thanks for the pointers guys. I think I've taken up enough image space for this thread so I'll post what I have next thread maybe
The faster this thread dies the faster adrift can reclaim his lost dignity
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I made this... I'm still having trouble with the battery indicator and music progress on aimp... I'd love some advice

>>6543446 tell us your secret already
>>6543460 That shadowing looks out of place, and the pape a little too boring 5/10
>>6543478 Is it the only screen you use? I like the 3d effect and the clock.
>>6543741 I really like this, though i'd make the animations a little bit more smoother, maybe if the image scrolled instead of fading 8/10
>>6543819 Man, I didn't expected that. 8/10
>>6544138 Wich app are you using. Looks aesthetic as fuck 10/10
>as if anyone is posting.
Dude just keep em up at the very least i wanna help you for being rude with the start over shit. Just make sure you make significant progress with each iteration and are trying new things. Also r8 some will ya?
Maybe change your default music player?
For the battery thing you make make it so a tough does a kustom action that force refreshes it.

Dude its really coming along. Maybe make it more readable in general? A little more contrast will go a loong ass way.
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I've tried others... PowerAMp it's kickass thou I havent paid for the pro version, do you have any recomendations for a music player?. Can you explain me a little bit more about the battery thing. Thank you forehand, wich is your ricing?
I meant go into KLWP settings and change the default music player.

I was mistaken about the battery... I thought you could make an object > add touch > kustom action > force update but actually its force weather update... Oh well

Das me
Sorry i can really be of more help. Any other questions ill try to answer though
Wow this is so good
too bad the album art isn't going well with the rice
Wip. Still working on a music player, and animations. Will rate others when I post the finished ver
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How did you change the theme of the notifications drop down menu? >>6543505
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Still using this. Its pretty comfy. R8 m8s
I wasnt posting a rice dummy If I did I would've rated others and not ask something

Also amaze was good but didn't show hidden files in root folders, fx is great so far
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How do I do this?
Anyone know how to do this?*** My bad xD
how to make a screenshot like that or how to setup your homescreen like that?
Set up homescreen & screenshot! :)
well the setup is pretty straightforward.
He's using a material icon pack like moonshine or glim.
Wallpaper can be found online probably.
Page indicator is there by default.
App drawer icon is also there by default. All it is is an icon pack desu.

For taking the screenshot there's an app called Screener.
I heard it was called circle docking or something like that, I've searched allover the internet and still haven't found how place my icons in a circle formation
Are you serious?
You long press the icons and move them into a circle formation.
Well, it doesn't let me do that on my ROMs launcher. I'm running Cypher 2.2.3 and its using cyanogens mod trebutchet, should I download nova? And also thanks for the help!! :)
yeah nova would let you do that.
Alright thanks once again! :)
Wow! Icons and what you used for that font effect please
Das preddy gud. Underrated desu
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the moon is weather and the icons pass behind the lighthouse. rate?
Post pape please i fucking love fx
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R8 please
How many clocks?
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Posting updated rice.
Will r8 once I get home.
>2clocks, captain!
And for what purpose?
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I- I can't think of one, sir!
Well then tell me how you managed to get into this corp with a mental defect that let's you do things without knowing why!
Because I'm not >>6545241
and, sir, if I may add, he never rated!
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That's enough. You took responsibility when you answered. You have allowed your fellow ricer to fail. And by extension you yourself have failed. Now move away from this thread and make 20 minimal aesthetics.
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literal trash/10
How are you even the OP for this thread?



it looks worse desu
I honestly dont know how you could improve this
I'm >>6544138
First time ricing to this style, maybe you saw someone else's work
Just used a simple GIF wallpaper app for the GIF, and Kustom's Widget Maker for the widgets
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Hey guys, how's my KLWP?
I think it works really well as a rice.
ugly black bars
arrows are too thick
arrows are wider than tall
framerate is too low

You need to take some lessons from this anon >>6545396
The arrows are actually the same height and width, but I do wish I could be as good as >>6545396, he just has an undeniable sense of style that I've never seen before. It's fantastic.
Literally me

Icons don't fit. Word at the bottom could probably be edited out


Darken the minimal bat so the icons show up better

Liked what you had last time better, this BG is kinda crowded

If it twerks it werks

Cool, name of icons?

I still don't know who this is but it looks great

Shove them in your ass

It's... Beautiful

This is so incredibly stupid that im amazed at the amount of time that probably went into it.
Can anyone help me with the grid size on this? I tried 6x4 and it looks a bit off
Turn subgrid positioning on and make it as square as possible
Hows this?
Im a rice newbie
Chill out, dude. It's frowned upon to request a whole rice!
I can't figure out my background. I don't think the dark blue looks that great, but I don't know which color or image I should use instead. Any suggestions?

Looks pretty clean. Good job for being new.

Minimalist af

This is remarkable.

Very nice. Also, bonus points for Amon Amarth.

It looks like it's extremely functional and it has a nice appearance, but it's a little busy. Looks like there might be to much going on.
Thanks senpai. It's awesome that you like Amon Amarth.

Yours is pretty nice also, and I actually think the background works. My only problem with it is the Snapchat icon.
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Try using a less saturated, paler blue like pic related.
You don't actually have a complementary colour, so if you wanted to go with something other than blue, just pick a rarer hue.
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Normal. 7/10 keep ricing
Nice customization but I just dont like straight black and white.


3/10 Basic and that wallpaper is horrific

7/10 kind of a weird spot for snapchat to be placed.

6/10 Not a fan of the clock font. Also, maybe change the green bar to a light blue or pale purple
Its called neutraface
Heres the whole family
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Lotso colors
R84R8 budd
I like it colorful
Yo, bring shitty homescreens back
Ugly clock
Hide the page indicator
Completely rework all your widgets

The app grid needs to be lowered so it's in the center of the brown part

Everything looks nice except for the clock widget.

This is really nice.
Get rid of the snapchat icon and replace it for an app drawer icon.

wallpaper and icons don't match very well.
clock/date widget is meh

literal perfection/10

Hide page indicator
Clean up that nav bar
the black battery bar looks out of place
Hide the app labels

Colored thing looks out of place
Icons should be move to the bottom
Add a clock or something

hide the status bar

Move the apps to the bottom
Why are your soft keys spaced so strangely?

hurts to look at but very coherent and pretty

The bar widget isn't that aesthetic
That extra button on the navbar annoys me

Add a border around the box
Make the battery bar thinner and not reach all the way across

Rate me back here >>6545250
Updated it
By lotso colors i meant your color scheme is shit
>what is color theory, balance and design composition?
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Updated, senor.
I know that I'm still not having composition, any tips?

Follow this guide except for depth. Dont worry about that section because it doesnt really apply to ricing because it should be flat otherwise it looks bad.

For that rice specifically it means you should scoot the triangle down so the space between the edge of the screen and the tip top is almost the same as the side of the triangle and the side of the screen.
And make your grid smaller and make your icons a bit further away from the edges of the screen. But make them closer together vertically.
Oh and the same amount of icins shoukd be present in both rows and should probably be an odd amount because you arent using a hardware button to pull up your app drawer (which LOOKS nicer but is kinda hard to get used to)
Analog clocks are better, loser
What font is that?
Can you please share this, it's great
Pretty new to all this, but I crave the layout here. How so I get this?
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Derp forgot pic
You read the OP and spend 5 minutes making it.
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I like this one, 8/10
Meh, not ugly but uninteresting
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Where do y'all get your music player widgets. This is still a work in progress.
Most widgets I use are self-made in KLWP.

The icons don't fit and folders with a default icon like that are frowned upon. Widget fits well though.

Is this stock? At least the wallpaper is nice.

Bad, but not horrible.

Pretty nice, it's good to stick with the theme, but the icons don't really fit.

Pretty nice, consider a different wallpaper though.

I like that, I think I'll try it and see.
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How's that?
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Some icons are hard to see around his feet, but much better
Looks good for a wip, but put the messenger and phone in the pyramid

Anyone know of a screen recorder app that doesn't record sound?
I'm not him, but it looks like blackletter font. You can tell because it matches up to the New York Times logo
Looking for a spotify linked music widget, any suggestions?
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Updated to make it a little less boring. Icons are standard and boring until I can find some that are better.

>Not the font used as the signoff from Bebop
So close...

a little boring, and it looks like the picture has some sort of texture that you didn't match at the top and bottom.

The dark blue looks fine, but if you want to use an image it would have to be something that combines elements of all three pictures. So something rainy and outside, maybe gloomy skies?

>having such an offensive pape for a background
Other than that, the only change I'd make is either lowering the icons or changing them to 2x3 rather than 3x2


Like they all said, the icons are a bit high, but it looks nice. Cool battery meter too.

Aside from not having 2clocks, this is almost the perfect example of what not to do when ricing.

let's not

So close...

fix the triangle placement, try better icons

whicons m8. whicons

It's a start, fix the icon placements

damn, probably a new favorite...nice work

the clocks a bit dull
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Icons have been lowered.
kinda uninspired
It's not supposed to be "inspired" it's supposed to be simple and functional.
well it looks boring for a "rice"
Mine, just the way I like it.
Yours reminds me a lot of your sex life; there's nothing there.
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How did you add the gif?
Better, but not perfect. Whicons are probably your best bet.
I like it anon 7.5/10
remove the shit shadow and
long press folder > drop > edit > tap icon > fucking change that shit
How did you use custom icons in Kustom.
I am new to kustom and I can't seem to get it.
I am using the 1 bit icon pack.
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Idk what else should I put in my third sreen
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Finally got this thing rooted and removed all of Verizons shitty bloatware, now I just need to remove the KLMS agent so I can flash it.
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I need a new pape methinks.
I like the sidebars you have coming in with the different info. It fits together nicely.
New to ricing.

What's the best way to gitgud at KLWP?
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172KB, 720x1280px
Try something like this
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106KB, 720x1280px
Don't really like the bubble above, but seems functional. 8/10

event flow
reddit: the homescreen
not going to rate, seeing as I'm relatively new and presumably don't know what the fuck I'm talking about
for whatever reason there appears to be a gradient at the top and bottom edges in the screenshot; there isnt one though. also, the four unmarked hexagons are (clockwise) chrome, twitter, youtube, and textra; the folder is stuff like camera and other apps i use frequently, and the four dots lead to the generic all apps display
This would be amazing if you hit the hexes and they opened up folders.
Icon pack you're using mate?
Not him but it looks like HexaPulse and he just used the blank icon for all of them
get inspirations from these kind of threads and just play around with it
Please give me your wallpaper
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784KB, 640x1136px
9/10 makes me feel comfy as fuck.

iOS 1/3 starting with lock screen
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iOS 2/3 Homescreen
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iOS 3/3 Homescreen part 2.
Holding the folder icon makes the contents display around your finger then you slide to the one you want.
What's the package name to have klwp tell me how many SMS unread I have?
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R8 plz!!
Just started ricing today so go easy on me m8s.

I like the -_-_ of the clock.
Those are nice icons.
Dont like multiple screens but everything flows nicely.
And how do I get rid of my nav bar on the bottom? Even a transparent one would be nice.
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Haven't posted in a long time... Rate please
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R8 meh ples
been just what ive been looking for
make the clock color of the background
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900KB, 1440x2560px
that pacman looks shitty and the pape is too small for your phone. 2/10
actually 1/10 for using minimalistic text widget and not making your own with klwp or kwgt

if you fixed those two things it would be 8/10
How do I make so shapes have an image for background in klwp?
File: Screenshot_2016-04-20-22-17-19.png (1MB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1080x1920px
Plz give tips
what icon set is that??? fuckin tubbs!
put a date, time, and battery indicator in the sky.
use a sweet font
Pro tip: Rate others first
its a fucking meme by now dude
its min
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2MB, 1440x2560px
Don't know nothin' bout no custom home screens.
I work phone sales and all I have is this theme from the theme shop.
Galaxy S6
The fact that you sell phones and have no idea to their inner workings (ohman you replace screens) is hillarious. Send me your resume so I can fill my name in and get a job at a mall kiosk.
fuck man it's just as easy as installing nova and kwlp/uccw

play themes are bs
Thanks, anon.
Now how do I stretch that image?
All I can do is center mirror and repeat.
afaik, there's no way to do it specifically through kwlp (someone correct me if I'm wrong)

what you can do is this;
start with the shape you want
expand it to be fuckhuge (like 500+ units)
THEN you can put your picture in and shrink it back down

you may have to fiddle with cropping the image in paint or something to get it to properly go where you need it to go, but to my knowledge, that's what you can do
Here's an update
I thought I solved the problem, but it's still happening.

My icons are saved bitmaps using themex. I put them on in klwp along with a touch event to open. I do this because they're part of a slide out animation when I touch a button. After I open an app, the icons will sometimes turn invisible. I thought it had to do with the folder they were saved in, but after changing it I still have the problem. Clicking the save button in klwp fixes it ~49/50 times. That 1/50 times is when it changes the icon to the default bitmap when a bitmap isn't chosen. Either that our the BG disappears, but I can't remember if both ever happened at the same time. When either happens, loading the whole preset fixes it, but all of this is inconvenient as shit. Nova (non-pro) if it matters
Sales doesn't require knowledge of the product because most people don't come in asking for specs, they want features. You need to be a salesperson not a phone expert.

That separates the autists from the customers. When an autist comes in to buy a phone, that nigga already knows what he wants or he bought it online.
Will all these extra processes slow the phone down at all?
File: 2016_04_21_20_39_06.webm (679KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
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10/10 Judge dredd Pape best Pape

7.5/10 looks Cool

Very minimal maybe a clock ?

R8 pls
R8 mine please.
Bugs me that the As look like Os
File: mamma mia.jpg (2MB, 2560x2560px)
mamma mia.jpg
2MB, 2560x2560px
Points for effort, however, too many icons and the gradient at the bottom ruins it. Nice clock
I really like this because you took something simple and made it your own. I like the icons and image you used but the newsfeed component needs a few tweaks
Icons seem too far away from your finger if you have a larger phone and are right handed. Only preference, but I would flip the image horizontally and align the icons on the right. Make a clock widget
Nice clock and icons, dig the min. Maybe change the background color? The muted gray seems kind of dull
Nice min, not much to say.

Posting my old/updated setup that I'm currently using. Need some fresh inspo mates
icons ?
Thanks, Glif icons
Nice work with the two icon colours. There are a lot of them though, do you hate folders?
Change clock font for sure.
no. nova is probably less intensive than your default launcher and klwp only uses unused RAM.
Rate me?
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444KB, 1080x1920px
Is this better?
What lockscreen is that?
rate others?
What color should I change my BG to.
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775KB, 4268x3840px
I would prefer something like Whicons to the icons you're using, but that's pretty good for what it is.

At least make an attempt.

I'm liking this one, although I would make the background colour lighter.

Also nice but too bright for me.

Turn off gradients, and try to find some solid black icons.

Would change fonts, but other than that wow.

Too many icons.
File: Screenshot_2016-04-21-20-30-32.png (3MB, 1440x2560px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1440x2560px
Keeping it simple
so simple you dont even rate others. nice
>Keeping it simple
Love this! Source?
10/10! Love the simplicity
Rate others.
Also, the circles are different sizes.
new-ish so not going to rate just comment

this is one of the coolest ive seen in these threads. the screen touches might get annoying after a while

not bad looking but a bit plain. i hate page indicators too but its preference

thats slick as hell, but what the hell am i looking at?


another one of the best ive seen

this is slick as :)

>they said i could be anything i wanted
>so i became pleasing

pic is my lockscreen, invisible gestures to unlock screen
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357KB, 480x800px
and my homescreen. all advice welcome
rearrange the icons to look better aesthetically
>all advice welcome
finish high school before posting again :^)
Finally got around to finishing. Not a lot of free time this week.
That would look a lot better without the 100 individual batter bars. Just use one thin solid one, or get rid of it entirely.
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2MB, 1440x2560px
Made the battery life bar solid, thinner and moved the battery text with the bar up a little to compensate. Made the blur block smaller as well.
Much better.
For sure.

Battery looks better like this.
Any feedback?
Patience is a virtue

I like the idea of using the two papes, but there's not a whole lot going on.

Also whicons.

98% of the time, use whicons
I did that on purpose FYI.

Monotony is boring.

Minimalism does not have to be uniform.

It would be simple to make everything the same size (look around the thread).

What WOULD be difficult is to make the circles different size and still make it work.

Out of curiosity do you work in design? I'm guessing no. Also, which ones have you uploaded (if any)

I would be glad to rate others but my time is valuable and as such I will only rate the ones I deem worthy of a critique.

Note how I uploaded in PNG instead of JPG.

Thanks. I'm glad you like my design. Source is 4chan although the cropping is OC.

Thanks. Appreciate it. Let me know if you want to see more of my work.
Agreed. I see a lot of wallpapers which are much too busy. Love how you cut everything down to the basics.

A common mistake is when people try to use too many elements in one page.

It's almost.. stifling. It's a basic mistake.

Granted taste is subjective but having studied design I stick to the school of thought that says keep it down to what you need. The very basics.

Nice work! Love how you used the rule of thirds and managed to use the icons to keep everything balanced.

Would you please do more critiques of the designs here?
>my time is valuable
>on 4chan

Not even him, but you should have added a "you're fuckin dead, kiddo"
Thanks! Absolutely. Always glad to help out a fan.

Love the B&W. Is there a way you could consolidate the icons? The icons crowd the wallpaper and keep me from enjoying the brilliant background. 3/10

I would try and find a higher resolution. There's a lack of balance. Is an asymmetrical look something you're looking to achieve? I would suggest using darker icons to blend better. 4/10

Love it. I would personally re-crop so the car isn't cut off. But that's more of a personal taste. Have to knock down a few pts for the crop though. 6/10

Not feeling the font DESU 2/10

Icon overload. Am I looking at a homescreen or the app drawer? 3/10

It works! I like the border effect. Do you have the icons arranged so the programs you use the most often are the ones closest to the thumb? I use my phone the most as I'm on the phone all the time so I would move it closer to the bottom. 7/10
Any better?
It's really more of a personal taste. Which version do you like better?

I would prefer if the car had more negative space to the right, but if you like it- then it's not a big issue.
To be honest I also prefer the first wallpaper crop as well.

Definitely think that the icons were an improvement though.
thanks. yeah i was going for asymmetric because i use a lot of gestures, usually in the bottom right area of the screen. the right most icons are the ones i use most too.

O- ok anon :S
I just used an app that allows you to use a GIF as your wallpaper. Search up "wallpaper GIF" on the Play Store
I actually added the icons after creating the widget on Kustom, so the background of the icons is the only thing I put on that widget
its MIUI 7
default nigga
this whole phone came pre installed slick nigga
File: Screenshot_2016-04-22-02-37-03.png (588KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
588KB, 1080x1920px
Posted this on /w/ by mistake

looks alright, nothing too amazing

nice, but the snapchat icon seems a little small

bit over the place and the clock is so small
>my time is valuable
>went into a long winded damage control rant
get black or dark red icons
Take that tacky bullshit back to the the naughties
We all started off as an anus. All of us. Unfortunaley, you remained one.
You, I mean
File: 4L_Huq1EZmQ.png (886KB, 640x1136px) Image search: [Google]
886KB, 640x1136px

Updated the dock icons location to better match the new wallpaper.
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657KB, 640x1136px
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5MB, 2134x3840px
Added a clock widget now. This is turning out pretty nice I think.
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2016-04-22 08.42.47.png
468KB, 720x1280px
what else shall i add?

who here /hidden shortcuts because icons are gay/
love it.
icons look too big desu
i like it
this is pretty good. nice to see stuff actually fit in with the wallpaper like that
>icons are gay
has furry pape
wew lad
File: Screenshot_20160422-092200.png (4MB, 1440x2560px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1440x2560px
My Gmail counter is stuck at -1. How do I did this? I checked the zooper FAQ and specified to #SUG^i# but it's still stuck. Any tips?
>what else shall i add?
>who here /hidden shortcuts because icons are gay/
>love it.
>icons look too big desu
>i like it
>this is pretty good. nice to see stuff actually fit in with the wallpaper like that
Which app are you using to get that simple clock and date?? Is there a similiar one for battery percentage remaining?
Much better

The clock doesn't fit, the text is unnecessary, but it's whatever you want, really

Pretty basic, don't like the music player, sorry can't help you with the navbar

The clock takes up so much space! I know you want as much of the at to be shown, but breh

That lock screen font is ugly, everything else is fine

No organization at all

Wrong seasonal m8

Now you're getting it

It looks nice but get that shit where I can't see it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>read the OP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>stop being a faggot with the greentext
>tfw you'll never rice your phone because you aren't creative and stealing good screens is hard to you
Retro Icon Pack
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5MB, 1440x2560px
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Anything other than something like this is the homescreen of a filthy manchild.
>grow up
>0 unread messages
Yeah I wouldn't want to talk to you either

Someone screencap this
As you can see I had one unread message on the homescreen, but I cleared it before posting it.

>implying I'm stupid enough to give you autistic fucks my friends names
i got chu senpai
Damn you're so mad
Maybe you should chill and rethink your life for a bit
File: Screenshot_20160423-011112.png (1MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x1280px
Added bubles
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900KB, 640x1136px
Now with clock
This is my first klwp pape, r8 me (Sorry about the recording software)
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r8? First try at this type of things
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Please rate. First time trying to "rice" my homescreen.
for your future knowledge, it's r84r8 m8s

also, these apply to both of you
remove nav bar
remove dock and page indicator
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960KB, 640x1136px
Any way to get the font looking like the ios6 Helvetica Neue one?
BytaFont 3 doesnt seem to work

Also , any way to get ClassicFolders to work too?

And what about the calendar weekday, any way to make it white , Colendar doesnt seem to work for the weekday , works well for the number color but unfortunately is already looks how i want it too

Any help appreciated !
its actually pretty simple
settings > calendar > switch to android
For >>6549108, the clock and date is a custom-made KWGT widget.
>What WOULD be difficult is to make the circles different size and still make it work.

Agreed, work on the last part.

also nice pape methhead/10
File: SCR_20160422_211821[1_.webm (1MB, 608x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 608x1080px
Will do in the future, thanks for the info
black icons are almost invisible against bg.

icons are arranged so more commonly used apps are closer to the bottom right or gesture launched. that little clock icon on the left is alarm/stopwatch app, the clock is the black circle on the background with 3 dots marking hour minute and second. it is less transparent on the lockscreen.

that pic reminds me of tissue box designs :)

thanks for your inputs
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Why not just use a cleaner theme the has a simpler icon color scheme? Something like Soft 8 or FlatiOS for a smooth stock styled look, or NewOS 2 for a simple clean look?

This is the final draft for my own iOS rice.
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R8 meh ples
r8 others please.
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gestures meme.png
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Nice animations Joey, fix the colors
>calling others children
Cringe material, I really like it for some reason
Nice navigation bar and icons. I say fix the alignment of the date text with the pape or just get rid of to make it sleeker
In KLWP, if I want to have an image imposed over the background, is it better to make a rectangular and change it's texture to bitmap or make an image?
many KEKs
it depends on what you want but making a shape a bitmap has a lot more flexibility. pic related
what kind of situation would the image option be preferred?
if for example you want an image with transparency instead. also it does nothing to manipulate or crop the image. pic related
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1MB, 1200x1200px
original image by the by
okay my bad if your image has transparency it works in shapes as well...
i tried playing around with the shape option and transparency still works through the shape. Although the fact that it isn't altered is good to know, thank you

at least rate someone else
File: 2016-04-23-07-45-19.png (2MB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1080x1920px
pretty nice
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Should I change anything such as a background of the clock or the icons/ icon arrangement?
Clock could use some work. I'm not really liking the fonts and the spacing. Play around with some new fonts, maybe something fancier would better suit this
File: Screenshot_2016-04-23-10-54-42.png (542KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
542KB, 720x1280px
Remove the clock background
Really good anon, 9/10

Edited the text a bit
R8 meh ples

But I didn't ask for a rate.
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