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/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

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Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 251

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Inspirational Edition
Previous jej: >>173792291

The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of Ded Earf
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's Mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s
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Grilled defeated
If anyone wants a 2D puzzle game like Fantastic Contraption (except controllable), Incredipede is on sale for a few hours more
It's as /egg/ as you'll get for a game that simple, although you have to play 'hard' mode to make your own abominations
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>Still no game that properly scratches that spacecraft building itch
5th for turbo encabulation

Yeah, Sorry anon I should really have read the thread before posting.

Surprised how stuff like Bamzooki is still floating around
Any good freedomware engineering games?
Literally the only real way of reducing sinusoidal depleneration. No idea how people got along without it
And no, GM, trimodulated Beckerman spring-shams are NOT a fucking replacement. Fuck off with that shit

I won't drink for you, but I'll show you the water.
Why did they fit the marzelvane so rigidly to the lunar waneshaft? Wouldn't a little sidefumbling help reduce material stresses? It's ambifacient, doesn't that mean it's supposed to sidefumble at least a little bit?
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I'm building a new carrier. Does /egg/ like how it looks?
Sorry, I was memeing by saying freedomware, I meant open-source, not pirated.
Little difference, far as I'm concerned. Technically, Spengies is open source.
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Pic from the backside, WIP
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And pic from the propellers, before i go to sleep. Night night /egg/
Well it concerns me, which is why I asked. Also Spengies is not open-source, it is proprietary with source available under a proprietary license. I don't see it advertised as "open-source" on their main website, but their EULA calls itself open-source, which is a mistake. "Open-source" does not refer to "opening your source", it means the software is open to independent development and redistribution.

"Open-source" in software development has a specific meaning: you have to be able to use, modify, and redistribute the software to anybody for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Terms that make Spengies not open-source:
- Even if you receive the software legally you cannot use it unless you have paid
- You cannot use or redistribute your mods on commercial basis
- Any modifications you make belong to them and they have the exclusive right to redistribute them

And probably other stuff but who wants to read and understand a whole EULA
...right. So why exactly do you care, in any case? Do you plan to compile it with tweaks? Or are you one of those 'tards that only use open source software?
Pulse jets in my egg when


test fire at 3:04, test run at 3:25
I'm a freetard, I don't solely use open source software but I think that it's better if more software is not proprietary and try to reduce how much proprietary software I use.
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We have reached peak chaos turboprop at 10.6x stack speed and about 850rpm by my estimation. I know for a fact that it doesn't go any faster, because the props just shear off at 10.7x.
you should kys desu senpai
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Thanks but are there any open-source engineering games?
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I made this for /diy/ but I probably won't have any replies for a few months.
wat gem
And you still won't.
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>all those points for mechanical failure if it were to be shot at and take any sort of physical damage
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Mount two on an aircraft. Use gyro-control surfaces to level it if you have to.
>I want developers to work for free
Literally worse than proprietary software, senpai.
Get a mod that tells you the velocity of a block so you can see how fast it goes

If you can get a plane to hit around 30 m/s it will take off
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Chaos plane
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I don't know what unit this mod measures velocity in, but it feels like a pretty fast plane. It can hit 95 on a dive.
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It's probably m/s. That's 342 kph, which is good for a prop plane with that kind of basic engine. Have you tried using 4 blades per engine instead of 2 fun fact: prop blades have so much drag you can brake in a dive by cutting engine power

I saw a plane on the besiege forums that used a weird and super compact engine with angled blades and a combination of wheels and spinning blocks, that plane was crazy fast. Kinda hard to fly at high speeds though, it was very twitchy and shaky
Maybe check if there are any /egg/-y mods for MineTest? Minecraft had BuildCraft/IndustrialCraft which are pretty close to being 3D Factorio.
I've been trying to use two blades per engine at the highest possible RPM, because I imagine using more blades might add drag and limit the top speed. It's definitely not possible to use longer blades because those will either shear off or blow the engine.

What do you use for propulsion if not props? Rockets?
Nice strawman. What you did is like saying that factory owners want to pollute and ruin the Earth.

And in any case, selling software licenses isn't the only business model involving developing software, even if it is currently the most profitable.

That it's harder to make money on open-source software is a valid criticism, but I guess unfortunately that doesn't carry as much impact as "Freetards are evil gommies who don't want developers to make money"

Minetest has a mod called Technic for electric machines and things, and pipeworks for item transport, but it doesn't feel as engaging as IC2 somehow. I think it might be that the machines don't have that much depth, but then again early IC2 didn't either. If I'm going to complain though maybe I should be writing mods for MT.
>reddit spacing
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I want my planes to be fast so I tend to use a jet engine block from a mod or vanilla flying blocks with increased thrust so I don't have to use a million of them. Steam rockets and flying blocks are viable but you need a bunch of them to get the bigger/heavier planes airborne let alone achieve decent speeds. I wouldn't need to use modded engines if the scramjet glitch was still a thing

I abandoned propeller engines long ago
I think the new chaos turboprop is your solution.
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Oh and yeah firework rockets are an option too but again you need a lot of them to make heavy planes go fast and they have a pretty big disadvantage in that you can't turn them off and they have limited fuel

You can also use a slingshot to launch a plane that can't take off by itself
It has a level speed of around 70 m/s but there's probably still potential in there. I'm putting it up so you guys can fuck around with it.


my workshop's also got the gyro-controlled screw stabiliser and the micro pushrod suspension if you need them
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That's 0 to 900+ kph in the blink of an eye

Problem is of course that the grabber keeping the plane attached to the springs will likely not resist the brutal tension so it will need god mode
Can you just pastebin the contents of the .bsg file for those of us who didn't get the game on steam, or upload it somewhere else
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Center of mass and center of lift are a bit unbalanced and it causes the plane to nose up; it's not a huge problem for this plane since those prop engines won't let it stall, but it's bad for flying. Speed is obviously limited by drag caused by the propellers, I told you they wouldn't let you go very fast. I had to tweak the controls a bit too. Also a way to turn the engines off/disconnect engine power from the propellers would be nice.

But keep working on it, it could turn into something cool. If nothing else you can use a few of these engines to make a big-ass airship
But what is it?
How the fuck do I besiege
I got to the level with the wall and my shitty little machine can't go around it and i have no idea how to make anything better
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ok /egg/

what yall think of my current lineup of combat ready tanks?

some still need some tweeking/astetics and a good paintjob, but all of them are ready for combat, and initial tests against the aote wf are promising.
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one on right is a general hardend battle tank. needs some restructuring and more reactive armor, but it hits well enough.

left is a laser tank, i need to add laser missile defenses still, but it shoots like a dream.
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>i have no idea how to make anything better
Well anon that's the point of the game isn't it. Keep trying things, make experiments, learn from failure, eventually you'll make something that works
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main heavy battle tank, cram weapons, and a shitload of armor, heavy armor is underneath the outer shell in most places.
I've never seen one before, no one has, but I'm guessing it's a white hole.
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railgun tank.

needs more future shit on it, maby a shield and maby lighten it and make it a shade faster, turn it into a sniper.
Yeah, they seem to have a ton of lifting power.
I don't know if prop blades have the same lift characteristics as wing panels, but panels start providing lift at around 30 m/s depending on the angle of attack and these prop blades are obviously moving way faster than that so yeah, the plane won't go very fast but it won't stall either. With prop engines you can basically just point the plane 90 degrees up and climb.
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and finally my super heavy seige tank.

the fucker is stupid, its more of a hardend artillery unit than tank. slow as shit to aim too. but if i remove the fire rate limit it can unload 150 some odd 500 gauge medium length rounds in about 20 seconds. but i really only use it like a giant artillery canon.
It's an inflato-hab, the idea being that you could use them in lieu of the more heavily armored habs in relatively low-radiation environments to dramatically reduce cost and weight, which are both pretty decisive factors in space travel at the moment.
Reminder that it's not STEAM, not even STEM, that makes the world turn: It's S&M.
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Pretty cool tanks, Anon. Reminds me that I still need to get back on my hovertanks
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>seige tank
You call that a siege tank? THIS is a siege tank.
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Any AA defenses?
How did you manage a turret on a sloped surface?
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permalocked rotors doing the slope.
absolute madman, please carry on
well, considering it shoots a whole 2 tiles across the world map yeah. if only ftd could do good transformation.

the lazer tank is the best ive got atm, i tried making a armored aa vehicle, but its turret keeps getting stuck and its aim is fiunky. probobly gonna make a standard AA with missile silo later.

right now i need to focus on making a decent air force, as all i have is a small attack heli and a bomber, my scramjet is old and obsolete as hell.
What's the CLANG potential for those?
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Its filed with holes, so it needs a rebuild, but the original has a u shape to move the gun and the gunner with it, and on each side the rotors to hold the top of the turret sides.
all this sits on a rotor held by wheels with 0% and 0% travel on a specific offset to absorb some wobble of its weight.
if i could fit the rotors lower and even remove the gunner, would have more room to work, and even make it survive some hits.
Most tanks can be 1 hit killed by missiles if the tonks are not sanic fast.
Is there a way to have a portable SAM?
Or a bed of ground to Air missiles ready to be launched or specially aimed to them with wheels.
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Shame that seats cant control via antenna another grid, so i could RC missiles with it.
But they make the best packed interiors when combined with rotors.
>Is there a way to have a portable SAM?
Well the Mars escape world scenario has them.

>Shame that seats cant control via antenna another grid, so i could RC missiles with it.
Not sure what you mean here. You can control antennas with seats as long as they have a remote control.
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>even if it is currently the most profitable.

Say that again. Slowly.

Businesses exist to make money. People work at businesses to make money for the buisness, which gives them an agreed upon amount of money per hour or on a salary. People buy software because they want it. If they can get it without paying, legitimately, they will not go out of their way to pay for it. Those that donate to free projects are those that have sufficient disposable income. Quite a few of us aren't bleeding cash from every orifice.

>Nice strawman.
Now go back to /g/ or some relevant subreddit.
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I mean a portable SAM in FtD.
In spengos a small portable missile printer will be for long distances arty attacks, its what im trying to build now.
When you are on a seat, even controling a RC inside a grid with also an antenna, you cant remote control something that its floating in front of you.
When you are on a cockpit, you can.
The thing is that you cant make a tonk this small with a 3x3x3 box in it but you lose that in exchange.
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Squeeze people in.
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Thanks mate, glad you liked (?) it.

I've got a new pet engine now, though minmaxed steam jet.
>When you are on a seat, even controling a RC inside a grid with also an antenna, you cant remote control something that its floating in front of you.
I still don't get you.
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You can't do this.
They won't even show up on the list directly, you need to navigate through the remote access button to get to the terminal, and then the control button on the RC is unaviable.
With a regular cockpit you can do it.
well, i usually put a few vertical launch missiles in my stuff that cant shoot straight up, but a mobile missile silo is pretty basic
Catfucker jailed when?
Why do you even mention him? Do not bring up the accursed ones
yeah, a shitload of player and prebuilt stuff have missile silos. there is even one premade that you can find and spawn in the main missile building tab, as an example for newbies
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the children of Harvester are touched by the hand of God
amen, /b/rother
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>teaching people how to do gunbed ships from the start
Nick what the fuck.

In spengos im thiking in something like this.
Or with a wheel railgun to spit them at cap speed instantly.

I was planing on hiding some warhead RC missiles as fuel tanks in the back of this tank, and control them when launched, but since i can't, unless i find a good gps missile guide script to replace it, they are gone, maybe a simple mod of the autopilot, but since it has only 1 thruster, it may need some tweaks.
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Good night /egg/
i didn't even shitpost in /egg/ at all today, all i did was go to a family gathering and get drunk
Click remote access, then take control.
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>War about to be were declared on the Norks

Hold me /egg/.
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Can't fucking wait for the memes m8
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>dahir inshat

Truly /ourguy/
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Landed my new ship (Resorts Last) with zero percent hydrogen left. This thing burned through 4 hydrogen tanks worth. Like 2.3 Million KG, closing in on 2000 blocks.
>see ivan, when entire plane is rotate, yuo need not propeller
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Only missed base by 2km.
Apparently the manipulator buddy doesn't work in Earth gravity.
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And neither does the drill. That's what I get for copying game designs. Looks like I'll be filling the ice tanks with my base atmospheric miner.
Is Shores of Hazeron an engineering game?
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And here is the forward hanger with my base miner.

Explain it? Looks more like Dwarf fortress from some google images.
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Yeah my ship looks pretty bland, but I like it.
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>remove 2/3 of the propellers
>bote speed increases slightly
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you think thats bad? most of my ships are nothing but a fat engine, weapons, and armor.

there are no exposed or unprotected segments whatsoever, and most of my ships need propellers to stay afloat because they are essentially dens piles of gun and a power source, and have no boyancy whatsoever.

hell, although this thing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=555000561
is obsolete due to weapon component limits(how many individual parts a single weapon system can be comprised of, somewhere in the thousands for most) and it needed old engines to power its lasers and shields, back when i made it out of the old darkstar, its was ridiculous, and could annihilate several godly class scarlet dawn command ships simultaniously
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Ok so I learned how to railgun. Reduced rail charge time from 8.8 to 3.8 secs by replacing the excess magazines and loaders with chargers and removing all the coolers since you don't need them no gunpowder casings, also freeing up room for chargers. Removing most of the propellers has increased the speed somehow and the torpedoes/missiles only fire when there are appropriate targets to save material. Primary rangefinder has been moved for A e s t h e t i c s

Fug. Are you the guy who posted caps of an under-construction saucer?
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Kangz ship confirmed.
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maby? that thing is like a year old, give or take. so i might have. so far my current big project is a masive gunship aircraft, im still installing smoke defenses and tweaking the canons.

other than that my current pride is a railgun killsat, ive posted it here recently, and its pretty good. pic related.
Check your white (flayer) privilege, cracka
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>implying the cool factor doesn't make up for it
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Besides being a blatant self-promotion by Audi, the car in I, Robot has spherical wheels (omni-directional).
What would be the best way to make this work, keeping in mind the technology in the movie is mainly based on very strong materials rather than magical forcefields or anything like that?
The problem lies in supplying torque to the "wheels"

>I Robot is a good movie f
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Secondary drives that apply torque to the balls. Three per wheel, it would be much easier to simply drive the car with wheels that could crab-drive, as swerve drives aren't particularly useful for cars.
how do the ball "wheels" actually look like tho?
are they the hexagon pattern visible in your pic?

one actually posible possibility, tho its practicality its low, its mecanum wheels transfering power to the ball "wheels", and using a differential to separate the momentum for the 2 axes, practicality its low because you would be using friction to transfer momentum to the ball "wheels", and the incresed amount and space needed by the extra moving parts
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>glad you liked (?) it.
Eh, I think it's not great as far as planes go, but that's just cause I like fast planes that fly smooth and nice, and yours isn't any of these things

Steam rockets will give you more speed and better control than stacked saws but that assembly looks too big and heavy to be useful in a plane
If we discover room temperature superconductors we can turn them "wheels" with electromagnetic pulses

Obviously that's a pipe dream like FTL travel
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Just realized the tiny jet I made looks a lot like a smaller, simpler version of this other jet I made a ages ago

Smaller, significantly lighter, somewhat slower, not as smooth in flight and without VTOL capability
thats worst than friction transfer.....
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Not with superconductivity
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If my framerate didn't shit itself when running the big plane at 100% speed I'd try to fit the small plane inside its fuselage and use the big plane as a mothership
>Ace Combat superweapons
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Abortion not dead yet?
Better Multiplayer soon?
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>You can do anything you want!
I've heard this before.

The probably I have with Starmade is much the same problem I have with most Voxel builders, in that you can't do anything smaller than a voxel. I want to make a ship with a cozy interior.

I'm being cautiously optimistic about Skywanders at the moment, but I'm fully aware it's still in alpha and could well go nowhere.
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Funny thing about making any ol shape you want is its more complicated with voxels than without.
You know how it goes.
The more promises you make, the more fools will believe you.
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moshi moshi
The /egg/ is shut
it was made by those who are ded
and the ded keep it
I think I can speak for the entirety of /egg/ when I say nobody cares about your cheatplanes.
I care that he puts enough effort in to at least make them without invulnerability tuned on, unlike the fucking nips.
REEEEEEEEEE that game is fun and not allowed here.
Good luck
oh alright. thanks.
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I miss clang spengies :'(
RTC isn't a pipe dream though, it's more of a gamble. It's not at odds with thermodynamics or relativity, but it's up to matsci and chemists if we can actually discover the fucking things. That said, even a higher-than-usual temperature superconductor (reachable with dry ice maybe) would expand the range of uses tremendously.
Tanku tanku
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Homebrew has the best system though.


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Eyy how do I get rid of this blue shade?
Jesus i meant pink shade, i am not color blind
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Not sure why the file deleted. 4chan CLANG maybe.
There are uniquely good parts

>Bendy panels
>Not!Simulink control system autism
>Really crunchy engine system; turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, geared turboprops, turboshaft tonks, turbo-abominations, all possible yet posing unique challenges
>Flight autism only bested by [REDACTED]

yet so many bad parts

>Functional but clunky attach system, takes ages to attach a new part
>No encapsulation for sub-assembly control systems
>Needs static/tethered testing features badly
>No intra-vehicle collision, so no possibility for CLANG
>No damage
>No enemies
>No weapons
I think you are wrong about that, I liek besiege plens, even though the superplen on that pic is meh
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I think i fucked up something, but i can't seem to remember what it was. Meh, it probably wasn't anything important :^)
>No intra-vehicle collision
But that removes 90% of the fun of having collision in the game!
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thats actually good looking
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That's too bad. Most of my planes can fly fine using vanilla propulsion systems, though..

That big plane is actually a failure, it's way too big and heavy and the landing gears can't support all its weight when it's on the ground

I never really expected it to be flyable, just made it cause I felt like making something big and stupid
>hurtbot's voice synthesiser is based on Pentti Haikonen's wife
What did he mean by this?
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>vesta overkill
>decide to start design my own ships afters countless tries
>its suddenly pretty doable
let me guess, the campaign is a semi smart pseudo tutorial that gives you shit as a rough guidance and motivation to design shit yourself
Perhaps he's wondering why you would instill concepts of qualia before granting true sensation
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Wise AI huh?
At least you know how to sense damage!
No one cared who I was until I installed the voice module
Was getting hurt part of your master plan?
Of course!
Well congratulations, you got yourself smacked with a pencil. What's the next step of your master subroutine?
Well congratulations, you got yourself hurt. What's the next step of your master plan?
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I'm back to making qt pink robits
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Ok, what the hell did you do to the world gen?
Dunno, i was trying to build a volcano, and when i tried to change biomes, it turned into that.
I managed to fix it, but i might add an area like that in the final version of the world i'm making
Make it the location of a techno fortress. That terrain is godly for defensive structures. Have a massive tower in the center connected to a bunch of pillars that go down into each hole.

Speaking of we need a biome update, leaf colored mountains aint that great, and having the ability to make craters in the earth would be nice. Maby caves too.
Crashing these commonly held ideals of conscious thought and synthetic intelligence
>Maby caves too.
I didn't knew I needed that so much until you said it
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This ain't so bad after all
What da fuq. Is there a naturally occuring swastika on Neter????????
>Is there a naturally occuring swastika on Neter????????

No, but i've figured how to build one in world editor
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So, how's this for that techno fortress area?
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You swine.png
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>Light source is always at least 90 degrees from the missiles to the camera
>Missiles become MORE visible as light source becomes blocked by them
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4-bit adder.png
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check muh adder
Was this Starmade before Starmade?
Someone actually made an editor for KONSTRUCTOR's weird pseudo-CMOS circuits?

I made a stand-alone clone
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flippity floppity.png
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SR flip flop requires pulses 2 ticks wide, otherwise it begins oscillation
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was all YourBaseAreBelongToUs the baneposting before baneposting?
So, are fireden images busted for everyone or is it just me?
Fireden's been spotty as fuck within the past few months, serb problems.
Hilarious. Truly this is the place hitler was buried. Needs natzi clang.

Only issue is how the ai would navigate it.
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I'm looking for a new engineering game. Just finished playing some Space Engineers and I love it but its just too buggy in multiplayer for me and singleplayer is also pretty bad on the bugs side. I was looking at starmade and Empyrion a bit, are they any good? I played a ton of factorio and space engineers if that defines my tastes a bit.
zero engineering in Empyrion. It's just a survival building game.
your taste is almost a microcosm of /egg/, which sadly means none of the EA shitfests out there will satisfy you
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Anyone mirror Avorion forum attachments yet?
No one can choose your taste for you.
Download skubmade and pirate empyrion before you commit to buying and find out, starmade is free until it leaves early access, demo on steam is full game.
But I don't think either of them will really satisfy that autism.
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I'm starting to think that this is going out of hand
What's a good project for some faggots building shit in vanilla multiplayer spengies, in space
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I have the dumbs.png
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>make entire game work
>in playtest try to build data latch
>confuse NAND and NOR gates
No! Euclid! engineering game when
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I think i deleted the ocean

Unsuitable road
Its jello
Keep going

Make a new dimension for our lord clang.
>Go back to goodwill
>T3100 gone
I mean I expected this but I'm still sad. Should have bought it, I wanted to write a serial interface for my Jeep's ancient ECM. Would have been period correct.
fuck yea, this my jam

more pls, not neccesarily this guy
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I hope you learned your lesson, anon.
Hipsters are ubiquitous and they will buy all the old shit.
Hipsters wouldn't know how the fuck to operate it or get any additional software onto it. That thing was picked up by a salvage hawk probably no later than half an hour after I left when I saw it. If you've never been to a goodwill with a tech center you'll quickly realize that shit gets watched like a hawk for anything worth nabbing, whether in working order or for parts. Learned my lesson, not letting another find like that slip from my grasp again. I felt like a giddy idiot when I saw the lights come on and a CMOS error popped up before booting to DOS.
In space they are actually more protective than metal because of the 10 layers of shit a micro meteoroid would have to pierce through to do damage, 3-4 of them being kevlar. Each layer breaks up the rock more and more via a spaced armor effect and in the end is much safer than a metal habitat ignoring the radiation part of it.
>Only issue is how the ai would navigate it.
It wouldn't
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data latch.png
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what is even leddit spacing?
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>the sonic general accidentally remade itself
>on /diy/
I think it's when you have blank spaces between lines/for each sentence

Kind of like this, actually

No idea what Plebbit has to do with it, or why people get [TRIGGERED] over it
It's simple really.

Anything you don't like or think is wrong is obviously something they do on reddit.
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god's work anon

You should print out "/egg/" for us to use in the next op pic.
What is this? It looks like it shares some graphics from the Zachtronics game but the interface is different.
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its a clone, with some improvements. I liked constructor so much I made this, in part because I needed to learn unity for a different project
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Reddit requires a blank line between quoted lines (which use >, same as here) and normal text. It ignores single newlines and does quoting by paragraphs, so if you write ">abc" and then "def" on the very next line, you get one quoted paragraph with the text "abc def". So if you see someone putting extra blank lines after quoted text for no reason, they're probably a heavy Reddit user.

Of course, nowadays people seem to call "reddit spacing" on anyone who puts blank lines between paragraphs at all. Which is ridiculous because that's been a common way to format 4chan posts for ages.
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shift register.png
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what is that picture?
I saw it posted a lot, but I dont know what it refers to
It's hard to read and speaks of low literacy levels, at least to me.
They claim it improves readability, but that's why you use paragraphs and proper sentences.
Text walls are just as unreadable as double spaced nonsense.

I just mock them for being unread retards.
Apparently has something to do with the way reddit formats posts or something.
Does anyone know how to get workshop "scenarios" working on Space Engineers? Not worlds. I tried using the oldest version Steam would let me and it didn't work.

I'm trying to play the Martian scenario, like here:
its not a reddit thing, but when overused its kinda dumb.

its more about creating implied verbal quirks and brakes, or breaking up what you are saying into distinct separate chunks to keep ideas or statements "separate" from each other.
It's just another thing that's been cooked up to 'expose' outsiders. Modern 4chan runs on neo-McCarthyism.
You realize mccarthy was not only right but severely underestimated the amount of communist infiltration?
Keeping outsiders out is good, best way would just be to have a faux chan then have the actual one be accessable in a manner similar to sadpanda.
>You realize mccarthy was not only right but severely underestimated the amount of communist infiltration?
neo-McCarthyism is doing the same thing but completely tilting at windmills. Modern 4chan is literally obsessed with outing someone as an untermensch and drive them out. They will look for the most obtuse signs or evidence that the most far-fetched logic can provide for the slightest bit of justification to label you a ledditor or something and have you removed.
yeah but people are lazy.

only maby half actually knew jack about communism, and only a handful of those would have tried to spread it.

like really, anyone can say the are communist.
That sounds like something a ledditor would say
Which is good because there are no systems on place to protect it.
At least 2^3chan, despite being a heaping pile of shit, is delisted from google.
In space engineers, if I have a small ship grid ship inside of a large ship grid and I have the large ship jump, will it take the small ships with it or do they need to be connected via connectors?
>and have you removed.
wait, we can remove people from 4chan?

if only I knew that before! so many people posting cuck porn everywhere
No, it's not good. I keep having to change the way I post just because some faggot who ought to have been asleep at the time thought he figured out a new way to pick out redditors posting. I used to call people shitlords all the time. Then I find out it's the principle insult of 'our greatest enemy' or some horseshit. Now I have to avoid formatting my posts in certain ways.

I've been here for ten fucking years, we didn't used to do this shit.
If locked with a landing gear, merge block, or locked connector it will jump.
Can Minecraft come here once /mcg/ dies? Asking for a friend haha
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and dont come back.png
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>I used to call people shitlords all the time

are you such a pussy that you change the way you write because someone accuses you of being an infiltrator?
No, you already destroyed youtube gaming.
>are you such a pussy that you change the way you write because someone accuses you of being an infiltrator?
Do you enjoy derailing threads every other fucking post you make? No? Then you adapt, and avoid fucking shit up. There's no other way around it unless you like derailing threads.
>Do you enjoy derailing threads every other fucking post you make? No?
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>derailing threads

I learned how to make TGIF Cajun Shrimp and Chicken Pasta yesterday. So good I made a bigger batch today!
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>Then you adapt
if you could adapt you would know we love derailing threads on purpose here
Trackless trains for train jousting when
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>you already destroyed
>implying minecraft is the reason
>implying it wouldn't have been some other game at some point
>implying it wasn't the rising power of hardware, internet connectivity and increasing availability of recording software

Not him anon, but the boogeyman isn't mindcrap.
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So much of these junk minecraft videos with high views. Hell, Pluto TV has a damn channel for them!
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>highest is 2.5k
>high views

Glad its finally over then.
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That was a no name channel.
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Isn't that stampy? Last I remember he got closer in the area of 34 million.
>Isn't that stampy?
Yeah, sad you know that from a random pic of new videos. I just did a search for minecraft.
Popular as shit my man, I ran across him once or twice in my recommended feed. Immediately blocked him and 'watched' a playlist of space-related shit overnight after I went through a video or two of his. Nothing specifically wrong with his content, it was actually pretty well done as a children's show.
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Time of death?
Simultaneous life and ded, not unded but something more.
being a neet?
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Did someone say 'expose outsiders'?
Last time I checked all you had to do to download any attachements was to be loged in and creating an account didn't require you owning the game.
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rocket punch.gif
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>april is almost over
>crossout devs have been totally silent for a month
>fans were screaming "OPEN BETA WHEN?"
>devs said Q1 2017, which was March
>devs then said lol Q2 2017 at end of march
>game is basically abandoned by all its players, who have nothing good to say about the game
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desu if they just rolled everything back and removed the fucking awful crafting/repair/durability system, it would be absolutely playable.
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>mfw to be honest acronym is replaced with desu

I will choose when I want to be a tremendous shitposting faggot, thanks.
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madmax BTD.jpg
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>removed the fucking awful crafting/repair/durability system

Crafting is still there, and very grindy, but they got rid of the repair/durability system. So now at least when you craft a part, youll have it forever, unless you use that part to craft another higher tier part.

Ill still have alot of fun with the game when ti goes open beta. Its grindy, but I dont mind that when I get to fuck around building madmax cars.

Devs also announced a new faction that will be in OB that will focus on long range artillery like howitzers and TOW missiles guided by your mouse. Its right up my alley.

Also a racing mode.
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Is anyone else having problems with large steam engines? The pistons appear to be connected to crank but the dialog clearly says its not. Or am I retarded?
try flipping shit around, also look at the arrow and square things during placement showing what direction it faces, and what sides can receive connection.

baka desu senpai
what if medieval engineers was a better game
what if spengies had netcode
What if keen did things, actual things, intead of being retarded?
You have misplaced the crank. Place it a block higher or move the pistons a block lower
Would a MAC on the scale of those used in Halo be possible in FTD?
Assuming there were mods increasing maximum gauge of course
I don't think so tim. What would you use it for anyway? 10,000 block guns aren't big enough?
Why would I need a valid use for something that launches 3,000 ton projectiles 4% the speed of light clean through literally anything that stands in my way? Really though it would just be fun
A floating platform with a really big gun?
Sure, FtD does that.
>tfw too stupid to even understand what's happening
read up on internet of things, what they plan to do with it. i2c specification is a good read too (although i have only skimmed through it when writing assignments)
now imagine that a single "stupid" chips they have designed has shittonnes of power, ram, peripherals and can simultaneously calculate c3 objects, broadcast them and on top of that can maintain interwebzor socket connections.
if they push iot hard enough and add this shit to everything, like they are saying right now the world will be cyberpunk. megacorporations will rule normal people and infiltration will be penultimate, but at the same time it'll be a golden age for electronic-/diy/men and hackers (not /g/ kind, the ones that know something)
i meant 3d objects
either way, not only it can calculate how to picture 3d onto 2d, it can render the 3d shape at the same time (render may not be the proper word here, but y'all know what i mean)
>but at the same time it'll be a golden age for electronic-/diy/men and hackers (not /g/ kind, the ones that know something)
WELP! Guess i'll end up be the serf then. My modus operandi in case something foes wrong in windows for example is "use the utilities within windowns, if it doesn't work then turn it on and off and pray"
>My modus operandi in case something foes wrong in windows for example is "use the utilities within windowns, if it doesn't work then turn it on and off and pray"
There's nothing wrong with that if you know what you're doing.
Some time ago i got that virus that blocks your pc and tells you that it's the police, and to pay them a fine or they won't unlock your pc. I tinkered with stuff until i managed to delete it. Sure, i lost ~4Gb of stuff, including a game i was making in RPG maker, but it felt good.

Moral of the story: If you want to download porn videos from a webpage, you don't need an external program to do it.
>they plan to do with it
>they have designed
>if they push iot hard enough
>like they are saying right now
You've got a really shitty habit there, anon.
Who the fuck are "they"?
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Basically it's a dirty cheap SoC (~2€ if you buy just one) with a full TCP/IP stack and relatively powerful.
Just don't compare it to a RPi. No OS, bare metal programming; But that's already half the fun!
what the fuck is a 4chan filename
maybe its
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Pic related.
Not the pic, but the filename
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>4chan filename
>kids these days don't know what a unix timestamp is
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freestyle dance.webm
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yeah yeah, we know the 4chan filename its date and time
> Lose engine power
> Can no longer steer or brake
Noice I always wanted to die from a shitty car desu
Well yeah, if you're a dunce and rely entirely on magnetic propulsion for literally everything.
Mechanical braking would be there at the very least.
> Mechanical braking
> Drive on loose sand
> Apply brake
> Gouge huge lines through your road spheres
> Brake pads disintegrate
Noice I always wanted to die from a shitty car desu
>what is a ABS?
>not stopping immediatly cus digging in
>driving on sand in 20XX

are you retarded?
It's a unix timestamp. 8gag should be no different, except for _1 if more than 1 files were uploaded simultaneously.
Something tells me Future Will Smith wouldn't be taking his Future Audi With Minimal Ground Clearance near large amounts of sand, you see the underside during the robot assassination attempt and it's damn near flat.
Fucking city cars.
I bet Future Hummers are way cooler.
Also last 3 digits in 4chan filenames are random or it'd be way past 32 bit overlfow
> Tar+gravel asphalt
> containing loose particulates at any point in time
Nawwww. that wouldn't happen.
>Using poor quality materials for wheels.

Who would do this.
Is WARBROS ced-less edition still unplayable?
> Making a profit
Who would do this
> Wanting spheres that wear evenly and survive real life roads for for more than a week
Good fucking luck kiddo.
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It's spess time boys!

You are correct sir! It's a habit I had to develop, but now it's no longer needed I should drop it.
I meant big-tech companies, with intel being one of the frontrunners (and the one i think aboot when discussing this shit). On top of that lately I've been discussing this types of things in purely academic environment so "big companies" is used as a abstract construct, rarely they are listed by name.
>driving on sand in 20XX
>not preserving and creating huge patches of wilderness (including deserts) in 20XX
>Use bad materials
>No one buys your shitty products

Who would do this.
>>not preserving and creating huge patches of wilderness (including deserts) in 20XX
>>driving a normal car designed for urban environments in the desert in 20XX

Fucking plebs
>everyone does because it's a race to the bottom for more dosh
Who would do this
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137KB, 1920x1080px
>bribe / lobby state officials so you can obtain and maintain monopoly status
Who would do this.
are... are you talking about...
>Destroy any trust in the market
Who would do this.

>Electing corrupt officials
Who would do this.
> use inherently bad design
> Cry to government lobbies when it doesn't work
who would do this
REM query:
Will i be able to mix and match propulsion systems to make half-tracks?
Will i be able to attach a detachable SRB to my superheavy so that i can more effectively perform the "shove gun into face maneuver"?

>all the companies have already made enough profit to shut down any competition so they can keep getting away with it
>also >>174335587
Who would do this

>bank on the stupidity of the general population to get into positions of power and thus get mad dosh via corruption and conflict of interest
Who would do this
>Waste money on inherently bad designs
Who would do this.
>Let your population get stupid
Who would do this.
>Designing good designs, but changing that to worse solution so you may get better revenue if you lie to customers, even if you have to pay for pr stunts to reclaim some of customers' trust
Who would do that.
>Let population get smart
Who would do this.
>Dumbing down the population so it doesn't question or challenge your rule as long as you provide bread and circus so that you can get away with pretty much anything and have a legion of useful idiots to fight for you on the cultural battlefield when somebody says "hey! this ain't right!"
Who would do this
I "don't" know who would do this, but i certainly know WHERE they have done it :^)
>unmanned ISS resupply
Hardly sets my oubes alight fampai
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I can't handle this 'mayne.jpg
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and never come back
YES, finally i'm in a screencap
Glad I could be of service.
That launch was very nominal.
> Spherical earth
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queen elisabeth fleshlight.png
1MB, 2560x1440px
Understandable. Small rocket is small.
Which one are you?
>REM query:
>mixed movement
Yes, no issue. You just have to supply torque somehow to whatever you want to have drive.
>detachable Srb
Entirely feasible, if a bit farther on into the content phase
That's the most boring extended conversation we've had here for ages though
we can go back to discussing what would anon do if in deep spess, except flipping us daily
Personally, while not playing vidya/being in some kind of VR most of the time, I'd just go full /k/ and take potshots at any objects I had and didn't need.
>Take rock/bit of spare ice
>Lob away
>Shoot at it
seems fun, but the "spare things" is quite a rarity in spess. you may think fecal matter, but 1) recycling 2) you want to securely store it because it's dangerous to throw it away
If we're talking just long-distance travel, not even mining or anything, full vidya.
Will there be, maybe not in the base game but possibily through modding, a way to make custom weapons?
Like, if all the weapon stats are written in a file, could be possible to hack together a extra menu where a ChODE-like creation system receives input from the player and then output a extra entry to the weapon data file?

This doesn't mean "have the weapon editor by default" as the whole thing would be mod content, the question is "will be the game open enough to modding to allow that"?
We're looking into having the stats editable from an xml file. Seems at least possible, if only for rapid balancing tweaks. No reason you couldn't just change everything in your own file, I suppose. Granted, the models wouldn't change. If you have such a need for custom weapons why not just play chode or FTD?
Because ChODE doesn't have tonks and Gas Nick for being a spastic tantrum throwing kid with ADD that would rather leave bugs and heavy balance issues alone to shoehorn something nobody wanted, also FtD dead soon, as in very dead
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>physicists hate him
>Check out how an anonymous physician managed to lose weight using some weird trick
What a time to be alive
So what would it be useful for?
And is it true that a object with positive mass and one with negative mass would pretty much accelerate forever in one direction or would they act like two electric charge of the same sign (ie: repelling each other)?
Because the first is a bit troublesome, the second though is fucking gold.

Anything on possible interaction with regular matter? Would it annihilate like antimatter-matter?
>when you near 0K weird shit happens
OK, good to know
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so bright.gif
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>fat physicists start eating negative mass
>get all the girls
If negative mass exists, you can throw a bunch of mass and the same quantity of non-mass through some portal shit and the universe mass shouldn't change. which is the answer to the one theorical problem to worm hole stabilisation and travel.

Blah Blah English not perfect
Blah Foreigner Blah Take everything i say with a grain of salt Blah Implying i know anything
>we're finally moving towards Alcubierre drives
what a time to be alive
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Happy tonks.
>If negative mass exists, you can throw a bunch of mass and the same quantity of non-mass through some portal shit and the universe mass shouldn't change. which is the answer to the one theorical problem to worm hole stabilisation and travel.

But if i went through the wormhole without negative mass the amount of mass in the universe shouldn't change either since the mass "lost" at one point of the wormhole is compensated by mass "gained" at the other end
>but local balance
>but different realities
>but mirrors, mirror on the wall
>but observable universe is not reality we live in, it's a bubble of sight around us
and many other stupid answers
Stupid as in "should be obvious" or as in "nigga the fuck you smoked?"
Because your post contain 187 characters divided among 33 words and 1>x>0 information
I'm going to do the worst thing ever and quote Wikipedia :
> The equations of the theory of general relativity have valid solutions that contain wormholes. The first type of wormhole solution discovered was the Schwarzschild wormhole, which would be present in the Schwarzschild metric describing an eternal black hole, but it was found that it would collapse too quickly for anything to cross from one end to the other. Wormholes that could be crossed in both directions, known as traversable wormholes, would only be possible if exotic matter with negative energy density could be used to stabilize them.

Basically they need it to maintain the hole open.

>Wormholes have anything to do with parallel universes
Dude wormholes are spacetime continuum anomalies, not magic gateways. Even if they could allow us to travel through time (which they could), the principe of casuality makes it impossible to deviate from whatever ever happened.
Nothing bad with quoting Wikipedia for scientific stuff.
Social stuff is another story.
Though it doesn't say why the negative energy density is needed
>not magic gateways
i know, was trying to cover most stupidity physicians could throw
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That tonk is cute! CUTE!
>this was in the recommended videos
So, lasers can make plasma, does this means it counts as a plasma rifle in the 40W range?
you see the little ourbursts of light that sometimes were happening? the ones on the middle?
around 2006 they found a way to make 3d holograms with that shit, but afaik they are still green-only and very low res
no, wait, there's a new vid aboot it:
basically star wars, but green not blue
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>Shiva Star was also used to develop an experimental weapon known as MARAUDER for the SDI effort between 1989 and 1995. The idea appears to have been to create compact toroids of high-density plasma that would be ejected from the device using a massive magnetic pulse.[2] The plasma projectiles would be shot at a speed expected to be 3000 km/s in 1995 and 10,000 km/s (3% of the speed of light) by 2000. A shot has the energy of 5 pounds of TNT exploding. Doughnut-shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning exploded with devastating thermal and mechanical effects when hitting their target and produced pulse of electromagnetic radiation that could scramble electronics, the energy would shower the interior of the target with high-energy x-rays that would potentially destroy the electronics inside. The tests cost a few million dollars a year.[3] The project become classified and may or may not have been scrapped at some time after 1995 because of problems keeping the plasma projectiles stable for the distances required by orbital weaponry.
Now we only need to create hard light and we can finally fuck our waifus
Wait a fucking second, we've had plasma weaponary since the early 90s?
Plasma weapons before decent personal computers? Fucking hell, i want one
Well, tests for it at least.
And i think they were mostly intended for space use rather than in-atmosphere
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>Shiva Star's 10 MJ capacitor
>a typical car audio capacitor has 1 Farad at 12V
>that would be 138,889 1 Farad capacitors to build a Shiva Star
>before decent personal computers
We had those in '89.
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Surprise x4 combo!.gif
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>The project become classified and may or may not have been scrapped at some time after 1995 because of problems keeping the plasma projectiles stable
>Oh yeah that would be a pretty big problem
>...for the distances required by orbital weaponry.
Fuck Metal Gear, THAT'S the sort of thing I don't want to have worldwide range
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>Now, I know what you're thinking, and thankfully the answer is no those are not my crocs
>Despite my looks I am not 14

>Built it in a pizza box

>Given it a voice recognition command to apologise when told to fuck off

The guy's good
bretty gud/10
>"With negative mass, if you push something, it accelerates toward you."
Let's say you poke a ball of negative mass.
Doing so will accelerate it towards your finger.
This means the force your finger exerts on the ball increases, so the ball will accelerate more towards your finger.

The implication is that touching negative mass results in a nasty wound.
Am I getting this right?
I'd say, that since negative mass would result in negative gravity, the ball of negative mass would make it slightly harder to poke it. How much? Negligible until you reach cosmological scale.
lemme smash
>Put perfectly opposite balls of numerically identical positive/negative mass in space somewhere (for minimum interference)
>They won't move away or towards each other, ever
There are a lot of shitty youtube channels.
This one is lul.
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I wanna see the /k/ version of this engineer.
Like the movie Tremors, but plasma pulse rifles.
Lemme think a bit:
G assumed to be 1 for ease of calculation as the exact value of the force is not needed to determine the direction of motion




Not really sure if this means they chase each other or they repel.
Since in normal circumstances (two positive masses) they both have a positive acceleration and they go toward each other i'd say that is the latter (ie: chase with constant acceleration)
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Flying without vertical stabilizers is fun
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Why not make it out of large blocks? Small blocks can't take a hit at all, even out of heavy.
Because sanic fast and agile scouts.
Then use a Bradley platform, not a tank.
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In part does share the platform.
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Muffled in the '90s.jpg
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I'm seeing some pretty dorifty movements there
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A smaller configuration.
Looks like very early EVE concept art.
Just obviously not in a practical form yet.
>tfw I've done that bottom thing before
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Starting work on a new carrier with a hangar
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You don't even know

I'd try this with my bigger planes but that would require a pretty huge redesign of their fuselages
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Is it possible to make this system vertically, like a sub's missile silo?
I don't know if FtD's blocks can be placed in all orientations, so I have no idea if it's physically possible to make the planes the same but pointed upwards.
It should be, yeah
It would be interesting to see a game where you had to load shells into your custom guns infinifactory style
>milliseconds are random
really makes you think.
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I think i dun goofed again
So how is Empyrion compared to Space Engineers? Worth a look if i enjoyed SE?
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I think HE likes it
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fuck you village
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Y̷̙͚̼̙ͦ̉̈̂ͮ̚͘ẹ͉̪̪͚̺̊ͤ̽s͍͎̹̠͖͙͉̳̄͐͆̃ͧͦ̒,̧̯̝̱͍̰̦͛̽ ͎̓̄́̂̋͂i͈͂͛̃ ̬̘͙͖͖̩̜̿̑ͧ͢͜m̴̷̢̠̙̹̹͕̰̝̻͑ͪ̊͗̇̄a̧͙̻͇̥͓̱̠ͭͯ͘͡d͈̠̠̞̯͍̠̈́ͭͧͯ̈́͜͠ȩ̸͙͎͇̰̘̾͒̍͆̅̌̋̓͒ ͚̦͚̭͖͖̬͍͊̐̊̒͐ͬ̊͆i̸̡̮̞ͬ̕t̥̥̘̘̖ͤ̿͆̏!̘̱̼̭̖͔ͯ̍̔͑̎͢
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>stealing their windmill
That's just cruel man.
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>Wait of Tanks
>tanks delayed so long that the quality expectations are too high for REMdev to deliver
No Man's Tank.
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What if there was a universe with anti-gravity instead of gravity?
Then instead of being pulled down by a planet's gravity we'd be pushed down by other planet's antigravity and it would essentially be the same
But how would planets form?
Unless they're something I'm overlooking, they wouldn't.
Universe would tend towards an expanding uniform cloud of matter.
What if all the other forces were the same?
Particles would push each other away and into other particles, duh
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Slightly related: opposite gravity would prevent the universe from ever taking shape. It'd be a lot like Vacuum Decay
Dark energy would be an inward force instead of an outward one. The force of anti-spacetime would force matter into whiteholes, perfectly reflective rings of matter that light can't actually ever touch.

empyrion adding jews
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>despite my looks I'm not 14
>looks 14

This is objectively the best channel on youtube

Even better than that old drag queen doing buffalo bill musical acts that got b&
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Bolan stood longer than le frogs.
While being attacked from four times fore of cardinal directions.
>build defense wall
>enemies just go around
>get help reclaiming land
>lost the keys to said defensive wall
Plants would fight a war better than what used to be france.
>build defensive wall everywhere but they attacked last time as well.
>1 vid and 3k subs already
shieet, now that's charisma
and good content, I 'ppose
>ally with papa state to kick Venice's ass
>end up sacking papaland together with Venice
So this is the power of Roman legacy
I went to college with someone who looks a lot like him, he was 23.
Somebody post shotgun chemist dad
Or the guy that fired napalm out of his shotgun and caught the forest on fire
>i fucked up, /k/
God the napalm hunter is great
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>I was looking at starmade

Did someone mention the legend of the skubtastic heroes
>tfw /egg/made never again
Unironically some of the best starmade I've played
Only time we've ever achieved rate production of standardized ship classes.
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We can do it all again...

Come and skub it up...
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Gonna keep dumping skubphotos
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God our ships were fucking aesthetic. The Akagi-class was iconic.
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The ships in pic related are actually remodeled akagis
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avorion.net servers never respond to me, so I can't even load the forums.
Forget I said that; it's working now.
I wasn't able to access it for a couple days, though.
I sent an email earlier, so maybe they read it.

Even so, having everything tied to the forums is still a bad idea.
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Optical Prime.jpg
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>Optical Prime
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r8 my campaign starter cruiser.

It's not done, but I think it may be the nicest looking thing I've made so far. Detailing needs done, but I like it.
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The appearance is nice enough but last campaign I started the dwg sent some pretty rapey stuff very early. 3rd wave had a cockatrice. 4th wave had a barracuda, 5th wave a new(?) ship called the conger.

What does it caaawst?
Stubby nose/10, I just got into trying an easy campaign and I've found that most of the enemies I'm coming across simply melt under constant pounding missile barrages.
Kind of, actually. Literally not bothering to push the current version until we have tanks treads. No point otherwise, nobody would play it.
>not bothering to push the current version until we have tanks treads.
>current version

how about you just use hovertanks,
and then release real tanks when treads are ready :^)
Will REM have planes? Is REM going to be What Robocuck could have been, only good and with engineering?
As per every other time this has been asked, aerodynamics is hard. You wouldn't want just some bullshit 'lift goes here' part, right?
Pretty cute but way too small to be a cruiser
Post action shots
I'm not saying PLENS NOW, don't get me wrong. I understand that you guys are still working on groundular vehicles. Being able to designate parts as "this is a lifty bit" might help design a bit, and being fudgy with aerodynamics behavior on lighter build materials might be a thing. But I'm sleep deprived and have literally zero dev experience, and am just throwing brain mush around.
You should add a vertical wing.
>implying people wouldn't love mad max style car battles
Am I the only one more interested in zero-g features in REM?
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Spider computers when
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>new Ayreon album soon
>all about spess

Spider everything in engineering when

sounds more an airsoft gun desu
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Ant engineering
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Of course there would be a way to power up the chaos turboprop and nearly double the flight speed. It's almost on par with steam jets now.
Chaos engine is love. Chaos engine is life.
Those stilts have no style.
Is that a troop transport?
Also you can totally land one of these things now. Just detach the prop blades and coast down.

I also figured out how to throttle a chaos engine without using collision. Instead of a fireball, you can put a variable governor on the free end. Spread the governor to slow it down, retract to speed it up. Sadly, the turboprop just spins too fast for anything mechanical to stay attached apart from grippers.

>ant engineering

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I'm glad I didn't say it reached its full potential because I would be wrong. Now it's reached its full potential.

At 400+ m/s this is just bullshit fast, faster than any steam jet I've been able to build. It's 100% throttleable, too.
Gib instructions
Want to sanic

It doesn't have wings yet so use 0g.
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Its also a platform, the BMP carry 8 and the bradley 6.
Should be fun to dick with, haven't had much experience in chaos engineering yet.
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I want my battleship to have it's own personal spotter satellite that follows it around. Is this done as a sub-vehicle or something?
>stock delivers babies
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And the final iteration. It now gets up to 460 m/s crossing Barren Expanse. Also, there is some kind of self-collision that generates a frightening but non-damaging smokeshow so you know not to fuck with it. It still doesn't need invincibility.
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Gattling mode.
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And full turret mode.
Truly a masterwork
Now weaponize it
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Scout evolution.
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There might be a cleaner way to add a dish but I couldn't think of one, so useful in campaign mode it allows starting of fights from 4km range and plinking away at the enemy with the railguns before they can return fire effectively.
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I know anon, I removed it on purpose.
what's the name of that building game where youre on tiny planets? all i remember of it are that and the fact it had a lot of visual scripting
is this /egg/`?
Apparently yes. For you the damage is less fucked, the arena runs better, the ai is faster and the builder is better with physics improvements. Larger parts now scale in strength exponentially. Some new post processing effects and new occlusion techniques mean the arenas can be better than ever.

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Rightmost one reminds me of pic related
My fuckign bote wont float do you guys try to make it more buoyant somehow or do you add propellers pointing upwards. The props would be convenient because they take less work but they could become inconvenient if the bote lost power
Post pics of your bote
it's in op, so i'd say duh
angled hull, there was an anon that had a submarine that wouldn't dive because of that
oops, i meant specifically the ship that shoots drones that shoot guns that shoot system
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It used to float, but it also had an issue with exploding turrets so I replaced the two big turrets with heavy armored version and now the back end sinks
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>tfw similar bridge design
my lost brudder
The missile pods move the same way.
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>check the album's wikipedia page
>guest artists from nightwish, blind guardian, epica, dream theatre, kamelot

>and tobias sammet from pic related
>I replaced the two big turrets with heavy armored version
There's the problem. Add jet stabilizers in the back
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place props on the bottom of the boat and use a pid to make it "float"
add more hydrofoils to the back/extend the heckhull to have more volume for air or reach higher speeds so hydrofoils are more effective (probably the least effective way)
Aesthetic bridge, best bridge. Is that WOOD? do you want to die?

>those other two botes
Ivan, there is not being enough room for bridge. We put gun instead yes?

Not sure jet stabilizers are going to cut it. I still need to add two more gun turrets on the back corners. I don't get it, the black swan floats easily and it is has way more weight in the back end.

That's the last resort. It feels dirty and cheaty using botes that can't actually float without assistance.

The outrigger pods are quite small, that's probably the problem, combined with the heavy armor turret on the back. That's a shame it's so sleek right now it would be a shame to fatten the ass up. It's probably necessary since it's already sinking without the two rear corner turrets installed.
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>wood bridges
these are only filled with a bit of optic equipment and slave crew
i dont think the enemies aim for optic equipment and anyhing bigger then smol ACC would rip even 1m metal instantly so why not go super cheap

>Ivan, there is not being enough room for bridge.
why build bridge if commander can sit in highest turret so he can directly yell at the crew vladimir? from back to foreground, 1 year old, half a year old, recent (ship age)
Wtf is this shit? is it ergonomically designed so an eva can pick it up easily? What's with the holes you could fit more guns in there.
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i dont even know
its some scarlet dawn ship i loaded in in my fleet colors
looks briddy
That's a lot of bote for 1-2 turrets they must be pretty yuge.
i have an orbital satalite do dish duty, a single big one can reveal 2/3 of the map

after seeing my killsat shoot a sabot round at supersonic speeds from orbit, i realized need to make a webm of it, but need suggestions on what to use for recording.
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OBS, free and easy to use if you're not retarded. Then put it through webm for retards.
record with laptop, then record the record with original iphone, then with vhs casette, then digitalize it, then ping it back and forth via ham radio and upload it
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Are there any real, genuine, trained, professionally educated economists who have done serious, scholarly studies on the mechanisms and impact of stellar colonisation?
Ooh, i just got an idea for a easy, clangy way in ftd to get a construct orbital. Ill do some tests later today, but it involves an adv cannon shell part.
You're gonna use recoil to propel yourself into orbit?
No, tried that and it was a dud. But using an abv cannon "piston" with a graviton ram round to "ping" nukes at lightspeed to a location i have done before. Same principle here, but more practical.
what's the proper name of ballistic recoil thrust method? I know using nukes is the orion drive
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The RBF drive.

"Retarded but fun."
retarded butt fun
most things /egg/ can be described as rbf
i like it
Stellar colonization would be just like regular colonization only more expensive.

Mars Tea Party when
Martian revolution when
not if we have to travel 80 years to the destination (basically the sublight, cryochamber way)
there's no way to control the colony
read upon the planet ksi
Slow down Hawking, we haven't colonized the moon yet.

Requirements for mars colony
>must have at least trade school education in the general field of building shit
>can never go back to earth
Would you do it?
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shift register.png
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>not multi-generation ship

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>>must have at least trade school education in the general field of building shit

Sure, why not.

>>can never go back to earth

Can I bring 1PB of anime, movies and vidja? Can I bring a computer worth a damn? Can I bring any programs I want?

If yes, then yes. If no, then fuck off.
a colonisation effort would require specimen to be able to withstand at least 0.9g and while we can simulate gravity, i don't feel like listening to dead or alive today

I would assume there would just be a slownet connection, basically you'd have large datapackets from the web with requested resources sent to you
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>tfw you'd have to ask legitimate scientists to download the entirety of sadpanda once a month just to keep you functional
>tfw you'd be judged to no end
>tfw it'd be worth it
>tfw you'd be the best damn martian ever, masturbating to cartoons
>impying the scientists on earth aren't fappping to same or worse
>implying they don't envy you
>implying automated programs would be invented, but not because of you, but their feelings
>implying they wouldn't just make a copy of their own download for you
I like your terms and conditions. I'd go on the same conditions

That would be hillarious. I can almost imagine them shaking their heads as they search for the content you've asked
>I can almost imagine them shaking their heads as they search for the content you've asked
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>nakadashi, "female:dick growth", mmf, impregnation, loli, xray, uncensored, english
>"...dude what the fuck"

I can hear it now.

>"Looly! I said loooolie! Spelled el oh el ai!"
Mars, here we come!
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>tfw you contain the chaos but it doesn't sanic anymore

>contain the chaos
There is your problem. No mortal might bind His power. We can only merely bask in it like seals on a warm summer's day.
Unleash its power again and sanic speeds will return.
>"W-what's Oppai Loli?"
>"It's little girls with big breasts. Now get on it."
>>can never go back to earth
Mars is not that far away.
>letting in interplanetary immigrants
It's like you WANT space aids.
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So I tried registering an avorion.net forum account.
Apparently my email address is invalid.
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bio-engineers, how long would two populations have to be 100% separated before we got to smallpox blanket levels of danger?
No idea, but i'd say that mars starting colonies would have an atmosphere as sterilized as possible, so in the long turn, the humans in there would end up with weakened inmune systems. My bet is on ~60 years if the two population groups are earth and mars and both are 100% separated
I have a question:
Can it squat like a real slav?
>3-4 targets fall down
Cyka bliat

My retribution will likely be swift for going so far with this shit posting
have you tried [email protected]
usually works

t. lazy network engineer

captcha: draw post
I was thinking more about the social ramifications
Every advocate starts out by saying that there are 800 thousand trillion times more gold deposits in our solar system than on Earth but then that wouldn't make it valuable anymore, would it
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(Post-scarcity, of course)
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Fiat currency means it doesn't matter anyway.

The real kicker is that a single iron-laden asteroid can contain more iron than has been mined and refined in all of human history, in relatively pure form. Suddenly, space battleships with steel hulls and O'Neil cylinder space colonies become practical propositions.
This. On top of that, the minerals are relatively easy to mine, unlike here on earth, where all the easy to mine stuff has been mined centuries ago
THIS is how you engineer a tortilla
Yeah but crashing the market with cheap steel is not a good way to guarantee a return investment
not unless you have an army of robots or slave labour to build what you want and don't give a shit about the socioeconomic consequences
I think my favorite part is the "all materials must be certified laser safe" label.
It doesn't crash the market. You're not fixing the problem of landing and launching material to/from space being outlandishly expensive, you're circumventing it. That steel will never see Earth except in the form of reentry shuttle parts.
>Return investment
Would having an O'Neil cylinder not be a good return? Hell, you can put some industries INSIDE an O'Neil cylinder, even before it's been fully built and has an atmosphere.
It's the same shit as "abloobloobloo 1000x more gold than exists on earth that'll kill the value of gold!!!"

I mean, yeah, except that then we can use gold for all sorts of things we don't currently and society as a whole benefits massively.

This is the kind of thing that's ripe for public-private partnership.
>investing in anything other than meme coin cryptocurrency
I literally own 1m Doge so I don't know what you want.
Your doge, obviously.

I was more referring to how people put value on gold for any reason other than its properties.
But its properties are exactly what's exciting about gold as cheap as iron.
>Tfw space Jews maintain current market price

Oy vey
Yeah but this isn't aluminium we're talking about, gold has been a prized metal in myth for literally thousands of years and even though the economic cost could probably be absorbed more easily, the cultural one won't and I don't know how or if society would be able to adjust
either that or a de beers conglomorate would intervene and force artificial scarcity
Moon is farther away than you think, and mars is, well, another orbital plane altogether.

But the "never go back" clause is so you don't get second thoughts more than anyhing.

>If yes, then yes. If no, then fuck off.
Well you can, but it's cutting into your personal belongings payload (which isn't much to begin with) + there's a chance all your electronics gets fried by solar flare/comsic rays/the dust on mars. We don't build PCs to last, because we expect them to be obsolete in 5 years anyway.
>either that or a de beers conglomorate would intervene and force artificial scarcity
What are they going to do? Shoot me?
I own five computers older than that that still work fine and I fiddled with a Toshiba 286 laptop from 1987 last week that booted fine. Take care of your shit.
Just watch out you don't find your asteroid turned to dust by some totally accidental asteroid collision. :^)
Two asteroids for the price of one then!
Thanks for having moved it in range lads!
Well they never been in space I presume? Gott look up what they use on the ISS, a combination of ancient THICC techprocess + military grade ruggedisation presumably.
IBM ThinkPads.
why would they need special care? atmosphere inside the ISS is 99% less polluted and dusted than in earth, if anything they need less care, same for lunar/mars base, atmos inside the base is created from air tanks filled with pure ingredients, and airlocks prevent atleast 90% of dust insertion
Radiations son
the station itself is the shield, son, there aren't only laptops at ISS, all the walls are computers and shit
I give you my solemn word of honor that Customs will have no orders to shoot to kill ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
cyкa блять
IF you don't have the radiation protection on mars for your electronics, then you've got more problems than just the PC not working, like the CO2 scrubber.
That's why they are hardened you dolt! The reason why you can't simply take any PC into orbit for a spin and have it work flawlessly is because both radiation and charged particles (solar wind mostly) go and interact with the stuff on the mobo where data is transferred or elaborated then you have a problem since most PCs don't have a beefy, redundant system for detecting and correcting errors at that level. It's not checking the CRC in a .pdf file and correcting the error, is keeping the whole thing in check and make sure that in a register a 0 wasn't knocked into a 1 while the ALU was in the middle of doing it's thing
Honestly fuck space. Deep ocean bubble city when.
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But don't you want to play with ayyyliums?
I play TFTD
Ayys aren't real. By the time we build interstellar craft they're all gonna be dust. Or dust us first.
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spot the PCs.jpg
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Is Cities: Skylines welcome here?
>six string samurai
>fear and loathing
>med mex (obviously)
>40k orkz
>king leonidas
What did I miss
>ayys aren't real
You do realize that our galaxy is about 100,000LY across right? As it stands, we have to rely on the effects of gravity on stars, or minute fluctuations in their light to predict just the placement of exoplanets. Seeing any kind of features on an exoplanet, let along seeing anything smaller, is a pipe dream. Our radio bubble only reaches out about 200LY, 1/500th the MW, a single pixel in a 1000x1000 rendering.

Unless ayys stumbled upon our rock, any ayys that might be out there have no idea we're here, and unless there's an advanced civilization on our doorstep, within a few thousand LY, there's no way we're going to see or hear anything going on.

It's a huge galaxy, way bigger than you might think.
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that smol feel.jpg
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>tfw the yellow dot is the most humanity will every influence the galaxy in your lifetime
>and that's being generous with measurments
>the yellow dot that contains everything that matters in the entire universe
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Been broadcasting radio waves for 100 ish years.
This is the range of stars we might get an alien return from today.
I'm speaking to you 50 earth years ago from I Hya.

Aliens watching TV is a myth

The signals degrade to noise too quickly
Aliens are a myth.

But you don't need to watch moving images over VHF/UHF, to spot a non-natural signal.
TV is a myth
>Go to pub quiz
>One question is how many letters in Greek alphabet
>We get it wrong
>Come back to this
ur waifus a myth
The answer's 24, anon.
Just like tanks
My dad even did ancient Greek as part of his education (some bullshit thing about HIS dad dying let him into a private school; he was 'the poor kid') and couldn't remember. Also yeah it's kind of in that image I linked.


____+24 hours____
>the answer to tanks is 24
>42 backwards
>the answer to tanks is the heat death of the universe
>everything you care about is being flushed down some space drain and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it
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does Spengies give you a reason to explore the star system? or are there any mods for that purpose out yet?
always thought it was weird (and less interesting gameplay) that i could find everything i needed at any of the offered spawn points
is this you

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>those dinky guns
>able to penetrate the frontal armor of a modern MBT
>capable of dodging a tank shell almost point blank range
>chopper flying right over them and generally going full tard
>tanks not engaging at a distance
>drone being able to do cartweels and not ripping itself apart in the process

somebody post it on /k/ i want to see how many of them get an aneurysm
I'm more triggered with that crappy looking CGI hind

it's the most a e s t h e t i c choppa ever made and they're not even trying to sell it
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>>tanks not engaging at a distance
But anon! We all know tanks can only shoot within close visual range!

This movie looks stupid as fuck and the people making it had no intention of it being anything other than a blockbuster with contrived reasons for explosions and CGI robots.
> Surface construction
Nigga the future of space belongs to the dorfs. The cheapest most productive construction is going to be underground. Naturally air tight( or add a coat of glue), natural rad resistance, natural temperature control, piles of resources, and so on. Land habitats are only viable for landing or solar power.
You do understand that in order to excavate anything you need to move stuff to the surface? so unless we invent a drill that's part vacuum cleaner and ejects stuff the the surface through a hole in an airtight membrane, underground will have to be done in one go in a pressurized TBM and then sealed properly forever with no further expansion.
so ur saying i should start a diggin company on the moon
succdrills seem easy enough to design
uh, the moon is low-grav so loose rocks will just float up to the surface
It'll have to be a very slow and inefficient drill with limited range
No they won't, dust settles on the moon too (unless that was Kubrick's directorial mistake)
What is this from?
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>I don't know what airlocks are; the post
It'll be fine. We'll send a team of oil rig workers
But what if you accidentally drop a rock from the moon?

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Dem hips.
>shoot knee
>litterally permanently immobilize it
please advis
IIRC you can't get a certain ore on blaned, there are also mods for more spess boats to find.
Spengies isn't really an explory type game, it's try and engineer the most CLANG resistant work of engineering you can and watch CLANG eat it
>this ugly speck of a star is fucking super important and basically, you are fucking stupid.
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ayy lmao
Wow, really makes you think, huh?
Then it just becomes a weird looking bunker
>tau shit
>withstanding anything
>Someone in the near future will be given the task to design the perfect succ.
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If we had a coat of arms, what would we put on it?
A skull, as a symbol of the ded
Rotors and pistons as a symbol of clang
An astronaut, as a symbol of spess, and /svgg/, though it could be a skelastronaut.

Unsure of what would be a good pictographical representation of autism.
>Unsure of what would be a good pictographical representation of autism.

A lego brick. Green, preferably.
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>implying you can get close enought to shoot
>implying tau even want to move
>but all the excess gold will crash the market
Here's a brilliant plan.
We buy up a significant share of the world's gold, then send some of it to space.
Everyone with gold will love us, as it'll make gold prices skyrocket.
I'm sure the Rothschilds would be willing to pitch in.
what comes up, must go down
we nuke with dem gold!

captcha: bois boers
>buy up all the world's helium and waste it doing dumb shit
oh wait that's literally what's happening right now.
>taufags actually think this

m8, how much ammunition you got?
antimatter batteries can last quite a long, with new rifle design we still pack a usual S5AP5 plasma punch with even less energy consumtion per shot
although now we shoot 4 times per turn
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>orcs in shit armor
>orks with really inferior dakka to standard kit

>want to play From the Depths
>tutorial is 90 years long
>interface is horrendous
git gud
>>tutorial is 90 years long
Tutorials are for normies that don't tinker with stuff until they learn how they work
That's only doable in good games though
Takes time, but try just ripping of and modifying prebuilts from the diffrent factions. When in doubt copy and study.
Literally don't bother, just refund it and play something else. Like with your dick.
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I was playing this space engineers scenario called hard survival. Some Russian guy made it. Hard as hell and took me a good while to get the run of the ship. But I don't see the point. Ship is really screwed but there is no projector or a way to repair it. Like pain for no gain. I guess now I know what it is like to feel Russian.
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Do we have any idea what the "rules" will be for Besiege multiplayer? Like, do the machines have to fit in the box?
>interface is horrendous

Somebody hasn't played dorf fort. I don't get the complaint about the interface it's not any worse than space engineers.
gutting the space program was a move by the world's precious metal investors to preserve their wealth
this is why nixon was the last good president
This is one of the more outrageous space theories I've heard. Precious metals are still rare in space. Is there a 5 mile wide asteroid made of solid platinum and gold I haven't heard of? Not that we're within 50 years of having the tech to exploit such a thing
Load-bearing hips
>Not that we're within 50 years of having the tech to exploit such a thing
>space mission to space
>strap rockets to asteroid
>send asteroid on collision course with Earth
Foolproof plan, really.
What could possibly go wrong?
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Two steam cannons are barely capable of keeping this thing in the air after launch
I hope they'll let players set restrictions. Like, guy who creates the match decides what size your machine can be, etc. There will have to be limits to stuff like block count, cause otherwise people will bring ridiculous machines that will make everyone lag like hell
flamethrowers still have 10s of fuel, right?
i wonder how many people will go with bombs and cannons vs crossbows and good choppa
Cannons aren't very useful with just one shot and that crazy recoil

I imagine there will be a lot of bomber aircraft and bomb launchers
I should install besiege once more and try to devise a firenet with ropes
> Buy up all the world's helium
> Extract all the precious HE3 which will be worth its weight in rubidium in 5 years
> No one cares about the rest
> Dumping rocks on the surface
Anon they go straight to the resource processor. And then the garbage gets dunked on the surface.

The moon should have some pretty solid bedrock because it started out as a molten ball of earth crap.
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>tfw there might be out there a bunch of four armed purple ayyliums in yellow coats running frenzied around desks because state of art radio array pointed at a random star is picking very polluted and unclear, but certainly artificial signal.
I don't think five miles wide asteroid being crashed on earth is foolproof plan.
Especially since we'd need to crash it in really remote and irrelevant place, like central 'Stralia or Syria
>really remote and irrelevant place, like the moon.
>well greg, we've got a problem.
>we need to crash that big spess rock somewhere where we can access it
>what about crashing it on other, way bigger spess rock, sir
>greg, u a genius.

> Spend $6bil crashing precious rock on moon
> "Dibs" to whoever gets it
> Suddenly $500bil in space mining research
It's fool proof.
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You big smelly willy.gif
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>One day we get equivalent of Arecibo message
>Signal is somehow fine, no distortion so it's received perfectly
>We don't realise because it's structured completely differently because it's from fucking aliens
Well, if we can pick up on radio literal neutron stars...
> He can't establish a 1 way communication with a complete stranger that includes decodeable instructions in easy to decode signals which establish precedents for understanding and decoding higher bandwidth signals
It's like you don't even xeno theory.
>four armed purple ayyliums in yellow coats
This description is oddly specific for some reason.
Stop posting mascot characters from general threads on containment boards.
like i care who's that
Not him, but posting characters only certain degenerates know of is kind of fun.
It's also kind of gay.
The only thing that image >>174522376 could remind me of is pokemon.
Obviously this is not it since, apparently, is not too popular.
I can readily exclude horses from the equation as well.
Memory search inconclusive
Incapable of creating content-community association (not enough information)
Cannot compile content avoidance algorythm (missing association module)
What interesting functions could a machine that generates mass be used for?
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egg coat of arms.png
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>generate mass
>push mass away
>free propulsion
But hey, you're not even specifying the game so fuck you.
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the smile of an engineer.gif
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>kind of gay
>that godforsaken hellhole that burned three years of my life
>ONLY kind of

It was more fun in hell.
>>that godforsaken hellhole that burned three years of my life
Go on. I need to know the topic so that i can properly avoid it
I even know Tex and used to talk with him from time to time. I should still have the way to contact him. 4chan is way too fucking small.
>way too fucking small
No, at the moment it's at the largest it can get without becoming way too impersonal.
Imagine if every board was as big/fast as /b/
>a machine that violates fundamental physical principles
Of course it's a game.
Mass is not any different from electrical resistance, except it's resistance to acceleration.
It's a cookbook
We'll find out tomorrow, I guess:
>This means we will probably know the Friday beforehand that everything is ready, in which case we will let everyone know in the FFF. To clarify: If you don't hear us mention releasing 0.15, you can rest easy for another week that we aren't going to surprise you.
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ftd orbital railgun.webm
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first webm ever, quality kinda shit due to length
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spider tank 2.webm
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>1000x something
>a minute long
Thats better than ive been doing for a year.
You have that magical number for the bitrate?
Are you using Webm for retards?
webm for retards, used the auto compress to fit file size option, and a bit of scaling.
do the bumpers make it clang proof?
Nothing is CLANG proof, but, what bumpers?
You mean the supposed hull?
Every time I try unlocking my miner ship from my mothership conector, clang intervenes And accelerate my miner through my mothership into certain dearh. Am i missing something?
Build a clang shrine.
Go to the connector settings and take the force down to 0. Do this for both of them
>shiting on ftd

Do you hate big boats?
cannot fabricate
FtD is a glorified lego sandbox.
If there was anyone to play multiplayer with, or the campaign wasn't an easymode stompfest, then perhaps I'd be able to find some enjoyment in it.
As is, it's just 50-100 frustrating hours, followed by a few hours of joy when your first plane conquers half the campaign map.
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>Captcha: Lourdes Jesus
Redpill me on clang
CLANG is the chaos god of engineering.
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Its a text representation of the last sound you will hear before everything goes black.
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C L A N G.jpg
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Clang is when the physics engine decides that the thing you just built should be spazzing out and exploding instead because the physics are shit
Also exists in real life
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well get more people to play then. im aready getting one freind onto it, may get a few more soon too.
That's not clang, that's too much friction + too much torque + shitty metallurgy

Clang would be the car doing a backflip and exploding
Thats a layer, CLANG is on every level of the engineering.
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Axle Clang.webm
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>well get more people to play then
So, if someone wanted to host a FtD game, how many people from here would end up wanting to play?
See that's more like it, cause it's harder to explain rationally
Hello Kiev!
This is Taphao Thong of 47 Ursae Majoris calling!
We are really enjoying th- *Inaudible* - ... and our 12 points go to....
Tactical vote
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I sicken myself sometimes.
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Gentlemen, how do we do closed-loop altitude control in vanilla Besiege?

I did attitude control with gyro-controlled screws before, but measuring orientation is ezpz. On the other hand, there are few if any non-contact ways of measuring altitude. My bet is on the mechanism in pic related: the ground-spray from a water cannon deflects a balanced screw if it's too close to the ground, making it do... something. Not much ride height or linearity, but it should be sufficient for hovertonks.
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Axle Clang The Second.webm
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Except it's perfectly explainable as wheel hop and axle wrap. It's not rocket surgery
Well I mean you can't point to any one thing and say that's what you dun did wrong, it's more like entropy takes another toll
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You didn't bring it to a certified automotive repair center for its regular checkup. Cars are very complex and sophisticated machines, you can't repair them on your own.
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>you can't repair them on your own.
Looks fixed to me, my dude
Why isn't anyone playing on the Serb?
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Is my summer car /egg/?
Sort of but not
Too one solotiony, the gameplay that follows after putting together the car doesn't really fall into the spectrum of /egg/
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I've been away for a few months, so sorry if any of these ideas are old news. This is an early version, it will have a few more things added and then get a hull.

First up, the wings are on turn blocks and the PC is on a turret. That way we can pack more into a small space (the engine and PC "overlap," preventing the PC turret from turning but don't really care about that). The reduced drag from not calculating the wings gives it a max speed of 200m/s in the air, 45m/s underwater.

PC bombers seem pretty effective, although this one needs a much bigger engine. Set the charge time to 10 seconds and fiddle with the accuracy settings (you'll be no more than 400m away when you shoot), and you can destroy or disable most targets very quickly.
I'm just curious what dickery I can get up to if I really try. It's kinda fun to watch a half-built experimental bomber destroy an expert design that costs ten times as much in 2 seconds.

Plus I spent 3 months in basic training dreaming up the most retarded designs possible and now have roughly a week to pump them out before I have to report for more training
>joining the military
Because of the job I get, worst-case scenario is free top secret clearance (costs most people thousands of dollars), fantastic training, learn a new language and every vagina this side of the Mississippi River, all in return for 5 years of work.
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it's a good time to join since Trump doesn't want any wars
But what if I do?
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>you can't even play the game until you figure out how the fucking sauna works because the mosquito/fly noise will drive you insane
Car mechanic sim is a better gaem
My summer spaceship when
brb making star citizen my summer car mod
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I didn't know i needed this until just now.
>All the fuckery and minutia of putting together an engine
>but in SPAAAACE

>go and grab the sumoflange and walk down the hall to the engine room, but the air lock you put together earlier was missing parts and blows out, sucking all your beer into space

File: 1436243689193.jpg (187KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
187KB, 1024x768px
>You have to salvage the wrecks of junked ships for parts
>If you find a part that's already compatible, great!
>If the parts aren't compatible, you have to find a way to afro-engineer a solution out of what you have on hand
>Email the Afroman(he is lonely)
Yikes, that hit close.
Well, aren't we all at least a bit autistic and a bit too self-important?
It would be a picture of several engineering related coa all clipping into eachother.
>get balloon spawner, a few wooden blocks, and SAT parts.
>Insta reveal half the map.

I really don't even know why Nick bothered.
Wait for Her turn.
I hope CLANG visits you in real life and in your dreams.

Captcha: Hotel California

he needs to have range based update delays for them. or have weather interference. or maby bigger maps too,
Weather would be cool.

Can bigger maps be made with the editor or are we stuck with a certain size?
Shiiet just thought of having sever lightning storms that'd EMP the shit of your planes, giant waves fucking up your boats, random meteor shower to take a dump on your impregnable fortress and tanks
There's like these two "main" galactic arms, and we're not just one of the thin arms in between, but on a short offbranch on it
Maybe we're sorta unreachable or something, a backwater region in the galaxy
>Trying to do all this in a 0g space station dock
>bump tool
>it fucks off at a sustained velocity
>god fucking daamit

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