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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 767
Thread images: 231

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Soraka is the cutest support in League edition.

Old thread: >>162281438

>All-Star music video:

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:
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Annie is the cutest girl in league
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Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
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>tfw got carried by Kata onetrick
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Poison Synthesis.jpg
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>no qt spider champion
This is bait, right?
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>tfw hit promos

Im wondering if I should just do em now or keep messing around in flex
katarina 1tricks are a thing of beauty. so are tryndamere ones.

you should tell him to try out rushing gunblade from longsword+pots start
>14/8 kat
>rest of my team is like 3/13
>enemy team calls me bad

the best BM
>enemy midlaner picks a champion that outpushes you
>just braindead solo pushes the entire game while his jungler hangs around
>your jungler/support never even consider punishing and the game is just 100% over

league of legends
>yasuo jungle
>no smite
i hate this game
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Lulu is best girl!
I love her!
I wanna cuddle with her!
And keep her safe and warm!
the very first banjo....
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>last thread reaches image limit at 525 posts

can you fags please just calm down
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Post your face when the enemy midlaner fed by your mid and bot decides to come top and you kill them
"your climb begins at bronze 1"
time to play ryze and watch as shitters under estimate my damage
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Lulu is the cuddliest and adorablest!
I wanna hold Jinx's hand
Licorice smelling 2x4, no wonder she has so much red skins.
licorice is black though
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How do I Trynda? It shouldnt be this hard, but I think im missing something really important.
That or i just fucking suck.
You mean the sexys
shit game, shit playerbase
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just ban this lulu faggot. Literally every day posts at least 20 images
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>mfw no Pugna champion.
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what kind of music do you listen to when playing with your main?
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Lulu is super cute!
>'gg singed didnt build tank'
>i thought i was building tank

aaaaaaaaaAAAAA i dont understand this game some shithead mouse thing with a blowdart is poking me out of my lane and items dont make sense

isnt singed always supposed to rush rylais
>no vg vs vg mundo dodge ball games
how do you team fight as fiora
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Lulu is the prettiest and sweetest lady!
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lmfao screw mid I'm an adc main now
I love Leona
Fiora is a duelist who excels at 1v1's. For teamfights pop your ult on a squishy to get a healing zone down and hopefully they won't disengage in time.
Not cute
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>tfw no adc gf

>most cute grills I know only play support
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>tfw ADC tries his hardest to throw but we win anyway because lategame Ziggs

are you the one who wants to look exactly like her?
>tfw adc gril with a support main bf

it's a good feel
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What's everyone's favorite food or type of food? I want to try something new. Personally, I love pad thai.
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>that image

based as fuck
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>finally found a bruiser GP build i can play well
>slowly learning barrel mechanics

feels fuckin nice
is there an inhouse happening?

I love shrimp and anything that contains shrimp
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ayo gimme summa dat chicken shawarma and don't skimp on the garlic sauce
I unironically enjoy Ez poster posts.
Either use your ulti on their frontline and pop the vitals or use it on a squishy out of position.
Then just shit on whoever is closest while you heal.
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vg results, canceled channels edition
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That's really cute, I hope you guys have lots of fun games together.

That's wonderful anon. I love Sona. I feel like Leona and Sona would be good friends.
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What would Burch write for the narrative design for Lulu's VGU.
I like to top lane as shen but feel I could improve my roster with some more viable tanks for when I can't/shouldn't shen, does anyone recommend someone to climb out of gold with?
>MF's build

what did he mean by that?
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was fun gaem
Poppy. Best tank in the game right now, absolute cancer.
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Not a damn thing. I'mma make sure of that!
oh just trying to build things at random, really
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weeby jap food is my fav desu

get it any time I go for a drive
Sion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTs6a0ORdQU
Yi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUwmlXR_Zn0
Warning: break open only if balling out of control. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8hrKmTRes0
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vg vs vg up on NA, pass is vidya
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But given the opportunity I'd accept
I have tried poppy in norms but I also use her and vi to jungle, along with shyv. Every time I poppy top lane I get shit on, what am I doing wrong? Do I harass as her, use q strictly for farming, focus on positioning as hard as I can to slam them into walls and q, then run? I tended to play her as a kind of hit and run playstyle, but would usually lose top. I would really appreciate how to play best girl though.
>Tfw buying zhonyas on the silly spinning simian was enough to make mf quit
Sorry, senpai. Seeing the reaction to the zhonyas always makes me smile.
>playing with some silver/bronze niggers
Quit playing vgs*, not quit the game.
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Poppy is more lategame. Lose lane, win game. Let then push in, then punish them when they get greedy.
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i play a bunch of different champs but ive been mainly listening to this album for placement inspiration

Usually this

Occasionally this

And on weekends, this
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vg vs vg up on NA

pw vidya
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>Want to try Gnar.
>Got him in a loot chest so figure why not.
>Decide to try in norm game rather than bot game.
>What could go wrong?
>7 mins.
>Enemy draven, 11-2.
>12 mins
>Draven, 18-2.
>15 mins
>"your inhibitor has been destroyed!"
>16 mins
>"your inhibitor has been destroyed"
>18 mins
what is the adc supposed to do in a teamfight? blow up the frontline tank?
intimacy makes no sense to me
i just want to be loved
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I see, so I hang back mostly and try to farm with q/shield? I'll try her out and be a bit less agro, thanks for the advice. Also, after getting a tank item should I grab a frozen mallet/iceborn gauntlet/or black cleaver for my damage item?
gonna pass
dont want to get stomped again

im just done playing the game tonight
intimacy makes sense to me
I just want a qt to love
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>its another "I thought I slightly dodged lux's stun but the hotbox is bigger than the particle and now im dead" episode
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do as much DPS as possible on your closest target without dying
>It's another "Viktor whiffed his laser and it didn't even go anywhere near me, but it still removed half my health anyway" episode
All types of electronic but mostly Japanese hardcore and dnb.
>Tfw no one shares my tastes
Macaroni and cheese is what I tell people but on the low it's Crab soup
Also anything with cheese is instantly one of my favs
>it's another "syndra literally missed every fucking skilshot but then presses r and I'm dead" episode
>its another every particle in the game is inaccurate episode
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here we goooo
>losing 2 good skins and 1 shitty skin for a roll of a shitty skin
You high?
morde skin
> its a "just saw the part of The Last Guardian where the dog thing gets possessed and eats the kid and now I'm going to have nightmares because being eaten alive by wild dogs is a reoccurring theme in my nightmares" episode
so when the fuck are metasheeps gonna stop picking adcs

I cant be the only one that has gone 20+ games in a row where our tank/midlaner outdamaged the adc by a mile while also not instantly dying
I want a French maid Quinn skin
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Vg vs vg is up on NA, pass is vidya, need 4 more, pls save me from this surgery discussion
i memepicked zac mid into yasuo after not playing him for months

im too fucking tired for this
At least put a fucking spoiler complete retard.
gimme da sauce
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well I have all of Lee's skins, PFE, TPA, Nottingham and Ace of Spades for Ez, and I like Arclight better

but now I also have this hot garbage for a champ I have 3 skins I think for and will probably never use this one woohoo
But Quinn is blonde.
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It's a pretty old pic
Hey dudes!

Just letting you guys know that the suggestion box for our next contest is unofficially open! We're a ways out before it's time to start talking about the nitty gritty details, but we're currently planning on starting the voting on the first weekend of 2017. There's no real set in stone theme this time, so feel free to send in whatever you had in mind. I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys might have right now, but in the meantime you can send ideas to [email protected]!
>it's another I ult on a low enemy team as Vel'koz and my team decides right then farming is more important episode
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I want a project Quinn skin too

Literally anything other than that God awful heatseeker skin
convince me to join
That's a yordle but not poppy, what gives?
>it's another I shat on the yasuo/riven in lane but they're still hard to 1v1 and end up fed anyway
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I want Quinn and Vi to have a tomboy skin together
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Hnnng I'd love to try it, but no place near me that sells it at a low price.

Aw, why thank you.

Weebshit is always delicious.

They should just release a maid skin for every champion desu. Ezreal first, of course.

Only one person ever managed to match Jayce’s intelligence while also maintaining a healthy indifference to his superior attitude.

>His name was Viktor.

>The two met at a mandatory Progress Day party, and immediately bonded ...
Stopped reading there holy fuck Riot can you please STOP DOING THIS and stop hiring people that do?
please tell me people are bitching on the forums for a lore re-rewrite?
Jayce is supposed to be Clark Kent. Why is he not Superman? Why is he suddenly school buddies with Lex Luthor
>it's another jungle misses his smite episode
Vi has that debonair skin

Quinn could probably get one too
I'd like to see valor with a bow tie desu
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Qt journies ahead.jpg
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
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>People who take Quinn top.

Stop you people bring nothing to the game, you're all just as bad as teemo and yasuo top laners.
>Lex Luthor

If anything, he would be Scarecrow.
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absolutely awful
That's a surprisingly large image.
>Sion with a maid skin
Not gonna lie, that would be fucking hilarious.

Are you a cute boy?
I know Vi has the devonair but I meant Quinn and Vi having a skin line together. Preferably something vandal because Vandal Vi is so overdue when the fuck are they going to make Vandal Vi HER LORE IS THAT SHE USED TO BE IN A GANG FOR FUCKS SAKES
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vg vs vg bets, secret build edition
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From diamond to silver 5 thanks blizzard
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I love Lissandra!
How can you love her
if you don't even play her?
Mfw ik exactly what picture that is
Never ever re-roll skins, you arent even guaranteed to get skins for a champ you own and if you want the skin, there's a better chance you have it already or it'll go on a direct sale than getting it from HTC
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>tunnel snakes is still around
Jesus. Had hoped she committed suicide by now. What an utterly キモい person.
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All on boodrum feeding all game then winni->trynd mirror with one having exhaust
Can you fuck off

A good Quinn will roam and get kills for the other lanes
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i find it is insulting

why waterloo mf

why not leipzig mf where napoleon was originally ruined and was sent to his original exile? because brits didn't particiapte there? grr!
No way man, inner city gang violence is toxic, and we here at Riot Games dont want to promote unhealthy life styles in or outside of League of Legends. Vi's lore will be re-written so that she was a rich girl who spent all her money and then met a cute boy who had a crush on her sister while she had a crush on him and she used the heartbreak to become a cop and she became best buddies with a girl with a huge hat! But it turned out the hat girlwas being bullied by Vi's sister, so Vi punched her!!!!!!
So what's your IGN babe?
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What did she mean by this?
So once everyone gets forces onto the new client a d group chats are killed off what will /vg/ do? Will we have a club everyone can join or will we just have to organize through the thread?
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Because waterloo has a much greater presence in the collective imagination
"erotic" doesn't seem like a word Vi would use
why wouldn't she just say "sexy"
>erotic dream with a plot
Those are the best kind. Where were you when Vi became the best and broest character of them?
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>Vi will never wingman for you
>tfw had a dream the world was ending and I told this girl i didnt want to die a virgin so she let me put it up her pooper in the nearest bathroom which happened to be a high quality one in a business building
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Mains 2017.png
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For my homie Shen about that Zen:

When Soraka's Waka Waka:

Extortion with Miss Fortune:

And soon...
Camille's High Heels:
soraka is such a cringe hero
>aram solo
>someone dodges
>dont get my roll back
thought they fixed this?
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literally excluded yourself from the 144000 chosen ones

baka, have you even read the bible?

>No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes.

that's from that book about the doom's day

i dunno why they called the lamb "he" though
Hello, I'm Soraka and welcome to Jackass


Post Champs being dicks
>These are those who did not defile themselves with women
Does this mean fembois are okay?
ughm, apostle paul specifically spoke against fembois and active gays though
No because they have a feminine penis, and only women have feminine penises
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Yasuo the Giraff-forgiven.jpg
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I dunno. I can think of cringier.
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Best youtubers?
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Good morning lolgen
Time for some stream and anime watching, hairdresser, das3 and trying to make myself play leeg, f-fuck you all:^)
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Whos the best lane bully top lane
I play Quinn renekton and tahm top but I'm looking for a solid reliable tank for when my team needs it to round out our comp

Is Nautilus still good top despite the coc nerf or is poppy my best bet
Camille got not tits.
poopy is 450 ip of free wins
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vg vs vg results
nautilus is still nautilus
darius and sion are good, illaoi is risky but good for carrying
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Ignore that first question I was making another post but then decided to change my question. Guess I forgot to delete it lol
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No coffee breaks for the supportsBecause I drink tea

>Where were you when Vi became the best and broest character
I was in 2013
Fuck off bandwagoners she's mine
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huey lewis and the WOW.jpg
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A new /vg/ vs /vg/ is up!
pw: vidya
come play
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> Top agrees to a farming truce until 15 minutes in
> Mid inhib drops in 10
Another stomp?

Y'all niggahs need to learn how to balance teams
Forgot about him he seems fun
Might pick him up
>Because I drink tea
why are tea drinkers always the biggest faggots
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>A good Quinn
>Good Quinn

Get your shitter special snowflake toplaners out of my games all they do is rush in and feed and think they're ungankable while splitpushing.
>i dunno why they called the lamb "he"

baka, have you even read the bible?
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Now now, why can't you share her like all the Syndrafags do?
you botched the password dude
no its not
whats the actual password
>i dunno why they called the lamb "he" though
are you retarded?

if you mean league, no one. league-only youtubers are terrible

that said,
quite drunk
everyone knows vi is a lesbo though
Nice and fitting.
its up now fixed
pw: vidya
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>this much autism
but why anon
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Turning lesbians straight is LITERALLY my fetish. Preferably if her gf is forced to watch.
>has an ability to give godlike out of combat movement speed, which can lead to ROAMING PICKS
>can poke decently from a far
>escape mechanism(?)
She was built to be a roamer you dipshit

I bet you even say teemo should be played bot only aswell you dense shithead.
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>playing normals with friend
>every game he's adc
>"Wow this support"
>every time he supports
>"wow this adc"
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sounds inferior to threesomes desu
>It's another "Every lane loses and now I can't farm my jungle or make ganks and all I can do is die so I have to run it down mid" episode
I love this show
Because I'm the only one who deserves her. Bandwagoners are annoying as FUCK and everyone besides me only started liking her when she got popular. I, however have always been beside her since the very beginning. Since PBE. Since release. And all throughout I have never abandoned her. Can you say the same?
>Because I'm the only one who deserves her.
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Because the bitches love us

Tea drinker are the hardest niggers around
>its my teams fault

so your the 3/14/3 jax right?
I-i-im sorry.......................
Please don't k-kill me.............
She probably wanted a bigger set to look like some titcow noblewoman from Demacian/Piltover history, but found they put her off balance as opposed to her walking around tiptoe in long ass dirks
who r u

Stop acting like she can actually do her job.

Who the fuck takes a roamer in top lane? Toplane was meant for people who can actually sustain in top, not leave for the enemy to free farm.

And you're a dense shithead for even coming up with the idea that teemo should only be played bot.

Jesus christ how much of a shit eating faggot do you have to be to think that Quinn in anyway shape or form is a good pick to take top when their are dozens of other good choices to fit the team comp.
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I'll get the Yam you guys hold him down!


"i literally told bot "vi is coming" and they didnt listen"
"when your teammates dont have eyes"
some classics from jax that game
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What's there to kill?
You're already dead
Do you like tacos and immortal cowardly lizards and a GO HAM ALL THE TIME playstyle? Get kled.
First motherfucker to reply to this gets to experience the Bronze Zone
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>like all the Syndrafags do
Don't you dare to call yourself a Syndrafag piece of shit. Keep posting your bullshit, but don't even try to say you are a Syndrafag fucking faggot.
>Be support Vel'koz.
>Enemy Lee jungle camps our bot.
>Jhin still can't do much but ult our lane. Keep them both off our tower because a Jinx + Vel combo incinerates minions.
>Their lead evaporates because they can't do shit with it.
>Ult him later and kill him without a combo.
>"Wow all you can do is ult."
If you're going to play Jhin I wouldn't be complaining about bullshit ults. :^)
Yes of course. Did you not read the "run it down mid" part?
I can't help it if my teammates were born without a chat box, eyes, ears, and a minimap. There was no possible way for me to warn them that Vi was coming.
is it me? i hope its me
damn I thought this said the bone zone and I wanted spooky skeletons
There is a Video Game Generals versus Video Game Generals lobby currently live on the North American server. It needs two more participants in order to begin.

Come on in and have your daily dose of fun cancer!
Isn't bronze where people get out of?
our resident "i'm the one who deserves her" syndrafag sounds easily abusable...
theres no fucking teamcomps in solo q
people pick quinn to fast climb by stomping their lane and then every other lane using her ult
she doesnt fit the meta but she is a godlike pub stomper
she also works mid, its the same shit
>Joining games with Vi bandwagonners
Not my fault he glitched his client to pick a champ before me.
Not that guy but...

You seem to think the game is only about laning. :^)

Going against a good Quinn is terrifying. But, hey, you'll make up hypotheticals that only exist in your head to win this argument.
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>jayce is a top top laner at the moment
lmao'ing @ u senpai

Also top CAN have roamers, the TP is not only meant to farm to lane quicker dipshit.

With quinns movement, she can just sanic to another lane and not even have to use a TP and just slow, blind, and kill a fucker that's overextending and sanic to her lane or another lane if it's free for ganking
>ywn make Syndrafag watch as everyone fuggs her
>t. tryndamere main
I guess Shen isn't a top laner because he's meant to be other places on the map
>Who the fuck takes a roamer in top lane?
>"Who is Ekko?" for $200, Alex.
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I'm not a syndrafag I just want to post some pictures with christmas hats

Post your username if you're NA
die filthy cur
When the fuck did I say that? I'm just tired of all this crap aimed specifically at me.
Impossible, Syndra clearly doesn't do those things. You can keep sucking dicks though, I know you like it.
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Literally retarded.
>tfw no invisible computer
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mr chungs 18inch
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pic related is waifu
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oh i get it now thats why you were 3/14/3

bot lanes amirite
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These are my PC specs. I also have 13 ping on NA. Unless your PC is faster than mine or you have a symmetrical gigabit fiber optic connection, you're not going to load before I do.
Evelynn pounced upon the unsuspecting Syndra and, before the mage could even defend herself, the blue seductress had already clawed her guts out. As Syndra slowly drifted away, she could hear a sloshing noise -- Evelynn began to pleasure Syndra, using her blood as lubricant. Before long, Syndra felt spikes along her body, but right before she could orgasm, she had passed away. Nonetheless, Syndra's juices sprayed onto Evelynn, mixing with the blood and guts she had wrapped around herself.
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>we are back into the Ekko/Poppy/Nautilus top lane meta

What went absolutely right? Why is this meta the best?
i dislike you because you attacked those who like ahri!
so i tell you so you would know!
Is Ekko still building his cancer tank shit?
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>Living inside the server room and playing on a supercomputer just to pick a character before me
idk why you would do that
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I need to BREED Camille!
>good meta
Can I smoke what kush you are currently danking on at this very moment in time?
>decide to watch sneaky's stream
>open twitch chat for a second

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Post 'em.
>can't adblock ads on twitch anymore
He's actually afraid of intimacy.

not league

He is actually a balloon

Other men have used and been inside of her.
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i don't want to be alone anymore
? When?
>tfw metasheeps take these shitters top for my Irelia to munch on
everyone says that but I still don't get ads and I haven't made any adjustments to the same old adblock I've always had
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>not being a specialist
Ekko and Poppy destroy Irelia. Nautilus doesn't.
Take off the HTML5 player

Thank me later
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I like video game music.
Maybe too late for an answer but...
Watch Boxer Pete
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There is a Video Game Generals versus Video Game Generals lobby currently live on the North American server. It needs five more participants in order to begin.

Come on in and have your daily dose of fun cancer!
>Ekko and Poppy destroy Irelia
lmao this is what metasheep actually believe
how many times have you won those matchups? once or twice?
with hundreds of Irelia games I've lost those matchups like 3 times max and they were when I first started playing Irelia or were camped by a duo jungler
If soraka had a penis it would be a goat penis, not a horsecock.
What's your win-rate?
Good luck with playing into late game where her damage falls off.

>Implying Quinn can make that many ganks and not die by the first or even second.

I didn't know Quinn was Lee Sin.

At least Tryndamere can sustain and have a chance splitpush. And given if the comp is right, can dive into the back line for the enemy carry, can a Quinn do that? Fuck no.

>Ekko a viable toplaner

What fucking patch are you even in faggot.

Never said that. There are just better options than Quinn top. So fuck off.
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45 out of 50 with Ekko
38 out of 40 with Poppy
You don't need fiber to have a good ping. I have 7 ping to league (1 ping in some games) just because of locality and my connection is like 20/10 mbits up down.
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hey hey everyone it's that time of the day come play with a few of your friends in a fun /vg/ vs /vg/
on na +6 remain to go!
Overall? 54%.
Poppy can't out-trade Irelia until like 4 items, with Irelia building defensively after trinity.
Literally where the fuck do you live that you have lower ping than I do?
Behold! The face of autistic butthurt! Clearly five people are wrong and this poster is the only one who is right!

Take your sub-Diamond opinions and LEAVE.
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The real vg vs vg up on Na, pass is vidya

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Ekko is the most viable toplane right now with Poppy. His roaming potential and his buffs make him an unkillable machine.

Not my fault people keep playing garbage bruisers like Irelia and thinking Ekko is bad.
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>Want to mage support.
>But also want to build support items beyond the SS/gold item.

Any suggestions?

fucking balance the teams out you dumb stackers
Hey buds +4 for kick off this /vg/ vs /vg/ game we got some real promisin gameplay up ahead with tons of twists and turns shamahamalan couldn't compete with
pw: vidya
>and his buffs
What buffs?
Well you're welcome to your own opinion. But I'm just giving you the facts.

Quinn is a garbage pick for top lane this current meta.

>Ekko most viable
>Still gets shit on by Irelia

>At least Tryndamere can sustain and have a chance splitpush. And given if the comp is right, can dive into the back line for the enemy carry, can a Quinn do that? Fuck no.
just get a oracle lens and flank lol
sorry you chose the wrong team you dumb jungle jax nigger
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oh no
i uninstalled 8 months ago
but now i feel like playing league again
but i want to sleep
>tfw your team waits until after you die to fight even though you're a 4k health pure tank and you've been fighting for 15 seconds straight
Cait and Vi have had held annual company orgies

She has serious self image issues.

She has canonically sucked Burch's cucksack before.
AP buffs in the assassin update

Any competent Ekko should shat on Irelia with 0 efford.
>not having twitch prime
In the city the OCE server is in. I don't know the exact location but it's likely within a 5 minute drive.
>implying im marcus

>She has serious self image issues.

>tfrw you will never hold Lablonk and tell her that she's a CUTE
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And any competent Irelia shits on a competent Ekko.

Fuck is your point?
>Quinn is a garbage pick for top lane this current meta.
That's not a fact. That's an opinion. Feel free to post yours any time.

>pic related

#5 in her role.
Great win-rate and stats.

Get fucked.
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> tfw you dive the enemy team to buy time while pinging to retreat but your team follows you to certain death
Come play /vg/ vs /vg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nope. If both players are equally skilled, the Ekko player should win.
>on one hand free shit in video games and free shipping on shit
>on the other hand dont play much other vidya and don't have the dosh to pay $99 a year + dont really want to buy anything atm.
yeah it's pretty embarrassing that your ping is worse than a country with internet made of tin cans and string.
Oh please, do go on...
bunch of no names in the room
fuck off
>labonk will never kill you
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>Try Q'ing as Aatrox
>A strong breeze hits me, cancels the Q

>Try Q'ing as Aatrox onto an ulting Galio
>Q completes anyway, knocking him up and canceling his ult

If there's one thing you can say about Riot, they're consistent.
Ill beat ur ass kiddo
>AP buffs in the assassin update
The first half of his Q got a 0.1 AP ratio increase, and his passive damage had its slow removed and damage nerfed after early levels.
Ekko won't have enough AP in lane for that Q change to even matter.
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>unironically using nonames as an excuse to not play with people
>being afraid of playing with people outside your normal friend circlejerk group
>being this pretentious on an online cantonese imageboard forum
get a grip and come play /vg/ vs /vg/
Why are Tryndamere players the best players?
/lolg/... who do we watch stream? We used to watch saint... but who now?
Reminder that LeBlanc is actually an old woman who looks nothing like the champion we see.
Reminder that the character LeBlanc is an illusion that is maintained by the leader of the Black Rose, and the identity has been passed down through generations and has presumably been held by men before.
Reminder that the previous LeBlanc had a romantic fling with Swain before her retirement from the order, and the current LeBlanc is maintaining that fling because Swain doesn't know she's a different woman.
Reminder that the current LeBlanc pretended to be Jarvan for a year, and did a better job at it than the real Jarvan.
Ekko loses to lane fighters.
You might think you're hot shit by beating a few toplaners who have 10-20 games on Irelia, but you're wrong.
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>the existence of carry or feed players
I wish i knew what goes through the head of these people.
reminder none of this is canon anymore and you get anthony cuck lore.
There is one motherfucker who is playing with the worst of the worst just because someone in this thread wanted to play.

You can fucking play a /vg/ (which are usually fun by the way)
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Nice fanfiction there anon.
>the current LeBlanc is maintaining that fling because Swain doesn't know she's a different woman
doujins when
I feel like at this point there's some kind of unwritten law
>If it could under any circumstances interrupt or otherwise neuter the effects of Idol of Durand, then it will always do so under any and all circumstances
Galio needs to get some fucking CC immunity during his ult.
It's not like you can't just literally walk out of it anyway, you just have to click hard enough.
> People STILL think Ekko is hot shit
Holy fuck, he made a bigger trauma than I thought
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designing yordle girls is a bit difficult. Going to add more.
Worst of the worst? How do you know were all bad? Might be actually good at the game
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>There is one motherfucker who is playing with the worst of the worst just because someone in this thread wanted to play.

You can fucking play a /vg/ (which are usually fun by the way)

New guy here, anyone wanna play with me? I'm not lvl30 yet so no ranked

>#5 in he role.

That's 4 other tops that could have been taken over her.

Still garbage for 90% of her team comps, doesn't matter how good her ganks or laning is, when late game hits she's fucking useless.
How is it possible one could be so fucking sad of an individual as he is?
i don't get it
>got auto-filled to support
>wanted to pick soraka but decided to troll my team a bit before that
>they reacted violently, so i decided to troll them by picking ghost cleanse annie to dodge at the last seconds
>some smartass said that since i picked cleanse i would dodge
>i told him that i wanted it indeed but now i would not and that i would instead quit on the 3rd minute
>he said he didn't believe me
>i smirked
>the game started, our mid decided not to connect
>a free remake, free 2 games protected against auto-fill

Can we stop the winrate meem? Galio used to be the highest winrate top lane, they mean nothing.
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sup bbe
>LeBlanc was the one who resurrected Sion
>LeBlanc was also the one who gave Swain the means to control Sion over 100 years later
Foster a sense of community guys
> Those cs
+4 /vg/ vs /vg/
pw: vidya
sirchez is in the game wow!1
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She uses the blood of shitty Mid laners to remain eternally youthful and cute.
How do I survive laning against LB? I feel like she just presses W, does a shitton of damage and I can't do jackshit to her
Why people play Zed, Lee, Shaco in low elo? They're fucking useless, Shaco and Lee should take 0 kills cause they will be shit anyway in late.
Vladimir is the one who does that.
LeBlanc is not a blood mage, or at least not a skilled enough one for immortality, and if she were she would be part of Vladimir's hivemind(In case you forgot, every single master bloodmage in Noxus lives inside Vladimir's blood and they all contribute their knowledge of the art to him).
It's possible that the LeBlanc who brought back Sion was a blood mage, but they are definitely different people because Swain knew about Sion but the current LeBlanc did not.
>not farming the big 300g minions instead
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> Those lee that build damage even when they're 0/5/0
>How do i dodge dodgable skillshots?
Also just aim the circle where she is going back
>not farming both
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Did riot ever make a style guide detailing the consistent yordle designs?

What a fun concept.

Is that estelle walking off in the background?
That's cute af.
Where can I find more of your work?
QRQ is not very dodgeable.
The only way to dodge LeBlanc's burst is to exit the game during champion select.
> Just dodge
Thanks anon, you're always so useful
that wasnt the real sirchez u freakin dolt however that was the real rhux but nobody joined and he got bored and left
>didnt post a screencap
nice b8 m8
>playing /vg/ when you could be playing nexus siege
4 seconds to do that, also what champ do you usually play vs her?
>"Alistar is going to be sooo OP!" - golds and silvers at the end of season 6
>he actually got nerfed but people are too dumb to realize it
>my bull sucks now

feels fucking bad man
>Playing an aram for fun
>The enemy team is playing 5 cancer champs
>Literally have to try because it's impossible to do anything
>Enemy Leblanc main with a 1350 skin talks shit and tells me to work on my build despite this being a fucking aram and I'm playing Udyr
I fucking hate cancer champ players I fucking hate cancer a I fucking hate Leblanc
I fucking got tilted off of an aram game because of Leblanc. Why did they even bother reworking her when she's still the exact same with the exact same combos and the exact same absolute retarded amounts of instantaneous damage that you can't do anything about?
Redemption is my favorite support item. Even if it wasn't as powerful as it is now I'd still build it every game because supports actually have a fun active effect on their items.
I haven't laned against LeBlanc since her rework. I have played her a few times though, and while I'm awful at her I can always fall back on my broken point and click death sentence.
>"Alistar is shit" - literally everyone every pre-season
>ends up pick ban in competitive anyway
he's just not a soloQ champion
You shouldn't have picked my waifu you stupid bandwagonner. Why didn't you listen?
You basically asked "how can i survive lb damage?"
There are 2 options
>You take it
In this case you build tanky, you outdamage her or you die
>You don't take it
There are 2 ways do to that, dodge it or outrange her. But when you will directly fight her you'll still have to dodge it. And even if you are tanky you want to dodge it. So guess what? The answer is dodge it
>ywn play him Jungle again
any nigs in oce still playing?

whats meta rn i need to do my provisional shit
Can you vs vel,xerath, lux?
anything is meta, its oce
>Tank runs around like a retard, takes 3k damage and backs
>Tell him to play a bit passively until we're ready to engage
>"Why I'm a tank look I'm still alive"
>He says as he's now sitting in fountain being totally worthless while he regens

Just because you have 4k health doesn't mean you have to run around like a headless chicken taking needless damage holy fuck
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Which League girl would make the best wife?
>Enemy team blows 12 spells with moderate or long cd on me
>ADC is hitting minions
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Baby back ribs with a lot of BBQ sauce
wheres ponyprancer when you need him?
>yasuo banned every game
i hate silver elos.
yasuo banned but syndra, ryze,viktor, annie, vayne and twitch go unbanned.
>Keep getting really shitty connection issues.
Jesus Riot. Just FIX YOUR SHIT.
>Absolutely terrible at League
>Play Jungle
>Always have a knack for knowing exactly what the enemy Jungler is doing/going to do

It sounds weird, but I'll just be farming Gromp and go "Lee Sin is going to b e Top in 15 seconds", then sure enough I meet him there for the countergank and get a double kill.

Anyone else get this?
Just don't be funny
Literally every jungle main does you retard

>Implying majority of Silver can use those champs to full potential.

Vayne and maybe twitch I can get behind because of late game potential.

But most people will flop with them.

Yasuo is just one of those picks that's complete cancer and no one wants to face no matter how good.
>tfw im a worker
>tfw i wake up at 5am when ive got work that day
>gonna do some quick dailies on wow
>load up
>boot loop
>tfw it's now 930

fuck sake
Yes. It's really frustrating when you warn people too and they ignore you.
i guess. i rape face every game with ryze and people bitch about him op but never banned.
yasuo is he only champion that makes this bad game fun.
You have The Gift.

Now you must hone your skills.
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No I mean, I'm not basing the information from anything that I can notice, I think it's all subconscious or something.

>not wanting him to be banned

He's banned for the same reasons Zed used to be. Doesn't matter if there is "worse." He's just annoying to play against.
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>report someone for going afk and delete them from my friendslist
>they have been in every "suggested players to invite" list in every lobby I've made for days now
Fuck you riot

>I think it's all subconscious or something.

it is
>Trying to get my flex account to Gold so I can move on to solo queue.
>Keep getting rage quitters.
Yasuo is fucking cancer and he constantly distract me while farming with his cancer e, his cancer q, his cancer second q and his cancer ulti.
I don't even lose vs yasuo but he's annoying. I hate his design, his voice and his kit, he's a bad champ with the darius syndrome. When he is on enemy team he rek everyone but when he's in your team he sucks. I just cant stand him as a whole, thats why i ban him 100% of my mid games
/lolg/, any tips for a newfag at playing Amumu?
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And then the 1/10 people who can actually play Yasuo absolutely murder everything. You never know if you're gonna get a B5 paraplegic chimpanzee playing him or Season-3-Faker.
Yes. Push R. You win.
You do realize that's literally how you play the game right
You do realize that's what it means to improve at the game right
You do realize that every jungler is going to have a hunch at that the enemy jungler is doing because they are jungling too
You do realize that the meaning of the phrase "subconscious" means you do it without thinking which is literally the point of trying to improve at anything
/vg/ vs /vg/

Pass vidya

Join and lets shit pick together /lolg/
NEVER go full Tank. Rylai's is the absolute minimum of damage.

Stop playing him.

He's fallen off in all Elos besides bronze.

Play Shyvana, Sej or Grag.
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Not really waifu but its the Champ.
Lel shyvana
Was there ever a time where Gragas wasn't good?
why the fuck is eve so popular now for some reason? did she win a major event or something?
How do you go from
"Can I have top please?"
To "I fucking hate niggers"
>to look like some titcow noblewoman
Every women's dream.

That one time he got gutted after season 2.
You just couldn't see her

yo yi

i advertised that shit and i more than fulfilled it

sorry that sucked though
What does that even mean
believe it or not there are some people who hate niggers that also play top
>Not flat as a board
>Unironically liking flat
>some shithead mouse thing with a blowdart is poking me out of my lane and items dont make sense
I listen ONLY to video game music.
I just bought Illaoi, post some Illaoi pics plz
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great advice, play only metashit, never play anything that you actually wanna play
that's definitely how you have fun playing videogames

to >>162331649
don't be scared of building 2-3 damage items if you're having a good early game

but always look at your own teamcomp to decide what to build, if you have a damage only top/mid then you should probably go full tank (maybe 1 damage item)

don't build damage if you have a shit early game, regardless of team comp

learn how to gank as him, try to use your Q only after they use their escape ability
>urge to racemix: RISING
also always use the snowball summoner spell on ARAM as a melee
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Which champ has the best japanese voice?
I want to fuck Jouji Nakata's voice
When I played mid, yes. Skillshot based champions were my favorite ones to face because they could never hit me. Unlike Katarina and her "Stand anywhere near your wave and I'll hit you with my free point and click harass"(thank god that's gone) or Yasuo and his "Your minions are my minions and I don't even need to land the fucking tornado because I can use it while using my point and click dash lmao"
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[spolier] FAIYA IN ZA HORU [/spoiler]
>play draven
>get flamed by team the entire game
Literally why is this allowed? I thought this was allegedly the biggest game in the world.
>T-the game isn't dying guys
vi not being voiced by Aoi Yuuki was a mistake
Nice spoiler
What is a simple, not-lewd name that I can have that will get cute boys and girls pervs to be my friend.
>nexus siege
The game isn't dying. The support role is because after 7 god damn season Riot STILL does not understand how to make it not garbage.
i succ dicc
But I want to attract dicc succers
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>no one wants to play and carry me ;_;
>Games last 20/50min average
>10 players online at same moment aren't enough, the must have selected the right combination of roles
>No one ever picks support

Either you are retarded or your question is answered.
I wouldn't play normals with faker, why would i play them with you?
What should I make my name, I wanna change it

Something that isn't too memey and is pretty chill
>"Please report X for [a reason that doesn't exist among the options to report somebody for]

Am I allowed to behead these people legally?

Are they too dumb to understand you can report somebody only if he breaks the rules, and not "because I don't like what he does!!"
I'll pick support and you can carry me :v
>report X for being bad

Yeah I don't get it.

Supports in HOTS are a fucking blast.

Dota and League it's really shitty.
Maybe that's why it's such a shit game.
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>see this skin
>every carry is full hp all the time
>you are permanently silenced
>get hit by q every time she gets close

which other skins are like this?
>tfw nobody in my team ever goes tank
i want to fuck that robot goat
>No tank???
>Instalocks elise

How about you play the tank
supports in HotS don't have way less gold than everyone else though. The only league equivalent is ivern
I guess that's part of it. Supports aren't stuck being dirt poor baby sitters for a retard that can't farm.
I main mid
>not playing malphite/galio mid
I'm trying to one trick pony veigar
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Well then don't complain when your team comp is shit because you only play one character
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pls, be something cute!
jinx shard
Corki skin
Urgot champion shard
Or giant enemy crabgot skin shard
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>Getting chased by the enemy team
>Realize the guys I'm running with are more important than I am and we're going to die unless I can buy time for them to escape
>Turn around and boldly throw everything I at the lead pursuer
>My team turns around to fight while I'm wildly pinging retreat
>We all die
>"Umm anon what the fuck was that engage?"

Just fucking run you stupid shits
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hard to imagine that malz is a qt boy...
>renamed myself 'YourTrapGF'

Now hopefully everyone will know my boipussy is open for business and will want to play with me.

Finally I'll have friends....
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>Grabs your carry through the minion wave
>Grabs your mage through the team
>Grabs your assassin away from kills
>Never grabs your tank
>It's him, the full AP monstercrank
>Get mid lane.
>My jungler feeds them first blood... then comes back and feeds them double buffs.
>It's never NOT been this way.

No, seriously, just stay the fuck away from mid.

This was an Eve mind you. I was Vel'koz and they were Ekko. Even with giving Ekko a FREE three kills from Eve I still had more CS.

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Maybe she was doing it intentionally?
>played amumu for the first time today
>enjoyed him
>now feeling lonely

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>If you have Aatrox Passive up and GA and you die, GA will proc before Passive
>Champs who get resets on kills get reset from your passive
>The wiki STILL says he gets tripled W heals when below 50% health (it's only double actually)
>Q, among being the easiest to dodge ability in the game, gets canceled and he drops like a rock if he gets hit with pretty much anything but a Slow

Riot just doesn't give a shit about Aatrox do they.
Who the fuck knows? It's flex. I'm just trying to claw my way to gold so I can leave this cancerous shit behind.

No, seriously, shit like this pisses me off so much. I'm seriously outplaying this guy. Then suddenly it's me holding off midlane 1v3 and Ekko has every advantage force fed to him by my jungler. And I'm STILL doing ok except for the fact Eve keeps fucking up objectives. And NO ONE TAKES ANYTHING.

And their skill level is reported as, "Plat." Jesus fucking Christ I'm just silver and I hate those fuckers so much because they play like such cocky shit and then they JUST play like shit.
but that'll only attract shallow people who only want you for your bp
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if only you know how i hate to lane vs yasuo

even if i won 13/4/16 that game
>Get into aram loading screen
>Enemy team has soraka sona maokai draven vayne
Why can't I ff at 10 seconds?
How the fuck am I supposed to get out of Silver if I'm always against Plats? I just want Gold ffs.
How do I explain to my boyfriend that lux support is not good?
>Pick Xin
>Play like a pussy bitch 1-3
>Level 4 don't all-in him, but hit back if he tries to start shit
>Level 5 shove your spear so far up his ass he can taste it

You're welcome.
i was mid fox and our jungler was xin anyway
why level 5?
It's when you guaranteed start shitting on him.

You wanna be careful about 6, Xin's ult isn't bad but it is HELLA situational. Ideally you want to have some kind of advantage before that point.
Because Yasuo gets an extreme power spike that makes him the strongest champion on the map at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, but not 5.
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wait for a week or so

she is not completely bad though, just tell them to build sightstone because with sightstone and oracles they can both ward and clear their wards

also suggest them to try velkoz/zyra/morgana
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3-6 in placements
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Silver 4
What site is that?
I can't decide wether to buy Katarina or Viktor. Help me /lolg/
Katarina is probably better at the moment, but get whoever you think looks cooler
you are joking right?

katarina is semi-trash, viktor is top meta currently
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I don't fucking know I play top lane but my mids always feed to kat
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MFw0pfjQYY [Embed]
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>Get lux in ARAM
>3 people try to trade me
>One guy gets mad and says he wants to play the new skin
>Tell him I own it too, but pick spellthief anyways
>Spends the whole game crying in all chat that I didn't let him pick lux

This is fun
No shit, you're considering the probability of where the other jungler could be based off your own jungle experience. You're just not smart enough to realize you're doing it. The other jungler is doing the same thing about you. Haven't you wondering why the other jungler just happens to be there to counter gank. Everyone does this, you don't have a special talent, it's basic human decision making.
Shyvana can solo dragon at level 3 now for some reason.
No, didnt want to check the sites in the op post.

pretty much any jungler can provided they've got enough AS and at least a long sword in their inventory.

and smite is up.
>Get a game.
>ADC is DC.
>Try to remake.
>He came back.
>He's 4 levels behind.

Thanks for the loss you piece of shit. Just stay gone next time instead of dragging everyone down with you. Shit.
Don't ever fucking do this again you inconsiderate fuck. If you didn't have the brain size of a fly, you'd make a notepad of those links or not have spaces between each link which just clumps the thread. Fuck you
i fucking hate fizz

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>specifically said in the beginning no matter what dont tilt because we have a superior team fight team.
>mf proceeds to tilt and int
silver players are literally the worst elo in the game. at least gold and up are smarter.

>forgot pic
wrong thread sorry guys.
dont pick ezreal mid then
I've been able to take it with clearing blue buff side jungle with no leash, buy hunter potion from refillable that I started, and go straight to dragon. I run 15% attack speed runes though, but all I have typically is my machete and potion and I take it before 4 minutes.

I'm doing it again the next time somebody asks what music we listen to when we play.

You can't stop me.
this kills the cancer
>playing flex when solo is available
>playing league when dota is available
>tfw no Qemists or Celldweller
Shit taste, sempai.

I just want to get to gold so I can GTFO.
i dont even play mid
i just hate how every game he fucks my mid laner in the ass
So what's the name of that site?
op.gg you scrub
there is no reason to pla yflex when solo is avaialbel. get gold in solo.
>playing dota when R6 Siege is available
>playing R6 Siege when killing yourself is available
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freakin memers
You get a special reward for getting gold+ in both flex and solo, idiot
>Killing yourself when fucking QT jap girls is available

Cell "all my music sounds the same" dweller.

The "OK" Qemists
>killing yourself when drugs are available
that doesnt make any sense and you need to stop believing bullshit.
>fucking qt jap girls when fucking qt korean girls is available
>fucking qt korean girls when fucking qt korean AND japs is available
>fucking girls when you can get fucked yourself instead
>fucking qt korean AND japs when fucking your mom is available
Riot told you in that 2017 ranked message that flashed up on the client you get a reward for getting gold in both ranked systems.
>fucking your mom when you can just fuck your dad instead
What there is two different ranked ladders for solo/flex?

I thought they were the same...
and yet no other info or info outside that messege is present. stop lying.
>fucking your dad when watching your dad fucking your sister is available
Maybe because that message is the only info on season 7 rewards
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>implying japs look better than koreans
>Not fucking both at the same time
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>Not white
Is Jinx good?
>watching your dad fucking your sister when watching your dad get fucked by dozens of strange creepy men at a seedy bathhouse is available
>fucking girls you aren't married to
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Ranked season 7.jpg
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Here you go idiot
Trudle would RIP that SNATCH open!
your special reward for getting gold in flex is an extra chromosome
why the fuck would aoi yuuki voice vi
kill yourself you casual
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guess the champ.png
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Hard mode
y -> x
kayle or diana
Good, I already donated all of mine to papa franku
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Who else do i need?

only qt champions pls
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who can i get that lets me be FUCKING INVINCIBLE
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Sem título.png
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Post ending in 9 decides my Summoner name and the Champion that I will main.
Please don't suggest something offensive that can get me banned.
TSM insec CLG

lee sin
Holy shit fuck you.
sorry, i forgot to mention they have to be fun and not a support

they have to strong and FUCKING INVINCIBLE
what role do you even play
ivern is a jungler
also naut
>not the best jungler right now
You must be silver shitter.
I wish
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she voices gar punch girl
ivern is a support champion, it don't matter what role he is played in. he's there to enable other champions
Ivern is literally one of the best junglers in the game right now
>Last match of bo5
>Both your sololaners are autofilled
>They get ruthlessly stomped 1v1

"We reduce queue times and IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE MATCHES" -Actual fucking tooltip of Autofill warning on the old client
I basically need 2 or 3 champs for each role

I used to play Thresh/Ali/Lissandra for Supp
Draven for ADC
Elise/Eve for Jungle
Shen for Top
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guess the champ lux.png
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close, it's lux
How do you feel about Udyr mains?
I bet you think nunu is a support too
What the fuck is a Lux doing with CDR boots and Nashor's
not him, but he is.
i aint saying he's played bot
im saying he's geared towards enabling plays more than making plays
Then you should rule out just about every tanky champion in the game
>Implying ivern Q isn't one of the best initiators in the game
Jinx is qt and a lot of fun to play in ADC
You need some kinda tank jungler, opinions vary but I think Zac is cute (in a non-sexual way, he's a nice guy who bounces around and eats cupcakes) otherwise you could go sejuani
For top Gnar is cute, and I like Quinn for bullying people and going fast
For Mid I just play Lux and Aurelion Sol
>catch enemy out with Q
>throw giant golem on their face
>it's not a play because he didn't dash around a lot doing true damage!
>Gnar and Quinn
I already hate you and I've never even seen you
Her first item was lich bane
Against a Zyra
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Taric can literally turn invicible.
Vi, with shields on shields on shields, can feel invincible.
Yasuo is a bit overloaded with a shield that restores itself by walking, double crit, no resources, and short cooldowns.
Gnar is a bit unique and can sustain well enough.
Poppy top lane is almost a free win come late game.
I don't actually own gnar, and I usually play mid/jungle
Quinn is my personal cancer though, shit's great
I don't understand why there's ghosts in this image?
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im not scared of the 3/0 ivern
im scared of the 3/0 [insert typical tank]
because although they both have the same bonus gold, iverns kit doesnt lend himself well to being damaging even when ahead

you enabled your teammates to kill an out of positioned carry
did you technically kill them? yeah. but if it was just you and that out of position carry, you wouldn't do anything to them other than spook him or buy time for your carries
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Who was in the wrong here?
>3 aram S ranks in a row (morg, eve, leona)
>didn't even have a chest to earn with that 3rd S

Why can't I play like this every game?
Old fiora

New fiora is the "ghost one"
shit game
>im not scared of the 3/0 ivern
we already established you're silver buddy, no need to rub it in
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Who cares
>Have no problems getting S ranks pre rank 5
>Can never get S ranks once I hit rank 5
I don't get it
but there's 2 ghosts
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Is she good for carrying by the way?
Personally I prefered old Soraka when her heals didn't sap HP and she could restore mana, but she's still pretty good. I think.
nothing he could do, there were 4 enemies right there waiting for him to kill them

>get S/S+ all the time on champion
>get level 6
>only S- ever
I don't even have a rank 5 champ
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I dont see it, or im just blind

She is good i would say, but you need to practice a litte against bruisers/tanks, because she is weak early against them. In late, she destroys them. Her true damage is so busted in mid-lategame. I could easily melt a 5k hp udyr
New to this game. There are literally over 100 characters, how do I know which ones to choose? Do I just go for whoever seems the most waifuest/coolest or something?

Tried out most of the champion rotation, kind of like Jana but I can't tell if I'm bad with her or bad at the game.
>I want to be invincible, by which I actually mean I want to snowball and deal damage instead of being tanky
You won't be able to tell If you're good or bad at the game this soon. Just pick w/e seems cool/cute
Literally go for whoever seems the most waifuest/coolest
It's the only way to have fun in this shithole

What kinds of characters/playstyles do you like in other games?
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2 ghost.png
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i want to be like the SENATOR

fuckin nerds dont play any games other than league
>Flex is filled with trolls and assholes.
>Switch to solo queue.
>There's two duo.
>Both duo know each other.
>They all feed and laugh and spam emotes.
>First game of placements is a loss.

Oh good.
I dont rly have a clue

maybe ask the artist
Just pick whoever you want and play them.

My first week in I played nothing but shyvana top and Ahri mid because they looked hot. Now I'm an Ahri main
I generally go for supports or off tanks. Either that or whoever has a really big hammer for massive damage. Don't care if the attack speed is slow as shit, I will always pick the biggest weapon.
What do I build swain top? Do I really need to rush RoA? Is tear on swain good? Should I go damage or tank swain? Why does he do such a low damage and has such low attack damage? Hitting last hits is almost impossible without tryharding
>support, off-tank
>massive hammer
Have you considered Poppy? She's really cheap, too
Seconding poppy, I think you'll like her.
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You just kinda look for characters that match hat you're used to or want to feel like

If you want the ultimate BIG MOTHERFUCKER JUGGERNAUT then you play Sion.

if you the full healslut experience you play Soraka.

If you want to be a wizard, look for magic heavy characters like Veigar, Syndra or Ryze.
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Fuck, this guy is fun.

Just don't let Cris pick Yasuo into you holy shit I went 1/10 against him last game.
This has become a joke at this point. I'm just laughing.

People just saying "bye" and disconnecting, poppies literally knocking people to safety in close lategame teamfights, literally silver adc's who don't know how to farm and have no business being in games with otherwise plats and diamonds, and of course go 2/8, thing after thing.

Holy shit.

Just tell me to carry harder and all that usual shit, but I've honestly seen horrors in my games so far this season and it's like every game so far.
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>Solid tanks that fuck shit up:

>Solid Tank/Bruisers

>Solid Tank Supports

>Solid Supports
are you posting from an etch-a-sketch?
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>wanted to play Vi when starting out because of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpyMQWHBDbE
>shes a jungler and horrible for entry level players
>3 months later still dont feel comfortable enough to try playing her or the jungle role
Works most of the time I guess.
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is that an adc gf
is reksai one of those champions that's only good at challenger level

i have a fucking knock-up and enough damage to compete in a really serious tickle fight. if no one on my team is fed enough to wreak havoc in my up-to-1s stun, i'm useless.
Oh, I thought Poppy was the one with the gun thing that jumps around. I guess I got them confused. I'll give her a spin, why not right? She's even free right now so it's perfect timing!

Oh, this guy seems FUN looking at his skills. I gotta try him when he's available too.

Blitzcrank and Janna I've used already. Man, Blitzcrank isn't as tanky as I'd expect a tank to be? I'm not saying I expected to be shrugging off blows left and right, but I basically melted in 3 seconds as Blitzcrank instead of 1 second as Janna. Maybe I was using the wrong items or I was against an anti-tank character or something though. Thanks for the list though, gotta look up these characters.
Why is there always that one guy that's always "picking" a champion instead of just locking it in and not waste everyone's time for 50 seconds?
its old art

that's her old ult
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Bets again?
>0/5/1 Yasuo
>Completes a crit item and FM
>Kills you in 4 seconds while permaslowing you

This is truly the most fun you can have in league of legends
Trying to decide if they should play them or not.
Or possibly fixing their masteries.
>friends start playing league
>dont want to play, anti-ASSFAGGOTS
>played a lot of ksp, browsed kspg
>huge get in kspg
>one of the comments is a visitor from here, lolg
>someone asks who has the best porn
>person replies fizz
>cum buckets
>decide to play league and main fizz
>still have the most mastery points on him despite playing other champions much more now
you are a degenerate, but at least you stick to your values so I guess thats alright.
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>When your team congratulates you for carrying the match even though you're just playing something like Thresh or Shen.
Tryndamere is actually really wonky, imo. You build attack speed and crit on him and just run at people and auto them to death. His skills are only particularly good at dueling, so he tends to just stay in top lane all game and push, and kill anyone who comes to stop him/run away if more than one person comes. He's not as popular as other champs that do this like Fiora or Riven because those champs have more playmaking potential (Fiora can parry incoming attacks and dash around, Riven is THE mechanically intensive duelist champion)
He DOES have a really big weapon though.
did you add her and find out?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
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I don't even know what to say to this.
I didn't even realize Fizz had an appreciable amount of porn.
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this adc has an owner
>Pants are Dragon
red team

How is Vi horrible for entry level players? She's one of the easier ones. As long as you hit your Q you're golden, just punch people to death.
fuck I got leblanc in an aram and haven't played her since her update
how does she work now?
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Damn, full aspeed build looks fun as fuck.
Tryndamere is fun in my opinion
I like to solo drake, solo ancient drake and sometimes solo baron.
I like to explode squishy target in any way possile. I like to take 70% of someone hp with one aa and 1v1 some champs when i only have 100 hp and no ulti but still winning, i like to kill someone under turret even when im 1v2 or 1v3, i like to go 1v5 and still get a kill. Man i fucking like playing trynda.
But fuck teemo that fucking midget
red obz
Should I get Kled or Camille?
>they don't take the three kings of the top lane for easy wins

What are you talking about, Boxer Pete is a 1 trick tryndamere and crushes every other toplaner NA
>Play Vayne Only
I HAVE 1000 RP




furry/whatever fizz is (monster?) and a mild wetting fetish (never crossing however, i find art of wetting repulsive. not diapers but like pants/jeans/underwear) are the extent of my degeneracy. Beyond being gay and shitposting on a lithuanian shoe manufacturing forum, of course. And of course, no one knows about either fetish because I'm not degenerate enough to share it.

He has a decent amount but a small chunk is straght nami/fizz, and another chunk is ecchi. some of it is just terrible. there's a decent amount of good porn but it pales in comparison to most other champinos
I meant more in respect towards the Jungle role for an entry level player. I knew nothing about cs'ing let alone map awareness, ganking lanes, camp timers or anything in the jungle really. You don't really want to start out there. I know I probably could've tried just playing her top lane to have fun but the game is pretty nerve racking early on. I didn't want my team thinking I was a flamer for playing a different role champion in lane.
surprise party fiddle
>that tittle
memes have gone too far
it used to be just "fists of the southerner"
Ah. Yeah, you can't really play jungle until level 10, but once you unlock smite it's fine. Nobody knows anything pre-30, just learn as you go.
I mean he warned everyone beforehand.
>Nobody knows anything pre-30, just learn as you go.
smurfs do
I miss devourer. Sure, it was impossible to balance and encouraged """"unhealthy""""" play, but it allowed for interesting off builds/off roles on certain champions

Also, the only way you'll ever be good at something is by being bad at something.
Make sure you have proper runes (AD or attack speed quints, AD reds, armor yellows, mr blues (these are a good general set for all ad champions)) and proper masteries (just check champion.gg) and just go for it. /mute all, gift your mid laner blue after you kill it once and they're not feeding, and just get good
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How do you feel about Gragas mains?
>hime cut girl with big tiddies



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>Get on OP.GG earlier today to chevck my MMR.
>MMR is better than last years at 1,403 likely to be placed in silver 2.
>Get excited and confident.
>6 wins and 3 losses in my placments.
>Go to check my MMR now.
>997 MMR, Likely placed in bronze 4.


I'm smiling, but the tears are rollin, I'm a broken man once again this season.

Win or lose, it don't matter, none of this matters.
Im starting to do that in normals but Im definitely glad that I learned ADC first. Gave me a good handle on laning and some teamfighting beforehand. Definitely feel much better about transitioning to a non lane role now that Ive learned one.
>league of legend can't establish internet connection
>as I'm watching streams
op.gg means shit

if you are silver you go to bronze
Curiosity, what's better?
15 ap + 8 magic pen or just AP reds and quints (which i think is like 24 ap)

Also, for mid lane - armor yellows or flat HP yellows?
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>[16:49] Me (Lee Sin): Rammus care, Hecarim in my topside jg
>[17:06] faggot69 (Rammus): o
>Try Flex.
>It's filled with insufferable feeding faggots.

>Try Solo.
>It's actually worse.

No, fuck this game. I'm so fucking done.
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>no occult detective champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
mid lane current meta generic build - red mpen, yellow scaling hp, 3 blue scaling mr, 6 blue scaling cdr, ap quints
Burch is busy copying other literature and media, he'll get to yours soon enough.
>5 games in a row where my team gets utterly stomped with no relief in sight

Shen fits this bill well.
>tracks down the most elusive criminal in Ionia
>fights spirits other people can't see
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I'm one of them and I generally stopped playing the game, because riot nerfed all my junglers to the trash (Udyr, J4)
Same. I just wanted a win before I stopped but I really can't take another troll or clown.
I just came back from a game using Poppy and wow, she's pretty fun. She's got such an infectious personality too, it's hard not to like her. I got some minor complaints like the range of her Q and stuff and I basically fed the enemy team but I still enjoyed using her a lot.

Not entirely sold on her ultimate though. It's pretty cool, but I feel like if you misjudge how much HP the other guy has you just knock them back so far they can just run away. I guess it has some use in removing someone from a team fight or disrupting skills that need to charge though?
>ip gains are fucked and it takes too long to get every champion or even one rune page
>if you criticize this riot defense force comes out with "ummm riot needs to make money somehow try again sweety ;)"
flex queue premades are at the worst. every game has a poor duoq/trioq that say things like "group with us" "chill" while making 0 impact on the game. i dont understand if thats possible to actually suck at a game and group while sucking at the game
Don't let it wind up and it's just a knockup.
>already lost 3 games of placements
>i was plat 4
>determined to get diamond
>Shen receives another VGU
>"Turns out giving him a giant floating sword didn't really do much to make him feel more like a ninja. So, in order to make Shen feel more like a ninja we're turning his giant floating sword into a giant floating gun. Shen is the League's first tank marksman..."
>"To match the more modern and realistic Ionia of today, Shen has undergone a complete visual redesign."
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Sent. We'll see.

theyre diamond though, they probably don't want anything to do with a platshitter.

Maybe if I get diamond too!
use it as a knockup or ult away the front line


damn... I thought you were the one
I genuinely don't know how I haven't been banned yet

I clash with at least one of my teammates in literally every single defeat, usually the adc (I swear to god adc mains have issues)

I end up muting them because I know that if I keep arguing I'm going to slowly get angry and use mean evil words that are forbidden on the fields on justice

I actually called my adc "garbage" in the last game but that's the only time I broke the rules, I'm clean otherwise

Still I expect to be banned because you can get banned for literally anything that is remotely offensive in this game, just like one of my smurfs got CR even though the only things that are SLIGHTLY POSSIBLY offensive I said were "move the fuck up" and "shut up"
>Its the episode where your team(mate(s)) charges into fed enemy blob and yell in all chat who you didnt help them miles away


>waah look at tops damage
Jesus fuck, its like they claim that damage done in a already lost fight matters
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you wont find me saying anything to those players. if i said that to them i would lose my account. i say im sorry for not grouping when they said im not grouping and thats the end of that issue. i try changing my music station after a serious problem too
jayce vs ekko who wins
Skill matchup
Jayce if he's smart
is dft a viable choice on darius if i want to be a huge asshole but not enough of an asshole to assfuck them with stormraiders?
Draven or Jhin lolg? I can't choose
Draven has buffs on the PBE, so it might be worth picking him up.
sounds awful
both are fun desu
that's pretty much what I've changed recently

I used to not mute anybody because I didn't take offense from anything due to my non-existant self esteem, unless it was an insult directed at my elo

But now I direly need to mute people when they start annoying me, because 1) It actually bothers me unlike before, 2) I know I'm going to get banned if I argue.

Maybe it's because I've stopped taking antidepressants so my ego is reacting, but I've muted more people this week than in the last 3 years.
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Well I only played Udyr in Season 5 and early S6

got me to D3, before gutting
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my absolute negro
>gain selfesteem
>get assmad at retards insulting you
what does it mean?
got what you deserved dirty lee sin picker
even if it doesn't work, at least you'll have closure instead of wondering "what if"
If I am playing Ori and there is no healing in the game, do I still complete morellonomicon first?
That follows though, because he has enough self-worth to get angry at people insulting him.

The next step is to stop giving a shit about retards, and honestly, the mute button makes that pretty easy.
morello is completed for cdr not for griveous wounds
Morellos is the right choice about 90% of the time for all mages that use mana. Just look at its fucking stats. The healing reduction passive is strictly a bonus effect.
Dom was extremely salty.
Pants was apathetic, maybe he's autistic who knows.
>want to practice champion i'm bad at, sub level 5 champ mastery
>lane against mastery 7 one trick
>in a normal

She can't talk back
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Hows Yoric anon?
go morellos into deathcap
why did you stop csing?
>3/5 of your team picks troll shit (yi support, full tank teemo adc, first time shaco)
>but they all try to win, play smart and go for objectives
>win in a fucking stomp

i love platinum/low diamond
If by deathcap you mean rylai's then yes
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Morello into deathcap was better before rylai got nerfed and there is no reason to get rylai second or at all after its nerfs.
First times I've ever played Yorick, ever.

Loss was Cris playing Yasuo. I got outplayed in lane and cost my team the game, completely. Everyone else was positive except for me going 1/10 and getting pissy and not grouping for the last fight.
Not that grouping mattered, I'd already lost my team the game.
>mai waifu
you deserve it
Rylai's was buffed not nerfed
I mean, the slow was hardly nerfed for the majority of mages because they never got 40% anyway, but the powerspike and slowt efficiency are worse now that it lost so much AP.
It lost health and ability power lmao
jesus christ if you still build rylai on ori you're retarded
rylais was not buffed

it was made cheaper but give less stats and slow less. it was downgraded.

grievous wounds is not why you get morellos
it's for the 100 ap, 400 mana, and the refund passive.

ori only bought rylais because it was good on every mage. it gave a shit ton of ap and a shit ton of health. the slow really was just a nice little bonus. she doesnt need a 20% slow.
anyone thats not a fotm meta sheep and actually plays ori knows this

deathcap is the correct choice
I'm looking for a long range mid champ that is not ziggs. Also not mechanically difficult like Syndra.
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Lulu is CUTE!
syndra isn't mechanically difficult in the slightest
Which makes it buffed as a second item since you get it sooner.
Lux, ya dummy.
"No Fun. Ever."
"8 game losing streak"
"Gundam FEED"
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I was hoping league of legends changed but it hasn't at all

>guess I'll reinstall for season 7
>go ap carry botlane because fuck adcs
>ahri and jayce lose their shit
>naut is a bro, shit on botlane, take first tower
>jayce losing to aatrox, died twice
>ahri died twice to karma
>roam mid, btfo karma
>type "muh meta"
>take mid tower
>roam top, btfo aatrox under tower
>type "muh meta"
>jayce and ahri start making excuses like "well this is low elo" and "im tired lol"
>add them both after game
>message them "muh meta"
>miss every q
>your point and click ult is now stronger
syndra sure is difficult
>league of assassins
>don't have finger coordination to play assassins
Feels bad man
But it's not an effective use of the item slot or the gold. Ori doesn't need the slow, and the stat's aren't good enough to buy it.
>falling for the "assassins require skill" meme
>2017 BC
it's ok you can still pick kz and bind all keys together
Easiest champions to use by fucking far, only hard role in league is Adc.
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>only hard role in league is Adc.
No it isn't.

Pick a mage for the bottom role, shit on people

ad "carries" are a fucking meme

mages can
Defend towers better
Clear waves better
Kill assassins better
Do more damage to more people

waste of gold
I just got carried by a Vayne that got a Pentakill. Mages can't do that.
can you post your elo so that we can disregard your shitty posts as irrelevant

>Mages can't do that.
Goddamn that's an old ass image. This is 2016 and good luck getting a pentakill as a mage when nexus is at 100 hp.
Akali is an assassin and all of her damage is point-and-click
>they dont play the premiere adc remover and tankbuster
the entire point of that post is saying that adc is hard. your entire post shows how fucking easy mages are in comparison. congrats autist.

Vel'koz is mechanically hard because if you don't land your E, your entire damage is gone since you need the whole E-W-Q combo to do relaible damage. I'm excluding ult obviously cause that can be hit kind of easily, but syndra's too is easy to hit since it's lock on target.
Adcs are hard because they are shit
they have no early game, they have shit lategame when they get deleted instantly from longrange mages/assassins/tanks
varus my mane
adcs are hard because they have to play against all the piss easy malignant tumor champions that populate every other role nowadays who can effortlessly kill them faster than instantly without needing anywhere near the same amount of items or even needing to build damage items at all
thats not "hard" that is "tedious" my friend

by picking "ranged carries" you are becoming a "burden" for your "team" in the game known as "league of legends"
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>Get placed plat 2, was Diamond 4 last season
>Get shit on most matches on top, when I don't I'm not able to do enough to win
>Enemy supports carried 4 out of the 16 matches I played
>Lost 6 in a row already, pure luck that I didn't drop yet
Holy shit I don't know how I can do this, I'm actually fucking bad at this game.
I'm probably getting high diamond and one trick ponies, those niggers are like another league above. Send fucking help
Hmm Lux is a good idea. I don't have elementalist thought so people will know I'm a noob
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Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
>The Rylai's change hit a few champs hard, with Azir, Taliyah, Viktor, Malz and Vlad being the noteworthy ones. A number of other champs don't seem to have been significantly affected (e.g. Kennen, Morde, Zyra) or are doing at first glance doing better in the new environment (e.g. Swain, Zilean).

What are they talking about? I'm a viktor maij, never built rylais, ludens, always hit my abilities

Why are they implying viktor ever needed rylais and got hit "hard"? They're gonna buff hik again and I'll have to watch my main be fotm banned AGAIN
Why did katarinas "skill" get removed but riven gets to keep her absolutely retarded auto cancel shit that allows her to attack faster than she should be able to
people will know because you have no mastery
>good luck getting a pentakill as a mage when nexus is at 100 hp.
Nexus shouldn't be at 100hp
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>when the system knows who the real baddies are and they dont get an S
I dont even need that retard fiora. Game would've been won easily if leona could just land her first Q of any teamfight
Start playing jungle again and maybe pick up a jungler that can actually carry Armstrong.
absolutely nothing is hard in league if you're gonna define hard in such an autistic manner. makes it even more sad that you're probably gold 4 or lower doesn't it
You bronze or something? Your build is useless
I really hope you lose every single game you play. That build is so bad I cannot believe you even went positive in bronze MMR with it. Jesus.
>building AS on mf
>calling Fiora retarded
>complaining about your support
>that build on MF
New thread when?
Thats a good idea, I got fucked many games because of retarded junglers
Whats good right now other than Vi and Hecarim?
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I'm just building reactively. The duo kept getting caught out of position so I gotta defend the already destroyed mid lane

Funny story, during champ select, the duo thought I must've been a gold for picking MF
>tfw my diamond border sparkles against their high gol- I mean plat shit

I'd build full damage but leona cant land a stun to save her life

both top lanes were 0-0-0 at 16mins. Do I need to remind you that nasus was the enemy top?

>shitters in lolg are basing their impression on final item builds
No wonder you guys are just gold/silver shitters last season
Assasins like Kha and Rengar.
Zac is also pretty good right now.
I didn't post that

I'm still playing jungle

Ivern and Shyvana are busted right now I can't pick better than this
I actually enjoy being autofilled.
it feels like the old system where I hope I get my main role but I'm incentivized to keep my other role skills relatively sharp.
plus being autofilled ads some spice into my games.
Welp here goes my hard-earned 4800 IP on Viktor...
diamond is just as shit as silver my dude. i know your ego trip might not let you see it but truth is objective
of course youre diamond, nobody cares
that build is fucking bronze though
wait what the fuck
everything in my hextech loot page is empty but yesterday night when I made a few keys I had like 5 skin shards, a ward shard, a few hextech gem things and like 6-7 champ upgrade things.

1-3 play league until i get 6300 ip (at 5300 now, no fwotd)
4-6 watch a movie
7-9 go to sleep
0 kill myself

it's worth
his e is like rumble's ult but shorter cd so easier to get used to
ghost + flash, ignite is overrated
finish your hex core first, upgrade E->Q->W
start Q, auto Q auto for easy thunderlords level 1
starting ability order is Q - E - E - W max R>E>Q>W
i personally like 30%-40% cdr viktor now that rylais is nerfed and is dogshit on viktor, that build is:
Finshed hex core -> sorc/CDR boots -> morellos -> lich bane (situational) -> situational (usually void and deathcap)

the second part of vik's E is hard to hit, but you can essentially one shot caster minions as soon as you get it

save your W for ganks or self peel, using it aggressively isnt worth it
watch your mana, you're mana hungry early.

the build listed above gives viktor a retarded amount of mana
What's the point of Kindred's ult, exactly? It's nice that no one on your team can die but it seems a little pointless if no one on the enemy team can die too. It seems super situational and probably needs other champions with knockback abilities to really work?
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