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league of legends general /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 727
Thread images: 250

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Sivir is the best girl! edition


you mean the worst?
Sivir needs more gentle lewds instead of all the rape and futa rape that she has now
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>leather gloves

everyone laugh at the poorfag
can you actually get banned for client side skins now
you can't live up to the hammer, she doesn't want you

>implying gloves are an indication of wealth
xth for comfyscape

Post bank
fuck heartseeker quinn gimme poolparty quinn
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I did maintenance

Supposedly, Yes.
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>boosting friend's account
>he got placed in bronze III
>lose promos to bronze II
>get a msg that says I get a free win in my next promos

what the fuck is this casual shit
Why the fuck would you go through the trouble of getting reignover and piglet on your team if you were just going to sign golden glue? How does he keep getting chances, he's consistently been a weak link ever since he was on Dig.
that's not me, i quit in like 2011
unless they added non rfd gloves
I dunno about that but any modification may make new client unplayable
I did the workaround to it to get other languages on na, and it wouldnt load anything anymore.

Who are you referring too?

Who signed based Piglet?
>he's still going
fuck you
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Put Ahri higher, she has Korean thighs.

I got first ass vote.
I know someone already said it, but I don't think Ashe is deserving of anything but like a C. Unless it's Project.
>Viktorfags BTFO yet again

b-but comically evil russian scientist that wants to turn everything into machines is a morally gray character
>lolg tells me kindred's ass is huge
>check the model on lolking
>it's literally flat
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Fuck marry kill
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But what will they do to Fiddle's lore?
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everything's gonna be alright
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Just let them be wrong, anon. We all know who's really got the fatty.
t. Lee Sin
Leona is nice
How will you know who my waifu is if i don't post her?
silver of the moon
apart from viktor jhin and camille are there any other robot/cyborg characters?
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can i at least listen through the door?
>playing ranked while tripping on 3gs of shrooms

this was a GREAT idea
jhin's not actually cyborg or anything
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objectively better riven
>letting her get raped
even for a cuck, that's a bit much mah dude
>ywn hug a warm leona
>ywn feel her peach fuzz on her arms raise up from goosebumps

>le i'm so le doing le drugs face xD


worse than people who say '/all whoah im pretty high'
What the fuck is the point of locking off summoner spells?

Just makes leveling more annoying.
do i dodge.
>my thighs when
Orianna and Blitzcrank are literally robots
blitz is literally a robot
This post is pretty disgusting.
who is orianna
I'll probably lower Ashe one more notch.
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I need to BREED Camille!
tfw lost a winstreak of 9 to a feeding premade

lolg actually tells that her thighs are huge not her ass
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Holy shit, finally fucking done with all my finals. And I bullshitted one of them, so I'm probably going to get a bad grade for it. Oh well, time to relax.

How's everyone doing this fine day?
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nobody is gonna call you a normie
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>have to wait a year and some months for a kled skin
>it will be shit
>playing placements during the first week
"your climb beigins at bronze 4 this season"
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I did another check up on any one in the lower ranks.

Ashe demoted. Ahri and Kayle were promoted.
>Being a pussy
>listing males
u gay kid?
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this is. acceptable
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Never give up, Anon.

Kled skin where he's riding a corgi WHEN?
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>Sejuani is a huge fucking nerd

Why is nobody talking about this?
Are you denying the sheer power of Pantheon's legs?
Bullet is a basic bitch and an ANAL slut
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Grinding a new account is hard work. So'll I'll take a break.

Post ending in 6 decides which of any champion I fap to.

>le bwong face

holy shit riot is so reddit


Garen x Kat lewds
lookin good so far. Singed could go in Z if you really wanted
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cumming inside a fox hole tonight, anon
if his legs are so strong why's he so shit
check mate
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This image
There are a lot of foxes in the area where I live, so I guess I could try catching one
In a bizarre twist, Panth skipped arm day.
As you wish, anon~
He didn't do weights

He made every leg day and then more
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They said he is morally gray though. Viktorfags problem isn't making him a villain, it's making him a 1d mustache twirling one like Singed which riot acknowledged was wrong. He is a dark idealist basically.

>he is a dark idealist basically

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>kindred isn't THICC

Lamb certainly has the whole species thing to her advantage but Camille's got the whole cyborg thing on her side as well.
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If you read original lore, he was morally grey and even riot in their forums admitted. Why in the world do you want him to be a 1d character? Agian the problem isn't making him a villain like for the greater good but questionable methods kind, its making him psychotic insane murder.
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Its a sad day when Zed's a more interesting character simply because they made him a literal super villain
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Holy shit.

This right here? This is autism. Not 4chan "lel autistic XDD" autism, no. This is legitimate, medical grade autism. This is what mothers everywhere fear when they find out they're pregnant. This is what gets put up for adoption because parents "aren't ready for this type of responsibility". This is what Midwest American idiots think comes as a result of vaccination. This is what kills families. This is what kids think of when they hear "slow". This is fucking autism. You are so fucking reported. I can't believe you bring this shit in here again and again and again. You listen here you underaged shitdicked little cumguzzler: THIS. ISN'T. FUNNY. It's not cute or charming or something that gives people a smile, it's a waste of time, a waste of space, and an eyesore. You make me worry, really really worry about the state of my generation where the hell is our world gonna go if it's run by shit-stained cuntminds like you that have NO originality and NO creative drive AT ALL. You contribute nothing at all to this board, nothing at all to your fellow peers. You are worse than a dumbass my asinine little friend, you are a black hole of faggotry and stupidity. You suck in the people around you and corrupt them with your cancerous posts. Your very existence is robbing this world of all things good. Leave this place, sell your computer, give the money to someone with brains who can wisely use it, and then kill yourself you waste of life. Die.
Hopefully the Viktor side lore will be better. Riot did say Jayce was unreliable narrator but to what extent is the question.
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Nice pasta, did your mother bake it for you?
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i want to kill myself after this loss
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That as a god fap session, anon~
Her midriff made me stay for a second round, but I got it done :^)
>he was morally grey

He was your generic evil bastard with a "sad" background to make people feel bad for him.

>turn people into machines
>remove their emotions

literally your perfect concoction for villain, he's also called fucking Viktor out of all things and his ingame dialogue is basically "I'm your generic villain, please be afraid".

Basically Riot created a trash tier villain, released a trash tier story with him and some retards on the internet took it and twisted into something they liked
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Damn it, now I'm hungry for pasta.

>literally fapping to a flat broad with no ass
Hetshits were a mistake.
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ohayou /lolg/!

What are your in game goals for today?! Mine is to stop being a salty toxic piece of shit when I lose.
get first win of the day
Viktor was interesting until Jayce came around. Viktor only turned people whom wanted to be turned because they believed in his evolution ideals. I can actually link you some threads with old lore evidence if you want. You just sound like you really hate a fictional character for some reason.
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Not gonna rape my waifu~
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Hit rank 5 with Edgelord: Lord of Edge and possibly start my placements.
>I can actually link you some threads


what else are you going to link me? support ticket answers?
Improve myself a little bit because my mechanics went from silver I to bronce I after I leaved the game
You really don't know what you are talking about and are not even addressing my main points.
Does anyone else here get sick of carrying games? Sometimes I just want to have a relaxing game top and let the whole team carry me instead of people feeding and having to take control of the game
Not that guy but just because a character is originally bad does not mean they have to be constantly bad. Look at Sinestro and Doom for example, they started off as pretty generic.
Doesn't matter what you actually think since you're retarded enough to spout shit like Viktor was interesting.

He was yet another generic and badly written character in this game before and after Jayce came along.
Did you roam and help the rest of your team snowball when you're already ahead? Macro game is super important and the most damage dealt isn't always the most important stat
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Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
You are in the minority then.


Viktor has tons of fans and you are not even arguing with me at this point. Just saying waaah i dont like viktor he is so generic!!!!
I did that much damage because I roamed to every lane
Besides the jungler and adc went afk like 3 times in the game
I just wanted to vent out :^(
Lulu a shit, she's not viable even as a support.
There are a lot of retarded faggots in the world like you indeed, you didn't need to link a shitty poll to prove it.

And the actual minority are people that care about a character like Viktor and whatever retcon he may face. The majority could care less about him.

If you could gather together enough brain cells to make a proper survey you will find out most people that have played this game would view Viktor as your generic evil scientist based on how he looks and what he says in game.
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Why are Tobias Fate and qtpie the only streamers who listen to good music?

Every other streamer either listens to trash-tier edm, weeb shit, or plays youtube links from donations, which are always troll shit.
I provided evidence contrary to that and you are not addressing it. For sake's even riot admits he is morally grey. Stop trying to make something seem like what it is not.

>There are a lot of retarded faggots in the world like you indeed, you didn't need to link a shitty poll to prove it.

Dude, you are seriously condescending. STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE. What is wrong with you?
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>Watching hashinshin (ironically)
>His playlist starts playing Ghost
>He quickly switches songs
>Close his stream without hesitation
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Well done my skelly brother
Everyone is young and the early mid 20s have the god tier taste in music. Love the classic late 90s to early to mid 2000s hip hop music that qt listens to. Grew up on that shit
Tobias Fate listening to Ghost while playing Karthus was the reason I started watching him regularly.
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How good are your games going /lolg/? I just lost 3 games in a row the kayle akali and renekton games.
I don't mind Annie bot just playing video game music
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>tfw no Syndra to step on face
post fav albums and mains

lego legends

its pic related and shen
DFT or thunderlords on ziggs?

Thunderlords seems good for upfront burst, but DFT seems like it'd add more damage since his poke is so frequent

>Annie bot and Tobias started duo queuing regularly.
Its kinda adorable actually.
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Words is traitorous bastards
DFT sounds fine but mines would be fairly good for ez thunderlords proc in my opinion.
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>Video game music

This is the one album I've listened on repeat for literally two years straight and still haven't gotten sick of.

Riot will say whatever they have to say just to please their retarded fanbase. Are you new to dealing with them or just stupid?

They have been going on about how everything will not be white and black from now on. It actually doesn't matter since they still release garbage. Zaun and Piltover, Demacia and Noxus will all be full of these morally grey characters soon enough right? You just wait!

In the end Riot also understands that their game comes first and characters need to show cohesion. That why Warwick is no longer Singed's master, why Lux's "tragic" backstory will be buried for something and so on just so they can fit what they are in game. So Viktor will be your generic villain because that's all he can possibly be.

Remember Xerath? A sad story that tries to explain why he's a complete psycho is all you'll get. And those that cry on their forums will hate it.
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Here, ya cuckboi, now that's two less for ya.
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Reminder that shyvana is omnisexual and can breed with ANYTHING that moves
Time for video game music?

Witcher 3 has a good soundtrack
No, they only said that about Viktor because they agreed with he evidence provided to them in the forums. I understand you hate Viktor but don't pretend you know what you are talking about.

We have to wait for Viktor side lore but the fact that Riot has time and time again said Viktor is morally grey is evidence they never wanted him to be a 1d character.

Moreoever, why do you want viktor to be a 1d character?
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Dirty slut probably has a pregnancy fetish too.
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Not my fav but I've been listening to it a lot recently

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>Game music
But anon she already said her womb is my property
I want to watch as she gets IMPREGNATED by TRUNDLE
How would you balance Janna?
Fuck the Overloading magmaworm that shit is god damn awful for any melee character
With my dick.
By have her sit on my lap
who is it even
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
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That's why you get frost relic and chargefield anon.
>inb4 it crashes the game!
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Poison Synthesis.jpg
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>no qt spider champion

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I want Shyvana to sit on my face!
ayyyy my nigga

>being evil is being a one dimensional character

I know this meme about how everyone is the hero of their own story got popular lately so everyone wants that for every character they like follows it. What actually matters is how well written he is, something that Riot has been incapable of doing for years and years.

The story that came out with Viktor is proof of this since it's just uninspired shit. Over the years I've seen people vehemently argue about things they couldn't possibly know like how it would be completely illogical for Viktor to steal from Jayce because he got robbed in the past so he knows how that feels and hypocrisy is an unknown concept for us. Or how Viktor will never force anyone to convert to machines because he's cool like that. Basically creating a character that fits their narrative out of a vague background.

Now Riot will release some new story about him and is almost impossible for them to make it worse than what they did on release since at least trying to write something that fills more than one page is better than a vague character description.
Riot has provided some good lore, look t bligeewater.

>Or how Viktor will never force anyone to convert to machines because he's cool like that.

Or you know because that goes against old lore? It wasn't vague in this sense at all.

>Now Riot will release some new story about him and is almost impossible for them to make it worse than what they did on release since at least trying to write something that fills more than one page is better than a vague character description.

Whatever you say viktor hate :)
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By the way the problem isn't with making Viktor a villain, its making him one without depth. Why can't you understand this?
Is there a /vg/ club?
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Yes but you have to post butt to get in.
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Stupid support Shyvanna is a half dragon, not a dragon, thus she can only reproduce in dragon form with other dragons and human males in her human form
Only pure breed dragons can transform into anything to procreate half dragons
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You're one to talk. I'd be completely loyal to my adc if I had one.
If you compare it to what they did before then sure. They are the heralds of prose now.

It was vague, just read again his old story. You will surely love it since you obviously love trash.

Indeed and you will soon see. And it will at least have more than 2 paragraphs this time.

Actually many of the retarded faggots that join you in your complaints actually hate the idea of making him a villain, with or without depth. For them he's just not one.
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Well then I just figured out on their reddit ama today they admitted the free will aspect of jayce's story was just unreliable narration. Get fucking rekt.

Viktor has many fans and you are not one of them and that's fine but don't spout lies.
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How does that change anything? Are you actually that retarded that you can't understand a simple sentence? As long as the writer doesn't show it in their work it doesn't matter what's their take on their characters. The story that Viktor was released with never implied he would never change a person against his will. People saying he never would dare to do that just created a fantasy in their heads and let that leak into discussions on the internet.
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Can I bully Malzahar?
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>against malzahar
prepare to get dicked

No because his passive.
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>The story that Viktor was released with never implied he would never change a person against his will.

Yes it did. It was a philosophical and scientific movement. Also not a cult one, they debunked that too.

It's not just fantasy in their heads. It's canon.

>As long as the writer doesn't show it in their work it doesn't matter what's their take on their characters.

We will see it on Viktor's lore.
>lost bronze 2 promos
Are you a so called "silver smurf"?
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What do I keep /lolg/?

I only own blitz and lux champs :^)
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/vg/ vs /vg/ na
pw is vidya
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>tfw you know Malazhar's shield is more powerful but its less frustrating to deal with.
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I will accept this

But only because sonas classic skin covers them
keep chogath if you play him and radiant wukong
How do you buy chromes with IP?
It didn't. Feel free to read it again.

And they will justify the line where he gives the order to kill Jayce too. Riot got you played.
That's because malzahar's an immobile mage while Yasuo has four dashes every 8 seconds per wave that costs literally nothing for him to do.
definitely keep meteo janna

and bunnygirl riven
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/vg/ vs /vg/ +2
i want that dark fiora so hard
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What do when you unironically like and enjoy playing Zed
It was unreliable narration, even the free will part. Look, Riot admits it. You'll see it on the Viktor lore. And I am done arguing with you. This is becoming a waste of my time.
>infinite dashes
>0 dashes
only old chromas can be bought with IP right now. I think after 6 months of a new set of chromas is released it can be bought with IP
i want that janna
>buy shotgun
>insert in pooper
>pull trigger
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/vg/ vs /vg/ +1
Indeed braindead anon. Since I was never talking about Jayce story but Viktor's release story that people took and pretended that it implied Viktor would never change anyone against their free will.

But reading and understanding what you read is obviously too hard for someone as stupid like you.
Im literally going to put on my trip just so you know how fucking retarded you are for suggesting that somebody EVER use bunny that skin is literal dog shit and anybody who uses it deserves to be taken out into the streets and shot
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ty riot
>Riot gutting AP Shaco next patch
>Vi Hecarim and Lee untouched

>Riot has to make an entire blog post about how they MIGHT nerf Yasuo, Hecarim, and Syndra.
>Meanwhile AP Kog gets shut down the moment he starts seeing more play.
When the fuck is snowdown?
I want that braum skin and some legacy stuff.
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>there is people that unironically think Thresh can be played as an ADC
>Hecarim and Lee untouched
What seems to be the problem here, gentlemen?
Doesn't mean its GOOD.
What do I build for that meme quasus build?
who's the artist here?
lich bane
People want two junglers who are meta to be gutted because /lolg/ is obsessed with nerfing everything.
*tips fedora* i see you go to reddit as well my friend
>Name and tripcode
*tips fedora* i see you go to reddit as well my friend
Lee has nerfs on pbe.
*tips fedora* nice meme
Stop replying to yourself.
People won't stop bitching about hec until his q heals enemies and his E and W have half a min CD

are you guys even trying
*flips my fedora in the air and have it land on my head before doing the best fedora tip of all time*
Im not my good sir
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every ranged champ can be played as an AD.
In silver you can even meme on people with AD Sona.
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>Implying trundle can handle shyvana dragon vag

Like poetry

You're 3 years too late.
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Well memed my friend
But its too late
*unsheathes katana and cuts off your hand before you can hit report*
Nuttin personal KID
*sheathes katana and tips fedora*
How the fuck do you pronounce popsicle
I envy you, because with Camille out Darius is going to have such an easy fucking time in toplane for a while.
Shits on her so hard its not even funny, her dash is literally useless.
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I dont jungle but if I do its Vi.
how can one man be so based
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ranked games people
Is there an actual melee champ Darius does not shit on? No, Jayce and Kayle don't count.
pop + sickle
Jhin isn't cybernetic, the arm and legs is actually armor.
Olaf basically goes even with Darius and either one can win and snowball.
Assuming the player knows what they're doing, riven or sion could deal with darius, and in Sion's case I mean less deal with and more survive.
Also Renekton, basically any champ thats able to get in and out quickly before he can E.
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So waiting a month for placements is good right? I rather go 5-5 and get plat 5 instead of going 5-5 and getting silver 1.
yorick and fiora are bullshit enough to keep up

good darius does not lose to good renekton, please stop spreading this meme
Jax is a skill matchup.

Fiora is a skill matchup but you're on a razor's edge, a single fuckup and you're toast.

Trundle steamrolls him.
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So when is auto filled getting disabled?
It wasn't losing, more like able to go even.
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uhh lolbabs?
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How do I GP support
haha good one but no really when is it going away im genuinely curious
>play talon jungle
really makes you think...
It was not a joke anon...
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>enemy rolls lux and ziggs in aram
That karthus skin has additional voicelines
Battlecast Cho'Gath is baller af
Forecast Janna has great animations
Cosmic Reaver Kassadin has so many bright colors and animations its worth it the full price
Riot does this all the time. Any time a champ gets use outside its intended playstyle they gut it immediately whilst spouting their love for "diversity in kits"

AP Xin
Jungle Alistar
AP Rengar
Tank Rengar
AD Malz
AP Trist
AP Soraka
Dell you COULD do that by stacking 5 bloodthirsters back in s3
Actually she was claimed by anthony burch. You got cucked by a cuck
Is Ghostcrawler right lolg?


Someone could find use for say..Tank Jhin for whatever reason. Then they'd nerf the fuck out of tank items and then nerf him.
Potentially Riven if she's not a >ribbon main
i have no idea who is on that pic

fem lee?
Morde is a skill matchup
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Oh god AP Xin wasn't even good. I think they only nerfed it because they didn't want Good Goy Garry shitting on Bronzies.
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What's everyone's favorite food or type of food? I'm looking to try something new. Personally, I love the fuck out of pad thai.
i am not a slut!
they also nerf ap shaco
or is shaco nowadays supposed to be ap?
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results
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how long can you resist, little janna
/vg/ vs /vg/ +2
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>AP Yi
>you will never dunk nerds for freelo
>you will never tank turret shots for days

He was legitly the most fun champ I played over the years, RIP you bastard, goodnight sweet prince
Riot's balance philosophy is so ass-backwards sometimes.

>Ezreal is abusing SotEL!
>Let's nerf the item!
>What about the junglers that use it?
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I just do my support job that doesnt mean i am a slut!
If someone looks up your stats, is that like raping you? It feels very invasive.
/vg/ vs /vg/
impressively they're also pretty ignorant on certain picks.

Support Sion I am actually surprised wasn't revealed at worlds and yet Riot hasn't noticed it still has one of the highest win-rates ever. Months ago I kept it as a pocket pick but I'm dead seriously ready for someone to reveal it to all, then riot nerfs everything around it and then finally nerfs Sion all-together.
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you can get a splinter to your tongue, little janna!

don't lick things!

tell it them!
>get fed on lux
>our varus gets fed too
>steal baron too
>top feeds fiora
>despite everything i do
>we cant punish their team with baron
>fiora just 1v5s and invalidates me, literally 1v5 triple and escapes in our base
Im not even mad i lost. Im not even mad that everything went to shit. I cant even say im upset that fiora is allowed to do that. Im just exhausted, man. That game took everything out of me. Made me want to uninstall out of the desire to give up.
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How often is autofill? I played 100 games last season and never filled. I've seen streams where they go every role...is it like 15-20% chance now
what are they gonna see?

my shitty rune pages?
my shitty masteries?
my shitty win/lose ratio?
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Me neither but you belong in a gas chamber.
fun with the /lolg/ shitters
what the fuck is this lmao

Mating Press
Its the pie god
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Champions you play that lolg HATES
anyone wanna play normals with a gold elo? looking for some friends to play with I won't suck I promise
>people STILL care about ima "leddit please watch me" qtpie
Why? Do you people have Stockholm's? Imaqtpie could literally shit in your mouth and you sheep would gobble it down and savor it, just because it came from your lord and master. Christ, pathetic.
when you arent autofill protected it feels like 20%
nice blog man subsbrirsed!!!!!
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Everything. I haven't played Gnar since I got mastery 6 on him like months ago.
that's a wrong pose for mating press
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Place Dem Bets
>being this assravaged about your boy Micheal "Imaqtpie" Santana
Maybe if you copied his personality a little you'd stop being such a giant faggot
omg Garen buffs are so insane, i went from mastery 5 to 2nd mastery 7 token in one single day what is this rito i'm pleased
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The Climb.png
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>almost make gold last season
>Do shitty in placements
>get placed in B1
>finally climb out of hell today

Soon i will no longer be a silver shitter and i'll finally get a Victorious skin.
Wow, his cock must taste really good for you to keep sucking it.
congratulations my man
You can do it my dude. I believe in you.
>tfw no poki roomate to throw out in a box

Lmao keep feeding me (you)s it won't unrape your asshole.
I play Ryze, Jayce, Ganplank, Cassiopeia, Zed, Leblanc, Azir, Viktor and Ezreal. I know im cancer.

I recently, however, picked up Lux again. She was my first real "main" in league. Shes probably going to be my main for S7.

Am i at least going to survive the cancer, anons? Is it too late?
You don't play Yasuo

No one cares. Thats all there is to it.
well, since lolg loves ahri, lux, kindred and even shyvana i guess the only cancer i play it's hecarim and janna
i want to SMELL zyra's PRETTY FLOWERS
Is Jhin considered cancer? Usually Gold but unlucky placements put me in Bronze II. Been playing Jhin whenever I can and just destroy the enemy bot lane. So many people complain about him in /all but he's the only adc I actually enjoy playing.
i-i play yasuo too
except unlike the champs I listed, I cant play yasuo. I was mid diamond last season but even then I was the textbook experience changer. Hes just so fun.
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Can I make it to diamond this season /lolg/?
What's wrong with Diana top.
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fiora is pretty hit or miss around here
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What the fuck is this!? /lolg/ actually being nice? what kind of fuckin backwards ass universe did i step into?
Don't forget ap trynd, that was an awful time
I want to be one of Sivir's chaotic neutral mercenary henchmen and pillage with her! Or pillage her!
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Welp, at least I'm not surprised this time
>play Yorick
>play anyone else
Have I become a Yorick main?
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why is poppy so FUN!!!!!
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>was posting in the wrong thread
>still no qt bf

same ol same ol
>Psycho the Klown
Yes you can my dude.
I'm always nice when I visit :)
this elo is not about whos good or not.
its who throws harder, faster
or be pillaged by her?
>Riot: "We love it whenever players try out innovative builds!"
>nerfs any build that deviate from the champion's original playstyle
Why does Riot do this?
that fucking name
just main shaco and kys
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nothing but holy shit, you just made me remember that Diana is a champion in this game.
like, I legitimately forgot about her existence, I don't do that even with champions I never play (jinx, anivia, ahri and shit)
I'm gonna try her out top right now, thanks anon.
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>There are people on /lolg/ this bad
Makes you think.
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iktf :(
he is not a waifufag so he is ok for me

Ghostcrawler looks weird
>I legitimately forgot about her existence
I do this so much with champs like mundo and corki.
You didn't kill yourself yet?
there was a bot lane that refused to leash me, and their support didnt buy a sightstone, then complained they couldnt ward
adc put up with it cuz lol duo'd :^)
Im convinced they were from here.
can somebody explain to me the logic behind riots balancing team? I legit dont understand.

For example lucian now has every aspect of his kit nerfed, his range, Q range, E and W utility ult range and damage.

And now that hes in a badspot, instead of bringing back some of his previous futures or expanding upon them, they buff his passive damage?

Why not give him back range on his AAs or abilities or something like he was pre nerfs?

The reason his latest set of nerfs happened was because of the arpen build which is now completely gone.
Why do you think he's called Ghostcrawler?
Really makes you think
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Nah, I'm not very good with Shaco. Or any assassins

As for killing myself, I don't have the balls. I once imagined jumping off a nearby bridge and it kind of scared me
you basically rape him if you check his stats ><

it feels invasive!

stop it right now
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>Annie mid against Azir
>Fed me early game, despite the disadvantage, and he lost 1st turret
>Nasus building Tri Force feeds Gangplank
>I point it out, he and JG Ivern said it works well on Nasus, plus he needs CDR
>Ez-Sona were okay against enemy Braun-Twitch, despite feeding the Hecarim early on
>Guess who lost

Could I have still salvaged that? I don't play Annie often, but aside from trying to control Tibbers, I thought I had her down.
>Im convinced they were from here.
Unlikely I've only played vs some one from /lolg/ once.
>Could I have still salvaged that?
if faker played instead of you, could he salvage that?

guess the answer
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Nothing better than a nice cup of hot cocoa and some friday night league
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What he said in the video was not exactly stupid, the way he explained the dragon and the jungle buff changes make sense.

It's still kind of questionable that you would implement something in a game just because you felt like it (it's not like the old dragon or jungle buffs made the player experience worse), but as long as they don't put any "input" rng in the game, i'm okay with that.
some games are literally unwinnable tho.

Depending on your pick of course, I mean even in gold if you pick something like a scaling champ but bot top and jungle are insanely fed and youre stopped from getting any source of income it would be hard for even a pro player to salvage it
But anon what if I like rape??
Not yet bud ;)
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vg vs vg.webm
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quality game
I pray this was an intentional troll
I thought your fucking cancerous shitskin ass died years ago. Why are you still breathing?

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>I know this feel
Just sitting back playing some riven top feels comfy desu~
run it down mid
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What's the best Vi build for dunking on Silver Shitters?
Full ad
he just poked for that support gold!
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>been adding grills whenever I see them
>have a whole friend folder set aside for just grills
>have almost 100 now
scrolling through, the number of "gift me plz!" and "star guardian jinx pls!" and "need syndra skin pls!" statuses is disgusting.
worth it
I didn't even know I made someone hate me that much. Now I have another reason to live
botrk into full attack speed
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>tfw only friend with a body clock fucked up enough to be awake at this time
>solo queueing normals on EUW cos I can't sleep

It's actually quite chill in a sense
i bet half of the beggers are girls (male)
>another boring thread
What happened, /lolg/? Why are you all so boring all of a sudden? Last week's threads were fun, but these threads are so slow and so uneventful.
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>be vladfag
>be cute
>want Elementalist Lux
>no orbiter to give it to me

>Specifically adds girls because he's a lonely faggot
>Talks about someone else being disgusting
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Heh, well said.

Fair enough. I just didn't want to rant about my team right off the bat, y'know?
Trying to keep it humble and do what I gotta.
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>tfw high enough elo that you get the girls to buy you gifts instead of the other way around

is this what it feels like to be a female?
>Play Anivia
Thanks for removing all her damage riot!
What they meant was
>We love it when players try out trinity force on champions it normally isn't built on!
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I think this thread is more of a chill thread. Feels kinda nice desu~
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>Don't want to do placements till I hit rank 5 with main
>"just one more normals"
>28 points away from Rank 5 now
>not even rank 5 with "main"

so shameless
get a job you bum
want to play games with a gold elo after my game is over? im not bad I promise
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Overall it's been a worthwhile endeavor. A small portion of them are cool people, and we've become good friends and play often, and talk about irl stuff.

But then a bunch of them are really lame.

That's only happened to me once, but it was really nice/memorable. Actual friends and I give each other gifts all the time though.
Then when would we play league?
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>That outfit and hair
You think Vlad might be our poor-man's Dio Brando?

YOU'RE Pretty nice dayo
>Don't want to do placements till I hit rank 5 with main
You cant call it your main if you are not at least rank 7 and have 100k+ points.
Well I mean, it's Aatrox, so every game feels like three or four games if you think about it.
>at least rank 7
you can't be higher than rank 7
You could just add people of any gender and end up with less lame people.
Come on you beta fuck at least try to get nudes from them to fap to if you're going to go through the effort to specifically add girls.
post feets and I'll send it to you
>tfw you add females not to get nude pics but to reflect on a womans mentality to specific scenarios
that's the point
Vlad IS Dio Brando.

>fabulous alabaster husbando
>blood stuff

I can totally see a Vlad - Darius situation symmetrical to Dio - JoJo
why does that vlad marry an eyeless woman anyway
the effort? What exactly do you believe is "the effort"? I'm genuinely curious.
I see Garen more like a JoJo than Darius, you know because of the honor and shit, he is just like Jonathan
>Vayne isn't the first JoJo you think of
She's a vampire hunter!

Also can someone edit this to Vlad marrying Vayne and vladfag furiously masturbating in the background
a lot of girls who both play video games and make it clear that they are girls are kind of trashy, they don't reflect the mentality of the most
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You forget the part where Dio is a RAGING asshole. Every time I see someone say anything remotely positive about him I question if they ever read part 1, he's easily the most unlikable villain in the series.
i've reflected on this scenario before and theres a high chance you are a female
Nope. And you've managed to become even creepier.
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>all lanes feed
>win anyways because one of the enemies discoonected

ayyy get fucked lebalanced
The only reason to ever do the latter is to be better at doing the former

t. nude collector and spreader
When I say "effort" I mean "bothering to make the distinction". What I'm trying to say is if you're in it to find friends then you'd have better results adding anyone rather than just girls. Why? Because most gamer grills aren't even the type of girls you want to talk to, like you said most of them are just lame.
>tfw want to get taliyah
>tfw she's so shit that it's not worth it
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>YOU'RE Pretty nice dayo
Thanks I guess
Yes if its your main you should be the highest level possible desu~
Is that Fallout 2?
I don't like Dio at all desu Kars is my husbando but I gotta notice the parallels
and Vlad is most definitely an asshole
Please we already ship them hard
Darius has his own code, and not all Joestars were super lawful good
"wtf support?"
"can i go jung?"
"let me mid"
they have already chosen their character for said lanes

What do?
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I normally find two groups of girls that play this game

Casual Aram and Normals Teemo players or

Toxic 700+ game ranked Tryhards

I like the latter because I like a girl who can throw insults back
The Hologuard NA

im 6 mins in game right now
is there a way to see someone's previous summoner names
Taliyah isn't that shit. She is actually rather fun to play if you actually can learn how. From the games I've played with her you can actually outplay the shit out of people if you build cdr and a roa+rylias+laundry's. Her sustained damage is really nice to use in a long fight. Don't be fooled just because she doesn't have a huge burst or a huge bust

and then you go to your lane anyway
>finally get that second mastery token i needed for leona to craft her project skin
(it was from that project event when the ashe project skin came out)
>all the crafting materials are gone
did the latest update fuck with it?
where'd they go?
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>ban Yasuo
>"A player left during the character selection"
>ebin pirate of many barrels
That's always hilarious

Even more so when your mid freaks out about it
Fuck off jessica
Cass isn't shit, she's about the same as before
Xerath I kind of agree with but mechanically he's tons better since he used to be really clunky and he does more damage now.
GP is definitely not shit, I and probably a lot of other people who played GP miss him focusing just on his one hit parleys but his barrels have 60 fucking percent penetration + crits + it's aoe. GP is a lot better than he used to be mechanically and his rework isn't as fun as it used to be but his story is one of the only ones I genuinely think they did a good job on to keep his character intact.

Finally, Katarina has been consistently one of the top 10 pubstomp champs in the game since she was conceived and she isn't very different now, in fact she's better as a champion because you can actually control your outcome rather than just slamming on your keyboard for 5 seconds. You're obviously just a mouthbreathing idiot.
you mean old cass was garbage, right
>more than 0 utility
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Another thing about Dio's cuntbaggery: he's hella hamfisted with it

>Knee'd Johnathan's dog when they first met
>Persuaded everyone that John is a loser and shouldn't be talked to
>Boasted about how he stole a girl's first kiss as a way to sever her love for Johnathan
>Burned that same dog from the beginning
>Attempted to poison his own foster-dad
And this was all before he even became a vampire!

But that's kinda what makes JoJo great:
Every bit of it is objectively insane as shit but will capture all your goddamn attention.
Is Snowstorm Sivir rare? Should I keep the skin shard?
Its her 2nd best skin after pax.
Deficio Kobe Quickshot in that order

Any other answer is demonstrably false, try and prove me wrong
No. It's just legacy because it's a seasonal skin.
It's a limited skin only available on snowdowns so yes.
It's also the best Sivir skin.
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>change name to *insert trap joke*
>guy adds me after game
>"me and you should get drunk together on skype and do lewd/cuddly things together =3"
>people only add me for sex and not to play
>make friends off lol gen and when they find out i don't want to share nudes with randoms, they unfriend me

i made a mistake
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/vg/ vs /vg/ is up

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Why is Annie so cute
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Fuck Kobe
Marry Phreak
Kill Quickshit
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AD ori was a mistake
Where do I buy essence packs?
>surprised that a video game is filled with sexually repressed and desperate losers

No one to blame but yourself pal
I can hear the HUUUGE resonating in my skull to this day.
who are the tankiest mid and support champions
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crying dog.jpg
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>be platinum season 5
>get placed into bronze 4
>now in a 4 loss streak
>in fucking bronze 4
Literally the ONLY reason you would name yourself "Trap" or "Girl" or something like that is if you're an attentionwhore looking for some dick. You're just falseflagging as one because you don't know anything about society I guess.
Sion ap
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>be plat 2 season 6
>get placed into gold 5
>lose 3 games in a row
>feels bad man
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>auto win team fights
>alistar ult on e
>free siege minion
>farm with q for people who are inept
>heavy dmg in lane
>wins most lanes now because items
>riot gave her a free flash on 40 sec cooldown

>mfw bronz still want to play champs like xerath ziggs ext.
riot makes these champs for bronze retards and they still want to only play lee sin mid
i have been interested in mundo but i thought he was a top champion and i have an abundance of those
>my alistar
>soft ass shit, enemy always focuses me first in every fight usually first to die in teamfight

>enemy alistar
>rampaging mad cow that can't be killed, plays like an absolute madman, literally bullet and magicproof
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Put down that android phone right now, mister
15 bananas on blue.
honestly his only "support" aspect is his q's slow and being able to body block. Sion is just a straight up better mundo in this meta
>Some old Aspergers Man and a White Stag God vs an Eldritch Abomination, a made up disease and some /dbg/ motherfucker
My money is on the Teen Wolf.
>Ori can proc sheen passives easily on cd and stack tear as well.
I don't know why that never occurred to me before.
>project: Yasuo

instant blue victory
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My bets are on Red having their experience changed.
Literally what in fucks name are you fucking talking about
I discovered a bronze II warwick with 2.4 million mastery once.
Was fascinating to see because he's clearly not stuck in bronze because he's playing a mechanically challenging champ like what you're describing.
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who has the most overloaded kit?

server anon?
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Kalista and Azir.
NA want to play? add "The Hologuard" im on right now
>not understanding the concept of taking any help you can get
ww is shit but half of these people would be out if they would stick to brain dead champs
i can't speak for the rest>>162315823
Probably Camilletoe at this point. Ekko is a close second.
kalistas kit isn't overloaded, her free built in kiting is just dumb design
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>enemy toplaner is pushed up and low hp
>I ping "on my way"
>all my teammate has to do is do literally nothing
>they always engage hardcore and die in the process

Jungle life is suffering
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>"overmeme is the future guys"
>Thorin and Montecristo's show that replaced SI already declining so fast that they just hit 15k views on youtube
As much as I love the fuck Azir's well up there, but camille might take his spot.
He wouldn't be so bad if riot knew how to use cooldowns and mana costs as balancing factors.
Literally who and who??
>yasuo hasn't been mentioned yet
>Being a newfag
i believe tear wasn't uncommon on orianna back then when mana regen was a shit
Is Naut support a meme or is it actually legit?
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>tfw mindbreaking jax
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>be veigar mid
>I'm stronk, can delet squishies
>team is retarded, useless bot and jungle, feeding trynd who keeps getting caught split pushing
>jarvan and Warwick just insta lock on to me in team fights, team does nothing

How do I drag retards kicking and screaming to winning a game?
he's got the same amount of utility as thresh if not just a little bit less
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>>be platinum season 5
>>get placed into bronze 4

plat 5 0lp and very low mmr i believe

fuck them all, no kill, no marry!
It's been fucking months since then what the fuck do you think happened?
Naut is legitimately one of the best tanks in the game because of his ability to absolutely lock down a target.
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which league champ gives you this feeling
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>Rank 5 with Aatrox

Time to jump into Ranked and ruin 4 Silver's lives while chanting Linkin Park lyrics in chat.
nasus if I run flat cdr runes and make it to 20 minutes
>not rank 7
why not scaling cdr
play games with me please? it will be fun give me your IGN
The 16/1/4 Aatrox almost distracted me from that fucking Graves.
He's a better Leona
because I run 10% flat get 5% from mastery and start the yellow support item. I get max cdr very quickly for more stacks :^)
You dont want to scale into cdr as nasus, you just want to have it. you cap out at full cdr with two items anyways
>That Jax
What does he say to defend himself
I work and take classes, if I can fit 5 games into a day I consider that a lot.
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bullshit post account
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Post no skill champs

I'll start

that's a scam you fucking autism
Why do people always build Sunfire instead of something like DMP or Randuins like with Garen, isn't his E enough for waveclear?
not even funny assuming you tried it as a regular build
go play AP jhin
You can go from 5-7 in 5 games <:^)
it's a scam retard
first day on the internet?
>[your main]
kill yourself third world scum
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Hands down ekko has THE most overloaded kit. And yes I like Ekko as well and I admit to this.
The shitty thing is I had like 4 S's climbing up to 5, now I know every game is gonna be a struggle where I get 1v5 focus'd every fight.


>inb4 reddit's favourite 'bard requires skill' meme

Can you land your ult congrats you can now main bwong XD
Camille. Going to reiterate just how overloaded and confusing her kit it.

>Passive: Camille's next basic attack against an enemy champion grants her a shield equal to 20% of her maximum health (already better than Vi and Malphite's). This shield only absorbs the damage type of the enemy champion.
>Q: Camille's next two basic attacks deal bonus damage and grant her bonus movement speed. If Camille waits between both attacks, then the second attack will deal even more damage and converts a percentage of the damage dealt into true damage.
>W: Camille, after a long wind up animation, performs a leg sweep, dealing damage to enemies in a cone in front of her. This cone is bisectioned. Enemies in the further section are dealt additional damage equal to a percentage of their maximum health, are heavily slowed, and Camille is healed for each one.
>E: Camille fires a skillshot. If this hits a wall, she will be pulled to it and can re-cast E. The re-cast E causes Camille to dash in target direction. If dashing in the direction of an enemy champion, the dash range is increased. If Camille hits an enemy champion with the dash, she will stop to deal damage and stun nearby enemies. This also grants her bonus attack speed.
>R: Camille leaps to an enemy champion, knocking away all other enemies and creating a zone. The enemy champion cannot leave the zone by any means, not even with Flash or other blink abilities. If Camille leaves the zone, it is destroyed. While in the zone, Camille's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.
Name a more overloaded kit. Protip: you can't.

>Q: stab forward
>W: make an anivia wall, but for projectiles
>E: dash on an enemy
>R: dash to knocked up enemies
Wow so overloaded.
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>play 4 of my placements
>in all 4 of them, not even joking, had someone disconnect
>one of them was intentional, he goes 0/5/0 and says "bye" and leaves, despite the rest of us doing fine and having a good overall chance of winning
Nice game lolbabs. I'm probably going to have to climb up from gold or some shit just because of bad luck with leavers in my placements. Nice game.
I got most of my S ranks from jungling with even mediocre scores
idk how he does in new jungle though
Ekko has the more overloaded kit.
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Every once in a while while roaming as a team I just brainlessly throw myself into the enemy team on top of their carry and come out on top after the teamfight with 100 hp.
So fucking comfy too, probably the only champ I have my to-do list down on.
>Sit on opponent if favorable matchup, play safe if not.
>Farm up triforce + mobi's and take down top t1.
>After that just start roaming the map and fighting anyone I can (nothing's more satisfying than flashing behind someone to ult them back to your team).
>Farm when I get behind, push when if I'm ahead.
>Help my jungler out whenever I can with objectives since no matter who they are him and me can take drag with ease.
>Next items are deadman's and spirit visage for turbo speed + heals, DD if feeling like smashing faces.
>Become unkillable yelling chinaman and win game by sitting on enemy ADC while they panic.
Basically just lane until I get my triforce and upgraded boots, then take steps to win the game from there, all while taking any and all opportunities to go in on squishies.
It's probably not the best way to play him, but it works out fairly well for me. Especially since I like to play aggressive as fuck and mobi's let me be anywhere I need to be.
If you've spent more than 2 minutes without your spear up someone's ass you're not embracing the xin mentality.
Nice virus dude

It's probably got to eb Ekko, has ash het ostm aht's uneede ikle hatt uckingf linkb
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>Imthem literally competing against this
Is he the biggest cuck in /lolg/?
I've been spamming him Jungle, he does well with W-max IMO. I don't like him Top because it feels way too reliant on snowballing.
Has Garen finally lost his diaper?
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Would /lolg/ a Garen?

Are you having a stroke?
What's the second most popular role?
I queue mid/bot and get bot far more often than I get mid, though mid is the role i'm much better at
>forgetting 2 passives
>e only has cool down on the same target, and even then it's very low
>Q knocks up
>R gives armor pen
>R will put your outside tower range if possible when you use it on a target under a tower unlike every other targeted ability in the entire game
yasuo may not be the most, but he's up there
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Are you ok anon?
Definitely ADC

That's a really bad attempt at piglatin anon if I'm reading that correctly.
I always tought it was mid>top>adc>jungle>support
top is currently pretty unpopular, you are filled there all the time

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Post >fun champs

I'll start

What the fuck do I build on shaco now so many mixed guides/ apparently ad shaco is dead?
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>R will put your outside tower range if possible when you use it on a target under a tower unlike every other targeted ability in the entire game

Thats straight up the most aggravating part of his kit besides the free double crit passive.
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Tfw your entire team gets dumpstered by a garen
>do preseason ranked get placed bronze 3, climb to silver 5.
>do ranked placements now. 5-5
>bronze 5
What the fuck. I won lane or won the game every time.
He is probably the most annoying shit if he gets ahead early.
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never forget
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>literally all the assassins
>favorite type of hummus
>favorite drink
>favorite champion
>favorite streamer
Every champ is easy in league compared to other mobas desu senpai
Sometimes I hawkshot as ashe in a fight to bait out a reactionary flash
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>he will never look like this in game because he is 450ip
Jungle has gotten pretty popular ever since the end of season 3. I'd say jungle is second or third most popular

t. jungle main who wishes he could go back to when jungling was the role no one wanted to do

haha keep forgetting!!

/vg/ vs /vg/ bets
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>not starting with the most obvious
Look at his fucking face and tell me that is not the most obnoxious and smug TAUNTING little shit that ever existed.
Even Camille who was fucking DESIGNED to be smug doesn't even come close to this fuck.
>tfw no abathur champ in league
Tahmato Kenchup

>tfw no champs based around spamming different types of bombs

culturally insensitive champ when
There's literally nothing going on in the screencap
i want a rexxar, azmodan, and cho'gall

hots is basic but they have some neat heroes
malphite when enemy comp is all ad
>main adc
>but i don't wanna have to tryhard and carry
>play support
>ez as fuck
>force my ADC to carry me even if he doesn't want

holy fuck what are all these support mains complaining about? hit your fucking stuns and you will win.
I prefer hots over league nowdays, at-least with hots theirs no raging homos.

Climb out of ELO hell. Learn to carry harder with Poppy. Play more J4 and Quinn.
Do you literally not even play this game?
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>favorite type of hummus
I'm not really a hummus type. I guess any that's mixed with chili or anything spicy.
>favorite drink
Taro milk tea, with honey boba!
>favorite champion
>favorite streamer
I don't watch streams.

>tfw no talents system for league
Would be p cool.
both me
>Preferring hot shit anything
You do realize that game was made as a joke, right?
sunfire's pretty good ATM and garen wants to be in the middle of the team so sunfire damage adds up
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To all the autistic waifu faggots
so was league
>favorite type of hummus
fuck if I know, probably just standard. Its alright with crackers.
>favorite drink
Chai tea represent.
>Favorite champion
Bird man of many orders.
>Favorite streamer.
Favorite league streamer is Tobias, favorite non-league streamer is ster.
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thanks, have a nice day
>Pls no hate it
>Green tea
>Box Box
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[Cries in R&B].jpg
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Why doesn't anyone go Vi top lane anymore?
Because almost nobody plays Vi period, which is surprising since she's probably one of the most consistently strong champions in the game.
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>Bot lane feeds every single game without fail

I just want one game where they don't just fucking run in like lemmings and try to make plays when they're 0/6 and have a zeal at 20 minutes.
Why doesn't anyone go Nocturne top lane anymore?
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>Picking up Gangplank
>Enemy top picks Darius
>Orange the pull
>Still get pulled in

Oh no.
so whats the deal with quinn
is she just a pub stomper now? noob filter?
hard to survive ganks
very good ganker
very good dragon killer
I'd say orange the slow he does instead and have a barrel behind you can Q for movespeed.
Gangplank's pretty good at escaping if you know what to do.
One small thing that has always bugged me is that Pentakill only had one guitarist. Yeah, there are some metal bands with one guitarist, like Black Sabbath and Pantera, but they're few and far between. And there's clearly two guitar parts recorded for Smite and Ignite (and I'm assuming the same holds true for the new album). I, for one, would love to see Pentakill hire a rhythm guitarist, and I think it should be Sion. It just seems like a good fit to me. Hell, he's already metal as fuck. Since he's undead I suspect his dexterity is not very good, so his leads might not be too flashy, but Morde has already all the guitar flashiness they need. And his weapon is shaped like a guitar (sort of, but if they can turn Morde's mace into a guitar, I'm sure they could do the same to Sion's axe. Maybe he could even have a few extra voice lines like Karthus (example: "IS THIS WHAT PASSES FOR METAAAAAAAAL?")

I probably put way too much thought into this, but I think its a great idea. Except it will probably never happen, so its more or less just wishful thinking. Still, its fun to think about stuff like this.
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>favorite type of hummus
There's more than one kind? I've only tried one kind. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't very good either so I'll pass on the hummus.
>favorite drink
Does water count? If not, hot chocolate.
>favorite champion
>favorite streamer
None of them. Actually, that one who was singlehandedly responsible for the "Teemo is a bad champion" meme from season 2 to midway season 3. Thanks retard, your garbage bruiser Teemo build had a huge impact on AP Teemo's success during his peak. Shame you were too stupid to play your main properly.
Holy shit I forgot how fucking ugly old archangel's was.
I forgot how much I loved placements.

"Aatrox is the worst champion in the game by the way"
She's a ranged assassin bruiser duelist. Her existence as she is now basically enables people to top lane ADC but this time without trolling. She's a free win against any melee top laner because she has a blind, a very effective gap closer unless she gets cced, is fast, and is ranged.
I legit know absolutely nothing about metal whatsoever, but as far as I'm aware Sona's instrument is not a real thing and is certainly not used in metal music.
Maybe it's magic and she's making it sound like the second guitar?
>liandry's didn't exist back then
i wish i was a teemo main to feel the hype behind that item when it was released
edgy shit here, what is the song? Ghost by who?>>162303213
>favorite type of hummus
Homemade? My dad got the recipe from foodnetwork.com (from Alton Brown), and its really good
>favorite drink
Orange cream soda, hot chocolate
>favorite champion
>favorite streamer
I guess Lilypichu? I don't go on Twitch much
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tell me about singed
i mean he's not wrong, aatrox is a contestant for that title
just because he did worse than you doesn't mean what he said was wrong
Rest in piece in pieces 5 eyeballs and a wizard hat
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I have witnessed my very first insane draven main, boys

he sperged out after i took the picture, then i added him asking why hes so mad

and he went on some spree about how i'll never hit gold

He's only hit up to G5. I didn't think the stereotype of Gold 5s who talk shit on people who are silver was true, but holy shit this dude is retarded.
Autism desu but at least you're not avatarring.
Also it's confirmed there's going to be a Pentakill 2 so why are you even making this post.
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The band Ghost. Can't remember the song, might've been Cirice.

Yeah I know, I'm a masochist. Just thought it was amusing considering his KDA.
Nico a shit
She's the keyboardist, although it doesn't look or sound like it in-game. I really hope they do something about that to coincide with the new album. She has solos on Ohmwrecker, Last Whisper, and Thornmail

Why does he wear the mask?

Why not? My mind wanders a lot when I'm at work, and I've been in a metal mood lately
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I think most of the hype was from Swain mains and Nunu mains.
Then they realize Liandry's sucks.
how to counter proxy singed?
i have never had problems with, only played against one of them and other lanes stomped so he wasn't such a big deal but i'm just curious, what to do in that situation when his team is ahead?
>nasus goes 0/5
>spends rest of the game farming top and letting himself die while buying nothing but tears
What is this world i live in?
I love Lissandra!
buy a zzrot, place it in your (or the lane he's prxying), then help your team get back into the game
Flip a scrub
>Place a zzrot in someone elses lane
What the fuck
>those lines on the items
>Boot enchantments
I miss it so much
sure, why not?
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>60% winrate with these masteries
I have to be missing something.
Why would you do that? Are you trying to purposefully lose the game or have your allies tilt and quit?
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>using champion.gg and not probuilds.net
well, i mean, ideally you put it in a lane to occupy it while the laner isn't there and singed is pushing it
i'm not saying you rush it and run to mid lane and place it down with a haha xd
it just alleviates his lane pressure while you take advantage of his nonexistence with teamfighting
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results!
>320 games
Sheer luck
Small sample. Only 300 games.
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rylais is such a comfy build
>0 utility
>low base damages
>extremely, disgustingly high ratios
Yeah good luck with that.
>top comes to your lane and puts down his zzrot during the laning phase
The fuck?
How exactly, she has no good CC and no %hp damage whatsoever, which are the primary reasons why tank ekko was dumb.
What makes tank kat good?
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>low base damages
super high base damages
a tank that can weave in and out of the back and front line
You want to know a comfy build?
>Warmog's, Frozen Mallet, Zz'rot, Guardian Angel, Locket, Banner
>No boots, because boots are for scrubs
You can be nice and comfy right in the middle of the enemy team and they will be powerless to stop you.
Sure, you'll accomplish nothing except the FM slow on your autoattacks, but accomplishing this isn't comfy.
>A tank that can weave in and out
Why would you want that? You want a tank to stay in the front line to soak damage and CC targets to peel. Do you mean BRUISER, You nig nog?
People pay more attention to moving targets I guess.
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/vg/ vs /vg/ bets

bronze 5 veiger mirror mid
im not even joking get those bets in now
>use my correct pronouns
oh boy
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>never had hummus
>Dr Pepper
>dont watch streams, either boxbox cause hes a cute or tyler1 cause hes funny
>weave to the back line
>be a useless shit until you can get a kill
sounds like regular katarina, but with less damage
how do i join the lolg group
Why'd they give Garen a damage buff?
? you get to shunpo 3 times before even getting a kill, maybe 4 with capped cdr
with gunblade that's ALOT of damage
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>favorite type of hummus
Never had it
>favorite drink
Coca-cola Its normal I know
>favorite champion
>favorite streamer
None really. I guess Bandlebro if she counts when she draws.
Because he has literally nothing other than damage.

Why pick him when you could pick Darius (Who has a hook), Olaf who is immune to CC, or Illaoi who has massive AOE?
>Q 195
>E 90
>Passive is 75 at level 1, 111 at level 6, 168 at level 11, and 287 at level 18
Aside from her ult, her base damages are extremely low. Even Orianna has higher bases than her.

Her ult base damage is really high, but only if you stand in it for the full duration.
Katarina's damage comes almost entirely from scaling. Her scaling is just so incredibly high that even runes and masteries are enough to make her hit hard early on.
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>Someone first picks Nasus
>Pick Sion
>Ancient coin start
>rush an executioner's calling and Frozen mallet.
>Nasus raqequits after 6th death.
Get rekt dogfucker, fuck off with your memepicks top lane.
>tfw you unleash JUSTICE on the enemy team

>never had hummus
>Dr Pepper
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Oh yes of course, you'll do TONS of damage on your "tank" Katarina who rushes gunblade
Post your placements match history tho
idk if u played garen before the buff but if you did, does he feel stronger or strong right now?
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>3 games in a row where bot lane feeds out the ass
>Fuck it, this is gonna be the game where I do not let them lose
>Moment I hit 3 I spam on-my-way pings and gank
>Bot just stands there at tower watching me try to 1v2 Lucian/Thresh
>MIA pings spammed on body
i mean it's like 600-700 damage, ignite is another 400, if 2 passives that's another 700~ damage

that's with 1 damage item, how is this not good
I didn't play him much, I kinda panic picked garen at the last second since he's the first tanky top laner I saw

He's pretty fuckin fun regardless of how strong he is
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graves rework reverted WHEN
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I think I just became a Yorick main
Hey /lolg/ wanna help a bro out?

I'm gold 4, and play adc a lot. I seem to be getting put top a lot more often now, I guess adc is getting more popular?

My question is: What top laner should I play that is effective/strong but decently easy? I'm looking to win games but honestly do better as ad.

I've been playing Jayce but I seem to lose to panth/irelia a lot, which can be my own fault, but yeah.

Sona tits for your time
Malphite. If all else fails just follow the most fed kid on your team and ult people so he gets kills.
Well because for one, rushing Gunblade does not make you a tank, it makes you a regular old assassin Katarina, and for two all the damage is in her passive daggers, specifically the scaling on them, not the base.
The base damage on her passive isn't awful, but it's not very good and tank Katarina is exactly why.

There's also the fact that Katarina doesn't need huge amounts of defensive stats to survive. Building tank will actually make her easier to kill because it will increase the time she puts herself at risk trying to kill someone, whereas pure damage assassin Katarina can kill someone before they have time to react, and she's so slippery that if she messes up there's a good chance she'll get out anyway, and if not even tank Katarina would have died in that situation.
Sion's pretty damn solid.
Just max E and scream at people to get them out of your lane.
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As long as he keeps the knockback on his ult. That's cool.
so champions who rush black cleaver then tank items aren't tanks?
>playing gp
>dorans shield, blade and sheen
>fight irelia who has a no charge corrupting pot and a ruby crystal
>we fight in a friendly minion wave both of use level 5
>she practically instakills me while i barely do any damage

uh lolbabs?????
AD is dead, and now AP is dead too as of next patch.
Don't play shaco
Any tips for playing Azir besides don't?
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Morde VGU when? I really hope that, if it does ever happen, they keep the dragon ghost
champions aren't created equal
No, they're usually juggernauts.
Real tanks have no interest in black cleaver.
ok juggernuts kat
The dragon ghost is cool, but it has to go. There's no way he can keep it and still be a real champion other than that.
Wow, you have never played against a good Katarina before, have you? When Kata hits 2 & 3 she can kill you if you let her land an all in.

Also you should count her E 3 times and her passive twice because that's how many times she'll hit you with it on a successful all in. Plus thunderlords, plusa couple autos (with AD reds/quints which you should be taking) , plus ignite

That's EASILY 700ish damage, enough to 100-0 any midlaner.
>e max
Lmaoing at you
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Why are tripfags always the biggest retards /lolg/?
by reds/quints I mean red or quints
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>play trundle and illaoi
>like juggernauts in general
>check store
>bioforge darius for sale
>own lord darius
>never played that much darius due to how often he's banned in my elo
bioforge darius is my shit woad king is better but still
why would you NOT max e
Sion E is so much better now that arm pen is garbage.

The only time I would max Q is if I was versus a Nasus or Jayce.
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who think Kata has low base damage

You can tell who doesn't play midlane
She doesn't work as a juggernaut because
>She does not need to build tanky to survive a fight and do her damage
>The only reason juggernauts build tanky is because they're immobile and melee and NEED tank stats to get their damage off
If Illaoi or Darius had a 90% MS boost and three dashes that cover the width of a lane in their kit, they wouldn't be building black cleaver into full tank, they'd be building death's dance into bloodthirster, ravenous hydra, duskblade and ghostblade.

For assassins like Katarina, more damage is the ultimate defensive stats because no matter how much health or MR you build you'll always be squishy, but dead champions can't fight back.
>Never had hummus
>Favourite drink is probably coffee.
>Dont really watch streams...
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>check champion update schedule
>evelynn isn't there anymore
Did they change it?
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>discussing Kat without the premier authority on Katarina

why bother
Where the /vg/ vs /vg/
>Why are tripfags always the biggest retards.
Fixed that for you.
that's the worse darius skin, get another one buddy
>premier authority on Katarina
Why are reworks so slow now?

WW hasn't even been given a leak or teaser.
>When your team is just so bad that they actively drag YOU down when you're notorious for being "The Worst Player in lolg"
vg v vg games are so fun lol
Literally up on NA, pass is vidya
tell me why katlife, flyerbek and scarra build tank items then
>dead champions can't fight back.
That's why you build tank Kat.

She's so weak to hard CC that she dies if the enemy team lands anything on her, which is surprisingly easy because she needs to predictably move between daggers. The defensive stats lets her survive long enough to deal more damage then full AP kat ever could.
Do you know WHY she does so much damage with her all in combo?
Because she has offensive stats from runes and masteries and any items she potentially owns. Like you said she takes AD reds and quints, and her bonus AD scaling is 1.0 on her passive all throughout the game and 0.65 on shunpo.

Just because she can all in and kill you at level three does not mean she can build only warmogs and expect to do the same ten levels later, and if she took proper tank runes she wouldn't able to all in and kill you at level three.
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Is it really? I thought it was anything that isn't Woad King, Lord or Bioforge.
I really dig Bioforge's green shit, especially when he gets the 5 stacks.
He doesn't even play her
Ah, yes. The Shaco that took flash.

You're a real smart cookie.
they said hes not getting released til next year before the next new champ in season 7
>B5 Veigar v. G4 Veigar
I don't know what you expected, and it didn't help all of our other lanes lost.

Because Rylai's + Abyssal/Zhonyas is enough defensive stats and they play at an elo where they can somewhat trust their teammates to do their job
Because, believe it or not, one or two defensive items purchased after your offensive core does not make you a tank. It makes you not a glass cannon. Or in Katarina's case, it makes you more like a glass cannon with a few blankets wrapped around it so it hopefully won't shatter during shipping.
nobody cares marcus
you are still a turd
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Game 7, maybe I won't start out in bronze this season.
You don't take AD reds AND quints. You take one of them and then AP on the other.

Also >warmogs

The build is gunblade > spirit visage/sunfire > rylai's > sunfire/spirit visage > situational
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>getting mad over losing a custom game
Dear lord this community is shit
I tried to get back into league after 3 years and the moment i started the match people started insulting me and spamming that i'm reported for no fucking reason other than that i asked about the weird looking plants in the jungle. Fuck this game i'm out
>tfw too scared to play vg vs vg because I might get bullied
maybe is just me that i don't like it, i even had the skin shard but made it essence
i preffer the regular skinless darius over that one
So, assassin Katarina with situational defensive items?
AKA what every competent Katarina player already builds anyway.
Q has the better team fight potential
E is good to max vs a lane you are getting your ass blasted in

all the people that host them are tryhards who rage
You're subhuman filth, bioforge darius is the best
Bye, see you tomorrow

You can do that too but it really depends on both team comps. You can't go full tank Kat if there is only one other threat in your team.
We are currently having a very autistic discussion about flash on shaco, there is no way you could out retard that and get bullied
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>"The Worst Player in lolg"
go away tomoka
where's results
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>Tfw too intelligent for custom games.
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not really
least ur not the biggest asshole

like juggador
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>Bedroom eyes
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tfw me and my wife shit on everything in every lane
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Full tank.png
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Show me Scarra playing Katarina with a build like this, and I will concede the argument to you.
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vg vs vg needs 2(two(II)) people to start, pass is vidya
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Kys cutie
This is cute, not those disgusting sprites always posted.
juggador is just retarded, it's not his fault
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missing is quinn din din, bets
>the new Jayce lore
what the fuck is this bullshit? They completely turned his personality around 100%
He was a suave superhero type before and now he's a grumpy old man literally Ryze 2.0
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No seriously Jayce's lore was the first thing he wrote for Riot.
Source on that? I know they hired him recently but how do you know he wrote this new lore?
You can thank Burch for that.
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I think I hate him more than ever.
Hey man
I have fun in my vg vs vgs
Not my fault everybody tries so hard
Nevermind found it here >>162323961
Jesus fucking Christ. Is it possible for this man NOT to ruin everything he touches?
no ur a tryhard who rages in fucking customs

every single game ive played with you its the same shit

I never play vgs when youre there now
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Surprised that was not on his resume.
Wtf am i reading
I literally click random 3 times and go support the only thing i get mad at is redditman and cuntrosity picking 2 of the best jungles in the game 3very match

Dude you're only fooling newfags.

You get the most salty kind of passive aggressive mad at this game, it's hilarious. Then you start spouting memes at people to try and mask the anger but anyone with an ounce of brain in their skull knows you're fuming.
Lulu is cute!
I just won the game with a zzrot portal as shen, I managed to kite the enemy team who was alive around the jungle long enough to take down their last turret and see my zzrot land the killing blow.
Im laughing through vg vs vg every match if i didnt like them i wouldnt play them
He's like a real life, more depressing Mr. Bean.
>go make food
>someone else comes to pick up on my hate towards this guy ruining vg vs vg

Would you prefer i meta pick and act like im playing a ranked game?
if it meants you dont rage and arent being a cunt to everyone that does poorly both on your team and the enemy team, YES I would like that
She never was, she's not on the list until maybe late next year.
>team fight potential
which is why you max q second since early on you aren't gonna hit a full q unless the enemy is brain dead or cc'ed to fuck
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