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Ace Combat General #270 - /aceg/

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Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 173

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Ace Combat General # 270

Sublimation Edition

Thread Theme:

Previous Thread

<< /aceg/ repository including FAQ, Artworks, Soundtracks, ROMs, and more! >>

<< Ace Combat website (JP) >>

<< Project ACES twitter (JP) >>


Trailer: https://youtu.be/_zuBSUJfpBk

PSX trailer:

Returning to Strangereal.
Composer is Keiki Kobayashi.
Directors/writers confirmed to be Sunao Takabuchi and Kosuke Itomi.
Confirmed to use Unreal Engine 4.
Clouds confirmed to have an important role.
VR equipment will not be required to play the game.
PS4 Pro out and available; no known bearing on PSVR.

This is everything we currently know (or think we know) about AC7:


<< AC:I website (JP) >>

<< AC:I Plane Builder >>

<< Update 13 trailer: https://youtu.be/y0Kyw7xXFvg >>
Gold Box? It's probably 30 tickets

<< Aircraft and Damage Calculator >>
http://asm.aceinf.glasscore.net/ (use Text to export the build into a text format)

<< /aceg/ pilots spreadsheet >>

<< /aceg/’s guide to AC:I >>

<< Old OP >>
In other news:
A truly based anon is making an AC inspired PC game: http://rb-d2.tumblr.com/
Someone else is making an open-source thingamajig based on AH assets: http://zxstudio.org/blog/author/razgriz/
Good ol' Razgriz Patch Guy: http://strangerealpatches.storenvy.com/
RPG Logs database: http://pastebin.com/m7WgAifw

Because it bears repeating:
>Ports never (ever)
>HD Collection Never (ever)
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First for slav shit best shit
Nth for bullying warcrimes
How is AC:I still relevant?

>The setting is the world of Ace Combat 04 and Ace Combat 5, five years after Ace Combat 5.
>There will also be things for users who played Ace Combat 5.



tl;dr get rekke, acepedia tards and their headcannon B.T.F.O. once again by the facts

Other nice info

As for the scenario, it has the image of Ace Combat 5, but the taste may be closer to Ace Combat 04.
>Various “comparisons” make up the theme this time. Unmanned and manned air crafts, older pilots and the player… The appearance of the F-104 will be of high significance to the story.

*F104 jizzing all over*
Beats me
>The setting is the world of Ace Combat 04 and Ace Combat 5, five years after Ace Combat 5.
So which is it, spergo?
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Interview #01
‘A Man Who Upholds Honor’

Lichtenburg, Belka
10 Oct, 2005

Indigo 1
Dmitri ‘Indigo Heron’ Heinreich
Belkan Air Force / 7th Air Division / 51st Tactical Fighter Squadron

An ace whose precision and grace in flying earned him the title of ‘Blue Heron’.
Today, he has his hands full with the family business.

“That day, right before I deployed, my airspace assignment was changed.
Initially, my squadron was assigned to the stable eastern front.
That was changed to Area B7R.
The Round Table, where casualties were recorded at a fearsome pace.
It’s also the place where I met Him.”

“It was just two planes; Him and an Eagle.
And yet our lead force didn’t stand a chance against them.
I could tell he was good, and it was going to be bad for us.”

“But there was something else I noticed.
He hesitated. A vulnerability that can be exploited.
I was certain I would win. The pilot was still young.
He had yet to master the rules of combat…

But in the end, I was shot down.”
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Oh wow, so it takes place while ACX events are happening.
nice ded you got here.
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so I've been in a medically induced coma since AC:I.

is it really true that AC:3's English translation is getting released this month? this isn't a continuation of my fever dream, right?
8 days anon. That's the supposed date.
Yes, they also announced Ace Combat 7, but I guess you are already aware of that.
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Found a little gamempay of AC7 here but in french

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Any guesses as to what the new AWACS will be named?
Will it follow the traditional naming-scheme of 0,4,5,6? The names of clouds or something else like AH or X?
And what about the plane? Personally it'd be interesting if they went with the E2 Hawkeye for once. Make a good contrast with the whole old vs. new.

>AWACS FastEye
>AWACS Cirrus
>AWACS North Star
Altman, get in here and translate this

Looks cool as fuck though
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On it
Will give you the main ideas of the thing
What's so bad about it? You had ECM in previous games.
>Tfw found my guitar and amp
>Tfw amp is kill
>Tfw cant cover ac songs
I Dont know how to play anyway ;-;
I never used it.
Ace Combat taught me to just go fucking balls out and use your teammate as meat shielding.
Dood, get that shit fixed

I'll record some drum tracks and we can cover a bunch of the OSTs
I never used it either but please don't sperg over new stuff which you don't have to use in-game.
Oh fuck you, if you don't have to use it, then don't include it. At least ECM took up a special weapons slot that could have been used for XMAAs or QAAMs
Mark my words you're going to come back and sperg out yourself when you see all the assholes with upgraded flares that rape you in multiplayer. Well, that is if you actually own a PS4.
>if you don't have to use it, then don't include it
This is the voice of a retard, everyone.

Guess they oughta remove everything except normal missiles, the machinegun and TLS because that's all I ever use in AC games.

Fucking dumbshit. Go back to /v/ if all you're gonna do is complain.
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>Playing Ace Combat for the multiplayer
>Implying PA is that stupid that they're not gonna make an entire new mechanic for flares in multiplayer, or even put flares in MP at all

I'm amazed you still remember how to breathe everyday.
Like I said, it's going to happen.
Maybe you're all fucked or something, looking at PA, the studio who fucked you over so badly, with any glimmer of hope.

"Will be avalaible in both versions, VR and classic"
"Seems to not stray from the prequels, lots of storytelling and connections between the characters"
Makes me laugh because this guy says later on that he never played one and the flight model (arcade) surprised him a bit
"Let's talk about the feeling and the gameplay"
"VR setup is rather simple, headset + gamepad"
"*explains weapons and flight model, nothing that we don't know, overall simple to play (probably typical AC, but dunno, so here)*"
"*is amazed by the carrier takeoff staging*"
"Cockpit immersion is good, makes good use of VR"
"didn't quite *felt* the takeoff, lack of speed and OOMPH in it, might need some more tweaks"
"visual effects are rather impressive, smoke effects, water effects (water drops on the canopy when going through clouds) especially when VR headsets limit the definition you get, you're not getting a total 1080p. They still managed to keep lots of small things"
"an interesting experience, needing some small tweaks to get the best of it"

Roughly translated, jumped some. Ask questions if you have some, i'll answer if i can.I might have overlooked something
Oh yeah, forgot that
"this version will be available in 2017 exclusively on PS4"
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Excellent man, nice work.

Have a Rafale.
Thanks for translating that. Not stoked on the VR headset because of the limitations I heard of.
Hawx had flares that never needed to be used and didnt cause any problems online
Maybe you need to stop baitposting and quit being retarded
>twitch namefagging
Want to know how you're a faggot?
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>attacking him personally instead of refuting his argument
I've never played Hawx, and this is an Ace Combat thread. It's irrelevant.
Fuck off.
That's /v/ for you.

So you're basically telling us you don't know shit about what you're talking about. Thanks for conceding.
>how to out yourself as a newfriend from /v/: the post
>Fuel 3/3
>No room found
Who did it this time?
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What happened to this place? It used to be pretty friendly and shit.
Where's Thunderhead and AWACS John Cena? Did they die when AC:I kind of hit more brick walls?
>other games similar in style to Ace Combat are irrelevant

It went ded after aci stopped receiving updates after the ac7 reveal, during which it was frankly pretty comfy. Now that there's more news about ac7 dumb retards from /v/ are here to shit it up and be unnecessarily hostile.
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Ace pilots in ACZ had flares.
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I miss Mobius one.
>mission where you squad with Mobius one, Galm 1, and Blaze never
Tom, I just got the Flanker in 4. Normally don't use this plane, but it's pretty god damned rad after using the F14 basically the whole game. I think I'm on mission 16 now.
Sounds fuccin gr8 m8

Su-35 or 37?
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>Eruseans are the apparent protagonists
Time to go back through 04 and see what the fuck I missed.
are you playing the game in stretched 16:9 with the game set to 4:3? what the hell man.
Just realized our situation is like Chandelier. We slept for 10 years but still marched on. Times of turmoil being anything after AC6, while still having faith for a real AC game. And now, the sun rises with AC7.

Wouldn't the story of the Demon of Razgriz be a little more apt?
35, though now I'm thinking I'm thinking getting the 37 wouldn've been good considering I just rekt the city and then subsequently spent 10 minutes getting rekt by yellow squadron.
Well, razgriz was first a great demon and later being hero, so the order is reversed. Up to AC6 the games are all great, so they got the hero analogue. After that, it was literal dark times for Ace Combat.
Get the 37 and QAAM and laugh at how broken it is
<< Fuck off, Prec. >>
This, get the QAAM and watch the world kneel before you

Will do. I'm just taking a break because I don't want to spend 20 minutes destroying the city again.

Can't tell if I like the target system, or the points system better for the missions where you're supporting other troops. I kinda like just being able to prioritize whatever I want unless something important comes up.
You'd probably like 6 then, since a solid 60% of the missions in that game are a huge arena and your objective is just 'Literally go fucking nuts'.
I did like 6. I actually owned it so unlike 4 I played it enough to remember it. I just always thought the story and characters were sub-par.

I've determined that I definitely have played 4 before, I'd always knew that I'd played 5, and I'm pretty sure that I've played zero, but like 4 I probably only rented it and played it once when I was younger, so don't remember much of it. Have to wait till later this week for it to get delivered though.
Oh, I'll certainly agree that 6 had a very forgettable story, but the gameplay and engine were both fantastic.

Also wasn't Farbanti great? Didn't I tell ya?!
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>squadron aces use AC 04QAAM
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commies get out ree
Thread altitute is too low.

Pull up.
That Milf with a 10 year old looking daughter from the trailer could actually be Nagase.

The goverment has declassified the files about what happened during the events of AC5, so the new heads of the army could be trying to track diwn the Sand Island crew for questioning.

Her hair color and even the way her hair splits fit too.
>the new heads of the army could be trying to track diwn the Sand Island crew for questioning.
Question what? Why they stopped a fucking nuclear sattelite from blasting their country to shit?
Since the plot is supposed to show multiple different viewpoints, I'm betting on the heads of the Osean army being a bunch of assholes this time around.
Takes some real retardation to think the people who saved your country aren't heroes.

I hope they say something like "we should've let the Hrimfaxi bomb your parent's house faggot"
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>Don't fly in a straight line!
Said no Mother Goose 1 ever.

>Faceless MC

Please just fuck off.

Puchishit has never appeared and will never be a part of AC. It has no relevance whatsoever.
The gameplay dialogue in AH was fun tho
>You'll never have vodka and ice with Guts
Just report and ignore, that autist gets off on replies.
I'm going to take this opportunity to remind people that times change and opinions shift
So what? I like Code Geass but that doesn't mean I bring it up here. Fuck off and take Puchishit to the relevant board.
>Post from computer
>Post from phone
>Post from laptop
>Post from tablet
>Post from other computer
It's not really hard to samefag on 4chan.
>Gets so triggered that he resorts to posting samefagging from the archive as if anyone believes it
Lmao weebs
Imagine being this huge of a fucking autist.
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Am I the only one here who find those ridiculous creatures disgusting?

Also, will there be V2 in AC7?
Little did anon know that there will be puchi dlc for AC7 alongside traditional Idol dlc
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>tfw you'll never be this retarded
Feels good
I bet QuizNo is too scared to defend the puchis now.
Has he repented?
>liking discount edgy LoGH
Oh no, someone doesn't like my show, whatever will I do?

Preach to someone who cares
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>normies getting this triggered over puchis
You guys are fucking losers lmao
>spamming puchis
>calls others losers

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Don't forget to keep AC7 funded anons.
"Better this than being ded", huh.

Fucking hate you people.
We hate you too
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Puchi planes get a +50 damage.

Can't wait for the salt over AC7 DLC, if peeps are happy paying $200 for a tournament plane they will happily pay $40 each for DLC. Right?
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I apologize for being (that guy) but are the PS2 AC games emulatable? I've never played an Ace Combat game but I dig jets and want to give them a shot.

Is there anything specific I'll need to know to get them up and running or can I just fire up PCSX2 and go about my merry way?

Should I wait until the translation for AC3 is out and play that first?

Thank you for any info.
The games are emulatable with certain settings. I don't have the emulation guide, but I'm sure someone does.
As for 3, wait for the translation before you play it, but don't let not playing 3 stop you from playing the rest
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updated as the recent builds have the mipmapping hack in the menus.
Kill yourself.
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Ah, Ikillyou4ever93 is back.

Hope you find peace one day dude. Hate will kill you inside.
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This is true, there are some many newfriends from reddit that do not understand 4chan culture.
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I'd like to thank the academy, my parents and (you) today has been a day to remember! further my homemade cider, who's help made today's posting possible.
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I'm not sure whether to appreciate your evident if ironic enthusiasm or to be disappointed that this is what you decided to be enthused about
Either way
So how is your waifu relevant?
Only the last one.
Better luck next time, mate.
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/aceg/ has dangan streams and a bit of friendly pes rivalry with the dangan general in the 4chins /vg/ cup. Also, hope has been a relevant thing due to no-ac7-news despair.

Thank you kindly.
>implying the latest PSX trailer and Famitsu interview weren't enough
And yet E3 2017 is still far away....
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I was talking about pre-PSX, although hope did win this time.
Ah, still no playable AC7, these are dark times.
PS4-exclusivity will make AC series great again
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>normal missiles are now AC04 QAAM tier and reload like a muh cross
>finally able to take on whales
>make it in top 100 and have remained there so far on free fuel and drops alone
Oh, this feels goooood
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I did another 5th gen but now its a delta wing
Don't die on me now
Ded is verboten
Boy I hope he got rangebanned for that
What made you think he was ban-evading?
Also, is it just me or is this general seems to be in not-so-good shape since PSX?
The only reason you're top 100 is because less than 100 players are even active.

ACI is fucking dead. The game hasn't gotten a real update in like 9 months.

There will never be hard versions of all the missions.

There will never be a real conclusion to the campaign.

All the time you spent on the game will be wasted when the server's shut down next year (let's face it, they won't keep it up much longer).
When is this shothole ever in good shape...
Proof of Bamco's greed:

Made AC6 X360 exclusive because Microsoft made a deal with them. If I remember it correct, a PS3 is also planned.

AC6 DLC followed after that

Made ACAH multiplatform for PS3 and X360. At a glance it seems a good move at first that they're attempting to bring both systems together. Sadly, it became the worst AC game in the series. To add insult to injury, they release it on PC even after knowing it as the worst AC game. This showed how greedy they are. And it failed miserably. It hurts the consumer by deceiving them with impression that the series is shifting towards multiplatform, but no. They don't love the fans. Only Project Aces do, and yet they are a small team within Bamco.

And then we have ACI, which is self-explanatory.

Now we shall wait and see for AC7. If it turned out bad, is sold rather poorly and after that they decide to port it to PC and XB1 to rake more money, well it shows the greed of Bamco.

>Reading 10Sly10's comments
What the heck is wrong with that guy?
Even if they ported AC7 to PC out of greed, I would still be grateful.
The problem is if greed is what driven them we will probably get a poorly-optimized port that ruins the enjoyment of the gameplay.
Still better than nothing, but I agree,
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>Better than nothing

You're so naive.
Either we're ded but comfy or news/invasions bring a temporary wave of shitposters that finally get bored after a while.
Well, except a couple of them with nothing better to do.
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Imagine a PC port of AC7 riddled with bugs like Assassin's Creed: Unity. You don't wanna see the Erusean princess faceless like the poor lad in the picture.
Have you ever seen what a shit PC port can do to a game? You'd pray for your "nothing" afterward
>What the heck is wrong with that guy?

He and his followers are mentally handicapped.
What stupid fanservice details are you hoping for in AC7?

Personally I hope a TV in the background of a cutscene is playing part of the Zero documentary.
>Zero documentary
In a show on Strangereal's counterpart of History Channel
Do we have any footage of the PSX demo yet?
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Yeah, an anon posted >>161997974 yesterday. It has some footage but the guy talking about it is speaking French.

Altman translated it here: >>162001197
i don't remember that epilogue in the ending of AC5
You don't even remember what you ate for breakfast, old man.
jokes on you, the nurse hasn't even brought me breakfast yet.

i'm so hungry.
why doesn't my son visit me anymore.
i miss my teeth.
Famitsu article with more news due out tomorrow lads
this is cool
>You're acting like I'm not the administrator of the wiki on the series.

i knew i was right to never contribute anything to acepedia.
So, the one on gematsu is just the portion of it?

I like it
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Reminder that this is the best paper plane design.
He seems to be trying to act in control of the entire Ace Combat community. Not even that, he was even trying to do the same thing with Vector Thrust community.
Take a look at some of the Steam discussions threads.
Can't wait for him to come in here thinking he's hot shit when the fangames get finished so we can skin him alive.
Slycooperfan is autistic manchild shitposter from acecombatskies

fret not, he's going nowhere real fast
I hate how that faggot thinks he's like, the president of the AC fandom

If he comes here he'll probably put on a trip, like he's some VIP or some shit
Reminder that a tripfag can ruin a general in 9 out of 10 cases
>tfw after everything else on earth including the death of any hope for the game, and indeed discussion of the game, it was trip/avatarfags that killed /kspg/
So I guess we're the tenth case?
>no plastic cap/plate over gun muzzle to reduce RCS
Why does /aceg/ attract so many gente/m/en?
The trip/namefags here are decent though
Macross exists
That's my point man.

If 9 out of 10 cases result in trip/namefags ruining the general, we're the 10th case where that doesn't happen.
Ohhhh I see what you meant

Excuse my autism pls
no, it was the avatarfags. Same idea though.
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Interview #02
‘The Fallen’

Directus, Ustio
13 Sep, 2005

Gelb 2
Rainer ‘Cormorant’ Altman
Belkan Air Force / 5th Air Division / 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

Altman flew the skies of Directus during the capital’s liberation.
And he’s still there to this day.

“I met him above this very sky. I can still hear the sound of the missile alerts from that day.
I received an order to fly to Directus on my way back from an intercept mission on the southern defense line.
The order itself wasn’t unusual; we kept being deployed from one mission to the next without receiving even basic maintenance.
But the situation was the same all around.”

“We were late reaching the operational airspace.
The stationed squadrons had already retreated, and warning bells were going off in the city…
And the people were looking up to his plane, high above the sky.”

“He pursued me relentlessly; as soon as I thought I’d shook him off, there he was again.
The never ending sound of the missile alerts put fear in my heart for the first time.”

<< Come on baby, Daddy needs a bullseye... >>
Would it be wrong to hope for a Xbox port of AC7? I'm not just going to buy a PS4 just to play ace.
I imagine that would bring console wars.
PC would be much better
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>AC7 set in 2020
>The year Osea is set to release all records of the Belkan conflict to the public.

It wouldn't be wrong but it's not going to happen.
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Xbox has a policy right now that whatever comes to xbone comes to windows 10 if the devs dont already have a pc port in mind. I don't get why people think multiplatform would be bad. I was happy when MGS2 and 3 were brought to 360, cuz it meant that the xbox community could now experience those two wonderful games as well.
I'm hoping for a PC port myself, but considering sony is probably heavily involved in the development to push their VR, it's probably staying with them. Sony isn't going to be happy if it comes out for PC 6 months later and all the news is about how much better it is on Vive than PSVR.
I don't believe a port is a bad thing

I just want people to shut the fuck up about it and stop dwelling on it

There either is a port, or there is not a port
Bitching about it 24/7 doesn't help shit
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Am I good yet? Obv Ace difficulty
Are you using KPH and meters?

Cuz an A-10 doing 1500 mph doesn't quite look right

Otherwise GG my dude
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4:3 is for dirty yukes
canadian so yeah kph and meters
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>lemme just fly underfuckingwater
>Glitched ground
Reminder that this still happens in infinity and will happen in AC7.
I tried that some times before, works fine but I have a last problem, I don't have 3d/volumetric clouds
When in doubt going Horatii and Curiatii always works
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Does anyone know off the top of their head if this matches any coastlines from any of the other games?
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Also, why does Stonehenge look so intact?

Does anyone know if the facility in the bottom left of the image is active or not? I don't really see anything to indicate that it actually is.
Doesn't look very operational though, the water cooling pool is drained.
gives me AC:AH flashbacks ...
Lighting screams Farbanti, but there's not enough to judge
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Remember, Mobius One disabled it. He didn't annihilate it. I don't think any of the cannons are supposed to be pointing downwards like that normally. The most likely thing is that canonically Mobius One broke the hinges on at least two of the cannons, blew up the bore on at least one of them, and destroyed the base/swivel/parts that house the main functions on the rest. Remember, one cannon was disabled in a previous operation by the time Mobius One attacked, but physically looked fine besides aiming directly up.

Gee, thanks a lot for enlightening us retards
Has it been confirmed whether the lighthouse is Osean or Erusean?
What compels someone to post so angrily like this?
>oh man someone loves a game
>the Fifth of December
>the gunpowder treason and plot
>I think of no reason
>the gunpowder treason
>should ever be forgot
It's the fifth of November, but otherwise good work
The only thing I remember is Pearl Harbor.

Which is today.

Also the Alamo.
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>The Fifth of November Stadium
>lives in Boston
>doesn't remember 3 out of 4

C'mon Val
>Why does it look so intact
>Bombed in 2004
>Is now 2020
You really think the generals wouldve left it ded?
Why wouldnt they use it in this war?
Quit being dumb you fag
the patriots won 3 superbowls in 4 years from 2001-4
I remember when the Pats won 18 games straight and then CHOKED harder than the seacucks on the most crucial one back in 07
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It's Eli's autism magic, got us bad.

losing to them in 2007, and again in 2011 started that myth that Brady couldn't win super bowls anymore
winning a super bowl in 2014 put those to rest, thankfully
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Chopper was the only one who died an Osean hero.

Everyone else lived long enough to become a traitorous villain.

Raptor-chan is Cute. CUTE.
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Good evening officer. Did you need something?
>Needs chutes to land
>Needs ramps to take off
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superior russian aircraft coming through
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He died as he lived:
like an idiot, wasting time trying to find a place to eject when there was a BODY OF FUCKING WATER NEARBY
I dindu nuthin.
His ejection seat was stuck, famazord.
Is it true that 5 and 0 run flawless on hardware mode now?

Also do any of the AC games have the MiG-25? I can only remember the MiG-31.

If the MiG-25 is in AC7 I will cum.
There was something I read about hardware mode working with the git build, but on the current proper release, I can confirm that hw mode doesn't work for 5. That said, it works fine in software mode, no issues I've seen. Haven't tried zero.
5 has the MiG-25
can someone give me advice against pixy?

ive been trying to beat him now for almost 25 minutes

i can just about get to his final phase with the jousting, but i can never ever get him aligned to hit the ducts

someone please help me
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Feelin' a little Dos Gringos today


Are those fuel tanks on the F-16V?
Fly away from him until he's out of render range, then head straight back for him. Use your radar and line up head-on.

i try to do that and he always turns around as soon as i turn my back

i really dont like this fight desu, whole set up, music etc is great but it feels so much like a generic boss fight with moments that you should fire/attack and others when you 100% cant, compared to every other ACE fight in the game this is awful, throws almost all of the dogfighting lessons the game tries to teach you out of the window
When i say out of render, i mean full afterburners until you can't see him. This means even if he's on your tail, you just have to get away via liberal thruster use. Pixy's plane isn't actually all that good, you can even do the runaway strat in the MiG-21Bis.

Speaking of Pixy
fuck that its so inconsistent lol just gonna watch it on youtube :^)

awful final fight for a great game
Man, I wish I could get a more audible audio of the gameplay, especially the background music.
I'm going to suggest that you attempt to joust him: head on approach, fire missiles when locked, then evade his shots and afterburn until you can set up another head on approach
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>frumpy-ass fulcrum

MiG-35 > Su-33
>there are people who actually believe this

What a sad world
>Posting simpsons images
what's wrong with the simpsons?
Nah mate, it's true.

The Su-33 is simply not as advanced as the MiG-35.

MiG-35 has an AESA radar, and thrust vectoring. Su-33 has neither.

If we're playing the missile slinging game, the MiG-35 has an advantage due to getting the first spot and first shot.

If we're guns only dogfight, Su-33 can only do 8gs. MiG-35 can pull 10g apparently, thanks to TVR, and has a better thrust/weight ratio. This means that when the Su-33 is energy neutral, the MiG-35 is gaining energy. When the MiG-35 is energy neutral, the Su-33 is losing energy.

However, if you took all the Su-33s and put them against all the MiG-35s, sukhois would probably come out ahead since there's like 3x as many.
Oh. Well then. I stand corrected.

GG Fulcrum anons.

i still like the flanker more
any variant, not just the sea flanker
just never been a big fulcrum fan
Overstayed their welcome and got stale. They animations also got shittier.

Furthermore, this is backed up with real world sales numbers. At least 100 MiG-35s are on order, while the sole operator of all 30 odd Su-33s is Russia. They haven't produced one since the 90s, preferring to concentrate on better aircraft.

"The Indian Navy planned to acquire the Su-33 for its aircraft carrier, the INS Vikramaditya, the refurbished Soviet Admiral Gorshkov, which was sold to India in 2004. In the end, the rival MiG-29K was opted for, because of the Su-33's outdated avionics."

The MiG-35 is better than the MiG-29K.
Git gud
The MiG-35 being better than the Sea Flanker doesn't surprise me one bit, now that I think about it. In my post I was thinking solely in terms of aesthetic coolness, perhaps I should've made that more clear.
Pixy's AI makes him turn straight towards you whenever you flip your plane. If he's running away instead of jousting, back off and then pitch until you face him. Rinse and repeat as necessary
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>When one namefag absolutely ravages the other's rectum so hard he starts backpedaling.

So much more satisfying than when anons do it.
Same, God I fucking hate these namefags
warcrimes please.
>brady says flankers are good
>anon says mig35 is better
>brady says no
>thunder steps in and presents facts to brady as to why the mig is, in fact, better
>brady sees the facts and admits anon and thunder are right

In what universe is using facts to convince someone of something considered a fight
Wow thanks for summarizing something that just happened 5 fucking posts ago Anon

Namefag B KOs Namefag A

Namefag A gives up

Namefag B Savagely continues beating the dead body of Namefag A, delivering the unnecessary killing blow
You lost

Time to fuck off Brady, you won't be missed
>Su-33 can only do 8gs. MiG-35 can pull 10g apparently
What's the use of this when the average pilot can only take 7Gs for a few seconds before passing out?
Will The Mighty Sony help publish and/or distribute AC7?

Then again, it does take a little bit of guts to admit you're wrong on a place like 4chan, doesn't it?
>Two namefags enter, one namefag leaves.

Welcome to Thunderdome
Who gives a fuck who lost and who won a fucking non-argument

Can we please stop circlejerking these fucking namefags?
In fact, for the millionth time, CAN ALL NAMEFAGS LEAVE PLEASE

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>/v/ermins trying to break the community apart and spark infighting

Too obvious. Try again.
>defending namefags

You can fuck off too
They've been here longer than you. Why don't you leave instead?
Suck my massive dick, choke on it like your slutty mom did.

This is our town, scrub.
Bamco made the right decision to cooperate with Sony and make AC7 PS4-exclusive
Intended for >>162125231
This, Brady and Thunder do more for these threads than your pathetic ass ever will

even if it means slaying each other for our enjoyment
Fucking whoops, meant to quote your post at >>162125429
Famitsu save us from this shit
It can be the difference between getting your nose in line for the shot, and not. The higher a positive g a plane can pull, the shorter a turning radiance it will have for the same speed.

GLOC is a tricky beast, and the key is duration. Humans can survive massive amount of G forces over very short periods of time and survive them. I believe the record is currently held by a swedish rally driver who managed 200+ gs.

If both planes were simply pulling a max G turn, both pilots would be unconscious in about 4-6 seconds, but a trained and fit pilot with a G suit and practicing anti-g straining maneuvers could handle several cycles of 7+ gs of 1-2 seconds duration.
>200+ Gs

Holy fug
Yeah m8.

It's what happens when you go from like 200mph to 0 in a distance of about 30".


Also we're christmas comfy stream.
>brady and thunder are friends again

What a nice ending
Of course.

All the original /aceg/ people are buddies.

It's pretty easy to see who only showed up in the last 3-4 days.
All hail PS4 master race
" Original "
you mean new /aceg/.
Meant for >>162127110
They're more original than the /v/irgins that showed up after PSX
Second wave /aceg/.

Pre AC7 announcement /aceg/

I thought the tidbits already summarized it.
The famitsu apparently has more details and new screenshots

What's it like having autism?

Does the fact that you'll die alone and unloved, having accomplished nothing in your life keep you awake at night?

Is your life so pathetic that you need to namefag for scraps of attention in order to feel better about your failure of a life?
Including those which aren't in gematsu as of now, such as number of flyable jets, the reason behind the PS4-exclusivity, more info about gameplay mechanics, etc?
Hell if I know. You know how cagey japanese magazines are about their exclusives
>tfw 20 posts of people bickering about the MiG 35 when i thought i posted a pic of a MiG 29

>implying ace combat faggots know jack dick about planes
If AC series is Japanese, why made the protagonists of ACAH USAF instead of JASDF? Why Americans instead of Japanese? They could've made it more patriotic.
>He doesn't know about val
Because it was written by an American?
What is: the actions of the Japanese nation during the second world war and associated conflicts, as well as all of the historical hoo-ha they've been playing around it since 1945
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Do any of these namefags even know anything about planes beyond playing ace combat?

If I was so easily identifiable, I wouldn't be opening my mouth without knowing my shit.
I mean a little. Enough not to look retarded.
>thunder knows basically everything about phantoms, and a ton about other planes as well
>brady, while not as well versed, is also decently knowledgeable, which can also be said about pretty much all the other namefags, except warcrimes

If I were you, I'd lurk for a few days and learn the community before announcing how new I was.

That's just me.
>except warcrimes
Rude, I've spent more time at airshows and on air force bases than most people.
>ACAH protagonists are American
So that's why they made it multiplatform. If AC7 was to be set in real world and feature American main character with Michael Bay touch added, it could've been multiplatform.
I think this already explains the reason behind the exclusivity.
Yeah but most people were watching the skies, not down on their knees suckin cock.
Quality response

Can you even tell me what the B1R was without looking it up? :3
is that a space elevator or just a really tall thing.
Space elevator. It's called "Lighthouse" and is gonna be a big part of the plot.
You would bring up the B-one-r.

It was a proposed missile truck variant of the B-1 lancer.
Can you tell me why you think you know about aircraft when you really dont?
Muh airshows and im on AFBs doesnt count for shit
Dumb queers
You've discovered my clever ruse

I still think missile truck bombers are cool, cruise missiles are pretty neat. The B1B was the first time I ever saw a rotary launcher, pretty fucking cool gear.

Ok /v/
I miss the early-mid 2000s.
I miss being a kid and playing ace combat and being excited about new videogames and being hopeful and unaware that i was slowly slipping into wasting literal years of my life doing nothing.

Perhaps a new, good AC game will begin the path to setting things right.
Perhaps not. :^)
>I Know about planes guys trust me
>Cant even type it a B-1B or B-1R
>/v/ermin try incredibly transparently to start fights
why? Who do you think you're fooling here? Nobody here is dumb enough to fall for your shit. It's honestly fucking sad, and if you're just trying to bait people into replying why don't you do that on reddit? I'm serious. Those idiots will take anything seriously and at least you'd entertain some people while doing it maybe. When you bait like this here you're doing nothing but wasting bandwidth. If you're gonna waste bandwidth like this at least do it somewhere where you'll get a response.
You know if you're gonna be an autist about spelling it might make a little sense to make sure that your own reply is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
But you wouldn't know anything about self-awareness, would you?
Can you do the same?
Please, if you're going to convince us that you have the authority to call out others on their lack of knowledge, you're going to have to do a bit better than hurling childish insults and memetic catchphrases about
How many Gs can be "reasonably" pulled without a flight-suit?

Assume hypothetically I've broken into an airbase and stolen a MiG-35 in my pyjamas, and now I've got to apply the lessons I learned over B7R to real life.
Can mom and dad stop fighting please?
This raises many questions, most of them inexpressible variants on "hmm, i wonder what this is going to be like."

The world of ACX seems much weirder with the idea that elsewhere on the planet there's an elevator going right into space. (Though I guess if we accept Aurelia and Laesath as Brazil tier, their superweapons are the monkey-models of that time period.) and going forward it also seems a bit weird for AC3's which I was 99% sure was in the same canon as the rest of the series, although I know some characters were given real-world nationalities in some supplementary material. and that it was all a simulation. world that such technology would exist.
Are you going in cold? Like are we to assume you're in poor physical condition and have never done g-training ever?
Hmmmm I can't find any numbers but check out the Russian MiG 15 pilots during the Korean War. They apparently did crazy shit without G suits, so that could be a place to start.
Let's say yes.

But if data was available for both, let's say that a fighter pilot who has had G-training finds out about my exploits and attempts the same thing next week because Pyjamas are snazzy.
I don't know much about ACX, but the space elevator is probably pretty new.

Also as for the erusean test pilot, I feel like he seems injured in the trailer, probably because he's testing the new craft and the AI doesn't quite have its "compensate for onboard fleshy meatsack" routine quite worked out.
>I don't know much about ACX
I'd say a lack of physical fitness would probably have more of an effect than a lack of a g-suit but I'm no expert. I'd also guess existing medical conditions would have a negative effect too.

But I'm just spitballing here. We'll have to wait for Thunder to awaken.
Well, we see a lot of prototypes or ancestors of AC3 planes in X, and you have to remember Aurelia had the Atmos Ring system in place, which is a fairly snazzy piece of tech by itself. It's not impossible that the EASA which is according to some fan theories the predecessor to Neucom has put itself towards space elevators and AI shenanigans
Untrained and without a flight suit? You would have a high chance of GLOC at ~4-5g.

The US did a lot of experiments back in the dawn of the jet age to establish some baselines, but It's too late for me to start digging now for a more definitive answer.
I am the last person you should ask about medical stuff.

Roughly, and this varies from individual from individual, properly performed AGSM can enable a pilot to endure as many as 3 additional positive gs.

A g suit on its own is probably worth about 1g by itself, if you don't know how to take advantage of using the AGSM in conjunction wit the suit's assistance.
I have a PS4
I have an AC7
Play AC7
yes, conformal fuel tanks
Not sure if anyone posted articles from people that had a chance to play the game first hand at psx but here is a decent review, the other ones I found were from dickheads that you can tell never played an ace game in their life.

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strim up, get in here
>that URL
currently trying to get AC3's first disk translation patch working. running into all kinds of problems. anyone have a zip with a patched game and working emulator around?
A perfectly fucked up webm to cap off a day of fucked up posting

Great job guys
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But when you think about it, do we REALLY need borders?
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the revenge of the DDR.webm
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My god, it's like this woman has no concept of optics.
What's her problem?
I'll do it for you buddies sometime tomorrow, but I'm a little DRUNK right now. If it doesn't materialize by. ~3PM tomorrow mention this post and I'll get on it asap.
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>I'll do it

plz don't, it's in teh terms of use
Hornet a shit
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Its just ancient.
They're getting the Joint Strike Fighter™ soon for just this reason.
Fine, I'll write a spoonfeeding guide for it. Same idea but describing a process to do it instead.
fuck the terms of use i want convenience

i haven't even downloaded either yet since i'm away from home. patching isn't beyond me lel.
>fuck the terms of use i want convenience

it's literally the only thing the people behind the project ask, you're not entitled to any convenience just because you can't patch stuff right now.

you either wait until you can or sort it out if patching doesn't work, because the patch does work


I admit im no good with guides but I can still help out by saying that "DeltaPatcherLite" is better than the other program that was getting mentions back when patch 1.1 got released.

If you use that program to patch the 1.1 image, a copy of which is the 1.1 (no relation to patch version) iso on emuparadise, it is guaranteed to work (done it myself and a friend too). It has the same MD5 checksum, it works.
>it's literally the only thing the people behind the project ask
I was partially being facetious, though your wanky little reply makes me tempted to put up a pre-patched version myself. I'll do whatever I want and if you want me not to you'll appeal to my sense of goodwill, not try to guilt me. Fortunately I'm also too lazy to spite a third party because of their internet defence force. And in the middle of a fap.

(I'm curious as to what the specific reason actually is for not wanting it - be it legal, "i want credit"-ial, or what.)
i wasnt trying to guilt you, maybe it's just me but I think it's just common sense to have a little respect

and im certainly no defense force for anyone, if anything I hope my explanation can help you get your game up and running

i dont know what their specific reason is but we've all seen something like this in other projects
you don't seem like the specific kind of person i was trying to rile up so i'll apologize in part for my hostile tone.

still, i'd expect them to have a good reason. if their reason was just, for example "i don't want you to" without much more justification then i'd fully take a "no, fuck off, convenience trumps your feelings" position but if it was some kind of legal thing, or otherwise a half-good personal reason i'd probably say fuck it and leave it be.

though really i'd play fast and loose with respecting the rules in any case. if a specific person was having difficulty i could always PM them the fix ;) and even posting something up here seems comparatively harmless, so long as the link doesn't spread to the point where it actually gets noticed and supplants the main project site.

maybe i'll hunt for a justification later.
oh wait, i found it
>Do NOT upload a patched copy of AC3E anywhere on the Internet. This project does not endorse piracy.
that's not a good justification. i'm still too lazy to upload anything, but they know full well that 99% of their userbase are going to be pirates, kek.
(i wonder if it's an ass-covering justification, or a purist one. i'm inclined to think the former since:
>This patch has been tested as working with the regular release of the game, SLPS-02020~1 via these emulators: ePSXe, XEBRA and Mednafen. Reports also confirm full compatibility with: PS1, PS3 with CFW and PSP.
we all know how common it is to CFW your PSP so that you can play the ISOs you legally ripped yourself for back-up purposes. )

that was an interesting adventure in timewasting.
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Five years after AC5 is 2015, which puts it in the same year as the start of AC6.
ACX is 2020.
AC3 is around 2040.
seems they fixed the article to match the title, says 10 years after AC5 now
Because AC pretty much always boils down to notamerica vs notrussia anyway.

When I played AC5 with some friends of mine, we just called the Yukes "the fucking Russians" after a few hours because Yuktobania is a dumb name.
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>Newfag /v/irgin still trying
What a fucking retard.
>That stealth edit
Do you have the original of this?
The funny thing is, anyone who's been here a good length of time can tell he's a newfag so easily.

It might have worked if he had picked any other namefag, but since he can't even lurk moar, he picked the one namefag that none of that applies to.

Except the autism. Val, we've seen those autistic tables for the rpg.

Classic case of projecting desu senpai.
You just gotta be a G monster, anon.

There was a better one that had a <<Rise>> edit.
Look more closely, famiglia.
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Well guys, tomorrow is the day. In roughly 24h /aceg/ faces /gsg/ in a life or death battle for survival in VGL7. Very likely to be a chance to debut one of the new kits. For the people interested, stay tuned! I'll do my best to be able to live manage but can't say its 100% sure. Got a boss to deal with.
We believe in you, man

>Made AC6 X360 exclusive because Microsoft made a deal with them.

How is that Bamco's fault?
Microsoft was trying everything to break into the Japanese Market and that included throwing money at Jap companies. What are they supposed to do say no?
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Interview #03
‘The Bringer Of Death’

Oured, Osea
22 Sep, 2005

Schwarze Leader
Dominic ‘Vulture’ Zubov
Belkan Air Force / 13th Night Fighter Air Division / 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron

This man was head of the command group, and was known as the ‘Vulture’.
He fled after the final battle in order to avoid persecution for various war crimes.
He is still on the run, and is being hunted as an escaped killer.

“Sorry about the accommodations, it goes with the business. I’m not active during the day.”

“Back then, I was a shadow assassin, an ‘escapee killer’.
Given the order, I’d even shoot down my own comrades.
I received an order on that day to take down a deserting craft.
It was typical assignment. But… something unexpected happened.
My target was no new recruit, but a top ace of the Belkan Air Force.
And he just had to go and run straight into the chaos at the Round Table.
The man was sharp, just like the rumors.”

“But that wasn’t the problem; the problem was that the mercenary team of Solo Wing and Him were there.
Thanks to them, I lost my target.
I figured the least I could do was take them down in return.”

“Of course, that was where my luck ran out.”
Where are you getting these from?
Assassin's Creed wiki.
i'm typing them up myself
Can you do the in game dialogue for the 3 squadrons you face during the last B7R mission?
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I wasn't here for a bit, did you ever upload them to a pastebin now?
I'm doing every single cutscene, including ace interviews.

been a little behind the past couple days, but catching up now
working on Schnee at the moment

Not yet mayne, but I'll be done with them in a day or two and I will then, aight?
Ah well, I'll just wing it then.
Wait, did you mean you want them now?
It would be super helpful for me if I had them within the next 6 hours.

But don't feel the need to go out of your way on my behalf.
Ok this is for the RPG I'm guessing?

By in game, you mean the stuff they say to you while you're actually dogfighting them?
Yes, and yes.
Also do you want all dialogue or just what the aces say?
Meant for >>162172783
Sure. Might as well put that in the OP then.

Why not just put Dounutsteals in tho?
The more the better.

Dialogue or characters?
Also Val, final question

Do you want the '<< >>' arrows?

>still sucking up to thunder after getting reamed last night

You spineless faggot, just go already

Doesn't matter.
Alright, I'll leave them off, it'll be quicker to type it that way.
You make Forest Gump look socially competent.
Val, here's Gault. I left out a lot of the 'Fox 2, missile evaded' sort of stuff, since that's all situational, and your guys will be saying a lot of that stuff themselves, but the unique dialogue from PJ, AWACS and Gault is all there.

Lol, what do these namefag cucks even contribute
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>6 days left

Is your body ready for Sublimation?
More than you just did, post-for-post
>Infinity rooms
>Help keep the general alive
>Talk about planes
>Help people with emulation
i.e. more than you.

How does that namefag cock taste, faggots.

Remember to wear something pretty when you're taking all 4 inches later tonight.
Thread theme

And it requires namefagging to do any of this because...?
Because its never caused any problems in over 3 years of things being this way. The community is small and has a lot of regulars who know each other already.

You're literally the only dissenter, sperging over words.

>You're literally the only dissenter

No HES NOT, namefagging unless identity is absolutely important to the post is doing it wrong on 4chan
Yes you are, samefag.

You're the only person complaining in 4+ months of peace around here.
>it is now acceptable for /v/irgins to strut in here like they're hot shit and tell us how to run our threads

Sure hope they don't delay it.

Does my other personality count as samefag I can never tell

when u got no argument i guess you gotta say "lulz samegfag pwnt ha" whatever you suck cox when your post is just "ur samefag lololol"
Thanks m8
Did you have a stroke halfway through that post?

It's not healthy to get this heated about random shit on a cambodian bird watching enthusiast website. Especially not over people namefagging in a general.
>No denial
Yeah thought so, you fucking 2-cent slut.

Fuck off.
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That cannot happen, too close to that date. Too close to the dream.
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I hope. I just want to finally play the entire thing to see if the other routes are more interesting than the translated one I played already.
And here's Wizard, Sorceror next. What sort of deadline did you have in mind to have these finished?

I wish you a very painful death, prefferably self-induced.
nothin personnel kid
Scheduled start time is 6pm.

The more time I have to think on it, the better though.
Alright, working on it now.
>thread is nonstop 'waaah namefags reee'
we need another plague.
What has thunder ever done for you?
He's my friend
Friends do nice things for each other
You don't have any friends do you?
And here's Sorcerer.

Gonna be gone for a few hours, but let me know how it is.
Provided endless amounts of schadenfreude, whereas you invoke nothing but disappointment


Appreciate it.
What do you mean by that?
>/v/ermin is STILL trying
That I'm wasting breath telling you I won't waste my breath explaining it to you
Yo real9
I keep telling you to just call me real
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Reminder to report the /v/ermin to regulate our thread quality
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In the light of Ace Combat 7, I guess this is relevant again

>look ma I posted it again
tfw no nagase gf into pegging
Fucking neo /aceg/
>he's still here
Fuck off back to neo-/v/.

welcome to electrosphere
What a great sequence.

[Entering Electrosphere]

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>AC7 won't be the MGR of the series
It hurts desu
what would the blade mode equivalent be?
precision TLS to cut out your opponent's fuel tank?
I want to _____ nagase
>F-4 appears to be coming back.
>They are NOT importing the aircraft models from old games.
Looks like they're not gonna bring back the F-14D, then.
Put me down for 1 ps4 with PSVR.
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>Flanker HUD in HD
I wonder if they had to contact Garmin to get the rights to model the Su-34 nav system.
Who says they won't model it?
is the translation different to the one in the html files?

i've played the game a ton of times with that translation in hand, but the game in JP. fun.
You know, we do joke about Chopper crashing and all, but after replaying that mission again after so long, it's actually pretty sad.

He died because someone managed to crash their plane during sortie, slowing down reinforcements.

Also, the cutscene that comes after the mission is 10 times more ominous than AC4's "Silent". It's not in the OST either, like other cutscene songs.
Official subtitle is apparently 'Skies Unknown.'
You mean this one?

You could've posted the source in your pot instead of making me ask.
Destination unkn...."
Oh wait, wrong title.
I see your point, the implication that it isn't just a war, someone's got an agenda and they're manipulating the two sides is pretty spooky.
give head to
How did you come to that conclusion? It just means that all of the planes are being modeled from scratch instead of just reusing the ones from Infinity, which is good because it's a new game on a new console. We don't want them to be like those lazy fucks Polyphony who reused GT4's PS2 car models for GT5 and 6 on PS3. They looked like ass.
Who striming tonight
So what is everyone up to tonight?
What the fuck has happened to this place
/v/ happened
What if the Usean princess in AC7 is a magical girl that can transform and join in the battle?
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>ace combat game
>Looks like they're not gonna bring back the F-14D, then.
>He died because someone managed to crash their plane during sortie, slowing down reinforcements.
I forget, was that before or after they pretended it was just a drill and told all the reinforcements to go home?

Even if it was after it was established that there really was an attack, I think events would've conspired to take down one member of Wardog squadron.
>No F-14 in an ace combat game
Well, they did it once with AC3 and by the time the game was released, the F-14 was still in active service with USN.
Remember, it was Edge who suggested the stadium as a crash site, while before that Chopper asked Blaze about it, not Edge. If the answer options were more elaborate like Fallout, Mass Effect, or Titanfall 2, and it mentioned either mountain range or the huge-ass river, then a model pilot would had been saved and got to do tunnel flight twice and fight SOLG.
Yes, and since the US Navy retired the Tomcat they've released three games that include it.
By your logic, no Mirage or any of its variants in 3 is a harbinger of no Mirage in 7, and yet whoop de fuckin doo what do we see in the trailer but our favorite french dorito
Please, do explain your logic further. I'd love to hear it, but it's got major holes in it right now
Ace Combat 3 did not have a single real aircraft, so really it has fuckall to do with this.
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>is the translation different to the one in the html files?

It's very different and a lot better.
>Ace Combat 3 did not have a single real aircraft, so really it has fuckall to do with this.
It had fictional versions of real aircraft though
It also had the X-32, which is now languishing in a hidden hangar while the F-35 eats the US defense budget
Good, the X-32 was a gigantic piece of shit.
And he accepted his defeat with a wide smile
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Anyone else think the new trailer was a bit underwhelming? I'm not saying it is bad in any way, but even the assault horizon trailer was better. Maybe that's just because the AH trailer music was better. That F-104 Lawn Dart was cool though. I bet it's a flash back mission though.
I really liked the new trailer song though.
Maybe its just because it was so short?
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>and yet whoop de fuckin doo what do we see in the trailer but our favorite french dorito

Mind giving a time stamp? I didn't see it.
At least we get to know the possible leitmotif of AC7.
There's also a Mirage variant in the ending sequence.
>Hidden hangar
Not all of them. One is at the Patuxent Naval Air Museum in Maryland (displayed outside), another is at the USAF Museum in Ohio.
Senpai, that's a Rafale, not a Mirage.
I know, but at 0:57 in the trailer you can see a Mirage.
Predictions for AC7

>5 plane squadron
>one wingmate is an AI
>space elevator will be destroyed at some point
>the enemy ace fighter squadron will be made up of AI comprised of strangereal's best aces.
>One wingmate is an AI

Could be cool
does it still take a supercomputer cluster to emulate the PS2 games?
It was just too short. 5's was longer and Zero's was I think a minute longer.

>Fallout-styled choices
>be a complete dick and tell him to crash anyway
>or even worse

I know everyone would do it.
>ESS 4 up
>Weasel still got it.
Just beat that fuccboi22, probably the air targets I took out on the way to the carrier.

>was nice that the host trusted us, since it was a <1500 BTR beforehand.
>AC7's VR graphics are kinda ugly, Ben Moose (Easy Allies)
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Cinematics can go suck a dick. 30 minutes for a shitty 10 second footage. But at least I got somewhat familiar with the cinematics system. So hopefully the next few tests will be better looking.

I've always adored how authentic the aircraft cinematics in AC6 looked. Hope I will get to that level one day.
You have great taste. The transcripts are great as well, shine on.
>one wingmate is an AI
Infinite warfare's robot was the best character in the game, i wouldnt mind it again.
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In two hours the second round of VGL 7 starts with /aceg/ visiting /gsg/'s Colosseum to face the home team in a life or death match. Stay tuned and search the Rigged Wiki for details
He too too long to eject and his plane's systems fried. His canopy wouldn't blow. Had he landed in the water, he would've sunk and drowned to death.
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Thank you my dude!

Interview #03
‘A Man Who Lived For Battle’

The State of North Osea
7 Sep, 2005

Schnee 1
Erich ‘Phoenix’ Hillenberand
Belkan Air Force / 22nd Air Division / 4th Tactical Fighter Squadron

He never had great ambitions.
All he ever hoped for was to make a living as a regular pilot.
Today he works as a flight instructor for civilian pilots.

“The instant he shot me, I pulled the lever.
I barely managed to escape from my plane as it burst into flames.
After drifting from the blast, I landed below the Round Table.
It was a wide-open, barren wasteland.
How long would I have to wait for a rescue party?”

“Radio interference within the Round Table was fierce.
The odds of a distress signal actually reaching anyone were low.
I was at a loss for what to do.”

“Anyway, I’d really gone out with a bang this time.
I took it as a sign that it was time for me to retire.”

“But just then, I heard a roaring overhead.
It was his plane.
I was jealous of his calm, flying form.”

“Rather than waiting for the rescue team, I started walking towards the nearest base.
I was driven by a desire to get up there and fight him again.”

“Of course, it did take me three days to get there.”
Guys, I just got a Satellite Interception III. I'll sortie as soon as I get 8 players. Care to join me?
Did you go already?
Yeah, the room filled up faster than I thought, sorry.
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Aaaaaand I'm home

Godspeed Nemo, we can do this
C-Come back incoming?
I used to do animations like that.

What I think is interesting about the AC6 cutscenes was that they also did the control surfaces. I know Zero does this as well and probably 5 and earlier ones too. They probably include control stick and throttle inputs in their animation files or whatever they saved them into, and the models then react accordingly.

But yeah animations like that are fun. I kinda wish I had an excuse to do those kinds of things again.
But all the HUDs in Ace Combat are the same generic video game HUD. AC doesn't do custom avionics per plane like Energy Air Force and Over G did.

Unless you just mean like the cockpit in general.
Can you feel the PES yet?
Anything but /rs07g/ winning and we're out.
Fuck everything
We're already out since the most we can get is 3 in the last match while every other team is on 3 currently; if this is a draw we are out since two teams will have 4, if it comes to the last day then even if we win our last game it will only give us 3 points while /rs07g/ or /gsg/ will have 4 or 6 determining on the result. Sorry for the weird explanation.
Yea, meant to say cockpit.
Actually, if /rs07g/ continues its winning streak to a 9 pointer and we blow the fuck out of /vitagen/ we might advance on a 9-3-3-3
This is a very, very long shot, but longer ones have worked
Oh shit you're right my bad
It might be worth just doing cutscenes with game logic though. Freelancer does all of its ingame space cutscenes by tightly scripting AI commands like go to and attack. They spawn and despawn stuff as necessary.

OG Halo had almost all of its cutscenes be pre-recorded gameplay inputs. So if in a cutscene a Marine walks somewhere and then looks at something it's because they recorded a player doing that exact motion. A cutscene with multiple characters on screen was literally going through and recording the movement of each character one by one and then playing back all of these things.

It wasn't a great system, but it was very fast to iterate with and worked with their small team.
It looks way too static. Try adding a smooth camera shake effect to the scene to give it more movement.
Nope. 5 and Zero can be emulated in hardware mode with the recent dev builds of PCSX2 (not the public build).
Just played Ace Combat 0 for the first time. Pretty underwhelming desu, remarkably short even by the standards of Ace Combat and the story wasn't particularly emotional or powerful. There wasn't any convincing emotional buildup for these big set-pieces in the end, and they completely glossed aside the whole "nuked their own cities" thing after the big shock mission and talking about it for 2 minutes.

I want to play Ace Combat 04 but does it work without issues in emulation?
You've been able to emulate them in software mode with any reasonably high end computer for some time now. Any modern desktop i5 at 3.5 GHz or higher did it no problem. The only difference is that now you can do it in hardware mode and make the game look a lot nicer. See >>162043075 and do note that AC04 is playable with those settings, there are just some more graphical glitches than 5 and Zero have.
On one hand, we're confirmed ded.
On the other one, we witnessed the birth of /hanny/'s little child.

Thanks anyways Nemo, great job as usual buddy
Well never mind then.
No greater good. No just cause.
All for revenge
apparently the latest build of PCSX2 works well with ace combat, (according to leddit)
Man, Freelancer was a great game.
Stage of the Apocalypse is such a cool mission. One of my favorites for a quick replay when I pop in Zero. I was disappointed with the nukes just looking like a sunset with no definition whatsoever. The way they also pass off "10k people died" as a huge number also felt weird because that's really a tiny amount for 7 fucking nuclear bombs. The whole idea of nuking yourself also made less and less sense the more I thought about it too because it's not like it was a Tactical retreat pyrrhic victory thing where they at least wiped out a bunch of battalions.

Ace Combat stories are dumb, but holy fuck do I love Zero for the whole aces focus and being the most literal interpretation of "ace combat". It's also smaller and more personal than all the other games an I really appreciate that. That and my favorite boss battle of all time.

But now I'm just rambling and I don't even remember if I had a point. I just really love Ace Combat Zero.
Same sentiments here. These were hard fought losses that are more PES than anything else.
Sometimes, the game just doesn't want us to succeed, I guess
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>they completely glossed aside the whole "nuked their own cities" thing after the big shock mission and talking about it for 2 minutes.
No they didn't. It's the whole reason OSEA and all the other countries decided to do the peace negotiations. They wanted to stop Belka's madness (and take their rightful clay) before Belka did something even more drastic. It's the tipping point that made Pixy join AWWNB. It's the whole reason Belka split, the southern part becoming North Osea.
--June 6th, 1995

I was still in school at the time, but I’ll never forget the images I saw on the news that day.
The Belkans set off seven nuclear explosions on their own soil.
Maybe their old, militaristic leaders couldn’t stand the idea of Allied forces invading their land.
And declared to the world that the land to the north was the Holy Land of Belka.

According to the records, more than 12,000 people died.
It was a grand self-sacrifice that engulfed all.
The only thing remaining was the desolate landscape.

How did the people of Belka feel about what they saw?

What did He think of it, when He looked down on it from the sky?
I figured the idea behind the nukes were that they nuked the South Belka cities, the ones that surrendered and essentially abandoned the hyper-militaristic Belkan govrenment. It was more of a statement to the lengths they would go to and the punishment for disloyalty.
"12 hundred people" though, that shit was retarded. The US nuked TWO cities, with nuclear bombs probably less advanced than the ones Belka had, and killed at least 70000.

I didn't think Ace Combat Zero was bad, but it just felt odd at times, like they're trying to build for the same 'epic-ness' and emotional power as AC5 but not really succeeding. Gameplay-wise it is the best though, and I loved the Ace fights.

I'm pretty sure that Belka initiated the peace talks after a change in government. It doesn't make sense that Belka's extreme right-wing bloodythirsty government would have answered to peace talks and accepted conclusions that heavily favoured Osea.

Anyway, what I meant was more in the sense that there wasn't any talking about it. Let's not pretend that Ace Combat is a series filled with subtleties, they're usually very up-front about everything, so it was weird that the whole deal with the nukes was "oh dear they nuked themselves, Pixy defected, our radar at base is a bit messed up right now, let's have a 2-minute cut scene dedicated to this and never bring it up again".
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So a few matches ago, I sent a guy fought in tdm this message, because I felt bad about how overwhelmed his guy was when his partner left like a minute in. I'll show his reply in the next post.
They do mention it in The Final Overture tho.
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What did he mean by this?
Ok what did you mean?
I meant that he should switch from a 6 room to an 8 room. If 1 teammate left, it's better to have 3 people left on your team rather than just two.
Yo lads

I watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUPpY5YtLWI

And now I wanna plat Ace Combat Zero.

How can I emulate?
He means you're not his AC Bro
see >>162043075
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Cheers my dude

Are the BIOS files in the mega the ones I need for PCSx2

Love from /simg/
Yea, the pack in the mega is a compilation of bios for convenience. You can just download the USA ones if you want and it'll work fine.

Welcome to /aceg/
Me again

How do I get rid of the lines down the screen in the emulator. Some of the options in the image guide weren't there for me so I assume that was an issue?
Anybody up for a strim later
Possibly in a few hours
Does AC4 still run like shit on pcsx2?

Should I just play 5 and Zero first?

Is 4 hard to go back to playing after finishing 5 and Zero?

My cpu is Intel Core i7 5600U @ 2.60GHz

Am I good?
If you're referring to the black vertical lines in widescreen mode, video -> plugins -> enable HW hacks -> configure hacks, and tick "Align Sprites"
Not as shit as before.

Play 5 then Zero if you care about the story.

From personal experience, yes.

Yeah might work fine.
Holy fug if we get one more newfriend asking how to emulate the ps2 games I might have a nervous breakdown

Scroll up a little buddy, we were just talking about this!
What's on the agenda?
I could go all day about that game. It's so good. I would love a new Freelancer set in that universe. Microsoft is just sitting on the license though. They probably don't even remember they have it.
Kidnapping Communists
Being a meme

Are you planning on striming? Ill save mine for a later date if you are
No, no plans to stream tonight on my end.
Fuck off guardian tank
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I'm really sorry guys. These last two weeks have been a hell in several senses, and I really didn't want to end like this. In the end, I see /aceg/ had been more fired up for the VGL in the past, but nowadays not as much, and I actually think this is a good thing. Back in VGL5, a whole year ago, we didn't have any hope and making this team was a way to get everyone together for a last time for shits and giggles. I couldn't even run the fucking game. It was terrible but at least we got the AC7 news and this place is granted to survive for a while, regardless of Infinity and all the shit.
On the other hand, I don't have the spirit anymore. I guess it's been proved that without veterans helping I am in fact a terrible manager, and never made an actually competitive team. And while you guys have seen the team lose twice, I had seen /aceg/ be crushed more than 20 times for the last two weeks when testing, unable to do anything as much as I tried and with a growing despair every time the matchday got closer. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do for the last game to try going off with a little dignity.
But you guys have always been great - both in cup and in Ace Combat, I swear, the best rooms I've had in Infinity were with fellow buddies - and this is the reason I really wanted to deliver something nice. And I couldn't. I'm sure /aceg/ will be around by the next VGL and if anyone wants (fans CAN sign teams up) you can make /aceg/ rise once again, but I can't keep it going anymore. Sorry.
about to try and play AC5

i have followed all the settings as posted above and i have black lines, software mode has no black lines but shit res

anyway of making hardware mode have no black lines for AC5?
The align sprite hack
it is on, still black lines

exact settings as far as i can tell

i turned it on and off and then it worked

thanks for saying that or else i wouldnt have checked
Thanks mate

I guess I'll try to run AC4 first
Thanks for all your efforts so far, Buddy.
Hey it's been one hell of a run. I really can't see anything that killed us here except for the fickle whims of PES itself. I really appreciate everything you've done. Hell, you're a coach that got us a rep on the /vg/ roster and got /vr/ elited; that's stuff to be proud of.
Just...don't lose hope, man. Even if we can't make the knockouts, we can put on one hell of a show and make /vitagen/ fight for Sunday.
You've got this. You're our guy, and we're rooting
Thank you for everything, buddy.
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Does anybody else get a 20FPS slowdown in the 8492 mission in AC5? It's pissing me the fuck off, I wanna fight Grabacr.
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This guy, centuriongaming125, is streaming Zero later tonight. I quickly found him on twitch just a few minutes ago before he left for work.
What's your specs and settings?
I'm the guy who asked you about the audio desync a week ago. Settings are the same as the guide, specs are more than enough to handle emulation but I get a slowdown on 8492 alone. Is it because it's part of the Impenetrable Fortress mission or something?

The whole game's running fine on 60FPS.
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Ya did good, buddy. No sweat.
you're staying on /aceg/ right?

That game was so fuccin comfy. You could fight pirates and shit, or just spend hours at a time doing comfy supply deliveries (which I did).
I remember the first time I got the Defender I was so hyped, packed it full of guns. Man, what a great game.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, you must not lose hope.
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Sorry I couldn't do much. Wouldn't want it in any other way and will do everything to make a good show if anything this Sunday but it's really disheartening after all that. Being /vitagen/ I was considering the PSP games music. Probably this for anthem
and the goalhorn
If /aceg/ wants anything else, just tell me.

I've used to post more but I'm always around. If you see a scrub in a X-29A that's probably me. Won't manage anymore after this weekend though and I'm really this close to leave /vr/ desu, being shit is just part of a problem that includes work and personal reasons. .
I have no idea. I suggest skip the fighting for now, do the rest of the game, and then come back to it in free mission.
We appreciate ya buddy. Don't feel guilty about it, you did the best you could do. What else could we ask of you?
It's your call, man. We really do appreciate everything you've done
I might have to grab PES17 if my craptop'll run it
>yfw Schnees are furryfags
You did great buddy, and you did it for us, don't nedlessly worry yourself about such trivial stuff.
It apparently has lower specs than PES 16. Should be fine.
You're the one with the 6700k and a 7850 right? When I get the chance I'll try and replicate but I suspect you might need to drop the resolution to 2x.
It was probably rendering distance issues. It solved itself when I pitched up.

>it's actually a pretty cool emblem like classic ww2 ones
>furries ruined yet another perfectly fine thing

What's the canon plane order for ac04 though?

F-4 ---> F-14 ---> F-22?
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Its down to a war of attrition
What will be kill first? My laptop,twitch or my patience?
Find out now
>f-35 is a steaming pile of shit in AC5 in comparison to the F-22
I mean it has objectively worse kinematic performance

Its IRL advantages would be like any time an ally has a lock on an enemy, no matter where you are you can fire at that enemy as though -you- had the lock. Which doesn't carry over to ace combat's gameplay style well lolz.
The F-35 is literally like playing Ace Combat IRL though. 360 degree sensors and datalink with AWACS and every other plane and ship out there means you see it all
Will several gameplay-stuffs affect the cinematics such as the player's jets alongside its weapon config in the cinematics will be the same as the one the player choose in the hangar?
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Got to spend a good amount of time messing around in the F-35 sim at IITSEC last week. I can attest to this.

That plane's avionics and situational awareness afforded to it is game changing in a way that's impossible to get across to the media because it's not just a number that you can compare against other planes with.
You are one lucky sonovabitch.
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>AC7 will be like this
Couldn't he have flown off a bit and do a hard, no-gear landing in a farmers' field? Even if he couldn't get the gear to go down, or for the canopy to blow, you think he could decelerate until he could "safely" crash into the field.
>Days outside of the compuet
>Check Youtube feed, new Tomcat video about new trailer
>There's a new trailer
Back on the hypetrain I go, but ...
>Eruseans might be the bad guys again
Not this shit again, God dammit Bamco. In any case, I'm late on the train, what's /aceg/'s general consensus about it ?
I'm opening up recruiting again for the Ace Combat General Role Playing Game.

If anyone's interested, and has thursday night free from 6-7pm EST onwards, let me know.

I'm in flashbang's twitch if you want to talk in real time.
Pretty hyp
Been outta touch with /aceg/ for a while, is Valetni @ hitbox still active ?
I'm really hope the qt princess joins your squadron
Belka literally did nothing wrong
>Having another annoying woman in the squadron
Didn't they learn their lesson with Nagase ? Yellow 4 is best girl and she died too soon really.
No, I've moved on to another channel.
>Couldn't he have flown off a bit and do a hard, no-gear landing in a farmers' field?
I presume that'd have meant more dangerous flight time over the city, and if he failed he was going into someone's house.

Though there was always THE RIVER.
Spit it mang, should've figured that'd be why the old one seemed so ded.
Right now I'm at >>162298307

When I stream, I use the thunderceptor @ hitbox.
I see, thanks.
You've been awarded a posthumous promotion of two ranks, in honor of your service.
He'd drown in the river; certainly didn't seem like the city-sprawl was that wide. But yeah, I suppose he took the route of least civilian risk.
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"Who the fuck put this weeb shit on my base"

December 9th, 2016
Why is this thread so ded? It's goddamn saturday.
It's Friday, you nugget.
Watching the stream whilst playing KanColle and FFXV.
It seems anonymous users' are forbidden from posting in Acepedia.
615th for Slycooperfan1 is a gigantic faggot
A strim where nothing crashed
What a miracle
Thanks for coming out buddies
Also post music

Christmas Kuma tho
Don't forget about WAGAHAI. Glorious mustache
and Akebono finally gets new card CGs
That would be AMAZING if it did, via say Datalink or whatever. Give the Datalink/assisting plane a bounty of bonus points, and suddenly the EA-6B is top tier if it has a 6AAM slinging teammate.
>Maruyu also gets new CGs
It's something.
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I like you. We should be friends.
centuriongaming125 is striming Zero now. He has yet to play 04. He has the disc, but it wont read on his ps2.
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>my birthday is in the newspaper
>and im also a buddy of pixy
Thanks aces
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any Freelancer fan is a friend of mine
Interview #03
‘The Reborn Veteran’

Birneheim, Belka
24 Sep, 2005

Silber 1
Dietrich ‘Boss’ Kellerman
Belkan Air Force / 51st Air Division / 126th Tactical Fighter Squadron

He was once the top ace of Belka, and a fiery instructor at the Air Force academy.
In 1995, the Belkan Air Force sent him to the front line to bolster morale.

“He was good. From what I’d heard about him, I thought he was still just a young mercenary.
But he’d matured since then. He still wasn’t perfect, but I could see he’d come a long way towards understanding the rules of combat.
What’s important on the battlefield is to let go of hate, to survive, and to adhere to the rules you’ve set for yourself.”

“These are the rules I’ve taught my students.
And when I saw him, I could tell my time was done.
A new generation had inherited the sky.”

“There was no more need for an old soldier like me.”
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Bob never fails to deliver
>A week or two
Literally what's the point?
It's Century Series you fucking plane newfag.
Any Asian nations in strangereal?

I want a future game to allow me to stomp the shit out of Chengu and Shenyang planes.
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I don't know if anyone noticed, but the A-10 in the released screenshots is an A-10C and not A-10A. You can tell by the T-shaped antenna on the back.
Airforce Delta Strike had chinkplanes out the ass. I don't get why Bamco can't get even half the planes that Konami got over a decade ago.
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Reminder that I really have nothing to remind you of but starting a phrase with "Reminder that" is easier than actually saying something.
Good morning you ded bastards.
I kinda wanted to host a thread today.

Who's up? TDM, co-op, whatever
“Every time I flew with him, his skill stood out.
He was unstoppable.
He was cool-headed and proud; a combat professional.
‘Demon Lord’ fit him perfectly.
Maybe the man was blessed by the Goddess of War.

Before long, everyone had taken notice of him.
More and more would show up to watch him go off on sortie.
Mercenaries or maintenance crews, it didn’t matter.
People wanted to burn his image into their memories.

Hell, they weren’t the only ones.”

-Larry Foulke
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Ace Combat noob here, English or Japanese voices for AC5?
Do you understand moon?
If not, choose English
Has the PS4-exclusivity of AC7 been confirmed as permanent or timed? It may be about 3 more years for me before I can finally afford to buy a PS4 for AC7.

>Meanwhile in an alternate universe
No, but I don't really have trouble keeping up with subtitles even when stuff gets hectic. I'd just like to know which sounds best. Although at this point I started with English, so I guess I'll just check out the other option myself later.
>3 or more years.
>Implying the exclusivity will be dropped after 5 years
Well, it's Sony who Bamco made a deal with.
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I just finished making a video ive had on the back burner for the better part of 10 years, i recorded my personal favourite parts from ace combat 4/5/0/6 and made a 5 minute hype video.
tell me what you guys think
Did you get the footage yourself? I think there is an option to remove subtitles and that could improve the video a bit. Not really my kind of music, but that's a subjective thing. Otherwise, it was great.
unfortunately as far as i could tell subtitles in cutscenes were hardcoded, and the option to remove 'subtitles' was purely for ingame.

unless i missed something incredibly obvious.

whenever i heard that song i always thought that it would (imo) go well with an ace combat video. guess i kind of ran with it.
oh yeah, recorded it on a BC ps3 with an elgato, ditto with ac6/xbox 360. had an absolute blast playing 4-6 getting all the footage, the games still hold up remarkably well, AC4 especially (its already fifteen years old)
>PC DVD in 2016
At least try to make a shitty steam page
Absolutely ded today.

What are you buddies up to?
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Got a cold, so been playing Final Doom: TNT Evilution all day.
Anyone know how to fix these black bars during cutscenes in AC5
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Trying to figure out which walls would look better on my comfy botes office.
Align sprite fix?
These are my settings. If I use software renderer it fixes it but I can't edit native resolution and stuff like hardware renderer
Finishing up routing Farbanti. Trying for maximum style and shit.
I heard that ace combat 4, 5, 0 is properly emulatable now? I've been itching to play them again, anyone know about it? Thanks.
Try disabling "Allow 8-Bit Textures" and setting Internal Internal Resolution to "3x native".

Also, what PCSX2 version are you using? Did you set your display to Windescreen in Emulation Settings > GS Window?

I should probably put that emulation guide in the OP from now on.
<<Thanks Buddy.>>
Put it in an imgur link and put the link in the OP with a big "HOW TO EMULATE THE FUCKING GAMES" or something.
Yeah, probably something like

AC4/5/0 Emulation Guide:
>Razgriz paint scheme pre-Ancient Walls
Didn't work :(
PCSX2 1.5.0 dev-1678

It's weird because it's just the cutscenes that I get issue
Any of you niggas streaming today?
This is how I feel about AC0. And the dogfights are incredible as a result. They have never been topped. To hell with taking on massive ships, give me an entire squadron. One VS Nine, Wizard Squadron, let's fucking go.
Go with English. There's one mission where you'll be warned to pull up. If you're not reading the subtitles all the time, you'll realize too late.
And the English isn't that bad actually. I'm more used to it than the Japanese audio.
For posterity, here's the rest of the 0 wallpapers, though I posted them here a while ago. Astute viewers may notice I fixed the Engrish that were in some(e.g. 'The Stage of Apocalyps', 'A Women..', etc).
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>he fixed the typos
I might be in an hour or two.

How the fuck did he interview all these people on the same day?

Did he go from Osea to Sapin, Belka, and Delarus in a 24hr period?
Hahaha, I never even thought of this. The journalist was a pilot, I assume. Whoooosh.
Last one.
Depending on how i feel or if val starts his stream first
If we're gonna link to an external thing I'll just make it a reddit post or something, it doesn't make much sense to link to such a text heavy image. It's a good format for sharing on an imageboard though. Plus that way all the relevant 'wat do' discussion is in one place which should help newfriends.
You're missing one.
I always assumed they were adverts for the documentary "in-world" and that 23 March was the date it aired.
Each of those locations is roughly 1,200-1,600km from the other.

Assuming he left Oured and flew directly to Grand Rugido, then from there to Directus, and Directus to Dinsmark, you're looking at something like 4,000km in total.

An airliner cruises at roughly 900km/h, which gives us a minimum flight time of at least 4 1/2 hours.

However, we need to factor in additional time for arrival at the airport. Since most of these are international flights, let's say that's 3 additional hours per trip, and a half hour to get out of the airport.

We are now at 15 hours accounted for out of a 24 hour day, leaving Mr. Thompson with 9 hours in which to drive to, and conduct all these interviews.

There's also Delarus in USEA, but timezone fuckery could enable that.
It's the date the OBC interview is aired.
You're missing 3 actually.
Building plamo
Sis finally brought Arcadia Quest, it's kinda fun
Maybe host an Infinity room later
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Each interview has a fucking date you mongrels.

23 March 2006 is the date the documentary goes live.
I'm waiting on buddies to get home so we can mech together, so it'll be at least another hour before I start.
That's all I have unfortunately.
There's Stage of Apocalypse, Sword of Annihilation and Offensive Campaign No. 4101.
I posted Stage of Apocalypse earlier in the thread in response to Rafale.

I don't have the other two though. I'd appreciate them.
Good idea, do that and I'll link it.
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The Sword of Annihilation.jpg
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I found them on the mega
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I got this video as an ad a while back. Pretty neat desu
This guy needs to clear his throat goddamn
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t h i s i s w h e r e i t a l l e n d s
That's pretty cool.

Also guys check out this fuckin captcha

Today isnt a good day for me to stream anyway
Strim away
Comfy mech and Christmas strim live, fellas

Facedrag, Ankan, Real, Baba, Skouth, get in here!

What christmas movies does /aceg/ watch every year?

>Die Hard
>Charlie Brown Christmas
You know the type
Home Alone
Does Gundam 0080 count? Me and my sister are going to watch it this christmas.
Thanks! Here's a bonus cause why not.
Both of these, plus A Christmas Story, Trancers and Trading Places.
What's the theme for the next thread?
Got Assault Horizon Legacy +, and while it's okay I'm not really a fan of it. Your turning radius is pathetic and makes it impossible not to use Attack Maneuvers in most situations, since your enemies can maneuver around you very easily.

At that point dogfighting just turns into fishing for the Maneuver gauge to start charging, instead of actually trying to outpace enemies (which is difficult to impossible). Not to mention that missiles fall off a lot sooner now, and are MUCH more prone to miss if you're not sitting right behind an enemy.

Needing to use Evasive Maneuvers instead of simply shaking missiles turns the game into a QTE fest at points. I only don't ever check my position in the air at any point, since it doesn't really matter. You just fly in straight lines and hit the QTE when it comes up. It feels like I'm barely playing a flight game.

I read that it was basically an upgrade to PS1 AC2, but honestly this game just makes me want to play that version instead :(
OG AC2 is fantastic, you should definitely pick it up if you get the chance.
At least it's not Elf
Lol, I've never bothered with gundam
Wtf is trancers?
>Christmas Story
That one was pretty based back in the day
It's Christmas + 1980's

Check it out, it's a great movie
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Alright, you guys know the drill
I'm going to dump some pics to get this thread maxed out

Meanwhile next thread is ready to go when this one hits 750
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Before thred is ded, strim is up. Testing out F-Zero GX and Dolphin in general.
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>f zero gx
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>Shitty Steam page
Or the Origin page
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>Val is playing civil war music now
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>Trying to make a new thread
>Using this thread OP as template
>Error: field too long

What the fuck is wrong with /vg/?
I got the thread senpai, don't worry about it
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Nu thred link incoming
God that thing is fugly, I hope the new ac7 superplanes look better
It's up, let's go fellas

Say goodnight to this thred

>Scarface Squadron gets no love
Little Black Duck.
Thread posts: 753
Thread images: 173

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