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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 175

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General resources / news:

WoWg guilds:
Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)
Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance)

/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

Filter lists to clean up wowg:
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WoW Token Price:

Last thread: >>157038329
1st for Icycrits.
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1st for dps cucks
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Xth for Jafar in once upon a time is awesome :3

I meant the heroic part, we didnt do much normal due to lack of ppl
Female Tauren
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some yes
anything short of mythic cant be counted as tryhard

youre just shit rofl
Mmmmm belfs are so fuckable
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Leafbeards earlier days, has seen some shit
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Is cooking/technology of any use in modern wow?
Ok, I gotta ask. Who is the artist?
>Not tryhard
Not everyone plays wow for years and does raids every expansion.

That shit is way harder than normal
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Hello, boys.
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I want to play a fappable character without looking like a faggot, what races are for me?
>Your application was declined
>Your application was declined
>Your application was declined
>ANOTHER alliance erp shitter

when will that faction just be nuked already

Blood elves are bad but night elf and draenei fuckers are so much worse
How does one do damage as frost dk?
My rotation at itemlevel 841 gets me about 180k dps only..
I don't ERP faggot calm down.
And if I did, I'd be great at it, not some obnoxious dick like you.
fem pander
>That one guy who doesn't pvp

Female Orcs. They can get away with slutmog more than any other race save for Tauren and trolls
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>mfw I get grey parses on every single fight of EN normal
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rate my sweet mog
Male pandaren homolord.

Mere faggots got nothing on ya

>All tanking classes are basically raid bosses
>Except for mine, because I am a brewmaster
That's why I don't pvp
BE, duh. The answer is always BE.
>implying world pvp matters
ha ha ha ha
Post them.
>all those CLANG sound effects on paladin

Didn't know i was playing the berserk class.
faking noooob
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Depends on build and stats
>Open the LFG
>No tanking bonus or healing bonus
>I dont ERP
>except what Im doing in the thread right now

kys your self
Not nelf?
i had to stop playing the moment i reached lvl 110 a few days after legion released
anyone knows how fury is doing?
You a healer, boyo?
i wouldn't even start now, you'd be so far behind and get stuck at the 850 ilvl gate and be in hell till catch up mechanics.
fem nelf
fem goat
fem something
What's up with death coil's damage? why is it so low?
should i just reroll?
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Nelfs have ugly ears and giant eyebrows.
There's really no reason to play this game right now if you're not 865 ilvl.
any eu girls lurking atm?
>grandma haircut
take it back right now
it's been low since 3.1
You're a fucking retard.

You have plenty of time, there's 2 years on the xpac and we're only 2 months in. Unless you want to be the first to do every single content item, you're fine.
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teaching hozen herbalism.webm
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So how do healers feel about the overflowing affix in general? As a resto druid it seems rather pointless, as long as I do not swiftmend someone at 90% hp.
>put a hot on target at 100% hp
>first tick creates an absord shield
>second tick removes the absorb shield
>even if someone takes dmg between first and second tick, then shield is generally not greater than 40k
>spend all sunday getting corrupted ashbringer
>no gear to match it
i'm in pain
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It's cute silver hair.
Someone please link a Satchel scanner addon that works both for LFD AND LFR
more like dumb tranny hair
Is there a more liberating feeling than hearthing out of a wipe as people are dying around when you've just had it with your worthless pug?
cute Orc!
how do you find competent mythic groups
>get prestige rank 2
>no desire to keep grinding
what do i do
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two of us on the correct faction
Yeah, ninja'ing rare BoP loot that you don't need then leaving the raid and hearthing out.

Shame you can't really do this anymore.
Yes, using Invisibility, then using a Gin-ji knife set on the worst player in the Raid as you chop his corpse up, laughing at him
What class are you and your night elf friend?
Just post on imgur.
20% chance for each hit to do 50% less damage
>Have 25% dodge chance passive

Question, does this 20% chance of sparring apply after or before the dodge calculation? So is it 20% of all hits even the ones dodged or just 20% of hits that hit since they bypass the dodge
Please respond
Druid and Pally
Why so mean?!
Can you still make gold off Garrisons via professions?
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>in the warrior ring of valor
>fighting prot vs prot
>kill the other prot warr, another jumps in
>barely kill the second guy too just for the first one to be able to enter the ring again, finish me off and claim the chest

im pretty sure the contents are not worth this shit
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but I have a lot of other toons
Take a pic of your character right now
Cute Belf!
literally who
Just returned to wow
Last time I played was wotlk release date
Do pandas have the split into 3 spirits ability from wc3?
Essentially brewmasters ult from dota
Is there an addon for that totem shuffle boss in NL? I always keep losing the right one.
Playable harpies when?
more likely alliance, but could make sense either side or neutral
-goblin glider effect on a 3 minute c/d
-reduced falling damage
-Warrior, hunter, druid, mage, rogue, shaman
Warlock, deathknight, priest
literally fucking anything they want to slap the canon label on
its criminal those new models are so sexy and not going to be used to their full advantage
Perky belf tits.
belfs are a true miracle
You are one expansion too late for that.

Currently leveling this
Welcome to the authentic DK experience
Where are the female satri?
Why?did they remove it?
I don't care if its shit
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Just Dick Grip your self a real man to carry you through content
same place as the females of most NPC races
(few males missing as well)
>we were too lazy to make the models
Post butt!
considering frost DK is the shittiest class in the whole game, you are doing fine at 180k dps
>ilvl 856 with curve
>lel fuck off ur not ilvl 860+

are these people for real
Just a cooldown now, you had more control over them before.
>not being 870+ with two legendaries
>getting legendaries
this meme needs to stop
i'm two golden traits into my weapon
is it too late to switch?
What's it called?
i have 2 gold traits on all 3 weapons
its never too late
Satyrs are male by definition per their creators the Greeks.
Blizzard is just being true to their source material, Greek mythology.
that's like 33k or something, that's only a couple dungeons runs
I want to cum on that butt.
I-is he thanking you?
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>tfw can't find any old guildmates on the armory
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>he doesn't have 90 factions at exalted
it's probably longer since i'm only at AK2
only hc boss i cleared is xavius

am i automatically good now
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>tfw havoc demon hunter
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>all these shitter dps itt that cant find groups
>mfw im a tank, i make the groups
>im a completely shit player but tanking is fucking easy and I enjoy the hell out of it, so i've got everybody crawling up my butt to run with them cuz im also friendly and nice and these are apparently rare traits in tanks

I love this game
Is there a more reddit zone than Highmountain?

They do.
>Normal EoA, fast run, 870+
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You're lucky I can't be fucked searching through armoury characters to match up which one is yours and report you for bodymods, the draenei's guild disbanded.
Together we shall defeat them, Latosius
I've always wondered, why don't they just have the pre-Cata world available to people via Caverns of Time or something?

I dunno it's just weird to me to remove content forever
Any prot warriors able to get the secret artifact skin after the hot fix of logging in and logging out? Was it just a daily chance to pick it up or is there something i'm missing?
>Decide to do Darkbrul Arena WQ
>Tfw a dorf shaman is constantly ganking me as soon as I hop down

Nice balance there Blizzard

i'm pretty sure no one has ever been banned for body mods
You can report someone for body mods? How?

Is there proof that the person gets banned? Because i reported someone for tmorph once with picture proof but nothing happened.
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Probably because it would be hard to implement properly and wouldn't serve much of a purpose.
Why the fuck do yall care? Let them have their titties.
So what's the worst and best things that have happened in WoW's lore over the years?

the point of the cataclysm expansion was so it would feel like the world has been changed ~FOREVER~ by the cataclysm

not that great in hindsight and the data is probably lost by now. also that would be kinda weird having 2 versions of every zone available
>triggered furry redditors

>we r all highmountain xd no homophobes allowed
Then you will have people bitching about no flying on Azeroth XD
Pathetic neet virgins need to be punished for being pathetic.
blizz doesn't care
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>"curved group only (applay only if u have 2 kills+)"
>Created 8 mins ago
>still alone
>leader doesn't even have curve himself
>Wanting to run around 2 continents, end to end just to complete a fetch quest for a small amount of xp

Immersion-wise vanilla was great but don't try to pretend that it was good to try and level through.
most used words in these threads
what's that chest?
>thinking I'm a virgin
Please punish me.
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>in wow doing heroics and shit
>hunter in guild ask which gem he should put in his new 860 helm
>links helm and people start helping him
fast forward 30 minutes
>[anon] has received [The Shadow Hunter's Voodoo Mask!]
>guild spamming grats
>links that he won [Ullr's Feather Snowshoes] last week
>people ask if he has two legendaries
>he says yes
>then says "why can't I equip it?"
>people tell him he needs to research at his class hall
>starts asking how to do that
>guy hasn't even done a single research yet and is 110 with multiple 850+ items and two legendaries
I wish I was making this up. My entire day has been ruined. I know legendaries shouldn't matter, but this is killing my drive to play.
But why? It doesn't do anything to your game what so ever. Are you just an asshole?

Worst was Garrosh, the guy basically almost ruined the Horde and fucked over his closest allies for no real reason. I liked him before th whole SoO thing, even though I thought SoO was a great idea for a raid.

Best was all of WotlK, though the whole "there must always be a Lich king" thing was stupid Ye handled the rest well. Heck I thought Northrend was gonna be a boring continent and it ended up being one of my favorites
Who are you?
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you are playing a game where you can look like this with no mods.
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I'm a girl so it's ok for me to be a virgin.
This and the fact that my guild is struggling at 3/7 HC has made it so I can barely bring myself to play and i can't log in during raid times lest I get invited
maybe you should post some, faggot
thanks doc
>tfw prot pally is boring as fuck
>want to play dh or dk, but they are both shit-tier tanks
>really dont like warrior, also waiting for the nerfs to hit

How is bare druid?
Maybe you shouldnt exist and have some self respect to not need to think with their dick 24/7 and think like Trump's locker room talk.
Do you even hear yourself, Hilary?
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post good mogs only
Supposed to be really good.
>that entire sentence
Have you been huffing Shadow?
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Now is my time to shine!
But is it fun?
le edgy white knight
Look, im voting for hillary, but there is a huge difference between actually sexually assaulting someone, and having a fictional character be naked.
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>tfw too unintelligent to get a legendary after farming it forever since launch
Why did I decide to play a druid?

Literally impossible to get a mythic + group as Balance or Feral. I have literally NEVER been invited to one, I've applied to hundreds and have never been accepted as a DPS. I'm forced to tank any mythic+'s, but I want gear for Balance. I can't tank anything higher than a +4 or +5 because I can't gear up both specs at the same time.

I cleared Heroic Xavius this week and got zero pieces of loot from the entire instance, even with two bonus rolls. I'm still at 856, where I started this week.

The last two weeks I've gotten my keystone depleted immediately by trying to form mythic+ groups and having some retarded asshole even though I armoried every person before inviting them this week after the disaster last week.

Done with this expansion. I honestly think I could do better AOE damage in mythic+ as Guardian than Balance or Feral. Spec Fury of Elune and be able to decent damage on one pack and then be a worthless sack of shit for the next 1.5 minutes. Feral can't AOE ever.
is extreme forced avatarfagging some kind of wowg meme
help do i make an undead or goblin rogue
>complains about his spec
>isn't warlock
yeah just quit and leave see you
The problem is that disgusting vulgarity, that drive that pushes them to talk like savages, they are exactly the kind of person that plays females.
ye do u have a h*ecking problem????
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Why do people do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
i was just doing blackrock foundry for a transmog run earlier on and now i understand why wod almost killed wow, this is easily the worst raid blizzard has ever designed

the thematic is fucking garbage, the mechanics are garbage, the bosses are uninteresting garbage
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>bored of pressing certain buttons in a specific order
>want to press other buttons in a different order
>can't because i don't have the artifact points

what a blunder!
Yeah, is has started at mop with bearfart the fat gay panda autist avatarfag that comes here posting his character and bg score boards begging for praise.

Because more people were avatarfagging in MoP they have started thinking that is acceptable now.
is this your first time interacting with other humans or something
the only people who complain about avatarfags are the ones who are jealous

prove me wrong lol you literally can't
>want to do mythic+ and other pugs
>can't because game didn't give me legendaries or forged gear

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>try withered training as mage
>get destroyed by the first elite
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>doing withered training before getting 2000 AM cap as a non-tank

are you fuckin stupid or something?
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it's part of the suramar questline
Did they fix vault so you can't LoS eyes anymore? I remember some guy doing it way back and no one does that nowadays
i cleared it entirely as a rogue with 10 starting withered

you just need the upgrades
>crap it says i can only [...]

alright, time to drop WoW, if retards get rewarded there is no point in anything
>comparable to mage

just run in and suicide then
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>these gullible luck retards
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>crap it says i can only equip one at a time
4chan pass could have prevented this
How do I actually beat melee in a 1v1 or 2v1 as a warlock? Destruction if that helps.
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goblin merchant.gif
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>can equip 2 legendaries on two characters already
>still zero legs on either
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Kill me.jpg
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>*gazes at you in awe*
Whoa, what are those pants?

Or are they just a mod?
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Doe Cunt.jpg
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>posting a cold, dead corpse
If I wanted that I'd just stick my dick in the refrigerator.
i would go rules of nature on her ass
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Dryad are for ____
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>*gazes at you in awe*
>"it says you can only equip one"

This game is honestly fucking garbage.
her rear wiggles when she's casting a spell

I still don't get how blizzard got away with letting dryads have a nipple out.
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>people who don't even know how to play the game get legendaries
dude what
my guild is full of women. they sit on discord all day, talking about wow and tv shows. at least 7 of them and all of them raid.
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>get a legendary
>description: "'If dey want to kill me, dey betta' kill me dead. Dey betta' kill me da first time. Dey betta' kill me in my sleep.' -Vol'jin
>gets stabbed by a random doomguard once while in full war mode
i hope the artist understands some day how much of a faggot he is cause he doesn't know what an incubus is

Truly you live in purgatory.
record them and post it here
incubus don't take it in the boipucci though
>he doesnt know
Hope someone has the picture saved, I don;t and I dont feel like chasing dryads to take a screenshot. If you feel like it go in-game and look at their left breast.
That's not an incubus. That's a succubus (male).
Incubi go after females, succubi go after males.
>880 shadow relic
>840 fel relic
>825 fel relic
they fug ur boiholes thou
as do omnibi
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>Sudden message in guild desperately begging for a dps to help them finish out a +8 before the timer expires, can summon
>Realize I'm the only dps online, remember how I got benched last night and preemptively /afk right before getting a whisper
>Chuckle and continue questing
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Won a Mog contest last night (5k)

What do you boys think?
Okay guys, I just finished all the Nightfallen quests available to me according to Wowhead. Just need to get 8k/21k and exalted to finish it out.

Aside from the obvious answer of WQs, what else can I do each day to increase my rep? Is Arcway and Court of Stars tied to Nightfallen? As in if I complete those do I get extra rep? Anything else to do?
maybe someday.
shoulderpads look tacked on and the hulk hands are retarded
reminds me of raiden
I'll save my spunk for then
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shit mog mine is better
jesus christ is that a male draenei?
Any feet pics?
What class would make for the best horror movie monster/slasher, and what would be the best way to go about it?
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Do worgen look good with warrior armor?

The idea of a werewolf warrior is fucking awesome but I'm afraid all the armor is going to look terrible
Brewmaster buffs when?
>le girls don't exist on teh interwebs!
>ewww girls xD

Fuck off I play Wow and so do many other girls
>really hard to kill

DK, unholy or blood, depends if you want minions for your slasher movie bad guy or you prefer him to be really tough to defeat.
Inkling's Leggings

there's some color variations of it around

the real perk is the DK's invisible belt. next big patch seems to allow everyone to hide the belt so expect an increase in sluts.
Trannies dont count as girls
think about how their legs work and you will have your answer
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>put shit up for ridiculous price
>it sells because it's first what people find after digging through this
>braindamaged trans thinks hes a girl

its gonna be fine joe, keep taking your medication bud
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Right at you fellow girl*.

*guy in real life
>begging for a dps to help them finish out a +8 before the timer expires, can summon
You should have told them they're retarded, because once a MM+ is started you cant bring people from outside, it's up to the five people who started it

Unless of course you made it all up
>Be Draenei female
>Get my village attacked by Orc ravagers
>Orcs have fun time with me
>Like it
>Get even more fun time
>Get pregnant
>Dont Care
>Come big redeyed criple orc
>Look at me in disgust
>Crying because i no longer like it
>Give birth to child, name her Garona
>Years later see child all grown up
>Have tears in eyes while watching daughter in chains
>Being fed to big redeyed orc's soulmachine
>Having my soul and life force sucked out so that my daughter could live freely
>Most honorable deed in my life
>mfw I was a prostitute in my whole life
>mfw I loved it until it wasn't fun anymore
>mfw give birth to child who doesn't recognise her mother
>mfw I have no idea of early Warcraft lore
>mfw I have no face
I need the collective help of the weaponized autism here in tracking down an old WoW video.

It was this stocky angry white dude with a goatee playing an Orc warrior. I believe his main video had a segment where he stopped playing to drive somewhere while jamming to polka music. He was a raid lead too

I can't remember the name of the video or the character but it was funny

You say that, but you've never guarded the captain with your group
When warlock specs are reworked
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The rng >>157060049
catering to casuals has killed any care I had. I log on 20 min for WQs for rep then log off.
thanks whoever posted that blood elf album earlier

just finished
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I'll post one or two pics to help you out
dual wield for survival when
Why are you so scared of girls? stop being so scared, we don't bite, we are normal humans just like you
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He needs some buffs for sure, he's bottom 5 in picked heros
Boring as fuck with no Avengers Shield to chuck at everything.
> album
you mean 1 image
The fact that Garona had so much material for good character development and Blizz completely wastes it really shows how bad they are at handling their characters
Worgen look good in everything but cloth.
Clothing looks fine, robes look pants on head retarded.
Women are wicked.
Truly sociopaths.
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every single helmet looks like shit and boots are obviously not at their best on worgen but otherwise it looks alright imo
also +1% crit and Darkflight are great
because they bleed for a whole week without dying
worgen look worse than tauren and tauren are pretty damn retarded
I don't get your meme. Brewmasters are the weakest tanks at the moment.
A warrior can be 30 ilvl below a brewmaster and survive better
nah it was this http://imgur.com/a/GeMVF
Death knights are a given, but a little too cliched. Theyre a bit scary, but also a little bit stereotypical.

Shadow priests are all about mental torture, it's basically every single one of their of attacks, then they summon cthulu to come and rape your brain even more. That's kinda scary.

Beastmastery hunters are probably the scariest in my book. being able to just sic any kind of monster on you while the real monster hangs back is pretty sinister, you'd never know what to expect from them and which one to fear more.
*unzips dick*
i know, and i'm 100% certain it's going to stay that way
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I want to make a shaman and a warrior. One of them will be a draenei, the other a tauren. Which one should be which, considering armor sets and possible wardrobe choices?
I know it's early days but is the catchup thing for artifact knowledge actually in effect or is it not till later.

On my alt my weapon takes 10,000+ to upgrade but if I was to go through every AP world quest and do a random heroic i'd get about 950 altogether. Looking like i'd have to wait about 10 days before it's even worth trying. If that's just the way it is then it's whatever im just curious.
Where did it all go so wrong /wowg/ ?
People here are scared of girls because they cant' get gfs and blame you collectively for their own failures. I'm not like that though and would treat you right. What's your bnet?
with people like you
fuken casul get the garrison sickle
yeah i too hate it that they fucked up with legion so much that "YOU'RE A FUCKING GOD MAAATEY GO GET GULDAN AND SARGERAS AND THE OTHER" oh tho im khadgar so i dont even know what the hell is going on
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Is this the best troll mog you've ever seen?
>playing WoD
no thanks
What's this obsession with mogs that make you look like a shitty NPC from vanilla?
Dunno, I kinda like it
when men start wearing women clothes and start getting banged willingly by other men there is usually something wrong within the female part of this whole story

so blame the women, as usual
>a hobby popular amongst outcasts is popular amongst outcasts

Wow, no shit? Society just got more liberal, so more weird fetishes came to light. Average player age also got higher, so the community is more sexually active. Now quit being a prude.
I feel like myself and most MMORPG g4mrs I know are complete embodiments of both of these.
>turned into a wild beast by a curse
>relies on magic

i dont understand
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Mildly upset.jpg
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> That moment when you realize that pic related is merely a side effect of what's been watching you the whole time.
>he doesn't have the cm set
>tfw no ashildir gf
>be a human mage
>get turned into a worgen
>"I'm never going to use magic again on principle"

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>Still no patchnote for tomorrow
Should I just give up and reroll hunter/mage ?
>male-dominated community which drools over and acts weird around females
>females are reluctant to enter the community because of all the drooling overweight nerds in it
>some nerds feel jealous of the attention and privileges females get so they start acting all girly themselves
>fat nerds will settle for anything at that point out of desperation
>degeneracy ensues
>women still somehow at fault
Brilliant logic.
Curses and magic aren't the same thing do you even play this game?
>Brilliant logic.
it wasnt about logic, it was about whos to blame
>magic curses aren't magic

basic retard
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I would like to make some .webms for you guys, how would i go about doing so without them being ultra short due to 4chans 2mb limit
I like the idea of a mage tearing dudes to shreds if they manage to get in close.
>acts weird around females
Some of us are gay you cuck and like the left one
host them elsewhere
>fantasy egypt in background

I want to fuck a Doomwhisperer.

Xmedia recode. /vg/ has a 3MB limit.
>The right picture is the average wowg posters
>The left one is ralph
Not sure which is worse
>literal arab

just say you want to fuck the hijab bride
that would be the logical thing to do, but we dont do that shit around here.
Going to look into this thank you
Am I the only one who thinks Taurens looks ridiculous in almost all mounts?
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>Mfw I "pvp" but only on random bgs since no one wants me in premades
>Mfw the artifact skin is too good to pass up on it
Prestige level 1, honor level 29. It hurts.
Men in the WoW community are pathetic beens.
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2MB, 1203x2139px
>be healer
>log in for some WQ's since I need AP for the third gold trait
>"hi man wanna go run mythic+"
>feeling somewhat ill and have a headache so decline
>GM invites me to group some minutes later
>"let's go run mythic+"
>tell them that I'm feeling ill and can't right now
>there's clear discontent in the air
>check guild page every 10 minutes
>everyone's just sitting in dalaran
>fear over my raid spot
I want to fuck Azeroth.
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how to xmedia.webm
2MB, 1024x688px

Newer version of Xmedia recode have a calculator where you set maximum file size and it calculates everything else. Keep in mind that the longer the file, the shittier the quality.

Up to 45 seconds is fine for a 3 MB file as long as you don't stretch it all over the screen.
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>clearly a middle eastern caricature
hey man, they put an indian in Blacked and called her latina
Plainstriding when
Honestly if you are not one of those 2 then you arent a real gamer
Please never. It was awful.
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>/wowg/ said class halls weren't profitable
>Make more gold per day than garrisons
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How the FUCK do I into leather mogs?
Godspeed, anon.
>dev Q&A on friday
Alright, who's ready for the legendary bashing?
I want to get the angle artifact
not me, because the people who ask blizzard questions are the people who got legendaries, aka dumbfucks
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Do you enjoy watching paint dry and ice melt?
>shift change





Did you ignore "aside from WQ" or were you merely implying that WQs were pretty much the only way to get Nightfalled rep?
I'm ready to ask them when the fuck is the balance patch
I barely remember anything from WoD yet Legion is full of hilarious voice acting. Is this because they are forcing it on people with those talking heads?
I want to see that faggot greek not give an actual reply regarding anything.
>pick a color(or two if you're good at it)
>match everything
>remove shoulders since leather classes look better without them
>if helm looks good then wear it, otherwise go without
>do one mission that shows up once a week
>wow look at how much money I'm making
Huh? They balanced Warrior and Rogue by nerfing them into the ground :^)
Hi! Few things to start off with =]
1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen! xD
But my main is a human
not him but
>shows up once a week
these gold quest are up literally every single day. sometimes even twice.
>Twice a day is once a week
>Diablo 3 devs
>Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen! xD
God, this stale pasta still makes me cringe.
I'm black and I like to self insert since no QTS speak to me in real life.
>d3 devs
good. that means every class should have 1 good spec, with two shitty ones that no one should touch until the next big patch.
but i didn't say anything political, libtard...
>yfw in 7.1 the new mythic raiding composition is 19 supports and 1 damage dealer
>i760 mission is up therefore i850 mission will always be up

are you even trying to be logical
I already got 3/18 rare fish
two gold missions are usually always up, and both reward well over a thousand gold. I'm sorry if you don't have the same. maybe try getting all your followers up to 850 would help.
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The fuck?
>monster girls in wow
Yoo, what items?
its an abstract kind of fetish, you wouldnt understand
>WQ to pick up 10 starlight rose to receive 5 starlight rose

Why the fuck would I do that when I can just actually pick up 10 starlight rose?????????????
>leave my old guild because of bullying
>join wowg guild
>still getting bullied but now it's even worse than before

>3 characters
>do every single emisarry chest
>do every mythic
>do mythic+
>do a full clear of EN
>getting legendaries is a meme

Only when you get sephuz's secret.

That legendary is a fucking meme.
is it a work order or a profession world quest outside a town
What's a good ground mount for orc shamans to go with my wind drake? I'm a little bored of using a frostwolf howler.
Wolves are best for Orcs though.

Especially shaman.
Sunhide Gronn
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Should I do it?
Spectral wolf from Tol Barad.
i did that once

christ did those 3 fingers irritate me, worst fem race

virgin beta cuck
Fuck no
You think you have it bad? I can't even get enough resources to start the 2nd legendary equip. So basically now I have to choose which one I want to use which is bullshit.

Seriously does blizzard expect people to poopsock in order to do anything? I haven't even done a m+ since people expect you to read fucking papers on dungeon mechanics.
Male orc is the best choice for warriors

>female warriors

never understood this meme
do what, delete it?
yes do the workd a favour and delete that uggly skank. trolls can fuck off back to their jungle and climb up a tree.
source on image?
>can't even get enough resources

emissary caches you smelly dumb negroid
>female troll

Go ahead special snowflake faggot, I'll see you in a week or two when you race change.
>Seriously does blizzard expect people to poopsock in order to do anything?

You think timegated nonsense is poopsocking? Top bur, you wouldn't have even made it to 60 back in the day kid.

This is the most casualized and easily accessible expansion to date, I could roll an alt right now and be doing mythics in two weeks tops.
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>Shitty dps won't stop tagging the rare
>It's health has shot back up to 100m 6 times now
>two weeks

i got my demon hunter to 855 in 5 days
>he cant solo rare+
>vanilla was good meme

And anyone could get 60 'back in the day' in like a week. But now people have these things called jobs and obligations so we can't play all day like you nolifers apparently can
>tfw playing alt
>tfw getting great drops
>tfw doesn't happen on your main
If I get a Lego on my alt im quitting
When some asshat tags a rare and runs off, I drop combat just to spite those cocksmokers.
Can femsaken be cute heal sluts?
I got 2 world boss drops and 2 830 world quest titanforged to 860 though lel

femsaken are reserved only for real-life girls
I got 2 870 pieces from the world bosses and several 855 pieces from wq. Meanwhile my main got gold.
Yes, they are my personal favorite.
>guy does first ever mythic on alt
>895 non legendary drop

epic..... I like it........
I thought that was female taurens?
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Any hunters raiding BM instead of MM? Do you go full single target for your relics? Does that hurt you much in mythic dungeons?
Its just attention deprived autists started for attention they will literally do and say anything to get it. I usually just hide their posts.
see >>157063379
So what is your artifact level, /wowg/?
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so is every goblin, femtauren, femdwarf and femgnome a snowflake just because they aren't played often?
>tfw using world quest nuke to do pvp wqs
>going to hit prestige without ever even flagging myself
spurdovald is probably my favorite legion mem so far
What's better and easier to tank with: Monk, Druid or Demon Hunter?

And what's better and also easier to heal with: Monk or Druid?
It's pretty good. Always makes me chuckle
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How does the tainted discharge mechanic work on Xavius? Ive done the fight already, and i thought it was just a debuff that gets placed on you while you soak the pools. I just pugged him on Normal (its normal, almost impossible to go insane) and I had the "tainted discharge" debuff permamentl in the second phase. I got dream state, almost instantly died (within 5 seconds. dont even know how i died), and came out with bubbled popped. My corruption went from 0-100 and i had the tainted discharge debuff for the entire thing.We were all stacking so theres no way I was standing in the pool for 10-15 seconds straight. Am i retarded? or is this a known glitch or something
Literally every person who plays a female blood elf unironically or did in the past is a tranny
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How do you feel about belf warriors (male) ?
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What's his story?
BM pet AI is so retarded and pet pathing is so bad that I don't raid as BM anymore. The spec seriously pisses me off. MM is mindless Barrage damage ftw
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>start raiding in TBC
>really enjoy it
>never even killed Illidan
>was really happy when we killed Leotheras in SSC and I got my boots off of him
>even though we managed to kill Archimonde I never got to replace Light's Justice that I got from Malchezaar
>interest starts to wane in WotLK after we have cleared most of Ulduar hard modes
>Yet all throughout, my own heart, devoid of emotion. I... have... felt... NOTHING!
>Trial is even worse
>guild manages to get server 2nd LK25HC
>face is literally pic related throughout the whole progression period
>did enjoy Putricide as a fight though
>quit playing after killing Halion on heroic
>returned for a bit in cata and mop
>was there for WoD launch but quit again and came back after people had already cleared mythic HFC
>only do achievements for a year
>Legion comes
>now have 18d /played @110, some shit legendary and a lvl 27 artifact
>in a mythic raiding guild
>lost most of my interest to play, again
>if I quit without saying anything guild would have to find a new healer since I have had 100% attendance on raids so far
>if I say "yeah hey, I kinda want to quit so could you start looking for a new healer? I can stay for a few more weeks so you get things settled" everything would be pretty strained between me and other people

Thank you for reading my blog, more entries to follow.
He's the random demon who fucks up thrall
good thing I play all my female blood elves ironically
I've got like 5k AP I can dump, do I use it to get a point in arcane that is currently level 13 or do I put it into fire ?
The sexiest.
don't listen to the faggots with bad taste, femtrolls are the best race

get a better hair though
Treat others how you want to be treated.
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>stuck between not knowing which alt to level next

eternal struggle
>Play my tank
>Can only find shit dps to group with and nothing gets done
>Play my dps
>Can't get into a group
put regular mythics in the queue system since there's mythic+ now
t. retard who has never done either
Really makes you think
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Apart from being undead, does this mog look alright?
Literally what's wrong with lfg mythic. They're basically heroics at this point
pls respond
I have one. They're cool aside from 2h animations, look great in everything, not very common.
I changed from alliance to horde late WoD and the change didn't complete the horde questlines. If I change back to alliance at some point, will the WoD quests reset on alliance side as well?

t. don't like seeing exclamation marks on my screen yesyes I know I can hide low level quests but still
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How's this mog for a Shadow priest?
is dungeon still best way to level up fast inb4 give blizzard more shekels.
I really hate to put people down

but they look like shit
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Some explanation for why would help
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D.Va butt.webm
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>faggot tranny roommate
>has no credit card
>out of gold
>offers me a handjob if I pay for his sub

should I do it
can i do broken shore at 98?

don't want to draenor anymore....
fuck no
Need at least a blowjob for that
Blowjob or bust
most of the sets I checked on wowhead looked like shit, is a good clothmog even possible?
yah mane go on wid dem thug ass niggas on da 'sho
we real out here nigga
got them manda crystals u junkie ass lookin for an eveyrhting on the low low
Why doesn't Blizz make a separate animation for shield users?
>Vol'jin is pretty much Thrall's best bud.
>Thrall isn't present in his dying moments.
>Not even at his funeral.
Thrall is a dick
Use a tier-set/recolor or go minimalist

It's just bland. Droll. Doesn't look good. Cant really specify more than that.
He was still crawling over from the boat.
Metzen had no part in Legion, hence Thrall being emo and whiny.
>implying Metzen had a part in WoD

>basically heroics
except for the weekly reset and the mechanical differences
Maybe he's not dead
Im 854 memrogue with 25 artifact traits and pretty good stats for reddit spec, should I change to assa or stay pirate? Talking about the next patch.
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>post for guild in trade chat
>three people start messaging me
>get angst and close wow
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it's time.jpg
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Guys I need trinkets and rings but the ones in AH are overpriced and I never get loot in dungeon, what do I do to reach 810 ?
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>lfr set is better looking than tier set
maybe you're retarded
They're still easy as shit and you haven't presented any good argument against it.
In the throne room cinematic where they show the timelapse of Sylvanas standing there, I thought they literally made Vol'jin's body despawn

dumb tranny
i thought he just kind of disappeared which is something a shadow hunter would do i think
halp pls i don't know what to level up next
get your third relic slot for artifact weapon
get the class set gear, upgrade it to 820/30.
World quests


Giving a fuck about gender on the internet

If you fagts actually left the house and t-talked to a girl you wouldn't give a shit.
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>neck enchants start from 15k gold

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>grizzly jerkin
>warbear woolies
>aged abomination tripe
>embossed leather gloves
>advanced tooled-leather bands
>some shoes I replaced with griftah's shoes
well you haven't presented any good argument for it

and there's still the point that entering a mythic+ dungeon still involves entering a regular mythic dungeon and dropping a keystone into the font at the entrance
if you could queue for and immediately get teleported to a mythic dungeon it'd be the same for mythic+
I'm working on nightfallen now and I'm at the time gate part of the class campaign

neither rings nor trinkets today
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why are we going back in time during WoD?

doesn't this make everything we did in burning crusade pointless because of time paradoxes?
How long does the bloodsail admiral achievement take? and what's the best way to do it?

Looked at some guides but most seem all over the place.

Thought I would just try farming it but I kill one mob for 5 rep and then get one shotted by bruisers, feels like it would take me months.
WoD is an alternate universe
Try not to think about it. WoD was a meme expansion solely made to have tie-ins with the movie and re-introduce Gul'Meme and Illicuck.
>play brewmaster
>play guardian druid
Easy spamable aoe moves, lots of get hurt less CD's.

is tanking just so fucked in the game that you either play something boring or you play something weak. What did blizzard do
>feels like it would take me months.
It does
He's a demon.

Handjob, but only if he swallows.
Blowjob if he spits or swallows.
Offer 2 months if he offers up the butt.
>What did blizzard do
making each class only have 1 viable spec
Play paladin. Strong and fun.
WoD works like this:
Instead of changing things in our timeline, it creates a split timeline.

Garrosh travelling back in time leads to a new timeline / an alternate universe.
Here's some lore memes for you that involves time traveling
>Death Knight Worgen and Goblin

Explain this Nozdormu

basic retard

WoD's alternate universe existed before Garrosh showed up
just like guldan is never coming back
just like sylvanas is never coming back
just like illidan is never coming back
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>Just ran my first M+6 with my RL Bros AMA
Whats the rotation like don't really want to level up another dud, I might just stick with brew and hope for a buff to be honest, druid is a thousand times better at tanking but you only ever really need to press swipe and thrash.
Why is it the Horde pandaren that are sluts? It's it because they constantly get ORCED or BULLED?
I keep reading people saying they did it in 3 hours or so?

Also why the fuck are all the pirates hats cloth, why can't there be a craftable leather pirate hat
>Death Knight Worgen
Made from the corpses of Arugal's feral worgen
What's to explain? There have been goblins all over Azeroth since before the 3rd war.
Worgen DKs are former servants of Arugal
Goblin DKs are former Venture Company employees

>people still don't know basic shit the game stated 6 years ago
who are you quoting
How much did they make fun of you for getting flustered over healing and how hard did it make your feminine dick?
lol, come back when you clear a +10
Who frees Illidan? basic retard, kill yourself
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Enhance or Resto Shaman?
I dno, monks are shit so I only use her for slutmoggery
none of them had their corpse vaporized

and we still don't know what the fuck is up with Gul'dan because Blizz never tested the fight on the beta

Cordana in the DH starting area, which is Legion content
>hurr durr one of the characters involved was introduced in WoD therefore it's WoD even though none of the actual events happened during WoD

>Implying I'm a healslut

855 Prot Warrior. Been doing dungeons since I hit 110. Shit hardly drops for me that's an upgrade.
why didn't they just destroy the dark portal when it nearly destroyed azeroth for the first time?
the bloodsail one and the shipyard ones are all cosmetic
Do you want to heal or to DPS? The answer is pretty simple.
they did
>monks are shit
Only Brewmaster is. WW and MW are very good right now.
then why am i going through it in wod
they made a new dark portal in wod did you not watch the cinematic?
>it nearly destroyed azeroth
it didn't
>why didn't they just destroy the dark portal
they did
That's what I want to know. What species is that purple penis guy?

Clearly not an eredar, doesn't look like fel- or wrathguard either, nevermind the other humanoid species.
it is a wrathguard
why didn't khadgar just time stop and assassinate guldan?
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>"fantasy" rpg
>involves space ships
>involves time travel
>involves alien races
>involves stargates

>the adventures of titans was literally a bunch of intergalactic space heroes going around battling generic monsters of the week
>had a dramatic cliffhanger in the end of season 3
>got cancelled, never got resolved
>wow is the retarded spinoff made years later
why does a warcraft character need a body?
do u even think before u type
don't wrathguards have leaner build than that?
>Want to do random bgs
>Remember I'm honor level 50
>Remember if I prestige my main spec will be useless for 30 levels
>Remember you only get 20 gold from winning most of the time
>Dont want to do random bgs anymore
Fun fact: Wrathguards are actually modifed Eredar. Says so in the Exodar.
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another day

another chest of NO LEGENDARY
so he's a thicc wrathguard
>Made from the corpses of Arugal's feral worgen
Then how can they then shapeshift into humans? The Gilneas gets that from drinking from some gay font which I doubt Argul's Worgen drank from
>its a huntard thinks he funny because he has thok as his pet episode
when will they fix this shit?
any eu girls lurking atm?
any eu trannies lurking atm?
Yes. That loading screen is a shit though and whoever drew it and approved it should be fired and slapped.
Alright then

I guess it takes all kinds to make up a legion.
Why are there people who claim Male Night Elves should be the only Druids, or shit like bashing on Tauren Paladins?
I don't know why but it just bothers me when people pretend to care about lore but don't actually bother to understand it.
game engine limitation
only because Blizzard are too lazy to make varied bodytypes for anything

the Lich King's will overwrote their feral instincts
>but don't bother to actually understand it
go on then lad, enlighten me
why would he think he's funny?
thok is a cool pet, if I were playing a hunter that is what I would use
Because in Warcraft 3 all male night elves except demon hunters were druids
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>0.00s /guild "Any dps for daily heroic?"
>0.05s /click tank queue
>0.15s /guild "Sorry already queued ;)"
Lel the lieechee king is a faggot that gives the blade of the Sunstrider to his foes despite turning a Sunstrider into a scourge mage and letting her have the blade

the mage artimeme quests are all so fucking retarded
That will change in the next patch

wow is like american prison where nerds are niggers
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>be lich king
>come up with the concept of a death knight
>strong super undead capable of magics and shit
>so powerful can only make finite amount of them
>make them out of gnomes
it's like he was trying to lose all along
>raid shit tons in BC and WOTLK Having fun just healing and tanking on my druid and dps on my warlock
>Catc comes raids are garbage its so boring stop completely
>MoP comes out its ok but still have no urge to go crazy

I just started a pvp guild in sargeras and run randoms and rateds every day, I know its just minigames but i rather be doing that with 5 cool people than getting angry and firing people if they don't have legendaries
>why are there people who can't accept change

probably somewhere at the low-functioning end of the autistic spectrum
>That will change in 3 months
Females are the warrior priest caste and men are lazy druids. This is common knowledge
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Is DK tank the most boring tank in this game? WTF...

What class would you guys recommend for tanking? Which one is the most fun?
because le epic stomping sound at 200% volume that cannot be muted without turning off your sound entirely
I mean... what is it about the new lore that you fight against so much? I always thought that Tauren worship of An'she made a lot more sense than other forms of light worship, aside from the direct reverance or naaru like the draenei

Unsurprisingly.. not being immortal anymore has changed night elf civilization immensely
>Why are there people who claim Male Night Elves should be the only Druids,
You see nigger. Back in the ye good old days only male night elves could be druids and only female night elves could be priests. Do some archeology, you stupid fuck
>be retarded nigger
>post incorrect evaluation of lore on /wowg/
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>Fantasy cannot be set in space
The game might change, but your shitty attitude wont.
paladin is the most boring
rage tanks (warrior, druid, DH) are the most fun and the only tanks actually worth playing
DK and BM are a trap
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>be lich king
>come up with the concept of a death knight
If Lyandra got herself killed by a random mage, she obviously wasn't that great of an asset
Go Warrior or Bear, Blood DK's are sadly the worst tanks atm. I say worst because i'm literally not counting Brewmasters are tanks right now. The nerf to Bone armor was much too harsh considering they can now modify skills for both PvE and PvP. The reasons they changed it in the first place was because people complained they were too beefy in PvP due to Bone armor.
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>wrath of azshara on +10
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>tfw you get your legendary and its alright
yes... of their ancient civilization
the world is a different and much larger place than the height of the night elves
it took two archmages to kill her, she had the high ground
Their ancient civilization involves the first sundering
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>tfw this happens to you
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>tfw you get sephuz's secret
At least it's not worthless for a fire mage
Tauren Paladins are retarded, I aint gotta explain anything when it comes to that. Blizz shouldve just made undead paladins playable, even that wouldve been more palatable.

inb4 MUH LIGHT HURTS UNDEAD. We've got fucking player character night elf priests channeling old god magic for fucks sake.
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I'm sorry
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Shaman tank when? I don't want to reroll again.

Fuck this shitty game.
We got night elf paladin NPC now as well

>yfw NE paladin becomes a thing before undead paladin
>the world is a different and much larger place than the height of the night elves
the height of the night elves was during a time when there was three times as much landmass on Azeroth

>thinking it's just the fact that holy energy is anathema to undead
the Forsaken have literally no culture of worshipping anything that resembles the Light
>but muh handful of argent NPCs
who have literally abandoned the label of "Forsaken"
I'll do either, initially I wanted to heal since that is the only role I have never really tried, but enhance is fun right now.
>inb4 MUH LIGHT HURTS UNDEAD. We've got fucking player character night elf priests channeling old god magic for fucks sake
You can spin it the other way. Why the fuck do we have Undead priests if holy shit hurts them
god I fucking hate that
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Blood elf hunter.png
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The way I see it, Tauren paladins actually have a focal point and a reason to exist. An'she has enough Light to grant its followers power, whatever the Sun really is.

But the way human paladin lore is set up is so uninspired.. if humans can be paladins, what is stopping the rest of the races from becoming paladins? It's flimsy and arbitrary.
>Shaman tank when?
Been asking for years, it'll be about the same time we get swords as shamans, otherwise shamans are still the most fun class around
post anal
>these guys worshipping the Light is fine
>these other guys worshipping the same Light isn't

lorewise all Forsaken priests are shadow priests
disc and holy are only available to them because of gameplay mechanics
delete this I don't even care if I get meme legendary I just want one now
>But the way human paladin lore is set up is so uninspired.. if humans can be paladins, what is stopping the rest of the races from becoming paladins? It's flimsy and arbitrary
I dunno what stops every race from worshipping the elements like every Shamen?
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gee boss.jpg
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>item level required: 835
>literally declined every time
>initially I wanted to heal since that is the only role I have never really tried

I was in the same situation and ended up hating healing. Play enhance.
pre-war of the ancients was a different civilzation yet, its irrelevant to the discussion
try to keep up
I like em both
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Blood Elf DK's are cute!
Incestral is a tranny into incest?
If my post ends in 5 you will NEVER get a legion legendary.
>Blood Elf anything
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don't worry I'll quit the game soon because I haven't got a legendary since launch, then I'm guaranteed to never get one
I mean, I'm going to assume you understood what I was saying and are just playing devil's advocate
but in case you don't understand

I like that paladins have a tangibility to their light worship
it isn't just an asspull, you can see what the worship and you can see that it gives them power
humans, on the other hand, get it because they do and nothing more

that's a good point and makes me think
They are cute in a sexual way in anything, yes.

If you want *adorable* kind of cute, then it's gnomes.
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I just want to make a Naga dammit
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>tfw you burn your luck on reset day and get a rare mount instead of a legendary
>i want to play an ugly race ON PURPOSE
I don't get you people
If join a carry group, whats to stop them from booting me after i use the stone?
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>finally win
>this crap is in the RET item pool

>established lore from the RTS

ok now I know you're going full retard on purpose

shaman don't worship the elements, they make pacts or deals, or in some extreme cases they just take the power for themselves
you could find and train your replacement, just saying. nah, you just want to be a fruitcake and blog all over the place.
You are the reason there are no more beast races in modern games

Why would they boot you? They can't invite someone else, they have to do the dungeon as 4, you QQ about them in trade channel and they don't get to boost anyone again.
if u make a thread on the forums qqing about no legendary blizzard will flag you're account so u can get one, that's the latest rumour
PLEASE try to keep up
I'm saying that the way humans interact with the light is an asspull, I know the shitty "lore" has existed for a long time but that doesn't make it any more interesting
But they are cute
I don't get you. I bet you don't like the LOTR movies because the main characters are a bunch of short guys with hairy feet instead of flawless, porcelain skinned elves with A cup breasts in skimpy clothes.
well then that's simply because non-beast sells better if that's the case
tfw manlet
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But how will I get a legendary when I stopped playing this piece of shit game?
nobody except autists cares about the lore, not even blizz
Because they're cool as fuck m8, and fem nagas are qt.

But blizz will never implement them because they're too stupid to figure out what to do with mounts.
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>mythic+ group asks for great dps
>be warlock
>bring shit dps
How the fuck did you conceal your identity during the groupfinder phase

I mean surely the big purple text must have gave them a hint
oh, really? a single anonymous poster on 4chan is the reason there aren't beast races in modern games? not the fact that most developers are lazy shits and don't want to adapt shit like half the armour in existence to fit on a non-humanoid frame?

hmmmm really makes you think

>humans worshipping the Light as a concept is an asspull
>tauren worshipping the Light as a cultural representation of mythos isn't

you really should get your head checked
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>group with demolock
>he pulls 280k
Sylvanas is fucking STACKED
>Inviting a Warlock

They knew what they were getting into
Your helmet looks like it has a moustache
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beeg american titees
She's been dead to me since the voice change.
Has this been discovered yet?
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Did I do good?
god dammit, I can see it
nope :^)
She's been dead to me since the Third War
you mean "has someone reliably discovered how to obtain the quest that we've known since beta rewards the appearance"?
no but my warrior's 8th artifact knowledge research will be done in half an hour, I'll see if anything pops up
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/our guy/
My warlocks have bern good so far. Some doing 300k. The only consistent cancer has been warrs. Not picking them for mythics anymore. Always fury always sub 200k
why do people keep asking this here? i'm sure there's an arms warrior discord. if there was a hidden appearance for shitposting, we'd have that.
>tfw making 8k an hour fishing

You jelly poorfags?
>tfw tmorph still hasn't been updated

why live
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>we use discord
anyone have the gtx 1060 here? how does the game run on 1080p with this badboy?
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Do you pick enh shamans and spriests?
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Underwater zone when????????????????????
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Lads, what trinket combo do I use? I'm an enhancement shaman
Taking a short break, then I'm going back to leveling my Demon Hunter. Trying to get each class to 110, so far I only have Warrior, Death Knight and Hunter up to 110, what class should I go for next?

Also what have you been up to do far today guys?
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I check the internet everyday and its the same shit about a quest thats been known for months while all the other classes and specs know how to obtain theirs. why does blizz hate arms? they shit on the spec bug out the campaign quest for the warrior quest making it the longest compared to other classes
game is CPU locked anyways so probably the same as whatever you had before
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I pick anyone. Im not that picky but going to stop picking warrs
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poor animals.webm
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Is this normal?
there is
they're retards spewng crackpot theories like "we have to void cleave things 20000 times while wearing the original arcanite reaper durr hurr"
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>Run daily heroic, dps are all pulling 300k~ dps
>Form a group for my M+6 key, dps is around 180-200k~
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>tfw when you're first legendary is shit
actually, demo, arcane, and ret didn't actually know until recently and they had weird quests as well, if its at all disappointing like the demo one you should just go demons/vikings until some arms warrior item drops that lets you get started.
>what is LFG buff
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Best class for a Fem Gnome?
>it nearly destroyed azeroth
>it didn't

ya it did, khadgar shut it down because the instability hoodad on the otherside was threatening to blow azzinoth up too
Who is the best healer in legion
who is the best tank in legion
is there anyway to get aritfact power back from an aritfact and put it in another?
You grind vault until you have faulty countermeasure, it's far and away the best trinket for melee and extra potent on enh because it does frost dmg.
>highest stat priorities

some of you people really cant appreciate
any BM hunter here?
i'm 837 and doing 180k to 190k dps on single targets
is that ok?
Disc priest
Brewmaster tank
frost mage, fire mage and arcane mage
is that even a question?
already been done, Go play the game over again you cant miss it.
I enjoyed it but alot didnt.
>tfw you'll never use a gnome as a masturbation toy
Priest or Lock.

Survival Hunter, mog weapon to huge 2h sword
that reminds of that shit story someone posted a while back.
it's +50% dmg now? cool
Hi all, quick question. I'm new to WoW. I just did my first LFR and it was fun, but it felt short. Is Darkbough only the spider person?
which class should i level that wont be obsolete any time soon: hunter, rogue, mage
Quick, what's the best 5-man dungeon and raid in the game?

Also what's the worst
No, both wings have 3 bosses eahh, the third one coming later this week will have just the final boss. You just joined a raid that was already in progress.
Darkbough is Nythendra, Il'gynoth and Elerethe aka spider person
Queue again and you can kill the other 2 bosses too and maybe even get loot

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>When random heroic gets you the one dungeon with a quest
warrior campaign isn't bugged, it's the original length that all the campaigns should have been

also frost DKs still have zero idea where their hidden appearance comes from

they blew it up the first time around to stop the invasion
the second time around they didn't physically destroy it, they just closed the rift
T.Blood cuck player

I wish Jaina slew all of you at Throne of Thunder
Awesome! Thanks yall!

Also, I see why people like WoW. There's so much to do. I still feel like I'm a few months away from a "real" raid.
Thanks friend.
Rogues are already obsolete
>Best 5-man
Zul'Gurrub remastered
>Best raid
Ulduar, no nostalgia goggles the organic difficulty control blows everything else away

>Worst 5-man
Eye of Azshara makes me physically ill, fuck that wind mechanic to hell
>Worst raid
Dragon Soul is literally the only *bad* raid Blizzard has ever made. Even Trial at least provided some memes
>3rd one is damaging spells
1st and 2nd
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>There are people that unironically care about some literal who voice actress from 2002 being replaced
Serenity actually did a +15 with a Disc Priest, it has the potential to do amazing but its up to the player.
>unironically liking stuttervanas
She hasn't stuttered since at least early cata
>literally all fights now have spastic movement based mechanics

please stop

I really like the troll Cata five mans, even though I think they should have kept in the old raids they were nice and chock full of stuff to do.

Worst five man is the Oculus, fuck that place

Best raid is Karazhan, probably partially cause of nostalgia but it was fun

Worst raid is Trial, standing in a room was stupid
If you can do mythic+ 4-5 dungeons properly you can do Normal raids no problem. Just make sure to watch a detailed boss guide before you attempt fighting them and really try to follow the mechanics as suggested. It is crucial to follow instructions. Other than that it is a simple game of not fucking up your part of the performance.
Bringing you the first exciting episode of World of Warcraft Open world PVP
Today HellGnaw 835 rouge faces up against Vicious Feral Syrion. He was minding his own business sitting on the dock of the bay not expecting to catch THIS!

Be sure to tune into /WoWg/ To check for more daily kills! and be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!
>no legendary yet
I LOVE this meme!
I care when the old one was actually good and the current one sounds like utter shit and ruins the game.
>Actually good
You mean when she couldn't go over 5 decibels? At least the current VA can put some fucking emotion into Sylvanas.
>mistyping roughe
Why is/was Dragon Soul bad? I have only solod it afterwards but I really like the design and Spine is a very creative encounter although the mechanics are ass
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They are just trying to copy destiny and fail

Destiny has the best raids compared to anything right now
Who's the cutest tranny in wowg?
>still has shitty stuttering on-click lines

Linstead without a doubt.
>Those clicks
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>FPS: 45.3
Most of the instance even on heroic was piss easy. Both deathwing fights were just crappy for different reasons.
The Nightfallen are so French it hurts
>killing a fisher
>bragging about killing fleeing opponents
frost or fire? im planning on doing pvp and pve
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761KB, 1080x1080px
>that UI
>that bit rate
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299KB, 500x400px
Probably gaming the forced respawn system in a party for fat money
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>Voice lines that were recorded in Wrath
>Durr she still stutters durr
>messtyping rouerg
>keith serbiabaka
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I have a level 5 Mythic keystone with Bolstering modifier, and no guild or friends to run dungeons, am I screwed?
>that fucking bitrate
>default msbt text
>shit ui setup
jesus christ
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even for a BC/vanilla video that would be embarrassing. you're neither showing any special mechanics/skill nor a fast kill. you're having trouble with keeping up with a femnelf druid lfr hero.
but i guess you're too autistic to realise this anyway. go kill yourself, please
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>generate random female pandaren name
>Yuk Bearhoe
yes, you dumb retard
they could easily rerecord her on-click lines but because they're enormous shitters they don't see anything wrong with them
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Average fem belf mog.png
3MB, 1156x1496px
Pick one.
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we disc priest now
How do I stop being a pathetic beta?
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>he fell for the DK meme
just b urself
>that appearence
>not human female
>named Ví
So you can only do Mythic dungeons once a week?

So this +2 keystone that I just got can't be used until next week?
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>Clicking step and sprint
keystones are not on a lockout
You can do the base mythic of each dungeon once a week, you can do mythic + as long as you or somebody else has a keystone to use, they're spammable
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Alright so I'm sitting with 865 ilvl, pathfinder part 1, and rank 3 starlight rose. I've also got the artifact fishing pole. But I have 0 gold. What's the fastest way to make gold this expac? Should I cruise around picking starlight all day? Or can I make bettter gold off fish?
never done the timewalking event, how does it work?
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2MB, 245x245px
should one return to WoW in its current state, lads?

oh shit
One Click.
Since you are new to the game
Shadowstrike = 15y range
Shadowstep = 25 y range.

Shadowstep is generally useless. except in some occasions such as this.

You are welcome to come visit me though. I love making new friends.
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divine reward.png
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>tfw you bitch enough you'll get a leggo
found the underaged b& guys!
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>blood elf player
>calling anybody else underage
The emotion of an old nasally cunt.
How much ERP is there on Horde Moonguard.

Asking for a friend
Anyone else not invite Hunters into their group because of barrage?

I don't really want to pull extra trash mob. You're easily replaced with the multitude of mages out there.
Aside from all the obvious stuff


Useless addon
Post lewds.
only the worst hunters use barrage anyways.

Yeah,Its not great nor bad really.
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>not using Birbs
They deserve it.
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>be demo warlock in mythic+
>pets pull additional mobs all the time
i sacrificed my purpose to get what i always longed for

had i not accomplished my task, i would have felt bad
but i've accomplished my task and i feel bad

you can't win just give up
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>be fire mage in EoA mythic+
>ignite pulls seagulls and crabs on serpentrix
I think so, I hadn't played in awhile and have had a solid 2 months of """fun""".
Oh fuck.
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Mastery then what as a Guardian Druid?
Guys I can't take it anymore. I need a guild but I can't get one as I can't deal with like applying, talking to people and stuff on the other hand I can't take another week of wiping on bosses I know because pugs are retarded and never fucking learn.
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>not genociding all seagulls
vers/mast then haste then crit
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>have a DK and DH tank
>mythic ursoc

It's currently worse than WOD and that should tell you something
nice meme
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>Create a portal back to Dalaran for my allies after a successful dungeon run
>They just use their 20m hearth or class hall teleports

Classy fantasy, they said.
tank lf healslut to pocketheal me through mythic+ farm
NA horde
truly an aoe nightmare
dumb tranny
New thread

>tfw dropped wow with one month of sub left
fucking game and it's RNG shit
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What did he mean by this?
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Hmm girls exist on the internet, i should boost them so i can demolish their cervix in my penthouse later.
Alonso is disc lorewise and is the main legion forsaken priest npc
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