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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/: RiPiP edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 758
Thread images: 213

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General resources / news:

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Last thread: >>157008354
Who here has a crush on Icycrits? I do.
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how do I beat a ret pally as a rogue
>""dps main""
>doesnt main a hunter or mage
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>Still no Patron of War title
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>Blood Elf players

Is there any bigger faggot race than BE?
literally just autoattack
iktf man, i had to roll a six and prepot/pot to not look like a complete shitter on heroic ursoc, meanwhile two ass rogues with 15 less ilvls are pulling 350k without flask/pots.

then we wiped, waste of pots
>Trying to eat and mind my own business doing daily world quests.
>Icy pops into game and in my whisper mentions.
>"Uh hey yeah are you that good warlock guy ßéãŕhĕart was talking about?"
>'I don't know, probably. I'm pretty cool with him.'
>Invites me to raid.
>Keeps whispering me asking me if I'm a tranny.
>Keep telling him no.
>Sends me UNWARRANTED dick pics.
>Asks me if I want to "put my tranny fanny on his manny."
>/gquit and block his toons.
>Keeps trying to hop to alts and invite me back.
>Report him for harassment.
>He tries to contact me through ßéãŕhĕart for weeks.
>Still won't let up.
What do I do? This fucking predator actually scares me.
when u get him low on health keep him locked and trty to finish him off
tfw heard a slutty story from a bloodelf player and now im all horny and dont know what to do. I sort of wanted to talk with them about it more but was really nervous about saying anything. Now my opportunity is gone.
The only meme you fell for is not playing ass rogue.
>get banned for spamming the ball on a RP server and disobeying GMs
>he cant even report a guy with all the evidence he has

ayy lmao
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I do
>>get banned for spamming the ball on a RP server
Can I get banned from an RP server for running up to roleplayers and spamming Pandaren brewpack until I repeatedly vomit?
alt-right manbaby
How does that make me a cuck? It was probably too embarrassing for them to go into detail.
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Stop bringing in your drama faggotry. Are you that pathetic you have to bring it to every thread. Gay cunts
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BEs are for ____?
Whoa, what's your name?
Hi Madcuck
>do a random 5man
>have an orc dps
>have a belf dps
>orc is always top dps
>belf is always bottom dps
you guys should really pay attention to this, it's true so damn often it's hilarious
Well, that's the first time I've seen an actual flying botter.
Reported ;)
>tfw can't find fucking anybody who wants to do the legion dungeon achievements
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Impaling on the spires of Orgrimmar
Hello friends
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>Troll Druid
Literally same thing happened to me until I let him e-rape me it was hot
lel your char looks like those guys
>Horde druids
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Didn't this ugly elf design the "new" brewmaster class?

Why did he make them so undertuned?
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Fuck you say?
>When you find a Chinese Brewmaster who is so good he's going for 2 chests on +9

I'm in love
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>Find the uncropped version of that image
>Some reason it doesn't use the Night_elf tag
>Only uses a blood elf tag with futanari
>Maw of the Damned always resets to default skin when I change to blood spec

this is some kinda bug, right?
If you would be so kind to link the source.
Wow I wish I could be like the popular guys in RiPiP. Whats the best way to start working my way into the circlejerk?
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> play a feral druid
> can burst up to 200k dps for as long as king of the jungle is up
> drop to constant 130k quickly after
> 855 ilvl
> wtf is this
> spend a hour switching talents and fighting target dummies
> finally decide to switch from KotJ to savage roar
> do constant 200k dps for minutes

Shit sucks, I loved the KotJ talent, Berserk just feels like fucking nothing.
But I simply can't pass upon 70k DPS.
Maybe could be even more if I wouldn't go for ilvl instead of stats.
Because you let them tell that story to someone else. You should have listened and asked erp
Its pretty amazing how you always pick the worst hair possible. Same with your orc and goblin.
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>tfw have to demand 860 for m+
>not because they are too hard at lower gear levels but because everyone stuck at 850+ is an utter and complete shitter

>those stars

>tfw havnt played properly since I started at launch until TBC.

Think I came back for Wrath for like 2 weeks, and maybe got free upgrade to Cataclysm thingy but not sure if I ever even played. And don't even know the name of newest expansion.

Think last time I played the level cap was like, 70? absolutely years ago.

Am very tempted to come back, also because the new class looks like it has a cool design. Is it fun? Or would I be so far behind I'd never stand a chance to do anything?

I'd probably make a new character but no idea what. Maybe hunter, or healer of some kind.
That's because it's a BE DK on the left, not a NE
how hecking new can you be???
So the legion armor potion does nothing for brewmaster monks? Shows no armor increase in the statistic page for me
how hecking new are YOU???
>forced to dual wield
>looking to transmog
>quel'delar is the best looking sword in the game
>can't have two of them because muh lore
>there are no other non-edgy runeblades in the game
>quel'serrar is perfect in terms of lore and looks
>fugly green glow

Demon hunters are fun to level and fun for 5 man dungeons, at the high end they are mediocre tanks with lots of 5 man utility (good for mythic+) and mediocre dps.
arms or fury for leveling?
do you want to heal to full hp between pulls and have big dick aoe/single target, or do you want to eat shit pulling more than two mobs and entering the nuclear launch codes to quest?
I want big dick
then go prot :^)
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the official "my dick is tiny, so let me compensate by wielding weapons that are longer than my entire body" weapon.

I can't believe some rogues are risking their health for these things, by staying logged in for 4-5 days straight, grinding the same dungeons over and over again.
>Want to Rp in Orgimmar as my Orc with other Orcs and maybe tauren/troll
>Enter orgimmar tavern
>Blood elves, blood elves death knights, blood elf demon hunters
>Fucking blood elves everywhere
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Literally nothing wrong with any of these hairstyles.
nigga look like he gave up drawing feet
that hairstyle looks like your child cut it for you.
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Just a heads up for those of you that don't know. For the world quest in Highmountain where you become a rage shard to collect crystals there is a wall that you can run up to that will phase you back to the rest of the world. This is important because you can take the rage shard outside the cave to insta kill people with "chuck crystal."
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the official "project non stop" post

why do you care what people do for dressups
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>join my old guild to raid mythics and go ele shaman because the GM wanted one
>dont get taken to mythics because I'm ele shaman

Time to jump off a cliff in Stormheim
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So this is the power of your "king"
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A quick way to get a vacation from wow
Maybe you'll reincarnate into a good spec.
woah icy has good taste
>tfw got my swords in 89 runs combined

that's the 200 wq skin too

u livin that 3 star life?
A well earned vaction. Nothing felt better than throwing hail Mary crystals at dudes that nukes them for millions.
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>>Want to Rp in Orgimmar as my Orc
You're just as bad.
what's the fastest way to replace trinkets/rings that doesn't involve buying a 100k one ?
Ive been sick all weekend and i have a doctors appointment in 4 hours, but im excited because i get to level my pally all day and get paid for it.
Anyone need a healer for some suck? Im super bored and I need to slurp
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>See a Warlock
>Their ground mount isn't green fire Dreadsteed
>They don't have green fire
>They don't have the Black Harvest title
>They have green fire but not the Black Harvest title
Grind mythic+ although trinkets rarely drop from the chests, except the ones you dont need
what's a good shaman themed mount besides a wolf? don't want to use any fire birds
but wat if u get pregnant
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>tfw drinking es energy drink while healing
Why haven't Big Guys killed any Mythic bosses yet?
I need an alt for herbalism/inscription. Just looking for the most efficient class to collect herbs.

Any recommendations?
I'm literally ilvl 801 because of my green trinkets/rings
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What does wowg think of my new monk?
>Be Monk
>Have the class hall trait that unlocks the Brew House
>Get a pot that makes it so Roll/Chi Torpedo have infinite charges
>Farming herbs with rarely any long stops in between
>No one can even catch up to me

Would fug
>tfw tank
>tfw a healer in your raid group called you Daddy jokingly
>tfw instant boner and things are weird between me and her now
Sounds hilarious.

Pretty much same as you mate

DH fun as fuck

Go tank
What if I play a dark iron? Red fire suits them more than green.
Thundering Cloud Serpents, Drakes of the Winds, Direhorns, Armored Kodos, Raptors, if you got the spirit raptor form glyphs,

and then she got Blacked

theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee end
We are all Highmountain.
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>Dwarf Warlock

How wide can that ass get?
Spam heroics until you get lucky I guess , or if something drops for someone that obviously doesnt need it just ask them for it, they either just vendor it or DE it anyway
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Why all healers in this general are a bunch of faggots that always shitpost?
Oh yeah, I actually do have some drakes of the winds and thundering cloud serpents, didn't actually consider those.
Honestly wouldn't blame a dark iron for turning to Fel magic when Raggy decides to serve the OGs
>100 AP from the LFR satchel with 375% boost

>Jump into the vat and on the fruit !
>break space bar
nice pole
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So whats the stat priority for enha?

wow its almost like those specifically state that they don't scale because they're BoA
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>guild decides they need a grill
>they make you their grill
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how many of those images do you have
>specifically state
fucking where

in ur face


jk sorry i forgot that those dont state it like the random chest spawn ones do. but thats the case for them.
Which of those do I want to prioritise tho?
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Dumb frog poster
speak up and try to be proactive and shit
we need more good people even more so if you play a ranged dps
normal/heroic are on Tuesday if you can make it but i dont if we are still doing normal
>log on to my abandoned DK
>WoD loading screen pops up
>actually fucking gasped

I don't know why that scared me like it did but
>we need ranged dps

fuck you then
if research is a catchup mechanics, then why is it bound to each character, instead of it constant across every player and character?
She broke that table when sitting on it for a rest after soloing a level-appropriate dungeon. So...
good question.

i thought they would just increase research speed as the expansion went on. not share it across characters.

so a character made 6 months from now would be able to research early levels at a relatively fast past, etc. kind of like the catchup mechanic for conquest points used to be.
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>Been a couple hours since I put 60 single stacks of Demonsteel on the AH
>No buyers yet
Does this shit not sell?
>tfw no tank bf to pocket heal
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>do some heroics with my friend
>he just reached 110
>beat dung
>see orange in chat
>it can't be
>he doesn't have a legiondary
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Didn't get any work done on the goblin/gnome smut.

I've got a lot of free time this week though, so decide the destiny:



I seriously thought this was from a point and click adventure game.
>be 866 WW monk
>do daily heroic as dps
>pull 400k+ every boss and 800k+ every trash pull because lol 15%
>mage pops CDs and does like 300k on bosses and is non existent on trash
>last boss in BRH
>I save my CDs for after the guise, thinking he'll be like 70% afterward
>mage pops his cds and lusts as soon as we get the buff
>boss is down to 35% before the guise
>when he comes back he dies before my 10M touch of death could hit
>mage beat me on meters

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>do daily transmog
>get slutmog pants as a bonus
pretty please
Where are the male harpies?
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>Alliance pvp
futa (male) harpy here, howdy doo friend
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from wow.gamepedia.com (literally 2 seconds on google)
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The gobbo/gnome combo should be done by Tuesday, so depending on how the poll goes, that'll tide you over
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Spacey Dance.png
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>not having a zenbu folder
So how do you cook your burgers?
would zug/10
I thought you americans were asleep.
BRH fortifying affix is actually the most painful experience ever.
How are there Vrykul in Northrend and Stormheim?
>nowhere else in the world has burgers
typical yurop
those things they ride in are called ships, they are able to traverse water at a reasonable pace
Just cucked blizzard out of 13 bucks
feels good to be a herbalism jew
Yeah it is if you're shit.
The ones in northrend left stormheim to "find their gods".
>finally found a way to get money off bloods of sargeras

i didn't think people wanted the shitty alch trinket
me am DEFINITELY that kind of orc
Um excuse me he's the best shaman in the world and what are you? That's right fucking nothing. You can't even get past the first boss I bet. Fucking scrub
Good race for fem goblin? Was considering going hunter because I kind of just want a braindead, ranged alt, but how's elemental shaman faring nowadays?

I have both at 100 but a race change avail
>race for a goblin
goblin is the ideal race for fem goblin
Yea ok. Enjoy your lfr
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what did he mean by this
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Meant class. I'm sleepy as fuck right now
Nobody cares fat fuck.
>See herb
>Go to pick it
>It phases out just as the cast bar is about to finish
>Go to the next one
>The same thing happens
>Notice Mr. Shredder Mount McChucklefuck riding off to the horizon in the distance

Neat. When are they going to nerf that fucking piece of shit mount.
>Oh yeah!? Well y-you're fat! Hah! That'll teach him.
Cindermane charger. It's a recruit-a-friend reward which blizzard randomly gave me the option to choose one day. It's the perrrrrfect shaman mount. Looks like a shaman pulled it straight out of molten ground with some elemental shamanery
i like all fem gobbos
>Oh yeah!? Well y-you're fat! Hah! That'll teach him.
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>have three 110 characters
>brother gets a legendary on his DH before I get any
Mana addicts are crackheads anon. Best to observe from a distance but not get too close. Curiosity killed the cat, because the cat walked into a trap house RIP
but its the BEST mount??
Well let's see you do it then x)
Autism lol
but Halls of Valor is right there?
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>tfw no good high geared friends to run high level mythic+
>nerf something that's been in the game for two expansions

>ywn marry Khubbo

>He rides in the jew mobile

But then what mount will I use in the Druid class hall?
Are you DPS or tank? All I do these days is run M+ since it gives the best everything

Plz don't be healer ;~;
>fuck you then
bit rude desu
we need anything thats not a tank but we need a ranged dps the most
>Impaling on the spires of Orgrimmar

Good answer
>Projecting intensifies between two fat manda avatarfags
This is almost entertaining
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So, priest? Shaman? Hunter?
Ranged dps are a bitch to find lol, the only ranged dps our guild got is an spriest/warlock that did 130k damage somehow.

We literally did heroic nynthendra with 5 melee dps because of it cuz only us are at 200k dps
>didn't buy one in wod for 30k gold
your loss
its a bit massive using it on a tauren
whatever you want to play. i have a gobbo warlock and shaman
I want Khadgar to be my dad
>Bearshit the avatarfag playing it cool again
Yeah please avatarfag and namefag some more so we know how "cool" you are.

I'm so conflicted. How is elemental?
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Its okay. It isnt doing insane dps as some other specs. But it is still usable.
i dont know. last time i heard enhancement was outperforming elemental
bottom of the barrel
enh is probably your go to
>860 ilvl, legendary, RDPS, leather, no noobs, big dick DPS, under 300k=kick, master loot, link achieve

Anyone else enjoying pugs?
Yeah I guess it is my loss lol. Now picking herbs is 1000x more difficult because I dont have a broken ass mount. Seems pretty fair.
>get an item with shit stats but higher itemlevel
>should be okay, maybe the next ones wont give me crit
>end up with 8k crit
I don't think that post had anything to do with my avatar or name. Seems you're just being a bit of a sperg
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Enhancement does more dmg with lesser ilvl. But if you enjoy the spec just play it. I have seen people do insane dps with elemental.
Best place to farm vendoring trash OR higly-in-demand legion mats?
I just want to bot it up, and need fast-selling stuff OR the most lucrative vendoring trash
just go to the auction house and buy a stirrup you baby
>Its a Kirin tor enigmas only WQ episode
Fuck these things, fuck Kirin tor quests in general.
Fucking blizzard lol
The most retarded person we have in our raid gets two legendaries from two raid nights
Yeah, because we totally dont know it is you defending your autism.

Maybe if you stopped begging for attention people wouldnt know which posts are yours.
I think I fell in love with my nightelf toon
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>30 minutes for a dungeon
>never get shit
I said this in another thread to a similar question.

I heard there's a spot in the BI where the mobs are bugged and instantly respawn.

You might be able to find out more yourself that's all I remember.
hows the artifact going, lads? 23 here...losing motivation to farm ap until i get a few more research notes in me.
I have 14 posts in this thread
I'm a dps, I'm not the best but I can do okay.
23 and 21 OS

I've stopped doing artifact WQs
And 4 of them are confirmed to be yours you autistic attention whore.

This is the last post you are getting from me, keep trying to defend your avatarfagging/namefagging, i ll just report it.
We'll see whos the baby when the shredder gets changed. I'm not the only one who thinks its bullshit according to various other forums. It trivializes the fuck out of gathering and the advantage it offers combined with a prot spec or barding is too large. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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would YOU snuggle a femgnome this hard?
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whats the best pve spec for warrior?
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I encourage you to report posts that are breaking the rules but I don't believe I've done anything of the sort but have a good day anyways buddy
>ywn be impaled by two throbbing orc spires in Orgrimmar

y life
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>just four more days until i can equip another legendary
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/wowg/ guilds, not even once
farming the last 4k for 24. what bothers me most is how the UH DK artifact has the grip slow talent locked behind 3/3 fairly shit talents.

24-27 is going to be a massive grind and I probably won't bother til AK8+. So of course now I have to miss out on a decent ability for pvp.
why are the kirin tor quests the worst
>I dont avatarfag on the thread daily and actually enable ralph on purpose because it is so funny lol xd
You are actually delusional.
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>walk to the auction house
>spend a few hundred gold
>make any mount a sky golem for 2 hours
If I was given a gun with one bullet and told I could kill either bearshit or ralph the gay retard I would turn the gun on myself.

Both have to go. Day of the rope is coming.
that font gave me eye-cancer
But bearfart did nothing wrong, he is just doing it for the lulz
Where can i find this?
>Mount that has been functionally fine for 2 expansions
>Now that herbing is actually worth a shit people are pissing their panties
Christ you whining cunts. Heaven forbid gathering make some money like it used to. You turds will get your wish in 7.1 when the economy buckles because profession vendors.
>tfw people have shit taste in hairstyles
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Rule34xxx or Rule34paheal and search for gnome.
you included
>Day of the rope is coming.
>The dumb emotional sheep's fantasies
Might want to wake up and stop dreaming, if you want something done you do it yourself.
Or through henchmen xd
Your hair looks like a block
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>You will never be able to make a qt sub racial San'layn blood mage that will evict your life essence at night
when are they removing racials?
Do you for some reason think posting in game screen shots relating to the topic / game discussion constitutes avatarring?

Please refrain from posting off topic nonsense not relating to the world of warcraft, thank you.

Because they're puzzles designed for toddlers
24 atm
>day of the rope
>hanging bearshit from a tree
>the rope breaks
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>850 rogue
>declined for fucking REGULAR mythics
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>want to race change my shaman to male panda as they look goofy for a change of pace
>see the fur shit in this thread

Man I really don't want to be associated with these mentally ill fuckers.
There are no mods anymore that actually enforce the rules outside of rare moments.

Both will keep shitposting here and pretend they arent breaking the rules.
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>Get here
>Suddenly remember Helheim
Every time.
Every time I forget.
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There are no panda players that are good at the game
You don't want to be a shitter do you?
I do 200-300k DPS as a UH DK in mythics and if the other members are that or better we down every non mechanic heavy boss under 1.5 mins.

Everything is one shot easy mode now anyway, these requirements are stupid
do rouge's even have aoe lol?
I love arcane but it's too shit to play now, time to play fire
>tfw used to be a rogue
>tfw used to be like you
>rolled a hunter
>easily get in mythics
I'm disgusted with myself
>Get called out for avatarfagging and shitposting
>No you post off topic
What a little snowflake you are, posting off topic nonsense, enabling ralph, avatarfagging and then acting as if it is the others that are breaking the rules.

Wish the could range ban America, nothing more than a bunch of shitposters.

outlaw has pretty great cleave
shit singletarget tho
assassination is the inverse

>Play a male panda
>Either be confused as a fat gay cocksucker attention whore or as some avatarfagging self absorbed attention whore who projects his rule breaking to others.
There is simply no reason to play male pandaren.
Well then don't play male panda. You can play female panda if ya want or just tmorph like a normal person to try out something for a change of pace
no joke never seen a panda player in game who was just a normal person.

nearly always an XD using retard memelord or some stupid furry trash.

The "roll a hunter its ezmode" meme is absolute truth
What did he mean by this?
Same here. I have a panda myself since there's only one choice if you want to play a monk but I never play him because monks don't appeal to me and I hate being lumped in with memeing trash.
that sounds pretty normal to me. describes most people here in wowg.
he's asking K'anye to work hard
Why are you people shitting on bearheart? He is a really cool nice dude and my friend.

You are jealous you dont have friends like him.
Why the fuck don't we have sub races this late into the game?
It's just that one chick posting on 2 devices. Wouldn't be surprised if you were her and about to respond to yourself desu
Theres no reason to play any panda
Because he has been avatarfagging/namefagging since WoD, it is simply even worse now because purposely tries to start drama with his ex pet because "so funny lol xd".
For the same reason we don't have a third faction.

Too much work, little profit for Blizzard

>tfw blm start protesting the road to goldshire over racism
>wait until 5am for AK to be done
>do all the AP world quests

jelly? these all give 1k+
Stormheim is easily the worst zone to level in not only for that part.
My next trait costs 105k AP so no not really.
Buddy of mine had the same situation. He rolled a DH and loves it. At first he hated there's only 4 buttons for every class but he got over it.
FYI. All classes are brainded easy
ye well mine costs 138k
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>Since WoD
Fuck off Wodbabby, Incestral's been here since MoP.
> master loot
How? I thought this was only possible in guildruns, else its PL.
It literally takes 5 minutes you pussy faggots
Does anyone still use shadowcraft?
So he is even worse, avatarfagging and shitposting since MoP because panda shitposting was a meme.

Guess what, he is 2 expansion late.
He literally hosted and contributed to the official /wowg/ flexes on horde and alliance throughout MoP and made them really fun and smooth.
>That totally justifies avatarfagging and boasting
This is legion, he should go back to some shitposting MoP server.
>He was nice and helpful to me
>That means he isnt an avatarfagging shitposter
Not really got also approx 24k from clearing all WQs today.
Quick! You've been hired by Blizzard© and tasked with coming up with a mount concept for naga, the new Horde race in the upcoming expansion. What do you do?
Autism lol
Scrap the idea in favor for Murlocs
>tfw just got caught erping with wow gf in aerie peak in the hinterlands by a leveling gnome rogue
a vehicle
something like a chariot
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>paladin wearing judgement, ashbringer, Highlord title
Outside of ralph there isnt a single person who doesnt like bearheart.
Keep telling yourself that bearshit.
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/wowg/ would be good again without you, Ralphe.
At least in MoP /wowg/ had fun together with weekly flexes, now you've just made it sad, bitter, petty shit.
So I just did the Fel'Melon quest and it turns out the Lick Cuck is a real cuck now.

What the hell.
Pretty sad how low moderation over this autistic man child has made the board so low quality.
>state of wowg is ralph's fault
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>Human Paladin with Ashbringer
>His name is Blazer or some variation of it
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Looking for a melee to play while I wait on timers for my warlock, which is better/will make me want to kill myself less - Warrior or Death Knight?
Board doesn't have moderation mate, half the people posting belfs are the people who spam tranny porn in east coast morning
>Always bringing up his petty hatred for Incestral ever since he got cucked by him
>Tries to twist and turn the general to make it about him because he's such a lonely faggot filled with angst
>Thinks that everyone's either with him or against him when literally everyone else doesn't give a fucking shit
What spec do you wanna play? Prot is better than blood. Dps wise i think warrior wins
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These generals are only okay when ralph isn't posting and there's no lewd posting.

He must have some serious brain problems since he spends literally all day every day shitposting here
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Warrior class hall and artifact looks shit though.
>Aesthetically I like Helheim and think it looks badass
>Questing wise it's a boring fucking slog with a bonus objective that rewards 1-2% for everything you do, which makes it feel that much slower
Inb4 "it's Bear's fault I shitpost nonstop"
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>waifufag animeposter speaking

Well i punish shitty human beings, it just happens that bearshit is one of the worst people out there.

Good idea desu
>doing helheim at 109
>hit 90% on the objective
>Hit 110
>it resets to 0
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I'm not wrong though, you're obsessed and spend every single day trying to rustle him even though you only make yourself mad.

Get a hobby and some help with your autism my man.
Autism lol
People are still leveling up toons? Though i will play two classes again. But there is simply no time with all the WQ i need to do on every alt.

What about Helheim annoyed people? I just blitzed through it on my way to x/x in each zone and 110.
Autism lol

It is about principles at this point, you dont like to ME, until i get to see him squirming on the ground before he suicides i wont be satisfied
>until i get to see him squirming on the ground before he suicides i wont be satisfied
Won't happen
>>>>>>>Questing wise it's a boring fucking slog with a bonus objective that rewards 1-2% for everything you do, which makes it feel that much slower
Should I be using Furty's guide or the guide on Altered Time for Fire mage?
I know him as Incestral because I'm not a WoDbabby, plus we were pals in MoP.
>Didn't talk to him throughout WoD because I didn't play much
>Lost contact with him due to various reasons
>Legion came out and got in contact with him again
>Chat with him occasionally, get along quite well
Not my fault you have severe autism.

oh you have no idea what humans will do in extreme situations, simpletons usually dont.
After all there are hypocrites who say they are atheist only to start praying to the god when the shit hits the fan ;^)
i just did the story got out and never went back

was there bonus items or something?
Does Legion have the least interesting levelling zones out of all the expansions so far? It's like the whole thing is assembled from existing scraps.
Not my fault you have a petty shallow definition of friendship and dont care, some people actually do ;^)

>keeps calling him with his fetish name
>Thinking Incestral's the type of guy to let petty shit like that ever get to him
Pretty pathetic tbqh fampai
that's what i was thinking, i dont recall spending more than 15mins in there
Why does everything has to be so button mashy and spastic now ?
oh you, you have no idea
Do tell
Autism lol

Or maybe just sheer stupidity
>chariot pulled by a mob of murlocs on a leash
Done. Also pretty sure there are naga that some something similar in the game already. Probably not a chariot though.
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>40% crit
>still get crit starved
No that would be WoD
WoD's levelling was great. It was only when you hit max-level that the whole thing crashed and burned.
>100% crit from battle cry
>still don't crit because some chucklefuck tank turned the boss and my attack was blocked
Easy game
I want to give Helya a kiss
How is arcane mage right now?

Also what are the top 5 dps specs atm?

Wondering what to roll on my next alt

Already have a war and druid at 90

And a rogue at 70
Healer nerf in PVP when?

This is just boring...
Nah, that's not it. You do have to go a bit out of the way just to complete the bonus objective, but going back to what I said about it being aesthetically pleasing, I also find it be aesthetically displeasing at the same time, mainly to the darker colors, and everything just kinda looks grey. It's one of the reasons I'm not fond of leveling through places of Hellfire Peninsula for example. There's not really much of interest and it's all rather red and staring at it for too long just gives me a headache.
Your plan is to get him to kill himself?
>no spurdo edit of skolvald yet
You disappoint me, garrosh.
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They ban him sometimes
And then you can see things like three (3) replies to the same post calling Ralph on his faggotry all getting deleted in a flash
Arcane is the most boring spec ever, same concept as back in cata except you now have much less to manage, also mana doesn't make sense anymore

Frost is weak but at least it's fun.
No his plan is to shitpost endlessly in the thread because it's the only thing he knows how to do.
He thinks this is somehow revenge.
He's not wrong.
Easily EASILY pandafags
>Singed Fjarnskaggl

I dunno, I used to enjoy Frost DK, or I'd play Fury Warrior. How bad are Blood DK tanks?

Yeah, I love Vrykul but forcing it as the Warrior class hall + artifacts is pretty weak
just give classes another stun/interrupt
its pretty stupid that if I cant kill the healer during my one interrupt, he just heals back to full in 2 seconds
Yea the"celebs" here are just pedo teenagers.
Please be careful.
Bad players
You know, I just kinda realized something, albeit a tad slow.
Stormheim is basically Jade Forest, but somehow done worse.
In my opinion it's not as interesting as Jade Forest, and has you doing stuff in between helping your faction, there's more of a focus on the trials than there is the faction war stuff.
Do not touch the tips. Touching tips ruins the fjarnskaggl.

Dig out the whole plant. Breaking the plant ruins the fjarnskaggl.

Pull from the base, nearly the root. Stretching the fjarnskaggl ruins the fjarnskaggl.

Do not plant seeds. Fjarnskaggl is not planted. Fjarnskaggl grows where fjarnskaggl grows.

Keep in leather bag. Cloth bag ruins the fjarnskaggl.

Singing to the fjarnskaggl is OK.

Do not let fjarnskaggl get wet. Water ruins the fjarnskaggl.

Ruined fjarnskaggl looks just like regular fjarnskaggl, but is actually ruined.
>He thinks this is somehow revenge.
Thanks for proving me right once again, i said what i am doing right now is, yet you decided to make up something else because you couldnt understand what i was saying.

Quite emotional and desperate, but it is to be expected from autistic 4channers xd
Well then what's your revenge hot shot
Leveling is straight-up garbage this Xpac, the zones are bland, the music and lore are forgettable and even the new gimmick of "scaled leveling" doesnt really bring anything because you have to clean all the zone anyway
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Keep it up.

Also, is destro any good.
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I'm sorry
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This is what you get for trying not to look like an over-the-top anime-tier blood elf.
Mod please deputize me i literally have no life but i can put that to use banning these avatarfagging subhumans and deleting their posts all day. I report them for illegal content nonstop yet their posts stay up forever
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Resto druid seems really weak compaired to my Mistweaver monk in minigames

Does it get better with PvP talents or did I make a mistake
>Implying you wouldnt let animefag/bearfart avatarfag cuz you like it
The only zone I really enjoyed was Highmountain and Azsuna, but only after being done with the demon and blue dragonflight stuff.
It's weird going from the quality of MoP in general to WoD and then to most of Legion. I do like the class hall stuff because I've been wanting for them to do this sorta thing for awhile now, you know, making classes different and unique again, but it's pretty minimal, and I get they couldn't just toss out the garrison stuff but... meh.
>ur doo lade sgobadl :DD

But that is wrong.
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MW monk and holy paladin are the strongest pvp healers by far, I expect MW to get nerfed eventually but enjoy it while it lasts!
I still can't believe "Highmountain" was the best name they could come up with, not to mention literally just sticking antlers on tauren.
>do /kneel before talking to helya

>the music [is] forgettable
you haven't played legion at all if this isn't playing in your head every other minute
That's your beef with Highmountain? Antlers? Someone wrote Huln, you know.
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That's the problem, I don't like the MW anymore and rolled a resto on alliance
>TFW no qt sissyboy healer
Tempest is a sweet track though
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Resto druid isn't bad it just requires a lot of more effort and team work.
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This seems like it would be a good trash demolishing trink.

Anyone tried it out? Fire Mage, by the way.
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>Tip: Smile early and often!
Any warriors hit exalted with Valarjar and get the item off skovald for the hidden skin? Is it guaranteed loot?
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>People hating based Huln
600k dmg every 2 minutes, spread across all nearby targets
sounds garbage to me
Should a sub rogue outdps an unholy dk in a raid?
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You guys really like those BEs
It was a joke, I do more than that with automatic cleave anyway
icy pls
>implying there's a single thing wrong with that
No i am not a beta virgin like incestral
>check my guild raid roster
Anon 1 (Restoration Shaman/Elemental)
Anon 2 (Restoration Druid)
Anon 3 (Restoration Druid)
Okay maybe i wont join the raid group
clever game design takes a back seat when 85% of the players just want to win a video game.
>Icy and bearshit are both sociopathic friend collectors that are self absorbed and think they do nothing wrong
They should date!
thats why bearfart started hormones he wants to be icys gf
Makes perfect sense :o
I don't get it. Are you a resto druid as well?
Which mage spec?

Fire best overall?
simc calculates 260k for this build but im only doing 170k. subtracting 10% for old war potion, 15% for execute phase and 5% for blood lust still means im doing too few. am i missing something?
also who the fuck thought putting 2/3 of a class' dmg output into a 6 second window that happens every 40 seconds was a good design
also do you even MS anymore during execute phase? icy-veins says you should keep on using MS but simcraft only has 2 MS uses during the whole xecute phase
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>resto druid
>when turbo and rogue is a thing


Shaman / paladin is way better , and paladin is only worth when they don't go ass / sp
Yeah that's why I have to turn off music when I play wow.
you have 5 sky golems
why do you need more gold
>Attack what I think is feral
>Turns into a bear and I instantly die

Rage of the sleeper so cool, I wish more prot classes could enrich pvp like this.
Why isn't fury getting a buff if it is so garbage?
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Guess I'll have to practice with it, but I have no guild nor friends so team work ehe..
What the fastest way to 1-100, is still running random dungeons with heirlooms?
Why is Incase so based?
>34% mastery
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>Invite DH tank to Mythic run
>He's shit
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Try to find some people from /wowg/ to pvp with, I did.
Fire if you're on the ball.
Frost can save your life in very few situations where fire eats shit, but when it comes to maximum potential fire is the place to be.
>Autistic animeposter pvps with wowg autists
Makes sense she is in the bearshit defense force
Heres a tip, don't play arms.
cute doggen
Arms is fine?
Not everything is about you dude, get over it.
sky golems used to be dirt cheep
What's the most fun and most boring caster specs?
Arcane, I want to kill myself for leveling my mage and not my lock
You aint getting away with it bearshit
Only good due to focus rage and execute phase.
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Most people who added me from /wowg/ have actually been really nice, maybe you're the only true autist here.

Ez 2k
When are you going to let this go?
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>Blacklist AV
>It reactivates the next day
And most people i chat with are not from wowg or barely visit anymore ;^)

You just fit more with the delusional hypocritical autists of 4chan, and i from the beginning said i am not gonna let you people delude yourselves in this safe space, i am the shining light of non bigotry :D

see >>157045245
They are trying to force AV hardcore
It's a feature.
>reach revered with farondis, buy it from a vendor

>reach exalted with the valarjar, buy the rod
>run normal HoV fifty fucking times for a random drop

yes... this class fantasy is simply epic... epic.....
They fix the terrain imbalances yet?
is that moot in the back
>arms is fine
>but only because of its abilities!
uhh so arms is fine ty
Is there a better way to heal your water elemental that isn't just to dismiss it and resummon?
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>watched the shitty fucking e-sports shilling stream for the title
>they didn't give me the title
>they tell me i didn't watch the stream even i typed shit in chat to leave every base covered
>they refuse to give me the title
i fell for the fucking twitch shilling meme, ask me anything
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Illidan, Zul'jin or Mal'ganis for a horde server? I have friends on all 3 and any of them will be an improvement
Illidan is where all the trannies like bearfart and her circlejerk are
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>He doesnt play on bleeding hollow
Enjoy your bigotry and alt right autism
>arcane is boring
>I have no idea how to play fire
>my gear is all crit/mastery so I'd have to regear for frost which is the only entertaining mage spec

what do I do ?
Did you link your accounts?
Illidan if you're shit and want to look skilled by association, just like 95% of the Horde I meet from that server.
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You play A or H?
Shame its fucking boring to play and shitters flock to it because >Muh sims
Horde but I kind of want to go alliance eventually because of faster bg queues.
reroll to pic related
>Get in a bg
>Get completely ass raped due to no mobility.

i love boomies myself but pvp is quite terrible
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>leveling femhuman rogue
>get druid of the fang pants
>no pants for 60 more levels
They've grown on me
Thats why I switched really, that and nelf druid is the least terrible ones visually, mind if I add you?
>he's maining a caster in legion
>tfw we were forced to do heroic nynthedra with 5 melee cuz we had no other dps
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I don't mind
So where are all the alternate appearances for artifacts?
I came back for legion and chose to main a druid specifically because of all their alternate bear/cat skins, and now it's looking like there's only one or two of them in-game; what happened to all the other ones that were teased with the artifact reveal?
Are they just planned for new content? Or are they going to be BlizzardStore Exclusives or something?
Enjoy getting a raid spot, nobody here cares about pvp minigames
>he isnt maining a caster in legion
Ranged cahracters are on the top of the DPS charts, meleecucks on suicide watch.
>Range DPS Preferred
>On Ursoc RDPS only
>Recruiting for Mythic raiding, at this time we only need healers and exceptional RDPS!
what kind of retard do you take me for? that's the first thing i did
>Y u inform them about where you ll attack, das it stupid
>There are reasons, psych warfare, forcing them out, long term strategy
>Reee no good reason, we only big powah and we attack, no strategy needed
Man americans are retards
We're on fucking wowg, can't be too safe
>He didnt watch the Eu tournament that gave us the title first
lol cucked



i watched both though

if anything i got double cucked
Why the fuck is haste not recommended for holy paladin?

I played a couple of years ago and crit + haste was always preferred.
I got the title from EU tourney like 1-2 days after it was over. Out of nowhere i suddenly got the achievement lol
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I feel like rolling a warlock. What sex/race/spec would you recommend?
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The Aegis, dahnald
fuck off whiny baby, come back when you have to get exalted with valajar and dreamweavers only for a FUCKING CHANCE at getting the drop from TWO SPECIFIC world bosses, plus A CHANCE for the last piece to drop from GOD KING SKOVALD
Male dorf
Bruh there's like 5 different appearances per spec plus 4 recolors per appearance. Look at your artifact forge, there's a tab for appearances
>aggro anything
>it's faster to just dismount and kill the fucking thing so that you can be at peace
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female blood elf affliction
Hhumong fem
Or fem gnome
haha bro just get revered with court of farondis and buy the hunter hidden appearance xD
>he fell for the UH DK meme
any modders here?
can someone name me a good body mod/skin mod combination? lunyra, and?
I don't care about outlaw but why does everyone always link these graphs with 75th percentile instead of something good
Blood elf male demonology
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fem human or male undead
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I'm sooo glad i decided to main an arms warrior in Legion!
the spec is not boring or cluncky as fuck and Focused rage is the best shit ever
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Quick /wowg/, post hidden appearances!

You do have one by now... right?
Why is graph up side down?
"simple and normal" is good
>spacegoat protpal
>draenei themed hidden appearance is a random drop from withered army training
>not aware of a pity timer, might never get it

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wat pity timer? people have said they got it their first try utterly failing the instance



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Giant Hermit Crab.

Naga wrap their tales around the spiral of the shell.
What's the funniest spec to play as of right now?
He's saying he doesn't know of any kind of pity timer for it so it's completely random
Frost DK.
I have completed it every single opportunity at 400+ score, which is the point at which you get the huge chest afaik. Month after legion release, still nothing.
assassination is the funniest spec atm, you can be an utter keysmashing retard and pull out more dps unflasked than a flask/prepot/6 roll outlaw.
any eu girls lurking atm?
850 ret lf guild
Illidan horde
Looking to do heroic en and mythic dungeons
apologies furfriend, there's boards out there for you
Why does icy floes exist? Were they too lazy to think of a good way to let mages do damage while moving? It's such an annoying ability.
Anyone actually found this treasure, it is still the only one i cant get
exsang or poison?
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So does pretty much every class have a repeat artifact questline? The only one I can think of that doesn't are Shaman. Haven't done the other Demon Hunter and Rogue questlines though.
outlaw rogue
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>The fucking Brann part of Halls of Stone
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>Be Prot Warrior
>Join LFR
>other tank is a fucktard paladin
>No leadership presence, everyone standing waiting for pulls to start
>Realize I can't coast on this run
>Put Star on myself, Condom on OT (kek)
>Ready check the raid
>Shitter DPS AFK, but healers ready
>Start intercepting trash mobs
>Beat first boss ez mode
>Continue leading the Raid though more trash
>Get to Eye
>Last time i coasted on this boss and we almost wiped and first phase took forever to achieve
>Raid Warning basic mechanics while tanking
>Everyone listens
>Enter eye
>Want to see how much the raid is acknowledging my RWs
>Wait a few seconds after we enter the inner eye room
>RW for Lust
>It pops
>This is why I love being a tank.

I wish I could be MT for my old guild again. Being a leader. Even in a casual LFR shitter group makes me happy. Anyone else get these feels?
you only need 375 for max rep
Is it the one you have to go through the Titan Waygate for?
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It is faceroll as a tank so I got to 400+ points at my first attempt with minimum ammount of withered. At this point I have all the upgrades so I can just ealk through the instance and the druggies murder everything with no issue. All I am doing it for is the damn appearance that wont drop.
Yep that is the one, just got it by winds/glider
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Yes, in real life, when I do things that actually matter.
>Planet originally had one moon
>When the Old Gods arrived, Azeroth somehow literally ejected it's consciousness in self defense before it could become corrupted
>This planetoid became the second moon and would later project an avatar known as the goddess Elune
>Thus reconciling the Earthmother=Elune debacle and how Magni can be played so easily by the Titans as well as the literal interpretation of 'Her heart is an empty crater'

>Be Affliction Warlock
>Run Heroics, do WQs everyday
>Only have ilvl 832
>Never played Destro from 1-110
>destro is ilvl 845
>attempt to play destro, do 100k less then I do on Affliction because lolnoexperience

This system is absolute aids. And watch me get a leggo good for fucking demo or destro too.
I haven't got to legion content yet so I don't have any artifact stuff, but all my poking around on the wikis can only uncover the one appearance that drops from ursol.

Any chance you would know where to find more info about what appearances are out there and how to get them? (outside of the game)
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You talking shit m8? I'll banish you to the Nether Realm IRL. Get in my guard faggot.
Wowhead -insert name of artefact weapon here- appearances in google.
>apply to fuckloads of guilds
>get accepted into literally fucking all of them, but only after I've already joined one

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>2 orbs of deception from BWL run
>Still posting this meme graph
So how does this transmog wardrobe function actually work? Why can't a paladin add mail items to his wardrobe?
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>Catch shark
>Only one squid
because fuck you make alts and run old content a million times with them too
I got spoiled by Guild Wars 2 so the wardrobe system in WoW really irked me/ Good thing it doesnt matter because GW2 is dead
>hunt transmog items
>most of them are gated by questlines

blizzard should really tell their players that some gems are hidden within quests
>Unironically fail on Tank and spank: the end boss
>catch shark
>kill it
>it drops +fishing skill instead of +artifact power squids because you need non-fishing pole weapons to kill it
>still no legion dairy
But it makes the target take damage dealt to other nearby enemies, not makes nearby enemies take damage dealt to the target.
If you want to shit on trash you need the dragons of nightmare trinket Unstable Horrorslime
Found your problem
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>tfw tank
>tfw got the shield leg neck
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>finally get selfie cam after a week of cycling garrison missions on three different characters
>it's not an account bound toy unless you upgrade it with a second selfie cam mission

eat shit blizzard

I know man Burning Legion brand milk is so hard to find. They make wonderfully creamy butter and cheese as well
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what an awful boss to PuG
>new 7.1 profession recipes
I hope you made those millions because soon there will be no survivors
>unholy main
>zero AP in frost

It's not even hard to get, and once you get the toy the quest never shows up on your account again

Just get over it, maybe start work orders on the Mage tower so you can get those "instantly complete a garrison mission" things
>breed through rape
I want to be raped by harpies!
What does a split run even mean?

Doing heroic to funnel the heroic drops to whatever that person is taking into mythic?

No way they expect low ilvl low ap alts to go into mythic, right?
Meihu post ur cute pander
What professions offer optimal stats for a human disc priest, raid healing.
Who's asking you to do splits, if they are not 7/7, avoid like plague.
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So that's what they meant about turning my bone to stone.
Yeah you do it to funnel loot.
I wonder what animal they get their milk from. Doesn't taste like cow's milk.
Is there a nameplate addon that doesn't push health bars offscreen for extremely tall enemies?

Being melee is suffering.
There's a command for that
Google it
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They removed profession benefits, race change panda
Should I even bother putting Crusader Strike on my bars as Holy?
How do I get out of this laggy shithole CRZ after leaving a party?
Quick question, friends. I skipped WoD and resubbed for Legion. Is there any point to doing this garrison shit, or is it completely obsolete now?
You should put all dps abilities on your bars because for mythic+ and raiding in general doing any extra dmg will help a reasonable amount, especially as holy can do the highest dps of all healers.
It's useful because it's versatile and can be applied to any spell, so mages don't always have to interrupt their rotations to adapt to raid mechanics that require moving.
As disc, is the damage absorb on smite still relevant in late game content?
They kill and eat their mate after sex.
>theoretical advice
Fuck off. I don't have that many globals to spare.
I'm doing it for access to transmogs and because I like to explore old content but other than that...
show me the pucci
how u get?
Added to the collection.
>Night Elf players
>Gnome players
>Worgen players

Wow so hard
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>tfw genuinely fall for an rp toon
Better than dying a virgin. Still sounds like a good deal to me, though that does seem like an inefficient method since if they just kept their mates around they could produce even more.
Lul, yes you will.

Especially for m+ dungeons doing DPS is important and you'll have to do it, or you're shit. You can do like 250k dps as holy, not doing that simply to spam FoL on 90% hp tanks like some dipshit is just stupid.
How hard is it to get to mythic+ 15?

Is it one of those things that everyone says is hard because all they ever do is pug, or is it possible to do with any moderately geared team who work well together?
Does it actually require you to minmax with the right team composition or can it be done by competent players who know their class well enough?
>beta cuck saying dying for sex sounds good
I may be beta, but I'm no cuck.
>its a guild struggles to recruit decent healers episode
>Its a guild struggles to recruit decent rdps episode and we kill heroic nynthendra with 5 melee dps.
Are there any bosses that rly need ranged or we can melee mongo it all?
Only 2 dungeons have +15 clears right now, so with current gear it's probably pretty tough. Next tier might be doable for the layman.
Trying to find a concise list. The wiki is a mess. Been gone since Mop.

So no more
>Tailor / Leather locked mods
>JC only gems
>Any profession only bonuses

So basically just engineering gets toys, everyone else can share.
Cenarius is a shitty encounter for most melee.
i can't find a xavius pug because i didn't get curve in the prior weeks. next week they'll ask for 870+ and i'll not even get a non xavius pug because i don't have drop luck.

time to quit wow? my wow time kind of consists of me looking at the group finder and hoping that somebody takes me a long. the groups which take people like me.. take people like me so they tend to be garbage.
darknest skins and patches board
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>he fell for the warrior meme
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healer butts
>shitty warriors struggle with obtuse specs
I'll bet.
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>mythic+ maw of souls
>two hunters
>one of them has the thok pet
>pet gets insanely big inside the ship
>nobody can target or see shit aside from a giant dinosaur
>wipefest ensues

Hunters should just fucking off themselves.
>dem search filters
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>10th percentile
Made for tank cock
How fucking stupid are the requirements for the Smoldering Ember Wyrm going to be?
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>Stormwind gets it's park rebuilt
>Half of silvermoon will remain a dead wasteland forever and ever
just a couple cuties I see that I enjoy rping with and want to bang

only some of them talk like girls
correct answer
>Not 7th percentile.
If you're gonna meme, at least do it right.
>check out the new transmog shit
>half of my already acquired sets are missing or have to be unlocked again

thanks blizzard

These are literally the worst players in the game, lmao. Enh is probably going like 80k dps at that level
what is the collection for?

i took a bunch of random screens

Are all healers masochists? What could possibly be fun about healing?
you do you, man.
I am happy when people can freely express themselves and enjoy themselves with other nice like-minded people.
gives me hope for the cancerous fanbase
i get to look at my beautiful ui that i made
>What could possibly be fun about healing?
being good at it
I don't have to do anything. Nice break from tanking mythic.
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o-oh my
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Nothing please kill me
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Im Blacksmithing/Jewelcrafting right now. Should I drop one for minning and if so which one?
being able to carry a group harder than anyone else
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Why is focused rage so boring
I wish I wasn't forced into using it to actually be competitive
Overpower, mortal combo feels so much better
Dedicated healer here.
I enjoy having the one absolutely necessary role in the 5 man content, and the most demanding one in the raid environment.

I enjoy saving someone on that last sliver of life.

I enjoy insta queue without the monotony of tanking.

I enjoy going into any encounter, not knowing what I will have to do.

Is this going to be a tf2 episode where the medic sticks to the heavy? Will some group of idiots decide the tank took the wrong hallway, and I either heal them or drop them?

Tl;dr - Necessity, variety, challenge
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Nice, this'll come in handy.
Also, the collection is for fapping.
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trained to kill
Because some betas cant deal with dying because they are too shit and need to play a class that heals and never dies outside of coordinated play.

In other words too shit to play dps
shit man that sounds fun

i've done no serious role other than dps on end-game content for all classes over the last 8 years.

Should I get into healing? or tanking?
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gonna need some of that panda collection
>Bloodelves will never look like this in game
>Instead they will always be anorexic sticks
About to use my char boost from legion purchase.

What professions should I choose to have maxed for me, assuming that I have no characters with any significant leveled profs?
more human ass please
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Holy shit warlock is broken, boosting one right now
I hope you hunters running around with double devilsaurs get aids
me on the bottom left
Oh hey, that's pretty cool that he's on the character select screen.
I still feel like I'm not fully grasping Demo though, mechanic wise more so.

>x race looks different when you mod them
Really makes me think...
ugly fat fuck
get out

imagine pug raiding as tank before LFR
What's the best way to level from 80 to 90?
Kill yourself
I've never played tank. I know you have to keep track of your group and aggro, set the pace and be familiar with raid mechanics. Hopefully someone can give some insight.

If you like multitasking, making split second decisions every time you cast a spell as opposed to maintaining a rotation, and being held accountable for the success of your group, try healing. At first it's easy to pick up. At higher levels, it is one of the most difficult and rewarding play styles in the game.
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>tfw another week ending with 1/7 heroic
>tfw 50+ wipes on Ursoc and our best attempt was 23%
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Lady please I'm trying to tank over here.
you are the only other person i have seen to have 100 in all classes on one realm.
also, i know MG is MG, but how is it? I have 1 100 on it and am contemplating making more there
>doing MSV
why tho
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rude as heck
>healcucks think their job is hard
gross as hell
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>All the design/story for Blood elves and silvermoon went into Suramar
>Do emerald nightmare normal yesterday
>Get quest today

Tuesday it is

Dont forget to visit:
>dpscuck thinks his job is hard
Bet you didn't even play when threat management was a thing
i wonder if im in the draenei one
>dps cucks thinking they'll ever get into a group
do the quest on lfr you bitchy faggot
ok thanks for the advice!

nice spicy meme. i have not healed but know plenty of people who do/have and its absolutely difficult in comparison to any dps, and a good chunk of tanking
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I understand that it has a reputation, but eh, I like it. It's nice and active, and if you can ignore all the godmodders and mary sues in RPs, then you can find some pretty chill people to do stuff with. It even has some alright raiding guilds, so there's that. It's pretty much 60-40 Alliance and Horde though, but it's much better than the dead realm (Gilneas) I was on before.
sorry i cant hear you over the multishots you are spamming
What quests work on lfr and what quests dont?
But anon... I only date DPS.
You'll have the right to open your shithole when you clear that Nythendra Heroic
What is the best race to monk as?

first roll of 7 picks my race
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Just resubbed, i can't afford legion right now and i don't get paid until wednesday.
For some autistic reason i can't enjoy myself unless i'm playing the current expansion and exploring new content. Feels like i'm working towards nothing. What can i do to make this fun? Iv'e been leveling alts but iv'e already done all these quests like 6 times, the outlands in particular is a fucking slog. So again, what fun shit can i do?
Ok sweet. Yea I come from ED so I definitely appreciate the roughly-balanced ratio of players.
Hope to see you on!
>what quests dont?
balance of power chain
>What quests work on lfr
everything else
Human or Undead
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careful there healer cuck, you ll miss sucking on some dps cock and get kicked for it
Astral cloud serpent
come back on wednesday
Pandaren makes the most sense but then you might become a meme.
Tauren, obviously.
what a cute drawing
lets put it on the fridge next to the other childish nonsense
>not having it already

did you not farm it in WoD?
>being subbed during wod
nice joke m8
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Well I'll be passing out here shortly due to lack of sleep, but glad I could be of some help to you, anon. Perhaps I'll see you around though. Do take care.
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>tfw guild struggles with n xavius and wants to start doing h next week

We're an RP PvP guild that's really only in it for the gear, but still, how can people be so bad? More than half our dps was sub 200k on xavius, and our spriest was only barely above it. And only one of our 4/5 healers can do 200k+.
All you had to do was listen, Jaina

why didn't you listen?
you as well, kind sir!
fucking pve noob ha ha ha
>Healer cuck thinking her job is hard
Literally the easiest role, spamming heals is hard
did you hear something lads
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>enjoy some whisky
>level my alt
>im all by myself
>listening to some tunes
>and for a moment trump being elected doesnt seem so bad
Still being built up mate, only has 5 images.

Most of what I have is from the redhead.
Here's the gallery they posted. http://imgur.com/a/tRWHm

You should post an image to be sure.
k bye, hiding your posts forever, fatfuck
The moans of healers crying about their inferiority to dps?
farm transmog gear, rep and mounts
Wow, people really buy this stuff up, huh?
Why arent you old war potting ralphie? Do you want daddy to punish you for not doing that big dick dps?
>tauren monk

fucking noooooooob
>yfw hunsposting is the least of all avatarfag evils itt
Its my day off so Im about to get stoned as shit and play some WoW. I already have my warrior, hunter and Death Knight up to 110. I have every other class at 101+ as well, what should I go level up next?

I heard DKs have the best order hall campaign, I hope it's not all downhill from here
Whichever you prefer. I kept BS to make money off demonsteel early on. But now that raids are out the JC gems might be good too.
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So says the shadow
You poor poor things.
I'm a dps and I know you are just digging yourselves into a hole.
But go ahead and shitpost.
God knows its the only thing you can do well since you suck at your DPS job anyway.
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Suffer the wrath of the thorignir!
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Feels Bad.jpg
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>More than half our dps was sub 200k on xavius
I know that feel
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>panda in slutmog
oh actually never thought about this, is it a must have for dps?
It can only be used once at the start before pulling and one time after the cd?

is it literally 100% of your melee attacks aka double dps for the duration?

>Do you want daddy to punish you
Not into daddy and other forms of cuck master/slave relationship types, i am more into equal relationships with the only difference being in bed cuz i am by default a sub bottom
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>We're an RP PvP guild
Stick with 1 or 2 main classes you goober

Also cooldown knight campaign is cool if you wanna get btfo by a house again
Clear old raids, get your profession up, ERP in goldshire
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How adorable
>Use cooldowns
>Use cooldowns that take <resource>
>Resource builder
Every dps rotation ever.
>oh actually never thought about this
do you even raid?
ura suckking sauckckk get eff offf limboas nooooob get thee fff oooo u ra sucking suckkkkk
>level 61
>accidently queue for vanilla dungeons
>doing 12,000 damage, when Im only doing 400 damage in BC
That pot is 6-10% of your dps.
>season 3 of once upon a time has Jaffar from aladin
omg my childhood idol :o


I just dont read guides and other gay stuf

Of total dps? So pretty much using it for opening burst and next burst phase.

how long does it last?
>that arcane rotation
no mention of nova or tempest, nice try

>that BM rotation
actually correct, hunters are a cuck class
Total dps. Last 25 secs and you can prepot and pop another for lust
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>Put on a magic ring or brooch
>Somehow can see and fish extinct fish
>209k on hc nythan
>most of grp sub 50 percentile
>only decent percentile is a tank and healer

why are you showing me this? this isn't something to be proud of.

You do know pots have been in WoW since forever, how new to the game are you?
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she's literally a woddler, dont reply to her
>Went from 300g to 16k
>Sold 104 Starlight Roses and 11 Felwort
Guess I better start farming before you can buy them with Bloods, huh?

What's not to like?
Show goat butt.
I am pretty happy with it :D

Also i assumed we would later get those primary stat pots like those 1k agi in wod, didnt think those meme pots were for actual raiding :o
oh yeah, they're the cuck class, while you're playing keyboard DDR to maintain decent fire damage some shitty social butterfly female is like "one day you can beat me on the meters, hehe, you'll get there!"
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>Spamming heals

Now you ran out of Mana, what are you gonna do now when someone needs a cleanse?

I don't recognise mentally ill homosexuals as women even though they think they are.
How do I get a guild
I have literal autism so communicating is hard
nah i dont do that anymore i was just curious
I hope that was edited cause otherwise I might be a little sick just thinking about that
literally who?
Apply and that's it, when they raid either say your mic is broke or just give one word answers.
stat priority for ele? I have tried haste, crit, and even mastery, but they all seem to suck on their own. I just want max stats in all 3.
literally Every class has a cleanse
Fuck you and fuck Jafar. Why would anyone like that faggot?
Thank you for answering me :)
ya what ^ kid?
literally me
Well I don't have any of your stuff then, since I only started saving images a few threads ago.
>11,823 calories
fuck me
>one heroic boss
yw anon
professions are kind of just preference now anway. I almost went eng until i learned that the new shit sucks. plus bombs share cd with pots.
Plenty of guilds dont care whether you talk or not. If youre not a healer or tank listening is enough
Alright, post btag.
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>He didnt like Jaffar
Intelligent, manipulative, free and with a wicked sense of humor

We did it yesterday, i didnt expect we would get 1/7h already :D

Cant wait to try to do more this week, as long as we can find good ranged dps since as you can see our only good dps is melee only xd
>spammed dungeons on my druid alt all week
>3 boomkin trinkets, 3 healer trinkets, 2 cat trinkets
>0 tank trinkets
loving it
are you a grill?
i want her and the l.a. beast to have a kid
he would eat his way out of the womb
>Her heart is an empty crater
That is referring to Shitvanas, who will be the bext big moderately competent pawn of the Void and a raid boss next expansion... Not an xpac final boss though, she doesn't deserve that
>1/7H already

its been weeks, nobody shouldnt have full cleared normal week 1, even a retarded furshitter guild
>le Sylvanas will die maymay

My favorite allycuck meme. It's going to be Jaina Proudwhore
Is there a scipt to check how many WQs I've done with the hidden artifact skin?
We already know from 7.1 that Elune is a Naaru though.
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>Implying we are a tryhard guild
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just don't play arms cause jesus fucking christ it's so boring
Never cared about the lore.
Look it up recently.
>everything is just repeated over and over.
>we really are out of characters.
>every major character will be a raid boss someday.
Legendaries should've been gated behind quests or grinds.
Isn't it already established that the quote refers to Elisande?
>clearing normal is tryhard

There's a thread with 6 million replies about the legendaries and Blizzard haven't said anything concret about them so far.
It's a joke.
if you want me to be ;^)
>tfw screenshot folder has over 10k pics from this year alone
That would be extremely boring.
>plus bombs share cd with pots
Such a dumb idea, engineering is really losing its appeal
>Seeing people with maxed cooking recipes and everything learned
New thread

This rng bullshit is just wrong. I have 4 already including my bis legendary and I literally do 1 high level m+ a week, chest and raid log.
Our tank has 0. Our best healer has 1 and it's fucking Sephuz. And both of them spam m+ and lock out normal mythics every week.
This system is fucking broken.
i got 7/7 hc in a pug last week, the fuck are you doing?
Yeah I'mma just go with my DK, outside of Fury Warrior was putting me to sleep.
Why are ranged that high? Is it because in Mythics, melee DPS gets absolutely fucked by AOE and mechanics?
fuck off retard, i have m10 finished with 850 and I am still using 2x830 items. While a friend already has 5 legendaries.
>Implying i am crazy enough to do pug.

I pugged 7/7n first week cuz guild didnt have many ppl yet and it was suffering, fuck pugs.

I also had to do a cenarius pug yesterday cuz i did that with my mage last week, it was fucking terrible D:
dont forget time travel and alternate dimension shenanigans that allow introducing old characters as new ones
also Illidan is literally
>oh shit we are running out of important good guys
>wait a sec what about that raid boss 4 expansions ago, we could resurrect and turn him into a good guy
my favorite casual cuckery so far has been the balance of power questline can't be completed on lfr. so many casuals assblasted across every forum.
>implying he was ever a bad guy
is it worth returning to wow? really considering coming back pham
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