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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

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Thread replies: 767
Thread images: 170

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>Next Demo Day (X)

>Next Game Jam (Lewd -- Blueboard rules still apply)

>Lewd Jam Collabs

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/groups/agdg-audiofriends

>Previous Demo Days

>Previous Jams


GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/
yiffy game jam when?
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Kind of new to 3D, so on average about a day on simple projects.

I have a pretty big problem with unwrapping this project, namely that I can't seem to be able to apply the Unwrap UVW modifier to this trigger guard object.

What I did is just ctrl+a all objects and apply the modifier, but for some reason I can't select this one.

I'd appreciate any and all advice.
You forgot the logo
>AGDG Logo: http://pastebin.com/iafqz627
Health bar or discrete health units?
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I'm pretty happy with this version of kickback. Rather than move the camera's position, increment its yaw with the multiplied sine and cosine of a number going from 0 to pi.

Though for some reason, this doesn't return the pitch exactly to the original one. Works fine for single-fire weapons, but automatic ones currently behave like the Machine Gun from Quake 2.
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>my maid used for OP again
I think the last time she was used in an OP was the "progress pixie" years ago. I don't have the image any more.
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So beyond kicking dogs around, what's Vagabondia about?
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apparently blackness
I'm going for Harvest Moon meets Hyperlight Drifter but the wilderness around the town is randomly generated
I have come to an impasse.

My three heroines.

Do I, or don't I, list their three sizes?
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Added a drop animation for the multilock weapons and fixed some of the minor bugs.
go away you're making everyone self conscious about their games
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How do you talk with this many people in a channel?
) :
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just woke up, time for progress

fuck you I spent 10 seconds trying to find out why it was black
same as this thread. Only 20% of the people or something are actually talking.
Are you an admin? Mute people you don't want talking.
This looks amazing, both art wise and code wise.
This is what I talk about when I say I want to see what the code for agdg games looks like to learn.
It's only like 3-5 people talking, the rest is just listening.
Whenever you want to talk say "I want to say something" if they are not quite after a 1-2 seconds scream REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as loud as you can
>want to see the code

I honestly wouldn't mind but I don't think I'm doing anything out of the ordinary

the only thing that probably sticks out is the marching pattern outline
does anybody here use this plugin by chance https://github.com/unity-plugins/Unity-Admob
What are you making this in?
what's your tumblr?
It'd be way easier to do in Game Maker, though
fuck off mobileshitter
i have used it yes
this is a blue board you motherfucker
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lewd progress
sorry, when I figure out a name/logo for the game

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get that furry shit out of here
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These materials are placeholders from UE4's default bricks sets (you can tell because they're photorealistic style rather than cartoony bricks)

but I've got these fire escape assets. Not super realistic in design, but good for 2D platforming, so fuck it.

Also, FINALLY, and I do mean FINALLY (since it's been a corner case for like, 3 months) fixed the bug with doing tricks in midair breaking the transition back to dashing sometimes.

Also, I don't remember if I've mentioned it, but I've got the mesh and skeleton all rigged up for the next enemy (the Heavy class guy) and I've done the next combo string for Kikaigui. So, you know, trying to push ahead in the next areas of content creation since the basic gameplay framework is, visibly, pretty well established and does the whole plug-and-play thing for a new level really well.
Gorgeous graphics man, I especially love that effect of hot air behind the tail.
It's the little details.

Overall, your game looks very professional. Keep up the good work.
your game looks really good. I wish I had the 3d modeling skills to like make good game assets
do you know how i can get a callback when a banner closes

Admob.Instance().bannerEventHandler += onBannerEvent;
this doesn't work

also, do you know if videos work on emulators?
>voicechatting with strangers on the internet
What engine?

Hey Mayhem League dude I was just looking for you

Get on the Discord now

A certain other general you used to post in that died is interested in helping
Made me laugh, don't even know why.
n/m good luck!
I don't know what that means. It sounds like a /cgg/ reference but I don't know what a Discord is.

It's an IM program. There's a link to the /agdg/ server right in the OP. I'm waiting for you so I can give you the invite link. Account creation is really quick so get in here.

Also yes it's /cgg/
>n/m good luck!
What did he mean by this?
>AdSize adSize = new AdSize(250, 250);
what the FUCK
...I'm not installing any chat program.

Tell /cgg/ to get in HERE, I'm totally open to all sorts of feedback but I make all dev discussion a matter of public record anyway. And I only half-pay-attention so chat is too fast, unlike a board where posts will still be here in 30 minutes or an hour.
So what would be a good engine to use for a X-Com style game with tactical combat that uses sprite based models along with the capability to do a complex geoscape game.

I was thinking Unity or UE4 but you guys would probably know best
when should i expect invitations from the lewd collab form

i haven't gotten any emails yet
You can open it on your browser too. Just click the link and choose a name

You don't have to install it. There's a browser version too.

Chats moving fast doesn't matter; generally they're not very fast even though we've exceeded I think 100 users on our server now. You can get attention real easily by just ringing in on one of the channels.
that would be pretty straight forward in either one
What are some good perks for a lewd rpg/slave trainer? I've made some generic one like masochist get you reduced damage taken but increase lust on each hit but I would like some more fun ones.
holy shit, you're alive??
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>Fell for the raw openGL meme
just cooked a raw frozen pre-cooked steak
It's easy for 2D, not so much for making a modern 3D engine.
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>tfw you keep restarting your game when you learn something new

Pretty much redid all my movement code. Now it's less than 20 lines, before it was 100+. Still don't know why this happens though. It should just "stick" to the player. There shouldn't be any space between the enemy and the player. I'm gonna try use GM pathfinding stuff instead of making my own.
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I can stop programming that King's Field clone and start creating visual novels about anime qt3.14s instead.

Now I can make a living on being an even greater disappointment to my parents!

I normally don't draw animu faces
Not like my other stuff is any better
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consider suicide.gif
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>enemy AI code is 500 lines long
> per state

Are you using any additional libraries or are you going balls deep?
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On second thought.... I actually like it better this way.
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>enemy AI script is read entirely from a txt file
do i need an options menu for demo day?
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Where do I learn absolutely EVERYTHING about movement and collisions in game maker
Is c++ mandatory If I want to be a (((respected))) developer.
it's all me, baby
I've been building up a pretty sizable utilities library, so it's a lot easier than when I first started
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now I'm just putting stuff together in blender
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>his AI is scripted
my ai is actually indian children
post weeb music
I don't really follow triple A gaming, what did this guy do?

holy fuck
just google todd howard
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he invented dragons


I didn't see what you were talking about until the shadow of the colossus bits
that's pretty rad
Well, I did it.
Why make AI when you can just add multiplayer?

I don't know how to add multiplayer
because some games need both

Actually multiplayer might be fun in my game

But honestly all I have right now are visual assets
Here it is.


I got everything set up and commented for you except I hardly touched actual beat-em-up movement (which seems surprisingly a lot harder than I initially thought it would be, handling left/right slope-esque collisions)

But hopefully this should help you move forward making games in general. I still recommend checking out the tutorials online, but try fiddling around with this .gmx and see what you can learn from it!

To anyone else curious: This is a GameMaker: Studio project template that puts an objMain in a single room and executes code structured in such a way that it handles Game States. The player also has playerStates (Idle, Walking, anything else you want) and basic UDLR wall collision detection/movement code.

I tried commenting some useful information, so hopefully it's easier for people to get started learning GameMaker using direct GML.
Post a webm or gif of it in action
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Rate my art /agdg/

Is it enough to make cutesy cartoony low poly 3D model references and textures?

Be brutally honest
I'd say yes
practice texturing with a simple cube model and see how it turns out
Thanks for your feedback anons!
if you could translate this art into 3d you'd have something neat
Holy shit, thanks a lot.
I need to take this away and digest, because right now this is gonna overwhelm me.
Thanks! That's what I'm hoping to do.
When I hit the link, the page is blank..
Hey fellow /v/ game makers, rate my muzak.


That's how I found the original. Great tune.
Yes. There is literally no reason not to learn it. All the best engines are built with it. Learning C++ is building a foundation for game dev.

Daily reminder to make a patreon so you won't die making video games.
C++ is garbage, try Rust.
>$0 of $50

Haha good luck mate
Sure, recorded and rendering now.

I also forgot to mention that it also has a very barebones/unpolished camera scrolling code, but good enough to get a beginner started.

Try using Google Chrome. In any case, here's a mirror link, https://dropfile.to/ZcYCJs8
Not the guy you're spoonfeeding, but I've been trying to figure out state machines for Game Maker, so this should be a big help for me. Thanks.
So I'm getting started in Blender, just finished the tutor4u series, and I want to move into character modelling. What good tutorials are there out there to get you into the basics?
I'd like to make a Patreon, but for me anything less than $50 a month isn't even worth bothering with. And I don't think I'd make that much, since I see better devs make less.
>I'm a single developer trying to poor as much time as I can
was that meant to be "pour"?
Yes, it's the most widely used language for game development. Don't listen to the Rust memer, 3 people in the world use that for making games.
kinda comfy

this guy has some tutorials on rigging
>logical fallacy: the post
Glad I could help somehow, then. Good luck using GM!

In case the webm I'm about to upload looks bad, here's a higher quality one: https://webmshare.com/Qx1zR
Thank you kindly anon!
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haha I wonder what would happen if we all make patreons and donate each other some crazy amounts of money, then use our inflated patreons as security to get some sweet sweet loans. Then we could use said loans to donate even more money to each other and get even bigger loans. Haha.
"show_message("If you look at the code just above this, you'll notice I declared 'a = 4' and 'b = 2'");"

Lol, I should've proofread before uploading. In the actual code, I declared var a = 3, b = 8;
breh, unless your game is going to have geometric tits this aint gonna end well
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Hey, here's something that may help you with picking a colour scheme even if you don't have an eye for it.

>open paint and type something in a small font
>zoom the fuck in
>pick your favourite colours
Devs are nothing more than a game to me. spend months at a time strategically planting ideas into people's games, and playing mind games i get bored of someone after a while and move on to my next victim but that's okay because there's literally billions of you dirty little yesdevs to play around with.
Some devs actually believe I care about their games but the truth is I only use them for my personal advantage and entertainment
thats literally how every palette / color scheme creating program does it you dumbass
nigger what the fuck are you doing, there are websites for this
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>Had unity open for the past 3 hours
>Can't do anything productive because I've been putting off making a boss sprite for the level

It's another episode of art slowing down development
Geez, well I think it's pretty neat
I've been doing this for years
What's the best way to handle an options menu in game maker? Should I have it take the player to another room?
this wont go over well since your game looks like a mobile game
good luck m8, I hope you've been shilling
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you can do it anon, I believe in you
It must be fun to have a Patreon
There is a lot of stuff in there that doesn't look like it would run well on a phone at all really. At least not normie tier phones.
what about me can I do it

Absolutely! What are you doing? What is your game/idea?
I don't think I can do it
If it's that's much better why aren't games made with it? Can you even name 5 games on consoles or steam using Rust? I don't see anyone in the industry or even indies shilling it, the only time I've even heard of it is the few people discussing it on AGDG.
What's the best site for lewd pixel art/animations? I'm just looking for source material to study and copy for a while and eventually make my own sprites/anims
The only thing you need to become a respected developer is finish a game.
How do you find a your theme to match your mechanics?

I'm trying to design a single player action game with a focus on situational awareness and avoiding the required cautious patience games like Dark Souls force on the player. The original experience I used as a base was World of Warcraft Mage world PvP meets physical combat where your actions have weight and use physics (As multiplayer games have trouble making use of physics due to networking). I'd also like to focus on roguelike mechanics (and procedural arena/dungeon generation) from games like Binding of Issac and Faster than Light.

My problem is finding a theme that matches those mechanics and is within my ability to create as a software developer. (Focus on simplistic and stylized art)

It strikes me that these mechanics are not totally unlike action movie combat sequences where characters appear totally calm and focused on on the moment, often making use of their surroundings.

So is it the fantasy of being an action hero, or a amazing warrior, or a powerful wizard? What do those fantasies entail and which more closely fits my mechanics? Is there a more 'artsy' 'truth-based' 'unifying' theme that fits those mechanics better? Perhaps something to do with the permadeath roguelike mechanic?
Are we all in agreement that Todd Howard is the most handsome AAA gaming figurehead?
>it's perfect yet no one's using it
I'm not convinced.
sb: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=492048

you need a pixiv account to see their nsfw stuff though
did you just watch that extra credits episode
>extra credits

You'll never finish a game listening to those fags.
>extra credits

next you'll be watching googum's yesdev videos
Yes, although I've been working on this design for a few weeks. Mainly reading a Book of Lenses. The extra credits episode was incidental.

As extra credits often does they tend to give a whole lot of outlining and very little to no useful, practical, information.
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>extra credits
Does anyone know any good Voxel related tutorials? My google-fu is failing me, I generally work in C#/C++.
Any of those choices could work, my personal preference would be warrior. I want to be Achilles in Troy.

I don't really have any non-opinion insight except that Max Payne already does the action hero thing.
This nigga is good, holy shit
>extra credits

shitdev day
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at what point did you realize you were destined for nothing but shitty blender models?
That's a pretty broad topic to be looking for walkthroughs for.
When I tried to unwrap something more complicated than a cube.
please, don't remind me.

Yeah I won't deny it. I do enterprise development during the day, would like to fuck around a bit.


Literal shitdev - I'd like to do something like terrain generation in minecraft for

If it's for fun then figure it out yourself. Do some research.
Does anyone that use Unity would buy an asset for like $2 that is 3D text?
This would make for a badass rpg enemy, what are you talking about.
You're right, Anon. I will.
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It was supposed to be a boss for an alpha waves type game but I'm too stupid to code.
This already looks on par with stuff from that latest star fox game, you're good man.
>a Book of Lenses
How is that book, by the way? Worth picking up?

Honestly seems pretty good.
>>152098853 here

I can't draw fucking humanoids but at least now I have a placeholder to make gameplay on.

Who am I kidding, this will probably be the final sprite
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Forgot pic
Why don't you devs simply create a collaborative project and make a good solid game?
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>this guy made a fucking patreon
I'm afraid of working with others and letting them down
>work with someone from agdg.
>they betray or abandon you.

This is the game dev equivalent of making "8-bit" audio in the so-called GXSCC or sfxr and passing it off as authentic NES music.
I've thought about bringing this up in the past, but it just wouldn't work. Between the conflicts of interest and some trolls/shitposters messing shit up, it just wouldn't be worth it
and yet the chan somehow managed to mysteriously conjure up katawa shoujo

we need to do this sometime, guys
does anyone have the 'which programming language should I learn' chart, with all of them being shit but C++?
why refer to a chart if you already have your answer
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Not the one you're looking for, but relevant
I've taken classes from the author. He knows his stuff
That image is almost perfect
Kind of related.
I don't get C++ or HTML.
I need to remember to reread this after demo day

can't spare any time for self doubt right now
probably because HTML isn't a programming language
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Redid the old attack animation
thats cute
>ruby not the katana
It's a reference to how C is really easy to fuck your shit up
I'd just like to say I appreciate all of the musicbros in this thread.

Programmers and artists always leave, but you musicbros are always devoted to projects, whether they're completed or not.
Joke's on you: I'm writing the music for my own project
that anon was referring to ruby's origins in grorius nihon, i believe
HTML is a language of containers
Yo, I love this. Whats your gameabout / blog?
Yes, but it's not a language of programs.
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3d progress.jpg
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after about an entire fucking week i can finally produce a character model
do you have a tumblr or twitter of some kind? I like shmups and your project has always seemed interesting to me.
Anyone looking for free music? Tell me a little about your game!
Did I say it was?
RTS, setting is some kind of cold planet
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Thanks anon

Thanks, it's a 2D hack and slash/beat em up. Blog is hexundev.tumblr.com
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concept art.jpg
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This is fuckin hard. I need to read some books about drawing or something.
Sounds interesting, what language/engine are you using?
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i have released a game


No, but I've been toying with making a development diary blog or something of that sort. I'm not a fan of social media as a whole, but having somewhere to post progress other than veegee could be useful.
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Minecraft but like Overwatch
>another day of minor progress

i created a to do list and am gonna try and follow it, hopefully this helps
How do lighting effects work for 2D games? Do you have to think ahead when creating assets? Or should I just keep drawing background trees and objects, then worry about lighting later?
stop posting this cunt
how the fuck was I baiting, what are you talking about?
There are regular posts here just like yours, and the answer is always no I hate [your engine]
nvm gl
What the shit, skip it then.
>Do you have to think ahead when creating assets?
Yes, pick a light source and stick to it
Filter the filename stupid.
You call yourself a programmer?
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>no replies

don't be a retard and google it
I'm taking about dynamic lighting obviously.
You learn by complaining on 4chan duh
fuck you, you unhelpful prick.
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Just finished up a model of the AGM-65 for air to ground missiles.
I literally told you how to do it you incompetent fuck
Go to reddit for spoonfeeding you baby
most people just make things lighter or darker depending on how much light they have. no specular or anything.
I've only skimming this page, but it might help: http://robotloveskitty.tumblr.com/post/33164532086/legend-of-dungeon-dynamic-lighting-on-sprites
how does an artist find a programmer?
by being willing to work on the programmer's project for free without any creative input
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>>152109340 isn't me

Sorry for being a whiny shitter /agdg/. I will come back after I atone for my sins
Okay, I want to vent and this is the most appropriate place.

I just spent all night on a problem that didn't even fucking exist.

>Doing digital media project with making a game for a projection fulldome
>College got some grant so they got this $500 plugin to do such a thing and are having me basically figure it out
>Things going well enough with it
>It's got some nice menus and is easy enough to understand, though it's source code is a confusing mess at times.
>Got the game working all nice.
>Decide to set up a reset and a start screen
>Start having this "problem"
>Every time the plugin loads into a NEW scene, yet not when it's just sitting in the first scene, Unity stops everything and says "You're trying to access something that's been destroyed"
>The something is an extra feature plugin for the plugin I'm using
>One that I'm not even turning on
>Because this error will not go away, I can't load any new scenes or reload the current scene
>Spend 4 FUCKING HOURS trying different bullshit to make it work.
>Nothing works for getting rid of the error.

>trying all sorts of bullshit rapidly
>Accidentally hit the pause button at one point rather than play to stop the game
>It unpauses the game and everything is running fine.
>Confused as fuck
>Try to reload again, game is stopped by the error.
>Hit unpause a couple times, it's back to normal
>Try to do a full build of the thing (thus far I had been working in editor only)
>Reload with no issues or error popups at all

As far as I can tell, the Plugin basically had a bit of a build error in it due to how cluttered the thing is.
It was trying to run a coroutine that was checking something before it got to the point of making it at the end of the frame.
However, there was a break in it in case an issue like this happened, so the next frame it was fine.

But Unity decided to fullstop the game every time, despite the problem only being there for one frame and not affecting anything.
I'm totally into that. Some games look fun around here.
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Come back when you have a game
By having some gOoD sHiT and a design doc that interests a programmer.
then you should not have any trouble working with a programmer
just make sure you sign some paperwork
Gamedev is a black art. You're unlikely to find anything comprehensive, especially not for just one tool.

So who's looking for an artist?
Fuck me, I don't know how to limit my scale.

I could finish by the end of this year, to finally have finished something and not to lose motivation.

Or I could add on a few more months to work on polish and sidequests and stuff.
good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightthere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit
Still getting the feel for the place not sure I want to put that here yet. What's your game about?
Aim small, finish that and then decide whether you want extra stuff or not.
post email
How about tell me about your game haha
It's about waifus and I'm drawing it myself.
If you want to start a new project with me you should post your email.
Theres an option in the console for "PAUSE ON ERROR"
Untick this box and itll keep playing
Yeah I don't know anything about you or your game sorry haha. What are the mechanics, what are you making it in? just for the jam or what?
Yeah I just found some resources on normal mapping. Looks way easier than I thought.
You can use normal map sprites if you want that.
That's a nice missile
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Any good sites to learn c++?

Yes, google.
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font test.gif
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Testing some font effects
it's shit.
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SpriteIlluminator can do this pretty easily but it costs 40 shekels.
That's pretty neat anon.
Can you make it type out sequentially?
it's shit
The glitchy one is spooky. Lookin good.
Thats a neat program. I'm pretty sure you can get the same results with photoshop.
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I finally did it agdg. After more than a year I replaced the mushroom's placeholder animations.
Of course. It just hella streamlines it. Plus is has inbuilt integration with certain engines like unity. I was fucking around with it earlier.
Splash effects should be more noticeable now. Now to just figure out flashing properly, as the ghetto solution I have right now isn't very noticeable, and then I can actually work on this thing's AI after drawing more rectangles of it.
I'm proud of you, son.

>art bee
>brush stinger

I LOVE IT. Also good work on the font stuff, and I love your sulking moth party member
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Marmo, please marry me.
Hexun, your shit is cool.
Don't stop being cool, even when animating is getting you down.
>another pre-order today!
Daaaamn, this feels great! Do you do pre-orders agdg? Love knowing the community is so into what I'm doing
Looks cool. What're you making this in?
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Where should I start.
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Ok, switched out the hair. no more dick hair I think?
n/m good luck
Thanks, that's really encouraging

I'm not marmo. His game is kill, but he's still alive on twitter
uh thanks?
Cover up the small area on top of the ear and and it's good. 100x better than the old hair
Maybe make the hair a bit longer. Around the centre of the neck.
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talk test.webm
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If you mean each letter being typed out slowly then yes, you can also press a button to skip the message and I added support for controller/keyboard button swap on the fly (I changed how the fonts worked so the sprites are misaligned now, I'll fix it later)
I think you should disable linear filtering on those bushes, your game would look better with the aliased look to go with the sprites.
Everything is a placeholder, I'm trying to get the mechanics done before replacing the assets.
Besides this is the test map so I didn't put much thought into it
>Everything is a placeholder
No way, the characters are animated and all and they look good.
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Inventory is now a dropdown list organized in categories to easily find things. Adding the ability to reorganize the list is likely going to be a pain in the ass but I think it's important. Next up is being able to compare equipment (something i figured wasn't a big deal until I played a game without that feature...)
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He's a sneaky one.gif
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I made a sneaky sneaky flower
Thanks for the feedback, I don't mind the ear showing but I'll try it out
I tried longer hair on her and it just doesn't fit her face, that or I can't make it work
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Sequential typing is hard. At least I remember it that way. I tried to make a VN in highschool but never finished it.
Good job anon.
Pic is a character from the VN I never finished back in highschool
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How do I integer?
Pad the string?
int rounded = (int)doubleVariableHere;

Or if you want to round in a more specific way, your math library probably has a floor/ceiling function.
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creepy road.webm
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Can anyone make a spooky game where you drive at night and spooky paranormal shit happens? include heavy raining too and make sure you make it in unreal 4 and not garbage unity.

Thanks and enjoy the money.
The way I do it is to have 2 strings, an empty one and the one with the text.
Then for every x seconds you add one character from the full string to the empty one.
The empty one is the one that will display the text.
So it would be like
for(i = 0; i < text.lenght; i++)
emptystring += text[i]
wait x seconds
Average values to the right of the radix, take the floor of that, bam you got an integer
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>supposed to be spooky
>made me laugh
Those 2 guys bouncing out of the bush
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Runner 2016-08-17 16-52-15-35.webm
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>It's a 'shoot something other than robobts/aliens/spaceships' level

Still looking for artists.

Something about the design of the green one is bugging me. I'm not exactly sure what it is.

Who will win in the inevitable clash of Paper Mario-likes?
Damn, I was worried someone would come up with this concept too. I had an idea for a small game where you drive around in a car at night, in a spooky town where creepy, randomized shit happens and progressively gets worse.

I know how, I just forgot to do it for grenade damage.

All I need is a .to_i

You could add a ration station, mess around with static noise, weird transmissions, your car breaking and a bunch of other cool shit. First one to do a game like this PROPERLY and without cell shading or cartoony garbage will be a major hit
That's how I did it too, but it took a lot of googling to figure out for me back then. And I still ended up with the right side of the text going past the dialogue box every once in a while. AND I had to put \n every time I wanted a new line in the text to prevent it from spilling over.
In my defense, it was flash.
Sounds like a roughly on rails walking simulator with jump scares.

I don't mean to be a dick, because I'd still run through it, but where's the game?
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third iteration of the rig
took the time to properly study everything and ended up with a much better wing control setup
haven't run into any rig-breaking issues so this looks like the final version
Holy fuck hopefully they leave out the played-to-death "visual glitching for no reason" bullshit.

Who the fuck are the yesmen who keep telling people that this is a legitimate technique?
Game looks good. Website/Twitter/Tumblr?

I thought the same thing, it seems like the sort of idea that'd be a hit with the walking sim types, and there's so many cool concepts you could do with it. Unfortunately, I'm right now just at the stage of learning blender modelling, and I don't want it to look absolutely terrible.

Hopefully staying in concept mode until I develop the skills to make the thing.
stopping at gas stations, leaving your car and walking around, you could add a bunch of mechanics
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I'm not asking you where I can find the game on sale now or whatever, I'm asking what makes it a game rather than a random series of spooky videos.

Unless it's meant to just be a walking simulator, in which case cool, good luck.
Thinking of busting out the ol' moog tonight. Who needs some music?
Oh, I'm dense as fuck. But yeah, I think there's plenty of room for gameplay. As someone already mentioned, the ability to get out of the car and walk around, interacting with the spooky shit, etc. Though it'll surely have a good bit of walking simulator in it.
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rip helicopter
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I identify as demiplatform objectkin and I'm triggered by your bigotry, anon.
>ctrl+f danny, rotate, gogem
>no results found
R.I.P. agdg

try searching "googum"
sorry anon I can't shitpost ever since I got played by rotate

I can make shit OC and occasionally post though
show us the bones
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>gogem is all that remains
R.I.P. agdg
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Added code to support composite bullets, that is a bullet that contains many other bullets inside it. The child bullets have their own velocities and damages. This can be used for some really crazy shit. I'm not 100% happy with my implementation, but unless it causes problems in the future I'll stick with it.
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this triggers the mothdev.webm
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Reminder to take configuration variables into consideration either before starting or at very early stages of your game's conception, lest your have to go back and rewrite hard-coded constants in controls, resolutions and other things very late into development.
>I could finish by the end of this year
You're probably already thinking too large.

This guy is a beta with an ugly wife but you could probably learn some things from him, Video Example 3 since I can't link it directly
rotate doesn't dev anymore, she just goes to parties and gets drunk and kisses boys

I assume danny died in some sort of paranormal accident involving bigfoot
looks dope, weave
Trying again, artist here, not interested if you're doing a platformer or working in Unity
Do you have any previous work you can post?
I do, if you're still around. Just some sort of relaxed background music to play throughout the game, so hopefully not something that'll get super old after repeated listening (not that I'd just use a single track on repeat).

Theme is sort of American golden age, with a sinister edge. I'm trying to avoid saying "like fallout" but there are undeniable similarities. Alternatively, Dawn of the Dead's happy frolicking through the zombie besieged mall, maybe?

If you're interested and need more information let me know.

No, I'm not using game maker
Cool chatroom guise love those stories lol
Not interested if you're not showing a portfolio
Post portfolio, you just ruled out like 99% of aggydaggy but there's bound to be someone who fits those criteria
wow hostile
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>I assume danny died in some sort of paranormal accident involving bigfoot

Nah I'm still around. I'm even working on my game still, but I haven't posted official updates in a while (at least on agdg). Getting banned from steamchat was my most recent achievement.


And I finally revisited the mountain lake for /x/ and /out/ where I had some spooky experiences



God bless, dogposter.
How do you expect to work with people if you don't show samples?
Wait, is this bait?
Cool I'll keep you in mind for the future. Not really my genre though.
What is more your thing?

I'm not going to say "I can work with that" or whatever, just curious.
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This week I have been working on improving my shader skills. I still suck but I made something somewhat cool.

Longer vid: https://a.pomf.cat/rfprom.webm
> tfw been propaganda'd into thinking that danny is a terrible person who doxxes and sends bombs
> he's actually a nice guy who just wanted to finish his game
what else has AGDG been hiding from me
is this going to be in demoday?
>improving my shader skills
Poorly copying the "making stuff look good with unity" tutorials is not considered improving your skills.
I too watched the video on making overwatch style shield shader Looks good.
Man that takes me back to my days of shaderdev. So much fun using my programming skills for art instead of logic. It's instantly gratifying and your artists will love you for making neat toys for them to play with.
the new halo looks great
how do you get into shaderdev? just learn the weird specific shader language?
I've only got ~2 weeks of free dev time until demo day and I haven't even fully figured out my asset pipeline, not to mention not having any gameplay yet, but I'll give it a shot
>2 weeks of free dev time
Fucking neetdevs. Im jealous.
infinite runners and block-breaking mechanics mostly
If you're offering...
I need something ambient/jazzy. Sun Ra is probably the closest thing I can think of that already exists. Especially the third track on Supersonic Jazz. Sound like something you feel like making?
God fucking damn it.

Aid me Yang.
I was doxxed and sent bomb threats from literally insane shitposters in agdg for daring to post progress with an asset flipping game and tripfagging. The power of propaganda from the literally insane shitposters should not be underestimated. God bless you x2, dogposter. We're all gonna make it.

P.S. I did not get banned from steamchat for being a nice guy, but fuck them.
Yeah sounds fun, what's your game like though? What are you using to make it, what's the end goal, stuff like that?
>danny implying other people are literally insane shitposters

dogposter ignore this shit, he does it once every year or so to the new guys. Been watching it for five years. Report, ignore, move on.
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The edge detection I lifted from a tutorial/blog post, but the outer glow, textures, animation are all mine. I also had to code from scratch a method for smoothing the intersection, since normally it makes an ugly artifact. pic related.

I don't watch video tutorials, they're a massive time sink and rarely have anything useful.

It's so hard to get into but I think I have a foothold now.
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summer vacation's ending
i was wondering where your game went, now that i see it again i dont care all over again. wish you the best though your progress is unmatched
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I am perhaps among the biggest shitposters in agdg history but I am not THE literally insane shitposter

Going into the mountains tomorrow so this is my last post for now kbye
It was for a friend's project (9-man team). Learn glsl and hlsl and get very familiar with vector math, viewspace vs worldspace transformation and how you can fuck with them to make neat effects. The hardest thing is getting ahold of the fact that your shader program is being executed a gorillion times in parallel.

Also once you get used to swizzles there's no going back.
How did you go about deciding the colour pallet for your game? I'm finding this really tricky. How do I give my game a grimdark tone while still letting the player see what the fuck they are doing?
>I didnt watch the tutorial with a decent effect, I just happened to implement all the same features poorly.
Find a game that does what you want and sample the colors from a screenshot
You can keep being an ass if you want, I said myself I'm bad at this but I didn't just copy a tutorial video, I don't even know what fucking video you're talking about.
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Multiplayer turn-based game. Think of it like Fire Emblem, except you only get to control one character. You are put at the bottom of a pyramid and have to climb to the top to defeat the big bad in order get experience/glory. Whether you cooperate or kill off other players depends on how much you wanna share the loot once you get to the top.

Making it in Ruby because fuck the police

End goal is just to make vidya. No big plans.
I just dont know why youre trying this hard to claim credit for someone elses work shamdev
>Been watching it for five years.
danny was only around since last year you dumbshit
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Flower Power.webm
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Do you think it would be fun if the basic protag (the blue water droplet guy) only had one unit of health, but you could have the normal 6 units of health when you absorb an enemy?

Basically when you're not absorbed into an enemy 5 of the units would gray out and you'd be a one-hit kill, but it would track how much health you had. So if you take a hit while in an enemy, then go into another, you would still have 5 health units.

Webm slightly related, just finished the animation
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Jesus fucking christ no wonder theres so much nodev here. You post some genuine work and people shit all over it and call it stolen. Just because two things end up looking similar doesn't automatically mean it's stolen you fucking autist.
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That's not even the literally insane shitposter you goof
Check out string formatting in whatever language you're using.
Depends on how easy it is to fuck up possessing an enemy. Dash attacks in instant death games are pretty sketchy.
As long as you hit an enemy during the dash then the possession is successful. Hopefully after playing for 5 minutes you'd get the hang of how far the dash takes you. Even in the rare circumstance it isn't, you would just bounce off.
wtf i hate steamchat now
>Calling me an autist even though youre a thief
>Pretending like youre the only yesdev in the thread

Yeah you can leave this humble community if you think you can get away with pulling this shit here.
i give up
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Potential HUD.png
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HUD design is fucking hard
>anime posters not literally insane
oh you
didn't that guy die from being fat
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Potential HUD 2.png
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like, really hard
I thought it was pretty neat. Anyway, don't feed the trolls: they're just upset because they have no games.
your problem is that it looks like you tried to make it from scratch
steal from other games, or at least copy their proportions and how much screen space they use
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Merry Christmas anime girl.jpg
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Poll time!

I like this concept

And I love the nametag
I've been posting here for years.
Why is it so bad recently?
>danny is rotate
wew the literally insane is real
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We've always had waves of intense shitposting on and off. Sometimes it just depends on the time of day you post. Sometimes you get tricked into thinking things have gotten worse, when in reality they're just as bad as always, but in new and interesting ways.

Case in point: I still have multiple iterations "Marmo" filtered because of all the spam that clogged up the thread in the past. I even had Charlotte filtered for a while.
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Day 28 of trying to make video games

I've got six frames of animation on this fucking drop done god dammit

At this rate I will have a playable demo by 2024, look forward to it

Really though I don't think most stuff will take this long; I just can't re use any part of this animation as a base since the orientation of the body changes in each and every frame. Couple that with this being the second time I've ever tried to fucking animate anything and there's something of a learning curve for this particular bit.

I'm DEFINITELY going to have to tweak the silk that's trailing out and do more easing in the animation for it before this is finished but I'll probably wait to do that until I'm sure how this will be implemented in game so I can sync it up with that.

I hope that I'll be able to sit down this whole weekend and just animate for two days straight, but I doubt life will be so kind. I want to get some basic stuff down and have a super simple drag-and-drop based demo for Demo Day but that might be unobtainable at this point.
Thanks anon, happy to hear it! I can't wait for later in development when I can sit down and decide how I think each enemy would write their name
> Rotate: God of Rotation and Transition
please change this nickname to something more relevant
danny right now

you only have yourselves to blame steamchat
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Potential HUD 3.png
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I actually stole a lot of this stuff from other games.
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SDL_app 8_17_2016 10_13_38 PM.webm
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I haven't devved for a while. What should I work on? I want to start tackling better visuals but I'll probably keep working on gameplay anyways

Or I could just refactor everything so that entities all share a generic data storage struct and all AI functions are moved to external AI classes while also redoing my level data storage from scratch
Changed to Miya: The scariest thing that can happen to a nodev
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So had Blake the Snake shed his skin and became Danny or vice versa? None the less the experience was probably due to some very paranormal activity indeed.
I was talking about the positioning, I mean a lot of the icons and elements look good and are easily recognizable
but I haven't seen a game that has a vertical ammo counter that's like a 100 pixels offset from the side of the screen, it just feels so strange and out-of-place
add some damn particle effects and improve your trails

your game looks cool but visually it's so bland
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And another one, the AIM-120 for long range Air-to-Air targets.

Thanks anon
>implying a tranny could beat up a guy who goes camping in the mountains
>>implying anyone in that poll could beat up a guy who goes camping in the mountains
More likely that rotate could beat up googum
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this, just make it so it's on the side of the screen anon

I can't have it on the side. Because of how Doom's HUD elements work, if a player plays on a smaller resolution, the bar will be off screen.
also you need better sound effects
>tfw just want to like make game but can't
can't you check the resolution of the screen and then calculate the position of the HUD so it's always at the same place ?
I know that feeling.
>other anons post models that they've textured and rigged within a day
>meanwhile, I modeled a cardboard box yesterday
By that, I mean I put two flaps on the box and called it a day.

Not with how Doom does custom HUDs (SBARINFO)

I would have to make seperate HUDs for every resolution
Dan Ashley
> currently developing a survival horror game
> goes camping regularly, likely fit and possibly RIPPED
> experienced in paranormal phenomena and can handle whatever the multiverse throws at him
> has fought bigfoot in hand to hand combat

> has attempted creating several incomplete engines
> low test male pumped full of hormones
> experienced in enginedev and regularly threatens suicide in times of hardship
> has been in several drunken bar fights

> has finished several low quality videogames
> skinny numale, aged 35
> has more experience due to his age, but lacks the wisdom to make use of it
> constantly fights with his parents who wants him to get a real job move out

> developer of Cavern Kings™
> spends most of her time socializing online, likely out-of-shape
> experienced in flirting and hitting on cute boys
> fight history: unknown

I know nothing about Arikado

> developer, publisher and provides funding to thousands of games online such as Gone Home, Depression Quest and Mass Effect 3
> spends their time defending israel and promoting degeneracy
> highly experienced at propaganda and divide&conquer tactics
> has been locked in conflict with palestine, has the power of the Mossad at their disposal

The Legendary Nodev
> hasn't finished any games
> spends their time on AGDG and watching unity tutorials, out-of-shape
> currently studying computer science or a similar course in college
> got bullied in high school but has rarely been in fights
What sort of particle effects? Explosions are a given, afterburners would be cool too. As for trails, I've started on a rough system to randomize each cloud a bit and that should pretty easily let me have them fade out as well. But I really should finish that

Yeah, hopefully everything that needs sound effects will have them for the next demo. I need to figure out the best way to queue up and mix engine roar

Dan Ashley: alpha male
Rotate: beta (male?)
Googum: omega male
Vine: literal bitch (but yesdev)
Arikado (yesdev just look it up)
JIDF: yesdev extraordinaire
Nodev: Cuck
Bullets should be a particle with additive rendering and some fake bloom, trails need alpha asap, explosions are needed too. Debris would be nice as well.

With your trails, make sure the tip of the trail starts off white, then goes orange, then grey, then fades, to represent engine fire.
Latest yanderedev update: thoughts?
he doesn't understand scope and pissed off his only fanbase
Stupidly Big Team Dev here.

Already the fat has begun being trimmed. Our background guy did some preliminary sketches of scenes with the new color pallet, and my god it looks better than I even hoped.

Right now we're hovering at 8 people, moving down from the 10 even earlier today. This come after five hours of me writing character profiles for them, going over with the art director a scene by scene of the prologue so he can get an idea of lighting/mood, and doing a scene by scene of the with the music guy so he can get an idea of moods.

+8 new character profiles for artists
+4 new sets of character concept art
+2 new preliminary backgrounds
+color pallet is done
+trimmed the fat of the story, reducing number of NPCs that need character art from 32 to 18
+finalized Prologue & Chapter 1 scene by scene

I'm really surprised how productive a team this large can be. I suppose putting 7-8 hours a day is starting to pay off. We are beginning to move out of the honey moon period and have been able to determine what constitutes realistic dev.
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inside the can.webm
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I really need to practice texturing more.
have you made any progress though
>replied before watching the video
843k views and 66k thumbs up 318 thumbsdown
he will make a small fortune from early access and inevitably drop his game
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Trying to nail western town baked in sunset colors.



What're the class roles of your heroes? Balance bee, tanky fighter beetle, and a mage moth?
you can drop the specular highlights on her pants since cloth is not that reflective (unless she's wearing velvet or something) and make the base color slightly lighter to accomodate

having only base and shade to color with should make it less work
>has spent over 2 years developing the game
Yeah he's not going to drop it. This is his life. If he wanted to cashout he could have done it a year ago or more.

We'll see though.
Yes, for personal progress the script is progressing nicely, the prologue coming along.

For the artists they are chugging along with their work.

Things are going well.
how much code is written
isn't it a vn? they can use any of the available engines
reminder if you dont believe in jesus you will never make a good game
don't be that guy
So true. Look at rotate and gogem.
New to unity, does anyone have good workflow videos on bringing models/animations from Blender/Maya into the engine? Sorry if stupid.
That's the basic idea. Bee is rogue, Beetle is figther and Moth is mage.
Each will have their own skills and be able to team up in battle to use combos and stuff.
Longer shadows, darker light with a tad more orange

They're supposed to be a shiny material. I've avoided putting highlights on her top because it's supposed to be a different material, but I don't know if that comes across.

Honestly almost all my time goes into construction because I'm fairly new to makin' pictures, let alone sequential pictures that are supposed to be the same size and proportions etc. I spend a lot of time erasing/redrawing/edging in/edging out until I'm happy with it.

I hope and expect this editing will become less necessary with time.
It's a VN with management game elements. There is minimal gameplay (well, there are not a ton of moving parts). The coding is the least of our worries. The art and scripting are our biggest concerns, the V and N of visual novel.
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personality wise, I'm gonna say the bee is cheerful, kinda snarky, the beetle is stoic and either quiet or CHIVALROUS AS FUCK about it, and the Mage looks like he's just fed up with both of their bullshit.

I love it
> Currently making a metroidvania game "Clarent" where you play as an edgy bishounen school shooter complete with trench coat.
> Has made his game 3 times over in the span of about 3-4 years. Known to dev drunk, so likely out-of-shape. But probably beautiful Aryan.
> Experienced with sprite work, and Game Maker. Emotionally responds to trolls. Probably a self hating German.
> Due to strong emotions has fought online with numerous trolls, and has even "left" the community for about a month or two.
>I know nothing about Arikado
Interesting, he's the only one I know from that list. I mean, yeah, Vine's name always get mentioned and you can meet with him/her (I don't know) on the chats, Googum is tripfagging, but I see only Arikado posting progress, so I have absolutely no idea who the rest is. I say that with half year of lurking.
Anyone know where I can find "pirated" UE4 plugins? kinda wanted this https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?94470-HammUEr-a-Hammer-Worldcraft-map-importer-for-Unreal-Engine

but no way I'm paying $40
>making a good game
I'm making a VN, it's literally impossible. I am cashing in on people who love waifus and management simulator games, like myself. We're disguising a bad game with plot twists and waifus.

Yes we are, at least that is the current plan.
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Here's what I mean colour-wise, I fucked with the hue and lightness to make it look more sunset-like rather than late afternoon.
>solved my weird fucked up mouse problem
thank god

turns out what the game launches, all controls work, yet the window doesn't seem to have focus or something. clicking in the window gets it going smoothly again
had some werd resoluton problems, thought was fucked.
>"i dont think you'll ever see the same teacher twice"
>walking in a room of identical looking teachers
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looks really fun
babby's first dragondrop?
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Got footsteps mostly working I think. Except they don't actually have sound. And I can't put webms with sound here regardless.

Anyway, I have a blueprint function that gets told what foot it is and what material it's on so it can choose the appropriate sound to play. There's also an editable interval field to determine how frequent the footsteps are, since there are no actual player models. I might add footsteps to enemies at some point, but I'd probably want to tie those to enemy animations, so the system might work slightly differently anyway.
yeah i can already see myself spending hours moving a bed and a drawer around the screen
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ye :>

you can run around too
thats insane, why hasnt this been done before
dunno man, im a fucking genius.
If you are an idea guy, should you make mockups of the general design so 3d modellers and program understand what you are doing?

How many skilled neckbeards are out there, who trained since they were young, but lack social abilities that could freely slave for me?
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that's called concept art
More like smugmugi.
No its not.

Put some arrows displaying attack radius and the programmer gets a clue of what you are talking about. Just admit you were wrong okey, by the time im done with my video game im going to be extremely famous and rich and i will never admit that i used to browse 4chan cant have you soil my rep thankyou
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I'm pretty sure this is bait, but you gave me a hearty kek
whats the problem? i have 75k saved for the budget, and i understand the basic principles behind the scenes of video games
75k will get you 2 college students living in the midwest for 1 year
No I will find unemployeed neckbeards with incredible skills but lack social awerness and they will flock under me for warmth and attention.

Just look 4chan, millions of unemployed losers but still 10% have great elite skills, so basicly TL:DR you are wrong there are people who are willing to work 5 months for 2000 dollar
>i understand the basic principles behind the scenes of video games
With that logic if I study political science I can be the president.

Don't get me wrong, you need to understand what goes into making a game, but organizing people to achieve a common goal is not easy. And yes, the very first skill required for that is the ability to express and share your ideas with others. It might seem like a minor task, but trust me on this, the things which might be trivial to you might be unimaginable to others. Sometimes you think about X, say X, and the guy who heard it will think you've said Y. Controlling a team is not easy, and money doesn't help that.
is gaemdev on lunix possible yet?
It always was.
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I worked out a way to make a vectoring thruster that plugs easily into my linear programming balancer.

It's actually two thrusters of equal magnitude, applying force on the same point but spaced by 120 degrees. I give their axis-projections to lpsolve and it can use them to make any force vector within that diamond-shaped space.

In reality, a thruster on a hinge would have a force space shaped like a circular sector. However, the projection on an axis is a nonlinear function of angle. Two thrusts spaced by 120 degrees is the best for this trick, because the resulting force space touches the circular sector at three points. It's similar to a technique for controlling 3-phase inverters called 'Space Vector Modulation', which also tries to approximate a circle with fixed vectors.

Visually, I just draw a nozzle and exhaust flare pointing in the direction of the sum of the two forces.
Ask again.
kys youfucking nodev parasite
You're one of the fuckers that have poisoned bokudev.
machiavelli wrote some nice tutorial books.
he really cared about lifting the game of his fellow yesdevs.
That's actually a good idea for a game.

You have good taste in literature, Gogem.
Where is the best place to learn C# from? I have previous programming experience, so I don't really need a "total beginner" tutorial.
So I don't get it, do you give good advice or bad?
Man that's a lot of devs
just read code
I love classical music, but I've just realized I'm not familiar with any "comfy" score.

Can someone recommend me some pieces? I would like to turn them into chiptune
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no i dont, i only checked out the Prince because i really enjoyed The Borgias (tv show) and it got cancelled and i wanted to figure out what was gonna happen.... now im just left waiting a billion years for new chapters of Cesare (manga).
>Does anyone know any good music so I can absolutely butcher it?
What do you think?
By giving good advice he would make the devs get better a their stuff. By giving bad advice he can fool them at making their games bad.
What would you do if you were a lonely kid that spends all the day on the internet trying to fuck up random guys' hobbies?
Fly me to the moon.
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changed some stuff around and nowyou can have infinite dumplings.
and infinite ways to arrange em
altho that will never happen.
But its still usefull
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I got my 256 color palette code working exactly as I want it to!!
that's cool but where's your game?
the eva version will forever be the true version to me
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Thanks! It was a good listening, but by classical I meant authors like Beethoven, Bach, Liszt, Dvorak etc. So music which is now royalty free, and I can put my hands on the sheet music.
Pastoral symphony's first movement
It doesn't get more comfy that that.
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ok, sound effects are in. they are kind of annoying actually since there are basically no other sounds or music in the game yet, so all you hear are footsteps

I think 0.5s per footstep is good for my walking speed but it sounds a little slow for the running speed. I need to implement a dynamic delay based on movement speed I guess.
What do you mean by classical? Do you mean old orchestrated music, or just any kind of symphonic-
Oh. Well, I recommend listening to the Lars and the Real Girl soundtrack, anyway. Very comfy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-DCQ6WfeKs
I made good progress on it using Love2D but I'm starting over using C, with new art
Here's an old screenshot of the Love2D version
art is bad but its kind of cute because of the lack of skill
>Stupidly Big Team Dev here.
You should stop doing that, you can just tell us about your progress

>Our background guy did some preliminary sketches
Okay so where are they?

>my god it looks better than I even hoped
Nice opinion faggot, stop trying to make agdg into your shilling ground
nice undertale clone
Yeah, I'm throwing it all away and re-doing it.
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>tfw stop posting to tumblr but blackshell media keeps going through the archive and liking posts
I like it.

With SDL? Do you have any experience with C++? I think I'm not using all the opportunities of OOP and pointers and such, and was wondering to maybe change to C if it's not that different in terms of syntax.
>using a - macro
>not even linked to flow
Can't you just block them?
report them
Ah, that's comfy as the warm wind in spring, thanks for that!

Yeah, I was thinking about old orchestral and piano pieces.
Will check that out!
>your game isnt good enough even for blackshell media to pursue
whoops. this just meant the sound was coming out of your hair instead of your feet. good catch

I don't use blueprints much. I figured since * -1 doesn't require a special connection neither would negate...
Just remembered the Flower Duet (Lakme) is probably in the public domain (not all recordings, obviously), and I find it very relaxing.
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Fuck me, can anyone tell me a simple way to weight clothing so bodies don't clip through it?
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>mfw I noticed I have been putting 2014 as the currrent date on all my changelog entries
Yeah, I'm using SDL and Allegro 4.
I used C++ a bit, though mostly in school, really, and about 2+ years ago. The main thing I miss about C++ is the C++ standard library. Did you want to switch to C from C++ to avoid OOP and pointers? You might have a bad time if so.
Have the clothes fully weighted.
weird thing is ,this is probably some kind of fetish related porn.
Anyone have the sauce?
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Is it possible to program the AI to learn from you? I'm reading about machine learning and I don't understand why games don't do this. I'm assuming there's a good reason why devs almost never use neural networks in their AIs but I don't understand why.
Thanks for that!
neural networks are very computationally intensive
because AIs work better when everything is either yes or no.
maybe when quantum computer become an everyday thing
I'm in the same boat anon, we'll make it together.
dont use macros at all anon, they are bugged when used in some places i tested it yesterday
I think I got it now, the HUD changes depending on your equipped weapon
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Finished the Tank goblin.

His ability Taunt makes all his allies immune to damage and it forces the player to focus the camera on the tank, the camera spazzing is me trying to untarget him.

To do this he summons a ghost of a gorilla behind him I guess?

Why is your character breakdancing?
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Here is my attempt to get my colors to what you have there.
Because he's so bad.
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Am I doing this right?
Nw I need to see a video of a guy breakdancing on medieval armor
Apparently those armors are surprisingly light so it's probably possible.
this looks good, boku stands out, you can use bright saturated relevant game objects against the terrain. I hope those cacti don't kill boku though, they are too dull if so
leave it in, ass cheeks clipping through pants in a good experimental feature
I'm surprised I can't find a video of that online, Closest thing is this one, but no break dancing sadly.
I hope to find one someday before dying.

keep in mind, the only way for a fully armored warrior to take out another fully armored warrior is to use concussive force sufficient enough to make him sick and start puking in his armor, or to take him down to the ground and wrassle him into submission so you can poke a knife through his eyeslit
Now I want to make a game about Armored knights breakdancing until one of them pukes.
alright boys, im struggling with art too much. I'm going to make a pixelshit project first.
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dont get bogged down in details before you have a scene. broad strokes.
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composition basic.png
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Why is there a female bunny wooden advertisement with wood on top of that building? Is it a bunny prostitute ring in there?
with hearts I meant to say
When animating in blender, is there any benefit in using a higher frame rate than 24? Most tutorials ignore the topic or say 24 but I don't really get why.
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>named draw a box
>he cant even draw a box

is this suppose to be ironic?

do you mean your keyframes? Because it will just interpolate the inbetween frames anyway.
What's the problem?
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your engine will interpolate between frames automatically(unity, source,ecT)

i like to stick to 30 personally
Alrighty thanks lads
Bunnies are for lewd.
Trying to texture one art asset, not paint a picture.
depends on how complex the animation is.
make sure the automatic interpolation doesn't cause clipping.
Is Vampire dev here? This thread might be in his interest:
The only box in the picture is the one in the center and the ones below and beside it.
the same concepts apply you dingus

I want to support you.
Do make itch.io page when alpha is ready.
No? There are many more boxes in this pic
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Guys, the carpal tunnel is killing me
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I'm here.
Thanks, its very relevant to my interests indeed.

Taking the chance to make a small progress post
>Added the small pause to the score count as someone asked for
>Started working on villagers' death animation
As you can see the death animaton still needs a lot of tweaking to look perfect, but it's slowly coming to life.
There's a guy saying he wants more fighting games
And AGDG said no one wanted those because they had SFIV
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What do you think about RPG maker?
interestingly it's best games aren't even rpgs
make you think huh
Had a lot of fun with it.
The best game I made wasn't a RPG game
Also funny captcha
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With your palms planted on a surface, can you lift only your ring finger? If not, there's no other way than surgery
The guy that said that is probably just a Street Fighter fanboy. Not everyone here agrees with him. The difficult part, in my opinion, is coming with something new on a 2D fighting game. They did almost everything in the 90's
On the second thought I should have read the whole thread before posting it here. First I thought it will be an interesting discussion about the restrictions of the old consoles, but it took another direction.

That progress is perfect. I love the new animation.

He's trying to say that there are no fighting games because they are hard to create. I don't know. The only thing that programming has ever thought me is that there's nothing you can't do (or at least with today's resources). So I think there are no (or not much) indie fighting games is simply the fact that people don't want to make them. Honestly, I don't even like them that much. I had my fun with MKII on the SNES, but I don't want to replay it nowadays.

I love RPG maker. Had shit ton of fun with it. When I played my first RPG Maker game, I didn't know it was made by that, and I was blown away by it. The only downside is that somehow RPG Maker games become a genre in some way. GM and Unity games can hide so well where they are coming from, but you can instantly tell when you see an RPGM game, and you can also know what kind of game play you will get. With that said, it's good for fan projects and having fun inside the RPGM community, but I wonder if you can make actual money with it, and only very rare cases can can gain some fame and acknowledgement outside of the of that circle (like Yume Nikki).

I don't know if their general is still alive or not, but RPG Makers usually have their own, by the way.
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Come on faggots, join the lewd jam collabs!
Let's work together to make lewd games!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Don't worry most /vr/ threads take that direction or derail that easily. Is a really strange board.
You remind me of that one autistic girl I met once who couldn't accept that 2 coins of 50 cent made 1 euro.
Because how can 2 coins become 1 , they are obviously 2 coins.

This is what you sound like
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Working on the sliding mechanic. I need to balance it out so it's easy to keep stability, but it still allows dynamic movement, like going through angled tracks.
The tracks will be pretty much legoed together from simple pieces.
Blueprints were a mistake

Anyone who knows how to use them is either using C++ or only sells unreal marketplace garbage
This reminds me of the "which is heavier? 1kg of steel or 1kg of feathers" debate.
I could, but not before demo day
oh god, nostalgia rush
I need to watch rurouni kenshin again
Of course. But if you're free during Lewd Jam, you should put your name down on the forms in the OP.
Always liked this one
I thought it was going to be random teams like the last jam?
LISA the Painful RPG used RPG Maker, and that was decently successful from what I remember.
Yeah but the guy that made the doc wanted the names and info to be public to avoid confusion. Not sure why honestly.
I feel nauseous
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goodnight you goons
Updated the form with a new question.
https://goo gl/forms/uGZRObjHfhUyLjQ33

I guess since everybody can see the results you can get in touch with each other and form the teams on your own.
Just remember if you do, to edit your form answer and mark yourself as "already taken" or something.
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Anim notifies are ur friends.

If you got one of those long looping step tracks, you just chop it up in an audio editor and add in a step counter that resets to 0 on a stop or when it reaches the end of the track for that surface (not shown here)

When doing notifies, treat the animation as a timeline, and watch out for loop errors (don't set important notifies in a looping animation without controlling it, since it will go off every loop).
aren't there 2 docs in the OP already?
Yes, but the first one is dead and the second, the spreadsheet, displays the results of the form I posted. Technically I think you can skip the form and fill the spreadsheet directly if you want.
>spreadsheet is generated
mind = blown

I don't think 1 entry vs 3 entries qualifies the first doc as dead though
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>watching that after eating fish
yep that is what i'm trying to get rid of, the player needs to be able to ride out the loops, but i need to prevent him from spinning out like that
this is a good game for people with vertigo
Will you have music/controllersupport/remapable controls in your game before demoday10 ?
Is this for a vinesauce fangame?
No,but I'll have jerked off more than 10 times. So that counts for something.
>controller support
>for game where input is text commands
Absolute madman
>No,but I'll have jerked off more than 10 times.
I could say the same if Demo Day was tomorrow.
I could say the same if Demo Day was today.
When you have progress where do you post it first? Here or on your blog?
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here because blogs aren't for unpolished progress
if your first progress looks flashy and polished you might be a whodev!
Do you want music/controllersupport/remapable or gameplay?
>I have music already
>I need to fix controller support
>Doubt It will need remapable controls
>Doubt I'll have a decent demo finished for DDX
Fuck off dogposter.
Even if not the final music, but something.
>Controller support
Yes. I just wanted to see how it works and how can I configure it, but now, to be honest, I find the game much more fun with that, so now I'm optimizing everything for game pad.
>remapable controls
No. However the control scheme is stored in a simple text file, so be my guest if you find the original layout painful to handle.
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Now that iv finished the art/color set for Easter, forest, desert how should the colors be for a snow world theme?

Im trying to list all the things you can do in open world games. A reverse engineering of open world games, if you will
>Doubt It will need remapable controls

All games need remappable controls.
open world games suck dick
yes they are overrated, but from a design standpoint they sometimes give enough freedom to the player to deliver a satisfying experience. Would you prefer a linear game where everything is scripted and you don't have that much of a control to everything happening? if so, then thats your preference and i respect that
You suck dick
Some are good
>subjective opinions
white, green, red

what you have so far looks great
>open world game where you look for shit to do, e.g. quests, challenges

doing it wrong (not really, but easy to fuck up)

>game with specific objective that exploits the world's open nature to make the task more challenging (tracking an NPC, big-map strategy, etc).

much better
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Moving go-stick really adds lot of life to a gun.
Now to figure out how to make acceptable ADS animations.
you shouldnt listen or even care this much boku.
because you risk listening to people who might not have you success at their intrests.
aggydaggy is a pretty cancerous place but you allready know
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>tfw everything is going to turn out alright
Hey is Mayhem League a multiplayer game?

Because I may just need to ditch my project.
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Guys, I know you two are in here.

How do I get Dorothy to pop up her cat ears?
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Much better. The loop is a bit more jumpy, but the stability is great now, there is no arbitrary annoying spinning
tfw having my first art crisis for this game

it had to happen sooner or later
My first one was making the foreground mesh properly with the background. Other than that it was all pixely good
I've had enough of shitposting. See you nerds on nigsource.
yes but go for it , the dev of mayhem league fails to understand that the game has the aesthtetic of game from the early 2000s that got released straight into the dollar bin of gamestop
>people still don't learn how to filter shitposters.
how do you filter anonymous people
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>can write about 10 lines of code to do something
>write 150 instead to do the exact same thing

Who /mischief/ here
put "Anonymous" in the name filter.
I'm not him, but I'm kinda struggling with this question at the moment with my game.

On hand hand, I think open world games are sign of poor game design. You learn much more from designing one single puzzle or one single level, than putting the player in a big world with some mechanics to walk around with. I will get hate for this, but I don't even like Castlevania games that much from SotN because of this. It's a huge castle, yes, but every hallway is basically the same tunnel. I know I had fun, but it's not a memorable experience. Meanwhile I still remember the struggles of a Super Mario or DKC level. What's the difference? The latter is planned and scripted. They knew where the player will come from, they knew what power ups will the player have at that point, so they could design challanges for that. If you go open world, you have to make any given segment of the map playable in any circumstances.

On the other hand, I remember I had so much fun with Vice City and San Andreas and WoW. Stick with WoW. WoW is a perfect example of this debate. Early on, the game didn't had much features, so the players made up their owns. Hence they invented world PvP, even though there was no game play mechanic other than the skills to support it. And it was fun. However now they started to think about game design, and started to add stupid shit which just break the open worldness of the game, and simply makes it a one way ride on a roller coaster. Which would be fine, but there are much better alternatives to single player linear games.

So, in some cases I think open world is just poor game design. It looks like a cool thing, it's a fancy word which you can sell your game with, but in reality, it'll just end up as a shallow experience. However in some cases, they can work, yet I fail to name which makes them work, other than I know which makes them not work.
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You girlfriend looks like Dora the Explorer. Love your art and your game looks super cute!
Neat artsyle and also comfy as fuck.
>not Doom 1's first level
What is that rolling animation, friendo?
You're really nailing the GBA aesthetic. MC a cute.
You're off to a good start. Maybe a more muted green on the spruce tree?
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>>not Doom 1's first level

I stick with Doom 2 as my default test wad so I can summon the Doom 2 monsters and weapons too, I like messing with revenants.

Have a webm of a feature that never really went anywhere.
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>What is that rolling animation, friendo?

It's this terrible roll animation speed up 1000x times.
weekly reminder that I love your game
>that ending
>So, in some cases I think open world is just poor game design. It looks like a cool thing, it's a fancy word which you can sell your game with, but in reality, it'll just end up as a shallow experience.
>However in some cases, they can work, yet I fail to name which makes them work, other than I know which makes them not work.

Who gets to decide which open world games work and which not? Sounds like a severe case of "stop liking what I don't like". For example, in my opinion Just Cause is bland garbage and a prime example for a bad open world game but it's nonetheless popular enough to warrant one sequel after the other.
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that looks like a seal wearing a helmet.
Why don't you give a shit about the look of your 3D art?

I love this Tbh
>he fell for the filter meme
>Who gets to decide which open world games work and which not?
Game developers with clear goals, listening to costumer feedback, and with a big sign in their office which says what "work" means for them.

was that meant for this? >>152145269

I got more
How do you learn art for things like UI? Like I don't care about characters and all that loomis memery
>he reads sourceposter, dogposter, rotate and googem daily.
brooo fix that subpixelmovement finally
thinking of making a 3rd person physcological horror game but dont know if people would like it or if its been done too many times before
brooo fix that off grid pixelmovement.
it shoudln't even be that hard
If you want a good UI, just keep as simplistic and unintrusive as possible.
So I stopped working on my game to build a new PC with surprise money to replace my 7 year old rig. Got so excited and distracted from my game. Spent like a month afterward not doing anything but playing Overwatch at full 1080p Ultra settings, can even run at 4K Ultra settings with 30-50 FPS. Never experienced Ultra anything before, let alone in a modern AAA game.

PC starts acting up after only one month. Then crashes become more frequent. Now it can't boot up without crashing after 30 seconds. Might have to RMA the RAM and possibly the motherboard. Heard horror stories about the RMA process, might have to pay for parts/fixes. Basically wasted a fortune I could have spent on food/bills or just upgrading my old PC's GPU.

Am I being punished for being vain and slacking off on gamedev?
Am I a bad person for wanting a PC that can run Overwatch?

>tfw I will never experience modern gaming ever again
Damn 1080p/4K at ultra is so pretty, coming back to 720p at 30-50 FPS medium to low settings is just so horrible. It's worse because now I know what it's like to play at resolutions and framerate that doesn't hurt my eyes. I can't even run my own game I'm working on at 1080p with a stable 60 FPS now, and it's just 2D sidescroller. I feel so broken and foolish now.

Dreams are for scrubs. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Never trust a silver platter.
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> implying your filter can stop .jpgs
Will it have a character ask "are you afraid of spiders or snakes" and if you say snakes there are snakes and if you say spiders there's spiders
Wow... how did they fuck up that badly? The 64 game looks better.
>MC a cute.
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I mean UI like this, not Metro
>tfw when being able to execute all the ideas I have for my game, except for the core mechanics
Anyone here who can help me with coding an advanced scoring system for a shooter in GM?
Most of them. I report the rest.
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no, it'll be someone slowly losing his mind due to losing his delegates, its based off of ted cruz and his creepyness

skeuomorphic design
Just make a bunch of small icons, give them a nice frame, and add some background texture. Not that hard.
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>3 weeks till demo day
>dicking around with super speed and high energy output instead of making progress
well at least I am having fun
I'm going to make a mining + crafting game.
Should I use pixelated graphics? I think I just might go for something that looks like rayman.
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>I'm going to make a mining + crafting game.

Your project is already in trouble
I haven't played gmota in a while, what's new?
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Progress is slow but steady
Were you checking your temps to make sure you didn't fuck up the fans?
What's the difference between as3sfxr and bfxr?
This will make you millions on the mobile market
that enemy torpedo AI looks slick
how do you do it?
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I'm in the process of doing some pretty major overhauls. The Blazter's primary fire is going to take ammo that will need to be picked up and replenished, same for sub-shot attacks, it'll be getting two new charge attacks, wave buster (Super R-Type's fully charged spread cannon) and hyper buster (R-Type 3's hyper mode)

The sword will be getting tweaked to put more emphasis on it, subweapons will also use ammo, but when all spent, you'll just have to wait a bit to get a restock.

I'm ditching a lot of the random elements in favor of a more traditional Doom item progression, as seen in pic related.

I'm glad this is a gameplay mod, it means I can just shamelessly copy/edit sprites from pre-existing games
How are you dealing with cheaters in your MMO?
why did you make your UI much worse recently
>hero topeda is american
>enemy torpedos have german styled colors
Oh goy, the shekels

The old HUD was pretty bad, mismatched pixel sizes and most of it was obtuse (as was the gameplay in general)
You shouldn't make an mmo, to begin with. Except you work in a team with 100 people.
What's your schedule like?
How many hours a day do you spend working on your game?
How many do you spend on other more useless shit like eating and bathing?
>Enemy torpedo struggles against currents too
SWEET. Though I don't really get the point of that enemy, is it to keep the player moving when they can remain still? (Sounds unlikely to me, given the controls and physics)

What do you mean? A simple scoring system is easy, are there any features you want to add that'd make it difficult?
I went full dev, and literally shit out code.
>implying people who play videogames have any standards.
It's retarded. I've already written server applications that handle hundreds of thousands of users fine, with far heavier bandwidth requirements than I can imagine this game having.

My game design is scaleable and should not require much artistic work to make attractive.
But I'm not sure how to deal with cheaters. Most methods fail for one reason or another. Banning IP's and accounts would be fine but it's woefully ineffective and has false positives (people moving or whatever).
OK, that sounds more legit. Go for it.
>A simple scoring system is easy, are there any features you want to add that'd make it difficult?
Yes, a simple one I could do to, but I want to have an actually interesting scoring system. Shit like getting more points for point-blanking enemies. Getting more points depending on which weapon you use against which enemy type. Kinda like Ikaruga, except that you don't have a polarity system, but instead 2 types of shots and 2 types of enemies, and you always get more points if you use the right shot against the right enemy type.

And if you shoot the right enemy type with the right shot, you can build up a score multiplier chain with a hard cap. If you shoot the wrong enemy type with the wrong shot, the multiplier resets.
Water it down so much cheating is irrelevant
Do you keep your tilesets and objects separate, or do you treat them as the same thing?
I hope you get a boner from all the successful work you've been doing
Throw the MMO idea out of the window and make a co-op game, that shit is just as popular and people won't care for cheaters. (since it's their friends)

Alternatively use UE4's anti-cheating system :^)
You have a really great idea there, I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Personally I would think about treating your possessable enemies as their own thing, with their own health bars so that you can use the heath bars as a mechanic to differentiate your possessable enemies and give them more specific roles in the gameplay.
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20 days and 17 hours to demo day. I will try making a schedule to see if I can get shit done
in time.
If you're being super serious anon you could go with https://software.intel.com/en-us/sgx
If you encrypt your code to have it only run with sgx, or allow people with CPU's that have intel SGX support to run your game in their own realm you can maybe get a way of effectively hardware banning them by having them be forced to associate their PC with their account via their private encryption key.

So that way you can make actual hardware bans that'd require millions of USD in investment to break or for them to buy a new CPU. It seems like a pretty solid system. I haven't seen it tired, it's very recent. But I think this is the way DRM, anticheat and companies wishing to lock you into their platform will manage that. It's pure black magic from satans asshole but it'd work. And I personally believe videogame cheaters should be executed publicly or at least face heavy fines for damaging someones product reputation in such a malicious way.

>UE4's anti-cheat
I haven't heard of that but if it's their server-switching which is basically just server-side verification of all relevant player actions. That doesn't really work for an MMO because you usually have far too heavy loads to actually verify every action. And you're not catching cheaters who do things like aimbotting or information cheats.

With SGX you can keep your code and memory encrypted for everything but the CPU if you do it right. There's some super hacky audio techniques that have been used to extract hardware keys in the past but nobody is gonna do that on a consumer level. Not at the cost involved.
>existential crisis every time something happens on your rig
i feel you, learn your lesson and check your rig conditions everytime and make back ups frequently
I could make the MMO have very limited MMO interactions, like have the primary focus be on coop and the MMO bit is done through friendrequests. That'd limit the exposure cheaters have and make players feel safe. It's not really the cheating that's the problem obviously, it's how it affects others. So it's not that bad an idea anon. I'l consider it.

Name me a single decent MMO created by a single person.
World of Warcraft
I doubt that was created by a single guy.

fuck off shilling whodev
Regardless it's more about the design than the MMO'ness of it. Sure, networking skills may be rare but I have those.
Nah. Not sure about that one anon. They were probably two people.
This looks very interesting.
>pure black magic from satans asshole
God damn it. So there's moral concerns now..
It's fine if I never tell anyone I'm using it right? It wouldn't start being accepted if if the consumers don't really know about it right?
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is cgpeers ded?

new project
~4 hours dev
~2 hours research/learning/ideaguying
~.5 hours hygiene
~2 hours exercise/swimming
rest is wasting time, eating, sleeping, all that shit
>And I personally believe videogame cheaters should be executed publicly or at least face heavy fines for damaging someones product reputation in such a malicious way.

Dude chill out.

It's just a game.
Thanks! I considered that, but because it's relatively easy to possess grunt enemies, I don't want players to refill their health constantly and take any challenge away. I'm hoping the simple attack movements will differentiate each one enough.

I am considering a health pack enemy, whose only purpose is to refill a unit of health, but it requires you to possess it, which could be tricky
Did I strike a nerve degenerate? Think about what you've done. The people you've hurt and the attitude around videogames you've fostered. People can't enjoy their videogames as well as they used to. You're limiting videogames progress overall and you should be punished for it.

What do you say about a person who bombs medical research facilities. Only property damage. It has major consequences.
>~.5 hours hygiene
Are you a grill?
>You'll never finish a game listening to those fags.
>recovering from RSI
>helping random people online with software dev to get something done
>depressed as fuck
>schedule nonexistent
>fridge is empty and im hungry but dont want to go to the store

All my time is wasted because of fear of indjury
~15 minutes shower
~5 minutes teeth
rest is buffer
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Why aren't hardware bans more of a thing.
i'll be really happy if the game pays itself

there's an invisible object moving in a grid. the enemy torpedo just keeps pointing towards this invisible object.

the enemy torpedo is a lot faster than the player, so the point is to force the player to keep pressing the boost button.
>hardware ban
>person doesn't buy a new copy of the game to continue cheating

>account ban
>person buys new copy of game

>having cheaters in your game
>something people just accept nowdays
Sounds like it'd be easy to get around.
Oh right.

You'd just be giving money to hardware shops instead of yourself if you did that crap.

This is quite clever, anon. Keep it up!
pretty good, but what is creating those bubbles?
also isn't there a better way to show the water current? bubbles don't make stuff move that way in the water.
Nobody is gonna re-buy hardware to play your game. CPU's aren't that cheap anon. OR maybe youre a richfag with no sense of money.

But yeah that's the main cause. Valve could do a way better job obviously. But they just do account bans.
>he thinks 2 hours walking in Wozniak's footsteps and a quickie publish makes him a yesdev

You are so nodev, you don't even KNOW you're nodev. Painful, I feel bad 4 u
Easy and expensive.
Isn't that basically Phantasy Star Online's gameplay model?
>buy hardware at cheap price from friend
>decide to play a game

And you just know some asshole at the hardware store is gonna get himself banned on as many products as possible.
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one day I'll stop sucking dick, but not today
Interesting, a network guy
hello anon
ur pretty rare, i think
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how do I learn to code properly? Spending 10 hours just to make one tiny thing work.

C# makes me want to an hero
Lots of games have done many different things that still classify them as MMO's while being less difficult to handle.

I'm not sure what PSO did but some kind of arena instancing system would be a common solution.
Sounds like a warranty issue anon. If it's been used you buy a new anon
If anything this means that buying used goods would be a bit more bothersome. You'd use tools to verify that they're not banned on steam/certain games or whatever.

If you open up CPU's and get them banned at work that's a very nice way to get yourself sued and fired.
>I don't want players to refill their health constantly and take any challenge away.

You could avoid that by giving the player a cooldown on their possess ability after they leave an enemy, so that they can't leapfrog enemies and having a shell die on them leaves them highly vulnerable even if they ditch it at the last second.

If I were making a game like that I would conceptualize your enemies as little organic mech suits that all have different abilities and strengths. Persistent HP for your possessed enemies is going to a lot of depth to the sort of "mech" variety you can have unless you use some sort of armour stat that reduces the amount of damage your health can take while possessing 'strong' enemies.
Describe your problem and process towards solving it. In gruesome detail. Having the right mindset is important and having additional points of views on where to start looking at something is very helpful.

They are not, though. They just don't update automatically. If you had a code with a macro, and then updated the macro, you will need to recompile the code before the changes make an effect.

Macros are basically reusable collapsed graphs that use variables in wonkier way and are pasted into the final blueprints at the time of compilation, instead of being called like functions.
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Yo niggas, any of you familiar with SDL-mixer?

Basically, I'm making a small shmup in SDL2. The engine is almost complete. In the last days I've implemented sound and music with SDL_mixer. Everything works as intended.


There is one problem. Every time I fire a bullet, the game plays the relative sound effect. Now, this is not the problem, of course. The problem is that if I keep firing bullets, every 2-3 seconds I can hear a small skip in the playback. Essentially, I hear something like this:


I tried messing with every part of my engine to try and fix this irregularity. I even built and ran the game on differents OS (w7, gentoo and void linux). So far, the only thing which improved the situation was changing the SDL-mixer buffer size from 2048 to 1024. This reduced the skip, but it's still there.

I'm going mad if I don't solve this problem. Can anybody help?
I find it interesting that using blueprints people opt for a non-oop/inheritance programming style with switching instead of dynamic dispatch using virtual functions while they do the opposite in C++ despite it being ridiculously hard to follow a lot of the time there.
>banning people for cheating at videogames
>banning people that care enough about your videogame to put in the effort to cheat at it
A) design the game to be literally impossible to cheat at
B) "shadow-ban" them to be matched up with other "cheaters" so they can have fun together without the rest of the playerbase being whiny babies about it
C) make the cheating, default functionality (see A)
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I'm making a 2D top down game.

Trying to get my character to shoot but all he does is shoot one way.

I've tried to use

if (player.transform.localScale.x < 0)
speed = -speed;

He just fucking shoots the same way with it in the script or with out it in the script.

I don't even know where to begin, I'm desperately trying to learn what to do but I have no clue where to start. I just look from one Unity Answers/Stackexchange to another one and nothing seems to help.

I feel like it might be something to do with having to incorporate the way my player is facing into the script but I don't even know how.
can I cheat at RRPS

learn c# first
Fuck, 4chan fucked my formatting. The arrow was meant to point to "pewpew".
please do
Do you guyus like collectathons

Looks worse. Can't you just create a box trigger at the end of the loop that kills your angular momentum when you hit it? If people fall off of the loop they will keep spinning, yes, but at that point you shouldn't care, they already failed.
if you make them as interesting and charming as BK/T, sure.
No. But casuals should be fine with em.
I see where you're coming from, but it's a matter of prioritizing certain things for me. I'd rather a player be able to go into whichever enemies they want freely rather than have each enemy have a unique health. Though I do think the armor Stat idea has potential
By 2d top down game do you mean something like a twin stick shooter?
anon if i use a the unreal engine default minus macro and it just doesnt update the variable even if i compile my bp 100x i call it a bug.
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No, sorry I should've explained better.

It's more like Hammerwatch.
Come to think of it, do the enemies die when you leave them?
Shouldn't be complicated.

Enemy object, when hit by a bullet and hp - bullet damage <= 0:
>Check bullet type vs self type
>>If they don't match, reset multiplier
>>Otherwise, add extra points
>>>Check if multiplier has reached cap
>>>If it hasn't, increase multiplier
>Check distance between self and killer to identify point blank shots
>Calculate total points with a formula (e.g. total points = (an enemy's base worth in points + the matching attack bonus + the point blank bonus) * multiplier)
>Award total points
>Trigger self death event

If you're still a bit confused I can give you some example code.
new thread


I hope you plan on making it less annoying, because holy fuck, Hammerwatch was tedious to play, enemies took a shitload of punishment, movespeed was slow, and fucking one hit kill traps everywhere.
Is he supposed to shoot at the mouse or in facing direction? Facing direction is something you have to figure based on input, what was the last button combination pressed.

At the mouse is simpler. To get the direction towards the mouse you subtract the character position from the mouse position. Then you have a vector pointing in the direction of the mouse from the player. Normalize the vector. Multiply it by the speed you want Create a bullet, apply the velocity to the bullet.

Also this isn't gruesome detail on your process. It's a sortof OK description of your problem. Learning to solve problems is more important than solving this one right?
Man that book. I don't remember the name.
At this point they do, just because of the code. My plan is that if you didn't take a hit while inside it, it is stunned for a few seconds (in case you wanna get back in) then it goes back to regular enemy behavior. Otherwise, after the stun period it dies.

This is of course to discourage mindlessly absorbing through enemies until the goal, though I would say having a one hit kill as the protagonist also discourages this
>If you're still a bit confused I can give you some example code.
That would be awesome if you could do that. I think. Especially creating the multiplier and the point-blanking is difficult to me.
At the facing direction.

I have a lastmove function set up so the script knows where my player was last facing.
This is retarded
>>Name me a single decent MMO created by a single person.

8bitmmo probably qualifies as "decent".

Also, NEStalgia was mostly made by two guys, if I recall correctly. Granted, an extra team member can make a world of difference.
>I know facing direction
And that is accessed through
if (player.transform.localScale.x < 0)? Where localScale.x is <0 when facing left or something? seems like an odd choice.

But negating speed isn't what you want. You want to negate the X component of the speed for the bullet.
no point in playing games when PoE new league september 2
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I'm guessing you mean in my movement script? I've never used local scale in that before.


My bullet movement script is separate to it.

I use this to move

if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") > 0.5f || Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") < -0.5f)
myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * currentMoveSpeed, myRigidbody.velocity.y);
playerMoving = true;
lastMove = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f);
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The easiest way to do this is to make your projectiles spawn from a gameobject attached to your character and change the position of the gameobject based on the last input.
You could also have your bullet spawning gameobject and "gun" rotate around your player on a pivot point, but that is a lot more complicated and uses mouse input (please use mouse input, keyboard controls are shit desu senpai).
Ok so use lastMove to determine the direction you want to fire in. I don't know why you're messing with whatever player.transformlocalscale is.
Make a webm, upload it to some webm sharing site, and post here.
Okay that makes sense, I don't know that I can use pivoting in this game but I can use keyboard controls instead.

I'm trying to insert that function into the Bullet Controller script but don't know what it would look like. Previously I've only used lastMove in context of really short lines of code.
What you want to do is take your saved lastMove vector and pass it into your shooting vector then * bullet speed.

So, for example, if you were going up your vector would be (0,1,0), so when you save that vector in lastMove you can then go
>firingVector = lastMove * bullet speed;

So when you instantiate your bullet it will fire along that vector with the added speed.
Do I define the vector in the Bullet script or do I pull it from the Player Controller somehow?

I've changed it around into this but I know it doesn't make any sense.

lastMove = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f);
new Vector2 = lastMove * speed;

I have public Vector2 lastMove; up above too.
I'll post it in the next thread in a moment.
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