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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 783
Thread images: 146

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Make progress every hour!

> Next Demo Day (X)

>Next Game Jams (Lewd -- Blueboard rules still apply)

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/
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AGDG Logo: http://pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Chats

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> Engines
GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
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Post lewd progress
Who else /listening to weeb music/ here?
ANIMEth for where's your engine
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
Because they had actual pixel artists.
[Spoiler] Plus I like the style of my game so fug u :-) [/Spoiler]
I'm not. I should
reposting this request in new thread
>being this much of a failure
only entry-level weebmusic desu senpai
post your game then :-)
no one can art here
Sometimes I start to sing along and then I remember I'm not an anime

Painful moments
Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, HTML5, Blackberry.
Plus anything new can be added
uhh, draw what retard. im going to say no anyway because it doesnt look promising

Is this weeb?

>no reply
that's what i fuckin thought, bitch.
any retard can do low rez pixel art with or without meme legs, the important part is the actual animation which is shit. stick to stealing zelda sprites or some shit
At least your roomate never caight you singing a cheesy weeb song.
bepis is dev fuel
>cherry bepis in my cup right now

i feel disgusting
from the previous thread, godot supports the standard trio of OS's, as well as android/ios
dr pepper > cherry coke > cherry bepis
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Daily reminder that if your game's main character is not a loli then you're game is shit.
does anybody know if i can use unity ads and google mob ads at the same time or can i only use one

because i really need banners but unity ads doesn't offer any banners
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>tfw letting the weeb surge through while devving

It's a good idea, but for some reason it appeard like this in my head:
Two hunters banging poor vampire girl who's on her hands and knees from the front and from the back while they are high fiving.
you just gave me 2 yous and asked where is my game because I commented how you cannot into spoilers I guess the guy last thread really triggered you hard
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Global time dilation is cool. Was just working on doing some hitstop for combos, this won't be in the game unless it's in some sort of 'rage' mode.
>dr. pepper
>above anything
Christian board dude that sounds even better to me.
>two (You)'s
yeah right bitch, prove it.
your life is that pathetic wow haha
every bottle of dr.pepper is the complete spectrum of dr.pepper flavor

the first few sips are amazing angel pussy fizz
and the last half of the bottle is like drinking bike oil
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One of you suggested to me I make a 3D model version of the bokube text logo, and I figured out how to make 3D voxel text but I'm not sure what I should do about the design/lettering spacing or color.
don't open image if you are christian.

lewd idea

>lesbian vampire girls biting each other's p**sy for blood ;^)


i can't top replying to bait cross-thread while failing a spoiler tag
Dead thread. Good job shitposting, nodevs.
>implying we aren't all busy yesdevs making progress and not having time to reply
post game
Sorry, I'm busy having fantasies about these:
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okay fine, here progress
I'm Notch :^)
if there's any shitposting going on it's not from me
im cooking up another prototype
fucking clickteam programs i swear to god
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How is this?

cute as fuck.
Why do you keep ignoring people telling you that you can't tell what's going on in your game?

Why are you so cruel?
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just werkz(tm)
>Plan out everything that needs to be done before demo day
>3 weeks left
>all optimism gone
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Iv been addressing peoples concerns with the games art/visual clarity and incorporating feedback for awhile now while posting screenshots of results. Where have you been?
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>3 weeks till demo day
>still struggling with the fucking player animations
>won't have enough time to add more content
>won't have enough time to polish things
>everyone will think its shit
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sorry, I was sleeping
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Added some cliffs, now the map is fully enclosed
Don't reply to me or my posts ever again, you fucking doodoo-head
why does no one plan out a game that is in scope?

you made those health/ammo ui?
scope is a tool used by the yesdevs to keep us out of success
the only way to be successful is to develop a game that wildly escapes your initial scope and functions
>4 weeks till demo day
>find game breaking bug
>try to fix it
>7 fucking days
>3 weeks till demo day
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your insults at me made seriously laugh, actually
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>want to dev
>only idea I have is for a lewd jam game
Anyone have any spare ideas lying around?
No idea guys here, boss.
Yeah, it's a placeholder though, I'm redesigning it once I add weapon switching, armor and reloading.
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yes, anon, scope is a conspiracy meme
Preach it, brother
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i want to make a game based off Hunter x Hunter, i know there's been fan games about anime n shit like that before but i'd like to make sure how does it stand regarding copyrights and such
basically the thing i want to know is this: if i were to make an Hunter X Hunter fan game, would i be able to make it available online fot other people to freely donwload it if i have absolutelly 0 income off it? i don't care at all about the money, i just want to make a hxh game
>t. No Man's Sky devs
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friendly reminder to shill
Is it a bad idea to tie hurt frames to animation?
I mean you could still get sued if someone cared to sue you. It's still their intellectual property.
Think of it like this.
If you made a Mickey mouse game, and even if it was for free, Disney would hire niggers to brake your fingers in prison by the time the first downloads where noticed
you should tie animation to hurt frames but I guess the other way around won't hurt
how hard to be a engine dev?
What does that mean?
Don't have hurt frames, you don't know what frame rate the game will be running at. Don't tie anything to framerate.
Have a hurt duration, a fraction of a second long.
That wasn't shilling, that was a multi-million dollar ad campaign funded entirely by Sony. Hello Games got a free ad campaign that only AAA games usually get.
hm.. so how does shit like mugen survive? or every single pokémon hack rom? there are things like full remakes of original nintendo games, for example i know of a remake of pokémon crystal for gba, or a demake of FF VII for NES, how does shit like that get on? Are square enix and nintendo totally uncaring about it? I mean the FF VII demake has even his own wikipedia page, they should've realized by now, i don't think that if they could make money out of it they wouldn't be trying to
You making money makes no difference.

You cannot use someone else's Intellectual Property period, if you make it and then release it even for free, the company that holds the IP can legally tell you to fuck off.

Think about it this way, if someone makes a shitty free game using your IP, that's damaging to your IP even if just a little, it makes it feel cheaper and someone will have negative opinion about that IP from now on. You as the holder of that IP want to make sure this doesn't happen.

Games Workshop and Warhammer are a prime example of what happens if you let anyone do whatever they want with your IP.
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Ok ok I'll stop now.
I think the base is set, balls disappear when entering a goal or a dead end. Also tweaked the board layout again. All that's left now is adding gameplay.
>nintendo totally uncaring about it?

Nintendo sends cease and desist letter to every fan game using their characters that they see.

Obviously to do that Nintendo needs to know the identity of the people doing it, so if you're 100% anonymous, that's pretty hard.
mugen doesn't represent a single particular franchise so they don't give a fuck about it
nintendo wasn't as proactive with C&Ds, but as you can see by metroid 2 and pokemon uranium edition, they're in full C&D mode

the hunterxhunter writers probably won't give a fuck about your game though, unless it somehow gathers a 100,000+ fan following
>talking about "IP" as if it's a single monolithic thing with just one set of rules that applies to everything
Are you trying to go easy on him or do you really think it's that simple?
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i have to go full gif related then?
the problem isn't the author, shueisha (the publisher of the weekly magazine where hunter x hutner is published) would be the one to ass blast if there's an ass blast
>Nintendo sends cease and desist letter to every fan game using their characters that they see.
they don't see a lot then
Is this game maker?
looks like unity

gamemaker physics are a pain to use
>Nintendo sends cease and desist letter to every fan game using their characters that they see.
No they don't. The Mother 3 English translation has never had trouble. And the Mother 4 fan game hasn't had any cease and desist either.
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been getting played too long time to step up my dev game
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I want to make a platformer. Should I have the perspective totally in profile like in castlevania, or should it have slight perspective like in pic
Slight perspective will look nicer but you'll have a hell of a time actually drawing all that by yourself.
hello waldo
sidescroller pixelshit is the single most stale and reviled category of games an independent developer could try making, so you will need all the standout features you can get
for this reason you should go for slight perspective, as total profile is easier to make, so used very often too
>hm.. so how does shit like mugen survive?
Most mugen games are shitty compilations of characters ripped from original games and sometimes poorly edited, so it means no competition for the actual creators.
Look at how many Mortal Kombat mugen games are there and Warner never gave a fuck about them, but as soon as a group of guys started making one using their own good looking HD graphics that actually could compete with the original games Warner made them shut down the project. Pic related.
Then why has Touhou been wildly successful, probably most importantly BECAUSE of all the fan games/doujin/animations/music remixes?

Srs question not trying to shitpost.
i just copied a really long string from google and, for no reason, it replaced a "/" in the string with a "~"

that cost me an hour

thanks google, i guess there's nothing one can rely on in this world, not even official strings from google
ZUN allows all fan made content, because he is a cool guy that only cares about beer.
Once we were debugging in the office beyond usual work hours just to find out there was a non breaking space in our text. Fun times.
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Tried to make cute buttons for Bokube. ? and blue is for its unpushed state and the red X is for after its pushed down.
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Here is the button example:
Why don't you make it so every letter is a cube, and Boku pushes them to put them together and form the title?

Also I never understood what those black round things are on the blocks.
the value of your comparison scenario is little, because companies only hand out c&ds when the projects get too big/good and are considered as an actual threat towards the sales of the original on the basis of simply being better
no sane man would chase after all the people on mfgg who make fangames en masse, even if a good portion of them is exactly what you would describe as "damaging the mario IP even just a little, making it feel cheaper and someone will have negative opinion about mario from now on"
The NMS guys are a bunch of ex-studio dev burnouts who had enough industry connects to hook them up with the Sony advertising juggernaut despite being pretty shit at game dev by all accounts. They're not real indie devs, they're just incompetent enough to seem like it.
THEY ARE EYES. They actually blink in-game when you push em around and into walls.

How could I convey in a still image that hes pushing them together into a title?

Seems like a challenge..
Who says it needs to be a still image?
Oh and I guess it makes sense about the eyes, I just don't like how they look but that's just me. Keep up the good work bokubedev.
>3 weeks till demo day
>haven't even started yet
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Why even participate if you don't have a game?
You don't ever feel pressured to make something?
I need to feel pressured to do anything
BlankTheVidya (the guy with the Zelda-like with a green-haired protagonist) moved some of the frames around and made my animation a lot better!
It's a proper backflip now, though (was intended as a knockback effect).

If I just smooth out the cloak movement in the landing part I think it'll make a nice dodge move.
I'm impressed, that anticipation works really well

that said I think the hold might be a little too long to use ingame, especially since it's a dodging move (you want to do it NOW, not half a second later)

probably just a frame delay tweak though
Cool game anon, I gave you a "yes", because I love to support fellow /agdg/ devs.
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Finally got Multi Lock to work. Just need to polish up the launching sequence and maybe iron out some bugs that may be there.
I bloody love ace combat, nice work

That blankthevidya guy is pretty cool, I love his nonchalant shrug protagonist.

He did a fine job on your animation too, for a hunchback your plague doctor guy is pretty fucking nimble. Keep it that way
That might be true. Will test it and see.

Will do.

>for a hunchback your plague doctor guy is pretty fucking nimble
Every time I see this I just go "man oh man oh man I wish I was this good."

Are you working alone for this one?

Pretty much yeah.
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r8 my battery
8/i dunno
I think it should be all green, then when it gets to half it turns yellow, then when it's 1/6th it turns red.

Flag of Guinea/10
reminds me of a battery

Oh cool I love lifesavers, gimme the cherry one
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Trying to pause my game in Unity so I can have a camera pan to show the player something.
Right now I'm using TimeScale = 0, then a SmoothDamp where delta time is equal to whatever Time.deltaTime is equal to the frame before I pause.
I know this could be pretty shitty if theres a frame jump before I pause. Is there a better way?
Baby-tier gamedev. I managed to make a Snake clone by following a tutorial, and added walls, making it so the food doesn't spawn inside the walls, points, and made the snake go faster as you get food until it reaches a maximum speed.
It's not much at all and took me way longer than it should have, but I'm still feeling pretty good about myself right now.
How does one make good knockback? If I just add momentum to player, it feels weird.
Good job anon. You're on your way.
Whats next?
Good work my man, you're already a better gamedev than many here
Congrats, after making that do you fell like you have any insight into how a game like the origional zelda, or oldschool marios work?
I hope so, just keep iterating upon your designs.

That's genuinely great, anon. That's the way to learn.
Screen shake

Trail effect (perhaps lowered alpha versions of the character sprite in the locations the character just was)

Puff / Blood puff upon impact

Good sound effect
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pretty nice, that's the way to go
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Good job anon.

>being this shit at deving

Holy fuck 4chan is full of LOSERS. This is why I always say reddit is better everyone there knows there stuff already, it's not for amateurs. Reddit is for serious people.
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>AMATEUR game dev general

I think you're missing something, anon
ah, who cares.

keep going anon

Don't respond to the shitposter
So say I pirated something off of the Unreal Marketplace, if I were to make a game using it, but before releasing my game ACTUALLY buy it, would I still get slammed into the mantel with legal action?
How would they know?
Its a pretty standard strategy anon
>it's another "I- I'm totally going to buy all these stolen assets and scripts before I release my game! I swear!" epsiode
doesn't sound like t, ass long as you pay. no lawyer though*
Sitting getting no work done imagining all the progress I'd be making if I was home devving
Can anyone help me here:
In UE4 I want to set custom time dilation to 0 for a character, and then after a set delay have it resume to 1. The problem is that even with custom dilation just on one character, the duration of the delay is still divided by the custom dilation, so it creates an infinite freeze. Is there any other way I can run a timer and set the custom dilation back to 1? I saw some jap posting about having done it on twitter but I have no idea how.

>t. Ass
who cares when they don't release their game anyway
this is dangerous close to weird twitter/Zoe Quinn posting. Stop it.
Wow nevermind I'm retarded, I just literally spent hours trying to figure this out when I didn't understand that being in the character blueprint any time dilation I used on the character obviously would be 'global' within that blueprint.
ZUN does not actually has fairly strict rules such as banning anime and selling things outside of doujin channels.
Look, serious talk time. You can make a Hunter X Hunter game. You throw it up on The Pirate Bay, Shueisha never sues you for a cent. It's that simple. Are you doing this because you want to show you made it on a resume applying to EA or Blizzard someday?
I have unity problem, when my player is attacks it enables a trigger when an enemy stays within trigger range it causes them to go into stunned state. To check and see if the trigger is still I used TriggerExit, but TriggerExit isn't called because the trigger is disabled once the player stops attacking.
Does anyone know a workaround?
i kinda want to do it because i just want to play it.. is it silly?
I like peg feet, they're cute. Fight me faggots.
I always wanted to ask: what is the purpose of the giant red line? Isn't the purple square enough?

The buttons are fine, but maybe you should go for something more classical: empty circle instead of a question mark.
extremely. you're contradicting yourself because you originally said you wanted to make it available for download for free, now you're saying you just want to play it yourself. These two things don't make sense together, unless you're thinking of making an MMO, which is impossible as a 1MA

Generally a bad idea
Have the trigger disable once the attack expires instead of when the player stops attacking?
I don't really understand what you're saying
>ZUN has fairly strict rules such as banning anime and selling things outside of doujin channels.

who cares what a drunk nip says can or cant be done with his 2D princess priestess waifus. What's he going to do to stop big American penis? Our own admin Hiroshima Nagasaki just stopped going to Jap court and gave up on ever paying denbts, and now runs big American 4chan site
>if (pressKey)
> velocity += speed * deltaTime;
>else {
> velocity *= friction; // DO I NEED TO MULTIPLY BY DELTATIME HERE???
>position += velocity;
>pixel art hands

Yeah, it you want smooth friction not dependent on frame rate.
So yes.
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would it make sense for me to upscale all my pixelshit sprites to be able to work with a 1080p canvas?

higher pixel density = more precise movement no? are there even any downsides to this?
I think you need to multiply by dt not here but in the last line.
call it acceleration, not friction
it's not like i ONLY wanna play it myself, i want to play a hunter x hunter game AND it would be nice if someone thought it was cool or something and felt like giving it a play, the thing is i don't feel like claiming i believe others will actually want to play it, so the bottom line is i wanna make something that at least I will find fun to play, if then someone else finds it cool it'd make me happy of course

let's say i just don't belive so much in myself, that's basically it
You are multiplying 3 numbers. It doesn't matter what order they are multiplied in.

Indicate the shape of the hand through shading. i.e. Leave a bright box separated from the rest of the arm by a shadow where the wrist is

Assuming the problem you're having is NOT ENOUGH SQUARES TO DRAW HAND SHAPE
the worst that will happen is they'll give you a C&D and you just have to stop - they're not going to waste the money litigating you
Fuck them other guys, as long as you aren't trying to make it a profitable game, make whatever the fck you want. Wanting to make a game you want to play is fine, just make game
Congratz. No matter how small it is, each step is important on the long road ahead of you.
/agdg/ is not the place you're looking for if you want to make stuff like that and making stuff like that is not for you if you feel compelled to unironically ask about the legal side of it
stick to your fan communities
>Games Workshop and Warhammer are a prime example of what happens if you let anyone do whatever they want with your IP.
aren't those the guys that didn't let blizzard make a game with their IP so they had to create warcraft universe
what's the point of this conversation you're never going to even make this game
the method TriggerExit which tells the enemy what to do once the player is no longer attacking isn't being called because the trigger is turned off. Disabling the trigger after the attack expires still leaves me in same situation.
It's a bit more cartoony. Closer to Sam & Max Hit the Road instead of games with more real protagonists where you can#t do hands like that.
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is batchscript a trap or underage?
I think he meant do it at the
>position += velocity;
line, so that you're only multiplying by deltaTime once.
They are fun
what chat are they in

That was a suggestion for a more realistic style.

You can also try adding accessories like a watch or something to help indicate where the hand begins.
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agdg discord, voice channel
i want to __hug him/her/them
> velocity *= friction * dt;
>position += velocity;

is the exact same as

> velocity *= friction;
>position += velocity * dt;
Hey dudos, absolute beginner here

how do i into unity given i know fuckall about anything conerning game development outside of:
A:you code stuff
B:the game itself is an ensemble of moving assets (wich i assume are textures and models), sounds and codes
C:i'll probably never finish anything at it'll be a miracle if i even start something

Thank you for your time and sorry, i think it's safe to assume you've answered this question a milion time but i just want to be sure i don't build rails on fucking nothing
guys, I'm excited for Civ 6
Well in this example it doesn't matter yeah. I just like having not delta-corrected velocity everywhere except for the final calculation when you add it to position just in case if I wanted to do something with velocity again after this friction calculation.
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This is the best I can manage right now.

Start with 2D

Make pong

Then make a shmup

Then make a platformer

Use tutorials but try to add your own twist when you start to understand concepts.
on triggerenter start the behavior
You can have the trigger call a method in enemy stopping the behavior. as soon as it goes unactive, the behavior will go.
Or look into coroutines
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Do you think our startup is going to make it?
I am pretty confident it will.
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* It's harder to work with scaled up pixel art if you actually scale up the image itself, every time you want to edit them you have to shrink them and then resize them again once you're done. It's unnecessary work.
* You will get mixed pixel sizes, or off grid pixels, which looks bad and defeats the whole aesthetic of pixel art.
* In an upscaled canvas you'll have to work with arbitrary sizes instead of simply using pixels. It's simply easier to work with pixels when making a pixel game. To get smoother movement you can just work with floats in the code and the game will still render pixel perfect.

* There is absolutely no benefit. If you want higher res then stop making pixel art and start making high res art or 3D art.

That's a bit larger of a Sprite than I was thinking

I don't wanna tell you how to art style, so take this with a grain of salt, but to me sprinting is an impressionistic art. So don't draw as many fingers as you can fit and call it a day, but draw the overall shape of the fingers together and shade accordingly.
Thanks. I will try that. The issue is just that shading is not really something the artstyle has. It's just solid colors and colored outlines.
The last one is the only one I believe is a girl and her best achievement is organizing a jam.

They probably are making money hand over fist for this though
does anyone have good puking reaction pictures? I don't have one that suits this well enough
i've always wondered why these types of people are drawn to gamedev
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literally any girl that is over 5/10 in looks can get free money on patreon or kickstarter for making absolute trash games, simply because she has a vagina
if you didn't have to work and could just rake in free money from losers wouldn¨t you?
Because its cool and hip
These people are personality less sheep. They stick to whats popular and adapt as something new comes along
>Designer and Writer
>UI Designer and Artist
>Designer, Composer and Writer
>Designer and Writer

definitely all the components necessary to run a successful B2B business strategy
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Not sure what to say.

At a glance my eyes told me, same guy in different wigs and glasses. I went, haha.

Look! It's a mecha I made from a cube.
I was hoping to have to avoid using Coroutines, but I suppose I have to. Thank you.
Got a medabot feel to it. A-
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what did he mean by this?
Its all thats needed in a patreon. People who fund these things are dumb and don't care about code. Put out lots of art and design shit to make money
Who the fuck is in charge of http://tools.aggydaggy.com ?
It hasn't been updated in ages. And potentially the most useful tab - collabs - still doesn't work.

I'd slip this whole team the pickle
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>mfw just found out C++ doesn't have coroutines
Same guy in different wigs/makeup?
Did we learn nothing from the countless failed AGDG websites?
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I even sent him this mockup I made for the collabs page but he didn't reply.
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>lewd jam
>on a blue board where you can't post lewds
Resistance is futile - I am giving up.
>pretend to be team of 5
>ask for 5 times as much money
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Together with the stuff outlined in the chapter on Readability here:


I think I might be onto something.
as a C++ nerd. What in blazes are coroutines?
C++ is like a medieval torture device upgraded to run on coal-burning steam engines. The sheer quantity of effort that goes into it is astonishing, but at the end of the day it's a really painful toaster.
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You CAN post lewds here, in fact there are many generals that do so on a daily basis.
Watch for a second

Lookin' better
it's a thing uses completely counterintuitive statement names because the functionality was designed for something else, but somebody came up with using it differently
Modified dashing a bit. Now if you hold the dash button [while dashing] and press down while facing forward, you immediately go into a slide. Not sure if I want to make the slide continue based on the time you initiated it from the dash or just make the timer restart. They can be both stopped at any time by releasing the dash button you pressed to get into the state anyway.
He'd never get a C&D letter. It takes Japan years to even notice sites hosting manga for free. Unless he was posting a tumblr with his real contact info with updates on where he's at with the game, the IP holders would never fucking know. Use some realistic thinking, you gay potato.


for C++ faggots, that is.
Please make your character have a 3 mouth.

As in ( ° 3 ° ) .
Lewd != NSFW
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It only could work if it was on Github or something so that different people could also contribute, as well as a couple of website's admins, not just one.
Trusting one person with everything is a recipe for a trainwreck. The moment he decides to abandon it is the moment it dies

In this code, he limits frameTime to 0.25. Why did he pick that number? In my game, anything less than 1.4 causes errors (I haven't tried it on other computers, though).
It's going to be so weird to see your game when you finally put actual sprites in.
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>5 tranny faces
>4 pairs of problem glasses
>3 "Daddy didn't love me" dye jobs
>2 made-up names
>1 obvious (((Jew)))
>0 chances for success
Thank ye.
misogynist pig
i hope that once hillary wins the elections she will have all men neutered
>100% chance to get victim bucks
>Go to UE4 subreddit
>Literally every post is 'how do I do X'
>0 progress
but you can't post the naughty bits
If my drawing skills ever get to the point where I can start putting legitimate things into the game, I will be sure to make one of the facial portraits reference it.

Hopefully someday.
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In all due respect. Lotte is cute in that SJW-kinda way.
10% of what real success could be. I guess some millenial shitters are okay with settling.
>worked on both Always Sometimes Monsters and its upcoming follow-up Sometimes Always Monsters
Yeah, because that's not confusing at all. I really wonder what people are thinking when they name their games.
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I wish I was born a programmer ;_;
That never stopped our Japanese overlords
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Oh wow only 3 weeks left and nothing works

fuck my life
no one is "born" anything
my little brother was born dead
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>talent isn't real meme
No, we have it way worse.
An artfag can easily get a programmer and ditch them for another if things go wrong.
A programmer can rarely get a decent artist and if things go wrong he's left with no art.
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>my little brother was born dead
jesus christ, they're making a "tool" for unity that just uses a tool that is already made for unity by the NITW guy but lets you add pictures with it. how is that fucking legal? you can already add pictures in unity without they're shitty shit. fuck. fuck these sloppy whores.
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I see you've got your floating orbs working

It's fucking not

Or it is, but it's a shitty substitute for hard work and can't remotely measure up
>implying people are born into a profession
What's next, being born a plumber?
omg, are you the "help me with my floating orbs" dev?
Artfags = average women
Programmer = beta men
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why do all of these fucking sjw game devs need to shove their sexuality down our throats?
>An artfag can easily get a programmer and ditch them for another if things go wrong.
This is so wrong.
The game is built with code. Whoever's in charge of programming is in charge of the development.
Telling programmer what to do is harder than telling artfag what to do, and ditching one programmer for another is even harder because you need to tell him everything you want all over again.

On the other hand, games can work perfectly even without art - it's full of placeholders and programmer art, yes, but the game is intact. The only thing left to do is to apply the finalized sprites.
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those are just the gun place holders, I didn't get around to write a script that places them in the players hands
The real, semi-serious answer is that they don't see the kind of games they want to play being made, so they actually do what people are always suggesting and make it themselves. I kind of respect when people actually sit down and make the games they complain don't exist. Doesn't mean their game will be good, or even really a game, but at least they finally did it.

I mean, I wouldn't ask for ongoing monetary support for a single project I might not even finish via Patreon, but that seems to be the way to do things these days.
Not him but I'm pretty sure the floating orbs guy was a GMS user.

>See an image on 4chan

>Hunt down source

>Follow link to person's profile

>Read description of herself

>It describes herself

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I still dig it. I think floating pylons look badass on mechs.
Because they have no other value or interesting personality traits?
No straight person goes around saying they're straight unless its relevant to the conversation
What if I'm born king?
So this is like an Armored Core thing, right?
Loot with somewhat randomized bonuses and characters start out with randomly generated equipment so some players could start out with slightly more of an advantage than others

y / n
>Even in kindergarten I showed an extraordinary aptitude for taking care of people's shit.
Only if it's a roguelike and one playthrough takes less than two hours.
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I'm really disgusted the more I dig.
This is a crop of the patreon page for Ikonoclast.<3, which rakes in $322 dollars per month from 40 suckers, under the premise of making a Unity "Make Your Own Visual Novel" tool/kit.

Each person has their own separate twitter handle, and looking at the second person's twitter, Erica Lahaie, she has a personal patreon that rakes in $460 monthly from 98 other suckers.

Alyssia Lain Farlight(the top person) is doing a GoFundMe for rent and no eviction, along with a boo-hoo sob story about poor health and cannot maintain a full-time office job, currently at $1035 of a $4000 goal.

The fifth "girl," usually real women don't need to point out their personal pronouns, is also doing a pathetic $64 per two weeks on their personal patreon, 12 backers.

Not to mention the one who gets paychecks from Arenanet for making music.

And here I am, browsing SJWs in a slurry of aggy daggy threads on my lunch break at my full-time job as a spreadsheet warrior where I can write in excel cells and look productive when I actually rush 3 months of work into the last three days of my nine-to-five.

Christ. Sometimes I dislike my job, but then I think, at least I have the freedom I do with the regular paycheck and benefits, and the dignity of not being THESE fucks.
>looking at jam entrants who didn't get a single vote

It breaks my heart.
>read post on 4chan
>post is questioning demonkin
>make post about how enraged the poster was
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40% WIP delf.png
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This is my 30-40% complete WIP Dark Elf. A lot of work left to do but..

I hope you like her.
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i think his point was that if anyone were to unsolicitedly end up on her page informations regarding her sexuality would be of 0 value unless you're A: interested in goin out with her or B: she's a camwhore

are you retarded or something my dude?
But do you have a game
What is generally considered the best way of handling click events in unity?

I usually have it where when a player clicks the mouse, they shoot out a raycast from the pointer's screen position. Then, the raycast checks to see if it hits anything. Like, if you click a button, the raycasthit would equal that button. The only things that are clickable have to have a collider attached to it, like a button would generally have the square-shaped collider. If the raycast successfully hit something, it would return the "tag" of the object it hit. In this case, the "tag" would be button.

I've always felt using raycasting for button clicking was weird. Obviously raycasting can be used in myriads of ways, but I usually think of physics when I think of it, not menu controls. This seems like a cumbersome process for something so basic and it doesn't work out too well when two colliders overlap each other.
Jamming looks clique-ish as shit. I can't see much as a non-jammer, so I assume it's a closed circle-jerk of non-helpfulness amongst one another. I ain't clickin' join and makin' an itchyio account, I can't be doin' with this.
Why not use Unity's UI system that already handles clicking on UI stuff?
As a matter of fact...

I do.

Who fucking cares
If you were to "unsolicitedly" end up on her page any information about her would be of zero value.
You for one, niggerfaggot. You chose to reply instead of Hide Post. Or are you one of those queer-bo's that complain harder instead of solving a simple problem with a click?
As an artfag wanting to get into programming, what would be the easiest language to learn? Should I just go and learn C#?

None of the rest of that info matters either. It's just a description of her where she lists features that differentiate herself from the rest of humanity

Plus yeah, maybe someone wants to boink her. That happens on social media and shit.
I definitely like her

Or you could just not shit up the thread with this /v/ tier bullshit
If that's your thing, one type of weapon will resemble two big floating swords, which will allow the player to shoot homing energy swords. Their damage will scale inverse with fire rate, the more time you leave between shots, the more damage they'll do.

Kind of, customize your mech, go into a mission, try to survive as long as possible and then upgrade your mech. Rinse and repeat. However gameplay will be more ground-focused and arcade-y with simpler controls.
>tfw you should've just become a 3D artist working in some shithole studio churning out generic assets
>tfw you became a programmer that's too dumb to compete instead
>Not to mention the one who gets paychecks from Arenanet for making music.
Wait, what's the issue here?
>a GoFundMe for rent and no eviction, along with a boo-hoo sob story about poor health and cannot maintain a full-time office job
I saw a recent GoFundMe asking for money to move out and pay for rent because her current living situation was "hostile". She couldn't even explain why it wasn't possible for her to actually work and save money to move out like every other person on the planet has to do. I think this just highlights how shitty these people must be in real life. They can't even ask their own family for money when they need it: they have to go to the internet and involve a bunch of strangers.
Am I making a mistake trying to sculpt in blender or should I just get zbrush?
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red alert 2 but on mars cause it's red

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>tfw you were a decent artist
>everyone tells you (correctly) that you won't make money in art or even find a job unless you art the top 2%, and that programming is a much safer bet
>do engineering in college because of those recommendations
>be shit at it despite all efforts
>can't find a job because you're a dumbass programmer that can't compete
>wind up in the exact same position you would have been in had you done anything art-related, anyway
Try out Sculptris.
how are you people too dumb to program, that's literally impossible. all you have to do is write down your thoughts in a computer language.
How can I make the camera look at the positive or negative X axis using gluLookAt?
Changing the look vector from
>{0.0f, 0.5f, -1.0f}
>{1.0f, 0.5f, 0.f}

Fucks it all up.
No one said anything about being too dumb to program. Being too dumb to program well, or compete with other programmers when it comes to interviewing, is the real issue.
wirting si hard
never said i can't program, just that i'm not good enough to compete with other programmers for a job
>got discourage from art early in elementary
>did not have the knowledge or access to make my own games
>wasted 2 semesters on computer sciences that went nowehere because the instructors could not explain stuff to me
>waste time on teaching degree that got more tedious as it went on
>quit uni, get 6 hour office job answering emails
>job is chill as fuck and leaves enough time to learn the stuff I want in my free time

I'm still taking a correspondence course for a certificate as a foreign language secretary so I have something else to show besides my high School diploma. And the security guard cert.
Only if Mars is an alert system itself.
Try learning how to make your own projection matricies.
Then you can fix your own problems isntead of trying to get the internet to do it for you.
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Depends on what you want to do. C# is great if you want to dick around in Unity but not very useful outside of it. Java is probably the most popular beginner language and has like a million tutorials, tons of resources and some pretty good libraries(like LibGDX) however it's not very fast and has its limitations, which is why it's mostly used for shitty 2D indie games and cheap apps.
In programming,a library was basically an assortment of functions, correct?
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>>wasted 2 semesters on computer sciences that went nowehere because the instructors could not explain stuff to me
>needing an instructor for CS

literally whatever you do, don't learn Java as a first language
it will fuck you up for life

C++ is what bitches get wet for
>but not very useful outside of it.
>xna and monogame which were used for many indie games
Not him, but this is a case where "yes" probably would have been easier for you to say.
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xml vs json?
>>needing an instructor for CS

Well yeah, someone had to give the courses.
Does anyone have that tool that generated inbetween frames for animations?
Wanted to test it on something but can't even remember how it was called.
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I think I've successfully remade the idle animation for Bunny.
Also tried making an alternate less idol-ish costume, what do you think?
I literally have no respect for someone who calls himself a programmer but can't teach himself shit
.....have you been with Unity for one day?
you really think an engine is so dumb it forces you to use raycasts for UI elements?

look up GUI in the manual
>how are you people too dumb to art, that's literally impossible. all you have to do is copy down what you see in your mind's eye.

I can treat you like a babby too
neither, serialize the object
Yes, they are basically a shortcut you can use to build your own code.

Well the question was 'what's the easiest language to learn' and Java fits the bill.
Not even just indie games: people use C# and .NET for random enterprise programming shit.

Someone here is going to tell you to roll your own, which might be a good option for you. I suggest looking at how each one is structured and figuring out which ones is better for you. If you're using Unity, remember that you can't serialize MonoBehaviours. I think JSON has issues serializing Lists of things, as well.
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I'd have the bottom section sit up a bit higher. Looks to low
Otherwise, its a good alt-costume
It's also easy to jump down a fountain and slide a cheese grater down your dick shaft
When did I call myself a programmer?

>I have no respect for anyone needing help when necessary.

God bless you, Lonewolf Uphisass.
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>If you're using Unity, remember that you can't serialize MonoBehaviours

why didn't I know this
And once you're handing out the jobs and degrees, your opinion will actually matter.
is this a joke? unless you are making games for crapberry pi python is fucking useless the most useful and universal language is the assembly
theoretical question: how will somebody know if you use someone else's code from a non-commercial game, in your own commercial one?

what if the code is basically the same, but edited so that most of the variables and some of the functions are different?

how would they ever know? who is going to bother going through all the trouble of trying to get into your source code, and compare it to other games' code?

what stops people from doing this?
or do they do it all the time?
how can I protect my code from being stolen?
>unless you are making games for crapberry pi python is fucking useless
Python is extremely useful in animation and VFX. It's pretty much a requirement if you want to be a technical director at any major studio.
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A game where the protagonist is carrying boxes. He tosses said boxes as his attack. Each box have a different effect. The enemies are human sized humanoid ants who want to steal the boxes.
He may also have an orb floating above his head
>how would they ever know? who is going to bother going through all the trouble of trying to get into your source code, and compare it to other games' code?
No one will bother unless you copied something incredibly obvious.
>what stops people from doing this?
Knowing how to code
>how can I protect my code from being stolen?
You can't.
>major studio.
hahaha good luck unless you are born rich or as a son of the game company CEO you will never make it past code monkey who writes boiler plate code all day, or an art monkey who UV unwraps models 16h/day
Your own binary format
And? The question wasn't if you would become rich off it. The question was whether or not it was useful, and it is.
I think the No Mans Sky guy should overtake peter for this meme

Peter is a well-meaning idiot, whereas the NMS guy seems to be a sociopath
No it isn't you fucking autist.
If you have a machine that can turn iron into gold, it's fucking useless to you if it's lying in a crater on Mars.
Dump it to a binary fily, why bother with parsers?
>how would they ever know?

>who is going to bother going through all the trouble of trying to get into your source code, and compare it to other games' code?
Bored people with lots of time

>what stops people from doing this?

>or do they do it all the time?
Depends on the game, but probably yes.

>how can I protect my code from being stolen?
You can try using an obfuscator but there might be a decompiler for whatever obfuscator you intend to use.
Will it get you a job? Yes. So it's not useless. Stop moving goalposts.
Sean doesn't have enough funny images yet, besides he is a liar, he doesn't come up with ideas.
I love it. You have a great taste in outfits. I like how her ears are visible.
But if he breaks the boxes while tossing them then why doesn't he just let the ants have the boxes
Is the protagonist really so racist against ants he'd rather break his boxes then let them have 'em

xml and json are for editable configuration files and loadable external data, not for storing game data.
People generally wont know, but every once in a while you'll have someone go somewhere along the lines of "Hey, I recognize that snippet!"

There's plenty of sites that are quite efficient at comparing text such as text-compare, merely renaming variables and functions wont do much if someone happens to recognize the general code.

On top of that, copy pasted code will often clash with your own coding style in one way or another and the time spent modifying it to fit your project might as well had been spent writing it from scratch.

The only way you could even attempt to stop this is to properly license your code, anything else isn't worth your time as the only people who would copy paste aren't competent enough to make anything worthwhile on their own anyways.
That's a job for the writers to figure it out
>loadable external data
Once you save something outside of the game, doesn't it become loadable external data?
should be sliiightly more thick in the hips and legs, and make the titties a bit more torpedo-y

p gud so far

I meant, things that you are going to change outside of the game engine, lets say for example a map which uses an external map editor.
>Photoshop is for editing images, not for drawing pictures
Just because something had an original specified use doesn't mean it can't be re-purposed.
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A game where you play as a little girl with a box on her head. She can use her box to do pretty much anything.
Isn't that cube chan
Her friend is a girl with a die on her head that determines her mood based on the number on the top of the die.

The die randomly rerolls every hour.
The rival is a little girl with a ball on her head.

Her motivation is that everyone is always mean to her because she has a ball instead of a cube.
Sounds like every girl ever.
its the same reason people are too dumb to draw

>hue I can't sit down a draw a masterpiece im garbage waaaa
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hello, i got some progress.
Is there a way to have two fonts active on screen at the same time in GameMaker?

I can't seem to get it to work, one font always takes over, regardless of where I declare the font to use for the draw function.

I'm trying create a dialog system while still displaying character stats. In the corners. When the dialog system goes active, the fonts for all the character stats changes to that of the dialog system
Don't women already use their box to get pretty much everything they want?
So this is like a tile-based dungeon thing, right?

I'd say you can afford to make your guy move faster if that's the case.
I hereby donate this building to myself.

Add some diagonal movement please
what if you follow a coding tutorial, and end up keeping some of the same basecode because its what works best for the project?
The game is a deep metaphor of how women use sex to manipulate guys.
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>friend keeps adding more people to team
>team has swelled to 12 people
>I've had to do multiple introductions
>we're making a style guide to try and organize the artists
>got a secondary writer
>got a secondary programmer
>fucking panicking because organizing this many people is difficult
I've made my decision, I am making the project in such a way that if someone drops out the project can still go afloat. That's why I am making the style guide and making the teams compartmentalized. So if someone drops out the project doesn't die. This whole thing is moving WAY faster than I thought.

Doesn't help that I feel ill.
Myspace angles. Probably has a face like Mr Ed.
Credit the tutorial? Rewrite things? I don't really get the problem.

what are you doing in AMATEUR game dev general?
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sanic hornet.png
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New enemy model for the Sanix.
welcome to a position known as the "product owner"
you will never program anything again and must document everything
My friend tried to get a lot of people in our project but I told him to shut up
Are you going to paint some eyes on the texture?
I love you
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Do you pay all of those people?
>12 people
>Inexperienced at managing teams.
>Indie game.
>12 people.
>Indie game
>12 people.

I hope you're not financially involved in this bro.
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I just went on /itch.io, downloaded a game, uploaded to itch.io and claimed as my own.

Am i a bad person?
Any thoughts on my randomly generated item attributes:
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: Orange
Price: 27
Quality: 145
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: Fresh
Negative: Crusty
Color: NONE
Price: -830
Quality: 136
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: Red
Price: 25
Quality: 145
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: Dusty
Color: NONE
Price: -780
Quality: 41
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: NONE
Price: 20
Quality: 15
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: Dusty
Color: NONE
Price: -780
Quality: 123
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: Dusty
Color: NONE
Price: -780
Quality: 195
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: Bold
Negative: Old
Color: Yellow
Price: 110
Quality: 221
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: Orange
Price: 27
Quality: 58
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: NONE
Price: 20
Quality: 202
Element: Water (2 - Drowned)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: NONE
Price: 5020
Quality: 44
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: Crusty
Color: Blue
Price: -960
Quality: 104
Element: NONE (0 - NONE)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: NONE
Price: 20
Quality: 21
Element: Fire (2 - Boiling)
Positive: NONE
Negative: NONE
Color: Yellow
Price: 1030
Quality: 117
Because it's not like this is a company.

Fuck. I'm also the head script writer, and finishing the proposed script is going to take 8 months by my rough estimate. If I add this in I'm looking at a 1 year script writing cycle before the editing rounds come through. Hopefully I can push shit off onto this new writer for NPC dialogues.

I don't know art, he assures me that all the new artists are necessary. I'm not sure if they are, which is why I am trying to make it so if people drop out it doesn't kill the project.

Anon here with the 1980s stand up comedy
i thought about that, what are the advantages ?
For a small game you only need one artist, one programmer and a music guy.
If you can do more than one of these even better.
make sure you get all your people to sign assignment of works documents
I'm not, for some reason all these folks have drunk the koolaid and are signing on to work without pay. The fucking madmen, that's why I expect them to drop.

No, I don't pay anyone. I made that clear when starting out that they are creative partners for the project, and thus likely won't receive any compensation until if/when it goes commercial. They're ok with that, I have no idea why.
Never got this meme. I've only knew girls who were happy and cheerful 100% of the time or girls that were pissed 100% of the time
>Price: -780

So...they pay you to take it?
Tutorials are fine
Just look for MIT/similar licensed code
i was thinking using shift to speed it up. just like in azuredreams, i guess there is a button there.
Can you make it a bit more readable?

Maybe? Can't say for sure, I havent thought through how exactly I am goin to texture it.


thanks (?)
I will look into this. I am very lucky that my cowriter has a far amount of contract law experience and can help me draft some stuff.

Honestly I didn't want to make a small game, I wanted to make a medium sized game and taking 2 years. With all these people if they work at the pace I expect (which is what I hope + 50%) it'll be a year development cycle.
Players like to get to places fast, so unless you build the game around moving only on cardinal axes then adding diagonal movement will open the freedom the players have to move around.
Sometimes this restriction can put off players when they first try your game.
Think if your game mechanics need it, and if they don't justify it by making the game interesting.
>No, I don't pay anyone.
Then tell anyone you don't deem absolutely necessary to fuck off. Otherwise you'll be in a world of hurt.
Give it to me straight docs, if I can't draw for shit is there any chance I could 3D model? I'm tired of my games looking like child's drawing-tier shit.

If it's possible that I could model well enough, how would I go about learning it?
Why? Because of sudden drop outs and runaways from the project? Me and my main art guy are trying to roughly future proof the project against run aways with a detailed style guide, hardware guide, and basically documentation to standardize art. He is going to work with the art team to make sure everyone is on the same page with that style guide.

Also the reason me and my cowriter/law guy (he has experience with contract law) are going to write up some simple contract for people to sign. Essentially that stuff they do on this project, if they leave, can't be withheld from the final product. That work they do for it is for the project, and even if they leave they will receive proper crediting and compensation for work done.
>With all these people if they work at the pace I expect

My experience with unpaid teams over five people is that 90% of the team won't meet deadlines or produce anything of value, but they will want to have a heavily influence on the game design, story, tone etc.
You're in for absolute hell if you're not experienced with managing people and volunteers. The worst thing is that every time someone quietly drops or spazzes out over creative differences, it will demoralize your whole team and suck away progress and creativity.
post your game
i will really think about that. i need to plan it carefully. because i dont even know the implications and that will change the gameplay dramaticly.
From what we have worked out so far I have made it clear to everyone what they have creative input into and what they do not. It helps that all these people know my art guy personally and are friends with him, he knows how to deal with them well. Me and my art guy are working out a happy medium between creative freedom and what is set in stone.

They seem to not care about the story and are enamored with the characters they have heard so far (to a degree), which I am happy about. I made it clear the tone/story before hand and if they are not on board then it would be better to not sign on.

My estimate is the following for work:
>people will work roughly 2-4 hours on the project per week
>2/3 of people will drop out before the end
Sorry, I forgot tabs don't really work. Each item will be assigned a few basic attributes. The basic layout is this (In order by rarity):

- Ice, Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, Dark, Life

Element levels:
- Ice: {Frosty, Cold, Frozen}
- Fire: {Warm, Hot, Boiling}
- Lightning: {Bristling, Static, Electric}
- Water: {Soggy, Wet, Drowned}
- Earth: {Stiff, Rough, Stone}
- Dark: {Cloudy, Shrouded, Stark}
- Life: {Leafy, Lush, Overgrown}

- Dull, Bloated, Old, Dusty, Crusty, Rotten, Strange

- Floating, Fresh, Strong, Bold, Keen, Organic, Glittering

Colors (will choose better colors eventually):
- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

each attribute has an associated price modifier as well as on-hit effects, consumption effects, equip effects and planting effects (if a plant). Obviously this is relative to what kind of item it is.
Modelling stylized stuff is very easy to get right compared to drawing, but it will take much longer to complete compared to drawing once you develop some skill.
>Because of sudden drop outs and runaways from the project?
Yes, if you don't pay people they have no incentive to hurry up or even finish whatever work you give to them. Think about it this way: what are you going to do when some guy can't get his shit together and takes forever for everything? You can't put any pressure on him because he does it for free. If you tell him to fuck off, who is going to take his workload? Sounds like a fucking nightmare.
contracts are super important - if signing a contract deters anyone from working with you, they're not worth working with
You seem to have relatively realistic expectations, so best of luck to you. Though, just be aware that because your team are friends with your art guy, their loyalty will probably be to him over the project, so if a conflict goes sideways you could end up being outnumbered or pushed out based on that loyalty. Keep full control of the sourecode if you can.
See, that's why we're doing everyone according to a style guide. The idea is if a guy can't produce we thank him for his work thus far and move his work off the schedule to someone else (possibly to main art guy who I know isn't leaving). It is not pressure, it simply being realistic that if he can't finish the work then we'll give it to someone else.

That's why we are keeping things according to a unified style, and as small pieces of the whole, so that a single piece can be worked on and dropped if someone drops out without ruining the project.

The project is 2D and what these folks are doing are Backgrounds, Character Art, CG, and a few splash pages/logos (though I may end up doing the splash pages honestly).

So I completely understand what you're saying. But if someone drops out I'll simply say thank you and we'll give the work you don't feel you can get done to someone else. Honestly it'll hurt to deal with, but it is not as if they can produce negative productivity. They won't actively stop others from working. Worse case scenario is their work has to be redone.
Seems pretty solid except for a few odd labels like cloudy and organic. Definitely missing cursed and arcane though.

Personally I would try to mix it up a bit more with some more unique modifiers than generic elements, but I guess it depends on what the theme of your game is.
Listen to this guy: >>152063905. Also, I recall you saying that your art director doesn't actually do the art anymore, which is bullshit for such team. Dude needs to be making assets too, even if it's roughs or reference for the other artists.
I have full control of both the script and the source code. I have already communicated that I realize I form a minority on the project, but have a large amount of the overall creative agency.

Yeah, me and my cowriter are going to draft something this weekend. The project is moving much faster than I expected, last week we only had 3 guys, me, my cowriter, and my music guy. The team expanded enormously.
>even if it's roughs or reference for the other artists.
When I said he wasn't doing assets I meant he was doing none of the final ones. He is doing concept sketches, anatomy references, etc.
If you don't want to reveal specifics, that's fine, but what exactly are you working on that requires so many people? An MMO or an RPG, maybe?
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Is there a better way to do this? I have very little programming experience and I feel like there should be a better way to program all this.
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Guaranteed replies.
What's the point of using interpolation for rendering?
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The cute doggy's spawn animation came out looking much more demonic and ominous than planned.
this anon is right >>152063757 people will take forever to complete tasks and never meet deadlines which will slowly drain your willpower for good after a while you will start to hating them deeply
>You can't put any pressure on him because he does it for free.
and if you do people will complain how stressful and not fun is your game dev enviroment and quit anyway.Cut useless people.
A story heavy resource management game/RPG. Honestly I did not think it would take this many people, but the work loads we're looking at are the following:

>300k word script including main story of ~180k and NPCs ranging from 6-10k for their events

>22 Characters - 1 Image, 3 expression
>6 Characters - 2 Images, 5-6 Expressions
>4 Characters - 2 Images, 8 Expressions
>Backgrounds - 14, Most with 2 Lightings
>CGs - 28 CGs Generous

>scope is still not set, but we're looking at a 30 track OST

That's all for non programming.
so sad, all this work going into making the game look nice but it still doesn't change the fact that 90% of people, including myself, will immediately dismiss it because its furshit.

kill yourself and yiff in hell
thanks for the idea, anon
can I steal it?
>demonic spawn
guess he really was yiffin in hell
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Please do
Don't you dare let me down, I want to play that game
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>if obj != player:
>sexuality = random.randint(0 , 100)
I die a bit inside when I see something well-made involving furries

So much artistic talent is squandered on the internet for gay or weird shit
Now that he's gotten rid of the underpants normies won't realize that he's a furfag. Kind of ironic if you think about it.
Motivation for me is not a huge problem, but I see what you mean. This is why I am interacting with the artists through my main art guy. Since he is their friend he has more sway than me, and organizing them is more his headache than mine.

Me, my music guy, and my cowriter won't lost motivation too easily, BUT we're gonna have to keep motivation.

Over the next month or two we'll find out who is useless and either take them to a less critical role or ask them to step down.
isnt your idea literally god is a cube though?
>29% straight
>40% gay
>31% bisexual
I don't think these numbers are correct.
Hmm imo a constantly changing team is fucking poison for any project but if you think you can pull it off then godspeed Anon
But that puzzle game had nothing to do with platforming, little girls or holding actual cubes.
just like with undertail amirite
Not really. It could be a platformer where the box has different abilities you use to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles.

God is a Cube is a programming puzzle game.
Getting a real East of West vibe from your protagonist, looks fucking terrific my man

Your friend better watch out for asset fishers/base code thieves. Individuals who join in without any conditions can be pretty high risk. Steering your team toward an open asset policy to make their work easier.

A show me your work won't even deter them, since they have stolen so many assets under the radar before "dropping out".

The best example I can give you of their behavior is from this old thread:


Scammer #2 is how it usually goes down.
If she can do anything she wants with the box that means that she can take the box off her head. That begs the question, why even keep it on her head in the first place?
But will there be enemy ants?
what game?
it doesn't have platforming but neither does
>A game where you play as a little girl with a box on her head. She can use her box to do pretty much anything.
this is literally god is a cube
Consider using free resources as backups:
you just need to attribute all these artists - it's all free to use in commercial products
If everything goes well then we won't have many drops, but again I have realistic expectations for drop numbers.

I take >>152065241 back.
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I see you've removed the underwear, I really like it more this way,
but this animation I don't think it really fits, I don't know what you are aiming for, nor how to explain what I think would look better, the closest I can compare it to is the matrix in code form

yeah, but a lot of people like myself will play it because of furshit.
We're going to have people sign a simple contract, so that isn't a massive worry. Plus my art guy knows these artists personally, he goes to school with them in fact. I am trusting him to get people he trusts.

We're not pulling randos from online essentially.
I will save this in my "For My Eyes Only Emergency Folder" for the project.
you can improve your sense of time by looking at a watch
listen to Calme_Caprice on this one:
super comfy
>Peter can't be a liar because I like him.
Every fucking time.
he's just a hype guy - like Todd Howard. To be honest, Howard gets a bad reputation. I have no doubt that the things he hypes up had every intention of actually being in the game, they were just cut because open-world RPGs are huge time-sinks and probably cut more features than any other game type.
Cyberpunk RPG/Resource Management game. Mainly dealing in the cyberpunk themes of intrusive advertisement, information control, loss of humanity, and most chiefly the nature of intelligence (in this case with AIs).

The game is split between NPC interaction (which may garner you new resources for the management portion of the game) and planning missions for a terrorist group to go on. There are both optional & required missions, how you plan and what you do change possible story lines (a person dying removes their story).

My artists have become obsessed with one of the more unusual characters. He Who Speaks In Many Tones, or Many Tones. Which in one sentence is a hyper-intelligent dolphin not communist enough to live in normal hyper-intelligent dolphin society. The more detailed version is he is part of a small population of awakened animals, experiments done on animals of near human intelligence to make them of human intelligence. Awakened Dolphins live in hyper communist group ownership societies. Many Tones is guilty of Second Degree Prideful Ownership. Prideful Ownership is taking someone out of public ownership for oneself. Second Degree means he embarrassed the commune publicly in front of another by displaying his Prideful Ownership. He was thus exiled. His story deals with the ideas of shame and longing, both his realization he does not fit into his societal norm, but his desire to emulate them. His arc ends with either joining the terrorist organization and becoming an Agent or leaving to rejoin his pod and having his pod become a support resource.
Are your objects' coordinates at top-left or centered?
Todd deserves the shit they get though.
Bethesda are a massive fucking company with more than enough people to make a proper engine and game. But they choose not to because being lazy is easier and garners more shekels.
top left, always
everything is top left. You should not use draw coordinates for any type of in-game logic.
How can I learn to music? And I don't mean using a DAW, I mean actually making music and shit, I've never been very musically inclined but I need to make my own songs even if they're merely passable or average as fuck.
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>You should not use draw coordinates for any type of in-game logic.

Oh shit. Can you elaborate?
tag yourself, I'm the cat
i'm autism
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rate my fomp aka direct dcss clone without even realizing before until someone else pointed it out
Your coordinates you use to draw an object on the screen should never be directly used for hitboxes, collision, position-detection or any kind of triggering. It's the same reason you keep your draw logic and update logic separate. This kind of issue could lead to problems down the line from which it is impossible to recover from without rewriting most of your code.
what language, anon?
want to collab?
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scaphism simulator
I'll be honest I am entirely unsure of Many Tones as both an interesting character and a character at all. I was very surprised by the artists became so enamored with him.
i doubt that anyone wants to collab with someone writing a "console" roguelike in love2d
Unity devs, why did you choose to use Unity over Unreal?
Unreal devs, why did you choose Unreal over Unity/Why did you switch to Unreal from Unity ?
i'm using ncurses
Unity doesn't use C++
Unreal wasn't free by the time I start my project
well im not
fuck the Persians

Thanks for the heads up anon.
tell me about your game
>implying there is a tangible difference for amateur devs
>implying anyone here is working on a project that Unity can't handle
>falling for the Engine-War meme
Kill yourself bruh
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Made a new kind of tile, I can't show what happens when you stand next to it on here due to it being NSFW though.
Fix her hair!
its a roguelike with nothing but corridors 50% filed with doors and stairs that have a random bug causing game to crash
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I'm just genuinely curious what were the reasons that they chose one engine over the other. ease of use, comfy-ness, language preference, etc.
the only one falling for the "engine-war" meme is you, sorry friend :(
i wonder what it could be

It's harder than rocket science. Literally confirmed by John Carmack.
So you chose Unity because it doesn't use C++, and was free at the time?
So she can take it with her while keeping her hands free.

Seriously though, everybody should read Hirameki Hatsume-chan, it's really funny.
Yes, snake
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I'll try to keep this in mind when building levels.
Not at all.
For one, in god is a cube you play as a cube. Cube-chan is only there for tutorials and instructions.
I think I will sometime down the line, what would you suggest?
Cute, how is the final game going to be? Lewd(panties, butts and tiddies) or full blown hentai?

>being afraid of posting NSFW
You haven't seen the Path of Exile general, have you? Anyway, why not use pomf and post the link? Most people here have 4chan X anyway.
>implying you don't play as a girl cube
>only games that matter are first person shooters

yeah, figures
Can Gos is a cube's cube do any of these things? I don't think so.
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Minecraft with waifus and dlc
>You should not use draw coordinates for any type of in-game logic.

So if your renderer draws the image with matching coordinates to the object, or if it aligns its center with your object's coordinates, neither of those are things that should matter to how you define your object?

That makes sense. I was treating both as one and the same on a little learning project I started and I was already starting to feel the need to change this.
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we realized that we need some more basic enemies. i went with a personal favourite.
literally god is a cube
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too bad first person shooters are gay
a lolisimdev in their early stages

I don't know that language so its hard to suggest corrections but if you're talking about self.hair = hair passed in as a constructor argument, I think thats fine.
Anything but that clump
Short hair is fine but you made it look like a dick
might be a great way to reboot the Wizardry games
that girl is just so cute it kills me irl
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forecast for post-overhaul rooms
you are literally a War Dog. keepin' meme-in' the dream, and post your paper stacks when they start gettin' high son
her nose is huge
I just wanted to say your game is genius, I look forward to you finishing it one day.
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No! Keep doing what you are doing and usher in the new era of dick hair girls.
Your game has been successfully cursed.
I guess between lewd and full blown? That thing sucks her in and pulls her clothes off and rapes her

>why not use pomf and post the link?
I dunno, I've seen some people get mad over it

Alright, you aren't the first to mention the hair so I'll make it more of a priority. I'll still keep it short though.
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Truly the next Silent Hill 2
What's your tumblr?
XML is old, ugly, bloated and gay. There's literally nothing you can't serialize with json, and it's a much more compact and readable format.
So I'd say either go binary, plain text, or json.

Serializing objects is converting them to string or binary representations that can be later used to reconstruct them, your post makes literally no sense.
I'm shit at C++.
I prefer using C# over all of the other languages that I've used.
I'd already used Unity for some school projects so I was familiar with it.
Lots of support for Unity via tutorials, forums, their own site, Stack Overflow, etc.

you can post links to other webm hosts. you can't be banned for that.
>Go to this guy's website
>His portfolio is a bunch of gay sex games

Okay then.
>I dunno, I've seen some people get mad over it

>i've seen people get mad over things on 4chan
really nigga?
Sounds more like full blown hentai game, though I guess it depends on how graphic the rape is.

>I dunno, I've seen some people get mad over it
Don't think too hard about what people say here, a good chunk of them are insane.
Stupid Big Team Dev here.

My art director guy just game to me and we had a talk. We settled on this for overall team organization.

Writing Team:
Head Writer (Me)
Other Writer

Dev Team:
Lead Programmer (Me)
Other Programmer

Music Team:
Music Guy

Art Team:
Team Lead (him)
Asset Artist
Asset Artist (Vacant)
Support Artist
Support Artist
Background Artist

Legal Guy/Project Manager/Co-conspirator

So a 12 man team. The only spot that is not filled is one of the asset artists. I think this is workable overall. We're going to bring in an outside editor at some point.

Right now the goals are:
>drafting an Creative Property Ownership contract
>Searching for Asset Artist #1
>Giving Background Descriptions/Character Profiles for artists to begin working on things (thought one of the artists is currently out of the country so we have time)
>Me and the dev doing the wireframes for interface

I think this is workable. I'm terrified and the stress is making me physically ill, but that's normal.
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How do you make text in dialogue that slowly appears, but does not wrap mid-word?
>big man indie team project
Remember to post here when it crashes and burns.
calculate word length beforehand
So, any art guys looking for a project to join?
you keep track of where you're going to be so if you'd wrap, you go to a new line
Pre-wrap your text
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I want to make a beat'em up like streets of rage, basically.
Which engine is best for this? I tried gamemaker but i couldnt get my head around making it possible to walk "in and out" of the screen, so i figured just doing it in a 3D engine would be better.
I know absolutely 0 about code and its scaring the fuck out of me reading tutorials for GDScript, i cant do this.
Would i be able to do almost everything in EU4 by just "snapping everything together" without having to code like my dipshit friend reckons i can? i think hes dumb and any game made like that is going to feel garbage.
Trust me I will. I will guard against it best I can, but failure may simply be unavoidable. The contract, the style bible, the compartmentalized work, and source code control will help, but all this can do is help our chances. There will always been a significant chance of failure.

You guys are going to be receiving a lot of updates as I slowly go mad with stress.
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can we set up collabs for lewd jam too? I have an idea for a game but making everything myself would take too much time.
Split the string at each space and create separate textboxes for each. Fade in the boxes one after another. This is the best way to do this that accounts for different machines.

Alternatively a good engine will wrap text for you, in which case you can make a panning material o cover each line
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>Six artists

As someone who was on a project in the past with 5 artists, you're in for a hell of a ride. Having them all be friends with the team leader tends to hurt more than it helps as well.

If things start going wrong it's going to get really messy really fast.
>and create separate textboxes for each
why would you need to do this

>Alternatively a good engine will wrap text for you
yes, but good writing does linebreaking manually so it feels more natural
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A game with a strange glitch that only appears in about 10% of all copies of the game.
>I want to make a beat'em up like the Scott Pilgrim game, basically.

FTFY, don't lie to us like that.
And /agdg/ will have front row seats!
This is a VN right?
>Serializing objects is converting them to string or binary representations that can be later used to reconstruct them, your post makes literally no sense.

>serialize an object to save it
>reconstruct it to load it
>serialize all necessary objects on saving
>reconstruct all necessary objects to load
How does that not make sense? That is literally how most games do it.
Really it depends on where you draw the line between VN and RPG. With the new scope it is looked to have more and more RPG elements.

So, I am leaning towards story heavy resource management rpg.

However, yes, there is a bunch of VN stuff.
make an objMain in GameMaker, look up concepts/designs of how Game States work, and it should hopefully become easier to control things in Game Maker.

I also recommend starting out reading stuff like this, because you'll learn more about programming stuff in GM, which is good for most 2D mockups/amateur dev:


No, neither of these game genres have anything to do with you making a beat-em-up, but watching these videos will teach you a lot about not only how Game Maker works, but give you some foundations to work on so you better plan how to make your beat em up.
>why would you need to do this
You don't if your engine is good.

>yes, but good writing does linebreaking manually so it feels more natural
I've not noticed this. Do you have an example?
I'm a bit too
lazy to look
around for an actual
example atm so i'll just reply with
this instead
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making more stuff
wait I guess its this one and not that sorry

What do I do with this? I can't seem to be able to edit it.
fuck you too senpai
How do I attract the autistic crowd?
Nevermind, didn't see the other link.

>100k in funding
>10 man team

take your shit to reddit
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f U C K

a game that looks like a static screen but there's actually a lot of action happening very, very subtly
>5 artists
>not enough
Wow, you guys are completely talentless AND retarded.

should we add this to the OP?
>Actually wanting to make use of the 3d mode in Game Maker
What the fuck is wrong with me

Scenario: You have an RPG that tells a decent story, and it's basically done. Elves, trolls, all that shit. 1MA. You're looking for crowdfunding to polish of development, and you're flexible on the art. You kikestarter it, and are pretty sure from your current normal twitter & tumblr followers that it will get funded.

Do you add a higher stretch goal, with the promise that if this lofty amount is met, you will include a Fur Mode, where the entire story/gameplay is the same, but all the elves are now cats, dwarves are doggers, humans are foxes, etc. If you're a furry, you get twice the gameplay/playthrough value now. If you're straight, you've gained nothing but lost nothing, and were pledged for the basic game and not the furshit anyways, and just don't have to use that mode.


Now the permissions should allow anyone with this link to edit.

If you want.
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Because he was responding to a guy who was asking about which format to use (XML or Json), it was implied that he was going to serialize the game objects, and then this guy shows up saying 'don't use any of those formats, serialize instead'.

He pretty much said 'don't serialize, serialize instead'.
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Zero effort, zero fucks given

Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer not an artist
I like it!
For a second there I thought you were going to ask a serious question.
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Early work on weapon kickback. Currently the player's pitch is not taken into account, so it looks a bit weird when looking down. I need to play some shooters to see how they handle this. I'm also not sure if my impulse should have a slightly random offset for every kick.
Does it move in-game?
Why do you know my fake internet name?
>Stretch goals ever

This is not Indie Game Dev General.

This is Amateur Game Dev General.

Retards with too much funding please fuck off.
that's a jew pistol
nope, nothing will move in the game, only the player.
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I made a hidden place to hide something
also what kind of vibe should I go for musicwise?
Personally I feel the game is growing in a nintendo-y direction so maybe I should look into some of the classic OSTs
who has too much funding?
Where's the template? I want to make this for my MCs
>100k funding
Shit nigga, I don't have money.

I do not know art. I am a writer and a programmer. I and trusting my art guy after he went through the workload stuff and get an overview of how much we want to produce.

And yes, I am a tad retarded.
>walking up escalators
Is this a fitness game?
I'd quite like to join a team, would make for good practice. Anyone looking for some arty farty types?
Use serialization.
If you plan to have old saves work with future versions you can store the version number of an object, then upon deserialization match the version and perform the necessary adjustments.
How much is too much?
Do you have a portfolio?
only if you don't want any money even if there's money
I don't think it can even be considered a game, more of a walking simulator
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This is the one I used
Like I said, I'm doing it for practice. I'm more interested in helping out amateurs in this general than having to audition for some huge project.
>Use serialization.
Using XML and JSON is serialization, though.
Big Team Dev Fuckface here, are you talking about me? Because you seem under the false impression that we have any funding besides what I am paying out of pocket.
I didnt even get to play that, i heard it was supposed to be good but the "RPG elements" stuff put me off then it just slipped my mind.
Nope. My idea was to make an 8 stage arcade style beat'em up with replayability because its fun, 3 continues (but you can change it to 5 in the options if youre casual).
The twist would be you slowly unlock story scenes as you do in-game things (knock out 100 guys, beat stage 1 without being hit etc), that slot before, inbetween or after the stages to slowly unfold a narrative around the stages. Players who came for the arcade experience dont even have to go watch them, the basic story of "X happened beat up the dudes" is unchanged. Or you can set it to play the story scenes in order and then you play the arcade stages when they take place in the story, and youll get all engrossed because of the gaps you havnt filled yet. And stuff.
You think i put myself off gamemaker too soon..? I was trawling the net and found this a while back,
"object0.depth = -object0.y"
Which seemed to create the effect i wanted, but then hitboxes for enemies were still on a 2D plane, and then i had to start trying to write code to only cause them to connect if they were within a certain y proximity and my brain began to melt. Thanks for the info though, ill do some (more) reading. You know i was hoping it would be a simple sort of game to make, maybe its because i just have absolutely 0 experience.
For you.
>nobody writing on it
ok then I guess I'll go first.
just use your language's built-in serializer
if your language doesn't have one, use a better language
reminder on what your game needs to 'make it'

>unlimited shill works
>memorable bosses
>cute characters
no it's not that hard with modern tools you have. Also rocket science is more more more harder than making a game engine.
you are a bitch.

if you want furry box jjust offer to add a character of their design to the game as a NPC or boss at a large pledge amount
your email comes out as square*********@gmail.com

is that how its meant to be?
>You think i put myself off gamemaker too soon..? I was trawling the net and found this a while back,
>"object0.depth = -object0.y"
>Which seemed to create the effect i wanted, but then hitboxes for enemies were still on a 2D plane, and then i had to start trying to write code to only cause them to connect if they were within a certain y proximity and my brain began to melt. Thanks for the info though, ill do some (more) reading. You know i was hoping it would be a simple sort of game to make, maybe its because i just have absolutely 0 experience.
My first tip to you is to try not to rely on GM's built-in physics engine stuff. Any math functions they have are fine to start out with, but sooner or later you'll want to learn how to make your own "Scripts," which those tutorials cover. You should also try to conceptualize your ideas as numbers/raw logic, of course, after writing/drawing them out as much as you can so you don't lose the actual art aspect.... If you want to make a super simple game, try starting out making a shmup, or just follow that platformer tutorial and it'll eventually "gateway" you toward making your beat-em-up.

Eventually you'll also want to stop relying on putting your objects directly in the room and calling them all (and the entire level itself, parsed from a .txt exported using Tiled or PyxelEdit) directly through objMain itself.... but one step at a time is fine, you know?
Can I just put in more memes instead?
Well I put it like that since nobody else is writing anything and I don't want random anons to sent me dick pics.
We have
>both low and highbrow philosophy references to make players feel smart
>a fuck ton of shilling
>cute charaters/waifus
>memorable villians? (not sure if that counts because no boss fighters)
>no really a fuck ton of shilling
how would you procedurally generate a story?
I will shill your game and it will only cost your soul

add me @blackshellmedia
I was going to be contrary and disagree with you but then I realized that you're absolutely right. Though I think the ability to derive memes form the game might be more important than putting existing memes in the game, if that's what you meant.
I'm a music anon, and my first question to you is, "what's the story behind this game?" Is there a particular mood you want the player to feel here? I could suggest something, but I don't want to bias a vision if you already have one in mind.
"The story is about a gladiator, a professor, and an irrational zoologist. It takes place in a blessed fiefdom. The story begins with a birthday celebration. The return of ancient powers plays an important part in the story."
Look, it even made a JRPG for you.
wait, not that one - watch this one instead:
embedding doesn't skip forward the time, so go to 9:11 to skip past the stupid girl
Sorry, I also meant to ask for the overall mode of the game as a whole. It'll help to know that, too.
I don't get it, what's the problem with it? Who the fuck has funding?
>This is a story about paranoia and how destructive knowledge can be. The story is about a selfish salesperson who is constantly annoyed by a cyberneticist. It starts in an interplanetary confederation. The role of technology in society is a major element of the story.
this thing is so deep
see >>152065594
So I want to have lots of different weapons for my pixelshit character and I don't want to draw (paste) and position every single one of them on all the frames of a character.

What if I make a layer with a rectangle as a weapon placeholder for my character sprite, adjust its position on all the frames and in GM use it as a bounding box with precise collisions with separate collision masks for all frames? Position of a bounding box will define weapon position and its dimensions will define weapon angle.

Is there some better way to do this?
>listening to anything other than DnB when devving
not gonna make it
Sounds like your "artists" are just a bunch of idea guy friends who want to hire an actual artist to the work for them, m8
no you just described the way to do it
pretty cool thanks
I was thinking that you could just procedurally generate a whole world with lore and slap on RPG but not yet it seems.

i think you're onto something
Come on people, joi the lewd collab!
i can join for a couple days
do you need a programmer
horse pussy simulator 2016
Anyway, if you really aren't feeling it, I'll make some suggestions anyway.

If I were writing for something like this, I'd probably write something along the lines of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5kP4CkRgOo (Ignore the context of the original game... Just look at your webm while playing this music and see how it fits)

Otherwise, if you wanted something more upbeat, I was also imagining something along the lines of.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0UlGDsH2R4

Here's a couple more directions it could go:
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this is the ultimate game soundtrack , when I release my game I want this guy to make the soundtrack.
The game it belongs to is not worthy

And if they are I am glad I made the Creative Property Contract and will cut them loose. I am willing to have them produce for the next month and a half and see what their pace and quality is.
Is it a VN or something?
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oh god.
I dunno man trying to create a psuedo 3D environment in a 2D engine seems really nuts when i can just use a 3D engine. Are other programs really that hard for beginners?
I'm more of a 2D junkie, so that's about the extent of my knowledge.... I'd imagine it'd be even more difficult to work in 3D, but I could be wrong. (Maybe you could work with a 2.5D game engine, but I still think that'd be more difficult to tweak than just writing one in 2D from scratch.)

If nobody suggests a better alternative, I would say to start smaller and see if you can build your skills up to get more comfortable conceptualizing game states/conceptualizing the z-axis and whatnot
you could hire me instead
>The game it belongs to is not worthy
>mfw i know both the composer and the developer of that game
small world
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Been super busy so havent gotten to dev in a while. Figured to get back into it I'd work on the sprite assets for the ship menu. It lets you choose the ship youre using and change the body and detail colors of it.

I dont really care for how big the window bar turned out so any ideas and what I should do pertaining to that or anything else?

I'm not him but if this was bait it worked

I'm mad as fuck that you would think of Scott Pilgrim before Streets of Rage


"In and out" for SoR is literally just up and down
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back baby.webm
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Finally working on my game again after 8 weeks working at a summer camp. Reposting from last night, added some effects for juiciness and readability of the absorbing effect. What do you guys think?
>be pretty decent musician
>not horrible at art
>have a little programming expirience

I have a feeling I could totally 1MA my games but I'm being depressed and piecing assets together without any code instead.

>constantly see people better than me at all of these things

This feels not great.
pretty cute, but i can't not think kirby when i look at this

not only because of the gameplay, but also because of the art style

i guess if that's what you were aiming for, then you did it.... somehow feels kind of plain though
i'm making a better Google Form for lewd jam collabs, what questions do I need?
Quality over quantity, anon. Do one thing and do it well, and (or) control your struggle as a source of motivation to improve
It is what I'm aiming for, but that's also because I'm not good enough at pixel art to move on to more complex sprites, and round smooth enemies = Kirby.

I think the plain feeling comes from the boring gray tone of the blocks and background. Those are placeholders, and hopefully the scene will have a lot more life once those are changed
That looks sweet, anon.
I feel like if just had a grasp of how to do what i want, i could beaver away at it. I just feel walled out, i dont know where to start.
if in and out is just up and down, then what is jumping? and punches can overlap a sprite lower, or go behind higher and not connect.
Have i just got my melon twisted over slight details?
And i think he thought i was a kiddie trying to look cool by saying SoR instead of a newer game.
Anybody tried OpenBOR?
Neither. Both are too generic, so the code will be ugly on top of the files being wasteful. Reading and writing bytes of a straightforward binary format is, well, straightforward.
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some more stuff
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the form is ready.
https://goo gl/forms/QoNOS6l8lZAGNtP13

Please add this to the next OP.
Disregard the end message, it's a jokeNo for real I'm kidding
Why is it that whenever storing data in files comes up, everybody immediately jumps to XML or JSON? Would you use a graph data structure to store a sequence of items?
t's just what people use in xna.
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I finished making these
Is there a link to all the other AGDG ones?
>sequence of items
that's called a struct
>writing heroines
>form opinion on who best girl is
>unsure if I can still write the script objectively
You should try keeping the eyes and mouth from the original though
because there are mature parsers for these formats in about any conceivable language?
>I feel like if just had a grasp of how to do what i want, i could beaver away at it. I just feel walled out, i dont know where to start.
Okay, observe this cube: http://blog.uncle.se/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/02_terminology_1.png

You want to move the player up? Subtract moveSpeed from objMainCharacter.y along the Y-axis. (In programming, unlike an actual graph, for the y-axis, negatives go up and positives go down)

Want to move the player right? Add moveSpeed to the x-axis.

Want to move deeper into the screen? The depth you see in that cube? Add (moveSpeed/2) to both the x-axis and the y-axis of the character/object you're trying to move. Make a fake "z-axis" variable to keep track of this positioning on the screen, and also use it as a priority value to tell the game the order which it should be drawing all of the sprites onto the screen (think about it like... "layers" in photoshop or something)
A straightforward binary format doesn't even need parsing.
>holy shit my game is fun

>2 days later

>holy shit this game is garbage
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Adding bitmap text was so much fun.

With that said, the game play finally started to take shape. You have a "quest giver", a patient if you will, who requires your aid. You use the same flowers to help them which you use to help yourself. I plan to add some sort of first aid book, so based on the description it'll be the players task to figure out which (and how much) flowers are needed.

I'm struggling, however, which direction to take: have one big world, so you also need to learn where each flower could be found (in the mountains, near trees, lakes etc.), and sometimes you might need to meet trainers to learn a new aiding technique, or just have one patient per map, so it would be rather a puzzle game to figure out how to get back without using all your power ups, but that might take away from the exploration part. What do you think?
all jokes aside, this is a good pic

this is also a good pic. congratulations
Literally this>>152080649

You make a structure and write/read directly to/from files, there's no reason to use parsers for data saving.
>holy shit my art is great
>24 hours later
>holy shit my art is garbage
why do you skip lines?

your thing has kirbies face, why
Linebreaks go before the typewriter effect.
this s knda fun.

weeks later. this is kinda fun.

feels good.

stick n there guy.
Doesn't binary break if you do something like add a field?
Holy shit I just realized your MC has glasses. It always looked like s the black pixels were her pupils and she was always looking away.
I'm gonna stop you right there and make a request because it bothers me to all hell whenever I see it:

Can you either manually line-break your sentences or read the string before the text draws to the screen, realizing it should have written on the next line?
not sure what you're doing here
whats the link meant to be?
Why would it? A naive implementation where you just dump memory to a file will break easily, but you can make a futureproof format that isn't textual.
It's a link to a form. You need to add a . between "goo" and "gl"
I thought of leaving the template face but I've seen lots of variations to it and this is more in character.

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his darkside axl.png
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Would you be OK with your game getting awful self-insert fan characters by 12-year olds?
Because that's basically the dream, for me.
is that information publicly available or does it all go to one guy? the idea behind the doc is that anyone can see it and edit it

the last time one guy took charge of the collab info it was a clusterfuck and he just disappeared without doing anything
I think it's too much work, unless you have some juicy reward behind, I don't want to learn anything about those literal shit eaters from the Plantae kingdom.
You mean that when the top line suddenly jumps to the middle is bothering? Thanks for the feedback, since I couldn't decide if I should keep it this way, or I should eliminate this phenomenon.

I'm glad you've noticed.
I don't care what people do to my game, as long as it doesn't make significant damage to the original game, I'm just glad they're having fun being creative/messing around.
Everything would go to one guy (me) I think, though I added an option that lets everyone see a summary of the responses, not sure what that does.

Don't worry about me disappearing, I have no life and am in these threads all day every day.
Squash it. It's part of having a polished product.
>Would you be OK
I guess. What I want is getting authentic™ Japanese fans/fanart.
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Thanks, that helps my brain at least. so, similar to "object0.depth = -object0.y" but with X too, instead of just Y. Maybe playing with this will help my brain turn that corner.
So in short the answer to my initial question was "You can do it in gamemaker stop trying to take the easy way out because its actually harder".
Sounds like a problem the entire of Japan has. Youll fit in with most weeb games at least.
I want to draw a doujin of glasses girl being violated by 34 negros and sell it on dlsite ;_;
>I have no life and am in these threads all day every day
Same here, living the dream
can you post any info you get in the doc as well to prevent confusion and problems
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Sprinkled some NPC's about. Now to work on the insides. The contrast of the BG and houses is something I'll also work on.
yes, because that means they unironically love it
Sure. I haven't received any responses yet though.
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>that image
My sides. I'd love to get fans like that. That's when you know you've made it.
nearly 40 people in the lewd jam!
>Thanks, that helps my brain at least. so, similar to "object0.depth = -object0.y" but with X too, instead of just Y. Maybe playing with this will help my brain turn that corner.
>So in short the answer to my initial question was "You can do it in gamemaker stop trying to take the easy way out because its actually harder".
I guess so, except your quote doesn't sound like the best way to go about it.

I can make a quick mockup example if you'd like, actually. I have time to kill right now.
Will do. As I've said, I couldn't decide to have it this way or that way. For some reason I have memories about JRPGs which do it this way, even though I can't name any at the moment. So I'm really happy for the feedback.

You have a fine point. I don't really plan any grand story or lore, so maybe having a big world would be an overkill.
>disappeared without doing anything
Oy he actually did his job properly albeit he delivered too close to the jam start
less than half will submit a game.
The thought of having a fanbase is the only thing that motivates me to dev anymore
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There's also a few interactive things, like you can pop this girl's balloon.
Try less than 10%
What makes it fun for me is a lot of people participating, I don't really care about the finished games
Im never going to turn down some extra help. Like i said before right now im just an idea guy trying to actually do something, i have 0 experience or knowledge at all.
I would also have to tie hitboxes to this "fake z", but then attacks would only connect if on the exact "depth"... does this mean i would have to assign hitboxes a "fake width" also? I feel like such a bullshitter right now. Thanks again for the help.
I'm not even making a game atm because of bullshit RL stuff
Even better, I can share the spreadsheet with the responses that gets updated in real time.
You can even edit it and add your data directly there I think.
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I-I can be your fanbase...
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If I didn't have to go to work like, right now I'd destroy this piñata. You lucked out.
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Video game kindness/cruelty potential is always a great addition.
Working on reflecting projectiles and attempting to fully implement hitstop. Now it just needs some kind of snazzy slash effect. The current slash effects on hit are too tiny.
i want to work with equally skilled people where is that answer
The answer is in your heart.

This'll be rad when it stops being boxes
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>pomf HD
Okay, give me a moment while I make a quick engine for you. Check back in like an hour, or give me an anon email so I can contact you back more reliably.
so what is with all the side crollers guys?
Sidescrollers are objectively the best
gotta be something else. nothing but nes games growing up?
they are easy to do and don't require much creativity
Its all the console peasants know

I never grew out of 2D games. My Genesis collection is massive.
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not creative enough to think of anything else
yeah i'll buy that. :P
Grew up playing sidescrollers in my PS1
best library to use for opengl while programming in C#? Looking at GLFW / SFML right now.
Hi agdg

I want to remake LSD Dream emulator. I'm currently learning art, but need to pick up coding.

I've studied some C++, so if I was to remake LSD Dream Emulator would Unreal Engine 4 work? I cannot decide between UE4 and Unity.
It probably seems like the genre is over saturated to people who aren't fans of them, but there are so many 2D sidescrollers that are great that don't have any games similar to them.
Like Zelda II
what engine
Have you ever tried LSD?
is that the style you're going for or are they just placeholders
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>his game doesn't have a cast of anthro characters
It's like you don't even want to make mad bank on furry fun bucks
So is that your targeting system or what
>It's like you don't even want to make mad bank on furry fun bucks
it's all placeholders ) :
if you are an artist (or animator) willing to collab with a programmer, I'm open to it
just a graphical bug - that's eventually going to be the quick select wheel
which is never
>It's like you don't even want to make mad bank on furry fun bucks
Yeah, somehow I still have that last iota of pride.
Thanks man, youre too kind. You may as well post it here for everyone, I think thatd be best.
Honestly I like the legs, slightly spooky.
where can you be contacted
Hamarist. Still working on that anubis game?
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GOAT furry game.
There's nothing lacking in pride in capitalizing on a niche market especially if your game is good.
What's that game called?
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie
I agree with this anon. >>152086278
new thread

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I am fine with pandering, just not pandering to furries, pedophiles, or trap enthusiasts.
So odd I've never heard of it before.
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On second thought decided to give it a quick go now, are any of these an improvement? I'm having a hard time with it and imagining her with anything other than that gumball head

I really need to practice more
I personally like the original as it is.

I don't see the uncensored bush scene on your Tumblr, by the way.

left looks better
The first one, all the way.
All of those are nice and better than what it currently is.
I personally enjoy the first on the best though
By the way her neck is WAY too big
By "the first one" I mean the one on the far left, of course.
What's his tumblr?
Easy to make and don't need to be creative to make them
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Show me your most spaghetti of code, AGDG.
Right now mine is this:
>currentActor = battleParticipantsTest[battleParticipantsTest.FindIndex(x => x.actor == currentActor)+1].actor
i posted it on /aco/ when it was bugged and funny >>>/aco/788457

looks like the left wins, I'll try it out. I still like the original for some reason though

Hope he doesn't mind if I leave it here.
Thanks for sharing that!
I'm not the fag that replied to you earlier but can you show me what you're working on?
Why would you want to do programming, just stay with your art bro.
People make more money and respect from that

That's... That's not spaghetti code.
That's not pretty looking, but it isn't spaghetti code
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My most beautiful peace of art is this; magic numbers.
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we've all moved to a new thread, but jesus christ
I just wrote a lot of bullshit one day and it more or less worked how I wanted it to.
No, not even close. A decent programmer can be pulling 75k/year easy
You can make that much as an artist, but the number of programmers making that much vs. artists making that much is like 100:1.
I'd say it's higher than that. Yeah, an artist can make that much, but it the guy is interested in programming, it's 100% easier to make a lot of money than it is as a decent artist.
No argument there, especially when you look outside of games, animation, and movies. Plus, as far as I've seen, companies will use artists as contractors but will actually hire programmers for permanent positions more frequently. Not only that, but it's easier for a programmer who's been let go to find another job, because of the sheer number of positions available. I think it's also easier to get your foot in the door as a programmer with personal projects. With art, you pretty much have to know a big-time artist or have had an internship with a large company.

Being an artist in the entertainment industry seems tough. You have to hustle more and promote your "brand", utilize social networks almost nonstop, and almost constantly draw fanart until you've built up a significant fanbase. Most of the artists I follow on Twitter often talk about how they haven't slept at all the previous night, or only have 5-6 hours of sleep. And many of the people who say that have permanent paychecks, too. The recent news about Sausage Party just brings to light how hard it is on that side of the street.
ded thread
ded games

I'd say UE4, it's easy to create shaders there and the engine can optimise them for you if you use their nodes system instead of code, so I guess that's something you would look for in LSD simulator.
Ohh yeah, definitely. Thanks for taking the feedback!

Here it is. I'll post it in the next thread too in case you don't see this.


I got everything set up and commented for you except I hardly touched actual beat-em-up movement (which seems surprisingly a lot harder than I initially thought it would be, handling left/right slope-esque collisions)

But hopefully this should help you move forward making games in general. I still recommend checking out the tutorials online, but try fiddling around with this .gmx and see what you can learn from it!
thread is dead

thanks a lot lewd jam/gogem/dedbolt
>still no clothing damage
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