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How do you feel about new games that mimic the graphical limitations

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How do you feel about new games that mimic the graphical limitations of retro consoles (none of that awful mixel/rixel/voxel garbage most people seem to think is genuinely retro), or new games developed for old consoles?

Have you ever tried to make your own authentically retro-styled video game?
Do you think faux-retro games are all lame nostalgia-bait, or occasionally worthwhile extensions of the past?
I think when they nail it, the game is great (depending on gameplay of course). Shovel Knight did a great job imo. I remember not buying it because I thought it was just on the fad train of that was pixelated dogshit, but then I heard a few of its themes on YouTube and decided to give it a shot. Glad I did, but that is about the only one I can think of that really achieved a NES feel to me. If there are any other ones that were well done, I'd love to know.
>If there are any other ones that were well done, I'd love to know.
Maldita Castilla

but they're pretty much the exceptions, yeah
The company that made that game in the op is great. Oniken is awesome except for the switched around controls
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Rokko-Chan is another exception, but it's essentially a fangame so I'm not sure how to categorize it.
It's really a big sea of low quality material blurring the sight of what's gold. I don't think they're nostalgia-bait. Most of them are probably what resulted from the good intentions of people who just didn't have the talent.

Good choices.
There ain't nobody who can convince me PC La-Mulana isn't better than the HD remake.
I like em. They actually are retro. Unlike what thia retarded board thinks is retro.
I think its a challenge to make a fun, balanced, engaging game with the limitations of the old consoles. Sticking to the limitations is part of it.

Other wise, its just like shooting rabbit with a bazooka.

I do enjoy retro-styled games, but never as much as the actual thing.
A joke.

What could be done in under 5MB is now being done with about 5 GB.

The people who coded those old games were masters of their trade. Doing crazy shit to make their visions a reality.

Today it's just easy mode. Like redneck engineering. Just slap more shit on until it works!
I can't stand them anymore.

All those games feel like bad imitations of old games. And the indie "developers" usually do that not because the old games they are aping were good, but because the indie developers are stupid fanboys doing what they like, not what is really good. And because they can't do anything different. They don't think as creators, but as stupid fanboys and waste their times aping old games instead of creating new things. But they are too untalented to create new things. Crap creating more crap.
They don't really stick to limitations, they just superficially try to imitate old games. And they don't understand how retro games had gameplay. graphics and music variety They don't understand games at all. They just like games and try to break down retro gaming into "platforms, RPGs, Metroidvanias".

Also, they try to emulate the same games, always the same fucking games. Megaman, Castlevania, "~le Mario 8-bit mushroom", Zelda, but nothing that really needs skill to tackle, like a fighting game.
I don't want another game "inspired" (shameless rip-off) by Castlevania. I already played Castlevania. I'm playing Castlevania for about 25 years.
I'm not nostalgic to "play something like that again". How can I be nostalgic for an old game if I never really stopped playing them?

They are the greatest cancer of indie games. Even worse than the SJW crowd. We need less fanboys in gaming.
>What could be done in under 5MB is now being done with about 5 GB.
There are bloated retro styled games that are as large as 5GB?

I'll believe you when you throw down some examples.
Why the hell would someone emulate retro fighting games? Take off your nostalgia glasses, retro fighting games fucking sucked.
I don't have any. Because I couldn't care less about "retro" style games. But the concept is still true to form.
Name me a new "retro" style game that is under 5MB. And fucking awesome.
I'll wait.
>doing what they like
>they just like games

>worse than the SJW crowd

Man, chill out. You sound really bitter.
Late 90s fighting games literally reached perfection.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 was the shit.
Mortal Kombat was great fun.
Hell, even Killer Instinct had it's moments.
Then there was Clayfighter 63 1/3.
So many hours wasted on that game.
The Rockman 7 demake is about 4MB zipped if that counts

It's not really that surprising that retro styled modern games take up a lot more space than actual retro games, they're trying to emulate the aesthetic but there's much less work involved in simply leveraging existing toolkits than in rolling your own optimized versions of everything like in the old days
>street fighter alpha
capcom still milks it
>mortal kombat
still being milked, pretty close to classic
>killer instinct
same shit

and that's it. no more gems from the past being ignored by the devs (don't use SNK shit here - Neo Geo style fighting games are still plentiful, we just lack the creativity from neo geo days for their rosters)

the few decent retro games are still around. the rest of the crap (pit fighter, ballz, primal rage, clayfighter, kasumi ninja, rise of the robots and etcetera) is forgotten for a good reason
I suppose my gripe is more about the skill of those making the games, then the games themselves.
Because you had to be clever as the devil to make your vision a reality. So there was a lot more invested into the finished product. Instead of just a fanboy version of something that is cobbled together to be "close enough" to what you wanted.
>I don't have any. Because I couldn't care less
Well this thread is exactly what I thought it would be.
It's nostalgia-bait but if it's done really well when there's nothing wrong with it, the problem is that the vast majority of indies defaulting to pixel art are doing so out of laziness since it's an easy entry-level for programmer art. The work that I admire from classic games were doing the best they could with what they had, now we have better hardware at our disposal I'd rather see others doing the same. As an artist I find that doing low-res sprites takes me just as much time as doing high-res ones, so I'm better off seeing how fancy I can get with the latest techniques.
Bitter old man I like it.

I think the point is that the tools and the hardware are capable of a lot more of what they are beign used for, even the mapping tools.

2D games went out of style too quick and in a bad moment, when the hardware was optimal and the talent was there, 3D shitted on game developing, because it was trendy on 5th gen, the PC-FX failure it's a sad testament of that.

The metroid remake and Nintendo's backlash it's a good example on how popular and desirable 2D gaming still is, but you can't justify to charge gross amount of money for games that could be run on a Game Boy advance.

I wasted 15 bucks on the Ghost Song project, I know that it is a metroid clone, but it looks fucking beautiful, better than metroid actually.

There's plenty of obscure fighting games that are really good, the asura series, daraku tenshi, advanced variable geo 2, for example.

One of my favorite games, it's samurai spirits 3 on the GB, it controls perfectly, does everything the MVS version does, but it's a tiny port that nobody played, graphics don't make the game, gameplay does and GB games make that point more clearly than anything else, the metroid 2 remake it's been popular because the original GB gameplay and level design were good enough.
>There's plenty of obscure fighting games that are really good
no there aren't
there are two, maybe three hidden gems top
there are way, way more crap and you know it

fighting games used to suck and be borderline unplayable. don't delude yourself. no one wants Street Fighter I back
I don't like throwing this word around a lot but you gotta be really fucking autistic to bitch about file size when it comes to all the things to be upset about modern games aping older ones.
Programmer here. While hacking together a solution in a limited-resources no-libraries situation is indeed admirable, you'd have to be terminally retarded or inept to actually develop anything from scratch these days unless doing it for educational purposes.
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I agree that there's a lot of crap, but most them are more playable than the original virtua figther.

But when they're good, you can keep playing them forever, same with good platformers or beat em ups (or whatever the fuck we are calling them this days).

That's why I like the GB samurai 3, it's easy to overlook, because all of the GB figthing games are bad, you never expect one to be good.

We seriously need more decent original 2D fighters, I play skullgirls and it's not even that good, but at least is original.
You realize the reason faux retro games are "bloated" is because of uncompressed resources, right?

Music files are typically the main cause. They don't use sound channels. No one uses midi anymore.

No way is it 5GB, these type of games rarely go over 100mb.
>We seriously need more decent original 2D fighters
guilty gear, blazblue, that touhou game, persona arena, dogma

they still exist, the problem is that most of them are animu uguu bullshit. if you don't like anime then you will miss it
This. Why would it make any different if Megaman was 200 KB or 20 MB? Complaining about the unseen back-end of a video game is retarded.

Who the fuck plays video games solely based on how inconvenient they were to make? Any given NES game could be perfectly replicated with Game Maker or some other engine, and it wouldn't make them any better or any worse.
I think maybe you idolize the people who made your favorite childhood games. In your mind, they're pretty much wizard god people instead of geeky late 20-30 year olds.

But now it makes you sick to imagine someone your age, or younger, made a game they've always wanted since they were kids.

They won't get my respect unless they're unimaginable wizard gods!
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I like them.
What's that? Google returns nothing.
Hot DAMN that palette range is bullshit.
It's inspired by darklands not NES games.
I'd agree but I don't rightly know what it's supposed to be emulating.
I like them better than Brown and Bloom Procedurally Generated FPS 9000.
>animu uguu bullshit

I play those too, they're hit and miss, vanguard princess for example looks incredible but the mechanics are overly complicated and unbalanced.


That's ridiculous, back when 2D gaming was the mainstream, the games needed to have a quality to sell, you rarely see that amount of quality in the gameplay, but it is there, like shovel knight, it's just a good game not an easy coup out.

Ghost song is an example on how I wish for modern 2D games to look like, using a lot of modern techniques, but with that timeless 2D graphics style.
I think it's fair. It's at 320x240 instead of 320x200 unlike actual Darklands so it's not true emulation but there are no overlapping pixels or anything.
I'm bitter, old and proud of it.

If every publisher was as "bitter" as me, we would have a better scenario.

Now it's too easy to get into gamedev. Before only real professionals could do it. Now any nostalgic hipster piece of trash can do it.
But fans aren't developers.

Like before, painting was only for skiller artists. Now, any wanker can slap some stupid collages and doodles and say it's art.
Sonic is Mona Lisa. Art. Had some flaws here and there, but it was real art made by a skilled professional who did it with a professional mindset.
Indie 2D "retro" crap with awful pixel-art are Deviantart "art". Done by some idiot who wanted to emulate something he likes just because he can.

I don't pay for fanart.

They don't emulate fighting games because they can't, not because they do not want to do it.

Only gimmicky fighting games like Mortal Kombat and its clones or 3D fighting games like Tekken 1 and 2 and some other Virtua Fighter clones sucked (Heaven's Gate, Fighter's Impact.
We had plenty of good fighting games in the nineties, like almost all Capcom ones. And it takes skill to develop a game like those.

But I don't want an indie game aping old games. I want something new comparable to old games.
Indies don't get the thinking behind old games.
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Another screenshot.
Nevermind that looks like shit.
>that touhou game
i love that thing, underrated af
Japanese indie games are better than western ones on technical level.
Japanese usually knows how to draw and animate. They also usually put maximum effort in their games.

But japanese indie games also cling to their developers taste too much, so we get awesomely animated ~uguu crap and animu visual novels.
The only kind of indie dev I can think of that wouldn't make a game to his taste would be one trying to get-rich-quick by making some Zombie Flappy Bird bandwagon shit.
I remember playing that Dogma game with my friends over a decade ago. Found it on GameHippo.

It was pretty fun with a pal, but those sprites don't look as good as I remember.

I wouldn't be at all upset to see games mimic n64/ps1 aesthetics. Yeah, it's common to see it as just really bad graphics, but I actually liked the look of those games as much as 2d sprite games. It feels unique, especially with all the over emphasis on "realism" or cel shading that 3d games have these days.

I really like the look of simple 3D models and pre-rendered backgrounds. A lot of the JRPGs from that era look charming.
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Yeah some 5th gen games had a really cool aesthetic to them. Die Hard Arcade is one that usually springs into my mind due to the wide bright variety of colors you see in each room.
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FF7 and FF7 nes remake.

They both look like crap.
>Waaah! Waaah! I hate that anybody on earth can grab some pencils and paper and draw shit, only already skilled artists should be allowed to draw things!

I barely needed to paraphrase you, you're goddamn loony. You have no obligation to play shitty fangames, or even see or hear about them ever in your life because chances are they'd be confined to the depths of YoYo Games or the trash heap of non-Greenlit Steam garbage.

But how is somebody supposed to become skilled at anything without practice? If even one of those people go on to make a good game, there is only something to be gained.

You're also making it sound like there aren't thousands upon thousands of glitchy, shitty, cash-grab retro games that sucked so much ass a baby could have shit them out.
I agree wholeheartedly, I love the janky look of PS1 games. But unlike pixel art, I'm pretty sure that's a 100% nostalgia-fueled opinion and nobody else on earth would look at ultra low-res, wobbly 3D and say "yeah, that looks good".
It's funny that it seems no indie developer can describe their game without citing ANOTHER game.
>"It's like Metroid"
>"It was made to look something like Castlevania. I loved Castlevania"
>"It's a NES-like platform"
>"It was inspired by OutRun"
And besides inspired by old games in graphics, music and gameplay, thematically, when they're not inspired by old games, they're inspired by something the developer liked as a child.
>"It's like that [insert awful shounen here] I liked when I was 10 years old. With there was more animes like that one"

Old games had some of its aspects somewhat shaped by the limitations of the platforms, but "retro" indie games are shaped by the will of their developers to imitate old games. That's one of the reasons they look and feel wrong.
Playstation games aren't low poly just because the designers liked low poly.

I would like to see someone approach low-poly graphics as a style, not trying to ape some old game or console. Approach it like real artists do with simple forms and shapes.

While most indie devs want to fulfill their childhood fantasies AND get rich quick by exploiting (usually fake) nostalgia.
Oh, and there's those who believe they're making ART. They're so trapped into their bubble that they really believe doing crappy pixel art, shitty chiptunes and bad self-questioning poetry is fine, bold and revolutionary art.

At least chinese bootleggers are more honest.
Try playing it in high-resolution. It's gorgeous. May not be what the developers originally intended, but it's beautiful.
It becomes a new thing.
>bad self-questioning poetry

What are you on about? Did an indie dev shit in your mailbox, or something?
I'm talking about those pretentious "deep" indie games.

Where's that Super Metroid image when I need it?
>awful shounen

Fuck off all anime is for kids stop shitting on shounen to appear more grown up it's pathetic. I bet my asshole virginity you're one of those losers who pretends to hate on DBZ when we all know you think it's the fejewoimggkgmkigopa
Anime is just animation. We have good animation, we have bad animation, but shounens usually are the rock bottom of animation, even for kids.
I don't really care about DBZ. I like some Toriyama character designs, his use of colors, and, of course, his machines, but I don't watch or read his work.
>Because you had to be clever as the devil to make your vision a reality

Why do you believe that making games back then was some sort of monolith like challenge?

There was some impressive stuff done back then, but that wasn't exactly the norm. Not every game was some hardware pushing spectacle.
A few are good games, but most really aren't.
Keep in mind I'm talking about the games as a whole, not just the graphical styles, as it all comes together if you ask me.

The problem is that retro games are a lost art. Devs aren't used to make games like that anymore, and most indie devs who try seem to have prejudices on them and just stick a bunch of clichés together and call it a retro game.
For instance, "I'm going to pretend I put bullshit difficulty because that's so retro, man".

Odallus: The Dark Call, pictured in the OP, was really good imo. It's not just a Castlevania clone, well it is, but it brings something new by being a perfect middle ground between classicVania and MetroidVania.
>but it brings something new by being a perfect middle ground between classicVania and MetroidVania
But that already existed, it's called Circle of the Moon
They're actually just retro games. By the very definition they are retro.
Some developers do it well, like someone already mentioned Shovel Knight and Maldita Castila. Most don't, but it's just another case of Sturgeon's Law. Personally I think it can be used as a good excuse to replace programmer graphics, if you development team is not really proficient in creating high quality current gen gfx. I thought about creating an RPG on the graphic style of Ultima VI myself just because of how easy it would be to create minimally decent looking sprites for it.
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So much this
originality is an oasis in a desert
I don't think you understand the word retro in the context of this board...
Name droppping is the worst.
i don't really care if they aren't abhorrently ugly and the game itself is good
It remind me Yogcast or whatever who did a let's play of Hexen and COULDN'T SHUT THE FUCK UP about MUH DARK SOULS
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Does Artifact Adventure count? It's RPGmaker, but intentionally styled after NES Dragon Quest and Final Fantasies.

Either way, it's whatever as long as the game is enjoyable. I think the style is largely lazy or covering up artistic flaws, but at the same time I don't think that necessarily makes a game bad.
Not retro
>Maldita Castilla
Sorry but Ghosts and Goblins gives me PTSD.
>Circle of the Moon
How come? That game is so clearly a SOTN clone.
Personally I didn't like Odalus,the filters were too much and controls stiff.
I played it for maybe 5 minutes and went back to playing something else.
Does anyone remember when Jeff Minter wrote the Llamasoft Virtual Machine? I don't think it was based on any one architecture, it was just a VM for PC with sprite handling, etc.

Doesn't seem to be much on Google about it though.
There are good and bad ones in my opinion.
What I usually hate about them is when the devs start bending the limitations as they please and still call them "an 8-bit game", "a NES game" or something like that. If you are bending the rules, just call it "retro looking game" and nobody can complain about it. Don't claim your game is something is not.
>Have you ever tried to make your own authentically retro-styled video game?
I've tried a couple of times, and I'm currently working on one, but is very far from finished.
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Odallus looks great though I haven't gotten to play it, Joymasher who did it also did Oniken which is fucking great, everything the developer of Maldita does is great, my personal favorite is his latest, Curse of Issyos, which plays a lot like Castlevania but instead of a classic gothic horror movie theme it has a more Harryhausen sword and sandal greek mythology theme.

Shovel Knight is also an amazing game that has a beautiful mix of old school and modern, it may have the best difficult curve of any game I've ever played, Wayforward and Yacht Club are amazing developers.
I think you're mixing it up with Harmony of Dissonance
Give Odallus a try, it's really good, especially if you like both the classicvania and the metroidvania.

Personally I didn't enjoy Oniken so much. I can't put my finger of it but something just wasn't there.

>Curse of Issyos
Looks interesting.
>Curse of Issyos
Locomalito never ceases to surprise me. He gets EXACTLY what made retro games good to the point of simulating certain awkward features that are no longer present in modern games (Abbaye des Morts being the best example).
And best of all, he does it all for fucking free.

well, from what I remember the jumping isn't as stiff as it was in Castlevania, I can't remember exactly what it was but he kept the feel of it without it being so aggravating, it may have just been that you could jump higher but I remember it being more lenient than that


Well, an updated version of Maldita is going to be commercial, which is good, I'm glad he'll be making money off of his work, he honestly deserves it. Something something sweat of his brow and all that
Second this. I love its NES visuals and Commodore 64 like music. Gameplay is tight as well.
Id have liked a 16 bit remake but that would require skillz
Depends on what they bend. A lot of people fuck up their definitions, like people who think "8-bit" means your sprites are limited to 4 colors because that was an NES limitation.
Alright, what makes those games retro?

Mein Gott.
People who really want to jerk off with sandpaper are making Atari 2600 homebrew

Of course there are tools for that now, so I guess they're still "cheating"
nostalgiafag pandering.

Why the fuck would I play some shitty retrolookalike when I could play actual retro.
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L'Abbaye des Morts is a really fun game made to look and play like a ZX Spectrum game I believe, it's only half an hour long and completely free so I suggest trying it!
I personally feel that Shovel Knight tries a bit too hard and has some overcomplex sprites that muddle the aesthetic.

But that soundtrack

>new retro-like games
I like them when it's done to consciously limit themselves to do the best in a limited scope, e.g. because they can't spare manpower/budget on modern-level graphics or something.

I tend to like them when it's the devs'personal nostalgia, probably because it touches the same things I liked back then, like making awesome stuff from next to nothing, or purity of form because all the details are noticeable.

OTOH, recent memey retro-fashion can go jump on a dick. Most of what I see is milking nerds with "big pixels, NES reference, look at me I'm so retrosexy~" while the actual quality level is a crapshoot, mostly shit.

>new games on old platforms
I like them, it's always interesting to see what people can do with that hardware and its limits given 20+ years of accumulated knowledge, from UI to game design to coding tricks.
whether they're actually worth playing is a different matter
>no colour clash
I don't care. I only care if the game is good or not. If it plays good, I don't care if it's nostalgia bait. If it looks good, I don't care if the palette range is wrong or the game is over 5 MB. Why the fuck does that matter in the first place?

I guess sometimes they go a bit overboard with nostalgia pandering, like "we went so retro we have a password system lol!" But I don't care if it's accurate or anything, only if it looks or plays good on its own merit. If I wanted a legitimate retro experience, I'd go play my NES.
I know it's not /vr/, but I'd like to throw Mutant Mudds, Elliot Quest, and Chronicles of Teddy out there for y'all.

Mutant Mudds isn't exactly ripping off any franchise in particular but the aesthetic, music, and difficulty are great. Elliot Quest is similar to Adventure of Link in the overworld/dungeon transitions alone. Chronicles of Teddy, though bugged to all hell, has great pixel art, clever mechanics, and a cozy atmosphere.
>Mutant Mudds isn't exactly ripping off any franchise in particular
The main character is Jeff, from Earthbound, with Porky's clothes.
Um, okay.
Gemini Rue.
>Alright, what makes those games retro?

The premiere definition of the word "retro" was "things that remind of the past or that try to pass as things from the past".

It's by that definition that these games are retro, the first definition of the word.

But all languages still in use evolve, and with time "retro" was also used for things that actually are old. This is the definition that this board use, and which is the most commonly used these days, but that doesn't mean that the first definition still isn't just as right.

This board is just being stuck-up with its definition, even though it doesn't make sense as if we took the rule in the sticky literaly, we could talk about any recent PC game because PCs were created before 1999.
Looks like pixelated vomit desu. Like they intentionally made it look bad (blurry low res with horrible colors) instead of trying to make something pretty while sticking to the limitations of old technology.
>I've never played Beneath a Steel Sky
I have. Though I thought they were going for a more Rise of the Dragon aesthetic. Both games look better than gemini rue anyway.
>Elliot Quest
What's wrong with Elliot Quest? I think it has a great sense of ambiguity, precise combat, and challenge. The music is very non-retro though.

Have you played it, or do you want to post a file name that is inflammatory rather than address your claim.
I'm sorry.
Not him, but the art honestly look like shit.
>mfw my programmer art is almost better than these graphics
Shit like the eye on the key or the empty hearts or the single-color background bricks is so ugly. How come people don't even notice this kind of art problems? And let's not even mention the energy bar weirdly relegated to the bottom of the screen, or the floating 4x the purpose of which is a complete mystery.
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I mean, it doesn't look very good, but it could easily look worse.

It sort of reminds me of a shittier version of the style Cave Story uses, whose art grew on me after a while.
I was about to give them credit for not using mixels, but then I did a double take and found them.

Why are mixels so fucking hard for indie devs to avoid?
>The premiere definition of the word "retro" was "things that remind of the past or that try to pass as things from the past".
So realistic games are retro, because we had realistic graphics in the past, thanks to FMV crap and digitized graphics like Mortal Kombat.
So any game inspired by an old game is retro too. So we shall become /v/, destroyer of games.

Now pixel-art is a method of drawing but also a choice, a style. But in the past pixel-art was the ONLY method available to create video game graphics.
"So, it's retro, it's a callback to that early gaming age"
NO. Pixel-art never stopped being used. Pixel-art never became something relegated to the past. Every generation has pixel-art games. If some NES-aping indie pice of trash
Saying pixel-art is retro is like saying the simple act of drawing is retro.

Pixel-art is only associated with retro in the distorted mind of those nostalgia dolts and indie developers.

Actually. using Mortal Kombat-like graphics would be more "retro" than using pixel-art. Although we never really stopped using digitized and realistic graphics (now we use it for textures), the methods using in the early 90's are outdated and no one uses them anymore.
But, again, cinema still uses green/blue screens.
I liked cave story. Played a few ears ago back when it was a free PC game. That's the only modern retro style game I've played.
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Anyone know of "modern-retro" games with the old Amiga grey-amber palette aesthetic, like Cadaver or Perihelion (pic related)?
>a few ears ago back when it was a free PC game
1) It's still a free PC game that just has upgraded versions that cost money for Wii, 3DS, etc.
2) 2004 was 12 years ago and literally over a decade, not a "few ears" ago
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Art is honestly it's weak point, but that is only one example.
I'm just going to say it's been a bit weird for me, since I was developing freeware/shareware long before cave story and xbox live turned it into the "indie scene". So much of the stuff they sell these days are worse than the freeware we use to put out and the community is a lot more commercialized with everyone pimping their wares the second they have a concept.

Is there any indie development communities that still produce games just for fun?
Why are you so angry?
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>Capcom still milks alpha games
>last sf alpha was in 1998
I wish that were true, anon.
Current architecture paradigms have nothing to do with those of the NES days. Actually, people from back then, who didn't expend all these years keeping updated, find modern programming mindbogglingly complex.

In what size is concerned, it means that most of that size is just add-ons, which could be optimized, and twenty years ago they would need to be, but nowadays it makes no sense trying to even reduce it to half.

Of course this all also means that most of the "retro" games are absurd, because they miss all the technological limitations, such as palettes, which were a style mark of older games, and don't even know how to implement them, if they at least know these things existed.
They don't even know what the fuck is that.
what exactly even are "mixels"
Yeah, or draw the sprites in the megaman style using a shit ton of colors and think that's "8-bit" too. That's the kind of shit I hate.
I think Shovel Knight has great art direction and spritework as well as music, but I don't think the game itself is very good.
Megaman himself has 5 colors instead of 3, so I'll forgive NES-styled games that use a couple extra colors here and there since layering sprites was totally a thing in some games.

But if you mean tracing sprites, yeah that's unforgivable.
Mixed sized pixels.

Yeah a lot of games did that kind of layering tricks or planned sprite positioning to get up to 5 or even 6 colors. Pretty clever shit.
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>But if you mean tracing sprites, yeah that's unforgivable.
Like this?

They not only traced Megaman sprites, but they are selling this crap. This is a crime.
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Yeah, and there is mixels there too.
Check them >>3437125
I'm more bothered by the overlay than anything else. Why make (shitty) pixel art if you're going to dump a bunch of filters on them anyways?
One Must Fall
some other Capcom games
Eternal Champions, at least one version
>voxel graphics
>not retro
The 1997 Blade Runner PC Game begs to differ
Stick to Shit Fighter 5 moron
I dunno about that
To me they feel like the same shit mostly except the West has more on the high-end sides of things with games like Cuphead
>but shounens usually are the rock bottom of animation
spoken like a true normalpleb that has watched 5 anime at most and never even read a manga
you complain like you expected them to use an actual programming language instead of game maker or flash
I still wonder if that game has one good ending. The fact that I can't find any meaningful discussion about this game really bothers me. Maybe if you only take the artifact at the beginning and then discard the character who took it?
So now we can all agree those indie games aren't retro and there's no such thing as a retro style?
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Let me say "Hell yeah!" to retro style games. No reason we shouldn't be having any more being made, if they were so great back then, they should still be fine now!

Of course, if you're making retro style games, you should be making them for fitting platforms! Like Raspberry Pi - say, for riscOS, or DOS - making them actual retro games in a significant sense, or Amiga, someone has made a new amiga board, one with a 50mhz 68SEC000 CPU. These have plenty of processing power for retro style games, and hook up to CRT TVs handily.

Of course, some people still are making retro games, like Pier Solar.

But without any known prime platforms for retro style games, the niche has bleak prospects.
Define 'retro style'.
Having many elements in common with retro games, generally most. For example...

-360x280 or lower resolution, or 512x384-800x600 for semi-retro
-chip music - for a strong example, 2 or 3 steps away from just square waves, or like OPL/OPN type synth, though using other classic synthesizer chips would be definitely okay and interesting. Alternatively, especially for fantasy/cartoonish-or-medieval games, classic general midi or classic SNES soundfonts would be fine, even combined together
-untextured 3d with visible polygons
-classic color schemes, like cyan+magentam or amber-monochrome
-noncinematic game flow, freeroaming levels
-lack of online integration, preferably just 4/8 player lan play option and/or split screen
-themes from earlier story-products, not current market-tested safe mainstream trope packages, generally either having a original or skeletal story

So, basically, most of these things, integrated together in a fitting way, often with a cohesive art-paradigm intended. And whatever else along those lines I've missed.
Not really 5 gigs, but Crypt of the Necrodancer is 1.6GB.
Freedom Planet is around 500MB I think?
>-360x280 or lower resolution, or 512x384-800x600 for semi-retro
High resolution dates from the 80's, although very few games used it.

>chip music
We have CD quality music since the 80's. So, CD quality music is retro too. Or those old games with high quality sound aren't retro for you?

>-untextured 3d with visible polygons
Wait... so games with textured polygons aren't retro for you? Ultima Underworld (1992) used textures.

>-classic color schemes, like cyan+magentam or amber-monochrome
Defines 'classic'. We had high-color games in the eighties too.

>-noncinematic game flow, freeroaming levels
Cinematic is a buzzword. But going by the very definition of this buzzword, Dragon's Lair, from 1983, is cinematic as fuck. And retro. Also features high-quality graphics and sound.

>-lack of online integration, preferably just 4/8 player lan play option and/or split screen
Dreamcast was pretty integrated with online. But we had online before. BBS games were online.

>-themes from earlier story-products, not current market-tested safe mainstream trope packages, generally either having a original or skeletal story
The tropes are always the same.

Again, there's no such thing as retro style. So simple graphics and sound are retro even with games from the 80's featuring high-quality graphics and sound?
I never said high quality music could not be used, just that something like the Yamaha FM synths chips, or the old wavetables used were a suitable element for retro style games, like making up the most pronounced part of the sound. And not necessarily even the ones that were actually used in consoles, other synths from that age would be appropriate.

Untextured polygons produced a very marked style. Textured primitive polygons are likely to get a bad reaction, many find them ugly.

Commonly used color schemes back then, particularly the ones that are easily to remember, those that would strike a chord.

Yeah, dragon's lair was cinematic, and so were a few other games like megarace and night trap, but those were oddballs which had the whole title revolving around that special feat.

Dreamcast gets accused of being not retro, it hangs by a thread. BBS games still had limited online-connectedness - the pace tended to be very low.

They do NOT have to be simple, though showing simplicity works, it's much more about being reminiscent of past stylistic Why would you believe that there can't be such a thing as retro style just because step by step how to guides for how to pull it off commendably aren't floating around and at everyone's fingertips?
Why this specifically? What used this resolution?
>new games developed for old consoles
we need much more of that
I enjoy the DS a lot, because it has stricter polygon and texture limits than the PS/N64, but more power and generally more resources available.That system is a real challenge for modeling
the Pi is ridiculously powerful, outperforms all of 5th gen with ease. Doing something for DOS is plain masochism
>I never said high quality music could not be used, just that something like the Yamaha FM synths chips, or the old wavetables used were a suitable element for retro style games, like making up the most pronounced part of the sound. And not necessarily even the ones that were actually used in consoles, other synths from that age would be appropriate.
WHY? Seems so arbitrary to say that chip music is retro. It's like saiying pixel art is retro.

>Commonly used color schemes back then, particularly the ones that are easily to remember, those that would strike a chord.
If aping old games is retro, even the new Doom is retro, as it was inspired by the original Doom.
So, every single game inspired by an old game is retro. And they aren't.

Every style present today was used in retro games. There's nothing relegated to the past but the hardware, that's why here we narrow what is retro by hardware.

Yep, DS is awesome, although not retro.
But almost all new games for old consoles suck.

Pier Solar is atrocious.
>How do you feel about new games
Not retro
>WHY? Seems so arbitrary to say that chip music is retro. It's like saiying pixel art is retro.
The requirement is tracker music, or something similar to it, where the music is generated just in time, instead of being a lengthy compressed file.
>But almost all new games for old consoles suck.
which is why we need more games for existing systems. Some are bound to not suck, and it gives developers reasons to deal with the system's limits hands on, instead of just pretending
But what makes this retro if we had "real" music around the same time?

Sadly, those games are just like the shitty faux-retro indie games posted in this thread. Crap made by fanboys aping old games.
We need real developers.
>we had "real" music around the same time?
where? carts and floppies severely restricted the size of audio data. Sample based playback or synthesis was the only way around, regardless of the specific way of synthesis
>We need real developers.
Yes, of course. Though hobbyists can be "real developers". Commercially these systems are dead, and nothing will change that. Maybe some day developers will embrace it as a coding challenge though, like code golf, or unplugged music, or making a silent movie
Could you specify what you mean exactly by 'real' developers? Any retro-styled game made today would be aping old games.
>Any retro-styled game made today would be aping old games.
wrong, very wrong. That's precisely the challenge. Since these consoles were current over 20 years have passed. Developers have grown a deeper understanding on how to deal with that hardware, how to create games. Visual appeal and aesthetics have changed in time. It's the responsibility of a developer to use the given hardware to the best of their abilities to create their game. Blindly aping old games is not part of that. That's why it's so "important" to use the actual hardware, instead of pretending. The limits are not what developers did 30 years ago. The limits are what the hardware can do now.
a real developer in that context would be someone unironically developing for a platform and having the technical skills to get more than a hello world out of the machine. If necessary they should consult graphics artists and sound artists to contribute, not everything needs to be a one man show

I disagree on Odallus being good, just like the last game this team made, Oniken, the gameplay is really fucking dry and bland. Sword combat is awkward, subweapons are too powerful, the music isn't very good, and the final boss is really fucking annoying.

The plot and story is hilarious shitgarbage too.
Most of all I like the aesthetic of old games. If someone makes a new game that's both good and has an authentic retro look, I couldn't give a shit whether they had 'masterful technical skills' and programmed it on an actual NES hooked up to a CRT or made it in Game Maker, because I'll enjoy it. (Hypothetically, I've found very few games that match that criteria).

Are you trying to say retro-styled games should be only be developed on old consoles normal people don't have anymore?
>Are you trying to say retro-styled games should be only be developed on old consoles normal people don't have anymore?
yes. This is not just shitposting, it's my genuine belief. If they want to deal with old hardware limits, they should embrace it. Game dev for these old machines is easier than ever, thanks to powerful IDEs, capable emulators, and years of experience and libraries. Playing these games is easier than ever, also thanks to the emulators.
The styles of these old games were a result of the hardware and taste of the time. Trying to ape these styles nowadays looks fake and even kind of ignorant. Shovel Knight is an example that popped up in the past in these threads, because, while it tries to obey the NES limits, it skips them whenever it's inconvenient. But that's precisely what made the old games special. The devs could skip nothing. They worked to do a game to the best of their abilities, and not to do a particular style. I really do want to see what modern devs can do with old hardware, especially when they explore modern genres or even modern IPs. I do not need, as someone else put it nicely up there, the billionth clone of Castlevania or Final Fantasy. These games are precious because the developers did not blindly copy others, they went their own way. I want modern devs to do the same.
>Trying to ape these styles nowadays looks fake and even kind of ignorant
I want to expand on that point, because for some reason I didn't. What I meant is that retro devs often just imitate the visuals, without understanding why the visuals are that way. So they'll do SD characters, but make them 11x11 or something. Or they'll use extremely few and repetitive tiles of different sizes for different locations. That's not the old style. That's not understanding it, that's not learning from it. And very often these devs have no interest to actually learn about these limits, because that would be hard. That's why I called that development style ignorant. It's all copying, no understanding
I don't mind retro inspired games as long as they put a genuine effort to look the part, but more importantly SOUND and PLAY the part.

Too many indie faggots come up with their shitty metroid/mario/walking simulator/zelda clone with pixel thin limbs and shallow as fuck gameplay and think they're accomplishing something, and it chaps my ass.

At the very least they could try copying the weird and lesser known old games like Faxanadu, Low G Man, or Street Fighter 2010. But who am I kidding, most of those chodes don't even know of those games
I'd like to see some retro-styled games with original concepts too, but nothing about them being NES homebrews makes them any less likely to be Megaman clones. In fact, most homebrews I've played were complete uninspired shit.
Arcades and CD games.

>Are you trying to say retro-styled games should be only be developed on old consoles normal people don't have anymore?
OF COURSE. What else would make those games retro?

There's no such thing as a "retro look", as we always had plenty of different styles. If pixel art is retro, so are realistic graphics. If a new game is considered retro just because of its pixel art graphics, so every realistic game is retro too. If cinematic is modern, so FMV games are modern.

>without understanding why the visuals are that way.
And without needing to do it. I can't understand why the fuck someone tries to emulate NES games in powerful hardware Why not just develop for the real NES?
They're ignorant in about every way. They don't understand games, they don't understand how games were made, they don't understand graphic art, they're just dumb fanboys.
>nothing about them being NES homebrews makes them any less likely to be Megaman clones
I did not suggest or imply that. However, it makes sure they respect their limits, which is worth a lot already. That said, developing for the actual hardware raises the threshold to produce something, so I do believe there is indeed a higher chance the developer will do something more worthwhile, as they're investing some time and resources into it.
>it makes sure they respect their limits
Would you consider a PC game that accurately emulates all the sprite/resolution limitations and palette fuckery of the NES to be alright?

I've been developing something to that effect in my spare time, but I specifically wanted online leaderboards which would otherwise be impossible, so I made it from scratch instead of as a homebrew (not that I know much about actual NES programming anyways).
>Would you consider a PC game that accurately emulates all the sprite/resolution limitations and palette fuckery of the NES to be alright?
possibly, though it's pretty easy to get past the limits and not notice, no? And you get the advantage of completely ignoring cpu limitations

>but I specifically wanted online leaderboards which would otherwise be impossible
While not the same, some older games, like Pro Pinball, "solved" this by providing a code to the player when they got a new highscore. The player can enter that code on a website online, it's verified and posted if valid. Of course people can fuck with it by reverse engineering the encryption applied to the score, but it's at least an option.

Regardless, I can't tell you how to do or not to do your game. The fact that you are doing one at all is pretty cool already. So keep at it and don't let others, including me, tell you how to do it.
That verdict ain't right! Original raspberry pi limps trying to run quake2 and 3, that seems rather dramatically retro.

If they aimed for making something perfectly compatible for pi and cubieboards, that would be an additional limitation.

DOS gets some nice confidence that at least emulators will be there for it without legal danger.
surprising, maybe the ports are crappy.

DOS is brutal because it's not much of an OS. You just get an interrupt table and that's it. So you got to target specific hardware (and rely on the various emulators supporting it), do manual memory management, manual threading, all that mess.
I see no legal danger for console emulators. They're out in the open, no legal action can undo that. That's not even accounting for any legal action to be questionable to begin with.
It's an interesting puzzle! Very relevant questions there, what can a pi run, where are the bottlenecks, and so on.

The Quake2 engine was weakly optimized, it had stuff bolted onto the Q1 engine, to the point that it's not considered a new engine like Id Tech 3. An exaggerated demonstration of such stuff is out there from Alien Arena, which has even newer stuff plopped onto the Q2 engine! Q3 is probably just a little too demanding. Who knows, maybe Q2 with choice bits of Q3 code added in would run well on a pi.

Toolkits for DOS must be possible, and there's a lot of source code optimized for DOS/pentiums/etc that's been released.

The biggest difference for DOS being a viable platform again would be a nice version or distro of freedos, instead of that skeletal one.

ModeX : there's options of 320x240, 360x240, 320x400, 360x400, 360x360. So, from there you run into the question "what resolution would be a decent improvement over 320x200, but still close enough to allow for specific optimizations assuming fallback onto plain VGA would be common?" And 320x400 is just weird, though it would allow for reused HUD art and the like and even sprites by just vertical pixel doubling.
>instead of that skeletal one
DOS is skeletal, that's its nature. It's really not much of an OS. That's its biggest strength, and weakness. Strength, because it means there's very little actual overhead. DOS has no background tasks, and only occupies a little memory. The rest of the hardware is at the disposal of the developer. Weakness, because "abstractions? What abstractions?". You don't get memory management, multi-threading, process isolation, drivers or anything else you'd expect from an OS. You can of course do some of it through libraries, but then you're primarily targeting these libraries, not DOS
just do 320x200 and embrace the low resolution and stretched pixels. mode x was mostly used on rasterizing engines, 13h was plenty for the majority of games.
>untextured 3d with visible polygons
this already implies the use of a rasterizer, which is, at this time, bullshit. Developers were never limited in that regard

>512x384-800x600 for semi-retro
VGA is not semi-retro, neither is SVGA. Also conveniently leaving out color depth. It kind of matters with these resolutions.

>noncinematic game flow, freeroaming levels
yeah, no, not even remotely. point & click is highly cinematic, platformers aren't free roaming, this is pure rose colored glasses nostalgia and wishful thinking

>themes from
stop right there. No theme restriction, none, never. Just because devs at the time had an interest in certain subject, does not mean modern developers must follow the same. In fact, following that one thing leads to bullshit copycat retro bait we have way too much of
>Developers were never limited in that regard
the opposite even. The reality of rasterizers not being superior by default lead to a wide range of creative 3D engines, a lot of them not using rasterized polygons at all. Restricting a developer to rasterizing takes away one of the real strengths of game dev at the time
Of course, the OS is skeletal, but the distro doesn't have to be! Even DOS itself came with various programs, and sure, dosshell was bad in particular ways, but there was a tendency to be accustomed to something like that or Norton Commander or whatever. And windows became kinda standard for dos systems, I'm not saying a duplicate of it is a requirement, but if it doesn't even have something like media player for playing some sort of synthesized music files, a bad impression of it ends up going around. And the use of dos programs went beyond just the wide acceptance of Win3.1, 95 and company still had it under the hood and shared so much of the raw access and primitiveness of it.

And then consider how limited typical dos machines tend to be with devices and options for connecting stuff, lack of USB becomes a glaring hurdle, just look at how by CD is the way for freedos to be installed, which stacks together with lack of availability software side tools. And these do not have to be kernel level things or drivers.

And people afraid of whatever relating to that just stick with dos 6.2 anyway, so there is a huge, blatant niche-deficiency for freedos, which must be absolutely not unique among OSes. So it's almost like it never really existed, even when there used to be computers sold with it as an OS option.
The stretched pixels are perfectly compatible with 360x240, 320x400 and 640x400.
Sf3 is the best 2d fighting game. I dont think anything is really going to out do it for me

Then again, there is no such thing as a truly great fighter, they all have at least one fatal flaw
I hate when they have lighting effects and rotation and other shit that doesn't fit into the resolution.
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This one?
This is why I like when new games are made for older console, it keeps that shit out.
I'm not saying "chip music is retro", I'm saying that what I said would be an element of a game being "retro styled" or neoretro. Of course there's lots of options, like for example something like a nu-metal, skate-punk or grunge soundtrack would be perfectly well suited, if the developers could make it work, that's a judgement they'd be faced with.

I said a specific thing, a blatant sign reflecting a technical trait of a system - common to games across the board there, that's constantly in your face. Very different.

There were a few specific styles of generated music, and actual tracker music is probably the least technically constrained of them. There was also the whole opposite of CD music, but that tended to be a big deal, so when there was that huge ton of prerecorded audio, that invited developers to do something big with it - so that illustrates how it's normal for music to be a big deal in retro style games - one way or another, they would have been putting a very serious effort into it - so obviously sloppy music would be a blatant negating factor for retro style games - unless it was overtly inspired by bad retro games.
>Why are mixels so fucking hard for indie devs to avoid?
I've always wondered that too. Whenever I see that I get pissed off to no end.
I love how some games like Nuclear Throne and Undertale run in 240p and are then upscaled.
>tracker music is probably the least technically constrained of them
which is why I suggested it. Least technical limitation, that should be something modern devs are comfortable with, but it stays at least true to the old spirit of keeping the audio files small. They can still limit the samples or something, if they insist
wtf are mixels?
>the indie developers are stupid fanboys doing what they like, not what is really good
This is the dumbest thing I've read in a while.

Pray tell, what is "really good"? Why is it bad for someone to make what they want?
Tracker music is great, it reminds me of demos on the Amiga.
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Yeah, fuck mixels.
>Is there any indie development communities that still produce games just for fun?
That mentality died with sites like Newgrounds. People realized there was too much actual money to be made.
But being a well known limitation that there is a ton of material from, it becomes awfully easy to "APE", doesn't it?!? If they used something like VRC6 or OPL4, they have to actually do something creative to make it sound its best, and if they used other synth chips from that era, if they did imitate, it would likely have some sort of non-game sound to it, feeling out of pace or something, so they'd have to adapt that instrument to a game-compatible style.
I suppose mixels means mixed resolution pixels or something? Do people think double resolution would be mixels? You folks are weird

>were never limited
Many devs back then were even more limited, licensing existing engines that were quite rigid and let you see the blatant commonality between games.

>neither is SVGA
Color depth wasn't much of an issue by the time voodoo came around, with how while it outputted 16 bit it internally processed the components as 18 bit. It's kinda obvious that 256 color would commonly go with VGA resolutions, while 65K color was quite typical towards the end of the retro era - which would be awfully tricky to allude to anyway. Though of course non PC color norms are very relevant.

>yeah, no, not even...
But point and click isn't what we got tons of in the modern era, is it? The fading of adventure games has been loudly acknowledged. A prime example of the type of game we get lately is action-rpg with cinematic elements, a filtering together of the most "catchy" elements of those two genres with subtle engrossiveness boosting tricks from others. Platformers too were taken sharply in free roaming directions, pretty legit concept to explore for a "retro style" game.

>stop right there.
Who said themes should be restricted? It's more of an excuse to avoid the current trends, and I said from earlier entertainment-methods, any of them, not specifically the same ones developers back then picked, so, for example, anything from say 50s or 70s books or TV shows that you wouldn't expect today. Doesn't mean they should avoid other themes, who says it's impossible to integrate the two together?

It's not like developers doing retro style games are horribly enslaved, they don't have to do those kinds of games, though if they want to they likely would have to work with limitations of similar sorts with other projects to warm up for taking on such a challenge. So, they'd likely need to create a game where you play as an animal with weak vision, or an adaptation of a 40s audio drama, or make a free roaming rail shooter, etc, without even trying to make it retro-ish.
>Many devs back then were even more limited
I said "were never limited in that regard", because I meant it. Polygons are not the only option. Licensed engines weren't an option either. They happened quite late, mid 90s or so. Before that devs were cooking up their own project-specific engines

>Color depth wasn't much of an issue by the time voodoo came around
VGA at 640x480 has only 16 colors, that's quite a limit. SVGA has 256 colors, which makes dynamic lighting or transparency effects very difficult

>But point and click isn't what we got tons of in the modern era, is it?
and we wouldn't get any if that anon had a say in it, because they ruled out that kind of genre or visual language as not being allowed in that time. I don't care what types of games we get, I care about the type of games we can get. Anon's little bullshit list was arbitrarily denying things that were very real back then.

>Who said themes should be restricted?
The quoted anon, and you do

>more of an excuse to avoid the current trends
current trends are a product of our time. You're swapping "things I don't like" with "things I like", and that's bullshit. Let people do themes and subjects they want. That's what happened back then to, and we had good games because of it.

>they'd likely need to create a game where you play as an animal with weak vision, or an adaptation of a 40s audio drama, or make a free roaming rail shooter, etc, without even trying to make it retro-ish.
No, fuck no. This is something I will not debate on. You do NOT, under no circumstances, dictate anything the hardware did not dictate. Because by doing so, you're falling for the same nostalgia retro imagination trap that all the bullshit games we're currently dealing with suffer from. No imagination, no creative use of what they can do, because they think they must imitate the developers from the days, instead of understanding that a large part of what made these games is simply the environment they're made for.
Wow, you're standing with all the soreness about exagerated retro games, yet you make a big fuss about games from before licensed engines and polygons being *the* proper retro games!

As if 640 by 400 or 480 x16 colors was actually used much. Doesn't seem optimal for much besides... flat shaded polygons.

Who said about what would be allowed in that time? We're talking specifically about "retro-style" games. No one is saying a particular genre is disallowed now(except maybe action-rpg with a dash of adventure thrown in, though even that existed in retro time, worryingly), but if you need it said more clearly/convincingly, remember that there were considerable examples of games that jumped back and forth between genres. Therefore, a retro styled game could be adventure for one stage or a few AND could still be free roaming or otherwise wildly open ended for other parts of the game, and this way all these examples can attempt to enhance each other, rather than somehow getting summoned as rules to block each other with.

Current trends are a product of what the industry feels safe about selling, and subsequently has drilled into people's heads to expect. Retro styled games are a meta-trend, it's a potential window beyond those limitations, though it neccessitates expressing to people cleverly that something is indeed retro styled. And you conveniantly sidestepped the afforementioned other big piece of the picture of people *NOT* talking about themes and subjects, but I guess that doesn't fit into your fairytale land of opinions valiantly running amok?
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Hah, wow, you can't cope with the principle that devs would presumably be able to sharpen the skills for making games under retro-esque media limitations by making other graphically limited games, like games for 2 or 3 inch screens, so you just declare any games that could be good practice for that to be sick and wrong? And awfully cute that you declare that people can't understand one thing because they conceptualize something else - WTF is that supposed to be, some sort of cosmic notion of fairness? "If you get to see one thing, I'm getting to see something else! (and something better!)"?
>you make a big fuss about games from before licensed engines and polygons being *the* proper retro games!
You're the one denying retro-interested developers to do what was excessively common at the time, to be creative. You're railroading them into one kind of engine. You're the one telling them that pic related is not retro gaming.
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>Doesn't seem optimal for much besides... flat shaded polygons.
VGA at 640x480x4 is way too slow for any reaction based gaming, it was used differently.
>Who said about what would be allowed in that time?
You did, repeatedly

>We're talking specifically about "retro-style" games.
look at the time. Don't imagine what it's like, look at it. There's diversity in every corner. That diversity is what you deny them.

>a retro styled game could be adventure for one stage or a few AND could still be free roaming or otherwise wildly open ended for other parts of the game, and this way all these examples can attempt to enhance each other, rather than somehow getting summoned as rules to block each other with.
and none of this matters. If you can pull off an open world 3D sandbox on the NES, by all means, do it. It would be outright insane to tell a developer a game is not an NES game because it doesn't do what NES games did 30 years ago.

>the industry
don't give a shit about them. They'd not develop for these platforms

>it's a potential window beyond those limitations
indeed. An opportunity to go beyond the themes and visuals of the 80s and 90s, and do things to the hardware it never thought to do. Yet here you are, telling people that attempt to, that they must follow your design rules, or they're being incorrect. Rules you impose on them based on what you think the hardware is allowed to do. Not what it can do, what you think it's allowed to do. You impose rules on visuals, subjects, genres, the whole lot. That's not how you discover what the hardware is capable of. That's how you end up with terribly dull me-too clones of Metroid or Mario, the shit we're drowning in.
Because castlevania is the staple of stories, right?
>repeating the mistakes of old games is good and makes it retro
That's why those developers fail.

Castlevania kept shit simple at least:


Odallus one tries to do a twist of YOUR SON WAS KIDNAPPED


and the ending is unsatisfying garbage too, the boss dies, the castle explodes, cut to black, nothing else. Just roll credits.
Nail on the head. Old games had mountains of design flaws, and modern ones that try to "bring back that nostalgia" repeat those same flaws. It wasn't technological limits, it was simply bad design.

Roguelikes, even modern ones, are very bad about this, having shit like separate commands for "Go upstairs" and "Go downstairs" when there are no stairs in the entire game that span multiple floors. Or having [d]oor (worse; [o]pen door and [c]lose door), [p]ull, and int[e]ract,when there is never a situation where more than one of those would apply to any given tile.

Why would you have [d]rink, [r]ead, e[q]uip, or [z]ap wand if they all ultimately do the exact same thing; interact with an item on your person? Because shit design, that's why.
Reminds me of when people said the story of DmC sucked.

>implying that DMC had anything beyond an excuse plot. Same with Resident Evil.

Donte may cry had pretty lackluster gameplay and an extremely unlikeable protagonist.
First of all, you're spot on with your post as a whole. Always, without exception, question design choices. You're welcome to agree with them and follow them, but do question them first. Developers now have 20 years more collective knowledge and collective experience than developers 20 years ago did. That's worth a lot and it would be foolish to preten it didn't happen, in a misguided attempt to be "authentic".

>Why would you have [d]rink, [r]ead, e[q]uip, or [z]ap wand if they all ultimately do the exact same thing; interact with an item on your person?
Minor nitpick on this one: You can equip or use a wand, equip or use a book (spell book, for example, ready it in your off hand, vs. read out the spell), same with potions. Equip puts them on your utility belt, use uses them. Difference being the time it takes to drink a potion from the utility belt vs. getting one out of your bag. You are right about the needlessly distinct actions, but [e]quip and [u]se are ones I would not combine, their application is too different.

With that out of the way, do you happen to know any roguelikes that follow your train of thought and streamline the interface while keeping the general vibe of a roguelike intact?
Stop imagining what I'm saying just because you haven't said much and instead just jumped on something to oppose as a means to act smug about how superior your assesment of what to worship is to that of others, being more on the ball about what retro-ish games were about sure as fuck does not make it commendable for you to worship past games while crying about retro game worshipers.

Where are you getting this mario and metroidvania strawman from? I said that action-rpg blends with a dash of adventure thrown in are standard type today, therefore, not really retro-ist; and I said that open world is a pro-retro-ist feature, and that even a platformer can be made to be open world. Why do you expect to throw a wrench into that example by demanding that an nes game with an additional dose of retro-ism borrowed from another platform would have to be 3d as well as open world?

I never said anything about themes/visuals/styles of the 80s, or about those of the 90s except that skate punk/grunge/nu metal could be used as a valid elemnt contributing to retro-style.

The industry still has thoroughly shaped the way the public metabolises games.

Oh, boohoo, I'm being so oppressive! Because I'm saying that if someone wants to make a game that's pitched as retro style, that they should be looking at all sorts of stylistic marks from retro games, even ones that seem weird or are in some way abstract or that might be oddly fitted(and some other retro-quirks), because I'm saying that makers of retro style games should be making them stylistically tinted in complicated ways, yeah I'm pushing them around and butchering their creativity, huh? What's your problem, you're convinced that if we just worshipped the developer, he would be free to let his soul roam through the gamecrafting arena and would be empowered to squeeze every last precious drop of performance out of all that golden processing power and would be liberated to make the most deliciously enchanting games evar?
>he didn't see the 100% ending
the point was that after a life filled with violence and bloodshed he finally had to pay the ultimate price with his son's innocence being sacrificed
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Why the hell is that relevant enough to be a useful example? It's a damn simulator! That means, it's supposed to be STYLIZED as little as possible, and supposed to squeeze out the maximum realism the hardware can facilitate. That it's under special pressure to avoid any superficial quirks that are tolerated in the era, particularly artsy cliches used to make games endearing. Simulators are of significantly reduced interest relating to any sort of retro-ism because they're recognised as being much less susceptible to era trends.

That doesn't exactly look like a 4 color VGA mode. Maybe this is a more plain top limit VGA mode - unsurprisingly having untextured polygons as the main graphical element, along with similarly common sprites. It's hardly all the wild barrel of surprises you're making it sound as.
Not to mention the jump physics are the worst I've ever played in a 2D game. Literally no sense of weight to the character, he's a piece of paper. There's no momentum at all.
Gaurodan is my favorite
>Stop imagining what I'm saying
You first
>demanding that an nes game with an additional dose of retro-ism borrowed from another platform would have to be 3d as well as open world?
yeah, not what I said

>of the 80s, or about those of the 90s
nobody said "of", >>3439446 restricted the themes, that is all. So the issue would be with "themes typically used in the 80s and 90s. If you're not the anon that posted that, what are you even responding to?

>I'm being so oppressive!

>he would be free to let his soul roam through the gamecrafting arena and would be empowered to squeeze every last precious drop of performance out of all that golden processing power and would be liberated to make the most deliciously enchanting games evar?
That's what they did 20-30 years ago. So why deny them that now? Don't bother answering. Your post was so thickly coated in sarcasm and faux outrage, you gave up having any kind of conversation, or reflection
indeed, a shame you can't see it

>they should be looking at all sorts of stylistic marks from retro games
You're insisting for them to copy style blindly. I'm suggesting they stick to the hardware and style will emerge.

>yeah I'm pushing them around and butchering their creativity, huh?
indeed you are. You're denying developers to actually be creative within the means of retro development.
>Why the hell is that relevant enough to be a useful example?
Not a single polygon in sight, and it looks miles ahead of everything else available at the time because of it.

>it's supposed to be STYLIZED as little as possible, and supposed to squeeze out the maximum realism the hardware can facilitate
You haven't done many simulators, have you? They're usually the most bare bones visually, because all their processing power goes into the simulation. Apache is an action game.

>Simulators are of significantly reduced interest relating to any sort of retro-ism
That what now? Doing a badass simulator on something as tight as a NES is about as retro as it gets, a developer trying to get the most out of their hardware, to bring the reality of the hardware in agreement with their intention.

>That doesn't exactly look like a 4 color VGA mode
16 colors, 4 bits. You sure you're familiar with VGA?

>having untextured polygons as the main graphical element
there's not a single polygon on that screen
background from a 16bit game while character sprites are not even on the level of early nes action games? i won't even say anything about the pallete.
what are mixels and rixels?
Also, the way these developers misunderstand voxels is insulting
Mixels are when the pixels are of inconsistent sizes, a common mistake in retro-styled games.
No idea about rixels.
Probably rotated shit.
I've seen people on this very board unironically argue that they want nearest neighbor filtered sprites/tiles, but non-integer/gridless positioning of the sprites. They consider grid positioning worse, due to truncation errors when movement speed is fractional (jumpy movement)
what need is there for the actual position of the object to be accurately displayed at high speeds anyway, you could realistically just do hit detection separately from animating it and animate the correct result after the fact as approximately close as is really necessary
Nobody reasonable does, no.

Mixels are non-pixel-grid aligned pixels. Going 2x still aligns to the pixel grid.
As much as I adored Cave Story I can't help but dislike the fad of retro pixelshit games it accidentally started.
Look decent. But what the fuck those games have to do with retro?
>what need is there for the actual position of the object to be accurately displayed at high speeds anyway
the problem is not high speed but low speed. For a scrolling shmup may use variable speed. At 30px/s the movement is exactly 1px every 2 frames, which is smooth. But at 29px/s you get a moment of 3 frames of the same position every second, which is a very noticeable stuttering pattern. Likewise, enemy movement in a platformer, which usually isn't fast, is stuck with certain multiples of px/s to remain smooth. Deviate, and the enemy movement is jumpy.

>you could realistically just do hit detection separately from animating it
it's not about hit detection or precision, it's about the visuals of floating point truncation. Hit detection is completely unrelated
>Going 2x still aligns to the pixel grid
what about 3x? What about 2x and 3x in the same picture? They're not grid-aligned with each other
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So if mixels and rixels are so bad, then what about something like this pic.

I don't really see what the big deal is. As long as it looks like what its supposed to look like, what does it matter how big or small or rotated the pixels are.
that's a 3D game and textures

>I don't really see what the big deal is
When people use oversized pixels they are, in theory, and usually, trying to replicate low resolution displays. If these pixels don't align with the grid, they're violating their own constraint. Same goes for rotation.

Your picture shows low resolution textures. The resolution of the render target is completely unrelated. There is no claim that the texture must be aligned to the render target pixels.
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I think it defeats the purpose of using pixelart in the first place. I suppose it bothers some people more than others, so if you don't mind it- good for you.
>megaman indie fangame
Needs more blur and overlays. Maybe some senseless "deep" text.
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Fine then.
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At least it still looks better than the official FF6 remake.
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is ADOM retro?
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>Have you ever tried to make your own authentically retro-styled video game?
I prototype puzzle games with freetard graphics, but never finish them because I'm a bad person. Making incomplete games that no one will ever play is a game in and of itself.

Limitations and design are interesting in their own right. But as for the aesthetic, as others have said, devs didn't choose the spooky/cyberpunk life, the illusion of color depth when blending with black did. That's not really interesting except from an artist's perspective. Although it probably influenced the direction of some content.

Retro games being gamey is what made them good. Not their look-and-feel. It's like Pavlov with these indies.
What the fuck is that megawomyn transition bullshit? Get that bullshit paranoid cliche out of there!

For fucks sake, he's a damn robot, he needs to transition to mebiman, against the oppresive ANSI commision stealing the last 24 from every thousand of whatever he has, leaving him with a lousy 1000.
Now that's a indie retro game.
You can avoid mixels in game maker, and probably in flash too. Is not an issue with the engine but with people that don't know what they are doing.
Both Nuclear Throne and Undertale are made in Game Maker, they both even run at 240p, and Nuclear Throne has a bunch of rotation and stuff that still fit into the resolution, it's gorgeous.
>I can't understand why the fuck someone tries to emulate NES games in powerful hardware Why not just develop for the real NES?
They do it because they enjoy the aestethic of NES. Is that that difficult to understand?
Making an actual NES game is difficult and time consuming as fuck, and not everyone has that much free time to learn the language and start making everything from scratch when you can do it easier and faster using modern alternatives.
Making an actual NES game will limit the popularity of your game to people that are into homebrew NES games, and that's it. Make it as a PC and modern consoles game and you will get a ton of people playing it.
I don't see anything bad with that. Some games even got released in both ways, as a PC game with NES aesthetics and then as a real NES game (Retro city rampage and Kira kira starlight)
Exactly what I meant.
If you work at a small native resolution and scale the screen proportionally instead of working with a big resolution and previously upscaled assets, you won't get mixels.
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>Do you think faux-retro games are all lame nostalgia-bait, or occasionally worthwhile extensions of the past?

I think they're usually worthwhile extensions of the past and only occasionally just lame nostalgia bait.

But then I like games that use pixels in their own right and not trying to mimic a specific console or set of limitations.
I know there's some games that avoid mixels and rixels and whatever but still fuck up by having light effects that don't fit into the grid.
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Do Rixels mean left and right, or does it just mean the right?
Also, do mixels only mean when sprites have different pixel sizes, or do they also mean when a sprite isn't perfectly aligned to the grid, so you get pixels that are smaller because they're being covered up slightly?
I'm just here to say both versions of La-Mulana are the best games ever.
The latter case for both of your questions.

Personally I think rotated sprites look terrible whether they're on-grid or not.
Mixel means both things you mentioned
Rixels mean right in your pic.
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Hmm? Is it really a mixel if you have doubled sprites but they're still on the grid proper?
Most people will say yes. I personally think it looks ugly and unpolished, even if Mario did it at some point.
It does look shitty but I figured it wasn't the same thing since it's just how the (low-res) sprite looks and not the result of any weird scaling effect. Ah well.
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There's no standard because neither mixel nor rixel are real graphics terms.
>They do it because they enjoy the aestethic of NES. Is that that difficult to understand?
But that doesn't make a game retro. Is that that difficult to understand?
Saying that pixel art is retro is the same that saying the simple act of drawing is retro. Pixel art isn't something exclusively associated with old games, as developers don't ever stopped using it.
>But that doesn't make a game retro. Is that that difficult to understand?

Actually that is exactly what makes a game retro. Remember, "retro" is it's own word. It's not a synonym for "old" or "classic". Mario 3 is old/classic. Shovel Knight is retro.
I'm sorry but all non-western fighting games are anime. Anime encompasses a wide amount of genres which the big names like Street Fighter and Samurai Shodown fit neatly into.

Maybe you hate (for good reason) the kind of shit that spawns Arcana Heart, but don't be in denial of what the stuff you like is.

I have to play that now
>I don't want another game "inspired" (shameless rip-off) by Castlevania. I already played Castlevania. I'm playing Castlevania for about 25 years.

Fucking this. Stop, no more fucking Metriodvania bullshit! Enough fucking rogue-likes that aren't even rogue-likes anyway. Make something else already holy shit.

>This is my new ga,e. you are a robot gurl because women are underepresented btw, and you have to get to the end of a stage, but instead of shooting a boss, a tired an played out mechanic, I, The Master Game Designer, changed it. You now have to beat the boss in a game of scrabble! and you collect all the letters to use as you play the level, which are randomly given to you as enemy drops and you can only hold so many. There are also RPG elements. I call it "Le Indie Deviant Art Wacky Game" it is a puzzle/rogue-like/action/platformer with pixel graphics and faux midi music because RETRO! XD!
>Make something else already holy shit.
We're not allowed to, >>3434150 says new ideas aren't retro
>Pixel art isn't something exclusively associated with old games, as developers don't ever stopped using it.
This has been my big issue with the anti pixel art brigade

I honestly always wanted to make a fighting game where all the characters looked like something you might doodle in your notebook back in the day. Call it Doodle Fighters.

The thing that keeps most people from making fighting games is that, for one thing, there is a high expectation of extreme polish for them, and a subset of that is the fighting game community is fucking insufferable about balance and nerfing and shit, just look at what they did to Smash.

one of the things I absolutely cannot stand about animu fightan gaemz is the fucking sparks, they use photoshop to make these boring ass spark effects. I miss when they used to draw them.

I bought it because I like that style of game but have not touched it since I found out it has a unseen ticking clock that when it runs out basically fucks you over.
How did you figure that out, and why is that a problem to you?
You know you can just not play the games that don't interest you... right? Personally I still enjoy a well made metroidvania. And the Rougelike genre finally getting really big and expanding and experimenting blending with other genres is fantastic to my eyes.

>the fucking hipster lens filters

>You know you can just not play the games that don't interest you... right?
you know they can't play the games that interest them, because they're not made, since people are doing the other ones instead?

>Personally I still enjoy a well made metroidvania
"fuck you, I have mine" is not a good position

>the Rougelike genre finally getting really big
what's getting big is a derived genre, that has very little to do with the core tenets of roguelikes. Experimentation is fine and welcome, even leaving the genre is fair. Leaving the genre AND appropriating the name though, that's where it needs to stop. Some people rely on the genre as a mean of categorization, and these games are making things needlessly difficult
WTF, dude? I wasn't at all with that guy, but first you people want to call those games "retro-style" and "retro-ist", and now you just flat out expect those games to be what's "retro"?

I read a negative review that mentioned it. It bothers me because I will feel like i constantly going the wrong way or doing something wrong because in 4 hours the king or something will suddenly die and the game will end.
>I will feel like i constantly going the wrong way or doing something wrong because in 4 hours the king or something will suddenly die and the game will end
You play these games to win? To do everything "right"?
There are more games being made now than ever before. If someone seriously can't find anything that's not a metroidvania or a roguelike then they have bigger problems in life than no games they like.

>what's getting big is a derived genre, that has very little to do with the core tenets of roguelikes.

That's not a problem. Anyone wanting traditional roguelikes already has more available that they can master in their lifetime. There are still more traditional roguelikes being made as well, so that part of your complaint is a complete fallacy. Expanding genres is a great thing.
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The Freeware Windows game Lyle in Cube Sector is a game I've always liked. The source code was released a while ago, but since it was made in Multimedia Fusion 2, it would have to be re-implemented to be ported to other platforms, so it's really only good for reverse engineering the physics and whatnot.
>That's not a problem
It becomes a problem when it wants to call itself "roguelike". It's like GTA claiming to be a platformer. You can do it, but you're going to piss off a lot of platformer fans on the way

>There are still more traditional roguelikes being made as well
and it's hard to tell them apart from the others, because they use the same genre name

>Expanding genres is a great thing
shifting, or, dare I say, hijacking them, is not
I wasn't part of that conversation either. Just replying to that part. "Retro-style" and "retro" means the same thing. Retro is a style. It doesn't mean something that's actually old. It means something that imitates something old.
I don't think that's actually a problem for anyone with a brain. It's not hard to read a description of a game or try it for 5 minutes to see if it's something that incorporates the elements of the genre you like.

>and it's hard to tell them apart from the others, because they use the same genre name
Not if you play it for five minutes. Or even look at them. Seriously, is this what people think of as serious problems these days?
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I thought axiom verge was a pretty good 'retro-style' game
Isn't that the one that's only like 2 hours long?
>It's not hard to read a description of a game
it's hard to filter for it.

>try it for 5 minutes
not everybody has that much time (and it's not accounting for the install, download, possibly purchase). Categories are a useful concept, when they're not being distorted

>is this what people think of as serious problems these days
In an abundance of information, information management is important. You're actively advocating meta data pollution. It should be easy enough for developers to mark their game as genre-mix, rogue-lite or whatever the fancy term is this week, instead of making it hard for people to find what they are looking for. Mixing these games makes players of both camps unhappy, wastes everybody's time, is dishonest and unnecessary. It's not a serious problem, you can shove that fallacy up your rear. It's a very bad practice and uncalled for though, and that's what that other anon and I have a problem with.

lawrjkghamgn! I can't stop the anger! I have to post it, you've awakened it in me.


so rogue was a game where you appeared on a floor and had basically nothing, you moved around a grid and when you did your enemies also did and you were slowly dieing. The point was that you had to get to the final floor despite everything working against you, and your every step lessened your opportunities, so its really a subset of strategy games.

The fucking games where they randomize your equipment are not "rogue-likes" They're "I'm to fucking lazy to think out and playtest my game!" Why build a fucking level when you can randomly generate it! This shit infects everything. One of my favorite games is mega man, I personally feel that Mega Man is the Quintessential action game. Shoot, jump, dodge, slide, move to the right, and at the end is a very hard enemy. VIDEO GAME. There this game on steam, 20XX or something, I got all excited because steam recommended it, i played the video, looks good! Suddenly I see, not only is this a "Early Access" Game (which is an instant NOPE) but i look at it's tags, it's a rogue like. So basically, mega man, but with out 8 bosses whos abilities are earned and used later on, but instead a random level and enemy generator. GREAT! Thats what I loved about mega man! Having Bubble Bats endlessly come at me! Someone should have told capcom they could have released the endless attack mode as a $20 game!

Oh! look at this cool looking RPG...ROGUE-LIKE! oh how about this Metal Slug inspired title...ROGUE-LIKE! hey now, a game reminiscent of Clock Tower...ROGUE-LIKE! These fucking autistic developers think that the rogue-like genre is this chocolate syrup that makes things good, but you don;t put it on everything holy shit please fucking stop!

i don;t like the idea of something being completely closed of to me just because I didn't realize I was being timed.
you can play the game several times, are supposed to, even
constraints make you value your decisions more
you are not being timed, things in the game happen within some time. That's a difference
>I honestly always wanted to make a fighting game where all the characters looked like something you might doodle in your notebook back in the day


close enough?

I'm the guy saying I hate metroid-vania shit, and I will attest to this games greatness. also environmental station Alpha.

2 games. but then there are, like 100 more that are barely worth mentioning. there's a new Metroid vania coming out every time I look.
I guess I don't search games by letting a filter do the work for me... Roguelikes are one of my favorite longtime genres. I think it's amazing the resurgence they're having these days all the way from full games to the crazy stuff that comes out of the 7drlc.

There's all kinds of stuff. And yeah, sometimes you look at a game that looks like it might be be one thing and it turns out to be different. But I just don't see that as a real problem. Or at least not one serious enough to get upset about.

But then I should note that I like the way the genre is being experimented with these days so I'm not unhappy if a game I'm checking out isn't the classic definition of a roguelike.
>so rogue was a game where you appeared on a floor and had basically nothing, you moved around a grid and when you did your enemies also did and you were slowly dieing. The point was that you had to get to the final floor despite everything working against you, and your every step lessened your opportunities, so its really a subset of strategy games.

This is one of the most hilarious misunderstandings of what Rogue is that I've ever read.

>a 2D fighter for N64 that never came out in america

Not surprised I have never heard of this. God forbid nintendo ever put this out on VC or anything.

Yeah thats pretty close, Honestly, I was thinking of something slightly worse, like the characters only animating at a low frame rate and looking cruder, the back rounds being line drawings with few colors, sort of like if school hose rock was a fighting game.
>I don't search games by letting a filter do the work for me
the searchbox in your favorite websearch is a filter. Entering "roguelike" in there nowadays, will show you a lot of roguelikes, and a lot of games that aren't. The categorization failed, because some didn't play nice.

>the resurgence
there's none, or very little. What's gaining momentum is a different genre or different genres of games, abusing the name, see >>3447568

>I just don't see that as a real problem
You said yourself, more games are released than ever. Free time is still a limited resource, and getting more valuable with each new game released, which is while categorizing and filtering are so important.

>Or at least not one serious enough to get upset about
You already made clear that your stance is "fuck you, I have mine". You're not suffering from the miscategorization, as it's not a genre you're interested in. People that are, do, and should rightfully be heard.

>I like the way the genre is being experimented with these days
experimentation is fine and welcome, hijacking the name is not. It's disappointing you can't see the difference

>so I'm not unhappy if a game I'm checking out isn't the classic definition of a roguelike
I'd appreciate if I'd find roguelike inspired games when I look for them, and find roguelikes when I look for them. I do not appreciate when these queries blend, making either query useless
>the searchbox in your favorite websearch is a filter.
That's what I mean. I don't look for games by typing "roguelike 2016" into google and hitting the first reply.

>there's none, or very little.
You sir, have not been paying attention to the genre and it's community.

>You already made clear that your stance is "fuck you, I have mine".
To be more accurate, it's "fuck you, I have mine and you could have yours too if you weren't such a big baby and actually looked for games you like with some intelligence."
>You sir, have not been paying attention to the genre and it's community.
What you call resurgence, others call genre name appropriation

your right anon I forgot the best feature, Perma-death. The ultimate game feature for hardcore games who can only have fun if they have to start everything all over again. Pokemon is a boring game right? Well try a Nuzelock run! quick! everyone get on twitch so we can all watch someone handicap themselves in a game made for children! This is so much better then the game a team of designers and programers made! in fact, every new game made should just have permadeath, randomized items, and all kinds of horse shit, why empower the player when you can made every moment of gameplay a struggle to even keep the game going! The most fun! yes please!
Except I'm not talking about "roguelites" and the like. I ignore most of those games when I come across them. I mean the actual roguelike genre is doing very well.

If you are interested, the 7 day roguelike challenge always produces some really interesting games, this year being no exception. Tons of games to check out http://7drl.org/

Roguelikes are still somewhat insular though, if you're interested then join some forums and ask around about games you might like.
I'll admit it's not a genre that's for everyone. But the degree to which it's making you upset is pretty entertaining.
>I ignore most of those games when I come across them
I'd rather not come across them to begin with

>If you are interested
I'm not. There are a few I stick to and come back to every now and then. I just respect the genre, and don't like the fad coders diluting its name and value
you'd be upset to if it's not only a genre you don't care for, but it's infecting all the genres you do care for
Sure. Obviously they're not the same thing, if they were the same thing they'd be the same thing! It's a gateway manoeuver, first you want to call it "retro style", then take another step and call it just "retro". But you already got called out!

I also dislike the huge influz of Female protag in the indie community. However, it doesn't feel like some kind of pro feminist thing and more like a waifu thing.
>I'd rather not come across them to begin with
That's what this really comes down to. You only want to encounter the things you like so it offends you when you see games that don't appeal to you.

What's funny is that you are someone who doesn't care about the genre getting offended that it's not progressing in the way you think it ought to. While I have been a fan of Rogue and it's various descendants for almost 40 years at this point and love what it happening with the genre these days.
>You only want to encounter the things you like
I only want to encounter the things I search for. See >>3447592
>I'd appreciate if I'd find roguelike inspired games when I look for them, and find roguelikes when I look for them. I do not appreciate when these queries blend, making either query useless

>someone who doesn't care about the genre
if you say so

>that it's not progressing in the way you think it ought to
the genre itself is progressing fine. The games outside of the genre hijacking the name making it hard to track though

>While I have been a fan of Rogue and it's various descendants
again, >>3447592
>I'd appreciate if I'd find roguelike inspired games when I look for them, and find roguelikes when I look for them. I do not appreciate when these queries blend, making either query useless
Read what's being said, instead of jumping to conclusions. Think about what's being said, and at least try to understand their position. You do not have to agree with it, if you can't even be bothered to at least understand what they're saying, it's getting a bit rude
Retro and "retro-style" is the same thing. People on this board really need to learn how to use dictionaries.
Where is it seen?
>if you say so
It wasn't me who said it, I was replying to >>3447626
>I'm not
>why empower the player when you can made every moment of gameplay a struggle to even keep the game going! The most fun! yes please!
I'm glad we agree. Nothing feels better than beating a game that actively wants me to lose.
there's a difference between interest and care. You're having an awful lot of difficulties with nuances
I like some of the retro feel. If it captures the simplicity in design yet potential for complexity in gameplay or story, is fun to play, and has a straightforward learning curve like the era it's inspired by, I'd probably play it. Xeodrifter, for example, a game I recently got on 3DS, fits all of that pretty well.
Well I find it pretty fucking weird that you "care" so much about a genre that doesn't interest you. If roguelike elements are making their way into other genres and that upsets you, I'm sorry for you but I don't see it as a problem. Outside of actual rougelikes I play a lot of other kinds of games and haven't had an issue finding ones that don't have those elements.
...so you think anything that has randomness is a Rogue-like? That's a hell of a broad genre.
Tetris is a roguelike according to that guy.

Steam seems to think so too. Apparently Heart Slash, Downwell, and Magicite are rogue-likes
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Are any of you guys actual developers or artists? Or are you just angry, petulant consumers?

I want all of you "anti-pixel-art" fags to go to the site pixeljoint. Go have a look through the hall of fame gallery and also see some of the new art works being put out everyday...

These are artists who enjoy working within the format of pixel art. You CANNOT tell me that they are just "aping" an older style for nostalgias sake, or that its all fake.

Some artists like working with oil, watercolor, sculpting out of clay. Some like painting digitally while others like working at the pixel level.

That's all it is. It's never been more than that. Pixel artists have been around since the beginning of video games. Did you think those artist would all just die out and no longer work with a format that they like?

You're bashing someone for expressing themselves the way that they want, and you're nitpicking on ridiculous shit like mixels and rixels, which are totally trivial and inconsequential.

Look at this pic, the artist just likes working with pixels, he didn't have to, why is that so bad?

You want indie devs to try something new? Well, what is No Man's Sky? Everybody's shitting on that too (rightfully so). There's plenty of other types of games and art style being done, so crying that they aren't doing new things is pointless.

What matters if its just done well or not. Not the style the artist chose.

Take a look at Devil Daggers artstyle. They wanted to make it look like those old 90s FPSes, how we "rememberd" it, not how it actually was. Who wrote this rule that if you're gonna go for a retro style, you MUST use all the constraints that the old games had to work within? That is so stupid. You can do retro within modern constraints too, there is nothing wrong with that.
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Follow-up post:

Here's something from pixeljoint made a couple days ago. Does it follow ALL the rules and constraints of old games? No and it doesn't have to. Why should it make you so upset?

>Are any of you guys actual developers or artists? Or are you just angry, petulant consumers?

I'm pretty sure this thread is a stealth /agdg/.

>Who wrote this rule that if you're gonna go for a retro style, you MUST use all the constraints that the old games had to work within?

I'm an engineer myself and some of the time creativity comes from limitations. Ofc I am not saying it works all the time but what made retro games fun despite their simple graphics, control options and limited hardware was the ingenuity developers had, to overcome those limitations to make an enjoyable game, or sometimes those limitations were the direct reason why the game was the way it was ( like the combo system in sf2 etc..)

So some people kinda rightfully ask for that when playing games branded as '' retro '', not just another half ass made game with a pixel cover.

like retro city rampage videos, they were really interesting because the guy actually ported the game so it can run on a 486dx66 machine on dos

or you can take a look homebrew nes shit , hacked roms ... many frustrating mario 3 hacks, sor remakes...etc...

so tl;dr I guess retro style unfortunately become a meme style used by literally every '' self proclaimed '' indie-dev in the past 5 years with lots of half-assed shit projects that can't keep up with the arts tyle of a 30yo game that is even less innovative in terms of gameplay and that's what pisses people off I guess
If pixel art makes a game retro, then 3D graphics too. And realistic graphics.
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Also, Rakugaki SHOWTAIMU

As an artist and programmer, I understand your point of view. I've worked on a project where I wanted the palette to be restricted to the NES colors. I enjoyed the minimalism and working within those limits. A lot of artists on pixeljoint use the same type of palette restriction, but there's no hard rule about it.

Just because a caveman uses rocks to carve a rough picture of a bison on a cave wall, doesn't mean I can't make a similar image with oil and canvas and brand it as "primitive cave painting." ...."Oh but you didn't use actual stones to carve it in a real cave, did you?" Yeah, so?

Sorry, but someone has to combat this bullshit. I appreciate where you're coming from though.
It's funny that the definition of the "retro style" that those hack developers like so much is aping old games and using pixel art/chiptune.
That's because there is no such thing as a retro style.

No one here is against pixel art. We're against indie bullshit with bad pixel art and we're against the notion that pixel art makes something retro.

>Some artists like working with oil, watercolor, sculpting out of clay. Some like painting digitally while others like working at the pixel level.
But that's what I said. Saying pixel art is retro is like saying the simple act of drawing is retro.

You can draw anything you want. But it will not be retro.

We're way more serious and hardcore than the /vg/ wimps.
>No one here is against pixel art.
Okay cool.

>We're against indie bullshit with bad pixel art
Alright, I'm with you.

>and we're against the notion that pixel art makes something retro.
Well, okay? But if you took a poll on some pixel art asking "would you label this retro", you will probably be in the minority. Also, why would it matter if it's labelled "retro"?

Anyway, "retro" is an adjective meaning, "imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past." So, what are you arguing here? The definition of retro?

>Saying pixel art is retro is like saying the simple act of drawing is retro.
This makes no sense. Saying "pixel art is retro" would be correct. Saying "drawing is retro" is not correct at all. How are these two statements alike at all?

>You can draw anything you want. But it will not be retro.
Again, makes no sense. One can draw in a retro style. You can also draw in a modern style. Like you can write a poem or you can write prose. I can write in very particular vernacular or dialect, or use contemporary language. "Retro" is an adjective describing something. So, I can draw anything I want... and it CAN be retro, or anything else.

I think your problem is, you don't want it to be labeled as retro, because you feel it violates somethings pure about old games.

Sorry, but pixel art and retro are inextricable terms.
I want more PC-98 styled games like that waifu bartending thing.
It's time for people to accept pixel-dithering and 80's anime girls as the perfect retro esthetic.
>You first
Get real, I only started judging you and judging you in that way after you did so.

>yeah, not what I said

Yup, you did. I said things to the effect that open world and visibly polygonal graphics are particularly appealing bits of retroish-character. And, yes, this does naturally leads to the notion that a firmly-open-world *OR* 3d game on the NES would be prime retro-ish game projects - I can plead guilty to having already implied that! You just had to lump the two of those *together* to paint them as absurd through unfeasibility.

>So the issue would be with "themes typically used in the 80s and 90s.

Didn't say they had to be from the 80s/90s, retroism is retroism, and though games from back then likely related to stories of their time, people either wouldn't notice or wouldn't care about it if the tie in was from earier. But what I DID refer to specifically is preceding decades, like the 50s and 70s.

>I'm suggesting they stick to the hardware and style will emerge.

Pfffft, people do not program for hardware these days, they program for APIs. Though *I* did actually suggest ruddimentarily programming for hardware, specifically a raspberry pi, while still acknowledging that it would likely have to be multiplatform. And it would still presumably be through various APIs, even as I supposed in RISC-OS. And I got dismissed about the DOS suggestion too(if that might credit those programming more closely to the hardware).

>>yeah I'm pushing them around and butchering their creativity, huh?
>indeed you are. You're denying developers to actually be creative within the means of retro development.

Well, then you damn well better watch yourself! Or you know what I might imaginably do? Something really serious, that would get people here all around pissed for it being provoked! Why, I could start "telling" those who make processors, monitors and controllers "what to do"! Uh oh!
If pixel art is retro, 3D is retro, realistic graphics are retro, even digitized graphics are retro. They're all just different methods, not styles.
So, this board is now /v/, because every game is now retro. 3D has been used since the 80's and also never stopped being used. Digitized graphics are used to create textures.

>I think your problem is, you don't want it to be labeled as retro, because you feel it violates somethings pure about old games.
I don't give a damn about that. I'm not nostalgic. What I and other anon we're saying is that there's nothing that makes pixel art retro and there's nothing that makes those indie games retro.
They're inspired by old games? So are almost all current games. Almost all games ever.
They use pixel art? But the developers never stopped using pixel art. Is a 3DS game that uses pixel art retro? Are PS2 games that use pixel art retro? DS games? PSP games?
How can it be a callback to the past if this isn't something relegated to the past?
>Not a single polygon in sight, and it looks miles ahead of everything else available at the time because of it.
Well then, you admit that YOU are willing to define one game as your expectation from an era, while you're positioning yourself as some profound defender against everything being like metroid?

>So why deny them that now?
It's a simulator from a company dedicated to simulators, an extremely particular niche. Just because it's lousy at being accurate, doesn't change that it's the sim niche.
>Apache is an action game.
That up there says commanche.

>Doing a badass simulator on something as tight as a NES is about as retro as it gets
Jaguar sure seems more effectively-retro, maybe because it's just more backwards, maybe because it's more forgoten ... MEH... in the end, that is where coders interested in *programming gymnastics* seem to be going.

>16 colors, 4 bits. You sure you're familiar with VGA?
Nice unarbitrary limitation there, 8 bit x 320 x 200 ... and 4 bit x 640 x 480. 640 x 400 x 4bit might at least be within the same memory limit. Unsurprising/believable that those extra 80 lines of resolution would nudge it towards slowness.

>there's not a single polygon on that screens
No, it's very polygonal, probably because as a sim that gives a good minimal look that orients the player likely at the cost of cost of detail, though it also gives a marked appealing clean look, one reason why retroist devs today still would consider it.
>Well I find it pretty fucking weird that you "care" so much about a genre that doesn't interest you
not surprising. We already established your attitude is fairly egotistical

>If roguelike elements are making their way into other genres and that upsets you
it doesn't. Other genres hijacking the name does.

>Outside of actual rougelikes I play a lot of other kinds of games and haven't had an issue finding ones that don't have those elements.
that was not the disputed issue. The issue was finding roguelikes when looking for roguelikes, and in particular not finding genre blends when looking for roguelikes
>Does it follow ALL the rules and constraints of old games? No and it doesn't have to. Why should it make you so upset?
A dominant aspect of pixel art is limitation, usually in resolution, occasionally in palette, rarely in sprite and tile size/count.
Retro games often use pixel art not to experiment with limitation, but to sidestep quality. They produce pictures that violate basic concepts of pixel art design and composition, things like good palette choice, exaggeration to emphasize shapes and motions and much more.

You will notice that the loudest complaints about pixels in this thread are regarding artwork that violates its own limits constantly, or establishes nonsense limits. Neither example you posted is showing oddly sized tiles, differently sized non-aligned pixels, cheap shading, lack of proportions and so on. That artwork is still fairly useless for games, but that's a different subject.

Anyway, the people crying about pixel art are actually asking for more skill along the lines of what you're posting, artists doing the maximum within the limitations given, instead of blind pixelation, oversized and mismatching pixels and so on.

In other words, you're making a straw man
>Who wrote this rule that if you're gonna go for a retro style, you MUST use all the constraints that the old games had to work within?
same guy that wrote the rule that if you pretend to stick to some self-imposed limits, you have to do it consistently, or your artwork will not look skilled but cheap

>You can do retro within modern constraints too
how? Got a working example?
>doesn't mean I can't make a similar image with oil and canvas and brand it as "primitive cave painting
it kind of does. As artist you should know how much the used tools shape the result. You'll end up with a superficial imitation, that's neither here nor their, and will very quickly face accusations of trying to take the cheap way out.
>absurd through unfeasibility
that's your opinion. I'll reserve mine and let developers do their thing instead.

>what I DID refer to specifically is preceding decades, like the 50s and 70s
and it's bullshit

>people do not program for hardware these days
and I'll happily give them shit for that

>*I* did actually suggest ruddimentarily programming for hardware, specifically a raspberry pi
not retro

>I got dismissed about the DOS suggestion
I said you'd be masochistic to deal with DOS. Plenty of far more pleasant platforms available at that time. If you still want to do DOS, be my guest, and prepare to write a lot of uphill bullshit before even putting out the first bit of eye candy
>YOU are willing to define one game as your expectation from an era
I am giving an example that flies in the face of the flat shaded polygon requirement, showing that this requirement is bullshit. There are plenty more non-poly engines, or engines with partial texturing, or engines with gouraud shading, and so on. You denied them all.

>profound defender against everything being like metroid?
let people make their metroid clones. They're cheaper by the dozen. I'd rather they do something worthwhile though.

>an extremely particular niche
so now niches aren't allowed for retro development too? gotcha

>That up there says commanche.
fuck me, getting the indians mixed up

>Nice unarbitrary limitation there
it's in the specs. VGA has a pretty tight definition

>it's very polygonal, probably because as a sim
we're apparently referring to different images. Might want to post it again for clarification
It says right at the top of the board:

"This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not."

So you don't have to worry. As far as /vr/ is concerned, none of these indie pixel art games are "retro". Happy?

But here's the thing. If you took a game with pixel art and asked someone to describe the style, guess what they would say? It's retro. And he wouldn't be wrong.
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>and it's bullshit
It doesn't restrict at all, it replaces the default expectation of 21st century themes with a default expectation of, say, 40s to 90s themes, that one technique theoretically tripples the variety of one side of a not-so-unusual game.

>and I'll happily give them shit for that
Ugh. It's fake and crooked when they *don't* simply program for APIs, when all they do is gimp a game to make it run worse on the video card they're not shilling for, cause everything's too wantonly complicated and churned out for more than a handful of people to check under the hood about such a thing, and dance around about how optimized it is.

>not retro
It's retro friendly, it's retro like, it's standardised like all those retro computers that got that tailored coding, it's cheap enough to get chosen to serve as a device just for retro and retro style gaming, it's easily compatible with CRTs and serial devices, it's the prime stepping stone out there.

>If you still want to do DOS, be my guest
There's enough ways to add to that platform smoothly.

>showing that this requirement is bullshit
It's not, it's a catchy stylistic choice, and has obvious uses, like representing the inside of an information system. Gourad shading is barely different from flat polygons.

>Plenty of far more pleasant platforms available at that time.
When, today? But then they're hardly retro. Except like minimig. In a highly conceivable near future?

>so now niches aren't allowed for retro development too? gotcha
Niches can have different principles for when the boundary for a status like retro is. And that didn't start out as being about "development", it started out as examples for evidence.

>Might want to post it again for clarification
>But here's the thing. If you took a game with pixel art and asked someone to describe the style, guess what they would say? It's retro. And he wouldn't be wrong.
Yes, he would be wrong. So fucking wrong.
I never saw anyone calling Mario & Luigi or Metroid Fusion retro. Does someone call Dragon Ball Extreme Butouden retro?

Only retards use retro as a synonym to pixel art. And they only associate it with stupid indie crap.
Actually, this board isn't named in reference to so-called "retro games", as there no such thing as a retro style, but after we, the "retro gamers", who play old software and/or new software made for old hardware.
We are retro. We play old things.
>A work's quality is based on how difficult it is to produce.
Boyhood is the best movie of the decade! IT TOOK TWELVE YEARS TO MAKE!
It's more than just pixel art. It's an imitation of anything from the past. So yes of course there could be retro 3D graphics as well.
He saying that a retro game isnt just a game with pixilated graphics.
A retro game is a game that mimics asthetics or limitations of an old game/console/computer.

Not all retro games have pixilated graphics.
Maybe if you speedrun it and follow a guide.

I wandered around and got stuck for a bit and tried to get everything. I got maybe... 15 hours out of it. I got it cheap on ps4, so I dont know the exact time.
Thanks, after looking into it, it was Xeodrifter I was thinking of. I think I'll check this out.
/vr/ is actually a misnomer.

A lot of people mistakenly use "retro" to mean old. One of those people is the person who named the board.

A better name might be /vv/ - Vintage Vidya.
Although, "vintage" primarily refers to the time something was made (No Mans Sky is a 2016 vintage game), it can be a synonym of "old".
Yeah, programming for hardware (assuming that is meaning basically programming for metal, not using an engine like UE or an API like OpenGL) is only really possible on locked down specs.

Would it even be possible to program for modern 3D cards with how secretive hardware manufacturers are with specs?
Vintage actually would be a perfect name for this board. I also personally think we need a rule change because going by console is really pretty bad, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.

I think the person who named the board was thinking of it in the sense of retro gaming which at least makes a little more sense. But also the definition of the word is also probably in flux which is pretty regular. It's how literally literally now means literally and the opposite of literally. Literally. Crazy shit.
I'm still waiting for the low-poly trend to hit. Gimme all my Spyro/Crash/Mario 64/Banjo-Kazooie or Gran Turismo/Ridge Racer/Daytona inspired games already.
Back in 1995 looks like ps1 era.
Copper Dreams
>21st century themes
no such thing

>video card
you might have missed the retro aspect

>retro friendly
It's a modern ass piece of hardware, in every way. Nothing retro about it

>Gourad shading is barely different from flat polygons
you what, mate?

>When, today?
sure. NES, Genesis, Amiga, C64, take your pick. They all have functional development environments and either real hardware, or emulators, to run the result

That's not VGA
>21st century themes
>no such thing

it's already there, and it's shit, for the same reason the pixelation trend is shit. The people chasing that fad now are not artistic, and don't care about the artistic aspect. So you get a shitload of stylized graphics, instead of anything actually trying to look good
>The people chasing that fad now are not artistic, and don't care about the artistic aspect.

It's good to know that the people on /vr/ are so knowledgeable that they speak for every modern game designer.
theme restrictions are bullshit, simple as that. People have their interests, thoughts and ideas. If someone is into rockabilly nowadays they're being retrotards? If someone was into bad sci-fi in the 60s they're futuristic? What about people that are into bad sci-fi now? It's all timeless. Claim there's a choice of subjects typical for a period, and anybody inspired by that period must replicate these subjects is denying a core aspect of creativity, taking existing things, being inspired by them, and taking something new. It's effectively saying anything retro must not be new, or it isn't retro.
It's also true, m8.
it's a generalization, and as such won't hold for everyone. You can look at the current low poly games though, and tell me you see anything in there actually trying to be pretty, instead of being geometric minimalism and/or vaporwave. If you find it, you find fringe cases. They don't invalidate the generalization.
You know the old saying, 90% of everything is shit. It's been true for retro pixels, it will be true for retro polygons, and it doesn't take a crystal ball to see that.
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Well I think low poly stuff always looked ugly (wasn't that guy). But I do like some of the modern sprite work that's been happening these days. I get that it's a generalization though. And I do agree with the general 90% of everything is shit. I just pay attention to the 10%.
Okay sure, but I assumed he meant more themes that trend along with various time periods. Not what specific people are enjoying, more what culture as a whole is influencing. Which changes through time.
>Well I think low poly stuff always looked ugly
to each their own. I love the DS because of it

heh, Shantae GBA/DSi is a good example of crappy spritework. GBC version was gorgeous, the successors are forgettably boring
>I assumed he meant more themes that trend along with various time periods
They may have, and I stand by my position. It does not matter what trended when, that can't be a limitation on what may be used as subject at any given time.
There are a ton of DS games I love and some that had good use of low poly models. It's just not an aesthetic I personally am drawn to.
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I completely disagree on Shantae though. I think that series has been getting better and better... at least aesthetically. The gameplay has never been great. I feel we've had this exact conversation about the series though.
that's my only problem with it, people (devs) chasing an aesthetic. That's not what it's for, and any developers aiming for one, will produce garbage
I don't disagree with that either. I thought you were saying there was no such thing as 21st century themes in general. I have no clue what he actually meant as well though.
By that I just meant that they made a game with a low polygon count that came out looking good. I thin the whole paper/box theme is just an excuse for why everything is low poly. At any rate it was a fun game which is what matters most.
I want to snuggle up with Shantae.
>That's not what it's for,
Hmm, what's wrong is those hack developers trying to emulate the old games without understanding the games or art.
It can be an aesthetic. There's nothing wrong in using simple shapes and sharp corners as an style. Some games used it as an aesthetic, although I can't remember if some retro game did that.
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I thought Castle in The Darkness was a great game. One of the better examples of a modern retro game.
Especially the glitch world. I can only imagine how hard it was to do on purpose what other games did by complete accident.
I'd like it alot more without that filter.
Why would you purposely obstruct your own (relatively decent) spritework?
Well, you should at least be able to turn it off if you want to play it on a real CRT.
it looks how the devs intended. Pretty sure they believe they aren't obscuring it, they're getting rid of the ugly squares, making it look warmer
the filter is optional I just grabbed that from google.
90% of what I don't like is shit
Why are you listening to laws made by birds?
A sturgeon is a fish you retard.
Listening to fish isn't any better than listening to birds, birds eat fish and we eat birds. We aren't bound by their laws.
Honestly, even in SMB3 that bothered me artistically

SMB3's still a great game, but I don't think that's an example of a "good mixel," if that's what you're implying.
All this talk about graphics, and nobody's said anything about attention to compositional structure in the music? I swear, it's a really, really big factor that people seem to overlook.

Everything you guys have said are true, but I don't think any of the actually good retro games would feel the same if it weren't for their music. No, not because of the synths/limitations they use, but because they have strong, catchy melodies.

For instance, try comparing Mega Man 9 to Mega Man 10.
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are you trying to say that the NES is capable of rendering at different resolutions simultaneously?

Placing four pixels together to make a sprite twice as big is not making mixels
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wow, so 3rd Strike, Garou, Samurai Showdown 2 sucked????
Underrated game
I am not. Read again, think, you'll figure it out
>All this talk about graphics, and nobody's said anything about attention to compositional structure in the music?
probably because the thread's subject is graphics
And yet someone had dragged sound or music into this thread early on!
then >>3450219 is simply wrong, so why piss on my leg?
>character grid aligned
most of the games these neo-retro games are aping (4th and 5th gen metroidvanias) aren't even under 5mb.
Everyone should play this game
thanks, I'll make sure I won't. That kind of "recommendation" always smells rotten
i've heard it's short, mediocre and full of cringy "us retro gamers huh" references.
>People have their interests, thoughts and ideas.
If you're out to design and illustrate retro-themed games, that's no excuse. It would be due to shield yourself from present influences for a while and dive into some form of any particular retro era, or a general range of stuff from such eras. Particularly if you're touching on any subject from then.
>take your pick.

Not much of a choice, Amiga kind of seems like the de facto option because it's the one that actually gets produced new, and extendable, but it is all weird and stuff, and obscure!

You just can't escape the issue, it just won't be the same making a game for a platform that's all antiquated, something that will be regarded as a curiosity... in better cases. It just won't be the same programing venture as making something for a platform that's hip. current and with shining hopes, instead knowing that the work is due to most notably end up as one minute file in a pile of hundreds on many peoples computers. And knowing that it's not hardly the best the world has to offer, it'll obviously feel silly squeezint a bit of performance when it'll still ent up effectively the same to anyone not looking real close at it, it'll still end up small compared to a dead simple bigger load is out there so much more easily.

And of course there's the issue of input lag, together with the triumphantly standard LCDs, a developer would be awfully pressed into noticing something like that, besides just being aware of it even before. It's one thing to accept merely using a laggy platform for getting familiar with games, it's another to dedicate yourself to fine tuning all the messy bits of something (like in the good old days), knowing that stnadard usage conditions will sharply contort the experience.

So that's why it's natural to go multiplatform instead of simply commiting to doing coding gymnastics for the NES or whatever. Like they often did even in the old days, cause after all, you're not doing an exclusive, working with a company that has a cozy relationship, or cowering before nintendo's aggressive loyalty enforcement policy, there's not much of a point in dedication to a platform.
Yeah it has pretty bad references and memes, if that's a deal breaker for you I wouldn't recommend it.

But the game is actually pretty well designed. Every room is unique and it's a challenge to get through some of them, level design is not copy pasted despite being a pretty big game, there are a fuckton of bosses and most of them are cool, also secrets and such are cleverly hidden and finding them is very satisfying. The OST is cool too.

It's not a masterpiece by any means but it's a very cool game, and the price is low
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I made Catmouth Island as close as possible to be able to run on an N64. That is including technical limits to avoid pop-in and fog by locking the camera at a downward angle, much to many people's disgust.

Every character model is under 300 triangles, and the whole game is 50 mb in size, where at least 75% of that can be further reduced because for the PC-version I used very high-resolution textures and the music is longer tracks instead of individual sounds.

Here's a CRT-setup running at 640x480:

> neo-retro
Every other 8-bit style game is a platformer. They're not even mascot platformers like in the 80s and 90s.
I loved it years ago before it was a fad. I used to play online pixelart games constantly, like the running dinosaur game or the dragon one. Now it's everywhere and many people do it poorly.


It's annoying how people can't mention their games without mentioning it's inspired by something else.
>Amiga kind of seems like the de facto option because it's the one that actually gets produced new
You need real hardware to have dev fun? I don't.

>knowing that the work is due to most notably end up as one minute file in a pile of hundreds on many peoples computers
"It isn’t perfect, but it’s a thing where there wasn’t a thing before, and I made it."
sometimes that's its own reward

>knowing that it's not hardly the best the world has to offer
could be the best thing ever done for that platform, if you're good enough

>it'll obviously feel silly squeezint a bit of performance when it'll still ent up effectively the same to anyone not looking real close at it
So you're saying people can't improve on what's there already? Despite the additional 20-30 years of knowledge regarding game mechanics and interfaces, the vastly powerful development environments and utilities? I find that hard to believd

>there's not much of a point in dedication to a platform.
have you done it? It's quite relaxing, knowing you won't have to deal with libraries second-guessing you, abstractions shielding you from the system. Just you, and a small fixed set of hardware. It's like a collaboration. Going multiplatform is a chore, because you need to retool and rethink everything from platform to platform, need to develop the nonsense you're trying to get away from, sterile abstractions and generic filler.
>as close as possible to be able to run on an N64
>I used very high-resolution textures
taking the easy way out, I see. Just like Shovel Knight doing NES limitations except when it's inconvenient. You're just lying to yourself
>It's annoying how people can't mention their games without mentioning it's inspired by something else.
"Describe your game without mentioning another game, your setting, plot, or characters"
It's a surprisingly hard challenge for quite a few games
That looks cool! At a glance it reminds me more of an early PS2 game, but that's probably just because I can't recall any N64 games besides Hybrid Heaven that ran at maximum resolution.

Really really cute-looking game though.
>Describe your game without mentioning your setting, plot, or characters

That leaves all games with nearly identical descriptions to a thousand other games.
I agree that he should've kept it low res, low poly high res looks stupid, but
>Just like Shovel Knight doing NES limitations except when it's inconvenient.
Shovel Knight's devs did the right thing, NES is way too fucking limited.
bingo. Same old gameplay, just different coating. That's not a good thing for, you know, GAMES. Thinking about games that way really helps to make that stand out
that was a fun video to watch. thanks for sharing
I guess so. But most of my favorite games have the same gameplay as something else with a different coating. I'm 100% fine with tried-and-true gameplay if it has, say, appealing art direction or good level design.

You'd have to go pretty far out to make something that you could say had truly 'unique' gameplay in this day and age, and even old games that were completely unique in the past simply set the path for other games to improve on their formula. The first few games in their own genre are rarely any good.

Unless you'd consider minor alterations to existing genres as unique. Stuff like "It's a turn-based RPG, but you can fuse party members!" or "It's a platformer, but you can reverse gravity!".

That being said, Katamari Damacy is the most unique game I can think of and it's pretty damn fun.
>I'm 100% fine with tried-and-true gameplay if it has, say, appealing art direction or good level design.
I'm not. It's stagnation. If we settle for that, we'll never find what could be even better.

I don't need unique. All I need is a game that actually is one, instead of being an excuse for a story delivery mechanism
>I don't want tried-and-true gameplay
>But I don't need unique either

You're giving me mixed messages here.
I welcome experimentation, even if others did experiments in similar ways. I do not see use in difference for the sake of difference. If something seems to work, it's a good starting point for further refinement and experimentation.
tried-and-true is stagnation, unique is not the inevitable opposite.
and it helps to have gameplay to begin with. The problem a lot of games have is not that the gameplay's same-y, but that it barely exists. Very simple and repetitive interactions, that are only masked by characters and story. Even story-heavy games can have much deeper mechanics that have an actual impact, besides being just filler between cutscenes
Fair enough.
Any particular games you consider to meet the criteria of story-heavy + experimental (but substantial) gameplay?
my go-to, although not really /vr/ would be Deus Ex. The game's not just a story shooter, levels, player and character skills work together, to enable the different approaches, and the game acknowledges them. It's, in my opinion, an example where it seems as if the player is driving the story, instead of following it along. I think that's very rare.

Another interesting example, I think, would be A Mind Forever Voyaging, because the game looks like IF at first, but has this unusual focus on observation. So for most of the time it becomes less of a story, and more of an open world in text form. The game still has a story, but what makes it stand out is the ability to roam.
>what is texture scaling

That was the only thing I did different, and it's an easy fix.

Besides the whole game is taking 50 mb as it is already.
Nice video. Sadly, Retro City rampage is a meme-ridden piece of crap.

>low poly high res looks stupid
Why? What's wrong in using simple shapes and high resolution?
It's only stupid calling it retro.
Wasn't that just using assets from Eternal Fighter Zero?
I m despetately waiting for project y for megadrive as i suspect it will be rad
>That was the only thing I did different
Takes just one thing to break a concept

>it's an easy fix
no it isn't. If it was, you'd do it. Your models rely on these textures
>You need real hardware to have dev fun? I don't.
It's extremely appealing, that calls for guarding the option. An illustrative event I'm reminded of: one time, these recycling people were digging through sound cards, and chucking ones deemed obsolete, particularly ISA, and I wasn't even able to save many of them, that really sucked.

>sometimes that's its own reward
It's a complicated task calling for a complicated reward. That's a reason why indie games are disparaged so much, because the dev teams tend to be worryingly small.

>could be the best thing ever done for that platform, if you're good enough
But it won't have close to the acknowledgement any best title normally gets. Though if a developer multi-released it onto something like a single board computer, it could be hailed as clearly the best thing on *that* platform.

>So you're saying people can't improve on what's there already?
On the whole, the odds are massively against it, against new levels of overall quality of the game - art and everything.

>Going multiplatform is a chore,
I doubt it has to be all that brutal, like if a team first developed for a seriously retro platform, made that the core platform defining the game, and then ported to newer more capable platform, but an unextravagant one that is still somewhat matched to the game, at a less hectic pace.

> If someone is into rockabilly nowadays they're being retrotards?
What it could be is a solid point for being qualified to make retro-style games, particularly if they're deeply into it, like writing stuff. Of course, the appropriate flavor for a rockabily-charged game would not be anything like 8-bit or CGA graphics; more likely monochrome, though black and white seems too unappealing, so maybe something like amber-monochrome instead, like, the color of sodium streetlights, likely along with vaguely pinball-esque gameplay, like some classic games.
>It's a complicated task calling for a complicated reward
damn, you're one entitled piece of shit. I'm glad sane people do hobbies out of fun, not because there's gain.

who gives a shit? Oh right, you do. Shallow fucker.

>the odds are massively against it
yeah, let's stop making music. The odds of doing something better than the beatles did are massively against it. Let's stop making movies. Nothing will ever beat citizen kane. Or let's stop giving a shit about trying to one up each other and DO SHIT.

>I doubt it has to be all that brutal
yeah, you haven't done it.

>a team first developed for a seriously retro platform, made that the core platform defining the game, and then ported to newer more capable platform
porting is a slave task, and teams? We're talking retro. That shit's not made for money.

>Of course, the appropriate flavor for a rockabily-charged game would not be anything like 8-bit or CGA graphics; more likely monochrome
Why? Why must it be styled in time of the available hardware of the time? Is Street Rod a shit game or what? Did sci-fi games made in 1980 use pixel shaders? It's a retarded restriction.
>I'm glad sane people do hobbies out of fun, not because there's gain.
Fun is dirty.

>who gives a shit?
I am not in the right mood to be able to think of a description of types that do.

>porting is a slave task, and teams? We're talking retro. That shit's not made for money.
I guess there could be a bit of liberty to enhance a port. Open source traditionally hasn't made for money, but it always has been cooperated on.

>Why must it be styled in time of the available hardware of the time?
Probably because independent devs who tend to do such stuff do not have the resources to respectably pull off games that don't have a constrained aesthetic, so aesthetics from the sprite era are a design choice, so then, why would it not be a reasonable move for them to replace common constraints reminiscent of the 80s with specialized constraints invoking reminiscence of the 50s?
>do not have the resources to respectably pull off games that don't have a constrained aesthetic
They did in the 80s and 90s. Sticking to hardware of the time automatically keeps your budget in check.

>so aesthetics from the sprite era are a design choice
the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>why would it not be a reasonable move for them to replace common constraints reminiscent of the 80s with specialized constraints invoking reminiscence of the 50s?
Seriously? You're asking this bullshit? Fucking Lord of the Rings uses CGI and I'm quite confident they have no CGI in Middle Earth. You're confusing theme and technology for no reason, and starting to seriously piss me off.

You're putting rules and shit on stuff that was successful because it had no fucking rules and shit, get that through your thick skull, fuckhead. Games back then saw no restrictions in subject matter, just hardware. Devs now, see no restriction in subject matter, just hardware. So here you come along, little arrogant piece of shit and tell developers interested in the time, they can just piss on the hardware, the one thing that actually defined the period, but they must repeat the same old interface mistakes, endlessly repeat the same old stories, rip off sprite sheets and just generally remix, instead of being creative. Tell you what, and listen fucking closely: The games you're trying to imitate were not imitations, not derivatives of stereotypes. You're insisting on people to produce shit, because you somehow think shit is authentic. Get fucked, seriously. Get the fuck out of my sight, and play some fucking old games, instead of telling devs they must copy that shit, instead of rolling their own.
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>Get the fuck out of my sight, and play some fucking old games
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>Sadly, Retro City rampage is a meme-ridden piece of crap.

tell me about it, I was hyped at the blending of gameplay genres and the cool retro vidya weapons abilities available in an overhead GTA style game.

and then they shit the bed HARD with fucking memes, e-celeb references, and really fucking annoying bosses. The game really gave off the vibe of an indie game dev circle jerk, seeing as there's notch and Phil Fish tells you to choke on it in the main story, because those whacky devs, right?
How about you fucking listen? Some people get coerced and terrorized all their fucking lives to fall in line. They UNDERSTAND imitation because they expect to have their heads ripped off if they don't fall in line. Where the fuck did you catch wind of this fanciful freedom, are you some coddled commiefornian that's been to caltech or something?

Oh and cover based shooting. What in god's name posessed them to think that was a good idea.
RCR is one of case of "what went wront? Fucking everything went wrong". Everything but the engine.

That's what happens when you elt fanboys develop something. That's why almost all the "retro" indie games are crammed with memes and references to something.
Brain Provinciano is a programmer, not a game designer, and should have sticked to programming.
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I miss real music. Not shitty headache-inducing noisy chiptune, not generic Hollywood orchestral shit, but good compositions, good sound quality and nice arrangements.
In the past we had good CD music. When a game had a CD version, they did the best to make the music sound good. Now they just slap some shitty chiptune and call it "retro".

Some exemples of good retro arranged music
Cold Shadow - Maui Mallard, PC version of a Genesis/Mega Drive game.

Pitfall The Mayan Adventure, the music is on both the PC and Sega CD versions

Street Fighter - Fighting Street, for PC Engine

Sonic CD, why the new Sonic games, like Sonic 4, didn't try to sound like this?

Earthworm Jim, PC version

Why no indie "retro" crap tries to sound like this? FUCK CHIPTUNE! Like pixel art, it wasn't the only thing we had. I like chiptune, but I'm also tired of hearing it.
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I hate when incompetent devs try to imitate a resolution lower than 320x200, or go much more minimalistic than hardware was at that time, then sprinkling it with modern effects. This makes me so fucking mad I wanna punch the screen.

Modern effects and "rixels" are forgiveable if the game goes after 16bit aestetics (those consoles could do rotations), but Mixels are unforgiveable in any shape or form.

Also picrelated: when dev's try to imitate old sprites but mix up sprites with different resolutions. Even worse when those incompetent devs hold the rights to the old franchise and try to capitalize on it.
they are "mixing" resolutions here because the objects use the same sprite dimensions (engine limitation), but represent objects of different sizes. That was normal on sprite based 3D engines.
No. That is plain wrong.
It's the exact line of thinking that made Gearbox to be so incompetent with their new IP.

In sprite games when objects were different size, sprites were made with different resolution to accomodate to that and maintain same pixel density.

Also in Duke3D there's no hardcoded limitation on sprite resolution.
>In sprite games when objects were different size, sprites were made with different resolution to accomodate to that and maintain same pixel density.
>oh look, a dev that didn't follow a guidelines and made a game with inconsistent graphics
>what are the odds
what guidelines?
>In sprite games when objects were different size, sprites were made with different resolution to accomodate to that and maintain same pixel density.
>when dev's try to imitate old sprites but mix up sprites with different resolutions
You do know that sprite stretching was a thing in Build and stuff like high-res enemies in the distance was present when you ran the original Duke3D in high-res?
What's the issue? That game looks great!
their issue is with the palm trees next to the enemies. They use vastly differently sized texels to represent their features
Shhhh. He's never played it.
If you , fuckwits extract the game sprites in their full resolution, then place them in line, you will clearly see that sprite's resolution precisely corresponds to the object's in-game size.

Yes, you can resize objects in the build engine, and you can resize sprites, but default object sizes are still there, and objects are used with their default sizes 99% of the time.
But who cares? It looks great. Also a couple people already rekt that post
they do, apparently. I'm not that. You asked what problem anon had with that pic, and I pointed it out. The rest is probably you thinking I'm them
>I'm not that
I'm not that anon. Accidentally a whole word there
Everyone who is aware of something related and shitloads better, of which there's truckloads.

This isn't even a game that's retro styled, it's a cash grab that has chunks of newness plopped on.
IIRC Babes were an exception because 3DRealms couldnt make swinging boobs look good in lower res.
>This isn't even a game that's retro styled
indeed, so what are you getting worked up about? People using an engine? Unreal 4 must totally piss you off
It uses the engine, the other half of the gamecode, the levels/graphics/etc, the sounds, the brand, the extensions...

but, I don't know, what is there really to get worked up about, maybe I missed *that* part?
>what is there really to get worked up about, maybe I missed *that* part?
anon at >>3456096 was blowing a fuse on how not retro a game that's not trying to be retro is. If you're not them, I was not talking to you. If you're them, don't pretend to be obtuse.
But it looks awesome. And of course it's a cash grab retard. All video games are.
>of course it's a cash grab retard. All video games are
Welcome to /vr/, sounds like you're new here
>dur hur, the new duke nukem only uses the engine
>NO YOU are being obtuse!

>well, I lurrrrrrve this tantalizing chunk of sweet, suhhhweeeeet, tech!!!!!!111 so there, you hear me, so-there!there!there!there!
This attitude makes me literally want to kill people.
>dur hur, the new duke nukem only uses the engine
show me where I said that

>NO YOU are being obtuse!
you're making my case quite well
>the new duke nukem is equivalent/interchangeable with any arbitrary unreal engine licensed game
I stand by my statement. What's your problem again? Subject matter? Artwork? Do they must use the latest shit engine to convince you that they don't give a fuck about your retro obsession? You think it's retro and then complain about them violating rules you made up. They grab an old engine, recycle artwork and get shit done, without giving a fuck about you, or retro mentality. That's entirely your problem.

So, yes, they're picking that engine. It runs differently now anyway, and they take advantage of that. Tough luck.

I made a bunch of posts in this thread where I rip retro devs a new one for going outside the lines of technical limits. That I don't give a shit about a dev not violating technical limits they did not pretend to establish should tell you something.
Oh you're just one of those generic "it's cool to hate all video games and complain online about them" cucks
I'm far too atypical for y'all to dismiss like that / passably construe, do not try going down that route.
>They grab an old engine, recycle artwork and get shit done
>my daddy bought me an imac
>I grabbed a CPU, hard drive, motherboard and superdrive and got shit done!!
1) It is a modern addition to a RETRO game (made in 1996)

2) The matter of art consistency has absolutely nothing to do with how retro/not retro something is.

Case in question is shit not because it wants to be retro but fails, but because of jarring oversights in design.
Whatever generic internet gamer
>jarring oversights in design
not following your made up rules is not an oversight, no matter how angrily you stomp your feet
Big talk, eager internet defender of official shit. Official shit is still shit.
>defending mixels
>thinking mixel is a real term
I dont care how it's called. It is bad. If you prefer eating shit, that's entirely on you, but don't try to persuade anyone that it doesen't taste all that bad.
if only this was a 2D renderer
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I don't give a shit about them either way. Mixel and rixel are not real terms used by anyone. It's just message board troll language people toss around when they want to sound cool.
a shit by any other name wold smell the same
Looks like somebody here played The Swapper too...

Game was good, dialogue was cringy.
Axiom Verge is the best game ever
I'm a bit shocked to see thar indie "retro" pixel crap isn't as criticized outside of /vr/.

Never heard of it until this day. But I saw a game in /v/ that was exactly like that Metroid image.
That's funny. I'm a bit shocked that /vr/ is as triggered by pixel art as they are.
We're "triggered" by calling indie crap retro.
That's because you don't know what the word "retro" means.
Old games, as there's no such thing as a "retro style", as this thread proved.
You are objectively completely wrong and do not understand the literal definitions of words you use on a daily basis. You willfully accept ignorance because it's easier, but it makes you stupid and worthless.
Right, define retro.

You'll say something like "inspired by old things, with pixel art graphics and chiptune music", but if something inspired by old things is retro, then all the games are retro. If pixel art is retro, 3D is retro too. Realistic graphics are retro too. If everything is retro, then nothing is retro, as the word loses its meaning.
Pic related, a real retro game from 1996. This is the kind of graphics I think when I hear the word retro, not pixel art.

What doesn't make realistic 3D graphics retro if pixel art is "retro" for indie retards?
1: adjective
Imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.

2: noun
clothes or music whose style or design is imitative of those of the recent past.

Don't let the board name confuse you. "Retro" and "old" are not synonyms. Super Mario 3 is old. Shovel Knight is retro.
Retro games from the 90's had realistic graphics with modeled interiors, deformable geometry, high resolution textures, all in solid 60fps.
So every modern game that features this kind of achievements should be also called retro?

This game is retro, as it is from 1996.
Again, if every game inspired by old games is retro, then the new Doom is retro, and almost every game is retro.

Re-read the definition until it actually sinks in. The new Doom is a little retro because it is to a degree imitating the style of the original Doom.

Call of Duty is not retro because it is not imitating a past style. Really, this is not a complex word. I know it's confusing because of the board name and people saying "retro" when they mean "old" or "classic". But it's really not hard to understand the actual meaning of the word and how to use it properly.
>"Retro" and "old" are not synonyms. Super Mario 3 is old. Shovel Knight is retro.
Please tell me that's supposed to be a joke. A wikipedia article to "retrogaming" is not a definition for retro. Are you really just too stupid to learn English?
Someone should make a whole game with this level of quality pixel art throughout.
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Stay mad and stay wrong.
You're stuck in the past (no joke intended). Words and their definitions evolve.
While "Retro" used to mean "something trying to look or seem old, or done in a past style" it can now also mean "something actually old".

Both definitions are just as valid nowadays. The new definition is even starting to prevail, take for example the name of this board and its rules.
>it can now also mean "something actually old".

Show me a single credible example of this. No Wikipedia is not "credible"
>A wikipedia article to "retrogaming" is not a definition for retro.
So what is? The word of a hipster piece of trash fanboy who believes he is a dev?
Go play your shitty Metroidvanias and get out of here.
It's the sole purpose of a dictionary. The word has a specific meaning. It's not a synonym for old with good reason. When you want to call something old, dated, classic, whatever there are a plethora of words to do that.

"Retro" is a specific thing, it doesn't mean the same thing as old or classic. What I don't understand is why people like those on this board are so invested in changing the meaning of the word so that it's just a synonym for old. It's pointless.
>credible example

As far as the evolution of words definition go, it becomes valid starting when enough people use it that way. Then, it gets added in what you'd call "credible" dictionaries.

Dictionary writers don't make the rules, they just write down what the new trends they witness. This being said, retro has been use like this for quite some time now, so I'm sure that if you look, you'll find the 2 definitions side to side everywhere.

Trust me, I have a (useless) degree in which this stuff was a course.
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>trigger please.
There is no valid reason for people to use the word incorrectly when there are appropriate words that they could use.

It's laziness and stupidity. If that laziness and stupidity eventually leads to the definition losing it's true meaning it doesn't change the fact that it happened because people were too stupid to use the correct words.
Those don't even come close.
You probably do the same with other words without knowing it.
>old games
>old games
>more old games
Yeah, they're using "retro games" the same way /vr/ and Wikipedia does.
those bastards!
I would love to see a really good looking gouraud shaded game in the modern day. Just models is fine too.
given modern mesh complexities, it would likely not look how you imagine
I try not to and when I find or am informed I've been using a word wrong I'm thankful.

Exactly. It's more stupid lazy people with websites using a word because they think it sounds fancy instead of picking the one that actually fits what they are trying to say.

This is why literally now means literally and the opposite of literally. Literally.
you're not the poor dude that doesn't understand the difference between retro and retrogaming, are you? The one that tried to tell everyone they're holding it wrong
El Shaddai gave me some of those vibes.
that's because you don't have a clue what gouraud shading looks like
Are you the one who when asked for a source on his incorrect definition of reto, kept posting links to retrogaming thinking it's the same thing? I remember that, it was funny. I asked for a source on retro meaning old and he kept posting links to the wikipedia article on "retrogaming"
the definition of retro wasn't and isn't under dispute. I see nothing changed though. Have fun
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>Everyone is using the word wrong, except for me
>the definition of retro wasn't and isn't under dispute.
You haven't been reading the thread then. It's literally under attack by people who want to change what it means because... well I don't really understand why they want to. They just insist that it should mean what they want it to mean.

Seems like it sometimes. It's really sad in a world where everyone can check the correct meaning and usage in mere seconds if they were so inclined.
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>It's literally under attack by people who want to change what it means
Wow, you're retarded.

This >>3460494 is someone actively trying to change the meaning of the word out of pure stupidity and laziness. There is zero good reason to take a word with a unique meaning and then change it so it's just a synonym for old.

But of course, that makes me a "retard". Fuck this place sucks these days.
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>Loses an argument on the internet
>Blames the board for "sucking"
>Being this mad
The salt is real
>It's literally under attack
GO, Retro crusader, YOU NEED TO SAVE RETRO!
lol where did I lose? This whole discussion is about people on the board not understanding what the word means and not using it correctly.
You're fighting a lost war. Evolution is part of the definition of what makes a tongue.
Only languages which aren't used anymore like Latin don't evolve anymore.

You have NO IDEA how many words you use which have had their use change or way or another.

Also, nobody is "attacking" the word. Changes just happens, it's like a common consciousness shared by everyone using the same language.

As for the "zero good reason", it would need further study but my hypothesis is that, when 2 words which meaning are linked, can easily get mixed up. For instance, go to antique store, and you won't be able to make the difference between a retro armchair and an old armchair. This is how you start using one word for the other.
That's right, not wanting a word's definition changed for no good reason at all makes me an all caps crusader.
>As for the "zero good reason", it would need further study but my hypothesis is that, when 2 words which meaning are linked, can easily get mixed up. For instance, go to antique store, and you won't be able to make the difference between a retro armchair and an old armchair. This is how you start using one word for the other.

My point being that the two things can be so alike for most people, why would these people need two words. That's a pretty "good reason".
>For instance, go to antique store, and you won't be able to make the difference between a retro armchair and an old armchair. This is how you start using one word for the other.

If I were into antiquing I certainly hope that I would be able to, and the different would be very important.

You're right it's inevitable (I know more about etymology than you probably think) it just irritates me the flippancy with which people will not bother to learn what something actually means.

But given the state of this board I really shouldn't be surprised. Yes, that was another childish dig. This place gets worse every day it seems and that's probably what I'm reacting to more than anything. If it's not people crying about nigger cucks and jews it's people defending their god given right to be actively ignorant. It just sucks cause this place wasn't always this shitty.
>My point being that the two things can be so alike for most people, why would these people need two words. That's a pretty "good reason".

My point is that the two things aren't actually alike at all. They're related sure, but distinctive. When you blend the meanings so that they're the same it just causes confusion.

A retro couch is a VERY different thing from an antique couch. The words meaning different things is important. For a board that gets as upset about repro carts as it does I would think that would make more sense.
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Can anyone tell me what I'm looking at?
domo kun with a black horn, on black stilts and retarded dread locks
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Stop expecting to win ownership of the word "retro", you fucking tools!!

Retro gaming refers to a style of gaming, you're playing games which are not currently being sold to you, you are consuming a product which isn't being produced, generally in the atypical manner that is "not emulating", that's how it's a retro act.

Retro styled games are games designed to work with an __observable__ bounding box of a type ubiquitous in the past, such as use of cartridges / lack of any sort of functionality without the cart/disc, being made for a CRT screen (or 2 or 3), being rooted in arcades, being made for 2 or 3 button controllers, being made for joysticks that are not at all flightsticks, or being made for gamepads with no ministicks(this last aspect is meaningless on it's own)
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Can anyone tell me what I'm looking at?
Shit painting.
You actually made me kek anon, thanks.
Crypt of the necrodancer has 844gigs of poorly coded video, I have no idea what they were thinking.

The rest is mostly music which is reasonable enough if you want your music to be in good quality and not midi-based.
So how would you guys rate this game?
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>this thread
Man looking at some of these posts you'd think someone was running around squirting grapefruit into people's eyes.

I'm glad I'm not a bitter curmudgeon.
not retro/10
>to jump press x
What's next? "Press forward to walk"?

We're all bitter jaded motherfuckers. We're here to hate and be hated.
Come and embrace the hate.

Last I knew, Dead Pixels based their sprites directly off Megaman
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Looks like it. Is it some kind of tradition that amateur spriters have to recolor Megaman at least once? Can they not conceive of any other way to depict a low-res human?
But in practice that works so well! Drawing the line after 5th gen. The only issue is how you approximate it with PC games, by equivalent year to when 5th gen consoles stopped being produced, by year when 6th gen consoles established themselves, or by year when 5th gen console games stopped being produces? Unless you wanted to be autistic and by-the-book abd make the limit games that would run on a PC purchased in 1999.
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Nothing about this board works well.
I'm not noticing that game being talked about much, so it's obviously small enough not to be a problem.
But there still can be threads about it when it's obviously not what the board was set up to discuss.
Thread posts: 526
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