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Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

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Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 91

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Prostate edition

Previous Thread: >>152006364

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does /vg/ play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
Chargeblade is hopelessly overpowered in 4U and plays itself

You're getting carried by your weapon type without having to put in any skill.

Get good with a real weapon.
Would you rather BE the loli or FUCK the loli?
What went wrong with Handicraft?
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did you fuck your showerhead today, /mhg/?
I want to BE the loli who gets fucked by THE dragon
i want to be fucked by the loli
be the loli and fuck other lolis
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These are the kind of questions that keep you awake at night

On one hand, I'd totally love to fuck the Meowstress.
On the other hand, I'd love to be the Meowstress and get fucked!
Both perfectly agreeable choices, I'm glad /mhg/ is so sensible today.
It was nerfed to its MHTri incarnation, but also made more difficult to get. Meanwhile, other skills were introduced that gave it competition whilst also being easier to fit onto a good set, and weapons with natural white are strong enough to not necessitate S+2. Things will likely change with the release of Hyper Deviljho.
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I am enjoying all this lewdposting.
I wanna BE the hunter that SCOUTS the perfect fighter Nyanta~!!!
Theoretically, if some weapons got purple sharpness after S+2, would that really change anything in MHGen's meta?
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>tfw you will never ride tama's "showerhead"
Can someone put homebrew on my 3DS if I ship it to them?
No. Please stop this nonsense.
Sure thing goy
You have 5 seconds to name me a better looking Greatsword than the Skraga
If you're in my area, I will consider doing it for a blow job.
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Okay so what does a perfect prowler for soloing and shit realistically need when I scout it?

Let me try to think off this
piercing boomerangs
big boomerangs
dung bombay
pitfall or shock trap (shock takes 1 less bar so better I guess?)

and I'll teach it emergency retreat

boomerang pro
last stand
crit up S
crit up L

and teach it world's strongest something when that is available

Is this correct?
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>Tama will never wash out your mouth with soap

Don't listen to the other retard. 4U doesn't get boring nearly as fast as Gen, and you don't have to gather shit for days to complete all quests.
While Gen brings some interesting core ideas, it's stripped of any kind of identity. the endgames lets you chose between more armors since the meta doesn't focus on the same skill sets as much as 4U, but it feels empty.
In the end if you just want to have fun with your charge blade, stick to 4U for now, play Gen if you get bored, and see for yourself.
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I'm gonna FIST all the monsters!
Make sure to include your copy of Generations too. I'll transfer you some ace Palicos!

Also I'll need your hunter name for reference, just in case someone else sends their 3DS as an imposter
Damn, far too far away.
Yes. It'd be exactly the same as MHTri's meta, where only Alatreon and Deviljho weapons were worth using.
thanks for all the replies
regarding the chargeblade, i know it was apparently OP i just really liked the playstyle of it, also landing an ultra felt really satisfying, i'll definitely keep playing it
it seems the majority thinks 4U sucks, so i guess i'll restart with a better voice and give it another go
(i also care about multiplayer being more alive i guess)
just out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say the game gets boring after the "story" while MHG stays interesting? i thought they even removed g-rank or something
most places praised 4U to high heavens for whatever reasons
But the worst monsters are hunters themselves.
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but can you blow bubbles with tama semen?
Millstone Bereaver.
You won't have Last Stand. Both that and World's Strongest must be taught to a Fighter Palico. Earplugs are also optional and not required.
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All this back to school shitposting is really amazing.
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Welp, there's no winning is there?
this guy's right
*hunts gravios 50 times for the right to hunt apex gravios*
Important skills ->Piercing Boomerrang, big boomerrang and boomerrang pro.

Nice to have -> Emergency retreat, Earplugs, Crit S

That's really all you need. Everything else is just extra stuff.
>i know it was apparently OP
You've been misguided by memers. CB was merely at the bottom of the top tier in 4U, after it was in the low tier in its debut game MH4.
>it seems the majority thinks 4U sucks
Same thing. Vocal minority of casuals. 4U really IS the biggest and the best MH game to date.
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It costs too many points, the only decent armor that gets in naturally is DLC locked, hellblade weapons don't need it, and crit stacking sets beat out any set you could make with handicraft.
>just out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say the game gets boring after the "story" while MHG stays interesting?
They mean that they're Genbabbies and have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
It doesn't even make any sense.
>farming dreadking 5 online with randoms
>gs faggot is room leader
>has his hunter arts named as "supercolpo del madonna" I think it means super attack of mary?
>trips everyone with a fucking gs
>carts twice
>uses flash bombs without breaking its wings first
>his hunter title is black great sword
>doesnt have focus in his armor set
just lol
Oh okay, I guess I can just teach last stand until world's strongest is available, I can replace the taught move at any time with another one, right?
>don't have to gather shit for days to complete all quests.
yes because fighting a million gen 2 monsters and seltas is surely better
>stripped of any kind of identity
The identity is to have fun but not like 4U babs will know anything about fun
You're literally forced to hunt Black/Gravios 4 times total if you want to unlock your hunter rank. And Apex Gravios is DLC exclusive and is tiny.
I must say I vastly prefer raw stacking over crit stacking. I like stability in my DPS graphs.
Lmao, are you fucking joking?
CB was downright broken good in 4U.

Literally end your life you shitty CB player.
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So you "vastly prefer" doing less damage?
Vas te faire enculer, François.
>clearly HR65

Pls stop
Can't even get prepositions right, embarrassing.
Good question
I meant to say I prefer WE the way it used to be, and cirt boost wasn't a thing. Au(X)L/HB stacking was slightly less unfun than crit stacking.
What's a good alternative to the bow of light & memes
dios bow
Do you want pierce, spread, or something else?
How does one fuck a showerhead?
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What's your title?
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I want to BE the Kirin slut!

>requires 15 points for full (read: only worthwhile) effect
>points are very hard to get in conjunction with other good skills

tl;dr the burden of 15 handicraft points is WAY too limiting, making only weapons with natural white worth shit. Thanks Ichinose!
Good to see you're a faggot.
I have focus.
I didn't cart, not even once.
>notice blackbelt head has three slots
>been using artian head for a set, would rather not go full mr roboto
>plesioth coin
uh oh
>plesioth arena quest: bath towels. bath towels everywhere
holy shit this is retarded and agonizing. I mean, I get that they're giving you adept to not take damage but this is downright punishing.
Charge Blade is by far the most complex weapon in the entire Monster Hunter series. It KO'd better than hammers and dealt large burst when the opportunity came. It also made Diablos and Black Tigrex a completely different fight. It's not a pick up and win weapon. Just like how GS isn't ez mode.

What made anything "OP" in 4U was armor skills stacking in exploitable ways.

In fact, the playstyle of charge blade paved the way for Hunter Arts. You build up and unleash something flashy. If anything you can call them shit for inspiring this mechanic.

CB is great and you're a homosexual if you think it's broken.
It's piss easy with lbg.
Deadeye Greatbow (Deadeye Yian bow).

It's a pain to farm, obviously, but it has Power I, II and Rapid 4.
nothing because im not a faggot,im changing my hunter arts callouts to "that gs guy is a faggot for next hunt doe"
really? I've never gunned in my life. any tips?
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What makes stacking certain attack boosting skills less unfun than others?
Anyone want to grind thru HR1? Starting with Tetsucabra. I'll take free guild cards, too.

His title is "Love", because he's not gay, you know.
>unironically defending the performance of charge blade in 4U

Now I've seen it all.
Relying on crit over plain raw increase means more RNG and less reliable staggering.
>admits to having gay shit as his callouts
>admits to tripping others as gs
>didnt die last hunt because some other faggot kept lifepowdering him like it was his job
Pierce lvl1 and flame shots. If you aim right the fight should be over before you're forced to use pierce lvl2.
You can spot the Lance/Hammer mains by their measure of butt hurt every time a Charge Blade is mentioned.
High Rank Turns going up. Same password as usual.

>point gun at fish
>press A
You're going to need so many hits to kill stuff that your effective raw will end up being close to the expected one pretty much always.
You can spot the Charge Blade mains by their measure of butt hurt every time someone calls them out on playing a weapon that overperforms even just by button mashing.

Good thing Gen put CB back in line to how it should be.
MH4U's meme blade was fine.

The removal of GP -> AED ruined the weapon.
I don't know what you guys mean about Yian Garuga being difficult, I only carted to it once in all of the times I fought him.

Fucking Bubbles and Nargacuga gave me more trouble than that.
No, it wasn't. It was OP.

Now it's fine.

Sorry you now have to switch to SnS or Lance if you want to get carried by this game's meme overperforming weapon.
>claims its OP
>doesn't even try to back up claims

With the amount of anal devistation going around you'd think monsters killed themselves when a charge blade entered the area.

Most people who use charge blade couldn't GP properly. It's why they added new ways to do this in Gen.

Yeah, in the right hands, fantastic weapon. Still not overpowered.
IG was OP. CB struggled to beat DB's times.
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>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>trouble with bubbles
how? its status attack buffs your evasion and will randomly heal or increase attack. it is the most enabling fight in the game.
How do I get trunkspine?
No one thinks he's difficult, just annoying with an outdated moveset. I hope next game they replace Garuga's moveset with Deadeye's.
When will you stop posting this crap and shitpost with some Nekojo like all the others?
Break trunk.
Pray tell us what weapon are you playing in Generations, memer-kun?
>IG was OP
>only had two top clear times


I feel like CB seemed a lot more OP than it was because the weapons it mostly obviously competed with (hammer for KO and lance/GL for guarding) were shit in 4U, and it was pretty hard to use effectively on a lot of monsters. I would've been fine with the motion values being toned down a bit (I think the 40% reduction to the roundswing and the complete neutering of the ultra AED were excessive though), but what really killed it for me was gutting it mechanically. I just don't think it's fun to use anymore. I also don't enjoy IG anymore because of the gutted effect extender but that one might be on me and that weapon was legitimately way too strong.
break trunk.
>gets boring after the "story" while MHG stays interesting?
MHG at least has variations with styles and prowlers. All gameplay of 4U past rusty kush is fighting the same shit roster all the way to G rank where you suffer through the shittest G transition in series until you can cheese star knight, go unlock yourself and fight monkey dick until the end of the times for weapons with more numbers (which you don't even need unless for fighting those exact monsters you get these from and gog). You can't even play arenas for fun, they are all multi centered and fighting shit like dual raths or dual gravios with worst weapons in the game and barely any/no smoke bombs will make you want to kill yourself. No wonder 4u babs liked this shit, they were pissing themselves from huge numbers and being bored all day long charging greatsword at monkey dick. Should have seen this general during 4U times, it was such a cancerous shitpile it physically hurt to be there, even the current furfaggot galore is nothing.
You have no idea how much I'm glad Deadeye rarely ever use the instant charge crap.
>still talking about a 9 months old game
>be Shogun Ceanataur
>aggressively walk towards you to hurt you

I'd been somewhat alright with removing easy AEDs from quickdial or GP, but changing how GPs work completely by going through animations instead of entering a post-block state kind of killed it for me

Think most would've been fine with just MV and/or KO power nerfs
Lol fuck off PixelEater you retarded importers are a minority.
Nice damage control, you spouted nonsense lies and are now shifting the blame. Retard, you even just carted to the same Rathalos you were claiming I carted to.
Shogun's charge is the same speed as his walk.

It's really great.
Its backwards walk is actually much faster.
just recently did firefight to the finish and fug that shit was annoying.
>"oh it's walking toward me, I better eatch for the swipe"
>it doesn't stop and i'm on my ass every time
shut the fuck up you wetback piece of shit

the spanish are second to frenchies when it comes to being shit at MH
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I'm not even spanish, you inbred retard, too busy being assblasted to notice I guess.

Fuck off.
Man, I "main" 8 weapons and CB is and has always been good. It's still good. It's not broken. And this is coming from someone who had a max raw 20 purp paralysis CB with one slot.

The AED shortcut got "nerfed" and you're bragging. Meaning that the AED shortcut was what rustled your jimmies. Which was great for KOs.

Hammer main, spotted. Play more than one weapon, nerd.
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mfw i deliberately carted to see if you were actually in this thread when you would predictably call me out
For anybody but importers MHGen is a month old game.
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded
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>I main 8 weapons

post your card, anon.

i'll tell you whether or not your good or bad.
>that call out
>not a spic
>actually managing to trip with a fucking GS and using flashes before wing break
>other teammates are healing you not your fucking self

whatever you say faggot lmao
>those 0s
Post your name too while you're at it.
Stop replying, he's that one poorfag retard who pirated it and tries to tell himself he did the right thing
While he may indeed be a spic depending on your personal definition of the term, he's not Spanish, he's Italian.
You literally agree with me in every way.

CB is good and fine now. It was not fine in 4U.

The end.
>that one who pirated it
Uhh, anon...
thats worse though
Stop replying, he's that one normalfag retard who bought it and tries to tell himself he did the right thing
He's not a real Italian if he's not a gangstar.
>not reading the whole post
How come?
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>want to unlock at 60 for akantor
>unlock at 57
It's ok mayne, just do those shiny new hunt-a-ton quests and you'll reach that level in no time.
>pick up new weapon
>can have another 200+ hours of fun learning a new weapon and getting good at it to master it

Based MH
I'm glad you're enjoying your first MH game, anon!
from his other callouts hes italian like

"mio dio"
"sei il grande" after he gets lifepowdered

Please no, anything but pirates vs buyfags arguments, go back to furposting if you need to.
How long does it take for a greatsword to proc paralysis?
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>tfw you save edit
Styles and arts make this a clean slate for everyone :)
Then he's either too young to write properly or just a foreigner learning the language. No idea why anybody would want to learn Italian though.
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Longer than you think.
GS: 638
LS: 116
SnS: 162
DB: 243
HAM: 135
HH: 176
CB: 1049 (caravan bloat on release)
Bow: 139

CB: 230
LBG: 189
Bow: 545

The rest have not surpassed 100 hunts yet.
post name
Garuga is my #2 most hated monster but I actually enjoy Deadeye. That flying beak slam is a real bitch sometimes though.
I, too, can write down random numbers on 4chan.

Here are my stats:


GS: 823
SNS: 385
CB: 1236
HBG: 897
Stop tarnishing Uli's image with your shitposting! Uli is pure! PURE!
>Bow: 545

I'll never understand why people play such a shit weapon.

I could understand playing the bow (or any gunner weapon) if you had mouse and keyboard to aim.

But aiming with the d-pad or c-stick, and the total lack of aim assist just makes gunner weapons a miserable experience.
>Hunting cuttlefish for mucus
>hr 25 with no skills and a french greatsword that never ever sheathes his weapon
It's a miracle neither of them carted

Frenchman did do a pretty awesome finisher, though, blew up the weakspot with bombs, killing it so he wasn't completely braindead
>I'm shit at gunner weapons therefore all gunner weapons are shit.

very very advanced bait anon
You don't have to aim most of the times. You just turn in the direction the monster is with the left stick and release. Mosnters usually have their head hanging just around the arrow trajectory. Of course you need to make some corrections for some mons, but you obviously don't spend the whole hunt in FPS mode.
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You go try playing Bow against Plessy (weakpoint is bottom stomach and top fin).

Have fun!
What else do you call the shiny bit when he collapses?
bow destroys plessy, nice way to out yourself shitter
What's the deal with that one area of Volcanic Hollow with the dead bodies hanging from the ceiling where absolutely no monster aside from remobra go to?
Don't fucking put words in my mouth. You're complaining about a balanced weapon. It was perfectly fine in 4U. And now it has a changed playstyle for those who were advanced with it. If you hunted once with it you'd know.

I bet you think weed is normie cancer and your straight-edge attitude is a testament to your force of will, rather than your lack of being able to socialize.
>bow destroys plessy

I get 3 minute clears on HR with Adebt DB on plessy. I doubt the bow can even get sub 5 minutes, anon.

Bow is a shit meme weapon, through and through.
>I bet you think weed is normie cancer and your straight-edge attitude is a testament to your force of will, rather than your lack of being able to socialize.

Think about the garbage you just posted and reconsider the path you've taken to end up at this point in life.
>i never played 4U
They're Gypceros which are hunted by Nerscylla, but they didn't put her in Gens for some reason.
dumb monsterfucker
no wonder you use the most braindead weapon and too shit to gun
Yeah I sure love to go around lying to randoms on 4chan. I'm not posting my GC, I'm not name dropping. And I don't have photo mode on my console, nor have I hacked my console or imported anything for save editing.

Those are the numbers. Now shut up.
Guess I stuck a chord
Gunners get garbage clear times.

If a DB users spams the monster's legs, they'll still get sub 10 minutes on hypers.

If a Bow shitter spams shots, they'll get 15-20 minutes (I know because I've tried).
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>I don't have any device capable of taking a photo


Just kill yourself already
Plenty of time to adjust your aim when the dumb fish does the water laser or tailwhip.

Git gud, shitter.
Wunderkind Von Letdown
>dead bodies hanging from the ceiling
wait what?
Which bad-dragon would be most accurate for tama?
Elden? Nox?
>brainless moron who only knows to spam demon dance at legs gets shitty times with a weapon that requires you to think and aim.

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Not him but why the fuck does it matter? None of us have anything to prove to each other over the internet so why the fuck are you trying to call someone out on numbers they posted on a Malaysian cave painting board pertaining the weapons they used in a jap hunting game?
shotgun barrel
>Not him
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>When you accidentally bring a 120 raw weapon to HR Uragaan
I doubt tama is gunning from his crotch.
I'd think spritz
where do you think all those bubbles are coming from
cynanide pills
>When you accidentally bring a blademaster weapon to HR Uragaan
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glands under his fur
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>Missing my point entirely
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>EX Gore hat O
>_______ chest
>_______ hands
>Gore R waist O
>Gore R feet
>_______ charm

Grants Challenger +2 and options. What other skills do we want?
Why does Lavasioth get bigger magma projectiles than Uragaan
>Challenger +2
this is not 4U anymore
because frontier
depends on what wep/style you are
something that's not challenger +2

it's nerfed in Gen
Dragon Bombs don't care about weak points because they do fixed damage.
Uragaan cannot shoot mouth projectiles,

It's better than AuL for 5 less skill points. I don't see how 'it's less good than it used to be in a different game with a different meta' is a valid argument.
>challenger +2
> (Attack +20 and Affinity 15% when a monster is enraged)
It's literally the same shit as 4U, what are you even memein about.
Whadda good HBG skills?
So when charm farming, does it have to be exactly 12 coal, or is it just the minimum for max rewards?
Recoil Down, Load Up are the "must haves" Anything else you add should cater to how you play and the set you're making.
Rage doesn't overwrite fatique anymore so have fun having all this downtime
4u's challenger 2 is 25 attack and 20 affinity, moron.
Pierce guns need Pierce Up, Normal guns need Normal Up.

Evade Dist is mandatory.

WE, Crit Boost, and CE are good.
Oh right
I forgot there were dragon bombs in the box

I am significantly less impressed

Do all bombs have fixed damage?
>Evade Dist is mandatory.
not anymore

> Shitting this hard over 5 attack and 5 affinity
>effective ~4% less damage boost to a 200 raw weapon

Yeah dude, it's so bad. Like what's these anons names bruh let's get em memelisted.
>Evade Dist is mandatory.
What about adept?

Fair point. Pretty sure HBG want more than one Hunter Art though, so Guild/Striker are more common choices.
Unless you're going to staggerlock the monster, you're still going to need it for repositioning yourself. Also it's easier to abuse some openings by simply dodging the attack rather than triggering the adept evade.
>I don't know how rage and exhaust works in Gen

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>mfw when every time I sleep bomb I walk to the head
I feel like an idiot

Evade dist is mandatory if you don't want to use adept*

Actually, shit, even then striker HBG with both evasion arts might be able to get away with it if they can fill their meters fast enough.
Not them but 4% is significant when there are new, better skills.
>Hunting hypers with a friend
>Doing well, fun hunts
>Getting pretty good times
>Another friend joins
>Hunting times don't change
>He spends most of the fight getting knocked around, changing zones to heal, and constantly trying to track the monster while in siege mode even if it's completely behind him (which often leads to him getting hit) instead of getting up and doing literally anything else.
>After almost every hunt says 'phew, almost ran out of potions and mega potions'
>Both me and good friend have spent three lifepowders keeping him alive and have barely needed to spend any healing on ourselves

Dear /mhg/,

My friend needs to git gud. How can he git gud?

My sore back
not really, only gunpowder infusion is needed
doesn't really matter, when monsters curl to sleep all their breakables usually end up in one place near the head
I don't see how that difference is even significant considering that G monsters have much more hp than High rank monsters. I doubt that 5 row makes it not worth it in Gen vs High Rank monsters compared to 4U vs G Rank monsters. Heck, it might be even stronger versus High rank.
I'd say the opposite. Playing HBG in 4U religiously for the first time and coming to Generations, Gunpowder Infusion is the only necessary art. The rest can be lived without since Guns Blazing takes a century to charge can get ruined anytime. GI keeps the damage up constantly and Supernova is a pain to aim.
Well if you want to break the head that is still good

But the bomb can only break/hit one of all those parts
What do you think it's better, getting a skill that will prove itself to be useful in lots and lots of situations or wasting two skill slots on shit that do pretty much the same thing while also having lot of downtime while also sacrificing siege fire?
Have him pick up LBG instead. Its HBG lite.

Hypers don't fatigue. Are we gonna sit here and rub our pussies like Hypers don't make up a significant portion of end-game content?
Stacking crit is the new meta because it's super easy to get crit eye 2, WE and super crit on a set.

It's much harder to fit in other useful skills if you go for challenger 2.
>Supernova is a pain to aim
Actually landing is so satisfying though, against slower shit like Ukanlos or Akantor I can land it 99% of the times.
By not playing with him and carrying his scrub ass
And especially letting him play as a gunner
You should put out multiple bombs anyway. Yes they won't do increased damage but it's still free damage
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I swear to god if I see a nigga running with a limiter on still pulling this shit.
>wasting two skill slots on shit that do pretty much the same thing

Well when you've got 3 skill slots and your weapon only has one good art, I'd hardly call double evasion a waste. I agree that adept is better overall, though.
>Well when you've got 3 skill slots and your weapon only has one good art
And the why the fuck pick Striker in the first place?
Well biology is pretty ok versus blast monsters if you use the Gore set. If you ditch biology you can get things like bludgeoner and/or AuM/WE in the same set. I ddn't experiment with the crit skills so I can't say much about that, but I find Challenger+2 pretty alright.

Also, challenger has other uses. Like finding when Alatreon is out of rage to flash him out of the sky. Very good for at least one member of the team.
What do you get for doing all hub prowler quests?
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5% DAMAGE BOOST BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Shakalaka cookie.
What do I really get?
Where are people finding this kind of info?
A sense of achievement
>Also, challenger has other uses. Like finding when Alatreon is out of rage to flash him out of the sky. Very good for at least one member of the team.
As opposed to looking for the extremely obvious ice mist covering his body when he's enraged?
Awards, that's it.
Yes. Thanks.
Yeah, keep your pride, I'll take Cha-Cha's baked goods any day.
as a Guild Hammer, should I just aim for the 3 lvl charge as priority or just do the 2 lvl charge to reach quickly to the head and then R > X Golf swing? Any tips to a newbie Hammer user as me? Also I just crafted the LR Narga armor (Expert and Evade Extender) Is a good armor to go trough LR? Thanks!
>wanting anything from shakashits
Sure, whatever.
I didn't say I'd eat them, no more than I'd appreciate the artistic attempts of a four year old. Regardless, the drawing goes on the fridge, and Cha-Cha's cookies go in the fridge, next to the pickle jar with one lonely pickle in it.

You use the level 2 charge to close the distance, bop the head, and get away when you have a small opening. You use the level 3 charge when you have a bigger opening. When you have a really big opening you do the triple pound. Once you achieve ULTRAPRO HAMMERGOD status you can start using golfswings like a GS charge because it does more damage than the superpound.
What's some non-ultra mega endgame good lance set I can make?

I really don't know anything about the lance but want to learn it.
I'm HR7 and just about did my first deviant steps.
>pickle jar with one lonely pickle in it.
let the world eater out already
>Now that's the tastiest sounding pickle I've /never/ heard.
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Silver Solset. Yes really.
Is that image somehow telling me the guy uses silver sol or do you want to show me what style and arts to use?
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Wow my 6 year old save worked like a charm
I fucking hate rath armor, it looks so shit

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What's the motivation of playing P3rd over 3U besides Amatsu? I mean, I enjoy the game. But 3U has pretty much every single monster it has plus a few others.
It is, and the other thing too I guess.
Endgame set for lances and like 80% of everything is Silver Sol with the Hayabusa Feather and maybe some random piece extra to help with skills, often Vaik Faulds S.
About the only way to get Razor Sharp, CE+2, Crit Boost and WE.
Style: the one that lets you charge
Arts: Charge

You spend 100% of the fight charging, Lance is a meme weapon now.
you get to fight the best monster of all time
That doesn't sound fun, I want to poke and hop.
>Browse HB Rooms
>Recruiting !
>JR 8

I didn't even know this was possible.
>Aerial Gunlance
You do that to get the monster down when it's not far enough for a charge finisher. It's a complement to charging.
Not in multiplayer you don't. That shit trips people constantly. Striker is still very good for poking around.
And even for solo, sometimes Adept is a great choice (like vs HB Glavenus).
3U wasn't released back in 2010
But now it's just for a change of pace and to try the emulator
I mean people still play FU
so im coming back to generations after 3u

is there no more purple sharpness or am i missing something ?

is there some kind of comparisonä/change list for generations to 3u or unite ?
Gen has no G rank, so no purple sharpness
There is no purple because there is no G-rank
There isn't purple.
Not really. Just read the notes.
Im watching TAs and seeing very little charging. I think theres lies happening or exaggeration at least.
>not having all the quests finished already
pretty much none
But it has a better village, better farm, amatsu, akantor and ukanlos (don't remember them in 3U), warning parts and alatreon which doesn't make you want to kill yourself.

>Tri had purple sharpness and no G-rank
Holy shit you found a MHtwink.

Catch it, quick! They bring good luck and virility!

>implying anyone in multiplayer gives an ass about tripping anybody else.
>Multiplayer is LS, CB, and people who can't position themselves as far as the eye can see.
Well yeah, but I meant the motivation for today. FU has a lot of monsters that didn't appear in later games like Tsukami, Gaoren, Long and Lunastra so that's always a motivation.
Why normal rather than pierce against Thunderlord?
Do you have the TA of the lance vs HB Glav? I want to see that sub-5min brutality.
so what is the "difficult" lategame then ?

I need a PSP emulator for FU.
deviants and hypers
>People discussing hunting arts, which ones are good, which ones are fun, and which combo well together
>tfw using charge blade and all the weapon HA are shit.

I sure love monsters that deal x2 damage, have 11,000 health, but don't do anything besides that.

Also did the game ever explain the lore behind hypers?
Hypers, Deviants, and heretofore unreleased DLC.
>better village
debatable, i like moga better

>better farm
maybe if you love doing chores

well i guess he's better than 3u's tedious elder dragons

>akantor and ukanlos
this is not a good thing

cool but worthless

>alatreon that doesn't make you want to kill yourself
i stopped playing p3rd before unlocking alatreon so i can't comment on this
>I need a PSP emulator for FU.
I've got the perfect PSP emulator for you right here. It's the only thing it does well.
Horrible shot zones.

That's why the gunner weps are 3 minutes behind the worst BM run and nearly 10 minutes behind the best run.
>energy blade
gaoren is cancer and luna is teo reskin
don't do it to yourself
>I sure love monsters that deal x2 damage, have 11,000 health, but don't do anything besides that.
So pretty much G rank but without added moves which still do nothing
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It's not about monsters. I hardly believe anybody play older games just for certain monsters. It's the overall feel and even hardware of the game.

I'm checking now and I'm surprised I had a lot done. I remembered making the meme mazereon gold rathian farming set, hence the jinouga lbg.
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>tfw manually entering charms into ASS
alright ty
why is this general even so fucking fast ? i swear this is the fasted general i ever saw

also how much of it is doable solo without minmaxing and tryharding ´to no end because i remember not having anyone to play unite with and failing to do anything in g3
>I sure love monsters that deal x2 damage, have 11,000 health, but don't do anything besides that.
So you mean G-Rank?

This isn't something you want. This is something nobody wants ever again.

CB arts are pretty bad but at least they're a lot better than HH.
tfw writing your own program to enter charms because of ASSs abysmal tabindex ordering.
I've heard Luna was a favorite of many compared to Teostra and didn't charge nowhere near as much.
Hypers also move faster.
Everything is very doable solo. Nothing will ever be as hard before postgame as in Unite.

That said, it's more annoying in this game than in 3U or 4U to try and solo the hub since monster health is fixed and not accounting for # of players. The game is still recent: there are many people online. Use them.
Are you trying to claim monster health scaled to the # of players in the other games?
Forgot pic
Yes, it had some other flame related gimmick and better design, that's why she got removed. Was totally so hard to move both and make luna fully blast based while leaving only fire on teo, thanks capcom
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Whoops wrong pic
>Burning 5 phials for a single greatsword hit that comes from underneath instead of above and at a really shitty angle with a fucking narrow as shit hitbox instead of just charging your shield or using those impact phials to KO

I bet you like tickling monster's feet.
What's her origin, lorewise? Is she Teo's sister, wife, daughter, mother or something else?
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>i cannot aim
>i hate damage
female of species, basically rathian for teo
Can you get EX golden lunecoil yet or is that DLC stuff?
Luna gear was incredibly aesthetic. Miss my Luna X set from 4U, had to kill a gorillion Teo's and mad side quests to unlock Luna parts at the trader.

>Only set in Gen with similar skills is Hunting S
>I like to waste my time and phials since I've got noting better to do here in my mother's basement
even with basic attack / utility skills, gen endagame is pretty comfy to solo. multi monster hyper/deviant arena quests are "fun" but are a pain sometimes.
It's been a while since I've played FU but I can't remember what's Lunastra's gimmick to differentiate her from Teo.
>soloing deviant+drome quests


Not sure if this is the record holder but it's sub 5 all right.

>evade extender on LBG
>latent power+2
>combination pro

Wow anon, you must have been a really big fag 6 years ago. How many fat Zinogre knots did you lavish to get that (mostly) terrible armor set?
probably still better than dual arena gravios solo
She charges, but her charge has a big tell.
Flame aura was retarded though, without a drag wep Teo and Luna were huge dicsk.
I like the adept lance speedrun quite a lot too. Compared to this one there's a lot less charging.
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don't tickle the pig, or it'll go initial d on you
>Adept Lance counter gets interrupted and you lose a shitton of stamina if you're hit two times in a row

Into the shitter it goes
She snarls before she does one of her charges.
That's it as far as I remember.
Well at least you can use the gate in the arena. Can't do shit about it in the tower arenas.
Got a link to the video?
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>not predicting the following hit and chaining adept guards at no stamina cost and still pulling off the counter

What's your name, anon?
>just charge again
>and again
>and again
christ this is awful
that wasn't the gate arena, it was a single arena with web level
It should have gotten an invuln period like the non shield ones.

>"chaining" adept guards on Rathalos' charge and windpress

I'd love to see you chain within 2fuckoseconds
What, the person doing the TA or the playstyle?
Does Deadeye actually have any new attacks aside from the Hypnocatrice clawswipe?
dual gravios is easy though

just let them laser each other while you hammer their feet
>can't adept counter both hits
>doesn't know the best monsters to use adept against

Yes, but its on nicovideo unfortunately. At least you can use your NNID to login. Here:
Its also a showoff of a Bludgeoner set.
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tbqh I was never autistic about all these skills and stats, even now.
Only have 150 hours
The playstyle, how could I ever imply a person sub-5ing Hellblade X is awful?

You can't counter both, shithead
That funny as fuck super charge that also provokes wind pressure.
He charges with his beak into the ground, an the charged charge, kinda like blos or astalos do.
still annoying as fuck
especially when those cunts decide to chain roars while the second one lasers you in the meantime, this was pure cancer
It's funny when he moves to 9 of F&H and people enter it from the top he'll always do that move right into the wall.
I just took 25 minutes to kill a rathian with sns, the weird ice one. Rate my shitter status.
That's real bad anon so I will assume you are french.
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Was I getting memed on when they told me that people would join anyway even if you didn't announce your room in the thread?

Unlocked turns. Rage.

>smoke bombs are never in the loadout on multi monster arenas
Why are they doing this to people? Who even goes to multi monster arenas without smoke bombs? Why give fucking status knives but not smokes? The loadouts usually make sense but this is still baffling.
The earth shattering beak slam is new too, isn't it? Its early versions don't have it.
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>tfw I use weapon types I never use in real hunts when charm farming to falsify the weapon usage statistics on my guild card, resulting in me appearing as more of a polymath than I truly am
It's a bit early for muricans, might be why.
>charm farming wants actual hunters
>no way to just bloat prowler usage and keep weapon usage intact unless you want to go slow
thanks capcom
>tfw you finally got sharpness +5 OOO but you're sick of blademaster and want to gun
Life is truly pointless.
They're all furiously refreshing for a spot in Blanche's room.
Anyone have a link to the music playing in arctic ridge?
It seems to be the generic music for that zone when fighting Blangonga or other monsters.
I just can't find it.
Does Frontier have a monster that fakes out leaving the area then does some ridiculously damaging attack? I feel like that's something that should exist by now
is blunt a meme skill or what ?
how are u able to not bounce all the time with orange sharpness, not to mwention the dmage decrease
Do you not have a search function in your browser at all?

Underrated post.
This one? Are you serious?

>not to mwention
>not going prowler for the millions of shitty gather quests, or every time you go on a harvest tour for random mats
well, I was looking for blangogas music/theme and couldn't find anything.

thanks guys
You are not meant to use it with anything other than green sharpness
>orange sharpness
Blunt only works with Green. It's an overrated Attack Up (M).
keep it green or you lose out on damage anyway. most blunt sets include mind's eye, but swaxes and aerial work to de-bounce too.
but i do this
but charm farming wants farcasters and for whatever reason farcaster is the only thing cats can't have
nah, I'm too addicted to farcaster fumes to gather as a cat
Superior Snowy Mountains theme coming through.


Should've just kept it as is when they made it Daora's theme instead of sticking with the mediocre remix.
Will we ever get another Monster Hunter without stupid fucking mechanics like Apex and Hyper monsters?

Pic related, best in the series.
Should I stick with upgrading Matraca Hammer or branch out to Seditious?
Is it true that you can deliver the first 5 of the 12 coals at once and only have to deliver the remaining 7 one by one?
underwater was no stupid fucking mechanic?
That's because it's not exclusive to it you dumdum. Kirin and Bulldrome have it too.
Try again
I don't care about Apex or Hyper.

I just want high-res textures.

I can't fap to my character when she's only in 240p.
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Don't forget to stretch after a long hunt /mgh/.
I was referring to the monsters themselves having ridiculous mechanics.

Underwater was a very small portion of the game and wasn't that horrible anyway.
It had UW combat, which was even more stupid. At least Apex and Hyper monsters weren't a Normal 3 gun only meta.
>can't fap to anything
fucking scrubs
Kirby's generic boss battle theme is much better, whatcha talking about.
whoops, meant /mhg/
No. Ever since Frenzy, they noticed that some kind of "disease" that messes with the numbers of the monster is much easier to do than subspecies or something. Its the beginning of a sad era for MH.

It was pretty fine depending on the weapon. Why so much hate? It was OK even if not the best and it made the hunts much more varied than what we get now.
Not to mention that it was a small part of the game.
Apex = bad
Frenzy = decent
Hyper = good
Am I the only who keeps a bowl of water near the bed to wash my sweaty hands every other hunt?
Blanche is my gf
Just wanted a 1080p image from best game, thanks google.
But Blanche is my wife.
Scrubs were mad spamming LS doesn't work anymore
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>try out LS for a bit
>fighting Glavenus
>get knocked around and stunned
>he starts charging up the super tail swipe
>mfw I mash out of the stun and Crit Juncture his tail off
Oh baby

Also, thoughts on the style to use with LS?
They all seem so similar desu
Does Striker really only boost HA charge when you get hit?
I'm not used to not having the Lance counter to fall back on and have been getting hit often
Do we have any idea what DLC we'll get next month?
EX Kushala can't come soon enough.
They did new textures and animations for deviants.
i am incredibly sick of lewdposting

wish that all boards just turned into red boards at this point so at least it would be justified
Adept is the funnest style for LS. Use even though shitters here tell you that you suck.

>He countered a tail off
I want to be you.
Striker and Adept are equally viable, but Adept at least doesn't require you to spam wide sweeping spirit slashes to level up your gauge so that's probably better for multi.
apex = bad
frenzy = fucking nothing
hyper = bad
No, Striker has a 1.05 boost to HA charge while hitting but it's so small that it's hardly noticeable.

Use Adept for aggressive monsters and Striker for punching bags.
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Striker also boosts your charge when you get hit. The higher the damage the higher the boost.
Unanimous for Adept it is, then
I'll keep Crit Juncture just for amazing situations like that again
There's going to be a point where you just can't get a fucking spirit divider off and you'll wish you had sakura slash, but don't do it. Cutting tails with crit juncture is my dream.
Sadly Sakura Slash has far more utility than Critical Juncture.

Even on Striker, it is hard to justify Critical Juncture when it's competing with Unhinged Spirit and Absolute Readiness.
Frenzy was a neato mechanic but forcing you to be aggressive or else you get AIDS only works if the monster doesn't enrage immediately after. Needed work.
It's the only weapon that doesn't have a casual filter in 4U. It was horrendously high damage for little effort. At least other high damage weapons required players to git gud. So, yes it didn't get top TA records all the time, but that's not what made it broken obviously. It's that you didn't have to try to get kills. Go watch numerous noob videos who do nothing but spam and win because guard points are all over the place and damage and stuns are ridiculous. Only more noob friendly weapon was IG.

In comparison I've never seen a noob win easy with GS, LS, or Hammer. You can't just go wailing with those weapons like is common with noobs and expect to not die. LS maybe, but you're damage output is ass if you aren't smart about using it.
I'm at 4 star villager quests now and I have no idea what armor to use. What are decent options for blade and gunner?
This, I'll agree with. KO should have been nerfed on it and that probably would have been enough. Also I think either hammer should have better KO or just more damage.
Striker and Adept are both great.
I prefer Striker because all 3 LS arts are fucking fantastic.
>It's the only weapon that doesn't have a casual filter in 4U

What is Lance or Hammer?
I just slapped on jaggi/bulldrome AuL set until I could get LR rathalos for BM.
Dual Blades.
What is so good in unhinged spirit?
Yeah because deviants that are worse than the rare species from previous games and hypers which are literally the EXACT same monster with glowy spots and 3x health are sooo fun and inventive.
Unlimited spirit slashes.
More interesting than super virus armor and the same x3 attack x3 hp 140 have
Spirit slashes are slow and lock you in place
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Unlocked HR turns room, because I couldn't find any.
ID: 40-8065-6401-2056
PW: 7243
He's not wrong. Some weapons base their feel entirely on timed staggers. That's half the enjoyment of some weapons but now that crit stacking is the way to go, it's less reliable and generally feels worse when you stagger "accidentally" with a different attack than you were hoping to. It breaks combos and feels like shit. I just wish they would get rid of most damage skills and replace with more creative shit and just buff weapons to compensate.
Learning to use Dash Juice effectively so you can Demon Dance well is a bit of a retard filter though
Yes, deviants were progress. But the way they implemented them was faulty. Its all good that you can level up your quest and make the mon stronger, but level specific tickets were a mistake. Just make it drop different items after a certain level that can be used for all kinds of endgame gear. And after a certain point levels and items should be seperate.
The major difference is that GQ 140 was LITERALLY optional. No weapons require GQ 140 to finish upgrading. Even honing doesn't require it.

Almost EVERY weapon path requires Hypers to finish upgrading so you can get even moderately competent gear. So you HAVE to deal with that cancer.
Styles should have been skill trees for all the offensive skills

Adept/Aerial stuff should have been designed and balanced as additions to a single unified moveset for each weapon

Armor skills should have just been defense/utility
level specific tickets?
like you have to be a cetain hr to join some deviant quests?
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I completely agree with this.
The deviants are just mainline answer to frontier's hc monsters. It's not progress.
Why does deadeye exist when dreadqueen is functionally the same thing
So you can do it twice.
Guys I'm about to cheat some fucking hellblade powders in. Fuck this.
Deadeye is fun and Dreadqueen is not.

t. GS user
You also had to deal with apex and frenzied monsters in normal quests. That problem is unrelated to GQs.

No, I mean people being forced to do every single quest more than once. They could instead have fun getting tickets that had no levels while leveling up the monster. Then different levels of gear could need different amount of tickets and they could also be used for other kinds of gear unrelated to the deviant.

I mean from a monster design point of view. As annoying as Dreadqueen and Dreadking are, you have to admit that they bring much more variety than any rath subspecie does. Not only that but in certain parts (like charging straight to the player) they are less annoying, but overall require much more of a team effort and planning, things which don't really work on the 3ds where you can't really type well.
I don't blame you
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t. fags who hated relics and were praising deviant quests
Hellblade turns room.

Need those shiny new Hellblade weapons? Need to upgrade those weapons so they're not garbage?
Take turns posting the level you want and get it done!
Deviant quests are divided into 10 levels. Clearing the first mission gives you ticket level 1, second one gives you ticket level 2, and so on until level 10.
To upgrade deviant weapons/armors, you have to use one ticket corresponding to the level of equipment you want to upgrade. And the tickets are also monster-specific, so you can't, say, use stonefist tickets to upgrade your thunderlord items.
On the topic of CB, it's been a rough ride for me.

Didn't use it during 4U, picked it up for Gen but about 300+ uses later I'm still not feeling it. Took me a while to adapt to using guard and the varying reach of the weapon but my biggest gripe is how every action you perform is so deliberate in axe mode.

I hate how it forces you to completely commit to an AED, making it require more precise positioning than a GS. If your position is slightly off while using a GS, you could early exit the attack with a lower level charge and immediately roll out, but accidentally perform an AED in a bad position? Get ready to be punished after whiffing and be stuck in the long ass recovery animation. Also, even at times when your AED lands squarely but fails to stagger, the monster gets to punish you when you are forced back into sword mode. Although this may be a matter of picking the right openings.

On the whole it feels clunky to use especially when switching into axe mode and the monster re-positions away from you.

I consider myself proficient at hammer, GS, IG and HBG, but this CB is causing me all sorts of grief.
I mean the concept is hardly original. Deviants as the same as HC monsters are beefed up versions of the non-sub species

Like this
>HC Yian Garuga has a poison stained beak, more spikes on its tail and new attacks including: releasing a mist of poison during a tail flip; screaming extremely loud while charging at a target; screaming while jumping into the air and spitting 3 fire balls directly below.
>I hate how it forces you to completely commit to an AED
Press R
Well its been nerfed hard in gen. Try canceling the AED into charging your shield. It's not nearly as good as GS early releasing but its something.
I know. I didn't mean to say it was original, just that I find that monsters designed that way are a way to bring a breath of fresh air to certain monsters and they have a much more complex design than typical mons (akin to elder dragons), making them much more deserving of being endgame content than Rajang^infinity.
The implementation was the faulty part.
1 slot left!
But your problem was absurd health pools and damage. That wasn't a problem inherent with Frenzy and Apex. The wystone give so much damage that some of them die faster than regular monsters.
tfw charm farming makes me so sleepy

4-5 runs in and I already feel like having a nap
I wasn't the guy you replied to then, my bad. I was just saying that you would have to fight Frenzy and Apex in the main progression, with or without GQs.

In regards to hypers, I believe the retarded health pool is the problem. The damage is fine as long as it is only the highlighted part that does that much damage, as it makes one ponder positioning and timing, which in turn requires you to know the monster. That and the endgame gear has a lot of defense so I think the damage is fine so as to not take away the challenge.
Definetly be the loli.
What's the difference between scale, plate, shell and carapace?
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What would YOU do to change/improve weapons?

Or if you don't really care, what of mine do you think might not be good ideas?
It's so there can be three different items that you get by the truckful when you're looking for the fourth.
HR Nakarkos farm
get your muskets
Scale, plate and shell drop from LR.
Carapace from HR.
look up a dictionary, they are the same shit from different animals or different bodyparts.

It's like asking what's the difference between your ribs and your skull.
Scales are small-ish, hard and solid.
Plates are large and wide.
Shells are bulky and rigid, but may occasionally be hollow.
Carapaces are basically tougher shells, although typically also more flexible.
I just got to HR6

Been soloing HR5 and every hunt was taking an average of 20 mins

Even my urgents
Gammoth-22 was around that time

I used guild style SnS with appropriate element or crits with affinity oil

Is there other stuff I'm doing wrong or is it just because guild monsters have more hp?

I'm wondering if I need to adjust any for HR6 now.
Fade swings, anything else is hot shit.
>but like 1.1x or 1.5x
Whoops, meant 1.15x.
Take frontier moves, with styles
They have more HP, once you get better weapons the times will come down a bit more.
3 powders in a row. This is a lucky room lads.
Guild is balanced for multiple hunters.
I thought I was using the latest and greatest. I.e. my SnSes are starting to have an average of 130-150 raw. For Mizu I used Ast SnS, 150 raw, 20sonething elec, and for gammoth I used glav SnS, 160 raw, 20something fire

I'm just not sure how to gauge this now.
I only picked up 2 shinies but I got a powder as well.

Still one more slot!
frenzy didnt do shit
it never had the time to complete its weak debuff and the monsters didnt change at all despite all the memeing that tigrex and brachy were harder
The monsters with frenzy has a clear multiplier to their action speed (they were simply sped up, even walking, not just attacks) and damage. The only ok part was the spreading of the virus, but I think that should be a Gore family exclusive, makes them more unique.
You can import your save file into Athena, you know.
>Lunge rockets and extra roll forward
Man. I just think Evasion Dist shouldn't be a skill at all. That should just be an innate thing that you can choose to do based on whether you hold dodge or not.

>Hold dodge for evade dist dodge any directions
>Tap dodge for regular evade.
I want the forward slam from Frontier for Hammer in mainline. X+A doesn't do shit in mainline
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>tfw 40 minute HR Uragaan run
It kept finding new ways to get even more agressively terrible by the minute, I've had better runs with fucking gravios
they should bring over the heat blade, too
it would be really good with crit boost
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A floating arena with spectators. Neat.
>having time to backhop and guard again
>on Rathalos
>2 attacks in .1 picoseconds

Fuck off
He rolls a lot leaving a ton of time with no damage, long times are to be expected. You can try poisoning him so he takes damage while rolling.
Mitsune is a girl
But you need frontier styles to do that, since mainline styles don't alter movesets.
>only Sleep DB has 2 sleep.
Was the abnormal status effect calculation changed or something or I am stuck doing 1 Sleep damage everytime I attack.
it can be a new hunter art
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Post it
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Been bringing a Defense Palico with me on hunts and I approve. I recommend running Guard Boost and Guard (L).

With that said, I have a prime Defense Palico at my scouter.

Variable moves it comes with:

Emergency Retreat
Go, Fight, Win
Health Horn

Guard (L)
Support Boost
Counter Boost

What should I name it? And does anyone want?
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>Tfw you can't make the felyne armor that the French street cook wears in Tanzia port

Which reminds me that they already have something similar, just without the heat blade aesthetics and for their gay heat gauge instead.
>doesn't know you can do adept block successively
So you're just a shitter.
>>>>>>>>guarding charge and its windpress
Show me that done.
>gets proven wrong
>moving the goalpost
Truly the sign of a shitter.
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God it's fucking hard to read
>runner grinds out quest until gets a good run
>indicative of "monster has no problems"

What were you trying to prove with this?
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>tfw I legitmately can't find anything nearly as fun or satisfying as the Lance
Considering I must be backwards, what other weapons do people not like that I should try?
After like 150 hours of Gen I don't think I've really touched ranged
I never gun because it's too complicated. Never know what skills to get.

Bruh you must full on retarded if you ever thought lance might be fun.
I'm telling you, man, the way you can dance around the monster right in his face while having full control over it is amazing
Steps, counters, blocks, evade arts, guard art, etc.

Every hunt feels like I'm making the monster my bitch, and I don't need to be half a map away like LBG or stand still like some mook with GS
Plus punishing mid range enemies with the charge is so powerful now
You should give it a chance
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>all those people watching me whiff big attacks

I wouldn't be able to handle it...
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>Grinding out dreadking rath with randoms
>get a good squad finish hunts in under 10 minutes with one cart at most
>everyone has flash bombs,lifepowders and dungs
>day later,dreadking with randoms again,tell squad to get sonics,dungs and powders
>some guy asks why
>hunt starts,same guy gets instacarted to the delayed aoe nuke like a retard
>afks in base for rest of the hunt
>2 other people cart in under 5 minutes
>next hunt,same people guy who carted first previous hunts begins the hunt by using 5 flashbombs without breaking wing first
>2 people cart to delayed aoe nova
>1 dude leaves
>someone carts again

holy shit people are trash my god
What style/arts do you use?
What style and arts do you like?
Pretty standard stuff
Striker with Enraged Guard, and Absolute Evade + Absolute Readiness
It's honestly one of the most powerful set-ups in the game next to Striker SA, and has really spoiled me

People who say current Lance isn't fun just spam charges, but there's no need to do that; this isn't TA
It's basically shot type up and raw boosters. In Gen that means affinity with endgame gear. If you don't want to use adept then evade extender can compensate.
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Everyone knows GL has been nerfed to hell and then some. It's the butt of all weapon jokes.

But have we discussed why?

Why do they hate the funlance so much?

Is it because it's too fun?
How do I unlock the 2x HR Tigrex village quest? I have reached the point where I have 4 weapons that need HR Tigrex parts to upgrade and it'd probably be faster to grind those all out in village if I can.
It was a stupid weapon to begin with. I mean how is it even physically possible?

Hey dude I put a barrel inside your Lance so now you can shoot shit because it's magically half gun now!
it's just a gun with a giant bayonet

although the reload makes zero sense, where are the shells coming from?
>Demon riot III
>energy charge I
Haven't unlocked II and III yet. Basically I activate demon riot and use energy charge everytime the sword phial is about to reach 0.
The SA reload doesn't make a whole lot of sense either.
All these collecting village quests. Kill me. I just want to hunt.
Is it worth checking out the free trial for frontier?
In HB10, does the regular Glavenus wait till you have killed the Hellblade or did we shitters just barely make it in time?
I swear, the Glavenus popped up exactly at the moment, the Hellblade had it's death animation.
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If you look at some of the weapons, it's not just a gun with a long bayonet, they literally drilled a barrel into the Lance.

I mean shouldn't this also fuck up the Lance bow that it has a hollow inside? And where's the rifling?

None of this shit makes sense.
Nekoth. Murder a hyper tigrex.
it lets you play through all of low rank and high rank, allowing you to fight every monster from freedom 2 (except giadrome) as well as a bunch of the frontier exclusives
It doesn't shoot anything but an explosion, you don't need to stabilize a fucking explosion.
It's a cannon more than a lance
as a concept SA and CB are way dumber
>axe can turn into a sword
>also the sword is battery powered and the battery gives it super exploding energy power
I don't even understand how CB phials are supposed to work
>want to love Gunlance
>no roll

Feels bad. Electric dick dragon almost murdered me because I had a hard time dodging
I don't even know what exactly you are supposed to be reloading there.
how do I unlock Silver and Gold Rath quests for HR 7 Hub?
The SwAxe's phial obviously.
Can you edit talismans without CFW?

People are running around with fastacharge + 6 atk +14 ooo I'm kinda jelly
Is CE+3, Crit Boost and Pierce Up good for Tama HBG or back to the drawing board?
How are half the weapons supposed to work anyway?

Even if you ignore the obvious stuff, like giant weapons, there's things like Switch Axe and Charge Blade that not only are ginormous, they transform back and forth and that type of momentum, added with the force of your swings, should be enough to break the weapon itself apart, together with the hunter's shoulder.

Let's not discuss how weapons are or aren't physically possible, that's not the focus.
>complaining about shit not making sense in a game where green dragons shoot fireballs

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>fighting cuttlefish first time hr7
>Realize that it's charging a super beam attack
>Assume it's like dalamadur and will one shot me
>Spam shout out "Watch out!"
>Try to absolute readiness through it
>AR is on cd
>Be the only shitter to get hit
I think SA phials are unstable chemicals which is why they react and explode.

The transforming is all just simple mechanics which is possible in real life. We can say that the unstable chemicals lube up the SA to make it transform more easily.
i know you can throw a tranq in his mouth to cancel it, but does it have to be like, the moment hes going to shoot it?
there is a vid of a jap (i think) that made a working gunlance, but used airsoft for the shells
You know how many exclusive monsters I can fight in LR/HR or if the tonfas/switchaxe are locked behind G-Rank? I'm not sure if I'd want to play it much if it's just MH2 plus two or three monsters
Does that work on the megalazer? I thought it was only for the small tentacle lasers
Once he starts charging I think, but you have to hit his face I think. I'm also pretty uncertain about it.
pops up after 15 mins or as soon as the HB dies, whichever comes first
Meant what's in it and what you are doing there but I guess >>152063068 explenation works pretty well.

>unstable exploding monster fluid
>"lemme just forcefully jam it the fuck in here"
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>tfw I want to go FULL AUTISM and make ALL LBG and HBG and max up

Please help
tonfa are locked behind g-rank, not sure about switchaxe since i haven't played in ages
the exclusive monsters you'll be able to fight are:
Taikun Zamuza
Hypnocatrice (+ Subspecies and Rare Species)
Lavasioth (+ Subspecies)
Espinas (+ Subspecies and Rare Species)
Akura Vashimu and Jebia
>Duremudira (don't expect to win)
Gunlance is the least of the problems, a lot of them are big shotguns with a bayonet. Considering the large size of most weapons in MH, it's pretty consistent to be honest.

CB is a way worse offender if you're going to nitpick MH weapons. The way it morphs mid-swing like it does (mainly in axe mode) is fucked up and the change in center of gravity and the additional force would make it very unwieldy.
But you can magicscience away any of those problems.
This is a world where humans fight literal dragons HEAD ON and emerge unscathed.
They jump from cliffs with no adverse effects and hold their breath for minutes at a time while fighting and swimming intensely underwater.

You have no idea how the physics of this world play with their technology. Is it really so hard to believe a Lance can be designed to house and expel gunpowder while igniting it?
Why does it need unstable chemicals to stay as a sword and how do those chemicals make it do more element or damage?
Just make lost musket and have comfy hunts.
It's better on Daora Grande/Celestial Tempest, but good if it's your best pierce gun. You'll eventually want to sacrifice crit skills in favor of True Shot Up and Water Atk +2 as it'll become your water gun.
Not him but that's a good chunk of shit I've been admiring from afare for a long time now.
That seems like a decent selection. I was hoping I could fight the blood leviathan but these are good enough, especially if it lets me play around with with different weapon modes on stuff like gunlance.

Trying to navigate menus in gook will be a pain in the ass though
Any good mixed sets for the Greatsword? Currently using Black S with the Tigrex Greatsword. I was thinking about using the Grimclaw set if I can snag a FastCharge +5 OOO charm, but the game has trolled me with several OO- charms so far.
Has anybody been so pissed at a fucking monster not dying that they started asking "why won't you die?". I didn't have any problem with the quests i did in single player and i just failed a seltas queen quest. I dont even know what the fuck happened...i was suddenly 40 min in with 2 deaths no more potions and the fucker was already limping for 20 min already. It just refused to die
Is there a problem with using the shaggy/gore HBG for pierce? Someone told me to use the daora HBG but the shaggy/gore ones don't have any deviation.

aren't there interfaces translations for frontier by now?
Is Weakness Exploit a good skill for hammers?
I made the low rank Malfestio set because it looked cool but that skill seems nice

Where does the questline that unlocks the hyper tigrex start?
Yes, it's one of the best skills for hammer since you're almost always hitting weak zones with that weapon.

dreadking seems better for gs with that charm desu
earplugs to get the free attacks seems too good to pass up
you don't get the different weapon styles until mid gou rank (the rank between high and G), sadly
>love lbgunning ever since I gave it a second chance
>it makes me constantly poor from farming armors with X Atk Up, and buying bullets

I miss having money

WE is killer for CB and Hammer, since they're almost always wailing on the head
It can be anything I want it to be
In fact maybe I'll change it to Blanche
Grimclaw gives HGE and the set also has Crit Draw
what is the hi/salut meme?
Bring traps and tranqs
you make me happy
Do coal runs if MHGen?
"salut" is how frenchies say hi
It was just a shitty hunt. I didn't expect it to be that shitty. I hunted that fucker in multiplayer lots of times and i never even noticed its attacks. Always easy to deal with. Now it was just awful
MH4U actually, made it a goal to finish its story mode first before moving on, but that looks like it's gonna take a while due getting a frin
>Every hyper monster solo
nah man. 4 player hunts are actually super hard since you don't know who the monster is targeting.
Daora is for pierce one, which has more uses and doesn't need recoil down.

if you want to crouching fire pierce 2, you'll have to make amatzu's or use shaggy's with recoil down.
HR Nakarkos room back up
Let people mine
Is there an easy warm to edit some charms in without homebrew or anything like that?

I've tried for so long now but I just can't stand it anymore, I'll never find what I want
well you're not going to do anything without homebrew but you don't need CFW
Well, duh. Do you really think you can 'master' a monster with just one or two fights?
Fire and Slimeblight are so fucking awful as a Lancer
It shits on the flow of my combat so badly, especially against shitstain monsters who leave puddles of fire and slime on the ground
I really enjoyed gold checkmarking all of 4U (offline and hub). I never got around to it in 3U.
>want to join
>too busy installing new 3ds games

It hurts.
Nakarkos is fun
Grinding obsession, fucking cellphone
What Style is better for Hammer? Adept ot Guild? Also, where can I find the motion values? Because the gaijin hunter tutorial lack of the motion values of Adept LvL 2 Charge attack...
Oh alright, well whatever then
Thought I could just pull the save data out of the folder on the sd card or something
I prefer guild, i need my uppercut.

but if you don't use the uppercut as often, adept works just fine.

IIRC the adept level 2 charge is the same as the level 1 charge of every other style
and this is why i bowgun
and if you still manage to trip me i swear ill get my pellet shots out
Really enjoying iCEMANnoob. Any other good hunters like him that post videos of their hunts?
>that one shitter who goes right next to you to heal so the monster runs in your direction

fuck off iceman, you were shit even back then
Anon, we have muskets
I need ONE more novacrystal before I finish my musket ;-;

and then i still need to make an entire set for it
I do not ;_;
I'd feel like a shitter.
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>sprint miles to the other side of the field to hunt
>Blazionga turns to face me and winds up
CB is usually wailing on the head with AEDs which, as I understand it, don't benefit from affinity, thus making WE useless.

Still good for normal axe chops, though.
ApexGaming is one of my favorites.
what he's even doing? charge, wait until it hits and use finisher?
how the hell he's not getting hit when not evading/using art, using enraged block every time?
heal*, not hunt FUCK la

Even in SnS form for CB, you still want to be near the head for the shield thrusts.

Charge A>X>X+A is a really basic combo that charges a minimum of yellow and applies KO on the last hit.
It benefits from WE, the axe hits on the AEDs are proper attacks, so they trigger WE. The phials aren't affected by affinity, but the axe actually hits pretty hard, so any additional crits are good.
am I the only one who does that quartz quest for novacrystals? I keep seeing people bitch about them but it's not even exceptionally tedious.
Isn't it easier to just shit on kirin? It never was hard and gives crystals as drop/reward
I suppose I shouldn't have said "useless". WE is never useless. That's my bad.

But I take your point. I still don't think it's a priority over other skills, like RS or even Guard+. On that note, is there more of a return from Art Novice or WE?
cantaperme is the only one i know/watch
where can i get accolades that isnt 2 monster fights and fast? i need about 3 fiddy for some weapons
I need more combines now, I'm game if you guys want to farm crystals while my cats go trade for stuff.
I still have not actually fought kirin, so it may be. I iust saw they were exclusively shiny drops off him and fucking paddock oil has taught me that chasing shinies is a hollow, annoying persuit.
>deliver two quartz ore
easy, i should have done this before.

Kirin only drops them from shinies, and you can only get one shiny per kirin.
and the quest itself has a 15% chance to drop it.
art novice is not that useful. Every top charge blade speedrun uses some variation of WE + crit boost + crit eye +2 + razor sharp with the tigrex charge blade
Where are the turns room at.
I unlocked at hr 50, am I a carried shitter?
>not getting hit

did you fall for the e+3 meme? it's called being not bad.
That's about the exact moderate level for unlocking
Not too far in the carried or manly solo man direction
*does hadoken motion*

since the gotcha for the quest is a tigrex hge or an earplug cat might help too. It's not necessary, but I did run into him in a smaller zone and had him roar the rock out of my hands like a fuckhead.
What's the best Normal Gunlance? There are only 3 with Nrmlv4 besides deviant weapons, so for now I'm thinking Blue Devil.
Probably WE, but it's finnicky. With Art Novice, your phials deal 0.3x your raw (0.1x normally). So it's a 20% raw boost per phial when dealing AEDs, which is huge. But WE is an average of 12.5% damage boost for all attacks (including sword mode and axe attacks).

And the thing is, WE synergizes well with other skills like crit eye and crit boost, so it's not really an wasy comparison. If you can pair WE and Crit Boost, Art Novice becomes an afterthought, really.
i want to pet a monster
HH user here.
Right now I don't have access to Grimclaw Tigrex, but I am torn between my Obsidian Hunting Horn and the regular Tigrex Hunting Horn. My next Obsidian Horn upgrade requires a Hyper Hunter ticket

They both have AuL, but the Tigrex Horn has Earplugs, but at the cost of -20% or so Affinity.
What do you guys think.

>tfw drilltusk lets you charm+gem in RS to go with guard+1, WE, and Adrenaline+2
Tigrex horn is arguably the best horn in the game my man
no i mean sometimes he doesn't seem to evade or use art and still is not hit by attack like he blocks or something
I want to pet a human
>a dlc quest with one of those outrageously small monsters
>it's a cap quest
>part of the quest reward gives you the tiny monster in your house
Tigrex is pretty well agreed the best
You should have WE at the very least anyways
Well yes, I know. That's the meta. Every CB speedrun also uses Striker, but I hate that shit and wouldn't recommend it unless top times are your main concern.

I can only get Sharpness+9 with my current charms. I'm so mad about it.

I just gem in Art Novice and use Gant blade for fun, since it doesn't need RS.

The flow of the weapon also gets fucked up without Guard. I personally just don't find that to be fun, speedruns be damned.
Regular Tigrex horn or the Grimclaw one?

Powderkeg Brewer. It's only Normal 3 but who cares, it's got everything else going for it.
Shelling is not that powerful that you would trade raw power for it. Hellblade is the most balanced (lvl 3 normal and good raw/sharpness). Akantor if you reeeeeeally want lvl 4 shells, but pair with Bludgeoner (ow Crit Boost) and Razor Sharp.
>tiny monster in your house
>tfw tiny plesioth
>as soon as you enter you get hipchecked out
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My formatting got fucked. GG keyboard. Last sentence was supposed to be included in the first reply.
As long as you have access to homebrew, you can dump your save file.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Striker might have better numbers but Adept feels so much more fun to actually play, while only being slightly less optimal.
>have pet Qurupeco
>he starts singing after being pet
>suddenly Jho bursts through the floor
It's not like I liked having my own house
Why even need homebrew for gen when it saves everything on SD?
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Is Element coating even worth using in the Teostra bow?
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charlette is hosting a dreadking rath room if you lads wanna stalk her
Try it then you fucking nigger. It doesn't work.
Hey, punk!

Go ahead, name a Hunter Art worse than Healing Phial.

Hurry up.
>He doesnt RP as a battle cleric on MH
Tired spamming your pictures? :^)
Think I saw one regular block during the tailswipefireball. He used enraged guard for at least one of the sharpening spins. Sidestep for another that's kind of hard to see because lolfov.

Proper positioning is enough to avoid those though.
the loser just booted me,I only wanted to orbit :/
>need to engage battle to refill phials
>can use phials to heal allies

It is a good idea to balance support and damage, wouldn't be shit if phials weren't the core of CB's damage.
Why doesn't GL have an insta-counter mechanic like Lance? It makes Lance feel 100% less clunky, and I've only used the fucking thing two times.
Are demon drugs worthwhile, or is it like 4u where you can just keep popping seeds throughout a hunt?
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Are you stupid?

>try out HP because it sounds interesting and I'm a jew who doesn't like to spend resources

>for the duration of the HA, you play an even more neutered version of CB
Blue Devil is pretty good if you can somehow get sharpness+2 or hellblade soul on your set. It's fuckhuge and ugly though, so I use Akantor instead.
Not at all what I meant. I mean a guard that you can initiate at a moment's notice, in the middle of a combo, like CB and Lance.

Ignorant, not stupid. I don't know the weapons very well, and I've been struggling with GL. Perhaps you could stop being a cunt and inform me?
That's like asking why the bow has infinite arrows or why bowguns have infinite N2 or why whetstones don't eventually shave the weapon down to nothing.
It would make gl a good weapon, so never ever
Blast procs faster. Good for starting a hunt if you need to break certain parts. Also leads to more staggers as a result. Not a bad choice for multi monster hunts since you'll run out of coatings anyways.
Was pierce 2 actually nerfed in mhg/x?
Everyone knows about this.

And it is straight up broken. Adding another 20% power boost on to a sword mode that already has a power phial, and then making that last infinitely forever, with an additional 30% affinity boost forever to boot, that's unacceptably overpowered, never mind how it takes the focus away from the fact that axe mode is actually somewhat good this iteration if you ignored demon riot entirely.
According to reddit, demondrugs now stack with food buff, so yes it's worth now.
That's the general impression I'm getting from what people have been saying about the weapon's history. Always a step closer to being good, but never enough.

Which is a shame, because out of all the weapons, it makes some of the most sense. What do you take into battle with you to kill a giant monster? Daggers, or a fucking lance-cannon?
I'm using Blimp Lance because it's the earliest Blast lance, but what are other good alternatives?
Uragaan horn. Same notes. High raw. Run Bludgeoner. Enjoy.
Pretty sure if you can make the Blimp Lance, you can make the Dios Lance
So do that; it'll carry you forever

I also made a Water Lance for Brachy and Satan Swordass
>lancing brachy
It's easy, though?
Just Enrage Guard his leap, and counter literally all of his shit in non-rage

Don't stand on the slime and you're fine, but if it happens or you get hit, Abs Evade to fast sheathe and roll it off
Counter neuters him like most things

There's a topic on gamefaqs that lists out the motion values along with a comparison of 4u's values.
Why not both?
Can anybody tell me where to find dosbiscus?
literally play the game
Farming plants/seeds
Trade plants with Neko and use Lagiapples as offering.
Its one of those 2% drops right? Any tips?
The Tiger of the Far East.
(Neko means tiger)
>Finally get godly Recoil +5 / Artillery +10 charm
Time to blow up randoms.
"Neko (means Cat)" is the trader NPC in the Palico Ranch off to the right.
I get them all the time, there are really no tips. Just farm stuff you need like Sap Plants or Paintberries or whatever, and send high enthusiasm cats with Lagniapples.
Isnt that a meme build? Seems like a ton of work to make and collect all that ammo and bomb mats instead of just using elem pierce or HBG.
It's fun though
what's the damage boost for demon riot?
How do you browse this general for any length of time without knowing about the Lost Musket?
Should I make the hellblade lance, lads?
So Striker Lance is essentially the old lance WITH added hunter skills and buildup?
Fucking tits.
The Lost Musket is one of my favorite additions and I main LBG. I just think its a bit of a hassle to use compared to other alternative builds. I wish explosive shots did more damage but maybe couldnt be combined as much.
Yeah, gaijinhunter invented a new evasion lance method using the two absolute evade hunter arts. It's preeeeeetty good.

>should I make the mathematically best weapon in the game
What do you think?
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>according to reddit
Can't you read?
What exactly is a meme build?
Because 90% of the time I see it, it just means good and probably slightly overused,
Gaijinhunter has never invented anything. He parrots what he sees Japanese players doing and never even considers what might be bad or what could be improved about them.
Meme builds are usually obscure, rarely used, and only works under certain situations. Im pretty sure you couldnt use the Lost Musket against most relevant monsters because the damage output cant be sustained I imagine.
Where on reddit? I don't want to stomach that shithole
Like how all of his "top 5 weapon" videos are completely fucked because he doesn't take affinity into account? The only thing right in them is "durr ... hellblade weapons ... GOOD!"
i already got demon riot equipped, im just wondering whats the damage/motion value boost.
>He parrots what he sees Japanese players doing and never even considers what might be bad or what could be improved about them
He'll fit in nicely in /mhg/.
Is no the same move, lvl 2 charge in Adept style is a 2 hits motion, in Guild is the uppercut, thats why Im asking for the value, to see if losing that uppercut is THAT bad.
How well does Gen run on an old 3DS?
Well, every single material for combining crags and clusts can be either bought or multiplied at the trader. It's not like in 2nd and 3rd gen where you had to go out there and physically farm that shit. Treat it like your sunday suit instead of using it every hunt and you'll always have far more mats than you consume. So there really isn't much of a hassle to it.
Don't we do the same?
>start mhg
>eat food
>go quest
>eat mega
>marvel at your newfound ability to not be a retard
>abandon quest
It's not 60fps so it's unplayable.
Guess I have to. When I first got the Musket I was super excited because back in MH4U I used Demon/God's Isle a lot for EXPLOSIONS, but now this offers even more direct focus. I started off by bringing mats for 20 extra Crag to each fight even online but it felt like I wasnt putting out the same damage as rapid pierce. The stagger and KOs were nice, but the output just wasnt there. Maybe with Crag 2/3 in supply saved up and bombs it can work. Can an armor set be built around having Bombadier as well?
How do I unlock Alatreon? The wiki says nothing.
60 fps is for pc games anon, I lower my standards for handled console games. 30 fps would be nice.
Ah, never mind, found it
You'll need a mighty good charm. RD+3, Load Up and Art Novice is already incredibly demanding. You may want to rather try to get in Ammo Saver so that you need to combine less often.

Reach HR80.
Prime example, some of those weapons were garbage and it's not like just because the Teo bow is the undisputed best bow there aren't any other decent bows.

/mhg/ is not a hivemind, a lot of people prefer to do as little thinking about gear as possible and focus on the hunt so they don't question what they hear out of simplicity.
Personally I prefer to find sources for the raw facts and numbers and make my own decisions on what's good, and then see what Japanese TAs are doing to compare.
>Personally I prefer to find sources for the raw facts and numbers and make my own decisions on what's good
Then you're not belong here. Get out.
Is there anyone who doesn't agree with this?
moofy doesn't have a joh costume.
Making Poogie look like a baby Jho is the only thing that makes him tolerable.

If Moofy got one, they should just remove Poogie from the series along with the Dromes.
Should I use the teo bow immediately (well, at Level 2), or should I use other stuff before I can get it to Level 3? Rapid 2 seems kind of...lackluster, and I'm nowheres near fighting HR Narkarkos yet
>I love the pig
>Because it looks like Jho!
Yeah, fucking bland pig.
wait is the jho costume in generations? how do you unlock it?
HR Z turns!

58 2183 6144 8122
Was Zamtrios always able to do that tailswipe move that leads into stance? It keeps messing me up and I'm never ready for it
>tfw you fail a capture quest playing solo because you're too good and pound rathian's ass harder than seregios and kut ku combined.
>Only HR 7
Yeah, no thanks Koda.
can't remember if it's dlc or village request.
I thought Z just meant turn order
Also, check again
It does, he's retarded
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What must i do for a trade to finish? Do quests?
Zangief syndrome.

They're so scared of it being OP that they won't even risk it being average, so you end up with this endless cycle of 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
if its Dlc, you mean like a quest?
>Can't do anything without evasion or adept.
Fuck ...
Arena matches are fun!
no in the dlc menu there's an option for titles and guild cards and poogie costume you can add to neko's list
Why is Mizutsune such a manlet relative to other leviathans?
i've only played three, two of which were cat quests. dromes is fucking bullshit tier until you exaust them and/or kill gendrome, gypcy is ez mode and plesioth is ablademaster's nightmare.

really scared of trying some of the other ones. really doubt i'll ever be getting that load up earring.
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Tama is just a twink Lagiacrus.
>charm farm for weeks, nothing remotely useful
>today get pierce up +5 OOO and sharpness +5 OOO in the same run
Thank you rngsus, I'm sorry I ever doubted you
>HR Tetsucabra with a lance
This is the worst thing. Those rock hitboxes are BULLSHIT
I would
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C O I N S !
Literally just counter the rock explosions
Remember, it's the burst and not the slam

Tetsu is fair as fuck as a Lancer
it's really not though? it's a bit smaller than lagi and agnak, but bigger than nibelsnarf and ludroth. it's got a more slender frame than others, but its natural habitat doesn't require hydrodynamics and it doesn't require the musculature to swim in water or the ground like other leviathans.
God I miss craftsman's specs
Why does it have those two elongated claws? Does it scoop fish out of rivers with them?
Do any of the fated four get new moves in high rank?
The same reason Barioth has wingspikes. If you smash his claws, he actually fucks up some of his moves.
It uses them to corner so it doesn't slide from its own bubbles. Though it probably does catch fish with them too.
I read somewhere that it's to help it slip around. Like anchors for turning, I guess?

Is Gathering+2, Charm Chaser, and higher tiers of Fate impossible without either a godly charm or the rath DLC?
Iodrome has insanely inflated HP for whatever reason. Just go with a buddy and boomerang the fuck out of Gendrome since he dies in half the time and then start chucking at Iodrome. Beware of their bullshit near instant across the map leaps though.

Plesioth is okay if you use S&S and have someone else use sonic bombs so he can't waste your time as he fucks around in the water. (Another reason to bring back swimming in 5.)

The only real faggot is Malfestio.
possibly. may also be to penetrate the fur of other tamas if they have to fight over territory or mates, or to anchor themselves when they're doing their flippy slidy bullshit. the last one would also explain why they're made of diamonds, if they have to stop the entire thing's high speed momentum.
People still play 4u? I got both 4u and gen.
Gen looks like the superior game in gameplay and contentwise but some monsters from 4u are absent from gen and the quests look real fun, like the dalamadur.
Also not being locked to 30 fps is nice.
Is it still worth to grind my way to online in 4u?
Can I transfer my character to gen?
So it literally uses them to drift? I'll have to pay closer attention to its animations.
Seriously, by the time I break both claws I have about enough health left to break his face or tail once before he does, without severing the tail or getting a complete wound on the face.
Ah, so you finally got homebrew.
They're for urethra play with other males.
i don't know how godly a charm has to be to get gathering +2 on a crystalbeard mix set, but that seems the easiest way to get those things.
Nope, just persistence.
you could have someone else horn, it has ultrasonic waves.

the dromes weren't super hard, and I definitely targetted gendrome first. my problem was having gendrome jump outta nowhere, stun me, then iodrome kills me, then acorn brings me to enough health to instantly die to the same combo as soon as the animation ends. I imagine playing defensively at first until they get low on stamina makes it easier. also was soloing everything because I have no friends.
>it's another "Capcom locks the necessary items to complete good armor sets/weapons behind DLC they won't release for months despite being released in Japan" episode

Thank fuck that there's a script to instantly add every DLC/locked out Hyper material to your save file.
Get out cheater
Raise her with pure love?
>also was soloing everything because I have no friends.
Get an internet connection if you have no friends. Surprisingly not everyone who goes into the arena is a shittier.
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o-- left!
Also pretty much an unlocked room at this point

>waiting months on end because of arbitrary locks that have nothing to do with skill

No. Capcom needs to fuck off with this. All items should be available in game instantly (with no waiting for DLC), and the DLC should do actually useful stuff like add new monsters, maps, and so on.
Because the game is so much better when all the broken armor is available out the gate, right?
>It's faggot is impatient and needs to have everything right now instead of learning to work within their means.

Do you steal things in real life too?
>DLC should do actually useful stuff like add new monsters, maps, and so on.
So the fact we are getting new monsters like Hyper Jho and weapons don't count? Or are you moving the goal posts to demand it be brand new monsters for free?
New thread
i was honestly dubious of looking for randos for arena quests given that I'm pretty garbage at them in the first place. also have trouble recruiting for regular quests at times, so wasn't going to hold my breath
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