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>Official Discord: https://discord.gg/hhcNZjb

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>Overwatch DPS Sheet

Previous thread:>>152002757
What if Widow's poison trap could only be cured by heals? so if you get hit by it you have to go to your healer or get a health pack, or die. That's a buff to widow without making her OP, and a slight nerf to flanking heroes like tracer and genji.
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Satya Vaswani!
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Cute brown Gundam girl!
Protip for distinguishing between asian languages
If many characters have a low amount of strokes it's Japanese
If all characters are complex as fuck it's Chinese
If it has a lot of circles and horizontal bars it's Korean
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>mfw my team gets btfo
What if we spend the entire thread making up retarded buffs pointlessly?
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I played a game with you, TheMemester#11496 - We were in comp and you spammed "NADA MADA" after killing someone.
had a good kek
She's genuinely perfect.
How is that more retarded than JR's trap+mine combo?
It's not.
Anon just doesn't want a buff for snipers because he's too stupid to not walk into the open.
Hana Song!
What's the combo?

Being unable to hit mines by hand?
And genuinely fun to play too.
It's not even a buff to the gun itself, but a better tool for area denial and deterring flankers.

I thought defense heroes were shit because of this?
Is the season over yet or is there a few hours left?
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Imagine gagging Tracer with her flower crown
Thankfully, /owg/ is not in control of any balance decisions whatsoever, and Blizzard will never read the brain-dead retard shit that people here spew.

5pm PT
Tracer is not for bully.
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>lay trap and mine on top of each other
>Trap 200HP hero
>Detonate mine
>get kill
stop posting this garbage
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Would Genji be OK if he had 150 HP instead of what he has now?
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Cutest and best pairing
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Go away, Amélie
>shoot 200hp hero twice
>get kill

so broken!
>Can now build a destructible healing pad instead of shields.
>Tether range increased.

Blizzard, I will accept my payment now for fixing her.
There is only one way to fix Genji.

Drag anyone who has more than 15 minutes as him to the street and shoot them.
Genji would be okay if they just fixed this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFcrzIlZfNU
grats you made her worse and more annoying
>I don't know what the point of a trap is
>aim once
>shoot once
>dude hides
>genji/tracer/pharah/zarya/mei/reinhardt pops up
>become completely useless

cool beans mate
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She does needs buffs or a rework of some kind.
your idea is as shit as symmetra's hometown streets
leddit is worse, and they read that
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>3 months after release
>teammates still run away and hide instead of experiencing tranquility with me
Oh sweet, I don't have to wake up early
>I fall for the most obvious tricks
Her tether should have more range but require more accuracy the farther the target is.
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I like the pad idea but it doesn't fix the problem with Symmetra. She has nothing to do really do outside of putting turrets. The pad makes her more viable but literally makes her even more boring. Sym is gonna need a long hard look at before she gets fixed.
>I am a l33t pro GAMUR who never falls for any traps
Thanks for the Bastion cinematic spoilers
>you will never fuck the hell out of Mei

Why live?
>implying you don't already know it's going to be a forced tearjerker
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Imagine gagging Tracer
Make his reflect hitbox less retarded and he'd be better.

Also make it so that he can't use strike to jump 100 feet in the air.
>summer games will go before I can get Reaper's limited refrigerator voice line
It's not fair
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Can I make the pain go away?
Wait, do I have to be at 65 rank right now to get the bonus, or could have I simply been at 65 at some point to receive the bonus?
>Someone else picks McCree
>Can't hit shit, loses every 1v1
>Doesn't stun
>Runs away in fear when he sees Pharah
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Can I have some more smug Widow?

I accidentally deleted a bunch of mine.
Change her stupid tether to an lg.
is that Bang

>My ultimate is ready!
>Group up with me
>press Q
>Favorite class in the beta because I liked just shitting down mini sentries everywhere and beaming people
>Hardly ever play her after the first few days because she's the weakest class in the game.
As bad as people make her out to be I still do well with her even on offensive which is kind of sad if I end up getting gold and potg as her. They do still need to rework her or buff her but I doubt blizzard or anyone realizes she even exists.
Reminder that the shitters who think Genji is OP are the same shitters who were spamming how Hanzo was OP a month ago
Place your bets
>d.va stream screen is a castle asset
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So... I tried all the Asian voice packs trying to find on which one Mei sounds this adorable >>152015374

But none of them sounds even remotely alike.
It was worth a try, I guess.
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Oh no! You're defending the point but Nanoboosted Genji just started shouting moonrunes and is headed straight towards you! How do you stop him and save the day /owg/?

Hard Mode: He has Harmony and Zarya bubble too!
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I like this new Reinhardt map . Thoughts?
It's obv for potg
What rank 65 bonus. I got 59 from placement and didn't bother to do jack fuck after that.

Hanzo was "OP" because his hitboxes were retarded as fuck. They've now fixed his (horizontal) hitbox so he's less retarded but the vertical hitbox is still stupid.
>Wall-E but with Bastion

can already see it
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>players that can't shoot tracer or pharah and won't switch heros
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This is your Tank for tonight
She's bottomless for easier street shitting
I leave the game and bitch on blizzard forums until they nerf him.
Is there any reason at all to play mercy right now? Is there anything she's good at? The other healers playstyles don't really appeal to me.
>Hanzo was "OP" because his hitboxes were retarded as fuck. They've now fixed his (horizontal) hitbox so he's less retarded but the vertical hitbox is still stupid.
He was completely fucking trash before the hitbox fix too.
I didn't want to win anyway...
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She's actually me favorite girl design-wise
Her voice lines are totally lame-o though, so I default to Hanaposting
I can't even be true to myself on an anonymous online Nigerian butchery marketplace
so when should i be using FtH now
1. How the FUCK do you pronounce the name properly?

2. Dope music.
Dont use any Ults and let yourselves die so you can fuck the other team in the next charge.
I mean, they used 3 Ults.
I'd like to fill her tank, if you catch my drift.
Yeah. I get that each support has a different "secondary job" to do for the team (except Mercy, she's pretty much for heals/rezzing, though the damage boost beam can be useful, it feels like Ana is better at boosting people because she can stay safe)

Because of this, I understand how/why she has no heals, but ultimately it's a bad call. I think they could do this with her E:

Increase the shield from 25 to 50, but it doesn't regenerate anymore. If you shield someone that is damaged, they gain a HoT that heals 150 health over 3 seconds. Shielding someone that has no damage on them gives them 75 shields instead of 50, so it's still useful to spam at the beginning of the game. Obviously it should be on a higher cooldown.. say 4 seconds or so? Also a boost to her tether range and a slight increase in her altfire projectile speed would help too, but are more icing on the cake to me. Her ulti and turrets are fine as is, though making the ult a bit better would be nice since these changes don't really make her any better at defending the second point or once the payload is moving.
I want her to spank me.
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best girl
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>me: my ultimate is ready! group up with me!
>team: my ultimate is charging! my ultimate is ready! my ultimate is almost ready! my ultimate! MY ULTIMATE! HELLO HELLO THANK YOU OK OK

She's an ok solo healer if you have garbage aim and aren't good enough to play Ana.

Head Established is still the most powerful ult in the game.
1) Speed boost
2) Oh this is my jam
3) Bye suckers
I drop my trap as Junkrat and watch as he stands there like a lemon deflecting shots for half the length of his booster because no Genji I've ever encountered is capable of enough critical thought to think to look down and smash the trap with his sword.
>Can hold on to your alt fire indefinitely
>This >>152018136
>Two kinds of turrets, damage and shields
>Damage turrets work as normally
>Shield turrets latch onto allies and give them a shield buff, 50 extra shields, that decay while away from the turret but regenerate (slowly) while they are still being affected by the beam
>Turrets don't share cooldown, but you can only place 8 total turrets of both types
>Teleporter works as it normally does

That's my take at least.
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Smug Widow is the best.
When dealing with tanks up close
how does it feel knowing your waifu is USELESS and a liability to the team?
You can melee the trap after it latches?
Eh shen walld
Or Eye shen walld
Or Eye ken walld

My bet is on the 3rd one.
I like to pretend I know German. At least better than my mom.
my waifu is d.va
>How the FUCK do you pronounce the name properly?
eye-chen-valduh. The "ch" is sort of like "sh" but the sound doesn't exist in English. It's like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOw0eAlbasU
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Post yfw payload
Its not that I have bad aim I just like the playstyle, I spent a lot of time playing medic in TF2. I honestly haven't tried Ana yet, not a huge fan of snipers but anything has got to be more fun than lucio.
Pharah used to be good
Lucio is best boy at least
Oh right I forgot about German Ws.

I dunno the only thing I know about German is my last name.
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2 Ults
Both completely wrong
Is either correct or close, I'm not sure if the "e" at the end is silent or not but it is "uh" if it is. Either way I've been studying the language for a while
>Her voice lines are totally lame-o though
Nigga what, her lines are perfect

>not spamming "I don't think so"/"Why do you struggle?"/"Everything by deisgn." every time you M1 an unidentified special needs ninja/cheeky brit
>ywn choke Tracer as she cums
Coming in Season 2?
Yea yea dude keep your panties on I corrected myself.

Not like I've ever needed to know kraut speak in my life
Even better on consoles

>team won't shoot pharrah because it's too hard to aim
No you bydlo, he clearly meant before it latches
>Can hold on to your alt fire indefinitely
They can't give her this with the damage it deals currently. She'd become a monster. If they reduced the damage to about 150 or so, had it charge a bit faster, and fly faster too, then sure, maybe. But there's a reason she and Zen cannot hold their alt fires as they are.
why is there a tracer on every team, isn't she shit
>Playing a game that doesn't have at least one of McCree/76/Ana/Zenyatta/Widow
What magical dreamland do you live in
She's not.
She's good on KOTH.
Absolutley rapes Supports if they're isolated.
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Orb of Harmony is not Zennyatta's ult, that's Transcendence anon.
Dumb blueberry poster
No, just outclassed. There's a difference.
What does that mean?
Does backfilling a lost game count as a loss?
>wake up
>walk downstairs
>"Good morning, Anon"
My b
fuck Zen, cant wait for the Discord nerf

meant 100, oops.
And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady.
It only deals 125, and it's slow as fuck so it's only good point blank or in super thin choke points.
Fucking move up.
That's a long ass neck
>Walk downstairs
I just downsized though

Also she can only stay if she doms me
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>It's a payload map
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>reverse hybrid payload into cap points
Do want
I'd be fine with that honestly. It's just beyond irritating how it works now.
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I don't talk about her much, but her design is one of my favorites.

Plus her hips and thighs do it for me.

I'm a little slow, but there's no point in risking your life just to try and go a little faster.

I'm here to protect you.
Nope, but it does count as a win.
When does the summer event end?
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Am I the only person in favor of a baseball pitcher skin for Zen?
I swear to fucking god this always happens
>McCree runs past and wastes his high noon
>Roadhog runs past and gives them all free ult
>Pharah jumps above it and gets raped by bastion
Dont forget those hands, just the way she moves them, wew.
Her bright nail polish and her dark skin look sexy too.
Literally disgusting.
I do that shit so often with Lucio and less than half the time my teammates get the message
I was even better when Pharah was everywhere and they could backboard it onto your teammate in front of you..
I'd prefer a
>bonjour, cherie
from Amelie
>wonder how she escaped
>have to punish her
I prefer.

>How unsightly.

Followed up by the Insignificant emote.
Blizzard here. We want to meke him viable for competativeadlkjasgdfljkasyh;asdfjhsdgklniusdghlskjlkfsjdgflksdhflksgdkRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I thought of a tennis serving machine earlier today in regards to skis for him
maybe he's holding one in his lap
they aren't giving out competitive points for matches anymore

how can they possibly make bigger cunts of themselves
Where's my brown gundam girl if I wanted a chink fatty I'd have ordered takeout.
Yeah, corrected myself. Honestly 100 damage faster altfires that can be held for say, maybe 6 seconds would be nice. Holding them forever is kinda silly but a longer hold time would be cool. Even 3 seconds is probably enough.
>realise she watched you take your morning shit with her infra-sight
I have a philosophical question

Why have 250 different heroes if only 5 are useful for competitive?

really makes u think tbqh
>they still run from the transcendence
>they die
>blame you
Was Bastion short released already or not?

fucking disgusting
Would be better to make Junkrat Tennis skin with a ball-server. He fits the bodystyle better for it too.
The waifus in this game ARE fucking garbage but it's inherently better than 3D shit
yeah FUCK blizzdr abnt there SHIT FORCED META
right ones tits are too big
well I'd hope she wouldn't do that

The idea that she could infrared me taking a shower and/or getting a boner is hot though
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Zenbu Zenbu Zenbu.webm
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>Xxbigboyz01xX has joined the voice channel
>"Lucio ur a retard why don't you ult"
>"We've been trying to tell everyone to do that"
>Xxbigboyz01xX has left the voice channel
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Idk why this bird always makes me laugh
>better than anything
wew lad
a literal bag of shit is a better waifu than any 3D whore
How are you not banned yet desu?
Also, white girls are only interesting when they're in interacial stuff
People like different stuff and some people don't care if their favorite hero/champ/character is meta/good or not. Most of us that think this way are shitters, true, but I'll pass on the Comp scene in this game until it's better balanced anyway. I would like it if they gave us an "Unranked Comp" mode where it plays like Comp, just has no ranking shit, so you can avoid all the cheese and memes in typical QP.
if you have a mic that sounds like you're on a highway don't bother talking, because i will leave team chat
Pain is a great teacher
I think it's released on Thursday.
>I can land headshots with Mei without issues whatsoever
>nearly impossible to do it with McCree or any other hero

What the fuck is wrong with me
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>Also, white girls are only interesting when they're in interacial stuff
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Gtfo my goddamn house. Your name isn't mercy.
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That would be great. As it is it's just really boring and irritating to use, even if it is actually not really a bad ability.
Same here, but instead of Mei it's Zenyatta. With Zen I can lead headshots like a fucking champ but the moment I get asked to play Soldier or McCree I'm absolutely fucked.
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You're my personal healslut now. Give me your Battletag.
>germans pronouncing w's as v's

No one's name is Mercy.

Her name is Angela Ziegler
Great argument there anon.
White girls just arent as interesting as brown and black girls, it cant be helped
Disgusting. Enjoy your ban.
>at a glance thought this was Futanaria
There are a lot of weird random secrets in this game that are inexplicable.

>Zarya's shield powers up her gun
>High Noon is slower on bigger targets
>You can blink backwards as Tracer
>you can apparently power up Symmetras gun somehow?
>You can kill the Junkrat in his ultimate form to cancel it and he is stuck
>You can block D'Va ultimates with Mei walls
>You can crouch but it doesn't do much
I prefer 19 year old boys but what ever

>No reinhardt in this picture

What the fuck's the point.
>those interesting characters are shit
>instead here's a woman whoring herself out on camera, isn't that better?
Pop her in the fucking head.
That's how German works lad.

You ever hear a nip try and say anything with an L sound in it?
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Am I the only one that finds symmetras accent extremely attractive?
>no hips
>no thighs
>probably no ass
Hello Ireland
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Her name is Irena Goldstein, dumbass. It's in her bio
Odd, all this German I hear close to the border must not be real German then.
hey im a 19 year old boy whats ur tag
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After yesterday shitshow of leavers. How bad am I at the game? I got rank 39.
>Tfw you can only get good transcendances when I ult in a zyra ult to save all the dumbasses
Yes, there"s nothing special about it.
And she never really canges her emotional vocal range.

I wouldnt mind her reading me a bed time story though
>>You can kill the Junkrat in his ultimate form to cancel it
I've never seen Rip-tire end after Junkrat dies
Original anon here. True dat
I like both. I'm dating and I still fap to symmetra, mei, and mercy
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>play 120 hours of competitive
>end season at same rank as when I started

feels kinda good, but kinda bad
Post feet first
>You can crouch but it doesn't do much
Just today I killed hanzo in that one small cave on route 66's 1st cp because I crouched when he shoot an arrow in my face. Its really weird that people don't do that like in any other multiplayer fps
Now that (((Kaplan))) has confirmed that rank 60 meant you were in the top 6% of players, we can all safely lafe at everyone below that.

You were never below that, right anon?
You deserve your rank
what did you start at
One below it, I'm pretty much a 60 the math adds up
It doesn't. His death doesn't affect his ult unless he dies before it leaves him.
>people this bad at vidya exist
How the fuck can you have that low an objective time as Lucio?
oh, you again
I do too friend, I do too.

She's got the hottest voice in the game, by a pretty wide margin too.

Also, best spray.
Has the update fixed 76 or made him worse?
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hello indeed
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I want to pet McCree's hairy chest!
>4 garbage Dva games
>4 garbage Lucio gams
>A garbage Mercy game

>Lucio with the least objective time at 6 fucking seconds

I didn't know someone could be so awful at Lucio.
That said, it may sound like a v to American ears.

https://translate.google.nl/#auto/en/es%20tut%20mir%20weh sounds like a w to me.
>all those moles
Bitch is gonna get skin cancer later in life
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Imagine faking having low health and waiting for Mercy to fly over to you and then unsheathing your katana and placing it directly in Mercy's path to you
>foot fetish
patrician taste my friend
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Is this trolling? I've seen this in another overwatch thread and I'm not triggered, I'm fapping
Damn son, I'm getting thirsty all of a sudden.
That last sound is literally the letter V.
>not raping her first
Use your god damn head anon, for once in your life
I got leavers in most of my games. Getting to the objective was almost impossible.
>1:30+ search times
hurry up I want my summer crates
on a related note, when you go over 100, does the leveling up speed up to what it was when you were originally less than 20?
That can come after.
Whats your Btag so we can play some QP
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I wish you no harm.
Lad I know leavers and shit happens.

But you're just really really awful at video games.

SIX (6) seconds of Objective time as Lucio
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Yes. 101-123 are just like levels 1-23. You'll be drowning in crates.
I asked you first
Yea, it adds like 200 exp each level up until like 20something.

I'm not gonna participate in the jew crates. I got the american flag avatar from the first crate and that's probably the best thing I'm ever going to get from them so why bother.
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Well /owg/, after being demoted to 50 from 53 and getting cucked of my goal of 56 for the season, I'm no longer giving a fuck about comp matches today and I'll do whatever the fuck I want in them just to have fun.

Fuck everyone who gets grouped with me. I'm tired of tryharding and now you'll have to deal with me having fun, even if it triggers you.
Why did the artist nerf her ass but buff her tits?
Fucking Nips I swear
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>Roadhog in a woman's bathing suit
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>level 95 going on 96
all the summer shit mine now
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Your a fucken weeb, aren't you?
Thanks, guy.
I hate when art flattens qtmaker's hips and butt, shortens her legs and gives her big tits.
>titsfag acting like he's not the plebiest of plebs
>Buy five lootboxes in a desperate attempt to get Olympic shit

they're rigged aren't they
How do you explain the difference between these then?
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What's the best male overwatch character to cosplay as and how?
>mei wants the ree dick
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You can't even see her ass in that.

>buff her tits
Nigga small tits are justice. I just like this pic for hair down Amelie and bullying Tracer.
I've done the exact same thing and noticed I got a really good haul compared to my last 10 or so crates. I felt like it was rigged to favor paid for lootboxes.
Protip: play before 10PM, after that comp is inexplicably full of shitters.
Vee (as in, the letter V)
What does the third one have to do with anything?
>You can crouch but it doesn't do much
>calling people weebs while posting anime
I find this one more meaningful. I like the idea of Ana saving Jack from himself.
Reyes if you have melanin.

Hoodie, vest, and some jeans, along with an artist's beanie. You need an ass and thighs pull this off flawlessly.
So what does Roadhog look like under the mask?
>level 87
I can do this, right? tell me I can do this.
Yea but 10 PM for who
Well one of the lucio games I got the on fire MVP which i have never gotten before. But yea I guess im garbage I just got lv25, and got in ranked just because the season was ending.
Not that anon but ive been playing after 10pm for the last 3 days and went from 53 to 61
I did. I played from 9AM-2PM today, and all I got were tardparties.

Honestly I've found that if I play late night on weekends, people are absolutely godly. Any other time and day and it's the worst fucking experience.
Do you post on /gif/?

If not, post there sometime, the threads are slow. Conversations contribute NOTHING
You need to be at least 18 to post here, virgin pleb.
>5 days left
>12 levels
>~2 1/2 levels a day
>not counting post 100 level dash
i dunno, depends on you
Just an additional comparison.
And I'm having breakfast.

Curious how you keep hearing a v sound in the w, because I can't hear it. It may sound a little sharper than the murrican w though, I'll give you that.
Whats good damage for a healer with a 2-1 point capture win? Around 6k?
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QP is your friend, senpai. Pick a hero you enjoy playing and just enjoy them.
Pretty sure they made him wear a mask solely so it would be harder to tell he was toecutter in the previous film.
God I wish there would be a video of Hitomi Tanaka, MaseratiXXX, and Lucie Wilde.
It would be boring for it to be lesbian-only, though, since none of them have the capabilities of HotKinkyJo or Jayda Diamonde.
Play more than 10 games.
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>You'll NEVER get the skin you want
Also because it's dope as fuck and makes him look really intimidating for a slightly doughy 69 year old man.
your fault for wanting a goybox exclusive skin
10PM EST, I get way less meme compositions before that, and considerably less ragers.

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>3 days of progress lost with one losing streak
who /not gonna make it/ here
Lucie Wilde has to have autism or asperges though, makes fapping to her feel so weird.
Hitomi can get pretty hot in les scenes though
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Wow I hit all those check marks.Who would've thought that me being black on 4chan would've payed off? Thanks anon I just might do him for new York comic con
make what?
Just stop wanting things and you'll get it eventually. Maybe next Olympics :^)
You were never meant to make it. Neither I was.
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>HotKinkyJo will never be an Overwatch hero
>one of the extremely few times I save despicable Widowmaker x Tracer shipping
>Lucie Wilde has to have autism
I hate people that say this shit. That's clearly just how she looks.
>200 mb for bug fixes

What else is in there?
>Looks like shit stains in her suit.
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Can't they at least ask a German speaker to look at the name before they publish it?
Just call it Eichenwald, the e at the end does not belong there.
Aren't these summer games going to be a yearly event?
one's hitscan and the other is projectile
is that the problem
that sounds like it could be the problem
Might do this for Halloween.

Or I might just be super lazy and go with a knock-off Jacket cosplay.
>How she looks
Have you watched any of her scenes? It's not how she looks, it's how she acts.
I have grinded the hell out of summer boxes for a Zarya skin so I can finally play her without the shitty tumblrina hair.

79 levels and 79 boxes later and still I've only had one Tracer and one Lucio summer skin and a bunch of shitty fucking medals.
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if I'm playing Ana and I put someone to sleep with full intent to kill what's the best combination of grenade, shooting and melee
is there a established way to deal the most damage
They aren't going to be Olympics themed, but yeah they'll probably have another summer event.


>This game lasting a year
I wouldn't know, they could be. Usually the case for annual holidays in blizzard games, but the olympics aren't annually held.
Who has it worse? Tracer or Reaper?

Tracer is completely disassociated with time. Without that harness she'd be lost to some chronological nowhere land.

Reaper's appearance is fucked, he is constantly degenerating and regenerating, and no-one likes him.
>Being this triggered
Try to stay in your lederhosen, Hans
Just spam noscope as you back the fuck away because if you fail to kill them they're coming for your granny ass when they wake up.
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>relaxing and listening to the OST
>reminded of all the hype of the game and how excited I was after first watching the Cinematic Trailer
>now I just get grumpy over balance, maps, and game modes
>realize all I care about is lore and characters

single player missions and horde modes when? I could care less about spanking shitters honestly. I just really enjoy the characters and worldbuilding
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Are we going too far?
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Speaking of which, how hard is it to get foam molds of traditional reaper's mask, armor, and belt ammo?
Probably not an actual German but someone who used Google translate and got the 'did you mean' message.
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>things you want you don't get
>receive everything you don't want
I'll never get Sprinter Tracer.
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Tracer gets to be immortal but has to wear a thing on her chest, but gets limited time travel.

Reaper is literally a walking corpse that has to eat other peoples dead bodies just to stay alive. Also constant pain probably. And yeah, no one likes him.
>cow tits
why would you even save that shitty picture
Who the fuck let you out of the clinic? How old are you?

Maybe if Reaper took off that mask and stopped acting super edgy all the fucking time people might like him more.

At least it's not Tracer's fault she's fucked.
My nigga.
I'm going to get as many hours possible out of these $40

Good thing they're the "summer games" and not "olympics".
>garbage Lucio games
Literally impossible. Unless he's dying every 5 seconds, he's more useful than you.
>lowest rank person on your team keeps insisting "rank doesn't mean anything, i was clearly better than you guys"
>picked genji and sucked shit
>Unless he's dying every 5 seconds, he's more useful than you.
Did you look at that guy's stats?
Projectiles have bigger hitboxes.
Reaper. He's edgylord after all.
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Any German would get triggered by that name and I am one du behindertes Stück Scheiße.
Is this your first Blizzard game?

That is true. We'll see next summer.
bad opinion
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>Go to Master Overwatch
>Skill rating: 71 / 98th Percentile (Top 2%)

Is that good?
I don't think he even has a face anymore.
Despite my worship of him, respect has it worse. It's even more interesting because they're the only ones with visible powers in thrir bodies other than 76, hanzo, amd genji
>98th Percentile (Top 2%)
I dunno dude, can you read?
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Korra is cartoon, not anime lol
>no way to choose what gamemode you want
>no custom maps

people said this game was a TF2 clone but it's missing these things
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I'm pretty low rank, and im finding im only good with d.va. what do?

He could always wear a nicer mask that doesn't look so goth.

dart > shoot > melee > nade > shoot
try to get in a shot before you sleep them. That will make the combo kill 200/250 hp heroes at the nade before they can use any defensive abilities

for tanks wait for backup > shoot > grenade > whatever until dead
>I said respect
I meant to say reaper
TF2 went to shit last update so I'm out of options
guess what shitter, anime is just the japanese name for cartoons you fucking imbecile
Odd that you didn't feel the need to step in anon's earlier 'muh pronunciation' debate though.

Does Merkel even allow Germans to be triggered these days?
What happened?
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Do you think Mei is one of those girls that sounds like she's in pain when she's getting fucked?
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>White and orange/yellow colored theme

Are these 3 going to be the new generation of Overwatch after the recall?
>has to eat other peoples dead bodies
That for real? Maybe he's working with Talon because he wants Overwatch provoked into finding a way to kill him.
She's asian, so yes.
Wondering if anyone else is at the same precentile or not.

I wasn't really pro-ing it up, just queueing with a friend and maining Junkrat, didn't see how I could be better than the other 98% of players.
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is the season officially over? what time does it end? i only started playing last week
Well, when he respawns he says "This is my curse." He does want to die, but physically cannot. When you kill him he just turns into a cloud then sucks your life out. Read his fluff entry and watch the Recall video.
Weapon skins
Removal of valve servers to make way for competitive and competitive lite
Wednesday, August 17 at 5:00 p.m. PT (August 18 at 12:00 a.m. UTC)
The update that put in weapon skins was over a year ago and was actually the best update the game has seen in a few years.
Who's retired comp this season?
I'm not lad. Was at 53, now down to 50. Needed 56 to get gold.
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Good fucking lord. I'm glad I stopped playing it back when I did.
Japanese cartoons you dope. Korra was made in the states, just stop you're embarrassing yourself.
anyone has the picture of the leaked halloween skins?
63% winrate is high, you'll climb the ranks in no time.
D.va is OP right now, git gud with others, asap
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I fuckin did it boys! ! !
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I just want to talk.
why do all the sfm models for overwatch look so vacant and lifeless
I retired the moment I finished my placement matches.
You got to my placement rank with the koth bug!
Congratulations anon!
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It's based on your season peak. Did you peak higher than 53?
Good on ya, mate.
muselk just confirmed no sombra news at gamescom, i hope he is lying
because sfm is vacant and lifeless, obviously, anon
>devs add quick play, which kills community servers
>have to play on soulless valve servers with players that play like bots if you want to play tf2 the way it was meant to be played
>devs then remove valve servers

at this point I'm pretty sure they're trying to kill it on purpose, there's no other explanation
I retired the moment I finished placement matches.

Might possibly play some this season but anyone that actually took this season seriously is an idiot.
>youtubers allowed to spill the beans on anything
dont blame sfm for you're lack of skill with it
Because SFM is meant for Source models
I know shocking
Tracer can get rooms constructed which function like her harness does.
happy fapping
>>have to play on soulless valve servers with players that play like bots if you want to play tf2 the way it was meant to be played
I only ever saw a bot-tier idiot like once or twice.
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>2 supports on both teams
>none of them are mercy

The game has gotten way harder ever since Mercy was thrown in the trash. No more Mercy "mains" taking up a space on the enemy team.
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>Less than 2 hrs playtime on Tracer
>two Sprinters and one Track and Field
>within 5 levels

I want to laugh and bully you but I'm not getting the skin I want either
I'm going to go with le Plebbit opinion and say that the game would have been better if the only heroes were Tracer, Reinhardt, Reaper and Widowmaker, and if it had been released 2 years ago. Having to play healer in an FPS is cancer, and tanky DPS like Roadhog and Zarya are simply OP. Out of these characters only Reaper has a powerful AOE ult, and it's still not a guaranteed I win button like Genji's dragonblade.
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Talk with this *goes whole hog*
Remember when we wanted coins? Those were better times.
Big munnies
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>tfw ~16 hours (including sleep) to go from 47 to 65

i don't have a clue what the fuck to do; placed 53, and then just played a bunch of games where i could not exert any force over my own destiny, and we had hanzos and symmetras and torbjorns on payload attacks, and i just have to roll with it and accept my curbstomp win or loss as dictated by the matchmaking system
hog wild.webm
People can't into proper lighting or use lighting meant for something such as Tf2 with models that weren't meant for it. Also they are using poses they weren't designed for like how Pharah is a fucking alien in SFM with those super wide eyes. For people using SFM itt, stop being a hack and pose her eyes as closely to her ingame appearance as possible. They weren't meant to be bug eyed.
>Those were better times.
At least now there are non-ugly Zarya skins, which is important because she's in the current meta.
To each his own, that was when I myself lost faith
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>Zenyatta main
>less so by choice
>enjoy him more and more
>get to rank 75
>get in a match where there's a reaper, genji and tracer insta-locking premade
>they're all garbage
>they all blame me for not healing them
>tell them i can't heal them all at once
>"use ur ulti when u can then"
>proceed to do so because fucking stop blaming me
>we get zarya ulted and genji'd back
>"why didnt u ulti zenyatta"
>"because you told me to ulti whenever i could to keep you three chucklefucks alive"
>mfw flinging orbs at people, having to keep fighting off the genji and tracer going straight for me every time alone

I fucking hate people who refuse to play tactically. While I don't abide 100% by the 2-2-2, at least maybe we could have someone who's not a fucking melee-range character that could maybe peel for me, for fuck sake.

So, people down in the 30's - 50's, don't worry. The pain of people insta-locking and blaming everyone else never stops, ever.
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SFM has nothing to do with it. It's a lack of effort put into subtleties that make them look life like.
The TF2 cinematics don't really look that way and they were all made with SFM.
Oh I lost faith in valve years ago.

Just no update before MYM actually made the game unplayable. It was just shitty hats
>Wondering if anyone else is at the same precentile or not.
Do you consider it not good if someone is? Do you need 4chan's official seal of approval and pat on the back to feel good about anything?
It's statistics dude, you can figure that shit out yourself.
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The smallest hog
>System made specifically to use TF2/Dota models
>Why do random models from other games not look as good
Why are people so retarded.
So is the new map point --> payload --> point?
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Maybe they ebayed their rank?
Can't wait for the Genji ult nerf.
I lost faith in TF2 when players started only playing fucking payload instead of the less boring game modes.

So like day 1.

I wouldn't be surprised. I was gold in damage for the entire first round.
Was I the only one who liked TC_Hydro?
>I lost faith in TF2 when players started only playing fucking payload instead of the less boring game modes.
Boy you must love Overwatch!
I kind of hate payload too but half of the maps are payload and the 3 control point maps are so inbalanced they aren't even fun.

Yes. Hydro is 5CP but infinitely worse, and 5CP is already not that amazing because of endless rounds.
pretty sure it's an attack point --> payload like normal, not sure why people think otherwise
>play solo only cause no friends
>play 90% of the time only widowmaker cause i love playing her
>get insulted every game and bullied to the ground sometimes people go troll and stay afk at spawn shooting at signs or just at the wall
>took me 1month to get from 55 (where i placed at) to get to 60

i just don't know anymore
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I'm all alone in an unforgiving world.
Hydro was pretty cool. TC could go on forever though.
>I've never used SFM and don't know what it's capable but need to make my shit opinion know.
Yes, indeed, why are they so retarded?
>Was I the only one who liked TC_Hydro?


>5CP is already not that amazing because of endless rounds.

objectively horrendous opinion
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>all the zens holding coins medals, i know
5cp was literally the only good game mode until that halloween update where we got a good koth map.
Give it time. They'll re-buff you next update, best girl.
To be fair, you were quite dumbo
Valve only prioritizes newer projects because of their "work what you want to work on" way of doing things. They usually have something or someone in place to maintain older stuff like Icefrog for DOTA and Hidden Path for CSGO. Unfortunately, Tf2 doesn't have that and has about 5 Valve employees who barely play the game running the show when they wish they could be doing VR projects instead of babysitting an aging cashcow. Maybe they'll finally hand it over to Hidden Path or something and Tf2 might slowly recover.
You can made it to 65 anon.

Dont give up.
>i don't have a clue what the fuck to do;
Simple. You do nothing.
anything under 60 is pretty much a gamble. Some sink, some swim, some are exactly where they belong.
Wish you better luck in Season 2
what is this
Sorry I don't enjoy endless rounds.

I mean, I like Granary as a map and all it's just endless.
But no actual date? I hope it's mid season 2 with a new character.
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When will my willpower and fortitude be buffed? Everything hurts.
It's like practical sculpture.
i tried to get back into the swing of things and my first match ended in a coin flip

no thanks
>This new map stream

looks insanely fun to play, tons of height that's going to make winston/widow/dva/pharah incredibly powerful.
m8, I'm just wondering if other people have been shitting around and also got to such a high rank on the sites.

I barely did diddly fuck, I really doubt I deserve being at the top 2% of players.
I stopped as soon as I reached 60
not even gonna have enough for a golden gun but I don't care, this season was a joke and I don't want to deal with it anymore
It'll probably happen in the middle of the off season. With how long Sombra has been hinted at and the ARG has been going on, I can't see them dragging it out too much longer. It releasing in the off season would also allow people to get used to the changes before comp starts back up.
>>152023086 is right, dev confirmed on forums that it follows the same format like King's Row and Hollywood.
please do show us an example of Overwatch models in SFM with proper lighting
my sides
What stream
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That depends upon you.
Look within yourself for your true strength.
That is how I locked gaze with the Iris. Soon you may join me if you wish it.

check the OW section on twitch, muselk is streaming it
You deserve it. Choosing your character selfishly, playing what you like is for quickplay.
If I could I'd play Tracer every time, but I don't in ranked
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>doing good solo q
>suddenly every team i get thinks every map is one lane with no alternate paths
>tell everyone to group
>literally nobody acknowledges it

Just listening to the team. Since, of course, I was the only healer. And I consider Discord far more important to have at higher tiers than having a Lucio. Zenyatta can solo heal, as long as they are smart enough to actually go and get themselves health packs as well. It goes slower, but at least it's functional for that 50% extra damage. And the fact that I fucking hate playing Lucio, because his playstyle is so brain numbingly boring that I have no clue how there's Lucio mains.
5man premade + me
>lose first round because we have no damage
>decide I'm not going to heal, I can dps better
>insta lock roadhog to bully zen
>5man premade doesnt go heals
>zen on our team can't kill anyone or heal
>refuses to switch
>go lucio because its our only chance
>one of them goes mercy 1m later
>3 supports
>no damage
I got the worst 5man premade NA
fuck you yunkee/freetomato/others
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I don't think I have any 'true strength.' I am a broken human being.
>EVER joining back into overwatch

One of her lines lis " Overwatch was shut down for a reason." She hated her superiors for what they were doing with her healing tech
>go lucio because its our only chance
>one of them goes mercy 1m later
>3 supports
This shit happens every time, I swear. Especially with premades. Fucking impossible to get a decent team composition sometimes because they just keep switching all over the place.
Is this artist trying to be Yoji Shinkawa?
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post em
you're not a human being, you're a healer

oh, you
Doesn't look like that at all. There's a bunch of japanese artists with similar style and it's not inspired by Shinkawa at all.
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She has one of the best sprays in the game
I think her face is meh, but man, she is one of the best designs otherwise. I love her visor. Too bad people don't like her when I pick her in competitive defense, she is pretty strong. Her left click is meh, though
Post hero themes

>Zarya building charge
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>never play 2 games straight on the same map because either my team or the enemy team ragequits when they lose
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I'm not even worth being a healer irl
Never thought about using the mob opening for zarya play.

Full OP when
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>4man premade
>Lucio instalock
>have Zen buddy throwing out orbs, telling us who to focus
>between me contesting the point and endless Discord the opposition has no chance
>3man stack on Koth can't hold the point because our 3 randos decide to push thier luck off the point and go after enemies coming from spawn
It's a strange feeling
I think Bastion is up there for best spray in the game as well.
Zarya's progress toward exploding: 75%
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>tfw got most of the skins I wanted through drops
>if I got a legendary it was almost always money so I could buy all the ones I want
I already have all the ones I want for the characters I mostly play
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Thanks for reminding me I need to watch Mob.
Also, Widowmaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rj8HVW3PQ
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delete this
widowmaker is far, far too uninteresting and shitty to listen to metal gear rising: revengeance's soundtrack while playing her
>all these shitters on Muselk's stream

I miss being at gamescom.
If they were gonna go full licensed IP skins with their Mad Max themes, I'd want Junkie to be bald
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Holy shit
ok pal, calm down

you know we love you

alone again, of course
Can't wait for end of claw arc with reigen
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As a kid, was I the only one kind of afraid of the iron giant? The trailer made him even spooked with the glowing eyes in the dark forest
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Nothing else matters
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Get it? Gaze into? Eye to eye?
You were dumbo because you let them get to you and did obviously stupid shit to appease them.
what? see the way hanzo looks at those tight pecs
Anyone datamined the PTR patch yet? Does it contain any Genji nerfs?
Its called "Ai-Chän-wall-de"
Look up how to pronounce the ä and your good.
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thats the wrong image
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>Haha look at all these idiots buying Summer boxes
>Suddenly 60 dollars for GB Sprinter Tracer

I should've never fucking made fun of you guys holy fuck I hate this system.

>Get a summer skin
>It's the garbage recolor
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if i dont get the dva voiceline im gonna fly into an autistic rage i swear to god
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It takes billions of seconds to find a game.

>Not wanting to help restart Overwatch but in a leadership position so that she has more control over how her technology is put to use
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>doesnt have best guy

into the trash
Fucking weebs, try this for Widow

I got like every skin minus the red Zarya after like 70 bucks.

Wish I couldve gotten Tracer Hurdle or Shotput JR but honestly I got Sprinter Tracer so Im fucking done.
>Restarting a corrupt orginization
m8,its ded and if it did restart it would happen all over again
reminds me of banjo kazooie
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>another one comic
I don't keep up with my animu and mango, this one good too?
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I don't have the summer D.Va voice line. Nothing else matters.
yea its funny
30 dollarydoos and 20 levels later, still no Zarya skin.
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>spend 200+ games struggling in the low 40s
>brother is rank 70 on ps4
>has never played with mouse and keyboard before
>goes on a 17 game winstreak and gets me to rank 50 in a few hours
>says everyone is braindead in these ranks and you don't have to even aim, just stay on the point, don't go in by yourself, and that's enough for him to carry every game as a fill

Will it be obvious I had someone boost me? He says he can get me to rank 60 tomorrow easily.
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>30 bucks
>70 bucks.
it's faggots like you that make blizz lock the shit behind rng, because they know it'll bait retards like you into dropping huge wads on pixels they don't care that they piss off people who don't want to waste a new game's worth on fucking 5 dupes of sweden yes torb

Everything by Design makes me uncontrollably hard.
I wanted them to call it Buchenwald
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Thank you for being a good goy, anon!

Remember, they must be special! So keep buying those boxes!
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Hey now Youre absolutley right I could've bought Legion with the money I spent please fucking kill me
If you don't learn from anything a better player tells you and continue playing like retard, it will be.
Yea. It's less comedic than OPM but it's still really good.

Anime should finish on the end of the first """serious""" arc.
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>enemy team goes all the same hero
>we stomp them
>they change to a normal team
>we still stomp them

should have committed to the joke so you had an excuse for when you lose
Only one so far I'll try. Have one in return
Is Kaplan going to be the new Todd Goblin?
She is fun, but any hero like Genji and Reaper can compltely ruin the fun
Either buff the range of the turrets or double the limit of them, or at least make them go through shields,
So you only have to finish your placement matches for the spray and shit right?
how good/bad is 52?
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Dude, I bought the crates because of the bullshit "you can't buy them" thing.

I started at ~140 when they came out, so grinding levels isn't fun, especially when your family's a bunch of normies who need you to constantly do shit for them.

I also don't feel bad about this because i'm a TF2 shitter.
>main symmetra on both offense and defense
>get to listen to players bitch until end card of 30+ players teleported

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No. Sean posting is the new Todd posting.
he watched me play one game to commentate on what I'm doing wrong, and told me to stop going in by myself, complimented me on my aim, then told me McCree cant carry a game and to play genji instead.

I didn't know how to play genji, so he got on, started spamming right click in the general direction of any enemy, then when he had his ult got at least three kills every time.

That wasn't as impressive as him shucking and jiving around the payload as lucio though, at least to me.
exp needed doesnt increase per level up.

>Symmetra offense

This shit gives me an ulcer. If one guy who actually knows what he's doing goes Symm offense, suddenly everyone on the team is like BRUH LETS ALL GO SYMMETRA XDDDD
I heard you like coins so we gave you coins with your coins
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>deny you the ability to buy the cosmetics with coins to goad people into spending huge amounts of real money
>do exactly that for exactly that reason
>Dude, I bought the crates because of the bullshit "you can't buy them" thing.
Guess who's supporting that, buckaroo?
>koth bug
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summer games.png
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I've been mostly happy with the drops, especially since I don't care for AmeriCree cause I have his legendary I always wanted, the Dick Tracy-one and I also got the best icon, Roadhog diving
>All I want is the mercy skin
>Would literally pay $25 just for it
>Nearly 14,000 gold I can't use for anything

Even if I play at a moderate pace by the end of the year I could easily have every gold buyable item in the game. They really need to add more things to do with gold.
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I guess you can't fix stupid. Oh well, enjoy the free updates courtesy of us.

>Would literally pay 25 dollars jsut for it

I fucking feel you anon. Hell fuck it and make the skins worth like double or triple gold I dont care. This RNG is horseshit
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If you're reading this, I love you.
Early in the season if you played any KOTH game than it only gave you 1% of the ranking it was supposed to, so if you got a koth game in ranking you might as well have not played the game.

3/7 of my wins were koth.
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Gee, I dunno. Can you tell me, papa?
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>just prestiged
>10 ez crates, nothing but sprays, voices and duplicates

come on, all i want is Murrican McCree
yes, I'll enjoy all future events being locked behind the same rng bullshit because you have no impulse control and blizz knows it, thanks a lot
No, you need more spray dups.
explain this image.
>I guess you can't fix stupid. Oh well, enjoy the free updates courtesy of us.
I don't know if you're just trying to justify your purchases with shitposting or you are actually retarded. Thanks for confirming you want to continue to pay $60 every few months for little content.

Truly one of the best things to happen in the game for sperg shit like this.
>be rank 45
>solo queue into a 5 man stack
>get absolutely destroyed
>don't even make it to first payload checkpoint
>10 minutes of of discussion about how ana is so overpowered because
>muh bodyshots
TF2 added in a system like last year that whenever you get killed, you drop your weapon.

Anyone can then pick up the weapon if they can equip it and then they can use it until they die.

The golden frying pan (a re-skin of the stock melee weapon that all classes can use) is the most expensive weapon in the game at like $2,300.

Some autist got killed and some F2P "stole" his pan and was using it, and he had a tantrum because they didn't "earn" it.
I only play comp mode, picking multi same char annoys the shit out of me.
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Why do I get reported for maining the best character in the game?
Stop doing it on attack.
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That's not Zarya.

>Mfw I got Zarya skin and I don't even play as her
I would trade it for D.Va's skin or even Mercy
Dat vulva mang...
If you can deal the killing blow, and there's no other imminent danger, the best thing to do is walk right up next to them and Shoot->Melee->Grenade, cancelling each as fast as possible. It does 170 damage.
I don't like his face as much as Todd Besthedad
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If they implemented a trade system for dupes, that'd be grand.
how tryhard is competitive play
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It's so much more punchable, though.
That or at least give you more gold for them
Swear i've gotten Striker Lucio as a dupe over 3 times during all this
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I love you too anon

will you be my bf?
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Lost track of how many times I've gotten Track.
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How do I tell if I'M the stupid one?
high level: play the meta or I REPORT U
low level: it's just like qp, but with an extra stat and instant assrape if you leave first
tag? are you a boy?
>competitive puts a rank 2 on our team who only plays Hanzo
What hell is this? What the fuck did I do to deserve this?
I'm a tad jelly.
I've got T.Racer and still I want that one.
Anyone want to play?
let's go
Here, or in Overwatch?

Someone's probably queued up with them to get low level matches

By looking at your career profile and seeing which hero you've played the most.
I did it guys, I made it to cruel
That means I'm almost done with the tutorial, right?
what server are you on?
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Stay cozy, /owg/.
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>that image set
>they redress her once she's completely stuffed
somehow that makes it lewder than if they just raped her
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Post some Blueberr
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I think we can all agree with this , right?

Bastion - Changes into turret mode faster
Hanzo - Charges arrows faster / Arrow's traveling speed increased
Junkrat - Primary fire projectile speed increased
Mei - Ultimate now pierces shields and characters models / She can now freeze the ground for 2 seconds, making enemies walk slower
Mercy - +50 HP / Increase traveling speed on Guardian Angel
Soldier76 - Revert his nerf
Torbjorn - He can now place Turret lv 2 from the get go, needs to collect 200 scrap to upgrade to level 3 / Reduce his head hitbox size / Increase hammer attack speed by 25%

Ana - Ult doesn't grant 50/50/50 anymore, one boost needs to go
D.VA - Defense Matrix recharge time increased to 3 seconds
Genji - Ultimate range nerfed by 2 meters / Fixed reflect hitbox
Lucio - Speed boost when Amped Up reduced by 30%
Reinhardt - Ultimate range reduced by 25%
Zarya - Energy charge now decays at 3% per second
Zenyatta - Discord Orb modifier reduced to 30%

Reaper (small fix to his buggy teleport)
Roadhog (fix his hook hitbox)
Widowmaker (give her quickscoping back)

Symmetra (A new ability to replace her E) / Turrets now recharge 20% faster
>level 2 turret every 6 seconds

sounds like something straight from my nightmares
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so far.png
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I literally just want the stuff for junkrat.
Your rank is going to be shit next season. Yes it's going to be obvious you were boosted if someone notices how shit you are and the only reason your team is doing badly.
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Still fairly easy to deal
Another lore question.

So Overwatch forming again is deemed illegal by the UN and most, if not all countries, right? How could the UN feasibly prosecute members a rogue organization full of highly skilled and equipped superhumans?
>Nerfing D.va
she barely does any damage, you rely a lot in team coverage

If anything her Ult needs to charge a little faster, I beraly use is 2 times in a match and you have Hanzo and McCree spamming it every minute
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I'll just pay him again to boost me in the last week and I'll be fine.
Cant wait to enjoy my golden weapon and call people shitters during the offseason while referencing my higher rank constantly.
Really fucking annoying though.
>Increase traveling speed on Guardian Angel
Mercy overall needs to be faster and give her something like some orbs that fire automatically withing range or something, just changing to her weapon makes her die before she can even react
either they form a nega-overwatch, which we will see heroes from in the future, or they sit on their asses and go "d-don't do that, p-please" because they're hopelessly powerless just like the real UN
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>tfw you suck as your favorite hero and everyone on your teams sees it
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>people would rather have rng loot boxes over buying specific cosmetic items


is this real
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>Going on a massive loss streak because the game can't. stop. matchmaking. me. with. uncarryable. teammates.
>lose 6 ranks in 2 days
>End up on the opposite team of some other guy who complains about having lost 6 ranks in 2 days
>both teams are so fucking useless and I win easily as it feels like playing against easy bots

Based 50/50 matchmaking.
If it makes you feel any better most people are completely oblivious to their teammates.
>Jet jaguar
Is that from an anime?
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>tfw finally getting gud w/tracer
And it only took 25 hours!
>hated her superiors

This is late but most of this headcanon is all wrong. From the rifle preview we can see this issue cropped up many years into her career and Overwatch's life and that was her >beginning< to be concerned about it. That's a huge fucking jump to say they weaponized her tech all the time. And considering she's clearly buddy buddy with Torbjorn, the guy who made the rifle, I don't see her holding a grudge against Morrison/Reyes/Amari who probably had little involvement beyond approving or disapproving it. They didn't personally run R&D. Not to mention Ana probably developed the damaging rounds.
>slav squat
>not blyat

Someone's retarded.

Hyper fanboys have existed for decades anon.

It's best to just try and ignore them and/or make sure they don't affect the game
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not half bad.jpg
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I really want Tracer's tho
>he thinks wallriding is boring

what a fgt
Did they change something about genjis edge boost trick recently?

It seems much harder to use it now, genji will much more often just climb the edge or boost right through it.

Or did I just get worse at this recently?
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>Make Torb the best character in the game
>Make Mercy even more frustrating to kill
>Nerfing D.va that hard
>Faster firerate, almost hitscan Hanzo

Thank FUCK you're a retarded neckbeard that will never work for Blizzard.
someone gave him an upboat too

holy shit it's like they just want to throw their money at Blizzard as much as they can how can anyone be this retarded?
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Tracers true form caught on camera
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Awfull considering I only wanted americree and eidgenossin. Worst part this is 43 crates worth of drops all from leveling up.
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>kurwa isn't slav
and I think that someone is you

He is one of Godzilla's friends
>It's in the refrigerator

Wait, what?

What does that even mean?
>implying anyone ever slav squats in Poland

Right back at you, buddy.
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What the fuck...

These people, they don't actually exist, do they?
why in the world do you think they don't?
It's jiggling as well.
Basketball sportscaster reference.
Looks like this new map will just be another Route 66
Okay, thanks. I thought the name sounded really familiar to me. Cant believe I forgot this

Some sort of Basketball reference. There are a lot more of those that are probably going to be added later.
it's dark, it's cold, it's winter
i'm lonely
>You're just impatient! This system is better.

How can these people breathe?
Some basketball commentators from like the 80s was famous for saying dumb shit
>If anything her Ult needs to charge a little faster, I beraly use is 2 times in a match
What? I spam her ult like there's no tomorrow.

In that there are a lot of houses? The new map seems a lot more sniper-biased than Route 66 ever was.
>Last game of the season
>maybe the last of the summer games
>lose because of torbjorn, Symmetra and bastion on attack
>lootu boksu
>golden coin and people coin fly out
>young master for hanzo the retard
>duplicate soldier 76 emote that's shit anyway

Pretty much sums up my season tbqhfamalamsies

I want a gf
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>play comp in duo
>4 wins in a row, need one more win to 60
>I go Zarya as usual, friend goes Rein
>one dipshit on our team sees WM (77 hours and good stats) on team and decides to be le epic trollermeister xD
>picks Bastion and does jack shit whole game
>he's 63, most likely already took 65 before so now he just doesn't give a fuck and ruins games
>we still manage to push enemy team
>they're genuinely worse than us
>lose defense because le epic trollzer insta-picked 76 and did nothign whole game again
>enemy went Bastion + Rein and no one tried to actually focus him
>lose coinflip the same way
>win next couple games
>friend is 1 rank short of 65
>I'm half a bar short of 60
>all because of that fucking piece of shit troll
>friend logs off until tomorrow
>decide to try my luck and play solo Q
>2 games
>both times team is literally booga, hoarding ults whole game and never using them
>not even trying to contest payload
>back to 58
I'm Polish.
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I've seen the error of my ways.

I can't promise to be responsible with money, but I'm not supporting a future like this.
It's similar because
>Start to point A: cap or lose
>Point A to Point B: filler
>Point B to Point C: a closed room full of flanks
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Okay so how do you play her on offense? I'm curious since I like to play her but don't ever pick her outside of defending point A usually. I suppose on a payload map it could be useful later in the game but the spawn points from checkpointing aren't that far away. What's the draw? I guess you could put turrets all over the payload, but they'd likely die pretty fast.
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>Get to 58
>Decide to solo queue
>Drop to 52
half polish, spent months there, seen it a few times
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I just can't believe these people exist I've lost all faith in humanity
SameWanna Q together?
>nearing the end of the summer games
>still haven't gotten one of the Tracer skins
Should I just buy chests at this point?
I barely ever see slav squat in Russia nowadays. But it's a fun stereotype for me
Don't give into blizz jewery.

They've been at this game for 12 years.
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>lootu boksu

日本語で"Treasure Box"라고 부르고 있어.
Don't make my mistake. >>152024685
Fuck, you guys are right. Blizzard won't have anymore of my shekels for digital chests.
Summer skins will be buyable with credits on the last day
I wish
Post signs of defeat before the game starts

>now arriving at illios
>solo hog tank

I wish this was in qp only, but no. Even in >ranked.
Toreshaa Bokkusu
>chink chong tower
>two of them are the same hero
This is stupidly common.
>get to hero select
>8 minutes left
>enemy pushing last point
>you have 2 genjis and hanzo
well at least once it's done shitting on me forced 50 will put me on the other side of this hell
why does it seem like the hanzo on my team is a useless shitter but the enemy hanzo is always competent and regularly gets kills
Is there anything more satisfying than tilting people as Tracer? Rage quits, BM, mirror picks.

Do any other heroes get people as pissy as Tracer does?
You won't get a loss for losing as a backfill (it's in an earlier patch note), so just take a piss, get your XP and leave.
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>open pack
>3 duplicates
Piece of CAKE
>welcome to Hanamura
>two Genjis straight away
>Leave game

Why. just why.
>You won't get a loss for losing as a backfill

I just gained a second wind for this bullshit game.
I don't give a fuck about my w/l, I want to have fun, trying to carry a squad of retards for a minute or two, then getting shoved back into the waiting queue isn't fun
I'd rather have pure rng lootboxes for 3 reasons
1) Cosmetics are the last thing I would give a shit about. If I don't get something I want, then oh fuckin well.
2) Everyone is on equal ground in terms of shit that doesn't matter. The surprise makes it all the sweeter and the novelty of skins only lasts so long, so why spend money on them if you can get them for free.
3) I like seeing people bitch and moan about not getting the hats they wanted. Just don't buy the boxes my man.
Blizzard have done a fair job not fucking this game up relative to all the other trash they've been putting out and I'm satisfied with that.

t. gameplay adherent, gambling addict
>Prepare to attack
>Hanzo and Widow instalocked
Do you have a clean version of it?
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summer loot.png
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I really want Striker, no Lucio legendary at all is making me sweat. But I'm about to get another star, so here's hoping I get it during the rapid levels.
what did he respond to?
what's the difference between a competent and a lucky hanzo?
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Too good to be true.
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>playing Torb
>Genji comes in and we 1v1
>not even ulted MOLTEN CORE, just standard Torbjorn
>wreck his ass
>teabag him
>he goes ballistic in all chat
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>won 9/10 of my placement matches
>just want to finish this shit
>almost 20 minutes and no match yet

I just want to finish this shit and get a reward, blizzard pls
Wanted to know if you had the pic of >>152024685. Thought you quoted yourself.
>Enemy team has 2+ reapers or 2+ Tracers
I meant follow the reply chain, the clean version is at the end
i picked the gold weapons for mei______
did i fuck up?
answer: nope
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>new map gets released
>people still get matched into the old maps 6/7 times
post yfw
Tracer has nothing on the amount of salt Genji causes, one spawn wave and there's at least a Winston coming on the next.
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Thanks. Too much game at night left me dumb for some reason.
If it's anything like R6:S, they'll increase priority on the new map until you're so fucking sick of it you'll be singing gloria the next time you see
>now ariving: route 66
Enemy team has Genji with 2 or more stars under his level
hey, I didn't know where else to ask so I figured I should post here - I bought overwatch not 3 hours ago and 30 minutes ago it finished downloading. I opened it straight away and tried to start playing but I'm getting really bad ping (300+) regardless of what I do. I am from australia, and I picked the Americas server. I've tried restarting my router, restarting my computer, closing all non-windows processes and removing every other devices internet with no luck. Speedtest.net is saying I have sub-20 ping (Sydney) and a 10mb/s download speed. I'm really not sure what could be the problem, could anyone help me with this?
Who's design is so good you don't even bother changing their skin to a legendary?
Mercy obviously
>Bastion and Torbjorn on attack
How to tell you're going to lose a match in two seconds. At least the box I got from it was good.
>Pharah medal victory pose
>Mei companion emote
>Genji malachite skin
>Mercy Valkyrie skin
I'm starting to play her some. Only about an hour played so far but throwing a mine on a camping Bastion was orgasmic. Gonna keep playing her.
gold weapons a shit

you know they're going to release cooler shit for ranked currency right? even if they don't, they'll probably release new and better skins soon, and now you're stuck having gold weapon skins for a skin that is awful.
>countering heroes is now classed as salt
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>Now travelling to: Eichenwalde
>Not enough players, re-instancing
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>Do any other heroes get people as pissy as Tracer does?
Winston is shit, if you pick Winston it's because you're butthurt your aim is shit and you can't track me as a DPS hero.
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Pfffft smooth as fucking sandpaper
yeah i know but they were incrase the price for the shitty gold weapons so i had to spend them on something
>watch me swooce right in
Pick the Australian server. If no Australian server check all servers for what pigs you have, and pick the lowest. Its obvious you cant get good ping to america.
Mei is shit though.

Genji is pretty right yeah, I Tracer main so he doesn't really give me much trouble but even then I think he's so deep in the meta right now that people begrudgingly accept him. His days are numbered though since his nerf is inevitable, and the surge of Tracers that come from it will be amazing.

I think Tracer tilts people hard right now because she's fairly low pickrate, people aren't really used to dealing with a super good Tracer. I can tell because when the enemy has one, my team fucking falls apart.
they'll probably make a brawl with the new map only

>murdering people as x character
>someone on your team switches to that character
>they suck
feels good man
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>mfw I spend most of a match bullying an enemy Bastion as Tracer while he gets progressively angrier in chat
>mfw I report him for harassment
I can only hope he actually gets at least a temporary ban, just for that extra dash of salt.

She's one of the best Genji counters in the game (she does get fucked by Reaper).

M1 goes through deflect, ignores his mobility because it doesn't require aim, and he gets burned FAST by turrets. Outplaying him is easy up until he has ulti.
>Winston is shit
spotted the shitter
Cum get yer armor.
>but they were incrase the price for the shitty gold weapons so i had to spend them on something
They're going to increase the costs AND YOUR POINTS by 10 dude, not just the cost.
>Team mate called me shit yesterday in game

How do I deal with this shit, I'm gonna be salty for a month. I'm gonna be thinking about it at work today and everything. He was the shit one. No one else complained and I even got 5 points by the team at the round end. Faggot.
Six Bastions vs. two Reinhardts
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thanks man, so out of these three just test which one has the lowest and stick to it?
how can rank 60 possibly be top 6% of the playerbase? literally EVERYONE in my friends list that is dozens of people is over 60

a lot of my friends are over 70 too. one of my friends who never even reached GE in CSGO like the rest of us is now fucking rank 80.
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they're also increasing your points retroactively
>They're going to increase the costs AND YOUR POINTS by 10 dude, not just the cost.

wait what? why am i hearing this just now
>all reinhardt

>increasing comp points by factor of 10
>increasing level scale from 1-100 to a couple thousand
when did blizz turn japanese?
Yea check the forums for other aus fags feedback.
wrong, gundam pharah is a best
Which golden gun are you getting?

>defenders are all reinhardt while attackers are all Bastions
>mfw I stomp the enemy Roadhog as Tracer consistently, dodging hooks and being impossible to hook while his health disappears
>mfw every time he goes to heal I just pulse bomb him
>mfw he t-bags me after finally getting a cheap hook and killing me
>literally EVERYONE in my friends list that is dozens of people is over 60
Your friends list is like 10-20 people probably.

Several million people play this game and are bad at it.

>wait what? why am i hearing this just now
It was literally the first thing said after (((Kaplan))) said they were increasing point costs.

In fact I think it was even said BEFORE he said they were increasing golden gun costs.
junkrat's legends are either edgy clown or edgy scarecrow, so I'll stick with commons until I get jailbird even though the summer crates gave me a scarecrow
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did it.jpg
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>hunt the Widow
>Widow becomes more and more paranoid
>continue hunting the Widow
>team gives thanks for bullying the Widow
Harvesting the blueberry was rewarding all on its own.
I really think Overwatch's rank mode is not for me. I lost my last 5 games due to either someone leaving or "trolling".
You should be fine to pick America

I'm in Brisbane and it automatically puts me into Aussie servers where I'm getting 37~ ping

If all else fails, go to game settings and add command line argument OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=AU1 if you want to brute force it
Shut up Reaper.
1-100 is a shit scale though, like 5k or whatever the new number is is a much better representation
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hurt me the most.jpg
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I like bullying Roadhog too, but it's just no fun when they're laggy, which a lot are. Apparently only Brazilians play him.
>Roadhog runs off to heal
>planning to pulse bomb him for the finish, chase him
>turn corner
>two more Roadhogs
I've seen h-manga that start like that.

*^ (hard CH sound. like a wiTCH)
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Scarecrow isn't even edgy.

Do wish he had better skins though

cus instant gratification
okay great, will do that now. thanks heaps for your help man

i think i may have to do that - every server is giving me 300+
>hard CH sound
no, you fucking American
Only got pissy about Tracer once, and it was because my team was doing literally nothing against a pretty good one. Route 66. Tracer would show up, not a single teammate would turn around.

Took a jab at him in the first round because we shat on his team and I was personally wrecking him, and then his premade (lol) went full tilt and just started ruining us while I just sat there sweating.



maybe edgy isn't the right word, it looks off though
and it ruins the victory pose where he sticks his tongue out
But Americree exists?
>page 1
>not at bump limit
>not at image limit
please kill yourself you desperate retard
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>AND YOUR POINTS by 10 dude
just fucking great, now i feel like a fucking dumbfuck
Widowmaker, unless you have Noire, her best skin is a blue-quality one, with the black outfit.
>Who's design is so good you don't even bother changing their skin to a legendary?
MURICA is epic, not legendary
Shut up ya cheeky chav cunt

Hog is not for bullying
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>Almost 40 minutes now just waiting for my last comp placement match

Winning games was a mistake
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I know it was posted last thread, but here is a gift for you
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>Entire team is Koreans
>They're just speaking and typing Korean
>My name pops up every now and then
>I can't understand a word
>My name starts coming up more frequently in a sea of Korean symbols
>Don't know if they're complaining about me or complimenting me
>It goes like this until the end of the game
I want off this ride.
I still don't understand why the Koreans are playing on Americas when they have their own servers.
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It's an invasion.
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pls go and stay go.webm
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Tracers have a tendency to be really cunty if they don't get their shit going.
>tfw when you expect praises for your potg but get memes instead
Why all of the sudden people can't wait a few posts before making a new thread? What a waste.
Blame the waifushitters.
Teleporting people right to the point, and turret annoyance near health packs + kill dva/reinhards due to weapon easy.
gg ez
Hook him as the hog as I jump off a cliff
In German instances of EI or IE produce the English name of the second letter, so Ei sounds like eye, after that its p much English but you pronounce the last E
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