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/owg/ Overwatch General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 250

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The Baron.jpg
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Reinhardt is a Filthy Traitor Edition

Old Thread: >>151981759

Eichenwalde Map Trailer:

>Official Website

>The Oversheet


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>OP Pastebin

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

>Overwatch DPS Sheet

Season 1 ends on 17th of August
The Last Bastion on 18th of August
Summer games end on 22th of August
Blizzcon on 4th-5th in September
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Tracer is for ______
second for mercy pocket healing bitch/slut
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Mercy a qt
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dab on em
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>want the Swedish flag
>don't get the Swedish flag

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Amélie lips
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First for Mercy's soft, buttery cock.
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I can't even heal right.
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Loving wholly and wholesomely.
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Cutest and best pairing
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huehue lucio or white lucio
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The Last Crusader.jpg
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>"This is no castle, it's a tomb."
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Reinhardt was Mordredhardt all along!

The fucking bot-kisser!
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>season 1 ends tomorrow
>highest rank was 44
i wasn't supposed to go out like this
Anyone having an issue where the the models don't load for various seconds in the very first game?
WEW- WEW- WEW- WEW Jackpot!
humans in the animatrix were so fucking stupid it's unsurprising 90% of them died
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>finally get to level 100
>think im going to be getting all them cases at low level again
>need to level up one more time before I get promoted


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Why is Mercy such a dirty healing slut?
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I hope the eventual junkrat/roadhog short from blizzard ends up 20+ minutes, there's so much they can do with it
>team up with a buddy for some games on competitive
>constantly get matched against 2 groups of 3
>our team always get 4 randoms
Nice match making system you got there, Blizz
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Will Reinhardt appear in the Bastion short mourning his dead comrades?

Will they fight?
Because she gives her beam to everyone on the team
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(team arrives in Eichenwalde)
Torbjorn: (whistle) I'd hate to say I told you so, but I-.
Reinhardt: Torbjorn, my old friend, please...SHUT UP.
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>in about 20 hours comp will go down
>qp will be FLOODED with "i bought hanzo golden bow tell one of the other 3 golden hanzos to switch off"

I've been having problems since the Ana patch.

Brand new graphics card, every other night I play, my fps drops to 20-30 fps every fucking 5 seconds.

Managed somehow to fix it by limiting it to >30 fps and played for a night

Then i bumpbed it back up to 60fps and its perfect

but i know that once i start playing tonight it's going to shit all on me again

t. GTX 1080 owner

its not my graphics card

i did a stress test with multiple programs and it runs everything fine, very low temperatures.

i tried all the drivers available. still no fix.

Overwatch is the only game it happens in.

Even while using lowest settings, lowest resolution, lowest render quality.
This might be silly, but:

>Leavers in Comp are now replaced by AI

How would this make you feel?
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She's not? She's a pure healing maiden.
Does anyone remember Galdis?

He was one of the most hilarious /owg/ players I've played with, all you had to do was mention Hillary Clinton or insult Donald Trump and he would start shouting at the top of his lungs about LIBKEKS to the point where he'd run out of breath.



What is the best maps for Roadhog.
is there a streamer named giganinja
As long as the AI is set to hard it might not be so bad.
Slightly better than the alternative.
Why is the lowest the game will go 1024x768 or something? I'd really like to play at like 800x600, I'm just barely on the verge of having a staple 60 framerate and the lower resolution would help immensely
I'm gonna buy them Dva guns.
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Once upon a time she was a sweet person, anon. Then THEY happened. Widow has a lot to answer for, but in the grand scheme of things, she and Reaper are just attack dogs for Talon. Whoever is holding the leash is the REAL villain here.

There's a chance she might be able to be brought back, but she would almost assuredly not be the same anymore. That would make for an interesting arc, and I like to think that despite all that's happened, Tracer would be the type to not hold a grudge and eventually forgive and befriend her.

Maybe not quite to the extent of pic related, but a man can dream.
A-All of them?

Even the other girls too?
all of them T B Q H
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I just want to do my job as a medic.
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violating in every way
how do you join team chat
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>mfw im the last one on the point after a genji massacre
>genji is coming
The girls and men. All they have to do is call out for her and Mercy rushes to give them her beam.
Wait, is that actual dialogue? Why would Torbjorn say I told you so? Reinhardt wasn't at Eichenwalde during Balderich's Last Stand, as far as I know.
Hit P and click. You can change how the game auto-joins chats in options.
I want a Talon telepath to mess with Reinhardt's head, making him hallucinate the Baron and all his slain comrades calling him a traitor for helping Omnics and abandoning Germany to bum around the world.

Then the operative makes him see his allies as Bastion units and he just goes nuts. One of the other Tanks winds up having to try and stop him from killing them all.
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Stop fucking posting beautiful pictures of Mercy

Goddamit I want to go to bed
>Junkrat pressing his crotch into her

Why is there no fanart for Torbjorn?
>Played D.va since the beginning.
>Going to have to instalock in S2 so shitters don't grab her first.

Lord save me. Her buff was a mistake.
What did I miss?
Why is this game so stressful at times
lvl 23 playing till I hit 25
add me, would like to group for the exp
Coincidentally it was around the Ana patch that I've got the models issue. After the models load it works fine, though.
>Why would Torbjorn say I told you so?

That Omnics are no good, not worthy of rights or protection, and all the dead German rocket knights vindicate his world view.
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There's not much space in that box.
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Rank 60 here
am I gold or plat?
Yes I am retarded.
Which Overwatch do you most want to FUCK.
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because no one likes torj, not even the people that play him
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Playing lucioball really makes me depressed at how mentally retarded some people can be. Every time you lower the bar of entry for a game and make it more causal/easier you will STILL find people that fail to meet that extremely low bar by being mentally retarded
>play lucioball
>people constantly hit the ball for the of hitting the ball
>people that aren't playing goalie but sit relatively close to the goal and panic hit the ball when it gets near instead of letting me clear the ball to the other side of the field
>teammates that runs back all the way towards the goal when the enemy shoots it over here when the past 10 times I've cleared it back to the other side so they just wasted time running over here
>literally ZERO learning ability
>opponent coming in for a shot, shoots it straight at me, okay easy block
>retard sitting near the goal taps it off the right at the last second so it goes past me for a goal
>guy is confused as to how I let that go past
>the replay literally shows him tap it at the last second and assist the guy shooting when I would've blocked it easily otherwise
9/11 blog I am platinum mad

Maybe this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3xFKckFCGM , other than that we're just memeing.
Just a few more additional waifus and this game can stop being such a sausage fest.
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Shh... It will be okay; when you wake, the pain will be all gone..
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>tracer saves widow from talon's control
>widow becomes emotionally attracted to tracer
>tracer realizes that the two of them are not meant to be
>tracer starts a new life with someone else
>one day that person gets into a fatal car accident
>on the way home from the funeral tracer finds a package with two items inside of it
>car brake wires
>with a single white card with a purple kiss mark on it
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It would be pretty tragic. If she was brought back, her original emotions, she'd have to live with the fact that she killed her husband, and a lot of other people.

I don't know if the original Amelie would be able to live with that.
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But I love Torbby!
too bad even if you use the worst possible settings the game is still plagued with frames drops
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The main reason I mention Lucio and Symmetra is because they're polar opposites (fun-loving freedom fighter and order-obsessed corporate neat freak), and operate in the same area. Sym's corporation was the one Lucio rebelled against to help his people. I just think not focusing on it would be wasted potential.

In my headcanon D.Va is an obnoxious, foul-mouthed, temperamental little brat with no integrity who would say or endorse nearly anything for a sponsorship. I like the idea of her joining up with Overwatch purely for the fame as a sort of token selfish teammate, but gradually becoming more genuinely heroic as she becomes less sheltered and sees firsthand the state that the world is in. But she still gets all tsundere about it and refuses to admit she cares.
How the hell did you play Dva with that terrible defense matrix?
shanking while shes tied up
dva may be a little too tight for my foreskin so tracer

That would be a fun short, but who would have the brawn to stop Reinhardt without killing him?
Bootiemaker please.

I'll FUCK her very lovingly.
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What time PST does this season end tomorrow?
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You know your team (including you) was just absolute trash when ____ gets PotG
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On the new patch, people datamined this asset which is Hana's stream overlay

Theres a second assest so wait a minute
Zarya or Roadhog, I guess.

Or maybe a new Tank, I don't know.
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Update where Mercy's revealed to be the evil bitch she's been all along when?

I mean, I guess it's not "her" fault if the Mercy we know is just the mask, but still, fuck that cunt
savagely beating when your dinner isn't ready on time
21 hours from now?
I want to mate with Tracer!

I tell people in every match this or similar things for other girls.
>you will never play a game with Hana

Which golden gun are you getting?
In Soviet Russia, Zarya fucks you!
>D.va can ult when her mech is exploding from taking too much damage
>She doesn't get killed by the explosion
Why did they make her retard proof and reward players for being bad?
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This the second asset which is supposed to be the chat of Hana's stream

I wonder how high the levels of shitposting are?
They said she's not evil at a panel, you fucking autist.
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>Great game, everyone!
>It was an honor to play with you all. Thank you.
>Good game! Best of luck to you all!
>I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.
>C'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.
>Gee whiz! That was fun. Good playing!
>Well played. I salute you all.
>I could really use a hug right now.
>It's past my bedtime. Please don't tell my mommy.
>Ah shucks... you guys are the best!
>I feel very, very small... please hold me...
>For glory and honor! Huzzah comrades!
>Mommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs.
>I'm trying to be a nicer person. It's hard, but I am trying, guys.
>Wishing you all the best.

Would Alejandra, AKA Sombra, REALLY be sucking her thumb at her age?
Oh yeah. She could hack the suit, locking its joints, and trapping the mentally compromised and damaged old man in a coffin of steel and circuits.
So, what adventures will Bastion go on before he finds his OW pals?


She got me to rank 67 pre-buff.
Made for tender loving sex

Made for rough fucking

Made for humilliation
Thanks for the Reapfield anon, saved
Holding down left click to cleanse a disgusting meatbag family
>everyone wants mercy to be evil
>it turns out shes just a researcher/doctor who wants to help people
gee wizz what a shocker
I got a 5 kill from that once. Good times.
>"The site of one of the most famous battles during the Omnic Crisis, it was here that the leader of the Crusaders, Balderich von Alder, and a handful of his best soldiers made a last stand against an advancing automaton army. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were ultimately slain during the resulting combat. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight."

Fucking Reinhardt probably let in Omnic refugees after all that.
>I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.

Implying that isnt Hana pre-celebrity status
playing mercy is always satisfying and sexual

every game i either get to blow my team and they are happy, or the other team gets to buttfuck me and they are happy

its so frustrating to play other characters
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The original Amelie may not, but perhaps the new Amelie could get by with a little help from her friends.
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I need Mei to bear my children.

>Implying a little loli can handle Reinhardt

Maybe if she goes invisible.
Reinhardt knows that everyone deserves hospitality. And besides, they all died a warriors death. Its what they wanted.
Post buff D.va is literally the only thing that got me out of the mid 30s rank hellhole
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Thank fuck they changed Widowmaker's face in the release.
Anyone have the list for what current rank = what element rank?
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I agree. We should group together!
Not bad.
I bet it's just extra strings for bots to spit out once you finish a game with them.
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retarded idea.png
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More like:

Made for tender loving slow sex that speeds up to fast lovemaking:

Made for heavy mating press:

Made for femdom

Not made for sex, made for fast artificial insemination to maximize efficiency:

Made for hot as fuck sensual extremely erotic sex where she gently takes the lead
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>Every single interaction between Tracer and Widowmaker is hostile, both in game and in lore

>Widowmaker is literally a violent terrorist who killed a civil rights activist in front of Tracer and has attempted to kill her on multiple occasions

Yet people ship these two because they were in some shorts together.
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Such a romantic
tfw mercy probably uses a buttplug every time shes on duty
5 decides which Zen highlight intro I get
Not as bad as McCree and Hanzo.
What emote
fuck off bitch im the only mercy on my team <:3
Good-but-still-kind-of-evil widowmaker would be the best.

It's the power of imagination
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>tfw rank 59


What ranks get the golden gun again?
Will the trailer be streamed live or just posted on youtube?
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Okay /ovg/, real talk. I tried out Overwatch on consoles today to compare stuff.

Can someone tell me why the PS4 community is so nice? Shitposting aside, 3 times today I've been trying kill some dude and we just gave up mid-fight and acted all friendly like. Literally just had a match where a Genji just takes pity on me for not being to aim for shit, and we just start walking about the map waving at each others teams until everyone just gave up and started emoting at each other. The fuck is this.

Any other cross-platform stories y'all niggas got to share?
Uppercut for Pharah, olympics for Junkrat.
inb4 loss streak to 40
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I choose to believe this does not exist

65 gets 300cp which nabs you a golden gun even if you only played placements.

Which means me :^)
so, are any competitive matches close? im 7 into my placement matches and they have all been stomps
In your experience are bots set on hard better or players in quick play? People in quick play fuck around too much so i'm thinking of practicing new heros against hard bots for now on.
Anon, I'm sorry. Its literally the most popular pairing in the fandom.
Not bad
In my experience all of the placement matches except 1 or 2 were stomps. Once the game ranks you it becomes better (assuming it guessed correctly)
I've heard more of fucking MercyxPharah than that
>only one so far getting gold Torbjorn
tfw no gold turrets
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Roadhog is cute! CUTE!
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Hard bots are literally perfect aimbots. So if you're fine with getting sniped at 100% accuracy from across the map while also learning a new hero, go for it. Otherwise, just go medium.
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>play roadhog
>mfw all these mercy bitches that want me to fuck them doggystyle while choking them with my hook

man, can't these sluts keep their pussies in check?
Nah, bots will never compare to real players even if they are brain dead.
If you're halfway decent with a hero use them in competitive, don't need to have 15 hours on them
They're pretty equal. I've seen a fuck ton of art, porn, and stories centering around McCree and Hanzo more and more lately. Do they even interact in-game?
Bots actually group up to push but unless you're practicing headshot only aiming bots are fairly meaningless
Why doesn't he have an Australian accent?
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>Get it for my main D.va.
>Or be a hipster and get it for Symmetra, second most played behind D.va.

I kind of want the gun to be special.
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That's okay, I'm sure you'll do a much better job than I ever could. But I'd still like to play with you!
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Who was the top and the bottom?
To hide his identity of course!
Eichenwalde looks so good, it has the best aesthetic of any of the maps we currently have.
>No tf2 style domination voice lines.
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D.va inbetween both.
neither faggot
His name made me think he was a Pacific Islander that lived in Australia.

Both are vers.

But 76 likes taking it more.
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Mercy top.
Pharah bottom.
so lower genji health or fuck with his reflect

or better yet reduce his dash
So neither had any sex? Guess that's believable.
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Reinhardt's is the only one obnoxiously prominent enough to be worth noticing and getting.

With the exception of maybe Reaper's.

Flinging gold all over the place to reload and whatnot.
what time does ranked end tomorrow?
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Best girls
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Tracer top, Widow bottom.
Genji is fine, just reduce his Ult duration by 2 seconds
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>searching for overwatch porn webms
>see a thumbnail of one that looks like tracer and widow are rubbing asses
>smash my hard-ass boner on my mouse to open it
>webm actually has a black dick between their asses

Oh, I'm not ignoring that. I went on at length about how I felt about that in the last thread.

I just feel like if the story were to progress in this direction (which, let's face it, it probably will, since Blizzard has a hard-on for the "ranged combat-oriented character is symbolically killed and brought back to life in the service of the enemy and makes life hell for the heroes but never really pays for it" concept), this is how I would like for it to play out. I doubt Tracer would ever "love" Widow, but she's a good, kind person, and I would like to think that if this situation ever came about, she would learn to overcome whatever hostility she still felt and move on.

I think that would be the most rewarding outcome.
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Nobody can stop his rampage, until Ana puts him to sleep and calms him down.
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Why doesn't anybody get mad about there being no BLACK HEROES in the game?

Lucio is Brazilian, not black.


D.va is fotm right now. Not many people are really going to spend their points on her gun. Most people that play her now probably have other characters they'd rather spend it on.
But they have that, its just not domination shit, just when you kill them
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>gay friend of someone joins the discord
>he wont shutup about hog x junkrat ships
>someone just flat out says its the daddy issues ship because hog doesn't like junkrat and is being payed to protect him.
>user has disconnected
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Meanwhile at OP's House.webm
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>Reinhardt is a Filthy Traitor
Fuck you, OP.
I've had that happen on PTR comp, people just care less so silly things happen
Replace Mercy with Widow and add Tracer.
Pharah, Widow, and Tracer are the holy trinity.
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PTR got patched in the background, what is it?
>not black
>who is harambe
>who is mexireaper
Soldier 76
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so my stats/minute are all decent except for deaths (and subsequently kdr); average kills/healing/whatnot per game is apparently much worse (although i think that's got to do with how fast a lot of these mediocre-rank games end)

how do i die less? i'm sure that's a dumb question, but i'm asking nonetheless. i think i'm just frequently poorly-positioned, and i would really like to fix that

not just with ana, but anyone, really
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Jesus christ this game has been lagging mercilessly. I cant even walk in a straight goddamn line without teleporting. I just came from a match with extreme lag and the server disconnected. I got PUNISHED by being bumped down to rank 33. WHY MUST YOU RUIN MY LIFE BLIZZARD. I SWEAR I WANNA BEAT UP MY BROTHER TO REQUEST THE ANGER
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avoid player.jpg
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>he thinks brazillian is a race
>he instalocks mcree on defense

Every single time this happens they're complete shit. They don't communicate even though they have a mic, they run off by themselves, and they always have one of the two legendary skins (which leads me to believe they only play mcree because they want to show it off).

They then proceed to instalock mcree again on offense and continue to contribute nothing to the team.

I've only managed to squeeze out one win when one of these shitters is on my team, every other time is a loss that can be directly attributed to their incompetence. They're also the first to leave after a game without so much as a 'gg' as a sendoff.

This happened twice in a row once, and overall has cost me more ranks than I care to admit. It never happens in quickplay, only in comp. I'd lock it in before them but I'm probably worse at mcree than they are.

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>tfw my first sleepdart was an ulting Genji to get me the pixel spray
I want a qt curly haired black girl too
Hamster is not for sexual
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Am I sadistic?
Am I the reason people have trust issues?
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>Now Entering: Volskaya Indus-
>Leaving Game: Not Enough Players

Will you assholes just accept that you have to play Volskaya sometimes?
>Now traveling to volskaia industries

Just fuck my shit up famalam
That's both smart and very rude
Junkrat would be proud.
I'm not beating my brother up. Meant to say beat my brain up
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I think I found the problem.
Hanzo/McCree is popular is cause they're both attractive men who are close in age. That's literally it.
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the fuck's wrong with Volskaya?
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I want Junkrat to press his crotch into me!
boxbox is like 6'1 and has huge shoulders

i would have sex with him but he would be top
You 2 should talk.
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Volskaya is fun

just lose attack, pick bastion and become a mobile turret of pain and destruction
No, Xbro here and I've seen it more recently. Not sure if it's some thing an eceleb is popularising, or if it's a legit strat. I say the latter since whenever someone does it to me I'm too fucking nice to gun them down, so I just leave. Not 10 seconds later they ult on my entire team.
>Volskaya Industries in a nutshell.
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>Brazilian is a race
>Mexican is a race
Fucking STOP this bullshit.
Not them, but it's boring and grey. On the upside atleast it's not fucking Anubis.
Reflect area should be way smaller and shorten the fuck out of his dash. He can move way too fucking far with that. Increase the cooldown for his dash as well. I want to say lower his health since he jumps and dashes all over the place, but that was a thing already and it pissed off every genji player.
Who are these handsome men?
it's like saying American is a race.
Anyone have the webm of roadhog hooking someone from under the bus and through a wall in numbani?
Do you think Widow could bring the Gabriel out of Reaper/Reaper bring the Amelie out of Widowmaker?
I'd play volskaya over numbani any day of the week, fuck numbani

the middle part might as well not even exist it's free for attack every single time
Who's the dude with the spikey hair?
I do that all the time
I fucking hate volskaya

Not only because it's a ball ache to defend and attack

Also because games tend to last an hour on that shit
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That's Talon Tracer.

We're talking about fuck me in the ass Overwatch Tracer.
PS4 anon here as well.
Most of the teams I end up with in QP often end up adding each other as friends.
I once did go against an enemy team that went all Zenyatta's. Shit was fun.
>Mercenary who needs to kill so he isn't degenerating/regenerating all the time in an endless cycle of living hell that will always reform
>Brainwashed woman who killed her husband after a daring rescue and can only feel alive when she is overdosing on adrenaline from killing someone
I NEED More Talon!Tracer
fuck genji players

they're massive faggots
>implying Reaper isn't hanging around Talon just to keep Amelie safe because he feels responsible for being unable to protect her and Gerard
Nah, they probably chat and drink coffee while in the Talon HQ though.
>An hour
The fuck you talking about? I played a Volskaya five minutes ago.

It didn't last two minutes straight.
My highest was 56, was floating between 52 and 54. 7 loss streak to 50. FML. Funny how you can notice the attitudes between mid to low fifties change, and the trash talkers show
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What does your career profile look like?
I have a question lads

I'm from SA so I pay with my currency and I don't know if my game the exchange is already done in the pricing section.

Are 2 summer loot boxes 32 fucking dollars?

Who the fuck would pay 32 dollars for TWO boxes (and so on)?
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>Make a class called defense
>Make them all bad
>Make every other class better at defense than them

In competitive, you usually blast through rounds in 2 minutes, do that for 6 rounds then coin flip overtime and it's a long fucking time. Main reason I hate assault maps, they take way too long
Are you using 2 bg ram or something, i get 100 fps with a 970. Post specs and card temp plz
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Did Tracer's butt controversy ruin any chance of us ever getting sexy skins?
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I don't but here's another hook.
getting 2, I'm getting waifumakers which is pretty standard, but the second I'm unsure.

golden guns on elblanco could be nice, but rein's hammer and zaryas gun look really fucking good in gold
Two boxes in US$ is just $2.
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It's 2$ here.
>rank 39
It's blizzard, they weren't going to do it in the first place.
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Oh the exchange is done then. Thanks.
I think the next hero should be a horse
Trob hammer buff when?


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I want to cosplay Reapfield before the meme gets too big
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You're supposed to upgrade your turret with it, not smack people with it.
>Can't view golden weapons with skins you don't own
I just want to see what looks good before committing
>posting this in a blue board
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that (was) my level you daft dildo.
It wouldn't be hard to make the mask.
Hell, the cloak would be easy as shit as well.
>join a group
>lose more games
>look ma i posted it again
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Mental Breakdown.png
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Hey guys! Wanna see how people develop chronic depression at a record time?

That's what I was talking about

Either buff the strike time or reduce the hits needed to upgrade from 5 to 4
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Like shit
stream it
Stream it my dark chocolate pal.
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Not gonna lie, that video with Mia bringing her mom to the porn shoot was the best thing I've ever seen.
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Fucking hell, that was infuriating. Now who the fuck are the other 50 so I can kick their asses too next week?
I think her mom used to be a pornstar too.
New map isn't reverse hybrid, it's regular hybrid. Disappointed.
>heavy mating press

What did he mean by this?

Google just gave me this.
I don't want to do that to Mei.
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>get a decent winning streak, feel good
>get a giant fucking losing streak that out-numbers all the wins, feel like shit

this game sure is good at making its players feel like incompetent garbage.
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>Now who the fuck are the other 50
If so, I would really appreciate a source on that. I want to see her before she got fat and ugly
Go to gelbooru, search "mating_press"
>Yet people ship these two because they were in some shorts together.

I ship them because it's arousing to imagine them fucking.
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Pretty meh, with all the bugs and bullshit that came with season 1 there isn't any point in playing more than max competitive points reward or for fun with friends.

Hoping season 2 is better, it seems good on paper though.
you... you know thats not your world rank, right?
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this has to be bait, right?
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I don't know if all of you would like to see a beaner streaming a Loot opening while talking broken English tho.
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I don't even fucking know anymore.
>tfw mom is switching to a new ISP
>I'll be able to play shit other than Mercy and Lucio while on summer break
>tfw they're all shit in california and she's gonna go back to at&t
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What do you guys think is the overall best way to deal with Torb turret? I do not think it is overpowered in any way, but sometimes it's really obnoxious and I just want it gone. Who would be the best hero for making Torb and his turret a bitch?
Just got D.va in Lucioball and glitched the fuck out.
Anon please. I wanna see if you succeed.
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Hold L Shift and RMB with D.Va, then LMB.
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Rank 51 here, anyone want to queue up?
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>tfw youve already locked your golden weapon and can sleep easy tonight
Zarya kills it easy and gets free 100 charge, any ranged class that can peak shoot etc...
So as Zarya: Who should i prioritize with a sheild rushing onto a point? Tank? Lucio? Whoever is nearing death first? Pharah in the air?
I've never seen a more flacid forced meme
like at least be hard if you're gonna rape me you stupid floppy frog
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Goddammit, this meme is so fucking stupid, why am I smiling?
Also, the east-meets-west dichotomy

Reaper if you can get to them with wraith or something similar.

Junkrat if you can get a clear shot at them without endangering yourself.

Zenyatta sniping, sniper sniping... Pretty much anything, man.
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That is supposed to be lash marks right? Very hot. Anyone have more like this?
Fellow DVa player here, this strat is so 50/50. If the Torb is there with it he can right click my crit box and melt me in literally 2 seconds.
Junkrat and Roadhog!
all memes are forced you shitposter
Healer > Tank > DPS but you straight up shouldn't rush onto point unless your boys are already on it
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please no
76 is my go to for dealing with bastions and torbs, mccree is already but not at long range. Pharah just seems to get shot down for me
RH looks like Uncle Ruckus. Right down to the white skin.
his ult should end when he gets stunned like everyone else
Shield people that get hooked or pre hook, shield people that are using their Ultis, Shield people low on Hp to give them a chance at survival.
Shield someone who got flashbanged or pre-flash to stop it.

and if no one needs a shield, rotate it with your self shield as normal to keep your charge up.
yes, but to varying degrees
Junkrat and Roadhog!!!
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>ywn see this smile

why even live
>Implying she didn't heal slut all over Genji already
Yeah, wanna see that too, but I'm not into streaming too much tbqh.

But also I've spent a lot of money on this shit, the least I could do is to give people the chance to see how I'm going to drive insane in a couple minutes for either a bellybutton Tracer or an AmericCree.
>why even live
Because if we die then its guaranteed we will never see it.

What the fuck does this mean?

Your weaction now?

Your wace nhen?

the fuck?????
I'm seeing it right now, how does it feel to browse 4chan and read post via braille?
you will never
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But I'm looking at it in the reflection of my monitor right now!
Worst skin in the game
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wake me up.webm
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save me
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I'd rather see her in despair.
>being Reinhardt
>charge an enemy Ana, they covers behind a thin column
>crash into the column, Ana fucking dies
Is this some weird latency induced thing or does the charge actually do damage in that much of an area?
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>Goth widow.
Words cannot express my disgust for that skin. Same goes for all the goth ones.
>Loot box time
>See a gold color
>Get excited as fuck
>Huntress Widow.
While a cool skin, I don't play Widowmaker.
How should I feel?
how hard would it be for me to jump from 61 > 65 between today and tomorrow?

my highest was 64 and got fucked over by retards who insisted on playing sniper.

im depressed
>after all that, the widowmaker is what killed you
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bird gk2.webm
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Who is this cute girl?
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Reaper and Soldier! ;_;
Any word on what time comp is shutting down?

I'm assuming we'll get the day tomorrow.
it's not meant to be goth; you know that, right? it's like modern black swan costuming (minus the ballet slippers, i guess)
I can't wait for the graphic novel. I wanna see what Gabe and Jacks friendship was like.
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Alright, so I don't know shit about goth or costuming. Can still say that and punk tracer are my least favorite skins in the game.
Bet you Gabe called him "kid" since he was his superior and senior back then
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That's uplifting, man.

What monster would draw this?
How do you guys position as Widowmaker? I feel like I've gotten her aim down pretty good, but I keep dying frequently because I'm in shitty spots and the Zenyattas or Reapers or Genjis catch on and murder me.
If that ever really existed.
I find I do better at solo que than duo/trio queing. Is this just me or do you guys experience the same?
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With benefits.
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Zenyatta and Genji!
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Shit is getting real.webm
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Wait. So Season 2 is not right after Season 1? Why? This mean 3 weeks of quick play. Shame.
>want to play Mercy
>can't because playing solo is the equivalent to walking on legos all day
I experience this with quickplay. Have only solo queued comp so idk if it would be better or worse with a group.

None of my friends are very good and it just makes the matchmaker pit me against more premades.
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How much older is Reyes than Morrison anyways?
They're pretty explicit on the backstories that Reapers betrayal hit Jack pretty hard.
Yeah I was specifically speaking for comp, I dont really give a fuck about win/losses for QP
im gonna need source on all the webms youve posted mate
I'm already having a headstart on the quickplay, I want to prestige and I doubt could get to 60 from 56 in such a short amount of time, or even at all.
>got exactly 50 after placement matches
>oh god, I broke his glasses, he's going to beat the shit out of me
that one is brazzers.com
I do like the running theory that Roadhog sticks with Junkrat (other than for the money) because he knows that Junkrat is the way he is because of the nuke, so he's trying to make up for it.
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oh no im the biggest roadrat fan and i have never seen this one

thank you anon
what the hell kinda relationship is this
how many competitive points is 50?
>first thing I see is a picture of Zarya fucking Mei with her massive futa cock

I didn't even type in Overwatch, fucking Hell.
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a simple man.jpg
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Hard Life Hog

I wonder if he and Junkrat will have anything unique to say about Eichenwalde considering the big Omnic fight that happened there.
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100 Loots guy here. Just passing by to say that I'm off to a good start.
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I don't know. They won't let me add them, so I guess we simply don't have one.
what does mako look like without the mask
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isn't futa just for bi/gay dudes in denial? lol
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tfw i still follow TLR
He's a big guy
well playing this late was a mistake

dropped from 63 to 61
that doesnt help but alright
pornstar names would be more useful
Literal pigman face.
In the animated short/comic for him whenever that is

Probably when we get an aussie map, like bastions backstory is happening among with the new map
i'll add you

you can join my mercy harem
It's not the same
i wanted to love him but online relationships are a myth. it will never work
Wait what? You mean to tell me you play with a party where everyone else plays mercy and pockets you?
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pack it in boys, you're not gonna beat this one
>They nerfed it so you can't swap to make it build faster

It feels like it's taking 3x times as long now it's ridiculous
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Hey guys, what's the single dumbest thing you've ever done in OW?

>Playing Tracer
>Enemy team has a Tracer too
>Enemy Tracer sticks me with a pulse bomb
>I panic blink in a random direction
>Into my team
>Enemy Tracer gets a 4k
two women
>doesn't even try to fight back
>doesn't even try to run away
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Hook a dva ult into my team who were hidden from it and killed everyone
You can be my bf
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>tfw you can't play Pharah at low sens/DPI
Anyone else with this issue?
Mating press is one of the most amazing looking, arousing and incredible feeling positions.
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This has to be the most elo ive gotten from 1 game in my 100 hours so far.

Also decided to main torb. Best decision of my ever. If you can aim + have an aimbot companion you can carry hard as the guy.
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>falling for the low sens meme
getta load of this faggot
Too much content for that to be the case plus with the internet a closet case can just go to /y/ or /hm/ then delete their history. You have to at least be attracted to the female body type to enjoy it.
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>every professional FPS player is wrong
I went from 2000 to 1200, and then to 800 but Pharah is the only hero I can't play at 800 dpi. I use 1200 on her.
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Shit, do I actually know you?
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>all these gay ass ships when this is going to be the closest to a romance we'll get down the road
that shit writes itself
Low sens is literally a meme. It doesn't fucking matter what sens you play at as long as you're comfortable playing with it.

Shit - case in point - You are a Pharah player who can't hit jack fucking shit because of your sens being low. Congratulations dumbass. Maybe stop trying to copy pro players and try playing at a sensitivity that is actually suitable to you and only your specifications.
a different mercy, different time of day

cause i'm a two-timing dickhead
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>play junkrat
>reaper ulted slightly too far in front of our group to kill us quickly
>throw conc mine thinking i'll kill him
>accidentally throw his side and behind him
>explosion launches him right into our group
>he kills me and both our supports with what's left of his ult
only shitters would play pharah, but low sens is hardly a meme, if low sens is holding you back you aren't doing big enough swipes. git gud dumpsterbaby
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I had a mccree I sticky pulsed walk into the bastion behind him once, was pretty funny.
>Playing ana on hanamura defence.
>Getting really irritated at the enemy mei because mei is a fucking bitch and should be amputated.
>Get fustrated enough to try and sleep dart her after she comes out of ice block so we can kill her.
>Miss the sleep dart.
>Suddenly bird noises.
>Enemy mccree ulting to our right.
>I'm the only one who had an interrupt.
>Kills us all.
>They take the point from that.
>He gets potg.
Is there any worse feeling than fucking up when someone's ulting and them getting potg from that?
I need to watch the developer stream with Ster again, I know someone teased this ship but I forget if it was a dev or Ster. If it's a dev that has implications.
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I concur. Pic related was a few hours ago
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Organic Older Genji when?
Prone bone feels way better imho.
Can't last as long in it though, feels too damn good.

But, yeah, it mating press is still pretty great
>Florence Nightingale Effect
Yeah fuck that shit and EVERYTHING it stands for.
you never really knew me. im sorry
t. virgins
you can heal me and I can carry you to top 500
>All those colours inside one box
Who are you? God?
Ster doesn't really give a shit about anything lore related so it was probably the dev. He might have said something jokingly to fuck with people though.
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Magician genji when? It makes sense because with all the bullshit he can make happen
It was Ster wanting to see it happen, but at the same time a few weeks later we got Genji calling out "Angela!" when she's under fire and he's near her, despite him usually calling her Dr. Ziegler out of respect.
>play healer
>gold eliminations
why is my team so shit
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It's okay, I kinda figured as much
>tfw get attack on Hanamura from coinflip
>10 seconds left
>get behind point and nade 2 people
>get tire, kill the mercy and ulting dva
>game ends
>everyone pussied out and ran off point

Yeah I think I've had enough Overwatch for the night
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Why Hanzo is so useless.

McCree beats him in every meaningful way. Hands down.

>Hanzo has a projectile that fires once per second for 125 damage
>125 dps
>McCree fires a hitscan twice per second at 70 damage each
>140 dps
>Hanzo has a weapon that is hard to hit at close range, Moderately easy to hit at mid range, and hard to hit at long range
>McCree has a weapon that is easy to hit close range, easy to hit mid range, and somewhat difficult to hit at long range.
>Hanzo has no close range option
>McCree has his flashbang, roll, and FtH
>Hanzo slows down and becomes an easy target for half a second each time he fires
>McCree can fire while moving at full speed
>Hanzo is made for mid range
>McCree is made for mid range
>Hanzo has a 1 time only hard to hit burst damage option that does 450 damage and can hit one target only
>McCree has a burst damage option that can switch target in between and will deal 540 damage(FtH Roll FtH)
>Hanzo’s “utility” gives information that is almost completely useless with map knowledge and gamesense
>McCree’s “utility” can stop multiple ultimates(reaper, Pharah, S76, roadhog, etc) and drop a Reinhardt shield

McCree's Ultimate is Equal with Hanzo's Ult in Utility.

But hanzo has one thing over mccree
>hanzo can climb walls
>mccree cant
where are the big tits

the only one who has them is covered in a big coat
Doesn't necessarily need to be Florence Nightingale, especially if the ship develops in the present. FN refers to the romance developing while the patient is under care, but doesn't really apply if that healthy person was their patient many years ago.
It's less that and more Rescue Romance.

I honestly just want to see it because of all the Pharmercy tears it will create.
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>wedding attire
>playing dva on volskaya offence
>somehow blocked 13000 damage in a 3 minute round

I wish I took a screenshot. It just now dawned on me how much that is, especially over such a short period of time. I don't even know how I fucking did it.
>be Lucio
>Reaper ults in the middle of the point
>panic boop him behind our Reinhardt's shield
>team dies
I doubt it would even be during the Overwatch days, since he was either too busy killing the Shimada Clan or riddled with self-loathing to even think about romance. Now that he's at peace with himself? Yeah I can see that. And I can see Mercy designing that DRAGON DICK already. I mean what woman could resist designing her man's penis?
>load into game already in progress
>enemy team has 2 genjis and no healer
>neither of them can get a kill without ult
>they still win
In theory at least, Hanzo outdamages McCree by a pretty wide margin at mid-long range. Once or twice I've had trouble in that duel when the Hanzo was popping in and out of cover and we were trapped in a narrow choke point. (Never enough that I didn't eventually win, though.)
>playing cards instead of ninja stars
Actually kind of a nice touch.
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i am retarded.gif
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I didn't know that was wedding attire
I feel dirty for posting that
Just means you tapped the most people, not that you necessarily killed them all yourself.
Now if you have bronze damage or higher, on the other hand.
hanzo does 125 from any range with no damage fall off, and can one shot people because the 125 is base damage, not crit. and since his arrows are projectile they have a bigger hitbox than hitscan weapons, so he gets random headshots a lot more often.

mccree has severe damage fall off and can't one shot people unless he headshots them while they have discord within 30 meters

hanzo still sucks but mccree isn't better in literally every way, just better in functionality.
It's only a problem if she purposefully never lets him recover so he can never leave her.

>tfw Mercy will never do this to you
It's traditional jap stuff that's less common now. Hanzo is the bride.
Don't project on me, I'm married and have a healthy sex life with my wife.
>having a wife

g-gross, anon

does she give you cooties?
Hanzo's close range option is shooting a 375DMG cluster arrow at his feet.

Butt yeah. Hanzo is shit.
>Guy blames the team for loss
>PoTG is a 76.
>He shoots the blamer in the face as he tries to ult as Genji.

>tfw have a long dick and it sounds great in theory but can't do any fun positions without cervix slamming
No. I was god last week when I got both Tracer summer skins, the McCree one and a Solider 76 Night Ops one.
Today I learned something new about overwatch and I loved it.
>filled the thrown nepal match with 4 d.vas on our team losing the second round
>pick mei to annoy everyone
>freeze enemy lucio
>oh boy you're gonna get it
>shoot icicle in his head
>%playername% eliminated (100)
>lucio didn't take damage, blasted me away and amped it up
>look up the log
>I killed genji

He fuckign dashed between us and got hit in the head and I didn't even notice. Holy shit this was hilarious
So genji moves physically in his dash and is able to get hit and possibly even hooked while dashing. This is very good
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I want to kiss this blueberry and comfort her when she cries because Blizzard made her useless.
How long we talking?
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Not Bait.png
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There are still people saying that Pharah has robo arms even though the devs have, on multiple occasions, said that she doesn't.

It's safe to say that if either pharah or mercy are canonically banging someone else that they would not give a flying shit.
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>mfw watching a Pharah no fucks given solo ult an annoying ass Mei directly out of ice block

>three times in a match
I'm pretty sure Tracer moves the same way with her blink.
Did all the Hanzo mains give up on Competitive and switch to Quickplay? I've been having 1-2 Hanzo Mains every game
Almost 8" on a good day, but unimpressive girth. (I guess I'd be pretty thick for like 5")
i'm sorry you don't know that feel
that comic was nice and not even gay
good job anon
hopefully Sombra but it'll be the map
why do i get a level 15 genji main on my team every game
It's been like that since day one. I think the only other mainfags that changed are less widowmakers and more genjis. I hate these people who have mains and refuse to ever change.
no you don't
Top qt
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I drove everyone away. Now I'm alone.
unless you suck then you shouldnt be fighting an enemy beyond 20m. As both classes you need to be with your team and if youre mccree all you have to do to get into range is just wait for the lucio speedboost when your team pushes.

>random headshots

who fucking plays based off luck?
>"well this character get precisely get a headshot at any range with skill"
>"but ill pick this guy because he can get a lucky one every once in awhile."

Thats retarded.
i always liked you and that was always real. but i got taken advantage of by vg people and i lost my ability to trust anyone. plus the distance just made anything fun so impossible... i dont know why im wasting our time thinking about this
>tfw I do this all the time
One time I did it, some guy called me a cunt in chat, then he said "Well I guess I am playing as Mei"
dont lie to me faggot
>playing Zen on Kings Row attack
>pushing cart to the last checkpoint
>"it's about now they will release all their ultimates at us, better stay alert"
>run up front and fall into the hole in the corner instantly
>team wipe

I laughed so hard I couldn't even read what insults my team came up with, but there was a lot
Wanna play some Overwatch?
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Oh I don't doubt it. But you can bet their posts will be filled to the brim with salt too.

I always make fun of them for the whole robo arm thing because it's startingly like Genji in a way. Mercy caring for and maintaining her love interest.

Goddammit I just realized their skins/flag colors are inverted
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I'm sorry
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help me
I dont know what I did to deserve that but im sorry
>You'll find her sleeping on the couch after a long day, carry her to bed and tuck her in.

Why senpai
>it's another "Guy playing with his girlfriend on your team" episode
someone sounds jelly
140 headshots are still insane. Considering that most burst damage in the game is 120 and those that do more, except for McCree, have more strings attached. You either have some gimmick limiting it like a charge time, and scope that slows youre movespeed in the case of Widowmaker, or it's a projectile (Torb, Hanzo, and Mei. Mei has fall off). If not that you need something like a nanoboost or discord to bump up your 120 burst to beat that 140 but it stills loses because McCree competes with it by default and it's hitscan with very little holding it back. It's a little retarded, because why wouldn't you pick the best burst DPS in the game in terms of damage and being hassle free? Why pick anything else?
Just do it yourself
Which Summer Games skins did you get, /owg/?
American McCree
Nihon Genji
Eidgenossin Mercy
Weightlifter Zarya
Champsion Zarya
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What's wrong, anon? Feeling lonely? I could be your boyfriend you can play with and annoy the shit outta everyone.
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>doing great all last week
>suddenly every single match is full of complete retards who pick widow or hanzo

i want to die
All of them except Track and Field Tracer and Eidgenossin Mercy
American Mecree
Weighlifter Zarya
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100 percent.jpg
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you mirin brah
I can't spell, apparently.
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baka only 41%
i needed to pull 47% to carry my team so I hit rank 50
just fuck already
a little, I lost 100% on the final kill of the game.
Well I guess that's why I can never blink away from reinhardt
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Now do that yourself and do it in ranked.
>Mercy actually has a Swiss accent in the German dub
Great now I have to think of that one Archer episode everytime.
What's your sensitivity and rank
sens 15 rank 59
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I need the Sprinter Tracer. I WANT the Sprinter Tracer.
4.8, rank 65
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sensitivity doesn't mean anything without DPI you turdfondler
Marked by the dragon.
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He was going for the teleporter and he succeeded
That shit will fly for about another 10 levels before people start to understand.
Oh shit.
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>guy invites his gf to our group
>shes 150 levels above you
hahahahahaha what a fucking loser

how much did you boost to get that?
I can't make myself care about her not speaking Schweizerdeutsch because I like Lucie Pohl's voice.
It's now Track and Field Tracer
>get 3 (THREE) leavers all in separate games
>6 losses 4 wins
>placed 44
>unable to climb, only keep falling deeper

Am I going to be the eternal shitter? Should I find a duo partner?
anyone have any ways to get better aiming with a mouse? My hand-eye coordination is shit

>every time I see it it looks like a mockup of Kingdom Hearts art with roadhog
I know your pain but it'll be over soon, very soon.
>always plug in microphone
>never use it

I was never this cowardly when I was younger, what the hell happened
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swiss mercy.jpg
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How does this image make you feel?
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I wonder how and IF we can get Alderich's armor. Almost every Rein is going to want it

I slapped the Zarya a couple seconds later
Good for you, I got 4 games with leavers on my team in placement matches, managed to pull 5\5, placed 49, now am at 57, will try to hit 60 in what time's left

git gud
wow it's an ass, thank you for this le epic post
How do I play Reinhardt?
Someone actually stole my screenshot. nice
I can't do it with other people in the room.

No idea why
>Alderich's armor is locked behind a challenge
>you can get it by
>you need to kill 50 Reinhardts and Reinhardt

rlly makes me think
Me too, since her German is so damn good. I'm headcanon it that Mercy just didn't grow up in Switzerland because her parents died and she just lost the accent over time.
Still that's something you gotta hear once
That would be nice if I hadn't screenshotted that and posted it on /v/ earlier.
Low sens isn't holding me back, nor is high sens. My sens has never held me back because I'm comfortable with it. Maybe you should quit being a sheep.
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You can stop any fucking time
Really fires my neurons
> kill 50 Bastions as Reinhardt
No, it's that he's really, really fucking bad, but is screaming at everybody else that it's their fault so he doesn't look bad in front of her.

She's actually playing really well.

I've been paired with them three fucking times now.
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End of Season Ranks?
Current: 61
I want to smell Mercy's farts
someone stole my screenshot rofl
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>tfw Widow is a very niche pick and you have to actually be pretty damn good at her to contribute to the team at all
>otherwise you are literal dead weight
when are they going to show blueberry some love?
Peak: 55
Current: 41
My original idea was going to be killing 100 Omnics but I settled for 50 Reinhardts.

but anything past 65 was mostly for funsies and e-peen so I can pretend to not be a total shitter
Where was this? Comp or QP? Either way, it's not fun to play with someone who wants to control how other people play. Unfortunately, in Comp you can drop a rank based on other people's actions.
Current: 64
Peak: 65

Haven't bothered trying to rank up since hitting 65, just been meming it up in comp and surprisingly my rank hasn't tanked as much as I expected
Brigete as a hero when?
>Knight/Squire character
>Plays as a first person Dank Souls
>Ult is a 2 handed claymore, range is .5x longer range than Reind's hammer
>.2x faster movement, more health
>or ult could grant more health and a shield
Just tossing it out there, seemed like a cool idea to me.
Current: 50
Peak: 50
The fact I play on console, this is a huge achievement for me, but thank god I will have enough money to buy it on PC so I can avoid doing that strenuous shit again.
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>Ana just came out
>Enemy Bastion ults and gets boosted by their ana
>Our Ana sleeps him
>Just looks like he's pointing downwards so I don't notice and continue shooting him
>Kills five of us and team yells at me in chat
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>third tank on the team complains about no one doing damage
Zarya got me to 65
Current: 53
Peak: 61

I wanna get back to my computer soon. This app sucks.
I'm officially done with loot boxes
So to confirm you get your highest rank from the season, right?

So if I was 60 but dropped to 59, I still get the 60 reward?
>Peridot bkub
I don't know why I like this but I do
no its based on your rank at the end
Is there any better feeling than having bronze+ elims as Lucio?
>zarya complains about not doing damage
>proceeds to insult me and the other dps about not doing any damage
>hes a zarya
>he switches to reaper
>i switch to zarya
>proceed to carry him and subtly insult him for the rest of the game
How do people like this get to rank 60+?
whos to say hes not the first tank?
I usually end up as gold just because I tag everyone while nobody can actually land hits on me
Yeah if you reach 65 and drop to 1 you still get 300 Cheese Pizzas
Did you see the new SU leak? 6/10. A little underwhelming.
Having no elimination/damage dealt/objective elims medals, and knowing that your team is actually decent
>tfw your peak was 64

n-not like i wanted a golden gun or anything
Carried by friends or getting lucky matches probably.
Not me, but I witnessed it
>Playing Rein
>Friend Genji wants me to combo ults together
>I hammer down and flame strike while he dragonblade dash
>He dashes straight into the well at Ilios
>I laugh too hard to notice the enemy team got up and kill me
>Guy in Lucioball spamming Naptime! and afking while spinning in a circle.

Today I got Zarya champion skin, Zarya midnight skin and Genji recolor in one lootbox
all fucking dupes
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Do you remember my name? Are you still with us?
In comp.

I have absolutely no problem with competent people giving directions to the team, it's really useful.
But this guy ran into the entire enemy team on his own several times and just kept yelling "FOR FUCK SAKE GUYS JESUS WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU THIS TEAM IS SO SHIT FUCKING HELL" when he died.

Hopefully his girlfriend realises he has anger problems and breaks up with him before he beats her to death.

Soon Mercy. Soon you will be loved again.
But I love that one so much.

If I don't get it I'm gonna be so disappointed.
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Current: 56
Peak: 60

My goal was to hit 60 so after I got it I stopped try harding
thunder guard zarya when?
17 hours to go on comp right?
wasn't there a post by some guy who went on about flankers giving him the dick while his team had no clue they were getting cucked or something, hence the image
>Save Genji from near death
>Becomes super cool cyborg
>Save Reaper from near death
>Become spook ghost of eternal pain

How'd she mess up
>Attack on Hanamura
>Play flanker
>the 2 supports and 76 focus me while my 5 braindead teammates play with their Rein's shield
>lose what I got on 2 wins
I see the forced 50 is also used in this.
Was he actually being retarded though? I've had a few instances where I push as the vanguard onto the point in KOTH all alone, and my team is fart-assing around at the entrance still for some reason, and I get piled on by the enemy team, and then they do as well
yeah you wanna carry me to 60?
What happens to comp once the season ends? Please dont tell me I have to play quick play
Because he was the third to change.
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>I'm bad cuz I play on console
I peaked at 58 senpai
That Lurantis has been one of the best things to happen to pokemon porn in years.
>end of season reward
>you are awarded 20 competitive points for every rank over 50 you obtained at your peak during the season
I guess they got a lot of complaints about the 300 point requirements
She craved the dick of one, and didn't crave the other one.

> new Brawl is Bastions vs Reins
> after Bastions take final point and think they've won, this starts to play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3xFKckFCGM
> current MVP on Rein team becomes Alderich
> objective changes from capture to: Survive
> no more Rein respawns
> no announcer
> enemy Bastions keep flooding in
> match ends when the last Rein falls
3 sprays and a player icon
2 sprays, a voice line and a victory pose
At least one will be a dupe
Imagine D.VA activating her self destruct but her ejection seat jams and her last 3 seconds of life are nothing but panicked screams
Stop fucking suggesting that champs that do exceptionally well in skilled hands get buffs because people haven't gotten gud.

Each hero should have a training sim that goes over the finer details of their kits, along with a small single-player scripted mission to practice in.
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How is Reindhardt a traitor?
Current: 56
Peak: 56
Barely achieved 56 today, the last two weeks were a hell of leavers, Hanzo/Widowmaker/Ana mains and leavers, anchoring me to 53.

Hopefully I will get a better placement next season so ranking up is less of a pain.
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>Turned Atmos on
Also I feel really lightheaded. Not sure if hungry or if it's the Atmos. A-Am I gonna die?
3 whites and a-blue
2 dupes
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40 pounds of cocaine.jpg
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Current: 57
Peak: 59

I'm so goddamn close to breaking into the next tier but these sweating retards deny me it. Life is truly unfair.
Sheesh, if only Germany actually had so much patriotism left to have literal knights.
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I am struggling to get this spray, any tips?
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>tfw you get the green scarecrow skin in a box
fuck off spic
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"Do what you must, I have already won"
Why is this blueberry so smug?
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Congrats on the Mei
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Anyone else holding onto their points for whatever new weapon skin they announce in S2?

Current: 57
Peak: 57

I only started playing competitive, got to 57 pretty easily with losing only one rank once, will I be able to reach 60?
chill out
It's just omnic propaganda, ignore him
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>pick Symmetra on KotH
>pick anyone else on KotH
The fuck is going on here?
There's literally no difference between 57-60 players besides their rank, so probably
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>break into more than halfway into
>hit borderline 63
>one notch away to 65
>back to 63
hee hee.. what's this feeling...
i don't think it's possible for me to have fun playing this game anymore

no matter what happens, win or lose, i get pissed. rarely do i feel good with how i played or how my team played
He was being fairly retarded.
Even if we weren't all dead at the time, from actually pushing the point as a group while he went for an epic flank, he never used the mic to say anything strategic, just to yell like an autist.

Our team was actually playing decently for two out of the three games, it's just that the other team also played well.
Team was pretty retarded in last game, but screaming abuse never gets a good result.
Everything by design
Current 50
Peak 51

I've played so few games. Just didn't care about the garbage rating system, shit teammates and forced meta. Fuck that shit. I know I'm average, but I at least want to have fun while being average.
>Junker skin D.Va
>Junker skin Ana

I just need two more. I demand a full mad max team. I demand to be witnessed!

question is, who should get them?
How do you think Blizz is going to nerf Gengi?

I'm going with:

>Swift Strike no longer moves through players unless they are killed
>Swift Strike does 50% less damage
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Gold weapon skins are going to cost 3,000 points in season 2.
At least you still have a chance man. From 63 you can definitely do it.
2 Grey, 2 Blue.
One Icon, a voice clip you already have, and a spray.
I'm already diamonds
I finish work in 2 hours, how much time is left?

I just hope I get matchmaked into higher rating games, I feel much more comfortable when both teams are ~60.
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I guess I'm going to sleep without my Widowmaker skin/highlight intro.

All I wanted was that m8
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>Current: 41
>Peak: 58 (after placement matches at the beginning)

Whoever tells you ELO hell doesnt exist in Overwatch. He's lying.

While I am man enough to admit that I'm not good enough to be in the top 500 or in the top 10%. I sure as hell am not shit enough to be all the way down there.

I learned my lesson. I will never, ever solo que from now on.
Current: 60
Peak: 63

RIP golden gun, I'm stuck at 60 on the last fucking day.
>Current: 35
>Peak: 37
I gave up
Actually White French Canadian. I learned 3-4 years ago that Rubius meant Blond in Spanish. And that there is a guy called elRubiusOMG. Been using this nickname for like 15 years now.
Sorry, I'm a recovering League player. I've been playing TF2 longer, but the habit of referring to them as "champs" is still pretty strong.
From what i've heard, it's just a recap.
>Will end the season with 180 CP
>It has been confirmed that your current CP will be multiplied by 50
>180 x 50 = 9000

I wish.
I don't really hate any maps but I really have a hard time on Nepal, that one with a pit of death (not well). I just don't get what team comp I'm supposed to go in with this one
current: 56
peak: 56

placed at 55. i think i've played like 14 matches total (including placement matches).
Solo queue is hell, senpai
>Swift Strike no longer moves through players unless they are killed
Six Lucios
Dem trumpets
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Current: 37
Peak: 47
Solo queues are suffering.
>I learned 3-4 years ago that Rubius meant Blond in Spanish
curr: 65
peak: 65

haven't bothered to play since i got my golden gun guaranteed, can't wait for ptr to try out the s2 changes they're introducing cuz this season had so much going against it
m8s I'm new in this game and got 250 coins, should I spend them on whatever I want or save them for something?
why is her face so off in these things
it's not horrifying or anything but it feels very strange
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>being on console makes you bad
Suck it up, fag, my peak was at 61 until I tanked, there's no excuse.

Solo Queue is hell, but you can make it if you try.

You get 10 points for a win. All they did was change numbers to make tards believe they did good. Your existing coins will be converted.

Source: CynicalNerds
Save them for a nice legendary for a character you like.
Rubio, Rubio means blonde
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Your points are only going to be multiplied by 10 though.
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Then, what does Rubius mean?
Spend them on whatever you want, or save them for whatever you want.
it has no meaning in Spanish.

[citation needed]
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"You're one of those champs, aren't you?"
But are those points hard to come by?
I'm like rank(?) 16 right now, and it's getting harder to come by loot boxes, and when they do I get fucking sprays or skins for characters I don't use.
Green Zenyatta is a must. Extremely cheap, and his best skin.
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>tfw the struggle is finally over

I went from 52 to 59, then kept bouncing between 59 and 57 until I finally managed to hit 60 with less than a day before the end of the season. Feels good but holy shit I'm glad the new season is going to have the tier system
k. Anyway I'm slowly changing all my stuff toward a new Nickname. Rubius came from a D&D character a friend of mine made like 15-16 years ago.
It's total RNG
Sometimes I'll get a streak of currency and other times I won't see any for like five boxes
>and his best skin.
Go play all of the characters for a while, find who you like and buy skins for them. Generally speaking the 1k skins are best
that's not how you spell earth
In spanish "rubius" would be like "autismus" in english.

It does remind you of rubio but it doesn't really mean blonde.
Grats bro. Did the same today. So fucking happy. Now I dont dare play it because I dont know if it count your current placement or your best of the season for the rewards.
Turn off gsync for windowed mode
You will get plenty of coins soon enough, as you keep getting dupes. Leveling up plateaus at 20 and stays that way until 100.
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"I'm not a toon anymore"
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Oh my
thing is I like widowmaker and was thinking of buying a highlight intro for her but i'll probably rarely see it, hue

plateaus? So boxes will be harder to come by?

Is this where the devious blizzard microtransaction meme comes up?
>last box got football Lucio
>Next box has gold one it
>Get excited
>It's a fucking dyke
T-thanks, Blizzard.
wish i hadnt dropped down to 40 or i could have probably got to 60 by now
>thing is I like widowmaker and was thinking of buying a highlight intro for her but i'll probably rarely see it, hue
Widow is pretty trash right now and if Blizzard has any common sense they'll keep her that way since it's either that or hypercancer. Either way play all of the heroes that aren't named Mei or Hanzo for a bit
Ah, nice. The name came from Ruby for us.
At level 23 and beyond it's 22000 EXP to next level and it stays exactly that every level until 101
Nope, it stays at 22k xp a level.

As for an example, I'm currently level 87, have 3015 coins and I haven't spent a single coin nor bought a single loot box.
If they could buff stuff OTHER than her damage, like let's say reduce hook cooldown by a few seconds to give her more utility, or just completely rework her ult, she could possibly be useful again, but not cancer.
Her hook already lets her get into places more than half the heroes can't access, let's not make that worse.
>Grind 66 loot boxes
>Get Tracers, Zaryas, McCrees and Lucios left and right
>Still no Torb

Aardvark doesn't pay off
She wants your soul anon, will you give it to her?
Pretty much the same thing except I never got my strongfu
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Fuck off, doc
Fix her fucking animations. It's almost impossible to hit a bunnyhopping Widow.
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Apparently eichenwalde is a regular hybrid map
Do I get some sweet cybernetics in return? Cause if so I'm in. Always wanted cyborg ninja powers.
>Just turned on atmos
Holy shit i feel enlightened
This is true for any of the cast with a small model
what were you hoping for
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What is the absolute sexiest image of brown gundam girl that you have saved?
You get a great butt
>Just got 'MeriCree
Now just to get Ikea man, wapanese manchild and russian woman banned from the olympics.
Mei's voice sounds adorable, is that chinese or korean?
Current: 70
Peak: 71

top 500 dream gone

Payload -> capture point.

Ram down the castle door then take the throne room.
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Only KOTH is good
3 Weightlifter Zaryas and 2 Americrees so far. At least Blizzard gives us coins for duplicates even thought they can't be bought with coins and thus have no price. But still better than "fuck you, you get nothing. You lose. Good day sir"
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tfw your group is pulling you down but you like the 20% exp boost
guess I'm not getting back to 50 by the end of season
So, reverse assault?
Its the same shit
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>second legendary of the summer event
>it's a duplicate
So far the only dupe I got was Lucio striker, so far I've opened 20 boxes all through level ups.
And yet I haven't got the Junkrat shotput intro, I might buy crates just for this one if I don't end in the 100-120 range in time.
They are removing the coin flip on the two others.
>finally get american mccree
my body was not ready
I'm guessing it's Korean with Chinese like how our version is English with Chinese
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>3 months since release
>90% of the player base is still allergic to being anywhere near the fucking objective
I have japanese voice installed (d.va doesnt sounds like a fucking sperg for once) so I know is not japanese
And I just tried chinese (the first one) and it sounds way too manly.

Imma try with the other chinese option and then Korean.
How much are they nerfing Zen? He's fun, but I admit he's a bit broken right now
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He's definitely playing the Korean version of the game. He's a Japanese player though, apparently there is no Japanese PC version, only PS4.
I had a possibly retarded idea. What if Widow had an ability to load shield piercing ammo?
Like, Reinhardt's shield or Zarya's bullshit balls?

It'd make her useful, I think.

Discord orb is the target of the nerf.

I dont think there's any specifics beyond that.
First fucking comment to the tweet
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>3 months since release
>99% of the player base keeps trying to overextend their defenses
Why didn't we get swimsuit skins like a normal gacha game? Why did we get these shitty sports skins?

Das it mane.
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Not to mention completely invalidate two of her counters.
>42 total hours spent playing D.Va
>in my 115 hours so far
Give it to me straight, lads, how bad is it
>remove the one thing stopping her from bodyshot spamming squishies
Fuck off, Widow is fine where she is right now
The first comment I see is in Arabic
I don't know how Twitter prioritizes these things
What if Widow's poison trap could only be cured by heals? so if you get hit by it you have to go to your healer or get a health pack, or die. That's a buff to widow without making her OP, and a nerf to flanking heroes like tracer and genji.
>Clear the payload
>Keep pushing forward
>Everyone forgets about the payload
>Defenders eventually fight off the assault and reestablish themselves on the choke
You wouldn't have eternal AP bullets. Like 5 or something.

Besides Widowmaker doesn't need counters right now because anyone can kill her.

No she's not. She's fucking useless. Anyone defends better than her.
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>Japanese player playing in Korean because he's one of the two or three Japanese PC gamers and Japanese Overwatch is PS4 only.
Fucking ouch.

>Why didn't we get swimsuit skins like a normal gacha game?
I would have settled for any Pharah skin desu
instead her and half of the cast got jack shit
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>shit on enemy team and take the point
>team starts running away from the point

this is when I know we're going to lose the point in about a minute.
First comment is in terrorist.
But I did scroll down like 100 comments and found a guy asking why hes playing th KR version.

So yes, apparently it is Korean voice pack... Oh god, I wonder how autistic D.va sounds in her native voice pack.
Replace her ult with armor piercing shots for X seconds and we'll talk.
Well, that's weird. First comment I see states it's Korean.
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But that would only make her useful during her ult. And that defeats the point of a buff.
Widowmaker's ult should be 5000 damage shots to any male heroes
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>I wonder how autistic D.va sounds in her native voice pack.
As autistic as she sounds in English, probably.
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>2 hours for a box
>no new items
only paid boxes reward new items
Does anybody actually want her useful
You know, I play a ton of Symm and I have never had the balls to pick her on KotH. I just feel like taking the point initially is going to be an uphill climb unless you have a Lucio and get there first so you can throw down a few turrets before the grand scrum.
Yes. Why even have her then?
Not everyone is a meta-maining tryhard.
Yes I want to play my waifu without feeling like a shitter.
>every game
>genji "mains"
>autistic fucks on adderall who refuse to change
>ignore the fact that the enemy is all tanks and there's already two other genjis on the team
>defense, offense, koth, doesn't matter
>always shittalkers who think they're great because they can play autism weeb
>can only m2meleedash squishies to inflate their medal count
when will they nerf this fucker? I can deal with a genji, I can't deal with CONSTANT NON STOP GENJI BOTH ENEMY AND TEAMMATES
Exactly, just delete her. She's the perfect combination of shitter bait
>Absolutely cancer
Shes useful still now, just bottom tier, doesn't mean you can't carry a game with her single-handedly, its just far harder than other heroes.

She needs an adjustment, but not too much.
Seems like you don't like snipers m8. Too dumb to not reveal your mug?

go main bastion or something champ
I do.
Tbh she should become sort of like a tf2 sniper

Completely useless if there is more than one. A fucking pain in the ass for the other team if the player is good
This is a legit case of "Where the fucks my team?!"
Oh wait I didn't read the full chain I thought we were talking about Ana.

I don't care about widow either way.
>Tbh she should become sort of like a tf2 sniper
Make her actually act like a sniper then instead of bodyshotting and jumping around like a memelord.

If you got the jump on a TF2 sniper they were dead and should rightfully be dead.
new thread
To do that you'd need to redo the entire game because in TF2 there wasn't a katana edge memelord that could teleport and slice your ass off or similar shit.
Maybe if they used it to replace her current ult.
>people want Mei buffed
Current: 68
Peak: 73
Rip top 500 dream
Just stay alive
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