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/r6g - Rainbow Six General

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Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 162

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Run Thermite run edition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqsL4QpKXeM [Embed]

Previous thread >>150411090

>Season 3 Operation Skull Rain info

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAwgzzN6RfQ [Embed]

Livestream demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n01smDYjg9E [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvD9nkzsns [Embed]

>Steam group

>Teamspeak for /vg/ operations
The password is: Operations

>Official news



>Developer AMA Recap

>Maps and drawing tools for all available gamemodes

>Weapons and Armor damage comparisons

>Known Issues:

>Basics of CQB Pastebin

>Steam group player list

>Console group
PS4: Add dazint8 or Omegaplaya and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.


>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc
First for anime
Second for Caviar is hot
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Defense hero with gas canisters; can leave trails of gas on the ground by holding his ability key/button/whatever, can be toggled on and off like Caviar's ability however it will not replenish. Pressing B switches the gas canister for a toss-able match; enemy operators can see gas on the ground however it's not immediately obvious/
looking for people to play ranked with

ign: foulowl
Fifth for running away with roamers
A second operator to deal with reinforced walls. Could be blowtorch or something, anything to change up the meta.
>some dumb nigger on my team keeps posting ips like it matters
who cares
either ddos me or fuck off, I don't care either way
Not even a shitty idea. It's a decent idea.
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>One IP
I just want Rook removed; he's basically essential to defense teams yet the absolute zenith of his ability is dropping armor on the floor at the start of a round.
Someone post the Dozer screencap.
>a stupid nigger
pick both, fucking retard
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You know, I've been wondering: wouldn't it be ideal for the defenders to tear up as much of the walls in Favela as possible? There's too many places where the attackers can get through, so might as well use the height advantage to keep them at bay and use the stuff in the room as cover. Plus, with the walls consisting of only studs, they can't get in until they actually blow the wall up, which I would assume is made more difficult since they're exposed now.
Hey if you don't like op you can suck my dick
Rook is a reliable pick for Defense. But without Thermite an Offense team will be hampered, every defensive operator gets two reinforced walls but Offense only gets one operator to deal with those walls.
>Blitz will never get a revolver or Glock
Let me ask: from the coding side of things, how hard would it be to make an object that puts out a constant line of essentially melee attacks, except they go through reinforcements as well?

Because that would be the ideal blowtorch. Give it enough fuel to open up two or three holes the size Sledge makes, or one the size of Thermite. Or the op just punches lots of little kill holes.
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xth for Tina "This doesn't look like Frost" Lin Tsang
I really think what they need to do is tweak rook in some way. Maybe make his plates have a minor movement penalty (1+ armor for -.5 speed?), or do something.

If they managed to fix Tachanka and brought back playing the objective reinforcing and fortifying rooms, instead of this cops and roamers shit, Rook would be a good fit for powering up defenders.

But right now he gives a good benefit to everybody, and the alternatives are shit like a battery to an electrified wall or ADS grenade stoppers which only work if you are defending the objective - neither of which are good for the current "roam 24/7 meta", so Rook gets picked a lot. If you made it so Rook had a downside for roamers, you might see him chosen less and less.

He's not crucial for the defending team. They can do well without him. It's just all the defender abilities are passive and boring, and Rook's armor works in 100% of strategies.
It would burn and give the defenders time to react. Open the same size hole as Thermites charge. It gets two charges/enough fuel for two walls. Operator "kicks" the blow torched wall and it collapses/is destroyed.
I think you'd be better off, from a network side of things, just simply having a gadget or something that deploys and makes a buck or sledge sized hole (crouch or vault) - better for the game and doesn't lag down the thing with constant updates to the terrain + physics.
Audio Warfare when?

Get it to dump a tone like
instead of just being awfully loud. Make the sound only play for someone in the cone of the LRAD, which is a placed device like Tachanka's turret.
For attackers of course.
her eyelids are all bugged up
Have it so the sound projects even through reinforced walls, and you get area denial.

Just loud sound and your vision getting somewhat fucked up because ayyyy soundwaves lmao
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That's just how Chinese people look anon.
Operator Name: Mono


Country of Origin: Japan


Ability: Can throw deafening traps anywhere on the map that disables the hearing of the enemy for 15 seconds within a radius of 20m

maybe something like this?
The M11 is better than the spas 15 and you are a pleb if you disagree. That shit is a head shot machine
Is there a bug right now that stops you from earning Renown?
no really, her eyes don't look as retarded in her other headgear
Do you mean the M12?
Can it take ACOG?
I got a better idea: HOSTAGE NEGOTIATOR
Has a megaphone gadget you can't mute. Imagine screaming crazy bants at enemy team. Probably gets you banned quickly for racist shit.
M12 can only fit the fucking red dot and the shitty triangle sight.
new player here

I think I have all of the essential vanilla ops. What should be the first DLC op that I save up renown for?
Holy fuck this would be incredible. Something that mutes enemy coms whenever you talk so they can only hear your dumbass shouting at double normal com volume.
>attempting to stop in-game communication
>when teamspeak, vent, mumble, discord, skype, etc., all exist

This would only work when playing with randoms. It would be useless in ranked.
Don't listen to this man
Fight me nigger. Buck a best.
Listen to this man
Buck is the most cowboy operator in the game. Blasting through walls, throwing grenades, fucking all the women. Buck is awesome.
You're just a little bitch who can't Buck shit up properly.
Valk. The cameras will never be bad.
Capitao is also good, he's Smoke for the attackers, where he is better able to control the engagement and only fight when he can use his DoT bolts. His Para is also incredibly controllable.
Buck is about equal to Sledge and a worse Ashe
Frost is Kapkan with a top-tier shotgun and no nitro
BB will probably eat a nerf at some point. If not, he's the king of peeking and 1v1s, so pick him up once you have more of the DLC ops and there's less opportunity cost on the line if you drop 25k renown and he eats a nerf next week.
Caveira is just a roamer.
Buck mains are the worst players in this game, only rivaled by Memetang

While the skillbeard defenders are also annoying, their operator is at least objectively good.
Buck is not good.
I would say follow this guys advice, but start that AFK farming action.

Avoid Brazilian ops for a few weeks however, as they are new and everyone + their dogs will be picking them every round. It was the same way with all the current DLC - every fucking match for the first month everyone fighting to instalock the DLC chars.
I'll be right happy to
That's the point that a lot of defenders aren't realizing desu
>but start that AFK farming action.

That doesn't work anymore.
shamefur dispray
When the fuck did they fix it?
The patch where the introduced the new anti-cheat.

luckily I saved up enough Renown for the Braz ops. Guess I need to save up for the nips manually.
>teammates getting salty in voice chat
Relax guys, it's just a game.
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who misses the old team loadout/confirmation screen

ubi pls

universal weapon skins are a good idea

I was a good goy and got a few

alright thanks for the suggestions
>who misses the old team loadout/confirmation screen
I do. These tiles are ass.

no, it hasn't been fixed. i afk farmed on saturday with the free booster and got 15k or so
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>nobody wants to play as thermite because he doesnt have grenades since last update
>everyone insta selecting the new operators
>nobody reinforces in smart locations
>lone wolfing

t-they nerfed blackbeard r-r-r-r-r-r-right?
It worked for me too, then after about 15 minutes I stopped getting renown.
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>reverse image search OP pic
>find drawings of the siege operators as furries and dragons on tumblr
i should have known better honestly
Skillbeard remains unmolested.
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>That teammate who gets downed and suddenly hops on his mic to scream at the rest of the team to pick him up
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>playing thatcher cuz everyone picks thermite instantly
>people asking who has the season pass so they can alternate
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Most Siege art is hella gay.
Why this
>nobody wants to play as thermite ever

>pulsefags having no skill still
Thermite was fun to play before with the frags. I realize why they had to try and nerf him somewhat cause there was never a reason to not have a thermite, but boy is he fucking boring to play

>shitty Sig rifle that can't hit the side of a barn
>have to play carefully so you don't get fucked before you reach the promised land of reinforced shit
>can't go off alone or do anything because you are the last surviving member of a race of beings smart enough to bring breaching tools capable of going through things stronger than paper
>now when you actually breach the wall you don't get the joy of throwing boom booms into the room and maybe fucking up the people inside
I like the new look. Everything from the scoreboard to the slightly changed icons. I just wish the loadout info was displayed by default and somehow still incorporate the portraits. Without it the tiles look amateurish.
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Searching up rainbow six siege on deviantart was never a good idea
Damn, I didn't know. Stole it from the last thread
I thought mute negated thermite on reinforced walls with the jammer, why are they still getting through?

>>can't go off alone or do anything because you are the last surviving member of a race of beings smart enough to bring breaching tools capable of going through things stronger than paper

I know it's probably not possible in this game but maybe siege 2 we can pick up a teammates kit and use it if they are down
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>interrogates Mute
>it works
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>Don't usually play realistic shooters but trying to git gud at siege.
>Regardless of what I do I either spend rounds turtling behind my team or dead.
>Never sure if I'm doing things right but the other team was just better or if I'm shit and doing everything wrong.
>Playing in constant fear of fucking up and constant fear of better players.
I think I'm actually developing PTSD from this game.
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You know what Siege 2 needs? Doors. Seriously. Just Doors you can open and close and kick open like Blackbeard opens the playerbase's collective anus. Throw in an operator that can make armored doors that have to be kicked open instead of blown open or shot through.
what, i always play thermite
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>Bombers can survive nitro
Hello comrades! Could any of you with an english version of R6S lend me a hand? I need two files from it. The files are located in sounddata/pc folder and are called sounds_eng_000000002.pck and sounds_eng_playgo_000000002.pck.

If any of you could upload these files somwhere, that would be great!
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>tfw you just realized the little operator videos are just Meet the Team videos on a budget
>tfw you realized they added hats
How long until we're chasing wizards in bumper cars every Halloween?
this means that only I can pick thermite
Calm down. Getting to know the maps is like 40% (I scientifically calculated this) of getting gud. When you're comfortable with maps the rest will follow easily.

How do you afk farm?
>free weekend.jpg
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please no
>has wings
>still rappels
what a dumbass, 0/10 wouldn't operate with
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post bae
>IQ's in-game model
Why does every new Op get fucking nitro cells? Almost every fucking defender has nitros, I'm sick of this shit. Fuck this game and it's bias against shield ops.
Yeah I think everybody getting nitros is stupid. Caveira is a roamer, but she's supposed to be stealthy and interrogating people, not going Alluh Akbar.
For sure less Operators should have Nitro. Pulse needs a change quicky. Remove his nitro and have his gadget use a battery power like how Sledges hammer is used up each time you hit something.
honestly it's more like 70-80%

knowing your vertical positioning is powerful as fuck
Pulse with nitro feels natural, though. He sees people above him? Nitro their ass. It's a trick for him. What's retarded is Smoke gets a nitro, a shotgun, and a SMG all while having area denial via his actual gadget. Or how Valkyrie can have a fuck strong shotgun, 4 cameras that are accessible to the whole team, an above average pistol, and a nitro.
Too many Operators doing the same thing. Insane roaming power, powerful shotgun and nitro.
>Pulse being able to wall hack and kill 2 or more people without ever putting himself at risk.
That's kinds of dildos man
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>tfw this is my face
>What's retarded is Smoke gets a nitro, a shotgun, and a SMG all while having area denial via his actual gadget.

Whats retarded is that you think this makes him amazing but he has a balanced to below average pick rate.

Taking away Smokes Nitro would cripple him, whereas taking away Pulses will bring him in line
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>tfw Capitão can into smug
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>Defending the Mac-10s
Nitro needs to be split into grenade-type items like they currently are, and trap-type items like they were intended. Then we can start taking nitro away from ops without it being too much of a nerf.

Let's be honest, the deployable shield is mostly ass.
>not using the shield as a way to force enemies to vault over it leaving them helpless
I'm aware. That's just making the most of a bad situation.
I really like the set up the live-action guys have on their AR's.
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no hablo engles
>game runs perfectly fine once I'm in game
>almost impossible for me to pick an Op because the menus load slow slowly
>took a three week forced break from the game
>everyone is now an absolute god and I can't do shit
I really should stop playing MP games.
>its an everyone on defenders decides to roam on hostage rescue and we lose every round episode
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>everyone goes roaming
>on Kanal

Just had that happen when we were attacking. Pulse runs back into the room to get facefucked by a BB on windows while Sledge ran off with the hostage
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>you're the only one defending the objective
>somehow it's your fault that the team is losing
Just roam bro
>it's a teammate TKs you for accidentally shooting him while trying to shoot a drone episode
>don't even get an apology when I explain what happened
The fuck is wrong with people.
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>when the whole shotgun squad is here and you're just wrecking everything
When i first played the beta I accidentally wounded a teammate because he entered a room I was clearing. Did like, no damage

He spends the next five rounds TKing me immediately and saying I started it

Some people, man.
same kind of person that would tk you for """""""""""killstealing"""""""""""

just irredeemable trash that infests the game, as unfortunate as it is
>Caviar's pistol
Who gave this the okay? Fucking thing can kill in 2-3 shots.
>middle of a round
>"Connection failure" get kicked
>immediately put back into my match except since i disconnected I have to sit out the already 3v5 ranked match while my two shitter teammates run around like dumbasses
shit computer

your bad for not using drones and scouting around
never and I mean NEVER turn your back to somewhere you haven't checked.
B-But I get 60 fps on medium settings.
not necessarily your hardware, at least not completely. how old is your hdd and does it have a shit load of stuff on it?
>all my challengers are T hunt
>dont do them for literally months because ive never played T hunt and dont want to
>Finally grit my teeth and just do them all
>All my new challenges are T hunt again

What the fuck is this?
My HDD is only like 2 months old but is only 1TB. It's about half full.
huh, weird. mine is a month old and 1tb with half used too

only other thing i would say is ram or processor
Nevermind, I got them.
Range increment is like, 8m though. You're in shotgun range at that point.
>play at diamond all season
>suddenly forced to play with absolute mongoloids because ranked doesn't have any sort of MMR that carries over beyond "ull climb quicker because ur high last season haha"

this shit sucks, my teammates are infuriatingly stupid. i don't even care that these are the easiest wins of my life, watching the stupid shit these players do makes me mad.
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>that feel when you feel like you are losing your situational awareness and can never hear anyone coming anymore
>all the enemy players have amazing hearing and seem to home in on you at all times regardless of how quiet you seem to be moving
I'm not really having fun anymore, I'm just getting angry which isnt helping, but if I take a break for too long I'll just be even worse off.
Not to mention every game so far has had at least one teammate rage quit. If you leave ranked games you're a faggot and should talk your bitch ass back to casual
People who play competitive in any game and refuse to take it seriously are the worst.
what is it about shit players and being terrified of approaching the objective? 4 minutes is way too fucking long for ranked, change it to the same 3 that ESL uses. I'm tired of my teammates waiting until the last 30 seconds to get inside the building
no fuck you, slow and methodical needs to still have a place amidst the esports angled grip run and gun stuff
>slow and methodical
Shutup pussy, go play CSGO. Your dumbass pussyfooting around 20 miles outside of a window for 3 and a half minutes isn't helping the team at all. I guarantee you're below gold.
>changed kill cams to be a more accurate representation of what really happened
>I see blood splatters coming out of people's heads during killcams way more often now
this game is a joke
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maybe you should try not rushing in and dying in the first 30 seconds of the round if you don't want to sit around watching your teammates for 3 and a half minutes

>below gold
why didn't you say below platinum? Is it because you're not plat?
Just got the game during the free weekend.

Now that the F2Ps are gone I have to actually put effort into learning the maps. Getting my shit pushed in.

I only have counterstrike xp in tacticool shooters, but isn't preshooting incredibly powerful in this game with so little moving accuracy penalty?
did the servers just die or something? wtf
the match i was in just killed itself
yeah, absolutely

I mean, if you know where they are, otherwise you're just shooting at every angle and alerting everybody to your position
I was plat 3, 5800 points before the season ended. I said gold to set the bar even lower because I know you don't know how this game works
>running down a hallway straight towards a friendly Valkyrie
>she pulls out her deagle and shoots me to shit
>ask him what the fuck
>"there was a drone behind you"
why are people so fucking bad.
>Rainbow Six adds two meme operators and a new map into the rotation and I feel obligated to play it to learn the new meta
>Overwatch just released a fucking rip off mode of Rocket League that also looks fun as shit and will exist only for a limited time

Fuck decisions are hard dudes
weird disconnects keep happening for me. i'll rubberband really hard for a couple seconds at about 100 ping, then i'll disconnect. last time i disconnected for about 2 seconds and it put me back in match without even making me try requeueing. the last time it happened at the same time to everybody on both teams and then we were all put in a match on the same teams against the same enemies on a different map.
use low settings and medium shadows.
i'd reccomend taking a break. whenever i keep getting real mad at siege i'll take a break for a couple days, and if that doesn't work i'll take a break for a week or two. i always seem to do better after the break.
Lucioball ain't fun, don't worry.
It's a glitch.
No you dummy, we want to change the meta but replacing one operator with another doesn't change anything. The blowtorch could be an item, with enough fuel for one workable wall or two halfsized ones.
>it's a "pulse knows where you are without using his sensor" episode
Is the teamspeak active and do people play with each other there(I assume both are true but in the past 4years of /vg/ I've come across some really shit ones)
>get downed on top floor of Favela
>shimmy to edge of stairs left and right
>get to bottom and revived in seconds
>it's a "pulse is getting info from valk when he isn't using his sensor" season finale
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I try to get people to alternate thermite so nobody gets stuck with him for the game
Sure you were
so why can't we see each other's ranked w/l and k/d?
because FUCK YOU


Has no gadget starting off but can pick up dead teammates gadgets.
What? Is this intentional or just a bug? Fucking Ubi I swear...
So this was weird. On the Consulate map, we were defending the visa office room. As they were going through the door, I was in the room above the visa office, and planned on flanking from the outside, by jumping out the 2nd story window and shotgunning those bastards in the door. For some reason, the game wouldnt give me the prompt to jump out the window. Did they disable that? Does Ubisoft not want you to play that way?
And his teammates can pick his dead body up, strap him on a rappelling rope and use him as wrecking ball
>it's a "level 15 Caveira shoots someone that's downed in a completely secure location instead of interrogating them" episode
Who is the best operator and why is i Blackbeard?
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>break a barricade by throwing a teammate's corpse through it
why is the hit detection still so shite?
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I like your thinking, you're hired.
If he's killed by an explosive you can pick up his dismembered limbs to use as extended range melee weapons
>doing shit
>fuck it ill pick bb for a few kills

Literally never fails.
any tipps for smoke player?
I was drinking rum last night and decided "fuck it I'll play siege"
got on and only played BB and Bandit
it was like I was drinking my enemies tears
yeah smoke this
*unzips dick*
how is the game still so bad? It came out in 2015, the server issues should be fixed by now


literally I think we had alot of fucking servers game didnt sell to hot at launch so ubisoft cut down on the servers for The Division
I don't have server issues.

I find matches in less than 5 minutes, usually it's around 2.

Frame rate is always at least 60.

They fixed a lot of the syncing issues with that black screen delay at the start now.

This game has gotten nothing but better with each season.

Too bad you still can't edit your operators fluidly in the menu.
>Almost all ops got a flag gun skin
>Expect spetnaz and navy seals
how active is the teamspeak these days?
did all the old memers fuck off yet?
Because Ubishit doesn't want you to judge other people by their stats. NO BULLYING BUT HACKS ARE OK.
I just want my 5.5 w/l back so people will automatically think I'm hacking
I've been having the worst luck in ranked on Xbox lately

I used to always team up with my friend, who is pretty good.. But, lately he's just careless and makes a lot of bad decisions.

He doesn't reinforce, he picks Jager and doesn't put his ADS down, all he cares about now is spawn killing, and he usually downs two guys, gets headshot, and then screams at us for not going out there to kill the guys he has downed.

Now he's dead, we're still looking at 4 minutes on the clock, and we don't even have his operator gadgets to help us for the objective.
Nah, I don't suspect hacks unless they have godly K/D, W/L means nothing to me.
No not everyone, just shitters that aren't used to cameras and destructible walls.

Then they just saw my w/l and called hacks
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Holy fuck, Favela is GOAT for shields.

>mfw 2 consecutive MVPs in the map as Blitz
Best feel, Montagne might actually be useful in this map.

every fucking match

so broken

Its alright
I think shields are going to have an increase in pick rate coming up, and nitrocells are going to be stripped from a lot of defenders like grenades from attackers.

Who should keep nitro cells?

I think Pulse should lose his.
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Free weekenders never cease to amaze me.
fuck off
he probably wanted to hammer you
Pulse is way too over powered to have a nitro cell.

He's literally the GOAT roamer. If anything, Frost should get hers back, and Pulse should sacrifice his.

How about no

Bandit,and mute and Valk keep them
>it's another montagne walks into an objective room deployed only to get knifed episode
It's the first day of a new map, a pretty dense and confusing one at that, I wouldn't put too much stock in shields.
Does Bandit have a nitro cell? I thought he was a wire and shield guy?
don't touch my camera goober
who here /arctic on all sidearms/?
probably the most patrician choice skin to put on them.
>tfw u cant carry the 2v5 because dumbass teammate didnt vote for kitchen on our last chance for defense
kitchen is so easy to defend 2v5, there's so many angles u can sneak up on shitters from

fuck yacht tho, make sure that ass map is turned off in ur preferences
All maps except House are complete shit.
>get downed with Caveira in front of me
>she didn't even bother interrogating me and just shot me
Why waste such potential?
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All these fucking shitters stop mark spamming unless it's 1v1 and you're just trying to distract the enemy. You don't need to mark to ID ops. Just use your words.
but those sweet points tho
if you look at the screenshot past the scoreboard you can see somebody on the other team had just left
not even that anon but i hate it when blind fucks like you breath
this kind anon has pointed out what I would've said >>150509151
thanks anon
>dude announces he's about to interrigate
> we all post up gettin' ready to rush
>wallhacks initiate
>we fucking hunt and kill all of these faggots.

feels good man.
Goodnight sweet prince.
>plat 3 200 points from diamond last season
>get placed silver 1
>getting 100+ points per win
holy fuck they weren't kidding when they said they were going to make it easy for you to climb back. seeing 96+ points makes my fucking dick hard after only gaining at max 20 and at worst 5
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>type nt in chat when noob chokes hard in final kill cam
>didn't mean it
Absolute madman
It's actually just been like that for shit ranks. They don't want to make shitters try to climb getting at most 20 per win lmao
>I know this because I was a shitter
All I want is to be able to use the Operator buy screen while im dead ingame
The favela night map looks fucking pretty
Does anyone hate playing Defense?

I find it extremely boring compared to attack
I still like playing both, but nothing will ever be as tense or as scary as playing a defense round for the first time. Same as attacking on a map for the first time
>People meleeing the bomb

found the glaz main
I fucking love buck and his m4 primary but I still think it should get a slight recoil decrease. It's come to the point where a fucking m249 SAW has less recoil full auto than that gun.
apparently, people on consoles get super pissy when someone takes one of the new operators and they either tk or vote to kick. Honestly, if someone asks to try out the new operator, I let em or tell em next round
Did anyone else game turn into a bug fest from yesterday to today overnight? i think the game shifted my server location because all i get are bad connection and bugs
My friend is like this


Repeat same speech for Valk/Black Beard

Repeat same speech for BOPE

Then he stops playing as them once the season pass week is over.
>last round overtime
>tachanka downs me for no reason on spawn
>friend picks me up
>walk over to tachanka and shotgun him in the face
>take his gun
>win the round
The fuck are you doing tachanka?
Console here, doesn't seem to be the case on my end.
Probably had to do with the fact that I'm in Asia servers and playing with nips.

thats some high level cancer
It finally started to annoy me this time around, and I'm not even a season pass holder.
>tfw you ask for Capitao and the guy happily switches
What a nice man.
as a former glaz main i can confirm that plane also fun, at least near launch when you could get aces through windows and not worry about people running outside.
It seems like the most effective defense strategy is to run outside and get quick kills then run back inside.
Its good when 1 or 2 do it but not the whole fucking team
>Tfw Capitãos para 308 is op as fuck
shut up bird
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post yfw you first played defense
i don't know what goes through ubisoft's collective head, but i'm very curious how they came to the decision that making teamkillers get punished more and new map and ops is more important than netcode. we already have plenty of maps and ops to provide whatever playstyle you want, all i care about at this point is them fixing the problems with netcode.
hey guys, how do you afk farm?

Need to get these dlc ops asap
yeah the latency and lag compensation is still pretty problematic
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my very first time I experienced the joy of being locked out of one of the bomb rooms by castle while I was defending the other. They all went for that bomb and I got killed when an Ash shot the castle barricade I was trying to tear down.
you can't even get them for a week. Just play games and you'll have enough.
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It's because nobody at Ubisoft Montreal actually has any idea how to do netcode and they don't have the budget to hire anyone compentent enough to fix it
my first operator was castle and i locked everyone out of the room. They ended up all dying and then i got kicked
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>put ADS on a wall
>reinforced said wall
>team reinforced other walls I already had my ADS on too.
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as much as i hate to say it, having gone back to battlefield 4 after having played it for one month at release, it's even got better netcode at this point, and ea has other shit going on. the only released game they have to care about is siege, the division's dead, and they still haven't touched netcode worth shit.
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wait for them to reinforce or reinforce the walls you want ads on, or don't put them on walls because they're obvious and will just get shot out.
why did they not want anyone to play Ash if nothing changed
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>Even Rook is running a shotgun
Did you not realize we're talking about when we were first time defenders?
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>closed alpha
>Pulse had infinite range on his heartbeat sensor
>4 kills in one round
>189 points for a win
jesus christ, i went from silver 1 to gold 1 in like 5 games

I'm a new player so I'm just trying to get Valk and BB right now
Just buy the season pass you shill
realistic solo thunts
>literally google
don't forget that they have to set for Protect hostage only
go into options
matchmaking prefs
scroll to t-hunt
make it so you want protect hostage only
start a t-hunt realistic game
leave it on for the night
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Loving the new Favela map especially with fresh meat, lads.
does it boot you or pause the game if your controller dies on console?

how can I keep the controller on without it auto powering off after several moment idle?
I don't want to entirely spoonfeed

lay your controller on the top side so that a thumbstick is stuck to one side?
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>when your team proceeds slowly with you
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>when your squad is getting killed but you're just a Montagne
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>when they step in the beartrap
assuming youre xbox just wire it into the console. it doesn't auto-off if it's plugged in iirc
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>when you are playing Blitz and your teammates wait for you to take point through a door because of the shield
Thanks for making me feel important guys.
>Getting killed by Jaeger as Capitao
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Never forget the Huelocaust.
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>5 solos against 4 clan fags and 1 solo
>1 of my team leave

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>1 of my team leave
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The best way I've found to counter roamers is just to play the objective. The all sprint back into the room for you to pick them off. Doesn't work on every map though
>sniping into objective
>roamer comes out and kills you from the side in 2 seconds flat
>glaz will never have a good map besides gimmick plane
It hurts
we were 4 solos VS 4 clan fags + a solo. From round 1
How to fix Glaz:
>Give him wallhacks
>Ability to also shoot through bulletproof surfaces like concrete
Then he'll be balanced
my glaz k/d is higher than ash or twitch lol.
>give him wallhacks
he probably means a thermal scope, something like the one shown for Pulse in FBI
Pulse has a heartbeat sensor, HB-5 to be particulular.
Not a thermal scope.

Thanks for the spoonfeed! You will not regret it. Soon I'll be a roaming valk with the best of em!
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Find a flaw.
>thermal scope
>on his gun
pls no, i'm already sick of pulse, i don't want to imagine him if he got to have his pistol out while he had his sensor out.
sorry, what I meant was the view. If you look in the FBI trailer, the scanner is scanner is blue and people scanned come out as thermal images, not like we have now where they are just circles.
I can't
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>playing based IQ
>see pulse running around
>headshot him through a closed window
>says "that was suspicious" in all chat
>tell him to suck my German dick
>everyone makes fun of him for not knowing bout dat IQ
Why is IQ not a required pick for attackers? She counters half the defenders and has awesome guns.
>the scanner is scanner
I am really tired, I'm sorry.
i wouldn't want that, people are already easy enough to see that if it wasn't wallhacks i wouldn't want to use the scope
>Brazilian BOPE
>A woman
Found two.
Glaz doesn't need a buff, he is situational like how most Operators are besides Thermite and Rook.
Her head hitbox is huge
>brazilian bope
oh sorry i forgot about the mexican bope.
Females are the superior sex.
face paint
shit autoshotgun

her butt is aight though
Will Blitz ever have his hip fire accuracy unnerfed? Since people on PC are actually capable of aiming you almost never want to ADS in a head on fight even if you know exactly where they are.
I want to _____.
does jager's ads kill the crossbow bolts as well?
jaeger isn't situationally good. neither is smoke, twitch, ash, pulse, BB, sledge, or really any op that is good. his reason to exist is plane and even then he's only useable well on two objectives and even then he's only real good on one of them, and still gets counter by running outside easy, on wing there are 5 places to run outside to kill him on.
Honestly, I know that BOPE operators are supposed to be hardk0re, but I feel like her lines are just 3edgy5me. It's almost as if she'd work better as an Overwatch hero than a Siege operator.

Seriously though I'm finding myself rarely in positions where I could pick either op and rationalize it being a better choice than someone else.
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>that warm fuzzy feeling when playing Rook and everyone rushes over to you for armour plates

Feel like I'm bringing a delicious picnic, boys.

Who should I buy next?
How long to get 25k? about 40 hours?
>No sledge
>No smoke

Nigga? Do you even pump+Mac11?

No Blitz?
Blitz is love
Blitz is life
Smoke if you wanna be a fucking whore and ruin peoples' day with the Mac-11
>no smoke
>no sledge
get them lad
just mucking about
She has to be played cautiously so she can take out gadgets quietly, also has to be cautious due to low armor so you don't want to get caught with just your pistol against a shotgun.
Most shitters only really know brute force.
Duly noted, fellas, see y'all in Casual.
i do like that, yes. just mucking about around entrances and watch people come in and try to win the firefight.
Damn, that was a pretty clear answer desu.

Four on the Smoke/Sledge
Two on Blitz

Usually shit is way more diverse.
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Who here still hasn't played the new map? I swear, I've played Oregon like 4 fucking times
he already has most the ops he should have, aside from two, maybe blitz also i guess.
Played it. It's fucking awful for defense. It's even worse on hostage. Or maybe it was because some 13 year old kid would shoot me for reinforcing "his" spot idk
I've played it twice thus far, and holy shit is it frustrating to play on defense. You may as well just completely forget about the obj and just fucking roam, because holding down the fort is nigh impossible.
Turns out Smoke and Sledge are good

Because I was really lukewarm towards Sledge during the beta.
Sledge is only good because people found that the Mac-11 is a fucking murder machine that you can use as a primary weapon. If not for that, then I'd say Sledge would be a much more situational operator.
Forget ACOG for Mute, when are we going to get it for the 9x19VSN?
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>That arm hair
Caveira is my gothfu.
Yeah, he really is only good on maps that have barricades, hatches, breachable walls/floors, and barbed wire.
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>don't even find anyone the first game
>ace the next
why wasn't i recording, i know it's not that impressive but i was so happy
sledge is just a super versatile operator. he's basically super recruit, and he gets acogs
Ah alright, Im still new so Im not massively aware of the differences beyond their unique ability.

What attachments make the Mac-11 a death machine?
acog, grip, and flash hider. People say that the compensator is better if you want to go full auto but I still feel that the flash hider is better in every way.
silencer for lulz, acog for headshotz.

Combined together, you get lulzyheadshot death machine
Foregrip (how does a Mac-11 get a foregrip? how does that even work?), ACOG, flash hider.
too big
Uninspired house copy
Cramped, one sided, shotgun only spray fest
4th times the charm?
his ability is basically 25 breaching charges, and he gets his choice between a shotty or an assault rifle with the mac-10 for whatever range you need it for, and he gets grenades, so he's just good in pretty much any situation. he's like the fox of smash bros, the soldier 76 of overwatch, or what have you.
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If the Jap map isn't the upper 4-5 floors of a high-rise I'm going to be pissed.
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played favela for the first time and everybody already knows all kinds of stupid fucking angles wtf

this shit is so attacker sided
bolt action sniper with optional scope when?
I use the foregrip, the acog, and the flash hider, basically what you want every weapon. do really short bursts of 1-3. you can use a different barrel attachment compensator doesn't make a big difference though and the suppressor is bad in general.
what is that screenshot from?
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I seriously do not understand why they haven't included the SV-98 as an alternative to the SVU. I'd love to have a weapon that consistently one shots people, as opposed to the fucking spam cannon SVU which often takes like 4-5 shots to kill.
>b-b-b-but a one shot sniper wouldn't be balanced!
As opposed to a 1 shot pistol? Really?
Payday 2
>ziplines around the map for sniper angles
>Blackbeard, twitch, glaz all positioned around map
>sniper fire from all angles
>repel in from the top making way through every level
I didn't know I wanted this
>go to ranked
>pick new operator
>2 votes to kick anon
>"Jesus really? Calm the fuck down I'll let someone else be her next game"
>game goes fine
>next round
>someone picks mr eyepatch
>vote to kick for eyepatch
>he leaves game
>4 vs 5
>let someone else be skull girl encore
>he starts getting kicked so he leaves
>3 v 5

>I have to get back up to platinum with these fucking children

interesting to see a hotline miami reference on it, payday two was just over a year after miami.
payday 2
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You know there was a Hotline Miami 2 crossover in Payday 2, right?
>Those thighs
They did an update for Hotline Miami 2
Jacket became a playable character
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I was a clueless recruit, we tried to camp the objective and got rekt in less than a minute
Jacket as a Siege Operator when
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>Hostage on Kafe
>Hostage is in the library
>pick Blackbeard and climb up to the window across from the library door
>Pulse comes out the front door and shoots me dead
>Next attacking round
>hostage is in the same spot
>pick BB again and go to the same window
>hear someone knock down the front door again
>it's pulse again
>he doesn't even get a shot off before I blow his head off
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>akimbo MP5k's
Fuck yeah son
Hey, I heard one of you guys were asking about a hi-res version of sniper grill?

I also have the other ones, just ask.
what would he do, get to knock people down with barricades?

Please, don't hesitate to post all of them.
Why can Glaz's weak ass rifle go through barricades, and Fuze's weak ass screw charge make a hole..

But a full dump of auto shotty just wastes ammo?
Holy fuck I literally came when I interrogated and mounted IQ from behind.

That shit is so fucking hot.
I went ahead and made an imgur album since that's much faster than posting one by one:
have a good fap
Because Ubi has no fucking clue about ballistics or environmental damage or anything like that. That's why guns like the Mac-11 can consistently kill at 100 meters.
depends on the distance from the barricade, ads, and what shotgun you're using. spas-15 is just about the worst at making holes, the skeleton key is the best.

Oh god, the actual face of the woman with the lips against the wall ruins it for me.
It only lets you jump out of high windows once the round is over, to avoid killing yourself.
Maybe be like an assault version of Caveira, but instead of interrogating people for intel he could have a quick take down if he enters melee range.
don't think that ubisoft has been going for realism much, it's more of a balance thing for damage and environmental damage. not to say the mac-10 is well balanced.
I'm talking about castle barricades.
like the quick instakill knife animation? would it have more range or something?
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Thank you anon
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>tfw i only have Rook as a defense operator
>a 1200 reknown points away from getting Pulse
>still have 600 Clancy bucks saved

Fuck it, i am going to shell out other 600 R6Credits, what are some essential defenders?

Attackers i have Thermite and Sledge, no matter how you play, those 2 always help the team, same goes to rook.
I was thinking like in the range you'd be to be to hit someone with Sledge's hammer. Just a quick grab and kill, and if it was overpowered they could make it so maybe it could only be done on people from behind, or if you haven't been spotted by a drone recently.
I've noticed more and more that people seem to use the reflex sight on the non-ACOG SMGs a lot more than the red dot sight. May I ask what the advantage here is? The RDS seems a lot more precise and I prefer a red reticle over a green one.
it's supposed to be a special ability of castle barricades to be bulletproof, with exceptions of glaz for balance and fuze for logistical reasons.
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>his ability is he one shots anyone to any part of the body but in turn he can be killed the same way
>and plays dank music throughout the map
Why do I want this so badly?
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I just think that the dot on the RDS is too big, so longer range shots are harder. Ill use the RDS on some shotguns.
seems kind of shit, considering the time to kill in this game and a lot of defenders now having their best gun be an auto-shotty. maybe he gets to move insanely fast (4-5 speed or he gets to move as fast while aiming and hipfiring as a 3 armor op sprinting) and/or has a huge selection of weapons.
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What guns do you think we'll see with the Japs?

I want the Kriss Vector.
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i use the reflex on russian and, holo on other non-acog-able smg's.
>4-5 speed
Anybody remember the knife monkey builds in MW2? Make him that.
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>Solo queue ranked
Never before in my life have I ever had less fun
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I want the Skorpion.
super shitty time to do the window trick there.
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Just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks really. Jacket's kinda the most default and flexible of all the HM characters, the only other abilities I could think of would be movement speed related, or just working as a natural counter for all the Spetsnaz operators.
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it would probably be a nightmare for console people because he would run faster than you could try and turn. maybe put that on cool down like caviera's ability.
I'll give my left nut for an MP5SD with red tritium sights.

Though chances are the Vector is much more likely due to the fact that the model already exists in FC4, so they can just rip it and modify it.
Just make him crazy fast with 20+ guns to throw for a 1 hit DBNO.
>special ability: spetsnaz ptsd.
>when activated, all russians curl up in a ball for 15 seconds.
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>Para has 0 recoil
>Somehow this is balanced
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People keep suggesting the Cornershot, but I promise you if they release it people will have a massive shitfit. Like seriously, if you thought Blackbeard was overpowered, try an operator that literally doesn't even need to expose himself to get kills.
or he just has 2-3 bats that he throws at a limited distance for a one shot dbno and can pick up dead peoples gun's but starts with no guns of his own.
>or he just has 2-3 bats that he throws at a limited distance
So you're saying he'd be some form of batman.
So does Ash's R4C
Capitao also has only 1 armor
It's less a pain to fight his ass than skillbeard by a mile
baseball bats, golf clubs, pool cues. something along those lines.
Jacket has so much potential, how has no one thought of this before? And have black dudes as defenders
>vulnerable only to shotguns
>super slow movement speed (like 1 speed crouch walk for sprint)
>melee only
r4c has a solid bit of recoil, not a ton but not as stupid low as the para. but the para also doesn't deal a ton of damage or have a high rate of fire.
>but the para also doesn't deal a ton of damage or have a high rate of fire.
Para deals the same amount of damage as the Mk17 and fires 65 RPM faster. It also gets a 30 round mag.
the black dudes were pretty fast in one if i remember right. would be kinda of boring to play though. would be hella helpful with valk, find out who has the shotgun and chase away everybody else. sledge might be a must pick though just to have somebody to stop the black man without be otherwise useless.
mk17 is pretty shit though, not the greatest place to start talking about good guns.
Damn nice catch of all the wallpapers, thin you could get Black Ice and Dust Line Wallpapers?
Yes but it is/was the hardest hitting AR available, that's why I brought it up when that other anon said that the Para doesn't do a lot of damage.
Yeah gimme a sec.
>2 seconds reaction time
>can see his teammate name
>can't identify fuze by looking at him for half a second
Anon, you're a disgrace.
>a suppressed pistol with subsonic rounds
>99 damage

Still not as OP as Babybeard
Why don't I ever hear anyone moving around yet when people kill me they seem to know exactly where I am even when crouched?
Teammates calling out enemy locations with cameras/drones instead of spotting. That and better hearing/foresight.
free weekend was a mistake. i'm all for a higher playerbase but all it did was bring in more retards into our teams. I never even played this bad when I first started
My hearing is a bit shit I'll admit but not that bad.
I would like one as a sidearm.
being crouched isn't enough often times, you have to be crouched moving as slow as possible on a three speed op. even then avoid metal floors or the blue tarps as those may give your position away.
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Somebody yelled that someone was outside and I panicked
Imgur is being fucking gay so I'll just give you a direct link:
http://ubi.li/34x58 (Ice Boyz album)
http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/pxm/RainbowSix/Dust_Line/Dust_Line_Image_Assets.7z (C-Clamp Album)
Time to get some friends to properly operate with or just add anyone who plays decent and try to get a match rolling
If the Mac-11 can mount a fucking ACOG scope then I don't see why a Skorpion can't.
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>25,000+ players right now
>takes 5 minutes to find a match on casual
>finally get in, game in progress of course
>4 clanfags vote me out in seconds
>writing this as i'm sitting in another queue and have been for another 5 minutes
solo queuing in this game is truly hell
Who the fuck solo queues?

You haven't made nice with a single fucking siege player? No wonder you get kicked out of matches.
what server?
on eu west it takes me less then 20 secs to find and start a match and on US south central it take me 1 min to do it
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i'm bored and my friends aren't home yet
west us
try switching it to central us or south central us. might be that not that many people bought the game on the western part of the us
womb raider what's up man
Why does everyone have that shitty mask for Caveira? It's so bad
>muh hoodie
Capitao looks even worse with that dumb skull mask i wish it was just a bandana with a skull on it then he would actually look pretty cool with it instead we have this mask that looks like he stole it out of a party store
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>it's another episode of "you went 8-3 and your friend went 6-3 on a team with a 1-5 and a 2-5 so you didn't win."
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Who else /BIG GUY/ here?
what kind of headset do you guys use? Better headsets can help you place where people are right?
>you will never be good with Tachanka
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One of them wouldn't shut up it sounded like he was playing in a fucking Internet Cafe
turtle beach X O

it's an over ear for baby ears or something. fucking hurts after any amount of time.
>flank the enemy team, kill 3 of them but get downed
>getting interrogated by Caveira, tell my team not to push because of this
>they push anyway and get raped because of the interrogation

Why does no one listen?
don't think it's a ton skill, mostly hoping you play against retards. there are some sneaky spots though for chanka.
don't need no stinkin' rear ironsight
>First time playing Caviar
>Down 3 people, interrogating all of them
>Wasn't sure how she worked so I asked my team if they could see the enemy markers when I did so
>Two people said no
>Find out later they show up for the whole team
because the team had wall hacks and sees your team running at them so they can easy shoot you as they sprint without their guns up in your dead bodies general direction.
How do you do this
Astro A40s, comfiest headset I've ever had. I've gone 8 plus hours and hardly felt a thing.

holy shit i think i found my new favorite strat for casual. playing aggressive as fuck, find the closest entrance to an objective and enter, push the fuck out of the enemy. works beautiful as blitz, and beautiful on oregon, especially in basement. i enter in the basement entrance within 10 seconds and nobody knows what to do, while the roamers are just getting set up.

Like I said, I know that, so I told my team stay on the roof, they know where you are. But in they went to their deaths.
Jajajaja puto vete a la mierda gringo jsjajaja xd hijo de puta xd
Fucking third world monkeys ruined dota
undocumented change in the new patch. might be a bug
my bad read it wrong, thought you were calling them over to help kill cav as it was happening.
you can actually shoot through the roof on consulate.
Why is ranked not fun for me?
At what level does it become fun?
>want to play shield users so badly
>From launch to black ice shield users reigned supreme
>Ubisoft cops and roamers meta + Big City Nitro shit makes this impossible now
>Have to play Reinhardt on overwatch instead to get my fix

This is suffering. Ubisoft FIX SHIELDS
Why doesnt every operator use this? Why doesnt every IRL CTU use this?
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>Roam as Rook
>Get easy kills since nobody expects a 3 Armor to be roaming
I played all 10 placements, got placed silver 1, and played all the way up to gold 3 just today playing completely solo without a mic.

It's not hard anon, just git gud
Because its probably expensive as shit to give to every operator. Probably because its really situational.
git carried
That's not how constants work anon
Aside from the fact that it's expensive and requires a serious amount of training to use, most CTU operations favor fast and aggressive tactics over SWAT 4 slow and steady stuff.
I know your pain bro.

>literally every top picked defender has nitro
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>Community keeps asking for fewer operators with nitro
>Ubi responds by adding new operators with nitro AND buffing the ones that currently have it
>Frost loses nitro
>shitters flip their shit that their waifu was nerfed
>despite her sniper shotgun being the main reason she was strong, not the nitro
>now nobody loses nitro out of fear special snowflakes will get triggered
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>Give Frost nitro
>People are pissed
>"Oh shit honestly we have no idea what we are fucking doing guys we are sorry
>Take Frost's Nitro away
>Add new character at the exact same time
>Give Frost's Nitro to Hollywood
>People are pissed because Hollywood is even more GOAT tier than Frost
>Leaves Hollywood's Nitro
>Massively buffs Pulse who has a Nitro and was already pretty good
>Adds new defender
>Gives her Nitro as well
I was playing earlier today and got killed, but didn't get the screencap of the person nor the killcam. is this something happening to other people, is this a known glitch?
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Not to mention that the rationale behind who does and doesn't get nitro makes no fucking sense. Like why does Kapkan need nitro? He's a fucking 1 speed operator, not like people are gonna roam with him or some shit. Give it to someone who actually needs it.
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Just fucking change the laser system back with how it used to be
That's not how statistical significance works anon
Whats the verdict on the BRs?

Is the chick's ability OP as fuck or useless
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>not like people are gonna roam with Kapkan or something

If she can get a lone attacker and pull it off it's great.

However she is easily countered by attackers sticking together.
Why would you roam with a fatass?
pls no, as a console player it'd be a nightmare, people aren't good enough to shoot limbs consistently, and people like to spray at shields for whatever reason.
kapkan players lurk more than roam
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Why the fuck are you roaming with a 1 Speed Operator? When shit goes down you're going to be too slow to catch up and flank.
>Operators with tons of unique gadgets
>Could easily give DLC Waifu 3 the ability to "hack" into enemy coms to explain her ability
>"Ayyy lmao let's make her interrogate them with a knife and shit"
If you got retards entering the map from the arse of the map alone be prepared he will get interrogated if your team covers each other chances are slim she will get the chance to interrogate one
Capitao is fun to play and not as bullshit as Blackbeard he dies as any other operator
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I'm sorry but I do not care
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Ok honestly that's a bit extreme
She's a "win more" operator. The only thing she has is silent running, but that only works if you're already flanking. The interrogate only works if you've already gotten a DBNO, so it's just a Kill+.
The pistol is literally just a weapon with it's damage values weighted to give her reliable DBNOs so she can actually interrogate. It actually has zero impact on the game, since by the time you're in range to use it effectively due to the massive damage dropoff, you're in shotgun range already and could just pick up and ez kill.

If you've got a good Caveira, she can start stomping. But unlike say, a mediocre Pulse or Valk, her abilities don't actually aid the player in playing her. You have to already be good at the game to be good with Caveira.

She's Bandit-tier therefore. She'll only carry the game if the player who picked her was good enough to carry the game anyway.
>implying she doesn't already just listen to the comms
No one she interrogates actually tells her anything. They just grunt at her and then die.
You could make the laser sway more when turning/moving on shields, the accuracy of all shields is just so shit
i don't, but intuition matters more than stats. while speed is very useful for roaming, it isn't a prerequisite for getting the drop on an enemy.
>crossbow bolts go past Jagers ADS

What the fuck
According to Epi, this is intended, as the crossbow bolts aren't grenades, so therefore ADS shouldn't stop them.

probably considered a bullet in the game's code
You might've been spotted earlier or just falling victim to taking popular routes to the objective.
bolts are not grenades
ADS have a minimum size tolerance for the projectiles they will attempt to intercept. There's no reason to try intercepting bullets after all.
How does Ash's GL interact with the ADS?
ADS will shoot down her nades
it'll get intercepted, but I mean if you're using the GL you're shooting it from outside the objective, most Jagers just place them in the objective room because they'll get easily shot outside.
>Add a character
>He has no counter

>what is Thatcher
what's the counter to sledge
what's the counter to smoke
not every operator gets a direct counter
how does Thatcher counter Capitao?
Are you asking how an attacker counters an attacker?
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They're just muckin' about.
>muh counter-picks meme
How the fuck do I git gud? I constantly feel and perform like I'm the worst player on any team. The fact that I constantly get matched with lvl 150s while I am lvl 20-30 doesn't help.
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>Thatcher counters Capitao
Find a team and play with them as regularly as possible.
Until then, play terrohunt and try and learn some good spots to play on maps.
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Unlock Skillbeard.
Things click at around level 50 or so. At that point you've learned all the common ways to get killed, and start avoiding whatever sets you up for them. That means things like looking out windows, or attempting to peek through a trapdoor at defenders below.

That, and you learn how to trade, meaning that when you're sitting on a corner watching something and see a hostile, you know hit M1 at the same time as you hit whichever directional key will take you behind cover. Trying to win a stand-up engagement gets you killed 9/10 times, or at the very least, has you take so much damage you're basically out of the game. Hit and fade is the way to play.

>blitz photobombs blackbeard in his favorite animu pose
>misconstruing a point this badly because you're butthurt about Capitao

Lmao shitter.
Flash hider or compensator? I gotta know
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How much do you think Blitz has to spend to replace all the flash bulbs on his shield?
Depends on the weapon.
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>play as Kapkan
>notice Kapkan players always put their traps really close to objective
>Start to put them in random ass doors without barricades
>get a kill every other round because people don't expect/aren't looking down while rushing objective
>mfw killed 2 IQs doing this
Probably nothing since GSG-9 is paying for his shit.
I have yet to find a gun where the comp is better than the flash. Make a custom match and try out some guns. I messed with Twitch's FAMAS and her 417, and Fuze's AK. and on defense I messed with Smoke's FMG and SMG11, and Jager's rifle. For all of them the flash hider was the better choice.
3~500$ for a full sheet.
What did it used to be like?
depends a bit on the weapon, but most the time flash hider.
the dot where the laser was pointing is exactly where hipfire would go.
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Better question, why hasn't he just moved to LEDs?
Laser used to actual show you where your shots would land. So if you out the laser on an enemy's head and hipfired, it would go right where the laser was into their head. This was incredibly powerful but this was also before every defender and their mom had nitro cells, and even without the lasers hipfire from a shield was incredibly accurate. Now the laser just tightens hip fire.
See >>150546802
Is Blitz just a meme operator? I tried him out several times, but it seems as though his ability doesn't even blind enemies.
Shields are all terrible.
you probably just suck

his flash has like 5 m range
Is the new favela map only available now to season pass holders?
Maps are always free. Are you new?
In english please

Yeah but i mean in rotation , played ranked for an hour and didnt encounter favela
Available to everyone, but the matchmaking randomly selects maps, so you might take a while before you get it. I wish new maps get a week long period of high priority when finding maps to play on. It's bullshit having to play 10 matches to finally be able to play on it.
>that comfy bandit
>Are you new?
This is a retarded question. This is a relatively new and """alive""" multiplayer game that just went on sale for the first time in a while.
Fuck off you memespewing fuck
What's got you all hot and bothered?
Not true. We had a free week and sale at the start of the summer as well, new fag.
>scare quotes abuse
>giving anyone shit for being a "memespewer"
>game about to start
>someone gets randomly kicked
>forever stuck in that god damn loading screen
>all I hear is the dumb fuck girl and her 2 nigger orbiters
why the fuck isn't this shit patched. its been around since launch.
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>Check Siege stat page
>Buck is my best Operator

wtf I like Buck now.
Is Rook a cuck like his players are?
he's not great overall because he's a shield that's not blackbeard, but he can be good if he's not suspected. he's like the zerg strat, garbage if it's expected but if you catch somebody by surprise it's amazing. rushing with blitz catches people really off guard, it's become my new favorite strat on oregon.
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>you will never be friends with bandit and jager
why live
>play Favela
>Enemy gets upstairs spawn
>Attempt to breach
>One by one nitrocells come flying out of fucking everywhere
>Everyone getting fucked by nitro
>They literally chose 5 nitro defenders

This shit is reaching cancerous levels
>1.09 k/d on BB
how do you even manage to do that poorly with him?
Just rush when you see them flying out :^)
>he's surprised that attacking a hideout in the BR ghettos got a half dozen IEDs thrown out at the attackers

Ubi really should add special operator molotovs to replace some of the nitro. The code is there through Capitao
if you get killed by nitro i honesty don't even feel bad for you at this point. mute people who talk too much and you should hear the velcro sound and be able to get the hell out of dodge.
Slow and low ROF operators are not my style.
You know there's a CSGO general just for people like you, right? When you go, could you take our esport "pros" with you as well?
Official Tier List

Borderline Neccessary: Blackbeard
Very Good: Thermite
Good: Ash, Fuze (except on Hostage), Buck, Capitao
Counters Tier: Twitch (Mute), IQ (Pulse)
Decent: Sledge, Blitz, Glaz, Fuze (Hostage)
Usable but generally inferior: Montagne, Thatcher

Borderline Neccessary: Pulse, Valkyrie, Frost
Very Good: Rook, Kapkan, Jager, Caveira
Decent: Mute, Smoke, Bandit
Not Good: Castle, Doc
Bad: Tachanka

Defenders are more OP than offenders, but offenders are better balanced
you'd need to retexture, rebalance, and recode the throw speed and arc. a lot of shit really. it's there as much as it was at launch with smoke. also then more ops get basically ghetto smoke canisters, which feels like a sucker punch to smoke.
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You saying because I dislike Blackbeard I'm a CSGO player?
>usable but generally inferior

Stay copper kiddo.

>tier lists outside fighting games
What's with these autists sperging out about CSGO at the drop of a hat
>defending nitro
the velcro is quiet, theres barely a delay between ripping the velcro and actually throwing it, and someone can hold the nitro cell, rip the velcro, then come over and wait for you so you can't even hear it.

Switch Thermite and BB retard
>Usable but generally inferior: Montagne, Thatcher
>Counters Tier: Twitch (Mute), IQ (Pulse)

>Counters: Twitch
>Generally Inferior: Thatcher

Explain this logic
Yep. Balancebeard is so good because he's exactly the operator for the Siege playstyle. This is a slow and methodical game, not a run and gunner where you can just blast away from the hip with excellent accuracy at 80 meters.
but still, it's hard to be that bad at bb. my second highest attack for k/d and win/loss is ash, zerg queen, and most played defense is jaeger, but k/d is still highest on bb because he's 17 shades of broken.
>le velcro may may :^]
>above Smoke and Bandit
I'm sure Thatcher's a lot of fun in Bronze
Thermite's really good in smaller rooms where everything can be covered, but is a lot less useful in bigger rooms. Blackbeard's a little higher for that reason.
>not a run and gunner where you can just blast away from the hip with excellent accuracy at 80 meters.

Then they should fix the peakers advantage. Meanwhile i'm running around like sonic with Twitch, Ash, Bandit, and Pulse.
He is the only operator that can get reinforced walls, that's fucking huge no matter what area defenders are. BB is not on the same tier as Thermite, let alone higher
>put Kapkan traps in unexpected places
>no one ever trips them because everyone bee lines for the objective if they find it
>he thinks the drone is reliable for taking out jammers or batteries
>at all

Tell me, what's your plan for sneaking it inside CEO office Bank, Tellers, or any of the garages on the various maps? It's a big fat drone that can't jump. Meanwhile Thatcher cannot be stopped.
if you're getting killed by somebody running around with a nitro in their hand you've fucked up to the point where i don't even know what to tell you. also, not sure what else you have going on while you play, but i can easily hear nitro ripping within throw distance unless somebody is firing a gun right next to me. as for delay between rip and throw, unless they are super close to you, you'll have time to run out of the blast radius, unless you're deployed montagne, at which point you're asking for it. if they try nitroing you from close just rush and blast their face off or knife them.
oh no, it's a smiley face with in a green font color, calling my point a meme, how could i ever try to contradict or find fault in such a well constructed argument.
>if they try nitroing you from close just rush and blast their face off or knife them.
But Nitros biggest problem is that people use it from a close enough range where you can't react to it quickly enough since the delay between being thrown and being triggered is so small.
just give me an acog on kapkan, i'll play the fuck out of him
you posted this before
>if you're getting killed by somebody running around with a nitro in their hand
I never said running around, any op with Nitro can just rip the velcro, hold it, and wait for steps or the clank of a shield or just have a mate watch a cam and tell him to toss it
You know bandit hotwires cars and steals batteries because he got used to it and it doesn't cost a penny.
if i see a pulse trying to pull that shit around the corner, the second i hear the nitro i'm sprinting around the corner, people rarely watch the same angle as a friendly is watching, so before they can do anything their pulse just got his ass shot off and now i'm behind whoever was watching a different angle.
Only if we take the imbalanced ACOG away from Ash.
they're asking to get wrecked by anything other than a shield in that case. I guess it's shitty for shields but you should have learned your lesson and stopped running shields a long time ago. and if you see a bright red or blue cam about, just shoot it, now the nitro man doesn't know when to throw it.
You'd be surprised how stupid people are.

Especially when you manage to hide the objective and they go searching for it.
Dumb frogposter.
I know, it still bugs me.
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>this retarded idea again
attackers have acogs, deal with it.
>they're asking to get wrecked by anything other than a shield in that case.
Nitro works just as well on non-shields, mate tells them there's one coming and it's a quick throw and detonate
>I guess it's shitty for shields but you should have learned your lesson and stopped running shields a long time ago
Kill yourself, Nitros are not fine if they completely ruin two operators like that.
>and if you see a bright red or blue cam about, just shoot it, now the nitro man doesn't know when to throw it.
Not every valk cam is in a noticeable spot, or they can be in a spot where if you can see it you can get Nitro'd easily. If he does shoot the cam is he momentarily distracted and now it's a great time to make a quick call.
How many gigs are you on?
but that's not a number of gigs
Should I remove the laser sight from Blitz? I know it can and has given my position away.
laser sights are a noob trap in the truest sense of the term
It doesn't matter, you're loud as fuck, people will know where you are even without the laser
I just don't use laser sight period. Giving your position off doesn't seem worth it.
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>get invited into a teamspeak and become a part of a group of players from the same country I'm in, instead of germans/brits or whatever
>they're all a bunch of turbo autists and keep making these jokes that are really unfunny
>after playing with them 3 seperate times delete teamspeak server from bookmarks, delete all the guys I played with from friends list and blocked them
>this was 3 months ago
I need a number.
Blitz is loud as fuck, they'll hear you before they see a laser. The benefit of the laser for Blitz outweighs the negatives of them seeing it.
you can easily hide the laser if you aren't dumb, but you should only use them on shields, because they already know you're there, and shotguns, because it really does add some range and tight groupings
>be memechanka
>have a nice setup down a long hallway
>no side entries to get killed from
>suddenly die
>kill cam shows guy standing in the entrance to the hallway despite me staring at it the whole game
What is this bullshit.
peekers adv lad get fucking owned shit noob
So? Why do you care so much about it then?
So I just can't see them if they peek despite the cam showing them out in the open?
yep, their eyes see different things than yours cus of perspective, its why chanka is shit cus to do what he does it involves staying very still in a big open obvious place to try and get a kill meanwhile any cheeky cunt can just quick pop you with a headshot before you even know they fired
let me explain. There is always a bit of catching up the game has to do, it first has to get the input by the player, affected by their ping, then represent it in game. So what can happen with fast movement is they see you, but you can't see them because the game hasn't caught up yet.
That's some bullshit.
thats why no one plays chanka lad and why everyone loves the 3 speed no armour whippy shooting lads like ash and cavier or whatever she is
It's just how games work. Even CSGO, which polls at either 60 or 120 tick, has peeker's advantage.
He did get promoted for it. Also more drugs.
I don't know, I'm not really used to hanging out/interacting with people I haven't met in real life so it's pretty weird to me that you can be part of a group one minute and just completely removed from their network the other.
It is less pronounced.
>frost now holds the c1 by the barrel instead of the magazine
any more little animation changes like that?
Sure. The point was that peeker's advantage isn't something game devs intentionally added. It's something that simply can't be removed, even with excellent servers.
I know, but lets not pretend here that siege's peeker's advantage is the norm. It reminds me of launch planetside 2. It is rather atrocious.
Can it not be lessened with a higher tick rate? So that "gap" between what is seen and what is happening is closer? Or am I wrong?
It can, but Ubi doesn't care enough about Siege to spend the money for that.

Also, consoles and a competitive scene that doesn't make millions like CSGO.
doesnt siege make more with skins sales then the division does now in overall?
But in the very start of the game's life cycle. They had a low tick rate. They then increased. Not sure to what though. It was around that time that Overwatch was having a controversy with tick rate or something.
Division has 5k players PC last I check, Siege had 10k, but hit 30k during the free week.

Ubi still thinks they can get back that sweet, sweet, 100k+ player count the Division had though. They've been prioritizing content for it still.
They're trying to patch up and fix a sinking ship. Siege was given low priority by Ubi but it is now making them lots of money and exposure. Ubi has a game in Siege that puts them somewhere near what CSGO, Dota/LoL, and Overwatch are doing. It's nowhere near close to those in numbers but at least Ubi has a leg in when before the Division launched then died within a month.
man, arent they dumb but then again its ubisoft
>tfw I'm always stuck with playing Rook

Someone's gotta be the alpha of the team.
Why do you keep posting.
It's some fag trying to force his "Rook is a cuck" meme, because he's infuriated by the reddit "Rook the real MVP" meme.

Ignore it.
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>tfw you'll never operate this hard in real life
Why keep on breathing
Doesn't The Division have solid color weapon camos like the universal camos we have now in Siege? Looks like Ubishit finally realized Siege's potential and are adding ideas from The Division into Siege.
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>solid color weapon camos are an idea unique to the Division
The more premium Siege weapon skins shit all over what the Division has. The Ceifadorskins for the two Hue operators, the new Skull rain skin, Black Ice, the shark skin for Twitch are all incredible.
Are those serrations on her knife?
I don't know what you're talking about, someone's gotta man up and be the alpha and play Rook. Rook is like Reinhardt of Overwatch.
Batshit insane
She'd probably cut off your pinkies if she had doubts about your fidelity in the relationship.
>new-ish to game
>bought on launch but didn't play
>never had issues with mute because I'm not a cuck operator
>always used based SAS operators who don't rely on crutch electronics
>friendly thermite teamkills me instead of using comms to tell me he needs an EMP

So what's it like to be autistic /r6g/?
I don't know, why don't you tell me you fucking retard.
because I'm a scrub who doesn't have issues with jammers :^)
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>Mixing up Mute and Thatcher
What is the best gun for IQ, or are they more or less the same? I've been playing her nearly every attack phase for the past 3 days and i've played with each one, (G8A1 the most) and am now just going to stick with the Commando i feel.
AUG is the best, though the Sig is easier to use and just got buffed with the angled grip.
That double-shotgun setup looks good there thatch.
ash is perfectly fine, she gets a good gun and an ability that's mostly just a bit faster breaching charge. nothing really broken, it's just that so many operators need a buff.that she looks comparatively good.
>play Favela
>Nitro everywhere

Is this what Siege is now?
>set up shitchankas LMG on stairwell landings on various maps
>always get at least 1 kill with it because nobody is expecting chankas to set up there
I'll usually immediately fuck off afterwards because I've just alerted all the other attackers to where I am. If I'm still alive I'll usually go back to it once the round starts winding down though.
there's a reason that you don't see any intent of changing nitro elsewhere and that's because it's not broken. people on 4chan do have to have something to complain about.
That map is too fucking small and nearly every goddamn wall is breakable. I actually despise it due to how strong people like pulse are on it
More than half the DEFOPs are roam-ready. Its a sad fact that shield techniques are dead in the water until nitros are changed
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Should I feel dirty for playing sheildfags?

the game just seems so much easier, no more stressful twitch peeking. Just comfy shield tanking and occasional flashbangs for your team
no. shields are pretty bad man. nitro fucks you up, you get flanked easier, you can't deal with crossfire, and autoshotties will sometimes just come ignore your shield.
Anyone know where I can get all those delicious menu option photographs? All of them, from Vanilla to Bope
Literally anything, but prefferably acog
Hey guys, what's the worst weapon in the game?
Actually it would be a better idea if it basically gives static so the defenders cant hear foot steps or gunshots
The closer you are to the source the worse it gets.
penis handle, super scope, compensation, "size matters" charm
not sure why you would ask me specifically. some guy linked the bope ones on imgur in this thread, just ctrl+f to find them. think some other ones might have been posted in this thread also.
Twitch's Mk11
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I just finished a round where we cucked the entire attacker side in the bomb room and all that was left was a single Montagne alone shielded up hiding in a corner

felt pretty bad for the guy
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tachanka's turret, semi-auto rifles, the revolver, the suppressed saiga are bottom tier.
>join match
>Party of 3 guys together
>They immediately TK me and the other random
>Never get kicked because they only kill one each
>Can't vote them out cause they in the majority

Frankly I'm about to quit this game forever
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they upped its rof last patch, so that's something
I had this too, weird
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RB6S Saiga Domination.webm
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Just because you can't use it means it's bad
You're not attempting to imply that these kills are impressive, are you?
Any weapon is good when you've got the target surprised.
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>plays Tachanka
>thinks the saiga is good

I'm noticing a pattern here lad.
>Put Suppresor on shotgun
>Make sure the enemy knows where I am
>Try to engage them with shotgun at a distance

omg saiga sucks pls buff
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My monitor died today and I'm going through withdrawal. What 144 hz monitor you recommend for true R6 immersion? My old monitor was 60hz so I'm ready for the future.
But you could have gotten those kills with the 9x19, or a pistol even.
Most other shotguns would have killed in one or two shots instead of the four needed on Buck

None of this helps your argument.
Excuse me, five rounds needed to kill Buck.
You needed to empty almost half your magazine, for one kill, at close range, with a shotgun.

Who are you trying to fool?
How else would I make cheeky murder holes without wasting an incredible amount of ammo?
Four melees opens a good kill hole.
Yeah but the Saiga is suppresed so you won't make alot of noise and its way faster
you also do fuck all damage
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Granted, but that's just because it's a shotgun. Any other shotgun will do the same job, albeit without the suppressor.

That doesn't make it good. It's like taking a portable barrier when nitro isn't an option. Just because the barrier can do some good, doesn't mean there's a reason to take it over nitro if it were an option.
So has anyone else noticed that the Saiga-12 has gotten a pretty serious buff? It fires more than twice as fast as it used to (almost as fast as you can click), and the spread has been decreased noticeably. The range isn't super duper good, but I think this is a pretty good step in the right direction, as far as making Kapkan viable goes.
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It feels damn good now. I used it in ranked today since we were going 3-0 and I actually got TWO kills with it. That's 2 Saiga kills more than ever before.
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>Getting butthurt over shit on 4chan

>speed 1
Nah. Armor needs to be worth something first.
This pleases me greatly. i'd fuck a saiga
So I've been playing this game for 8 months and it's never crossed my mind to ask; what FoV should I be playing at?
Yeah I think that'd be swell too. If he loses some weight and they buff the Saiga a bit more, Kapkan might be worth using.
Looks like I was right about the board callouts.
Maximum. There's no reason to limit how much you can see left and right, since all lower FoV does is enlarge objects at a distance, except there is no distance in this game. Average combat range is 8m.
Alright, guess I'll give 90 FoV a shot.
Takes some getting used to, but it's totally worth it once you do. Also you feel like a fucking olympic sprinter when running on 3 speeds.
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>Sprinting as Ash at max FOV
Mr. Brown


Can hijack sound systems to play that one note that makes people poop, or Dave Matthews Band on repeat
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>Caveira dominating lanklets before stabbing them in the face
Yeah but he could be slow and easily flanked
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Knowing Ubishit, they'll give him 3 speed, frags, and a machine pistol.
>Caveira:Start talking bitch
>IQ:Just fucking stab me already
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>Still haven't played Favelas in PvP yet
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So I was just in a TR match with my friends and apparently he's saying that he saw a thread on the Siege forum which said in 4.1 they're gonna nerf Ash to 2/2. Personally I think he's full of shit but after the Pulse buff, anything's possible.
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I noticed today that there is just enough room for five more ops, the jap and 4 year 2 ops. Not like it's confirmation but it's something to think about if you want to hope
You're lucky
It's all just allegations and rumors. If they do nerf her, I'm just wondering if they're going to change up her portrait and character model to look like a 2/2.
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>We now have 5 defenders who get super shotties
>7 defenders with nitro
>4 defenders with 3 speed/1 armor
>Ubi just keeps adding more shotty/nitro operators
What the fuck is Ubi trying to do here? This game actually felt somewhat balanced until Dust Line, now it's like Ubi is trying their hardest to make defending a fucking cakewalk.
I could see them filling out the DLC CTUs to 4 next year
>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/.
This block will expire in 1 minute. [More Info]
I don't know. I don't think it's going to get any better. The new defenders interrogate ability just devolves into people running outside to shoot the enemy team once they know where they are. It's so fucked.
That's what the new map is for attackers have such an advantage
Only a handful of maps feel truly biased towards attackers, the rest of them feel very comfortable to play as defenders, especially the bigger ones like Yacht and Kanal.
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Am I playing the game correctly?
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>That profile pic
Just requeue after like 2 minutes. Where do you live?
>season pass
>2v4 on House
>secure in Kids'
>I'm Glaz
>tell him to lay down to the left of the bed so I can watch the balcony and the door from the gazebo
>lays down right next to the closet wall
>immediately types in the chat "glaz players never help the team lol"
>run back to spawn and do nothing because they were being fags even through I was carrying them
>kicked from the match
enjoy your loss shitters
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>Not wanting to obliterate scrubs with Caveira before they can use her
The new background screen is so dumb. Its Dust line bad all over again.

>Eotech directly in front of the detachable carry handle sight
>Eotech on top of the detachable carry handle sight so you have to chinweld just to see your sight picture

Fucking noguns.
Back out, dummy. Usually it's a good idea to back out if you're in a queue for more than 3 minutes.
Hey at least it's not Mr. C-Clampâ„¢
t. IMFDB contributor
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180ms ping OP.webm
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Thank you based Ubisoft for making laggers immune to damage.
>implying removing a detachable iron sight that you made defunct by using an Eotech sight to have an easier and cleaner sightline is too gun autist

It's basic common sense if you know even a little about guns.

You could argue that that you could cowitness with the Eotech and the iron sights, but it looks like the Eotech is way too close to the carry handle to do that.
How do I roam? I always end up wallbanged, running headfirst into enemy fire, or miles away from objective while my team dies alone. Help.
How to play Realism? Did TS have a custom match or you fucking around with friends?
I'd like to point out that this problem has been in the game since the beta.
What are you using to make your webms? Your bitrate seems really low but the filesize is relatively big for something that short.
>bitrate seems really low

Are you high nigga? You can see everything even though I'm flicking around. That's a 4000 kb/s bitrate.

I'm using ffmpeg with commands but you can google webm for retards, it was made years ago for 4chan and it's probably still updated.
Please, write more Caveira yuri, it awakens my dormant boner
I mean like it runs like shit, I can see your in-game framerate as 120 but the webm isn't more than 30, and it's really choppy but that might have been a rendering error.
Know the map very very very veeeeery well, use cameras all the time, use headphones and play Pulse or Valkyrie.
Any good R6S youtube channels?
>mfw people stand way too long next to breakable walls

My dick got so hard after I aced two rounds with pulse
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RB6S Valk Ace.webm
2MB, 960x540px
We had a custom match in the Ts

webm related
Of course it's 30fps, do you think I'm going to record a freaking 120fps video? That'd be like 1Gb per minute. Compressed.

I'm fairly sure you're just watching it on a shitty player
How the fuck do I make webms longer than like 15 seconds?
and Macie Jay
You upload them elsewhere or you lower the resolution by 2/3rd
60fps is completely doable.

Lower the framerate a bit, lower bitrate, lower the resolution down a bit.

Ha, I was just watching a Macie_Jay video, thanks. I'll check out Serenity now!
30fps with a higher bitrate is often much better, we have to deal with the 3mb limit here
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RB6S Action Heroes.webm
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Cut uncessary material adjust bitrate, also depends on how much is going on in the webm
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quality servers.webm
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Move into a position as far as possible from objective while still having line of sight to a common entrance. Then be patient. Then be more patient. Don't move. DONT MOVE. Wait until the action starts, when the attackers are confident their backs are clear, then jump out like a murderous jack-in-the-box.
Good example, in Club House, when the Objective is in one of the third floor rooms, immediately go downstairs and cross over to the opposite room. If your hostage is in the cash room, chill in the bedroom office, wait until enemies are swarming the objective, then Nitro down the wall to the roof and blast all five enemies in the ass.
Another similar one, on Oregon when the objective is in one of the second floor areas, there's two windows on either side of the long, connected tunnel over meeting area. Go to the opposite windows, wait a couple minutes and tear them down, and blast half the enemy team off the roof.

Never be afraid to jump outside. You'd be amazed how easy a triple or qaudruple kill is to get if you hop out right behind the enemy team.
You can also tear down windows to spawn points and try for an easy prefire headshot as they run towards the main building.
>get invited to a match by friend
>friend leaves
>stuck with someone I don't know
>leave and feel kinda bad about it
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>Playing defender on House
>Start reinforcing objective
>Frost kills me
>Get kicked
>be free weekend
>this game is great xD
>get Kids room
>start blindly reinforcing closet
>get killed to prevent match suicide
>get kicked to prevent further match suicide
Were you reinforcing kids' room?
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So does anyone actually use the UMP-45 anymore or is the M1014 just that much better? Because I feel like I haven't touched the UMP since the closed alpha.
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How is the PS4 version of the game? I bought it at launch on PC but its unplayable still with all the hackers and now ddosing. Bought it on Xbone because I like that controller more for fps but all the players are Terri Schiavo tier braindead (and so am I for thinking they wouldn't be). Is it any better on PS4?
>Spamming with SPAS12

Yep that's the extent of every Valk players skill alright.
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brain damage.jpg
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a grand entrance.webm
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God I love that last one. Never stops putting a smile onto my face.
Does anyone find themselves flicking their eyes between two entry ways they have to keep an eye on instead of moving your camera to face it?
How do I get kills with Kapkan's trap?
Or should I just roam with the Saiga and get kills like that
>have 45 minutes before having to leave for work
>"Oh I'll play a game or two of Siege, should be fun
>queue up into casual
>get paired with 4 guys with clan tags
>they immediately TK me
>they vote me out of the game
>go back into matchmaking
>matchmaking hits 4 v 4 and searching for two new players
>does this for 5 minutes
>back out, try to search for new game
>find full game, fresh match, Hostage on house
>best mode best map
>good team composition and balance on attacking side
>guys have mics
>game crashes when it loads into the game
>relaod game and go into MM
>encounter that MM glitch where it just endlessly searches
>sit there and eat up 3 minutes before I realize, back out, requeue
>join match in progress
>even tho I'm in drone phase game still won't let you spawn and play as a recruit cause "fuck you players" - ubisoft
>game in 2 to 1, 4(+ me spectating) v 5
>two of the guys are recruits
>they get slaughtered
>memebeard trys to rush the objective room
>Glaz literally just sits and lets the time fucking expire
>decide to try my luck one last time
>go into MM
>get Club on Secure
>amazing match
>reach match point
>shits getting tight
>drone phase finds them in the bedroom
>holy shit this is going to be amazing
>spawn in
>kills me
>downs 2 of others
>quits match
>match point of 3 v 5 with 2 characters at 50% health and can't be DBNO'd again
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Nope, wall towards the entry from the master.
Didn't want Ash to bring down the fucking wall blocking the staircase.
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>Latest patch shows everyone who is still loading
>Now everyone can tell I'm the one keeping us in loading limbo
oh god why
I thought a TK was an insta-kick now?
Spread them out. Sometimes don't even put a barricade on the doorway. Also, Favelas is free trap kills due to how everybody's running around quickly.
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I do that to reduce noice and potentially prevent my limbs from clipping a wall.
You should generally put the EDDs as low as possible, that way the enemy won't be able to see them and will trip over them.
Also the Saiga is shit compared to the Vityaz.
>ash can shoot bookshelf which can't be reinforced
>"wanted to stop ash from getting in"
Not him, but you're joking, right? You were here for all the complains before we had anti-cheat, then when we got the useless FairFight, until we finally got real anti-cheat?
You guys making webms, do you just leave shadowplay up, use the five minute thing and crop or what?
>Leave match
>Join MM again
>It tries to put you into the same match
Not today, Ubi
This is what you get for not having leaving penalties, and by god do I appreciate it
I use plays.tv, same procedure.
Ah, the only time I've bothered webming was single player games and recording before I do whatever or Overwatch with PotG replays
I would love Plays.tv if it actually worked half the time and didn't only run when it feels like it.
Suddenly remembering shadowplay doesn't work in borderless, guess I'll check out play.tv
plays* typing hard
>Have shit internet

Consider this your punishment for playing Castle
I just want to play on the new map.




It's ridiculously attacker biased. Have fun getting wallbanged to fuck.
>run into fucking Capitao's deadly smoke as an attacker

Fucking kill me.
....with a backwards magpul sight
>battleye apparently never fucking runs no matter how many times I restart Uplay or run in admin
Wew lads. Glad they implemented anti-cheat only to fuck their game up further.
>Supporting the best FPS game on the market right now

I wonder if the sprinters have to deal with the same shit the swimmers do in this olympic
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