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Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 71

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Proleague 7h 5m

Samsung Galaxy vs CJ Entus

MVP (team) vs SK Telecom T1
thats not seulgi
really based op good job
pigskin BITCH!
thread is off to a nice start
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would you guys work at foxxconn if you got to sit next to a cute cgirl for 21 hours a day 8 days a week?
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i made this picture for the op but i was a minute late....
i love this :3c
well it was a very nice picture
Get fucking cucked retard we don't like gook bitches anyway. Avilo is based though.
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her smile is such aegyo overload
lucky for you i wouldve -1'd your ass!
im gonna make it better in the next 4 days for the next new thread...
is the plastic melting off o_O
she's not plastic you fuckin loser
well wtf is going on with her nose then??

like a vulture
she has a monolid YOU FUCKING RETARD there isnt any plastic

we dont like seugly anymore
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next should be another zest op
anime is for fucking retards
dont concern yourself about the picture dump either
avilo streaming mario maker
look who's talking

*holds up mirror to your face but it breaks because your so ugly*

heh, guess you can't see who's talking after all kid
WOW absolutely literally btfo beyond recognition a god
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DG| MinnyMaus @MinnyMausGG
Tfw go out for once on a Friday night to kick some Valor team ass and I get this screen
is anyone else staying home on a friday night...
i'm out at my favorite sports bar, /scv/
Halloween is sacred
i like these pictures btw
pokemon is one of the most normie games ever friggin idiot!
raping GOOKS...
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watching yi yi!!!! doin some gamblin!!!!
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JP McDaniel@itmeJP
Just sat outside this church screaming obscenities trying to capture a gym. #pokelife
really hurtin for (you)s lately if im being completely honest...
*teleports behind you*
*slits your throat*

heh good night idiot >:)
'za with 'zii and 'gi...
get out
leave idiot
holy random cow no thank you man
stop responding to him
statistically he's probably a tranny, not a fatboy
fuck you

you leave

fuck you

fuck you
first of all i just saw it when i was browsing the frontpage
I hope your mom dies soon
holy kek is this post real
*already knows it all*
i didn't say anything
i want to learn how to play mtg.....but it looks hard!
fug i wanna go out to the pokostops near by but im scared someone else will be there...
go out really late at night
what if there's a black person there...
heh....lets see it bud...
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decision time guys i dont even own the game
*drafts mono red aggro*
*collects gift card*

*sees no judges around*
*plays four horsemen*

hope you got a comfy chair, kid, youre gonna be here awhile
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go suck the c*m out of seulgis anus freak!
are these mtg related???


our guy...
they're obviously simulating the game here can't u see
pirate the casual mtg pc game. "dual of the planeswalkers"
it does a good job teaching you how the turns work and how to play. that would be the easiest way to check it out

what sucks about it is that its like a hearthstone single player campaign & gets old fast
im a class 5 neet, ive got all the time in the world, bucko. the same cant be said about you >:) the judges will be back any moment
>watch avilo's commentary
>sounds like a midget
>get bored
>fall asleep
>watch winter's commentary
>sounds like barry white
>get excited
>on the edge of my seat

why do we like avilo again?
no i dont know anything other than power 9 cards...
wtf is pepsi man......
heh i bet you play yu gi oh kid
it's what the girls call me because of my thick cock ;>
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>some guy donated 5k to Pepsi Man
way to hammer that donation button rich guy
reminder that pepsi is a nigger drink and we drink water or coca cola here

i drink hard liquor
i like to imagine that her mic is my p*nis
is she stripping...
pigskin cuck fuck slut chicken BITCH
women's gymnastics...
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ive found google to be much less reliable in recent years

when im searching for real quality information it will only give me the same shitty tiny little mass produced article with useless info

im almost considering switching back to the old days when they used books............because i passed the bookshelf at the store the other day and found a wealth of information instantly just by flipping the pages that would have taken me 5 hours to find by searching the web

i thought about buying about 6 of the books right on the spot (mostly about food/nutrition)
well done!
what the HECK is she wearing what a wh*re!!!
hey tinny
hope she takes it OFF
garbage cant see any nipple i turned it off white bitch
david bowie...
muhammad ali..
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what is up with those cheekbones damn
she's a """girl"""
girl streamers have actual lighting + makeup
>I love getting it from behind

i saw her irl btw

she's REALLY tall and i saw up her skirt by accident she has a nice butt

that is sooo kewwlll
based pervert
she was wearing a dress it was the wind
reminder that if you're a slut, idiot or a pervert to atone for your sins
what a whore
i don't get it
he pulled a mox jet....
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so what

me and my girlfriend might do that when I get a girlfriend
girls like her tend to be bad at sex and don't put any effort into blowjobs and only suck the head
where is he...;;

>no gloves
what an amateur
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no longer with us

this is some kind of mental illness
i was listening to my favorite band....sum 41...no reason.....live in ontario....2005.....oh my god.....
imagine giving seulgi a blowjob... omo...
back when you had to actually grind for shinies...
all those 3-0s that guy bet on were fullfilled...
my friend gave me one of those when i was in like grade 3

wish i kept it instead of giving it away...
imagine if he spent that time learning chinese instead
what are some other filmed rare freakouts....

alpha lotus......shiny ponyta.....

so much fun to watch
nathanias...is he autistic...
needs some pits to sniff tbqh
imagine watching all the raw unedited footage of those vids...


POST your freakin rss lists
i stopped using them when google got rid of their rss thing
first of all i dont use rss

second of all O_o >>undefined
is that what you have been saying now
*sum 41 no reason live in ontario 2005 plays loudly in the background*
ni ......hao?....xiaoqing.....nian.....
if you come back here again i'm going to shove a god damn log up your ass jk though
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wth just happened!!!
what a great nature
get fucking hacked retard LOL
are we being watched right now.....

black lives matter is here
post seulgook
all this mtg made me reinstall sleepstone....
this game still exists ??
video games don't exist they are ideas
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reminder to my muslim brothers to wipe extra hard
is that anime a boy or a girl?
it's a guy


omo... a cute boy...
this is why you must only go out after midnight
we're not cute
that anime boy is...
i have a beautiful body and hair
i'm not him...

im glad...
speak for urself
i wonder how much money nintendo is making off of this......
too spoopy im out tbqh
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would someone like to add a tambourine to a Todd Howard image?
once they have some kind of smartwatch/google glass interaction it's all over
imagine all the asian qts you can meet playing pokemon go..
*boots up pokemon go*
time for a little adventure heh >:D
holy shit i was just about to shitpost about doing something like this pretending to be a complete loser when im too beta to leave the house unless im buying beer
persona 5...
pokemon go isn't even live in my country but i got it anyway (no im not a hacker...)

i bet everyone thought i was weird earlier walking around the kid park trying to find pokemon
seulgi smelly brown pussy~
do you like it...
did you preorder.....only 7 more months.....
pokego shinies... imagine...
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i wanna bank taeyeon...

>preordering p5 when you can spend that money on mhg in a week
are you getting it...
kids having emotional break downs at every park in america.....
maybe...if yukiko is in it...as a HOT MILF!!
no it's me strings look at that butt tho taeyeon is a hottie!!!
holy crap dude
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just evolved my nidoran into a nidorina

100 more candies till nidoqueen
no way!!!! >___<

Greatness, just greatness. Don't let those redditors keep you down. Just keep posting everywhere including on /v/ and over time you will be a pillar of the community.
lol pokemon :DD I'm such a nerd!
i only lurk /r/all for news occaisionally

im not a reddoter
you're too stupid for this general
I am just genuinely surprised at how under the radar this thread goes. With how explosive SC2's growth has been, I thought a quick, consistent-updated recap of the scene that busy people can come home would be a lot more popular.

I understand that it is hard to have a discussion in / about a pure news thread, but without any bumps this gets lost quite easily. Oh well, I will keep on trucking because nothing happens overnight!
is this a copy paste xD

anyways brb gonna go to the pokestop
Proleague 4h 56m
Samsung Galaxy vs CJ Entus

are we hype..
sort of
i just wanted to make a sc2 related post but couldn't think of anything but at least i tried jerk
and i'm only just getting started...
what more could there possibly be....

amateur band about to play
melee, mom's suv, etc,
and i'm only just getting started...
why is that crowd so....boring
looool did you catch picachu yet ???xD
no i only have bulbasaur :/
these guys are freaks.....
they need to get rid of the keyboard..
*lifts up arm*

heh... *builds roaches*
evens ladder
odds play a good game

stouts is that you...
just uninstall

r8 my pokemon adventure
i REALLY wanna have s*x with taeyeon...
already uninstalled napstone again
i wanna ladder but i'm close to promotion and i don't want people to think i was boosted off stream again
phoneposting and not a very interesting post altogether
i used to see the drunk guy on the bus all the time he's like 35 or something lmao

can't believe i said hi he's probably thinking im a idiot
why dont you care
i don't care either because
a)your blog hasn't to do with starcraft
b)i know who you are
bibi zhou is a musical genius.....
woopr is that you
i fricken hate woopr avilo cock suckin loser more like poop
then who? pikachu?
whats your excuse for not downloading pokemon go and meet cute asian girls in your neighborhood?

wow it's like i traveled back in time
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no lol
i dled it and walked around like a idiot and didn't even see any pokemon

not to mention it isn't even live here
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Overwatch now ahead of League of Legends in Korean PC bangs by over 8% and continuing to grow.
are you australian
are you australian
brood war.................still there.........
no im a moosefucker
see how I was right there
so who are you???
go kt rolster!!!!!!
i am none of your fucking business
tell me so i can apologize
what for
cause woopr is the only person i need to apologize too even tho he was a little bit mean
do you have a girlfriend
jesus dude!

i had one in middle school but all i wanted to do was play vidya and tennis so i didn't understand what a gf was
how fortunate, consider yourself lucky.
she should play your penis with you
first of all we're all virgins here
nvm that sounded really dumb
i'm here now what's up?
sorry for not giving you a second chance it wasn't the christian thing to do
ive had sex with cute girls before and it didnt even feel half as good as shiny ponyta kid did
we're muslim here btw
yeah well i have a boner

edit: sorry caps^^
no that isn't humane nor christian, i want my peepee tickled
hey :)
what's good :)
these smiley faces are making me mad
like mad slutty?
these niggers are making me thirsty
like blood thirsty?

cotton mouth

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pokemon go !
stop forcing this i hate it
that just sounds like a horrible meme
reminder that 99% of the slave (((merchants))) who brought niggers to america were kikes
i am the superior merchant you poor greedy idiot
not you (you know who you are)
reminder that "kikes" are our friends :>
hell yea i just got reminded
so i started reading the kingdom manga and all the names were in chinese, and then after about 50 chapters the translators changed and they started using japanese names and now i don't know who anybody is talking about...
what show is this from?

w.a.i.t. didnt know......
you can't be serious
im very serious

i am a serious boy
back just went outside again

no pokemon

what am i doing wrong
kripp is talking shit about sc2...
who gives a crap sc2 sucks
try to make your goal going to pokestops and catch any pokemon you see along the way

i went out for almost 2 hours today just going to pokestops and catching anything i saw
he's right though
dropped after i got shit on in silver after like 100 games
how do we work on that
nvm i dont care anymore
do you like wanna trade insults or something
cmoooon kt rolster :)
i did i went to 3 different pokestops and didn't see a single pokemon the way
you went to 3 pokestops and didnt see any rustling grass.......cmon man.......
sometimes i need to close and reopen my game cause it doesn't show any pokemon when there should be pokemon nearby
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what is the Uyama cat doing in xivg....................
good morning
gook morning~!
good night!
gook night
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meng hao
is mewtwo rare?
are there more rare pokemon in this game or is it all just random
larger the nose, the better the smile
must be shopped
faker is such a god....
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seulgi sip2.jpg
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you think ayul likes rv?
attn: tinny
oh shit tinny are you around? i remembered what i wanted to ask you many hours ago...
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ayul <3
go suck his dick in private this is a group gathering
thats why im looking for him...
anyone wanna pokemon and chill...
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remember when starcraft was popular
me neither

this is my favorite twitter account its just cool man....
i love sc2
you ain't no real nigga nigga
kill yourself shitskin
kys shit heads
projecting hard ahmed
one of those has been posted around here

and i know it was you now
it was me......
every few hours you get a sweet sailor moon pic delivered right to your doorstop

who could resist
do koreans have sex?
CEOs would be proud
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christbros, do you think that it would be ok to vape holy water if you only used it for prayer?
the holy spirit within you?
your prayers would be so concentrated and powerful...
i can feel it
it might be too powerful and cause some sort of jrpg plot scenario to happen irl
^ this post was not funny
Proleague 1h 5m
Samsung Galaxy vs CJ Entus
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>Proleague 1h
cute cute cute!!!!!
O m O yooa!!
first of all kpop and anime are both sc2 essentials
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my twitch waifu (4).jpg
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second of all just kidding im a big fat retard loser
my sister had a box of magnums her room wtf!
i love ice creams :3
omo... what do you think she uses them for...
just blew my nose...
sick freak
gonna go out and buy some food before proleague

please cheer for me!!
i hope you get some good deals!

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omo hbt where did your socks go...
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more than i thought.jpg
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cj entus herO did it~! :3c
cj entus herOs broad shoulders...
can cj entus herO do it again?..
imagine getting destroyed by cj entus herO in proleague... and then after proleague too...
life of crime...
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why did he do it...
he couldnt resist the dirtiest of cash
dont remind me :(
2002 hero is such a good movie...
1992 hero is such a mediocre movie...
good morning starfriends
gook morning to all of you
gook morning!

hot big morning
hello anon
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who staying up all night to reset their sleep schedule here
i thought you were drinking tonight
who is this Forte guy, also since when has pl chat been subscriber only
i'm staying up because it's a friday night and i have nothing better to do
uh. everynight?
no that was a different guy
blizzard ruined every single matchup

sc2 is no longer fun to watch or play

not even gumiho
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PvT mold.jpg
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silverbro's balance corner:

i just had a good idea

supply depots can be upgraded to reactors or tech labs (for 50 or 25 gas) but they'll still provide supply

having a barracks unlocks this ability

reactors & tech labs can now be raised & lowered, even while upgrading
agreed, but you don't see reddit complaining, even if this TvT ended rather quickly
i like both players in this match
i like that Wolf is still there
omedetou you are relevant for a while
>bouncing over the wall
>the crux of this man is the Raven
Wolf is so dark and edgy and not well adjusted...
departure is playing next!
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who the fuck is departure?
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he's the guy on the left >>147912868
zerg with a low W/L ratio
>Avilo yelling on his stream about ZvZ being random
>next day departure upsets dark
i didnt listen and i missed this bet...
im going to listen to avilo whenever i bet from now on
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i must also depart shortly actually
good job, dork
wow departure's strategy was really impressive
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we await your return
this music during the break is making me want to vape
this music during the break is making me want to rape
gumiho is a beast. that reaper kill and scv kill won the game. a literal god tasteless.
not watching desulol
you never EVER see this kind of play from foreigner babies
god they suck so fucking hard why did they have to kick koreans out of international tournaments
is maru a bonjwa?
Lol who did he lose to?
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good night, friends
because they listened to retards like catz

our guy is live
gook night
Korean starcraft play really is much more interesting to watch.

I'm not your friend
nations first experience ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
hey ipaet how are you?
did anyone get shot yet today?
good morning boys
who is this perfect qt?
i'm good, thanks

park shin hye
suzy bae (huge kslut)
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she's not a slut, seolhyun is
seolhyun didn't tweet about her multiple bfs though :^)
not did she ever got caught with one ;)
:) ;) ;) :D :)
based retard making shit up now
i love suzy
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i will never understand things like this
based newshit imbecile

[+471, -107] A 3 day hotel stay after a month!!!!!!!

[+72, -31] So Suzy had sex too... at the hotel ㅋ

[+71, -23] Suzy's a goner now ㅋㅋ Farewell ㅋㅋ There has never been a man who remembers his first love as someone who stays in a hotel after a month of dating ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ How is that the nation's first love? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+61, -8] That's such an expensive price to pay for sex. Min Ho must've been desperate.

[+62, -22] I wonder what they did in the hotel togetherrrrrrrrrrrrr

[+58, -18] Dated only for two months and already stayed and slept at a hotel together...;; celebrities move fast.

[+54, -24] They stayed at a hotel for 3 days together...? Isn't that too fast for only 2 months of dating??ㅜㅜ

[+29, -9] The Nation's First Experience

[+20, -6] IU - Suzy - Yoona - Kim Tae Hee - Moon Geun Young. Bye bye bye.. all women with boyfriends, bye bye bye. Let's all leave for Hani, men.

[+20, -5] There's nothing wrong with her dating but she is the icon of first love and naive, innocent emotions... so for someone like that to be caught in a hotel for 3 days with a boyfriend she's only been with for a month... well, her image is over now ㅋ She's on the same boat with IU because of a man.
would anyone mind if i linked "bad girl,good girl" by miss a? i know its an old song but i want to see the kbutts
not that part you stupid shit

what about tweeting
>I know she's a dumb slut but you were wrong on source!
based retard

go back to bisu's chat :D
good morning idiots!!
>changing subject to shitstainy
lol get BTFO'd loser

so new...
first of all we're not idiots
>claims something that never happened happened
>cant provide any evidence for it
>gets btfo
>goes into a rage mode and keeps repeating himself

lol kid stop crying :)
she's a whore and you're a loser. everything I claimed is true :)
you said suzy did tweet about having multiple bfs

nice one imbecile

JYP confirmed that, not her (she's a whore and a fox)

also I hope your mom dies soon, loser ;)
pate wins yet another debate
loser ran away it seems oh well
pate truly is a goddess

these losers don't even stand a chance
no such thing~!
gay idiot
based gaybro
i want hbt to cum on my face
we know
i want hbt to cum on my tummy
you don't even need a butt if you're tiny &skinny & cute so it doesnt matter.

i want to bury my face in her tiny kbuttcheeks
whats that kanye song where he says "duuuuuuuuuude"
what kbuttcheeks????
I want her to spit on me
theres one on each side next to her kbutthole
qt gooky butts~!
my butt is bigger and im a boy
you're just fat lol
i like cute butts

fat ones are for niggers
its called bulking idiot
i wanna facefuck an oracle but protosses have no mouths...
you've been bulking for past 20 years?
stop being mean to each other!!!
who here /summer-neet/?
suck my dick you gook loving faggot
^told you he's gay
you haven't?

what, did you stop growing when you were eleven or something lol you stupid short little weak baby midget??
^struck a nerve of a fatso
>Overwatch is killing LoL like LoL killed SC2

The circle of life....continues.....
you wish, blizzcuck
more like shitcrap poo
more like overpoop

more like league of shit

more like dotawho

more like super shit maker
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i think im in love...
i love you guys
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someone post the video... you know the one...
the one where miqueena dies???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

*cracks knuckles*
who wants to get bullied?
*looks around for cartooners and miqueena*
post haiku
*plays timetwister* well i guess its time to shuffle up heh
where is miqueena
i am ready to bully
eat shit grandma jap
miqueena wants it
my big black throbbing cut cuck
i break her hymen
no one likes a mean dumb bullyboy
suck my dick nigger
says the beta bitch
i cucked your slut waifu
raise my kid white pig
wu'an, scv!

yellow monkey...

shouldnt you be dying in an opium tent somewhere?
god I love mean posters
zhe shi culu......CULU

thanks for the (You), cuck

now never reply to me again, monkey
were all watching sgdq for the diablo 2 run and then were turning it off...
no we're not you idiot
>he thinks i dont drink and reset my sleep schedule every night or day
my mental health is in shreds by now
neet life is so fun xD
what the fuck. is this game that popular?

but you can get to platinum after 50 games unless you are actually stupid
lol ok
shouldn't you be playing your alive game for smartest of humans?
biggest game right now

nintendo is saved
윤영서 @LiquidTaeJa
I reach 71points OverWatch competition match :D
remember brood war

yeah me neither lmao
no fuck you
+1ing, (You)ing, and WORDing my own post
fuck you 白痴 dont take credit for my hard work
*sucks it*
lot of idiots here today :/
like ^ this guy
it's like this everyday during yuro time
it only ever starts when sickzii gets home and his freakish friends start erping with him
*wakes up*

heh... what did I miss kid...
cs go away
i support team liquid even in the gayest of esports (csgo)
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wtf i love welmu now
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who is this beta idiot on hbt chat
you have been recognized as one of the top 10% players of starcraft ii
guys can you please censor your swear words... cmon..
My grandpa just died :(
i havent played any games for a week already
my parents threatened to kick me out saying i was an addict
all i did was stay neet for ~3years wtf
what do you do then
look for work
how is lots of love rude?
not a neet
well not anymore..
i was kinda forced out you know
why didnt you just get autism bux instead?
autists and other handicapped ppl actually get more jobs here coz less tax for employing them
but no autism bux ;/
i've been playing so much hogwarts RP on garrys mod...
is it erp...
people try but i get them in trouble...
first of all i am probably the worst player itt
second of all no its me
gmorning all
I got a job :3
hey dood xD
pro tip: if the person needs 41 cents in change, it's just one of each coin
>tfw you drink alot and make a fool of yourself on /vg/
what about a loonie and a toonie
im the best player in itt
island troll tribes that is
I like sex
i don't like stupid phoners
im so em bare assed...
do you like smartphoners then :D
a bank nearby is offering a free tv if i sign up O_o
Seonghun Choi @nV_Polt 2 min
Looking for players who want to practice with me on new maps :)

our chance :O

this is my ideal type
GaYoung Kim
3 hrs ·

신나는 일 없을까아 -
Exciting things-no?
Rate this translation
i cant.....i dont play this game....

do it!
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tinny i've been trying to reach you for days...

whats your deal with cucumbers?
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good healthy snack

they must be juicy and healthy though often times cucumbers are not good

leaving the skin on for additional health benefits is a smart move but make sure its washed thoroughly
a csgo player was literally caught hacking at a major because his cheat malfunctioned...
major is an equivalent of blizzcon in their game...
yea umm i like rena nounen too
i watched all 156 episodes of amachan and it was freaking amazing
a 10/10 show if i ever saw one
idk lol
i wish i was a chinese billionaire so freakin bad....

they buy kpop idols!
too bad her career is dead now
never go against your company in those gook countries
this is my favorite one

she is so fucking beautiful @___@
you guys are so fucking beautiful *_____^
wait what
there wont be another season of gsl?
starcraft is over
oh boohoo
POST your freakin rss list come on boys!!!!
first of all
secondly miqueena is NOT a nasty old jap granny she's cool and cute and does it for fun ^ ^
>that one guy watching csgo
this new season of shokugeki no soma sucks ~_~
i think its an imposter
>matchfix go
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cute ladyboy
i wish
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what the heck is wrong with you
i like ladyboys thats whats wrong with me

i even daydream about dating them now
do you think about sucking their... you know...
well of course

but i even think about doing cute stuff with them like shopping and eating at fancy restaurants and going on pokemon go adventures with them all around bangkok
i wish there was a iphone app called girlfriend go
back from rehab o_O
here *passes needle* just a little wont hurt....
it's called tinder!
reminder that hbt has been streaming for 7 hours, a literal god
no one ever replies to my messages...
i-is it a gateway drug desu
ugly boy~!
i love mario, anything mario is cool
you're just the kinda guy who says anything
fat boy~!
super mario sunshine is our favorite mario game here

im skinny...
but warcraft 3 is mine

for the 3d my order is

galaxy 2 > 64 > galaxy > sunshine > 3DL > 3DW
tiny boy~!
i get a decent amount of tinder matches but i don't actually know how to talk to people...
just be like
"so who says hi first...you or me? heh >:)"
for 2d

smw > smb3 > smb > smwYI > nsmbU > nsmbW > sml > smbLL >nsmb > sml2 > nsmb2
mom keeps telling me to shower -_-
where do i download ayul's tracks
the pirate bay
what the crap is this guys problem......
don't trick me
fine, some private seeding tracker which I'll invite you to
is this your vid? turn on a light next time!
is it that boy pretending to be a girl again?
yeah how do you guys find these weird videos of mentally unstable people with under 50 views wtf
there's literally Islamic propagandist near me, super ew
did you join his cause.....

are you gonna try to get us to join your allah cult too.... >_<
tomera renaii~!
no plebstein why do you assume i believe in the sky fairy
fuck you
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i do believe in fucking aliens though

fucking aliens
im building a flash hulk deck just for funsies
post 'em
would anyone like to play seven words (that's build story seven words per line)
jk i dont own any cards

i used to play during tempest era but my dad threw my cards away......
alright i'll start next post (there's no need to quote just keep adding)
kidding i dont want to do that
no one fucks with fedsmoker
unless they're really hot girls who just
did you guys watch kripps latest video
no kripp is a salty idiotic moron whos like really dumb
get along faggots
why do you think so
im not gay but...
ummm we still love kripp here even though he sold out
we never did you motherfucker
his video about the coin is really insightful...
i dont like kripp he seems fake
you are fake
what video
how can polt lose 0-3 to an absolute shitter like bails
kripp tried to play darksouls with a keyboard

why would you trust what he has to say
polt is an absolute shitter these days
you found them?
kripp says he doesn't care about the money but he takes subs and donations and ad money and stuff

what a lying sack of ____
nah actually p2p is the way to go, not trackers
when did he say that
heating up a midnight zah...imagine it with zee..
fucking dingo speak english
its not friggin midnight
it is in like half an hour...
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still can't believe I missed our girl Ayul today
shut up weeb
This place has taken irony too far. You people don't even quote each other anymore.
just think.....theres a boy......on a phone.....
is he cute...
playing pokemon go...
he made a video about it
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pokemon go away
gonna drive to the airport for airpot food in a week lads
u talking shit like i wouldn't find out
our guy...
isn't that expensive as fuck
her name is kim tae guk...
it is but that's kinda the point
imagine calling cj entus herO a slut...
imagine slitting that annoying cartooners throat...
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what a terrible thing to imagine!
i thought it was just featuring that name
i wish i didnt have to imagine it...
haru is a girl...
anyone seen cj entus herO recently...?
imagine catching a lugia...holy crap......
lugia isn't even in pokemon go idiot!!!
he couldnt know...dont be so rude!
he's talking about actually worth pokemon games rtard
holy crap.......look over there......its a freakin jynx!!!
that's my mom you asshole
duuuual land~~~~ there we go~~~~
he freakin BENDS the card slightly god dammit what an idiot
talk about cj entus herO please
cj entus herO...

imagine a world without him...
his bOwl cut......hOly cow......
whoa... there's a haunter nearby...
go get it !!!!!!
Take an extra turn after this one.
i'm sure it'll wander into my apartment eventually...
he doesnt have that bowl cut anymore...!!!
we think bowl cuts are cute and endearing here
holy purghh!!
i would fuck that boy
reminder we want to obliterate Misaka's pussy and mouthpussy
im so freaking bored!!!
not gay btw

are any of us rich boys.....this would be fun to open !!!!!

this is the kind of thing you keep in mint condition
cj entus herO is a kim joon boy...
is cj hero the best hero
i......am a man not a bOy.....
cj entus herO is a really tiny boy...
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cj hero is a playa
where does scar scar fit into all of his?
scar...is Our...........
*all of this
why does he have a massive nigger nose...
*kicks you in the nuts*
his great grandmother was a racemixing comfortwoman
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better to smell you with
if i could be a nigger for a day...
zest trhead pls
my favorite band.... sum 41... live in ontario...
i can't stop thanking god
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