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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 175

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Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Is SFV's storymode the first TRUE example of Vidyakino?
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What mods do you play SFV with?
SFV needs MORE waifus.
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she's my main, deal with it twerps
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Ed's armpits...
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SF and KoF!
Tekken and KI!
Vsav and GG!
>maining a literal autist
It needs more mommyfus, like Juri
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Why did they make it so fucking difficult to record wakeup and guard recovery actions in training mode?
>gootecks gives up trying to play SFV at a high level
>excellent adventures is good again
I hope his moveset has some Balrog inspiration
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Are you salty? You look to be a bit salty!
Doo doo doo doo. Lots of people get salty.
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toppest brown boss
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I agree. Give me more, Capcom.

Mildred > parace
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You got boddied, being salty comes from getting boddied
You got boddied, you must-a have-ta' be salty!
balrogs overhead isnt very good on wakeup
easily reactable with reversals
go post your spam in >>>/v/ idiot
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What's that? A fighting game! You don't wanna go and play a game like that!
Silly! To play that! You'll end up with your teeth all grey!
Link? Screenshot how it looks ingame?
whoever decided ranked shouldn't show you your connection beforehand should be given a stern talking to and a pay freeze
diaper wearing sakura
How do I fight Gief and Balrog as Vega? I try my ass off to not get trapped in the corner but even then I'm kind of lost.
8 frames probably don't help when doing that
kummy kokonoe
but it does, press start and put on the "Ask" option
Go on...
Jack o' to Jack-O
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>mfw i ready up against someone that has a 5 bar connection and it turns to 2 bars when he readies up
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Where were you when Ibuki saved sfv
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Doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo EFF GEE GEE!
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Not even 3 but you'll fap to this
any diaper fetish art from sf
Oh boy.
>leave battle lounge
>host removes you simultaneously
>your game is now frozen
thanks peter love this non steam integrated design
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You see, /fgg/ is like a special house! With tripfags, shitposters, and dodging in the different rooms! Oh look, there's Brick in the basement!

Now newfags comes in the thread, and go from room to room, greeting the different shitposters!

Now, the good posters are very nice and polite to the tripfags, and so is invited to stay for the party!
Does it still count if I want to be her waifu?
yeah i'm not fapping to that

next 3 decides
this is casuals playing the story mode, not because of the new characters
2k next week and 1k two weeks later
yes you are faggot
don't hug me i'm scared is fucking shit
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But the bad, diaper posters, are very rude, and must leave through the cap flap!

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I bet you actually thought you were funny typing that out huh.
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Whats the best combos for Balrog?
XrdR EU anyone? Preferably someone stronk. Preferably someone who can beat my Jack-O time after time after time until i learn something.
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>aegis can reflect CAs
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But how do we know which fighting games are the good games to play?
thats exactly how it allways was
Episode 4 was the best one.
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Well, that's easy!

The fighting games can easily be sorted using this simple tier list!

Choosing normal, mainstream games with things like 8 frames of input delay, dial-a-combos, block button and comeback mechanics keep the game ticking over just nicely!

But fancy, show-offy games with things like footsies, complex mechanics, depth and different playstyles!

These things will clog up the game with unnecessary detail!
How it was in the day was that you couldn't combo two Aegis Reflectors into a 50% super, principally because the Aegis Reflectors WERE his supers.
We're rooting for our guy redblade at evo right?
Nah buddy

2 > 4 > 1 > 3 > 6 > 5
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I'm rooting for Luffy or Infiltration. They know the joys of big titted waifus.
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Is Alex any good? What kind of character is he? I have never played him ever
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where i can find beach dlc costumes pc?
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You think Ono or Peter Rosas would be interested? I mean they must be rich as fuck with how many entrants Street Fighter V got at EVO.
man inflitration has become so proficient in speaking/writing english in such a short amount of time
I'm not even going
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he learned from the best

Post the gif with her tongue, please. You know the one.
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>tfw beat cuongster 10-6 in the day 3 ibuki mirror


i generally go for one of three

1) anything xx kunai xx v-trigger, st.hp xx kunai, mk dash (bomb explodes just as you pass through them), lk dash, raida/release kunais/dp/super
2) anything xx kunai xx v-trigger, st.mp xx f.mk (bomb explodes after the overhead hits), lk dash, raida/release kunais/dp/super
3) anything xx kunai xx v-trigger, cr.mp xx f.hk (bomb explodes and combos), mk dash, cr.hp xx lk dash (quick sideswap) into new mixup
He wants to move to America. I don't know why he would do that. They would just consider him a pervert for admitting to being a heterosexual male.
What's up with the /co/'s inspired memes recently?

I love it
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>/v/eekend /fgg/
This is even worse than normal.
mp mk v skill punch xx character select
>ibuki's air grab has 6f of full invulnerability after whiffing
>you can literally phase through anti-air normals



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im reporting this to capcom right now
shes evo allowed with this shit lmao
don't you dare try to make this a thing
i will SMACK you with my dick
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Stay strong, friend
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i wanna pero pero so bad
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Take this cancer out of here.
How do we feel about the cheeky girls
are you sure its not just her hurtbox?
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Oh God I want to lick that licking
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Hi /a/. Long time no see.
>6f grounded invulnerability
not enough for safe dp baits is it?
Get a trip, combofiend.
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This has to be patched before Evo. It's too much.

Fucking Capcom, man.
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I cant wait for evo this year, imagine someone keeps abusing this in matches
Why does she lick her lips so much?
I'm convinced that balrog is shit
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This is shit you literally see if you have 1 person test the fucking game and character.
he has no invul aa
shit sux
me too
been playing him for 8 hours a day since friday
This is actually more
so shes invicible when landing? evo ready character.
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She loves it. You can see it on her.
Is Ibuki the Kokonoe of SFV?
>AGDQ starts in 3 hours

She's a mommyfu
Second best doa.
>Ibuki is shit
>Balrog is op
>Ibuki is op
>Balrog is shit

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whens 100% zelda MM run
I don't regret the money I spent on sfv

but also, it's shit and I'm not playing it anymore
Its day 3

No one knows shit
today at 2 am
The beautiful power of opinions.
Seriously, why can't they just shut the fuck up and play videogames instead of making it seem like they're doing Jesus' work? I stopped watching it when it became a no fun allowed virtue signaling circlejerk.
Do you like what they did with urien

People spent money on this crap.
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sniffbuki cant do dis
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they've turned to shit the last few years but i'll keep watching if my boi blueglass is there
i don't get the appeal of the speedrunning stuff the kids are into these days. Maybe i'm just not autistic enough to understand/appreciate it.
They're both shit and top 5 is still ryu chun karin nash necalli.
t. Good player
how many players did sf4 have when ultra dropped?
feels like i cant find nearly as many games/new players in V as i did back then
thanks for killing my favourite fighting game series capcom
>platinum onliner
pick one
About 2000
lol we made this 8gb story mode but didn't bother to fix or region lock battle lounges


stfu silver leaguer
redblade won a uniel tournament, thats already more than youll ever accomplish
they didn't really do much with him

just took away the juggle potential on basically everything and gave him more cancellable normals in return

no f.mk is weird and cr.mp barely moving at all is fucking jarring

ultimately I think they'll change urien more before release so while this is a cool little preview jury's out desu

Was it autism?

have they finally stopped having the autism awareness charity for the fundraiser?

i know people are generally a lot more willing to donate to MSF and PCF than autismux for speedrunners
you're allowed to enjoy things. might be nice to know
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She must break you.
>talking shit about our boy redblade

fuck off goober
Oh yes mommy, break me!
he sounds like that one euro avgn knockoff who used to say "open door" a lot
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Is st.hk a good neutral button for Ibuki?
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is this our brick?
oh and lp headbutt sucks now lol
6hk is better
Never forget
When should you use Raida instead of HK Kazekiri?

Like it seems as if LP Raida and HK Kazekiri leave you with about the same advantage on hit, both are extremely punishable on block, but Kazekiri has 20 more damage and better range.

I don't get it.

raida gives you a setup after
raida gives better combos with v-trigger
raida input ends in back so is better for hitconfirms

Im a filthy 16er
look at your numpad
6 hardkick
Look at your numpad. 6 is forward
>watch high level SFV
>the person who gets the first knockdown wins 85% of the time

>watch high level XrdR
>the person who gets the first knockdown wins 40% of the time

Balrog is so fun
Just fucking say fHK then
Is SFV's netcode good?
heellll nnnnoooo
None one reason to keep playing sfv.
Some Ibuki tech.

You can link a 3mk on counterhit at around max range with pretty much any light normal

If you link with a s.lp you can cancel into v-trigger > s.lk > raida

Didn't try this online yet but it might be good against flowchart Kens and Ryus.
It is when it works well, but it's not implemented very well and it tend to synchronise with the opponent quite badly.

it doesnt have to be a counterhit, even on regular hit if you catch them right at max distance you can link st.lp or st.lk
is brick the most autistic person here
Pretty sure raida can't be backflipped and this is wakeup jab fighter so I'd rather take the guaranteed timing.
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It most likely lags your opponent like shit even if it seems fine on your end.
Also do HP raida instead of LP in the corner.
>still no urien mode that pauses time during v-trigger.
>it tend to synchronise with the opponent quite badly.
Thewre is no synchronising. One of the core pillars of rollback netcode is completely missing.
>"So normally you're intended to go through the room this way, but we like to do it a liiiiiiiiiitle differently"
>Do some glitch that makes something slightly wonky
>Crowd erupts with laughter, blueglass' shrill laghter going right over the top of them and continuing after everyone else has finished
Every run
s.lp whiffs at absolutely max distance though
Hey redblade!

st.lk definitely works, i assumed st.lp did as well because it starts up faster but it has way worse range so youre probably right
Fuck off to discord, /pol/iot.
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i fucking HATE necalli

this braindead fucking cunt makes me livid like no one else



Nice """""reset"""""
They couldn't even get this right. One day I hope someone at Capcom leaks the development hell this game was in. It's obvious as day they rushed the shit out of it and released it a year before completion.
wanna play 5?
"Top mishmash" ie doesn't lose to anyone below:

"High-mid" ie entire roster range of a well-balanced game:
Necalli (Borderline with top)

"The Dregs":

F.A.N.G tier:

Gief tier:
Akuma move list for T7
Is there a reason not to mash in SFV? Because so far it's working very well for me.
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About to go to the pool, sorry
Stopped reading there
We already now the most of it. Heavily outsourced with no inhouse talent.
Why though? Don't Capcom have employees? Because surely it's not cheaper to outsource to western studios considering the additional costs that outsourcing brings.
That eye colour, do you think that's possible with contacts?
no that is gouki movelist....
ching chong ping pong to you too young lady
you gonna take pics of your massive dick?
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Also all other characters movelists by exchanging the name in the link. King still got 4 pages even with the butchered tekken 7 movelists.
Is 236 left punch the slow and 236 right punch the fast fireball variant?
this is actually the correct way to play V
its nearly unstoppable through the shit netcode and added 8f delay
is that supposed to be a mask or his actual head?
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more of a fighting game than SFV
>Smash babby detected
>Don't Capcom have employees?
They have been starting and increasing their outsourcing ever since 7th gen. Outsourcing is cheaper if you only want one quick game to grab money but is way costier and quality weakening if you have a longtime plan over many years.
Well, at least it's SGDQ so they don't raise money for complete scam artists.
is the new tennis fighting game out?

you're bad
Pokken finished yesterday with suicine master destroying the bim? dude in gf.
shit had two threads open

The Pokemon TCG on the gameboy color was more fun than every actual Pokemon game put together

The dumb chinks never made a sequel
They definitely have a long term plan with SFV though. It makes no sense. What the hell was Ono and those guys doing in Japan?
Fucking Toad is still viable?
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>a videogame based on the card game which was based on the tv show based on a videogame
Too meta for me.
They did it only came out in Japan
Why do people never speedrun fighting games?
What a shame. I spent a ton of time with the original
People speedrun Melee all the time.
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>They definitely have a long term plan with SFV though.
Sure they do. Scam the shit out of people too dumb to find 3d hentai for once.
Ah, the goobers got you?

Wake up, friend.
I never saw it at AGDQ.
>chun over mika and ken
i have bad news for you :/
Pretty sure it got a PAL version.
Broski will you ever stream?
Does the training mode CPU read your inputs?

I want to practice without stress
I did for soul calibur 2. I think I got under 2 minutes ingame timer for the arcade mode. It was funny how it is easier on the highest difficulaty because the AI will not block and always try to counter attack.
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only when im good
Speedrunning Arcade Mode is no fun.
Instead you TAS Human Impossible/Frame Specific feats.
Why does Juri help cammy in story mode? then protect her from vega?
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What the fuck is that
I know one guy speedruns tekken 3 and I just saw someone doing the sfv story just now if that counts.

new adventures is up
dumb chun is midtier poster
This is an unreal engine 4 game.
These videos are comfy
there's a translation out there
sniff engine 4...

This is retarded post
thank god gootecks gave up in his quest to be good so the videos can be funny again
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holy shit that ass shot at the top
I'm far better than you'll ever be and I'm also gonna take top 8 in sfv at DTN.
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What did he mean by this?
People have really dumb idea of "resets".
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This is an Unreal Engine 4 Asuka.
poopoo peepee tier DLC characters
Fuck off to /v/ with your eceleb letsplays.
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So what excuse will Max use this time to drop Tekken 7 after hyping it up all this time?
Tekken 6 it was the net code. TTT2 it was learning two characters and not liking tag mechanics.
did he just google translate?
sounds like hes trying to say that old ibuki players dont like how she turned out in 5 and that urien is no seth so not for him and that he wont play either of them
or something
Based fucking Redblade.

Literally our boy.

Please put /fgg/ in your name when you become famous bro.
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No company with a real longtime plan would outsource so hard.
There's so much ass in this game ahhhh
holy shit fuck juri, I need this game
Forgot your trip, /pol/iot.
I don't understand why /fgg/ hates Max so much when he's basically the average /fgg/ poster personified.

They hype up unpopular games, play them for a few weeks/months at most and then they drop it and start hyping up the next game lmao.

No wonder there are so many people with hateboners for anything Capcom ITT. Capcom players actually stick to games and form active and healthy communities.
sfV adventures is SHIT
Welcome to 1999
He has no excuse now, Online is was good in Tag 2 and now he doesn't need to learn more than Jin. His Jin was already shit so this will be good for him.
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>tfw Rashid vs FANG
all sfv CPU read inputs as far as Ive seen. Especially when they go in 'hard mode'. Easy CPU is retarded they dont block.
I miss the trash talk and genuine emotions in this series. Everytime I look at new Excellent Adventures episodes they sound so neutered and politically correct.
Please explain to me why are 1 frame links considered to be a good design choice? Try to be coherent.
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So is Bamco actually going to do this or what? Or is No Fun Allowed media too much a pot to stir?
they just need fchamp on there every oder episode
>Capcom players actually stick to games
ALmost got me till this one.
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Are you autistic?
They do because they refuse to play anything else, even if their game is dogshit.
How do I become a Silver player?
learn to anti-air

t. silver player
She sees cummy as a child and her motherly instincts kick in
>Asking someone if they're autistic while avatarfagging with one of the most autistic things on the Internet
Hope you're just being ironic
They are... neither. The problem is that they were too required in SFIV, even for simple stuff such as bnb combos. It would've been fine if they were more situational. Almost the entire roster in IV had to rely on 1 frame links.

I think V went on the opposite side. Now the execution barrier is so low that it almost neutered the skill gap between stronger players and weaker ones. Of course stronger players will always win for their tech knowledge and neutral play, but from a spectator it's one of the reasons why SFV seems to be kind of unexciting.
Akuma won't be that good and SF fundies won't carry over
Spam ragequits when you lose like everyone else to rise up.
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you didn't answer the question
Aris said that the plan is to make Akuma intentionally shit so that once the Street Fighter babies settle in they go and learn a real Tekken character.
How do I become better as a bronze player?
I do well in casual matches but the second I get into ranked I lose
>SF fundies won't carry over to another fighting game
The same Aris that got his ass whooped by Poongko's Akuma in T7:FR during CEO?

Tfw I have completely lost interest in balrog after seeing a real boxer with real mix-ups.
What is the best 3D fighter?
That's what happens when they had to reach Hollywood status to the point of working for Capcom fluff.
How much do you get by shilling KOF here?
german detected

virtua fighter
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I'll take it with a pinch of salt then.
Virtual Fighter

Triggered. Discuss gameplay instead of relying.
Nelson looks fun as fuck
How would you guys react if Capcom announced Peter as a DLC character at the end of EVO?
t. combofiend
I am now an #SNKshellshocker
We are going to react as honest and natural as the megahype ll joe that ha sno money connection to capcom.
>seth killian
>has a boss character named after him

>peter rosas
>has a geezer jobber who only appears in story mode once named after him

i feel bad for combofiend :(
he can play it casually like he does every fighting game he touches. nothing wrong with that.
It's not fair bros. Why did they have to ruin Ibuki?
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whats wrong with living in argentina?

quit bitchin she's fine
>i feel bad for combofiend :(
Get a trip, combofiend.
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Holy fuck KOF14 basically added their own version of Steve Fox?
I'm sold.
I hope Shingo is in KOF14

Whoa, k' got new moves? Looks cool as Fuck.
possibility they get new colors to just remove the jersey. guile and alex got extra colors recently. in sf4 chun li had an alt that removed clothing
t7 is better flimflam

He isn't.
Kukri reminds me of Chizuru.
I fucking hate it.
It confuses me everytime.
That will be $4 to #RiseUp

Holy shit, Nelson has like 13 command normals.
>a couple well known KI players voice their gripes on the forums
>it's understandable stuff like unneeded balance changes, bugs still in the system, etc
>very respectful to devs, admit that it's not easy especially considering KI is budget tier
>a good chunk of responses are "hur how dare you say casual modes aren't important you aren't a real fan just because you play at tournaments why don't people listen to me who is just a casual fan"
>just really act like they have a chip on their shoulder for being 'casuals'

Is it just because IG have been really open in terms of talking to the community about balances and taking their feedback into account with each monthly update or are all game forums kind of like that? I don't think I've looked at one since 2009 and today I remembered why I don't.
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what is the worst main line kof game
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Does SNK pay much? Probably not because they only had the funds to make it look like it does but still

You have to get paid atleast something right?
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Holy fuck, why is this game so damn good?
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>stop talking about fighting games in the fighting game general
fuck outta here drone
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>"Stop liking what I don't like!"
Typical Melee poster.
You're buying uniel next Tuesday right anon?
post 5 minutes of you just defending
I live in Argentina though?
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You forgot your image, Todd.
Same thing happened to Smash.

Once you land a job with a video game company, you're not representing them. You are basically nothing but a puppet if you make it big. You'll lose your core fans probably, but you'll gain a bunch of kid followers.
how big is the window for just defending, frame-wise? seems like you have forever to do it
next tuesday is the 5th idiot
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See me on fightcade in a game of your choice.
ID is Oddness
This is obviously an intentional design decision, stop complaining.
inb4 puzzle bobble
Who works for nintendo rom the smash community? Or do you mean work for twitch like D1?
anyone got balrog combos?
hes trash
But I'm shilling a good game. FO4 was just Ok and worse than NV.
ma nigga Kain da bes
See me in Kabuki Klash in 6 minutes
t-rex normal whiff xx minus on block
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sfv ne1
nah it's just new.
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how about you actually help out or don't respond at all, ape
it's a tag game so it's inherently kusoge though
ibuki frame data is out now along with balrog
after a week, if it still has players ill buy it
what the fuck is a uniel
The latter. There is a strong mindset in the gaming community in general that giving fair criticism (which is different from bad thought rambling) = bad for the game and the community. For example, SonyGaf is in a hugbox state towards SFV. Everytime they hear any kind of complaint they had to play the typical passive-aggressive victim as if they were the target of said complaints. Black Vegeta (a well-known SF matches uploader) got literally banned from that shitty circlejerk site because he said he didn't like SFV and he refunded the game.

tk breezy, d1, gimr. all those people who started going "muh esports," "#OneUnit" and suddenly went silent about project m when smash 4 was about to come out. And not silent like they just weren't playing it at the time, silent like they were in contract not to say its name.
friendly reminder that ibuki cr.hp does 10 more damage than st.hp

friendly reminder that ex kunai is cheap
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Why is Mike acting so gay around Kbrad these days?
C.hp whiffs on half the cast
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ok there aris.
you know it won't
It must be kusoge though.
The best fighting game of all time. No gimmicks or memes, just honest to God footsies.
>Black Vegeta (a well-known SF matches uploader) got literally banned from that shitty circlejerk site because he said he didn't like SFV and he refunded the game.
To be fair, saying "LOL SFV" isn't a fair criticism, it's just shitposting. He also rebought the game like 20 times, which is really dumb from him. But yeah, the whole point still stands.
See me in Overwatch I suck at fighting games
How did Alex Valle become platinum without disconnect spamming?
Bloody Roar
>failed to send results to server
Hard reads and commitment
I'm a pleb. How do I fireball with this semen demon?
Hard reads and fundamentals
>He also rebought the game like 20 times,
Nice dodge
Uniel is literally anime kof. Literally.
Project m is shit fuck off to deviantart.
when you drink the esports kool-aid you get the ability to slowdown time to have great reactions, the downside is that you become an insufferable twat
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>Failed to retrieve data. [40006]
nice game
So it's a shit series that's loved by Mexicans and the uneducated?
Uniel nerds, has a hilda ever won anything? Footage?
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When the fuck is Six Stars getting a console release
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Is that an actual game? Also you didn't drop your name.
kys we want a pc release
>tfw you nail someone with the anti-air kunai spray at the start of the round
>tfw you realize you just fucked yourself over
He said it on Neogaf in one of the (many) SFV threads.
why do all anime players shill the same for every game
I dont think she's taken anything significant, carmine has probably taken the most US tournaments

Back to coinflip simulator, goober. At least every character in uniel plays differently, everyone in gg is the same.
4 months or whatever later they didn't fix ANYTHING
Yes it's an actual game you dumb diaper. JimJohns, the only person in the Kabuki Klash room.
You need to commit harder.
probably never
It's the circle of anime life, anon. They are still butt hurt that SFV stole the show at CEO. Can't blame them.
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Now that the dust has settled, did the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""MAY""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" update save SFV?
What were they complaining about?
>everyone in gg is the same
it didn't change anything except add two bad characters
how much fm do you get for completing the general story?
t. goober
its ridiculous they try to say their specific game is different but nope its always
>gods gift
>honest footsies
>best fighting game
>much better than street fighter
every time for every game as if they were all the same
Hard knockdown into meaty yrc projectile into 50/50
Everyone except sin and slayer I guess are setplay characters.
You can hold the k button to store the fireball. It comes out when you release.
there was sf5 at ceo?
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ft10 me rn
30K normal
40K extra

I think
Absolutely. I mean the cinematic story mode is without a doubt the greatest narrative achievement in video game history.
That looks amazing, gameplay-wise. If life 14 has decent netcode, might save fighters.
Should i continue playing fighters if im not having fun anymore?
no why should you
Just do you senpai

Mei is as much a FPS character as Mika is a Street Fighter character

Fuck Mei
Why is Gootecks such a jobber?
Normal Story Mode gives you 30k
Extra Story Mode (which is the same Story Mode but with a slightly harder IA) gives you 50k
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Unless it's your job, don't play something if you're not having fun. Is this a trick question?
>jack off
>annoying mexishit accent
>constantly jerking himself off over his "OG" status
>all the fellow OG's he talked up are garbage in SFV
>acts like some kind of wise fighting game sage when he and his pupils haven't won jackshit in forever
>muh esports
lmao at 8 frames delay neutral

But on the real I don't think it is a triial thing to get rid of those two extra frames of lag. They really are probably looing into it.
What would you consider the best type of fighting game in terms of how the overall matches are played out? Pure footsies? Games with mostly short combo strings? More balanced in all categories? Something different?
>arguing about gg with redblade
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dat no damage
anyone sfv eu?
hell no wtf, why would you play a video game you dont find fun unless youre making money from it
the one where the better player always wins.
that's pretty pathetic for all meters and a jump in
I know he's tsun tsun but I bite too easily.
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>johnny isn't setplay
welcome to SFV where Gorilla Gameplay™ is awarded but skill is gimped
People already figured out shit that does like 40% with one reflector
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Should I do it /vg/?

Should I blow my hard earned dollar bills on that season pass just because I really want Balrog, Urien and Juri?
just hack survival and get them for free
Playing as cammy. Why cant I land hooligan combination throw?

Seems like everytime I try to throw she just cancels everything and drops to the ground. whys this shit so finnicky... am i supposed to land on top of their heads? in front of heads? lower? does it only work in Light hooligans or heavy or something?

feels like ive tried everything
it's pretty easy to get them with FM but if you have other plans for it, can't see why not
how much is 30 dollars to you
I love fighting games
I love watching fighting games
I like the fighting game characters

I dont like playing the game because getting good is boring
at least it got style
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>mfw ryu does that much in one jump in combo
Are they crouching? It only works if they're standing or in the air.
That's Wizards money
should have just actually played the game instead. I have enough fight money to buy all 4 DLC characters as well as juri and Urien when they come out. And then I have a spare 80K left over
is he?
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i have the ps4 version

that's like 3 big mac combos man. i can afford it but it's still enough to make me hesitant to pull out my wallet.

desu it feels like if you don't use pc hacks FM is kinda hard to get. They hand it out to you very slowly.
Here http://forums.ultra-combo.com/t/lcd-opens-up-about-everything-survey-feedback/11921/89
so one stage

lmfao wow
His damage is like he just came from SF3
Yeah, he should play tracer instead.
Flame thing yrc invisible mixup
Ok I forgot about her
Yrc chains
ProjectIle special
Teleport oki
Minions give her auto setplay
>just really act like they have a chip on their shoulder for being 'casuals'
They're like that everywhere. People get extremely insecure when they're faced with something they're not good at/tests their competence.

You should have seen the SFV threads on gaf near release. Tons and tons of casuals with a huge chip on their shoulder were acting extremely smug about SFV having low first month sales, and basically saying Capcom deserved it for not putting in casual modes into the game and only appealing to the hardcore.

It's funny how vindictive they get over fighting games even though the entire rest of the video game industry makes games designed from the ground up to appeal to casuals like them.
If you want. Then come back after a while and you might have fun again.
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What if I genuinely like SFV? I mean, it has some defined flaws but I don't think it's bad.
Thanks I guess that may be the case some of the time I try. But not all the time.
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how the fuck do you do ibuki challenge 4?????
>LITERALLY measuring value in burgers
sounds about right
that means you actually like video games. basically you probably don't belong on this website and are probably a functional, happy person.
does beating story on the harder difficulty earn you fight money?
can I skip all the fights and still get the fm?
What tier would you put rog in? I think he's just below top with cammy and Vega
>likes SFV
Is that the b.mp into raida one?
>that means you actually like video games
>are probably a functional, happy person
This isn't remotely close to being true. SFV got shit on *extremely* hard on gaf from the micro second that they learned the game had very low single player content.
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>Taking shills and masterbaiters seriously
I think you can't skip the fights though
Brain size doesn't relate to intelligence you know, that that the size difference in that image means anything
Uhhh?? >>147331638
theres literally an ingame demonstration you retarded weeb
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I don't think you follow the same Gaf I do. The SFV threads I saw on Gaf were full of Capcom Defence Force replies and every even minor issue taken to the surface was dismissed for really dumb reasons.
You realize that a good 90% of this general barely plays fighting games, right?

The vast majority of people who actually play fighting games and are good at them either left this general long ago or are in the discord.
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well yeah that's basically how I measure all video game purchases.

i mean if I'm gonna throw down the money for a full price game in canada, that's like $75. So I have to stop and think to myself "I could literally eat like 10 big macs for this price. I could buy 3 or 4 buckets of KFC". if the game doesn't actually sound better than eating 10 big macs, then it's probably never going to make me feel like I got my money's worth

you're probably right but all i ever play is ranked occasionally. ever since overmeme came out all my time switched to being spent on that game.
>Ibuki j.lp j.mk target combo always whiffs on jump-in.
>j.lp doesn't cause juggle state so it's worthless as air-to-air too.
Did they throw this in just to pad out her move list or something?
sfv and discord teamed up to slaughter /fgg/
he does alot for the fightirng game scene goober
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t. african person


So how long does it actually take to get good

I expected to be decent after 4 months but I still can barely hitconfirm without jumping

And I drop probably 90% of my combos
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why do people misread "fast lane" as "splash as much as you can without having any of that effort translating into speed lane"?

Eh, he looks okay
Really I'd rather he just had regular specials
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this guy is right

you can tell these generals are pure cancer because it's always degenerate weeaboo trash no one cares about on the OP
lmao this
Just stop playing altogether.
People have been playing fighters for DECADES you're too late.
Am I always going to feel more comfortable with inputs when playing left to right or will that go away with time?
Do it for mommy, anon.
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What is a Kyo/Ryo/Terry Team is called?
I am.



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some people are naturally good

some people spend years to become mediocre

other people are never good no matter how much time they spend

life is simply unfair, don't you think?
>I expected to be decent after 4 months
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GGs JimJohns
You beat me at this weird kusoge with stage physics, itemsand automatic super meter load.
That bitch also outranged all 3 characters I played up close, is she high tier?
Because with every other game genre on the planet that is the case
Protagonist team for eccentric boring people
Define good. It takes like 2 years minimum to get to a level where you get out of pools at majors.
remember when everyone said this about ryu
welcome to real video games
Are you an esports pro athelete? Yes you HAVE to our comfy little esports community will die.
If you are just the scrub then just let our streams and sfv run the background to help boost our numbers.
Yeah but those games aren't nearly as competitive or deep as fighting games are, they're not comparable at all

Do you really think the effort to beat an RPG is anywhere near the effort needed to be good at fighting games
big boy music back in street fighter WHEN?

She's probably the second best in the game, Gokuraku and Kinu (the best in the game) have good matchups against her.
>eccentric boring people
Don't call me boring senpai ;_;
I just wanna be a hero.
Breakbeats and scratching promote thuggery
>Social Eating
>10,001 viewers
What are some other sites I can streamboar with?
That means you REALLY need to play more. There is no excuse to still defend this early access trash unless you get paid by capcom to do so.
What do you mean "how long"

What takes getting good is having a reputable name in the FGC so you can playtest every build before the general public gets it and keep your spot, while devoting all your leisure time to practicing and all your practical ambitions to getting a sponsorship

I don't know why people take SFV seriously as a competitive game, Capcom's pandering to the loudmouth manchild userbase and the latter's blatant selling out had made the whole thing a fucking joke
Fuck off to /pol/
Makoto will never ever be in SFV.

Can we all go back to SF4 now?

He does have normal special moves as well.
Play her in the game where dash in karakusa is a legitimate mix up dweeb
anyone want to play fightcade stuffs? (eu)
/gameversus has it regulary. Also 3s and St was today.
There should be a schedule under the stream.
Always interesting to see hard matchups.

Learn the difference between setplay and mix ups you stupid fuck.
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Afreeca TV if you want more mukbang
It's still a perfectly good mix-up in SF4 you just can't do it braindead as fuck as a staple

3S is and always was overrated hipster trash
She'll be in but they'll remove every special she has except hayate and karakusa, and karakusa will only have enough advantage to link into a jab.

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please do not confuse Trump supporters with generic racists.

Donald Trump loves black people.


as such, Donald Trump is always /fgg/ related.
I feel like sfv gamplay style punishes characters who arent given the option to get braindead damage. Wheter just is just due to weak damge value, poor CC's, or just not viables links/combo routes.
Been playing some years now and can't do shit beyond downbacking in corner and mashing some buttons.

Just give up.
How are the things I posted not setplay
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Reminder to report all offtopic /pol/ posting.
/fgg/ is for fighting game and fighting game related discussion
NOT your /pol/ memes
>These are 10s in America
I feel like SFV is complete and utter garbage and everyone should just switch back to Ultra already
>Donald Trump loves black people votes
fixed that for you

once he's president he's going to deport them all back to africa
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Who is ready for the return of our Goddess?
Official /fgg/ pairings
Karin x Birdie
Rashid x Cammy
Ingrid x Boxer
Makoto x Dee Jay
Sakura x Sean
Chun Li x Max
Ibuki x Dudley
Vanessa x Seth
Mai x Bandeiras
Athena x Heavy D
Kula x Lucky Glauber
Blue Mary x Duck King
Whip x K'
King x Mukai
Hinako x Nelson
Leona x Krizalid
Mature x Zero (Clone)
Vice x Zero (Original)
Moe x Richard
Miu x Silber
Hotaru x Butt
Tsubaki x Arakune
anon never point out /pol/, the more you do the more /pol/ things get posted until it devolves into a shitstorm. You just ignore it and hope other anons do the same.
get a real job instead of this pathetic astroturfing.
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/fgg/ is for fighting game and fighting game related discussion
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>this is a 10/10 in britain
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anyone care to direct me to summer laura mod? I cant find it anywhere
this is what I am talking about

t. /pol/
I will point your bretheren out and tell them to fuck off.
>Zarina is a very smiling and cheerful woman fighter. Found of samba dance
>his fiancee who is currently hospitalized for a coma
What did SNK mean by this?
you say that like it's not completely based

niggers need to fuck off from all 12 women I want to marry
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>confusing Donald with Hillary who hates everyone
>deporting working class Americans

but who's going to work in all those steel mills and factories Donald is bringing back to America? it certainly won't be the illegal immigrants. The worst thing he will do is put a 35% tariff on weeaboo games because Japan sends them to our shores to destroy the minds of our young people. This will encourage more people to develop fighting games in America.

I do have a real job, and that's why I care so much about our country. The fact is the American job market has crumbled so much under the lead of the Democrats, we need to take our country back.

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Fuck off, dude. You're making Redblade uncomfortable being in this thread.
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Fuck off~
Rashid of the turbulent wind
>"There are too many white men in a white country"
>this is problematic
Oh yeah Hamad picked up guilty gear and is training with other people. I haven't seen him play yet but he seems to advance quite nicely.
Because they dont shower
Tell him how our nigger president is basically the dictator everyone is so afraid of Trump being what with all his executive orders superceding the other bodies of government which essentially has given him absolute power. Only no one will say anything or impeach him because he's black

Oh wait I guess I just did!
Muslims dominate every fighting game they play, they are just superior to non Muslims. This is why Daigo and Fuudo converted.
t. person who has NEVER been around a blackie or muzzie

seriously the stink is too much i sometimes have to cover my mouth to stop myself from throwing up
I finished stoy, and I have important question, what were Ken, Chun-li and laura doing while cammy was beating shit out of poor peter the cop?


I warned you
Bullying Sean
So, wheres your kickstarter so we can send you?
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>he doesn't want a patriotic girlfriend who loves America and votes for Trump
>he doesn't love legal immigrants who contribute to the economy, live life the American way and support the country

vid related is solid wife material


wouldn't it be great if Capcom brought back the "fighting President" character and basically made him into Donald? he could be the most expensive DLC character
3 some
I rather have them sperg and get banned then left untouched and spread their poisenous roots into another thread.
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How do we save /fgg/ from white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
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>muh feelings
>muh safe place
>muh systematic oppression because of skin color
>muh reddiquette
sf niggas can't even do a ranbu?
I want r/the_donald to return to their cave.
by smashing that report button until the lazy ass mod does his job
>ywn cum inside mommy
why live?
Play a lot more doa.
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Going to my locals where I'll be playing both SF and Xrd, enjoy staying in your mother's basement and arguing about /pol/ shit while calling yourselves capcucks and goobers, see ya later losers
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i want to know who modelled big nig rog
Am I not allowed to play DoA since I'm white?
Be home by 9
Back to /pol/ shitlord
Is Ibuki's trial 10 her most optimal CC combo?
That's a great idea
I'll make a gofundme right now
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soon i hope, but the moveset and her animations in general still need tons of work
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How do I SFV Boxer?
>long ranged normals that do grown man damage
>good walkspeeds + alternative forms of movement that add depth to the neutral but don't make it braindead
>all specials are at least decent because of RC
>jumping is a really bad way of getting in because the game has good AAs so neutral is very ground based
>fun as fuck groove system
>pretty much the entire cast is viable if you aren't a tourney player
I would do anything for a CvS2 re-release with GGPO3.

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he was based on iron mike
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Mash while making gorilla noises
only when she lands right?
He looks quite good.

The model inconsistency in this game is jarring with characters like Chun, Ryu, and Bison looking great while Ken, Ibuki, and Karin looking shit.
>Gamecube port
No thank you
balrog is good and fun but it takes quite a bit more work to condition your average onliner to not press buttons and dp on wakeup than it did in 4, opening up his mixup game
You can't condition anyone online desu

Also, I've already played the game online through PCSX2. No one ever wants to play because it's just nowhere near as polished and user friendly as an actual official re-release with GGPO3 netcode would be
My friends are all casuals who aren't very good at fighting games. We all play League together but I want to introduce them to fighting games other than smash. What games can I ease them into? What's something that we can all play that I won't instantly body them in?
Can someone summarize the latest Smash drama for me? Jebailey, Koogy, and Logan keep tweeting about it so I assume it's FGC drama too.
Ibuki looks fine besides that fucked up win screen smile.
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lets get our boy to evo bros
>Aren Stimage-Norwood
>Works at Advance Auto Parts Distribution Center #41
>Karin looking shit
Karin looks fine besides her hair looking like some kind of pasta. I agree on Ken and Ibuki and I would also add Alex to the mix.
Rollcancels are cancer and ruin the game. You are not playing for tourney money so stop tryharding.
If you aren't complete shit you'll destroy them at ANY legit fighting game, unless it's something you're completely unfamiliar with, like Tekken if you've never played 3D fighters
that is for gold league my man
Checked r/streetfightermods? Quite a few are from there.
PS2 emulation is extremely bad and its netcode is even worse than dolphins.
not in ranked but in ft5s easily
Stop talking about games you've never played beyond mash level.
Soul Calibur
Or just play smash with them you sperg
Except if it is melee
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after all the shit Jebailey and CEO have done for smash, a bunch of Melee (emphasis on Melee) pros are theatening to boycott CEO next year ue to his announcement that top 8 would not be all 3/5 and doubles were being cut. Of course, he's not cutting the game but he's still lost a lot of respect for certain Melee pros.

pic related
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is there anyone from the EU area in the discord?
Has anyone been banned for using that 1-round Survival mod yet? I want to unlock everything but don't want to grind actual Survival mode.
Post your top 8 placings of cvs2 and cvs2eo tourneys.
Is there a way to do a shinryuken as ken in SFV ?

I'm pretty sure he does one in story mode during a cutscene which is weird.
I sure hope they do. Smashfags are the worst
Hello /v/intendo
nah you wont get banned
Emphasis is on "pro" and "top" player. It was leffen and a handful of nonames.
>mommy will never scold you for peaking while she changes

I need you Juri!
I wasn't on /v/ for a year or so. Rollcancels still are aids ruining the game mor than the poor balance and custome supers.
It's not that I don't like Smash, I have tons of fun everytime I play it. It's just that it's the only fighting game we end up playing. I haven't played Soul Calibur like a year and I never actually learned anything legit so maybe that would work. Which one would you think is the most beginner friendly?
So does that mean we'll get two supers then ?
t. /v/intendo
Wouldn't be surprised if it happened but don't expect anything in less than a year
How the fuck do you fight Chun as Balrog?

She can just press whatever she wants.
there is an EU discord
random armor
They are all good but got for sc2. That also has a HD version for easier setup.
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>losing streak
>alt f4 and uninstall every fighting game
>put your stick on sale on ebay
I feel kinda conflicted because i love fighting games, but i'm too bad at them.
SGDQ is now live.

I repeat, SGDQ is now live.
I've decided to buy SFV. Is the season pass worth it or should I just nolife it for a while to grind out new characters?
is floe restreaming it
literal scrub mentality, hope you enjoyed wasting all that money
SFV is just the game for you :^)

You will regret this.
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it sure is..
Is our girl Narci-chan there and will floe restream it with commentary?
>bro if you train hard enuff you wont suck and ull gitgud !!!
Don't give capcom money for the worst possible job on this early access trash.
I dont get how some people sweat to the point of having wet underarms while playing fighting games

I mean yeah its intense sometimes but i wouldnt call it a gym workout doing 1 frame links for a few mins
>Super Mario Sunshine Any% to start
Not bad actually
>Is the season pass worth it
Not really. You'll get 300k easily by doing the story modes and trials, in the end you'll be paying 30 dollaridoos for 3 characters and 6 skins for the DLC characters
Ibuki is pretty fun, really makes me think about neutral tbqh. Losing every match though.

If you are PC you can get the survival mod and get free fight money. I don't think anyone got in any trouble with it yet.
What game is he playing?
i can do shit in trainingmode for hours without any effect, but when i play ranked i start to sweat after some time
getting pressured in the corner when you're about to lose a lot of penis points is stressful
t. low test sissyslut
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>You will never get your hands on all of this thickness...
I think it's just the stress of the battle
I can already tell why you suck massive dick at every game, you even told us by mentioning how you uninstalled all those fighting games you bought but never got good at

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official cammy feets!
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>really makes me think about neutral tbqh
>No awful games section
Thank FUCK
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i hope they reuse all those assets and make a new fun online mode with them
They should just make all those characters playable
>feet bigger than their heads
t-thanks ono...
I've been asking for like 3 days but seriously no one has any images of Alex's shop colors?
I hope they at least release them as Decapre alts.

So much better than Laura's. Shame her summer outfit is fucking stupid.
>he watches people watch people play vidya
>OOT glitchless
wow exciting

what the fuck
>having tiny ass old chinese lady bound baby gap feet
When is it actually worth blowing your kunai stock?

Like Ibuki with no kunais seems even less viable than unoiled Hakan.
are you retarded

you realize some people just naturally sweat more than others right, even when doing nothing. what type of deodorant/antiperspirant you use can actually make you sweat more as well + nerves. it's completely understandable why someone would begin sweating while playing a match. here's your (you).
Let's settle it.
>glandular os
lets see the doctors note before you get on your sweaty soapbox. and bring a towel

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here you go friend :^)
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you are triggering me right now please stop
nice meme
Oh...well at least 11 and 12 look alright...
Why is ono so obsessed with bara?
You can juggle enough with your HP kunai unload to set the second bomb while the opponent's in the air and follow up with a raida.
What should i know how to do with my day 1 ibuki?
you should know how to access character select
well now i feel bad. but i hope you dont wear other peoples headphones though

Perfect, I'm so glad they aren't stupidly huge like Laura's.
>queueing for both ranked and casuals after the sale
>still huge queue times

Living in South America is hell

I really want to play the game and try to improve cause I'm a 100 LP scrub but it's impossible

i only really bother with the full kunai release when the combo is going to kill

ibuki goes to Z tier with 0 kunais stocked
Sliding in like that must be really painful with bare feet.
i'mkidding, i only sweat a lot under my arms. but yea, using a sweaty headphone would be pretty nasty. i'd wipe off any equipment that i left sweaty like any decent person would.
That entry would rip your bottom feet skin apart.
u rite
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Anyone try the eightarc Drone stick? Seems small but nice.

>Ibuki looks fine
If you ignore the giraffe neck and the football player shoulders, sure. And of course the giant hands and feet that every female has.

I wish someone just made a mode that made the feet smaller.
trying to get the hip kids in japan to play
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if she was a normal human, yes
Did LTG make this stick?
who got the nice ibuki combos
Should have just made an arcade version.

Ken and Ibuki look good, its just the character select expression on ken and ibuki's weird winpose smile that just doesn't work.
Learn resets instead of combos
ibuki has always had some useless target combos mate, thats how shes always been
all of thoe look awful except 14 and 11
you don't always want to do resets bruv
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Any good setplay vids of Balrog yet?
>street fighter is not anime
every time

this looks kinda cool
I kinda feel bad for sonicfox to be getting into sf with the worst sf game to date

Yeah I think so. I hope he gets good money, he engineered the shit out of it.
Street Fighter 3
Super Street Fighter 4
Super Turbo

He's not getting into SF with Ultra or Alpha 3 though
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Is Sonicfox a racist gay furry?
are we going to see any of these new sfv characters in tournaments or is everything just going to be nash/necalli/ryu for the next five years
...can someone please explain to me why charlie and guile don't have a single conversation with each other in story mode?
you can't be racist aagainst white people
tfw u fell for the kof 02UM meme

thank god I had enough in my wallet from selling SFV cards to not pay it
i dont get it
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>tfw capcom will never port 3s online edition to PC
> we'll forever be stuck with shitty emulators and fightcade
>the console versions are dead as fuck
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This is how I know these fuckers don't know any white people; they season the fuck out all their food

meanwhile in my experience black people use lawry's and garlic powder with nothing else and they only know how to cook chicken dishes and fucking greens

t. black weeb
White people can't into seasoning apparently
literally everyone told you not to buy it
In what world is fightcade a shitty emulator? The game would be 10 man dead if it was on steam.
How poor can one man be. I'm poor as fuck and even then that's the kind of money I wouldn't bother picking up if it fell from my wallet.
PR Rog seems to like Rog so you'll see him at least.
Eventually, sure. But Ryu at least will probably still be everywhere. I predict he will be to SFV what Sagat was to SFIV. Very strong at launch, probably toned down later but always a contender.
>Some fag I know is excited about Juri because she's his "queen" or whatever
>Doesn't even know who Urien is
I'll never understand these people and I'm actually gay
It was the opposite though??

>I wouldn't bother picking up if it fell from my wallet
Maybe that's why you're poor........
whats so hard to understand fagboy?
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Why are all the girls in SFV so fat? Why aren't there any sexy lean girls like KoF XIV and Xrd?
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so barlog's pretty much a single father now...can't say I saw this coming at all
it's a joke you autist

all cultures use seasoning for various dishes in reality
Can your Queen also be your mom?
Did SFV's server shit themselves?

I can't connect on PC
yea its fucked
I'm still in.
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Not white American suburbanites. Plain grilled chicken all day.
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But 02UM is better than 02 in every way? Literally the only thing better about 2k2 is that it's on Fightcade with rollback.
t. coon
Looks likes the best Tekken since DR
What a racist joke
Athena should not be wearing those ugly spats in 02.
I want Ling-sama to crush my head with her beautiful thighs.
Will I regret buying KOFXIV? I'm like half beginner half intermediate at GG and SFV so Idunno if it will be my kind of game.
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Fuck your tucan bro.
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>you invite your white friend over for dinner
>he separates the rice, meat and veggies on his plate
>doesn't mix the sauce in
lol just lol
is this thread for fighting games or just white people whining about all the culture wars they're losing
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>Literally the only thing better about 2k2 is that it's on Fightcade with rollback
The """"""only"""""" thing is one of the most important things
What game will diapers dickride once kof14 comes out and flops?
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Anon thank you
When will this systemic oppression stop?
what a madman

No, they seriously believe this shit. This isn't just a Twitter thing. Blacks seriously think they're the greatest cooks on the planet.
Those new costumes are so overdesigned. Why the fuck is Feng wearing all those trinkets?
Fighting games are one of those culture wars desu
T7FR then they'll switch to whatever the next version of Xrd is.
cry about it on some other board m8
I don't believe that
But I don't.
SFv wants the doa5 dlc market. Fo that capcom needs to make every female look the same with no personality.
>one of the most important things
t. diaper
I don't know what you're on mate but I couldn't live without a bit of seasoning personally
Also I've been doing front throw, slight delay, meaty lk dash low . You can probably work out a legit timed setup from it instead of guessing the timing.
>most big name chefs are white euros

Most of them aren't very smart, you see
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Being able to play the game is really important point though.
Carlo, Minastir and myself would be willing to play it. Think a couple of other euros own it as well.
Back to playing 98 and 2k2 against Brazilians on Fightcade, I guess.
>Last 4th of july at a bbq
>Cook steaks a nice medium
>Cook some burgers medium as well
>None of my black friends and family touch them because they think it's "raw"
>Black cousin in law cooks his own, chars his meat to a crisp
>Everyone else asks him to cook theirs the same way
>Only me and my wife enjoy the way I cooked it


fighting games
>implying fightcade isnt unplayable beyond low tiers
nigger you come to miami and tell me how you stay dry doing anything
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