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Dota 2 gulag /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 787
Thread images: 230

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Latest patch: http://store.steampowered.com/news/22385/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

Cosmetic items: http://dota2lounge.com/
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>3 memes early
Why is pugna such a lewd loli?
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rip shitty game2.png
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Condolences dotards. You had a good run.
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Is tonight the night?
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How can I improve my gpm and xpm?

also post your stats this patch
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remember to max press the attack
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Awoo~ for Matumbaman this weekend!
I'm going to assume you're going to post this ever thread until you get a reply, so take mine.
damn Lycan

nth for Traxex is the best waifu
dota should be described as an RPG not as RTS
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I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Suddenly I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
/d2g/ what is better?

>curse the road
farm fast
Run, are you stupid?
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Looks like Ineska got V1lat a little slav
never speak to me or my cheeki breeki ever again
obviously run
tfw your relationships with girls are worse than dogs
run you fucking 2k shitter
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Does anyone on eu wanna play? Some normals or customs or bots or anything
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post dotabuff
did they fug?
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feels good.jpg
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this is the second one I've ever gotten
>my legs are ooga but the road is booga
Every time.
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Post Steam qt
Where do you guys friends Dota friends?
207425428 dota2 friend id
I don't
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that anime girl is really hot

4chan has finally beaten me
Well add me then if you wanna play
>tfw 1k mmr
>tfw don't enjoy playing carries so I can't grind out of here
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r8 my desktop guys
first you need to acquire a gf
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What did he mean by this?
Oops, i forgot to post my steam, here
play impact supports like Tidehunter, etc.
Any retard carry can hit enemies if they're stunned forever.

t. someone who climbed to 2k
Threadly reminder that despite being a few years old and apart from a few outdated points, this video's criticism is still on point
get out dirty redditor
But my gf gets really sweaty whenever she plays dota and I get hard from smelling her at a distance so I want to know how lewd they smaell up close.
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if youre matched against me when im playing terrorblade, you best believe

youre gonna get pulverized
me ooga
team booga
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What went wrong?
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Get rid of shitposts with this one trick shitposters don't want you to know!
>you pick carry
>your support if you ever get one steals last hits, pushes the lane and never pulls
>you pick support
>your carry is an absolute retard who can't last hit for shit and first picked phantom assassin playing her for the first time

I hate how you can only pick an offlaner or mid in pubs, but you still have to rely on the other 4 not being russian-tier retarded.

Also why is treant a fucking blast to play ? I almost have as fun as if I was playing a non-support hero only if your carry is not russian
Dota is the best custom game.
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my cuckolding girlfriend
>Valve listen to reddit
>end up wasting a lot of time and money
wow who coulda thunk
someone post sheever sextape
>tfw my shitpost has never been on this list
Flattered desu
Just pick a character like NP or Brood and just play a PVE pushing game, ignore your team and win solo.

It's how I climbed from 500mmr to 5000
Or you could just go to reddit.
There's something wrong with it? Aren't there thousands of people playing custom modes at every given time?
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Come Home White Man
if you're not good enough to win games at that skill level, you belong there
hard truth
>e + rmb
Which champ am I talking about?
There's a couple of ways to look at it. On one hand, customs are much harder to make than in WC3, so there's less of them, but on the other hand, there's really ambitious stuff being worked on (like the WC3 remake), so what comes out should be on the level of the best stuff the WC3 customs scene had to offer, or better.

Also I'd like Valve to remake Ability Draft and All Random Deathmatch as custom game modes because they fit there better, and make more game modes in general. Maybe they should find ways to give small rewards for playing customs, too.
Only have to post this 10 more times and you'll earn a WHOLE penny!
he got nerfed senpai
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All of the non-supports? I haven't played overwatch
I can't win a game just with my own skill, especially with a support. If the whole team is raging retarded, and I'm only decent at best, then I cannot win
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that's a big dog
LoL - 225k
CS:GO - 100k
HeartStone - 76k
Dota 2 - 41k
WoW - 35k
Dead by Daylight - 30k
Overwatch - 30k

Man things went back to normal fast

Overwatch couldn't even stay on top for more than a month
>I can't win a game just with my own skil
Which is why you're at that skill level you dunce.
i need more
if you were more skilled and had more game-winning impact than those players that you call retarded (regardless of your or their role), then you would win more and eventually not get matched with them at all
you are in those games for a reason

worry about your own play, look at what YOU can do to win
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If they gave us the ability to create new items and heroes for custom games I'd be happy. I've got a lot of hero ideas I'd like to implement. I could do it now but I would have to remove existing heroes which isn't what I want.
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dotards btfo.webm
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thats cos lorik isn't streaming it lmao
The system is clearly working
>le popular steamers viewership matters
those views only go where the steamer goes try again ;)

and no the same can't be said about singshit he gets horrible viewership when he ain't doing dota 2
I know I just wanted post the fat pussy.

But seriously though he gets a lot more viewers when overwatching than other shit
source: Activision :^)

12 million people still play calla dooty lmao ur dead game can't even surpass that
Do you sometimes get tired of playing with your shitter friends?
>source: Activision :^)

And? We're supposed to believe Valves numbers about 13 million players this month?

Stop deluding yourself retard Overwach just came out, it'll probably have 15 million by next month or two.
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>Go mid with Jakiro
>Ward to have some highground vision
>Hit level 5
>buy to play

They already won when 10 million people decided to spend 40$+ on it not counting cosmetics

how do i git gud
>play with LoLfags stack
>none of them has tp
>tell them to buy it multiple times
>instead of buying tp they report me
You think you want LoL to die but you don't want to. And overwatch is a blessing to magnetize retards like LoL and keep dota clean.
Why haven't you found a girlfriend yet, /d2g/?
I don't leave my room I'm fat and only 5k
who's that scorching fellow?
>Zero socializing skills to even talk with women, even less if I haven't met them
>Don't know what to ask
>If I bring up my tastes at some point in the conversation, she'll get up and leave

I may as well just decide to perform some genetic mutation on myself to become an asexual organism.
hey anon can you post that one image please.
When is APEM going to get added?
Valve's numbers are significantly more believable, least of all because they're not only shown when they look good.
Hey faggots, can you post your keyboard settings so I can copy? This QWER thing makes me unable to use unity groups
who's that?
Because I want a cute trap doturd bf :3
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This one?
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I suffer from major social anxiety since my last gf broke up with me so I barely leave my house.
wtf is a unity group?
>V, Mouse 4, X, Space, 4, c
When did Red become a furfag?
You know, your summons group, like bear, wolfs, illusions
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not to mention 3rd party steam stats sites
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all doters are best girl
>being a faggot

lmao tb h
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>4.5k avg mmr game
>luna levels eclipse at 6 and first level of lucent beam at 8

Explain this Dotards.

>control groups?
I use 1,2,3 like everyone else.
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>no broodmother getting sexed
yeah nice try
there's literally nothing wrong with furries
What about your inventory?
dragons don't even have fur though...
certain sub-species can

t. dragon researcher
Broodmother does the sexing though you dunce.
>fur faggotry
>be female
>impregnate others
Valve fucked up
All Dota 2 related
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lolbabby here, how do I play invoker?
I often forget that hero exists
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>It is a 'sit and wait for enemy team's carry to make one mistake and go pick a free win' rerun

Why is it so popular though?
why don't you go into the demo mode with him and figure it out yourself
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>player in your team has a sports team logo/shirt as profile pic
Just practice in demo mode till you get a couple of combos down, other then that he plays like a normal hero.
control groups 1234567890
items zxcvg spacebar
skills qwerdf

select hero f1 (ends up bound to 1)
select all other units f2 (ends up bound to 2, 3, 4... depending on # of units)
select courier f3 (tried to switch this with f4, but muscle memory is too strong)
select all units f4 (ends up bound to 3, 4, or 5... depending on how many groups are used for units)

I end up binding everything to control groups, but it's good to have those on f1-f4 so I can quickly select them before they're bound to a group
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>enemy team has more anime profile pics than your team
you're missing out desu
I want to touch her fluffy tail.
stop posting lewd i'll get fired :(
how do i make a key select all other units except my hero
>demo mode

Come on don't tease the poor guy
>people not using 1,2,3,x,c,mouse5 for inventory and 4,5,T for control group

Demo mode, alternatively:
try looking in the options menu
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>try to fuck Venge
>she swaps genitals with you
>fucks her own pussy with your dick and impregnates you
This is my fetish dotards
I don't play microheroes, I don't need them
need more than 3 control groups on some heroes imo
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Is a microhero like a microaggression?
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me too
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are we hype?
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I don't even understand why people report me. I don't flame or shitpost with 'gg wp' spam

and that abandon was because of based valve servers
I don't give a fuck about casters as long as Kaci is at the main event
It's because you are bad. I all chat every game and only get like 1 or 2 a week.
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>you literally could have a hot gf if you put all your dota time into something constructive
Oh look another BTS invites all their butt buddies for free monies :^)

Sheever being the anal queen of course.
Jesus no how awful
At least we got OD/Dad I guess and charlie on the panel.
Hopefully sheever will save the show by being unintentionally lewd.
How the fuck do you Skywrath mid?

Is it even possible? This nigger can't farm and I can't seem to find that 1 or 2 items that enable his solo kill. Seems like only blink hex or shadowblade hex would wok, but hex is super expensive and has such a shitty buildup that idk if it's viable at all
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page 2
No ass, no interest.

The only good thing about this is the lack of Redeye
post dotabuff
That might be it.
How are long-timers like Tobi and Lumi not right at the top of the list?
>no yames

what happened to the EU hub....
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>tfw no dota gf
Shit, got me there
WIll you be my gf?
i usually defend dota but this is where i draw the line
game is dead
>inviting a baby

Oh boy can't wait for this faggot to try to force his kid on screen for muh lol cute baby points. Kill yourself and your kid
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Shitters who pick this fucking hero.

>NEVER level stun
>NEVER join teamfights
>NEVER even fucking push
>Just afk farm

Can we just fucking remove this shit hero already? Nobody likes him and nobody likes to play him.
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look on page 2
llama is coming
so is anee "a solid 8 out of 10" droid
I wonder what its like being an attention whoring woman
>Seve "MRP" Bisogni



>no 2gd at the ti hub
just epic dotards
Have there been doggies before and I just missed them?
>that alch who just farms all game and never fights with his superior gpm
>we lose
I hate this community so much.
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post more lewds
Alt + QWEASD item hotkey master race.
Is this the one where Lycan wolf is taking her from behind?
Russian streams are god-tier


I don't get it, there are so many potentially hot dota heros...

Why her?
Based Grant making it into the big leagues
Can't wait till he's on the analyst desk at TI this year.
>fat and a jew
>irish who
>token female 2
>token female 3
>fucking maut
>2 fags
>lmao so quirky x3

Could this year pannel be any fucking worse holy shit
Post a Hero you are 60% or higher Winrate with! DO IT NOW!
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my dick
cuz she a cute!
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thanks dude
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fuck... mines SpiritBreaker. love the new scaling buff on his Bash.
degeneracy does NOT belong in /d2g/
This is the shitty NA knockoff, what do you expect?
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Bless you
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>so is anee "a solid 8 out of 10" droid

8.5* :^)
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>our boy Grant got invited
God I hope he triggers Llama and the other whale so hard
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Maybe it's you who doesn't belong here buddy
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How did Lumi get into such events again? He hasn't been right in the head for something like 3 years. But perhaps they want his casts for comedic value.
Whoever is posting all the lewd pictures God bless you my friend.
source for this?
LD probably feels bad for him and still feels indebted to him. Without Lumi, LD wouldn't be where he is.

Lumi even had a falling out with his long time friend nebula because he chose LD over him to cocast the TI2 grand finals.
That's Lanaya, the Templar Assassin.
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>* Agility increased from 16 to 22

What did he mean by this?
Grant is not "our guy" fuck off with that racist piece of shit.
I can't find the ench pic
That you should fucking farm his ass off with stats+glaives build
yeah the image
dotards are so dumb
That's Lanaya having fun with a horse

hint: they are in Russia
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postmodern costanza.jpg
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thanks that helped not at all
t. llamadownunder's mentally ill """girlfriend"""
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These are her feet.
but she looks decent in the pic shown on the BTS site
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>'solid' 8.5
ty, saved to my anneedroid folder :^)

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>water bottle
I want to feed her peanut-butter ice cream while she gives me a handy!
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I kinda want to know what her butt smells like desu
Why is there no pic of that axe crying laugh thing that valve added with the latest emote set
Can anyone tell me how in the bloody hell is Le Passive Terrasque Fish balanced?

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This was like 2 years ago. She's lost alot of weight.
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I think this might be a man tbqhwyfp
wew would fuck tbqhwyfamilia
How do you decide when to wager and how much?

Is it just like the in the bag stuff ?
>Zyori back
>Rumi back
>Blaze tier 5 caster
>Shane aka why am i here irishman
>MRP literal who? like seriously i have never heard of this guy
>Kotl still looking for Connor
>2 token females
>Ryuu boor ass
>some shitskin literal who from the previous euhubs
Shaping up to be the worst one yet.
Because you had ONE (1) hero who could lock him down and you let him die a lot.
Why didn't the tinker have a hex?
I only bet tokens when I'm confident enough with the draft I'm playing with or if I'm playing with friends.

Otherwise I never bet tokens.
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Would you lick her dirty feet?
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at least post the webm
>all these ugly dykes suddenly casting
I'm sorry I ever criticized Sheever I take it all back she was fine just keep things the way they were ;_;
Due to the constant shitposting on the thread me and a number of fellow members of this general have decided to create a Discord server for our community.

Come and join the OFFICIAL /d2g/ discord!

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>Aui to Secret

JUST: the team
better than Bulba thouhg


Not cute also a man >>145683228



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Reminder that ESL One Frankfurt broadcasting starts in about 12,5 hours.

Sleep accordingly, NEET friends

Slark's the new Storm Spirit of pubs. The only thing you can do is pick his counter.
The thing is storm spirit didn't have a real counter.
Slark does.
Well, I'm glad he's alive.
he IS a ti5 winning support after all
Wait so is Bulba not playing on the active roster or is Aui just a coach?
>There are no pro UK players.

Why is this?
>wake up
>no 6.89

save me from this hell
what about beesa
Uh, you do realize that Beesa has been destroying the entire NA scene aside from DC/CoL recently, right?
which team was he on at manila
lmao get put in place Amerilards

Britain > muh freedoms
Beating up anyone in the NA scene isn't an achievement lmao

Theres a reason why only EG was considerd the only good NA team for a good while
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>wake up
>no patch
What went wrong? I was the zeus
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>guy picks pugna
>"can i mid ty"
>shitter picks qop out of no where
>dual lane mid
>enemy support lion has more farm than both of them
Do people unironically care about play mid this much or did I get memed on? Are there actually people that would rather lose than play any other role apart from their oh so precious mid and carry?
And you're not getting one until the brink of despair after the 2-3 month post-TI depression period kicks in.
>hating on based autism_our_boy_5000000

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Well, there are some cool guys there but I'll probably end up muting the stream half of the time because of these new dykes etc.

I want to flop by half hard chode on top of her face and watch her breathe in my scent with that big jew nose.
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I would hit that Llama pussy any day famiglia
is troll back
>prizepool just passed 12 million
>no one even talking about it

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Nobody fucking cares. TI is still far away, the pricepool will keep rising until it starts. WOW WE REACHED 13 MILLION LIKE NOBODY EXPECTED IT TO HAPPEN

Shut the fuck up
Tell me when it reaches 20m
this game is fucking dead, dude. move on.
people see themselves as above everyone and want to play mid, not realising their cancerous attitude is something that is holding them back. another problem is that at least in mid if you snowball and your team is bad you have a small shot at winning, whereas if you are playing support and your carry can't lasthit, you're fucked because you can't impact the game as meaningfully as a player who genuinely cannot play can do, and people tend to tilt about this so even if they had a chance of winning it goes out the window
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>we’ve recently taken action against one or more players you’ve previously reported for bad conduct..
>not even one bkb
Why the hell should I care? There aren't even stretch goals and it will surpass that buy another 6 million or so.
top kek she got BTFOd hard

Same as when people do qop cosplays and don't have the skin color right, then its just a shit tier cosplay
>gg mid no gang report

those are the games you very likely CANNOT win

therefore, no matter what hero you picked, you should immediately lose any hope of playing well / winning, because that will only lead to rage and anger.

do your own thing, use the opportunity to test things in jungle for example, anything, and think of the next game.

those people do not deserve their team mates to do their best, treat it as a bot game.
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condolences, shills
Based males have been dominating the cosplay hard lately. Females on suicide watch.
>tfw my friend only plays Enchantress (over 70 matches) and everytime I think of her I masturbate furiously to WET DOE CUNT
>tfw I will never fuck her while she is cosplaying as Enchantress
i have 12 commends what do i do with them
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>nearly 5kmmr
>still being matched with retards who put multiple points into centaur's return or ck crit before maxing out other abilities
>lunas that don't max beams first, even when getting their ultimate
>necros that max their aura first

What the fuck is this? Are there that many people having others boost their accounts or something?
You can convert them to reddit gold
Does anyone here like Dota 2?
stop stacking with retards nyter
Ask her to do the voice and read her voice lines for fun, but secretly record it and use it for fap material later.
these people lose all their reasoning when they see what a cute semen demon you are and lose their ability to play
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But I don't stack with anyone.
Now Overwatch on the other hand. That's a real video game with a fun and competitive atmosphere
>Maxing Heartstopper first
lmao enjoy pushing mid all the time
>d2g still thinks they can escape the retards
stack with me :3
I do.
I do, but I am Peruvian
Jesus i feel you, i get thoose kind of games from time to time and its fucking suffering as shit, you cant have a normal game like that
anyone have that ayesee copy pasta i can't find it
It's le epic matchmaking where everyone is happy, i had people refusing to buy tps after a streak of wins. They had free slots and we were against n prophet.
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>play dota
>peruvian instalocks carry
>autistic role playing homosexual westerner instalocks jungle carry midas



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>Riki and Bounty Hunter are not picked
Time to jungle
i do but i like anime too
Insiderbro here

Aui is a second coach he's not on the team
when is the LC comic coming out?
is there a better feel than seeing the enemy shitters get fucked after you used your spells and they still tunnel vision you while ur team pounds their face in?
>your team loses lanes 4v5
>get surprised when your team dies a lot
>call them noobs because you obviously did your job of attacking npc animals perfectly
sorry anon that necro was probably me. I max heart stopper sometimes because I feel like it. Then proceed to do nothing for the first 30 minutes and require my team to carry me.
>t. 2k shitter
I love this line so much and I every time I hear it I want to play Clinkz but every time I do I get fucking destroyed; wat do /d2g/?
Who the actual fuck is Annedroid?
people do 5man lanes in your bracket?
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these dumb fucking CUNTS need to get stuffed with a big black cock right the fuck now
its your passion dressing like a fucking preschool carneval kid? your poorfag costume sucks and you have an ugly dyke face CUNT
how many dicks did these CUNTS have to suck to get that gig anyway, human garbage
why does sing dress like a fag always?
That's just how manlets look m8
>>t. 2k shitter
>t. 3k shitter
>hurr why isn't he wearing a tshirt and cargo shorts

americans everyone
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>>>t. 2k shitter
>>t. 3k shitter
>t. 4k shitter
>pick clinkz
>get 30 kills
>still lose because you spent too much time spookywalking around enemy jungle and not enough time taking objectives
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Sing is bald now.
That's why he wasn't streaming with cam.
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What was his name again?
>>>>t. 2k shitter
>>>t. 3k shitter
>>t. 4k shitter
>t. 5k shitter
After over 1,5 Years im in LPQ... haha fuck this Report System... and im muted even i didnt talked in any game

I like low pri tbqhwyf
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>wake up
>no mirana in my bed
it hurts more every day guys...
he is the best dota player

I get reported 10 times per summary and I havent gotten LPQ, i also abandon once between said summaries.

Step up senpai
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it works as intended buy more compendium levels
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Reminder to sit up straight
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>alchemist will be a top pick at frankfurt
what did he mean?!?
he's the best player on liquid

who would've thought
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too bad his captain could only instapick slardar every fucking game in the finals what a fucking shitter hoyl fuck
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I can sleep next to you qt!
I got 3 reports for playing spirit breaker as support, you mean I've been worrying for nothing?
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and whats that exactly?
I used to be a good boy and rarely got reported so maybe it keeps track over time as well to know how quickly it dunks you into LPQ, or maybe they're undeserved.

Undeserved reports usually dont give u LPQ or punishment but they do count on the summary
Slark can't be countered, he can only be inconvenienced
when's our guy thorin gonna make another dota piece?
>30 minute stomp
Is this the worst meta in dota history?
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anyone know if you can do quests in 1v1 mode?
Anti-Mage has
>FREE diffusal blade
>FREE blink dagger
>FREE hood of defiance

How can any other carry even compete?
thorin is an irrelevant nobody who feeds on drama and edgy 12 year olds liking his """""banter"""""
Fuck off Thorin
>american """"""""""""""""""dress code"""""""""""""""""""
Sup guys I know I might not get an answer but It doesn't hurt try.

Lately I've experienced an issue when playing Dota 2 and this game only. Sometimes my game becomes laggy and Windows 7 starts beeping from the speakers / headphones, the beeps are consecutive and not really high pitched. In this process my mouse and keyboard completely lose responsiveness so I can't move the hero nor the map around. It usually recovers some seconds later but obviously I'm usually dead when It does.

Anyone know what It might be causing it? I've heard it might be that the USB ports get overloaded with inputs and Windows can't handle it but I'm not sure about it.
>168k followers on twitter
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where are the fucking immortals chotto matte
wraith king has FREE daedalus, FREE vladimir's offering, and FREE aegis of the immortal
I didn't know that Mana Break had an active that purged and slowed
>free kill with one stun
My old computer did this when shit got cuh-razy on screen, PoE was a big offender
Never figured it out though
can you get a tripcode I so don't need to see this fucking retarded fluffy shit
shut the fuck up swedecuck
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get shrekt brony
>free vanguard
>still buys vanguard

nice hero
I'm talking about in dota

those are all csgo and lol kids

he literally jumps from game to game exploiting children and no one catches on
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>you'll never go around the world with your doto nakamas, crush everyone, party and fuck slutty trap escorts
why even live?
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post outdated memes
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Mostly bad players.
Good players would push their advantage and end the game at first really beneficial spike.
I.E 12 or 22 minutes into your game.
>tfw people hate tho'le banter man'rin
He might be annoying sometimes and talking shit he knows nothing about, but hes our guy
who watching EternalShitstain here

this kid is so SHIEEEEWT
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Best item: Hurricane pike
Good item: Urn of shadows, teleport scroll
Mediocre items: Everything else
Below mediocre items: Atos (needs buff)
Shit items: Linkens
Nik shut the fuck up
>tfw you fail to carry your game in low 4k

is Low Priority the place where you actually get good
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post Dota 2 related images
Wider MMR to get queue going, means that the chance of improving via imitation is more present.
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mhm yeah that looks like a good place to give ownership of my extremely competetive decisionmaking based game
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i don't know that feeling brother
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How do I get better at playing this game, or at least a good knowledge of the heroes, without actually playing the game?
I have 700 hours, but I never even played all the heroes. I just want to get a lot of kills and kill streaks but I don't even have the game installed right now.
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did you say FREE?
what's the 6.88 meta now
I want to read some nice blog
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delete this
Hood of Defiance (1725) + Veil of Discord (2240) + Chainmail (550) = Nocta's Shroud (4515)
>+13 All Attributes
>+13 HP regen
>+13 Armor
>+13 Damage
>+39% Magic Resist
>Active: Shroud
>Covers target area in fog of war to enemy players for 8 seconds. Enemy units can only see 200 range into it. Enemies who pass through the fog get a debuff that grants -25% magic resistance and -25% magic damage dealt to enemies.
>Also grants a magic barrier that absorbs 325 magic damage.
>50 mana 1200 range 900 radius 8 duration (16 debuff duration) 20 cooldown
Today I didn't play dota.
I studied for a while, watched some streams (I wish attacker streamed for longer) and laughed at some normal skill bloggers on /d2g/ and it was generally quite fun.
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was TI5 EG the best dota team of all time?
>armor and magic resist item
What do you study senpai?
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>Vladimir's Offering
>It's a cowl, not an offering
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>there are people IN THIS THREAD that don't like nahaz
There's a thick, firm vein/line growing under the head of my dick and I can't stop masturbating long enough to see if it goes away
i love sniper but not picking it in ranked, how are you doing, picking it last to avoid too many heroes jumping on you? and about itembuild?
why don't you just buy +hp items lmao
hp guards against both physical and magic damage AND pure damage
forced 50 gonna be a nightmare, might as well jsut stop playing while you are still high on victory

i dont think any person could take that many losses and keep on living
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>wanting to speak dutch
Tell me more
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>When forced 50 dictates your team should win even though it played like shit and objectively should have lost
dotards how big is the black hole buff
Is Kermit trying to reform Speed Gaming?
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for pros its big, expect him to be one of the most picked banned heroes in esl
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Who cares what some shit game's characters are called?
you think aghs is viable now?
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What's the core build on sniper right now?
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Dont play on use servers please, it hurts to play there and calm down and relax
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i played against a carry omni today, he maxed repel by level 7, rushed radiance and despite 1/12 score he claimed he raped us when his ancient went boom
Same as it ever was, mom blink and then just stack Maelstroms
depends on how you like to play

mek no
blink yes
>easy build up
>decent stats
>+ armor
>+ magic res
>always relevant active
>active needs only 50 mana
people will literally argue who to buy it
there is no reason not to have 1 on your team and it works on everyone but your hard carry, just because they'll want the slot for something else
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>1 KB
how is this possible, can we go lower?
dragon lance, mom, maelstrom x 100
I played with an enigma in my team earlier today, its a retarded change and if you put midnight pulse ontop of the hole..
lowest is like 28 B or something
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You can relax and play some comfy dota with me, cutie! I'll treat you right!
>Heroes of the Storm
the fuck are you on about
I think i know who you are and i dont think you would play dota with me. Even if you would we couldnt play it today
>wake up
>it's 2026

Is dota still around?
>aghs blqck hole with a midnight pulse underneath deals 600 + 44% of max health as pure damage
Dunno man
Based Hiro trying to tap into that ant demographic
Nah, dota isn't haram. It won't be allowed in ten years time.
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>Troll is back
t. Kalle 2016

is he right?
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meme this supreme.webm
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Why is aui signed up with secret?
>Implying Peru or Russia will be ismalic countries
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>nerf a non-op hero because shitters cried about it
love this :)
what's the minimum HP you'd need to survive a refresher aghs black hole with midnight pulse?

good nerf more heroes power creep is the death of this game
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>tfw you will never DP DP :_:
just tp out
does geminate still do the thing where your attacks keep hitting the enemy until they die if you're really far away
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you die
Secret is literally team rejects at this point
Those who resist will be wiped off the face of the earth
Its because of the hurricane pike
>people still doubt troll being back
so a 5 man black hole instantly teamwipes the other team regardless of anything?

fucking scary
no its the hurricane pike

but this webm is a meme, the scenario is completely retarded, it will never happen

if a weaver accomplished to get that much farm, he simpyl woudlnt need to do that shit
im talking about like if you attack someone and get sent back to base your attacks used to take so long to hit that geminate would proc endlessly
>Fighting Russia
>Mudslims will be so retarded to fight Russia during Winter
Even so, Russia would just nuke them
Nah they fixed that one.
if you can pull it off yes
and yet hurricane pike is still extremely good on weaver without the meme

>gives the stats that weaver desperately needs
>gives him a burst of huge dps
>swarm provides the vision to offset the drawback of hurricane pike
>lets you stack damage items with geminate and not need attack speed items since it gives +100%
>gives him the attack range he needs a bunch
>can force staff away when silenced
>can pike someone and time lapse out and kill them if they're at ~500 hp
>Lose a game
>Disconnect while ancient is dying
>Time it perfectly so you can leave the second the game ends
>Someone forts
it's easy to pull off in pubs
its beyond raw hp values, u need damage reduction effects
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t-that sounds very lewd
Oh i didnt know that, not sure really
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>we are losing hard
>play some clarinet on open mic to motivate team
>they start feeding to end it faster
no geminate only procs on attack casts not on attacks landing.
>Necro maxing aura

There's nothing wrong with it as long as the Necro participates in teamfights. Even supports would doubt entering a fight where they lose 100hp just by standing near him.
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How do we fix Bloodseeker?
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delete this
>75 winrate
No surprise there
it deals 105% of your max HP to you as pure damage + 1200 pure damage, then if you stay in the midnight pulses after black hole ends you take another 10.5% of your HP per second in damage

theres a 0.4+ second gap between the first black hole ending and the second black hole beginning even if enigma does it perfectly, so you can escape with something as little as a force staff
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no way
>Wanting it any other way
You mean German?
its not a guaranteed kill

besides damage reduction like bristleback & dispersion, you could just regenerate through it. A level 16 alchemist regenerates 63% of his max HP in the 8 seconds of black hole for example
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>tfw the moba fad is finally over
How worth it is to go for timber agha when you could go for octarine first?
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>The CM voice actor uses two clearly different voices for CM and the announcer pack
It's splash damage, not cleave, and not worth buying
He still has no damage in lane
Ching chong ping pong to you too.
what are we doing, making pretzel shapes?
I can't read ching chong anon
PogChamp ▬▬ι══════ﺤ 竜神の剣を喰らえ
delete this
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Black king bar.png
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>THIS item is getting worse every patch yet it's recipe cost isn't getting reduced.
Explain this Doturds?
aghanims is always better

timber needs to transition from being immortal robot godzilla in early game to being a goodsniper in lategame
if timber ever gets close to the enemy team lategame he fucking dies

lategame your whole contribution is 2x chakrams, you need bloodstone -> aether lens -> aghanims -> octarine for maximum chakram effect
CLQ stream
should meepo be safelane or mid? what does w33 do?
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>tfw unsure if I actually contributed to the victory or was carried by a booster
Wrongest post of the day
safely jungle 6:30 travels > laning

dont forget to -refresh
>be frail glass cannon carry
>this item used to be all that prevented PA from instagibbing me

Am I supposed to just stack hearts now
Generally from what I've seen, w33 goes mid for the first 3 or so minuets then goes to jungle at level 3 or 4
go 0/1/0/0 then save skillpoints until level 3 so you can go 0/2/0/1
>get silenced and stunned
>get right clicked for 2 seconds
you have aoe laguna blades on 6 cooldown from 1600 range away
if you get close to the enemy team they kill you instantly
if you stay far away you keep spamming chakrams

32 armor 32 regen is only godlike when people have 80 damage at level 7 lmao not when the enemy carry has 3000 dps and 4 second stuns

what good is your timber if he eats 1 shackleshot + focus fire and dies in half the duration of the stun?
why not just go jungle with iron talon at level 1?
he hits level 3 nearly as fast as a laner does without wasting your solo mid
you're sabotaging your team by using up mid and then abandoning it. Meanwhile just start with iron talon + tangos and you'll be level 3 by the time you run out of mana for poofs
is it gay to play dota with a 6 inch purple dildo shoved all the way up my tight, hardly-used boipussy?

asking for a friend
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Dota Warlorad.jpg
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ur suppsed to pick hero that can smack PA's pussy
>teammate bounty hunter goes carry build


you are just a walking ult
He gets iron talon. The thing is, a single meepo at level one is a weak motherfucker. He jungles slow as dicks.
And he doesn't abandon the mid, he tells somebody else to take it. The game where he last had 1200 GPM and went 15/0/15 or something, he sent his doom to get mid XP
no hero jungles slow as dicks with iron talon and a spammable aoe spell at level 1
you're looking at what, 30-60 seconds difference of hitting level 3? except the jungling meepo actually has 300-400 more gold to show for it
is it gay? yes

is it any different from normal dota? pretty much the same
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How can one hero just be so shit? Rework when?
there is a difference
you dont have to wait even one sec to realize you are getting fucked
our guy is LIVE and eating brown rice
post the match
>Stack Hearts
>le balanced cyclops chicken
Can't rework his ult because lol golem cosmetics
Can't rework upheaval because lol immortal

That leaves fatal bonds and shadow word to be reworked into this kit, unless you want to make golems a non-ult somehow
tfw on an 8 game winstreak but I still feel empty inside
Daily Reminder to vote for FDL
it's our chance to see more of our favorite gulagite at LAN on stream
pretty sure they didn't count right
how about if his golems didn't suck fucking dicks and the enemy carry didn't just right click them to death in 2 seconds?
they're slightly tankier than lane creeps lmao
just look at this:

2x forged spirits at level 25 with aghanims:
>1000 hp, 92 damage, 755 range
2x warlock golems at level 25 with aghanims:
>1350 hp, 94 damage, melee range

warlock golems should have 70% magic resist and a shield that makes attacks and spells against them deal a maximum of 100 damage per instance so they can only die to being overwhelmed not by one carry right clicking them in 2 seconds or a couple aoe spells being hurled around
someone ask CLQ about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr6XwpzdTCY
fuck off shill
Upheaval should do some DoT

Fatal bonds needs to be put into the trash in favor of something useful like a strong purge or a buff ability that synergies with roc

Shadow word is pretty good so no need to change it
>1-3k shitter
>4k occasional competence
>5k plurality of competence
>6k general competence
>7k gud
So can you give me some sniper tips? How do you build him? How can you keep winining in your bracket?
Oh nice, you get some free votes.
Thank fuck I won't have to give money to those jews.
how to fix upheaval in 6.89:

>Now in addition to slowing movespeed by 7/14/21/28% per second, also slows attack speed by 7/14/21/28% and deal 7/14/21/28 damage per second per second, Upheaval attack speed and DoT not capped at 84%
how's our boy rtz holding up?
>someone thought this is a good idea
Dmg doesn't even have to scale as long as it stops people from just blinking out.
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Enjoy your incoming nerfs troll mains, they know.
how prevalent is cheating in dota 2?
can I jungle troll?
>i told d2g troll is op the day the patch was released
>all i got was people making fun of me
i told you faggots to get your free mmr when no one expects it
when you say something, you automatically think what would the person who though exatcly the opposite from would say.

does this happen to you too?
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>Can't rework his ult because lol golem cosmetics

I just fucking realized that this might be a legit 'reasoning' from Valve's behalf

Holy fucking shit I hate Valve
there is zero cheating dota

we have always been at war with eastasia
I have 2438 hrs and have never seen one if that answers your question.
It is stupid how things like tombstone can never be reworked because they have a cosmetic associated with them. There are a shit ton of spell effects and immortals that prevent or restrict reworks
>VEG are in a position to get an invite as one of the only NA teams who actually managed to not kick a player in the last few months.
Jesus, get your fucking scene together burgers.
The game is almost entirely server-side, so there's basically no cheating.
What little there is can hardly be called "cheating"
What if there was an ability in Dota that allowed a heroes passives to always proc 100% for like 5 seconds?
hold up
you guys would actually want golems to be removed or something? it's the most iconic part of the hero and just needs some numbers tweaked
There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with tombstone though?
They will get BTFO by any team that comes from Qualifiers anyways
Not tombstone specifically, i was just giving an example
This just might be the stupidest idea I've ever seen this hellhole give birth to.
They're just mad about hatz
Typical poorfag retards :^)
Yea, they basically need to have their EHP tripled at the very least.
Still, I think Warlock needs a rework of sorts because he's an extremely awkward hero.
>remove auto exec
>invoker pick rate drops from 60% to 25%

there are som cheats, dont know if the auto exec removed them

stuff like techies cheat and the intant hex/silence
Who's a good player streaming right now? I want to learn
It's the principle.

You cant rework a skill because it has fucking hats.

Fucking hell
wow rude it sounded cool in my head
>>remove auto exec
lol you can still use macros easily and the scripts that hackers were using are still usage

the only people who used configs for auto invoker spells were literally 2k retards
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pictures of SHEEVER
Name ONE other skill besides tombstone.

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Rod of Atos (3100) + Oblivion Staff (1650) + Recipe (475) = Null Rod (5225)
>+45 Intelligence
>+400 Health
>+100% Mana Regeneration
>+15 Attack damage
>+10 Attack speed

>Active: Nullification
>Slows target hero by 60% and negates all positive buffs on them for 4 seconds
>1200 cast range 10 cooldown 50 mana cost
>Does not dispel buffs or prevent new buffs being placed, but instead makes all buffs on the target have no effect for 4 seconds.
>EX. If targeted on lycan during shapeshift, he'll lose his movement speed, critical strike chance, night vision and wolf model on his hero for 4 seconds, then regain it when nullification ends.
>Can target spell immune enemies and nullifies spell immunity given from buffs
>Cannot be dispelled.
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sheever looks for kittens.webm
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webums okay?
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does anyone have that clip from sheever's stream where she goes to the toilet and you can hear her pissing like a fucking racehorse?
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>It's the principle.

You nerds will whine about anything
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>this procing 100% of the time
>for 5 seconds
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does anyone have that sheever webm
you know that one?
Stone Remanent
Lighting Remanent
Ember Remanent
I love Dota but i fucking hate the community and players sometimes.

you lot can be damned idiotic at times.
speaking of cosmetics

why doesn't WK get a custom tombstone when he respawns

baka valve why do I gotta do your job thats the easiest immortal ever
In what fucking way is void balanced right now?
A safe lane wich ensures him a good amount of farm makes him a killing machine by 20 mins.
>Essence Aura 100% proc
lmao FREE mana for the team?
Removing autoexec did nothing, I have macros straight in my keyboard where I can configure them.

I don't understand why Valve made it so that people without such keyboards can't use macros

It's pretty bullshit
Saving it for when the one true king wins the rigged btw arcana contest

The arcana will make him respawn as skeleton king btw
>eating like a peasant

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Who are these people? Could add Llama to the list, but I've at least heard of her due to all the posting a couple weeks ago.
mostly because people dont really need a macro to execute some basic combo
how do lords eat?
what does a dragonskull have to do with anything?
people who will work for free
Is there a more satisfying feeling when triggering a player to ruin the game lel
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How do we fyx nyx
are they starcrumpet refugees or something?
It's faggots like you who are always ruining my games, follow the skill/item builds that everybody else is doing if you can't theorycraft.
>friend gets muted
>"tell the team to do this"
>"tell the team to do that"
>"tell x to do y"

Nigga don't do shit to get yourself muted and tell them your fucking self.
this never happened. stop posting this in every thread.
just kys
you cant be seriously thinking this is in any way balanced
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I wonder what this webm is
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>do something outside trench 'meta'
>autist on the team completely melts down and throws the game 'out of principle'
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>null rod
>doesn't use a null talisman
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what if we introduced a new stat called Charisma and let it affect things like item prices
yes it did
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>xD those trenchshitters maxing death pulse first, they don't know about my super amazing max heartstopper aura build that even pros don't know about!
Please kill me.

Where is 2GD

fucking save this shit

>be alchemist
>max greed
>stack """""charisma""""" early game
>6 slotted by minute 15
Let it go my sweet little autist, just let it go
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>thinking 2GD will come back after the shit Valve pulled at TI
he already moved on to the better game Overwatch
watching chi long qua and he's pretty funny desu
good idea

what if the only way to improve charisma was to buy a 2.99$ box with .000001% of dropping 25 EXP

You need 100 EXP to level up your charisma and each level of charisma decreases prices by .1%
>try to play game on arcade
>server is invariably in peru
>peruvians in chat bitching about playing peruvian servers in spanish

fuck you gaben
I hope you get teamed up with a CLQ fanboy
Then we'll see who's laughing :^)
what if your charisma stat was affected by how many reports and commends you get
It keeps them out of real games
what if we added an ability for people to literally pay for MMR on the marketplace and terrain features that made juking and escaping easier?

oh right we already did
>what if we added an ability for people to literally pay for MMR

there is nothing wrong with this

>terrain features that made juking and escaping easier?

or this
>terrain features that made juking and escaping easier
>literally pay for MMR on the marketplace
What the fuck are you talking about
>terrain features that made juking and escaping easier
do you mean the gardens? it's barely noticeable, or are you too shit to know how to juke through trees?
>that glorious feel when you go from a 700+ ping connection and fuck your MMR to the ground, to a nice 40 ping connection and you start winning all your matches

its only a matter of time until i climb out of 1.5k MMR to my original 3k.
good. keep that shitter out of dota
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>this is what poorfags actually believe
niggy, if you need some fancy """"""""""""""""p2w"""""""""""""""" map to no where juke spots are, you're worse than a 2k shitter.
>maxing aura first
>when you could max an ability that both nukes enemies and heals your team
>when you could max an ability that makes you impossible to bully out of lane
the aura is honestly the worst ability you could max first, fucking sadist is more useful
you are actually retarded if you think his aura is better at harassing than his nuke + sadist
what the fuck is this playerbase?

>offlane void goes 0 14
>well played retard

then why did they kill mods for everyone just to stop the custom map terrains
why did you feel the need to say anything?

calm down spergo, it's just a game
You should probably think hard about why you're stuck at the same MMR as people like that :^)
dota is a safe space
please leave the game if you think telling the obvious is ok
You're just talking out of your ass now.
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>mfw no fun and comfy hub ever again

the same feeling that makes me praise people who actually played well?
So you got reported for talking shit
What's the problem? Did it hurt your feelings to get reported
It's not like you can get banned for it m8
Nuke + sadist is hard to maintain at levels where harassing matters. Either you pump sadist and do no damage, making sadist harder to prock; or you pump nuke and can't maintain it

Aura is effective the entire laning phase and straight fucks people up
>Added Undying Golem loadout idle and rare animations with adjusted head angles
>Added loadout rare animation to Lone Druid's True Form
>Added spawn animation for NP Treants
>Added stun and flail animations for Invoker Forged Spirits
That's kinda neat
>reddit complains about people using pumpkin maps
>shortly after valve kills mods (whitelist abandoned later)
>then sells map advantages


so its ok when you pay money for the advantage?
>Aura is effective the entire laning phase and straight fucks people up
You know what else it fucks? Creep equilibrium. Fuck outta here with your epic trench meme builds. There's no reason to ever get more than 1 level of it early.
>max sadist
>go offlane
>bullied out of lane by supports
>go mid
>lmao bottle idc about your shitty aura
>go safe lane
>lmao i have iron talon gl with your aura in fights
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muh safe space.png
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gg ez
i'd like to give annie "solid 8.5/10" leclair the BUSINESS
what advantage are you fucking talking about
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>overwatch losing in viewers to doto even with zero good strimmers strim
I find it actually disgusting that Motpax hasn't been invited to any LAN events in the last 6 months. Not only is he dedicated and hard-working, he's smart (he's got one of the highest prediction rates of any analysts in the drafting stage), easy going and great to listen to.

He's Canadian - so airfare isn't a huge concern (if he lived in a remote region of central Asia where it was $2000/ticket I'd be more understanding). He's independent, so even if people really hated <STUDIO X> he'd not be included in said hate; and he's definitely smart (he works alongside complexity on there stats preparation side, and has done so for over a year).
> June 13, 2016 - Valve
> Fixed Phantom Strike affecting couriers
> Fixed Wraithfire Blast damage over time

> June 16, 2016 - Valve
> Fixed Phantom Strike affecting couriers.
> Fixed Wraithfire Blast damage over time.

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these niggas need to write a book or some shit lmao

How to pretend to work: a Valve guide to advanced coding.
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I'll join in on the sheeverposting
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>hating on our guy
it's just a little airborne it's still good it's still good
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who here sheev?
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se Alliance vs. my Fnatic 9h 16m 2
eu Liquid vs. ru Vega 9h 16m 3
cn NewB vs. cn EHOME 9h 31m


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??? are you retarded or something
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Anyone want to carry me?
Also lewdstuff.

Email me your steam ID if you don't wanna post it here; [email protected]
Could you please list all the things he is "talented" at? Thanks.
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VG.R is playing in 3 hours, and I don't know about you, but I like the idea of a minidose before that.
daily reminder that if you are not a dotard you should kill self
interviews pretty on point tbqhfam
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jokes, memes, loud noises, cringe
Fy IS NOTHING without Fenrir.
Fenris IS NOTHING without Fy
2-1-2 should be a good build on Necro
this is armaa

dont add armaa
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They are your mandatory minority representatives.

A mexican, a muslim and a feminist/lesbian
Am not.
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Why didn't BTS invite any anime girls to the Qualifier Hub?
They were in Manila, so that's good enough for me.
He's talented at frightening introverted asian manlets onstage
how do i build naga?
Because they're a shitty """studio"""
because their cuteness would distract us from the games
Do you think Sven will get nerfed? He is the most popular carry atm with 55% winrate.

>implying that winrate matters

I've seen a lot of him and he's been winning a lot at 4.5 k at least
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How to fix necrophos in 6.89:

>Sadist Remade
>Now steals 5/10/15/20% of all damage dealt by necrophos as HP and mana spread out over 6 seconds
>Steals half as much on creeps
>counts all damage types including his aura
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tell me about armaa
he's been busy breeding the female csgo players in the secret house
Heroes aren't balanced around pub winrates, lad.
>literally who
>lisp gook
>literally who
This panel is a hate crime.
I'm glad she embraced the whole slutty milf/secretary thing it looks good for her and my dick.
Yes but its not as fast as you would like to
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How to fix Doom

>Doom now instantly kills a target enemy hero upon cast.
>Cooldown increased to 240 seconds at all levels
>Cast range decreased to 200
why is meepo such a gay piece of shit hero
no matter how many times we kill that faggot at minute 50 he can just poof and kill any carry
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Bulba is one lucky fucker. Shame she's into brown dick.
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I think you're on to something.
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you are ______
who's the fat slut
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How to fix doom: 4 points in devour allows you to devour ancients
so if you do 1k damage to a hero and kill him you get 200 hp over 6 secs ?
if it works like that you'd need to do 1800 damage to a hero and kill him to get the current hero kill hp regen of 360 ?
what if Doom could devour towers
Tinker + Kunkka.
Find a flaw.
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>get ganked, die
>enemy can just run up to you and harass you out of lane

Maxing aura might work if you're 2k trash and your opponents will just stand in lane with no regen getting whittled down.

>b-but I'm making them lose an extra 2 hp per second!
thanks anon

needed a good laugh lmaoing @ your life
no its all damage you deal, not just when you kill someone
so you deal 1000 damage to an enemy hero and you gain 33 hp/s and 33 mana/s regen for 6 seconds, whether you killed him or not

just being in range to sap life with heartstopper aura would now increase your hp and mana regen
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>Decide to take summer design course because want to graduate earlier
>16 weeks compressed into 5
>Have 1/4th the time to complete the assignments
>Between the course and work nearly die of exhaustion in the first weekend

it's literally Sheever posting here trying to make herself relevant after Valve blew her the fuck out of Manila
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so our boy Artour got a little bit of this sweet turkish ass, huh. happy fot him
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why pay for mmr boosting when you can work hard and gain experience through your own effort?
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4 rockets lmao.webm
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the flaw is kunkka

tinker doesn't need allies to do this
Weekend, and esports shitposting with /d2g/
Is there a better experience?
>our boy artour

You're contributing nothing to team fights, this only works if you're playing with other tards who don't team fight or 5 man until the 30 minute mark.
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Now that's what I call Turkish delight fammo
having a gf

I mean I'm basing this on hypotheses not experience
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Yeah there are but for the time being weekends and ESL are the only breathers I'll have for a bit.
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Lewd community is dead.
G-Guess I better start talking about Dota then.
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What if 4 points of Devour allow you to devour deniable ally and enemy heroes
Why is playing dota during the day so much better than playing between like 5 and 10 pm?
>Lewd community is dead.
what does he mean by this?
>5PM to 10PM

Normies and teenage kids.
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>Lewd community is dead.

watch streams
watch pro players
ask tips here
what if silencer had a new ability that could steal positive buffs from enemies and give them to allies?
and his glaives now burned mana
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No more ERPers.
still doesnt seem that great
current sadist gives 360 hp and 720 mana over 6 s for correctly using your ult
thats nearly 3 death pulses + enough mana for almost 4 death pulses, plenty of hp and nuking
if anything i'd buff the damage of his aura and lower its range to make it really hard for anyone melee to go on him
would have been a great way to counter the current meta carries
People do it cuz "muh Virtual dick size"
meh face needs to be longer and more horse like
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Nnnnope.You wouldn't know me.
Luna domming Lycan
>All those blackheads

Remember to exfoliate lads and lasses
Legion hugging vengeful spirit
If I don't leave my house I don't have a need to shower
whereas if you're fighting 5x 1500 hp heroes
this new one makes your aura heal you for a constant 27 hp/s and 27 mana/s just for being in heartstopper range
and then you pulse+scythe them for 1000 hp and gain 200 hp & 200 mana

you could go 0/4/4/1 skill build in lane and be constantly regenerating and draining their hp at the same time
>rtz pounds csgo qt
>v1lat has a newborn child

And I'm sitting here shitposting on /d2g/.
Alright, watching CLQ's stream made me like Town of Salem. Reminds of me of the good ol' days of "Who's The Killer" in WC3
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We're 4 days from fucking open qualifiers for TI when the FUCK are those stupid cunts at Valve going to give us the fucking TI invites?
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reminder that flaming loses games
fuck the invites

Is Steam down for anyone else?
>v1lat has a newborn child

Holy fuck. Source?
make a dota version of either of these thanks

They're obviously waiting for the results of ESL Frankfurt to finalize the invites. Teams like Alliance/Na'Vi/complexity are all on the edge and any of those teams getting top 2 would probably push them over the line
and just remove his ability to attack heroes to make him the ultimate shitter hero
"riki was here" carved into luna's asscheek
sad panda?
consider not being new
ok now i get it
this seems way too babby tier, removes the skill required to actually lh in lane in order to keep the sustain and makes him way too hard to kill in the late game
How do I do myself from picking support every game. I'm terrible at it but I love it when my team flames me for missing a stun or mek
Sorry i dont frequent hentai like a neck beard fuck.
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>not tokimachi eisei
where is the new thread?
>there are people in this thread that can't get around sad panda
I wonder if suicide rates go up during Steam outages.
Zen outo
are you the 5.5k guy I added?
I didn't see any recent troll games on your profile.
>regular tuesday and thursday maintenance
>there are people in this thread who jack off to hentai
I hope you're joking anon.
I can't even go half a day before I start feeling icky and have a shower.
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u irl.jpg
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then why are you trying to look at it if you aren't a neck beard fuck
Nice try mr fbi man, but I'm not falling for your honeypot.
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>There are people who don't

Are you afraid someone is going to bully you if they find out?
i guess some other anon saw the potential of troll too
Don't worry anon I shower once a month whether I need to or not.
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Yeah, I'm scared of Jamal and his friends bullying me with their massive cocks while I'm in jail for it.
imma draw fag.
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tfw no princess of the moon hero
>decide to play dota imba 10v10
>actually have fun in dota
how have valve not shut it down by now
this one was kinda alright, not a big fan of the rest 2bh

>I talk to people about the stuff I fap to
no wonder you have no friends
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got any art to back that argument up, broski?
Lol? That's like the only thing male friends do. Talk about fap ways or pussy.
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Some girls (lewd ones) and most male friends I've had aren't squeamish when it comes to discussing porn likes/dislikes.
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Will Uno Makoto ever draw a doujin again?
You're either 14 or have some shallow friends if those are your conversations.
aui to secret ?
You must barely to talk to your friends if it never comes up.
>770 posts
>no >>>NEWW!!!!! spam

Holy shit, are we really this dead?

NEW THREAD???????????????????????
no, he got a real job
More importantly will CousinAnon ever fucking be back?
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Do I, a random shitter, have to make an OP now?

This isn't going to go well .
here fucks


I never said we didn't talk about sex, we do; it just isn't our main focus. You only talk about sex, and porn when you're trying to keep/start a conversation.


I hope so, his stuff is god tier and as aspiring drawfag im looking up to him
you fucks can't do anything right.
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>anime poster detected

lmaoing right back @ your life bro
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