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Dota 2 GENERAL /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 198

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Latest patch: http://store.steampowered.com/news/22385/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

Cosmetic items: http://dota2lounge.com/
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>not linking the old thread

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First for lewd degeneracy.
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nth for lewds
Give me your best s4's
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If there was an old shitting thread why did no one just link to it?

what is WRONG with you dotards?
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Who /lewd/?

Email me your steam ID
[email protected]
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>dota 2 """"""art"""""""
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Reminder that Death Prophet did NOT deserve her nerfs.
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It's great isn't it?
are you Nate?
look at all those englishmen...
No, I'm new.
has everyone forgot about this grand display of tilt?
>tfw no big sword wielding anime hero
whats the tilt? that draft?
PPD is an absolutely trash player

See: that one Rubick game lmao
courier died to creep wave
why isnt morph aghs picked up more?
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How do you build Lanaya? Is an early Blight Stone good?
cancel literally looks like young ronaldo.
Just because it isn't the meta, doesn't mean you shouldn't try it.
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>watch some porn preview clips
>download the whole thing
>it's shit and she never ended up fucking the dog
Just like when I try to predict who wins based on draft at 3k
bernie sanders is dropping out lul
purge on kamikaze watch
Bottle > Treads/Phase > Aquila > Wand > Blight Stone > Blink > Deso > Whatever you need for the game

I like early blight stone since I prefer getting a blink before deso
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so whats to stop a position 4 morph support from building midas aghs like AA supports do and just 4 second stunning people with a copy of the carry beating on them?
who /small dick/ here
unlike AA morphling doesn't have a global spell that can secure kills
i mean ya but 4 second stun
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can anyone link the oddshot of sheever's stream where you can hear her pissing for like a minute and a half?
and then thats it

you do nothing else, you wander around until its off cooldown to hopefully do it again, cause you sure as shit can't right click during that time
350 nuke though
w-why is she so mad at me?
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ded thread ded gaem
w-whats so bad about armaa?
dont make midas

just make utility items and force as many fights as you can
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Sorry anon but there's nothing I can do while I queue.
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wot gaim m8
overwatch :^)
Why didnt you guys tell me timbersaw was OP? Who even counters him?

literally on an 8 game winsteak
Remember Me.
Still the point why AA going midas works is because you literally do not have to be peresent in fights to have huge impact. Ice blast is nothing to sneeze at since, espeically early game, it can secure easy kills without even being present. All you gotta do is Land your iceblast while you get assist gold and occasional midas money. As support morphling you have to activley join fights and next to your stun and waveform you do nothing since your rightclicks are laughable, while AA can buff the entire team with chilling touch.

Feel free to prove me wrong by just playing games as ever you feel should be played as morphling, maybe youre one step ahead and im just not seeing it yet
Disruptor fucks his shit up
Remember Me is such an awesome game
The title makes it sound like some pretentious indie crap desu.
Ironically lifestealer / slardar just fucking shits all over him
bad beastmaster
Is it any good?
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Nah it wasn't but it was okay. Combat system was half baked and not enough memory puzzles.
Should have named it Big Juicy Ass

get it? cause that chick has a nice ass rofl
which puts you in a bad position to die since you have high HP, but no armor
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who /вeгa/ here
it doesn't matter because it still takes a long time to kill you and you get your spells off
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>come back to this game for the first time since ti3
>morph is now a support
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How do you build on Void again ? I get people complain when i get MoM/Maelstrom and i don't know why people get Manta on him
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First even number decides whether I play Troll or Timbershit
hes not its very niche

we've been trying out morph support for about a year but since icefrog said fuck you and nerfed us it's kinda fallen off
Troll, while you listen to Brand X's "Unorthodox Behaviour"
Timber, Troll is garbage
>Riki is a support
>BM is a support
>BH is a support
Carry Faceless Void is so fucking good now.

>Echo Sabre, huge bash potential
>MoM damage amp is negated largely by proper Timewalks
>Iron Talon makes farming large camps so much faster
k ill give it a listen
vanguard diffusal manta
vanguard gives you enough extra survivability to let you not pop from 1 stun
diffusal is the most cost effect dmg item on melee agi heroes
manta is nice for extra damage + removal of silences and dodging shit
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Treads > Vlads > Blink > Manta

Manta works in chrono so its pretty good for increasing his damage output on top of getting rid of silences
Just a warning:

The drumming is absolutely fucking godly.
Would you still pick me Anon ?
To whoever keeps posting lewds

To the people in the speectre+void game, i am glad we made it.
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Are you trying to meme me right now
thanks i just got fired from my job at the trap maid factory
god I wish arteezy was streaming

things would be so different
Why do people pick supports like lion and rhasta and wyvern when invoker exists? Are you going to pretend invoker is picked to solo mid 100% of games?

heres what lion gives:
>aoe impale
>single target disable
>single target mana drain that you can't actually use
>some burst damage

heres what invoker gives:
>single target super chain stun
>colossal sized half map aoe impale
>aoe knockback/disarm
>aoe 100% slow
>aoe mana drain
>another aoe 50% slow and escape
>steroid for allies
>meatwall for pushing
>Why do people pick supports like lion and rhasta and wyvern when invoker exists? Are you going to pretend invoker is picked to solo mid 100% of games?

If the fact that invoker is literally almost op in every role leaks into mainstream we are fucking done with pubs for an age.
ESL Dota is doing a Re-run of Frankfurt 2015 EG vs VG.

It's good, m8.
Who is that nigga
He looks exactly like me in profile
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Arcane Curse remade entirely
>New Arcane Curse:
>Nortrom steals all magic from target aoe, moving all positive buffs from enemies onto allies at random and all negative buffs from allies onto enemies. Only affects buffs as a basic dispel
>Places a damage over time onto all enemy units in the aoe that deals 15/20/25/30 damage per second for 30 seconds or until that enemy casts a spell. Deals half damage to non-hero units.
>Aoe reduced from 425 to 300
>Buffs/Debuffs will only be moved if a unit of the opposing team is within 700 radius. If no valid target is in range, the buff is unchanged.

Glaives of Wisdom now burns mana equal to damage dealt
>If you have a 120 damage attack and 90 intelligence, you burn additional 72 mana for 72 pure damage

Last Word now instantly gains control of summoned units when targeted on them
>Does not gain control of neutral or lane creeps, only summoned creeps such as forged spirits or necronomicon. Cannot control creep-heroes.

Aghanims Global Silence remade:
>Applies Arcane Curse to all enemy heroes on the map AND moves all buffs/debuffs for units in range
Because for all those things to be relevant Invoker needs levels, whereas lion/rhasta/wyvern don't need nearly as much?
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Explain this Dotards!
now just find a way for a pos 5 invoker to get to lvl 25 as fast as a mid invoker rushing a midas
Greaves is better
b-b-but its not like invoker can solo offlane or jungle from level 1 or hard carry as a right clicker right...?
we save those roles for heroes with invisi like bounty hunter or heroes with summons like enigma or heroes with steroids like drow respectively



level 7 invoker can participate in teamfights when everyone else is level 10 better than level 7 lion can
oh I forgot one thing
>Last Word can also gain control of enemy wards
Never played dota before in any form, reverse image isn't turning up anything
Okay now you just have to get invoker to level 7

And how do you think a level 7 invoker somehow has a stronger power spike than a level 6 lion?
Time Dilation is literally a better silence than Silencer, it's fucking hilarious, it's like an AoE Last Word (before the slow was removed LMAO) Like why would anyone pick Silencer when they can pick Void.

Silencer can't gank.
Silencers only thing as a lane support is that he can orbwalk aggro.

Literally his only redeeming feature is GLOBAL SILENCE and that can be countered with many items. It seems like Icefag wants to play him as a carry.
how is a lvl 7 invoker equal or even better than a lvl 7 lion
lion has more cc and more burst
on top of that one amazing thing about lion is that he never has to go back to fountain with tranq
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>implying void can harass in lane better than silencer

Also time dilation only works AFTER the enemy casts their spells.
has anyone played liru yet?
Its shit
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Let me suck your dick, cutie!
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*reposting from shitty copy thread*
>pick carry
>say nothing all game even though there is no wards, mid is tard and support is useless
>try to farm
>gets ganked
>"omg idiot jugg reported useless"
>8 reports 8 different parties
>pick lion
>never flamed, allowed to flame how much i want
>everyone flames carry
>less than 3 reports
why is this okay, /d2g/?
>"Thanks for the rares, [Team Name] fangays."

This needs to stop.
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Because when the ship sinks, no one holds the guy who mops the deck floor responsible.
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They think you're a qt girl when you voluntarily play support.
Don't underestimate Silencer's laning, he's absolute cancer though not as bad as certain other heroes we're not allowed to play as support
He can do significant damage simply by staying alive in fights while inflicting permanent retardation on slain foes
He's FUCKING RANGED, melee supports are SHIT
Sure his nukes are pretty useless but global silence is a hugely versatile ulti that wins fights or saves stupid carries long before anyone can itemize against it

Void is melee and only good in lane against a pure melee lane
Later on he needs level and farm to get in cast range for his spells and still make it out alive
Even with farm he has trouble doing damage and every single chrono has the potential to be disastrous

I'm all for non-meta supports but fucking hell guys, you can't just wave away the laning phase. You have to be Omniknight level of broken to justify that sort of greed
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At least try posting some attractive women instead of skinnyfats.
all the lion can do is throw a stun and hex, finger is on cooldown for next 3 minutes lmao

invoker has access to cold snap, the most bullshit OP single target disable, then he has tornado, emp, ghost walk all standing at the ready
if he takes 1 point exort early he can ice wall for 80% slow

invoker "needing" experience to contribute is a myth. Lion is a hero who peaks at level 7 and then can't do anything the rest of the game. Invoker is already better at level 1, continues to be better level 7, then come mid/lategame invoker continues to scale up and up and up

lion can use his teamfight gold to get a meme aghanims and blink and do nothing but contribute a single hex before he dies
invoker gets his aghanims and he's shitting out 20 different disables in one fight and keeps casting ultimate after ultimate after ultimate because he's a hero with 10 ultimates
>Theoryshitting game situations with million different factors

jesus you fucks are sad just play the game
why not take it a step further

Why run support invoker when you can run jungle invoker

that means you win all the lanes and you get an extra op support
>Lion is a hero who peaks at level 7
Lion's peak is at level 11+dagger or level6+ with a dagger.

And it never really goes down
>the game and general are dead
because every team HAS to have a hero who's an underfarmed underleveled sack of shit who buys the courier/ward, harasses the offlaner and rotates to gank while his allies farm
5 carry team = autoloss
1 support or 2 supports are necessary

invoker already has cold snap at level 1 and ghost walk at level 2, thats enough to be a better bounty hunter / lion
Thanks senpai.
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Because support is the least understood position in the game and only good supports can recognize bad supporting while everyone else assumes that just because a courier exists and the runes are warded, the supports are doing their job.

Of course there's no glory in supporting like there is in being a big dick carry with a dominating streak, diving the enemy fountain like an invincible porpoise of rape so that's the risk you take when you pick carry.
Do carry items like daedlus, butterfly, mkb and ac work on him?
lions peak would be at level 7 with dagger if he could get a dagger at level 7

I'd rather have an invoker spreading his 2 aoe slows, aoe cyclone, aoe purge, single target chain stun, aoe knockback, aoe disarm and aoe mana burn than a lion whos got nothing but impale+hex for the entire game. Invoker has 8 huge disables, lion has 2 mediocre disables

nothing needs to be maxed out to be huge in fights. Cold snap is already bullshit at level 1, being 4.5 second duration instead of 6.5 is plenty enough, 80% slow on ice wall is enough, 325 mana burned is enough, 2000 range tornado is enough, 4.5 total disable on deafening blast is enough. Thats what invoker has at level 9 with 4/4/1 skills
>Literaally zero (0) streamers right now
>finger has a cd
>lion is bad
actual autism
ok faggot lets check your math on how op invoker is at lvl 7
cold snap at lvl 3 quas is 125 damage
tornado is literally a nuke and is not an actual disable, it deals 135
emp is 250 mana burn and 125 damage
so far 0 hard disables a slow ( from ice wall ) and 385 damage, aka you do shit for damage and the enemy can just turn around and blow you up

earth spike at lvl 4 is 260 damage and 2.6s STUN
hex level 1 2.5 s HEX
finger 600 dmg nuke
boy would i be happy to have some pos 5 invoker supporting me dealing no damage and having 0 hard disables
Supporting barely if ever matters below 6k MMR. You can basically play it out as a core that's farming slightly less than carry or mid.

Even in 6.5k-7.5k average games there's so much stupid shit they do they might as well shhit in the fucking mountain
>shhit in the fucking mountain
WHAT in the everloving fuck was I thinking when I wrote this

JESUS christ
>we will be blessed with fear carry
this, helix doesnt count for the reactive armor stacks
call forces you to use right clicks rather than your 50 bajillion magic dmg
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It doesn't matter until it does matter
Not everyone in the trench is a retard, a lot of people just have bad mechanics or are too passive
A lot of time the only thing a shit team needs is good morale (ez laning phase) and direction (ward vision lets you confidently gank/push)
A game with no/bad support is just a spooky dark map where you're getting your asses kicked in all three lanes from constant rotations and counterganks and its easy to play scared, let towers fall for free and get cucked out of your own jungle at which point you just straight up lose

and Q/W invoker is about DISABLES not damage lmao
lets check that level 7 example
heres what invoker can do:

>tp into a lane invisible
>break invisi with cyclone to give allies 1.7 seconds to close the gap
>invoke and cast cold snap to stun for 4.5 seconds

lion at level 7 goes like this:
>tp into lane
>enemy sees you and walks away
>you can't close the gap because your skills have 500 cast range and you have no mobility skills

I'd rather have a pos 5 hero who sets up kills on enemies, ganks like a boss and stuns out of nowhere than to have some shitty ebin 700 damage nuker who needs a blink dagger to cast anything at all
>for all of 2 games as they get stomped by some tier 5 team and are laughed outof the qualifiers

can't wait desu
wew Purge is 5.8k Solo mmr
>some shitty ebin 700 damage nuker who needs a blink dagger to cast anything at all

Sorry bro, but in professional dota Lion had 66% winrate in latest Major tournament (Manila)
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I'm actually interested in seeing this support invoker in action so I'll ask for a match ID even knowing you're just another shitty theorycrafter who doesn't actually play the game.
yeah and tinker never bought greaves once
pros have never tried support invoker so they don't know how broken it is
Support Invoker works in pubs because dear lord it is a shitfest until you get 7k MMR
Yes the ol 'everything works in pubs' and yet some things work better and more consistently than others and its pretty evident which it is from watching a replay so stow the bullshit
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does one-punch huskar work in pubs?
and what fucking hard disables does invoker have
you cant touch anyone who is up from tornado so the moment they fall on the ground you need to prepare your ass for some rape
on top of that the 1.7s applies for the enemy team to come and be ready to 5v5 because really you just nuked him for <200 damage
cold snap only ministuns, and about 40% of the duration of coldsnap he isnt stunned
lion has 5.1s of hard disables that lets your entire team pound that poor fucker because he literally cant do anything
what is happening here?
someone explain this webm please
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>I actually wasted time in the last thread trying to convince someone here why maxing out heartstopper aura first is shit.

I knew you guys weren't great, but I didn't think you'd be this bad at the game.
you're a fag lol
It is the shitter brigade that still can't last hit in the year 2016

It's suicide maxing that skill first since Sadist+Nuke Necro can actually clear out camps
lmao baited
Post link to old thread newfag
>last thread arguing why maxing aura first on necro is bad
>this thread arguing why lion is better at lvl 7 as support than invoker
i really need to find something to play when i'm tired of dota so i can miss this shit
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Le balanced satan man of prolonged cooldowns
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>there are shitters in this thread who can't even be bothered to do basic math to find out how many last hits they need to recover their death pulse mana cost
>there are shitters here who can't get all the last hits in a creep wave with a single pulse
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>Turkshit randoms Storm Spirit into our already four core line-up
>Mirana refuses to support
>Storm Spirit tries to dual mid with me (Troll Warlord) before abandoning the idea to go jungle
>We still win because Bristleback and Wyvern were on a complete and utter feeding frenzy for the first 15-20 minutes of the game

Troll Warlord is pretty legit, just don't but diffusal blade as your first post Aquila+Phase item because it's a fairly dumb idea, even when they have Wraith King and Zeus on the team.
Huskar with bloodseeker buff using ultimate on roshan with eblade
are you two retarded
Why would someone spend 5k gold for a shitty soulring on tinker
huskar is buffed by bloodrage.
decrepify or eblade is used on rosh.
huskar ults rosh insta-killing him.
>be in game
>click on a spot
>.5 sec delay before the hero goes

m-muh ticks!!1!
I play him more as an offlaner but he's a great carry as well. I prefer stat items over pure damage though (Diffusal, Skadi, Butterfly are all great in their own ways)

Not to say damage doesn't hurt though, MKB is always going to be a helpful pickup but I personally don't care for Daedalus. AC is always a great pickup on him.
maybe try not playing on 500 ms of ping
I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Suddenly I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
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What's he thinking about d2g?
You're playing the australian version of Dota
despair but also a boner
Going back to University.

I hope he fucking does.

Like kid you won a TI, go to fucking school, become a Dental Lab Tech or whatever and just chill. You are at least four or five times more financially secure than your peers.
EG losing in the open qualifiers
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3 ticks before a hero moves or attacks

>ping shows 60ms
>still delays like a mofo
Good thing there isn't an item in the game that could lead to surprise ganks that is cheap enough for supports to buy

It could turn you and your allies invisible in a large AOE, maybe even give you bonus movespeed

In fact it'd be the single best thing to do as a lion at level 6, since they would be unaware of your level 6 and you can surprise burst their ass down with any +1

Maybe that'd be too powerful though.
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I bet ur all gay
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Only for feminine penis and boipucci.
will rtz become a doctor
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You wish fampai this monster cock only services real girl pussies and mouths.
never really understood this whole gay/straight fuss. sex is just a fun and severely overrated activity equally for both genders
How do you beat ursas? I keep getting to play against them in australia because its the hero of choice for people who live in PNG and bali, i play shadow spectre i think hes called, if i got it wrong its the guy who uses souls, started out last month, so how do you deal with ursa?
>tfw he'll never play as carry WD
>Shadow Spectre
Shadow FIEND

You deal with Ursa by picking Windrunner and building blink aghs daedalus and bkb. You blink shackle and focus fire his ass all midgame because even if he has aghs and pops his ulti your focus fire lasts long enough + has a short enough CD that you can hopefully kill him.

Or you pick CK and you build manta heart halberd assault cuirass and you reality rift his ass into your swarm of illusions, even if he pops his ulti you can hopefully trap him long enough to kill him
He's really good at single target DPS.

So pick someone who hampers that. Phantom Lancer is pretty much the go to.
Yeah thats the one, so i suppose shadow fiend isnt particularly effective against ursa right? Should i even bother with him? Or should i just go windrunner or maybe DK?
Sorry, im rather new at the game
Check rosh periodically, Ursas can't resist that shit
After you kill him there he'll probably tilt and/or his teammates will start flaming him ez game
Is w33 playing eu or us?
I wouldn't DK, Ursa's Overpower means he doesn't give a shit about your armor or regen so if he closes the gap with you (and if he has blink that is almost guaranteed) then he can eat you.

WR is pretty good because most Ursa's aren't gonna go for diffusal right off the bat after blink so you can windrun away. Shackleshot is an OP spell once you learn to use it, mainly due to the fact people all the way up to 5k+ MMR will line up for it.
>use up all your teams smokes just to compensate for the fact your #5 role support doesn't have any way to land his spells

this is what /d2g/ actually believes
are OG our guys?
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r8 my desktop guys
That sounds like solid advice, thankyou! That prolly would tilt his ass off, especially since all the phlipinos and Bali people all have some kind of wierd developmental dissas that causes them to rage at the slighest slight at them
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Condolences dotards. You had a good run.
Of course.

Mememeander is a Peruvian hating memer and taunter. He's not the best, but he acts like he's hot shit a lot which is key /d2g/ behavior.
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Reminder that this is the best draft possible in Dota.
I am now an #Overwatchman.
So i assume that shadow fiend isnt worth it at all? Maybe i should just spam WR.
If you can finish off the rosh and take the aegis make sure to thank him in all chat
someone please post THAT version of this picture.
>Implying /d2g/ will ever have a "guy" to it

You guys make me laugh. Like any pro would ever come to this place where there's people that unironically believe their 2k MMR support Invoker strat is better than any other support, or that genuinely think their Heartstopper first maxing is better than pulse + sadist.
Oh man that sounds golden. How do you say that in Flipino and PNGspeak though?
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>dota is playable without region lock in ranked

nice meme
really makes you think...huh?
>being this upset
lmao did someone shit in your icecream today, kid?
i've played with light before kek
Go to league then wait...
Not really.

SF had his meta, he's a decent snowballing hero but he's not worth learning at this point.
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>Want to watch Wings vs VG.R

I want diversity to fucking end. Literally the only decent thing that's come out of allowing new casters into the scene was ODPixel.
Nothing else came out of that, and it should end. What we have is already fine.
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Seriously, why won't any rich dotard fund a /d2g/ pro team? Stop through the TI6 qualifiers and even show up in the main stage. use carry Abbadon, pos 5 invoker, pos 4 morphling and all other bullshit.
No, it can't be because they actually are shit at their job, it has to be because of YOU
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If an anon was rich why would he be a dotard?
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>wake up
>no treasure
Ummm sexist much?
Seriously anon, it's 2016. Why are you so afraid of empowered women?
Because it won't be worth the investment.
Most of /d2g/ is around 2-4k MMR, so it'd most likely be a waste of money and time both for the players and the manager.

Maybe because I'd still like the game, regardless of if I was rich or not?
Have you ever tried playing with d2g? It's 50 minutes of blaming each other and calling each other shit followed by a loss
Ye, rich anons are "Clash of Clans" proplayers, as we know. Like Kemal "I am Kemal" Sadikoglu for instance.
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>wings kel thuzed
shut the fuck up
I know it's a joke, but since it'd probably be an argument that Reddit would use to defend their precious womyn in esports, it's because not only do they have to call the attention with "HEY GUYS I'M A WOMAN IN GAMING AIN'T I COOL? :)", but because they're also shit at casting, and don't actually know anything about the game.
but anon, I speak in other languages at the start of the game to weed out racists. if they swear at me i feed all game :3
Shut up nigger ;^^^3
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>tfw was one of the originals posting about support/roaming riki

>tfw professional teams read my advice and took it to heart
d2g is filled with third worlders just like dota who doesn't want region lock
woah whats up chilongqua
>not using 4chanX
Reddit/nigger or both.
ITT we post our favourite STR, AGI, INT heroes but replace one word in their name with nigger

>Nigger Protector
>Vengeful Nigger
>Outworld Nigger
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Not him but I've been browsing for nearly ten years and haven't seen the need to install any sort of 4chan plugin. They're simply not needed unless you're some sort of filtercuck who can't stand seeing things he doesn't like.
3rd world cockgobblers who think they're better than people from their own country and don't want to play with them either.
That's literally it, even pinoys brs and ruskies don't want to play with their own kind.
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i am using 4chanx dipshit
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ogre magi
faceless void
guess them, gulag
>implying you didnt just now install it
My point still stand, redditnigger.
>he picks heroes that need a click to attack
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you just say nigga?
good for you
Nigger assassin
Nigger breaker
Nigger hunter
>Riki standing on the Firefly

For christ's sake, did they accidentally download one of my pub replays?
I didn't even have any heroes in mind when I posted that but I'm certain you got that at least 33% right
maybe 66%
>lose teamfight
>our only survivor is omni
>he repels himself
>runs away getting autoattacked by the enemy
>dies and drops gem

Why do these dumb motherfuckers never just TP out
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Storm Nigger
Purge is without doubt the worst 6k player I've ever seen. Amazing.
DC should get the invite not col but whatever.
Big DnD thing going on? Ill have to check it out.
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>Tfw you forgot Baauer's new album dropped months ago
>Just heard it today


Who /fasterthanahunterwithanarrowtothebow/ here?
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>mana costs only have 3 digits on the UI
this shit is gay
Post your MMR grinding music.
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Dotards should run their own DnD game. I would play as Lanaya, the Templar Assassin!
>Not listening to the actual AOTY of 2016

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Probably be its own game, something around the imperials guardsman style where yours a unit in an army doing your shit.
you know there is a lot of hidden grills on /vg/, right? chill the fuck out
What is a hero that everyone underestimates especially in pubs? I need someone to stomp pubs so i can climb
ogre magi is underestimated by everyone
buffed to outrageous status
completely forgotten
especially mid
Nobody below 5k mmr understand that a visage with a medallion, blight stone, a smoke and level 6/7 can kill literally anybody on the map of equal or slightly higher level
Literally unkillable if you're not retarded
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>Think to myself these riffs feel so much like Opeth

Pretty nice fammo.
This. Visage is nuts.
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that's a cute girl I want to fuck her horse pussy
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>Puppey, we only have Bulba, Arteezy, and EternalEnvy, quick, we need another bad player!
>i know the right thing to do, Smelly Rich Turk-kun, we have to invite Aui!
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>mfw opeth announced an album for 2016

there are way too many good things coming out this year
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they just need to get Mason as a waterboy and they're all set
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Got to see them on their 20th anniversary tour at The Wiltern, was amazing. Felt like I got super lucky too because they played most of my favorites from Harlequin Forest and Blackwater Park
Is it possible to win a game when there's a 4 stack on your team and they won't listen to you or each other
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my nigger
yes, because your description is extremely vague, so 50/50

What are the current Batrider builds?
I haven't played him since like 13 nerfs ago.

Is Moon/Bone7's no Lasso/Blink legit?
What's the best way to build Arc Warden this patch? I've been trying out blink dagger > diffusal > BoTs > Mjolnir or whatever seems useful at the moment.
yo im done with this racism, cya fellas, you needa cool it
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What went wrong? How could I (Necro) have won this game?
It's alright, but you have to keep in mind that build is extremely greedy. Often (and especially in pubs) an early blink can enable pick offs and ganks that will force bad rotations from bad players and open up other lanes to pushes.
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>w33 getting fucking dumpstered by 4k players
I thought this guy was good?
Ghost Scepter and BKB instead of Atos.

Also don't know if Aghs was a great item for that game. Aghs necro is for when you're ahead and your team is kind of ahead too and you have a chance to go high ground with just one disabled buyback. But if your team lacks damage or sustain maybe a BKB or Pipe or Mek could be better.
>aui probably begged to them and to envy and envy probably was like "oh betrayal like my anime and he wants vengeance, just like my anime!
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D.va is the only hero worth playing and you can only hear NERF THIS so many times before you want to die.
What's wrong with NP cliff jungling?
The hero is a decent and sometimes very strong laner so jungling him is bad. Cliff junging is double bad because you should be tanking the neutrals for your treants while they deal damage to increase jungle efficiency early game.
redpill me on chi long qua
Why have I seen bulldog cliff jungle on him a million times?
At the start? Fuck if I know. But during the midgame/late game cliff jungling is fine because your DPS should be high enough + you have max treants that you don't need to worry about tanking for them to get max efficiency out of them.
.. what
>PA & WR
>no blademail

I'm probably misremembering then, and he was actually doing it mid game.
Sorry, I'm just trying to figure why this hero has such a bad reputation and people complain about him so often and call him shit.
No idea how a hero with such a strong global presence can be bad.
He's by no means a bad hero. Simply put most players play him poorly (misuse his ultimate, such as spamming it out constantly instead of saving it for teamfights) and they fall behind on farm. A Nature's Prophet with a lot of farm and the right item build is a solid semi-carry.
Design a late game item that is upgraded version of Blink Dagger
i use his ult to farm and i'm god with NP
Its because the people who do it don't actually participate in kills

They just sit up there and farm, and farm, and farm. Their teammates could be getting dived under fucking T2s for kills and he'd still be up there jerking off so he can get his midas

Its fine if you're active and actually do things, but if you don't its a waste and will only weaken your lanes
>Chinks couldn't reach a single major grand final

How the fuck

Is their scene going to sudoku if they can't even win a TI on an even year?
>that Lifestealer winrate
>that Radiant Vs. Dire winrate
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Radiant cucks on suicide watch
>you lived long enough to see 'le built in bkb man' be as overpowered as the inhouses used to bitch out
>the in house didn't live to see it

Anyone have stats on all winrates at manila? Did datdota die or something?
Their scene has already sudoku'd. Chinks have five servers that average 13k players max at peak hours, which is half of EU West at EU West's peak hours.

There's a reason chink high MMR games are like 80% pros vs. pros, nobody in China is bothering to really play high MMR games let alone in-house leagues other than CDEC.
>daily hero challenge is enchantress 2 days in a row

On top of that i have had like 12 different characters so far. Anyone else keep getting the same heroes over and over again?
>what is dotabuff
Good chinks are scummy fucks, the faster Valve realize they aren't worth the trouble anymore the better.
why would they, chinks completely dominated the scene for the longest time.
So how's that NA scene doing?

Oh wait
Nobody gives a shit about NA.

Europe, SEA, and Russia are each many powers of magnitudes larger than any of the other scenes. It will always be that way too, no matter how much chinks or americunts win their scene will not grow because the video game culture in their countries is dominated by different types of games.
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>winning game, about to 3 star the last quest for the WR set
>bell aliant shits itself in the middle of the game
>sudden 500 ms and can't react to puck blink silences or hooks

Never move to Canada. The ISP's are greedier and lazier than american services.
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What if other heroes got aghanims as OP as invokers?

>in addition to unrefined fireblast, aghanims now also raises multicast by one tier

Multicast tiers:
level 1:
>40/0/0/0% chance for 2x/3x/4x/5x multicast
level 2:
>50/20/0/0% chance for 2x/3x/4x/5x multicast
level 3:
>60/25/12.5/0% chance for 2x/3x/4x/5x multicast
level 4:
>50/30/15/10% chance for 2x/3x/4x/5x multicast
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>So how's that NA scene doing?

I have completed the mission. No one suspected a thing until it was too late.
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what is the sauce
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>w33 picking windrunner
guess i'll go watch the swedish ladyboy
>someone actually spent 300$ for a mousepad

Reddit in a nutshell

Now you know why valve caters to them.
ridiculously long buybacks / super high buyback costs / buyback penalty / smokes to pick off important heroes have all made roshan the game decider more than any other patch
That radiant/dire winrate is irrelevant unless we don't know who picked which side

i.e. Winrate when teams choose dire vs Winrate when teams choose radiant
who hyped for esl
me ^_^ /
Is there a general worse than sc2g?
nah not d2g
/d2g/ during europe hours during dead hours during dead patch
How is it irrelevant? What does team choice matter in how balanced dire vs radiant is?
Good god.
Because map pick and order pick decide how teams draft

its also an extremely small pool
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I enjoy playing high apm heroes like Invoker
But Invoker doesn't get high APM until Aghs Octarine
How to memedusa:
go mid, max snake, stack ancients, max split shot second
>iron talon
rice hard, take ancient stack
Regenerating both hp and mana so much youre unkillable and shit out aoe magic and physical damage
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>invoker wearing degenerate clothes
0/10 delete your post
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What does an Oglodi cock look like?
sorry i forgot my meme face, :^)
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So do you just not build/pick memedusa into any team with nukers or mana drain or hard cc or blink initiatiors.
as a support whats the point of trying to stack a camp if the enemy can just ward it and then you gotta spend 200gold and they can just do the same or force a fight because they know what you're doing?

"Dota" discussion.

2 times Meepo and Visage.

This hero challenge is utter bullshit.
they just wasted money on blocking camps

thats a win
I seriously hope you didn't come here for actual dota discussion
Does anyone even play Dota anymore? Seems like everyone just watches it now.
what if we rebrand ourselves as Data 2
So when are they gonna nerf blink dagger
"dota" discussion
bring back mana cost plz
Anon bloodstone is medusas best survivability item. Radiance gives evasion and regen in synergy with octarine. Mjollnir also regens you alot from octarine. This build is tankier than most other dusa builds that want to deal damage too, because even your offensive items heal you in synergy with your defensive ones.
what if when you buy blink dagger it's starts off at lv1

Each time a hero dies within a 1000 radius it games a level, loses a level on death

Starts at 800 radius and each level adds 200 radius
As soon as TP scrolls get nerfed
echo sabre + blink dagger
new item

active: blinks to target hero, attacks them twice & slows, then returns to casting point OR normal blink usage
The mana cost won't matter much, what they need to do is increase the cooldowns

Back when it was 30 seconds it at least meant you had to think about using it.
haha good one
>helm of the dominator into bf into basher into satanic

If you play pa, stop doing that.
>Playing PA

Stop doing that
Just make it 5k gold. Simple as that.
what do i buy then you shitkid

what if everyone had an in built blonk digger but you can only use it once every five minutes

stop doing that
don't be fucking obese
>brazilian ruining zai's game

why are monkeys behaving like monkeys sempeis?
ring of repick
who's the worst pro creepblocker
Is there like a script or some shit that will tell me which invoker spells I have off cooldown
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what hero was I doturds?
Yeah its free too. Try the program "git gud".
yo when the fuck do we get our prediction points from the memeila major
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alliance will place higher than navi?
when reddit complains about it
3-16-9 bitch boy
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That's all it takes for Tresdin blink onto you and fuck your face.
Why didn't you buy a linkens, anon?
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because I want tresdin to fuck my face
Fy did a pos 4 invoker with VG. Worked somewhat well for their lineup.
runescape is dead
what do I do
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Bounty nigger
Man this TI is gonna be so much better without shitrekt and eg
Its me qt ;)
ee is streaming
>play on my friend's 2k account
>go safelane carry
>lane is hell for the first 6 minutes then complete freefarm
>get easy 600+ gpm ball out of control and end

honestly if you guys dont think this is easy as phuk you are bad

>chink weebsite

Who cares
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p-post steam pls D:
>being a cuck
Why are her knees blushing?
Sven the Nigger Knight
Queen of Nigger

as well as

nigger void
nigger magi
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what is a shadow?
>not faceless nigger
>not ogre nigger
Why the fuck keep these cuck supports keep pulling when the lane is at the tower and the enemy offlaner is nowhere to be seen?
After that they just stand next to my creeps and leech xp while doing nothing
>abyssal blade
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inc blog my fellow anonymous posters on this imageboard

>be me
>originally a dota player but switched to HoN and then league
>switched back about a year and a half ago
>rat dota still in its prime
>go back to league because fuck that
>tank assassin meta
>go back to dota this week because fuck that
>still some icefrog balancing memes, rat dota, and pinoys all over the place but whatever, still more fun
>autistic amounts of trouble dealing with cast time and turnrate delays, especially after playing HoN for like 3 years
>see that arc warden is in dota 2
>never got the chance to try him in dota 1
>looks complicated and im fucking awful at microing
>fuck it
>play him
>hes a goddamn blast
>but for some reason all the dota 2 skills I've regained over the past week disappear immediately whenever I play him and I become a fullblown retard

I'm not joking guys

I'm talking like

1. standing still for seconds at a time
2. not casting spells in teamfights
3. pressing the wrong buttons on both myself and my illusion
4. fucking up every item I can
5. 10 cs by 8 minutes if I'm lucky
6. forgetting to use midas/e spam when I ult
7. really don't even E spam anyway

Like holy fuck, I suddenly become twelve times MORE abysmal when I play this guy. Can someone help me tame my autism and make me even half good so that I'm not over 10 deaths every game when I play him? Please.

TL;DR I'm shit and arcwarden makes me even shittier send assistance
>implying I did press R from the other side of the map as Omni with aghs

ok , now go back to your noob game with overpowered ultimate and unbalanced character specially created for allow you to get a kill.
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Setup some control groups and practice shit you fucking dumb slut.
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Aether lens, dagon, eul, bloodstone & shivas are all core items on tinker
my items are 1-6 and have been my entire life so I don't know how to setup control groups intelligently

also how do I make shift self cast instead of alt
i hope not alchemist
>no manta
>no octarine
>no boots of travel
>no assault cuirass
maybe slark
whos this curry bitch sauce please
Gotta fiddle with advanced controls

I have my items bound to shit like space g, zxcv
>want to push
>team does not want to push
>team would rather hit jungle creeps
>naga also likes to hit jungle creeps
>lose because naga hitting jungle creeps is better than team hitting jungle creeps
what the fuck is w33ha doing
why does valve queue me into 5k players
im not that good
Icefrog should introduce two new base items in 6.89:

Golden Halo
>2300 gold (secret shop)
>+30 HP/s regen

Infinity Stone
>2300 gold (secret shop)
>+500% mana regeneration

heart changed from reaver + vitality booster + 1400 recipe to reaver + golden halo + 500 recipe and now gives 30 hp/s regen when inactive
hex changed from mystic staff + ultimate orb + void stone to mystic staff + infinity stone + void stone. Now gives 30 int / +650% regen and no str/dex
refresher orb is now built from 1x perseverance + golden halo + infinity stone, no recipe. Gives +700% mana regen and +40 hp/s regen
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pls let this be a girl
what the fuck man those items are DISGUSTINGLY overpwoered what the fuck is wrong with you

why is 2700 gold for +25 intelligence okay but 2300 gold for +500% mana regen isn't okay
why is 3000 gold for +25 strength okay but 2300 gold for +30 hp/s regen isn't okay

regeneration is worse than raw stats
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i love this hero

>free damage for pressing r

any tips? all i did was jungle at the start and gank the lanes when i think they needed help

i think i built her alright
enemy picks ursa, slark and puck. I get to last pick support. I pick naga. Man feels good. Why wasn't she used as a support back in major? I think she's good against op lifestealer. Heck I think, she'd be good against void and phoenix combo too.
why not just pick crystal maiden then you can cast more than one spell in teamfights
>>>>>>>>>>>>>regeneration is worse than raw stats
are you being completely serious
maybe my zeus spamming bias is getting to me but regeneration is fucking amazing
>pick zeus
>farm up 10k gold in about 25-30 mins if you're a mega shitter
>buy veil, aether lens, blink, le epic infinity mana stone and arcane boots
>win every game
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sheep dick.webm
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>build nothing but mana regen on zeus
>get killed by 1 stun and 2 right clicks

tinker can give his entire team +125 mana/s regen with greaves and nobody does it
how the fuck do they get in range to stun you when you have aether lens and blink?
and how the fuck do they survive it when you have veil and infinite mana?
I'm not that guy, but I have no idea what the fuck you're going on about and more importantly that webm is at like sub 20 fps at 848x652 and is still 2.9mb

I don't know how you managed to do that but please cease and desist
I dont think you understand how much 500% mana regen is

I don't mind the Golden Halo and change to heart, but that stone is far too much mana regen
Kappa //
TA with blink deso hurricane pike is really fucking fun holy crap
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Is clock bad pudge?
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>shave beard on a whim
>look like a wussy little fuccboi
why is pudge such a popular hero?

why don't they nerf him?
>muh skillshots
ring of health is +6 hp/s for 875
halo is +30 hp/s for 2300

void stone is +100% mana regen for 875
infinity stone is +500% mana regen for 2300
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esports in 1 hour
>guy walks thru river like hes gonna gank my line
>he draws a line
>i move up get in position to cause some ruckus cause this dude FINNA GANK
>he walks back the other direction instead
>die bc this
>intentional feed all game

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>Tfw your facial hair doesn't connect so you can't grow a proper beard

My step-brother is a year younger and can grow a great fucking beard.
Those goddamn Nordling genes, while I got the fucking Teuton shite
but it is anon
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Will our favorite girl be at ESL Frankfurt?
He's not that fucking hard. Just treat him like any rightclick carry with an ez point and click slow. Immediately wraith up their path after using flux.

Then you press R and tab and do it all again. He's not that complicated to play, there's just two of him.

Everything like using everything on his double is just muscle memory. Don't be a shitter and practice that shit offline like any other hard hero.

Don't fucking overengage like a shitter too. Play your hero like the cuckest of supports, sitting back abusing the fact that his cast ranges are absurd, and hyper aggressive with your double. Use it as a safety buffer between you and your enemies.

If you're mid, you'll lose most matchups till you hit six. Once you get your ult, you should be able to solokill or force out the enemy midlaner with it off cooldown if you play it right. This is an individual outplay hero through and through. If they leave for rune, they die.

Finally, don't buy stupid fucking items. Go Midas into maelstrom if you're ricing cos he farms like dogshite without them and needs items hard. Get at least one of blink/force/shadow before another major item. Things that give you damage and disables (diffusal/orchid) are good if you don't really know what you need. BoTs are nice but not necessary earlier on.

People that say arc warden is trash are wrong. There are only trash arc warden players.

t. 70% winrate arc spammer
I picked it so they can waste their ults and we could set up with axe call, mirana arrow, magnus ult, or sven stun and actaully kill them. Also I knew ursa needed to be kited, ensnare is such a wonderful thing. The scouting from naga illusions helped alot.
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>Helm of the Dominator
>Infused Raindrops
>Iron Talon
>Town Portal Scroll
>Boots of Speed

>Urn of Shadows
>Poor Man's Shield
>Soul Ring
>Magic Stick
>Wind Lace
>Orb of Venom

>Arcane Boots
>Tranquil Boots
>Power Treads
>Phase Boots
>Enchanted Mango
>Dragon Lance
>Glimmer Cape
>Euls Scepter
>Force Staff
>Point Booster

>Blight Stone
>Hand of Midas
>Healing Salve
>Iron Branch
>Veil of Discord
>Faerie Fire

>Ring of Protection
>Ring of Basilus
>Magic Wand

>Ring of Aquila
>Drums of Endurance
>Wraith Band
>Null Talisman
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if u don't know when to build vlads avoid it
especially if someone on your team already has one
>tfw balding at 22 AND can't grow a proper beard

There is no hope for me
Iron Talon nerf when?
>watch manila major
>pre-6 ganks everywhere
>picks are generally same-y but still love the whole back and forth meta of constant ganking
>admit to myself that this is indeed better than lol
>majors end
>watch some other dota streams
>everyone is just farming in lane/jungle
Bonus points: top 3 streams are all russian
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>normal skill UsE all pick game
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>no sheever
nice triple digit mmr game dude
I bought it after dagger
should I just buy helm of the dominator or something

i dont understand what this means
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why alliance so fking retard?
dom of the helminator is better 90% of the time.
Daedalus is also very good. Bloodthorn is literally better daedalus though if you can afford it.
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>huskar taking stats before maxing heal and spears
>crit maxing, shuriken maxed last bfury bh
>pounce maxing slark
>undying who maxes tombo last
>es who takes aftershock first at 10
>those last hits
>literally 2 guys with tp
>1 bkb in the game

top wew lad
w33 got fucking dumpstered hahahahahaha
how to fix iron talon in 6.89:

>quell damage from 40% ranged 15% melee to 25% (both melee & ranged)
>quelling blade nerfed to the same
>Jake “SirActionSlacks” Kanner
>Alan “Nahaz” Bester
>Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden
>Andrew “Zyori” Campbell
>David “Luminous” Zhang
>Shane “O’Mad” Clarke
>Gareth “GBCasts” Bateson
>Dakota “KotLGuy” Cox
>Annie “AnneeDroid” LeClair
>Alan “Ryuu” Andersen
>Natalie “Llama” Sharpe
>Grant “GrandGrant” Harris
>Travis “Maut” Bueno


NICE """""""""""""""""""""""""TALENT"""""""""""""""""""""""""
>enemy team picks 4 tanky dps strength heroes, and a healer and deathballs/towerdives for the rest of the game

How do you fight against the League of Legends meta?
only redditors care about hubs or "talent"
Toby Dawson@TobiWanDOTAs
the #ESLOne @DOTA2 2016 Group Stage begins now! Tune in and for the brawl to begin https://www.twitch
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Kitty attack.gif
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>only redditors care about hubs

how fucking new
>OD and Cap in the light
>Merlini in the dark

are we hype

>no el trashico

>llama at ti hub
hype to see alliance and navi getting dumpstered so hard they're not invited to TI yeah
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Post our guy Cap
Looks boring as fuck. Probably won't watch Dota until open qualifiers.
round 1:

Round 2:

Toss up but our guys will hopefully win
Accuracy aside, this posts lacks the distinction between "Starting items" and "early items," which is a huge fucking difference.

Taking accuracy into account, it's a fucking bad list too
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>why the fuck did you level crit on jugg at level 1
>it's better for last hitting
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Might watch stream 2 just for this. I assume he's substituting someone on Liquid
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is there any reason why they're not playing in the stadium?
the only consideration is whether the item is good or bad overall

ring of aquila is a shit item and shouldn't be bought under any circumstances. Infused raindrops are presently wildly OP and lots of heroes benefit from getting 2-3 of them
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Who are your favourite streamer sluts?
cant wait to see soe OuO
its a 'player cannot think outside the box and buys standard items episode'

stop fucking BUYING JUNK. echo sabre on spiritbreaker is 100x more effective and FUN than your fucking drums
that chin could cut diamonds
is that liam neeson?

why the fuck can I tell who it is by the ears
How bad will the shitposting be when our guy Cap and his homies kick EG in the qualifiers with top cheese strats?
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>How can you be losing lane? Sniper is the best last hitter
Then why not make a list of all the items in the game, faggot. Why make the distinction of "early items" if you're going to compare items like Helm and Armlet to Tangos and Branches. But what really does it is putting Magic Wand under trash tier which is an amazing laning item especially against harassment heavy lineups.
you mean how GOOD it will be?
Drums are good though if you're fighting constantly, much better than meme sabre
>picking sniper

yeahhhh fuck outta here
Before you get too upset, think to yourself "if I'm in the same MM bracket as this guy, am I really in a position to judge?"
that was something my friend said when i played with him a long time ago

i just still think its fucking hilarious
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here's your you
because these are items that are all acquired early on into the game

>Magic Wand under trash tier which is an amazing laning item especially against harassment heavy lineups.

magic wand is a trash item. Magic stick is a good item. Magic wand doesn't give any improvement over magic stick but stats in most cases and then its just a waste of gold that could have gone towards something game winning like an iron talon / memedrops

theres no need to contrast these against 6000+ gold items like divine rapier because big items have niches for different heroes whereas urn of shadows is pretty much the same no matter who buys it, the most extra utility you get is if it procs cold snap lol
i dont care how much you win with him i still want you gassed
There's such a huge difference between acquiring tangos out of the gate and getting a fast and efficient Helm or Midas, but you don't seem to understand that.
> fast and efficient Helm or Midas,

but anon, hand of midas is not an efficient item, because helm does what it does better
helm gives you better stats on your hero and produces more gold and often as much xp
Really depends doesn't it?
Thanks anon. You summarized a lot of the problems I've been having with him and seem to have pretty easy solutions. Gonna be trying him out more tomorrow when it's not 4am.
If you lack the understand to know how items like Midas are situationally good, you have no place making your shitty item tier lists.
>what are heroes that cannot reliably clear stacks?
>who is zet?
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>no EG
>no Secret

what a shit tournament
>na dota
all heroes can reliably clear stacks with a hotd friend
what the fuck, why cant i post from quick reply?
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any hero can clear stacks with wildwing m8
Perhaps you should watch T2 tournaments if you want to watch some T2 teams eh?
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>Secret with Bulba and Aui
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wtf is this? icefraud please?
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>EG not T1 team
you wot mate
Except if they're full of spell resistance aura stacks.
>relying on an RNG creep to help you secure a camp extremely slowly
Thanks, but I think I'll stick with Midas on AA instead of HotD
Money changes people :^)
Yes, the other heroes in the game that see a free stack sitting there.
there are 6 large camps that respawn every minute
if you stack a single large camp in your jungle 3 times, there is a 71% chance theres a windkin in your jungle and an 85% chance theres on in the map. You only need to dominate a single wildkin to last you the entire game
How have you been doing with the recalibration? I'm 3 games away from my season MMR (or whatever the fuck is called) but so far everyone seem to get about the same number as their old MMR.
also to follow that up

AA lacks any means to sustainably farm, so without the regen given by hotd, he can't farm anything at all. An AA who goes midas will be getting something like 2 creeps every 100 seconds, half of his kills from midas, because he has no means to farm with just midas
aa who goes hotd will actually farm more from just the lifesteal/damage, while the wildkin triples it up
>you now realize there are several abilities that can never EVER get changed because a cosmetic item has been made for them
>as the game goes on this number will only increase
>eventually nothing will be able to be reworked and the only way to fix shit will be introducing new items or heroes
You're pushing this meme really hard when you could just say "Hey, maybe my list was shit"
oh and then it disassembles to make veil
a free +450 gold compared to midas which has to be fully sold back
Name 5 abilities that cosmetics prevent from changing
I think you misunderstand. HotD is a GOLD item, midas is an XP item.

I'm not going to fuckin stand next a wildkin churning through a stack at a glacial rate the entire game just to confirm some extra xp as a support when I don't really need the gold anyway and theres places to be and subhumans to kill.
nice results, """"""""""""""T1 team""""""""""""""

>particles can't be reattached to a reworked ability

- the retarded gulaguite that crossposts on reddit
>wildkin stacks camp autonomously 3 times
>starts tornadoing it
>you clear the medium camp next to it while the tornado finishes off the hard camp
>you get +468 gold +800 experience from a single tornado
>you didn't have to stand around afk at any point
Sniper's Shrapnel got reworked despite having a gem that counts damage done to buildings.
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>le honeypost results
do I need to remind you who won the only tournament that matters pre TI (the reshuffle tournament)?
That's gem. We are talking shit like Undying Tombstone and Warlock Golems.
My old MMR was 2,8k but at its highest I got to 3,3k. I calibrated at 3,3k and rose to about 3,5k
Why would you even want to rework those? Give me an actual example of something that could get a rework but is prevented from by a cosmetic.
Have the new hats come out yet, lads?
I doubt abilities like that will get such major reworks as to make these models unnecessary, why would you even change Wlock ult or Undy tomb so much?
This is the fucking principle. Time will come when hat will fuck rework up because people have money attached to it, fucking retard
Tombstone and Golem are literally the identity of those heroes, there's reasons beyond hats that those abilities won't get completely flipped. They are signature abilities, the hero was designed around them. Fucking hats are not the reason these abilities go unchanged.
do I need to remind you which TI winning team dropped a game to mineski?

>this lan

i've been here too long
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This thread is running dangerously low on waifus pls post more!
Still waiting for you to name 5 spells that can't be reworked SOLELY because of hats.
Can we start a petition for all tournaments to pay all winnings to Evil Geniuses and Team Secret exclusively in pots of honey?
who the fuck are these shitty ass casters on the vega liquid game
>pre TI

there's no such thing because it basically forces you to go through open qualifiers

if only NA players had a brain to realize that
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SEA tournaments.gif
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It's the fucking principle, do you understand that it is a reason they can't be reworked?

How can you defend something so atrocious?
If money is the point then the gem example does apply and Valve didn't even care to aknowledge making it useless.
No. And the compendium prediction points from Manila haven't been added yet either
how do >we stop the rampant nepotism in the dota 2 casting scene?
>it forces you to go through NA qualifiers
which basically means nothing
You still haven't given me an example, so it's not a threat if it literally can't happen
Support cap, he's the only one who is openly against it.
>Can't happen.
Really fucking hard to prove it hasn't happened since the actual *happening* is reliant on SOMETHING NOT HAPPENING (ie. something not changing)
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>Liquid Omniknight
>Jerax Omniknight
>sven vs dazzle, brew, bane

I love to fly kites too


we need more completely coked out lans
>kuro carry
the day has come
Gem a small text piece that reads in skill isn't comparable to massive golems or tombstone, not at all.
>liquid has 4 str heroes

Liquid wins easy. GG go next
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There are zero (0) abilities in the game that would be prevented from being reworked only because there was a hat tied to that ability. If you cannot disprove that statement, shut the fuck up
what did he mean by this?
they picked brew, I'm guessing that's his fetish
what to watch d2g?

>jerax omni, mid matumbaman, carry kuroky


>loda terrorblade, bulldog brood

tough decision
i thought his fetish was being bald and raising someone else's kid
There's literally a 90% chance of OG winning this tournament since Heen is standing in for Fata and they've all switched roles.
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looks like Kelly
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I fucking hate hats
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go away white men
calm down loda

the only shit part is the head, which hopefully his immortal will replace
calm down jonathan
rip shitquid

tinker freefarm and carry slarda lmao
that's just his nationality
there's also chink dota to watch

>wanting to watch tier 73 dota
wtf is in durkas mouth
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>2 games on at the same time
Why is Dota the only game that does this retarded shit.
>burning, sylar, rotk, cty is tier 73 dota

you're probably right actually
lmao jerax
>more e-sports right after Manila

jerax is a literal retard

liquid back to being shit
>tfw stopped playing in 2014
>come back to find out my skills have turned into pure shit from the already shit 3k mmr I had back then
>Can barely be any of use to my team even if we win
atleast nobody ever blames me on losses..
Also, Why the fuck did they change the map terrain?
>Also, Why the fuck did they change the map terrain?
Because it got tiresome after 8 years.
Because it was imbalanced
>playing since before 2014
>questioning icefrog
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lina fireballs.png
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is 23000 even possible? Or is this a scam?
Its even more imbalanced now than it was before

Literally no reason for the changes
There are far more ways to strategize movement around offlanes.

Good enough reason
It's not like the pins matter, it's RNG predetermined when you click a number. So it might be possible with a 0.0001% chance

And you're qualified to say what is and isn't balanced because?
potatoes are not allowed to have opinions
god damnit
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Of course it's possible!

Keep playing!
how do you counter tinker
Storm Spirit

just tp out
That reminds me. Is that faggot is anonymous?
Also, redpill me the dramas happened in last 2 years
holy fuck fnatic is fucking dogshit
Ignore him and kill the team he vacuumed farm from.
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At least post the fucking webm.

>also dat Bane ultimat to Sven allowing the Sunder
Great shit mane GREAT SHIT

inb4 SHIT4 chokes and throws the game
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>nobody wants to post waifus
time to sleep i guess ;_;
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bad sunder.webm
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what a fucking awesome skill
perfect fiends grip timing
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lol fuck off
How can you fuck that up

albeit he shouldn't have tried in the first place
>esports fun always happens at like 5 am in burgerstan, even when starcraft was relevant it was at 5 am

fuck me
Fucking Loda is on point.

I haven't seen him play this good ever in DOTA 2
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Feel - Feelguy Trap Blush.png
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>there's too much loda

what did she mean?
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good sunder.webm
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oh shit wrong webm
this one was the GOOD sunder
Maybe you should live in a relevant country and not a third world shithole
based DJ
Is there a more fraud team than liquid?

They play the exact same every game and if they can't just facerush their opponents theyj ust get rekt
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5am is the perfect time to wake up, not sure what you are talking about

or move to a country where you won't get shot
liquid is so shit its amazing
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How would you like your carry, fampai?
>rubbing one out
>steam pops up and says it needs to update
>zzz click okay so it goes away
>steam starts updating
>mysteriously dota 2 starts itself as steam updates, somehow it did forced dota 2 to open
>laptop was on battery, pr0n playing, dota 2 opens up
>immediately overheats and crashes
>because steam was updating it corrupts steam's installer AND corrupts windows
>have to run windows startup fix utility to unbrick computer
>find out steam is corrupted and have to reinstall steam and all games
>currently 7 gigabytes into 82 gigabytes of queued downloads
not an option atm f*mily

>le epic fourth world tier internet
>le epic mass shootings every day

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can the other regions even compete?
how fucking garbage is your laptop if you can't run porn and dota at the same time?

My $400 thinkpad can do it
>Come 2nd in Major few days ago.

>Losing a game without their carry while their support plays carry

eibn einb ebe
fountain farming with PA until the opponent begs you to stop
Warlock Golems
Undying Tombstone
Jugg Healing Ward

>defending a non-ixmike Liquid roster
>pick brewmaster and broodmother
>don't lose at 20 minutes

uhh? hello?
>no label on axsis
this means LITERALLY nothing.
Is that the number of times you jacked off?

inb4 look the title, I don't fucking care you fucking shitoid.
You can rework abilities while keeping the assets you retard.
its the BM meta only need beastmaster too
tons of tabs of porn, movie, dota, steam update while on battery
gpu is overclocked and strong for this power source, problem is it pulls too much juice for gpu intensive stuff so I can't do that on battery, but power supply is higher output than battery

runs dota 2 and ds3 at 60+ fps on max settings so I why should I care about performance beyond that. never felt the need to run dota 2 while jerking off on the toilet, the only way everything would be turned on simultaneously is if somehow it turns itself on out of the blue, like this
>being too autistic to just look at the title or use your brain
As pointed out before, Warlock Golems and Undying Tombstone are literally the signature abilities of said heroes, so the reason they will not be reworked is not because of hats, but because changing those abilities makes a new hero all-together. Juggernaut's ward is generic enough an item (literally a hovering idol) so that if they skill (for some reason) was reworked, the ward model could easily be reused.
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What went wrong? I was radiant
good post lad
why the fuck did i bet on shitnatic AND shitquid

>betting on mumu
>but because changing those abilities makes a new hero all-together
Terrorblade proves your signature theory shit.
druid probably afk jungled while his tard team fed tinker

>fiends grip
>drunken haze
>shallow grave
>poison touch
>thunder clap
>boulder toss
>fiends grip

But don't you understand that they will keep making more and more cosmetics like this? It is just a few abilities now but eventually to fill their pockets they will make it for fucking everything.
>This fucking Beastmaster

has he done anything but die immediately
The changes to Terrorblade were extremely similar to the original spells, the only exception being Zeal which was just a stats boost.
They're gonna win you 2k shitter :^).
No shit they're going to make a cosmetic for everything, but that still doesn't mean there's a single ability in the game that would get passed for a rework if balanced demanded it JUST because a hat existed for it.
he roared bkb targets and had no effect :DD
>Prove that 'x' has become true when it relies on nothing changing

okay champ

just remember we warned you
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pike and wait.webm
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Why doesn't terrorblade upgrade to hurricane pike?
What's a good hero to main that scales well from early game to late game?

And I mean can push without much farming involved
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keking spaniard.jpg
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Yeah and the homeless guy on the street warned me the world was ending today. I'll give you the same merit.
>Jonathan Berg
post the webm

i feel like throwing up
>theyre actually fucking throwing this
you were saying?
All you need is levels from laning the first few minutes of the game
what is this 3 man cast bs

I was saying he's a fucking moron

I've always seen in movies homeless people saying the world is ending. Is this an american thing? Never seen it in real life.
is timber really this powerful
>wake up
>esport is on

explain this
They really don't unless you bother them about it, they like to mutter to themselves. Obviously that doesn't mean they all do it, but they exist.
NoOne B A I T E D them
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literally immortal.webm
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fact: timber is the most POWERFUL hero in dota
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>Lotus Orb'd the Sunder

the lotus orb bait tho
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Loda just panicked
>free armor
>free regen
>a thousand sources of PURE DAMAGE
>mobility spell
>effective slow and debuff
>this is balanced because he has "mana problems"

gg icefrog
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mushi is r tard
>the state of Mushi

I got shut down by an sven and axe in a game awhile ago, can't lane against them at all.
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Hi, Kyouko-chan.
>Mushi getting away
>No wait they got stunned I can still fight with 4 health
At least there's still time for a patch before TI6.
>don't buy hurricane pike
>get stuck in chakrams
>can't move out

d j + t i m b e r s a w
How long unti loda drops the lance and gets satanic?
Who's even winning in this Alliance Fnatic game?

Alliance has pushed Fnatic's base more

This isn't going anywhere regardless

In a non memeback patch Fnatic would have been ran over
[A] status = Backed

this is embarrassing
>le can never go highground without farming 100k gold advantage
Will this meme ever end?
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Yeah I'm sure 'memeback' makes Loda position like a fucking idiot.
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mercy disagrees.png
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>DeeJay echo slammed his Timbersaw instead of the people attacking him
it hit all of the alliance heroes. dj just went for the center of the their attention.

I know trying to be a complete idiot on d2g may sound cool to you but "memeback" doesn't exist anymore. If you honestly think there's anything resembling memeback then stop posting and move to lol asap
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This man.. is a dead man
it didnt hit bane so he kept gripping timber preventing his escape
Thats on him

but fnatic got 6k+ streakless gold from every fight


>Literally every fight gave 5-6k to fnatic
>In any other patch it would have been 1-2k
>tower/barracks now only regenerate 75% of damage dealt to them by players (regenerate up to 100% of creep damage)

there, fixed?
chip damage now actually does something
Memeback, ie. losing team getting more gold based on winning team XP/NW does exist.

Not that it is in anyway a bad thing
Which heroes are best for making ridiculous comeback plays? pic related

also dj has a sick earthshaker
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>"memeback" doesn't exist anymor
This is the Dota 2 audience eveyone.

Mean while OG ran through Team Liquid and Newbee in Major.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot whine about memeback or lack of memeback when its convenient for you
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if you still play dota in 2016 you are a fucking cuckold faggot

Exactly, that isn't memeback.

Not that autistic retards that don't even play the game like >>145747219 or >>145747169 would understand.
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This pleases bulldog.jpg
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wew lad
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Living Legend.jpg
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Holy SHIT this Fore Staff+Brown Boots Disruptor at 63 minutes is the poorest support I've ever seen
Sorry that you're balding
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If that is a dead man then I wouldn't mind dying.
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It's 343, not really surprising. He's the shittiest player in Fnatic
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Tis the life of a support
Because liquid autistically picks heroes that can't memeback like the meme says 4 rightclicker and a healer

>5-6k gold for the losing team who fucked up for 50 minutes
>enough to buy a fucking big item per fight
>Literally all they do is to sit in base and throw ultimates
>not memeback
Except Team Liquid made comebacks in lower bracket with their strategies.

Fucking imbecile.

Are bets cancelled? If no, ez shekels.
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guess my mmr (tinker)
>5-6k gold
>for a whole team
>enough to buy a big item

so you are actually retarded?
Really feel bad for DJ. He's carrying 3 retards in Fnatic.
Liquid doesn't have Fata, why are you guys even expecting a good performance from them?
>Except Team Liquid made comebacks in lower bracket with their strategies.
except they fucking didn't

Memeback strategies require fucking big ult teamfight heroes

and the only teamfight hero they pick is ES

Link me the games where they made comebacks and lets see the heroes they picked
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>Beastmaster in charge of doing fucking anything
2k because you think APM matter
>Team Liquid comebacks don't count because I say so.

OK r*tard

Because le ebin kuro carry better than rtz and s4 meme.
>Secret is now literally just Poopey + 4 All-American Rejects

what went wrong?
Did you retards really think that Liquid would take this honeypotlan seriously? They bootcamp close enough and participate just to have some fun
dun dun DUUUUUn
Meanwhile iceiceice is carrying EHOME to victory against newbee
>Gold they already had for buybacks +1-2k pero hero
>And 60-90 seconds minimun of farm plus push towers if theres any
>Not enough for an item
are you retarded by chance?

>OG stomped liquid
>Its because they picked nonememeback heroes who can't fight from behind
>B-but liquid did in other games
>What heroes did they pick
>B-but they memebacked
what heroes?

Do you by any chance spam t*rk/k*rd or similar on int and pol?

Meanwhile my cat is sleeping on my lap.

Yes anon, there are a lot of irrelevant thing happening in the world right now.

nobody gives a shit about your cat named after a Pokemon or WarCraft character
why the fuck did i bet on shitdec.avengshits
>tier 1 dota
>ching chong dotes

Make everyone a favor, stop posting anything dota related on the internet. You are really retarded anon.
Phase Boots 2
>Phase boots + demon edge + recipe (200)
>+70 damage
>Phasing lets you walk through terrain

Tranquil Boots 2
>Tranquil Boots + Recipe (2000)
>Regenerates 5% of HP and 5% of mana per second while active

Power Treads 2
>Power treads + eaglehorn + mystic staff + reaver + ultimate orb
>Gives +100 to active stat
>kuro playing alch
>heen standing in
why is the german cuck not playing on the german lan
>walk through terrain

That was the whole point of the post, congrats.
woah which of those is u

Mew and Thrall are shitty names for cats
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You do that

You are the only retard here
#1 nation in dota2, like it or not

Fata is out so that

-Ez shekels for bettors
-Alliance will pass the group stages and get a direct invite to TI
What's the average age of /d2g/?
12 xD
We are all little girls here.
Nigger Spirit
Shadow Nigger
Earth Nigger
This isn't bleach vs one piece
Can ANYONE be a jungle if he buys an iron talon?
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