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Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 179

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WHEN? edition

>What's new?
New map (it sucks). Store sale for good goyim. Waiting eagerly for doe cunt.

>where do I find you meme-loving faggots
/join /vg/

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/
FAQ | Tips & Tricks: http://heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Free Hero Rotation: http://eu.battle.net/heroes/en/forum/topic/13604571130
Hero Rankings and Statistics: https://www.hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/raynor
News, Updates, and Datamining: http://www.heroesnexus.com/

Previously on /hotsg/: >>123592498
Where the FUCK is Maiev????
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>1st for the light and snowman
first for HOOT HOOT
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fourth for Nova players
5th for nobody has been Li Li posting ;_;
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maybe next year
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7th for Sylvanas best waifu
I see a lot of people complaining that they don't have partners for Cho'Gall. Why not just convince your boyfriend or girlfriend to play with you for a bit if they are into videogames?
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Tyrande is the most fun character in the game, also the cutest
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Jaina's master skin with brunette hair gives me the biggest boner so her master skin is the best.

My dick overrides my brain when it comes to quality of things.
I get my wife's son to play with me

Here's your reply.
Oh, Anon, you know girlfriends dont play video games dont be silly
That has to be why
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how does this make you feel /hotsg/ ?
Nothing really competes with Jaina's master skin, just losing the hood gives her such a great look.
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Update of this when?
>there's people in this world who want to fuck Brightwing and Lili
>Johanna not in the top right corner
what did he mean by this?
Fucking Blizzard. Adding shit characters like Lunara while literal legends like Lothar and Orgrim sit on the bench. I'm not spending a cent until they add a literal legend and not meme shit.
How is Tyrande lower than Nova in terms of purity?
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>impyling a Li Li isn't pure

>The Stoneraker brothers were aided by Li Li Stormstout when they attacked by the Virmen and after seeing she expected a reward, each of the brothers offered her a kiss. An unimpressed Li Li was implied to have hit them for this and then continued on her journey to Zouchin Village.

>While going about their business the pair were met by Chen Stormstout and Yalia Sagewhisper and soon after became employees of the Stormstout Brewery.
>the first of the dryads
>daughter of a Cenarius
>not a *LITERAL* legend
How the fuck is some character they just pulled out their ass for this game a literal legend? Are you fucking stupid? Go back to hearthmeme.
>I don't know what the words literal or legend mean
I think it was pretty fun
unless he's serious, if so he's totally braindead
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When is Lunara coming out so this game can be playable?
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Which mounts matches this skin?
Why is he so fat?
I know perfectly what a literal legend is you fuck.I created the term. Go back to fucking hearthmeme. You are a cancer ruining this game.
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You told him.
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stukov when?
from Merriam-Webster
>a : a story coming down from the past; especially : one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable
>b : a body of such stories <a place in the legend of the frontier>
>c : a popular myth of recent origin
>d : a person or thing that inspires legends
>e : the subject of a legend <its violence was legend even in its own time — William Broyles Jr.>
tell me how Lunara isn't a and c
Because he's supposed to be a big guy
I still dont like her neck, but she can be pretty cute

All of this is make believe, Anon

wonder billy
>Thrall, Kharazim, Chen, Butcher, Lost Vikings, Valla.

Basically any skin that just doesn't add a hat. Which is most of them.
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If you want just like regular cute, you can get her sentinel skin. I just love her look in her base and master skin a lot.
>looking up dictionary shit that doesn't even apply.

You clearly don't understand the true concept of a literal legend. Please leave and never come back.

Ohhhh wow I thought it was all real you sure showed me lunarafag. Take your meme shit and get the fuck out. Meme characters are going to be stopped. We will have a literal legend one way or the other.
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>the amount of disappointment when Pure Country E.T.C. doesn't play Sweet Home Alabama during his Mosh Pit

>tfw Sweet Home Alabama was also used in Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty with full rights acquired by Blizzard previously

>tfw Sweet Home Alabama will never make a return for Pure Country E.T.C.

>tfw Pure Country ain't country

Sylvanas isn't pure, she was fucking the human ranger Nathanos before she turned undead.
>Ohhhh wow I thought it was all real
we know you did, because you have autism
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Except she wasn't. Sylvanas was just his teacher.

What about the green color? which mount?
the Hearthstone card
he does a cool balance thingo on it too
Hey, does Sonya just rape the shit out of Jaina?
Wait, why is the marine cracking his knuckles?

His hands aren't in the hands on the suit, so hes not cracking his knuckles.
Lunar Tiger... obviously?
That song fucking sucks. Dumb normies listen to that trash.

Sonya rapes the shit out of everything except Muradin and Butcher
Sonya rapes the shit out of anyone if you're good
this desu
She rapes them when I'm being their medic.
that's Tychus, he can do whatever he damn pleases with his power suit

>The relationship between Nathanos and Sylvanas has been noted by a number of characters, notably those who were part of their ranger corps. Lor'themar Theron and Renthar Hawkspear, who were part of Sylvanas and Nathanos' company, both make reference to a close relationship between the two. Halduron Brightwing also mentions that Sylvanas and Nathanos had a certain connection, and that she was always "championing" him.

It's actually more implied than even Jaina or Arthas. Tyrande and Malfurion you don't even know but it's just assumed.
>Out of everyone introduced at Blizzcon the best one released is probably one that doesn't really exist.

Feels badman, but her kit does sound fun.
t. his Sonya
there is actually a green billy in the games files, but for now either white billy works

if you like them, there is a greenish variant for dire and cyber wolf, and armored battle beast

theres also the green treasure goblin
The person who made the chart waifued sylvanas, logic wont win out over autism
Does anyone here want to play some QM games?
Sylvanas tried to give Turalyon a bj in one of the books too.
I'd give Turalyon a bj too if he wanted one

Eh I don't like those mounts. But the brownish Dire Wolf has green armor on him.
Post Jaina.
Still waiting for literal WoW horde legends
Gamon and Mankrik's wife
She is actually mentioned in the new wow expansion, she might make an appearance

>tfw [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] never
Why would a Dyrad give a shit about treasure?
>meme characters
>literal legends

Fucking idiots of this general. You'll never learn true respect and reverence for literal legends.
So they are going to promote the worst characters. Genn Gaymane and Lunara.

We could have had Xavius and Maiev.
Its likely not our Luna, probably something like


or some other Lunara
The relics probably have something to do with the emerald dream. Since Ysera, Cenarius and the emerald dream (malfurion captured) are now all corrupted, other characters are emerging
>Cow King never
This is a fanfiction site where people post their rp characters, that person is even using a picture of Tyrande
Ah sorry
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gr8 taste
Are you retarded? it's covered by bed sheets...
my dick is covered by bed sheets
my deck is my bed sheets
too bad there's only 9 slots though :(
players just wouldn't understand REDS' dick
>Don't play HL or TL on weekends
>If you play QM you have to stack in order to win
Any other must-knows for actually winning a match in this fucking game?
>play hl game
>enemy has zagara
>all she does is teleport around everywhere and destroy everything with nydus worms
>can't even gank her cause she leaves to the opposite side of the map before we get there
>we try to destroy a keep and she destroys our core

This is ridiculous. How is nydus worm even balanced? And at level 20 it spawns shit. We couldn't catch her for shit not to mention the other 4 enemies. Nydus worm needs a nerf.
Why is balls the easiest dota clone yet? what made blizzard do this
if you can play before 3pm Eastern or 3pm Pacific

it's when most kids end school and get home to start queueing up, play only when the kids are away
fucking moron had to RUIN IT REEEEEEEEE
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Post dem master skins bois.

>tfw level 9.5 with Muradin
>tfw only levelling heroes with aesthetic master skins
Shut your mouth you mediocre Morales player.

you really are.
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Once there was a shitposting tripfag.

He shitposted so much, that the thread died.

The end.
Is this any better anon? I made this post, with my tears.
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I'm this close to spending $5 on Morales just for the Samus alt on her master skin
I think I have fanart of that somewhere
She is a pain in the ass to play and is very easily caught out unless you use medivac extensively.

I feel that she takes a certain kind of finesse to play.
post em
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Reminder that Memeslug is a fun hero to play against.
>couldn't get 8 straight wins against actual people.
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>tfw enemy raynor is actually good
I fucking hate that q
>range is just long enough so you think you're good but it still hits you anyways
why are faggots allowed to pick gaz and still be alive?
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probably because there are picks even worse than him
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>beating erho under shitty circumstances
How do I play Azmodunk? I always end up topping siege damage and I'm pretty high on hero damage, but I don't feel like I'm doing that much or contributing at all.

Any suggestions for builds?
>try to be a team player and tank properly
>lose because team is shit
>go Sonya and choose to do camps on my call and rotations when i need them

well fuck everything, i'll just be more of a selfish player, even if it means i have to abuse this OP warrior princess
>get queu'd against a team of Azmodan, Murky, Abathur, Nazeebo and Gazlowe on Teamfights of Doom

Is there a way to tell if people are using Storm Buddy hacks?
>Go on a massive win streak
>Suddenly matched with the absolute worst players around
>Massive lose streak

Their forced 50 system isn't very subtle.

And don't tell me that shit is just me, I know of at least 4-5 other people this happens to.

Whoa, WTF happened?
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Raiders Roll...
his bonus damage on melee was changed to a 3 hit combo (hit someone three times and the third hit does extra damage)

now his burst is shit
Blizz finally nerf him.
I always see senpaitachi say that Illidan is only good with a specific team. What is an example of some characters that he works well with? He's my favorite character and I'm 1-2 games from 30 but I don't want to pick him if he won't fit with my team.
desu senpai heroes of the storm is fun
> ETC Abathur Tyrande Diablo Illidan

anyone who is able to peel and isolate a target, then let Illidan burst 'em down while zoning out their teammates
>This is Jimmy

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Li Li is down to 54%, but atleast she didnt get zeratool'd
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Chen still useless.
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I need that deer vagina.
Anon, that dryad has a horse base, totally different vagina from deer
That's even better.
What is your out-of-meta talent choice that is fun and works out surprisingly well? I like the 5 mine talent on sgt hammer and just laying a minefield everywhere
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You say that as if the "meta" exists outside of high mmr HL/TL.
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>tfw you'll never make a monster out of kerrigan
>tfw you'll never rule this sector or see it burn to ashes around you
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Where's Grom?

>Playing Muradin as a lane pusher
Assault Egg. It makes a lovely watchtower, and lovelier bait. You'll get flamed by your teammates for it, though.
Shadow Assault
Because fuck it might as well at this point
Let's talk about Artanis.
Pretty fun to play, gotta live on the edge in order to survive and i like that, sucks that he has azmodan syndrome but still pretty balanced
>tfw the only warrior in qm
>having to go balls in EVERY FIGHT
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hows the ranking system compared to LoL like how many ranked points would be considered a division of leagues ranked
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>wanting Grom before Garrosh

fuck off WoWfag
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>wanting the loser kid over the greatest Orc in the history of WC
>didindu nuffin orc that was an asshole till the end
>didindu nuffin father that fucked up royally twice and make it up for it giving his life

seriously tho garrosh

Garrosh will be a skin at best
rank 1 has mid-upper diamond and master
its all mixed up

love him

very fun to play and always underestimated

good ability usage w/ shield+ability cooldown talents and people just don't know what the fuck is happening

Rank 1 is silver and up
anything below rank 1 is bronze
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>tfw not protoss
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Paladin Arthas when?

Kel'thuzad when?

crown prince already exists
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Not a skin, a separate character m8
>not wanting to fuck zag
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We need more night elves, guys!
speak pup
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Nova nerf when ?
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need more races
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chen is SEXY
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Not going to happen then.
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and dragons
is this a trick to get more elves
Ysera when?
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>do you wanna take this mercenary camp
>because IIIIII doooo
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that's not a night elf
>can literally one shot any squishy hero from the very start
>bazillon escape
>no counter
>most picked

she's literally anti game
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hopefully soon
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Fucking when?!?
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Yeah, give us not-furry hero for pedos!
Brightwing has the best quotes in the game.
Wanting to fuck a midget isnt pedo
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>Implying it's hard to spot stealth
>Implying she doesn't rely on the enemy being out of position
>Literally no escape except le sneaky ai clone

The only constant is you
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Is that azshara?
>juke and stealth
>not an escape
>hurr durr play a tank if you don't want to get killed
Its probably the tail ring
Who is this semen demon?
Yeah it's her.
>enemy have malfurion and tassadar
>literally cant kill anyone
nice matchmaking
why is ETC so overpowered bros
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>Not trash
>Not trash
>literally can't get a single game without him
>Ms. Snu Snu is not in top right corner.
he has the games longest stun
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>buy lunar chen skin
>all of a sudden stop getting matched with retards
what is this jewery
She can't rape Rexxar, Falstad, Gazlowe, KT, Brightwing, Leoric, Tyrande and Cho'Gall (obviously).
But she absolutely destroys Murky.
You mean Thrall and Sylvanas?
Horde just need one troll hero and maybe Grom.
rexxar needs a sprint at higher levels, your only escape route is W and if you whiff it, may as well just stand still vs sonya, and i belive she has cc reduction
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and heals more than tyrande
>sonya can't rape leoric
She loses lane against him. Hard.


Can kill, but it is not rape.
What the fuck happened in Hotdogs?
What are those crazy ass % changes?
Diablo with a 55% winrate!?
Oh yeah, i agree she gets fucked in lane, thought you meant something like a 1v1 situation /chase
because there is like 20 people uploading their replays at all
Diablo has been good since the balance patch when medic was added
>there are people at "Masters" who pick Cho'Gall, Chen and Gazlowe
hotdogs a shit
hot dogs' masters starts at 3403 and the top player is 4532
chogall was picked in 1054 of these matches out of ~4590
I used to pick Nether Winds as Kael'thas, but one time I accidentally misclicked Mana Tap and turns out that's a lot better
>Grom being the greatest orc in WC by any metric
>better than Garrosh
>better than Thrall
>better than Marysuexigar
>better than Orgrim
>better than Blackhand
>better than Gul'dan
>better than Durotan
>better than Drek'thar
Perfect storm + sledgehammer

just fucking fun especially with rewind can actually 1v1 most ppl

full owl build + battle momentum

just hit your owls and everything is off cd all game long, also allows you to use your ult twice in a team fight
Dindu nuffin who got his ass kicked by everybody and failed at everything
I'll give you this one. Green Jesus is greater.
Literally who from a novel
Cool guy but he is responsible for the Orc's greatest defeat. Also prepare for him to be ruined in the movie.
Literal puppet and ded
Most powerful moron in the entire lore for sure.
Fathering Thrall is not really that great of an achievement senpai.
Blind and couldn't even take Alterac Valley.
>start playing
>notice that can't buy items like other MOBA, it's just skill up
I don't know, but I find this very casual and boring. But apparently it has lots of map, the very early PvP seem kind of easy too
>Dindu nuffin who got his ass kicked by everybody and failed at everything
sounds like Grom to me desu senpai
As much as I liked getting a lot of farm and items in other mobas, I gotta admit they were kind of boring to get after so many matches I played, farming felt like a chore, I find this game more fun just because of teamfights going on since minute 1 and not just a single teamfight at minute 60 that decides the match
Just counerpick with Johanna, ez
Why are always the "lolsorandumb" or "DUDE WEED" nicknames the worst fucking faggots on this game?
because they're playing Nova
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>mfw I reached my idle training limit for the day
I didn't even know that shit existed.
After playing for a while, I guess the thing about this moba is the map quantity and how their objectives are different.

Also, why the fuck most Nova players just afk or whatever?
Like afk in base? or afk in the bushes, if bushes then they're "ROAMING" for le epic ganks, typical Nova stuff
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Every thread needs more Li Li.
yiff in hell furfag
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How do you the trick to get massive amounts of xp in training mode?
you put 9 bots and afk untill someone win
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Sure thing boss!
Base and brushes

I noticed I am not having problems with ping, the matchmaking throw me with people from my country or something?
Li Li posting is best posting
you can check in options your preferred server, it's set on automatic by default so it throws you to the server with the lowest possible ping most of the time
And what did Grom do? He did even less than all the characters you mentioned. He didn't even fight in the second war despite being a blood thirsty faggot. All he did was drink demon blood and then die. There is nothing great about Grom at all.
He was so incompetent at his first job that Thrall sent him to chop wood, then he kills cenarius after getting the orcs to drink demons blood a second time, and then kills a demon the end.
>single handedly killed Cenarius, a demi-god
>single handedly killed Mannaroth, one of the most powerful demons in the legion
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Agreed. Li Li a best.
>get sent to chop wood
>accidentally restart a 10 000 year old war and kill a demigod
only Grom could fuck up on that magnitude
>single handedly
yeah, after drinking demon blood again
>a hobo on PCP can beat up a cop so that hobo is really strong
Cenarius lived anyways and killing Mannoroth is no big feat. Besides he could only do that with super steroids so it doesn't really count at all. He was a worthless fuck up. The worst of the Orcs.
>single handedly killed Mannaroth, one of the most powerful demons in the legion
Mannoroth isn't known for being powerful, he is known for being cunning.
>called "the Destructor"
>not known for being powerful
he's a fucking pit lord senpai, they're all powerful
So what exactly happened with this patch that made Diablo so much better?

He just feels a lot stronger in general.

Once you get double charge Overpower you can just do fucking work.
He's the only pit lord to die from being hit once with a regular weapon from a regular humanoid. He just leads the destruction of planets, he's not very strong. He is actually one of the weaker pit lords, he just uses his brain to make up for it.
it was a few patches ago that he got good
his kit was always superb, needed to be more beefy, the patch scaled his hp pretty gud so now you can go in, do the work and live to tell the tale instead of charge>overhead>die
he have more hp and regen now
Scaling, plus he combos really well with tyrande
>so powerful that he dies in one shot

Like cmon, hes weak as fuck.
Makes sense, he finally isn't a china doll. Do you think builds can get away without added hp and regen bonus talents now?

I think if Hay-maker could punch opponents over walls it would be a viable alternative to Avatar. Hay-Maker is just fun as shit, it's not bad, but Avatar is just wholly better.

I don't mind accidentally picking it sometimes.
he basically explodes when you touch him
Guys, you do realize everybody dies from one hit in cinematics?
Illidan was defeated in one hit by Arthas, Mannaroth died from one hit, Grom kills that pitlord in the WoD cinematic with one hit.
It would extremely stupid if people would chop at one another for hours during a cinematic.
>so powerful that he's massively unstable and explodes violently as soon as he's touched
sounds pretty powerful to me ;^)
It's never said anywhere else "they fought for hours", he just gets touched once and explodes.
Illidan was defeated pretty easily by Arthas in Icecrown, because Arthas was close to the frozen throne, he was at basically full power. Unlike when they fought in felwood.
>Besides he could only do that with super steroids so it doesn't really count at all
Gul'dan relies on his warlock magic to achieve great things which he got from Kil'jaiden in the first place.
Thrall relies on his shaman powers and Metzen all the time.

If we only count achievements through sheer unaltered strength then Durotan is the truly greatest Orc ever because his greatest feat was done by his dick alone.
Gul'dan had to actually practice his art and hone his powers. Same thing with Thrall. Grom just drank blood.
You know I never really liked that fight. Thrall and Grom didn't really do anything clever, it was basically:

Thrall: I'm gonna hit your real hard with my hammer in not particular place on your body!

Mannaroth:Heh, wings aren't for flappitys, they are for blockities, lemme show you muh dick

Thrall:Eugh his dick

Grom:I shall hit you real hard with my axe, directly in your armor!

Grom was a trained warrior for many years before. If he was just some random Orc who drank blood then he'd be one the generic grunts not one the deadliest warlords.
Illidan was also chained up in a prison for 10,000 years, he was really out of practice
10k years of blueballs do that to you
What are those arrows pointing at?
Probably at the disgusting leg shape. Who the fuck is making the models at Blizzard? They should fire them.
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>10k years of getting pegged by Maiev
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>If he was just some random Orc who drank blood then he'd be one the generic grunts
All the warlords were trained warriors and tough as fuck. Durotan could probably defeat or tie with Grom though.
undead bones, no meat parts
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Well played anon.
Was Grom even relevant in WC2? Pretty sure he was really no better than a grunt then.
custom game or training?
he was playable in like 2 levels of the expansion because he was the only chieftain dumb enough to listen to Ner'"just fuck my planet up"zhul

It's not like that for the concept art.
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Should I get this? Anyone knows places I can buy it for cheap?
How do I Climb the ranks? During my placement matches i mainly played Kael'thas or Jaina which netted me 17 wins during placement games, which was only good for Rank 4. But now it feels like every matchup is me being forced into drafting support alongside 3 assassins and a spec VS double tank & healers. Dropped to Rank 7.

Mates are all already Rank 1 and refuses to get back into the fray and only play Team League.
Players at the higher ranks seem less cooperative and while they seem to have some mechanical skill - they're constantly out of position which makes it fucking impossible to keep them alive while being zoned out by i.e Muradin + E.T.C
>wat do?
Пpивeт, Apтaниcы!
He was the Chief of the Warsong back then. But his clan was in Outland until Ner'zhul sent them in after the Second War.
>Kill'rog Deadeye
>Teron Gorefiend
>Kargath Bladefist
Ner'zhul had a lot of people on his side m8.
the entire starter box is on sale for 10 at amazon
get better friends
and none of them were chieftains except Grom, Kilrogg and Kargath. Kargath joined him because Grom rescued him from a rival clan, and Kilrogg only joined after Ner'zhul reopened the portal and basically was told by Teron Gorefiend "help Ner'zhul or get left behnd for the Alliance".
Why is Tyrone's win rate so low? He used to be good
Illidan is unplayable garbage.
bronze pls
I wonder if they will make Illidan playable before legion so people who are excited to see him might want to try him out in hots.
Your friends are dicks - did they get rank 1 on a lucky streak? If not - why are they so afraid of dropping down 1 rank.

Sounds like you should man up and just pick whatever the fuck you want. Did you have optimal team compositions during your placement matches? I doubt it.

If you aren't playing Team league - just bring your A-game to the match disregard the team. I carried myself to Rank 1 with Hammer. Just pick the hero YOU make the biggest impact with in the match. I
Can you cleanse Bronze to the Slaughter?
>Why'd you pick Artanis faggot, we already have a tank and we needed DPS

"He's pretty much a DPS"

>Top Damage by 20k
>Top Tank over the other tank by 5k

Exactly how many idiots play this game honestly?
>fartpenis picker gets carried
>thinks he's good
ayy lmao
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If you get Takada on your team, you better hope he is allowed to pick vikings!
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>one trick pony
Of the "multiple unit" heroes, is Rexxar the only one who isn't plagued with such hard counter picks?
New specialist when.
I saw that video of the animation of Illidan (I think the guy is called cobol or carrot or some shit) and that is exactly how my friend plays Illidan, including how he uses the hunt
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So who wins this game? I'm betting red.
Did you guys got BHB or the punisher map recently? 4 days and none of those popped up, i know the mines are disabled.
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My brain wants the team with Uther to win.
My dick wants Tyrande to win
This is how I feel, I always vote for tyrande team even though their comp has like no synergy with her and she is solo healing
They probably don't want to because they remember what I'm experiencing.

I have to say the team comps. were much better during my placement matches. People actually communicated during the drafting phase and no one showcased an elitist attitude.

Drafting the 3rd or 4th assassin just seems wrong to me. It's great that you were able to carry with hammer - but it feels like there's been a huge difference in attitude between teams during my matches.
Gimme a crash course on Azmodan
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nigga this is sad

why'd you pick on someone who doesn't even care who you are?
spawn niggers all day, laser baddies and dunk then to finish them off
What's Johnny Sins doing in the corner?

He's mastered the hardest hero in the game

even if they are OP fucking cancer that needs to be nerfed and fucking removed

Also I've played with him a few times he understands the game better than most
Don't play him right now. His minions are bugged and will not attack heroes properly and his taste for blood stacks are not applying to black pool which makes it harder to stack and not even effective. Wait until they bug fix him.
I bought him 2 days ago for 10k gold

A shame that he's bugged then. He seems like a fun hero

Where do I spawn them? Empty lanes so that they push, or try to support my own lane?
you usually want your big red nigga to spawn on an empty lane far away, for example, if you're fighting for an objective on bottom lane, spawn it on top lane, or spawn it on wherever lane you have mercs on, your lil niggas are not worth the mana to cast, unless you talent for them, which you shouldn't, they consume your precious mana that you will most likely need on a teamfight to cast as many empowered dunks as possible.

As for the bug thing, yeah, it's not worth picking the dunk talent at level 1 while it's bugged, but Pushmodan is still strong if the enemy leaves you unchecked
>Stitches in every QM now because "all le warriors are le viable"
kill me
>Stiches is bad
>stitches isn't bad
Stitches is meta
red won predictably i love how this game is easy to call just from the drafts
When the hell are we getting a new assassin? It's been months.

>bronze retard has any understanding of the "meta"

Grayman and Lunara are assassins
Red might win a match.
But Abathur had a pretty cash party with his babes and got laid afterwards.
Lunara and the worgen guy are next
Is there a map rotation this patch? I haven't played BHB all week
When's ench comming?
This tuesday or next
Mines is confirmed out, and I haven't seen Garden all week either (however, every other match is DRAGON SHITE)
I hope she says "oh deer" when she kills someone
>tfw the lasts specialists we got were Sylv and The lost memekings
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Crikey Jaina is fun to play.
If you ask blizzard in the forums, they will probably add that.

I like how they are really quick to add memes or funny things, even making jokes of themselves like the 6.5/10 or the Kerrigan poke things, but they don't listen to the people to fix the gameplay issues
Specialist is a dead meme. Notice how neither Cho'Gall nor Rexxar are "Specialists", despite qualifying because of their dumbass backwards play style? Even Blizzard themselves have abandoned the Specialist class.
>gazlow player still mad his hero is shit and will always be shit
Lunara is already done m8, she was playable at Blizzcon.
I don't think they read their forums do they?
>tfw the 3 heroes from founders pack have the highest winrates
I've been playing diablo for months. 68.6% winrate. People on my team always saying "no diablo pls" and shit. He's been good for a while and now he's even better
I never get the more hp talent it doesn't even give that much extra hp. I go battle momentum
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so bonus points occur whenever you fight people with a much higher average MMR?

i wish i could just always fight higher MMR opponents. the game is still 90% decided by whether or not your team has AFKers/quitters/abathurs accidentally walking into the lane repeatedly
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So who wins this one? Also bubble squad is using the exact same lineup as here >>123771351

At least the other team has a better lineup. I would still pick red.
>bronze to the slaughter
It's his best ult
>tfw playing Illidan and trying to figure out whether you should leave enemy walls up to dive over later or kill them now for a faster ult
>complaining about QM
>Calling others bronze
Anyone that plays or cares about QM is shit
yeah bro lets sit through retarded drafts and a banless system to prove ourselves xd
>blue banning tyrande
unwatchable game

I hope red demolishes blue
I was dropped
You're garbage

>implying I'm that guy
This is the problem with this game. Instead of making good characters or solving issues that need to be solved they just sweep it under the rug and throw some memes in your face. Idiots eat it up.
yeah bro ever since they reduced HL parties to 2 its the ultimate test of skill nevermind that team league is better xddd
>play 8 games quest
>1 more game to play and I haven't won a single one

Every one of the games has been filled with retards running in 1v5 as Nova and Murky. I had no idea there were this many Murky players
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we need a lady dragon in hots. haha
I still can't believe Blizzard ruined Cho'gall by making him some gimmick shit. One of the coolest characters they've released in a long time and they just completely ruined him. I mean they made him so fucking bad they had to give it out for free cause no one would buy it.
>QM gives me an Anub
>enemy team has Cho
>Anub wondering what he should build
>tell him to take web at 10
>he does
>"Wow anon that was a great pick thanks for telling me"
Sometimes people aren't all that bad.
So far red is getting destroyed. They lost a keep 8 minutes into the game
>His passive could have been pressing d to switch between Cho and Gall giving you different abilities.
>Instead we get memes.

>free week Uther says "wow damage Uther is really fun"
>reply "yeah I guess, just don't take holy shock at 13, shrink ray is too good to miss"
>"no I'm gonna take holy shock"
>win anyway because apparently Illidan is really good now
now he'll never learn :(

>retards who think just because their team won that justifies every decision they made

Pisses me off to no end.
Don't worry, it's Blizzard, they will release a legendary skin for him with the same patch that buffs him to bullshit levels
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>tfw want to play Cho'gall
>can't play cause he needs two players
>nobody wants to play Cho'gall
I honestly don't doubt this was serious.
had some faggot Hammer in one of my teams who was obviously carried hard

>shit positioning
>worst skills
>literally everything about him was shit
>"durr, i won my last game by over extending as hammer"

i purposefully left the game because i could not let that faggot get another win

last i saw, he fell down to Rank 35 and has been stuck there since
Cancer Leoric.jpg.
>I always win because I play like Murky it's cool
he was actually really close to the build I use, just took a bunch of retarded noob traps like holy shock and holy fire. Other than that he was the best free week Uther I played with, just that one exchange concerned me
>only 2 characters have legendary skins
>one is garbage
>one is mid tier
Easiest win of bubble squad's life. It was a one sided stomp
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>Mecha Tass. Either of those.
>Mecha Tassadar
>mid tier
I'm going to have to dispense some justice and freedom on you.
both legendary skins are good, but Tychus is bad and Tassadar is only good as an off support with a lot of melee.
all the "hurr durr legendary skin op so they sell hero" shit is annoying
Tass is crazy good. You high dude.
Diablo + Tyrande combo this game
Tychus was god when the legendary was released.
but nerfing your most expensive skin into gutter trash tier is pretty bad for business still
Really all they changed was making Grenade build stupid as hell to do now and Odin not getting it's own health bar.

I wish Odin at least got more health like Illidan can get from Meta. It would make transforming better and first aid a lot better.
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>dat lowranked scum
>lvl 37
Blue can't win unless red fucks up to a major extent.

if red loses, you and your team are shit
ETC is one of the squishiest warriors and the rest of the team is squishy as fuck

sucks though, since you have Gaz on your team which makes it pretty much a 4v5 already
I'm level 22... When I play with a Rank 1 friend, we usually get matched with other rank 1s because apparently his mmr is high enough to make mine unimportant.

Usually, I don't feel out of place at all.

For a somewhat competent player, the difference between a few ranks can be the good calls of a rank 1 player-

My mechanics are pretty good, and so is my immediate sense for positioning and my surroundings, but I'm pretty sure everyone would play 10-20 ranks above with "just" their play style and someone more competent calling the strategy
>not even level 40

I'd say red. Artanis is not a great main tank, and malf/raynot fuck up sonya somewhat.
Gazlowe is a plus on this map though, so if blue can get first positioning and good calls they might win it
this. good mission control and players who actually listen can outplay opponents who are individually stronger. "can", not "will" mind you
Still... even if blue gets the immortal, red has better single target damage and can vaporize the immortal quickly..
If both teams are of equal skill, red should win it
So is the grand final starting right now?

Or is it over already?
Team Jaina because she is the cutest
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Wow Tyrande + Diablo + Mura

But they threw away the draft because they ran out of time and it auto picked moralas. At least there is some raynor in this too.

Lost no tank kinda fucked us
Link pls.
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>Not Sonya
smurf adventures on EU continue

place those bets

apparently they are in the mindset that artanis is a tank
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I made the mistake of being the Gall for my IRL friend's Cho
Constantly boiling with anger because he is so fucking shit at the game but have to be silent for the sake of friendship
ETC is like.. the worst tank for artanis to play against, too...
>Great team. Ruined because someone has to pick Gazlowe.
twitch tv/khaldor
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Oh apparently they allowed them to repick tassadar, so no moralas
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Thnx dude. Russian streamers make me feel bad.
he just uses brain to make up for it
>thousands of orcs in tanaan
>ohh fuck catapults you cheater
>ahhh shit an iron star
>oh nooo an axe in my chest ggrhghgh
Not soon enough.
Ascended Kerrigan skin when
We all know when.
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>Centers on Poison.
>Blizzard nerfs the only other poison person, Naz, to shit just before her release.

if the SJWs have anything to say about it, they're going to bitch about how Kerrigan is naked and cause a shitstorm that the media will eat up like a fat kid drinks mayo

regardless of the fact that SJWs don't play games at all
>nerfed to shit
Kripp pls
>centers on poison
>a 30 damage dot that lasts 10 seconds
What's the build for damage Uther? I keep finding my QM teams where I'm the only one with tank capabilities.
I think it would help if I could lay a little hurt and heal while I get cover fire
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The light prevails
>tfw you will never see 5 man Envenom comps
>tfw you will never see 5 man Specialist comps
>tfw you will never see non-meta comps ever

all because people are too fucking pathetic to go outside the box and try playing with a unique team, it always has to be 1 Tank 2 DPS 1 Spec 1 Support, and if you try to draft a team comp that's different, fuck you, you're the reason for the loss, not because everyone else is too inflexible and can't play different styles

>tfw you can only do this with a 5 man stack
>tfw all of your friends are literal shit and can't play to save their lives
Did they bitch about her in SC2?

And if that's really a problem, just put a bikini on her or some shit. Not like you see anything
She's a dryad you mong.
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Red won, it was pretty close. But that tyrande heal and diablo damage were pretty good.
they didn't bitch because none of them played the game yet, and if they did, none of them have been able to finish the campaign
>thinking she wont be drawn with an equine pussy
it's more stun Uther than damage Uther. Basically it's the standard Uther build but with changes to make you less effective at support (no cleanse or shield) but a bit tankier. ult is your choice but I prefer Divine Shield
>Does shit damage now.
>Squishy as hell.
>Easy to bully out of lanes.

The only good thing about him is his ult which he can be stunned out of. The Balance Changes hurt him bad.

He's the only one that has poison.
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You-you're thinking about my p-pussy anon?
People like you are the ones ruining this game.
>People actually communicated during the drafting phase and no one showcased an elitist attitude.

This. The best hero league games I've played were with a bunch of people trying it for the first time. Everyone cooperated, communicated, and we ended up stomping the other team. As I rise in ranks, everyone just gets more and more cancerous.

I think the issue is that the surest way to rank up is to just get good with one hero and immediately lock them in regardless of what your team is doing. Sometimes you'll fuck your team over, but most of the time you'll just force your team to build around you.
>t. Murky picker
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Quality Blizzard Matchmaking.
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W - 1
A - 3
S - 2
S - 3

W - 5
A - 2
S - 1
S - 2

W - 8
A - 6 (+2 Lunara, Graymane)
S - 6
S - 3

W - 0
A - 0
S - 0
S - 1

Come on Blizzard
(also, we only have 8 more open spaces after Lunara and Graymane get in, i wonder who those 8 will be....?)

lol, you're fucked
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Bubble squad really loves their mura, kael, zag
>we only have 8 more open spaces after Lunara and Graymane get in
when will this meme die? they always remake the whole UI when they're running out of room for more heroes

Are you retarded?
of course bb.

>people with great tastes are ruining the game
You forgot Overwatch
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I bubble heal/persist as abathur, especially when I queue into a no healer comp. Also mule 3/4 times because I'd rather have it and mostly use it during base races than need it and not have it.
Tracer is a "Blizzard" hero because they don't feel like adding another category.
I'm pretty sure they annouced her as the "FIRST" hero from Overwatch to join Heroes, so that means almost for sure there will be more to come
me and my friends regularly play 5 man spec teams and it's fun
Just fucking kill me. They are going to fill this game with Overshit, OC, and Hearthmeme characters....
Tracer is also barely in development
her model is just finished, not even rigged

it'll be a year before she even gets thought about being put in
She'll be done by the time Overwatch launches.
She will be out in time to promote overwatch at release, they are releasing her with their digital deluxe/collector's edition.
whi are the best supports?
also tier list support or general
Goddess Tier:

Whoever tier:
Everyone else, just pick one if you couldn't get Tyrande
You mean Warcraft characters? Yeah, they're going to have a few of those.

She'll be out in April when the game launches.
Uther for heals and Divine Shield
Tyrande for combos
and the rest is meh
Did they introduce some kind of passive gold gain? I hadn't played since the Butcher launched and came back recently to find I had 26,000 gold. I know I didn't have that much when I stopped playing.
Characters popularized by Hearthstone don't count as Warcraft characters

Ex. Dr. Boom
>You mean Warcraft characters?
I think he just means the innkeeper who they announced they want to get in. He will probably have a lot of card related abilities
>Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
>doesn't count as Warcraft
Monk, Tyrande and Uther.
No it counts as Hearthstone.
June 2016, not April, at the earliest
They added a new tier at lvl 9 for characters.
and how many heroes from Hearthstone are in the game exactly?

games ruined cause Jaina and Thrall are in it right?


Uther > Tyrande = Kharazim > LiLi = Tassadar > Brightwing = Rehgar > Malfurion = Morales


Uther = Tyrande > Tassadar = Kharazim > Brightwing > Rehgar = Malfurion > Morales > LiLi
Jaina and Thrall weren't popularized by Hearthstone. They just happen to be in Hearthstone. What is so hard to grasp about this?

Greetings traveller
>"hey, I should play some QM"
>queue as Uther because I have a support daily
>Nova, Abathur, 2 auto-selects
fuck I love being the only constant. I really need to practice my "not queuing into getting assraped" skills
Competitive Rhegar is worse than Malf and Moraels right now.
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Have you prayed to your queen today, /hotsg/?
I can see his heroics already
>Topdeck Master - 90 second cooldown: Pray to RNGesus and draw a card from the top of your deck. 10% of the time either your or the enemy's core (chosen at random) is instantly destroyed, ending the game. 90% of the time this ability does nothing.
>Free to Play - 15 minute cooldown: Pay $1 to win the game. This ability's cooldown persists across games. The primary payment method on your account will be charged prior to the activation of this ability.
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>My team is raynor (me), valla, karazhim, illidan and falstad

>they have johanna artanis and li li

just blind my shit up senpaii we went 4-30 and just 1 fort down
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>even in art her ears just clip straight through her hood
Just was in a group witha kael'thas who died 10 times in a 10 minute game and a leroic who refused to understand that we shouldn't try to team fight on towers or doom when they had ultimates and we didn't. Did I get qued into wood league or something?
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You're the king of the wood league anon.
>whats so hard to get about my convoluted and idiotic view of things

I just don't understand it because I'm not an idiot, it's as simple as that.
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gotta believe
Am I blind or is there really no in depth youtube stuff for this game. Any time I look up game discussion or guides its just some cowboy dude shitting out a game from 8 months ago.
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>desert queen zagara doesn't have an altered voiceover
I very clearly defined it for you. If you can't keep up then that's your loss. You're the typical kid ruining this game.
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>cho players who think they can do damage
when will they learn that they exist only to serve gall
>Playing the hero at all
it is fun
>tfw ETC is good again.

Now if only they could do something about Artanis.
How is ETC good now?
Because people realized groupies build is the way to go?
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>tfw no more starcraft heroes, especially zerg
I've recently got back into this game and did they change Zagara?

What type of build do people do on her now and is Rapid Incubation still godlike?
post your hotslog
There's still Stukov and Dehaka but good luck getting them in any time soon.
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Do you want to /ss/ anon?
>can't tell the difference between S and S
>being this new

it'll be okay anon, it'll be okay
I feel too bad giving my team a significant disadvantage so I can't have fun.
fuck off /co/
Powerslide build is better unless you have a shit healer like Brightwing.
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senjinn here

i'm sure this will bring joy to many hearts. yesterday i tried lifting a container with water with both of my arms and it dropped on my computer while it was on, so, yeah.

going to rub everything down with q-tips and 99% alcohol, stick it in rice for a few days and hope for the best.

i can't afford a new motherboard
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>watch hots "pros" play
>one team picks the most cookie cutter shit imaginable
>the other team picks something interesting
>the interesting team always loses
If you're playing for "fun" or because it's "interesting", you've already lost.

>mfw bronzies will never understand this
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stop buinglly people.
>Not getting good at shit characters getting ready for buff.

My time playing Sonya and Thrall finally pay off.
You don't get it, do you? What do you gain from playing unviable heroes? The gold can't be worth constantly getting duped by superior teams.
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How does anyone actually expect to move up in ranks in this game when most of the people playing are the equivalent of children with down syndrome?
play someone who can carry regardless of teammates with down syndrome?
Not everyone can be Cloud 9.
The only three characters that completely destroy comps when you see them are Gazlowe, Cho'Gall and Artanis.

And Artanis is iffy on that list because of how strong he is late game.
fucking novas with gathering power everywhere
im ok if they in enemy team, but nova in my is 4vs5
All it takes is 1 retard to ruin an entire game.
>not dead weight

bronze spotted
guys i just played my first game of hero league and I had the most siege damage, hero damage, and xp contributions!!!!
good job buddy
..did your team win?
Since the balance changes she's not. Hell she's better than Zeratul now bu then I think Zeratul is pretty shit now.
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welcome to MOBAs
that's how it works for any and all mobas

you win or lose depending on which team has the weakest player

the game isn't decided by who is better, but who the least weakest player is

good job, which hero were you?
>implying I said it was different for HotS

It's my main turnoff for Mobas, I love playing them, but I can't stand dealing with the fact that all it takes it 1 retard to ruin the entire game for everyone and that the majority are a bunch of egotistical jerks with self-serving bias. If I had a reliable 5 stack to play with, I'd bet I would play them much more often then I normally do.

Pretty decent. Gazlowe is picked so rarely many people don't know what to do against him, or just ignore him because "lol it's gazlowe"

>Trap 3 of 5 enemies in stasis

>We take an easy fight 5v2 and kill them

>The 3 that come out of stasis kill my entire team somehow

Such is life in wood league
>he didn't watch Blizzcon
You can do that with a lot of other characters that offer more to the game as a whole than Zeratul.

But then you probably actually die to Zeratul. Such is life in wood league.
>Nova 18 deaths
>Diablo 16 deaths

meet my team
how can the game ast to the point where someone has nearly 20 deaths.

Yeah, we were 2-3 levels above them the whole game


The guy saying Gazlowe isn't me, Idk why he did that. I was Sonya.

I dont watch Hots esports but didnt a team win with Rexxar a while ago and people were shocked?
>"we think Zeratul is one of the most balanced heroes in the game."
>Zeratul gets nerfed more with every patch

Fuck you, Blizzard.
33 minutes, Battlefield of Eternity
Is Illidan one of the worst heroes in the game?
Rexxar was played a few times at blizzcon and won
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>be me, ETC
>level 21 teamfight
>dive in, land 4 man mostpit
>enemy Muradin Dwarf Tosses out at the last minute (wtf?)
>oh fuck, he's the only one that can stun me right now
>he lands the stun, everyone turns on me
>die in less than 1 second because Uther doesn't DS me
>lol,jk, i have Death Metal

death metal catches 3 of the original 4 (their Thrall was kill during first Mosh Pit)

motherfucking 7 second stun

feels good man

>tfw 100% beef
I'm bummed about your situation, but you need to chill the fuck out it's just a game :^)
Is Rexxar considered bad? I've been playing him recently and doing well.
No. He's just not good as a solo tank.
He got buffed, he's not shit now. Still not a maintank tough
>eLevate picking LiLi on Cursed Hollow

this isn't HL you silly bitches
Think they picked lili to counter raynor.

The stupider pick was illidan, he's not really playable.
long range heals
fairly long range blinds (that aren't restricted by terrain)
dragon applies annoying poke that can stop a tribute
debating whether or not i should buy another 360 stimpack...

not sure if they'll have enough sale for it next year...

I advise against it on the grounds you may get bored of the game at some stage and not get your money's worth out of it
I've seen LiLi picked 3 times in competitive now. Each one they got stomped because they had a shit a support.
he seems to have gotten a lot better in the Cho'gall patch
yeah probably

with Blizzard taking it away and only making it available for sales like this, makes me think that it'll be offered another sale time in the future

if my interest lasts a whole year, i'll pick up another one then

I have to disagree. He and Illidan/Abathur in general have gained nothing in recent patches and the scaling changes, yet many of heroes/archetypes have gotten stronger.
He's pretty bad, and only really playable with like an uther, aba/tass, even then he doesn't do enough damage and dies too easily to work.

I know NA today picked him twice in the tournament and the first time their team got stomped (they had uther/aba) and right now he is played again and they aren't doing well.

He seems worse after the cho'gall patch.
maybe it's just my personal section of wood league, but I haven't seen an Illidan lose since Cho'gall, whether on my team or the enemy's
Illidan's biggest problem is he doesn't have enough burst damage, he needs to stay on a target for a long time, but he is too easy to kill that one CC can end him.

Pretty much any assassin is a better pick.
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He loses most of the time
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i don't understand
Ever since I got back into the game, I've been cosntantly destroying Illidan players with Sylv, Zagara, ETC, Muradin, Rehgar, Tassadar, Lili and Sonya.
I don't think I've seen a single illidan perform well since the patch
huh. I guess it's just QM being QM then
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>Need 2 more wins with Cho'Gall with someone that doesnt have it to get the 2k gold STILL

>Find a random who whispers me mid game named Nicole that asks if I can help her

>Play 2 games
>She's really grateful
>I have literally nobody to play with so I add her, even if shes bad at least she's a grill and shes higher level than me anyway

>"ty soooo much, Im so happy, been waiting ages to play cho'gall"
>"Im gonna give him to my bf! He's been waiting too"

Boy am I glad that Im actually a social person that meets ands dates girls in real life now.

Because I can tell if this was 5 years ago and I was a sad roneryfaggot 16 year old again that'd bum me the fuck out
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Short hair tyrande skin when???

Why is Tyrande the only fem nelf in the warcraft universe to have awesome big tits?

All of them should have them!
>All of them should have them!
It's elune's secret
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>If they're only going to make him stronger (flat buffs) he might simply push aside other assassins (Valla, Raynor).
>They want him to be a Unique assassin on his own.

What kind of sense does this make? Tychus plays nothing like Raynor or Valla, he cant stutter step worth shit and is all about diving into closer range
I'm sure if they added Shandris or Maiev they will have awesome tits as well
Has Nova's burst increased with the scaling change?

Since when can she shit out half of on hp bar's worth of damage in 2 seconds?
since Gathering Power got unfucked

when she gets to take part in several kills without dying

Gathering power now grants 2% ability power per kill she's a part of, up to a maximum of 30% bonus ability power
Run and Gun now grants a shield
you can sustain this shield indefinitely as long as you maintain fire upon enemy targets

Q now scales into late game, increasing with attack damage as you level up

boom, Tychus fixed
Well I would be happy with dmg buff on Q and the shield sounds interesting

I just dont understand Blizzards reasoning not to give flat buffs because Tychus already plays very differently from the other ranged assasins
I honestly didn't know towers don't have true sight until just now...
stealth heroes are a fucking cancer in pub matches, I hate them
So how should I be building Rexxar?

Turn Misha into damage dealing assassin thing?

Build around tankiness and spamming misha charge with unleash the huffer utlimate?


4 is either Easy Prey or Crippling Talons depending on whether or not you'll be spending a sufficient amount of time hitting creeps that game.
>Play Falstad earlier
>Get absolutely crushed by Kerrigan
How the fuck do I get around heroes with stuns? Falstad's need to be close just wipes me out
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the climb back
fuck this mmr hell
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Want to play with someone else to help make the climb easier?
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>tfw no night elf gf
>tfw you can see the head
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>not having the superior skin
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>just the tip
I took that probably a year ago.
Her base skin is perfection though
>year ago
>icon top right shows gall
are you a time traveller m8?
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You wanted rape?
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You're not great at following a conversation are you mate?
I just got here, ain't got time to read all this shiet
The dream owl

Owl kills are always the best feeling
Made me moist.
Holy fucking shit, you people are still here?

Was this game even alive? Was it even born lmao
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dat ass doe
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Tyrande is the best

I want to play Lunara RIGHT NOW!!!
mmmm that is fine
why are elves such sluts?
No, this game died in beta. Literally nothing changed when it was "released".

The only people playing this now are the people that was suckered into investing their money for it.
And also degenerate waifushits who can't move on and willingly allows themselves to be openly buttfucked by blizzard.
dear god in heaven that makes me so hard

>Literally nothing changes when it was "released"

So same as dota 2 then.

Or any game that releases nowadays
Game is still in beta until season 1, I don't know why they pushed it out when it was only half done.
How do you see the stats for a match you've played?

Im sitting on match history and cant actually see talent builds/stats etc.

Just a hover over that shows me who was in the match
>tfw I've only made 1 owl kill so far
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you really have no idea?
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Me too anon. Me too.
how the fuck did that do so much damage.
Owl talents.
Talent. The longer the owl flies, the more dmg, there is a cap
Sentinel talent at level 16, it does like 1000 damage at max range or something.

Anyway here is tyrande the aba sniper

When dota became free to play in 2013, playerbase jumped from 100k to 400k and literally strained the server for months when it hit 500k peak until valve expanded.

stop being in denial f a m
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i've noticed something. when i play as valla, no matter whether our team is dominating by a large margin or losing, my team is always extremely critical of everything i do. 5 kills, 11 assists, 1 death? i'm a fucking retard because i died. picked GK against cho'gall? i'm a retard because i'm not picking the "best talents from hotslogs"

but if i play as anyone else, no one has any comments on how i play, except endless praise if i play uther because they cream their pants every time i shield them when their dumb ass dives 1v5
Retards act retarded. Don't let them get you down.
>enemy team wiped
>tychus pings boss 3 thousand times
>cho'gall waits until the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM HAS RESPAWNED to start taking boss
>we all die at boss
>we lose

I hate quick match
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>tfw malfurion has been hitting that for 10,000 years
Literally happened the same to me today
In sky temple

Hate quick match too
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>tyrande will never sit on your face
Nah, he slept for last 10k years, just like all other nelf men. Nelf ladies had to get by with passionate lesbian sex.
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>tfw he regularly goes away to nail Ysera while Tyrande and Shandris have wild lesbian orgies with the other Sentinals
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malf is one lucky prick
>six fingers
he is

Nothing actually changed with the game though

Same amount of bugs
Same amount of unreleased content

They just announced "THE BETA IS OVER" to drum up hype then they got a peak 500k playerbase.

They didnt reach 500k average players until 2014

My point was the game was nowhere near finished, just like Hots

Hell dota 2 is "back in beta" right now with reborn
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this earns the ban

Is there any character in warcraft lore that got more lucky with his life.

Its like he absorbed all of the luckforce from his mother in the womb, and Illidan got absolutely fucking nothing
>instalock nova first pick
>instalock cho gall second pick
somebody end my miserable life already
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>still no valeera in game
when will it be allowed to poison people and hop away? this tuesday?
>2nd and 3rd

you mean
Varian's belf gf
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>thinking they will release a new character while the 50% sale is still on
she looks less like a rogue and more like some two-bit stripper prostitute who gets paid to dress up in some skank clothes that make her look vaguely like a rogue

good job keeping the chest and thighs wide open, those clearly aren't important or anything
Rip my dreams
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Fuck, that's right.
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>Warcraft character designs are dumb as fuck

you don't say
>shirt so tight her belly button is visible
nice "armour"
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you do know that HotS playerbase actually went DOWN a week after it was "released" right?

This is the most dead a dead game can be. Fucking ragnarok private servers have a bigger playerbase than you people.
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the aid of great beermaster is required to carry novas
>Game has around 300,000 players at least
>Somehow this makes it dead
>blizzdrones will still defend it
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A F2P game has more players the week of release than a week later? You don't say.
>300,000 playerbase
>daily 1k to 5k twitch views

Wow, that's an amazing number family, I'm sure it's completely accurate!

yeah sure, and I'm m00t
>defending a female is whiteknight fedora
>criticizing a female is fedora
there's just no winning is there

hers is the worst by far. and they only got really stupid post WC3
this guy everybody.
Owner of Hotslogs confirmed it when talking about how the Cho'gall meme spread to the playerbase. And the game is boring to watch. nobody debates that unless they have a room-temperature IQ
>Blizzard shill shills for Blizzard

you don't sayyy
>the truth is what I think it is because mommy told me I'm always right
>twitch views determine livelihood
i guess every time lirik or soda stream a game it magically comes to life and has a thriving community

>pick uther in HL
>teammate immediately picks sonya
mah nigga
Was she in warcraft 3? I never really played the campaign, just wanted it for the multiplayer and gameplay mechanics. I honestly think lore is fore nerds
No, she didn't exist until the comics that was around BC. She appeared in game in Wotlk, then disappeared.

>if that is true, how do you explain my feelings?
omg hearing this shit from SJWs makes me want to puke blood
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______ is the next hero I want to see from Warcraft
______ is the next hero I want to see from Starcraft
______ is the best Warrior
______ is the best Assassin
______ is the best Support
______ is the best Specialist
______ is the best two-headed ogre
Fuck you1
Fuck you2
Fuck you3
Fuck you4
Fuck you5
Fuck you6
just like kael or Leo.
Cairne is the next hero I want to see from Warcraft
Stukov(?) is the next hero I want to see from Starcraft
Anub'Arak is the best Warrior
Ray the man Nor is the best Assassin
Rehgar is the best Support
memeslug is the best Specialist
Mo'gor is the best two-headed ogre
dunno maybe a unit from zerg/protoss
jimmy raynor
sc2 medic
The Lost Memes
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1. Gul'Dan
2. ????
3. Johanna
4. Kael'thas
5. Rehgar
6. Zagara
7. meme'gall of the Twilight Hammer Clan
no, i just meant the character designs in general were less stupid

next character reveal should be from the only modern blizzard franchise that doesn't have a hero representing it yet
heroes of the storm: siege giant
>Abathur hat
That big Zerg warrior guy
The Lost Vikings
Now you know that's a loaded question :p

I assume this is based off of our opinion and not fact right?
>tfw of the 3 named ogres that appear in WC2, only the one that doesn't die on screen never came back in WoW
bravo Blizzard
1. Gul'dan
2. Ulrezaj
3. Rexxar
4. The Butcher
5. Tyrande
6. Zagara
7. Dentarg
is lunara the next hero? when is she coming? i forgot how long it's been since cho came out
2 weeks, coming with christmas bundles
Should I buy the second chance bundle?

I only really care about the Jaina and Rehgar outfits.
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Real talk

I want Garrosh.

I wanna become Orcish hitler and tear shit up with pure barebones warrior style moves.

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hey guys, /hotsg/ blogger here

i managed to break out of Rank 9-12 and made it to Rank 6, my opinions will soon be valid

probably gonna stop playing today sicne i just had a 7 game win streak and i'm feeling good, don't wanna break it with a loss
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>Gazlowe on your team
B-but i can make it work he is not bad the others just can use him.
No it's a useless piece of shit that becomes a slight less useless piece of shit with grav-o-bomb. If you win with this crap you could have won with literally anything.
If you still think the Gaz is bad, you'll fit right in with all the other memesters here.
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>play Gazlowe
>pick robo goblin
>"dude wtf" "uninstall pls" "gg"
>mfw level 20 awakens my final form
>mfw you can't run from the ONE MAN REKTING CREW
>hobo-goblin making it to level 20
He should get damage resistance in odin or something
>first pick
>pick support
>no one on my team picks warrior
>pick warrior
>no one on my team picks support

i've been first pick 3 times in a row now. what are the odds of that?
>Played since alpha
>Just hit level 30
>Cant play ranked because need 6 more heroes

I have 9k gold and currently own Sylvanas, Gazlowe, Kael'Thas and Rexxar

Who do I buy?
It ain't easy. I like the idea of a passive heroic ability, but what Gazlowe needs to make playing him not the equivalent of a tightrope walk over a river full of piranhas is either a significant reworking of his trait or a buff to his turrets (so they slow from the very beginning; you could replace that talent with one that makes you move at half speed while channeling the laser). Of course, /hotsg/ is full of Sonya players whose balls retreat into their esophagus at the idea of playing a character that requires more than "follow this build and spam these abilities + don't be completely stupid" to shine, so most of us will never know the feel of being good at Gazlowe. Also there's maps where he just doesn't work, and you'll have to accept that. Also don't first pick Gazlowe, no matter how good you are. Just don't.

like & subscribe for more Blog Content
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find me a more annoying "hero" than Nova
Tass is fine. Murky would be annoying if he wasn't so easy to kill.
I'll give you Chen.
Gazshit players are still in denial.
>le funny meme bro xD Gazlowe is good.
agreed, you can ignore Chen tho
last time i played was when they released kael.
True and he can't stealth and run away like a little chickenshit like Nova always does.
>own Gazlowe
consider buying a gun and point it at your head
Tassadar is annoying as shit to play against

Nova and Murky are annoying, period
I play Tass as a main. So I like being annoying with him.
Haymaker is so much stupid fun

>Had a 4 level advantage above enemies
>Haymaker punched a Murky into our fort
>Safety bubbles out
>punch him back into the fort

>find Murky egg
>stun, thunderclap, punch
>kill egg

>find enemy Morales
>punch her around so she can never keep a tether on properly

>Leoric entombs allies
>punch him into his own tomb
>i'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me

>Tychus calls down Odin
>animation takes fucking forever
>punch him halway across the map when he finishes
>too slow to ever get back into the fight after that

>stitches grabs me
>stun him
>can almost taste his team bitching "why you hook Muradin?"
>punch him to my team
>dwarf toss myself to safety

too bad Avatar is just way more consistently and reliable in HL since positioning as Muradin is kinda risky
>about to kill Tass's friend
>lol shield
>about to kill him
>lol shield
>about to kill him again
>lol phase shift
>have to retreat because almost dead from chasing so hard
>lol psy storm
fuck Tassadar
good post senpai, i laughed a bit

don't forget his annoying walls
Stealth characters are still going to stomp your bronzie ass, they just made the one that requires less skill to play better. At least Zeratul has to put himself in harm's way to kill you.
I forgive you.
why do people say Lili is shit? I could understand her not being picked at the highest level since her jug is easy cancelable, but in amateur play she heals like crazy, can mass blind and has the best power spike at level 20 of any healer with kungfu hustle
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slowly making it after a rough start
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I always have my doubts when i see edgy names.
I'd be more doubtful of a guy with a Rehgar portrait or an Artanis player desu
I always have my doubts when I see Nova/Illidan avatars.
There is only amateur play in this game.

He was also the first hero I bought

No regrets.
Are you Rank 1?
We already have Uther and Tyrael. We have enough le pure holy man of justice for now.
No, but I'm working on it
rocking the sheriff's star desu
Yeah, the hardest part was grinding gold for 10 heroes though.
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>the guy with 2x as many deaths as anyone else says "bg" at the end of the match
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>the guy who solo queued as Nova complains that your team doesn't do a lot of damage and is losing lanes
>he picked Nova or Illidan as well
No. Not working on it either.
how big is rank 1? according to blizzard it's 2% but everyone says the ranking system is fucked so i have no idea

i just got out of a match where i had 1 death, nova had 0 deaths, and everyone else on our team had 7-12 deaths
nova was super smart and calm the entire time, was the only reason we got kills

that poor guy is probably rank ~12 and gets stuck with shitters every match when he's way better than lots of rank 1s i see. i feel bad for him
will Overwatch heroes make it into this game

who do you think would be first?
I'd be a lot more willing to buy the Nova skin if they'd stop nerfing her and actually made her more useful.
Don't feel bad for shitters who can't reach rank 1. It's piss easy if you have more than one brain cell. The only reason he isn't rank 1 is because he's Just Not Good Enough. And that doesn't deserve sympathy.
Tracer is obviously first since she's already announced and included in the Overwatch bundle. Pharra is probably next to add some more diversity and her play-style isn't represented yet.
rank 1+24 here
ah i did not realize she was already announced!
Haven't played a HL game since the reset.
>call out shitter for never being with team and helping (coincidentally said shitter usually tends to be sylvanas or some kind of spec)
>"i'm top siege damage look at your stats"

>call out shitter for dying 10 times (coincidentally said shitter usually tends to be valla, kt or jaina)
>"i'm top hero damage look at your stats"
>muh diversity

I know you meant "diversity in character archetypes and playstyles" but I still got triggert
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Illidan got shit on.

Malfurion got literally everything while Illidan got shit on.
>tales from rank 10 and below
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u 'avin a giggle m8
I 100% meant the "dark skinned female" type of diversity. I don't really care one way or the other, but I think Blizzard does.
Don't lie, you want her to let justice rain on you from above. I know I do.
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>no diablo
You will burn

Pharah is the only hero in Overwatch you can have a stroke while playing and still carry the team - she's that straightforward
truly the best waifu
She's fun.

I think you're confused. Junkrat is the one you just have to hold LMB with.
>tfw ulting as Pharah would be nearly as fun as ulting as Muradin for the battlecry

The best waifus are the ones that require an IQ of 5 to play with, with all of that being the requirement in order to know how to turn on a computer and click the 'Overwatch' icon, and in dire circumstances you can ask a friend/relative to do it for you.
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did you play reinhardt? i couldn't even maintain a positive KD on any other character, i'm that bad at FPS, but on reinhardt i could push obj all day and get 5 -7 kills before dying. it was dumb

i'm not rank 1 either. this is my first moba, i'm getting better slowly. i'm rank 13 after about 40 games in HL
>tfw the game isn't in 3rd person so you can't look at your waifu as you make her go vroom 10 ft above ground and shoot missiles
>this is my first moba
>rank 13

were you dropped on your head as a child or are you just really bad at video games. maybe just stick to shooters.
>rank 13
>first moba
>40 games

You're doing well anon.
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Who else is only playing HotS at the moment because they can't play Overwatch?
lmao I'm rank 30 now and whenever I manage to climb one or two ranks, I either get hit by tilt or by teammates who idle in base / solo lane as Nova / dive in 1 on 5 as Illidan. just be grateful you didn't get fucked during your placements and stay determined. rank 13 ain't bad and you're gonna get better if you press on. I believe in you
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now i don't know what to think

I expect Mercy will make it into HotS at some point at well.
Gall but not Cho
>literally Morales
might as well add Lucio

What would her main ult be? Revive any allied hero who died in the last 5 seconds with 50% HP, but on an extremely long (120s+) cooldown?
Yeah, the probably need to remove LT to make room.
Healing beam
Damage boost beam
Long range jump to an ally and give them a heal
Revive ult
Some damage ult no one would ever take
what is divine palm
>be Malf
>spec Twilight Dream
>laugh and grow fat because nobody expects HUGE FUCKOFF SILENCE with no tell
>there are people who unironically think that ult shouldn't belong to High Inquisitor Whitemane
>tfw she will never arise your champion
So when will Murky get a real counterplay?
>Diablo 3 xpack comes out
>Diablo event adds 2 diablo themed maps and 4 characters, all of which are mid-tier or better

>part 3 of StarCraft 2 comes out
>only 2 shitty characters before meme'gall, literallywhonara, and Furrymane.
>shitty ravenlord vs cryptkeeper map

Why does Blizzard hate StarCraft so much?
>Diablo 3 xpack comes out
Mate, you realize that wasn't even an expansion right? That was just a normal patch.
At this point i hope they stop making maps because it's going downhill since BoE. With tower of crap i think they hit the shit mountain top.
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You don't like the map that completely invalidates most specialists and punishes pushing?
Was the first shitter that you are mentioning playing Illidan?

I just finished a match with an Illidan in spider tomb and he was:

>Well, I have low hero damage and kills, but I have the most siege damage

Even a gazlow was doing better
I like Towers of Meme and I think you are dumb and wrong.
>still giving you experience plus making your objective more powerful and the enemy's weaker is punishment
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>invalidates specialists
do you even know how the map works?
Are Falstad and Sylvanas godtier?
that just makes it worse!
Yeah teams that that try to do nothing but push get fucked on it because of how easy it is to gank and how much you fight on it.
>get cho'gall on my team
>other team doesn't have a cho'gall
>we lose
no justice
Listen can I get one game without a fucking Murky. I just want to take one talent and I can't because I always have to take fucking cleanse.
get forts low and unless they have MULE, it just brings you a massive advantage that is twofold right before objectives

specs that can contribute to teamfights like zagara or sylv or murk are very good on ToD
It's fucking retarded. If I was any more of a faggot I'd just afk when I saw one on my team, but I'm not quite there yet.
if you think HotS revolves around epick lane pushes, may I direct you to DOTA2, a game you might take a liking to?
yep it's like you know you're in for a loss from the load screen at least just always face a cho against a cho in qm
Rank 5 atm, I will get to Rank 1 tomorrow.
when Murky stops being a shit pick
mercy best overwatch gril
I already lost this game.
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